January 17, 2013 - CKWS-TV DTV Application
January 17, 2013 - CKWS-TV DTV Application
Via GCKey G ary 17th, 201 13 Janua Mr. John Traverssy Secreetary Genera al Cana adian Radio--television an nd Teleecommunica ations Comm mission Ottaw wa, Ontario K1A 0N2 Dear Mr. Traverssy: Re: Applicatiion to amen nd the licen nce of CKW WS-TV King gston, Ontaario to add a post-transitional digiital transmitter The present p consstitutes an ap pplication by y 591987 B.C C. Ltd., a wh holly owned subsidiary o of Coru us Entertainm ment Inc., to amend the licence of C CKWS-TV Kiingston, Onttario in ordeer to ad dd a post-tra ansitional diigital transm mitter operatting on chan nnel 11. App proval of this appliication will enable thee licensee to t continuee providing an over-th he-air digitaal televiision servicee to the King gston and su urrounding aarea, follow wing the shutt-down of th he analo og transmitteer on Augusst 31st, 2013. Coru us has filed via v GCKey th he following g documentss in support of this appliication: • • • • • Covering letter; The Onlin ne Applicatiion Form 30 02: “Applicaation for a teechnical ameendment to a broadcastting licencee for an analog orr digital television p programmin ng undertakiing (includin ng rebroadca asting transm mitters)” ; Appendix x 2 – CKWS--TV Technical Brief; Appendix x 2A – Prooff that techniccal documen nts were fileed with Indu ustry Canadaa; and x 2B – Site, coverage and d comparison n maps. Appendix Coru us trusts tha at this application and d supportin ng documen nts are in p proper form m; howeever, should you have an ny questionss, please con ntact the und dersigned. 2 Than nk you for yo our attention n to this matter. Sinceerely, Sylvie Courtemanche Vice President, Government G Relations Coru us Entertainm ment Inc. ***End of documen nt*** Application Form-591987 B.C. Ltd.-CKWS-TV-743986.xml Page 1 of 9 Form 302 Application for a technical amendment to a broadcasting licence for an analog or digital television programming undertaking (including rebroadcasting transmitters) Part 1 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure, Broadcasting and Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-958, provides the basic structure for a written proceeding that is initiated by an applicant who files an application with the Commission and serves any respondents. The Commission posts these applications on its website. The public is given an opportunity to file submissions as Interveners or Respondents within 30 days, and the applicant is given an additional 10 days to respond. The Commission examines all of the written submissions and issues a decision. These proceedings are generally referred to as “Part 1 proceedings.” Applicants that have any questions related to this application form may contact a Commission specialist at 1-866-781-1911 . Important notice: The Commission will return the application if it has not been duly completed. The onus will be on the applicant to submit a complete application that provides all of the relevant information, identifies all regulatory issues raised in the application and provides supporting documentation. All information with an * is required. 1. General information 1.1 Identification of the applicant Corporation Other (please specify): Name of legal entity who is authorized by the Commission to operate this undertaking: 591987 B.C. Ltd. Call sign or name of service: CKWS-TV Address: Corus Quay, 25 Dockside Drive City / Town: Toronto Province / Territory: ON Postal Code: M5A 0B5 Telephone: 613-692-3177 Facsimile: 416-479-7015 Contact person representing the applicant (if there is no designated representative under question 1.2) Name: Sylvie Courtemanche Title: Vice President, Government Relations Email: sylvie.courtemanche@corusent.com Telephone: 613-692-3177 1.2 Designated representative I, , the applicant, hereby designate as my designated representative for and on my behalf and in my name to sign, file and complete (if necessary) an application with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission and to sign and file a reply with respect thereto and I do hereby ratify, confirm, and adopt as my own act, such application and all replies made thereto. Date: At: Example: city, province Signature: (not required when submitting electronically) file://C:\Documents and Settings\mfarres\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.... 1/21/2013 Application Form-591987 B.C. Ltd.-CKWS-TV-743986.xml Page 2 of 9 Address of agent: Title: Telephone: Facsimile: Email: 1.3 Declaration of the applicant or its designated representative I, Sylvie Courtemanche solemnly declare that: a. I am the designated representative of the applicant named in this application and as such have knowledge of all matters declared therein. b. The statements made in this application, or any document filed pursuant to any request for further information by the Commission, are (will be) to the best of my knowledge and belief true in all respects. c. The opinions and estimates given in this application, or any document filed pursuant to any request for further information by the Commission, are (will be) based on facts as known to me. d. I have examined the provisions of the Broadcasting Act, the broadcasting regulations and policies relevant to this application. And I have signed Date: 2013-01-17 Signature: (not required when submitting electronically) Witnessed by Name: Gary Maavara Signature: (not required when submitting electronically) Date: 2013-01-17 At: Toronto, ON Example: city, province Mandatory documents to be appended to the application As part of your application, the Commission requires that you submit the following documents in order to process your application. Failure to do so will result in the Commission returning your application. a. Appendix 2A (All applications) Proof that technical documents were submitted with the Department of Industry. E.g. A copy of the transmittal communication or courier pick-up receipt. b. Appendix 2B (All applications) Clearly legible maps, in colour if available, as follows: o For each new transmitter, a map of the proposed local and regional service areas o In the case of a change to the authorized contours of an existing transmitter, a comparative map of the existing and proposed local and regional service areas. o In the case of a digital transmitter that is associated with an analog transmitter, a map comparing the local and regional service areas of both transmitters. o In the case of overlapping service areas of two or more transmitters operating under the same licence, a discrete map showing the existing and proposed local and regional service areas of these transmitters. You must file a service area map that reflects the boundaries of the service area in one of the following formats: · standard image (e.g., GIF, JPEG, TIFF, BMP); · PDF file format; · GIS-compatible file format, electronically or on a CD-ROM. A map provided in a standard image or PDF file format must be in a scale that readily permits precise identification of the boundaries of the service area and depicts the location in relation to its surrounding areas. This map must provide a level of detail comparable to that contained in the paper map previously required by the Commission (1:50,000 NTS topographical map). file://C:\Documents and Settings\mfarres\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.... 1/21/2013 Application Form-591987 B.C. Ltd.-CKWS-TV-743986.xml Page 3 of 9 A map provided in a GIS-compatible file format must be created using a map datum of NAD83. The Commission will only accept the following GIScompatible file extensions: · MapInfo format (.tab); · MapInfo Interchange format (.mid/.mif). 2. Procedural Request The Rules of Procedure allow an interested person to request that the Commission exercise a power under the Rules of Procedure or change the Rules of Procedure for a specific proceeding (sections 5 and 7). This is generally called a procedural request. You may consult the Guidelines on the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure, Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-959 for more information. Is the applicant requesting that the Commission make an exception to its Rules of Procedure in the treatment of this application? Yes 3. No Application The Commission will return the application if it has not been duly completed. The onus will be on the applicant to submit a complete application that provides all of the relevant information, identifies all regulatory issues raised in the application and provides supporting documentation. *Submit a website address OR E-mail address where an electronic copy of the application may be requested: Website: www.corusent.com Example: www.mycompany.com E-mail: Example: no-reply@no-reply.com 3.1 Description of application a) Provide a description of your application: The present constitutes an application by 591987 B.C. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Corus Entertainment Inc., to amend the licence of CKWS-TV Kingston, Ontario in order to add a post-transitional digital transmitter. The proposed operation will operate on channel 11 (CH11) at parameters of 9.4 kW ERP / 312.5 m EHAAT, using the existing antenna/feed system. b) Provide the rationale for the proposed amendment(s) including a clear and concise statement of the relevant facts as well as the grounds of the application: CKWS-TV Kingston, Ontario is an analog over-the-air television (OTA) station currently operating at 325kW/311.9 on CH11 from a tower south of Kingston. Kingston is a non-mandatory market for the purposes of the over-the-air analog to digital transition policy (Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2009-406 as amended by Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2010-167). The current application conforms with the Commission’s licensing policy for analog OTA stations, which are converting to digital transmission (Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2010-69). Paragraph 9 of that policy states that “...the Commission will accept applications for amendments to the licences of existing over-the-air television services in order to add a digital transmitter, which will allow for the simulcast of a service’s programming on that transmitter.” Accordingly, 591987 B.C. Ltd. Is submitting this application to amend the licence of CKWS-TV Kingston to add a post-transitional digital transmitter operating on channel 11. Channel 11 is the post-transitional digital television allotment identified for CKWS-TV Kingston in the Department of Industry’s Post-Transition DTV Allotment Plan. The licensee confirms that the existing analog transmitter on channel 11 will discontinue operation by no later than August 31st, 2013. file://C:\Documents and Settings\mfarres\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.... 1/21/2013 Application Form-591987 B.C. Ltd.-CKWS-TV-743986.xml Page 4 of 9 c) Provide the nature of the decision sought: Approval of the amendment to CKWS-TV’s licence authorizing the licensee to operate a post-transitional digital transmitter that will operate on channel 11 (CH11) at parameters of 9.4 kW ERP / 312.5 m EHAAT, using the existing antenna/feed system. Assuming timely approval of this application, it is the applicant’s intention to simulcast the programming of the existing analog transmitter CKWS-TV with the proposed digital transmitter CKWS-DT until August 31st, 2013, at which time the analog service will discontinue operation as noted above. The over-the-air CKWS-TV service in the Kingston area will continue after that date on a digital basis only. d) Specify the CRTC decision number which last renewed your licence (or issued the licence if you are in the first term), and any other relevant CRTC decisions in relation to your amendment: Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-446 3.2 Accordance with Acts, Regulations and Policies It is important to remember that no matter what type of application you are filing, it will be reviewed not only in light of the Acts and their regulations, but also in light of the Commission’s policies. Therefore, you must research any policies that might apply to your type of application and explain how the application addresses the policy. If your application proposes something that is not in line with the policy, you must explain why the policy is not appropriate in your circumstances. You may consult the related documents of your application under Forms and My CRTC Account for a list of Commission policies and regulations. a) Are there any Commission regulations, policies or practices that are relevant to your application: Yes No b) List any Commission regulations, policies or practices that are relevant to your application: Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2007-53 Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2009-406 Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-69 Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-167 Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-485 c) Is your application consistent with these regulations, policies or practices? Yes No 4. Technical information Applicants are advised to consult with their broadcast engineering consultants when completing this section to ensure that the information provided is consistent with the Engineering brief submitted to the Department of Industry. It is very important that both documents reflect the same information. Failure to do so will result in the Commission returning your application. Transmitter technical parameters The local service area is the area enclosed within the Grade A Contour or the digital television (DTV) Urban Contour as defined by the Department of Industry in its Broadcasting Procedures and Rules Part 4 (BPR-4) or Part 10 (BPR-10), respectively. Similarly, the regional service area is the area enclosed within the Grade B Contour or Noise-Limited Bounding Contour as defined in BPR-4 or BPR-10, respectively. a. Indicate the existing and proposed parameters for an amendment to an existing television transmitter (analog or digital) or the proposed parameters for a new transmitter. For new digital transmitters associated with an analog transmitter, indicate the parameters of the existing analog transmitter. *Existing or associated analog *Proposed or new transmitter Note file://C:\Documents and Settings\mfarres\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.... 1/21/2013 Application Form-591987 B.C. Ltd.-CKWS-TV-743986.xml Call sign and Municipality CKWS-TV, Kingsto... CKWS-DT, Kingst... Analog Analog Analog or Digital Digital Digital Transitional or Post-transition Transitional Post-transition Transitional Post-transition For DTV transmitters, indicate "regular" Channel 11 11 Channels 2 to 51 for proposed channel Class R R If applicable, including low-power Maximum Effective Radiated Power (ERP) 325000 Average Effective Radiated Power (ERP) 162000 Antenna Radiation Pattern Effective Height Above Average Terrain (EHAAT) 9400 Watts 4700 Watts Directional Non-directional 311.9 Owner of Transmission Site At beam-tilt angle or in horizontal Watts plane if no beam-tilt is used At beam-tilt angle or in horizontal Watts plane if no beam-tilt is used Directional Non-directional Directional/Non-directional 312.5 meters Transmitter Coordinates Page 5 of 9 meters 44 10 02 North 44 10 02 North Latitude 76 25 39 West 76 25 39 West Longitude Corus Corus Studio to Transmitter Link (STL) Fibre Method Fibre Microwave, fibre-optic cable, VHF/UHF radio link b. Will this amendment have a potential impact on other television stations within the same market? Yes No c. Are you proposing a new transmission site? Yes No d. Do you have any agreements with other broadcasters on the use of the proposed technical parameters (i.e., the use of a channel reserved for another broadcaster)? Yes No Digital Transmitters Is this amendment for a digital transmitter? Yes No e. Are there substantial differences between the regional service areas of the proposed digital transmitter and the current transmitter? Yes No file://C:\Documents and Settings\mfarres\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.... 1/21/2013 Application Form-591987 B.C. Ltd.-CKWS-TV-743986.xml Page 6 of 9 f. Is the proposed channel in compliance with IC's allotment plan? Yes No N/A g. In the following table, indicate the channels identified in the Department of Industry's Transitional and PostTransition DTV Allotment Plans that are associated with the proposed new or amended transmitter, as well as the proposed channel(s) to be used during, and following, the transition period. Transitional Post-transition Allotment Plan Channel(s) 11 Proposed Channel(s) 11 h. Indicate the expected date on which the operation of the associated analog transmitter will cease: 2013-08-31 i. Provide a detailed description of the steps that will be taken to inform over-the-air viewers of the associated analog station of its conversion to digital: A series of PSA’s will be presented on CKWS-TV to all markets, describing the timing and impact of the transition. These PSA’s will explain which viewers will be affected by the transition, as well as those who will not. It will include contact information for CKWS TV, as well as referral to the Website, which will include more detailed information. • The PSA’s will run 3 times a day, once between 12 and 5PM, once between 6 and 7PM, and once during prime time, 7 until 10PM. These will begin running 2 months before the planned transition, and will cease to run on the date of the actual change. • A web page will be constructed on the CKWSTV.com website which will explain the transition, as well as answers to frequently asked questions. • A news item will be produced to run in the 6 pm CKWS TV Newswatch program, and to be repeated in the 11 pm program, announcing the timetable of the planned transition and explaining its impact. This item will run 2 months before the planned transition. A second news item will be produced to run the day of the transition, again explaining the impact of the change. 4.2 Transitional DTV transmitters only Is this amendment for a transitional DTV transmitter? Yes 5. No Establishment costs Indicate the incremental cost to modify existing facilities or the full cost of new items required to implement the proposed service. For leased assets, indicate both the Fair Market Value (FMV; the installed cost if the asset were to be purchased) of the assets to be leased as well as the annual lease payment. If you are purchasing If you are leasing Costs of Assets to be purchased ($) 6. Studio Plant 6000 Transmitting Plant 74000 TOTAL 80000 Financial analysis and considerations 6.1 Will the proposed amendment(s) result in a change to existing financial projections? Yes No file://C:\Documents and Settings\mfarres\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.... 1/21/2013 Application Form-591987 B.C. Ltd.-CKWS-TV-743986.xml Page 7 of 9 6.2 Do you consider that your proposed amendment is necessary for the financial viability of your station? Yes No 6.3 Does not apply. 6.4 Will the proposed amendment have a financial impact on other stations in the market? Yes 7. No Marketing 7.1 Indicate to which of the communities the station's principle marketing activities will be directed: Kingston, The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, Hastings County, Frontenac County, Lennox and Addington County, Prince Edward County, Belleville, Quinte West and Trenton. 7.2 Based on the most recent Census of Canada, provide quantitative estimates of the population within the local and regional service areas, as well as an estimate of the population within the area to which the station's principal marketing activities will be directed. Local service area 7.3 Regional service area Principal marketing area1 (persons) Population - Existing 227917 431290 431290 Population - Proposed 195903 411631 411631 Households - Existing 93806 178991 178991 Households - Proposed 80840 171028 171028 Describe the target audience in terms of its size and composition: We have defined the target audience to be the population of Kingston, The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, Hastings County, Frontenac County, Lennox and Addington County, Prince Edward County, Belleville, Quinte West and Trenton. The target audience has an estimated population of approximately 426,000 persons. Its composition is as follows: Males: Females: Adults, 18-49: Adults, 50+: Adults, 60+ 48.8% 51.2% 41.9% 42.0% 34.4% 208,000 persons 218,000 persons 178,500 persons 176,800 persons 146,500 persons 1The geographic area within which you expect to generate most of your audience and advertising revenue. 8. Respondents Pursuant to section 22(1)b) of the CRTC Rules of Procedure (“ The Rules”), an application must be served on any respondent. A respondent is defined in section 1 of the Rules as “a person that is adverse in interest to an applicant”. The onus is on applicants to clearly identify and provide service of the application to all respondents. Determining who is a respondent to a particular application depends on the specific facts of the application. You can find additional information in the Guidelines on the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure, Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-959 that could greatly assist you in the determination of who could potentially be a respondent. The table below lists the most common examples of respondents who must be served with an application. This list is not exhaustive, nor is it determinative, as the type of respondents may vary according to the particular circumstances of each application (e.g. technical, economic or other). A person that believes it should have been served as a respondent may file a procedural request with the Commission requesting that they be considered as such. Such request may however cause delays in processing certain applications. file://C:\Documents and Settings\mfarres\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.... 1/21/2013 Application Form-591987 B.C. Ltd.-CKWS-TV-743986.xml Page 8 of 9 Persons generally considered respondents BROADCASTING Type of application Respondents Radio amendments to remove specialty format Existing radio stations (low-power or otherwise) licensed to serve the proposed market Television and radio technical amendments All television or radio stations whose originating or rebroadcasted signal would suffer interference or that would be required to vacate their frequency or be impacted economically The persons responsible for the named initiative(s) where the expenditures would be reduced or payment schedule altered Television and radio amendments to add, remove or amend a condition of licence requiring expenditures to a specifically named initiative (i.e. Canadian content development contributions, tangible benefits) Amendment to the nature of service of a pay or specialty service Category A television services with which the proposed service could be considered competitive Broadcasting distribution undertaking amendments to distribute a distant signal The local television station whose distant signal is proposed to be carried Addition to the list of non-Canadian programming services authorized for distribution Licensed Canadian pay and specialty television services with which the proposed service could be considered competitive In light of this table, have you provided service of your application on all respondents? Yes 9. No N/A Request for documents to be designated as confidential Sections 30 to 34 of the Broadcasting and Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-958, Implementation of new Rules of Practice and Procedure set out a process by which parties to Commission proceedings may file information on the record of a public proceeding in confidence. A party filing information can “designate” it as confidential at the time it is filed with the Commission (section 31) if it falls into one of the following categories: a. information that is a trade secret; b. financial, commercial, scientific or technical information that is confidential and that is treated consistently in a confidential manner by the person who submitted it; or c. information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected i. to result in material financial loss or gain to any person; ii. to prejudice the competitive position of any person; or iii. to affect contractual or other negotiations of any person. At the time that the party files the information it designates as confidential, it must provide an abridged version of the document along with an explanation of how the information falls into a category of information listed in section 31. The party must provide a detailed rationale to explain why the disclosure of the information is not in the public interest (section 32(1)). The confidential version of the document must be filed separately and must be marked “CONFIDENTIAL” on each page. If the document is filed electronically, each file containing confidential information must include “confidential” in the file name. The abridged version of the document and the reasons for the designation of information as confidential will be placed on the public record of the proceeding. Please consult Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-961 - Procedures for filing confidential information and requesting its disclosure in Commission proceedings for complete process for filing confidential information. 9.1 Are you requesting for some information to be designated as confidential? Yes No You may submit any additional documents as part of your application after selecting the "Submit" option below. This document is available in alternative format upon request. CRTC 302 (18-08-2011) – Technical Analog and Digital TV Amendment version française disponible file://C:\Documents and Settings\mfarres\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.... 1/21/2013 Application Form-591987 B.C. Ltd.-CKWS-TV-743986.xml Page 9 of 9 file://C:\Documents and Settings\mfarres\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.... 1/21/2013 Appendix 2 CKWS-DT Engineering Brief ENGINEERING BRIEF FOR DTV STATION CKWS-DT IN KINGSTON, ON APPLICANT: 591987 B.C. Ltd. 25 Dockside Drive Toronto, ON M5A 0B5 PROJECT: CKWS-DT-PT1 CHANNEL: 11 ERP: 9.4 kW EHAAT: 312.5 m PREPARED BY: tek nyx Limited 457 Claremont Crescent Oakville, ON L6J 6J9 11 JANUARY 2013 nyx tek TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION SUMMARY SHEET 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 DISCUSSION 3.0 SOURCES OF INFORMATION 4.0 TRANSMITTING EQUIPMENT 5.0 ANTENNA SYSTEM 6.0 INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS 7.0 EXPOSURE TO RADIO FREQUENCY ENERGY 8.0 COVERAGE CONTOURS 9.0 EXPIRY DATE 10.0 QUALIFICATIONS OF ENGINEERS FIGURE 1 SITE MAP FIGURE 2 ANTENNA ELEVATION DIAGRAM FIGURE 3 ANTENNA HORIZONTAL PATTERN FIGURE 4 ANTENNA VERTICAL PATTERN FIGURE 5 EQUIPMENT FUNCTIONAL FIGURE 6 ESTIMATED COVERAGE CONTOURS FIGURE 7 COMPARATIVE COVERAGE CONTOURS TABLE 1 NTSC SHORT-SPACING ANALYSIS TABLE 2 ESTIMATED COVERAGE CONTOURS APPENDIX 1 ANTENNA PATTERN TABULATIONS APPENDIX 2 FORMS / NOTIFICATIONS nyx tek SUMMARY SHEET APPLICANT: 591987 B.C. Ltd. 25 Dockside Drive Toronto, ON M5A 0B5 STATION LOCATION: Kingston, ON CALL SIGN: CKWS-DT CHANNEL: 11 COORDINATES: 44 10' 02" N. LAT. (NAD83) 76 25' 39" W. LNG. TRANSMITTER POWER: 443 Watts FEED SYSTEM EFFICIENCY: 75 % ANTENNA POWER GAIN: 28.3 Max / 14.15 Avg BEAMTILT: 0.4 ERP (@ Beamtilt): 9.4 kW Max / 4.7 kW Avg EHAAT: 312.5 m Overall Height: 305.8 mAGL Ground Level: 99.1 mAMSL Radiation Centre: 393.7 mAMSL MODE: Unattended nyx tek o o o ENGINEERING BRIEF FOR DTV STATION CKWS-DT IN KINGSTON, ON 1.0 INTRODUCTION teknyx Limited has been retained by 591987 B.C. Ltd. to prepare an Engineering Brief for the final Post-Transition facilities of CKWS-DT in Kingston, ON. 2.0 DISCUSSION 591987 B.C. Ltd. (Corus) currently operates CKWS-TV at 325 kW/311.9 m on CH11 from a tower south of Kingston. The Post-Transition associated allotment is CKWS-PT at 9.4 kW/311.9 m, also on CH11. Corus proposes to “flash cut” the NTSC operation to DTV. The proposed operation will operate on CH11 at parameters of 9.4 kW ERP / 312.5 m EHAAT, using the existing antenna/feed system. nyx tek 3.0 SOURCES OF INFORMATION This Brief was prepared in accordance with Industry Canada Broadcast Procedures and Rules, Parts 1 and 10 (Issue 1, August 2010), and is based on information from the following sources: 1. Industry Canada Broadcasting Database, updated on 8 January 2013 2. HAAT values were based on USGS SRTM3, Version 2.1, 3 arc-second terrain data 3. Population figures are based on StatsCan 2011 Census data 4. CKWS-TV Engineering Brief, prepared by Pierre LaBarre & Associates Ltd., dated 15 April 1998 nyx tek 4.0 TRANSMITTING EQUIPMENT A functional block diagram is shown in Figure 5. All transmitting equipment will be type approved where required. The operation will be unattended and will meet the requirements of BPR-1, Section 5.3. 4.1 Transmitter The transmitter will be sized to deliver the required 443 Watts after the mask filter. The exact model will be specified at on-air certification. 4.2 Filtering Filtering will meet the minimum requirements of BPR-10, Appendix 3, Figure 1. 4.3 Monitoring Appropriate input and ATSC signal monitoring equipment will be utilized. 4.3 Feed Source The studio programming feed will be via fibre. nyx tek 5.0 ANTENNA SYSTEM 5.1 Site The site is the existing CKWS-TV tower south of Kingston, on Wolfe Island. The site is shown in Figure 1 and the coordinates are given on the Summary Sheet. 5.2 Elevations Elevations are provided on the Summary Sheet and detailed in Figure 2. 5.3 5.4 nyx tek Antenna System Make/Model: RFS 658 Description: 2-panel / 6-bay Polarization: Horizontal Beamtilt: 0.4 degree Nullfill: 12 % Horizontal Directivity: 2.0X (3.0 dB) (Figure 3/APP 1) Vertical Gain: 14.15X (11.51 dBd) (Figure 4/APP 1) Total Gain: 28.3X (14.51 dBd) Transmission Line Make/Model: Andrew HJ9-50 Description: 5”, 50 Ohm, air-dielectric Loss: 0.373 dB/100 m @ CH11 Length: 302 m 5.0 ANTENNA SYSTEM (cont’d) 5.5 Combiners/Filters No additional combiners or filters other than the DTV mask filter are proposed. 5.6 nyx tek Overall Feed System Efficiency Transmission Line: 1.13 dB Combiner/Filter 0.00 dB Miscellaneous: 0.10 dB Total: 1.23 dB Efficiency: 75 % 6.0 INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS 6.1 Related Channel Since the proposed operation is within its Post-Transition allotment parameters, no analysis is required relative to Post-Transitional DTV. Note that the increase in EHAAT from 311.9 m to 312.5 m is the result of a recalculation of HAATs rather than an increase in physical antenna height and is considered inconsequential. It easily shown that the proposed NLBC is substantially within the allotted NLBC when the EHAAT difference and proposed directional antenna pattern are accounted for. st The NTSC allotments within the co-channel (400 km) and 1 adjacent channel (200 km) culling distances are shown in Table 1 (there are no Taboo relationships for VHF). Detailed analysis per BPR-10 Appendix 7 indicates which stations are actually shortspaced as indicated in Table 1: it will be appropriately notified. TABLE 1 NTSC SHORT-SPACING ANALYSIS CITY PR CALLSIGN CHAN CL EHAAT ERPVPK BR TO DIST SS? ON CKNY-TV-11 11 R 195.4 325000 303.7 238.8 Y ON CHEX-TV 12 R 316.5 185000 277.5 150.6 N CO-CH: 400 km Huntsville 1st ADJ: 200 km Peterborough nyx tek 6.0 INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS (cont’d) 6.2 Assessment and Control of Maximum Field Strength With respect to high field levels in the vicinity of the antenna site: a) The Applicant is aware of its responsibilities in terms of immunity-type interference per CPC-3-14-01 (BPR-10-C-7.4) b) The Applicant is aware of its responsibilities in terms of remedying interference to adjacent operations within the 115 dBu contour(BPR-10-C-7.3), which, however, will not reach ground. 6.3 Ghosting Interference The tower is an existing structure. 6.4 CH6 Interference to FM The proposal is above CH6. 6.5 Domestic Low Power Stations Domestic low power stations have been addressed in Section 6.1. 6.6 Isolation of Co-Located Services Should objectionable intermodulation products be generated due to coupling between the proposed operation and the existing co-located television and radio operations, the applicant will undertake to provide the required filtering to mitigate the problem. nyx tek 7.0 EXPOSURE TO RADIO FREQUENCY ENERGY It is sufficient to note that the proposal will decrease the overall levels of radio energy at the site, since there will be a reduction in ERP from 325 kW NTSC to 9.4 kW DTV. nyx tek 8.0 COVERAGE CONTOURS The ERP of 9.4 kW was calculated as follows: ERP = Tx Pwr X Feed Efficiency X Antenna Gain = 443 X 0.75 X 28.3 = 9.4 kW The Digital Urban Contour and Noise-Limited Bounding Contour coverage contours were calculated with the metric F(50,90) curves, and are shown in Figure 6 and tabulated in Table 2. Graphical contours were calculated at 1 degree increments, using HAATs calculated every 15 degrees and antenna HRP at every 5 degrees. Figure 7 provides the comparative coverage with the CKWS-TV NTSC operation. TABLE 2 ESTIMATED COVERAGE CONTOURS Radial Azimuth HAAT ERP DUC NLBC No. (°) (m) (kW) (60dBu) (36 dBu) (km) (km) 1 0 299.9 5.6 46 88.0 2 45 310.4 9.3 50.7 92.7 3 90 315.3 3.4 43.2 85.2 4 135 310.2 NIL 0.5 1.0 5 180 318.7 NIL 0.5 1.0 6 225 320.5 2.9 42.3 84.3 7 270 318.1 9.1 51.0 93.2 8 315 307.4 5.9 47.0 89.0 312.5 m EHAAT nyx tek 9.0 EXPIRY DATE In the event that this Brief is not submitted to Industry Canada for approval within two months of the date on the title page, it should be returned to teknyx Limited for possible revision prior to submission. 10.0 QUALIFICATIONS OF ENGINEERS The qualifications of the personnel participating in the preparation of this Brief are on file with Industry Canada. J. Moltner, P.Eng. teknyx Limited nyx tek ANTENNA SITE (NAD83) 44° 10’ 02” N.Lat. 76 25’ 39” W.Lng. FIGURE 1 SITE MAP CKWS-DT CH11 nyx tek KINGSTON, ON 9.4 KW ERP MAX 4.7 KW ERP AVG 591987 B.C. LTD. PROJECT: CKWS-DT-PT1 312.5 m EHAAT nyx tek Limited JANUARY 2013 305.8m 312.5m 294.6m 393.7m 404.9m GND LEVEL AVG TERRAIN 99.1m 81.2m MEAN SEA LEVEL FIGURE 2 ANTENNA ELEVATION DIAGRAM CKWS-DT CH11 nyx tek KINGSTON, ON 9.4 KW ERP MAX 4.7 KW ERP AVG 591987 B.C. LTD. PROJECT: CKWS-DT-PT1 312.5 m EHAAT nyx tek Limited JANUARY 2013 FIGURE 3 ANTENNA HORIZONTAL PATTERN CKWS-DT CH11 nyx tek KINGSTON, ON 9.4 KW ERP MAX 4.7 KW ERP AVG 591987 B.C. LTD. PROJECT: CKWS-DT-PT1 312.5 m EHAAT nyx tek Limited JANUARY 2013 FIGURE 4 ANTENNA VERTICAL PATTERN CKWS-DT CH11 nyx tek KINGSTON, ON 9.4 KW ERP MAX 4.7 KW ERP AVG 591987 B.C. LTD. PROJECT: CKWS-DT-PT1 312.5 m EHAAT nyx tek Limited JANUARY 2013 TX ANT Fibre DUMMY LOAD MONITOR EQUIP INPUT PROCESSING TRANSMITTER FIGURE 5 EQUIPMENT FUNCTIONAL CKWS-DT CH11 nyx tek KINGSTON, ON 9.4 KW ERP MAX 4.7 KW ERP AVG 591987 B.C. LTD. PROJECT: CKWS-DT-PT1 312.5 m EHAAT nyx tek Limited JANUARY 2013
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