2006 Cenegenics. All rights reserved. Cenegenics


2006 Cenegenics. All rights reserved. Cenegenics
© 2006 Cenegenics. All rights reserved. Cenegenics® is a registered trademark of Cenegenics Medical Institute. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical or photocopied
or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Cenegenics Medical Institute.
® Medical Institute..................................................
to Cenegenics
To Cenegenics
Tips For
For TUsing
his Guide
This. .............................................................................................................................5
I. T
® Story
ith AAlan
lan M
intz, MD....................................................................................................12
MD . ..........................................................
: Aging
is aging
, right
Is Aging,
-Female Connection
: Where
It G
isease: AAPPredator
redator. ...................................................................................................19
: A ACChallenge
hallenge F
or B
oth Sexes
: AARRoller
oller Coaster.............................
: The
ff TThe
he TThrottle.
hrottle. .............................................................
: TTwo
wo PPatients’
atients’ SStories.
tories. ...............................................
III. The
anagement MMedicine.............................................
edicine. .....................................................................................30
IV. Start
s AAll
ll AAbout
bout the
valuation: EExposing
xposing TThe
he W
hole PPicture........................
ehicles . ....................................................................................................................46
V. Maximizing
ealth &
aximum LLongevity:
ongevity: NNo
o AAccident...................................
ptimization ........................................................................................................................51
Nutraceutical SSupplementation.
upplementation. ..........................................................................................................52
xercise. .................................................................................................................................54
VI. Commonly
Team Credentials..........................................
. ...........................................................................................................................................69
Welcome To Cenegenics Medical Institute
Cenegenics Goes Beyond Medical Excellence.
It’s Thorough—Extremely Thorough.
“Cenegenics Medical
Institute is good people,
good service. Your program
is exacting, thorough,
competent and preeminent . . .
just what I want.”
—R. B., Houston, TX
Welcome To Cenegenics Medical Institute
Cenegenics Goes Beyond Medical Excellence.
It’s Thorough—Extremely Thorough.
enegenics® Medical Institute
presents a comprehensive,
scientific approach to age
management. We look where others
usually don’t. Better health—not
disease—is our primary focus.
At Cenegenics, there are no generic
approaches to your health. You are an
individual with unique issues, goals
and concerns . . . different from the
patient before you and the ones who
Our focus is optimal health—yours.
Cenegenics strives to achieve two
things: the short-term benefits
everyone seeks and the best
opportunity to live well longer.
We sidestep traditional medicine’s fixit-when-it’s-broken and diagnose-andtreat philosophies. Instead, we take
a proactive approach to preventive
medical care, enhancing health rather
than waiting for disease to appear.
Cenegenics is not part of the antiaging movement, nor does it claim
to increase longevity or affect aging
at cellular levels. We see aging as a
natural process that can be managed.
Admittedly, time and genetics are
constants. Yet, we have learned it is
possible to live out all our years with
youthful energy and vitality, no matter
how many candles were on that last
birthday cake.
Welcome to Cenegenics®
Our goal is arming you with sound
information and insight, uncovering
weak links through evaluations and
c o m e
t o
e g e n i c s
diagnostic analyses. Then we
guide you through options and
alternatives so you can regain and
maintain optimal health and vigor.
You already make thoughtful
business and life decisions. Your
health shouldn’t be any different.
Determining your personalized
program puts—and keeps—you in
the driver’s seat.
Cenegenics Medical Institute is
highly regarded in the medical
community for pioneering work
with a proactive, preventive
approach. We offer locations
worldwide, where we partner
with you on your discovery of
a healthier and more vigorous
lifestyle . . . a lifestyle that defies
conventional wisdom on aging.
Tips For Using
This Guide
Health matters always involve
significant data to review and
consider. Our guide is no different.
However, we divided it into
six key sections (including an
appendix) so our data remains
accessible and manageable.
Part I. An overview of our
medical institute, along with a
moving story that shaped the
inspiration behind our program.
Also, you’ll find an insightful
interview with Alan Mintz, MD,
co-founder, CEO and CMO of
Cenegenics Medical Institute.
Part II. A dialogue on aging and its
effects, including insights on how
aging impacts Corporate America.
Also, a frank discussion on aging
differences between men and women,
along with case studies showing how
Cenegenics helps patients turn around
their health and lives.
Part III. The careful science and
solid medicine behind Cenegenics.
Part IV. Getting started with
Cenegenics, including a detailed
explanation of our Executive Health
Evaluation and how to take control of
your health.
Part V. Gaining the most from your
personalized Cenegenics program.
A walk-through of key components.
Learn how we address and target your
personal needs.
Part VI. Our most commonly asked
questions, where you’ll likely find
answers to your health and medical
Appendix. Supplemental
information, including executive bios,
an introduction to the Cenegenics
team and media coverage.
Tips For Using This Guide
c o m e
t o
e g e n i c s
Our entire professional team is
available to answer questions.
Their goal is solid education,
building insight for patients and
the public at large.
Feel free to contact us anytime,
without obligation. For a
confidential discussion, call us
toll-free at 866.953.1510.
“Good health is not an
accident. It requires your
active participation. Even
geneticists agree that over
60% of what happens
to us is within our own
control. Clearly, we have
the power to control the
future of our health.”
—Dr. Alan Mintz
c o m e
t o
e g e n i c s
I. The Cenegenics Story
Meet Cenegenics
“Working with a Cenegenics doctor
who really ‘knows his stuff’ has filled
me with great confidence about my
health and quality of life . . . almost
like a rebirth!”
—M. S., Whitfield, Manchester,
United Kingdom
I. The Cenegenics
I. The Cenegenics Story
Meet Cenegenics
enegenics® pioneered and
developed the world’s largest,
most-experienced medical age
management organization. Thanks
to our focus on proactive, preventive
care, patients across America
and around the globe—25% are
doctors and their families—have
made dramatic changes in health
and vitality. Cenegenics Medical
Institute’s individualized programs
mean you will too.
Simply put, Cenegenics is the genesis
of age management medicine.
Our team helps patients realize
remarkable health goals 95% of the
time: boosting energy and libido,
reducing body fat and increasing lean
muscle, improving cholesterol scores,
strengthening immune systems,
lifting moods, managing stress and
improving cognitive function.
Founded in 1997 by Alan Mintz,
MD and John Adams, Cenegenics
has established an important
presence in the international
medical community, bridging the
gap between conventional medicine
and a scientifically based, proactive
I. The Cenegenics® Story
Cenegenics Medical Institute is
proud to be the only accredited
teaching venue for physician training
in age management medicine with
mainstream medical credentials.
Through university and medical
school affiliations, we offer medical
residents and practicing physicians
unique learning opportunities in the
medical and business aspects of
age management.
Meet Cenegenics
I. Th
e g e n i c s
t o ry
I. The Cenegenics
We also established the Cenegenics
Education and Research Foundation
for ongoing research and affiliation
expansion, aimed at improving
science and medicine. Around the
world—from Las Vegas, Nevada,
Charleston, South Carolina, Boca
Raton, Florida and onto Hong Kong,
Tokyo and Seoul—our Cenegenics
team will guide you through a unique
medical experience.
Our commitment remains clear:
promoting higher-quality life,
delaying the onset of illness and
helping you live well longer.
It begins by contacting us for a
confidential—no obligation—
discussion. Call us toll-free at
866.953.1510 today.
The Inspiration
Behind Cenegenics
Life is a series of choices, a distinctive
journey. Over time, some grow
passive or conventional. Others forge
challenges, embody determination and
ultimately inspire us all.
Ida Mintz, mother of Co-founder Alan
Mintz, MD, chose just such a journey.
Dr. Alan Mintz Remembers
In the late 1980s, my mother dazzled
the global running community, defying
a past filled with cultural and social
constraints. At 74, she was the first
woman over 70 to run a complete 26mile marathon. My mother finished
10 marathons, though she didn’t learn
how to run until 70.
Her amazing transformation, from
depression to exuberance, inspired
a desire to develop principles that
ultimately led to Cenegenics having
a successful approach to age
Ida’s early years. My mother’s life
began in the midst of devastating
pogroms sweeping Eastern Europe,
early in the 1900s. Such hostile times
were incredibly difficult for Jews, like
my mother’s family.
Amidst that chaos, her father made
his way to America with part of our
family. My mother stayed in Poland,
I. Th
e g e n i c s
t o ry
secreted in great-grandfather’s attic
with the remaining family. She spent
much of her childhood without the
opportunity for formal education,
playing or running. Nevertheless,
she taught herself to read and write,
becoming a model of perseverance.
At 16, she made it to Chicago, during
the Roaring ’20s. In that era of
contradiction—Prohibition, bathtub
gins, organized crime and the 19th
Amendment—hard work was the rule,
even for young women. My mother
was no exception.
She later met and married Lee Sol
Mintz; together, they raised three
children. My mother remained a pillar
of strength through life’s ups and
downs. Her caring, selflessness and
intuitive wisdom were a beacon for
friends and family alike.
Becoming Ida. My mother took great
pride in finding resourceful ways to
look good, even with limited means.
“Let me have one good dress,” she
often would say, “instead of ten.” Her
always-coiffed hair, minimal makeup
and soft-spoken demeanor made for
classic beauty. Beyond good looks,
her innate intelligence and high ethics
became my barometer for life and
business decisions.
Yet, my mother’s life was plagued
with self-doubt. Her lack of formal
education—compounded by the
repressive cultural and social mores of
her era—offered few opportunities.
I. The Cenegenics
She was trapped in a web of double
standards. Ironically, these struggles
later became a catalyst to my mother’s
personal success.
Key to that success was her focus on
health. She said, “I noticed friends
getting heavy, and I knew this wasn’t
good. My doctor recommended
exercises at home, an unconventional
thing, and it really paid off. I didn’t
know it was also good for my health.”
Her doctor gave sage counsel: “Eat to
live . . . don’t live to eat.”
And so she did. My mother literally
would sneak into a closet, doing 50
sit-ups, stretches and other exercises
daily. She became diet conscious and
an exercise aficionado long before it
was trendy.
“If something had a lot of fat, it
would make you fat,” she reasoned.
“I simply limited my fat intake; it was
just common sense. And I raised my
children on heart-healthy foods. There
were plenty of fruits and vegetables in
their diets and no fried foods.”
Without realizing, my mother set in
motion some of the exact components
needed to ensure a healthy life as long
as her biological clock would allow.
A bump in the road. By 70, my
mother began changing. Her zest for
life diminished. Compounding that,
many of her friends were ill or passing
away. My mother became depressed,
believing she hadn’t fully contributed
to the world.
As a doctor, I sought a scientific way
to help. I knew exercise was essential
for keeping cardiovascular and
musculoskeletal systems in shape. I
also held a growing interest in studies,
substantiating how we can maintain
well-being and vigor as we age.
That interest grew through firsthand
experience. An avid runner in the mid70s, I expanded my regimen during
the ’80s to include weight training.
The change was dramatic.
And that gave me an idea of how to
help my mother. Since she was always
active, I thought a little running might
do her good.
Precautionary x-rays revealed she was
free of degenerative change, having
the knees of a much younger person!
That sparked even more thinking and
research, which would later convince
me we can retain or regain youthful
vigor longer—if we have the right
hormonal signals.
Setting a new course. My mother
started jogging. We shifted focus from
the unattainable (starting life over
with formal education) to goals she
could accomplish. I hoped running
would enrich her life. Did it ever.
First came teaching her to
run. Remember, hiding in her
grandfather’s attic, my mother never
had the opportunity. She could walk
briskly, but not actually run. Before
long, with my wife’s help, she caught
on. Things were never quite the same.
Starting slowly, my mother began
feeling better.
Running was oxygenating her blood.
She rarely caught colds and never had
a problem with arthritis. She would
run without aches, without pain and
without blisters. Then my mother
would pull off her sneakers and slip
into her favorite four-inch heels.
Amazing for a 70-something woman.
My father was her biggest fan,
joining her on jogs around Lincoln
Park, walking briskly just to keep
I. Th
e g e n i c s
t o ry
her company while surrounded by
considerably younger runners. My
parents got plenty of attention being
dubbed “Recycled Teenagers.”
Wherever my mother ran, crowds
gathered. She soon became something
of a legend in Chicago. Imagine how
her self-esteem catapulted . . . she
truly was a new woman.
The renaissance of Ida. “At first I
was reluctant,” my mother reminisced,
“but my son advised starting with
a half mile. I tried it and loved it. I
began with walks and worked my way
up to a marathon.”
In September 1980, she ran her
first marathon at the age of 74—the
oldest woman to finish a marathon,
placing first in her age group. Three
generations in the Mintz family made
the record books that day, completing
the memorable race with her: my
mother, my son Ari, my wife Gloria
and myself. We were the first family
to ever have three generations in
one marathon.
My mother set the record for her age
group that year: 4 hours, 39 minutes.
She completed 10 marathons over the
years, up to age 85, always first in her
age group. Her records still stand.
That discovery didn’t occur until after
my mother’s passing; unfortunately,
she never got to enjoy the benefits of
hormone optimization, which may
have enhanced her life even more.
She was diagnosed with pancreatic
cancer at age 85. Although running
would never again be part of her life,
my mother’s perseverance remained.
She gathered the strength to rise from
her wheelchair and dance with our son
Jeffrey at his wedding.
“When I ran my first marathon, I was
first in the world to do something.
Younger runners ask, ‘How did you
do it?’ I tell them I worked up to it.”
A new lease on life. “The minute
I open my eyes, my feet are on the
ground and I’m ready to go,” my
mother once said, explaining her
daily routine.
Each day before sunrise, she would
perform an hour-long warm-up of
calisthenics, isometrics and stretching.
Then she would run at least five miles.
Some Sundays, she would run 14 to
16 miles, preparing for a marathon.
Not surprisingly, my wife Gloria
lovingly called my mother the
“Energizer Bunny.”
“She would always take a plastic bag
with grapes to keep hydrated,” Gloria
fondly remembers. “Ida had stickto-itiveness you couldn’t help but
From depression to total selfconfidence, my mother had set her
sails, inspiring others along the way.
Letters poured in from around the
world, saying, “If she can do it, then
so can I.”
That same sentiment followed her at
events. “A young man approached me,
wanting to thank me. He had thought
of quitting until he saw me pass him.
He told me he knew after that he had
to finish the race.”
Letters poured in from
around the world, saying,
“If she can do it, so can I.”
Connecting the dots. What was
the secret? Without refute, time and
genetics remain our true constants.
Yet my mother instinctively lived a
lifestyle that studies would later define
as promoting well-being and vigor:
regular exercise, sound nutrition and
nutraceutical supplementation.
However, there was one other key
component to living well longer that
I was about to discover: hormone
optimization. Diminished hormone
levels can contribute to many of
the symptoms we associate with
aging. Incorporating hormone
optimization in a synergistic approach
(with exercise, sound nutrition and
nutraceutical supplementation) led to
the eventual creation of Cenegenics®
and our innovative age management
I. Th
e g e n i c s
t o ry
We were blessed with immense
joy, having my mother live with us
for her last six months. My wife
Gloria took time off from her career
responsibilities to spend time with
my mother. They walked every day,
until it was no longer possible. There
was time to talk, to let her know how
much she was loved and to celebrate
how she had become an inspiration to
thousands all over the world.
On the eve of her 86th birthday, my
mother passed away.
Gone, but not forgotten. Her
inspiration still touches lives, from
family and friends to strangers around
the globe. Our oldest granddaughter
has chosen to follow my mother’s
footsteps, training for Olympic
speed skating. She says, “I’m doing
this because I remember what Nana
My mother’s words of wisdom and
favorite dictum have become the heart
of the Cenegenics philosophy:
Tell people to take care of their health
. . . it really pays off in the long run.
It keeps you young. It’s never too late.
If I can do it, so can you. As long as
you’re well, you can do anything.
My favorite quote is: “An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
I. The Cenegenics
Running changed my mother’s life
and helped her make a global impact.
Interviews, magazine articles and
newspaper headlines said it all:
Galloping Grandma . . . Never too old
to try . . . 84 and still knocking them
dead on the racetracks.
I. The Cenegenics
Epilogue. My interest in hormone
optimization grew. I searched the
world, speaking with researchers and
reading everything on the subject. The
medical literature was mounting—
reporting remarkable effects from
hormone therapy.
An Interview With
Alan Mintz, MD
Research was supportive: The
synergy of hormonal optimization,
nutraceutical supplementation, sound
nutrition and smart exercise helps
people live vigorously active lives
throughout middle age and well into
the golden years. My mother proved a
strong example of this equation.
I retired from a successful radiology
practice and medical businesses,
searching for something to blend
my passions: traditional medicine,
combined with a proactive and
preventive approach to help people
stay vital and healthier longer.
As a result, John Adams (my longtime friend, workout buddy and
business partner) and I developed
the largest and most-experienced
age management organization in
the world.
Bodybuilding at middle age?
Let’s talk about the reasons why
you created Cenegenics Medical
There were four passions propelling
me. The first was a desire to help
people remain vital as they grow
older. Second was my strong support
for preventive medicine. Third came
a drive to integrate conventional
medicine into the equation. And
fourth was my passion for business.
Tell us more about the first . . .
helping people stay vital.
My mother would be proud.
I’ve experienced this firsthand. I was
a chunky teenager, who worked on
getting fit in my 20s and 30s. In my
40s, I added hormonal therapies to my
regimen, continued to run marathons
and shifted my weight training into
high gear. Nutrition was also a key
factor—taking the nutrients needed to
My body image improved and wasn’t
at all like my middle-aged friends.
They were slowing down and I
was just getting started. The more I
worked out, the more efficient my
metabolism became. I could eat well
and not gain weight.
In fact, my workout buddies
eventually encouraged me to enter a
bodybuilding contest.
Cenegenics® Medical Institute
truly is unique, helping people
reverse symptoms of aging through
comprehensive, individualized
programs. Some of the finest people
in medicine have joined us to
establish a medical institute that stays
focused on prevention and wellness,
helping patients enjoy a longer health
span with greater vitality.
Regain your optimal health and
vigor with evidence-based medical
science. Call Cenegenics toll-free
for a no-obligation, confidential
discussion: 866.953.1510.
build the body I knew was possible. It
paid off.
We can’t do much about living longer
than our genetic potential. However,
we can take control of our lifestyle
choices and stop buying into the
“aging” myth. Just because we grow
older doesn’t mean having premature
I. Th
e g e n i c s
t o ry
It took hours of daily practice,
working with coach Dan Vasic. I
had to build and define muscles,
practice poses and choreograph a
routine to compete. Special diets and
supplements played a big part in my
success. By the day of the contest, I
already felt like a winner.
And the contest?
The audience went wild. There I was
at 58, getting a standing ovation and
cheers—winning the bodybuilding
title: 1996 AAU Mr. Illinois, Grand
Master Division. I was healthy, fit and
felt great!
Your personal experience
confirms we can stay vital, despite
chronological age. What about
your second reason for creating
Hands down, I am an advocate of
proactive, preventive medicine.
Much of today’s medicine is diseasebased. We wait until something bad
happens, then pull out all the stops to
correct the problem. That’s too late;
disease starts before you know it. You
may feel healthy today, but what if
tomorrow brings a heart attack? You
weren’t as healthy as you thought.
unique opportunities to gain a deeper
understanding of the practices of age
management medicine.
We also focus on the synergy of
hormone optimization, nutraceutical
supplementation, exercise and
nutrition. The endocrine system is
often overlooked, which is tragic
because it secretes hormones needed
for cellular communication, organ
function and rejuvenation.
I enjoy the challenge, and I’m good
at it. As a result, we can generate
funds needed to reinvest and promote
better medicine. Our success helps us
help patients, creating the best of all
possible worlds.
The endocrine system affects fat
metabolism, muscle growth, bones,
cardiovascular health, moods,
cognitive ability, sexual performance
and skin quality. Clearly, it demands
our attention.
How does conventional medicine
factor into your advanced approach?
I’m a mainstream guy. I received
a Bachelor of Science degree from
the University of Chicago in 1959,
then graduated from medical school
(University of Illinois) in 1963. In
1971, I became board-certified in
radiology, after a residency at Michael
Reese Hospital in Chicago.
I love medicine and found my
radiology practice rewarding and
gratifying. That’s why I’ve made
sure Cenegenics is well grounded
in medical science and structure,
which has helped Cenegenics gain
much recognition from the medical
I’m proud to say hospitals, medical
schools and organized medicine
have responded favorably to our
approach. Through university and
medical school affiliations, we offer
practicing physicians and residents
You truly bridged the gap between
traditional medicine and preventive
medicine. But what about business?
Explain your latest initiatives,
reaching out to Corporate America.
Corporate America is engulfed in
executives spending their health to
gain wealth. Ironically, the stress,
lack of quality sleep, excesses, overmedication, poor nutrition, sedentary
lifestyle and an endocrine system
whose functions are diminished
actually limit the ability to generate
wealth. Consequently, an executive
is unable to protect the most valuable
asset: personal health. Without
vitality, sharp cognitive functions,
energy or even a healthy, happy
sexual life, the executive is working
below par. Personal and business
lives suffer. Every aspect of life
comes tumbling down.
Your work must be extremely
It is. After retiring from my radiology
practice and management company, I
had the luxury of enjoying my family
and growing brood of grandchildren.
But I longed to do more.
I vowed I would only come out of
retirement to do something needed,
wanted and challenging. Inspired by
my mother’s story and after reviewing
years of research, Cenegenics was it.
We have forged new ground, creating
the field of age management medicine
and becoming the teachers in this
new field.
Today, we have the distinct honor
and pleasure of working with those
physicians we have trained, who
have become like-minded and help
spread our important, innovative work
around the world.
That’s where Cenegenics can step in.
We help businesspeople understand
how to apply the same strategies
used in their business success to take
control of their health.
Cenegenics is grounded in scientific
structure and relies on evidence-based
feedback, guiding businesses and their
employees toward a higher-quality life
on every level. As a result, executives
emerge with fewer sick days, higher
productivity, renewed attitude and a
more secure fiscal future. And that
makes corporations as a whole healthier.
It’s a win-win all the way around.
I. Th
e g e n i c s
t o ry
I. The Cenegenics
Why not move upstream and look at
the earliest possible signs, seeing what
might become a concern later? At
Cenegenics, we begin each patient’s
program with a comprehensive
evaluation and periodically follow up
to stay in front of potential problems.
I. The Cenegenics
I. Th
e g e n i c s
t o ry
II. The Universal Truth: Aging
Aging Is Aging, Right?
“ I can’t express how appreciative I am
about the open-minded paradigm and
professionalism at Cenegenics. I witnessed
encouraging results in my body appearance,
my male virility and how I feel—all with
positive effects on my confidence”
— L.R., Alexandria, VA
II. The Universal Truth: Aging
Aging Is Aging, Right?
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
t is, if you listen to conventional
Traditional thought has programmed
us to expect aging and debilitating
symptoms as an inevitable gloom,
slowly penetrating our lives from
middle age onward.
That’s not necessarily true. Research
and time-tested therapies prove
differently. In the last decade, studies
have redefined “healthy” as “living
with the energy and vitality of
someone years younger.” Achieving
that level of health adds life to your
Aging is not a disease. It is a natural
process that can be managed. True,
you can’t stop your biological clock.
And there can be real challenges
meeting you at various times in your
individual aging process. The key is
how you live out those years and meet
those challenges.
Cenegenics® Medical Institute can
guide you on a course that defies
conventional thinking and helps you
take control of your health as you age.
Start revitalizing your life now.
Call us toll-free at 866.953.1510 for
a confidential discussion about your
personal needs and concerns.
II. The Universal Truth: Aging
Aging is aging, right?
II . T h
n i v e r s a l
u t h
: Ag
i n g
Studies reveal most adults have
significantly lower levels of several
essential hormones by age 40.
Both men and women rely on
a critical balance of estrogen,
testosterone, thyroid, DHEA
(dihydroepiandrosterone) and cortisol.
Each has a specific job—yet overlaps
the others to create a synergistic
environment for better health.
DHEA works closely with cortisol to
protect against stress, cardiovascular
disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s,
as well as preventing wrinkles and
dry eyes, increasing libido, upping
energy levels, boosting memory and
Cortisol helps regulate blood pressure,
increases energy and influences
metabolism, as well as helps your
body cope with stress and infection.
Having lower levels of these
hormones contributes to slow, steady
deterioration: diminished libido,
waning energy, decreased lean muscle
and increased body fat, weakened
bones and osteoporosis, reduction in
skin tone and elasticity, memory lapses,
cardiovascular concerns, sleeplessness,
irritability and mood swings, among
several other symptoms.
As years pass, these symptoms
become even more noticeable—as
the relationship between them and
hormone levels becomes undeniable.
Take estrogen, for example. Estrogen
alone helps protect against heart
disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s and
incontinence, as well as enhancing
libido, skin tone, emotional well-being,
cognitive acuity, sensory function and
In addition to impacting personal
life, hormone imbalances and
their effects encroach on job
performance and business success.
That’s best seen in the corporate
world, where poor lifestyle choices,
a diminished endocrine system and
21st century stress collide. On the
way to fiscal nirvana, high performers
notoriously spend their health to gain
They labor over business strategies to
ensure corporate success, leaving their
health behind. The most costly event
in their lives—loss of productivity—
goes unnoticed. Eventually, poor
nutrition, reduced exercise and overly
prescribed antidepressants (coupled
with plummeting hormone levels)
take their toll in both the personal and
corporate setting.
The fact is, losing critical personnel
proves incredibly costly. Chronic
disease affects 125 million Americans,
costing more than $500 billion
annually. The effect on any company’s
bottom line can be significant.
Outwardly, a middle-aged man may
have increased abdominal fat and
reduced lean muscle mass—hallmarks
of hormone imbalance. He no longer
looks or feels virile, as his sexual
functions fade. As a result, self-esteem
begins to suffer.
Testosterone improves libido and
energy levels, enhances a sense of wellThe story isn’t that different for
being, strengthens bones, builds muscle
women. In fact, both genders suffer
and promotes muscle tone, brain
when hormone imbalances develop,
function and heart health.
which results in physical and
emotional stress.
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That’s why savvy corporations are
championing a corporate culture,
which fosters better health and
subsequently improves productivity.
How does all of this connect with
having diminished hormone levels?
Hormones perceptibly alter physical,
sexual and cognitive functions, often
with psychological complications.
Until recently, these changes were
accepted as “growing old,” forcing
individuals into the background.
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
Facing Facts
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
We now realize delaying
premature disabilities is
viable, since the body’s
hormone receptors don’t lose
their ability to respond to
hormone messages. These
receptors are waiting to be
filled. Restoring hormonal
balance with hormone
optimization and healthier
lifestyle choices really can
turn the tide.
The MaleFemale
Throughout time, a line has
been drawn, dividing the
sexes. But regarding the
effects of aging, that line
decidedly blurs.
Aging is about diminishing
hormones. Since both
men and women have the
same hormones, aging is
aging—regardless of gender.
However, the nuances in
symptoms are distinguished
only by amounts.
For example, both males
and females experience
menopause. Male
menopause (also termed
andropause) is subtler than
its female counterpart.
Sparked by a decline
in androgens (male sex
hormones), male menopause
typically begins in the 40s.
Female menopause (marked
by a dynamic drop in
estrogen and testosterone
levels) occurs at a definitive point
in time, while male menopause
moves stealthily over a period of
20 years.
• Affects all women
• Symptoms begin at a specific point,
often abruptly
• Dramatic drop in estrogen levels, beginning
in 40s or 50s, along with progesterone and
testosterone diminishment
• Diminishing hormonal levels result in
changes that can seriously affect physical
and mental health
• Resulting symptoms: difficulty in sexual
arousal, vaginal dryness, cardio concerns,
weight gain, osteoporosis, cognitive
concerns, hot flashes, anxiety, emotional
upheavals, irritability, lack of skin elasticity,
aches, pains and stiffness
• Unable to reproduce
• More subtle, affecting some men
• Symptoms creep up over a period of
20 years
• Reduction of testosterone, beginning in
early 30s
• Diminishing hormonal levels result in
changes that can seriously affect physical
and mental health
• Resulting symptoms: difficulty in sexual
arousal, weaker erections, cardio concerns,
weight gain, osteoporosis, cognitive
concerns, fatigue, depression, emotional
upheavals, irritability, anxiety, lack of skin
elasticity, aches, pains and stiffness
• Maintains ability to produce sperm
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Nonetheless, both genders
battle the same symptoms:
diminished interest in sex (due
to vaginal dryness in women
and weaker erections in men);
cardiovascular concerns; shift in
body composition; weight gain;
osteoporosis; cognitive decline;
fatigue; depression, emotional
upheavals, irritability and anxiety;
aches, pains and stiffness.
However, in the male aging
process, there are compound
challenges. Testosterone output
decreases approximately 2%3% per year, starting at age 30.
Men also begin to form more
estrogen, which stores in fat.
A typical 50-year-old male at
normal weight has more estrogen
than his female, postmenopausal
counterpart. These higher
estrogen levels ultimately
compete with testosterone for the
same receptors.
In addition, an increase in sex
hormone-binding globulins
(SHBG) takes up even more of
the free testosterone. This loss
of testosterone contributes to a
middle-aged man’s “pot belly”
and reduced muscle tone.
The differences between the
sexes are quantitative, not
qualitative. And both genders
may need other hormones to get
their bodies back in balance, if
testing reveals diminished levels.
Men no longer corner the market
on heart disease. Studies reveal it’s
the number one killer of American
women: over 500,000 die of
cardiovascular disease each year.
Libido: Where Did
It Go?
Loss of sex drive is a by-product
of diminishing hormone levels for
menopausal men and women. Sexual
stimulation and erection begin in the
brain. Neuronal testosterone-receptor
sites ignite a surge of biochemical
events, involving nerves, blood
vessels and muscles. Free testosterone
promotes sexual desire and facilitates
both sensation and performance.
Waning testosterone levels clearly
affect the quality of a man’s sex life.
Reduced levels also contribute to a
woman’s low libido, even though she
has only 5% -10% the testosterone
levels of her male counterpart.
Bolstering free testosterone is not the
simple solution we would wish—if
excess estrogen competes for the same
cellular receptors. Estrogen impacts
testosterone’s effectiveness by
encouraging the rise of sex hormone
binding globulin (SHBG).
SHBG binds free testosterone into
a non-active testosterone, which
can’t be picked up by testosterone
receptors. As a result, testosterone
cannot produce the desired libidoenhancing effects because it must be
in a free form—with excess estrogen
suppressed. (See Part III for more
about this.)
Studies also reveal that
hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
negatively impact testosterone
metabolism. A thyroid hormone
deficiency can contribute to
hypogonadism and, consequently,
affect sexual behavior and
performance. The result is erectile
dysfunction and/or premature and
delayed ejaculation.
It also should be noted (as with
any hormone supplementation) that
when you bolster free testosterone,
monitoring levels periodically is
important. Whether stimulating
hormone or direct testosterone
injection is used, you may be
producing estrogen through
aromatization: a process adding to the
indigenous estrogen already present.
The key is restoring a youthful
hormone balance. Our goal isn’t to
replace hormones—but rather to
encourage the body to do what it
can on its own. So the first step is to
stimulate the body to make hormones
on its own, then complement
hormones, shown to be diminished
(through medical testing) with
bioidentical hormones.
Personalized hormone optimization
programs at the Cenegenics® Medical
Institute can revive male and female
sexuality. It begins with an intensive
evaluation and ends with you enjoying
a vibrant life, an enhanced libido,
more energy and improved health.
II . T h
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Heart disease is responsible for
over half the deaths of women
over 50. The incidence increases
in menopausal years, as a lowering
estrogen level ups the risk. With
diminished estrogen levels, LDL (bad
cholesterol) appears to increase, while
HDL (good cholesterol) decreases.
Fat accumulates on artery walls after
menopause begins.
On the male side, diminished
testosterone levels can contribute
to the weakening of heart muscle.
Testosterone is not only responsible
for maintaining heart muscle protein
synthesis, but promotes coronary
artery dilation (good circulation) and
helps maintain healthy cholesterol
levels. Perhaps that’s why an
increasing number of studies reveal
an association between high-normal
testosterone and low cardiovascular
disease rates in men.
Naturally, other factors come into play.
Smoking and heredity escalate the risk
of developing cardiovascular disease
in both men and women. Prevention
and knowledge are paramount to
vitality and quality of life.
Not recognizing or misinterpreting
symptoms poses a serious threat
with long-lasting consequences.
Early recognition, lifestyle changes
and hormone optimization—all key
to the Cenegenics approach—have
proven quite effective in reducing
the incidence and severity of
cardiovascular disease.
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
Disease: A Predator
Osteoporosis: A
Challenge For Both
Many people link osteoporosis to
women. That’s not always the case.
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
Although osteoporosis is more
prominent in women, men are
gaining a greater awareness of how
osteoporosis can impact their health
as well. Aerobic athletes with their
high metabolic rate have a fast
bone turnover, subjecting them to
osteopenia and osteoporosis at a
higher rate than the normal lessphysically active population.
Regardless of gender, bones lose
calcium as we age, becoming fragile,
thin and prone to fracture. It’s
estimated that one out of every two
menopausal women will suffer some
degree of osteoporosis. After age 50,
one in every eight men will suffer an
osteoporosis-related fracture.
The National Institute on Aging
stated, “Estrogen saves more bone
tissue than even very large daily
doses of calcium.” Calcium cannot
be deposited and stored unless the
hormonal milieu is correct. Also, the
May 2004 Journal of the American
Medical Association (JAMA) released
findings by British researchers,
describing a link between hormone
replacement therapy (HRT) and a
reduced risk of bone fractures in
women who entered menopause.
Building bone density prior to
menopause is the best strategy for
prevention; afterward, the most
effective therapy is hormonal.
Other factors leading to osteoporosis
are poor nutrition (reduced calcium
intake), lack of adequate exercise,
unhealthy lifestyle
(cigarettes, excessive
alcohol (family
history and race
(Caucasian, Hispanic
Know the risk factors
and Asian).
Thinner and fair-skinned individuals
seem more prone to osteoporosis.
On the other hand, men with larger
skeletons and bigger build tend to
begin bone loss later, progressing
slower than people with a slight frame.
• Hormonal: diminished estrogen
and testosterone levels
• Nutrition: low calcium intake
• Exercise: inadequate physical exercise
• Lifestyle habits: smoking, excessive
• Prolonged exposure to certain
medications: steroids used to treat
asthma or arthritis, anticonvulsants,
certain cancer treatments and
aluminum-containing antacids
• Chronic disease: altering hormones
and affecting kidneys, lungs, stomach
and intestines
• Age: bone loss increases with age and
sedentary behaviors
• Heredity: propensity via family history
The top factors contributing to
the disease are low estrogen and
testosterone levels. That’s why drugs
that treat osteoporosis may offer
minimal help, yet don’t solve the
In actuality, they could prove
counterproductive. Imagine
diminished hormones as a drain in
a tub. These drugs increase flow,
trying to fill the tub. However, unless
you block the drain, it doesn’t work.
Hormonal optimization for men and
women with diminished bone density
is vital.
The Cenegenics® approach of
hormone optimization, smart
nutrition, bone-specific exercise and
a healthier lifestyle helps reverse
II . T h
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“I have been to numerous doctors
(gynecologist, endocrinologist and
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
internal medicine) looking for some
answers to certain problems. Thanks
to the extensive lab tests at Cenegenics
and their incredible medical team, I
found answers to my questions. I have
confidence that I will get better. And
I’m grateful to finally obtain hard
Depression &
Fluctuations: A Roller
proof of why I had been feeling the
way I did.”
—J.M., Aurora, IL
Loss of hormones often catapults men
and women onto a wild emotional
ride. Depression is all too frequent.
Changes in body composition and
reduced sexual pleasure, compounded
with lifestyle factors—such as
changing family roles, shifting social
networks and an “empty nest”—can
push depression into overdrive.
Since our society ignores the core
issue—diminished hormone levels—
we feed into the “magic pill” approach
with its inexorable side effects.
Prescription antidepressants reduce
libido, creating a sense of loss and a
reduced quality of life. Consequently,
more frustration and depression set
in—producing a downward spiral.
New studies show low testosterone
correlates with chronic symptoms of
depression and other psychological
disorders. The rise in availability
and use of antidepressant drugs
compounds the problem. Using antidepressants is simply a Band-Aid®,
covering the issue. It doesn’t address
the basic concern, which is restoring
energy and self-esteem.
And if antidepressant drugs are
discontinued (with hopes of having
a somewhat normal sex life),
individuals are left with their original
problems . . . an ongoing battle with
depression. It’s a lose-lose situation.
II . T h
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Cenegenics has a path around
this slippery slope, discovering a
much better way of life. Hormone
optimization can stabilize hormone
levels and stimulate natural coping
Testosterone supplementation, a
foundation of our personalized
program, often enhances libido. At
least one study revealed patients with
major depression experienced an
improvement equal to that achieved
with standard antidepressant drugs,
when given testosterone.
I wish I had a picture of me last year, but I refused to have any taken. I was so bedraggled,
fat, bloated and stressed. Now I’m clear, together, calm and finding pleasure in everything. I
was walking around Boston the other day in my Jimmy Choo’s size 10 jeans, long hair down
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
and blond . . . and I am 51! Every guy who walked by me stared and smiled. That alone
made me feel ten years younger. It’s like, “Hey, I still got it!” —P.R., Nanant, MA
Aging: The Sum Of
All Fears
What’s the common denominator
in all these age-related symptoms?
Diminished hormone levels.
And there’s more. The combination
of low testosterone levels and the
effects of fundamental aging creates
an excess production of a potentially
dangerous stress hormone, cortisol.
Excess cortisol can contribute to
degenerative effects, such as immune
dysfunction, brain cell injury, arterial
wall damage, fat accumulation,
bone loss and blood-sugar problems.
Overabundance of cortisol can also
suppress testosterone production,
“I’m so excited because
I’m doing so well on the
program and think it’s
just great.”
—R.P., Glendora, CA
promoting premature aging. That’s
a critical reason why testosterone
therapy shields against the overproduction of cortisol—based on
needs discovered in your initial
comprehensive evaluation.
fat, reduced muscle and bone mass,
as well as breast enlargement or
tenderness are all signs of lowered
testosterone levels.
Clearly, reduction of hormone output
seriously affects the health span,
both physically and mentally. With
thorough evaluation, the Cenegenics®
Medical Institute guides you in a
personalized program for a vibrant,
healthy life.
Estrogen levels, on the other hand,
increase with age, so men never need
estrogen therapy. On the contrary,
aging men often suffer dual effects
of too little testosterone and estrogen
dominance. The resulting imbalance
directly causes many debilitating
health and performance problems
associated with normal aging.
Whatever your menopausal profile—
male or female—a tailor-made
program of hormone optimization,
sound nutrition, nutraceutical
supplements and regular exercise will
reflect your specific needs.
As men age, testosterone increasingly
converts to estrogen. One report
compared estrogen levels of both
genders, showing an average 54-yearold man’s higher than an average 59year-old woman’s.
Synergy of these components frees
you from the debilitating physical,
emotional and mental consequences
of male and female menopause.
Taking testosterone by itself, without
monitoring other hormones, is not
judicious. Testosterone may convert
into even more estrogen (a process
called aromatization), potentially
worsening the already existing
hormone imbalance. Too much
estrogen and not enough testosterone
can increase risk of a heart attack
or stroke. High levels of estrogen
The Male Difference
A decrease in free testosterone is the
most significant hormone imbalance
in aging men. Erectile disorders,
decreased beard growth, increased
II . T h
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Your personal Cenegenics team
will explain the exact nature of any
imbalance in your testosterone/
estrogen profile. With careful
guidance, they’ll demonstrate how our
intensive Executive Health Evaluation
and related programs will help you
take control of the situation and
improve it.
The Female Difference
Menopause: that time in every
woman’s life when menstruation
ceases completely. As ovaries
decrease their estrogen and
progesterone output, women
experience effects of diminished
hormone levels.
Menopause not only signifies the end
of a woman’s ability to have children,
but it also purports the decline of
these particular female hormones,
which ultimately affects the entire
endocrine system.
This menopausal process takes
approximately three to five years. The
early (transitional) phase is referred
to as the climacteric, also known as
perimenopause. In her mid-30s, a
woman’s hormone balance begins to
shift. When it occurs and the level of
that imbalance depend on a range of
factors: heredity, age menses began,
lifestyle, nutrition, stress, adrenal
hormones, exercise and more.
Perimenopause: What’s happening?
The follicles’ ability to mature and
release an egg starts to fluctuate.
Ovaries continue to produce sufficient
estrogen for shedding the egg, but
estrogen production becomes erratic.
During down times of estrogen
production, ovulation doesn’t occur
(anovulatory cycles). Menopausal
symptoms ensue, such as bloating,
mood swings and weight gain.
Estrogen surges create additional
effects, such as sleep disturbance,
breast swelling or tenderness. For
years, a woman may experience an
irregular cycle of menses and the
consequential symptoms: diminished
libido; fatigue; depression; headaches;
inability to cope with stress; hot
flashes; cognitive difficulties; itchy
skin; joint pain and backache;
fibrocystic and sagging breasts;
uterine fibroids and endometriosis;
reduced metabolism; morning
sluggishness; unstable blood sugar;
symptoms of hypothyroidism (despite
“normal” T3/T4 hormone levels).
Many symptoms occur gradually and
initially may appear unrelated, often
causing women to be misdiagnosed.
Everyone immediately links hot
flashes to the onset of perimenopause,
but what if your first symptoms are
different—sleep disturbances, fatigue
or depression?
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You might not make the connection
and blame the symptoms on a hectic
lifestyle. Without the appropriate
tests, it’s possible to wind up with
the wrong treatment and symptoms
becoming worse.
That’s precisely why Cenegenics
embraces a comprehensive evaluation,
with periodic diagnostics. Your body
is in a continual state of change, so
your needs alter from time to time.
Hormonal optimization therapy,
hormone-regulating nutrition,
nutraceuticals and sound exercise in
the right combination address your
personal health situation.
Menopause: What to expect.
Menopause is considered complete
when a woman has no periods for
a full year. Timing varies from
woman to woman, though the onset
of menopause generally is complete
by the early 50s. There really is no
such thing as “post menopause” since
menopause simply means the end
of menses. Once a woman enters
this momentous passage, she is,
technically speaking, menopausal the
rest of her life.
Every woman is an individual, yet
there are a number of general side
effects that tend to occur. Some may
seem as temporary nuisances to
“tough out.” However, the reality is
more serious. Diminishing hormone
levels result in changes, which
seriously affect a woman’s physical
and mental health as well as her
prospects for vitality.
In addition to diminished estrogen
and progesterone levels, reduced
testosterone (produced in the ovaries)
levels also become a factor during
menopause. Profound degenerative
changes begin to occur, as levels of
these key hormones diminish.
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
have also been implicated as a
cause of benign prostate hyperplasia
(noncancerous enlargement of
prostate) and even prostate cancer.
These changes affect the breasts,
vagina, bones, blood vessels,
gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract,
cardiovascular system, skin and
energy levels. They include . . .
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
• Hot flashes and sweats: Sudden
sensations of intense heat sneak
up, unexpectedly. Some women
break out with red blotches on the
chest, back or arms. Typically, hot
flashes or sweats are followed by
feeling cold and shivering until
the body adjusts. Night sweats
may be so profuse that bed sheets
and sleepwear have to be changed
during the night.
While some women never
experience hot flashes, others
endure them 30 minutes at a
time. Hot flashes are generally
considered a direct result of
decreasing estrogen levels.
Hormone optimization can
prevent (or relieve) hot flashes,
which could linger for years if
not treated.
• Vaginal dryness, itchy skin and
urinary tract discomfort: As
hormone levels decrease, walls
of the vagina become thinner,
dryer, less elastic and more
susceptible to infection. This
atrophy can also make intercourse
uncomfortable, causing a woman
to feel depressed and undesirable,
sparking yet another round on the
emotional battlefield.
Similarly, dry or “crawly”
skin problems may occur,
occasionally accompanied by
blotchy, red patches. Tissues
in the urinary tract also change
with the diminished hormonal
levels. Some women experience
incontinence, while others
become more susceptible to
As with hot flashes, restoring
hormones to optimal levels can
make the vaginal mucosa thicker,
more moist, more elastic and
healthier . . . making you and your
partner happier.
• Sleep disturbances and fatigue:
Not surprisingly, many of these
symptoms go hand-in-hand.
Struggling with frequent night
sweats disturbs sleep. After
awhile, fatigue engulfs a woman.
She may feel anxious, become
moody or even feel mentally and
physically exhausted.
• Forgetfulness: Hormone
deficiencies impact cognitive
functions. This situation is
compounded by sleep disturbance,
anxiety, stress, moodiness and
exhaustion. It becomes difficult
to think clearly and recall events
when the hormonal imbalance is
wreaking havoc.
• Mood swings: The aftermath of
hormonal imbalance is emotional
upheaval. Inability to sleep
soundly, the battle of hot-andcold sensations, tiredness, loss of
sexual pleasure and depression
snowball into mood swings.
Cenegenics® makes you the focus,
not menopause. Traditional doctors
tend to treat menopause, rather than
the person experiencing menopausal
symptoms. Many don’t even bother
determining hormone levels. A
quickly prescribed fixed dosage of
artificial (nonhuman) hormones—
such as Premarin, made from horse
urine—becomes a knee-jerk response.
Yet the fact remains: Every woman
is different, and each will experience
this time in a unique way. That’s why
it is crucial to run comprehensive
tests before beginning any hormone
program, followed by periodic blood
checks to ensure hormone levels are
in the ideal range.
Our highly intensive baseline
evaluation, with its subsequent
diagnostic analysis, takes this exact
approach. We look at your particular
symptoms: hot flashes, night sweats,
fatigue, low libido, weight gain,
mood swings, cognitive fuzziness,
uncomfortable intercourse, dry
or itchy vaginal tract, bouts of
incontinence or loss of skin elasticity.
Then our Cenegenics team designs
a program specifically tailored to
your needs, rather than treating a
generalized concept of menopause,
which may not apply to you.
“What Cenegenics Medical Institute can offer the world
is immeasurable. I would like to express my gratitude and
appreciation for what you’re accomplishing. With past
scientific and medical facts, along with our most recent
discoveries in age management medicine, things are really
getting exciting.”
—J.O., New York, NY
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And like other women who haven’t
undergone surgery, these women will
experience perimenopause and the
resulting change, occurring thanks
to diminished hormones. Cenegenics
takes into consideration every
woman’s unique needs, personalizing
a program to keep her body
functioning optimally.
Complete hysterectomy—surgical
menopause. This operation removes
the uterus and ovaries, dramatically
altering a woman’s life. Besides
cradling a fetus, the uterus produces
menses. Ovaries, in concert with
that, produce eggs (ova) and essential
hormones needed to regulate
menstruation, overall health, vitality
and libido.
After a hysterectomy, menses stop and
the ability to have children ceases.
The ovaries, however, continue
producing essential hormones,
unless both are removed in a total
hysterectomy. When a premenopausal
woman has both ovaries removed
with the uterus, she abruptly enters
menopause. There is no gradual
Consequently, she often experiences
heightened menopausal symptoms
that can be overwhelming, since they
come on so suddenly.
Loss of ovaries also halts her
ability to produce testosterone.
Consequently, libido wanes. And,
since there no longer are uterine
contractions or pressure against
the cervix, sexual pleasure may be
disturbed. Diminished hormones
resulting from ovary removal cause
vaginal dryness, making intercourse
uncomfortable or painful. Additional
concerns come into play, such as
increased risk for osteoporosis and
heart disease. Is it any wonder women
experiencing surgical menopause
often become depressed and feel
totally overwhelmed?
(JAMA) on July 17, 2002. The article
reported results of the Women’s
Health Initiative Trial—a study that
incorrectly blamed estrogen for some
negative effects. The study, which
largely has been repudiated, really
was about artificial hormones, such as
Premarin and progestin, made from
horse urine . . . not natural hormones.
After a hysterectomy, women
experience such an extreme thrust
into menopause, they need to have
their estradiol and progesterone levels
determined and treated immediately.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
(HRT) began in the 1940s and has
been refined considerably over
the past 60 years. At Cenegenics
Medical Institute, experience shows
bioidentical estrogen and progestin
therapy will dramatically improve a
woman’s quality of life, if performed
in a clinical setting where therapeutic
levels are monitored and dosing is
adjusted accordingly. Unlike their
synthetic counterpart, bioidentical
hormones are created in a laboratory,
using the same molecular structure
as naturally occurring hormones
produced in our bodies.
At Cenegenics, we deal with surgical
menopause patients exactly as we do
with menopausal patients. We use
the same test for hormonal levels
and suggest the same bioidentical
Does hormonal optimization help?
Yes. A study in the September 2000
New England Journal of Medicine
examined the effects of transdermal
testosterone treatment in women
with impaired sexual function
after oophorectomy (both ovaries
removed). The women, ages 31 to
56, showed significant improvement
in sexual function, mood and overall
If you’re considering having your
ovaries removed, we recommend
seeing a Cenegenics physician or a
doctor trained in bioidentical hormone
replacement therapy before surgery,
helping ease your transition and
discuss the best approach for you.
Just how safe is hormone
replacement therapy? Recent
controversy surrounding estrogen
and progestin use in healthy
menopausal women is a result of an
article, published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association
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Contraindications still exist for some
women, such as patients with a history
of breast and uterine cancer. However,
for most women, Cenegenics believes
benefits far outweigh the risks. We
agree estrogen and progestin
replacement therapy can . . .
• reduce the risk of osteoporosis
• relieve hot flashes
• reduce the risk of cardiovascular
• positively affect mood and
psychological well-being
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
What about a hysterectomy?
Women who have had a
hysterectomy—an operation removing
the uterus but leaving the ovaries in
tact—transition through menopause as
a typical female would.
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
We use bioidentical hormonal
creams, compounded in a pharmacy.
Periodically, we also check hormone
levels to keep you in optimal ranges.
That is a totally different approach
from traditional medicine, which puts
most women on the same dose of
potentially unsafe artificial hormones
and never monitors blood levels.
Whether you are experiencing
perimenopause, natural menopause or
surgical menopause, you can count on
our professional staff at Cenegenics®
to create viable programs, targeting
your individual concerns for a
healthier, happier quality of life.
“Before Cenegenics, I was basically a healthy person,
walking an average of two miles a day. Now, at 76, I can
go on the treadmill covering a longer distance! Cenegenics
supplements gave me the added strength and pep to do that.
Thanks to Cenegenics, I’m feeling and looking great . . .
while aging younger!”
—L.R., Naperville, IL
It is possible to get your foot off that
accelerator and put balance back
into your life. You can improve your
health span and expect a much more
vigorous life.
Taking Your Foot
Off The Throttle
Aging may be inevitable, but how you
age is up to you. While it may not be
possible to slow your biological clock,
you certainly can accelerate it with
poor lifestyle choices.
Stress, excessive alcohol, lack of
quality sleep, smoking, drug use,
depression, emotional upheavals,
sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition and
untreated hormonal imbalances all
contribute to putting you on the fast
track to aging.
Speculating about what you need
or don’t need is futile . . . a real
waste of time. You can’t determine
your individual needs by comparing
your symptoms to a neighbor or
coworker—or by looking merely on
the outside.
These symptoms and conditions
are correctable with bioidentical
hormonal optimization, proper
exercise and sound nutrient therapies.
Based on three factors—a thorough
and comprehensive assessment of
your personal history, an analysis of
your blood and an evaluation of other
biomarkers of aging—the Cenegenics
team can guide you into a lifestyle,
which maximizes your individual
health potential so you can enjoy
youthful aging.
The answer begins with our extensive
Executive Health Evaluation. Its
focus on discovery will reveal your
unique deficiencies and strengths. No
product or superficial discussion can
accomplish that.
Thanks to our sophisticated, medical
approach to age management, you can
finally take control of your health with
a personalized program, designed to
make a significant difference in your
Never too early, never too late.
Significant data have been compiled,
indicating we begin experiencing
hormone-related conditions from our
30s through the 50s—and beyond.
Optimize your health and begin
managing your aging process
today. Call Cenegenics toll-free at
866.953.1510 for a no-obligation,
confidential discussion about
regaining your health and vigor.
II . T h
n i v e r s a l
u t h
: Ag
i n g
The following testimonials describe
our patients’ experiences with
Cenegenics Medical Institute
A 55-Year-Old Male Patient
I signed on for the Cenegenics
program after completing my
Executive Health Evaluation. Within
a few days, I received a complete
packet: printouts from the diagnostic
tests, my personalized program and
my pharmaceuticals.
I not only achieved all of my original
goals, but attained five additional ones
I hadn’t expected:
• My body fat is now 12%, down
from 32% a year ago.
• My strength and muscle mass are
at the highest level I’ve ever had
in my life!
• My bone density (hips/spine) has
improved to normal.
• My skin looks at least ten years
• My libido and sexual energy are
like when I was in my 30s.
my goals of more energy, mental
alertness, vigor, leanness, fitness and
great health. And I’m amazed at the
difference I feel; it just keeps getting
better every day.
I want to thank everyone at
Cenegenics for their thoroughness,
VIP treatment, ongoing
communication, continued quality
care and the wonderful program they
developed for me. I know it’s up
to me to do my part, but I couldn’t
have done it without the Cenegenics
Medical Institute. They really care
about me and have been there every
step of the way.
—J.L., Tunkhannock, PA
Six weeks into the program, I had
my first follow-up blood tests. I was
extremely delighted!
A 42-Year-Old
Female Patient
My muscle-to-body-fat ratio, libido,
energy levels, attitude and creativity
improved. I was even enthusiastic
about going to the gym, looking
forward to my workouts rather than
dreading them, just as I had a few
years ago.
I’ve been on the Cenegenics program
for just over a year and am delighted
with the results of my annual
evaluation. I achieved all my initial
goals: increased energy, mental
alertness, vigor, leanness, fitness and
great health.
My strength and endurance also
started to return to levels I’d had 20
to 30 years ago. Finally, I was making
progress, getting rid of my large belly.
My family and friends remarked
about the differences they could see
in my appearance and attitude. I tried
not to pay too much attention to their
flattery, but I must say I was feeling
better than I had in years.
I’ve been on my program for a little
over a year now, just completing my
annual comprehensive evaluation.
In fact, my family and friends can’t
believe the changes they’ve seen
in me over the past year. I used to
get flu-like symptoms three or four
times a year, but I haven’t had any
infections since I started the program.
I get up early every morning so I
can go to the gym and work out with
people 20 to 30 years younger. And I
give them a run for their money!
I must admit I was somewhat
skeptical at first, but have become
a true believer in the Cenegenics
program. I’m delighted to have met
II . T h
n i v e r s a l
u t h
: Ag
i n g
The year before starting the
program, I underwent an emergency
total hysterectomy, which created
diminished hormonal levels.
Fortunately, my Cenegenics physician
suggested an HRT program that
Now, despite eight previous
abdominal surgeries and giving birth
to my two children, my stomach has
never been flatter! I’ve lost weight
and have the energy to work out with
people half my age. And I don’t move
like a snail any more.
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
Up Close & Personal:
Two Patients’ Stories
“Every woman should know about this synergistic
program . . . it’s a lifesaver. After a complete
hysterectomy at 39—and several other surgeries before
II. The Universal
Truth: Aging
turning 40—I had packed on an extra 50 pounds. Then
If I get a muscular injury, it heals
quickly. Most of the significant
scarring I had from many surgeries
has lightened. The benefits from my
Cenegenics® program continue to
amaze me:
• My body fat is now 22%—down
from 32%.
Cenegenics Medical Institute helped turn my life around
with a doable exercise program (for a busy mom of
two), sound nutritional advice (for a Type 2 diabetic)
and hormonal therapy. One year later, it was a whole
• My bone density (hips and lumbar
spine) has improved from near
osteoporotic levels to almost
different story. I feel great and am so grateful.”
—N.K., Las Vegas, NV
• My skin looks at least ten years
• My struggle with night sweats and
vaginal dryness is over.
• My libido is enhanced—sexually
I feel better than I did at 23!
• My blood sugars are better than
when I was in my early 30s—I’m
no longer a Type 2 diabetic.
Most importantly, I feel good . . .
about myself, my life and my family.
I’m more positive and can handle
stress in a much better way.
Cenegenics has made a true believer
out of me. Thanks to everyone for the
successful program developed for me.
I’ve got to continue to do my part, but
I couldn’t have gone this far without
your incredible Cenegenics team.
—S. P., Chicago, IL
II . T h
n i v e r s a l
u t h
: Ag
i n g
III. The Science Behind Cenegenics
Fundamentals Of Age Management Medicine
“I reviewed my latest blood draw results
tonight on the telephone with my Cenegenics
physician . . . he has been caring, thoughtful
and informative. It’s unusual to find a
medical doctor who evidences such patience
and concern as he does.”
—E.T., Creve Coeur, MO
III. The Science Behind Cenegenics
Fundamentals Of Age Management Medicine
III. The Science
Behind Cenegenics
ur integrity rests on evidencebased medicine: Scientific
answers and physician research,
which combine to create our
unprecedented, proprietary position
in the medical community. There
are no magic-bullet solutions,
unsubstantiated claims or
As we stated in the beginning of
this guide, the Cenegenics® Medical
Institute is not about anti-aging,
increasing longevity or affecting
aging at the cellular level. We walk
the medical high ground, taking a
pro-aging stance.
We believe aging is a natural process
that can be managed with our
innovative programs, designed to
help individuals regain and maintain
optimal health and vigor.
Cenegenics is forging new ground,
maintaining an ardent commitment to
bridge mainstream modern medicine
with a unique proactive, preventive
approach. Our unique methodology
has earned us a high level of
recognition from medical colleagues.
III. The Science Behind Cenegenics®
Furthermore, our approach provides
the knowledge, technology
and expertise to delay onset of
degenerative disease, as well as
the medical signs and symptoms
associated with aging.
Fundamentals of Age Management Medicine
III . T h
c i e n c e
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e g e n i c s
Each has completed the mandatory
Physician Training in Age
Management Medicine, jointly
sponsored by the Cenegenics
Education and Research Foundation
and the Foundation for Care
Management—providing our
physicians with the competency to
practice age management medicine
without supervision.
Consequently, Cenegenics is the
most-advanced, best-credentialed
and longest-established medical age
management facility in the world.
We start with facts. Cenegenics
begins with a comprehensive
evaluation to determine your specific
metabolism, endocrine system’s
functionality and overall physiology.
Next, we take corrective actions
to help your body function at the
highest-possible level, integrating a
synergistic program of nutraceutical
supplementation, sound nutrition,
specific exercise and, if our intensive
evaluation reveals diminished levels,
hormone optimization.
Our specialty—age management
medicine—incorporates well-known
and widely accepted markers of
disease risk into an analysis that
serves as the foundation for proactive
medical management.
Bioidentical hormone modulation
is used to restore healthy endocrine
levels. For most hormones, that level
is in the upper 33% of the optimal
range for a patient’s age. Notably, the
exceptions are insulin and cortisol,
which should be modulated to the
lower 33% of the normal range.
Hormonal Health
Hormonal health plays an intricate
part in determining overall wellbeing. The endocrine system—made
up of hormone-secreting glands—
often is overlooked in conventional
healthcare. Since it regulates our
internal environment and maintains
system integration, the endocrine
system demands attention.
Regaining and maintaining metabolic
and endocrine functions at the upper
end of the normal range (for your
age) gives the best opportunity for a
healthier and more vigorous life.
We encourage you to read the latest
research, studies and concepts behind
our programs, available on CD by
Discover your personal journey
to optimal health. Call us toll-free
at 866.953.1510 for a confidential
discussion and a CD.
III . T h
c i e n c e
i n d
e g e n i c s
III. The Science
Behind Cenegenics
Expert science, expert staff. At
Cenegenics, you can count on
progressive, evidence-based solutions
for your health, delivered by dedicated
doctors who are specifically trained
and certified in age management
Eight major endocrine glands
comprise this system, communicating
from various points throughout
the body. Although all glands have
secondary and tertiary functions,
the following list focuses on their
primary ones.
• pituitary gland — regulating other
endocrine glands
• pineal glands — regulating
biological rhythms, moods and
stimulating puberty
• thyroid gland — regulating
metabolic rate
III. The Science
Behind Cenegenics
• parathyroid glands — regulating
blood calcium
performing in perfect balance—
without one instrument, section or
singer eclipsing the others.
The hormonal symphony. Hormones
produced in the endocrine glands
and other places in the body circulate
through the bloodstream. Hormones
interact with receptor proteins of
specific enzymes, igniting biological
responses in target tissues. Cellular
activity changes and is dispatched
across the plasma membrane,
reflective of the hormone type.
• gonads — testes or ovaries
involved in sex organ functions
and secondary sex characteristic
Think of it as a symphony orchestra,
playing Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.
Producing this beautiful work takes
100 instruments and a large choir,
• plasma concentrations of
• neuron/mental activity
The entire endocrine system can
significantly impact your ability
to enjoy youthful aging and
vigorous health. At Cenegenics,
we concentrate on reducing levels
of two major age-promoting and
degenerative disease-promoting
hormones: insulin and cortisol. We
also work, in concert with nature,
stimulating the body to make its own
needed hormones.
We are vehemently against the use of
foreign substances, frequently used to
mimic our hormone activity—as used
traditionally in conventional practices.
To the largest extent possible,
we supplement with bioidentical
hormones, which function as closely
as humanly possible to hormones
produced by the body.
• pancreas — producing hormones,
such as insulin
The relationship among endocrine
glands causes them to work together
with a unified purpose and function,
releasing chemical messengers that
impart cellular instructions.
• environmental changes
That is how Cenegenics® approaches
endocrine therapy, believing all the
“instruments” should play together
• adrenal glands — regulating fluid
and sodium balance, as well as
warning of stress
There are many other components
of the system, where hormones are
being created and secreted into parts
of the body—such as the stomach,
small intestines and heart. These also
provide hormonal activity to help
regulate physiological function.
A number of other factors stimulate or
inhibit hormonal secretions:
Every hormone has specificity,
housing an individual chemical
form corresponding to a particular
receptor protein. When the two meet,
they interlock like puzzle pieces. This
receptor protein can exist in different
organ cells, so the body can use the
same hormone for various effects.
A complex negative-feedback
pathway regulates fluctuating
hormone levels. As hormone levels
rise, the pathway is inhibited to
maintain homeostasis.
Regulation depends both on
production levels plus the excretion
and metabolism of hormones.
III . T h
c i e n c e
i n d
Bioidentical hormonal therapy: in
tandem with nature. Bioidentical
hormones mirror the chemical and
molecular structure of your body’s
naturally occurring hormones, so they
metabolize easily.
Unlike their artificial counterpart,
bioidentical hormones don’t produce
troublesome side effects and can be
compounded to your specific needs.
There is no rationale for a onesize-fits-all dose that may be totally
Our mission is supported by scientific
research, shown in numerous studies.
Results clearly indicate there is
no need to suffer consequences of
premature disabilities and aging.
e g e n i c s
Hormonal evaluation and relevant
therapy, with a conscientious
program of lifestyle management,
can set a course to vitality, better
sleep, enhanced libido and sexual
performance, improved cognitive
function, an enhanced immune
system, improved skin tone and facial
Hormones Identified
Testosterone, estrogen &
progesterone. Throughout this
brochure, we demonstrate that the
differences between each gender’s
need for hormones are quantitative,
not qualitative.
A Cascade of Events
• At the top of this cascade is your brain, followed by the
pituitary gland and target organs (i.e., ovaries, thyroid,
testicles). Physical and mental functions follow (e.g.,
skin thickness, menstrual periods, sex characteristics,
aggression, hair distribution, etc.)
• Hormone release originates in the hypothalamus, part of the
brain. It starts a cascade, secreting “releasing hormones,”
which activate the pituitary “master gland.” The pituitary,
at the brain’s base, communicates directly with the
hypothalamus via special nerves and blood vessels.
• Releasing hormones stimulate formation and release of
pituitary hormones into the circulatory system. Pituitary
hormones exert their effects on many parts of the body, such
as the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, testicles, ovaries
and breasts.
• Pituitary hormones have effects on specific targets, which
release hormones of their own. Thus, pituitary hormones act
as traffic controllers, determining what is needed and telling
the organs in the body when to release other hormones.
Both sexes have and require levels
of androgens/androgen precursors
(testosterone, androstenedione and
DHEA) and estrogen. However,
the main androgen of the testes
(testosterone) is also found in a
female’s body . . . just as estrogen is
found in a male’s.
Men seldom need estrogen
supplementation because they
make a significant amount on their
own. A 50-year old male actually
has more estrogen than a 50-year
old menopausal female. Women
frequently experience the effects of
diminished testosterone even before
perimenopause and, certainly, after
undergoing a surgical menopause.
Testosterone, estrogen and
progesterone are essential for normal
reproductive function. Each plays
a vital role in secondary sexual
characteristics and overall health.
They are fat-soluble steroids, derived
from cholesterol molecules converted
to pregnenolone—a precursor to all
III. The Science
Behind Cenegenics
Gonadal Steroids
gonadal steroid hormones. These sex
steroids enter target cells via plasma
membranes, then alter cell activity
by binding to a receptor protein,
creating a complex structure and
permeating the cell nucleus to bind
to DNA. Some steroidal hormones
repress protein synthesis, while others
stimulate it.
III . T h
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e g e n i c s
Cascading hormones. Interestingly,
all these hormones can convert into
other hormones, depending on the
body’s need. It’s nature’s way of
maintaining hormonal balance.
For instance, progesterone can
cascade into estrogen, testosterone,
DHEA or cortisol. DHEA could
cascade into testosterone or estrogen.
If your body has too much of one
hormone, that sex steroid can
transform into another.
The converse is also true. If a woman
is either menopausal or has had
a hysterectomy, she needs more
estrogen since her ovaries aren’t
producing required levels. Her body
attempts to compensate by converting
stored testosterone or DHEA from
fat cells into estrone, which is one of
three major types of human estrogen.
III. The Science
Behind Cenegenics
Testosterone isn’t just a sex
hormone. Testosterone is essential for
sexual function, but has many other
uses as well.
With receptor sites in the brain, heart
and throughout the entire body, this
steroidal hormone plays a pivotal
role for both men and women in
maintaining lean body mass, skin
elasticity, libido and a healthy
immune system. It ensures proper
heart function, regulates mood and
aids brain function (cognition),
controls blood sugars, regulates
healthy cholesterol levels, controls
blood pressure, prevents heart attacks
and even reduces risk of prostate
cancer. Testosterone also aids bone
growth and anabolic functions, as well
as augmenting protein synthesis. The
fact men produce more testosterone
than women is evidenced by increased
bone and muscle mass.
Gonadotropic hormones, released
from the pituitary gland, impact
testosterone and sperm production.
Stimulating hormones become
less effective as we age, making
supplementation more significant with
passing years.
Women, men & testosterone. In
the female, testosterone is produced
in the ovaries and adrenal glands.
If a woman is thrown into surgical
menopause (by having her ovaries
removed), she abruptly loses 50% of
her natural testosterone—along with
80% of her natural estrogens.
Ebbing estradiol and progesterone
levels after entering menopause are
compounded by falling testosterone
and thyroid hormone. A declining
hormonal environment is bound
to spark bodily changes: a flux in
metabolism, altered libido, effects on
breasts, vagina, bones, blood vessels,
gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract,
cardiovascular system, skin, mental
acuity and energy levels.
On the male side, testosterone
production is initiated by the pituitary
gland, deep within the brain. The
gland secretes luteinizing hormone
(LH), which stimulates Leydig cells in
the testicles to produce testosterone.
Having low testosterone levels—with
its subsequent health and emotional
impact—can become a valid concern
for some men. Here are some ways
that happens:
Like men, women need adequate
testosterone for peak mental acuity,
healthy bone density and muscle
tissue, as well as prevention of
unwanted body fat, heart disease and
cognitive decline. Women without
supplementation have a 50% chance
of experiencing a pathological fracture
of their hip or vertebra at some
point in their lives. That’s especially
frightening since hip fracture results
in a 25%, 6-month mortality rate and
a 50%, 2-year mortality rate.
III . T h
c i e n c e
i n d
e g e n i c s
• Estrogen: Men need a certain
amount of estrogen. But if
a male body converts more
testosterone to estrogen than
required, the levels become too
high. Consequently, the estrogen
interferes with whatever free
testosterone exists and both
hormones compete for receptor
sites. In these cases, there are
ways of blocking the estrogen—
problem easily solved.
A similar—but different—story
unfolds for men in general.
Through enzymatic action,
testosterone can convert to
dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
and estrogen. The enzyme 5alpha reductase (found in high
concentrations in the prostate
gland and skin) converts
testosterone into DHT. Aromatase
(found in skin, brain, fat and
bone) transforms the hormone
into estrogen (estradiol). As
years pass, increasingly more
testosterone converts to estradiol,
leading to prostate cancer, heart
disease and stroke.
• Sex hormone binding globulin:
Only about 2% of testosterone
is free—but a critical amount
that must be unencumbered for
full effectiveness. As men age,
sex hormone binding globulins
(SHGB) increase, which compete
with estrogen and cause a
decrease in free testosterone.
complicated because the added
testosterone (in patients with low
LH) shuts down the biofeedback
mechanism, causing testicular
• Diminished Leydig cells:
Testosterone production, created
via Leydig cells in the testicles,
usually peaks in males in the late
teens. Men have an estimated 700
million Leydig cells at birth, but
that number declines by 6 million
annually, after they reach 20 years
old. Aging enters the picture,
diminishing the number of these
testosterone-producing cells.
And then for some men, the rheostat
and the bulb are issues.
Relying on a 50-year age span
(from ages 20 to 70) is not useful. A
decline of 70% from more youthful
levels will produce the previously
mentioned clinical problems, yet is
declared “within normal range.” A
more accurate approach is using the
upper end of normal range, adjusted
for age—then maintain these levels
over time, rather than letting them
continually decline. This is the
healthy range.
When the rheostat is the problem,
hormonal therapy helps relieve men
from the devastating symptoms that
negatively impact the male psyche,
hinder intimate relationships and affect
work performance: decreased libido
and poor sexual performance; thinning
hair; increased body fat, especially
abdominal or pectoral fat; reduced
lean muscle tissue; lack of focus
or drive; cognitive impairment and
depression; and decreased bone mass.
The Cenegenics® approach arrests
falling hormone levels and prevents
their decline. Testosterone levels
provide enough clinical information
to decide whether replacement
is indicated. Ideally, they should
be considered in context of other
hormonal and laboratory studies.
A Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
measurement and Digital Rectal Exam
(DRE) must accompany testosterone
testing at your initial evaluation: (1)
as screens for preexisting prostate
disease, (2) to direct further medical
evaluation should elevated levels or
abnormal exam be detected and (3)
for use as a baseline in follow-ups.
Younger men face different problems
than older ones, when it comes to low
testosterone levels. Imagine walking
into a dimly lit room. You look at
the 300-watt light bulb and wonder
why the room isn’t brighter. Is there
something wrong with the rheostat—
or the bulb?
In younger men—30s, 40s and even
early 50s—the rheostat is the issue.
The pituitary gland slows down
or stops producing the stimulating
Luteinizing Hormone (LH). Testicles
aren’t receiving a signal, so they don’t
produce testosterone.
Simply giving these men direct
testosterone supplementation usually
is contraindicated. They might feel
better, but the problem just became
The appropriate therapy is to stimulate
the LH, causing the testicles to
produce more testosterone on their
own. As a result, patients enjoy a
more physiologic benefit, keeping
testicles active. The older man is another matter.
The problem isn’t the rheostat: the
bulb needs replacing. In this case,
hormonal therapy restores levels to
their age-appropriate norm.
Testosterone measurement. Clinical
indicators of testosterone decline
may give a care provider the notion
an individual may be a candidate for
testosterone replacement. However,
objective measures must be obtained
to properly institute and manage
III . T h
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e g e n i c s
therapy as well as rule out and address
accompanying medical problems.
Both total and free testosterone studies
should be measured to adequately
evaluate testosterone levels. For
males, 260-1,000 nanograms per
deciliter (ng/dL) are given as a normal
laboratory range, for men age 20-70.
For females, this range is 15-70 ng/
dL. Free testosterone levels average
approximately 2% of the total, 50210 picograms per millilitre (pg/ml)
for men and 1-10 pg/ml for women.
Free testosterone is the more valuable
of the two, reflecting the amount of
hormone available to perform
useful work.
III. The Science
Behind Cenegenics
• Obesity: Estrogen is stored in
fat—and fat cells have sizeable
amounts of that enzyme
discussed earlier, aromatase,
which transforms converted
testosterone into estrogen. These
high levels of estrogen compete
for receptor sites. Obesity
presents more problems with
potential cancer, heart disease and
diabetes concerns as well as the
emotional ramifications of having
a demasculinizing body. It should
be noted that excessive alcohol
use, specific drug interactions and
a zinc deficiency also can promote
aromatization and subsequent
high estrogen levels.
A complete endocrine profile is
necessary to create the most effective
testosterone supplementation
program, including thyroid hormones,
luteinizing hormone (LH), estrogen,
dihydrotestosterone (DHT),
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA),
blood count, lipid profiles and other
laboratory and metabolic marker tests
(such as body composition and bone
density). Once therapy begins, followup tests for testosterone (and other
markers) must be monitored, ensuring
adequate safety and effectiveness.
III. The Science
Behind Cenegenics
Estrogen: A real powerhouse.
Estrogen occurs in men and women.
Men make sufficient estrogen for their
needs. That is not the case for women,
particularly as they head toward and
enter those menopausal years.
Estrogen is proven beneficial
for libido and secondary sex
characteristics, collagen production,
vaginal/bladder tissue elasticity,
heart-valve health, menses regulation,
electrolyte and nitrogen metabolism,
pregnancy maintenance, reproductive
tissue, skin, breasts, brain health,
artery lining protection and HDL
(good cholesterol) production.
Estrogen is also shown to be a
powerful antioxidant, helping combat
free radicals and their effects on the
aging process.
Smaller amounts are produced in the
adrenals, liver and kidneys.
• Estradiol: The primary and most
active estrogen in a woman’s
reproductive years. Produced in
the ovaries, estradiol’s beneficial
properties include protecting
against osteoporosis and heart
disease, enhancing cognitive
functions, relieving menopausal
maladies and increasing serotonin
and endorphin levels for better
emotional health and restful sleep.
• Estrone: More prevalent in “post”
menopausal women. Derived
from stored hormones in body
fat, estrone’s functions mirror
estradiol with weaker effects.
• Estriol: Seen as “weakest” of
the three estrogens. Yet, it adds
much to combating menopausal
symptoms and aging effects, such
as wrinkles and diminished skin
texture. It also is beneficial in the
vagina, cervix, vulva and urethra,
as well as providing protective
properties against cancerous cells.
Balance is key. The right estrogen
levels prove good for your health.
Estrogen aids memory, promotes brain
and nerve cells, protects the heart,
increases HDL (the good cholesterol),
stimulates skeletal growth and
maintains healthy bones, among
other benefits.
A majority of scientists believe byproducts of estrogen dominance
could influence health issues in both
men and women, including prostate
and breast cancers. An estrogen
dominance can also accelerate the
aging process and lead to weight
gain and bloating, reduced libido,
fibrocystic or sensitive breasts,
migraines, foggy thinking, fatigue,
mood swings, insomnia, fibroids
and ovarian cysts. Also, it has been
linked to autoimmune disorders and
allergies, as well.
Conversely, diminished estrogen
levels could produce undesirable
effects: vaginal dryness, urinary
concerns, hot flashes, loss of skin
elasticity and bone loss, as well as
potentially hastening dementia.
Progesterone, the feel-good
hormone. Progesterone is a genderneutral gonadal steroid, produced
in the ovaries, testes and adrenals,
sharing a similar chemical structure
with estrogen. This hormone functions
as a precursor for androgens and
glucocorticoids. Progesterone delivers
diverse benefits for women:
Like testosterone, the pituitary gland
produces gonadotropic hormones to
regulate estrogen and progesterone. In
women, these are follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone
(LH) and prolactin.
• Progesterone uses fat for energy
and normalizes blood sugar,
influencing insulin/glucose
There are three naturally occurring
estrogens: estradiol, estrone and
estriol. For men, estradiol begins in
the testes as well as through extraglandular conversion of androgens. In
women, the estrogens are produced
primarily in the ovaries (90%).
• Progesterone restores libido and
cell oxygen levels.
• Progesterone aids thyroid
III . T h
c i e n c e
i n d
e g e n i c s
when pregnancy doesn’t occur.
It aids fetal membrane and
mammary gland development.
• Progesterone stimulates
osteoblasts for bone strength.
• Progesterone, when metabolized,
binds with gamma-aminobutric
acid (GABA) brain receptors.
GABA, an amino acid acting
as a neurotransmitter, produces
a tranquil effect and generates
feelings of well-being. Lower
progesterone levels can augment
anxiety and irritability.
• Progesterone determines whether
an abundance or scarcity of other
hormones exists. As a regulator,
it cascades into estrogen,
testosterone, DHEA and cortisol.
Reduced progesterone levels can
result in more intense PMS or
menopausal discomforts.
• Progesterone augments the
sensitivity of estrogen receptors,
stabilizes estrogen-sensitive
tissues and competes with cortisol
at nuclear receptor levels.
• Progesterone aids myelin sheath
formation (the insulating envelope
around nerve fibers) facilitating
nerve impulses. Research shows
its role in the sense of touch,
motor function and nervous
system maintenance.
• Progesterone regulates changes
during menses and proves vital for
maintaining pregnancy, protecting
the uterus lining. Along with
preparing the uterus for fertilized
egg implantation, progesterone
alerts the uterus to shed its lining
Thyroid, Adrenal Steroids
Much of the thyroid hormone secreted
by the thyroid gland is in T4 form.
T4, a major hormone needed to
control basal metabolic rate, increases
enzyme secretions and is connected
to cell energy production. T4 is
converted to T3, the active hormone.
Thyroid hormone—your survival
depends on it. Thyroid hormone
significantly affects metabolic rate
and body temperature.
Thyroid hormone supplementation, an
inexpensive simple process, restores
T3 and T4 cells to their natural ratio
and blood concentrations.
As we age, thyroid levels sometimes
decrease. Low thyroid levels cause
decreased body temperature, lowerthan-normal metabolism, increased
cholesterol and increased body
fat. Often undetected in traditional
medicine, low thyroid levels make it
fiendishly difficult to lose weight and
can contribute to sluggishness, low
energy and depression.
Adrenal steroids—essential for life.
Adrenal glands release hydrocortisone
(cortisol) and other hormones, known
as adrenal steroids. These steroids are
critical for life and the key to physical
and emotional stress response. Unlike
other hormones, adrenal steroids
generally don’t diminish with age.
Both adrenal and gonadal steroids
are derived from the basic cholesterol
molecule. Through biosynthetic
pathways, cholesterol is transformed
into different steroid hormone
Recent studies reveal that most
patients with thyroid hormone
disorders experience some sexual
dysfunctions, which can be reversed
by normalizing thyroid
hormone levels. Despite the
Gonadal & Adrenal Steroid
associated changes in sex
hormone levels, the high
prevalence of ejaculatory
disorders and their prompt
reversibility suggest a direct
involvement of thyroid
hormones in the physiology
of ejaculation. Since
low thyroid isn’t correct,
maintaining other activity
in the healthy range goes
hand in hand with healthy
cholesterol. Appropriate T3
levels must be established
(before statin drugs are
considered) to understand
the true need for additional
III . T h
c i e n c e
i n d
e g e n i c s
III. The Science
Behind Cenegenics
hormone activity, functions as a
natural diuretic and normalizes
zinc/copper levels.
molecules before becoming estrogen,
progesterone or testosterone.
(The chart on page 37 shows the
Among its functions, cortisol rouses
bodily activities on awakening: It
influences protein, carbohydrate and
fat metabolism; helps regulate blood
pressure; and improves the integrity of
blood vessels. Cortisol is also vital for
immune function, helping mobilize
against inflammation as well as
fighting bacterial and viral infections.
Escalated levels of cortisol can
actually suppress immune function.
III. The Science
Behind Cenegenics
Called the “stress hormone,” cortisol
floods your body when emotional
upheavals or emergencies arise.
Afterward, the brain stops cortisol
production to normalize levels. If
you’re under chronic pressure and
stress, escalated cortisol levels may
saturate your body.
DHEA—most abundant steroid
hormone in the body. DHEA
(dehydroepiandrosterone) is a
precursor of testosterone and other
hormones. The source for almost all
DHEA is the adrenal glands, though
small amounts are synthesized in
the gonads, skin and brain. After
production, DHEA circulates the
bloodstream, where it can cascade
into either estrogen or testosterone,
as needed.
Some studies show DHEA may
help heighten energy and libido,
eliminate abdominal fat, build
muscle and promote muscle tone,
improve immune function, regenerate
Taking adrenal steroids, such as
pregnenolone or androstenedione,
may significantly influence the levels
of their end products: testosterone,
estrogen and progesterone. For
this reason, Cenegenics® Medical
Institute monitors levels of both the
administered hormone and its end
Cenegenics only prescribes hGH if a
comprehensive evaluation reveals an
adult growth hormone deficiency. Our
prescribing protocols and analyses are
based on multiple controlled studies in
peer-reviewed journals, in adherence
with FDA regulations regarding the
indicated uses of the hormone. In
fact, we asked an outside source—the
law firm of Parson, Behle, Short
and Latimer—to review our clinical
hGH protocols. They confirmed that
Cenegenics is in compliance with all
legal and regulatory issues concerning
the use of this hormone.
Our evidence-based approach
incorporates hormone modulation
to help patients regain and maintain
metabolic and endocrine functions
at the upper end of the normal range,
adjusted for the patient’s age—
creating the best opportunity for a
healthier and more vigorous life.
Over time, these elevated cortisol
levels lead to fat accumulation, bloodsugar problems, fatigue, bone loss and
immune system impairment.
Chronic stress (physical or emotional)
can also exhaust the adrenal glands,
resulting in subnormal cortisol
production—an insidious cycle that
can cause premature aging of tissues
and total body burnout.
Human Growth Hormone
tissue (bones, muscles and skin),
keep cholesterol in check, maintain
emotional well-being and improve the
ability to cope with stress.
Once a stressful situation subsides and
cortisol production is stopped, DHEA
restores tranquility and balance.
Sadly, DHEA production drops
50% by age 45, increasing heart
disease risks and sexual dysfunction.
Optimizing your system with DHEA
therapy helps restore youthful levels
of the hormone, producing more
energy, improved immune function,
enhanced well-being and better
cognitive function.
c i e n c e
i n d
The science of hGH. The master
hormone, secreted by cells called
somatrophs, acts on the liver and
almost every other tissue in the body.
It stimulates IGF-1 (insulin-like
growth factor) production, which
ultimately yields growth-promoting
effects. Exercise, stress, emotional
excitement, diet and aging all affect
the quantity of hGH production.
By measuring levels of IGF-1, we
determine the amount of the growth
hormone in your body.
In youth, hGH is critical to bone,
organ and all aspects of development.
Having too little causes dwarfism;
occasionally, a tumor of the pituitary
gland produces excess growth, which
can result in gigantism.
Both growth hormone and its
metabolite IGF-1 begin decreasing
e g e n i c s
pituitary gland and released in pulses,
mostly during sleep and after heavy
resistance training.
This master hormone affects all other
hormones, organs and body cells. It
is necessary for repair and restorative
abilities at the cellular level, beyond
those of any other hormone.
A cell generator, hGH carries the
singular title of “master hormone.”
It is a complex protein molecule,
made up of 191 amino acids that
are synthesized in the anterior
Also known as somatotropin, hGH
aids growth, healing, immune
system function, muscle
mass and strength, body
fat reduction, cholesterol
level control, bone strength
and energy maintenance—
of growth hormone
including sexual energy and
in hGH-deficient adults
performance. Adult growth
hormone deficiency does exist,
significantly impairing an
• body fat
individual’s ability to obtain
• skin wrinkling
optimal physiology.
• hospitalization rate by 50%
• sick days from work
Identifying hGH. The
• diastolic blood pressure
hormone was first isolated
• waist/hip ratio
in the mid-50s. Its structure
• bone loss, which increases with age
wasn’t identified until the
• libido
• lean muscle
• bone density
• skin thickness
• exercise capacity
• renal blood flow
• feeling of well-being/improved socialization
• cholesterol profile
• memory
• cognitive function
• wound healing with lower infection rate
III . T h
Is hGH safe—are there side effects?
Studies overwhelmingly point toward
the safety of growth hormone therapy
in hGH-deficient adults.
Per a 1999 article in the New England
Journal of Medicine: “Side effects
of growth hormone therapy for adult
deficiency are minor, dose-related,
and totally reversible.”
early ’70s. By the mid-80s,
the only hGH source was
collected, post mortem from
pituitary glands. Genetic
engineering has changed all
that. Recombinant hGH is now
available from FDA-approved
pharmaceutical manufacturers
and is absolutely bioidentical.
Also, a cover story on growth
hormone, published in a 2003 issue
of Newsweek, Dr. Pinchas Cohen,
Director of Pediatric Endocrinology–
UCLA, states “all the evidence shows
that growth hormone is one of the
safest drugs we have. Thousands of
patients have been followed for the
last 16 years.”
Is hGH for everyone?
Absolutely not. Cenegenics
only prescribes hGH for
patients with a proven growth
hormone adult deficiency.
Of course, before starting on any
hormonal therapy, a comprehensive
evaluation is essential. Any program
should focus on hormonal balance
with careful monitoring to minimize
the potential of mild side effects.
It should also be noted that
individuals with certain
specific medical diagnoses
should avoid growth
hormone therapy for adult
deficiency because it could
exacerbate their illness.
• immune system
These contraindications include
uncontrolled diabetes; unusual lung
diseases, such as pulmonary fibrosis,
sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis and
bronchiolitis obliterans; HermanskyPudlak Syndrome; or systemic
sclerosis. Currently, growth hormone
is contraindicated in the history of
cancer. There is not sufficient medical
literature to use hGH safely in this
context—although we do believe that
literature will appear in the not-toodistant future. If you have ever been
diagnosed with any of these medical
problems, be sure to inform your
Cenegenics physician.
c i e n c e
i n d
e g e n i c s
If your evaluation assessment shows
an adult hGH deficiency, your
personal Cenegenics physician will
help you understand and assess all the
available information, objectively as
III. The Science
Behind Cenegenics
between 15 and 20 years old,
continuing to decline rapidly from
that point. Although growth hormone
is no longer needed for growth in
adulthood, it remains essential for
many other vital functions.
Experience has shown us that the
benefit of growth hormone therapy for
deficient adults far outweighs the risk.
Ultimately, the decision is yours.
III. The Science
Behind Cenegenics
An hGH distinction: FDA
regulations. The FDA established
strict regulations, limiting how
human growth hormone (hGH)
can be prescribed, manufactured,
distributed and sold. The FDA
actually licenses and oversees
companies manufacturing hGH.
These manufacturers must register
and verify their methods and product,
uniformity, bioavailability, safety and
demonstrated effectiveness. Only
FDA-approved pharmacies may
dispense hGH.
Therefore, by federal law, any claim
that a product contains hGH would
require its production be overseen
and approved by the FDA, meeting
standards for quality and content.
These patent parameters make hGH
manufacturing complex and pricey.
However, adult-deficient patients must
avoid the lure of “cheaper” hGH.
Drug-dispensing Web sites sprawl
across the Internet, promising deep
discounts and “anti-aging hGH.”
According to the findings of Parson,
Behle, Short and Latimer, lowerpriced/non-FDA-approved drugs
do more than break federal law.
These “alleged” hGH products pose
inherent risks since they could be
contaminated, counterfeit, subpotent
or superpotent.
There is one other point to consider.
Often these advertisements promote
over-the-counter pills, elixirs, sprays
and creams, claiming to have valued
amounts of hGH. Since hGH must be
dispensed by prescription only, none
of these products could contain the
Furthermore, many of these products
rely on topical, sublingual or nasal
administration. Federal law weighs
heavily against purported “oral”
and other forms of hGH: (1) these
products don’t contain any significant
amount of hGH; (2) they are illegal
without a prescription for adult
deficiency and without a statement
of their exact content disclosure or
production origin.
To date, science hasn’t been able
to produce any true precursors or
stimulating compounds, which create
a rise in human growth hormone. The fact is all the published benefits
of using the master hormone for
proven adult deficiencies are based
on injected hGH. None of its prized
benefits have been objectively
measured with oral tablets, capsules
or sprays. There are no published
physiologic studies demonstrating any
appreciable improvements in systemic
hGH/IGF-1 levels delivered orally or
by sprays.
The 191 amino acids in this large,
fragile polypeptide hormone (hGH)
are in exact sequence with a specific
3-dimensional shape, which fits cell
receptors like a key in a lock. Even
if the chemical formula remains the
same, a change in shape blocks hGH
activity. Once dissolved in a solution,
the cross-linkages maintaining the
shape break quite easily and can
become unstable.
Claims that hGH can be absorbed
in the oral mucosa and transported
to the pituitary gland are nonsense.
The hormone doesn’t act nor does
it offer any beneficial effect at the
pituitary level, but is secreted by
the gland (normal source of hGH
in young adults) to affect organ
systems throughout the body. Such
statements of a “stimulating dose”
III . T h
c i e n c e
i n d
working by absorption into the
pituitary’s feedback system are
marketing attempts, intended to
deceive scientifically unsophisticated
The only safe, accurately assembled
hGH is one using recombinant DNA
technology, which requires elaborate,
precise methods. Using hGH from
any other source—even other
animals—doesn’t work in humans.
Animal molecules have been shown
to be species-specific and are unable
to mimic the human molecule. There
is absolutely no naturally occurring
plant source of hGH.
Bottom line, the only current method
for adult hGH-deficient patients
to administer this hormone is via
injection with a prescription under the
supervision of a licensed physician
and through an FDA-approved hGH
manufacturer and pharmacy.
Get More Facts
Additional information and insights
about how our hormone modulation
protocol works are available in Part V
of this guide.
Results from thousands of satisfied
patients around the world show how
our evidence-based therapies and
synergistic approach can guide you
toward a healthier, vibrant life.
Contact Cenegenics® toll-free at
866.953.1510 for a confidential
discussion about how you can
manage your aging process.
e g e n i c s
IV. Start Taking Control
It’s All About The Evidence
“I have lost a total of 22 pounds. My PSA,
blood pressure and cholesterol are all normal.
I’ve witnessed several other real
improvements . . . I’ve experienced
informative and successful therapy
from your magnificent Institute.”
—D.B., Ardmore, OK
IV. Start Taking Control
It’s All About The Evidence
eal answers to your health
questions and concerns rest in
a comprehensive evaluation and
medical evidence . . . not mere
A cursory routine exam or guesstimate
based on body type, gender and age
won’t deliver real answers. The focus
must be discovery, unlocking hidden
truths about your specific physical
conditions, diminished hormones and
needs—vital facts often ignored by
disease-based medical practitioners.
IV. Start Taking
At Cenegenics® Medical Institute,
our goal is informing you about
your unique health issues, based on
substantiated information uncovered
by our extensive Executive Health
Evaluation. You’ll understand your
weakest health links and learn about
different ways to address your most
significant medical concerns.
We will also assist you in prioritizing
options since our programs never rely
on an all-or-nothing approach.
IV. Start Taking Control
Call us toll-free at 866.953.1510 to
discuss how you can regain health
and vigor.
It’s All About the Evidence
What does that mean? We put you
in control. Ultimately, your program
plan and cost are determined by the
focus you and your physician choose,
typically addressing the most critical
IV . S
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k i n g
o n t r o l
Executive Health
Evaluation: Exposing
The Whole Picture
medical puzzle. With only that, it’s
nearly impossible to grasp the whole
picture and find solutions. Real
progress is nearly unattainable, setting
the stage for frustration.
The Cenegenics Executive Health
Evaluation is more than a snapshot of
your health. It reveals an entire picture
of what’s happening inside your body.
The more thorough our investigation,
the better your outcome.
A physician with all the puzzle pieces
and specializing in the interaction
of those pieces can use scientific
evaluation to see the whole picture
and solve the puzzle. Frustration and
conjecture disappear, putting you on
your way to optimum health.
That’s exactly what our Executive
Health Evaluation does.
Diagnostic testing allows us to track
your progress objectively. We repeat
tests periodically for continued,
objective comparisons. You’ll soon
realize our programs are designed for
results, centered on our commitment
to keep patients as disease-free as
“I was impressed with your team’s
IV. Start Taking
Think of health as a complex picture
puzzle with a thousand pieces. Even
a well-intentioned doctor may only
have limited pieces of your unique
By establishing your hormonal and
metabolic baseline, the intensive
Executive Health Evaluation arms you
and your Cenegenics physician with
vital medical information about your
unique body needs.
professionalism, expertise, politeness and
attire—as well as their helpfulness and
attention to details. Cenegenics appeared
superior to any clinical program I’ve
participated in.”
—V.C., St. George, UT
IV . S
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k i n g
o n t r o l
Based on intensive data from
the evaluation process, we will
recommend a four-faceted approach,
personalized to your specific medical
needs: hormonal optimization, sound
nutrition, sensible exercise and
nutraceutical supplementation.
Your health can turn around, resulting
in increased energy levels, enhanced
sexual performance, reduced body
fat and increased lean muscle, better
bone density, improved thinking and
memory, better cholesterol scores and
a strengthened immune system.
Getting Started
Step One
Preparing for the Executive
Health Evaluation. It begins with
scheduling. Setting an appointment
takes approximately 15 minutes. We’ll
gather general information, then help
you select an available date and a
facility location.
Complete the questionnaires.
Typically, you will receive a package
within five days, which includes a
Health & Lifestyle Assessment, BDI
Analysis, Neurologic Chronometric
Assessment (NCA) and Essential
Evaluation Day Details.
You’ll need to complete the in-depth
Health & Lifestyle Assessment, BDI
Analysis and the NCA, then return
them to Cenegenics® so we have
this data well in advance for the
physician’s review.
IV. Start Taking
“Cenegenics Medical
Institute . . . a wonderful
experience, positive staff
and a real joy to
work with.” —M. S., MD,
Oklahoma City, OK 44
If your evaluation is done at home,
you’ll have to obtain a thorough
physical examination by your primary
care physician and have it forwarded
to us. Men should include results
from a rectal exam, performed within
one year of the physical examination;
women should include a recent Pap
smear as well as documentation of an
annual mammogram (for women 40
and over).
Have blood drawn. Approximately
two weeks after scheduling your
Executive Health Evaluation, our
phlebotomy network will contact
you to make an appointment for a
highly comprehensive blood test.
Unlike typical testing by primary care
physicians, this intensive workup
includes a CBC (complete blood
count) and evaluations on hormone
levels, cardiac disease risks, lipid
panels, liver panels, homocysteine
IV . S
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k i n g
o n t r o l
levels, prostate problems (in men)
and urine analysis, among others. The
results will reveal markers for disease
risk and low levels of hormones
below the healthy range, which our
programs can restore. A phlebotomist
will visit you, or you may have blood
drawn at one of our facilities, if you
live in the area.
Testing requires a 12-hour fast,
drinking plenty of water. Typically,
testing can be performed Mondays
through Thursdays. The phlebotomist
will send your blood and urine sample
to our lab for analysis. It takes two to
three weeks to receive lab results, so
we schedule your Executive Health
Evaluation with that in mind. Ideally,
your blood draw and lab results will
be received before the actual day of
the evaluation.
If you live outside the U.S., or must
schedule your evaluation within
four weeks, it is possible to perform
the blood draw on the day you visit
our medical facility. Every segment
of the Executive Health Evaluation
can be completed, except final
recommendations. In this situation,
we schedule a phone consultation
to review the lab results and offer
medical suggestions.
Step Two
The Executive Health Evaluation.
Thoroughly investigating your body
demands center stage. Our evaluation
process is highly personalized and
lasts approximately six hours. We
promise it will be anything but dull
and may include these diagnostics:
Diagnostic testing. Wear your
comfortable sweats (or shorts) and
tennis shoes. Be sure to bring a formfitting top for the optional baseline
photographs. You’ll want to avoid
garments with metal zippers or metal
“I hardly know how to thank you and your staff. Just 3 ½ months from my Executive Health
Evaluation, I’ve gone from 251 pounds down to 219. I’ll continue on down to 200 pounds or
so before I stop the weight loss. The good news is with my weight down significantly and the
testosterone doing its thing, I am really doing very well!”
—W.P., Vancouver, WA
Our plush terry cloth robes are
available, should you feel cold.
Tests include vital signs, body fact
percentage and flexibility/range-ofmotion evaluations.
Lunar densitometry and body
composition exam. Simply lie
back and let the instrument do the
work. The total body scan helps us
determine bone density, lean muscle
mass and body fat percentile. Then
the AO Spine Scan examines the bone
density of your lumbar vertebrae and
hips—vital for detecting osteoporosis.
Body measurements and hip-to-waist
ratios are then completed.
Digital Photography. You may opt
for us to take 14 digital photographs,
archived in our system for before-andafter comparisons. Of course, these
pictures (of the face, abdomen, legs
and torso) are strictly confidential.
Generally, women wear shorts and a
form-fitting top. Men wear loose (but
not baggy) shorts. The objective is an
unobstructed view of your shape for
tracking future progress.
Arm-strength testing. Studies
reveal that after age 20, we begin
losing approximately half a pound of
lean muscle weight annually. Using
weights, you’ll perform an exercise
test by alternating biceps curls to
determine muscular strength. There
is a brief instructional period to
demonstrate proper technique.
The number of repetitions completed
before your muscles fatigue provides
a baseline measurement for annual
Over time, hormone optimization,
supplements and exercise can help
you rebuild lean body mass and
Discuss findings with your
Cenegenics physician. Based on
labs, diagnostics, medical history and
lifestyle, you and your Cenegenics
physician will sit down to discuss the
findings—spending approximately
two hours of quality time together.
Take a break along the way. Enjoy a
nutritional—and totally delectable—
meal on us, which mirrors the smart
food choices recommended in our
Meet with our nutritionist and
exercise physiologist. Spend an
informative one and a half hours
discussing your current dietary habits
and exercise, determining personal
goals and learning how the right food
and exercise program promotes health
and vigor.
Meet with a Cenegenics associate.
Review your recommended program
and corresponding fees. You decide
what you wish to do with those
suggestions. Do some, or do it all; it’s
totally up to you.
After every issue has been thoroughly
discussed and all questions answered
to your satisfaction, a comprehensive
program will be designed and
presented to you for your acceptance,
allowing for short-term and long-term
fitness and health goals to be realized.
IV . S
ta rt
k i n g
o n t r o l
IV. Start Taking
accents, ensuring accuracy on the
bone densitometry diagnostics.
“We are excited about the tremendous turnaround my husband is experiencing.
Battling diabetes, he previously had to be on a medication that was harmful to
his kidneys. Now, with his Cenegenics program, he doesn’t need that medication
any longer. The other day we went for a six-block walk. Instead of resting after 40
minutes, he kept going and I had to hurry to keep up! Thanks, Cenegenics!”
— J.S. & T.S., Chatsworth, CA
IV. Start Taking
Step Three
Embark on your new health
journey. After beginning your
program, you can expect ongoing
communication and follow-up from
the Cenegenics® team members.
Your Cenegenics physician will
manage your program medically,
based on follow-up lab results
and phone consultations. Most
importantly, your physician will
remain available via phone, email or
in person.
Our Patient Services Team will
manage your automatic monthly
pharmacy shipments and schedule
follow-up blood testing, in your home
or office. Follow-up consultations will
be scheduled to discuss results with
your Cenegenics physician.
Tax Deductible
Here are the four programs, as defined
by the IRS Web site at the time of this
As you’ve discovered, our programs
do not focus on disease, but rather on
maintaining and optimizing health.
Consequently, insurance companies
and the government do not cover
professional fees, prescriptions
or labs.
Since Cenegenics does not accept
insurance, you may want to consider
programs designed to give individuals
tax advantages, which help offset
healthcare costs, such as Health
Savings Accounts (HSAs), Medical
Savings Accounts (MSAs), healthflexible spending arrangements
(FSAs) and Health Reimbursement
Arrangements (HRAs).
IV . S
ta rt
k i n g
o n t r o l
• An HSA may receive
contributions from an eligible
individual or any other person,
including an employer or a family
member, on behalf of an eligible
individual. Contributions, other
than employer contributions,
are deductible on the eligible
individual’s return whether
or not the individual itemizes
deductions. Employer
contributions are not included
in income. Distributions from
an HSA used to pay qualified
medical expenses are not taxed.
An Archer MSA may receive
contributions from an eligible
individual and his/her employer,
A health FSA may receive
contributions from an eligible
individual; employers may
also contribute. Contributions
are not includible in income.
Reimbursements from an FSA
used to pay qualified medical
expenses are not taxed.
An HRA must receive
contributions from the employer
only; employees may not
contribute. Contributions
are not includible in income.
Reimbursements from an HRA
used to pay qualified medical
expenses are not taxed.
For detailed information about these
plans and eligible medical expenses,
please visit the IRS Web site.
Professional Fees
Patient Privacy
Cenegenics guides you on a lifeenhancing experience. We proudly
offer you ready access to our expert
medical staff and sophisticated
As a medical facility, Cenegenics
Medical Institute is required by
law to protect the privacy of health
information about you and whatever
can be identified with you, called
protected health information (PHI).
One-on-one care and resources
are provided through semiannual
professional fees, which cover
ongoing personal service, guaranteed
throughout your Cenegenics program:
• behind-the-scenes work of the
entire clinical staff on your behalf,
from nursing and laboratory
correlation to outside source
research you might request
We are required to give notice of our
legal duties and privacy practices,
concerning PHI:
• We must protect the PHI we
created or received about your
past, present or future health
condition and healthcare we
provide to you or payment for
your healthcare.
• continual communication with
our expert team—from scheduled
calls about your laboratory
evaluations to spontaneous
calls initiated by you to address
questions or concerns
• We must notify you how we
protect PHI about you.
• in-person and on-the-phone visits
with your Cenegenics physician
• We may only use and/or disclose
PHI as described in our Notice of
Private Practice handout.
• We must explain how, when and
why we use and/or disclose PHI
about you.
We are required to follow the
procedures defined in our Notice of
Private Practice, available to every
Cenegenics patient.
IV . S
ta rt
k i n g
o n t r o l
IV. Start Taking
but not both in the same year.
Contributions by the individual
are deductible whether or not the
individual itemizes deductions.
Employer contributions are not
included in income. Distributions
from an MSA used to pay
qualified medical expenses are
not taxed.
IV. Start Taking
IV . S
ta rt
k i n g
o n t r o l
V. Maximizing Your Health Potential
Better Health & Maximum Longevity:
No Accident
“We scheduled everything over the phone, then
flew to Las Vegas for our Executive Health
Evaluation. It was a wonderful experience—and,
needless to say, we started on the full program.
Into our third week, we are thrilled with the newest
addition to our health and wellness program.”
—K.R., Virginia Beach, VA
V. Maximizing Your Health Potential
Better Health & Maximum Longevity:
No Accident
njoying a conscientious lifestylemanagement program—one that
embraces hormone optimization,
nutraceutical supplementation, sound
nutrition and relevant exercise—is a
proven catalyst to significant health
Mapping such an essential lifestyle
plan begins with our comprehensive
Executive Health Evaluation,
described in Part IV. That’s where we
at Cenegenics® “look under the rocks
and between the leaves,” searching
in places others usually wouldn’t for
answers to your particular medical
concerns and ways to promote and
maintain better health.
V. Maximizing Your
Health Potential
You are different from the patients
before you and from those that will
follow. Recognizing that, we take
great care to evaluate your individual
needs, then put critical data from
diagnostic analyses to work. Your
Cenegenics physician will create a
program based on our four-faceted
approach, uniquely designed for
your needs and goals. Each segment
is a vital building block, supporting
your prime objective—realizing your
health goals and enjoying a life filled
with verve, vigor and a heightened
sense of well-being.
V. Maximizing Your Health Potential
Better Health & Maximum Longevity: No Accident
V. M
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That’s not a singular event. Since
the body changes, you’ll engage in
periodic dialogue and consultations
with your Cenegenics doctor: tracking
progress, reviewing test results,
discussing your annual exams and
determining adjustments to your
personal program, along the way.
o t e n t i a l
In fact, our entire team offers
their medical expertise and caring
service so your health journey
stays on course.
The Principal Players
Primary functions listed only; secondary actions are not included.
Begin yours today by calling us
toll-free at 866.953.1510.
• Testosterone: Produced in testes, ovaries and the adrenal glands.
Enhances libido, erectile function and energy levels; strengthens bones;
builds muscle; promotes muscle tone; creates a sense of well-being.
• DHEA: Formed by adrenal glands, a precursor to testosterone, estrogens
and androgens. A protein builder and repair, DHEA protects against stress,
cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s; aids in preventing
wrinkles and dry eyes; increases libido, energy levels, memory and
Your Executive Health Evaluation
opens a window to your particular
physiology, from metabolism to
endocrine system and beyond.
• Estrogen: Produced in ovaries, body fat and adrenal glands. Helps
protect against cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s and
incontinence; enhances libido, skin tone, emotional well-being, sleep,
cognitive acuity, mood, sensory function and digestion.
Hormonal optimization is often
an integral part of a Cenegenics
program, helping patients regain a
healthy, balanced endocrinologic
state so their bodies can function
• Progesterone: Produced by ovaries (testes in men) and adrenal glands.
Helps enhance mood and sense of well-being, aids brain function,
stimulates bone-building osteoblasts and regulates/balances other
That is accomplished safely,
using bioidentical hormones,
rather than dubious artificial
alternatives. Since bioidentical
hormones specifically emulate
the chemical and molecular
structure of the body’s naturally
produced hormones, the body can
metabolize them easily without
bothersome and potentially
dangerous side effects.
V. Maximizing Your
Health Potential
• Thyroid: Produced in thyroid gland. Helps every cell, by monitoring and
regulating metabolic rate.
• Cortisol: Formed in adrenal glands. Regulates blood pressure, increases
energy, influences metabolism and glucose balance, helps cope with
stress and infection.
• hGH: Only prescribed when comprehensive testing reveals an adult
deficiency. Produced by pituitary gland. Stimulates body tissue growth and
skin hydration; promotes bone and muscle growth; regulates energy and
If warranted, we’ll focus on
reducing insulin and cortisol
levels, which promote aging
and degenerative disease, then
concentrate on supplementing
diminished hormone levels.
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Delivery methods differ. For example,
women typically use testosterone
in cream form, while men use the
injectable hormone, stimulating
hormone or both.
After hormone therapy begins,
laboratory markers (including
hormone blood levels) are followed
at regularly scheduled intervals with
adjustments to ensure effectiveness,
safety and appropriate levels, at the
upper percentile norm for your age.
We highly recommend reviewing Part
II (about hormones, aging and health)
and Part III (the science and specific
hormones in our programs, plus
findings and bioidentical hormone
minerals (which once were part of
our food) from years of over-farming,
chemical toxins and acid rain.
Nutraceutical supplementation is not
an indulgence—it’s imperative to arm
the body with the weapons to battle
modern enemies. Even the healthiest
diet demands supplementing with
vitamins, minerals, essential fatty
acids and antioxidants.
Not all supplements or supplement
formulations are on equal footing.
Numerous lab reports demonstrate
that commonly available commercial
formulas vary widely in quality.
Some supplements don’t contain the
amount of nutrient their label claims;
others use inferior ingredients, are less
absorbable or appear in less-effective
forms of the nutrient. You don’t
always get what you pay for.
V. Maximizing Your
Health Potential
Add to that the reality of our soils
being depleted of vitamins and
Cenegenics® Nutraceuticals are
“Pharmaceutical Grade.” As such,
Cenegenics Nutraceuticals meet
pharmaceutical specifications for
potency and bioavailability. They are
made exclusively for us by one of the
most respected pharmaceutical labs in
the country.
Cenegenics Nutraceuticals are always
fresh as well as free of allergens
and filler material, ensuring quality
and purity. In fact, our prestigious
nutritional and medical advisory
board meets frequently to share
The board also updates and improves
our formulations, incorporating the
latest research on vitamins, minerals,
herbs and optimal doses. All dosing
decisions are based on effectiveness—
unlike many of the over-the-counter
products, which have ineffective and
minimal amounts of a nutrient so they
can list that ingredient on the label.
Nutraceuticals help correct nutrient
issues and profoundly impact your
health. Every study of the American
diet reveals a sub-optimal intake of
many micronutrients. As a result,
degenerative diseases related to diet
and nutrient deficiencies are a major
killer, worldwide.
It’s no wonder. Health risks inundate
our cyber-speed world: environmental
carcinogens; second-hand smoke;
toxins in our food supply; over-thecounter and prescription medications;
refined sugar, processed fast foods
and trans-fats; escalated stress factors,
household cleaners, beauty products
and pesticides; automobile exhaust;
and an overwhelming number
of other substances, identified as
xenoestrogens—hormone disrupters,
playing havoc in our bodies.
reflects the exact amount of ingredient
present within each capsule or pill.
On the contrary, “Food Grade”
supplement labeling is misleading in
that the amount listed is the maximum
that might be present but in most
cases there is only a trace amount.
Food grade vs. pharmaceutical
grade. “Food Grade” supplements,
like most sold in health stores, contain
only substandard raw ingredients,
which are virtually ineffective. Plus
“Food Grade” products have no
labeling, whereas “Pharmaceutical
Grade” products always have either
USP, NF, Pharmacy Grade or by
physician’s prescription.
Sound Nutrition
The quality of “Pharmaceutical
Grade” products is substantially
higher because the raw ingredients are
the most pure and the best absorbed
in the body. Also, the label accurately
Ancient paths. The diet most
synergistic with hormone therapy is
reminiscent of our Paleolithic-era
ancestors: high in nutrient-dense
foods (fruits, vegetables, lean meats
V. M
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Nutrition isn’t about a single “perfect”
diet. Our nutritional program is
shaped by a patient’s individual
needs. Every nutri-therapy and eating
program varies from individual-toindividual, based on results of the
Executive Health Evaluation.
o t e n t i a l
• Antioxidants: Powerful age management nutrients, shown to reduce free radicals, strengthen immunity as well as help prevent cancer
and heart disease. Includes vitamins A, C, E, selenium, acetyl L-carnitine, coenzyme Q1O (Co-Q1O), quercetin and melatonin.
• B-vitamins: Critical for skin, proper brain function, energy production, alleviating anxiety, adrenal hormone production, antibody
formation, muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract, hair, liver, weight loss, red blood cell production and more. Many health problems
are related to poor absorption or low intake of B-vitamins. The B-complex vitamins in our formulas include B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6, B-12,
pantothenic acid and folic acid.
• Calcium: Vital for bone density, healthy gums, lowering cholesterol, muscular growth, energy, neuromuscular activity, healthy skin. Must
be in a bioavailable (absorbable) form.
• Chromium: Helps stabilize blood sugar and aids insulin function; vital in synthesis of cholesterol, fats and protein. Some anecdotal
reports suggest it has a modifying effect on cravings.
• Digestive Aids: Restore ability to digest and absorb nutrients. Aging causes diminished stomach acidity and digestive enzymes, resulting
in less absorption of vital nutrients. Our formulas use several digestive aids, such as pancreatic enzymes, lactase and letaine.
• Liver Detoxifiers & Protectants: The liver is an essential clearing house, ridding the body of toxins, cleaning blood, aiding hormonal
balance and supporting energy levels. Alpha-lipoic acid, glutathione and silymarin are used, regarded as highly effective in protecting
the liver against toxins (including alcohol).
• Magnesium: Required for over 300 body functions. A catalyst in enzyme activity, aids calcium/potassium uptake for healthy bones,
prevents kidney stones, lowers blood pressure, promotes nerve-muscle transmission and energy levels as well as prevents calcification
of soft tissue. An estimated 72% or more adult Americans fall short of U.S. dietary allowances for the mineral. Magnesium glycinate is
used for its excellent absorption.
• “Smart” Drugs*: Mental alertness and concentration tend to deteriorate with age. These Smart Drugs enhance memory, aid cognitive
function and potentially prevent cerebrovascular disease. Ginkgo biloba, phosphatidyl serine, phosphatidyl choline and acetyl L-carnitine
help relax smooth muscles in arteries, increasing circulation to the brain. *Most of them are not really drugs.
• Zinc: Essential for prostate gland function and libido, protein synthesis, collagen formation, immune system health, liver protection,
healing wounds, acne prevention and over 30 bodily functions. Zinc picolinate is the most effective form for absorption.
and essential fats) and low in refined,
overly processed foods, fats and
simple carbohydrates.
Our digestive system’s adaptation
to grains and dairy products took
thousands more years.
For thousands of years, human diet
was simple: We ate what grew from
the ground, fell from the trees, ran
across our path or swam the waters.
Obviously, our bodies haven’t
caught up to the inundation of
additives, chemically altered fat
V. M
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(trans-fats), preservatives, colorings,
faux flavorings and copious sugar
consumption, dominating modern
diets. In fact, government research
indicates that in 2002, American sugar
consumption averaged 170 pounds per
person annually.
o t e n t i a l
V. Maximizing Your
Health Potential
• Prostate Protection: More than half of men 50 and over have significant prostate enlargement. Three natural herbs help prevent prostate
enlargement, possibly decreasing prostate cancer potential: saw palmetto, Africanum Pygeum and nettle.
• Boost your body’s immune
function: The immune system is
nothing short of miraculous. With
proper nutrients, it fends off colds,
bacteria, viruses and even cancer
without your knowing.
That’s a far cry from our huntergatherer days. No wonder heart
attacks, obesity, Type 2 diabetes,
strokes, cancer, hypertension
and gastrointestinal disorders are
The ball is in your court. You can
greatly improve and even avoid
medical conditions with deliciously
nutritious dietary changes. The goals
of the Cenegenics® food plan are
• Maximize results of your
hormone therapy program: Your
personalized food program will be
designed to keep blood sugar and
insulin levels low.
V. Maximizing Your
Health Potential
• Prevent illness: Toxins lead
to diminished health, from
the overuse of antibiotics and
chemicals to dietary “poisons”
and empty calories, such
as saturated fats and transfats, refined flour, sugars,
preservatives, artificial colors,
artificial flavors and artificial
Revamping your diet to
include nutrient-dense foods
and removing chemicals
can reclaim better health.
Appetizing phytonutrients (such
as carotenoids, flavonoids,
isoflavones, lignans, omega-3
fatty acids) can promote age
management and help fight
Your personalized food plan will
center on eating a diet high in
phytonutrients (natural disease
resisters); essential fats (basic building
blocks needed by every living cell
and for prostaglandin production);
lean protein (critical for growth and
energy, hormone, antibody, enzyme
and tissue production plus acidalkali balance); and fiber (helpful in
lowering cholesterol, stabilizing blood
sugar levels and preventing obesity,
constipation, colon cancer and
fitting your lifestyle and overall
health goals.
There are three main exercise
categories: resistance/weight training,
cardiovascular exercise and flexibility.
Each offers specific benefits, creating
a well-balanced exercise program
with dynamic results.
Resistance Training/Weight
Resistance is found in many
forms, from weight machines and
free weights to stretch tubing and
swimming pool activities. Body
weight can add resistance in exercises
such as push-ups, standing squats and
Resistance training benefits:
Regular Exercise
• Reduced body fat and lowered
cholesterol: Weight training is
the best way to burn fat; it’s more
effective for losing weight than
aerobic activity because it burns
calories while you’re exercising
and at rest (Darden 1985).
Stiff joints, slower metabolism
and loss of lean muscle are all too
familiar. Often, aging is equated
with decreased exercise and these
It all comes down to choices. You
achieved your position in life by
making intelligent decisions; now you
can apply that same determination to
your health and body.
After your resistance workout,
metabolic rates remain elevated,
as muscle fibers are being rebuilt.
Many of the calories you consume
will be put to work in the repair
and rebuilding process, rather than
being stored as fat. Conversely,
metabolic rate typically returns
to normal shortly after aerobic
activity. No significant “after
burn” occurs.
Once you succeed in adding lean
muscle tissue, metabolism will
be higher at rest than it was prior
to your exercise program. Every
pound of muscle added to your
body increases the calories needed
to get you through the day.
Through consistent exercise, you can
rebuild muscles, increase metabolic
rates, lower heart disease risk,
improve posture and increase quality
of life.
Hormonal optimization can facilitate
your ability to exercise more
effectively, helping achieve desired
results. During your Executive Health
Evaluation, you’ll have an opportunity
to discuss your current exercise
routine with an exercise physiologist.
Together, you can develop a plan
V. M
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Here’s the math: The body
requires approximately 30-50
calories daily, per pound of
muscle. When you add 5 pounds
of lean muscle, you’ll burn an
additional 150-250 calories every
day, even on days you don’t
exercise (NASM 1996). This adds
up to 15 ½ to 26 pounds of fat
loss every year.
• Increased bone density: A 1988
study from Washington University
School of Medicine concluded
weight-bearing exercise leads
to significant increases in bone
mineral content, which are
maintained with continued
training in older subjects (Dalsky
et al). That’s good news for
preventing osteoporosis since
resistance training puts added
demands on bones, bolstering
their density.
• Increased body strength: Most
people, regardless of their age,
experience strength improvements
in a matter of weeks. A study
conducted in December 1993
(McCartney et al) examined the
effects of a 42-week progressive
weight-lifting program on
subjects in their 60s, 70s and
80s. After approximately 10
months, they found significant
strength gains (up to 65%) in
the exercising group, but no
gain in a non-exercising, control
group. Most substantial strength
increases occurred at 6 and 12
weeks into the program.
Noted fitness expert and
researcher Dr. Wayne Westcott
explains the relationship:
“Stronger muscles lead to stronger
bones and connective tissue, all of
which work together to increase
our functional capacity and
decrease injury potential.”
• Daily tasks eased: For many,
activities like lifting a child,
stooping or trying to get up
require great effort. Suppose the
maximum your biceps can carry is
20 pounds, and you have to carry
a 20-pound suitcase through an
airport. That requires 100% effort.
Participating in a resistancetraining program can increase
your biceps’ strength to 40 pounds
and enhance your stamina. Now
carrying the suitcase becomes
• Emotional stability: Exercisestimulated neurotransmitters
create what some call “postexercise euphoria” or endorphin
These mood mediators make us
feel better and less stressed (ACE
1996). One 20-minute (or longer)
exercise session generates 90 to
120 minutes of this relaxation
response. The American Council
on Exercise recommends
20 minutes (cardiovascular,
resistance training or flexibility),
6 or 7 days a week to promote
emotional well-being.
• Reduced muscle atrophy: Most
people over age 20 lose one half
to one pound of muscle mass each
year, due to inactivity. You don’t
have to since resistance training
helps maintain, and even increase,
lean muscle.
• Improved body appearance: “Spot
reducing” won’t improve body
composition. Sit-ups won’t get fat
off your abdomen. Only burning
calories and reducing fat will.
Weight training can help you directly
target and build shapely arms, legs,
abdomen and more—adding lean
muscle in the process.
Cardiovascular Exercise
“Cardio” is among the most popular
forms of exercise, such as walking,
cycling, swimming and aerobics.
Actually, any exercise causing an
increase in heart rate for a sustained
period of time is included.
Cardiovascular exercise benefits:
• Increased health span: A study
following Harvard grads through
30 years showed those who
were moderately active—from
gardening to sports—were at a
substantially decreased risk
of death.
• Reduced injuries: Muscle strength
decreases stress on bones during
impact exercises (such as walking,
jogging and tennis) and improves
dynamic balance to make a person
less susceptible to falls and other
mishaps (Nelson et al 1994).
V. M
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V. Maximizing Your
Health Potential
• Reduced body fat: Aerobic
exercise uses both stored
carbohydrates and fats for fuel.
The longer and more vigorous, the
more total calories are burned.
aerobics four times a week fall
asleep faster than their inactive
• Decreased risk of heart attack:
Lowering insulin levels helps
reduce rates of arteriosclerosis.
Physical exercise lowers these
levels, helping lower the risk of
heart attacks.
After four months, those who
exercised regularly reported
falling asleep in less than half
the time and sleeping almost an
hour longer than before (Harvard
Health Letter, March 1997).
Some experts believe stretching
can relieve up to 80% of low back
pain cases. One common cause:
short, tight hip-flexor muscles. A
stretching program to lengthen
these muscles may reduce the risk
of pain (Rebus, Inc. 1987).
The American Arthritis
Foundation advises moving joints
through their full range of motion
daily. They caution everyday
activities do not accomplish this.
• Increased heart fitness: The
American Heart Association
stresses a minimum of 20 minutes
of cardiovascular exercise, at least
3 days a week, is vital to good
heart health.
• Reduced stress: In today’s hectic
world, we face stress on many
fronts. Tense or tight muscles may
be linked to that stress and can be
eased with flexibility exercise.
V. Maximizing Your
Health Potential
Studies have shown exercise
to be an effective way to lower
blood pressure. Aerobic exercise
strengthens the heart muscle,
enabling it to circulate blood
throughout the body with less
effort. This helps decrease blood
pressure, reduce stroke risk and
prevent coronary, circulatory and
respiratory problems.
Flexibility Exercise
• Reduced stress: Twenty minutes
or more of cardiovascular exercise
at moderate intensity has been
shown to significantly reduce
Flexibility exercise also can help
reduce stress, alleviate low back pain
and greatly diminish the chance of
injury. A program can be simple (such
as stretching major muscle groups
upon waking in the morning) or
involved (such as power yoga class).
• Increased endurance: Regular
aerobic exercise helps increase
muscle endurance, making
everyday activities (such as
walking a flight of stairs without
becoming winded) far easier.
• Improved quality of sleep:
Researchers at Stanford and
Emory Universities, as well as
University of Oklahoma, reported
older people who participate in
brisk walking and/or low-impact
Flexibility is defined as the range of
possible motion around a joint. As
we age, joint mobility proves crucial
for muscular strength, proper posture
and full range of motion. Flexibility
exercises—with their gentle
movements—help increase the length
of connective tissues and muscles.
The recommended method to increase
flexibility is a regular stretching
program, three to seven days a week.
Flexibility exercise benefits:
• Increased flexibility and range of
motion in joints: Vital for good
posture, increasing flexibility
(especially hip flexors and
hamstrings) and help alleviating
a majority of low back pain.
V. M
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Michael J. Alter, former
gymnastics coach and author
of The Science of Flexibility
states, “One of the greatest
benefits of stretching is that it
can help reduce stress. From a
purely physiological perspective,
relaxation is the cessation of
muscular tension. Tension wastes
energy; a contracting muscle
requires more exertion than a
relaxed one. Everyday experience
has shown that a relaxed muscle
is less susceptible to fatigue and
aches and pain.”
All In Synergy
Hormone optimization works with
nutraceutical supplementation, sound
nutrition and exercise to promote
optimal health and vigor.
Cenegenics® is here to help you
live well longer. Call us toll-free
at 866.953.1510.
o t e n t i a l
VI. Commonly Asked Questions
Conveniently Categorized
“Thank you for being a pioneer in the age
management field and thinking outside the box.
And also, thanks for helping other physicians
(like me) learn from your practice. Your facility
is professional, filled with knowledgeable and
extremely qualified doctors.”
— D. P., MD, Alpharetta, GA
VI. Commonly Asked Questions
Conveniently Categorized
lthough this information appears
throughout our guide, here are
the most common questions posed
to us—conveniently categorized in a
topic format.
About Cenegenics
Medical Institute
What is Cenegenics all about?
We’re here to guide men and women
in regaining vitality and vigor,
regardless of their age—helping them
maintain health and live well longer.
Cenegenics® is focused on preventive
care: averting premature disability
related to aging via medically sound
In fact, our medical strategies have
helped countless successful men and
women regain their edge through
optimal health, which is essential
to their quality of life. We rely
on sophisticated diagnostics and
evaluation to guide patients through
a synergy of hormone management,
optimal nutrition, nutraceutical
supplementation and proper exercise.
VI. Commonly
Asked Questions
As a result, patients typically
experience remarkable boosts in
energy, increased mental acuity,
revitalized sex drive and performance,
strengthened immune systems,
increased lean muscle, decreased fat
and improved skin tone.
VI. Commonly Asked Questions
Conveniently Categorized
VI . C
o mm o n l y
k e d
u e s t i o n s
4. Have you documented or published
your clinical age management
Why Cenegenics, rather than other
physicians or medical facilities?
The most important element is the
expertise and experience of the
physician involved. That’s critical for
any medical therapy’s success.
Our physicians are highly skilled,
experienced and have completed
Physician Training in Age
Management Medicine. They offer
a wealth of experience in hormone
therapies, nutritional strategies
and exercise science. Our primary
objective is guiding and informing
patients, helping them become
comfortable with the science and
therapies that have made Cenegenics
Medical Institute a world leader in
age management. We encourage due
Ask your physician these questions:
1. What specific training have you
had in the field of age management
2. Do you practice age management
medicine full-time?
If you needed surgery, would you
choose a doctor who performs
the procedure once a month, or a
physician who is an internationally
recognized specialist in that specific
surgery? The more experience with
specialized therapies, the better the
results. There is often a wide breach
between a physician’s excellent
intentions and his/her limitations due
to lack of specific training and/or
By far, Cenegenics Medical Institute
is the largest and most-experienced
age management medicine practice,
having patients worldwide. In fact,
25% of our patients are physicians and
their families. Cenegenics consistently
receives regional, national and
international media exposure and has
been widely featured in GQ, Men’s
Health, The New York Times, USA
Today and The Wall Street Journal as
well as on ABC’s 20/20, CBS’s 60
Minutes and 48 Hours, CNBC and
We continually expand our
affiliations. University of Nevada
School of Medicine residents have
opportunities to learn from the
expert and experienced physicians
at Cenegenics, as part of their
VI . C
o mm o n l y
k e d
u e s t i o n s
Practice Development rotation.
Residents spend time at our
medical institute, training with our
physicians and patients to gain
a deeper understanding of age
management medicine.
At the University’s Family
Practice Center, Cenegenics
physicians supervise the
residents’ chart review and patient
evaluation in the clinical setting.
Family practice residents rotate
through our program as an elective
in their advanced medical training.
Additionally, we conduct ongoing
research with one of the most
prestigious schools in the country.
Cenegenics Education and
Research Foundation provides
the most highly regarded learning
opportunity with mainstream
credentials offering Physician
Training in Age Management
Medicine through the joint
sponsorship with the Foundation
for Care Management for a
maximum of 60 AMA PRA
Category 1 Credits™.
Cenegenics also is committed to
upholding the highest business
ethics. Our company holds the
top rating (for a private entity)
with Dun & Bradstreet; the Better
Business Bureau confirms that
since our 1997 inception, we
have never received a negative
comment or complaint.
VI. Commonly
Asked Questions
3. How many age management
patients have you treated?
What are semiannual professional
How long before the Cenegenics
program produces results?
Your Cenegenics® program is a
life-enhancing experience with
ready access to our expert medical
staff and sophisticated services.
Personal care and extensive use of
our resources are provided through
semiannual professional fees,
which cover ongoing one-on-one
service, guaranteed throughout your
Cenegenics program.
This varies with each person. Some
experience results within days. Like
a beginning exercise program, you
generally can expect results within
three to six months after beginning
hormone therapies. Often our patients
report benefits, such as an increase or
improvement in libido, energy, lean
muscle, stronger bones, skin tone
and elasticity, memory, cognition,
cardiovascular system, sleep, moods
and an overall heightened sense of
You have access to behind-the-scenes
work of our entire clinical staff:
(1) request nursing and laboratory
correlation between Cenegenics and
research from outside sources; (2) talk
with our expert team, from scheduled
calls to spontaneous inquiries,
addressing questions or concerns; (3)
visit with your Cenegenics physician,
in-person or by phone.
The Cenegenics
What is hormone optimization and
how does it work?
Hormone optimization is the science
of optimizing hormones to levels that
are no longer adequately produced by
the body. Genetic programming takes
us to the age of reproduction and
nurturing, then our “prime function”
is finished and we begin to fail.
Much of what we consider “aging”
can be seen as diminished hormone
levels—substances our bodies once
produced in abundance.
VI. Commonly
Asked Questions
Regaining and maintaining metabolic
and endocrine functions at the upper
end of the normal range give you the
best opportunity for a healthy and
vigorous life.
On the other hand, individuals
younger than 35 who are facing
developmental difficulties and
other symptomology may also be
candidates. It’s never too early for
any adult to begin the nutraceutical
program. A person doesn’t need to
begin hormone optimization therapy
unless those levels are diminished.
How long will I be on Cenegenics
Give the program at least six months
to see significant results. Most
patients experience benefits before
three months and continue to see
improvement. Your body needs that
much time to heal and rebuild.
Once there, stay on the program as
long as you want to optimize health.
How many pills will I take daily?
That depends on your specific
medical, hormonal and nutritional
needs. Of course, your Cenegenics
physician will also consider your
individual comfort level of taking
pills. Hormones and nutritional
supplements are conveniently
supplied and mailed to you on a
predetermined schedule.
Starting, Stopping &
Age Concerns
At what age should a person start
with Cenegenics?
For the initial baseline evaluation, 35
or older.
VI . C
o mm o n l y
k e d
u e s t i o n s
Are you ever too old to start?
Age is not a barrier. Many people over
60 erroneously believe it’s too late.
Quite the contrary.
Older adults are likely to have greater
hormone diminishments; therefore,
the response to hormone optimization
and supplementation is usually
excellent and almost immediate.
Early intervention can reduce rapid
advancement of diseases, such as
osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s. Less
progress is expected when such
conditions are advanced.
What happens if I stop the
The Cenegenics age management
program improves health, vitality and
vigor. Should you elect to stop, aging
won’t accelerate; the body will begin
again to age at the normal rate. It’s
a lot like exercising in a program to
stay in shape. Stop and the benefits
Hormonal therapies improve your
physiology and overall quality of life.
If you stop, those benefits will fade
over time . . . yet, you’ll still be better
off because your physiologic baseline
most likely will be higher.
Your Present
Physician &
Will the Cenegenics treatment
interfere with currently prescribed
Generally not. In some instances,
medications may actually be reduced
or no longer needed. Your Cenegenics
doctor will consider these issues
and advise you, working with your
personal physician, if you choose.
Will Cenegenics Medical Institute
take over as my doctor and
healthcare facility?
Not at all. Cenegenics is a wellness
program, happy to communicate with
your current healthcare team. We
encourage you to continue usual visits
with your regular doctors.
Using Hormones For
Better Health
What about the negative press
coverage concerning hormone
replacement therapy for women?
Cenegenics Medical Institute only
recommends hormones and dosages
supported by evidence-based
Most women over 35 need some form
of hormone supplementation. That
applies to premenopausal women and
those who have reached menopause.
At Cenegenics, we perform a baseline
evaluation and diagnostic analysis
to help determine exactly which
hormones are diminished.
Menopause is part of the aging
process, resulting in a hormonedeficiency condition. To regain and
maintain optimal health, it’s essential
to supplement (not replace) lost
hormones with natural, bioidentical
hormones whenever possible.
Identical hormone molecules are
natural hormones and as close as
possible to your own hormonal
secretions; artificial hormones are not
natural to the human body.
Is hGH FDA approved?
There are no oral, nasal, sublingual
or transdermal growth hormone
products (including secretagogues
and precursors) with any merit,
whatsoever. Companies promoting
“oral hGH” or “nasal spray hGH” are
currently under federal investigation.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers Merck
and Pfizer report having spent some
$100 million, attempting to develop
non-injectable hGH products. They
failed. Evidence-based medical
research shows injection is the only
effective way to introduce human
growth hormone into the body.
If you have other considerations
or questions, call us toll-free
at 866.953.1510 or email our
Cenegenics team. We’re always
ready to help.
In 1996, the master hormone hGH
was FDA approved for treatment
in adults with demonstrated growth
hormone deficiency. Cenegenics
adheres to the strict regulations, set
by the FDA. Our comprehensive
baseline evaluation determines if you
have an adult hGH-deficiency. Only
patients with a proven adult deficiency
are given hGH hormonal therapy
balanced with other hormones,
typically 7% of our patients. As with
any of our synergistic programs, that
therapy is given in conjunction with
sound nutrition, relevant exercise and
nutraceutical supplementation.
Does hGH have to be injected?
Yes. Taken orally, human growth
hormone (hGH) breaks down into
simple amino acids or small protein
chains. Injection is the only effective
way to realize its benefits in adults
with demonstrated growth hormone
VI . C
o mm o n l y
k e d
u e s t i o n s
VI. Commonly
Asked Questions
fade over time—but you were still
better off for having been actively in
the exercise program because your
baseline will be higher.
VI. Commonly
Asked Questions
VI . C
o mm o n l y
k e d
u e s t i o n s
“You are doing a great job, setting the
pace and establishing the standards of
what I believe excellent,
first-rate, high-quality [age
management] healthcare should be.
Keep up the good work!”
—L.R., Alexandria, VA
Cenegenics Medical Institute
Team Credentials
Alan P. Mintz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Chief
Executive Officer
Dr. Mintz is board-certified in
radiology, nuclear medicine and
radiation therapy. He is a Diplomate
of the American Board of Radiology,
including nuclear medicine and
radiation therapy.
Dr. Mintz’s dynamic vision and
commitment to excellence have set
the tone for Cenegenics®. He proudly
serves as chief medical officer, chief
executive officer and co-founder,
offering his esteemed experience
and passion in age management. Dr.
Mintz has completed the Physician
Training in Age Management
Medicine jointly sponsored by the
Cenegenics Education and Research
Foundation and the Foundation for
Care Management.
Cenegenics Team Credentials
A University of Chicago graduate, Dr.
Mintz earned the Degree of Doctor
of Medicine from the University of
Illinois - School of Medicine.
p p e n d i x
He went on to serve as a physician
with the United States Navy, prior to
postgraduate training in radiology.
Throughout his career, Dr. Mintz
was appointed chairman of the
Department of Radiology for several
Chicago-area hospitals and remains
an adjunct professor for the Center
for Cardiovascular Research, at
Northeastern Illinois University. He
is no stranger to business success,
previously holding the positions of
chief executive officer, president and
co-founder of the world’s largest
radiology management company,
Medicon, Inc.
Thanks to his professional expertise
and guidance, Cenegenics Medical
Institute (with the joint sponsorship
of Foundation for Care Management)
has been recognized by the
Accreditation Council for Continuing
Medical Education (ACCME) to
provide continuing medical education
to physicians. Dr. Mintz also has been
a driving force behind implementing
Cenegenics’ university-affiliated
Complementing his outstanding career
as a physician and businessman,
Dr. Mintz has attained international
recognition as a lecturer and published
author in such prestigious publications
as the Journal of Age Management
Medicine and Total Health.
Dr. Mintz is an avid athlete, who has
run many marathons. With a zeal
for skiing, he has served as medical
advisor for the National Ski Patrol
and is a member of the Steinmetz
Academy for Wellness and Sports
Science Board of Directors. At age
58, Dr. Mintz further demonstrated
his personal commitment to health
and wellness, earning the title of
1996 AAU Mr. Illinois, in the Grand
Masters Division.
Currently, Dr. Mintz remains active as
the chief executive officer and chief
medical officer of Cenegenics Medical
Institute, lecturing throughout the
world on age management medicine.
His lectures provide opportunities
for both the medical professional and
lay public, allowing them to explore
proactive, preventive medicine
and understand health from a new
perspective, rather than from the
current disease-based methodology.
Good health is not an accident. It
requires each individual’s active
participation. We do have the
power to control the future of
our health. The Executive Health
Evaluation is the critical step in
understanding the unique needs of
each individual.
With factual information, a
program can be structured to give
you the best opportunity—not
only for short-term benefits, but
for continuing a high quality of
life and to live well longer.
A Word From Dr. Alan Mintz
America’s current medical care system
is based on the treatment of disease.
It’s about having something negative
happen and then trying to fix it after
the fact.
Cenegenics Medical Institute focuses
on optimal health. By regaining and
maintaining metabolic and endocrine
functions at the upper end of the
normal range, which is the healthy
range adjusted for age, we have the
best opportunity for a healthy and
vigorous life.
p p e n d i x
John E. Adams, CPA
John Adams’ keen business sense,
exceptional leadership abilities
and financial acuity form the
foundation for his unparalleled
success as president and cofounder of Cenegenics Medical
A University of Illinois at Chicago
graduate, Mr. Adams was appointed
to the Dean’s Business Advisory
Council of the College of Business
Administration. His path to success
began in Chicago as a certified
public accountant. Before long, Mr.
Adams was acknowledged for his
consummate work ethic, earning him
the role of senior consultant for Arthur
Andersen & Company’s Emerging
Business Group.
Mr. Adams’ first entrepreneurial
venture was as co-founder, executive
vice president and chief operating
officer of Medicon, Inc.—the world’s
largest radiology management
company. There, he demonstrated his
extraordinary ability for developing
and implementing a business model
from a medical vision. To complement
his success as an entrepreneur, Mr.
Adams serves on the board of the elite
Young Presidents’ Organization.
It is with Mr. Adams’ direction,
perseverance and incomparable
drive that Cenegenics® Medical
Institute continues on the progressive
edge of patient care, maintaining
its position as a leader in age
management medicine, nationally and
A Word From John E. Adams
There is a reason why Cenegenics
Medical Institute maintains a wellguarded presence in the medical
community. The Cenegenics approach
is not a singular event, but a process
that envelopes and enriches every
part of your life. Its success stems
from purposeful excellence at critical
junctures—education, research,
sophisticated protocols and
patient care.
Cenegenics offers you a
straightforward, comprehensive
experience like no other . . . an
experience that far surpasses
today’s conventional, perfunctory
methodologies. You’ll discover
our commitment to your individual
medical needs and concerns evident
within the Cenegenics Medical
Institute’s dynamic: We’ve created
a team of world-renown physicians,
professionals and administrators to
deliver outstanding clinical outcomes
and five-star patient services.
Michale Jill Barber, MD
Chief Executive Officer of
Cenegenics South Carolina
Dr. Mickey Barber is a board-certified
anesthesiologist, a Diplomate of the
American Board of Anesthesiology
and former assistant professor of
Tulane University.
Dr. Barber has completed Physician
Training in Age Management
Medicine, jointly sponsored by the
Cenegenics Education and Research
Foundation and the Foundation for
Care Management.
After earning a medical degree from
the Medical University of South
Carolina, Dr. Barber completed
her residency (anesthesiology) and
internship (general surgery) at Tulane
University Medical Center as well as
a fellowship in obstetrical anesthesia
at Harvard Medical School/Brigham
& Women’s Hospital.
p p e n d i x
Committed to excellence, Dr. Barber
has received several awards for
clinical performance and teaching
skills throughout her career, such
as Outstanding Faculty of the Year
(Tulane University), Robert D.
Dripps Memorial Award (Outstanding
Graduate Resident in Anesthesiology),
Chief Resident (Tulane University),
Surgical Intern of the Year (Tulane
University), among others. Her
achievements also include several
appointments, research contributions
and lecture presentations. Dr. Barber
is a member of the American Society
of Anesthesiologists, American
Medical Association, South Carolina
Medical Association and Charleston
County Medical Society.
Her work with recognized experts
in the mind-body sciences paved the
way for an affiliation with Cenegenics
as Chief Executive Officer of
Cenegenics South Carolina, where
Dr. Barber ensures patients the same
comprehensive and dynamic approach
that Cenegenics has become famous
for the world over.
Alvin B. Lin, MD
Senior Institute Physician
Dr. Lin is board-certified in family
medicine. He is a Diplomate of the
American Board of Family Medicine
and a Fellow of the American
Academy of Family Physicians. Dr.
Lin has completed Physician Training
in Age Management Medicine,
jointly sponsored by the Cenegenics
Education and Research Foundation
and the Foundation for Care
Dr. Lin earned his bachelor of science
in biology and a post-baccalaureate
in computer science from the
University of California, Riverside.
After receiving a medical degree
from the Bowman Gray School of
Medicine at Wake Forest University,
Dr. Lin completed his residency in
Family Medicine at the University of
California, Davis.
Dr. Lin joins the Cenegenics Medical
Institute team with a desire to inform
and educate others in the area of age
management and wellness.
health and fitness and has written a
chapter on “Exercise, Fitness and
Lifestyle” for a popular medical
textbook, published 2002.
Gaining substantial experience over
several years, Dr. Lin returned to
complete a fellowship in geriatrics at
the Brody School of Medicine, East
Carolina University. He earned the
Certificate of Added Qualifications in
geriatric medicine, then re-certified in
family medicine. Dr. Lin continued
at East Carolina, where he was
appointed director of the Ambulatory
Geriatrics Center and assistant clinical
professor in the Department of Family
Medicine at the Brody School of
Medicine. In this capacity, Dr. Lin
had the opportunity to train the next
generation of family physicians,
geriatricians, physician assistants and
nurse practitioners, while delivering
babies and caring for our elderly.
Jeffry S. Life, MD, PhD
Senior Institute Physician
Dr. Life joins Cenegenics Medical
Institute with a fervent desire to share
with our patients the same lifestyle
changes and knowledge that have
made a positive impact on his life.
Currently, Dr. Lin is a clinical
assistant professor in the Department
of Family and Community Medicine
at the University of Nevada School
of Medicine, where he teaches in
the Las Vegas Family Medicine
Residency program. His diverse
professional background, coupled
and PALS certifications, has made
him an influential and successful
mentor. He also lectures frequently
for the American Academy of Family
Physicians on the use of handheld
technology in medicine.
Dr. Life is board-certified in family
medicine. He is a Diplomate of
the American Board of Family
Practice and a Fellow of the
American Academy of Family
Physicians. In addition, Dr. Life
has completed Physician Training
in Age Management Medicine,
jointly sponsored by the Cenegenics
Education and Research Foundation
and the Foundation for Care
After receiving his medical degree
from University of Iowa, Dr. Life
completed his residency in family
medicine and internal medicine at
West Virginia University. He also
attained a PhD in environmental
sciences and health.
Prior to joining Cenegenics,
Dr. Life was a full-time family
physician and a part-time assistant
professor at Marywood University
in Pennsylvania, teaching graduate
courses in nutritional science and
exercise physiology. He is completing
a Masters of Science program in
sports nutrition and exercise science,
while working on an upcoming book.
In 1998, after reaching a lifetime high
in body weight, percentage of body
fat and level of deconditioning, Dr.
Life entered EAS National Bodyfor-LIFE Challenge, at age 60. He
won the contest and became a Grand
Champion, losing 35 pounds of body
fat and gaining 15 pounds of muscle
as a result of improving his nutrition
and starting an exercise program. He
continues to live a lifestyle promoting
p p e n d i x
Beth A. Traylor, MD
Institute Physician
Dr. Traylor is a board-certified
family physician, a Diplomate of the
American Board of Family Medicine
and a Fellow of the American
Academy of Family Physicians.
Dr. Traylor has completed
the Physician Training in Age
Management Medicine, jointly
sponsored by the Cenegenics
Education and Research Foundation
and the Foundation for Care
Hailing from Chicago, Dr. Traylor
earned an undergraduate degree in
psychology from the University
of Illinois. In 1984, she received a
medical degree from the University
of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical
School. She completed her family
medicine residency in 1987 at St.
Joseph Hospital, a Northwestern
University affiliate.
From there, Dr. Traylor moved
into private practice, enjoying her
positions in both administrative and
clinical capacities. She served as lead
physician and branch medical officer
for the San Jose Medical Group, as
well as maintained a full clinical
practice with a special area of interest
in women’s health.
In 2000, Dr. Traylor moved to Las
Vegas, where her growing interest in
bioidentical hormone replacement
led her to the Cenegenics® Medical
Institute. She became an Institute
physician for Cenegenics, decidedly
focusing her medical work on age
management medicine because it
promotes wellness while opposing
traditional medicine’s reactive
Throughout her career, Dr. Traylor
was a Fellow of the American
Academy of Family Physicians,
received the American Medical
Association Physician Recognition
Award and was published for her
work on behavioral factors and
physical health.
Dr. Traylor’s dedication, along with
her strong commitment to the triad
of nutrition, exercise and hormonal
optimization, will help Cenegenics
guide patients on a discovery toward
maximized health and a higher quality
of life.
Now part of the Cenegenics team, Ms.
Berry’s dedication to excellence is
evident. Her ability to optimize human
resources has proven invaluable.
Additionally, Ms. Berry’s motivation,
spirit, innate talents and willingness to
broaden her knowledge have made a
significant impact on daily operations.
Not surprisingly, each department
under her direction continues to
successfully meet the needs and
expectations of every patient.
As Cenegenics COO, Ms. Berry
stays focused on enhancing operating
strategies, which support the demands
of such an intricate, vital institution.
Thanks to her good efforts and timely
reporting, Cenegenics has received
unqualified audit opinions every
year since its inception. Similarly,
our Dun & Bradstreet rating is at the
highest possible level for privately
held companies, under Ms. Sullivan’s
Rosalind Sullivan, CPA
Director of Accounting & Legal
Annie Colbert, CPT
Nutrition & Exercise Coordinator
Ms. Sullivan is a Certified Public
Accountant and a Seattle University
summa cum laude graduate, holding
a bachelor’s degree in accounting and
business administration.
Ms. Colbert earned her masters degree
in nutrition through the University
of Bridgeport, Connecticut, after
graduating cum laude from Northern
Arizona University with a bachelor of
science in exercise physiology.
Kristy Berry
Chief Operating Officer
Ms. Berry oversees all operations
for Cenegenics Medical Institute,
including its facilities in the United
States and Asia. She also is global
liaison for clinical sites, product
distribution and finance for our
U.S., Japan, Korea and Hong Kong
Prior to joining Cenegenics, Ms.
Berry began her career as a CNA
(Certified Nursing Assistant) at a
local senior care center. She went on
to work in the administrative office
of a chiropractic practice, before
moving to Sunrise Hospital’s pediatric
healthcare clinic. There, she applied
her experience and skills to become
office manager.
her previous extensive experience in
financial analysis and reporting, tax
preparation, compliance reporting,
financial operations, general
accounting and auditing. She carries
out her multifaceted position with
great professionalism, determination
and accuracy.
Her vast experience in health clubs
and rehabilitation settings—assessing
fitness levels and individualizing
exercise programs—has proven a
tremendous advantage in helping
Cenegenics patients achieve their
personal health goals.
Having served as senior accountant
for a large accounting firm in
Seattle, Ms. Sullivan broadened her
experience, leading to an appointment
as assistant controller of Merrill
Lynch/Howard Johnson & Company.
While there, she supervised the
financial reporting and coordinated
the due diligence and audit of a $40M
subsidiary acquisition.
Ms. Sullivan joined the Cenegenics
Medical Institute as director of
Accounting and Legal, drawing upon
p p e n d i x
A certified Jazzercise instructor
for over ten years, she teaches all
formats (balls, tubes and weights)
and includes all modalities of fitness:
cardiovascular, resistance training,
balance, coordination, flexibility and
core stabilization.
Additionally, Ms. Colbert oversees the
diet and nutrition component of the
Executive Health Evaluation, as well
as training physician affiliates on the
related details to be addressed during
the evaluation process.
Certified as a personal trainer with
the prestigious National Academy
of Sports Medicine, Ms. Colbert is
known for her keen ability to motivate
people toward making healthy
lifestyle changes. Her knowledge
and encouragement help Cenegenics
Medical Institute create a program,
where each patient’s nutritional and
exercise goals can be realized.
The Cenegenics
Cenegenics is about and for its
patients. That as our goal, we
established four integral teams to meet
daily demands. These teams work
in synergy, focused on patient care,
expectations, quality, effectiveness
and high performance.
The dedication of each team
member has helped Cenegenics gain
international recognition and provide
the utmost in patient satisfaction.
Patient Services Team. When you
embark on your health journey with
Cenegenics, you will be in constant
dialogue with our Patient Services
Team. They handle patient care
and calls, finances, scheduling and
coordination, medical documentation,
recommendations, monthly fulfillment
(of pharmaceutical products). The
Patient Services Team also functions
as a back office staff for our physician
Clinical Team. Our Clinical Team
delivers an unprecedented five-star
clinical care service. A nurse manager,
nutritionist and several administrative
team members support our doctors.
Their primary focus is managing
a patient’s medical experience,
from start to finish. That includes
diagnostics, consultations and making
certain every expectation is met.
Practice Development Team.
Solid communication is critical to
our success and our patients’. The
Cenegenics Practice Development
Team proves the vital link between all
potential, new and existing patients
and our physicians. This support
team handles questions, concerns and
registrations, relating to patient goals
and needs—and provides the research,
history and evidence-based scientific
literature to individuals wanting to
learn more about Cenegenics. Their
diligent assistance to the medical
team also includes transcribing
practice development and medical
dictations, tracking inventory as well
as producing and distributing mailers.
60 Minutes and 48 Hours, NBC’s
Today Show, CNBC and an HBO
Cenegenics has been featured in major
newspapers around the world, such
as the Las Vegas Review Journal, The
New York Times, Chicago Tribune,
The Washington Post, Los Angeles
Times, The Wall Street Journal,
London Times, London Express and
The Toronto Star.
Accounting Team. The team handles
financial needs, tracks Internet
strategies, creates agreements and
manages contracts with related
facilities and our university affiliates.
Press Room
Cenegenics Medical Institute has
made a significant, worldwide
impression on the health and medical
community, as well as consumers,
through extensive media exposure.
Not only has Cenegenics become the
largest and most-experienced agemanagement medicine practice in the
world, but we are viewed as leading
experts in the field by American and
international journalists. As a result,
our medical institute has received
considerable media coverage.
Media coverage. Cenegenics Medical
Institute’s TV exposure includes
appearances on NBC, CBS, ABC,
CNN, PBS, FOX News, ESPN and
many local and regional television
programs. We have earned glowing
coverage from ABC’s 20/20, CBS’s
p p e n d i x
Periodicals featuring Cenegenics
Medical Institute include GQ,
Esquire, Total Health Magazine,
Medical Economics, Hippocrates,
Penthouse, Health, Physician and
Healthcare, Modern Maturity and
Men’s Health. A number of regional
magazines have also featured articles
about our age management approach.
Cenegenics is frequently featured on
national and regional radio shows,
including Art Bell’s widely heard
Coast-to-Coast AM.
Visit us on the Web for a detailed
list of current and archived media
coverage: www.cenegenics.com.
p p e n d i x
Institute . . . It just makes sense.
p p e n d i x
p p e n d i x