November 16, 2010


November 16, 2010
WVU Tech: Montgomery, WV
Free - Take One!
Vol. 112
Edition 10
November 16, 2010
Tech -
By Daisy “Jenny” Coburn
Edited by Jennifer Hudnall
Photo from
In September, Jenny Coburn’s sister was shot and killed by an abusive
ex-boyfriend, leaving three children without a mother. Jenny herself had
remarried and attending college at WVU Tech, something her ex-husband
would never have allowed. She is a sophomore majoring in psychology and an
active member of the WVU Tech Psychology Club.
On September 29, I lost my baby sister, Crystal. She was only 30 years
old. She had driven to the corner store for cigarettes, but she didn’t know that
her abusive ex-boyfriend had followed her. He demanded she exit the car.
They argued, she turned to get back into the car, and he shot her point-blank in
the temple. Their 4-year-old son watched helplessly from inside the car. The
murderer ran away from the scene before shooting and killing himself. I don’t
know if my nephew will ever recover from what he saw. He doesn’t believe his
father is dead because he didn’t see that happen; he thinks his daddy just doesn’t
want to see him.
Crystal had 3 children, two of them belonging to the man who took her
life. She had kept secret the fact that this man had abused her and her 8-year
were. My nephew was repeatedly threatened, called names, and told he would
be killed along with his mother. That man did not help support his children
either. Crystal pawned or sold everything of value to provide for her children.
getting her life together. After she was killed, our family found out she had been
pregnant again.
My little niece and nephews must now live every day without their
mommy. I wonder how I will ever tell them just how wonderful she really was
and what a great mommy she
was trying to be. Every time
the youngest two get balloons
now, they run as fast as they
can and “send the balloons up
to mommy.” No child should
have to feel this way or wake up
in the night, screaming for their
mommy who can never come.
Women endure abuse
every day and are often too
November is Domestic Violence
embarrassed or scared to
Awareness Month. If you or somechange their situations. I know
one you know is a victim, please get
I was. When I was married to
help right away.
was normal, and even thought
I somehow deserved to be treated that way. I lived like that for seven
years, and I think I know how my sister must have felt. I suffered broken
toes, sprained wrists, and my face shoved into a hot pot of spaghetti
sauce. I watched him womanize and then beat me for daring to ask why.
embarrassing, but I had to do it. I am telling this story for my sister, who
would want other sisters’, mothers’ and friends’ lives to be saved. If you
know someone in a similar situation, please do what you can to help them.
Tell them they are not at fault and that they do not deserve to be verbally
the abuser.
I miss my sister every day, and I wish I could talk to her one more
time. Our last conversation was via text message. I said, “I love you
sissy.” She replied, “I love you, too,” and texted a kiss. Had I known that
would be the last time.. I would have had so many other things to say.
On Thursday, Nov. 18, at 12:15 p.m., the Victim Services
Coordinator from the YWCA Resolve Family Abuse Program will give
a presentation in Orndorff Hall, room 1206. All are welcome. It was
Jenny’s idea to bring someone to campus to speak on this issue; please
show your support and respect by attending this event.
Miscellaneous.............................2 & 3
Tech Athletics.............................4 & 5
Opinions & Review.....................6 & 7
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Final Exam Schedule........................8
Surviving Finals Week- Page 7
Page 2
November 16, 2010
WVU Tech Collegian
SAB Board Games Night, Tech Center
Activity Room- 7 p.m.
Ratliff Hall Council, Ratliff Lobby- 9 p.m.
Annual Math & Science Bowl, WVU Tech
E-Lab- 9 a.m.
Psychology Club Speaker, Orndorff Hall
1206, 12:15 p.m.
Christian Student Union Meeting, Tech
Center Ballroom- 5 p.m.
Start of Thanksgiving Recess
Thanksgiving Day
Black Friday Shopping Day
End of Thanksgiving Recess
SAB Board Games Night, Tech Center
Activity Room- 7 p.m.
Ratliff Hall Council, Ratliff Lobby- 9 p.m.
Christian Student Union Meeting, Tech
Center Ballroom- 5 p.m.
Electronic Games Night, Tech Center
Activity Room- 7 p.m.
It’s A Wonderful Life: the Musical (play),
Conley Hall Theatre- 7:30 p.m.
It’s a Wonderful Life: the Musical (play),
Conley Hall Theatre- 7:30 p.m.
LAN Party, Tech Center Ballroom- 10 a.m.
It’s A Wonderful Life: the Musical (play),
Conley Hall Theatre- 7:30 p.m.
Christian Student Union Meeting, Tech
Center Ballroom- 5:30 p.m.
SAB Board Games Night, Tech Center
Activity Room- 7 p.m.
Electronic Games Night, Tech Center
Activity Room- 7 p.m.
Club Night, Tech Center Ballroom- 7 p.m.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
**No school related events posted for 2011 at this
By Garrett Goosman
The Student Government Association
(SGA) met on Tuesday, Nov. 9, to discuss items
that need to be talked about and addressed by
the end of the semester. Also talked about were
events that will be held next semester. Senators
were also appointed to the faculty assembly
committees; if you’re a Senator that is unsure
about what committee you’re in charge with or
assisting, see Jacob Curnette.
out items for “Tech Me Out To The Ball Game”
next semester and if SGA will be able to sponsor
the game or not. The football schedule for
next season has been made and approved.
Homecoming next season will be Oct. 1st, 2011
against UVA-Wise.
Night with the Arts and Sciences will be
on Nov. 16. The Tech Players will be performing,
“It’s A Wonderful Life” on December 4, 5, and 6.
Biology Club is still having their food drive until
Nov. 19 in lobby of Orndorff Hall from 11 a.m.-1
p.m. everyday.
Any questions, comments, or ideas about
SGA, you can contact Jacob Curnutte at 304654-3787 or Frank McMullen at 304-771-1381.
You can also stop by at SGA meetings because
they are open to everyone; meetings are every
Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Student Activities room
in the Tech Center.
Emily Wilkinson - Editor
Callie Beaver - Assisstant Editor
Jim Kerrigan - Legal Advisor
Katie Coblentz - Layout Coordinator
Glenda Maddy - Advertising Executive
Susan Williams - Journalism Advisor
Dr. Donna Eisenstat - English Advisor
Dr. Deborah Beutler - Photography
James Holloway - Photography
Staff Writers - Jamilyn Beekley, Daniel Eisenberg,
Garrett Goosman, Chris Lacy, Jerry McCoy, and Jordan
Contact us by mail at
Printed by Beckley Register Herald; Special
thanks to Shaun Wood and the rest of his staff
that work so diligently to meet our needs at all
Contact us by e-mail at
if interested in submitting a suggestion for the newspaper’s improvement, needing an advertisement to place
in advance to publicize an event or organization or for
information on how to apply for a position as a writer or
photographer. The standard rate of pay is $8.00/hr with
a maximum of working twenty hours per week. Staff writers do need to attend weekly meetings with the editor, if
Opinion Policy: The Tech Collegian strives to remain
unbiased by printing opinions in the newspaper. Views
and opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily
those of the editor, the newspaper, or WVU Tech. The
staff encourages those concerned to submit any or all suggestions to the newspaper at one of its email addresses.
The editor is entitled at any time to edit the content or
grammar of any article, as well as approve or disapprove it
for publication.
Letters to the editor must include the author’s
name for liability; however, names can be withheld
from publication upon request. We will not print letters that are sent unsigned. If letters contain complaints
about faculty, staff, or other students, we will contact the
individual(s) involved for a chance to respond concurrently in print with equal space. Complaints of this nature
will not be printed until we can contact the complainee.
By Garrett Goosman
Alpha Sigma Tau (AST) just got done celebrating their twentieth year university of
being Tech’s campus on Nov. 10, in which they celebrated it with their “Emerald Ball” this
past weekend.
Alpha Sigma Tau sorority only had 3 members in their sorority last semester which
were Amanda Honaker, Angelina Broschart, and Ashley Clark. Well, this semester has
been truly a great one for the sisters of AST. They initiated 6 new sisters to the sorority to
give them 9 members. The newly initiated sisters were Emily Geldbach, Mashaela Ratliff,
Amber Wall, Jenni Gill, Lindsay McDowall, and Carla Woods-Shamblin. They were
initiated on November 10, which obviously was their Founders Day at Tech. Things are
looking bright for this young group of ladies, and they are very excited for next semester.
AST would also like to congratulate Provost Scott Hurst on winning their
that they recently had for a fundraiser!
November 16, 2010
Page 3
WVU Tech Collegian
Opening reception Thursday, December 2nd 6 - 8 PM
Pierce Art Gallery, Conley Hall
WVU-Tech, Montgomery, WV
Exhibition dates: December 2 - January 28
Gallery hours: 10 AM to 5 PM Monday - Friday and by
Please note that during the holiday break (December 18th
-January 9th) the Gallery will be open by appointment
only. Please call 304 -442 -3257 or
send an e-mail to robert.simile@
Image Title: Specimen No.
RH112846, 22x12x4 inches
Tech players present “It’s a
Wonderful Life” December 2, 3&4 @
7:30, Conley Theater
Montgomery, W.Va. – West Virginia University Strategic Planning
Council Chair Dr. Nigel Clark will be on the WVU Tech campus on
November 16 for the “Dialogue for Our Future: The WVU Strategic Plan”
forum. The event, which will be held in the WVU Tech Engineering
Auditorium at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, is open to all faculty and staff, students,
alumni, policymakers, and community members.
WVU President James P. Clements outlined the draft for the strategic
plan during his State of the University address on October 11, highlighting
decade. More information on the process and a draft of the plan are
available online at:
“Now that the draft plan has been out there circulating for a couple
of weeks, it’s time for faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, policymakers,
residents of our state – everyone whose lives are touched by WVU in some
and success,” said Dr. Clark. “All of us can contribute to the vision and plans
for WVU’s role in education, research and outreach. This is your time to talk
and our time to listen about ways to advance WVU’s goals.”
with Tech’s own 5-year strategic plan, and we look forward to a harmonious
collaboration in reaching our collective objectives,” explained Dr. Guy
Vitaglione, WVU Tech’s Strategic Planning Coordinator.
Comments are welcome at Tuesday’s event. Feedback can also be
submitted online at:
Employees who attend the forum during regular work hours do
not need to take annual leave; this will be considered work release time.
Employees are reminded to get their supervisor’s approval before attending.
1. Elementary (6)
4. Sort (4)
8. Made known (9)
9. Scintilla (4)
10. Season (6)
13. Fluent (6)
15. Unguent (4)
18. Reptile (9)
19. Bed on a ship or
train (4)
2. Intended (5)
3. Solitary (4)
5. Watercraft (5)
6. Conclusion (3)
7. Sound (5)
11. Violent disorder (7)
12. Flower (5)
14. Diadem (5)
16. Obviate (5)
17. Passport endorsement (4)
18. Young mammal (3)
Last Week’s Solution!
Page 4
WVU Tech Collegian
November 16, 2010
Tech Athletics
By Garrett Goosman
The men’s and women’s soccer were
defeated in the Mid-South Conference (MSC)
this past weekend (November 5-7.) The men’s
soccer team lost to Campbellsville in a close
at 0-0. The Tigers would come out and score 2
goals, and that would be all that they would need
to secure the win. The Golden Bears soccer team
will say goodbye to the following eight seniors:
Ernesto Ramirez, Branimir Radovancovici,
Bernardo Lopez, Jerome Wauchope, Jonny Day,
David James, Ionut Buse, and Luis Parra. Those
8 players certainly helped Tech have a successful
record of 5-10 and 3-5 in the MSC.
The women’s soccer team had a very
tough task facing them; they went head-tohead against the very talented Lindsey Wilson
Blue Raiders. The Blue Raiders found the
back of the net 9 times in this contest against
the Lady Golden Bears, whom were unable
Golden Bears say farewell to the following four
seniors: Laura Spiers, Elizabeth Peters, Bailey
Scherbak, and Caroline McKelvie. The four
seniors helped the Lady Golden Bears out when
they needed to, along with their new head
coach, Crystal Dye. Tech’s women’s soccer
team ended the season with the record of 5-15.
Above: Seniors and their parents of Tech’s
2010 football team on Senior Night.
Below: #74 Freshman Jay Pennington
Right: # 45 Junior Jamal Shelton
Photos by James Holloway
Montgomery, WV –
The Mid-South Conference
announced the 2010 men’s soccer
conference awards this morning
at the University of Rio Grande.
WVU Tech was represented by three
of their student-athletes, Branimir
Radavancovic, Iounut Buse and Jonny
The all-conference awards
were nominated and voted on by the
conference coaches who were not
allowed to vote for their own players.
Senior forward, Jonny Day
(East London, England), was named to
the Mid-South Conference Honorable
Mention Team for his efforts this
ranked 45th in the nation on shots
per game while scoring 10 goals and
was credited for 3 assists for a total
of 23 points on the season. This is
Day’s second consecutive season being
named as an Honorable Mention
Ionut Buse (Timisoara, Romania) and
Branimir Radavancovic (Timisoara,
Romania) were two of the forty-four
student athletes recognized by the
Mid-South as Academic All MidSouth Conference performers. This
distinction is reserved for studentathletes with a sophomore or higher
class standing and a 3.25 and above
grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
This is also the second consecutive
season Buse and Radavancovic have
been named as Academic All MidSouth performers.
November 16, 2010
WVU Tech Collegian
Tech Athletics
Montgomery, WV –
The Mid-South Conference
announced the 2010 women’s
soccer annual awards this morning
prior to the conference tournament
Grande. The Golden Bears had four
student athletes recognized for
Monika Becker (Kissing,
Germany), Hannah Jaskot
(Dousman, WI), Caroline McKelvie
(Drogan, Scotland) and Bailey
Scherbak (Whitby, Canada) were
four of the forty-six women’s
soccer student-athletes who were
recognized as Academic All MidSouth Conference performers.
The distinction is reserved for
student-athletes with a sophomore
or higher class standing and a 3.25
and above grade point average on a
4.0 scale.
Becker, while the award marks the
second consecutive season junior
forward /Goal Keeper Hannah
Bailey Scherbak have been selected
for Academic All Mid-South
Conference honors.
Page 5
By Garrett Goosman
The volleyball team underwent a lot of
new changes with a new head coach and some
young, new talent. Their season ended better
than last years’, but there seems like there is
still some work that needs to be done. The
Lady Golden Bears went on the road to take
Mid-South Conference (MSC). Tech wouldn’t
Raiders stuck it out to squeak by Tech by the
score of 26-24. Tech would also drop their next
two sets by the score of 25-17 and 25-21.
The Lady Golden Bears will not return on
the court next season with three of their players
due to graduation in May. Those players are
Amy McLaughlin, Erica Schoolcraft, and Ashley
Blaney. The Lady Golden Bears ended the
season with a 5-24 record and 1-12 in the MSC.
WVU Tech Men’s Basketball
WVU Tech Women’s Basketball
WVU Tech Wrestling
11/27/10 @ Point Park (PA)- 12 p.m.
11/17/10 @ Elizabeth City- 5:30 p.m.
11/20/10 @ Shorter Dual- TBD
12/2/10 @ Rio Grande*- 8 p.m.
Tournament (WV)- TBA
11/30/10 @ Ohio Valley Dual- 7
11/23/10 @ Central State- 6 p.m.
12/4/10 @ East Tennessee State
Univ. Dual*- 2 p.m.
12/7/10 @ Cleveland State- 7 p.m.
12/9/10 @ Concord- 7:30 p.m.
12/11/10 @ Coppin State- 4 p.m.
12/16/10 Vs. St. Catherine*- 8 p.m.
12/18/10 Vs. Campbellsville*- 4 p.m.
12/2/10 @ Rio Grande*- 6 p.m.
12/16/10 Vs. St. Catherine*- 6 p.m.
12/18/10 Vs. Campbellsville*- 2 p.m.
12/12/10 @ Lindsey Wilson Dual*10 a.m.
12/30/10 Vs. Elizabeth City- 2 p.m.
1/12/11 Vs. Ohio Valley Dual- 7
1/6/11 @ Lindsey Wilson*- 8 p.m.
1/1/11 @ St. Augustine College- 3
1/15/11 @ Washington & Lee
Invitational- 10 a.m.
1/8/11 @ University of
Cumberlands*- 4 p.m.
1/6/11 @ Lindsey Wilson*- 6 p.m.
1/11/11 Vs. Mountain State- 7 p.m.
1/8/11 @ University of
Cumberlands*- 2 p.m.
1/19/11 @ West Liberty Dual- 7
1/13/11 @ UVA Wise*- 8 p.m.
1/13/11 @ UVA Wise*- 6 p.m.
1/15/11 @ Pikeville*- 4 p.m.
1/15/11 @ Pikeville*- 2 p.m.
1/20/11 Vs Shawnee State*- 8 p.m.
1/20/11 Vs. Shawnee State*- 6 p.m.
1/4/11 Vs. Point Park- 2 p.m.
1/22/11 Vs Georgetown(KY)*- 4 p.m.
1/25/11 @ Mountain State- 7 p.m.
*Denotes conference games
Page 6
November 16, 2010
WVU Tech Collegian
By Jerry McCoy
Artist: Drake
Album: Thank Me Later
Release Date: 6/9/2010
Rating: 2.5 stars
Artist: Lil’ Wayne
Album: “I am Not a Human Being
Release Date: 9/27/10
Rating: 5 stars
Lil Wayne is back with a CD, released while in jail. It came out the last
week of September on iTunes and mid-October in Target as a special release
with 3 bonus tracks. This album only features guest appearances from Young
Money/Cash Money imprint and label respectively, which shows a great
business sense by Wayne, Mack Maine, & Birdman for giving their artists some
and Tyga. This was a track that was originally left off the “We Are Young
Money, Vol. 1” CD. It is followed by a second song left off the same CD, “YM
Salute” featuring Lil’ Twist, Lil’ Chuckee, Gudda Gudda, Jae Millz, & Nicki
Minaj done in the same sense, as the Finale on the aforementioned CD. The
third track was done with Gudda Gudda, and it was called, “I Don’t Like the
Look of It.” The lead single, which carries the name of the album, “I Am Not A
Human Being” is a hard rap over a rock beat. This song was originally one of
the ones on Rebirth before the leak. The second single, “I’m Single” was left off
of the Drake album and provides great lyrics from both Drake and Wayne.
He also collaborates with the YM femcee, Nicki Minaj on the track,
“What’s Wrong With Them” which showcases her ability to sing, instead of her
usual racy raps. “Right Above It” shows the protégé of Drake’s better skills at
rapping. A third single off the CD, “That Ain’t Me” featuring Cash Money artist
Jay Sean, provides solid vocals with a great rap from Wayne. Lil’ Wayne isn’t
“Gonorrhea” featuring Drake, he does just that. He also has an appearance by
YM young gun, T-Streets, on the track “Hold Up.”
His second and only other solo track is “Bill Gates,” and we can only
guess what he talks about there. In all, Wayne wasn’t outclassed on any songs
with the featured guest appearances. This would be great for him since his
verses were recorded before jail, and most of the Young Money verses were
done afterwards. He brought his “A” game and deserves 5 stars on this. This
CD is a must-have for any fan of Wayne’s, and being a person who is very
skeptical of Wayne, I think it is a worthy buy from even those who don’t like
Wayne or people who are lukewarm on his raps.
Behold, you have the solo debut of Young Money member,
Drake. His single, “Over,” started out very strong, being one of the
standout tracks on the album and he did all the rapping himself
with a hook that he sang. There are tracks where he raps rich like
“Fancy” featuring T. I. & Swizz Beatz. He was outclassed on the song,
“Unforgettable,” featuring Young Jeezy. He didn’t even get into the
league of Jay-Z on “Light Up” and Lil Wayne on “Miss Me.” He did hold
his own on those tracks, but didn’t catch up to the established artists
that he was performing with.
I think maybe his second best track was “Thank Me Now,” which
is an arrogant conclusion to the album. Now those are the rap songs,
as a rap CD, and I expect to hear as much when I listen. “Fireworks”
with Alicia Keys, the solo “Show Me A Good Time,” “Shut It Down”
featuring the Dream, and “Find Your Love” are all great songs -- but he
sings and doesn’t rap in them. Had he promoted himself as more of a
crossover artist instead of trying to come off as ‘hardcore’ on tracks with
Birdman and Lil’ Wayne, then maybe I would look at the CD differently.
But it is hard to picture the kid who never really grew up in the streets
attempting to rap about life living on them. He should stick to Degrassi
or R&B albums because he can’t keep up with the guest list that Lil’
Wayne and Birdman supplied for him. Not saying he is a bad artist, but
he shouldn’t have too many feature artists on a solo CD that is also a
debut CD, unless your raps can keep up with them.
**This is a re-review by a different staff member than the one that did
the previous review.
By Callie Beaver
1. Carol of the Bells – Thrice
2. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) – Death Cab for Cutie
3. All that I Want – The Weepies
4. Last Christmas – Jimmy Eat World
5. Happy Xmas (War is Over) – The Beatles
6. Wizards in Winter – Trans-Siberian Orchestra
7. All I Want for Christmas Is You – Mariah Carey
8. Baby It’s Cold Outside – Zooey Deschanel and Leon Redbone
9. I’ll Be Home For Christmas – Frank Sinatra
10. Where Are You Christmas? – Faith Hill
November 16, 2010
Page 7
WVU Tech Collegian
By Jerry McCoy
This week I dined at
Montgomery’s Mexican Restaurant,
El Jalisco. I started off with the
customary chips and cheese dip. For
a drink, I chose Pepsi because I was
working after all. For my main course
I had chili con queso, which is chili and
cheese sauce draped over two tortillas.
dish and I must say it was great!
It is one of the best meals I have
had anywhere in Montgomery. This
at the restaurant, and I recommend
everyone to go there. If this isn’t your
thing, there are several steak/beef
meals that you could get.
By Callie Beaver
The semester is quickly coming to a
If you are like most people, you have two
goals during this time: do well on your
exams and keep stress at a minimum. Aside
from an endless supply of caffeine and hours
of no sleep, there are several things you
can do to minimize stress and maximize
First and foremost, in the weeks
following you need to take care of yourself.
Nothing is worse than an unexpected virus
attempt to get at least eight hours of rest
each night. Try to eat healthier and consume
a lot of carbohydrates that will provide you
with energy. Exercising is also important
because it boosts energy and releases
endorphins that will decrease stress levels.
If you have research paper or project
due at the end of the semester, do not wait
until last minute. Professors give plenty of
advance before a paper or project is due, so
begin, your paper will done and you can
channel all of your focus to studying.
Always take an advantageous study
opportunity. With the right group of people,
you can learn more about the subject that you
are studying. If you are the one that needs help,
be sure to ask questions. If you are already
will only solidify your knowledge. It is wise to
consider making a study guide for the material
with members of your group, splitting up the
information that is required it will save time.
Before you study, make sure to minimize
your distractions. If you study in a clean and
organized setting you will be able to study more
effectively. Turn off all of your electronics. Aside
from study groups, socializing should be kept at a
Rewarding yourself with mental breaks is
extremely crucial in reducing stress levels. Set
goals to get through so much material at a time
and then reward yourself with your favorite TV
show or a facebook break. Do not spend too
much time on one subject. It is okay to alternate
between topics to avoid being burnt out.
schedule and plan your time until then wisely.
If you are one of the lucky few, or maybe not so
lucky, that have all of your exams scheduled in
one or two days see if your professor will make an
exception for you. It never hurts to ask.
by Jerry McCoy
To make this clear, this has nothing to do with the multi-player. This is a just a review of the actual game. If the on-line play was
featured, that mode would get a 10. The storyline takes place in the 1960’s. You start out in the Cuban Missile crisis and go to Russia. This
game plays like the other every other Call of Duty game: Shoot the enemies. The best part of the game would be an increased computer A.I.;
this helps on the squad-based missions. There isn’t going to be a super amount of enemies.
A cool feature to the game is the ability to call on air strikes on a select mission. It also features a Russian character, who is a sidekick of
sorts. You can play two characters, Mason, a Black Ops team leader, and Hudson, a CIA handler. When you have
Mason, your team consists of Bowman (voiced by Ice Cube) and Hudson always has his sidekick, Weaver. If you
like the guns from Modern Warfare, you will be disappointed. If you liked the World At War Flamethrower, then
you will be greatly excited; the Flamethrower is great. The rest of the guns are fairly old with one of the better
guns being the Russian AK that is in almost every shooter.
Release Date: 11/9/10
Platform(s): XBox360, PS3
Rating: 7.5
Page 8
WVU Tech Collegian
November 16, 2010
By Jordan Thompson
The Charleston Ballet will be performing a full-length version of the Nutcracker with live music played by the West Virginia
Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Maestro Grant Cooper. The Staging is coordinated by Miguel Campaneria and K.R. Pauley. The
production display guest artists, musicians, choral singers and more than 170 West Virginia dancers. Student and public performances
will be presented. I make it a point to see this masterpiece every winter to get into the spirit of the holiday season. I highly recommend
Show Times
Friday, December 17, 2010, 7:30 pm
Saturday, December 18, 2010, 2:00 pm & 7:30 pm
Clay Center Maier Performance Hall
(304) 561-3570 or order online at
Area A
Adults $50.00
Child 12 & under $30.00
Area C
Adults $25.00
Child 12 & under $14.00
Area B
Adults $38.00
Child 12 & under $20.00
Area D
Adults $18.00
Child 12 & under $9.00