

Circumvent (sur-kuhm-vent) to avoid by
going around; to encircle; to outwit
 Verb
 From Latin circum (around) and
venire (to come)
 Many different things can be
 To circumvent an enemy (to encircle)
 To circumvent a lake (go around it
instead of sailing over it)
 To circumvent the rules (avoid them or
find ways around them)
Citadel (sit-uh-del) a fortress
From Middle Latin civitas (city)
Related to citizen
In earlier days, “city” came to mean
“fort” because cities were small and
each had a fortress to protect it
 Synonym: stronghold
Cogitate (koj-i-teyt) to ponder or
think deeply
 verb
 From Latin co plus agitare (to
move, to drive)
 Noun form: cogitation (deep
 Adjective form: cogitative
 Synonyms: plan, ponder, plot,
comatose (kom-uh-tohs )
unconscious; inactive
 Adjective
 from Greek koma (sleep)
 when one is in a coma, they are
totally unconscious; when one is
comatose, one may be unconscious
or in a state that resembles
 synonyms: catatonic, vegetative,
fewer vs. less
 Use “fewer” when you can reasonably count what
you’re referring to:
I have fewer friends now than I had when I was younger.
You can reasonably count friends.
 Use “less” when you can’t reasonably count what
you’re referring to:
My boyfriend has less hair on his back now that he’s
gotten his back waxed.
You can’t reasonably count hair.
 Which ones are correct?
I have less ice cream in my bowl than she does.
I have less complaints about this class than that one.
I ran fewer miles tonight than I did last night.
I ran less miles tonight than I did last night.
conflagration (kon-fluh-grey-shuhn )
a large, destructive fire
 noun
 from Latin com (up) plus flagrare
(to burn)
 may also refer to a burning fever
or a violent conflict
 a conflagrator may be someone
who sets a fire, but also someone
who stirs up a crowd with
contretemps (kon-truh-tahn)an
embarrassing incident
from French contre (against) plus temps (time)
is singular despite the “s” at the end
originated in the sport of fencing; an inopportune move was
considered a move “out of time”
conveyance (kuhn-vey-uhns) a means
of transporting; a vehicle
 noun
 from Latin com plus via (road)
 may refer to anything that transports or to
something that transfers, such as a deed that
transfers property from one person to another
 verb- convey (to carry)
corona (kuh-roh-nuh)
a halo of light around the sun or
 noun
 from Latin corona (crown)
 related to coroner (a public officer who
investigates deaths) because it was
originally an office of the crown
 related to coronary (related to the
heart) and corolla (a circle of leaves
surrounding a flower)
cryptic (krip-tik) secret; mysterious
from Greek kryptos
related to crypt (burial place or vault)
sometimes involves a code or a cipher
10th word! Quiz is tomorrow!