WELCOME TO NYSA www.pwsz.nysa.pl LLP ERASMUS INTENSIVE COURSE 18-31.03.2012 Nice to study and jump around! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNNNS,S,SSSSS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIIBBBBBBB WHEN WHERE 18-31.03.2012 City of Nysa in POLAND Institute of Architecture THE PROGRAMME: lectures, workshops, individual work, competition, welcome package presentations, mapping show, study tour, cultural events, farewell party and much much more….☺ CERTIFICATE: Accredited in PWSZ in Nysa and its partners (ECTS points) www.pwsz.nysa.pl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIIBBBBBBB PARTNERS: SCHOOL OF HIGHER VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN NYSA, POLAND FACHOCHSCHULE LAUSITZ, GERMANY UNIVERSITA DELLA CALABRIA, ITALY ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D’ARCHITECTURE DE STRASBOURG, FRANCE www.pwsz.nysa.pl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIIBBBBBBB Some topics of the lectures: 1. Conservation in architecture 2. Monumental objects‘ adaptation to the new function on examples 3. Historical buildings adaptation to the new functions 4. Thermomodernization, plasters and mortars in relation to historical buildings www.pwsz.nysa.pl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIIBBBBBBB Some topics of the lectures: 5. Innovative methods of conservation ( lasers, climatic chambers, SEM techniques) 6. Heating system of the monumental objects 7. Self-employment in Architect profession (law background, administration procedures, problems) 8. The new role of Architects as the guards of the dialog between past and the future in context of the historical buildings and monument www.pwsz.nysa.pl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIIBBBBBBB Some topics of the lectures: 9. City development policies in the context of renovation or conservation. 10. About clouds, cities and robots- climate influence on urban development of the historical city areas 11. Cooperation model between the Architect and Conservator 12. Conservation or renovation? www.pwsz.nysa.pl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB TOPIC OF THE WORKSHOP: Revitalisation Strategy for slaughterhouse in Nysa with it's direct environment based on the city needs analysis as well as the new technologies implementation. (8-10 international participants in each groupsupervised by 2 lecturers) www.pwsz.nysa.pl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Costs covered by the LLP ERASMUS grant for Consarch!!!!!! : TRAVEL ACCOMODATION SUBSISTENCE DURING THE WORKSHOP STUDY TOUR DURING THE WEEKEND CULTURAL PROGRAMME www.pwsz.nysa.pl NYSA www.pwsz.nysa.pl c. 60.000 inhabitants Located by the lakes and mountains Surrounded by fortifications Academic soul of the Citystudents are 10% of total population NYSA POLAND NYSA SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNNNS www.pwsz.nysa.pl Silesian Rome www.pwsz.nysa.pl SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNNNS Facts and figures founded on 1st June 2001 More than 4.500 students 14 Faculties, 16 specialisations Titles: engineer (3,5 years) bachelor (3 years) www.pwsz.nysa.pl • • • • 5 specialisations 2 buildins 77 staff members 1500 students www.pwsz.nysa.pl 14 faculties 9 buildings, 2 sport halls, dormitory 349 staff members More than 4500 students 7405 graduates SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNNNS TECHNICAL MEDICAL HUMANISTIC - Dietetic - Architecture and Urbanistic -Cosmetology - Computer Science - Nursing - Production Management - Medical Rescue - Public Health - English Philology - German Philology - History - Business English ARTISTIC ECONOMICAL SOCIOLOGICAL -Jazz and pop music - Finance and Banking - Internal Security - Renovation www.pwsz.nysa.pl SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNNNS TTT ffffffffTf ofofTT uufuTufffu fuT Teufffu fiiuTfffuT,offofTTuT fuT 9ofTffuuT buffbfubf,o TfffoofouTffbTufT fub 2ofioufoTffff with total area 22o222oi2. www.pwsz.nysa.pl SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNNNS Rectorate One of the main buildings www.pwsz.nysa.pl SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNNNS IIterIatioIalICooCeratioI OOOiOe MeetiIM ClaOeI OorIall iIterIatioIali iIIiiii☺ ☺ www.pwsz.nysa.pl ERASMUS (2004-2011): 773 080 EURO 48 PARTNERS FROM 21 COUNTRIES BELGIUM PORTUGAL BULGARIA RUSSIA CZECH REP. ROMANIA CROATIA SLOWAKIA DENMARK SLOVENIA INTERNATIONAL FINLAND TURKEY SPAIN UKRAIN COOPERATION IRLAND HUNGARY LITHUANIA GREAT BRYTAIN LATIVIA ITALY www.pwsz.nysa.pl GERMANY Offer for International Students 1. Regular Studies in polish, german and english language 2. Erasmus exchange/ foreign guest lectures 3. Traineeships in the region/ companies, industry, institutions, all kinds of schools 4. Polish Language Intensive course/ SEPTMBER 5. International Workshops and Conferences www.pwsz.nysa.pl Offer for International Students 6. Certified professional courses/CISCO Academy 7. English, German and Czech Language courses for exchange students 8. Tutor and Buddy system within the IRO Office 9. Dormitory guarantd for foreign students/ 70 Euro 10.Rich cultural program: excursions, concerts, cooking evnings, christmas celebrations, film projections and others www.pwsz.nysa.pl „internationalisation is the process of integrating an international, intercultural or global dimension into the purpose, functions or delivery of higher education” Knight 2004 DOUBLE DIPLOMA PWSZ w Nysie / Hochschule Lausitz w Cottbus 5 years of cooperation in frames of common path of higher educations within architecture and urban development Participants in 2008-2011: 23 students, 6 already graduated with Double Diploma www.pwsz.nysa.pl NON DIDACTIC OFFER 26 Sport Sections AZS 19 Students Scientific Circles Students Union Choir Discussion Film Club Integration trips Interpersonal training Psychological Advisory Point www.pwsz.nysa.pl iCortIClCC AiiIiiiiIiIIAAiaI Volleyball Defensive Swimming Aerobics Football Strenght-testing section Basketball Touristic with climbing Yachting Bridge Table Tennis Rowing 11IScientific Circles, incl. Medical Rescue COC NYSA Science Festival 2005-2011 600 shows VII Editions IX Scientific Conferences www.pwsz.nysa.pl ok. 21 000 visitors Research and Education Centre for Art Conservation and Restoration 1. Art Conservation Research • Composition identification of painting layers, mortars, supports, stone, wood • Structure analysis – stratigraphy, construction 2. Inventory of historical objects 3. Analysis of materials and art conservation technologies 4. Conservation and restoration of movable and architectural monuments 5. Supervision over renovation works 6. Photographic, drawing and descriptive documentation www.pwsz.nysa.pl INWESTMENTS Building of „REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTRE” CENTRUM PWSZ W NYSIE about 7 millions PLN www.pwsz.nysa.pl INAUGURATION OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2011/12 International Students receiving their student`s registration books www.pwsz.nysa.pl WELCOME TO NYSA www.pwsz.nysa.pl www.pwsz.nysa.pl www.pwsz.nysa.pl
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