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acoustic - CARVER site!
DAVE BERRIMAN of PRACTICAL HI.FI REVIEWS ACOUSTIC RESEARCH ARgO LOUDSPEAKERS ,r,,,? would ments introduced in the brilliant AR9. Scaled to fit handsomely in most listening repetitive. lrrstead l'll highlight those areas which differ. For backgrouno rnformation refer to my Audiolab review on the AR9s in the February issue. HE AR9O - a four-way, system I ftoor-standing I incorporating refine- rooms. " Not my words. I hasten to add. but AR's, from a Stateside promotional leaflet on the new AR9O. Allowing for their copy- writer's enthusiastic superla- tives it does just about sum up the AR90s. They are a sort of shrunken version of the ARg (which I reviewed in the Februaryl 979 issue). The same tweeter, upper midrange dome and lower-midrange units are used in the AR90s. The rather less voluminous measure 1.1 AR90s 02mm high x 368mm wide x 386mm deep 1433/a x litres (3.1 1 41/2 x 151% o-inc hes), givrng a volume of some 90 8 cubic feet) and weigh a mere 37kg (82 lb) nowhere near so intimidating in domestic surroundings as the ARS but nearly as back- dislocating Fortunatelyfor become lnside the AR90s Drive units of the AR90s differ in the bais where two eight-ohm 25Omm (ten-inch) paper-coned drive units are incorporated. These are connected in parallel to give the equivalent of one larger fourohm unit. and the drivers are mounted on the floor to the sides of the enclosure. As for the AR90s. this form of mounting eliminates response crevices due to the floor and walls which it used to boost bass output by as much as 9dB. Unlike the ARgs, there is no need for a tuned circurl 1a flatten response and rarse the electrical impedance. To achieve the correct low-fre- quency response. the drivers are weighted with lead. once in position than man'/ Internal acoustic damping rs greater than the AB9s and the large monitor loudspeakers on stands due to their reasonablylow centre of gravity. claimed by AR to be at 0.7. a little higher than the AR9 Of sqfety, they are more stable Not only is the size and weight lower than the ARgs. 'but also the cost. Since the AR90 is a develop- ment of the AR9, I won't go over their every feature which overall O of the system is course, the crossover for these two drive units in the AR90 is totally different .from that in the AR9s. AR tell me that the filter secttons on the other units remain unchanged. though the loudspeakers both sound and measure differently in the region covered by these recessed w th the MA3sl and (seer,'r- ful . s rghtly dull sound wh ch was not thought strictly cymbals were sharper rngly emphasrsed slight y) Kick drum w th the ARg0s was crisper. havrng greater punch. solldity and definrtion. Lookrng back over my ong nal notes on the ARgs there s absolutely no doubt that the AR9s produced a less cnsp bass end compared to the MA3s So. the AR90s obvrously have a ba3s performance, which out performs the AR9s in terms of punch. solidity and defrnition The difference was clearly apparent to me even wthout making direct comparrsons. but at least double-checktno rn thrs way does ensure that rrve rs. Aesthetically, the AB90s are more pleasrng simply because of their smaller size. So. the and AR90 is smaller, lighter cheaper than the ARg with which it shares a design philosophy and a numberofcomponents. On the other hand it's still a large, heavy and expens,ve loudspea<er .n context of the Brittsh market and so deserves a critical assessment. How wouid it sou nd ? AR90s in use As usual. the AR90s were instantly inserted into mV resrdent system which now rrcher tonal balance slightly less apparent openness. Bass seemed solid - more predo.nrnant dnd cr,sper than the MA3s. Mid-band of the AB90s was -nore convtnL- ing reproducing the nch fruity- sound of the saxophone, for rnstance, more naturally. Treble of the AR90s was smooth yet slightly dull. which resulted in a slight y muff ed effect. Reproducrng massed choral works, voices yra the AR90s seemed less'blurred rouno rhe eciges though the individuai voice parts were about as easy to separate wlth both loudspeakers. Stereo image of the ARgOs included a Mission 774 arm, was not amp ifier, cartridge, Denon AU32O transformer. listenrng inlo the sound stage Sansui AUs17 Denon DLl03 Linn Sondek turntab e and Pioneer TX9500 tuner. Using the AR9Os wth the controls al setto 0dB (wh ch is maximum on all drve unrts) compared them to a pair of I Monitor Audio MA3 Series 11s. The AR9Os made the I have not been mistaken. and pin potnt in nature hut revealed that. like the AR gs. the AR90s p,oouce a conv ning y coherent type of stereo rmage. which rs not an exaggeration of life but a repreSentdt,Oa Of it especrally when reproducrno we I recorded orchestral works and sma ll musica qroups. MA3s seem tunnelly and nasa by comparison closed-in - clearer with a superficially Usrng a studro-produced close-miked track (Joan if less tonai ly realistrc sound. The Ar AR9Os. on the other hand. produced a sound which was away from the boxes with a Joan's voice stayed well tn focus (not pushed back as vra the ABgs). Now her voice seemed slightly matrad,ng. Opportunityt was interesting that Fig 1: Sinewave frequency response measured at one metre on the tweeter axis. lRead off the O-sOdB scale for all graphs- lnput 2.83 volts rms for all curves except Fig 7) ti smooth treble have been retained. but plucked sounds. snares d stereo lmage and Background revei'b was easier to hear wrth the M43s. Going back to my comparrsons between the AR90s and the MA3s: overall, the AB9Os on each track played produced a less coloured more convtncng sound albert with a comparatrve lack of upper mid,/treble the AR90s possess a similar accurate. The music. however. was getli'lq lhrolgh we Obv olslv. wttn encoJ,agtng I results like th s. further listening agarnsta neweT, more sophisticated and more n\pens;ve oudsoearer desrgr was necessary Those closest to the AR90s rn price available fcr comparison were KEF 105s, which are being used increasingly as a reference these days. Round two ARgOs v KEF 1 05sChanoing the auxilary equipment to Ouad ll valve power amplifiers in order to reveal subtle differences rr texture and fine detai moTe clearly, and using the Meridian 1O3 transistorised pre-amplifrer with built-in Supex movrng-coil module. the tests conttnued. Later on I used the Trevor Lees Positive Vibrations valve pre amplrfier and pre-pre, clarity. Piano reproduction was amplif rer. AB90s. conveyrng the power of the rn5trLrn-ont and al.owrrg one to hear the individua notes as they are struck even wher- trght y brnL hed l o{ low power. they were not d'rven tnto c,opt1g oLrtrg exceptionally good with the compiex passages. It may lnitiaily seem unf air to set the AB9Os agatnst the MA3s. much less-expensive (which in context of their price still feel have much to offer n terms of musical analys s) but readers of the AF9 review w remember that the AR9s fared I I leSS we i,. T y md 1 c, ', u S'l be,r-g a puch ng Ddc" ot \ o p. both male and female on var- Though the Ouads are only these tests qnd provided sound levels which were quite adequate,f rol ear-shalterrl[j with the KEF 105s. Later on, tests at a higher level wrth the Sansui AU51 7 conf irmed my findings revealed with only more powerfu. but was ious types of programme matelal. Playing the same also more reiaxed materia through theAR90s, speaker's stride. Treb e of the as reported on here. revealed that thrs charactelstic had been much reduced or eliminated. In add ition. bass rea lrsm has been rmproved in the AB90s. Posrtrve features audrble rn the AR9s, such as the r upper bass,/lower mid-band detai rea'strc yet J1i1-press,\e , the Ouad 1 1 s. Startrng off w th the AB90s set w th all dr ve un t sw tches at OdB as before. the ARgOs revealed again a rrcher sound with a f ul er deep bass delivery. Organ. for nstance was not freer as if - the oudit were easrly within 1 05s was brighter resultrng in a thinner rathe" ttzzy sou'lo he'e.' Reproducing programme malerrd w th some treo p distorlron the 1O5s wcre mo,e irritating due to their brighter balance and though strrngs were less brg ht with Fig 2: Sinewave response at onb metrc measured mid-way between tweeter and mid axis, upper-mid and lower-mid controls at+3d8, tweeter at odB the AR90s, the delicate feathery. rosined texture of massed strings was better revealed by the latter. There was a certatn degree o' nasal coio'at o1 ,r the KEFs as opposed to the AR's mro baeo Cotoratron Overa , the 1 O5s lacked body by comparison. lt was felt that be both subJectrvely 1 KEF O5s Testrng for coloration now that the responses were al ke (we also measured the KEF 1O5s to further confirm th s) proved nlerest rq. upper bass,/m d-band. Bass of the KEFs proved to be a tri{ e flacc,d ano sporgey. rack'ng ir- lnitia ly, w th the contro s at zero. it was thought that the i 05s were less coloured. but now which ever way I carr ed out the companson one loud speaker parr made the other pair sound colouredl punch and attack. Stereo image of the 1O5s was excellent srmi ar to the AB90s with good ooherence, seemed less coloured tonally on applause whlle the ARg0s still had a coloration in the up the 'body of the AR90s was a little over done with a slight excess somewhere rn the naturalness and depth Superficially. like the MA3s. the 105s are clearer but the 105's mid-band is slrghtly deader and muff ed and I think that it's th s effect coupled with their bass charactelst c whrch makes the 1O5s seem less to lrsten to than the AR9Os or MA3s Even so. the warmer and duller balance of the AB90s stiil struck me as berng less excrting accurate than the 105.c. At this point lstarted to experiment with the controls, reaiising that the predominance cou d possibly be compensated for By switching the 2OOmm (eight-inch) lower m drange unit's control to -3dB. the balance much improved and became closer to the KEFs. Subsequent .measurements revea ed un KEFs were nasal but pe, bass/.ower-mrd regron. thouqh now this was much reduced due to the swltch The latter was about 3dB down, obviously grving rrse to my comments about a du hr gh-f requency performance. New control settings All further listenrng tests 105s were less coloured on applause, i//a the AR90s the individual handclaps stayed more separate and were easrer to differentiate between sl ghtly over-full mid-band and a sublective reduction in h gh- Irequency orrrlness'es J,1 r1g r- and Male voice reproduced by the AR9Os still had a slighty husky character. but was ludged to be rather thin and unmasculine via ttse 105s. with the AR90s: whether l was bass guitar rhythms. complex piano passages, massed was that while the KEFs made male voice seem more feminrne and strings. the wrnd noises of a f lute, the rosinysound of a solo violrn or the punch and impact of a kick drum. the AB90s Paradoxrcal y, the the KEFs produced a seehrngly c earer view of the scene in which the musicians perform. whereas the AR90s produced a ess c ear vrew (which could even be interpreted as clouded or distanced on first hearing) but reveal the nature of the instru ments, their acoustic textures upper midrange swrtches both the 3dB posit on as th s Thrs s the overal character of the AR90s and sums up their balance which was thought to agarnst the 105s. However. main areas of improvement were now a reductlon In the Neither ts correct of course so rt's a waste of time debatrng the point. I and how they were oeing played, more convrncingly. resulted rn a frequency new control settings. but many comments wil duplrcate those in the or ginal compar sons This effect was echoed throughout the audio band were done with the ower and set to I cou d go over the sublective results in deta I with the may be slightly predominant. Cur ously. though, whrle the rnstruments more clear y. wtth greater prec sion and definrt on than the KEFs. bass'."l d reg;on do,vt no'p tn line with the tweeter's output. oud- parameter. range 3dB y to the However. if there is one critrcrsm it is that the bass perforrrance whrre drarr.atr- musical characteristrcs of the c cuTVe further, br nging the upper part cular speakers when so set. ferent ways - you couldn t put them in a ranking order on thrs seemed to reproduce mrdrange unrt to these atter comments apply extended treble performance s f attened the anecho their upper and lcwer mrdrange switches to -3dB and I should poinl out that ln a nutshell, both speakers are equally uncoloured rn dif- a and also switching the upper- the AR90s d d sound much better' when set to what I r-egard as the r flat position. that rs with a smooth yet analytrcal th t's operating coloratrons. However. posrtrons adopted. that th s produced flatter characteristic !n dnve The response characteristics and more natural and closer to the Capabrl,t eS better than any 'n- depth analysis of frequency My marn observation nrolected femalo \orcp comparatively well, the ARs prolected male voice better and made female vorces sound more mascul ne. Thats abcut as c ose as I can get in words describrng the tonaL drfferences on voice It also concludes mV sublecttve analysrs of the AB90s. How they measured Measuring the A890s at one metre on the midrange ax s revealed a large dip of 1 5dB at 7kHz. reminding me of the 25dB dip measured at this positron with the ARgs. Again, it's a cancellatton effect i n the crossover reg on between upper mid-band and tweeter which rs ellmtnated when measurrng etther on the tweeter axrs or midway between the tweeter and N Fig 3: Sinewave response at one metre on tweeter axis with tweeter control at OdB. -3dB and -6d8. upper-mrdrange axes. The best response was chtarr eo rr 1.e ralle r-oi Iral an'J s 3 'eai,rt.'redsJrt'-rg point srnce rt coincrdes alrnost y with my ear height when lstening on a ow exact sofa. ln contrast w th Ihe ABgs the m dr-ange axrs more or less co rcrded w trt llp lstel 1g axis. hence resu ting n a 25dB dip at listenrng he ght as opposed to the f at respcnse w th the Af?9Os This rnay n part expla n theARg0's livelier. ,eSS resl'd naC sn Ja(l pa.l arlv whcr reorca,. 'rg \o .?. I don't thrnk t s the who e I story. for e'ren olacrng the sanre dnve rnrts and crossover nto t\^/o drfferently drmens oned enclosures of similar internal vol-me can esr, t tn d different sound. Ihis s Cue to drfferences in d ffract on patlerns from the front baffle and di{fering air and panel resonances of the enclosure Looking at Frg /, which shows the response at one metre on the tweeter axls. reveals a narrow dip arounC 1.9kHz flanked by two humps in the ;esponse wlth a treb e output about 3dB below the mean m d band level. This undoubtedlv accounts for rny commenls about treble dull ness. All rnsrst that theV measlrre the AR9OS and AB9s rn TOoms and though I concur with thrs phiiosophv rn the lowfrequency reqion where walls ,rvill augment the response. at rrid and h gh frequencies the absorptron characteristtcs of the room v,, I affect the sound JJst,l: 'r a .r'rrdr Sltratro t'oom ldeally, bringing up tweeler. output would the ha're flattened tne resoonse. butthts was not possrble, so the upper and lower r.rdrange controls were both set at -3dB !-esponse. it a so sol,nd.s f latler and less coloured iike this Frgs 3, 4 and 5 shcw the e{fect of the controls. Note that output hv Fig 4: Sinewave response at one metre on tweeter axis'with upper-mid control at OdB, -3dB and -6d8. as descrbred to give the f atter curve shown tn Fig 2 wh ch w'as measured between the upper mrd and tweeter axes. Note how much flatter rs the can only be reduced Orive units: Tu,o 25Omm (1O-inch) acoustic suspension woofers. 2OOmm (8-inch) acoustic suspension lower-midrange driver. 38mm (1% inch) liquid cooled dome uppermidrange driver. 19mm (% inch) liquid' cooled dome treble unit Crossover !requencies: 2@Hz, 1 .2k9z, 7kHz. lmpedance: 4 ohms nominal. 3.2 ohms minimum. Controls Three three-position switches for lolvermidrange, upper midrange and h igh-range from maximum by -3dB and -6dB Power rsquirements: 50 watts minimum per channel, recommended. System low-Ilequency response: -3dB at 32 Hz for all apart irom the bass unrts. for which there rs no Power handling: May be used with ampliflers capable o{ del ivering 300 watts continuous power per channel being driven to clipping no more than ten per cent of the time, using normal source material (speech and musici. Enclosure Volume: 90 litres (3.1 8 cubic feer) Dimensions: 1 102 x 368 x 386mm rs Crossovei network: Hal{ section LC networks on woofers and lower and upper midrange units. Network of upper-midrange unit also includes an impedance equalizing circuit. Full section network on high-range. All capacitors are computer-grade bi-polar electrolytics. All chokes are air-core would with 17 AWG solid conductor deep (4378 x 141/2 inches). x 15316 Weight: ln cartoni 46kg. (1O1 rb). Unpacked: 37k9. (82 rb). DIN specitications: Frequency range: 30kHz lmpedance: 4 ohms Sensitivityi 8 watts Nominal power handlingi 1 50 watts Maximum power handling: 250 watts control of course. The ofr-arrs perforrnance shown dotted tn Frg .6 sdperrmposed over the o1 alts curve. Note how the treble response s well maintained and that the outputs of the indivldual units remain well integrated even off axis. Note too, how the dip at lust below 2kHz vanrshes off axis wh ch indicates that this rs most likely simply due to cabinet diffrac tion. an effect whrch I would have thought, should have been elim nated or reduced by AR's acoustrc blanket the layer of felt over the front-of the policy of mounling the drive unrts as close to the floor and e to give bass operating range. ln an b augmentatron over their anechoic room the absence of these boundarres results rn a l.ll.i--i]= rllJ i l- l-.. ;if =' r TtErll liiri{i #-+i+81 L++if il ll:f+:{H-€ 1, 'i l .l..,.i -r;J r ii1,r,i I rlrt = =F l I .! I ;- _l il made. one at 0dB and one at my"flat' setting. The curves have not been reproduced due to lack of space. ln both cases there were dips of fractionally over three ohms at between TOHz to 14ONz and ar 1k\z. With the units fully in. a dip of low-frequency peak shows a Thus the AF90s lust scrape intoAR'sspectf cat onof afour ohm nominal impedance wrth a minrmum of 3 2 ohms. but as with the ABSs you will need to be careful about using dmpr I er of s._t",crenl qLa an ty Io look ng atthe curves Menta ly. add, 6dB to 9dB or so progress vely to the anechoic cLrrve to passages grve a rough tdea of the .-UUir-. t'lc in-room performance below iviu!! ruvt. anechoiC Toom is not D rsto rtion Drstortron curves weTe taken current cielivery on loud Summing up Conc uo,rg .rv slbJect ve and oblective look at the Afr90s t s piarn tnat lm more enthus astic about these oudspeakers than the AR9s They offer advantages tn terms of price and size, whrle still re'na n rg pxpels,ve. Comparing to a state-of-theart Brtrsh design ike the KEF 1 05 reveals, on the other hand, that the AR90s can do more than hold their own. The KEFs set a high standard pr ce wh ch many fol owing table (see Ftg 7 for the curves). at therr Second harmonic: 4OHz 5.0 per cent achieve, so l'm tn no way 50Hz 3.5 per cent AR90s need to be better than the 105s to iustifv their extra desrgners aspire to but farl to denigrat 140H2 0.8 per cent 1.SkHz 0.71 per cent Elsewhere: below O.56 per cent Third harmonic: 4OHz 1.8 per cent ng the 1 05s. The cost and I believe that f the reproduction of musica rnstrunrents. with their tonal and rhytl'n-ic cha.aC.{errqt .5 s TOAHz O.11 per cent used as a criterion. then the Elsewhere: below 0.56 per cent AR90s do lustrfy their expense and size. I do feel, thouoh. that they perform at therr best when adjusted for the r flattest anectro c 'esponse d1d rT rs Distortron at low fre quencies rs not qutte so low as wth the AB9s (2 5 per cent second harmonic at 40Hz and 50Hz) but s st I very lorv, nodouot a doo oy tne o.ra,-dl\e, approach. Dont forget also that n a room the funda menta w lbe increased at low freqencres due to the bass driver's ciose proxrmity to the ,loor and wolis. lhls reducinQ the distort on percentage by more than a half. FigT: Distonion: Above is response for gOdB spl at one metre, measured mid-way between upper mid and tweeter axes. lJpper and lower mid units both at -3d8. Solid line beicw is second harmonic and dashes represent third-harmonrc dislort ion. Finally comes rmpedance. Two measurements were avord cl pping during heavy ower n the -3dB position w th the AR90s producing the statutory 9OdB at one metre at 1 kHz Frgures were excellent as shown n the 'at odB. sensttivity. of bass and thrs should be allowed for when wrth the upper and midrange un t controls Fig 6: Sineutave response at one metre mid-way between tweeter and upper mid axes. Upper mid and lower mid units both set to -3d8, tweeter AB90 is oi above average severe lack completely re iable anyway. Fig 5: Sinewave response at one metre on tweeter axis with lower midrange at OdB, -3dB and -6d8. sensitivity figure is quoted by AB but these indrcate that the well damped bass resonance at lust below 40H2. wall as'poss ll+l before, sensitrvity was reduced slightly to 82 sdBA and 868 lin No be l l.ti flattest reponse, as alarmed by the rapid bass fa off below 150H2. This ,s qurte simply due to AR;s del berate consequence. Don',t i].t,i., and B6dB lrn. (unweighted) with cortrols rn the 0dB pos l,o1 Wrth the controls set for the lust over three ohms also appeared at 2kNz. The characterstic infinite baffie loudspeaker. Still. it is of llttle Manuracturer: Teledyne Acoustic Research,'lO American Drive, Norwood, Ma O2O52 USA. High Street, Houghton Regis, Dunstable, Bedtordshire, England. to be B4dBA (weighted) Sens rtrvrty Sensrtivity was measured with oink norse and was foLtnd whe- used ,r' t-,s condrt,or that lbase my overall high assessment. Differing tastes and svstem characteristtcs may, on the other hand sug- gest alternatrr,e setlrngs rr- some rnstances. How,ever, putting tonal analyses aside the AR9Os are loudspeakers io' entov 1g music. lf that s your arm and your pocket's deeP enough l'd recon'mend selous listen,'lg r1 lhe,- directior