HERALD - St. Sophia Cathedral
HERALD - St. Sophia Cathedral
November 2012 Saint Sophia Cathedral HERALD Page CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF GREEK ORTHODOXY IN LOS ANGELES NOVEMBER 2012 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Dean’s Message 2 President’s Message 3 Foundation News 4 Stewardship 5 Philoptohos News 6 Choir News 7 Philoptohos VIP 9 Philanthropia News 9 Youth News 10 Sacraments/Memorials 11 Ministries List 12 Community News 13 Orthodox Calendar 23 Deadline for December Herald Thursday, 15 November Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas, Dean Rev. Fr. Allan Boyd, Assistant 1324 S. Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90006 Tel. 323-737-2424 Fax. 323-737-7029 www.stsophia.org In Memoriam... Our beloved Angelo Pappas Saint Sophia Cathedral Foundation President November 2012 Page 2 DEAN’S MESSAGE “Another Salvation Opportunity” It seems like yesterday when the summer heat was upon us. And here we are again preparing to enter the transformative period called Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is a marvelous and sacred time in our church calendar. Advent (November 15 through December 24) is a forgotten 40 days of invitation to renew our commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. It is forty days to inventory the quality and direction of our lives. It is forty days to avail ourselves of the opportunity of saving our souls. By the Grace of God it is a time to bring balance, holiness, peace and purpose to our lives. Thanksgiving and Christmas becomes meaningless and devoid of joy if we only see it as a time of just feasting. Indeed, we ought to, according to our church guidelines, also fast. We ought to learn self-denial and bodily self-discipline. But if we only center the Holy season on our stomachs, eating or not eating we miss the whole spiritual purpose. A saying attributed to the Holy Fathers of the church says: “The devil does not eat, he does not drink and he does not marry and this great ascetic formally is not less a devil”. We must put this into the proper context. Fasting should be a means to draw us closer to God by focusing on Him. In addition to food considerations, the holidays should be a time of spiritual growth and personal life changes. Let us pray for positive attitude adjustments and habit rehabilitation that brings out the good in all of us and reconciles us to God and to one another. Do you want to make your holidays really count? Do you want to greet Jesus the new born babe with a joyous “Christ is born, Glorify Him”. Consider the following 10 “unofficial” Commandments as part of personal renewal. Put them on your refrigerator door, read them frequently and practice them with conviction and prayer: Keep skid chains on your tongue; always say less than you think. Cultivate a low, persuasive voice. How you say it, often counts more than what you say. Make promises sparingly, and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs. Never let any opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody. Praise good work, regardless of who did it. If criticism is needed, criticize helpfully, never spitefully. Be interested in others, their pursuits, their work, their homes and families. Make merry with those who rejoice; with those who weep, mourn. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard them as a person of importance. Be cheerful. Don’t burden or depress those around you by dwelling on your minor aches and pains and small disappointments. Remember, everyone is carrying his own cross. Keep an open mind. Discuss, but don’t argue. It is a mark of a superior heart to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. Let your virtues speak for themselves. Refuse to talk of another’s vices. Discourage gossip. It is a waste of valuable time and is extremely destructive. Be careful of another’s feelings. Wit and humor at the other person’s expense are rarely worth it and may hurt when least expected. Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Remember, the person who carried the message may not be the most accurate reporter in the world. Simply live so that nobody will believe them. Don’t be anxious about the credit due you. Do your best and be patient. Forget about yourself, and let others remember. Practice forgiveness and charity. Happy Thanksgiving and a blessed Advent! In Christ, V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas November 2012 Page 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Every so often, there comes a time in our lives when the Lord places certain individuals for us to meet and experience. We are given the unique opportunity to witness and encounter their extraordinary feats of accomplishment and character. And in some instances, we have the privilege to learn and grow from the wisdom they impart to us. In this glorious community of St. Sophia, we have had the privilege to witness many hard working individuals who give of themselves, their time and their treasure to better our community and to help it continue to grow and thrive. I would like to make special mention of two such individuals, Mr. John Sakellaris and Mr. Angelo Pappas. These two men, literally, gave their all to enhance the facilities and sense of community and fellowship at St. Sophia Cathedral. For the past 30 years, every day, they would come to work in the Foundation office at the Cathedral. They spent countless hours ensuring everything was working properly and running smoothly. John and Angie, as they were fondly known, poured over architectural drawings, agonized over the selection of the best maintenance companies, and fundraised daily, calling upon their friends and acquaintances to donate funds to their beloved Cathedral. Their service was selfless and abiding. These two stalwarts and visionaries of our Community will always have a special place in the heart of all of those who witnessed how hard they worked and how incredibly dedicated they were to making our dreams a reality--a new building and recreation center for our community. We lost Mr. Sakellaris in 2010; and, we lost Mr. Pappas last month. Our community knew them as the leadership of the Saint Sophia Foundation; I knew them as the Dynamic Duo-the driving force and inspiration for what we have accomplished today. I will forever be grateful for the privilege to have served with them and observe their undying commitment to their greatest passion, St. Sophia Cathedral. It is comforting to know that this pair of comrades is now together again serving an even greater cause in Heaven. May their memory be eternal. Congratulations to our Greek School who put on a brilliant OXI Day luncheon and program on Sunday, October 28th. The children were magnificent reciting their poems in Greek. Elections for the Parish Council and the Audit committee will be held on December 9th. The Election committee is comprised of Mr. Jack Stumpus, Chair, Mr. Tony Demetriou, Mr. John Kopatsis, Mr. Ted Maniatakos, and Ms. Dorothy Spirus. The Committee is accepting names of those individuals who are interested in serving their community in a leadership capacity. Please contact Jack Stumpus (310) 592.5194 as soon as possible if you are interested in submitting an application. Filing Deadline : November 20th. Please do not forget to attend the annual General Assembly which will be held in the Maria Maniatakos Pavilion on Sunday December 2nd immediately following the Divine Liturgy. We have some important issues to discuss concerning several facets of our community and new information to disseminate to the community at large. Thank you for your cooperation and enthusiasm in participating in such an important forum for the people. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you to please fulfill your stewardship pledge. Your contributions keep the Cathedral going. So please help us to reach our goal and fulfill your pledge for 2012 this year. In the coming month of November there will be many religious feast days, from Sts. Cosmas and Damianos on November 1st, to St. Nectarios on November 9th, to St. Katherine on November 25th. Remember to wish those celebrating their namedays, Xronia Polla! And lastly, I would like to wish each and every one of you a blessed and bountiful Thanksgiving holiday. Loula Moschonas Parish Council November 2012 Page 4 Saint Sophia Foundation News In Loving Memory of Angelo Pappas underwrote the hospital’s memory of his parents. All Faiths Chapel in Concurrent with all these volunteer involvements, Angelo has been a Saint Sophia Steward since 1952, when he made his first generous contribution to the Cathedral prior to its completion. His devotion to our church has been demonstrated through his stewardship giving of time, talent and treasure for the past 58 years. One of the original Saint Sophia Camp supporters, Angelo donated the kitchen equipment to the camp, when it opened in 1961, as well as food for our campers for many years thereafter. Our beloved Angelo was born in Fall River, Massachusetts, on May 15, 1926 to Louis Harry and Despina Coulalis Pappas. He was raised in Williamsburg, Virginia, graduated from Augusta Military Academy, enlisted in the Army Air Corps, and was honorably discharged as Staff Sergeant. Following the war, Angelo and his parents moved to Los Angeles, where he met his beautiful future bride, Anastasia “Ann” Kypreou from Athens. They got married at the Annunciation Church on San Julian Street in 1948 and are blessed with four children, Louis, Milton, Karen and Gregory, as well as five grandchildren. In 1946, Angelo tested his entrepreneurial traits by opening his first restaurant with his parents in Inglewood. The result was a lifelong entrepreneurial venture of twenty-nine restaurants in the Los Angeles area & surrounding cities. He retired in 1995. Angelo has served in numerous clubs and organizations. He served as President of the Bel Air Country Club, was a member of the Chamber of Commerce of several cities, and continues to be a member of AHEPA and American Legion. Angelo was also a member of the Centinela Hospital Board of Trustees for 25 years and served as Vice Chairman. While a Trustee, he persuaded the hospital to donate a $250,000 Blood Analyzer machine to the City Hospital in Athens, and He was appointed to the National Archdiocesan Council by His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos in 1973 and served in the Axios Foundation for Worthiness 1982 - 1984. Angelo was honored as an Archon for his outstanding service to the Church by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in 1994. Angelo was elected a member of the Board of Trustees of the Saint Sophia Foundation in 1972, Vice President in 1986 and President in 2010, following the passing of our beloved John Sakellaris. During his 39 years of service to the Foundation, Angelo has been involved in many endeavors of fundraising and improving the property of our Cathedral. In 1979, Angelo initiated the Cadillac for Christmas annual fundraiser – later named Cash for Christmas – and served as a chairman until 2009. He was instrumental in acquiring properties for the Foundation, led the construction of enclosures to secure the church grounds, and supervised the construction of The Walk of Blessing Hand and the Wall of our Major Donors and Life Members. Angelo has been managing the Saint Sophia Residence for the past 10 years and working intensely for many years to raise the funds for our new Community Center. Angelo continued his responsibilities as President of Saint Sophia Foundation until the day he passed away. He will be missed by all who knew him and he will be remembered for all he did for our church and community. Our community has lost one of its very best. May his memory always be eternal. November 2012 Page 5 STEWARDSHIP Believe and Belong through Christian Stewardship STEWARDSHIP IS WHAT ‘WE DO’ AFTER WE SAY ‘WE BELIEVE’ With the holiday season almost upon us, we are reminded of our blessings, and how truly thankful we are to our Stewards for supporting the financial needs of our Cathedral and its many ministries. During this season of thanksgiving, joy and good will, we kindly ask you to consider this stewardship reminder. If you have fulfilled your pledge, we are deeply grateful for your support and devotion. If you have not yet fulfilled your pledge as scheduled, we would greatly appreciate your efforts in fulfilling your pledge by the end of December. If you have not yet pledged, we thank you in advance for considering to pledge by using one of the following methods: COMPLETE and mail your Pledge Card CALL us at 323-737-2424 E-MAIL us at office@stsophia.org or accountant@stsophia.org PLEDGE ONLINE at stsophia.org and click on Stewardship Through September of this year, 642 families have pledged, reaching 68% of our $1 million goal. We pray for the participation of all our Parishioners, as we hope to get closer to our greatly needed goal by the end of the year. Your generosity will lead to an outpouring of gratitude to God. II Corinthians 9:10-15 With love and appreciation, we wish you a blessed Thanksgiving. Irene Frankos and the Stewardship Committee STEWARDSHIP FAMILIES for SEPTEMBER 2012 $4,000 To $5,999 $500 To $999 (continued) Clute, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rangel, Mr. & Mrs. Armando Skoubis, Mr. John $1,000 To $1,999 Baln, Mr. George Boghosian, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Manders, Ms. Constance $500 To $999 Axiotis, Mr. & Mrs. James Gallanis, Mr. & Mrs. Pete Gritsonis, Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kyriacou, Mr. & Mrs. Gig* Papademetropoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Lazaros Poullos, Ms. Jayne Stathes, Ms. Christina Stiny, Mr. Elijah & Domazet, Ms. Sonja Anonymous OTHER Chalikian, Dr. Alice Kyriacou, Ms. Christianna Kyriacou, Mr. Michael John Anonymous *=Life Members Endowment Fund November 2012 Page 6 PHILOPTOHOS NEWS Philoptohos is off to a busy start! We are again participating in another “Cheerios and Coffee” collection for the Los Angeles Mission. We have begun collecting donations, and will continue to do so until our Thanksgiving Luncheon on November 18th. We are also partnering with the Sunday school in Operation Christmas Child. Everyone can fill a shoebox from home or from a store, with gifts for a boy or girl and bring them to church. The boxes will be delivered to Samaritan’s Purse, who delivers them to children all over the world and teaches Christianity. Please NO liquids or chocolates in the boxes. You may consider dolls, playing cards, a Slinky toy, lollipops, small books, hair clips, a bar of soap, be creative. On top of the box please label if it is for a boy or girl. The boxes must be delivered to church on or before November 4th. This is a great learning experience for your children and grandchildren. Philoptohos is also getting ready again to prepare the food boxes for the families of the children at the Salvin School. These children are severely mentally and physically disabled, and their families struggle to care for their child. Most of these families are living in poverty. We will prepare 80 boxes for Thanksgiving and Christmas with staple foods such as canned milk, canned pumpkin, rice, coffee, beans, canned fruit, etc. At Christmas we give them each a small canned ham for their holiday dinner. Please help us help those who are the forgotten children and families in this world, so that they may have a nice holiday dinner. If you would like to make a financial donation to help, please bring it to a Philoptohos meeting, or you may mail it to the cathedral, attention: Philoptohos. Thank you! Please see the invitation for the Bishop Anthony Student Aid Endowment Fund Luncheon in this issue of the Herald and in the weekly bulletin! Our chapter this year is hosting this event to raise money for the men in our Metropolis that want to attend the seminary to become priests. There will be a Christmas boutique, Christmas trees to win on a raffle with ornaments and gifts, and a holiday performance by the Citrus College Singers! Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 17th in the Maniatakos Fellowship Hall at the Huffington Center!! DEBUTANTE BALL: Chairman Katrina Beers and her committee are working hard preparing for the St. Sophia Debutante Presentation Ball on Sunday, January 20, 2013. Solicitation letters for the album greetings will be going out shortly. We hope you will support us, as the money we raise from our events is used to help the less fortunate. May God bless you all for your generosity and help for those who are suffering. We could not do all of this without you. With love in Christ’s service, Virginia Noyes and the Philoptohos Board of Directors November 2012 Page 7 CHOIR NEWS Saint Sophia Cathedral 15th Annual Christmas Musicfest under the Byzantine Dome "Rejoice!" Sunday, December 9th at 7:00 p.m. The program will include Orthodox Christmas hymns and chants, several selections from the oratorio “Messiah” by George F. Handel, and traditional carols of the holiday season. The concert will feature three chanters: Carole Choucair Oueijan, Dimitri Liogris and Michael Kontaxis, and our soloists: Genna Ambatielos, Nicole French, Suzanne Gilman, Michele Patzakis Prappas, Dalia Rodriguez, Karen Sarames, Estelle Skouras, Kathy Spilos and Christopher Yokas. Also featured will be the Saint Sophia Cathedral Choir and Chamber Ensemble under the direction of Jim H. Kollias, and the Harmonies of Saint Thomas all Girls Choir, under the direction of Antonio Espinal. A freewill offering reception immediately following the concert will be held in the Maniatakos Fellowship Hall and the Maria Maniatakos Pavilion. We rejoice in the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we rejoice in the first Christmas celebrated in the new Huffington Center at Saint Sophia ! November 2012 Page 8 CHOIR NEWS (continued) About St. Romanos & National Church Music Sunday The hymnologists of the Orthodox Church are Christians of virtue and great faith, having been endowed with musical talent as well as the power of religious inspiration. Their creations have enriched our worship services and have helped turn our souls towards God. Perhaps the greatest of all hymnologists is St. Romanos the Melodist. Many other hymnologists had written ecclesiastical hymns, but none of them inspired the Christians as much as St. Romanos. Romanos was a Syrian Christian who lived at the beginning of the 6th century. A convert to Orthodoxy from Judaism, he was ordained a deacon and served in the Church of Beirut. His talent was great. Unlike others, he wrote his hymns in simple language and produced a pleasant meter in the verse by the way he accented words. The hymns he composed appealed to the hearts of the people, and are still sung today. Romanos has been called "Sweet Singer" (Glykophonos), "Melodist" (Melodhos), and "Righteous Chanter" (Psaltis Dhikeosinis). Each year, on the first Sunday in October (on or after the Feast of St. Romanos the Melodist, the patron saint of church musicians), parishes across the Archdiocese of America celebrate National Church Music Sunday. This commemoration was inaugurated by His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos of North and South America in 1982, and has been re-affirmed by His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America. National Church Music Sunday is a day we set aside particularly to honor those women and men who have heard and responded to the Lord’s invitation to be church musicians: that is, parish chanters and choir singers. As church musicians, these people represent the laity in the liturgical dialogue of our worship services. In glory to God, the Holy Trinity, they commit themselves to learning the hymns of our Orthodox faith, understanding the sequence of our liturgical worship, and actively offering their prayers in song to enhance the beauty of our worship. We ask each of them, and our congregation as well, to be mindful of the special ministry they fulfill in singing the hymns of our faith and leading us to worship. Romanos wrote hundreds of hymns celebrating the mystery of the Incarnation, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, and the living of a Christian life. One of his most famous compositions is the hymn celebrating the Nativity of our Lord, "Today the Virgin gives birth to One who is above all living things..." (I Parthenos Simeron). St. Romanos is also said to have composed the Akathist Hymn, a kontakion which we still chant during the Heretismoi services during Great Lent. This year, we honored some of our long time members of the Saint Sophia Cathedral Choir: Romanos died on October 1st in 510 AD. He was a productive genius and artist, writing and accenting thousands of kontakia. He has been called the patron saint of all who sing for the Church. Others say he is the leader in the world of religious hymnology. Surely, he has made a profound contribution to divine worship and deserves to be recognized by all who sing and by all who listen to the hymnology of our services. Dorothy Stamatiadis started in the mid 1960s while John Stamatiadis & Carlos Garcia started in the early 1970s and have sung continuously since then. Dr. Jim Bonorris (1941), Dr. Sam Harkiss (1945), Tula Van Alstine (1949), and Helene Ballas (joined at the Annunciation Church.) Electra Koutsokos joined choir 1953 and Dianne Pruett joined the junior choir in 1955, then joined the "big guys" in 1957. All together, these 9 people represent about 500 years of singing service to our community! Thank you for your wonderful ministry! November 2012 PHILOPTOHOS VIP SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4th ANNUAL ARTOKLASIA - offered for the health of the Philoptohos VIP members (senior citizens) and their families. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13th CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON - 11:00 A.M. One of the highlights of the Christmas Season at Saint Sophia Cathedral has always been the festive Christmas Luncheon given by Philoptohos VIP organization. This year it will be exceptional. We are inviting you to join us to celebrate the joy of the season and the 41st ANNIVERSARY OF PHILOPTOHOS VIPs. We will honor our founder Christine Peratis and take a sentimental video journey from 1971-2012, remembering old friends and memorable events of the past. We are delighted and proud to hold our event in the new Maniatakos Fellowship Hall at the Huffington Center. There will be door prizes, Christmas Carols and great fellowship. You won't want to miss this outstanding event! Page 9 PHILANTHROPIA NEWS CITY OF HOPE PEDIATRIC MEMORIAL SERVICE & BOOKLET: This is our 10th year sponsoring the Memorial Service and Booklet for the City of Hope Medical Center Pediatric Unit which will take place on Thursday, November 8, 2012. Our liaison, Dr. Randi McAllister, on the Pediatric staff, together with a team of doctors and nurses, host the parents and families to remember their children who were victims to cancer. The theme this year is based on the children’s book about death, “The Next Place”. Please mail your donations to the PHILANTHROPIA, INC. office at 6357 Crebs Avenue, Tarzana, CA 91335. Thank you for your continued support. THANKSGIVING/CHRISTMAS BASKETS: With the help of the Saint Nectarios Agape Ministry, preparations will be made to address the needy during this holiday season. STREET OUTREACH: Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles has for many decades reached out to help abandoned children. Dr. Nikos Stefanidis, Ph.D. a Staff Psychologist at Children’s Hospital, L.A., is the Clinical Director of this High Risk Program. You could help Dr. Nikos by purchasing new items such as the following: T-Shirts (ML); Boxers (M-L); White Socks; Blankets; Sleeping Bags; Sweatshirts; Snacks; Water/Juices; Bus Tokens; Sneakers; Hygiene Items (Travel Size); Tooth Brushes & Toothpaste; Shampoo; Deodorant; Sun Screen -- be sure to label them for DR. NIKOS STEFANIDiS and leave them by the clothing bins. We will make sure that he receives them. Thank you. WORLD AIDS DAY: Noche de las Memorias is a free For more information please call (310)215-3130 World AIDS Day community event of public remembrance, music and prayer at The Wall-Las Memorias AIDS Monument at Lincoln Park, located at 3800 Mission Road, Los Angeles, CA 90031. This event will be on December 1st at 7pm. We continue to support Richard Zaldivar, Executive Director, in their quest to achieve the same goals we have for continued AIDS education, awareness and prevention. For reservations please send your check to: ANNUAL APPEAL LETTERS: Will be mailed out at the Buffet Luncheon— $25.00/Person Reservations— Required Reservation Deadline— DECEMBER 9th ViVi Demopoulos 7485 McConnell Ave Los Angeles, 90045 Please make checks payable to Philoptohos VIP Include names, addresses and telephone numbers of those included in the payment. end of November to all our supporters and friends. Thank you in advance for your awesome contributions! USED CLOTHING and CANNED GOODS : Please identify all clothing donations on the outside of the bags as for men, women or children. The receptacles for "used clothing" and "canned goods" are located side by side, near the chapel. Thank you! PHILANTHROPIA WEB: www.philanthropiaministry.org God bless you! Father Peter November 2012 Page 10 YOUTH NEWS Youth Calendar of events Youth Program Contacts ALTAR BOYS Chris Halekakis cjhmgmt@gmail.com BASKETBALL Paul Cooper mrpaul599@sbcglobal.net HELLENIC ACADEMY Andri Christodoulidou andri.christodoulidou@cantab.net ODOS “The Way” Orthodox Development of Spirituality Helen Lambros HLambros@aol.com CAMP ZOE Fr. John Bakas frbakas@stsophia.org SAINT SOPHIA CAMP Melanie O’Regan mell0n@aol.com saintsophiacamp.org GREEK DANCE Barbara Kappos Bkappos@aol.com SUNDAY SCHOOL Eleni Yokas eyokas@college.usc.edu BIBLE BOWL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BIBLE AND CHURCH HISTORY TOURNAMENT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8th –10 am - 2:30 pm ST. STEVEN’S SERBIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL 1621 W. GARVEY AVE. ALHAMBRA, CA 91803-4222 626-284-9100 $35.00 per Junior High or Senior High 4-Member Team BOOK STORE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED If the Bible and other Orthodox books, icons, candles and incense have strengthened YOUR faith and devotion, consider helping others access these sources of strength! If you can help out once a month at our Cathedral Book Store and Gift Shop, please stop by or contact William Striglos or Heidi Sandstrom through the church office. You can expect some interesting questions, lively conversations, and always much gratitude from our patrons! NOVEMBER ACTIVITIES Sunday School Nov 4 Fall Service Project Due Nov 11 Narrator Rehearsal for Christmas Pageant 12:15 - 12:30 (Classroom) Nov 18 Pageant Singing and Narrator Rehearsal 12:15 – 12:30 (Classroom) Nov 25 Narrator Rehearsal for Christmas Pageant 12:15 – 12:30 (Classroom) November 2012 Page 11 NOVEMBER SACRAMENTS & MEMORIALS WEDDINGS Saturday 10 Saturday 10 Renee Avery & Eric Pallone Sponsor Jeanine Avery Kristin Reeves & Mike Kabel Sponsor Stephanie Milonas BIRTHDAYS Ananias, Georgia Nicholas, Marlene Apostolos, Margo Noyes, Virginia Begakis, Nicholas Papajohn, Michael Saturday 17 Marissa Wang & Costa Bargeliotes Sponsor Maria & Yannis Roditis Cappos, George Saturday 23 Narine Minasyan & Arthur Andranikyan Clute, Jessica Pastras, Ted Patzakis, Michael Peters, Elpida Constantine, Eleni BAPTISMS Saturday 24 Theodore Andrew Parents Andrew & Melinda Powell Godparent Katherine Emery Diamantopoulos, Vasilis Edwards, Carol November 4 Stephen Roumeliotis Vasilios Oxyzolou November 11 Mandia Chagares Poullos, Jayne Sarantes, Nicholas Spiropoulos, Jimmy Gallanis, Andreas MEMORIALS Politis, Nicholas Curren, Richard (Luke) Spirus, Dorothy Kirages, Kassandra Korkos, Thalia Stamatiades, Dorothea Suchy, Georgia Llauro, Jorge Alberto Travassaros, Frances Lubian, Stephanie Caiopoulos Tripodes, Orion Aeneas Lyons, Fay Vackrinos, Catherine Makkar, Francisco Zoolakis, Anthony Theofanis Vrahliotis ANNIVERSARIES Angelike Vrahliotis Fuller, Fred & Chrisoula Spirithula Vrahliotis Demosthenes Caiopoulos Kitchens, Russell E & Aspasia Angelo Pappas Spilos, Dean and Kathy November 18 Spiropoulos, Jimmy & Doraly Pauline Ladicos EPISTLE READERS George Karatzas Irene Karatzas November 4 Sunday School Student Barbara Karatzas November 11 Gary Lee Roula Gusias November 18 Heidi Sandstrom November 25 Presbytera Danita Boyd May their memory be eternal…. November 2012 Page 12 MINISTRIES Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Very Reverend Father John S. Bakas, Dean Jim Kollias, Choir Director Reverend Father Allan (Gabriel) Boyd Dimitris Liogris , Protopsaltis Christopher Yokas, Organist Michael Kontaxis, Assistant Psaltis James Karatsikis, Sexton FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Executive Officers PARISH COUNCIL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Officers Andrew Evangelatos, President Dr. James A. Demetriou, Vice President & C.F.O. George Preonas, Vice President Constantine Boukidis, Secretary Tina Callas, Treasurer Loula Moschonas, President Ted Pastras, Vice President Stephanie Caiopoulos Lubian, Recording Secretary Brent Noyes, Corresponding Secretary Michael Kraios, Treasurer & C.F.O. Members Members V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas Nicholas Bissias Timi Loomos Freshman Alek Haidos Steve Hanna Michael Huffington Gig Kyriacou Loula Moschonas John T. Pappas Jim Zaferis Dina Demetrius Eleni Constantine Manolelis Jeanine Hanna Karen Sarames Tom Martin Alex Oxyzolou Sebastian Opffer Peter Pallas Dean Peratsakis Zafiris (Zaf) Tsimahides Presidential Appointments Anthony A. Demetriou, Presidential Assistant John G. Marakas III, Sr. V. P. of Wells Fargo, Advisor to the Board Associates Irene Frankos, Stewardship Chairperson Bertha Angels Auditing Committee Tom Moore PHILOPTOHOS SOCIETY Executive Officers Virginia Noyes, President Marianna Politis, 1st Vice President Helene Ballas, 2nd Vice President Mary Gallanis, Recording Secretary Lola Gialketsis, Corresponding Secretary Scarlett Billis, Treasurer Dina Oldknow, Advisor Honorary Life Members Jennie Doumak Christine Peratis Members Frances Bissias Judith Christopoulos Connie Cooper Pauline Evangelatos Olga Jordan Tricia Ballas Kremer Constance Manders Sophie Mastor Jan Pastras Christina Peratsakis Diane Pruett Sonia Stathes Mary Tassop Maria Toczek OFFICE STAFF Dimey Angels, Accounting Cindy Celis, Events Director Ann Pappas, Events Admin. Chris Halekakis, Facilities Director Helen Ellis, Office Administrator Leonard Hart CUSTODIAL STAFF Miguel Rosales Mauricio Mira Anthony Demetriou ALTAR BOYS Chris Halekakis BASKETBALL Gig Kyriacou & Paul Cooper BIBLE STUDY Very Rev. Father John Bakas Rev. Father Allan Boyd BOOK STORE William Striglos CAMP ZOE Very Rev. Father John Bakas CHILD CARE Kathy & Marsha Zagorianos CHOIR Jim Kollias COFFEE HOUR Ann Pappas Georgia Vasila DOCENTS Faye Demetriou EASTER PICNIC Ted Pappas GREEK DANCE GROUPS Barbara Kappos GREEKS in HOLLYWOOD Dina Demetrius HELLENIC ACADEMY Andri Christodoulidou HOSPITALITY Niki Korbakis Maria Pelargos L.A. GREEK FEST Ted & Jan Pastras MR. & MRS. CLUB Dean & Christine Peratsakis ODOS “The Way” Helen Lambros PARENTING Nick Stefanidis Barbara Kappos PHILANTHROPIA Rev. Father Peter Lambert PHILOPTOHOS V.I.P. Mary Morrison, President SAINT SOPHIA CAMP Melanie O’Regan Jack Stumpus (Golf Event) Tony Mastor (Tennis Event) Mary-Kay Demetriou (Tennis Event) SUNDAY SCHOOL Eleni Yokas YOUTH Rev. Father Allan Boyd November 2012 Page 13 COMMUNITY NEWS November 2012 Page 14 Maria Maniatakos Pavilion at the Huffington Center November 2012 Page 15 The Singles Ministry of St. Sophia Cathedral S.O.U.L & P.O.L.O.S Single Orthodox Urban Link (20-50) & Prime of Life Orthodox Singles (50+) & Southern California Orthodox Christian Singles St. Paul's Orthodox Singles Fellowship (OSF) Present “A Christmas Gala” (Smart Casual Dress) Dinner . Dancing . *Gift Exchange . Raffle . Door Prizes *Please bring a gift for the “White Elephant” gift exchange (optional) Saturday, December 15, 2012 7:30pm - 12:00pm Huffington Center St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral 1324 South Normandie Avenue, Los Angeles, 90006 *Prepaid Event - $35.00 per person No Tickets Sold at the Door!! For more information please call 323.786.3185 or 818.660.6548 ----------------------------------------------------(Please cut out this bottom portion, and return with check by December 7th) Name(s) 1 ___________________________ 2 _______________________________ Phone Number ______________________ Please make check payable and mail to… St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Attn: SOUL 1324 South Normandie Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90006 November 2012 Page 16 St. Sophia Camp Tennis Mixer…a smashing success! The 19th Annual St. Sophia Camp Tennis Mixer fundraiser was held September 23rd and this year, early birds had a chance to meet tennis great Pete Sampras! Co-chairs Tony Mastor and Mary-Kay Demetriou extend their sincere thanks to the players, volunteers and sponsors for their generous support. Sponsors: Volunteers: Dennis W. Evangelatos Chuck Carrillo Dean & Marianne Metropoulos Christina D’Arcy Tony & Sophie Mastor Andy Demetriou Jim & Faye Demetriou Maria Elena Konugres Rick & Virginia Arnold Michael Kraios 1st Place: Teddy Kapur & Elias Kalatzis George & Maria Elena Konugres Mary Laina 2nd Place: Jimmy Evangelatos Mary-Kay Demetriou Andriana Mastor 3rd Place: Dave Matty & John Andreasen Peter Bissias November 2012 Saint Sophia Camp Celebrated it’s 50th Annual Golf Classic! October 12, 2012 From the time Ernie and Nick Serfas began the tournament 50 years ago, ‘Friends of Saint Sophia Camp’ have come together to celebrate their friendships and enjoy a great golfing experience. This year was no exception with many highlights. But the greatest of all was honoring Angelo Revels. He has supported the camp for 50 years and his daughter, Melanie, and his granddaughter, Whitney, are running the camp today. Angelo had such a good time at the tournament and banquet he said it was one of the best days of his life. At 7:30 am Ted Tarazi began slow roasting a lamb. A brunch, provided by Joyce Kokkinides, was amazing which, among an array of choices, included pastichio. We had our first 35 foot putting contest which included a cash pot of $54 won by Miriam Bravemen, a friend of Lily Reeves. Closest to the pin on the $10,000 hole-inone hole, was Jim Zaferis, our fresh fruit provider. He came within 5 feet of winning the big prize. Dave Matty pitched in for eagle on #3 from 100 yards away. Billy Ballas had a streak where he birdied 3 out of 4 holes. The best score of the day came from Ernie Giapapas with a cool 69, two under par. The banquet was a great success as well. This year the tables were beautifully appointed with a fresh, vibrant bouquet of flowers, thanks to the Defterios family. Angelo Revels let it be known that the camp loses money every year because of high costs including renting a camp. But it is the Golf Tournament that makes up the difference. So thanks to all of you who participated and donated to keep our 50 year tradition alive and well. I trust you had a good time. And you can see how others would enjoy this experience as well. Think about who you know that would enjoy the experience and invite them next year. Use this tournament as a great way to have an annual reunion with your friends that golf; or to entertain co-workers and people with whom you work. Together, we can continue to support our kids and camp. A special thank you to the Golf Committee: Dan Kirages, Ted Lambros, Dan Lubian, Stephanie Lubian, Chris Markos, Kathy Spilos, Dean Treantafelles, Georgia Vasila, Ted Wolfe and to Allen Altchech Photography Thank you, Jack Stumpus, Chairman Page 17 November 2012 Page 18 COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CARD RESERVATION FORM Once again, the Cathedral will be sending Christmas greeting cards to the parish, listing the names of those who wish to contribute $35.00 or more towards this effort. This Christmas greeting card will be sent to the entire congregation, saving you valuable time and the expense of cards and postage during the Christmas holidays. The deadline for submission of names and payment is Sunday, December 2nd. Please return this form to the cathedral office: attention Stephanie, prior to the deadline date, to ensure you are included. Print your name(s) below as you would like it to appear on this year’s Christmas card: _________________________________________________________________________ Please pay by cash, credit card or check, made out to Saint Sophia Cathedral. Credit Card #: _________________________ Exp. Date ___________ Credit Card Type: _________________ AMEX, VISA MC, etc.. Billing Street Address: __________________________________________________ Zip Code: __________________ Check #: _________________ Cash payment ? ______ Total Amount Paid: _______________ If yes please November 2012 Page 19 Please review these minutes in preparation for the next General Assembly Meeting on Sunday December 2nd SAINT SOPHIA CATHEDRAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY MINUTES Sunday, December 4, 2011 1:06 P.M. Call to Order – Opening Prayer by Father John Bakas Election of Officers (Chair Pro-Tem & Secretary Pro-Tem) Chair Pro Tem: Elector: Second: Loula Moschonas Timi Freshman Zoe Fovos Secretary Pro Tem: Elector: Second: Dina Demetrius Karen Sarames Tom Martin Correction to Minutes: Approval of Minutes: Elector: Second: Meeting date was November 22, 2010 As corrected Peter Pallas Irene Frankos Reading of Correspondence – None Dean’s Report Parishioners & Personnel: Father John spoke with Panos Angels on Friday December 2, 2011. Found him to be somewhat physically weak but hanging in there. Father commended Loula on her work as Parish Council President in Panos’ absence. Father John also commended Father Allan Boyd as new assistant priest, doing a very good job and learning Greek (to assembly applause). Huffington Center: Father thanked Angelo Pappas and the entire Foundation regarding the Huffington Center, expressing excitement about the new building. The tentative date for the formal dedication is February 5, 2012. Many thanks are given to Maria and Ted Maniatakos and others for their last-minute donations to the building. Fundraising is ongoing, with small and large donations eligible for having names on the donor wall. There is the possibility of starting a charter school when the building is complete. This will involve both the Parish Council and the Foundation. Ministries: The Greek School has been “renewed” thanks to the hiring of Andri Christodolidou, PhD, who is the new head of the program. Father reports the Greek School is very united and moving along well, and there is a new tracking system for the students. Father requested the parish’s support of the “Cash for Christmas” program. Irene Frankos and the Stewardship Committee were thanked for their work and for preparing for the new round of stewardships in 2012. Father also emphasized that it is most important to build community through all the ministries, expressing gratitude for the unity of the parish. Foundation Report by Angelo Pappas Building Program: As of this meeting, it has been 12 ½ months since ground was broken for the new Huffington Center. The dedication is scheduled for February 5, 2012. The building is a little over budget at this time due to a city inspection. Contributors will be recognized on a donor wall. Page 20 November 2012 Stewardship Report by Irene Frankos As we are ending another blessed year in the life of our church, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for your kind offerings of time, talent and treasure to support the work of our Saint Sophia Ministry through our stewardship program. This year’s program followed last year’s basic principles of: Encouraging participation in the life of the church Expressing appreciation through personal mailings Acknowledging volunteer work in the Herald under Stewardship In Action Welcoming newly married couples and parents of newly baptized children through personal mailings Enhancing the use of technology Communicating our progress through our publications and website The program’s progress has been rewarding and experiencing growth this year. However, reaching the $1 million stewardship goal continues to be a challenge. Although, as of this report, the amount paid is slightly ahead of last year. The use of links in the church website to the Hellenic Academy, Stewardship, Sacraments have made it easier to give to the church. A 2011 Parishioners Survey was distributed to enhance services to the community, with the main focus being Safeguarding Saint Sophia’s Financial Future. Everyone who commented in the survey received a response. Based on the survey, a commitment was made to the community to be good stewards of your funds and trust through sacrificial minimum spending, as we ask for your stewardship through your sacrificial maximum giving. John Stamatiades asked about the 1200 names on the stewardship mailing list, with just over half pledging. Is there a real chance that the other half will ever pledge, or will they simply be receiving the mailings? Irene responded that based on appeal letters already sent, the number of families pledged is 100 more than last year. The committee will continue sending mailings to the entire list for the next 5 years with hopes that they will eventually pledge. Philoptochos Report by Virginia Noyes Philoptochos has been very busy since September. The Salvin School Project—serves children who are severely disabled, have a short life expectancy and come from low‐income families. Most families have to turn these children over as wards of the state when they turn 18 years old. Philoptochos was able to buy a special set of glasses for a girl, because her family couldn’t afford it. Philoptochos helps these families at Christmas with basic food boxes, which were donated by two anonymous people. Angel Tree Project – all the tags are already gone, and the gifts are already coming back, and Philoptochos is also giving each family a $100 Ralph’s gift card for Christmas dinner. The project started with 4 families and they are now adding another family. The coffee and cereal drive for the L.A. Mission has collected 103 boxes of cereal and 31 cans of coffee. Philoptochos has committed $200,000 to the building project, and has paid $165,000 so far. They are pushing more Philoptochos projects further into the community at large, with support of the Metropolis Philoptochos. Ads have been low in program books for expensive dinners due to the recession. November 2012 Page 21 Donations are being made to Autism funds, the Clergy & Presbyteras funds, Holy Cross College, and Bishop Anthony Student Aid Fund All members have paid their dues this year and made donations to various funds. On Saturday, November 17, 2012, the Bishop Anthony Student Aid Endowment Fund will be hosted by Saint Sophia Philoptochos. It is projected to cost between $20,000‐30,000 to put on the event. Approximately 300‐400 people are expected to attend. This is the only metropolis in the U.S. that has this fund. An Evening with Friends Dinner honoring Father Peter Lambert will be held at the Bel Air Country Club on January 28, 2012. Faye Demetriou asked how many men are attending seminary from the West Coast. Virginia did not know because that number comes from the Metropolis. It was added that Father Michael Curry’s son will attend seminary. Treasurer’s Report by Michael Kraios Michael offered gratitude to Loula Moschonas, Irene Frankos, and the Finance Committee including Jim Boltinghouse for assistance with financials. 2012 Budget: Approved Elector: Tony Demetriou Second: Tom Moore Irene Frankos asked what “other income” indicates on the projected 2012 Revenue list. Michael said it reflects donations of flowers, in kind donations, and many small items that are grouped. Heidi Sandstrom asked where Sunday School expenses are located in the 2012 budget. Michael responded that since Sunday School has neither income nor expenses, it is not broken out specifically and therefore is included under “Supplies.” Board of Auditors by Tom Moore The purpose of the audit committee and report is to render an impartial opinion of the current operations and procedures of Saint Sophia. In reviewing the interim operating reports for the first 9 months of 2011, particular attention was paid to Income Statement, Expense Report, Balance Sheet, Bank Reconciliations, Parish Net Operating Report 2011 has been a challenging year with much of the community’s priority taken by the construction of the new building, suspension of the LA GreekFest and loss of that income. But the Stewardship Committee has done a superb job of staying on top of pledges to ensure positive cash flow. This is the third year of adopting new standards of reporting and procedures using QuickBooks, making reporting and personnel transitions easier. Camp Zoe Report by Loula Moschonas There has been a 20% increase in children attending the 2‐week camp. L.A. GreekFest Report by Loula Moschonas The Fest will resume after a year hiatus on the weekend after Labor Day, 2012. A VIP Night is planned for the festival with a special VIP section. Page 22 November 2012 President Report by Loula Moschonas Adaptability, Resilience, Perseverance – these are the words Loula uses to describe Saint Sophia. Many thanks to the Foundation for their vision and planning of the new building. The Parish Council has created an Operations Committee from different industries including catering, building operations, marketing, to put together the processes and procedures to be utilized in the new building. It is still very dynamic and no procedures have been set in stone yet. Thanks to Father Allan Boyd for being at Saint Sophia. Father John has conducted 36 funerals this year, 32 of them in the community. Loula extended congratulations to Virginia Noyes as Philoptochos President. Dr. Andri Christodolidou, heading the Hellenic Academy, has increased student enrollment by 25%. There are 6 Greek Dance teams going to competition this year. The Sunday School is holding a book event at the Barnes & Noble at The Grove, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Sunday School. Proceeds from Cash for Christmas go toward paying the church’s entire insurance bill. Parish Council elections to be held December 11, 2011. Loula extended thanks to the office staff including volunteers Jeanine Hanna and Vicky Deryiades, the Narthex Committee including Jimmy Karatsikis and Peter Pallas, the Choir. She also offered personal thanks to Panos Angels for all his hard work as Parish Council President, as well as to all who offered her condolences on the passing of her father. Adjourned at 2:00PM Respectfully submitted, ______________________________________ Dina Demetrius, Secretary Pro-Tem ______________________________________ Loula Moschonas, Chairwoman Pro-Tem ______________________________________ Very Rev. Fr. John Bakas, Dean November 2012 Page 23 NOVEMBER 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Cosmas / Damian 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Liturgy 7:30pm OT Bible Study w/Fr. Allan 4 8thSunday of Luke 9thSunday of Luke 20 10:00am Bible Study w/Fr. John 11:30am Bible study w/Fr. John 25 8:15am Orthros 9:15am StudiesFaith 7:30pm Catechism w/Fr. Allan 9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy 7:30pm OT Bible Study w/Fr. Allan 14 St. John Chrys. 8:15am Orthros St. Philip 9:15am Liturgy No liturgy 10:00am Bible Study w/Fr. John 10:00am Philoptohos VIP Board 11:30am Bible Study w/Fr. John Meeting 19 8:15am Orthros 9:15am StudiesFaith 7:30pm Cate9:45am Memorials chism w/Fr. Allan 10am Divine Liturgy 25 13 27 8 9 Archangel Michael 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Liturgy 10:00am Bible Study w/Fr. John 12 8:15am Orthros 9:15am StudiesFaith 7:30pm Cate9:45am Memorials chism w/Fr. Allan 10am Divine Liturgy 18 7 11:30am Bible Study w/Fr. John 5thSunday of Luke 11 6 5 8:30am Orthros 9:30am StudiesFaith 7:30pm Cate9:45am Memorials chism w/Fr. Allan 10am Divine Liturgy 21 15 St. Nekarios No liturgy 29 10:00am Bible Study w/Fr. John 9:30am Hellenic Academy (PreK-6) 12:30pm Hellenic Academy (adults) 17 9:30am Hellenic Academy (PreK-6) 12:30pm Hellenic Academy (adults) 23 Entrance of the 7:30pm OT Bible Theotokos into Study w/Fr. Allan the Temple 8:15am Orthros 9:15am Liturgy Thanksgiving Day 28 10 16 7:30pm OT Bible Study w/Fr. Allan 22 3 9:30am Hellenic Academy (PreK-6) 12:30pm Hellenic Academy (adults) 24 9:30am Hellenic Academy (PreK-6) 12:30pm Hellenic Academy (adults) 30 Saint Andrew 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Liturgy 11:30am Bible Study w/Fr. John 13th Sunday of Luke Strict Fast Fish Allowed Wine and Oil Allowed Dairy, Eggs, and Fish Allowed Fast Free November 2012 Page 24 Greek Cathedral Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Community 1324 South Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, California 90006 M TI E E IV T I NS E S Place address label here Phone 323 737 2424 Fax 323 737 7029 E-mail office@stsophia.org We’re on the Web! www.stsophia.org God doesn't give you the people you want; He gives you the people you NEED...to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be. Happy are they that trust in Him! SAVE THE DATES !! Sunday, December 2 Annual General Assembly Meeting Maria Maniatakos Pavilion Sunday, December 9 15th Annual Christmas Musicfest Cathedral - Under the Byzantine Dome Sunday, December 9 Parish Council / Audit Committee Elections Location: Maniatakos Fellowship Hall If you are interested in running for office, please contact our Election Committee Chairman, Jack Stumpus (310) 592.5194. Deadline to apply: November 20th