master prospectus -
master prospectus -
MASTER PROSPECTUS This Master Prospectus is dated 28 April 2014 and expires on 27 April 2015. This Master Prospectus incorporates the following unit trust funds (“Funds”): EQUITY FUNDS PMB Dana Al-Aiman (formerly Dana Al-Aiman) PMB Dana Mutiara (formerly ASM Dana Mutiara) PMB Dana Bestari (formerly Dana Bestari) PMB Shariah Aggressive Fund (formerly ASM Shariah Aggressive Fund) PMB Shariah Growth Fund (formerly ASM Shariah Growth Fund) PMB Shariah Mid-Cap Fund (formerly ASM Shariah Mid-Cap Fund) PMB Shariah Index Fund (formerly ASM Shariah Index Fund) PMB Shariah Premier Fund (formerly ASM Shariah Premier Fund) PMB Shariah Dividend Fund (formerly ASM Shariah Dividend Fund) PMB Shariah TNB Employees Fund (formerly ASM Shariah TNB Employees Fund) 6 April 1968* 27 October 1969* 12 July 1975* 25 April 1972* 15 December 1972* 12 March 1992* 10 February 1969* 10 August 1972* 13 June 2008* 22 August 1995* MIXED ASSET FUND PMB Shariah Tactical Fund (formerly ASM Shariah Tactical Fund) 23 October 1979* BALANCED FUND PMB Shariah Balanced Fund (formerly ASM Shariah Balanced Fund) 20 October 1977* MONEY MARKET FUND PMB Shariah Cash Management Fund (formerly ASM Shariah Cash Management Fund) 27 October 1969* *Date of Constitution Manager: PMB Investment Berhad (256439-D) (formerly known as ASM Investment Services Berhad) Trustees: AmanahRaya Trustees Berhad (766894-T) CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad (167913-M) INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE MASTER PROSPECTUS. IF IN DOUBT, PLEASE CONSULT A PROFESSIONAL ADVISER. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING CERTAIN RISK FACTORS WHICH SHOULD BE CONSIDERED BY PROSPECTIVE INVESTORS, SEE “RISK FACTORS” COMMENCING ON PAGE 25 OF THE MASTER PROSPECTUS. MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 MESSAGE FROM THE CEO Dear Valued Investors, We are pleased to present our Master Prospectus for the period from 28 April 2014 to 27 April 2015. In this Master Prospectus, you will find a variety of Shariah-compliant unit trust funds, some of which may suit your investment needs. We are pleased to inform that with effect from Friday, 28 February 2014, ASM Investment Services Berhad is known as PMB Investment Berhad. The name change was to reflect our parent company Pelaburan MARA Berhad whose name was earlier changed from Amanah Saham MARA Berhad. We are also delighted to inform that all unit trust funds and portfolios under our management have become fully Shariah compliant with effect from 7 March 2014. Converting conventional into Shariah-compliant funds is one of the initiatives of the company’s transformation plan. This is part of the group’s 2011-2015 Transformation Plan that has been adopted to make the group strong, sophisticated and competitive. Most of the unit trust funds we offer are unique although they may invest in the same asset class. This is to enable you as investors, subject to the Suitability Assessment, choose funds that suit your risk tolerance level and investment objective. Please read and understand the contents of this Master Prospectus. You may refer to Chapter 3: Key Data / Information Summary in this Master Prospectus for a better understanding of the investment objectives and key strategies of each of the Funds, profile of investors suitable to invest in the Funds, risk of investing in the Funds and fees and charges payable when investing in the Funds. Further details of the Funds are available in the relevant chapters in this Master Prospectus. To start investing, you may contact any of our Unit Trust Consultants who are registered with the Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia or our Investor Relation Careline at 03-4145 3900 should you require further assistance. You can also contact our Regional Offices or our Approved Distributors as listed in Chapter 15. In view of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 that came into force on 15 November 2013, we are taking steps to ensure that we are in compliance with the new Act. To keep you informed of our endeavours and also to provide you information on your personal information which we may be processing and the manner in which we are doing so, PMB Investment has issued a Privacy Notice to all our individual investors. Please take a moment to read and understand the Privacy Notice in subsection 15.8. We will continue to strengthen our product offerings to help you identify and meet your personal investment goals. We take this opportunity to thank you for your continuous support and we look forward to being of service to you. Yours sincerely for and on behalf of PMB INVESTMENT BERHAD (formerly known as ASM Investment Services Berhad) AMEER ALI BIN VALI MOHAMED Chief Executive Officer i PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Responsibility Statement This Prospectus has been reviewed and approved by the directors of PMB Investment Berhad and they collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information. Having made all reasonable inquiries, they confirm to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no false or misleading statements, or omission of other facts which would make any statement in this Master Prospectus false or misleading. Statements of Disclaimer The Securities Commission Malaysia has authorized the unit trust fund(s) and a copy of this Master Prospectus has been registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia. The authorization and registration of this Master Prospectus, should not be taken to indicate that the Securities Commission Malaysia recommends the said unit trust fund(s) or assumes responsibility for the correctness of any statement made or opinion or report expressed in this Prospectus. The Securities Commission Malaysia is not liable for any non-disclosure on the part of PMB Investment Berhad responsible for the said unit trust fund(s) and takes no responsibility for the contents in this Master Prospectus. The Securities Commission Malaysia makes no representation on the accuracy or completeness of this Prospectus, and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever arising from, or in reliance upon, the whole or any part of the contents. INVESTORS SHOULD RELY ON THEIR OWN EVALUATION TO ASSESS THE MERITS AND RISKS OF THE INVESTMENT. IN CONSIDERING THE INVESTMENT, INVESTORS WHO ARE IN DOUBT ON THE ACTION TO BE TAKEN SHOULD CONSULT PROFESSIONAL ADVISERS IMMEDIATELY. No units will be issued or sold on the basis of this Master Prospectus later than one (1) year after the date of this Master Prospectus. Investors are advised to note that recourse for false or misleading statements or acts made in connection with the Master Prospectus is directly available through sections 248, 249 and 357 of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007. PMB Dana Al-Aiman, PMB Dana Mutiara, PMB Dana Bestari, PMB Shariah Aggressive Fund, PMB Shariah Growth Fund, PMB Shariah Mid-Cap Fund, PMB Shariah Index Fund, PMB Shariah Premier Fund, PMB Shariah Dividend Fund, PMB Shariah Balanced Fund, PMB Shariah Tactical Fund, PMB Shariah TNB Employees Fund and PMB Shariah Cash Management Fund have been certified as being Shariah compliant by the Shariah Adviser appointed for the Funds. ii PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 CONTENTS 1. GLOSSARY OF TERMS/ABBREVIATIONS 1 2. CORPORATE DIRECTORY 5 3. KEY DATA / INFORMATION SUMMARY 8 3.1 FUND INFORMATION 8 3.2 FEES AND CHARGES 21 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 4. Charges Directly Incurred by Investors When Purchasing or Redeeming Units of the Funds Fees and Expenses Indirectly Incurred When Investing in the Funds ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 4.2 22 23 3.3.1 Trusteeship of the Funds 23 3.3.2 Deed of the Funds 23 3.3.3 Avenues for Advice to Prospective Investors 24 3.3.4 Designated Fund Managers for the Funds 24 RISK FACTORS 4.1 21 25 GENERAL RISKS OF INVESTING IN UNIT TRUST FUND 25 4.1.1 Fund Management Management Company Risk 25 4.1.2 Inflation / Purchasing Power Risk 25 4.1.3 Loan Financing Risk 25 4.1.4 Risk on Non-Compliance 25 SPECIFIC RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS 25 4.2.1 Equity Market Risk 25 4.2.2 Stock Specific Risk 25 4.2.3 Liquidity Risk 26 4.2.4 Shariah Status Reclassification Risk 26 iii PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 5. MASTER PROSPECTUS 4.2.5 Dividend Policy Risk 26 4.2.6 Profit/Interest Rate Risk 26 4.2.7 Credit / Default Risk 26 THE FUNDS 5.1 5.2 EQUITY FUNDS PMB Dana Al-Aiman 27 5.1.2 PMB Dana Mutiara 30 5.1.3 PMB Dana Bestari 33 5.1.4 PMB Shariah Aggressive Fund 36 5.1.5 PMB Shariah Growth Fund 39 5.1.6 PMB Shariah Mid-Cap Fund 42 5.1.7 PMB Shariah Index Fund 45 5.1.8 PMB Shariah Premier Fund 49 5.1.9 PMB Shariah Dividend Fund 52 5.1.10 PMB Shariah TNB Employees Fund 55 MIXED ASSET FUND PMB Shariah Tactical Fund BALANCED FUND 5.3.1 5.4 27 5.1.1 5.2.1 5.3 27 PMB Shariah Balanced Fund MONEY MARKET FUND 5.4.1 58 58 61 61 65 PMB Shariah Cash Management Fund 65 5.5 SHARIAH-COMPLIANT AND SHARIAH APPROVAL PROCESS 67 5.6 PERMITTED INVESTMENTS 69 5.6.1 Applicable to all funds except PMB SCMF 70 5.6.2 Applicable to PMB SCMF 71 iv PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 5.7 5.8 6.0 INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITS 6.2 Applicable to all funds except PMB SCMF 72 5.7.2 Applicable to PMB SCMF 72 5.7.3 Allowance in Excess of Investment Limits 72 VALUATION OF INVESTMENTS Listed Securities 73 5.8.2 Unlisted and/or Suspended Securities 73 5.8.3 Fixed Income Securities 73 5.8.4 Money Market Instruments 73 5.8.5 Collective Investment Scheme 73 EQUITY FUNDS 74 74 6.1.1 PMB Dana Al-Aiman 74 6.1.2 PMB Dana Mutiara 77 6.1.3 PMB Dana Bestari 80 6.1.4 PMB Shariah Aggressive Fund 83 6.1.5 PMB Shariah Growth Fund 86 6.1.6 PMB Shariah Mid Cap Fund 89 6.1.7 PMB Shariah Index Fund 92 6.1.8 PMB Shariah Premier Fund 95 6.1.9 PMB Shariah Dividend Fund 98 6.1.10 PMB Shariah TNB Employees Fund 101 MIXED ASSET FUND PMB Shariah Tactical Fund BALANCED FUND 6.3.1 6.4 73 5.8.1 6.2.1 6.3 71 5.7.1 FUND PERFORMANCE 6.1 2014/2015 PMB Shariah Balanced Fund MONEY MARKET FUND 6.4.1 PMB Shariah Cash Management Fund 104 104 107 107 110 110 v PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 7.0 MASTER PROSPECTUS HISTORICAL FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 7.1 7.2 EQUITY FUNDS PMB Dana Al-Aiman 113 7.1.2 PMB Dana Mutiara 114 7.1.3 PMB Dana Bestari 115 7.1.4 PMB Shariah Aggressive Fund 116 7.1.5 PMB Shariah Growth Fund 117 7.1.6 PMB Shariah Mid Cap Fund 118 7.1.7 PMB Shariah Index Fund 119 7.1.8 PMB Shariah Premier Fund 120 7.1.9 PMB Shariah Dividend Fund 121 7.1.10 PMB Shariah TNB Employees Fund 122 MIXED ASSET FUND PMB Shariah Balanced Fund MONEY MARKET FUND 7.4.1 8.0 PMB Shariah Tactical Fund BALANCED FUND 7.3.1 7.4 113 7.1.1 7.2.1 7.3 113 PMB Shariah Cash Management Fund 123 123 124 124 125 125 7.5 TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENSES 126 7.6 MANAGEMENT EXPENSES RATIO (MER) 127 FEES, CHARGES AND EXPENSES 8.1 CHARGES 128 128 8.1.1 Sales Charge 129 8.1.2 Repurchase Charge 129 8.1.3 Transfer Fee 129 8.1.4 Switching Fee 129 vi PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 8.2 9.0 10.0 2014/2015 FEES 129 8.2.1 Annual Management Fee 129 8.2.2 Annual Trustee Fee 130 8.3 EXPENSES 130 8.4 REBATE AND COMMISSION 131 TRANSACTION INFORMATION 132 9.1 TRANSACTION DETAILS 132 9.2 PAYMENT METHODS 133 9.3 COOLING-OFF POLICY 134 9.4 REPURCHASING/REDEEMING AN INVESTMENT 134 9.5 CHANNELS TO PURCHASE AND REDEEM UNITS 135 9.6 SWITCHING BETWEEN FUNDS 135 9.7 TRANSFER OF UNITS 135 9.8 A QUICK GUIDE ON HOW TO BUY, SELL, SWITCH AND TRANSFER 136 9.9 INCOME DISTRIBUTION AND REINVESTMENT POLICIES 137 9.10 DETERMINATION OF PRICE 138 MANAGEMENT OF THE FUNDS 140 10.1 THE MANAGEMENT COMPANY PROFILE 140 10.2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 140 10.3 MANAGEMENT TEAM 140 10.4 SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL POSITION 142 10.5 ROLES, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MANAGEMENT COMPANY 142 10.6 MANAGER’S DELEGATE 143 10.7 MATERIAL LITIGATION AND ARBITRATION 143 10.8 INVESTMENT COMMITTEE 143 10.8.1 Profile of Investment Committee Members 143 vii PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 10.8.2 10.9 10.10 11.0 SYARIAH ADVISER 11.2 145 145 10.9.1 Profile of Shariah Adviser 145 10.9.2 Designated Person Responsible for Shariah Matters 146 10.9.3 Roles and Functions of Shariah Adviser 146 DESIGNATED FUND MANAGERS THE TRUSTEE OF THE FUNDS 11.1 12.0 Roles and Functions of Investment Committee AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES BERHAD 147 148 148 11.1.1 Company Profile 148 11.1.2 Board of Directors 148 11.1.3 Chief Executive Officer 148 11.1.4 Summary of Financial Position 148 11.1.5 Material Litigation 149 CIMB ISLAMIC TRUSTEE BERHAD 149 11.2.1 Company Profile 149 11.2.2 Board of Directors 149 11.2.4 Chief Operating Officer 149 11.2.5 Summary of Financial Position 149 11.2.6 Delegate 149 11.2.7 Material Litigation 150 11.3 TRUSTEE’S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY 150 11.4 ROLES, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TRUSTEE 150 11.5 TRUSTEE’S DECLARATION 150 11.6 TRUSTEE’S OBLIGATION 150 SALIENT TERMS OF THE DEED 12.1 RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES OF A UNIT HOLDER 12.1.1 viii PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 Your Rights 151 151 151 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 12.1.2 Limitation of Rights 151 12.1.3 Your Liabilities 151 12.2 FEES AND CHARGES 151 12.3 PERMITTED EXPENSES 152 12.4 REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT AND RETIREMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT COMPANY AND TRUSTEE 12.4.1 Powers of the Management Company to Remove and Replace the Trustee 153 153 12.4.2 Retirement, Removal or Replacement of the Trustee 154 12.4.3 Power of Trustee to Remove, Retire or Replace the Manager 154 12.5 TERMINATION OF THE FUND 154 12.6 UNIT HOLDERS’ MEETING 155 13.0 CONFLICT OF INTEREST 156 14.0 TAXATION OF THE FUND 157 15.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 149 15.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 161 15.1 UPDATES ON THE FUNDS 161 15.2 PRE-INVESTMENT FORM (PIF) BY FIMM 161 15.3 SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT 161 15.4 INVESTOR RELATION 161 15.5 COMPLAINTS 161 15.6 SECURITIES INDUSTRY DISPUTE RESOLUTION CENTRE 162 15.7 ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING POLICIES 162 15.8 15.7.1 General Policy 162 15.7.2 Money Laundering Reporting Officer Designation and Duties 162 15.7.3 Policy and Procedure 162 15.7.4 Compliance with the AMLATFA 163 PRIVACY NOTICE UNDER PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION ACT 2010 164 ix PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 15.9 FOREIGN ACCOUNT TAX COMPLIANT ACT (FATCA) 167 15.10 ZAKAT 168 15.11 AUDITORS OF THE FUND 168 15.12 PLEDGING OF UNITS AS COLLATERAL 168 15.13 BORROWING TO PURCHASE UNITS 168 15.14 PERIOD OF THE FUND 168 15.15 LIST OF CHANNEL DISTRIBUTIONS 169 16.0 STATEMENT OF CONSENT 170 17.0 DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION 171 x PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 1. GLOSSARY OF TERMS/ABBREVIATIONS In this Master Prospectus, except when the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall bear the following meanings: “Act” Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (as amended from time to time); “ANGKASA” Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad; “application” Application or request to buy unit(s) by an investor or a unit holder; “ART” AmanahRaya Trustees Berhad; “BIMBSEC” BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd; “BNM” Bank Negara Malaysia; “Bursa Malaysia” Malaysia’s stock exchange managed by Bursa Malaysia Berhad; “business day” A day on which the Bursa Malaysia is open for dealings; “buying price” or “repurchase price” of a unit The price equivalent to the NAV per unit of the respective funds as at the next valuation point after the request for repurchase is received by the Manager; “CIS” ‘Collective Investment Scheme’ refers to an arrangement where(a) it is made for the purpose, or having the effect, of providing facilities for persons to participate in or receive profits or income arising from the acquisition, holding, management or disposal of securities, futures contracts or any other property (“referred to as scheme’s assets”) or sums paid out of such profits or income; (b) the persons who participate in the arrangements do not have dayto-day control over the management of the scheme’s assets; and (c) the scheme’s assets is managed by an entity who is responsible for the management of the scheme’s assets and is approved/authorized/licensed by a relevant regulator to conduct fund management activities; and includes among others unit trust funds, real estate investment trusts, exchange-traded funds, restricted in investment schemes and closed-end funds; “CITB” CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad; “cut-off time” The time by which requests for unit purchases or redemptions by investors are accepted each day up to the unit trust fund’s dealing cut-off time and are processed using the same day-end’s NAV prices; “Deed” The principal and the supplemental deeds of the relevant fund(s)made between the Manager and the respective Trustee; “Distribution Date” The date on which the cash distribution of the relevant Funds, or unit distribution in lieu of the cash, is made or scheduled to be made; “dividend yield” Annual dividend per share/price per share; “EPF MIS” Employees Provident Fund Member’s Investment Scheme; “equity –related securities” Options, warrants, rights and/or irredeemable unsecured loan stocks (ICULS); “FBM 100” FTSE Bursa Malaysia Top 100 Index; “FBM EMAS” FTSE Bursa Malaysia EMAS Index. FBM EMAS comprises the constituents of the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Top 100 Index and FTSE Bursa Malaysia Small Cap Index (FBM Small Cap). FBM Small Cap comprises those eligible companies within the top 98% of |1 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS the Bursa Malaysia Main Market excluding constituents of the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Top 100 Index; “FBM KLCI” FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI; “FBMSHA” FTSE Bursa Malaysia EMAS Shariah Index; “FIMM” Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia; “forward pricing” The determination of the unit price based on the NAV per unit of the Fund as at the next valuation point after a request for sale or repurchase of units is received; “designated fund manager” A Capital Markets and Services Representative Licence (CMSRL) holder who is responsible for the fund management of the respective Funds; “Funds” The unit trust schemes comprised in this Master Prospectus and the word “Fund” shall refer to any one of such schemes; “Guidelines” Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds issued by the SC, as amended from time to time; “Investor” or “Unit Holder” The person registered for the time being as a holder of units in the Fund(s) in accordance with the provisions of the Deeds; “Islamic money market instruments “ Financial instruments with liquidity and near term maturity, issued under the Shariah principles, that are tradeable, such as commercial papers, banker’s acceptance and negotiable certificate of deposit “Islamic debt securities” Sukuk issued by the Malaysian Government or private companies; “Islamic deposit placements” Money placed with financial institutions for an agreed period under the Shariah principles which are Islamic Negotiable Instruments (INI), General Investment Accounts (GIA) or Special Investment Accounts (SIA); “IUTA” ‘Institutional Unit Trust Agent’, which is an institution, a corporation or an organization registered with the FIMM in accordance with FIMM’s Guidelines for Registration of Institutional Unit Trust Adviser for the marketing and distribution of unit trusts; “KLCI” Kuala Lumpur Composite Index; “KLIRR” Kuala Lumpur Islamic Reference Rates “KLSI” Kuala Lumpur Shariah Index; “long term” A period of more than 5 years; “MER” ‘Management Expense Ratio’ refers to the ratio of the sum of fees and the recovered expenses of a unit trust fund to the average value of a unit trust fund calculated on a daily basis; “Manager” or “We” or “us” PMB Investment Berhad (formerly known as ASM Investment Services Berhad); “MARA” Majlis Amanah Rakyat; “MARC” Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad; “medium term” A period of between 3 and 5 years; “NAV” ‘Net Asset Value’ refers to the value of a unit trust fund which is determined by deducting the value of all the fund’s liabilities from the value of all the fund’s assets, at the valuation point, except that, for the purpose of computing the annual management fee and the annual trustee fee, the NAV of the fund should be inclusive (that is, before any deduction) of the management fee and the trustee fee for the relevant day; 2| PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 “NAV per unit” The NAV of a unit trust fund divided by the number of units in circulation at the valuation point; “NTA” ‘Net Tangible Asset’ refers to the excess of total tangible assets over total liabilities of an organization at a particular valuation point; “near term” A period of less than 1 year; “PMB” Pelaburan MARA Berhad; “PMB Al-Aiman” PMB Dana Al-Aiman; “PMB Bestari” PMB Dana Bestari; “PMB Investment” PMB Investment Berhad (formerly known as ASM Investment Services Berhad); “PMB Mutiara” PMB Dana Mutiara; “PMB SAF” PMB Shariah Aggressive Fund; “PMB SBF” PMB Shariah Balanced Fund; “PMB SCMF” PMB Shariah Cash Management Fund; “PMB SDF” PMB Shariah Dividend Fund; “PMB SGF” PMB Shariah Growth Fund; “PMB SIF” PMB Shariah Index Fund; “PMB SMCF” PMB Shariah Mid-Cap Fund; “PMB SPF” PMB Shariah Premier Fund; “PMB STEF” PMB Shariah TNB Employees Fund; “PMB STF” PMB Shariah Tactical Fund; “PTR” ‘Portfolio Turnover Ratio’ refers to the ratio of the average sum of acquisitions and disposals of a Fund for the year to the average value of the Fund for the year calculated on a daily basis. The Annual Portfolio Turnover Ratio will indicate to the investor whether the Fund buys and sells securities frequently or whether it takes a longer term approach to investment management. A portfolio turnover ratio of 1 time means that the Fund has been turned over once for that particular year; “RAM” RAM Rating Services Berhad; “redemption” or “repurchase” The repurchase by the Manager of all or part of the units owned by the Unit Holders; “RM” Ringgit Malaysia; “SAC” Shariah Advisory Council of the SC; “SC” Securities Commission Malaysia, established under the Securities Commission Act ,1993; “securities” Has the same definition according to the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (as amended from time to time); “selling price of a unit” The price equivalent to the NAV per unit of a unit trust fund as at the next valuation point after the application for units is received by the Manager; “Shariah” Islamic laws, originating from the Qur`an (the holy book of Islam), and its practices and explanations rendered by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and ijtihad of ulamak (personal effort by qualified Shariah scholars to determine the true ruling of the divine law on matters whose revelations are not explicit); |3 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS “Shariah Adviser” The Shariah adviser appointed for the Funds; “Shariah-compliant securities” The investment portfolio of the Fund comprises securities that have been classified as Shariah-compliant by the SAC of the SC. For securities that have yet to be certified by the SAC of the SC, the Shariah Adviser of the Fund will determine whether or not the securities are Shariahcompliant for investment by the Fund; “short term” A period of between 1 and 3 years; “SPR” ‘Single Pricing Regime’ refers to a policy or system in which the creation, cancellation, selling and repurchase prices for units are the NAV per unit of a unit trust fund(s). The actual and total amount of these prices paid by the investors then, depend on the rate of sales charges separately imposed by different distribution channels; “structured products” Any investment product that falls within the definition of “securities” and which derives its value by reference to the price or value of an underlying reference; “subscribing price of a unit’ The price payable by an investor or a unit holder of the Fund for the purchase of a unit of a Fund; “sukuk” certificates of equal value which evidence undivided ownership or investment in the assets using Shariah principles and concepts endorsed by the SAC; “Trustee” The trustee appointed for the Funds; “unit price” The price at which a unit holder buys or sells units at NAV per unit; “unit” A unit of a unit trust fund that represents a unit holder’s interest; and “units in circulation” Total number of units created and fully paid for and which has not been cancelled. 4| PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 2. CORPORATE DIRECTORY Manager Registered Office PMB Investment Berhad (formerly known as ASM Investment Services Berhad) rd 3 Floor, Wisma PMB, No. 1A, Jalan Lumut 50400 Kuala Lumpur. Business Office Ground Floor, Wisma PMB, No. 1A, Jalan Lumut 50400 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 4145 3800 Fax: (03) 4145 3901 Website: E-mail: Manager’s Delegate Registered Office Pelaburan MARA Berhad Suite C-5-4, Wisma Goshen,Plaza Pantai, Jalan Pantai Bharu 59200 Kuala Lumpur Business Office 3rd & 5 th Floor, Wisma PMB, No 1A Jalan Lumut 50400 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 4145 3800 Fax: (03) 4145 3889 Website: Board of Directors Datuk (Dr.) Zamani bin Md Noor Dato’ Sri Haji Abd Rahim bin Haji Abdul Professor Dr. Faridah binti Haji Hassan Mansoor bin Ahmad Nik Mohamed Zaki bin Nik Yusoff Ahmad Nazim bin Abd Rahman Ameer Ali bin Vali Mohamed Members of Investment Committee Wan Abdul Rahman bin Wan Abu Samah - Independent Mansoor bin Ahmad - Independent Nik Mohamed Zaki bin Nik Yusoff - Independent Mohd Nazri bin Abu Samah - Non-independent Company Secretary Shahrizat binti Othman (MAICSA No. 0764744) c/o AAJ Management Services Sdn Bhd Suite C-5-4, Wisma Goshen Plaza Pantai, Jalan Pantai Baharu 59200 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 2283 4007 Fax: (03) 2287 7006 Shariah Adviser BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd 32nd Floor, Menara Multi-Purpose, Capital Square No.8 Jalan Munshi Abdullah 50100 Kuala Lumpur Tel : (03) 2691 8887 Fax: (03) 2691 8854 Trustee Registered Office AmanahRaya Trustees Berhad Tingkat 11, Wisma AmanahRaya No. 2, Jalan Ampang 50508 Kuala Lumpur Business Office Tingkat 2, Wisma TAS No. 21, Jalan Melaka 50100 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 2036 5000/5129 Fax: (03) 2072 0322 Website: - Independent /Chairman - Independent - Independent - Independent - Independent - Non-independent - Non-independent/Chief Executive Officer |5 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Trustee Registered Office CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad Level 13, Menara CIMB, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur. Tel : (03) 2261 8888 Fax : (03) 2261 0099 Website : Business Office Level 21,Menara CIMB Jalan Stesen Sentral 2 Kuala Lumpur Sentral 50470 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 2261 8888 Fax : (03) 2261 9889 CITB Trustee’s Delegate Registered Office CIMB Group Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Level 13, Menara CIMB Jalan Stesen Sentral 2 Kuala Lumpur Sentral 50470 Kuala Lumpur Tel : (03) 2261 8888 Fax: (03) 2261 8889 Business Office Level 21, Menara CIMB Jalan Stesen Sentral 2 Kuala Lumpur Sentral 50470 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 2261 8888 Fax : (03) 2261 9892 Website : Auditors i. Messr. Ahmad Abdullah & Goh Suite 701, Tingkat 7, Wisma Hangsam, Jalan Hang Lekir, 50000 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 2070 4408 ii. Messr. Jamal, Amin & Partners No.60-2B, 2nd Floor, Jalan 2/23A, Off Jalan Genting Klang, Taman Danau Kota, Setapak 53300 Kuala Lumpur Tel No. : (03)4142 1626 Fax No.: (03) 4142 1601 Tax Adviser Atarek Kamil Ibrahim Tax Services (M) Sdn Bhd No. 89-3, Jalan 2/27F Pusat Bandar Wangsa Maju (KLSC) 53300 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 4142 6515 Solicitors Messrs. M.K Chen & Leong Suite B-09-02 Plaza Mont’ Kiara No 2, Jalan Kiara, Mont’ Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 6201 7381 /(03) 6201 7382 Principal Bankers 1) CIMB Islamic Berhad Ground Floor, Wisma Genting No. 28, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 2163 6358 6| PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 2) Public Islamic Bank Berhad Tiong Nam Branch Level 1 & 2, Wisma Public Bank 300, Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 2693 9555 FIMM Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia 19-07-03, 7th Floor, PNB Damansara No 19, Lorong Dungun Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur Tel : (03) 2093 2600 Fax: (03) 2093 2700 Website: Regional Offices Please refer to the directory of Regional Offices on page 169. |7 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 3. MASTER PROSPECTUS KEY DATA / INFORMATION SUMMARY This section is only a summary of the salient information about the Fund and that the investors should read and understand the Master Prospectus in whole before making investment decisions. 3.1 FUND INFORMATION NAME PMB DANA AL-AIMAN Category / Type Equity (Shariah) / Growth & Income Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with steady return and to achieve capital growth in the medium to long term by investing in equities and fixed income securities that conform to the Shariah principles. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities of public listed companies in Bursa Malaysia with growth prospects and/or having dividend yield of 3% per annum or above. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest between 70% and 99.5% of its NAV in Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities. The balance will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA Principal Risk(s) • • • Investor Profile The Fund is suitable for investors who: • Have a moderate risk tolerance level; • Have a medium to long term investment horizon; • Prefer a portfolio that conforms to Shariah principles; and • Seek for steady income for short term and a capital growth for long term. Distribution Policy The distribution (if any) is annual, subject to the availability of income for the financial period. Financial Year End 31 May Trustee ART Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC Equity market risk. Stock specific risk. Shariah status reclassification risk. You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 27. 8| PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 NAME PMB DANA MUTIARA Category / Type Equity (Shariah) / Growth & Income Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with steady return and to achieve capital growth in the medium to long term by investing in equities and fixed income securities that conform to the Shariah principles. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities of public listed companies in Bursa Malaysia with growth prospects and/or having dividend yield of 3% per annum or above. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest between 70% and 99.5% of its NAV in Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities. The balance will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA Principal Risk(s) • • • Investor Profile The Fund is suitable for investors who: • Have a moderate risk tolerance level; • Have a medium to long term investment horizon; • Prefer a fund that conforms to Shariah principles; • Seek for steady income for short term and a capital growth for long term; and • Women investors. Distribution Policy The distribution (if any) is annual, subject to the availability of income for the financial period. Financial Year End 30 June Trustee ART Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC Equity market risk. Stock specific risk. Shariah status reclassification risk. You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 30. |9 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 NAME PMB DANA BESTARI Category / Type Equity (Shariah) / Growth & Income Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with steady return and to achieve capital growth in the medium to long term by investing in equities and fixed income securities that conform to the Shariah principles. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities of public listed companies in Bursa Malaysia with growth prospects and/or having dividend yield of 3% per annum or above. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest between 70% and 99.5% of its NAV in Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities. The balance will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA Principal Risk(s) • • • Investor Profile The Fund is suitable for investors who: • Have a moderate risk tolerance; • Have a long term investment horizon; • Prefer a portfolio that conforms to Shariah principles; and • Seek investment to fund their children education in the future. Distribution Policy The distribution (if any) is annual, subject to the availability of income for the financial period. Financial Year End 30 September Trustee ART Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC Equity market risk; Stock specific risk; and Shariah status reclassification risk. You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 33. 10 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 NAME PMB SHARIAH AGGRESSIVE FUND Category / Type Equity (Shariah) / Growth Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with opportunity to earn high capital return over the medium to long term through active investments in Shariah approved securities listed on the Bursa Malaysia. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio among any of the top 250 Shariah-compliant companies in terms of market capitalization listed on Bursa Malaysia. The Fund has an aggressive investment approach where active trading strategy is adopted. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest between 80% and 99.5% of its NAV in Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities. The balance will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA Principal Risk(s) • • • Investor Profile The Fund is suitable for investors who: • Have a high risk tolerance level; • Have a medium to long term investment horizon; • Prefer a portfolio that conforms to Shariah principles; and • Seek for capital appreciation from an aggressive Shariah-compliant fund. Distribution Policy The distribution is incidental. Financial Year End 31 July Trustee ART Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC Equity market risk; Stock specific risk; and Shariah status reclassification risk. You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 36. |11 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 NAME PMB SHARIAH GROWTH FUND Category / Type Equity (Shariah) / Growth Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with an opportunity to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term period by investing in Shariahcompliant securities. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio among any of the top 250 Shariah-compliant companies in terms of market capitalization listed on Bursa Malaysia that have potential, as analyzed by the Manager, for earnings per share growth of at least 10% per annum and at the same time have the potential, as analyzed by the Manager, to perform equal or better than the performance of the selected performance benchmark. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest between 80% and 99.5% of its NAV in Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities. The balance will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA Principal Risk(s) • • • Investors Profile The fund is suitable for investors who: • Have a high risk tolerance; • Have a medium to long term investment horizon; • Prefer a portfolio that conforms to Shariah principles; and • Seek capital appreciation from a Shariah-compliant fund that invests in growth stocks. Distribution Policy The distribution is incidental. Financial Year End 28 February (29 Feb in a leap year) Trustee ART Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC Equity market risk Stock specific risk Shariah status reclassification risk You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 39. 12 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 NAME PMB SHARIAH MID-CAP FUND Category / Type Equity (Shariah) / Growth Objective The objective of the Fund is to achieve capital growth over the medium to long-term period by investing primarily in medium sized Shariah compliant companies in terms of market capitalization. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities of medium size companies listed on Bursa Malaysia with market capitalization between RM1 billion and RM7 billion at the point of purchase. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its NAV in securities of Shariah-compliant companies listed on Bursa Malaysia with market capitalization in excess of RM7 billion. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest between 70% and 99.5% of its NAV in Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities. The balance will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA Principal Risk(s) • • • Investor Profile The Fund is suitable for investors who: • Have a moderate to high risk tolerance level; • Have a medium to long term investment horizon; • Prefer a fund that conforms to the Shariah principles; and • Seek capital growth from Shariah-compliant fund that invests primarily in mid-cap stocks. Distribution Policy The distribution is incidental. Financial Year End 30 April Trustee CITB Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC Equity market risk Stock specific risk Shariah status reclassification risk. You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 42. |13 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 NAME PMB SHARIAH INDEX FUND Category / Type Equity (Shariah) / Index Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with the opportunity to gain reasonable return and capital growth in the medium to long term period by investing in Shariah-compliant securities whilst at the same time the Manager will attempt to match closely its performance with the performance of the FBMSHA. Investment Strategy The Fund will invest primarily in the major stocks constituent of the FBMSHA. The Fund is a passively managed fund whereby the Manager constructs the Fund’s investment portfolio based on an index sampling approach by investing not less than 60% of the Fund’s NAV in the top 15 constituent stocks of the FBMSHA which represent more than 67% of the FBMSHA’s market capitalization (as at 28 February 2014). The balance may be invested in the next remaining constituent stocks of FBMSHA, and any other Shariah-compliant securities in Malaysia capital market, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest a minimum 90% of its NAV in equities with a minimum 60% among the top 15 constituent stocks of the FBMSHA. However equity investment in the Fund shall not exceed 99.5% of its NAV. The balance will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placement and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA Principal Risk(s) • • • Investor Profile The Fund is suitable for investors who : • Have a moderate to high risk tolerance level; • Have a medium to long term investment horizon; • Prefer a fund that conforms to Shariah principles; and • Seek to have return close to the market performance. Distribution Policy The distribution is annual, subject to the total return of the Fund, available income for the financial period, cash flow of the distribution and stability and sustainability of the distribution of return. Financial Year End 31 March Trustee ART Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC Equity market risk Tracking error risk Shariah status reclassification risk. You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 45. 14 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 NAME PMB SHARIAH PREMIER FUND Category / Type Equity (Shariah) / Growth Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide opportunities for investors to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term period through investment in any of the 50 largest Shariah-compliant stocks by market capitalization (at the time of purchase) listed on the Bursa Malaysia. Investment Strategy To achieve its objective, the Fund shall invest primarily in a portfolio of the 50 largest Shariah-compliant stocks in terms of market capitalization (at the point of purchase) listed on Bursa Malaysia. The Fund may invest not more than 10% of its NAV in the next top 25 largest listed companies based on the market capitalization. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest between 70% and up to 99.5% of its NAV in Shariahcompliant equity and equity-related securities. The balance will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA Principal Risk(s) • • • Investor Profile The fund is suitable for investors who: • Have a moderate risk tolerance level; • Have a medium to long term investment horizon; • Prefer a fund that conforms to Shariah principles; and • Seek capital growth from Shariah-compliant fund that invests in large capitalized stocks. Distribution Policy The distribution is incidental. Financial Year End 31 August. Trustee ART. Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC. Equity market risk Stock specific risk Shariah status reclassification risk. You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 49. |15 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 NAME PMB SHARIAH DIVIDEND FUND Category / Type Equity (Shariah) / Income Objective To provide investors with an opportunity to gain consistent and stable income stream that is potentially higher than the average fixed deposit rates. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant securities listed on Bursa Malaysia that offer or have the potential to declare dividend yields of at least 3% per annum or above. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest between 70% and 95% of its NAV in Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities in Bursa Malaysia. The balance will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA Principal Risk(s) • • • Investor Profile The Fund is suitable for investors who: • Have a moderate risk tolerance level; • Have a medium to long term investment horizon; • Prefer a fund that conforms to Shariah principles; and • Seek a regular and stable income stream from their investment. Distribution Policy Income will be distributed annually, subject to the availability of income for the financial period. Financial Year End 31 March Trustee CITB Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC Equity market risk Stock specific risk Shariah status reclassification risk You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 52. 16 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 NAME PMB SHARIAH TNB EMPLOYEES FUND Category / Type Equity(Shariah) / Growth & Income Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with an opportunity to gain steady income and to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term period by investing in a portfolio of investments that comply with Shariah principles. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities of public listed companies in Bursa Malaysia with growth prospects and/or having dividend yield of 3% per annum or above. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest between 70% and 99.5% of its NAV in Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities. The balance will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA Principal Risk(s) • Equity market risk • Stock specific risk • Shariah status reclassification risk Eligibility The following persons are eligible to apply and hold units in the Fund: • Employees and retirees of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB); • Members of the Board of Directors of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB); • Any corporations, bodies, clubs, associations and/or cooperatives related to TNB and/or the employees or retirees of TNB, as may be recognized and/or approved by TNB. Investor Profile The Fund is suitable for Investors who : • Have a moderate to high risk tolerance level; • Have a medium to long term investment horizon; • Prefer a fund that conforms to Shariah principles; and • Seek income and capital growth from a Shariah-compliant fund. Distribution Policy The distribution is annually, subject to the availability of income for the financial period. Financial Year End 30 August Trustee CITB Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 55. |17 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS NAME PMB SHARIAH TACTICAL FUND Category / Type Mixed Asset (Shariah) / Growth & Income Objective The objective of the Fund is to achieve capital growth over the medium to longterm period by investing in a portfolio of investments that comply with Shariah principles. Investment Strategy The Fund will adopt a tactical asset allocation strategy and has the flexibility to rebalance its allocation between the different asset classes of Shariah-compliant equities and equity-related securities listed on Bursa Malaysia, Islamic debt securities, Islamic money markets instruments, Islamic deposit placements and /or other permitted investments, depending on market conditions. Asset Allocation • • 0% - 100% of the Fund’s NAV – Shariah-compliant equities and/or equityrelated securities 0% - 100% of the Fund’s NAV – Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark Two times (2x) the performance of 1-Year Adjusted Average Rate of Kuala Lumpur Islamic Reference Rate (KLIRR) Principal Risk(s) • • • • • Investor Profile The Fund is suitable for Investors who : • Have a moderate to high risk tolerance; • Have a medium to long term investment horizon; • Prefer a fund that conforms to Shariah principles; and • Seek income and capital growth from a tactical Shariah-compliant fund. Distribution Policy The distribution (if any) is annual, subjected to the availability of income for the financial period. Financial Year End 31 December Trustee ART Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC Equity market risk Stock specific risk Shariah status reclassification risk Profit/interest rate risk Credit/default risk You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 58. 18 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 NAME PMB SHARIAH BALANCED FUND Category / Type Balanced (Shariah) / Growth & Income Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors an opportunity to earn regular income and capital growth in the medium to long term through investment in Shariah-compliant securities. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio that includes Shariahcompliant stocks listed on Bursa Malaysia that have annual dividend distribution track record and/or prospects for capital growth, Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and/or other permitted investments. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest between 40% and 60% of its NAV in Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities listed on Bursa Malaysia. The balance will be invested in Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark A combination of 50% FBMSHA and 50% 1-year Adjusted Average Rates of the Kuala Lumpur Islamic Reference Rates (KLIRR) Principal Risk(s) • • • • • Investor Profile The Fund is suitable for investors who: • Have a low to moderate risk tolerance level; • Have medium to long term investment horizon; • Prefer a fund that conforms to Shariah principles; and • Seek a regular annual income and capital growth in the medium to long term from an Islamic fund. Distribution Policy The distribution (if any) is annual, subject to the availability of income for the financial period. Financial Year End 30 November Trustee ART Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC Equity market risk Stock specific risk Shariah status reclassification risk Profit/interest rate risk Credit/default risk You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 61. |19 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS NAME PMB SHARIAH CASH MANAGEMENT FUND Category / Type Money Market (Shariah) / Income Objective To provide investors with reasonable return with high degree of liquidity while maintaining capital stability through investments primarily in Shariah approved money market instruments and debt securities. Investment Strategy The Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing in near term Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and/or Islamic debt securities in Malaysia that mature within 365 days. Nevertheless the Fund can invest up to 10% of its NAV in the Islamic money market instruments, Islamic debt securities and/or Islamic deposit placements with maturity period exceeding 365 days but not longer than 732 days. Asset Allocation The Fund shall invest up to 100% of its NAV in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic debt securities and/or Islamic deposit placements. The Fund shall invest not less than 90% of its NAV in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic debt securities, or Islamic deposit placements having a maturity of not more than 365 days, while the balance can be invested Islamic money market instruments, Islamic debt securities and/or Islamic deposit placements maturing between more than 365 days to 732 days. Performance Benchmark BNM Overnight Islamic Interbank Rate Principal Risk(s) • Profit/Interest rate risk. • Credit/default risk. Investor Profile The Fund is suitable for investors who: • Have a low risk tolerance level; • Have either short, medium or long-term investment horizon; • Look for regular and stable though low level of return; • Look for alternative to Islamic deposit placements with tax incentive; and • Look for alternative to Islamic deposit placements that does not require determination of tenure on placements. Distribution Policy The distribution (if any) is on a monthly basis subject to the availability of income. Financial Year End 30 June Trustee ART Shariah Adviser BIMBSEC You may refer the detailed information of the Fund on page 65. 20 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 3.2 FEES AND CHARGES 3.2.1 Charges directly incurred by investors when purchasing or redeeming units of the Funds. Table below describes the charges that you may directly incur when you buy or redeem units of the Funds:Charges Distribution Channels IUTA, Agents and Direct Purchase Sales charge per unit % of the NAV 6.0% IUTAs, Agents, Direct Purchase & EPF MIS Applicable to all Funds except PMB SCMF Nil PMB SCMF 3.00 % Applicable to all approved Funds except PMB SCMF Nil PMB SCMF Nil Applicable to all Funds EPF MIS Repurchase Charge per unit Fund The charges for switching are set out below: To Equity funds Mixed Asset/ Balanced funds Money Market funds Equity funds RM25 per transaction RM25 per transaction Nil Mixed Asset/ Balanced funds RM25 per transaction RM25 per transaction Nil Money Market funds Up to 6% of amount switched Up to 6% of amount switched Not applicable From Switching charges Transfer Fee RM10 per transaction. Other charges • Bank charges • Telegraphic transfer charges Rate as determined by transacting financial institutions. Notes: The Manager may, at its discretion, charge a lower sales charge based on criteria as may be determined from time to time. Please refer to Chapter 8 (page 128) for details on the Sales Charge. |21 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 3.2.2 MASTER PROSPECTUS Fees and Expenses Indirectly Incurred when Investing in the Funds Table below describes the fees that you may indirectly incur when you invest in any of the Funds:Fees And Expenses % Per Annum Of NAV Fund 1.5% Applicable to all Funds except PMB SBF, PMB SIF & PMB SCMF 1.0% PMB SBF 0.6% PMB SIF 0.4% PMB SCMF 0.1% Applicable to all Funds except PMB SCMF 0.05% PMB SCMF 0.1% PMB SDF (subject to a minimum fee of RM18,000 per annum) Annual Management Fee Annual Trustee Fee Other Fees and Expenses Directly Related to the Fund Fees paid to brokers/dealers The rate of brokerage fees is in accordance with and determined by the rules and regulations of Bursa Malaysia. Auditor’s fee The rate of Auditors’ fee is determined by the Manager and Auditors as per the agreement. Tax adviser’s fee The rate of Tax Adviser’s fee is determined by the Manager and Tax Adviser as per the agreement. Valuation fee The rate of valuation fee is determined by the independent valuers as per the agreement. Taxes The rate of taxes is determined by the Government and other authorities. Custodial charges The rate of custodial fee is determined by the Manager and the Trustee. Tax voucher/ distribution warrants The fees on tax voucher/distribution warrants are determined by the printing company. Annual/interim reports The annual/interim reports fees are determined by the cost incurred on the issuance and distribution of the annual/interim reports. Bank charges The rate is determined by the transacting financial institutions. 22 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 3.3 3.3.1 2014/2015 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Trusteeship of the Funds Funds under the ART trusteeship: a. PMB Dana Al-Aiman b. PMB Dana Mutiara c. PMB Dana Bestari d. PMB Shariah Aggressive Fund e. PMB Shariah Growth Fund f. PMB Shariah Index Fund g. PMB Shariah Premier Fund h. PMB Shariah Tactical Fund i. PMB Shariah Balanced Fund j. PMB Shariah Cash Management Fund Funds under CITB trusteeship: 3.3.2 a. PMB Shariah Dividend Fund b. PMB Shariah Mid-Cap Fund c. PMB Shariah TNB Employees Fund Deed of the Funds Under ART trusteeship: a. Master Deed dated 3 June 1998; b. 2 Master Supplemental Deed dated 31 May 2001; c. 3rdMaster Supplemental Deed dated 20 May 2002; d. 4thMaster Supplemental Deed dated 8 June 2004; e. 5 Master Supplemental Deed dated 6 September 2005; f. 6thMaster Supplemental Deed dated 10 February 2009; g. 7 Master Supplemental Deed dated 20 July 2009; h. 8 Master Supplemental Deed dated 15 August 2012; i. 9th Master Supplemental Deed dated 9 October 2012; j. 10 Master Supplemental Deed dated 29 November 2012; k. 11th Master Supplemental Deed dated 30 July 2013;and l. 12 Master Supplemental Deed dated 4 March 2014. nd th th th th th Under CITB trusteeship: a. Principal deed dated 12 March 1992 in respect of PMB SMCF; b. 1st Supplemental Deed dated 10 September 1993 in respect of PMB SMCF; c. 2 Supplemental Deed dated 10 October 1993 in respect of PMB SMCF; d. 3rd Supplemental Deed dated 10 October 1994 in respect of PMB SMCF; e. Principal Deed dated 22 August 1995 in respect of PMB STEF; f. Supplemental Deed dated 3 June 1998 in respect of PMB SMCF and PMB STEF; g. 2nd Master Supplemental Deed dated 31 May 2001 in respect of PMB SMCF and PMB STEF; h. Principal deed dated 13 June 2008 in respect of PMB SDF; i. 3rd Supplemental Master Deed dated 13 November 2013 in respect of PMB SMCF, PMB STEF and PMB SDF; and j. 4thSupplemental Master Deed dated 4 March 2014. nd |23 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 3.3.3 MASTER PROSPECTUS Avenues for Advice to Prospective Investors For investment in Unit trusts, you may find ‘Malaysian Investor’ website at useful for the purpose. You may also reach them at ‘Investor Education Department, Securities Industry Development Corporation, No. 3, Persiaran Bukit Kiara, Bukit Kiara 50490 Kuala Lumpur (Tel: 03-6204 8889). 3.3.4 Designated Fund Managers for the Funds The profile of the designated fund managers of the Fund may be referred to on page 143. • There are fees and charges involved and investors are advised to consider them before investing in the Fund. • Unit prices and distributions payable, if any, may go down as well as up. • For information concerning certain risk factors which should be considered by prospective investors, see “risk factors” commencing on page 25. • Past performance of the Fund is not an indication of its future performance. • Investors are required to complete Pre-Investment Form and Suitability Assessment Form in addition to Application Form before investing. 24 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 4. 2014/2015 RISK FACTORS As with all investments, there are risks involved. The prices of units in a unit trust fund and the income from the Fund may go up as well as down. You should be aware of the risks and returns involved in investing in unit trust funds. No guarantee is given that you will receive any income distribution or return on your investments or that you will get back your initial amount invested in full. The risks involved in investing in unit trust funds include but not limited to the following:- 4.1 GENERAL RISKS OF INVESTING IN UNIT TRUST FUNDS 4.1.1 Fund Management Risk The performance of a unit trust fund depends on the experience, knowledge and expertise of the fund manager and the investment strategies adopted. Poor management and/or strategies of a fund, such as delays in responding appropriately to the economic or market changes, or inadequate portfolio diversification, will jeopardize the investment of unit holders through the loss of their capital invested in the fund or loss of opportunity. 4.1.2 Inflation/Purchasing Power Risk This refers to the decline in the purchasing power of the same amount of money over time. Therefore, any return lower than the inflation rate will reduce the value of the investment. 4.1.3 Loan Financing Risk When an investor borrows money to purchase units in a fund, they must be prepared to accept financing risks as the prices of the units can go down as well as up. Such a scenario may occur when the units are used as collateral when obtaining the financing. The investor may be required to provide additional collateral or top up the difference in the event the unit price goes below the margin of advance. 4.1.4 Risk of Non-Compliance The risk that the manager and others associated with the unit trust fund may not follow the rules set out in the unit trust fund’s deed and internal policies, or the laws that governs the unit trust scheme, or act fraudulently or dishonestly. Non-compliance may expose the fund to higher risks that may result in financial and/or non-financial losses. However, this risk is greatly reduced via proper establishment of the compliance and internal control policies. For Shariah-compliant funds, there is a risk that the currently held Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of Shariah-compliant funds may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities by the SAC of SC and/or the Shariah Adviser. If this occurs, the value of the Fund may be adversely affected when the Manager takes the necessary steps to dispose of such securities in accordance with SAC’s advice. 4.2 SPECIFIC RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS 4.2.1 Equity Market Risk The performance of the unit trust fund is subject to the volatility of the stock market which is influenced by the changes in the economic and political climate, interest rate, international stock market performance and regulatory policies. The movement in the underlying investment portfolio will affect the value of the fund. However a fund’s diversification into different sectors helps mitigate a fund’s exposure risk to any single asset class. 4.2.2 Stock Specific Risk This risk could be a result of changes to the business performance of the company, consumer tastes and demand, lawsuits, competitive operating environment and management practices. Any major fluctuation of the stock price may affect the NAV of the fund and thus influence the price. This risk can |25 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS be mitigated through investing in a wide range of companies in different sectors and so function independently from one another. 4.2.3 Liquidity Risk The risk refers to the ease of converting securities into cash at or near its fair value which normally depends on the volume traded on the market. The risk is mitigated through extensive research on stock selection and diversification. 4.2.4 Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should – (a) dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such period. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or (b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. 4.2.5 Dividend Policy Risk This is a risk particular to a fund which has heavy emphasis on high yield dividend stocks. This risk may occur when fundamentals of the company’s business deteriorate or if there is a change in the management policy resulting in a reduction or even removal of the company’s dividend policy. This risk may be mitigated by investing mainly in companies with a consistent historical record of paying dividends, strong cash flow, or operating in fairly stable industries. 4.2.6 Profit/Interest Rate Risk Movements in interest rate will have an impact on a management of a fund. This risk refers to the effect of profit/interest rate changes on the market value of Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and Islamic debt securities. Any downward movement of the profit/interest rate may result in a loss of the expected return from the Fund’s investments in Islamic money market instrument and Islamic deposit placement. The value of the Islamic debt securities has a tendency to move inversely with the movement of the profit/interest whereby the prices of the Islamic debt securities may fall when profit/interest rates rise and vice versa. The interest rate is a general indicator. Although the Fund does not invest in interest bearing instruments, the movement of the interest rate will have an impact on the profit rate of the Islamic money market instruments and Islamic deposit placement, and consequently affect the expected return of the Fund’s investments. 4.2.7 Credit/Default Risk Credit risk refers to the ability of an issuer or financial institution of an Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements to make timely payments of profit when due and/or repay the principal upon maturity or proceeds from realization of investments. Any default in the payment of profit and/or principal can lead to delayed or reduced income for a fund, and/or a loss of capital resulting in a reduction in the fund’s NAV and thus its unit price. This risk is mitigated through a prudent research process and close monitoring of the issuer’s credit profile and diversification of the fixed income portfolio of a fund. 26 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 5. THE FUNDS 5.1 EQUITY FUNDS 2014/2015 The investment portfolio of the Funds comprises securities which have been classified as Shariahcompliant by the SAC of the SC. For securities not certified by the SAC of the SC, the status of the securities has been determined in accordance with the ruling issued by the Shariah Adviser of the Funds. 5.1.1 PMB DANA AL-AIMAN Fund Profile Category of Fund : Equity (Shariah) Type of Fund : Growth & Income General Information The Fund was launched on 9 April 1968 as Kumpulan Modal Bumiputera Yang Pertama for Bumiputera investors. Unit Holders on 21 September 1996 approved the conversion of the Fund into a Shariah-compliant fund and its opening to the public. It was re-launched as Dana Al-Aiman on 19 May 1997. The Fund assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with steady return and to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term by investing in equities and fixed income securities that conform to the Shariah principles. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities listed on any recognized stock exchange in Malaysia. The portfolio construction process is research driven with extensive bottom-up fundamental analysis coupled with top down economic and sector analysis. In identifying investable listed companies, the Manager relies on fundamental research where the financial strength including track records, the company’s prospects, business operation and top management of the companies are considered. In addition, prospects for the economies and sectors in which the companies operate are also assessed. The focus is on public-listed companies with growth prospects and/or having forecast dividend yield of 3.0% per annum or above over medium to long term to optimize the total returns of the Fund. Other valuation measures include price to earnings (PE), PE to growth, discounted cash flow, price to revalued net asset value and price to book depending in which sector the companies operate and whether the operations are perpetual or for a defined period. Analyses are also made on revenue growth, profit margins, sustainability of earnings, balance sheet and cash flow. The Fund will also partake in situational investment opportunity (such as mergers & acquisitions and privatization) within the acceptable level of risks as analysed by the Manager. Under normal circumstances, allocation to equity and equity-related securities ranges between 70% and 99.5% of the NAV of the Fund. The remaining will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. The equity allocation may be reviewed from time to time depending on the global, regional and local economic as well as equity market conditions. This includes assessing the relevant political, economic and business environment prior to making investment decisions. |27 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s main strategy in attempting to respond to adverse political and/or economic conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that likely lead to a substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate 100% of the Fund’s equity and equity-related investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments, and/or Islamic deposit placements. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. To be prudent, the Manager adopts a strategy by:i) selecting only instruments with a minimum credit rating of A2 as per the rating scale of RAM or its equivalent for long-term instruments and P2 or its equivalent for short–term instruments; and/or ii) having a longer or shorter duration of debt instruments depending on the expected direction of the KLIRR. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities in which the Fund invests may fluctuate due to various factors, for examples, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in securities prices will affect the Fund’s NAV/unit due to its exposure of between 70% and 99.5% in the equity market. • Stock Specific Risk The risk that is directly associated with a particular stock due to changes in consumer preferences and stiff competition, introduction of levies on certain products or services that may affect the value of the stock. • Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should: (a) dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or (b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, income distribution and capital appreciation of the value of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. Risk Management The Manager adopts an active investment strategy to manage the risks of equity investment of the Fund. The market volatility may lead to capital loss which affects the return. Stock selection and diversification of investment in equity securities are keys to mitigating the overall risk of the Fund. The equity market risk of the Fund is prudently managed through the following strategies:• Stock selection whereby the Manager will employ a fundamental approach to ensure selection of quality Shariah-compliant equities which will take into account information gathered during company visits, 28 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 potential income and earnings growth, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered, and • Diversification into different sectors that gives the manager flexibility to move the Fund’s equity exposure actively within a range of 70% to 99.5% of its NAV depending on capital market conditions. The flexibility allows the Manager to remain invested during market upturns or liquidate investments to preserve its capital during the market downturns. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s principal strategy in attempting to respond to adverse economic and/or political conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that may be likely leading to substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. To manage the stock specific risk of the Fund, in-depth company analyses are conducted. Stock selection is based on stringent investment criteria which include the company’s financial strength, business operations and management. The valuations are thoroughly analyzed to ensure the Fund invests in companies that practice good corporate governance. The Fund also takes into account trading liquidity to manage the stock specific risk. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Fund Manager has set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, cash flow, gearing level, management and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. As for the profit/interest rate direction, the expected direction of KLIRR will be taken into consideration. In addition, regular reporting to and consulting with Investment Committee members are held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, the review on the performance of the Fund and the relevant markets, immediate and future investment approach and asset allocation strategy, and compliance status. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA – The index comprises the constituents of the FBM EMAS that are Shariah-compliant according to the SAC of the SC screening methodology. You may obtain the information pertaining to the index from Bursa Malaysia website and major daily newspapers. Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. Please refer to page 73 for details |29 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 5.1.2 PMB DANA MUTIARA Fund Profile Category of Fund : Equity (Shariah) Type of Fund : Growth & Income General Information The Fund was launched on 2 February 1970 as Kumpulan Modal Bumiputera Yang Keempat for Bumiputera investors. Unit Holders approved on 21 April 2004 its conversion into a Shariah-compliant fund and its opening to the public. It was re-launched as ASM Dana Mutiara on 5 August 2004 with a new marketing strategy targeting especially women investors seeking for medium to long term investment. The Fund assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with steady return and to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term by investing in equities and fixed income securities that conform to the Shariah principles. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities listed on any recognized stock exchange in Malaysia. The portfolio construction process is research driven with extensive bottom-up fundamental analysis coupled with top down economic and sector analysis. In identifying investable listed companies, the Manager relies on fundamental research where the financial strength including track records, the company’s prospects, business operation and top management of the companies are considered. In addition, prospects for the economies and sectors in which the companies operate are also assessed. The focus is on public-listed companies with growth prospects and/or having forecast dividend yield of 3.0% per annum or above over medium to long term to optimize the total returns of the Fund. Other valuation measures include price to earnings (PE), PE to growth, discounted cash flow, price to revalued net asset value and price to book depending in which sector the companies operate and whether the operations are perpetual or for a defined period. Analyses are also made on revenue growth, profit margins, sustainability of earnings, balance sheet and cash flow. The Fund will also partake in situational investment opportunity (such as mergers & acquisitions and privatization) within the acceptable level of risks as analysed by the Manager. Under normal circumstances, allocation to equity and equity-related securities ranges between 70% and 99.5% of the NAV of the Fund. The remaining will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. The equity allocation may be reviewed from time to time depending on the global, regional and local economic as well as equity market conditions. This includes assessing the relevant political, economic and business environment prior to making investment decisions. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s main strategy in attempting to respond to adverse political and/or economic conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that likely lead to a substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. To be prudent, the Manager adopts a strategy by:30 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 i) selecting only instruments with a minimum credit rating of A2 as per the rating scale of RAM or its equivalent for long-term instruments and P2 or its equivalent for short–term instruments; and/or ii) having a longer or shorter duration of debt instruments depending on the expected direction of the KLIRR. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities in which the Fund invests may fluctuate due to various factors, for examples, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in securities prices will affect the Fund’s NAV/unit due to its exposure of between 70% and 99.5% in the equity market. • Stock Specific Risk The risk that is directly associated with a particular stock due to changes in consumer preferences and stiff competition, introduction of levies on certain products or services that may affect the value of the stock. • Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should : a) dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, income distribution and capital appreciation of the value of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. Risk Management The Manager adopts an active investment strategy to manage the risks of equity investment of the Fund. The market volatility may lead to capital loss which affects the return. Stock selection and diversification of investment in equity securities are keys to mitigating the overall risk of the Fund. The equity market risk of the Fund is prudently managed through the following strategies :• Stock selection whereby the Manager will employ a fundamental approach to ensure selection of quality Shariah-compliant equities which will take into account information gathered during company visits, potential income and earnings growth, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered, and • Diversification into different sectors that gives the manager flexibility to move the Fund’s equity exposure actively within a range of 70% to 99.5% of its NAV depending on capital market conditions. The flexibility allows the Manager to remain invested during market upturns or liquidate investments to preserve its capital during the market downturns. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s principal strategy in attempting to respond to adverse economic and/or political conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that may be likely leading to substantial capital loss. |31 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. To manage the stock specific risk of the Fund, in-depth company analyses are conducted. Stock selection is based on stringent investment criteria which include the company’s financial strength, business operations and management. The valuations are thoroughly analyzed to ensure the Fund invests in companies that practice good corporate governance. The Fund also takes into account trading liquidity to manage the stock specific risk. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. As for the profit/interest rate direction, the expected direction of KLIRR will be taken into consideration. In addition, regular reporting to and consulting with Investment Committee members are held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, the review on the performance of the Fund and the relevant markets, immediate and future investment approach and asset allocation strategy, and compliance status. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA – The index comprises the constituents of the FBM EMAS that are Shariah-compliant according to the SAC SC screening methodology. You may obtain the information pertaining to the index from Bursa Malaysia website and major daily newspapers. Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. 32 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 Please refer to page 73 for details MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 5.1.3 PMB DANA BESTARI Fund Profile Category of Fund : Equity (Shariah) Type of Fund : Growth & Income General Information The Fund was launched on 17 July 1975 as Kumpulan Modal Bumiputera Yang Kelapan for Bumiputera investors. Unit Holders approved on 23 March 2002 its conversion into a Shariah-compliant fund and its opening to the public. It was re-launched as Dana Bestari on 3 October 2002 with a new marketing strategy focusing investment for future education funding. The Fund assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with steady return and to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term by investing in equities and fixed income securities that conform to the Shariah principles. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities listed on any recognized stock exchange in Malaysia. The portfolio construction process is research driven with extensive bottom-up fundamental analysis coupled with top down economic and sector analysis. In identifying investable listed companies, the Manager relies on fundamental research where the financial strength including track records, the company’s prospects, business operation and top management of the companies are considered. In addition, prospects for the economies and sectors in which the companies operate are also assessed. The focus is on public-listed companies with growth prospects and/or having forecast dividend yield of 3.0% per annum or above over medium to long term to optimize the total returns of the Fund. Other valuation measures include price to earnings (PE), PE to growth, discounted cash flow, price to revalued net asset value and price to book depending in which sector the companies operate and whether the operations are perpetual or for a defined period. Analyses are also made on revenue growth, profit margins, sustainability of earnings, balance sheet and cash flow. The Fund will also partake in situational investment opportunity (such as mergers & acquisitions and privatization) within the acceptable level of risks as analysed by the Manager. Under normal circumstances, allocation to equity and equity-related securities ranges between 70% and 99.5% of the NAV of the Fund. The remaining will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. The equity allocation may be reviewed from time to time depending on the global, regional and local economic as well as equity market conditions. This includes assessing the relevant political, economic and business environment prior to making investment decisions. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s main strategy in attempting to respond to adverse political and/or economic conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that likely lead to a substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. To be prudent, the Manager adopts a strategy by:- |33 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS i) selecting only instruments with a minimum credit rating of A2 as per the rating scale of RAM or its equivalent for long-term instruments and P2 or its equivalent for short–term instruments; and/or ii) having a longer or shorter duration of debt instruments depending on the expected direction of the KLIRR. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities in which the Fund invests may fluctuate due to various factors, for examples, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in securities prices will affect the Fund’s NAV/unit due to its exposure of between 70% and 99.5% in the equity market. • Stock Specific Risk The risk that is directly associated with a particular stock due to changes in consumer preferences and stiff competition, introduction of levies on certain products or services that may affect the value of the stock. • Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should : a) dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, income distribution and capital appreciation of the value of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. Risk Management The Manager adopts an active investment strategy to manage the risks of equity investment of the Fund. The market volatility may lead to capital loss which affects the return. Stock selection and diversification of investment in equity securities are keys to mitigating the overall risk of the Fund. The equity market risk of the Fund is prudently managed through the following strategies:• Stock selection whereby the Manager will employ a fundamental approach to ensure selection of quality Shariah-compliant equities which will take into account information gathered during company visits, potential income and earnings growth, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered, and • Diversification into different sectors that gives the manager flexibility to move the Fund’s equity exposure actively within a range of 70% to 99.5% of its NAV depending on capital market conditions. The flexibility allows the Manager to remain invested during market upturns or liquidate investments to preserve its capital during the market downturns. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s principal strategy in attempting to respond to adverse economic and/or political conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that may be likely leading to substantial capital loss. 34 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. To manage the stock specific risk of the Fund, in-depth company analyses are conducted. Stock selection is based on stringent investment criteria which include the company’s financial strength, business operations and management. The valuations are thoroughly analyzed to ensure the Fund invests in companies that practice good corporate governance. The Fund also takes into account trading liquidity to manage the stock specific risk. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. As for the profit/interest rate direction, the expected direction of KLIRR will be taken into consideration. In addition, regular reporting to and consulting with Investment Committee members are held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, the review on the performance of the Fund and the relevant markets, immediate and future investment approach and asset allocation strategy, and compliance status. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA – The index comprises the constituents of the FBM EMAS that are Shariah-compliant according to the SAC SC screening methodology. You may obtain the information pertaining to the index from Bursa Malaysia website and major daily newspapers. Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. Please refer to page 73 for details |35 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 5.1.4 PMB SHARIAH AGGRESSIVE FUND Fund Profile Category of Fund : Equity (Shariah) Type of Fund : Growth General Information The Fund was launched on 5 May 1972 as Kumpulan Modal Bumiputera Yang Keenam for Bumiputera investors. Unit Holders approved on 5 May 2005 its conversion into a Shariah-compliant aggressive fund and its opening to the public. It was re-launched as ASM Shariah Aggressive Fund with a new marketing strategy targeting investors who seek high capital return at a higher level of risks. The Fund assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with opportunity to earn high capital return over the medium to long term through active investments in Shariah approved securities listed on the Bursa Malaysia. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities listed on any recognized stock exchange in Malaysia. The Fund has an aggressive investment approach where active trading strategy is adopted. The PTR will be normally higher than that of the normal equity-based Funds. It shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio among any of the top 250 Shariah-compliant companies in terms of market capitalization listed on Bursa Malaysia. Exclusions from the list of the 250, if any, are those companies that have huge retained losses to the tune that its net asset value per share being less than 50% of its par value; this is to mitigate the risk of investing in a potential insolvent company. The research process is based on relative performance analysis that is aimed at selecting a portfolio of stocks among the stock universe as mentioned above that have the potential to have good price performance. Under normal circumstances, allocation to equity and equity-related securities ranges between 80% and 99.5% of the NAV of the Fund. The remaining will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and/or other permitted investments. The equity allocation may be reviewed from time to time depending on the global, regional and local economic as well as equity market conditions. This includes assessing the relevant political, economic and business environment prior to making investment decisions. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities in which the Fund invests may fluctuate due to various factors, for examples, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in securities prices will affect the Fund’s NAV/unit due to its exposure of between 80% and 99.5% in the equity market. • Stock Specific Risk The risk that is directly associated with a particular stock due to changes in consumer preferences and stiff competition, introduction of levies on certain products or services that may affect the value of the stock. • Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should: 36 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS a) 2014/2015 dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, capital appreciation of the value of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. Risk Management The Manager adopts an active investment strategy to manage the risks of equity investment of the Fund. The market volatility may lead to capital loss which affects the return. Stock selection and diversification of investment in equity securities are keys to mitigating the overall risk of the Fund. The equity market risk of the Fund is prudently managed through the following strategies :• Stock selection whereby the Manager will employ a fundamental approach to ensure selection of quality Shariah-compliant equities which will take into account information gathered during company visits, potential income and earnings growth, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered, and • Diversification into different sectors that gives the manager flexibility to move the Fund’s equity exposure actively within a range of 80% to 99.5% of its NAV depending on capital market conditions. The flexibility allows the Manager to remain invested during market upturns or liquidate investments to preserve its capital during the market downturns. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s principal strategy in attempting to respond to adverse economic and/or political conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that may be likely leading to substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. To manage the stock specific risk of the Fund, in-depth company analyses are conducted. Stock selection is based on stringent investment criteria which include the company’s financial strength, business operations and management. The valuations are thoroughly analyzed to ensure the Fund invests in companies that practice good corporate governance. The Fund also takes into account trading liquidity to manage the stock specific risk. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. As for the profit/interest rate direction, the expected direction of KLIRR will be taken into consideration. In addition, regular reporting to and consulting with Investment Committee members are held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, the review on the performance of the Fund and the relevant markets, immediate and future investment approach and asset allocation strategy, and compliance status. |37 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Performance Benchmark FBMSHA – The index comprises the constituents of the FBM EMAS that are Shariah-compliant according to the SAC SC screening methodology. You may obtain the information pertaining to the index from Bursa Malaysia website and major daily newspapers. Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. 5.1.4 5.1.3 5.1.3 38 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 Please refer to page 73 for details MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 5.1.5 PMB SHARIAH GROWTH FUND Fund Profile Category of Fund : Equity (Shariah) Type of Fund : Growth General Information The Fund was launched on 28 December 1972 as Kumpulan Modal Bumiputera – Dana Pertumbuhan for Bumiputera investors. Unit Holders approved on 18 October 2012 the change of the Fund’s investment objective to make it a Shariah-compliant fund and its opening to the public. It was re-launched on 15 January 2013 as ASM Shariah Growth Fund with a new marketing strategy targeting investors who seek to invest in a fund that invests in growth stocks. The Fund assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with an opportunity to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term period by investing in Shariah-compliant securities. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities listed on any recognized stock exchange in Malaysia. It shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio among any of the top 250 Shariah-compliant companies in terms of market capitalization listed on Bursa Malaysia. Exclusions from the list of the 250, if any, are (a) those companies that have huge retained losses to the tune that its net asset value per share being less than 50% of its par value; this is to mitigate the risk of investing in a potential insolvent company; and (b) those companies that are forecasted to register earnings per share growth below 10% per annum. The research process is based on relative performance analysis that is aimed at selecting a portfolio of stocks among the stock universe as mentioned above that have the potential, as analyzed by the Manager, to have good price performance. Under normal circumstances, allocation to equity and equity-related securities ranges between 80% and 99.5% of the NAV of the Fund. The remaining will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and/or other permitted investments. The equity allocation may be reviewed from time to time depending on the global, regional and local economic as well as equity market conditions. This includes assessing the relevant political, economic and business environment prior to making investment decisions. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities in which the Fund invests may fluctuate due to various factors, for examples, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in securities prices will affect the Fund’s NAV/unit due to its exposure of between 80% and 99.5% in the equity market. • Stock Specific Risk The risk that is directly associated with a particular stock due to changes in consumer preferences and stiff competition, introduction of levies on certain products or services that may affect the value of the stock. • Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should: |39 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 a) MASTER PROSPECTUS dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, capital appreciation of the value of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. Risk Management The Manager adopts an active investment strategy to manage the risks of equity investment of the Fund. The market volatility may lead to capital loss which affects the return. Stock selection and diversification of investment in equity securities are keys to mitigating the overall risk of the Fund. The equity market risk of the Fund is prudently managed through the following strategies:• Stock selection whereby the Manager will employ a fundamental approach to ensure selection of quality Shariah-compliant equities which will take into account information gathered during company visits, potential income and earnings growth, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered, and • Diversification into different sectors that gives the manager flexibility to move the Fund’s equity exposure actively within a range of 80% to 99.5% of its NAV depending on capital market conditions. The flexibility allows the Manager to remain invested during market upturns or liquidate investments to preserve its capital during the market downturns. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s principal strategy in attempting to respond to adverse economic and/or political conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that may be likely leading to substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. To manage the stock specific risk of the Fund, in-depth company analyses are conducted. Stock selection is based on stringent investment criteria which include the company’s financial strength, business operations and management. The valuations are thoroughly analyzed to ensure the Fund invests in companies that practice good corporate governance. The Fund also takes into account trading liquidity to manage the stock specific risk. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. As for the profit/interest rate direction, the expected direction of KLIRR will be taken into consideration. In addition, regular reporting to and consulting with Investment Committee members are held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, the review on the performance of the Fund and the relevant markets, immediate and future investment approach and asset allocation strategy, and compliance status. 40 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Performance Benchmark FBMSHA – The index comprises the constituents of the FBM EMAS that are Shariah-compliant according to the SAC SC screening methodology. You may obtain the information pertaining to the index from Bursa Malaysia website and major daily newspapers. Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. Please refer to page 73 for details |41 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 5.1.6 PMB SHARIAH MID-CAP FUND Fund Profile Category of Fund : Equity (Shariah) Type of Fund : Growth General Information The Fund was launched as ASM First Public Fund on 20 April 1992 and is open to the public. Unit Holders approved on 4 July 2013 the change of the Fund’s investment objective to make it a Shariah-compliant fund, focusing the Fund to invest in securities that comply with Shariah requirements. It was re-launched on 7 March 2014 as ASM Shariah Mid-Cap Fund with a new marketing strategy targeting investors who seek to invest in a fund that invests in mid-cap stocks. The Fund assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to achieve capital growth over the medium to long-term period by investing primarily in medium sized Shariah compliant companies in terms of market capitalization. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities listed on any recognized stock exchange in Malaysia. It shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities of medium sized companies with market capitalization between RM1 billion and RM7 billion at the point of purchase. However, the Fund may invest up to 20% of its NAV in securities of Shariah-compliant companies with market capitalization in excess of RM7 billion. The portfolio construction process is research driven with fundamental analysis conducted among the companies derived from the process as mentioned above. In identifying investable listed companies among them, the Manager relies on fundamental research where the financial strength including track records, the company’s prospects, business operation and top management of the companies are considered. Other valuation measures include price to earnings (PE), PE to growth, discounted cash flow, price to revalued net asset value and price to book depending in which sector the companies operate and whether the operations are perpetual or for a defined period. Analyses are also made on revenue growth, profit margins, sustainable earnings, balance sheet and cash flow. In addition, prospects for the economies and sectors in which the companies operate are also assessed. The Fund will maintain equity exposure within a range of 70% to 99.5% of its NAV. The remaining of the Fund’s NAV shall be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities in which the Fund invests may fluctuate due to various factors, for examples, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in securities prices will affect the Fund’s NAV/unit due to its exposure of between 70% and 99.5% in the equity market. • Stock Specific Risk The risk that is directly associated with a particular stock due to changes in consumer preferences and stiff competition, introduction of levies on certain products or services that may affect the value of the stock. 42 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS • 2014/2015 Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should: a) dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, capital appreciation of the value of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. Risk Management The Manager adopts an active investment strategy to manage the risks of equity investment of the Fund. The market volatility may lead to capital loss which affects the return. Stock selection and diversification of investment in equity securities are keys to mitigating the overall risk of the Fund. The equity market risk of the Fund is prudently managed through the following strategies :• Stock selection whereby the Manager will employ a fundamental approach to ensure selection of quality Shariah-compliant equities which will take into account information gathered during company visits, potential income and earnings growth, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered, and • Diversification into different sectors that gives the manager flexibility to move the Fund’s equity exposure actively within a range of 70% to 99.5% of its NAV depending on capital market conditions. The flexibility allows the Manager to remain invested during market upturns or liquidate investments to preserve its capital during the market downturns. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s principal strategy in attempting to respond to adverse economic and/or political conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that may be likely leading to substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. To manage the stock specific risk of the Fund, in-depth company analyses are conducted. Stock selection is based on stringent investment criteria which include the company’s financial strength, business operations and management. The valuations are thoroughly analyzed to ensure the Fund invests in companies that practice good corporate governance. The Fund also takes into account trading liquidity to manage the stock specific risk. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. As for the profit/interest rate direction, the expected direction of KLIRR will be taken into consideration. In addition, regular reporting to and consulting with Investment Committee members are held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, the review on the performance of the Fund and the relevant markets, immediate and future investment approach and asset allocation strategy, and compliance status. |43 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Performance Benchmark FBMSHA – The index comprises the constituents of the FBM EMAS that are Shariah-compliant according to the SAC SC screening methodology. You may obtain the information pertaining to the index from Bursa Malaysia website and major daily newspapers. Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. 44 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 Please refer to page 73 for details MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 5.1.7 PMB SHARIAH INDEX FUND Fund Profile Category of Fund : Equity (Shariah) Type of Fund : Growth General Information The Fund was launched on 19 February 1969 as Kumpulan Modal Bumiputera Yang Kedua for Bumiputera investors. Unit Holders approved on 23 November 2000 the change of its investment objective to an index tracking fund and its opening to the public. The Fund was re-launched as ASM Index Fund on 25 March 2002. Subsequently on 19 July 2012, Unit Holders approved the Fund to be Shariah-compliant while maintaining it as an index-tracking fund. It was re-launched as ASM Shariah Index Fund on 15 January 2013. The Fund assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with the opportunity to gain reasonable return and capital growth in the medium to long term period by investing in Shariah-compliant securities whilst at the same time the Manager will attempt to match closely its performance with the performance of the FTSE Bursa Malaysia EMAS Shariah Index (FBMSHA). Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity securities listed on Bursa Malaysia, primarily in stocks constituent of the FBMSHA. It is a passively managed index fund whereby the Fund Manager constructs the Fund’s investment portfolio based on an index sampling approach by investing not less than 60% of the Fund’s NAV in the top 15 constituent stocks of the FBMSHA that represent approximately 67% of the market capitalization of the index (as at 28 February 2014). The balance may be invested in the next remaining constituent stocks of FBMSHA, and any other Shariah-compliant securities listed on Bursa Malaysia. Under normal circumstances, the Fund shall invest at least 90% of its NAV in equities with a minimum 60% among the top 15 constituent stocks of the FBMSHA. However equity investment of the Fund shall not exceed 99.5% of its NAV. The balance will be placed Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and/or other permitted investments. Performance Benchmark The benchmark for the Fund is FBMSHA. The index comprises the constituents of the FBM EMAS that are Shariah-compliant according to the SAC of the SC screening methodology. The FBMSHA has been designed to provide investors with a broad benchmark for Shariah-compliant investment. It was launched on 22 January 2007 and developed using a base value of 6,000 as of 31 March 2006. The 5 top industrial sector breakdown of the FBMSHA, by the market capitalization as at 28 February 2014 was as below: Sector Trading 53 Net Market Capitalization (RM mil) 216,663 Industrial 32 60,246 14.45 Plantation 14 48,168 11.56 Property 24 22,103 5.30 3 21,095 5.03 126 368,275 88.35 Infrastructure Total No of Constituents Weighing (%) 51.98 |45 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Source: The FBMSHA is subject to the FTSE Bursa Malaysia index rules and calculation methodology. To be eligible for inclusion in the FBMSHA, any stock is subject to the following screening:Eligible Securities All classes of ordinary shares in issue are eligible for inclusion, subject to conforming to all other rules of eligibility, free float and liquidity. • Free Float Free float is share capital freely available for trading. Each company is required to have at least 15% of free float to be eligible for inclusion. The free float excludes restricted shareholding like cross holdings, significant long term holdings by founders, their families and/or directors, restricted employee share schemes, government holdings and portfolio investments subject to a lock in clause, for the duration of that clause. A free float factor is applied to the market capitalization of each company in accordance with the free float bands specified in the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Ground Rules. The factor is used to determine the attribution of the company's market activities in the index. • Liquidity A liquidity screen is applied to ensure the company's stocks are liquid enough to be traded. An existing constituent which does not turnover at least 0.04% of its shares in issue (after the application of any investability weightings) based on its median daily trade per month for at least eight or the twelve month prior to the semi-annual review will be removed. • Shariah Compliance The general criteria, as determined by the SAC of the SC, stipulate that the Shariah-compliant companies must not be involved in any of the following core activities: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Financial services based on riba (interest) Gambling Manufacture or sale of non-halal products or related products Conventional insurance Entertainment activities that are non-permissible according to Shariah Manufacture or sale of tobacco based products or related products Stockbroking or share trading in Shariah non-compliant securities Other activities deemed non-permissible according to Shariah The FBMSHA is calculated every 60 seconds on a real time basis. Its constituents are reviewed semi-annually in June and December by the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Advisory Committee. You may obtain information on the FBMSHA from the business section of major daily newspapers and financial periodicals, Bursa Malaysia's website at and FTSE Group's website at The calculation of the FBMSHA is provided by FTSE. Therefore, the accuracy and completeness of the calculation of FBMSHA may be affected by data, system, operational and statistical error of the index provider. Circumstances that May Lead to Tracking Errors The Fund potentially exhibits tracking error as it may not follow exactly the movement of the FBMSHA where it may outperform or underperform the index. The tracking error may arise due to the following reasons: a. b. c. the Fund’s investment does not fully replicate the FBMSHA stock constituents as it emphasizes on the top 15 of the FBMSHA which represent only approximately 67% of the index; underweight positions on any particular stocks among the top 15 of the FBMSHA; the Fund’s investment in securities other than the top 15 components of the FBMSHA; 46 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS d. e. 2014/2015 the Fund’s non-investment in lower weightage constituent stocks that outperform the top stock constituents; and fees and expenses of the Fund such as management fees, trustee fees, other indirect fees and transaction costs which are charged to the Fund, contributing variance between the return of the Fund and its performance benchmark. The error may be minimized by rebalancing the investments in the Fund at the beginning of the subsequent months to reflect the changes to the composition of the weightings of shares in the FBMSHA. Accordingly, a monthly analysis of the portfolio is conducted to ensure that tracking errors are within acceptable level; the investment weightings are within the tolerance limit; and a minimum 60% of the Fund’s NAV is in FBMSHA top 15 major component stocks. Policy on Investment Portfolio Rebalancing The portfolio of the Fund is rebalanced at the beginning of the month to reflect the changes to the composition of or the weightings of shares in the FBMSHA at the end of the preceding month. The rebalancing process is done when the NAV of the stock in the portfolio exceeds its respective weighting in the FBMSHA. The shares of that particular stock are disposed of to reduce the weighting to match the level of stock weighting of FBMSHA. However, for stocks which cost of investment is higher than the market value, the disposal may be done within a 3-month grace period to minimize any potential loss. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities that the Fund invests in may fluctuate due to various factors, for example, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in the prices of the securities will affect the Fund’s NAV due to the exposure between 90% and 99.5% of the Fund’s investment portfolio in the equity market. • Risk of Tracking Error The Fund’s performance may not reflect the performance of the FBMSHA as the Fund’s portfolio does not fully replicate the FBMSHA constituents. Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should: a) dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, income distribution and capital appreciation of the value of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated where possible. |47 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Risk Management The Manager employs reasonable steps in managing the risks through close monitoring of the economic and investment climate, market development and industry updates, and making appropriate adjustments to the Fund’s asset allocation to minimize the adverse impact on any particular stock or the market as a whole. However as the intention of the Fund is to track the FBMSHA, the Fund will invest a minimum of 80% in equity in any adverse condition. In addition, regular reporting to and consulting with Investment Committee members are held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, the review on the performance of the Fund and the relevant markets, immediate and future investment approach and asset allocation strategy, and compliance status. Top 10 constituents of the FBMSHA versus Top 10 stocks of the Fund as at 28 February 2014: FBMSHA Constituent FUND % Weighting Stock % NAV Tenaga Nasional Bhd 9.02% Tenaga Nasional Bhd 9.09% Axiata Group Bhd 7.83% Axiata Group Bhd 7.86% Sime Darby Bhd 6.82% Sime Darby Bhd 6.79% PETRONAS Chemicals Group Bhd 4.66% PETRONAS Chemicals Group Bhd 4.65% Bhd 4.61% Bhd 4.65% Petronas Gas Bhd 4.48% Petronas Gas Bhd 4.49% Maxis Bhd 4.39% Maxis Bhd 4.40% IOI Corporation Bhd 4.11% IOI Corporation Bhd 4.16% SapuraKencana Petroleum Bhd 3.63% SapuraKencana Petroleum Bhd 3.66% Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd 3.07% Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd 3.07% Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. Please refer to page 73 for details There is no guarantee or assurance of exact or identical replication at any time of the performance of the FBMSHA. The FBMSHA composition may change and the component securities of the FBMSHA may be de-listed. The investment of the Fund may be concentrated in securities of top 15 component stocks of FBMSHA. 48 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 5.1.8 PMB SHARIAH PREMIER FUND Fund Profile Category of Fund : Equity (Shariah) Type of Fund : Growth General Information The Fund was launched on 14 August 1972 as Kumpulan Modal Bumiputera Pelaboran Perwira for Bumiputera investors only. It was opened to the public and re-launched as ASM Premier Fund on 12 June 1995. Unit Holders approved on 18 October 2012 the change of the Fund’s investment objective to make it Shariah-compliant. It was subsequently re-launched as ASM Shariah Premier Fund on 15 January 2013 targeting investors who seek to invest in a fund investing in large capitalized companies. The Fund assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide opportunities for investors to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term through investment in any of the 50 largest Shariah-compliant stocks by market capitalization (at the time of purchase) listed on the Bursa Malaysia. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities listed on any recognized stock exchange in Malaysia, primarily in any of the 50 largest Shariah-compliant stocks in terms of market capitalization (at the point of purchase) listed on Bursa Malaysia. It may invest not more than 10% of its NAV in aggregate in the next 25 largest listed companies based on the market capitalization, listed on Bursa Malaysia. The Fund will focus on companies that are stable with growth potential and/or have dividend yield of 3.0% per annum or above. In identifying companies for investment, the Fund manager relies on fundamental research on the financial health, industry prospects, management quality and track records of the companies as well as quantitative research on relative performance. The Fund will maintain equity exposure within a range of 70% to 99.5% of its NAV. The remaining of the Fund’s NAV shall be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placement, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s main strategy in attempting to respond to adverse economic and/or political conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that may be likely leading to substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 50% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities in which the Fund invests may fluctuate due to various factors, for examples, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in securities prices will affect the Fund’s NAV/unit due to its exposure of between 70% and 99.5% in the equity market. • Stock Specific Risk The risk that is directly associated with a particular stock due to changes in consumer preferences and stiff competition, introduction of levies on certain products or services that may affect the value of the stock. |49 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 • MASTER PROSPECTUS Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should : a) dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, capital appreciation of the value of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. Risk Management The Fund Manager adopts an active investment strategy to manage the risks of equity investment of the Fund. The market volatility may lead to capital loss which affects the return. Stock selection and diversification of investment in equity securities are keys to mitigating the overall risk of the Fund. The equity market risk of the Fund is prudently managed through the following strategies:• Stock selection whereby the Manager will employ a fundamental approach to ensure selection of quality Shariah-compliant equities which will take into account information gathered during company visits, potential income and earnings growth, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered, and • Diversification into different sectors that gives the manager flexibility to move the Fund’s equity exposure actively within a range of 70% to 99.5% of its NAV depending on capital market conditions. The flexibility allows the Manager to remain invested during market upturns or liquidate investments to preserve its capital during the market downturns. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s principal strategy in attempting to respond to adverse economic and/or political conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that may be likely leading to substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 50% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. To manage the stock specific risk of the Fund, in-depth company analyses are conducted. Stock selection is based on stringent investment criteria which include the company’s financial strength, business operations and management. The valuations are thoroughly analyzed to ensure the Fund invests in companies that practice good corporate governance. The Fund also takes into account trading liquidity to manage the stock specific risk. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. As for the profit/interest rate direction, the expected direction of KLIRR will be taken into consideration. 50 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 In addition, regular reporting to and consulting with Investment Committee members are held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, the review on the performance of the Fund and the relevant markets, immediate and future investment approach and asset allocation strategy, and compliance status. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA – The index comprises the constituents of the FBM EMAS that are Shariah-compliant according to the SAC SC screening methodology. You may obtain the information pertaining to the index from Bursa Malaysia website and major daily newspapers. Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. Please refer to page 73 for details |51 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 5.1.9 PMB SHARIAH DIVIDEND FUND Fund Profile Category of Fund : Equity (Shariah) Type of Fund : Income General Information The Fund was established on 13 June 2008 as ASM Shariah Dividend Fund and is open to the public. It assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with an opportunity to gain consistent and stable income stream that is potentially higher than the average fixed deposit rates. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities listed on any recognized stock exchange in Malaysia. The portfolio construction process is research driven with extensive bottom-up fundamental analysis coupled with top down economic and sector analysis. In identifying investable listed companies, the Manager relies on fundamental research where the financial strength including track records, the company’s prospects, business operation and top management of the companies are considered. In addition, prospects for the economies and sectors in which the companies operate are also assessed. The focus is on public-listed companies that have potential to deliver dividend yield of 3.0% per annum or above consistently over medium to long term to optimize the ability of the Fund to distribute income on an annual basis, barring any unforeseen circumstances. To achieve this, analyses are made on potential growth in revenue, profit margins, sustainability of revenue and profit margins, balance sheet and cash flow. An equally important analysis is the understanding of the dividend payout policy of the listed companies – dividend payout is the portion of net profit after tax and minority interests that a company would distribute as dividend to its shareholders throughout a financial year. Under normal circumstances, allocation to equity and equity-related securities ranges between 70% and 99.5% of the NAV of the Fund. The remaining will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposits and/or, where applicable, Islamic debt securities. The equity allocation may be reviewed from time to time depending on the global, regional and local economic as well as equity market conditions. This includes assessing the relevant political, economic and business environment prior to making investment decisions. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s main strategy in attempting to respond to adverse political and/or economic conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that likely lead to a substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. To be prudent, the Manager adopts a strategy by:i) selecting only instruments with a minimum credit rating of A2 as per the rating scale of RAM or its equivalent for long-term instruments and P2 or its equivalent for short–term instruments; and/or 52 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS ii) 2014/2015 having a longer or shorter duration of debt instruments depending on the expected direction of the KLIRR. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities in which the Fund invests may fluctuate due to various factors, for examples, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in securities prices will affect the Fund’s NAV/unit due to its exposure of between 70% and 99.5% in the equity market. • Stock Specific Risk The risk that is directly associated with a particular stock due to changes in consumer preferences and stiff competition, introduction of levies on certain products or services that may affect the value of the stock. • Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should: a) dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, income distribution of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. Risk Management The Manager adopts an active investment strategy to manage the risks of equity investment of the Fund. The market volatility may lead to capital loss which affects the return. Stock selection and diversification of investment in equity securities are keys to mitigating the overall risk of the Fund. The equity market risk of the Fund is prudently managed through the following strategies:• Stock selection whereby the Manager will employ a fundamental approach to ensure selection of quality Shariah-compliant equities which will take into account information gathered during company visits, potential income and earnings growth, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered, and • Diversification into different sectors that gives the manager flexibility to move the Fund’s equity exposure actively within a range of 70% to 99.5% of its NAV depending on capital market conditions. The flexibility allows the Manager to remain invested during market upturns or liquidate investments to preserve its capital during the market downturns. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s principal strategy in attempting to respond to adverse economic and/or political conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that may be likely leading to substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. |53 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS To manage the stock specific risk of the Fund, in-depth company analyses are conducted. Stock selection is based on stringent investment criteria which include the company’s financial strength, business operations and management. The valuations are thoroughly analyzed to ensure the Fund invests in companies that practice good corporate governance. The Fund also takes into account trading liquidity to manage the stock specific risk. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. As for the profit/interest rate direction, the expected direction of KLIRR will be taken into consideration. In addition, regular reporting to and consulting with Investment Committee members are held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, the review on the performance of the Fund and the relevant markets, immediate and future investment approach and asset allocation strategy, and compliance status. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA – The index comprises the constituents of the FBM EMAS that are Shariah-compliant according to the SAC SC screening methodology. You may obtain the information pertaining to the index from Bursa Malaysia website and major daily newspapers. Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. 54 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 Please refer to page 73 for details MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 5.1.10 PMB SHARIAH TNB EMPLOYEES FUND Fund Profile Category of Fund : Equity (Shariah) Type of Fund : Growth & Income General Information The Fund was launched on 28 August 1995 as Amanah Saham Pekerja-Pekerja TNB. It is meant for the employees and retirees of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), members of the Board of Directors of TNB and any other persons approved by TNB. Unit Holders approved on 4 September 2013 for the change of the Fund’s investment objective, making it a Shariah-compliant fund. The Fund was subsequently renamed ASM Shariah TNB Employees Fund on 7 March 2014. It assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with an opportunity to gain steady income and to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term period by investing in a portfolio of investments that comply with Shariah principles. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities listed on any recognized stock exchange in Malaysia. The portfolio construction process is research driven with extensive bottom-up fundamental analysis coupled with top down economic and sector analysis. In identifying investable listed companies, the Manager relies on fundamental research where the financial strength including track records, the company’s prospects, business operation and top management of the companies are considered. In addition, prospects for the economies and sectors in which the companies operate are also assessed. The focus is on public-listed companies with growth prospects and/or having forecast dividend yield of 3.0% per annum or above over medium to long term to optimize the total returns of the Fund. Other valuation measures include price to earnings (PE), PE to growth, discounted cash flow, price to revalued net asset value and price to book depending in which sector the companies operate and whether the operations are perpetual or for a defined period. Analyses are also made on revenue growth, profit margins, sustainable earnings, balance sheet and cash flow. The Fund will also partake in situational investment opportunity (such as mergers & acquisitions and privatization) within the acceptable level of risks as analysed by the Manager. Under normal circumstances, allocation to equity and equity-related securities ranges between 70% and 99.5% of the NAV of the Fund. The remaining will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposits and/or, where applicable, Islamic debt securities. The equity allocation may be reviewed from time to time depending on the global, regional and local economic as well as equity market conditions. This includes assessing the relevant political, economic and business environment prior to making investment decisions. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s main strategy in attempting to respond to adverse political and/or economic conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that likely lead to a substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt |55 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. To be prudent, the Manager adopts a strategy by:i) selecting only instruments with a minimum credit rating of A2 as per the rating scale of RAM or its equivalent for long-term instruments and P2 or its equivalent for short–term instruments; and/or ii) having a longer or shorter duration of debt instruments depending on the expected direction of the KLIRR. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities in which the Fund invests may fluctuate due to various factors, for examples, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in securities prices will affect the Fund’s NAV/unit due to its exposure of between 70% and 99.5% in the equity market. • Stock Specific Risk The risk that is directly associated with a particular stock due to changes in consumer preferences and stiff competition, introduction of levies on certain products or services that may affect the value of the stock. • Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should: a) dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, income distribution and capital appreciation of the value of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. Risk Management The Manager adopts an active investment strategy to manage the risks of equity investment of the Fund. The market volatility may lead to capital loss which affects the return. Stock selection and diversification of investment in equity securities are keys to mitigating the overall risk of the Fund. The equity market risk of the Fund is prudently managed through the following strategies :• Stock selection whereby the Manager will employ a fundamental approach to ensure selection of quality Shariah-compliant equities which will take into account information gathered during company visits, potential income and earnings growth, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered, and • Diversification into different sectors that gives the manager flexibility to move the Fund’s equity exposure actively within a range of 70% to 99.5% of its NAV depending on capital market conditions. The flexibility allows the Manager to remain invested during market upturns or liquidate investments to preserve its capital during the market downturns. 56 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s principal strategy in attempting to respond to adverse economic and/or political conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that may be likely leading to substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. To manage the stock specific risk of the Fund, in-depth company analyses are conducted. Stock selection is based on stringent investment criteria which include the company’s financial strength, business operations and management. The valuations are thoroughly analyzed to ensure the Fund invests in companies that practice good corporate governance. The Fund also takes into account trading liquidity to manage the stock specific risk. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. As for the profit/interest rate direction, the expected direction of KLIRR will be taken into consideration. In addition, regular reporting to and consulting with Investment Committee members are held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, the review on the performance of the Fund and the relevant markets, immediate and future investment approach and asset allocation strategy, and compliance status. Performance Benchmark FBMSHA – The index comprises the constituents of the FBM EMAS that are Shariah-compliant according to the SAC SC screening methodology. You may obtain the information pertaining to the index from Bursa Malaysia website and major daily newspapers. Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. Please refer to page 73 for details |57 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 5.2 MASTER PROSPECTUS MIXED ASSET FUND 5.2.1 PMB SHARIAH TACTICAL FUND Fund Profile Category of Fund : Mixed Assets (Shariah) Type of Fund : Growth & Income General Information The Fund was initially launched on 29 October 1979 as Kumpulan Modal Bumiputera Yang Kesebelas for Bumiputera investors. Unit Holders approved on 4 July 2013 the change of the Fund’s investment objective, making it a Shariah-compliant fund that is tactical in nature and opened to the public. The Fund was relaunched as ASM Shariah Tactical Fund on 25 October 2013. It assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to achieve capital growth over the medium to long-term period by investing in a portfolio of investments that comply with Shariah principles. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund adopts a tactical asset allocation strategy and has the flexibility to rebalance its allocation between the different asset classes of Shariah-compliant equity and equity-related securities, and non-equity investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money markets instruments, Islamic deposit placements and/or other permitted investments, depending on market conditions. Its equity allocation or non-equity allocation may range between 0% and 100% of the NAV of the Fund. Through the use of tactical strategies and frequent portfolio reallocation between Shariah-compliant equities and Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and/or other permitted investments, the asset allocation can vary from a defensive to an aggressive asset allocation at any given time, depending on the market environment and/or based on the Manager’s view in order to take advantage of short term market inefficiencies in different asset classes and to navigate changing markets with the objective of achieving sustainable, long term positive returns. The portfolio construction process is research driven with extensive bottom-up fundamental analysis coupled with top down economic and sector analysis. In identifying investable listed companies, the Manager relies on fundamental research where the financial strength including track records, the company’s prospects, business operation and top management of the companies are considered. In addition, prospects for the economies and sectors in which the companies operate are also assessed. The focus is on public-listed companies with growth prospects and/or having forecast dividend yield of 3.0% per annum or above over medium to long term to optimize the total returns of the Fund. Other valuation measures include price to earnings (PE), PE to growth, discounted cash flow, price to revalued net asset value and price to book depending in which sector the companies operate and whether the operations are perpetual or for a defined period. Analyses are also made on revenue growth, profit margins, sustainability of earnings, balance sheet and cash flow. The non-equity portion of the Fund will be invested in Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and/or other permitted investments. Where investment climate is deemed to be unfavourable and weakness in equity is expected, the Fund will raise its holdings in Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt 58 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. To be prudent, the Manager adopts a strategy by:i) selecting only instruments with a minimum credit rating of A2 as per the rating scale of RAM or its equivalent for long-term instruments and P2 or its equivalent for short–term instruments; and/or ii) having a longer or shorter duration of debt instruments depending on the expected direction of the KLIRR. For Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placement the selection will be based on criteria such as liquidity, prevailing rate and tenure. The short-term nature of the Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements will allow the Manager to easily switch to equities when the stock market is favourable. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities in which the Fund invests may fluctuate due to various factors, for examples, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in securities prices will affect the Fund’s NAV/unit due to its exposure that may reach up to 100% of the Fund’s NAV in the equity market. • Profit/Interest Rate Risk The Fund is highly associated with profit/interest rate risk where downward movement of the profit/interest rate may result in a loss of the expected return from the Fund’s investments in Islamic money market instrument and Islamic deposit placements. The value of the Islamic debt securities has a tendency to move inversely with the movement of the profit/interest rate whereby the prices of the Islamic debt securities may fall when profit/interest rates rise, and vice versa. Interest rate is a general indicator. Although the Fund does not invest in interest bearing instruments, interest rate movement will have an impact on the profit earned from the Islamic money market instruments and Islamic deposit placements and the valuation of the Islamic debt securities. Hence such a movement will affect the expected return of the Fund’s investments. • Credit/Default Risk This risk refers to the inability of an issuer or a financial institution of the Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and Islamic deposit placements to pay the profit when due and/or repay the principal upon maturity. • Stock Specific Risk The risk that is directly associated with a particular stock due to changes in consumer preferences and stiff competition, introduction of levies on certain products or services that may affect the value of the stock. • Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should: a) dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; and |59 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, income distribution and capital appreciation of the value of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. Risk Management The Manager adopts an active and frequent trading strategy to manage the risks of equity investment of the Fund. The price fluctuation caused by the market volatilities may lead to capital loss which affects the return of both equities and non-equity investments. The Fund’s market risk is prudently managed through tactical asset allocation approaches based on fundamental and technical analysis. The asset allocation exposure may differ from time to time depending on capital market conditions. The Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other Shariah-compliant securities including Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposits and where applicable Islamic debt securities. For equity investment, in-depth company analyses are conducted. Stock selection is based on stringent investment criteria which include the company’s financial strength, business operations and management. The valuations are thoroughly analyzed to ensure the Fund invests in companies that are viable and may produce return in the long term. The Fund also takes into account diversification and trading liquidity to manage the stock specific risk. For non-equity investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager has set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, cash flow, gearing level, management and collateralization. The Fund only invests in investment grade bonds rated either by RAM or MARC. For profit/interest rate risk management, the Fund’s Islamic debt securities exposure will be managed by adjusting its average tenure. If the profit/interest rate is expected to go up in the future, the Fund will invest in shorter tenure instruments to mitigate the impact of shortfall in Islamic debt securities’ prices. In addition, regular reporting and consulting with Investment Committee Members will be held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, their view on the performance of the relevant markets and the Funds, immediate and future investment strategies and asset allocations, and compliance status. Performance Benchmark Two (2) times the performance of a one-year adjusted average rate of the Kuala Lumpur Islamic Reference Rate (KLIRR) – The performance of the Fund will be benchmarked using the absolute return approach computed as below – Assuming the KLIRR’s one-year adjusted average rate was 3% per annum, the performance benchmark for the Fund would be 6%, derived from: = 2 X one-year adjusted average rate of KLIRR, for a period under review = 2 X 3% = 6% The KLIRR is the daily average of the Islamic Interbank rates and updated daily at 11.00 a.m. (Malaysian Business Hour). You may obtain the information on the one-year KLIRR through BNM website at Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. 60 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 Please refer to page 73 for details MASTER PROSPECTUS 5.3 2014/2015 BALANCED FUND 5.3.1 PMB SHARIAH BALANCED FUND Fund Profile Category of Fund : Balanced (Shariah) Type of Fund : Growth & Income General Information The Fund was launched on 22 October 1977 as Kumpulan Modal Bumiputera Yang Kesembilan for Bumiputera investors. It was opened to the public following its re-launch as ASM Tanjung Piai Balanced Fund on 6 December 1997 with a new investment objective as a balanced fund. It was renamed ASM Balanced Fund on 26 June 2001. Unit Holders approved on 19 July 2012 the change of the Fund’s investment objective, making it a Shariah-compliant balanced fund. The Fund was renamed ASM Shariah Dividend Fund on 15 January 2013. It assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors an opportunity to earn regular income and capital growth in the medium and long term through investment in Shariah-compliant securities. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio that includes Shariah-compliant equity and equity related securities, Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments in Malaysia. The portfolio construction process is research driven with extensive bottom-up fundamental analysis coupled with top down economic and sector analysis. In identifying investable listed companies, the Manager relies on fundamental research where the financial strength including track records, the company’s prospects, business operation and top management of the companies are considered. In addition, prospects for the economies and sectors in which the companies operate are also assessed. The focus is on public-listed companies with growth prospects and/or having forecast dividend yield of 3.0% per annum or above over medium to long term to optimize the total returns of the Fund. Other valuation measures include price to earnings (PE), PE to growth, discounted cash flow, price to revalued net asset value and price to book depending in which sector the companies operate and whether the operations are perpetual or for a defined period. Analyses are also made on revenue growth, profit margins, sustainable earnings, balance sheet and cash flow. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. To be prudent, the Manager adopts a strategy by:i) selecting only instruments with a minimum credit rating of A2 as per the rating scale of RAM or its equivalent for long-term instruments and P2 or its equivalent for short–term instruments; and/or ii) having a longer or shorter duration of debt instruments depending on the expected direction of the KLIRR. Under normal circumstances, allocation to equity and equity-related securities ranges from 40% to 60% of the NAV of the Fund. The balance will be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/other permitted investments. |61 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s main strategy in attempting to respond to adverse political and/or economic conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that likely lead to a substantial capital loss. Under an extremely bearish market condition the Fund may reduce its equity and equity-related exposure to below 40%. Risks of Investing in the Fund • Equity Market Risk Equity market risk refers to the potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Fund’s investments. The prices of securities in which the Fund invests may fluctuate due to various factors, for examples, changes in government regulations and policies, economic developments, investor sentiment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Such movement in securities prices will affect the Fund’s NAV/unit due to its exposure of between 40% and 60% in the equity market. • Stock Specific Risk The risk that is directly associated with a particular stock due to changes in consumer preferences and stiff competition, introduction of levies on certain products or services that may affect the value of the stock. • Profit/Interest Rate Risk The Fund is highly associated with profit/interest rate risk where downward movement of the profit/interest rate may result in a loss of the expected return from the Fund’s investments in Islamic money market instrument and Islamic deposit placements. The value of the Islamic debt securities has a tendency to move inversely with the movement of the profit/interest rate whereby the prices of the Islamic debt securities may fall when profit/interest rates rise, and vice versa. Interest rate is a general indicator. Although the Fund does not invest in interest bearing instruments, interest rate movement will have an impact on the profit earned from the Islamic money market instruments and Islamic deposit placements and the valuation of the Islamic debt securities. Hence such a movement will affect the expected return of the Fund’s investments. • Credit/Default Risk This risk refers to the inability of an issuer or a financial institution of the Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and Islamic deposit placements to pay the profit when due and/or repay the principal upon maturity. • Shariah Status Reclassification Risk This risk refers to the scenario where the Shariah-compliant securities in the portfolio of the Fund may be removed from the Shariah-compliant list upon review of the securities, performed twice yearly, by the SAC of the SC. In such event, the Fund should: a) dispose of the securities within six months (or such duration that the SAC of the SC may determine) after the effective date of the updated list of Shariah-compliant securities if the market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. The Funds are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of the securities within such determined. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after such period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies; or b) hold the respective securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost until the market price or value of the securities is equal to the cost of investment. As a result of the above risks, income distribution and capital appreciation of the value of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. 62 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Risk Management The Manager adopts an active investment strategy to manage the risks of equity investment of the Fund. The market volatility may lead to capital loss which affects the return. Stock selection and diversification of investment in equity securities are keys to mitigating the overall risk of the Fund. The equity market risk of the Fund is prudently managed through the following strategies – • Stock selection whereby the Manager will employ a fundamental approach to ensure selection of quality Shariah-compliant equities which will take into account information gathered during company visits, potential income and earnings growth, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered, and • The asset allocation exposure may differ from time to time depending on the condition of the capital markets. Asset and sector allocations are based on thorough macroeconomic analysis. The Fund’s equity exposure may increase to a maximum of 60% on the expectation that the stock market has a potential to appreciate in the future. On a temporary defensive move, the Fund’s equity exposure may be reduced to 40% or below if the market is expected to decline. The Manager may also take temporary defensive positions that may be inconsistent with the Fund’s principal strategy in attempting to respond to adverse economic and/or political conditions or potential sharp downturn in the equities market that may be likely leading to substantial capital loss. In such circumstances, the Manager may reallocate up to 100% of the Fund’s equity investments into other permitted investments, including Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposit placements. To manage the stock specific risk of the Fund, in-depth company analyses are conducted. Stock selection is based on stringent investment criteria which include the company’s financial strength, business operations and management. The valuations are thoroughly analyzed to ensure the Fund invests in companies that practice good corporate governance. The Fund also takes into account trading liquidity to manage the stock specific risk. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. As for the profit/interest rate direction, the expected direction of KLIRR will be taken into consideration. The structure of the Fund is such that it is confined to instruments of short duration to maturity in order to mitigate the impact of fluctuation in profit/interest rate on the performance of the Fund over the short term while the credit risks it may face are mitigated by strict limits on concentration of investments and due diligence in the credit assessments by ensuring investment grade credit ratings as mentioned above. In addition, regular reporting and consulting with Investment Committee Members will be held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, their view on the performance of the relevant markets and the Funds, immediate and future investment strategies and asset allocations, and compliance status Performance Benchmark A combination of the FBMSHA on the equity performance, and a one-year adjusted average rate of the Kuala Lumpur Islamic Reference Rates (KLIRR) for the Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and/or other permitted investment performance, based on a 50:50 ratio, on the basis that the Fund is a balanced unit trust fund, and is expected to have a balanced asset allocation in the long term. |63 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Assuming, the FBMSHA gave a return of 10% during a year under review and the average KLIRR was 3% per annum, the benchmark retu rn for the Fund would be 6.5%, derived from: 50% of the performance of FBMSHA + 50% of the performance of KLIRR = (50% x 10%) + (50% x 3%) = 5.0% + 1.5% = 6.5% FBMSHA is an index comprising the constituents of the FBM EMAS that are Shariah-compliant according to the SAC of the SC screening methodology. KLIRR is the daily average of Islamic interbank rates and updated daily at 11.00 a.m. (Malaysian Business Hour). You may obtain the information on the FBMSHA from the Bursa Malaysia website and major daily newspapers while the one year adjusted average rate of the KLIRR through Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) website. Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. Please refer to page 73 for details 64 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 5.4 2014/2015 MONEY MARKET FUND 5.4.1 PMB SHARIAH CASH MANAGEMENT FUND Fund Profile Category of Fund : Money Market (Shariah) Type of Fund : Income General Information The Fund was launched on 1 November 1969 as Kumpulan Modal Bumiputera Yang Ketiga for Bumiputera investors. Unit Holders approved on 5 May 2005 the change of the investment objective of the Fund into an Islamic money market fund. As a result, the name of the Fund was changed to ASM Syariah Money Market Fund. The Fund changes its name again on 5 April 2012 to ASM Shariah Cash Management Fund while still maintaining its objective but with additional features. It assumes its current name on 28 April 2014. Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with high degree of liquidity while maintaining capital stability through investments primarily in Shariah approved money market instruments and debt securities. Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund require Unit Holders’ approval. Investment Strategy The Fund is essentially managed to provide liquidity to meet the near and short term cash flow requirements of its Unit Holders while providing returns. Its investments are largely confined to Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and Islamic debt securities that mature within 365 days, issued in Malaysia. Nevertheless the Fund can invest up to 10% of its NAV in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements or Islamic debt securities with maturity period exceeding 365 days but not longer than 732 days. The selection of the Islamic money market instruments will be based on criteria such as liquidity, diversification and tenure. The Manager adopts a prudent strategy in forming the portfolio of Islamic money market instruments which is in accordance with the Fund’s investment objective and the Manager’s assessment of investment prospects in line with the underlying profit/interests and economic outlook. The Manager will review the asset allocation from time to time to facilitate redemption requests while optimizing income from investments. The Fund shall invest up to 100% of its NAV in near term Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placement and/or Islamic debt securities that are liquid and conform to the Shariah principles. Notwithstanding the Fund can invest up to 10% for short dated Islamic debt securities maturing between 365 and 732 days. Risks of the Fund • Profit/Interest Rate Risk The Fund is highly associated with profit/interest risk where downward movement of the profit/interest may result in a loss of the expected return from the Fund’s investments in Islamic money market instrument and Islamic deposit placements. The value of the Islamic debt securities has a tendency to move inversely with the movement of the profit/interest whereby the prices of the Islamic debt securities may fall when profit rates rise, and vice versa. Interest rate is a general indicator. Although the Fund does not invest in interest bearing instruments, the movement of the interest rate will have an impact on the profit/interest of the Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements and the value of Islamic debt securities, and consequently affect the expected return of the Fund’s investments. |65 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 • MASTER PROSPECTUS Credit/Default Risk This risk refers to the inability of an issuer or a financial institution of the Islamic debt securities, Islamic money market instruments and Islamic deposit placements to pay the profit when due and/or repay the principal upon maturity. In such event, the expected income and/or the asset value of the Fund will be adversely affected. As a result of the above risks, income distribution of the Fund cannot be guaranteed. However, the Manager will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above potential risks are mitigated. Risk Management The Fund’s credit risk is prudently managed through exercising prudent selection of investments. A thorough study on the credit worthiness of the issuer of the Islamic debt securities and the securities themselves will be undertaken by the Manager. The Fund will invest in quality short term to medium term instruments with minimum short term local credit rating of P2 (by RAM) or MARC2 (by MARC) or minimum long term rating of A2 (by RAM) or A (by MARC) that conform to the principles of Shariah. Short term instruments can be defined as instruments which mature within 365 days whilst medium term instruments can be defined as instruments which mature over 365 days but not more than 2 years. For investment in Islamic debt securities, credit valuation and profit/interest rate direction are the most critical risk factors to be considered. As for credit valuation, the Manager set stringent investment criteria in assessing Islamic debt securities, covering mainly the nature of business, management, cash flow, gearing level and collateralization. In case the Fund invests in such securities, only investment grade Islamic debt securities rated by either RAM or MARC will be considered. As for the profit/interest rate direction, the expected direction of KLIRR will be taken into consideration. The structure of the Fund is such that it is confined to instruments of short duration to maturity in order to mitigate the impact of fluctuation in profit/interest rate on the performance of the Fund over the short term while the credit risks it may face are mitigated by strict limits on concentration of investments and due diligence in the credit assessments by ensuring investment grade credit ratings as mentioned above. In addition, regular reporting and consulting with Investment Committee Members will be held at periodical meetings. The reporting to the Investment Committee consists of, amongst others, the review on the performance of the Fund and the relevant markets, immediate and future investment approach and asset allocation strategy, and compliance status. Performance Benchmark BNM Overnight Islamic Interbank Rate The Islamic interbank rate is the daily weighted average rate of the Mudharabah interbank investment at the Islamic Interbank Money Market in Kuala Lumpur, where the individual rates being weighted accordingly by the volume transactions at those rates. You may obtain the information on the Islamic interbank rate by accessing Islamic Interbank Money Market, Bank Negara Malaysia website at Permitted Investments Investment Restrictions and Limits Valuation of Investments Please refer to page 69 for details. Please refer to page 71 for details. Please refer to page 73 for details Investment in the Fund is not the same as placement in deposits with a financial institution. There are risks involved and investors should rely on their own evaluation to assess the merits and risks when investing in the fund. 66 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 5.5 SHARIAH-COMPLIANT AND SHARIAH APPROVAL PROCESS All Shariah-compliant funds must at all times and all stages of its operation comply with the Shariah principles. In the first place, the funds must be raised, operated and redeemed, if any, by investor on the basis of contracts which are acceptable by Shariah. In terms of investments, there are two significant Shariah-compliant matters that need to be adhered to. First is the capital market instruments to be invested and secondly the securities or companies of which the capital market instruments are issued. In making investments, both capital instruments and the securities must be Shariah-compliant. Capital Market Instruments Since the establishment of the SAC of the SC, several capital market instruments have been evaluated and approved; they are: • • • • • • • • • • • Ordinary shares; Warrants/TSR; Call warrants; Non-cumulative preference shares; Redeemable preference shares; Crude palm oil futures contracts; Crude palm kernel oil futures contracts; Khazanah zero-coupon bonds; Single Stock Futures (if the underlying is Shariah compliant); and Islamic asset securitisation/Islamic debt securitisation. Futures Contract Index (Source: Securities Commission website, Frequently-Asked Questions of Islamic Capital Markets) As for the Shariah-compliant funds, investments in any of the above instruments depend on their respective objective and investment strategy and the capital instruments that are allowed to be used to achieve the objective. Shariah Adviser The Guidelines stipulate that Shariah-compliant unit trust funds are required to appoint a Shariah committee or Shariah adviser. At PMB Investment, we have appointed a Shariah Adviser whose details are in page 139. The investment portfolio of Shariah-compliant unit trust funds must invest only in Shariah-compliant securities/instruments. As a general rule, for investment in equities, we use the approved List of Shariahcompliant securities issued by the SAC of the SC (Approved List), which is currently updated in May and November every year. However, in cases where the status of securities has not been determined by the SAC due to reasons such as initial public offer, the interim status of the securities will be determined by our Shariah Adviser in accordance with the SAC of SC screening methodology until such time when the SAC issues its ruling on the securities. When investing in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposit placements, Islamic debt securities and/or other permitted investments for Shariah-compliant unit trust funds, they must also be Shariahcompliant as determined by the Shariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia and/or the SAC of the SC, as the case may be. Classification of Shariah Securities by SC For companies listed on Bursa Malaysia, the Funds’ investments must be strictly confined to the companies on the prevailing Approved List. In classifying the securities listed on Bursa Malaysia, the SAC received input and support from the SC. The SC gathered information on the companies from various sources, such as company annual financial reports, company responses to survey forms and through inquiries made to the respective company’s management. |67 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS The SAC adopts a two-tier quantitative approach, which applies the business activity benchmarks and the financial ratio benchmarks, in determining the Shariah status of the listed securities. Hence, the securities will be classified as Shariah-compliant if they are within the business activity benchmarks and the financial ratio benchmarks. Quantitative Assessment Revised Shariah Screening Methodology Business Activity Benchmarks Business activity benchmarks 5% Conventional banking and insurance, gambling, liquor and liquor related activities, pork and pork related activities, nonhalal food and beverages, Shariah non-compliant entertainment, interest income from conventional accounts and instruments, interest income awarded arising from a judgement by a court or arbitrator, tobacco and tobacco related activities deemed non-compliant according to Shariah. 20% Hotel and resort operations, share trading, stockbroking business, rental received from Shariah non-compliant activities and other activities deemed non compliant according to Shariah. 33% i. Financial Ratio Benchmarks ii. Cash over total assets: Cash will only include cash placed in conventional accounts and instruments, whereas cash placed in Islamic accounts and instruments will be excluded from the calculation. Debt over total assets: Debt only includes interest bearing debt whereas Islamic debt/financing or sukuk is excluded from the calculations. Both ratios, which are intended to measure riba and ribabased elements within a company’s balance sheet, must be lower than 33%. In addition to the above two-tier quantitative criteria, the SAC also takes into account the qualitative aspect which involves public perception or image of the company’s activities from the perspective of Islamic teaching. Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) In classifying securities of SPACs, the SAC considers the following criteria: (i) The proposed business activity should be Shariah compliant; (ii) The entire proceeds raised from the initial public offering should be placed in Islamic accounts; and (iii) In the event that the proceeds are invested, the entire investment should be Shariah compliant. Shariah-compliant securities include ordinary shares and warrants (issued by the companies themselves). This means that warrants are classified as Shariah-compliant securities provided the underlying shares are also Shariah compliant. On the other hand, loan stocks and bonds are Shariah non-compliant securities unless they are structured based on the SAC’s approved Shariah rulings, concepts and principles. 68 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Timing for disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities (i) “Shariah-compliant securities” which are subsequently re-classified as “Shariah non-compliant” These refer to securities which were earlier classified as Shariah compliant but due to certain factors such as changes in the companies’ business operations and financial positions, are subsequently reclassified as Shariah non-compliant. With the application of the revised screening methodology, investors are given six months from the effective date of the updated list i.e. 29 November 2013 to dispose of such securities, in the event that the respective market price of such securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost. In this regard, investors are allowed to keep dividends received and capital gain from disposing of such securities within the six-month period. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after the six-month period should be channeled to baitulmal and/or charitable bodies. On the other hand, investors are allowed to hold their investment in the Shariah non-compliant securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost. It is also permissible for the investors to keep the dividends received during the holding period until such time when the total amount of dividends received and the market value of the Shariah non-compliant securities held equal the investment cost. At this stage, they are advised to dispose of their holding. In addition, during the holding period, investors are allowed to subscribe to: (a) any issue of new securities by a company whose Shariah noncompliant securities are held by the investors, for example rights issues, bonus issues, special issues and warrants (excluding securities whose nature is Shariah non-compliant e.g. loan stocks); and (b) Shariah-compliant securities of other companies offered by the company whose Shariah noncompliant securities are held by the investors, on condition that they expedite the disposal of the Shariah non-compliant securities. (ii) Shariah non-compliant securities As per the SAC’s advice, the Funds that invest based on Shariah principles is to dispose of any Shariah non-compliant securities which they presently hold, within a month of knowing the status of the securities. Any gain made in the form of capital gain or dividend received during or after the disposal of the securities has to be channeled to charitable bodies or Baitulmal as advised by the Funds’ Shariah Adviser. The Funds have a right to retain only the original investment cost which may comprise brokerage cost and other related transaction costs. (Source: List of Shariah-Compliant Securities by the Shariah Advisory Council of the Securities Commission Malaysia- 29 November 2013). Foreign Shariah non-compliant Securities For investment in foreign securities, the Funds are only allowed to invest in securities which are on the Approved List of the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index (DJIM). With regard to the issue of delisting of Shariah compliant securities from DJIM and Shariah non-compliant foreign securities, the Funds are to abide by the same processes as laid down by the SAC of SC above. In the rare event that the Fund wishes to invest in foreign securities not covered by DJIM, the Funds must submit to the Shariah Adviser the latest information pertaining to business activities, complete financial statements and other related information on the relevant company to enable the Shariah Adviser to carry out stock screening. The decision of the Shariah Adviser is final. 5.6 PERMITTED INVESTMENTS The investments made by the Funds must conform with Shariah Principles which generally exclude conventional banking, insurance and financial institutions; gambling/gaming; alcoholic beverages; non-halal food products; interest-bearing money market instruments; and other securities or instruments as determined by the Shariah Adviser. |69 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Unless otherwise prohibited by the relevant authorities or any relevant law and provided always that there is no inconsistency with the objectives of the Fund, the Fund may must invest strictly in the investments/securities which comply with the Shariah principles and approved by the Shariah Adviser, the SAC of the SC or an international Shariah standard setting body (if applicable). The Funds currently do not invest in unlisted securities (except entitlements received from listed companies in the existing portfolio), in overseas companies, securities lending and in the futures market. Nevertheless, the Funds may invest in these securities in the near future. 5.6.1 Applicable to all Funds except PMB SCMF Unless otherwise prohibited by the relevant authorities or any relevant laws and provided always that there is no inconsistency with the objectives of the Fund, the Fund may invest in the following: (a) securities listed on the Bursa Malaysia or any other stock exchange approved by the Minister under the CMSA and any exempt stock exchange declared by the Minister under the CMSA; (b) securities not listed for trading in a stock market of a stock exchange approved, or an exempt stock market declared by the Minister under the CMSA, but have been approved for such listing and offered directly to the Fund by the issuer or any entitled party; (c) securities not listed for trading in a stock market of a stock exchange approved, or an exempt stock market declared by the Minister under the CMSA, which are offered directly to the Fund by the issuer and fulfill all the conditions set out in the Guidelines; (d) investment in foreign securities listed on the foreign stock exchange(s) subjects to the restrictions and rules imposed by Bank Negara Malaysia and/or SC; (e) investment in other Collective Investment Schemes (CIS), provided that: i. the CIS must be regulated by a regulatory authority; which is for the fund constituted in Malaysia must be approved by the SC and fund constituted outside Malaysia to be registered/ authorized/approved by the relevant regulatory authority in its home jurisdiction; ii. operate on the principle of prudent spread of risk and its investment do not diverge from the general investment principles; iii. no cross-holding between the Fund and the target Fund for Fund operated by the same management company; and iv. all initial charges on the target fund are waived. (f) futures contracts and options traded in a futures market of an exchange company approved, or an exempt futures market declared, by the Minister under the CMSA, must be for hedging purposes only; (g) participation in the lending of securities within the meaning of the Guidelines of Securities Borrowing and Lending issued by SC (as amended from time to time) when permitted by the SC and/or other relevant authorities; (h) investment in an eligible money market (as defined in the Guidelines on including investments in an eligible market for short-term papers such as Malaysian Government Securities, treasury bills, negotiable instruments of deposit, repurchase agreements, Cagamas mortgage bonds, Bank Negara bills); (i) investments in an eligible over-the-counter private debt securities market (as defined in the Guidelines); (j) securities that are traded in or under the rules of an eligible market which fulfill all the conditions set out in the Guidelines; and (k) deposit placements with financial institutions; (l) Investment in warrants, provided that the warrants carry the right in respect of a security traded in or under the rules of an eligible market. 70 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 (m) Investment in derivatives: i. Consist of derivatives that are traded on exchange and traded over-the-counter; ii. The underlying instruments should consist of permissible investments and include indices, interest rates and foreign exchange rates. (n) Investment in Structured Products, where the Manager to ensure that: i. The counter party is an eligible issuer (for structured products issued in Malaysia) or an issuer regulated by the relevant regulatory authority (for structured products issued outside Malaysia); ii. The counter-party has a minimum long term rating by any domestic. (o) Investment in deposit placements, provided that placement of deposits is with a financial institution. 5.6.2 Applicable to PMB SCMF Subject to any conditions stipulated by the SC, PMB SCMF only invests primarily in Islamic short-term debentures, short-term Islamic money market instruments and placement in Islamic short-term deposits. 5.7 INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITS 5.7.1 Applicable to all Funds except PMB SCMF The investments limits for the Fund are in line with the Guidelines as follows:• Exposure Limits The value of a Fund’s investment in unlisted securities must not exceed 10% of a Fund’s NAV. • Investment Spread Limits a. The value the Fund’s investment in ordinary shares issued by any single issuer must not exceed 10% of the Fund’s NAV. For PMB SIF whose principle objective is to track or replicate an index, the single issuer limit may be exceeded provided that the investment in any component securities does not exceed its respective weightings in the underlying index. b. The value of the Fund’s investment in transferable securities and money market instruments issued by any single issuer must not exceed 15% of the Fund’s NAV. c. The value of the Fund’s placement in deposit placements with any single institution must not exceed 20% of the Fund’s NAV. d. For investments in derivatives: i. the exposure to the underlying assets must not exceed any of the Investment spread limits being stipulated under these limits; and ii. the value of a Fund’s over-the counter (OTC) derivative transaction with any single counterparty must not exceed 10% of the Fund’s NAV. e. The value of the Fund’s investment in structured products issued by a single counter-party must not exceed 15% of the Fund’s NAV. f. The aggregate value of the Fund’s investment in transferable securities, money market instruments, deposit placement, OTC derivatives and structured products issued by or placed with (as the case may be) any single issuer/institution must not exceed 25% of the Fund’s NAV. g. The value of the Fund’s investment in units/shares of any CIS must not exceed 20% of the Fund’s NAV. h. The value of the Fund’s investment in transferable securities and money market instruments issued by any group of companies must not exceed 20% of the Fund’s NAV. For PMB SIF whose principle objective is to track or replicate an index, the single group limit may be exceeded |71 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS provided that the investment in any component securities does not exceed its respective weightings in the underlying index. • 5.7.2 • • • 5.7.3 Investment Concentration Limits a. The Fund’s investment in transferable securities (other than debentures) must not exceed 10% of the securities issued by any single issuer. b. The Fund’s investments in debentures must not exceed 20% of the debentures issued by any single issuer. c. The Fund’s investment in CISs must not exceed 25% of the units/shares in any one CIS. d. The Fund’s investment in money market instruments must not exceed 10% of the instruments issued by any single issuer. (Note: This limit does not apply to money market instruments that do not have a pre-determined issue size). Applicable to PMB SCMF Exposure Limits a. The value of the Fund’s investment in permitted investments must not be less than 90% of the Fund’s NAV. b. The value of the Fund’s investment in permitted investments which have a remaining maturity period of not more than 365 days must not be less than 90% of the Fund’s NAV. c. The value of the Fund’s investment in permitted investments which have a remaining maturity period of more than 365 days but fewer than 732 days must not exceed 10% of the Fund’s NAV. Investment Spread Limits a. The value of the Fund’s investment in debentures and money market instruments issued by any single issuer must not exceed 20% of the Fund’s NAV. b. The single issuer limit in (i) may be increased to 30% if the debentures are rated by any domestic or global rating agency to be of the best quality and offer highest safety for timely payment of interest and principal. c. The value of the Fund’s placement in deposit placement with any single financial institution must not exceed 20% of the Fund’s NAV. d. The value of the Fund’s investment in debentures and money market instruments issued any group of companies must not exceed 30% of the Fund’s NAV. e. Where applicable, the core requirements for non-specialised funds shall apply for any other type of investments. Investment Concentration Limits a. The Fund’s investment in debentures must not exceed 20% of the securities issued by any single issuer. b. The Fund’s investment in money market instruments must not exceed 20% of the instruments issued by any single issuer. c. The Fund’s investment in collective scheme must not exceed 25% of the units/shares in any CIS. Allowance in Excess of Investment Limits The above investment restrictions and limits have at all times to be complied with based on the most up-todate valuation of the investments and instruments of the Fund. However, a 5% allowance in excess of any restriction or limit may be permitted where the restriction or limit is breached through an appreciation or 72 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 depreciation of the NAV of the Fund (whether as a result of an appreciation or depreciation in value of the investments or as a result of repurchase of Units or payment made from the Fund). If the relevant limit is breached, due to the appreciation or depreciation of the NAV of the Funds, no further acquisition of the particular securities involved shall be made. We shall, within a reasonable period of not more than 3 months from the date of breach, take all necessary steps and actions to rectify the breach. 5.8 VALUATION OF INVESTMENTS In respect of the investments of the Funds, it is our policy for the valuation point for the assets of the Fund to be valued on a daily basis at the end of business day, in accordance with their respective class and at all times in compliance with the Guidelines. 5.8.1 Listed Securities The valuation of securities listed on the stock exchange will be based on the market price quoted on a stock exchange at the end of the business day. If such market price is not available for a period of 14 days or any shorter period as agreed by the Trustee including due to suspension of trading, the securities shall be valued at fair value. We, in consultation with the stock brokers and/or the authorized dealers, may consider previously quoted bids and offers, last done market price or based on the Net Tangible Asset (NTA) of the company as approved by the Trustee, in determining the fair value. The fair value of the suspended counters is determined by us subject to verification by the auditor of the Fund and approved by the Trustee. 5.8.2 Unlisted and/or Suspended Securities The valuation of unlisted and suspended securities will be based on fair value. The method adopted in determining fair value may be based on the NTA of the company or Initial Public Offer (IPO), for stock prior to listing on the Bursa Malaysia. While for suspended counters, other methods of valuation can also be applied to determine the fair value such as Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method, break-up value and sum of parts. This method shall be verified by the auditor of the Fund and approved by the Trustee. 5.8.3 Fixed Income Securities i) Funds investing in Ringgit-denominated bonds shall value bond portfolios on a daily basis using fair value prices quoted by a Bond Pricing Agency (BPA) registered with the SC. ii) Where we are of the view that the price quoted by a BPA for a specific bond differs from the “market price” by more than 20 basis points, we may use the “market price”, provided that: a) the basis for using a non-BPA price is recorded; b) necessary internal approvals to use the non-BPA price are obtained; and c) 5.8.4 an audit trail of all decisions and basis for adopting the “market yield” is kept. Money Market Instruments Deposits placed with banks and other financial institutions are valued each day by reference to the nominal value and the interest/shared profit accrued thereon for the relevant period. 5.8.5 Collective Investment Scheme The value of the units will be based on the last published NAV per unit or share. |73 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 6. FUND PERFORMANCE BASIS OF FUND PERFORMANCE COMPUTATION The calculation for Total Return, Average Total Return and Annual Total Return of the Funds are based on computation methods of Lipper and are sourced from Lipper for Investment Management (Lipper IM). Lipper IM is an application that provides comprehensive fund information and performance, fund ratings, analytic tools and charting. Information about Lipper IM can be obtained Past performance of the Fund is not an indication of its future performance. 6.1 EQUITY FUNDS 6.1.1. PMB DANA AL-AIMAN Average Total Return For The Period Ended 15 May 2013# Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years PMB Al Aiman 11.12% 9.22% 4.81% 7.08% FBMSHA 16.00% 11.40% 5.91% 10.35% Source: Lipper Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 15 May 2013# Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years PMB Al Aiman 11.12% 30.34% 26.49% 98.30% FBMSHA 16.00% 38.34% 33.27% 167.85% Source: Lipper 1-Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 15 May 2013, PMB Al Aiman’s registered a total return of 11.12% compared to a return of 16.00% for the benchmark. PMB Al Aiman 74 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 3-Year Fund Performance Review For the 3-year period ended 15 May 2013, PMB Al Aiman’s registered a total return of 30.34% compared to a return of 38.34% on its benchmark. PMB Al Aiman Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period ended 15 May 2013, PMB Al Aiman’s total return amounted to 26.49% against the return of 33.27% on the FBMSHA. PMB Al Aiman Source: Lipper Note: Change on benchmark: i) ii) 1 November 2007 – FBMSHA (replacement of the KLSI by Bursa Malaysia with the FBMSHA) Prior to 1 November 2007 - KLCI Distribution Highlight Financial Year End (15 May)# 2013 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit –Cash(sen) 3.05 3.11 3.20 *3.05 3.05 3.07 Net Distribution Per Unit – Cash(sen) *Distribution is in the form of ‘units’ |75 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 0.41 times 0.25 times 0.37 times The PTR is marginally higher at 0.41 times as compared with the previous financial year as a result of higher trading activities undertaken by the Fund. Asset Allocation Year 2013 2012 2011 Equities 72.29% 67.26% 82.91% Collective Investment Scheme 5.85% - - Deposit Placement & Others 21.86% 32.74% 17.09% The Fund’s exposure in equities was higher in 2013 due to buying activity on selective Shariah-compliant stocks based on their potential to meet the funds objective in the medium and long term. # Note: Effective from 28 April 2014, the financial year of PMB Al Aiman ends on 31 May. 76 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 6.1.2 PMB DANA MUTIARA Average Total Return For The Period Ended 15 June 2013# Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years PMB Mutiara 9.84 % 7.66% 1.57% Since relaunch 5/8/04 3.18% FBMSHA Source: Lipper 13.61% 12.44% 6.69% 8.86% Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 15 June 2013# Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since relaunch 5/8/04 PMB Mutiara 9.81% 24.78% 8.09% 31.92% FBMSHA 13.57% 42.16% 38.30% 112.17% Source: Lipper 1-Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 15 June 2013, PMB Mutiara posted a return of 9.81% compared to a return of 13.57% on its benchmark. PMB Mutiara Source: Lipper |77 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 3-year Fund performance Review For the three-year period ended 15 June 2013, PMB Mutiara registered a total return of 24.78% compared to a return of 42.16% on its benchmark. PMB Mutiara Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period ended 15 June 2013, PMB Mutiara registered a total of 8.09% compared to a return of 38.30% on its benchmark. PMB Mutiara Source: Lipper Note: Change on benchmark: i) 1 November 2007 – FBMSHA (replacement of the KLSI by Bursa Malaysia with the FBMSHA) ii) 5 August 2004 – KLSI (change of Fund’s investment objective that invest in Shariah-compliant securities) iii) Prior to 5 August 2004 - KLCI Distribution Highlight Financial Year End (15 June)# Gross Distribution Per Unit –Cash(sen) Net Distribution Per Unit - Cash (sen) 78 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2013 2012 2011 - 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.14 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 0.47 times 0.26 times 0.28 times The higher PTR over the financial year of 2013 was a result of higher trading activities undertaken by the Fund. Asset Allocation Year Equities Collective Investment Scheme Deposit Placement &Others 2013 2012 2011 74.54% 63.33% 86.11% 5.17% - - 20.29% 36.67% 13.89% The Fund’s exposure in equities was higher in 2013 due to buying activity on selective Shariah-compliant stocks based on their potential to meet the funds objective in the medium and long term. #Note: Effective from 28 April 2014, the financial year of PMB Mutiara ends on 30 June. |79 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 6.1.3 PMB DANA BESTARI Average Total Return For The Period Ended 15 August 2013# Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years PMB Bestari 5.51% 5.28% 3.67% 3.79% FBMSHA 9.09% 11.20% 10.41% 9.07% Source: Lipper Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 15 August 2013# Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years PMB Bestari 5.51% 3.89% -2.76% 10.35% FBMSHA 9.09% 9.26% 9.42% 8.67% Source: Lipper 1-year Fund performance Review For the 1-year period ended 15 August 2013, PMB Bestari posted a return of 5.51% compared to an appreciation of 9.09% on its benchmark. PMB Bestari Source: Lipper 80 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 3-year Fund performance Review For the 3-year period ended 15 August 2013, PMB Bestari posted a return of 16.74% compared to an appreciation of 37.63% on its benchmark. PMB Bestari Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period ended 15 August 2013, PMB Bestari registered a return of 19.77% compared to a return of 64.13% on its benchmark. PMB Bestari Source: Lipper Note: Change on benchmark: i) 1 November 2007 – FBMSHA (replacement of the KLSI by Bursa Malaysia with the FBMSHA) ii) 3 October 2002 – KLSI (change of Fund’s investment objective that invest in Shariah-compliant securities) iii) Prior to 3 October 2002 - KLCI. Distribution Highlight Financial Year End (15 August)# 2013 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit –Cash(sen) 2.50 - 1.35 *2.50 - 1.30 Net Distribution Per Unit – Cash(sen) *Distribution is in the form of ‘units’ |81 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 0.59 times 0.45 times 0.21 times The PTR was higher than the previous year as a result of an increase in trading activities undertaken by the Fund during the financial year. Asset Allocation Year 2013 2012 2011 Equities 73.25% 64.96% 91.38% 5.71% - - 21.04% 35.04% 8.62% Investment Collective Scheme Deposit Placement & Others The Fund’s exposure in equities was higher in 2013 due to buying activity on selective Shariah-compliant stocks based on their potential to meet the funds objective in the medium and long term. #Note: Effective from 28 April 2014, the financial year of PMB Bestari ends on 30 September. 82 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 6.1.4 PMB SHARIAH AGGRESSIVE FUND Average Total Return For The Period Ended 15 July 2013# Fund/Index Since relaunch 21/11/05 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years PMB SAF 26.8% 14.64% 4.66% 3.84% FBMSHA 11.14% 11.62% 9.09% 10.55% Source: Lipper Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 15 July 2013# Fund/Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since relaunch 21/11/05 PMB SAF 26.96% 6.06% -21.28% 33.42% FBMSHA 11.21% 17.18% -5.61% 115.39% Source: Lipper 1- Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 15 July 2013, PMB SAF outperformed its benchmark when its total return amounted to 26.96% against the return of 11.21% on the FBMSHA. PMB SAF Source: Lipper |83 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 3-Year Fund Performance Review For the 3-year period ended 15 July 2013, PMB SAF posted return of 50.72% compared to an appreciation of 39.1% appreciation on its benchmark. PMB SAF Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period ended 15 July 2013, PMB SAF registered a return of 25.61% compared to a return of 54.57% on its benchmark. PMB SAF Source: Lipper Note: Change on benchmark: i) 15 January 2013 – FBMSHA (change of Fund’s investment objective that invest in Shariah-compliant securities) ii) 6 July 2009 – FBM Top 100 Index (adoption by Bursa Malaysia of FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series) iii) Prior to 6 July 2009 - KLCI Distribution Highlight Financial Year End (15 July)# 2013 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit –Cash(sen) 2.3 - - *2.3 - - Net Distribution Per Unit– Cash (sen) *Distribution is in the form of ‘units’ 84 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 0.65 times 0.65 times 0.54 times The PTR was higher than the previous year as a result of an increase in trading activities undertaken by the Fund during the financial year. Asset Allocation Year 2013 2012 2011 Equities 79.14% 98.60% 66.17% Deposit Placement & Others 20.96% 1.40% 33.83% The Fund reduced its equity allocation in 2013 and increased exposure to deposit placements in order to lock in gains on the market. #Note: Effective from 28 April 2014, the financial year of PMB SAF ends on 31 July. |85 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 6.1.5 PMB SHARIAH GROWTH FUND Average Total Return For The Period Ended 15 February 2013# Fund / Index 1 Year 3 years 5 Years 10 years PMB SGF 6.94% 9.66% 3.08% 6.46% FBMSHA 2.25% 9.21% 1.35% 8.67% Source: Lipper Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 15 February 2013# Fund/Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 years PMB SGF 6.96% 31.90% 16.39% 87.08% FBMSHA 2.25% 30.27% 6.95% 129.95% Source: Lipper 1- Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 15 February 2013, PMB SGF outperformed its benchmark when its total return amounted to 6.96% against the return of 2.25% on the FBMSHA. PMB SGF Source: Lipper 86 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 3-Year Fund Performance Review For the 3-year period ended 15 February 2013, PMB SGF posted return of 31.90% compared to an appreciation of 30.27% on its benchmark. PMB SGF Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period ended 15 February 2013, PMB SGF registered a return of 16.39% compared to a return of 6.95% on its benchmark. PMB SGF Source: Lipper Note: Change on benchmark: i) 15 January 2013 – FBMSHA (change of Fund’s investment objective that invest in Shariah-compliant securities) ii) 6 July 2009 – FBM Top 100 Index (adoption by Bursa Malaysia of FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series) iii) Prior to 6 July 2009 - KLCI |87 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Distribution Highlight Financial Year End (15 February)# 2013 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit –Cash(sen) - - - Net Distribution Per Unit - Cash(sen) - - - Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 0.57 times 0.55 times 0.35 times The PTR was higher than the previous year as a result of an increase in trading activities undertaken by the Fund during the financial year. Asset Allocation Year 2013 2012 2011 Equities 90.84% 89.29% 84.06% Deposit Placement & Others 9.16% 10.71% 15.94% The Fund’s exposure in equities was higher in 2013 due to buying activity on selective Shariah-compliant stocks based on their potential to meet the funds objective in the medium and long term. #Note: Effective 28 April 2014, the financial year of PMB SGF ends on 28 February. 88 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 6.1.6 PMB SHARIAH MID-CAP FUND Average Total Return For The Period Ended 30 April 2013 Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 years PMB SMCF 2.64% 3.14% 2.31% 6.77% FBM100 9.02% 9.27% 6.63% 10.68% Source: Lipper Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 30 April 2013 Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 years PMB SMCF 2.64% 9.74% 12.10% 92.65% FBM100 9.02% 30.51% 37.84% 176.04% Source: Lipper 1- Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 30 April 2013, PMB SMCF posted a return of 2.64% against a return of 9.02% on the FBM100. PMB SMCF Source: Lipper |89 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 3-Year Fund Performance Review For the 3-year period ended 30 April 2013, PMB SMCF posted a return of 9.74% compared to an appreciation of 30.51% on its benchmark. PMB SMCF Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period, PMB SMCF registered a return of 12.10% compared to a return of 37.84% on its benchmark. PMB SMCF Source: Lipper Note: Change on benchmark: i) 7 March 2014 – FBMSHA (change of Fund’s investment objective that invest in Shariah-compliant securities) ii) 6 July 2009 – FBM Top 100 Index (adoption by Bursa Malaysia of FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series) iii) Prior to 6 July 2009 - KLCI Distribution Highlight Financial Year End (30 April) 2013 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit –Cash(sen) 1.00 1.00 1.30 Net Distribution Per Unit – Cash (sen) *1.00 1.00 1.24 *Distribution is in the form of ‘units’ 90 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 0.33 times 0.20 times 0.24 times The lower PTR over the financial year of 2012 was a result of lower trading activities undertaken by the Fund. Asset Allocation Year 2013 2012 2011 Equities 58.21% 71.39% 87.51% Collective Investment Scheme 5.53% - - Deposit Placement & Others 36.26% 28.61% 12.49% The Fund reduced its equity allocation in 2013 and increased exposure to collective investment scheme and deposit placements in order to lock in gains on the market. |91 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 6.1.7 PMB SHARIAH INDEX FUND Average Total Return For The Period Ended 15 March 2013# Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years PMB SIF 4.38% 8.39% 6.02% 9.18% FBMSHA 3.33% 8.61% 5.42% 9.4% Source: Lipper Annual Total Return Fund / Index For The Period Ended 15 March 2013# 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years PMB SIF 4.38% 27.38% 34.01% 140.89% FBMSHA 3.33% 28.13% 30.23% 145.87% Source: Lipper 1- Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 15 March 2013, PMB SIF outperformed its benchmark when its total return amounted to 4.38% against a return of 3.33% on the FBMSHA. PMB SIF Source: Lipper 92 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 3-Year Fund Performance Review For the 3-year period ended 15 March 2013, PMB SIF posted return of 27.38% compared to an appreciation of 28.13% on its benchmark. PMB SIF Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period ended 15 March 2013, PMB SIF registered a return of 34.01% compared to a return of 30.23% on its benchmark PMB SIF Source: Lipper Note: Change on benchmark: i) 15 January 2013 – FBMSHA (change of Fund’s investment objective that invest in Shariah-compliant securities) ii) 6 July 2009 – FBM Top 100 Index (adoption by Bursa Malaysia of FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series) Iii) Prior to 6 July 2009 - KLCI |93 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Distribution Highlight 2013 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit –Cash(sen) - 1.64 1.75 Net Distribution Per Unit - Cash (sen) *1.70 1.54 1.59 Financial Year End (15 March)# *Distribution is in the form of ‘units’ Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 0.49 times 0.10 times 0.17 times The higher PTR over the financial year of 2013 as a result of higher trading activities undertaken by the Fund. Asset Allocation Year 2013 2012 2011 Equities 82.99% 81.55% 86.32% Collective Investment Scheme 4.53% - - Deposit Placement & Others 12.48% 18.45% 13.68% The Fund exposure in equities was higher in 2013 due to buying activity on selective Shariah-compliant stocks based on their potential to meet the funds objective in the medium and long term. #Note: Effective 28 April 2014, the financial year of PMB SIF ends on 31 March. 94 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 6.1.8 PMB SHARIAH PREMIER FUND Average Total Return For The Period Ended 15 August 2013# Fund/ Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years PMB SPF 8.94% 10.67% 8.74% 6.64% FBMSHA 9.09% 11.20% 10.41% 9.07% Source: Lipper Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 15 August 2013# Fund/Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years PMB SPF 8.94% 35.67% 52.10% 90.23% FBMSHA 9.09% 37.63% 64.13% 138.51% Source: Lipper 1- Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 15 August 2013, PMB SPF posted return total at 8.94% against the benchmark return of 9.09% on the FBMSHA. PMB SPF Source: Lipper |95 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 3-Year Fund Performance Review For the 3-year period ended 15 August 2013, PMB SPF posted return of 35.67% compared to an appreciation of 37.63% on its benchmark. PMB SPF Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period ended 15 August 2013, PMB SPF registered a return of 52.10% compared to a return of 64.13% on its benchmark. PMB SPF Source: Lipper Note: Change on benchmark: i) 15 January 2013 – FBMSHA (change of Fund’s investment objective that invest in Shariah-compliant securities) ii) 6 July 2009 – FBM Top 100 Index (adoption by Bursa Malaysia of FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series) Iii) Prior to 6 July 2009 - KLCI 96 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Distribution Highlight Financial Year End (15 August)# 2013 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit –Cash(sen) 2.50 2.56 - *2.50 2.50 - Net Distribution Per Unit – Cash(sen) *Distribution is in the form of ‘units’ Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 0.62 times 0.34 times 0.25 times The PTR was higher than the previous year as a result of an increase in trading activities undertaken by the Fund during the financial year. Asset Allocation Year 2012 2012 2011 Equities 76.26% 70.47% 75.94% Collective Investment Scheme 5.44% - - Deposit Placement & Others 18.30% 29.53% 24.06% The Fund exposure in equities was higher in 2013 due to buying activity on selective Shariah-compliant stocks based on their potential to meet the funds objective in the medium and long term. #Note: Effective from 28 April 2014, the financial year of PMB SPF will end on 31 August. |97 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 6.1.9 PMB SHARIAH DIVIDEND FUND Average Total Return For The Period Ended 31 March 2013 Fund/Index 1 Year 3 Years Since inception 11/8/2008 PMB SDF 1.00% 5.88% 5.25% FBMSHA Source: Lipper 5.01% 8.37% 8.47% Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 31 March 2013 Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years Since Inception 11/8/2008 PMB SDF 0.99% 19.67% 26.75% FBMSHA 5.00% 27.24% 45.77% Source: Lipper 1- Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 31 March 2013, PMB SDF posted return of 0.99% against a return of 5.00% on the FBMSHA. PMB SDF Source: Lipper 98 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 3-Year Fund Performance Review For the 3-year period ended 31 March 2013, PMB SDF posted return of 18.67% compared to an appreciation of 27.24% on its benchmark. PMB SDF Source: Lipper Fund Performance Review – Since Inception Since inception, (11/8/08-31/3/2013), PMB SDF registered a return of 26.75% compared to a return of 45.77% on its benchmark. PMB SDF Source: Lipper Distribution Highlight 2013 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit –Cash(sen) - 0.90 1.41 Net Distribution Per Unit - Cash (sen) *0.80 0.88 1.37 Financial Year End (31 March) *Distribution is in the form of ‘units’ |99 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 0.73 times 0.99 times 0.78 times The PTR was lower than the previous year as a result of a decrease in trading activities undertaken by the Fund during the financial year. Asset Allocation Year Equities Collective Investment Scheme Deposit Placement & Others 2013 2012 2011 61.50% 52.63% 66.81% 4.79% - - 33.71% 47.37% 33.19% The Fund exposure in equities was higher in 2013 due to buying activity on selective Shariah-compliant stocks based on their potential to meet the funds objective in the medium and long term. 100 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 6.1.10 2014/2015 PMB SHARIAH TNB EMPLOYEES FUND Average Total Return For The Period Ended 30 August 2013 Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 years PMB STEF 6.77% 7.10% 5.38% 3.97% FBM100 6.40% 8.11% 10.42% 9.03% Source: Lipper Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 30 August 2013 Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 years PMB STEF 6.77% 22.88% 30.02% 47.63% FBM100 6.10% 26.40% 64.20% 137.46% Source: Lipper 1- Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 30 August 2013, PMB STEF posted a return of 6.67% against the return of 6.10% on the FBM100. PMB STEF Source: Lipper |101 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 3- Year Fund Performance Review For the 3-year period ended 30 August 2013, PMB STEF projected a total return of 22.88% against the return of 26.40% on the FBM100. PMB STEF Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period ended 30 August 2013, PMB STEF registered a return of 30.02% compared to a return of 64.20% on the FBM100. PMB STEF Source: Lipper .Note: Change on benchmark: i) 7 March 2014 – FBMSHA (change of Fund’s investment objective that invest in Shariah-compliant securities) ii) 6 July 2009 – FBM Top 100 Index (adoption by Bursa Malaysia of FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series) Iii) Prior to 6 July 2009 - KLCI 102 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Distribution Highlight Financial Year End (30 August) 2012 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit –Cash(sen) 1.35 - 1.79 *1.35 *1.50 1.72 Net Distribution Per Unit - Cash (sen) *Distribution is in the form of ‘units’ Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 0.37 times 0.41 times 0.30 times The PTR showed a decrease to 0.37 times due to less active trading during the financial year 2013. Asset Allocation Year 2013 2012 2011 Equities 70.22% 64.80% 80.41% Collective Investment Scheme 5.43% - - Deposit Placement & Others 24.35% 35.20% 19.59% The Fund exposure in equities was higher in 2013 due to buying activity on selective Shariah-compliant stocks based on their potential to meet the funds objective in the medium and long term. |103 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 6.2 MASTER PROSPECTUS MIXED ASSET FUND 6.2.1 PMB SHARIAH TACTICAL FUND Average Total Return For The Period Ended 31 December 2013 Fund/Index PMB STF FBM 100 Source: Lipper 1 Years 3 Year 5 Years 10 years 10.42% 6.84% 10.26% 4.77% 11.39% 7.55% 17.52% 9.23% Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 31 December 2013 Fund/Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 years 10 Years PMB STF 10.42% 0.66% 15.64% 7.90% FBM 100 11.39% 1.94% 48.00% 14.91% Source: Lipper 1- Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 31 December 2013, PMB STF posted a return of 10.42% against the return of 11.39% on the FBM 100. PMB STF PMB STF Source: Lipper 104 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 3- Year Fund Performance Review For the 3-year period ended 31 December 2013, PMB STF posted a return of 0.66% against the return of 1.94% on the FBM 100. PMB STF Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period PMB STF posted a return of 15.64% against the return of 48.0% on the 2x KLIRR. PMB STF PMB STF Source: Lipper Note: Change on benchmark: i) 25 October 2013 – Two times (2X) the performance of 1-Year Adjusted Average Rate of Kuala Lumpur Islamic Reference Rate (KLIRR) (change of Fund’s investment objective that invest in Shariah-compliant securities) ii) 6 July 2009 – FBM Top 100 Index (adoption by Bursa Malaysia of FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series) Iii) Prior to 6 July 2009 - KLCI |105 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Distribution Highlight Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit –Cash(sen) 2.55 1.84 2.51 Net Distribution Per Unit – Cash(sen) 2.55* 1.84 * 2.51 *Distribution is in the form of ‘units’ Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 0.56 times 0.43 times 0.30 times The PTR was higher than the previous year as a result of an increase in trading activities undertaken by the Fund during the financial year. Asset Allocation Year 2013 2012 2011 92.82 % 70.00 % 68.72% Collective Investment Scheme 4.54% - - Derivative 0.09% - - Deposit Placement & Others 2.55% 30.00% 31.38% Equities The Fund exposure in equities was higher in 2013 due to buying activity on selective Shariah-compliant stocks based on their potential to meet the funds objective in the medium and long term. 106 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 6.3 2014/2015 BALANCED FUND 6.3.1 PMB SHARIAH BALANCED FUND Average Total Return For The Period Ended 30 November 2013 Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 years PMB SBF 10.33% 3.80% 6.19% 1.35% FBM 100 & KLIRR 6.54% 6.92% 3.33% 7.02% Source: Lipper Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 30 November 2013 Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 years PMB SBF 10.33% 11.85% 35.08% 8.88% FBM 100 & KLIRR 9.80% 19.68% 13.08% 10.97% Source: Lipper 1- Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 30 November 2013, PMB SBF posted return of 10.33% against a return of 9.80% on the 50% FBMSHA & 50% 12-Month KLIRR. 12 1-Year Fund Performance Review 10 8 % Return 6 4 2 30-Nov-13 31-Oct-13 30-Sep-13 31-Aug-13 31-Jul-13 30-Jun-13 31-May-13 30-Apr-13 31-Mar-13 28-Feb-13 31-Jan-13 31-Dec-12 -2 30-Nov-12 0 Source: Lipper |107 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 3-Year Fund Performance Review For the 3-year period ended 30 November 2013, PMB SBF posted return of 11.85% compared to an appreciation of 19.86% on its benchmark. 3-Year Fund Performance Review 25.00 20.00 % Return 15.00 10.00 5.00 30-Nov-13 30-Sep-13 31-Jul-13 31-Mar-13 31-May-13 31-Jan-13 30-Nov-12 30-Sep-12 31-Jul-12 31-May-12 31-Jan-12 31-Mar-12 30-Nov-11 30-Sep-11 31-Jul-11 31-Jan-11 31-May-11 -10.00 31-Mar-11 -5.00 30-Nov-10 0.00 Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period, PMB SBF registered a return of 35.08% compared to a return of 66.37% on its benchmark. 5-Year Fund Performance Review 80.00 70.00 % Return 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 -10.00 30-Nov-08 30-Nov-09 30-Nov-10 30-Nov-11 30-Nov-12 30-Nov-13 Source: Lipper Note: Change on benchmark: i) 15 January 2013 – 50% FBMSHA + 50% 1 year KLIRR (change of Fund’s investment objective that invest in Shariah-compliant securities) ii) 6 July 2009 – 60% FBM Top 100 Index + 40% Maybank’s 12 month Fixed Deposit Rate (adoption by Bursa Malaysia of FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series) Iii) Prior to 6 July 2009 – 60% KLCI + 40% Maybank’s 12 month Fixed Deposit Rate 108 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Distribution Highlight Financial Year End (30 November) 2013 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit - Cash(sen) 2.20 - - Net Distribution Per Unit - Cash(sen) *Distribution is in the form of ‘units’ *2.20 2.0 - Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2012 0.42 0.31 0.31 The higher PTR over the financial year of 2013 as a result of higher trading activities undertaken by the Fund. Asset Allocation Year 2013 2012 2011 Equities 48.38% 41.17% 44.15% Collective Investment Scheme 15.78% - - Deposit Placement & Others 35.84% 58.83% 55.85% The equity exposure was at 48.38% up by 4.71% compared to the previous year. The Fund’s exposure in equities was increased due to buying activity on selective Shariah-compliant stocks based on their potential to meet the funds objective in the medium and long term. |109 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 6.4 MASTER PROSPECTUS MONEY MARKET FUND 6.4.1 PMB SHARIAH CASH MANAGEMENT FUND Average Total Return For The Period Ended 30 June 2013 Fund / Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since relaunch 21/11/05 PMB SCMF 2.85% 2.60% 2.38% 2.68% BENCHMARK ^ 2.97% 2.88% 2.70% 2.94% Source: Lipper^ BNM Overnight Islamic Interbank Rate Annual Total Return For The Period Ended 30 June 2013 Fund/Index 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since relaunch 21/11/05 PMB SCMF 2.84% 8.00% 12.46% 24.42% BENCHMARK^ 2.96% 8.89% 14.26% 35.88% Source: Lipper^ BNM Overnight Islamic Interbank Rate 1- Year Fund Performance Review For the 1-year period ended 15 June 2013, PMB SCMF posted return of 2.84% against the return of 2.96% on the BNM Islamic Interbank Overnight Rate. PMB SCMF Source: Lipper 110 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 3-Year Fund Performance Review For the 3-year period ended 15 June 2013, PMB SCMF posted a return of 8.00% compared to an appreciation of 8.89% on its benchmark. PMB SCMF Source: Lipper 5-Year Fund Performance Review For the 5-year period, PMB SCMF registered a return of 12.46% compared to a return of 14.26% on its benchmark. PMB SCMF Source: Lipper Note: Change on benchmark: i) 28 April 2013 – BNM Overnight Islamic Interbank Overnight Rate quoted at the Islamic Interbank Money Market (IIMM) of Bank Negara Malaysia (revised to reflect Fund’s investment in short term money market instruments) ii) 21 November 2005 – BNM 3-month Islamic Interbank Rate (change of Fund’s investment objective into a Shariah money market fund) Iii) Prior to November 2005 – KLCI |111 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Distribution Highlight Financial Year End (15 June) 2013 2012 2011 Gross Distribution Per Unit - Cash(sen) 1.10 2.83 1.24 Net Distribution Per Unit - Cash (sen) *1.10 2.72 1.24 *Distribution is in the form of ‘units’ Portfolio Turnover Ratio 2013 2012 2011 1.80 times 5.45 times 3.33 times The PTR was lower than the previous year as a result of a decrease in trading activities undertaken by the fund during the financial year. Asset Allocation Year 2013 2012 2011 Islamic money market instruments 14.59% 33.31% 60.58% Deposit placement and others 85.41% 66.69% 39.42% The asset allocation for Islamic money market instruments decreased to 14.59% from the previous 33.31%.The Fund exposure in deposit placement was increased as the strategy to overweight money market instruments. 112 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 7. 2014/2015 HISTORICAL FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The Audited financial statements of the Funds are disclosed in the Fund’s annual report. The Fund’s annual report is available upon request. Past performance is not an indication of its future performance. 7.1 EQUITY FUNDS 7.1.1 PMB DANA AL-AIMAN Financial Year Ending 15 May Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment Income/(loss) (RM) 8,737,268 3,988,932 10,257,434 Total Expenses (RM) (1,327,724) (1,270,081) (1,365,074) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 7,409,544 2,718,851 8,892,360 Taxation (RM) (3,471) (76,536) (172,175) Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 7,406,073 2,642,315 8,720,185 Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment (RM) 65,966,787 74,073,863 68,689,158 Other Asset (RM) 2,508,338 1,285,501 3,850,443 Total Assets (RM) 68,475,125 75,359,364 73,539,601 Total Liabilities (RM) (5,884,719) (4,282,311) (4,334,737) Net Asset Value (RM) 62,590,406 71,077,053 69,204,864 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 62,590,406 71,077,053 69,204,864 |113 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 7.1.2 PMB DANA MUTIARA Financial Year Ending 15 June Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment Income (RM) 890,123 (188,551) (74,984) Total Expenses (RM) (171,087) (170,245) (203,388) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 719,036 (358,796) (278,372) Taxation (RM) 1,168 (3,623) (25,697) Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 720,204 (362,419) (304,069) Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment (RM) 7,486,665 8,018,451 9,844,402 Other Asset (RM) 5,146,300 576,950 388,257 Total Assets (RM) 8,032,965 8,595,401 10,232,659 Total Liabilities (RM) (169,409) (479,642) (305,891) Net Asset Value (RM) 7,863,556 8,115,759 9,926,768 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 7,863,556 8,115,759 9,926,768 114 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 7.1.3 PMB DANA BESTARI Financial Year Ending 15 August Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment Income/(loss) (RM) 929,497 1,086,759 (603,248) Total Expenses (RM) (267,606) (275,180) (332,170) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 661,891 811,579 (935,418) Taxation (RM) 440 (16,277) (19,812) Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 662,331 795,302 (955,230) Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment (RM) 11,134,617 12,620,096 14,782,432 Other Asset (RM) 293,394 172,498 504,540 Total Assets (RM) 11,428,011 12,792,594 15,286,972 Total Liabilities (RM) (671,243) (62,391) (530,487) Net Asset Value (RM) 10,756,768 12,730,203 14,756,485 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 10,756,768 12,730,203 14,756,485 |115 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 7.1.4 PMB SHARIAH AGGRESSIVE FUND Financial Year Ending 15 July Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment Income (RM) 1,036,323 482,146 269,864 Total Expenses (RM) (88,832) (82,203) (85,851) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 947,491 399,943 184,013 Taxation (RM) (7,038) (2,729) (5,593) Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 940,453 397,214 178,474 Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment (RM) 4,986,280 3,547,231 3,091,544 Other Asset (RM) 265,343 85,886 633,160 Total Assets (RM) 5,251,623 3,633,117 3,724,704 Total Liabilities (RM) (250,343) (35,658) (38,625) Net Asset Value (RM) 5,001,280 3,597,459 3,686,079 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 5,001,280 3,597,459 3,686,079 116 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 7.1.5 PMB SHARIAH GROWTH FUND Financial Year Ending 15 February Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2014 2013 2012 Total Investment Income/(loss) (RM) 2,281,529 522,412 464,804 Total Expenses (RM) (159,936) (132,517) (118,277) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 2,121,593 389,895 346,527 Taxation (RM) (8,083) (5,833) (8,438) Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 2,113,510 384,062 338,089 Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2014 2013 2012 Total Investment (RM) 9,029,166 5,913,924 5,588,224 Other Asset (RM) 219,280 281,301 292,347 Total Assets (RM) 9,248,446 6,195,225 5,880,571 Total Liabilities (RM) (691,358) (11,947) (13,725) Net Asset Value (RM) 8,557,088 6,183,278 5,866,846 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 8,557,088 6,183,278 5,866,846 |117 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 7.1.6 PMB SHARIAH MID-CAP FUND Financial Year Ending 30 April Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment Income/(loss) (RM) 1,371,948 26,897 6,244,647 Total Expenses (RM) (598,054) (599,931) (633,017) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 773,894 (573,034) 5,611,630 Taxation (RM) (23,040) (2,018) (88,669) Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 750,854 (575,052) 5,522,961 Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment (RM) 29,222,596 27,664,948 33,031,299 Other Asset (RM) 910,479 3,157,443 1,341,724 Total Assets (RM) 30,133,075 30,822,391 34,373,023 Total Liabilities (RM) (2,594,012) (1,409,486) (2,090,858) Net Asset Value (RM) 27,539,063 29,412,905 32,282,165 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 27,539,063 29,412,905 32,282,165 118 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 7.1.7 PMB SHARIAH INDEX FUND Financial Year Ending 15 March Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment Income (RM) 816,743 1,042,228 2,734,131 Total Expenses (RM) (262,739) (228,816) (229,439) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 554,004 813,412 2,504,692 Taxation (RM) (17,566) (27,539) (42,163) Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 536,438 785,873 2,462,529 Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment (RM) 15,944,338 12,910,875 12,332,704 Other Asset (RM) 200,292 285,516 750,198 Total Assets (RM) 16,144,630 13,196,391 13,082,902 Total Liabilities (RM) (575,360) (435,471) (484,429) Net Asset Value (RM) 15,569,270 12,760,920 12,598,473 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 15,569,270 12,760,920 12,598,473 |119 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 7.1.8 PMB SHARIAH PREMIER FUND Financial Year Ending 15 August Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment Income/(loss) (RM) 4,443,928 6,041,072 2,515,196 Total Expenses (RM) (878,531) (795,842) (810,627) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 3,565,397 5,245,230 1,704,569 Taxation (RM) 10,050 (76,367) (191,145) Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 3,575,447 5,168,863 1,513,424 Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment (RM) 41,904,221 41,412,177 39,547,150 Other Asset (RM) 573,445 1,029,228 2,774,478 Total Assets (RM) 42,477,666 42,441,405 42,321,628 Total Liabilities (RM) (2,962,152) (3,062,512) (227,836) Net Asset Value (RM) 39,515,514 39,378,893 42,093,792 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 39,515,514 39,378,893 42,093,792 120 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 7.1.9 PMB SHARIAH DIVIDEND FUND Financial Year Ending 31 March Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment Income (RM) 322,255 215,228 692,308 Total Expenses (RM) (196,451) (195,611) (85,325) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 125,804 19,617 606,983 Taxation (RM) (14,676) (8,744) (9,068) Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 111,128 10,873 597,915 Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment (RM) 6,421,976 9,749,100 5,407,139 Other Asset (RM) 163,079 3,777,090 643,496 Total Assets (RM) 6,585,055 13,526,190 6,050,635 Total Liabilities (RM) (225,606) (479,394) (577,302) Net Asset Value (RM) 6,359,449 13,046,796 5,473,333 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 6,359,449 13,046,796 5,473,333 |121 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 7.1.10 PMB SHARIAH TNB EMPLOYEES FUND Financial Year Ending 30 August Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment Income/(loss) (RM) 1,679,690 2,033,963 733,869 Total Expenses (RM) (375,964) (358,831) (356,844) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 1,303,726 1,675,132 377,025 Taxation (RM) (118,018) (4,877) (31,257) Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 1,185,708 1,670,255 345,768 Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment (RM) 19,535,210 17,226,472 16,768,364 Other Asset (RM) 318,030 912,330 463,619 Total Assets (RM) 19,853,240 18,138,802 17,231,983 Total Liabilities (RM) (1,613,779) (30,162) (847,008) Net Asset Value (RM) 18,239,461 18,108,640 16,384,975 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 18,239,461 18,108,640 16,384,975 122 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 7.2 MIXED ASSET FUND 7.2.1 PMB SHARIAH TACTICAL FUND 2014/2015 Financial Year Ending 31 December Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment Income/(loss) (RM) 2,055,717 1,914,209 308,534 Total Expenses (RM) (380,568) (352,656) (335,672) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 1,675,149 1,561,553 (27,138) Taxation (RM) (1,852) (3,380) 89,577 Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 1,673,297 1,558,173 62,438 Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment (RM) 19,074,698 21,232,972 13,766,576 Other Asset (RM) 692,175 216,761 1,858,551 Total Assets (RM) 19,766,873 21,449,733 15,625,127 Total Liabilities (RM) (1,579,827) (814,035) (808,913) Net Asset Value (RM) 18,187,046 20,635,698 14,816,214 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 18,187,046 20,635,698 14,816,214 |123 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 7.3 BALANCED FUND 7.3.1 PMB SHARIAH BALANCED FUND Financial Year Ending 30 November Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment Income/(loss) (RM) 146,404 86,331 (33,945) Total Expenses (RM) (24,959) (29,861) 34,422 Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 121,445 56,470 (68,367) Taxation (RM) - (1,036) (2,555) Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 121,445 55,434 (70,922) Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 2011 Total Investment (RM) 1,249,426 1,085,050 1,049,265 Other Asset (RM) 84,190 169,148 179,720 Total Assets (RM) 1,333,616 1,254,198 1,228,985 Total Liabilities (RM) (40,082) (19,911) (4,971) Net Asset Value (RM) 1,293,534 1,234,287 1,224,014 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 1,293,534 1,234,287 1,224,014 124 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 7.4 2014/2015 MONEY MARKET FUND 7.4.1 PMB SHARIAH CASH MANAGEMENT FUND Financial Year Ending 30 June Extract of Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure Financial Year End 2013 2012 #15 June 2011 Total Investment Income (RM) 537,730 243,715 265,168 Total Expenses (RM) (46,171) (51,300) (55,833) Net Income/(loss) before taxation (RM) 491,559 192,415 209,335 Taxation (RM) 10,773 (12,913) - Net Income/(loss) after taxation (RM) 502,332 179,502 209,335 Extract of Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities Financial Year End 2013 2012 #15 June 2011 Total Investment (RM) 21,115,044 5,796,164 8,212,163 Other Asset (RM) 142,338 479,711 193,067 Total Assets (RM) 21,257,382 6,275,875 8,405,230 Total Liabilities (RM) (873,201) (345,542) (206,507) Net Asset Value (RM) 20,384,181 5,930,333 8,198,723 Unit Holders Funds (RM) 20,384,181 5,930,333 8,198,723 # Note: The Fund financial year end has been changed to 30th June with effective 28 April 2012. |125 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 7.5 TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENSES The table below shows the total annual expenses incurred by the Funds in their respective preceding financial year-ends. Fund Management Fee RM Trustee Fee RM % ’000 Fund Expenses RM % ’000 Total Annual Expenses RM % ’000 % ’000 PMB AL-AIMAN 1,007 1.50 254 0.41 254 0.41 1,270 1.81 PMB MUTIARA 119 1.50 45 0.57 45 0.57 170 1.96 PMB BESTARI 180 1.50 76 0.71 76 0.71 275 2.06 PMB SAF 57 1.50 28 0.56 28 0.56 82 2.39 PMB SGF 93 1.50 33 0.53 33 0.53 118 2.10 PMB SMCF 442 1.50 126 0.46 126 0.46 600 1.92 PMB SIF 185 1.50 64 0.41 64 0.41 229 1.80 PMB SPF 610 1.50 228 0.58 228 0.58 796 1.92 PMB SDF 130 1.80 49 2.37 49 2.37 196 3.01 PMB STF 256 1.50 107 0.59 107 0.59 353 2.13 PMB STEF 278 1.50 79 0.44 79 0.44 359 2.08 PMB SBF 13 1.50 11 0.81 11 0.81 30 2.40 PMB SCMF 29 0.04 9 0.04 9 0.04 51 0.68 The percentage was calculated based on the Average NAV. 126 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 7.6 2014/2015 MANAGEMENT EXPENSES RATIO (MER) The MER of the Funds for the respective latest financial year are as follows: Fund/Financial Year End 2013 (%) 2012 (%) 2011 (%) PMB AL-AIMAN 1.69 1.66 1.91 PMB MUTIARA 1.80 1.79 1.93 PMB BESTARI 1.78 1.76 1.86 PMB SAF 1.93 1.93 2.37 PMB SGF 1.72 1.71 1.96 PMB SMCF 1.80 1.79 1.89 PMB SIF 1.54 1.73 1.81 PMB SPF 1.72 1.70 1.86 PMB SDF 2.11 2.31 2.64 PMB SBF 1.69 2.16 2.35 PMB STF 1.82 1.84 1.92 PMB STEF 1.76 1.80 1.98 PMB SCMF 0.26 0.69 0.64 Note: The MER for PMB Al-Aiman. PMB Mutiara, PMB Bestari, PMB SGF, PMB SMCF, PMB STF and PMB STEF were relatively stable at 1.66 – 1.82 range. The MER for PMB SIF, PMB SBF and PMB SCMF were lower compared to the corresponding financial year due to the lower management fees. |127 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 8. FEES, CHARGES AND EXPENSES There are fees and charges involved and investors are advised to consider them before investing in the Fund. 8.1 CHARGES Charges payable by the investors directly when investing in the Fund, are as below – Charges Distribution Channel(s) IUTAs, Agents & direct purchase Sales charge per unit Repurchase charge per unit % of the NAV Fund 6.0 % Applicable to all Funds except PMB SCMF EPF Members’ Investment Scheme 3.0% Applicable to all Funds except PMB SCMF IUTAs, Agents, direct purchase and EPF Member’s Scheme Nil PMB SCMF IUTAs, Agents, direct purchase & EPF Members’ Investment Scheme Nil Applicable to all Funds In calculating the charges imposed, any adjustments for rounding up would only be conducted once at the charges level and only up to 4 decimal places. *Note: The Manager may, at its discretion, charge a lower sales charge based on criteria as may be determined from time to time. 8.1.1 Sales Charge The computations for sales charge per unit are illustrated as below:Assuming that the NAV per unit of PMB SIF on a particular date is RM0.5000 with the sales charge of 6.0%, the amount of sales charge per unit, incurred would be:Sales Charge = NAV per unit x Rate of Sales Charge = RM0.5000 x 6.0% = RM0.0300 per unit Thus, those who purchased units of PMB SIF on that date shall pay RM0.5300 per unit (inclusive of RM0.0300 being the sales charge per unit). NAV per unit RM0.5000 +) Sales charge RM0.0300 Subscribing Price/ unit 128 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 RM0.5300 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Whereas, if you would like to invest RM10,000 at the NAV per unit of RM0.5000:Units allocated = RM10,000/RM0.5000 = 20,000 Units Sales charge = 20,000 units x RM0.5000 x 6.0% = RM600.00 = (20,000 units x RM0.5000)+RM600 = RM10,600.00 Amount payable by you 8.1.2 Repurchase Charge We do not impose any repurchase charge when you redeem your units. 8.1.3 Transfer Fee RM10 per transaction (excluding stamp duty). 8.1.4 Switching Fee This facility enables Unit Holders to switch units of one fund to units of other funds managed by the Manager which is available for sale. Units switched are transacted at the fund’s NAV per unit. The minimum investment that can be switched in each transaction is 1,000 Units. The conditions for switching are set out below: The charges for switching are set out below: To Equity funds Mixed Asset/ Balanced fund Money Market fund RM25 per transaction RM25 per transaction Nil Mixed Asset /Balanced fund RM25 per transaction RM25 per transaction Nil Money Market fund Up to 6% of amount switched Up to 6% of amount switched Not applicable From Switching Charges 8.2 Equity fund FEES When investing in the Funds, you may also incur indirect fees which are charged to the Fund as follows:8.2.1 Annual Management Fee The annual management fee is calculated daily at 1.5% per annum of the NAV of a Fund, except for PMB SBF at the rate of 1.0% per annum, PMB SIF at the rate of 0.6% per annum and PMB SCMF at the rate of 0.4% per annum, before accruing the management fee and the trustee fee on the valuation point. |129 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 The computation of the annual management fee for a particular date based on the following method:(NAV before accruing the management fee and the trustee fee on the valuation point) X (the rate of management fee) Number of days in a year Assuming the NAV before accruing the management fee and trustee fee on a particular date is RM280,000.00 and the rate of management fee for the relevant fund is 1.5% per annum, the amount of the management fee charged for that particular date would be:Management Fee 8.2.2 = RM280,000 X 1.5% /365 days = RM11.51 Annual Trustee Fee The annual trustee fee is calculated daily at 0.1% per annum of the NAV of a Fund, (except for PMB SDF at the rate of 0.1% per annum subject to a minimum fee of RM18,000 per annum and PMB SCMF at the rate of 0.05% per annum) based on NAV, before accruing the annual management fee and the trustee fee accrued on the valuation point. The computation of the annual trustee fee for a particular date is based on the following method:(NAV before accruing the management fee and the trustee fee on the valuation point) X (the rate of trustee fee) Number of days in a year Assuming the NAV before accruing the management fee and trustee fee on a particular date is RM280,000.00 and the rate of trustee fee for the relevant fund is 0.1% per annum, the amount of the trustee fee charged for that particular date would be:Trustee Fee 8.3 = RM280,000 X 0.1% / 365 days = RM0.77 EXPENSES The Funds may incur the following operational and administrative expenses: - Commissions/fees paid to brokers/dealers in effecting dealings in the investments of the Fund shown on the contract notes or confirmation notes; - Charges/fees paid to sub-custodian; - Tax and other duties charged on the Fund by the Government and other authorities; - The fees and other expenses properly incurred by the auditor appointed for the Fund; - Fees for the valuation of any investments of the Fund by independent valuers for the benefit of the Fund; - Cost of printing the Annual/Interim reports - Costs incurred for the modification of the Deeds of the Fund other than those for the benefit of the Management Company and/or Trustee; - Cost incurred for any meeting of the Unit Holders other than those convened by, or for the benefit of, the Management Company and/or Trustee; and - Any other fees/expenses permitted by the Deed. Expenses related to the issuance of this Master Prospectus will be borne by the Manager. 130 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 8.4 2014/2015 REBATE AND COMMISSION The Manager and the Trustee are not entitled to any rebates or to share any commission from broker in consideration for direct dealings in the investments of the Funds. Accordingly, any rebates and shared commissions will be directed to the account of the Funds. However, we may receive goods or services by way of soft commissions provided always that the goods or services are of demonstrable benefit to the Funds and that the execution of a transaction is consistent with the best execution standards. . |131 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 9. MASTER PROSPECTUS TRANSACTION INFORMATION HOW CAN YOU KEEP TRACK OF YOUR INVESTMENT The annual and interim reports with information on the performance and investments of the funds are issued to unit holders of the funds within two (2) months from the closing of their respective interim and financial year periods. You may obtain our latest information, our products and services, and market outlook at our website Our officers will provide you with more specific information on your investments should you require such service. You may communicate with us via : • Investor Relation Careline: 03: 4145 3900 • Email : • Website: Complete the feedback form at You may also walk-in to the Head Office or any of our regional offices during normal business hours, 8.45 a.m. to 5.15 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, (excluding public holidays) or write to the same. Fund prices will be published daily on the website as well through some local major newspapers. 9.1 TRANSACTION DETAILS • How to Start Investing Please read and understand the Master Prospectus (and any supplementary master prospectus) and Product Highlight Sheet (PHS) before investing. You must attain the age of at least 18 on the date of application. If you fulfill this requirement, all you have to do is to complete an FIMM Pre-Investment Form, as well as PMB Investment’s Suitability Assessment Form and Master Application Form for initial account opening. In addition, you need to complete the Investment Request Form for buying transaction together with a photocopy of I.C. or related document. • How to Conduct Subsequent Transaction For subsequent transaction, simply complete the Investment Request Form (to make additional investment). If your completed Suitability Assessment Form is done more than three (3) years prior to this transaction, you need to do a new assessment. • Application and Acceptance Application of units should be made before the cut-off time at 3.00 p.m. with cleared payment on any business day. The units will be issued at NAV per unit calculated at the end of the business day (i.e. “forward pricing”) on which the application to purchase is received by the Manager. Any application received after the cut-off time, the request will be deemed to have been received on the next business day. We reserve the right to vary the terms and conditions of investment and payment modes from time to time, which shall be communicated to you in writing. Note that we reserve the right to reject any application without providing any reason, whatsoever. We may also reject any application that is not complete and/or not accompanied by the required documents. 132 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 9.2 2014/2015 PAYMENT METHODS • Via Cheque, Bank Draft or Money Order Payment can be made by cheque, bank draft or money order drawn on a bank located in Malaysia in Ringgit Malaysia (RM), crossed, made payable to “PMB Investment Berhad”. Applicants are to write their name and NRIC number or passport number or corporate/institutional registration number at the back of the cheque, draft or money order. Application shall be processed based on the net amount received. Where payment is by cheque, the cheque must be issued by the investor. • Via Bank Transfer Services (Telegraphic Transfer/Inter-Bank GIRO /Online Banking) Applicants may transfer the subscription proceeds directly into the bank account of PMB Investment Berhad via telegraphic transfer/Inter-bank GIRO/online banking. Please include applicant’s name in the transaction description where applicable for reference. Details of our principal bank accounts are as follows: Bank • Account number Malayan Banking Berhad (Akaun Al-Wadiah) A/c No.: 5-64342-00013-8 Public Islamic Bank Berhad A/c No.: 3810755226 CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad A/c No.: 8600006139 Bank Muamalat (Malaysia) Berhad A/c No.: 14010003688717 Bank Islam (Malaysia) Berhad A/c No.: 14153010008206 Via Auto debit You may choose to invest on a regular basis through a bank auto-debit (standing instruction) facility at the following financial institutions:a) b) c) d) • Bank Simpanan Nasional Malayan Banking Berhad CIMB Bank Berhad RHB Bank Berhad Via Salary Deduction If you are a Government servant, you can invest regularly by applying for the salary deduction instruction through ANGKASA. If you are in the private sector, you may check with your employer on the Employee’s Salary Deduction Scheme for a regular monthly investment. • EPF Members’ Investment Scheme You may also withdraw from your EPF Account 1, to be invested in a Fund approved by EPF under its Members’ Investment Scheme. To apply for withdrawal, you are required to also complete a Borang KWSP 9N (AHL) for each application for withdrawal to invest via the EPF Members’ Investment Scheme. Please note that investment through EPF MIS is subject to the terms and conditions set by the EPF and investors are therefore advised to check on the details accordingly from EPF. Investors are advised not to make payment in cash when purchasing units of a fund via any institutional/retail agent. |133 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 9.3 MASTER PROSPECTUS COOLING-OFF POLICY A first time investor with the Manager shall have the right, within 6 business days, (commencing from the day the completed application is received and accepted by the Manager) to withdraw his/her investment in the fund. However, this cooling-off period does not apply to corporations or institutions, staff of the Manager and a person registered with a body approved by the SC to deal in unit trusts. An investor who exercises his/her right to withdraw during the cooling-off period is entitled to receive a full refund of the money initially invested i.e.:- the NAV per unit on the day the units were first purchased; plus - the sales charge per unit originally imposed on the day the units were purchased The money payable out of this transaction must be refunded to the investor within 10 days of the Manager’s receipt of the repurchase request. 9.4 REPURCHASING/REDEEMING AN INVESTMENT You may redeem all or some of the units held on any business day by completing a Transaction Form together with a photocopy of your NRIC. • • • Redemption for Funds other than PMB SCMF - For a request to redeem units received or deemed to have been received by us on or before 3.00 p.m. on any business day, units will be redeemed at the NAV per unit calculated at the end of business day on which the request was received (“forward pricing”). - Where the repurchase request is received after the cut-off time, i.e. after 3.00 p.m., the request will be deemed to have been received on the next business day. - Payment will be made within 10 days of the receipt of redemption request. - We reserve the right to vary the terms and conditions of repurchase/redemption mode from time to time, which shall be communicated to you in writing. Redemption for PMB SCMF - If a repurchase applications is received on or before 9.15 a.m., repurchase monies will be paid on the next business day (T+1). For repurchase application received after 9.15 a.m., the request is deemed to have been received on the next business day and the repurchase monies will be paid on the following business day. - The applicable repurchase price would be based on the NAV or unit at the end of the business day on which the request to repurchase is received by the manager. - In the event of any technical difficulties beyond the Manager’s control or should the redemption request in the sale of units cannot be liquidated at an appropriate price or on adequate terms and is as such not in the interest of the existing Unit Holders, redemption monies may be paid at such other period or may be permitted by the relevant authorities from time to time. Redemption related to EPF Members’ Investment Scheme • Redemption proceeds will be paid to the EPF and to be credited into your EPF account. General - No restriction on the frequency of redemption. For certificate holders, you can only redeem your units upon surrendering the unit certificate(s). - There is no minimum number of units for redemption but a Unit Holder must retain at least 100 units upon partial redemption. 134 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 9.5 2014/2015 - No redemption fee is charged. However, any applicable bank charges and other bank fees incurred as a result of a withdrawal by way of telegraphic transfer, bankers cheque or other special payment method will be borne by the Unit Holder. - If the units are held in the names of more than one Unit Holder, where mode of holding is specified as “Joint Application”, redemption request will have to be signed by all the joint holders unless the joint applicant is a minor. CHANNELS TO PURCHASE AND REDEEM UNITS You may refer the address of our Head Office and list of our regional and agency offices and institutional unit trust agents on page 1. 9.6 SWITCHING BETWEEN FUNDS • Switching is a facility which enables you to convert units of a particular unit trust fund for the units of our other unit trust funds. Simply complete the Transaction Form. Unit holders are required to enclose the certificate of investment (if any) upon switching. • All Unit Holders are allowed to switch from one fund to any other funds managed by the Manager. The minimum amount you can switch is 1,000 units. • Switching charges are as per condition below: - No switching fee will be imposed if switching is made to fund with lower or no sales charge (e.g. equity fund to money market fund) - RM25 per transaction if the sales charge of the fund to be switched into is equal to the sales charge of the fund from which switching is made (e.g. equity fund to balanced fund) - At sales charge if the sales charge of fund to be switched into exceeds the sales charge of the fund from which switching is made (e.g. money market fund to equity fund). However, if the originating fund from which switching is made is from equity or balanced fund, the switching fee shall be RM25 only. - The Manager reserves the right to reject any switching request : i) that it regards as disruptive to efficient portfolio management; or ii) if deemed by the Manager to be contrary to the best interest of the affected Fund; or iii) subject to availability of units. • To switch between the Funds managed by the Manager, you can simply complete the switching form at the Manager’s Head Office, Regional and Agency Offices. (Please refer to Section 8.1 page 126 for switching charges). 9.7 TRANSFER OF UNITS • An investor may transfer some or all of units held to another investor by completing a Transfer Form. Subject to the provisions of the Deed, transfer of unit can be made provided that the units registered thereof are not less than the minimum prescribed number of units. • In the case of a death, bankruptcy or insanity, the units shall be transferred to the remaining/surviving joint holder provided that the age of remaining / surviving joint holder, if any, is at least 18 years old, or to the executors or administrators of the deceased and subject to the applicability of any Shariah principles (for Muslim investors). • Both the transferor (the Unit Holder) and transferee must complete the Transfer Form and submit it to the Manager together with the certificate or any supporting document to prove the title of the transferor. The Manager may refuse to register a transfer of less than 100 Units or where the balance in the transferor’s holding is less than 100 Units or any other amount as may be determined by the Manager from time to time. |135 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 • 9.8 MASTER PROSPECTUS The transfer shall be affected within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request. A fee of not exceeding RM10.00 will be charged for a transfer of units and issuance of a new certificate (if any). A QUICK GUIDE ON HOW TO BUY, SELL, SWITCH & TRANSFER How to Make an Initial Investment Documents Required Individual Investor: • Pre-Investment Form by FIMM (for every new fund) • Suitability Assessment Form • Master Application Form • Investment Request Form • KWSP 9N(AHL) Form (if investing via the EPF MIS) • A photocopy of NRIC.; or • Passport (if applicant is Malaysian resident or foreigner) Minimum amount For Initial investment : • Direct purchase : 100 units or RM100 whichever is higher in value. Corporate investor: • Master Application Form • Pre-Investment Form by FIMM (for every new fund) • Suitability Assessment Form • Investment Request Form • A copy of each of the company’s resolution and certificate of incorporation (certified by a director or company secretary); • List of authorised signatories and specimen signatures; • Form 11, 13, 49 and other documents, if required Completed forms and documents required should be submitted together with payment or proof of payment Make Additional Investment Individual Investor • Investment Request Form • A copy of (NRIC./passport ); or • KWSP 9N (AHL) Form (if investing via the EPF MIS) Corporate Investor: • Investment Request Form Signed by authorized signatories and company stamp • Board Resolution or any other necessary authorization Completed forms and documents required should be submitted together with payment or proof of payment. 136 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 For additional investment: • Direct purchase: 50 units or RM50 whichever is higher in value. • Auto debit: RM50 per instruction for each Fund MASTER PROSPECTUS Redeem, Switching and Transfer Individual Investor (single/joint applicant ) Redeem/Switching • Transaction Form • A copy of NRIC/passport • Pre-Investment form (For switching to new fund) Transfer • Transfer Form A copy of NRIC/passport Corporate Investor Redeem/Switching • Transaction form Signed by authorized signatories and company stamp • Board Resolution or any other necessary authorization 9.9 2014/2015 For both individual and corporate investor Repurchase/redemption: • No minimum number of units, however, upon partial redemption/repurchase, at least 100 units should be retained. Switch & Transfer: • 1000 units per transaction; or not more than the units held. • For transfer of units, the minimum amount may be determined by the Manager from time to time INCOME DISTRIBUTION AND REINVESTMENT POLICIES • Income Distribution Income of a Fund includes dividends from shares, profit from deposit placement and debt income securities, and capital gains realized from the disposal of investments in the Fund. The Fund may distribute all or part of its net income and or net realized capital gains to its Unit Holders at the discretion of the Manager, subject to the Trustee’s approval. Potential investors are however advised that the distribution is subject to the Deed and the objective of each Fund, and after taking into consideration the total return of the Fund, income for the period, cash flow of the distribution, and stability and sustainability of the distribution of return. Income distribution will be paid to eligible Unit Holders via: - Distribution warrants; or Cheques. In certain cases, upon presentation to the depositing banks or financial institutions, the distribution warrants or cheques may attract bank commission or transaction charges which will be borne by the Unit Holders. The income distributed may be in the form of ‘units’ instead of cash. A statement of the distribution of units will be delivered to the Unit Holder within a reasonable time period, as permitted by the Guidelines. • Unit Split The Fund may undertake a unit split exercise to reduce the price of the units and this can only be conducted once in every 12 month-period. The unit split exercise may be conducted at the time of the distribution of return or at any time within the financial year. Where the exercise is conducted within the financial year, the Fund needs to show a sustainable appreciation in its NAV in the preceding 6-month period. • Reinvestment Policies Reinvestment instruction of income distribution may be applied by Unit Holders by marking the instruction in the application form. The distribution will be credited to the Unit Holder’s investment account. The value of the reinvestment of distribution will be equivalent to the NAV per unit on the |137 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS first business day following the Distribution Date. No charge will be imposed on the distribution reinvestment. However, if a Unit Holder wishes to reinvest the distribution upon receipt of distribution warrants / cash, such distribution reinvestment will be treated as normal sales of units. Auto Reinvestment • Auto reinvestment will be applied to the followings: • - Distribution amount of less than RM50, which will be reinvested at the Unit price equivalent to the NAV per unit computed at the end of the next business day following the Distribution Date. No additional charge will be imposed on the distribution reinvestment. - Uncashed distribution warrant / cheques upon a lapse of 6 months of the validity period. The distribution will be reinvested by purchasing additional units of the Fund on their behalf, based on NAV per unit on the 15th day of the following month or such earlier date is determined by the Manager. The warrant for distribution and/or statement of investment will be sent to the latest address recorded in the Unit Holder register. - Fund’s distribution of income is by way of units, irrespective of the standing instruction given by the Unit Holders to the contrary. - Unit Holder should notify the Manager of their option for reinvestment and any change of address within fourteen (14) business days prior to each distribution date. Unclaimed Distribution Distributions (if any) if not claimed within 6 months after the date of payment will be automatically reinvested provided that the Unit Holder’s account remains active and subject to the availability of units to be subscribed. In the event that Unit Holder’s account is already closed, the monies will be sent to the Office of Registrar of Unclaimed Monies, Accountant General’s Department as required under the Unclaimed Monies Act 1965 (as may be amended). 9.10 DETERMINATION OF PRICE • Forward Pricing The price of units of a fund is determined based on the NAV per unit as at the next valuation point after a request for sales or repurchase of Units is received by the Manager. Dealing cut off time for any units to be issued and/or redeemed shall reach the Manager before 3.00 p.m. on the business day except for PMB SCMF. For PMB SCMF, the dealing cut-off time is 9.15 a.m. Any applications received after cut-off time will be treated as if received on the following business day. • Single Pricing Regime (SPR) According to the SPR, the creation, cancellation, selling and buying/repurchase prices for Units would be the NAV per unit on any transaction. For example, the NAV per Unit during a particular date is RM0.23375 (before 4 decimal rounding adjustments). NAV per unit • = Buying Price per unit = RM0.2338 (rounded to 4 decimal places) NAV of a Fund The NAV per unit of a fund is calculated by dividing the total NAV of that Fund by the total number of units of circulation of the same Fund at the end of each business day rounded to 4 decimal places. 138 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 The following is an example of the valuation carried out: • Total NAV = RM50,000,000 Units in Circulation = 130,600,000 NAV per Unit = RM0.3828 Amount Payable Upon Sales of Units As the selling price of each unit of the Fund is equivalent to the NAV per unit, the total amount payable upon the sales of units will be amount invested plus Sales Charges per unit times the number of units allocated. Assuming that the NAV per unit of PMB SIF on a particular date is RM0.5000 and the sales charge is 6.0%, total amount payable that Unit Holder would need to pay is illustrated below: Amount invested = RM10,000 Units allocated = RM10,000 / RM0.5000 = 20,000 Units Total amount payable = Amount invested + sales charge = RM10,000 + (6.0% X RM0.5000 X 20,000 Units) = RM10,000 + RM600 = RM10,600 • Amount Received Upon Repurchase of Units As the redemption or buying price per unit of the fund is equivalent to the NAV per unit, the total amount received upon repurchase of units will be equivalent to (the number of units redeemed x the redemption price or buying price per unit) less (redemption charge x number of units redeemed.) However, no fund has imposed any charges upon redemption during the lifetime of the Master Prospectus. Illustration of Amount Received upon Redemption of units is shown below:Amount received = (units redeemed) X (redemption price or buying price per unit) – (redemption charge X number of units redeemed) = (10,000 units X RM0.5000) – (0 X 10,000 units) = RM5,000 • Incorrect Pricing In the case of pricing discrepancies in the calculation of NAV occurs, the Manager will take immediate remedial action to rectify the Unit pricing at the Fund’s level. The money will be reimbursed to the Unit Holder if the error is more than 0.5% of the Unit NAV or RM10.00 in absolute amount. Nevertheless, for a reimbursement of a lesser amount will be up to the Manager discretion. |139 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 10. MANAGEMENT OF THE FUNDS 10.1 THE MANAGER’S PROFILE PMB Investment Berhad (PMB Investment), formerly known as ASM Investment Services Berhad (ASM Investment), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pelaburan MARA Berhad (PMB). Its principal activities are unit trust and funds management. Incorporated on 15 January 1993 under the Companies Act, 1965 as ASM MARA Unit Trust Management Berhad (ASM MARA Unit Trust), PMB Investment assumed the unit trust operations from PMB, then known as Amanah Saham MARA Berhad (ASMB), and its related staff. This was done following the requirement of the Securities Commission Act, 1993 that unit trust funds are to be managed by a unit trust management company. PMB commence operations in the late 1967 and its first unit trust fund was established on 6 April 1968 which is now known as PMB Dana Al-Aiman. ASM MARA Unit Trust had its name changed to ASM Investment on 9 October 2006 and it took over the fund management operations of ASM Asset Management Sdn Bhd, another wholly-owned subsidiary of PMB, to streamline the unit trusts and funds management activities of the group. ASM Investment had its name changed to PMB Investment on 28 February 2014. PMB Investment is licensed under the Capital Markets and Services Act, 2007. The company has an authorised capital of RM10 million, of which RM5 million has been fully paid. The PMB group concern, it has more than 45 years of experience in managing unit trust funds. As at 28 February 2014, PMB Investment managed 14 unit trust funds with approximately 746 million units in circulation valued at RM320 million. Together portfolio mandates from institutional and corporate clients, total fund size under management for both unit trust and funds management was RM 433 million. 10.2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS • Datuk (Dr) Zamani bin Md Noor - Independent /Chairman • Dato’ Sri Haji Rahim bin Haji Abdul - Independent • Professor Dr. Faridah binti Haji Hassan - Independent • Mansoor bin Ahmad - Independent • Nik Mohamed Zaki bin Nik Yusoff - Independent • Ahmad Nazim bin Abd Rahman - Non-Independent • Ameer Ali bin Vali Mohamed - Non-Independent /Chief Executive Officer 10.3 MANAGEMENT TEAM • Ameer Ali bin Vali Mohamed Ameer Ali is the Chief Executive Officer of PMB Investment. He joined PMB Investment on 2 April 2012 and brought with him more than 20 years of experience in the capital markets, having entered into the securities industry in December 1990 as an investment analyst. He held positions in research analysis and portfolio management including as fund manager of the then Arab-Malaysian Unit Trusts Berhad; senior manager of Affin Fund Management Sdn Bhd; head of investment – external clients for Mayban Investment Management Sdn Bhd before entrusted to establish and 140 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 head its Business Development Department; and CEO/CIO of OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd. Prior to joining PMB Investment, he was the CE/Managing Director of Amanah Saham Kedah Berhad. Among others, Ameer was the second-man in a team that was involved in the development of Malaysia’s first privately managed Islamic equity unit trust fund that was launched in early 1993. He was the first batch graduate of Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) degree from the International Islamic University Malaysia, where he graduated in 1988 with second class upper honours. He started as a financial journalist with the then Business Times before entering into the securities industry. He is the holder of a Capital Market Services representative licence (fund management). • Isnami bin Ahmad Mohtar Isnami was appointed Acting Chief Investment Officer effective from 10 April 2014. He has more than 15 years of experience in the funds management industry, started in 1996 when he was appointed Senior Investment Officer at ASM Mara Unit Trust Management Berhad to manage some Bumiputera funds. He was subsequently promoted to Portfolio Manager in 2000 and was given larger responsibilities to manage Shariah and conventional unit trust and corporate funds. He was made Senior Manager, Fund Management in 2003. He joined Inter-Pacific Asset Management Sdn Bhd in August 2007 as a Fund Manager, managing unit trust and corporate funds. He rejoined PMB Investment April 2010 and was re-designated Head, Equity in January 2013. Isnami holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration (Finance) from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA. He is the holder of a Capital Markets Services Representative Licence (Fund Management). • Mohd Adzhar bin Abd Hamed Mohd Adzhar is the Head, Legal, Compliance and Risk Management, oversees PMB Investment’s compliance with the related statutory and regulatory requirements. He possesses a Diploma in Banking Studies from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and Bachelor of Corporate Administration (Hons) from the same university. He joined the company on 1 March 2000. Prior to that, he was attached with one of the leading financial institutions in Malaysia for almost 6 years. He is the designated Compliance Officer of PMB Investment, and registered with the SC. • Marina Binti Ghazali Marina is the Head of Marketing. She holds a diploma in Mass Communication from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). She has more than 25 years of experience in marketing communication including public relations, advertising and promotion. Currently, Puan Marina manages the functions of investor relation, agency management and development, advertising and promotion. Prior to joining PMB Investment, she was attached to Pelaburan MARA Berhad as the Head of Human Resource Development and Corporate Communication. Puan Marina was also with Park May Berhad (1995 – 1997) and a government agency (1988 – 1994). • Aida Binti Abu Bakar Aida is the Head of Fund Administration. She joined the PMB Group in 1997 as a Senior Executive, Projects and Venture Capital. In 2000, she was transferred to PMB Investment and has since accumulated more than 13 years of experience in Unit trust while attached to several departments within PMB Investment covering product research and development, business development, investment, unit trust operations, marketing and promotion, customer administration and services and agency services. She has been instrumental in developing and launching PMB Investment’s Shariah retail products and experience in merger, liquidation and conversion of Unit trust schemes. Currently she manages the functions of product development, trust administration and governance |141 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS of PMB Investment. She started her career in 1995 with a public listed company, Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad where she gained exposures in accounting and finance. She holds a Master of Business Administration from University of Wales, United Kingdom and a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Financial Management from University of Essex, United Kingdom. • Isnaliyah Binti Sarwadi Isnaliyah is the Head of Portfolio Solutions. She assumed the current post in November 2010. She has 10-year experience in the financial industry ranging from market and financial research, Business Development, Corporate Client Sales and Marketing. She graduated from University of Essex, United Kingdom with B.Sc Information Management with Accounting. She is a holder of the Capital Markets Services Representative Licence (fund management). • Marlina binti Hj.Bustanuddin Marlina is the Assistant Manager, Company Accounts of PMB Investment Berhad. She is responsible for the overall function of the company accounts, unit trust accounts and portfolio accounts. She obtained her Bachelor of Accountancy from Universiti Teknologi Mara in June 2001 and Diploma in Accountancy from the same university in November 1998. She is also a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA). Marlina has been with the PMB Investment since 2007. • Kamal Bashar bin Abdul Aziz Kamal is the Assistant Manager, Agency Services of PMB Investment Berhad. He is responsible for the overall operations of the agency management and unit trust consultant’s development. He has more than 17 years of experience in the unit trust industry covering unit trust operations, marketing, agency services, branch operations & sales. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1994. 10.4 SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL POSITION Audited Year 31 December (RM’000) 2013 2012 2011 Authorized Capital 10,000 10,000 10,000 Paid-up Capital 5,000 5,000 5,000 Share Premium 1,000 1,000 1,000 Shareholders’ Funds 11,161 12,626 11,594 Turnover 82,638 219,133 70,097 Pre-tax Profit/ (Loss) (1,049) 970 494 After Tax Profit (1,049) 956 494 10.5 ROLES, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MANAGEMENT COMPANY PMB Investment is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Funds, in accordance with the provision of this Master Prospectus (as amended from time to time) the Deeds, Act and the 142 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds. Our main functions, duties and responsibilities include but not limited to the following:a) Marketing, distribution, sale and repurchase of units; b) Maintenance of proper records of the funds; c) Distributing annual and interim reports; d) Providing customer services; e) To ensure that the interests of the Unit Holders are best served and protected at all times; f) To formulate and propose the portfolio strategy in line with the Fund’s investment objective and Investment Committee direction; g) To review the performance and portfolio composition of the Fund and to make the necessary recommendations thereof to the Investment Committee; h) To review the market trend (both local and international) and make the necessary recommendation to the Investment Committee; i) To recommend stocks or other investment instruments in line with the Fund’s objectives; j) To undertake in depth market and company research so as to assist the Investment Committee in their decision making; and k) To be responsible for the day to day management of the Fund consistent with the Guidelines and the direction of the Investment Committee. 10.6 MANAGER’S DELEGATE PMB Investment has delegated the following functions to Pelaburan MARA Berhad (PMB): a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Information technology Human Resource Development Corporate Communications Administration Compliance Risk management Internal audit PMB is a strategic investment and asset management company wholly-owned by MARA, a statutory agency of the Government of Malaysia. Established on 24 June 1967, PMB is principally involved in private equity investments, portfolio fund management, unit trust management, financial services and corporate advisory. PMB is the parent company of PMB Investment. 10.7 MATERIAL LITIGATION AND ARBITRATION As at 28 February 2014, PMB Investment was not engaged, pending or threatened, in any material litigation and arbitration. It was also disclosed under the Director’s Report that there is no contingent liability that will or may substantially affect our ability to meet the obligations as and when they fall due. 10.8 INVESTMENT COMMITTEE 10.8.1 Profile of Investment Committee Members a) Wan Abdul Rahman bin Wan Abu Samah (Independent) Wan Abdul Rahman was previously an Independent Director at ASM Asset Management Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of PMB dealing in fund management business, which is also part of merged entities to |143 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS form PMB Investment. Prior to that, he was an Independent Member of Investment Committee for ASM MARA Unit Trust Management Berhad from 2003 until 2005. He holds a Bachelor of Economics from University Malaya in 1975 and a Diploma from Securities Institute of Australasia (SIA) in 1979, as well as a Certificate from the Malaysian Insurance Institute in 2000. At present, he is a Dealer’s Representative at Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad after having accumulated experiences in a private stock broking firm (1993 - 1995) and Permodalan Nasional Berhad (1985 - 1992). He was appointed as a member of the Investment Committee on 1 January 2007. b) Mansoor bin Ahmad (Independent) Mansoor bin Ahmad received his Bachelor of Economics (Hons) degree from the University of Malaya and Master of Business Administration from the Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He joined Komplek Kewangan Malaysia Berhad in September 1975 as a Research Officer and was later transferred to ASMB and became an Investment Officer in 1982. He was promoted as Head of Investment and Corporate Development in 1991 and as General Manager of Operations in 1996, overseeing all investment and business development function of ASMB. In 1999, he was seconded to ASM Asset Management Sdn. Bhd, a licensed fund management company as a General Manager and served in that capacity until March 2002. He was transferred to PMB Investment and was subsequently appointed as the Chief Executive Officer on 2 May 2002 and also as an Executive Director on 1 April 2004. He was appointed as a member of the Investment Committee on 6 June 2002. He was also elected as a Council Member of FIMM for two (2) consecutive two year terms since 2004. On 1 December 2006, Mansoor Ahmad was re-designated as the Executive Director/Adviser of PMB Investment. He retired on 6 July 2007 and thereafter has served as the Director of PMB Investment until today. c) Nik Mohamed Zaki bin Nik Yusoff (Independent) Nik Mohamed Zaki bin Nik Yusoff was appointed as a member of the Investment Committee on 15 June 2009. He graduated from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada in 1985 and holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Degree. He has more than 25 years of experience in the financial industry. He started his career with financial institutions in commercial banking before furthering his career in merchant banking with Affin Investment Bank Berhad. He left the banking sector in 1994 to join PMB (formerly Amanah Saham Mara Berhad) as Head, Corporate Development Unit and has been part of Group’s Senior Management team since 1997. In PMB Group, he has gained further experience in fund management, unit trust operations, strategic and financial planning and venture capital/equity investment amongst others. d) Mohd Nazri bin Abu Samah (Non-Independent) Mohd Nazri bin Abu Samah is the Chief Investment Officer of Pelaburan Mara Berhad ("PMB"). Prior to joining PMB, Mohd Nazri was the Head of Treasury and Investment (Treasurer) at Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad ("SME Bank") with main responsibility of formulating business plans related to treasury and investment and managing and growing the business areas within the group. During his time at SME Bank, he spearheaded the application for the Interbank status and the issuance of SME Bank’s first Government Guaranteed Sukuk. Before moving to SME Bank in 2010, He was an Assistant Director with United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd in Global Markets & Investment Management Division (2007-2010), covering various products which include Fixed Income Securities, Derivatives as well as FX Options. He has a vast experience in treasury and investment related operations. He joined the market in 1997 as an institutional dealer with Jardine Fleming Apex Futures Sdn Bhd. He later joined Kenanga Deutsche Futures Sdn Bhd in 1998 and spent 5 years with the last position as the Head of Desk Operation. In 2003, He moved to Avenue Securities Sdn Bhd (now ECM Libra Investment Bank Berhad) as an Associate Director, overseeing dealings in money and securities (primarily, private 144 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 placement and distribution activities). At Avenue Securities Sdn Bhd, he was part of the project team setting up the treasury department and eventually granted with Interbank status by Bank Negara Malaysia in 2005. He holds a Bachelor of Economics from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He is a certified member of Persatuan Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia (PPKM). 10.8.2 Roles and Functions of the Investment Committee The functions and responsibilities of the Investment Committee are as follows:a) To ensure the consistency between the investment management policies of the Fund are consistent and the funds’ objectives, this Master Prospectus (as amended from time to time), the Deeds and the Guidelines and other relevant laws; b) To formulate investment policies and plan, and to select appropriate strategies to meet the funds’ objectives; c) To provide guidance and advice in the implementation of the strategies; d) To actively monitor, measure and evaluate the investment performance of the funds and the Fund Manager; e) To consider other matters deemed necessary for the benefit of the Fund; and f) To recommend the Fund’s income distribution and/or unit splitting for the Trustee’s approval. g) To meet at least once every two (2) months to monitor the management activities of the Management Company. 10.9 SHARIAH ADVISER 10.9.1 Profile of the Shariah Adviser BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd is a stockbroking subsidiary of BIMB Holdings Bhd. It was incorporated on 21 February 1994. The company’s corporate mission is to actively participate in a modern, innovative and dynamic Islamic capital market in Malaysia, to cater for the needs of both Muslims and Non-Muslims. BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd is Corporate Shariah Adviser to 12 Islamic unit trust funds. Currently, the staff strength of BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd consists of 40 employees of whom 30 are Executive staff and 10 are Non-Executive staff. The company’s authorised share capital is RM250 million, and its current issued and paid-up share capital is RM100 million. The shareholdings of BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd are as follows:Shareholders % of holding BIMB Securities Holdings Sdn Bhd 51 (wholly owned subsidiary of BIMB Holdings Berhad) BIMB Holdings Berhad 49 The Board of Directors Name Position Rashid bin Ismail Executive Director/ CEO Mohamad Rani Dali bin Samsudin Executive Director Zahari @ Mohd Zin bin Idris Non-Executive Director |145 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 10.9.2 MASTER PROSPECTUS Johan bin Abdullah Non-Executive Director Mustapha Hamat Non-Executive Director Abdul Kadir Sahlan Non-Executive Director Designated Person Responsible for Shariah Matters Ir. Dr. Haji Muhamad Fuad bin Abdullah Ir. Dr. Muhamad Fuad bin Abdullah (Dr. Muhamad Fuad) is the designated person in-charge of all Shariah matters in BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd (BIMBSEC). He was appointed to the Shariah Advisory Committee of BIMBSEC effective 1 June 2011. Dr. Muhamad Fuad graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1977 and a Master of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering in 1982 from the University of Southampton. He also obtained a Bachelor of Arts (Jayyid) in Shariah from University of Jordan in 1994 and a Doctor of Philosophy in Muslim Civilization from University of Aberdeen, Scotland in 1996. Currently he serves as the Chairman of the Shariah Committee of MIDF Group of Companies and the Chairman of the Shariah Advisory Committee of MNRB Retakaful Bhd. He is also a registered Shariah Adviser with the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) which qualifies him to advise on Shariah-based products and services regulated by the SC. He is also a registered Shariah lawyer of Majlis Agama Islam Perak, and was a member of the Board of Studies of the B.A. (Fiqh and Usul Fiqh) Programme of the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) over the period 2007-2010. Dr. Muhamad Fuad sits on the boards of Sime Darby Bhd, Sime Darby Property Bhd, Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad, MIDF Property Berhad, Mesiniaga Berhad and Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM) a public company limited by guarantee. 10.9.3 Roles and Functions of Shariah Adviser a) The responsibilities of the Shariah Adviser are to ensure that the Fund is managed and administered in accordance with Shariah principles. b) The Shariah Adviser shall provide expertise and guidance for the Fund in all matters relating to Shariah principles, including on the Deeds and Prevailing Prospectus, its structure and investment process and other operational and administrative matters. c) Where there is any ambiguity or uncertainty as to an investment, instrument, system, procedure and/or process, the Shariah Adviser must consult the SC. d) The Shariah Adviser should act with due care, skill and diligence in carrying out its duties and responsibilities. e) The Shariah Adviser is responsible for scrutinizing the Fund’s compliance report as provided by the compliance officer and investment transaction report provided by or duly approved by the trustee, to ensure that the Fund’s investments are in line with Shariah principles. f) The Shariah Adviser must prepare a report to be included in the Fund’s interim and annual report certifying whether the Fund has been managed and administered in accordance with Shariah principles for the period concerned. g) The Shariah Adviser shall attend the quarterly held meeting for the review of the Funds or any other ad-hoc meeting should the need arise. 146 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 10.10 DESIGNATED FUND MANAGERS • Ameer Ali bin Vali Mohamed The detailed profile is as aforementioned on page 140. • Isnami bin Ahmad Mohtar The detailed profile is as aforementioned on page 141. • Norzahari bin Zakaria Norzahari is the Head of Research. He holds a Diploma in Business Studies and BBA (Hons) Finance from Institut Teknologi Mara (ITM).He joined PMB in July 2000 and initially attached to Project Department of PMB wherein his job scope was overseeing the venture capital and credit activities of the company. Subsequently in February 2006, he was transferred to ASM Asset Management Sdn Bhd and later to ASM Investment Services Bhd to assume the current post. He has been in the financial industry since September 1990 with extensive experience in credit review, credit marketing, credit control, business development, venture capital as well as equity research and fund management. He is the holder of a Capital Markets Services Representative Licence (Fund Management) • Mohd Irwan Bin Wahed Mohd Irwan is the Senior Executive of Equity. He holds a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from FINSIA, a professional qualification in Islamic Finance from CISI and a Bachelor of engineering in (Aerospace) from University Putra Malaysia. He joined ASM Investment in November 2011. Prior to that, he had been with OSK Investment Bank as a Dealer with a Corporate Derivatives Desk. He holds a Capital Markets Services Representative Licence (Fund Management). |147 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 11. MASTER PROSPECTUS THE TRUSTEE OF THE FUNDS 11.1 AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES BERHAD 11.1.1 Company Profile AmanahRaya Trustees Berhad (ART) is the trustee for PMB Dana Al-Aiman, PMB Dana Mutiara, PMB Dana Bestari, PMB Shariah Aggressive Fund, PMB Shariah Growth Fund, PMB Shariah Index Fund, PMB Shariah Premier Fund, PMB Shariah Tactical Fund, PMB Shariah Balanced Fund and PMB Shariah Cash Management Fund. ART was incorporated under the Companies Act 1965 on 23 March 2007 and registered as a trust company under the Trust Companies Act 1949. ART is a subsidiary of Amanah Raya Berhad (ARB) which is wholly owned by the Minister of Finance (Incorporated). ART took over the corporate trusteeship functions of ARB and acquired ARB’s experience of more than 47 years in trustee business. ART has been registered and approved by the SC to act as trustee to unit trust funds and has 178 unit trust funds under ART’s trusteeship. As at 28 February 2014, ART has 83 staff (60 Executives and 23 Non-executives) ART has an authorized share capital of RM5,000,000. Its issued and paid-up share capital is RM 2,000,000 and RM1,000,000 respectively. 11.1.2 11.1.3 Board of Directors • Dato’ Sri Idrus bin Harun - Chairman/Director • Dato’ Rahim bin Abu Bakar - Director • Dato’ Haji Ismail bin Ibrahim - Director • Dato’ Haji Che Pee bin Samsudin - Director • Tuan Haji Ab. Gani bin Haron - Director • Tuan Haji Mansor bin Salleh - Director • Tuan Haji Zulkifly bin Sulaiman - Director Chief Executive Officer Hajjah Habsah binti Bakar 11.1.4 Summary of Financial Position 2013 (Unaudited) 2012 2011 Issued and Paid-Up Capital 1,000 1,000 1,000 Shareholders’ Funds 9,584 7,140 5,263 Turnover 27,980 28,307 26,908 Pretax Profit/Loss 20,536 21,196 20,246 After Tax Profit/Loss 15,485 15,877 14,549 Year Ended (RM’000) 148 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 11.1.5 2014/2015 Material Litigation As at 28 February 2014, ART was not engaged in any material litigation and arbitration, either as plaintiff or defendant, and ART is not aware of any proceedings, pending or threatened or of any facts likely to give rise to any proceedings which might materially affect the business financial position of ART. 11.2 CIMB ISLAMIC TRUSTEE BERHAD 11.2.1 Company Profile CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad (CITB) is a company incorporated in Malaysia and registered as a trust company under the Trust Companies Act 1949. CITB is qualified to act as a trustee for CISs approved under the CMSA. CITB has been involved in the Unit trust industry as trustee close to 24 years. CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad has an authorised capital of RM5,000,000 divided into 500,000 ordinary shares of RM10 each of which the total issued capital is RM2,000,000 divided into 200,000 ordinary shares of RM10 each, and the total paid up capital is RM1,000,000 divided into 200,000 ordinary shares of RM10 each and partly paid-up at RM5 each. CITB acts as trustee to 2 real estate investment trust funds, 23 Unit trust funds, 15 wholesale funds and 1 private retirement scheme (consisting of 3 funds) In addition to overseeing these funds, CITB also acts as trustee to private debt securities issues such as bonds and notes. Other than being the administrator of deceased’s estates, executor of wills, trustee for minors or incapacitated persons, CITB also acts as trustee for public, charitable, staff retirement, and pension/gratuity fund scheme, custodian trustee for associations, clubs and others. CITB is supported by 18 staff, constituting 11 executives and 7 non-executives as at 28 February 2014. 11.2.2 Board of Directors • • • 11.2.3 Zahardin Bin Omardin Chan Swee Liang Carolina Liew Pik Yoong - Independent Director & Chairman - Non-Independent Director - Non-Independent Director Chief Operating Officer Lee Kooi Yoke 11.2.4 Summary of Financial Position Year Ended (RM’000) 11.2.5 2012 2011 2010 Paid-Up Share Capital 1,000 1,000 500 Shareholders’ Fund 6,311 5,317 4,631 Turnover 4,000 5164 5,644 Pretax Profit 1386 2,322 1,836 Profit After Tax 993 1,740 1,357 Delegate CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad has appointed CIMB Group Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd as the Trustee’s delegate to perform custodial function. CIMB Group Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd is a wholly owned subsidiary of CIMB Bank Berhad. Its custodial function includes safekeeping, settlement and corporate action related processing and cash and security reporting. |149 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS All investments are automatically registered in the name of the fund. CIMB Group Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd acts only in accordance with instructions from the Trustee. 11.2.6 Material Litigation As at 28 February 2014, CITB was not engaged in any material litigation and arbitration, including those pending or threatened, and any facts likely to give rise to any proceedings which might materially affect the business/financial position of CITB or any of its delegates. 11.3 TRUSTEE’S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY The Trustee has given its willingness to assume the position as Trustee of the Funds and all the obligations in accordance with the Deed, all relevant laws and rules of law. 11.4 ROLES, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TRUSTEE The Trustee’s functions, duties and responsibilities are set out in the Deed. The general function, duties and responsibility of the Trustee include, but are not limited to, the following:a) Take into custody the investments of the Fund and hold the investments in trust for the Unit Holders; b) Ensure that the Manager operates and administers the Fund in accordance with the provisions of the Deed, SC Guidelines and acceptable business practice within the unit trust industry; c) As soon as practicable notify the Securities Commission Malaysia of any irregularity or breach of the provisions of the Deed, SC Guidelines and any other matters which in the Trustee’s opinions may indicate that the interests of Unit Holders are not served; d) Exercise reasonable diligence in carrying out its functions and duties, in actively monitoring the operation and management of the Fund by the Manager to safeguard the interests of Unit Holders; e) Maintain, or cause the Manager to maintain, proper accounting records and other records as are necessary to enable a complete and accurate view of the Fund to be formed and to ensure that the Fund is operated and managed in accordance with the Deed of the Fund, Prospectus, the SC Guidelines and securities law; and f) Require that the accounts be audited at least annually. The Trustee has covenanted in the Deed that it will exercise all due diligence and vigilance in carrying out its functions and duties, and in safeguarding the rights and interests of Investors. 11.5 TRUSTEE’S DECLARATION The Trustee is independent of the Manager. The Trustee will carry out transactions on an arm’s length basis and on terms which are best available for the Funds, as well as act at all times in the best interest of the investors. The Trustee also has adequate procedures and processes in place to prevent or control conflicts of interest. 11.6 TRUSTEE’S OBLIGATION The Trustee’s obligation in respect of monies paid by an investor for the application of units arises when the monies are received in the relevant account of the Trustee for the Funds and the Trustee’s obligation is discharged once it has paid the redemption amount to the Manager. 150 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 12. 2014/2015 SALIENT TERMS OF THE DEED 12.1 RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES OF A UNIT HOLDER 12.1.1 Your rights a) The right to receive the distributions of income (if any), participate in any increase in the value of the Units and such other rights and privileges as provided for in the Deed. b) The right to call for a Unit Holders’ meeting for any resolutions, and also to vote for the removal of the Trustee or us through a special resolution. c) The rights to exercise your cooling-off period if you invest for the first time with PMB Investment except for if you are either corporate/institutional clients, staff of the Manager or a person registered with a body approved by the SC to deal in unit trusts. d) 12.1.2 The right to receive annual reports and interim reports of the Fund, which are sent out within two (2) months from the closing of each financial year and the interim period. Limitation of Rights a) Unit Holders are not entitled to request for the transfer of any assets in the Fund or be entitled to interfere with or question the exercise by the Trustee or by the Manager on the Trustee’s behalf of the rights of the Trustee as the owner of such assets. b) Unit Holders are not entitled to attend any meeting of shareholders, stockholders or debenture holders or to vote or take part in or consent to any company or shareholders', stock holders' or debenture holders' action. 12.1.3 Your Liabilities You would not be liable and shall not be under any obligation to indemnify the Trustee and/or the Manager in the event that the liabilities incurred by the Trustee and/or the Manager in the name of or on behalf of the Fund pursuant to and/or in the performance of the provisions of the Deed exceed the value of the assets of the Fund, and any right of indemnity of the Trustee and/or Manager will be limited to recourse to the Fund. 12.2 FEES AND CHARGES Enlisted below are the maximum fees and charges permitted by the Deed: Sales Charge Repurchase Charge Annual Management Fee Annual Trustee Fee 7.0% of the NAV per unit All Funds except PMB SDF 6.5% of the NAV per unit PMB SDF Nil All Funds 1.50% per annum of the NAV of the Fund All Funds except PMB SDF 1.8% per annum PMB SDF 0.50% per annum of the NAV of the Fund All Funds except PMB SDF 0.10% per annum of the NAV of the Fund subject to the minimum of RM18,000 per annum PMB SDF |151 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS All current fees and charges are disclosed in sections 3.2 and 8 of this Master Prospectus. The disclosed current fees and charges in sections 3.2 and 8 of this Master Prospectus could be lower than that stated in the Deed. Any increase in the current sale and/or repurchase charges stated in the current Master Prospectus could only be made if: a) the Manager has notified the Trustee in writing of the higher charge and the effective date of the charge; b) a supplementary Master Prospectus stating the higher charge is issued; c) time as required by the law has elapsed since the issuance of the supplementary Master Prospectus; and d) the maximum fees or charges stated in the Deed shall not be breached. Any increase in the current annual management fee and/or annual trustee fee stated in the current Master Prospectus could only be made if: i) (for management fee) the Manager has notified the Trustee in writing of the new higher rate and the trustee agrees to it; ii) (for Trustee fee) the Trustee has notified the Manager in writing of the new higher rate, and the Manager agrees to it; iii) the Manager has notified unit holders of the higher rate and its effective date; iv) a supplementary Master Prospectus stating the higher rate of fees has been registered and issued; v) time as required by the law has elapsed since the issuance of the supplementary Master Prospectus; and vi) the maximum fees stated in the Deed shall not be breached. Any increase of the fees and / or charges above the maximum rate stated in the Deed shall require Unit Holders’ approval and can only be made by way of a supplemental deed and in accordance with the requirements of the CMSA. 12.3 PERMITTED EXPENSES The Trustee shall at the request of the Manager pay out of the Cash Produce all costs, charges and expenses that are directly related and necessary to the business of the Fund. These would include: a) all fees authorised by the Deed to be paid out of the Fund to the Trustee and/or the Management Company as stipulated; b) all fees and disbursements of the Auditor; c) professional and accounting fees and disbursements approved by the Trustee, including that charged by any delegate of the Trustee in relation to the custody of any investments; d) the costs of printing and despatching to Unit Holders the accounts of the Trust, tax certificates, dividend warrants, notices of meeting of Unit Holders, newspaper advertisements and such other similar costs as may be approved by the Trustee; e) valuation fees of independent valuers payable in respect of the Fund; f) duties and taxes of the government payable in respect of the Fund; g) all expenses incurred by the Trustee in effecting registration, insurance or safe custody of the documents of title to all investments held upon the trust of this Deed, including that charged by any delegate of the Trustee in relation to the custody of any such investments; h) commission/fees paid to brokers in effecting dealings in the investments of the Fund, shown on the contract notes or confirmation notes or difference accounts; 152 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS i) 2014/2015 costs incurred for the modification of this Deed other than those for the benefit of the Manager; Provided that expenses such as the general overhead expenses of the Manager and other expenses for such services rendered by the Manager which would be expected to fall within the normal expertise of the Manager should not be paid out of the Fund and provided further that promotional expenses and expenses incurred in the registering and issuing of prospectuses shall not be paid out of the Fund if service charges or upfront fees are levied on the Units sold. All expenses to be paid out of the Fund shall be authorised by the Deed and disclosed in the prospectus. Provided further that the quantum of the expenses chargeable to the Trust shall not be excessive or more than the standard commercial rates. In instances where uncertainty arises as to the status of the expenses the Trustee shall use its discretion in determining the legitimacy of the expenses. In respect of the Shariah-Compliant Funds only, in addition to the costs, charges and expenses set out in the above items, the Trustee shall also pay out of the Cash Produce such sum (if applicable) as determined by the Manager, in consultation with the Shariah Advisory Panel, as necessary pursuant to the purification process to ensure that the income shall be pure of profits or income derived from un-Islamic activities. Any sum paid out of the Cash Produce pursuant hereto shall be donated to charitable organisations approved by the Trustee, the Management Company and as agreed by the Shariah Advisory Panel. 12.4 REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT AND RETIREMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT COMPANY AND TRUSTEE Subject to the provisions of the Deed and the relevant laws, the Manager may retire upon giving twelve (12) months' notice to the Trustee of our desire to do so or such shorter period as the Trustee and the Manager may agree, and we may by way of a deed appoint in our stead a new management company subject to the approval of the SC. Subject to the provisions of the Deed and the relevant laws, the Manager may be removed and another management company may be appointed by special resolution of the Unit Holders at a Unit Holders’ meeting convened in accordance with the relevant Deed. Subject to the provisions of the Deed and the relevant laws, the Trustee shall take reasonable steps to remove the Manager as soon as practicable after becoming aware of any such circumstances as stated in subsection 12.4.3(a) to (f) of this Master Prospectus on "Power of Trustee to Remove, Retire or Replace the Manager". 12.4.1 Powers of the Management Company to Remove and Replace the Trustee As allowed under Section 299 of the Act we shall take all reasonable steps to replace the Trustee as soon as practicable after becoming aware that:a) the Trustee has ceased to exist; b) the Trustee has not been validly appointed; c) the Trustee is not eligible to be appointed or to act as trustee under Section 290 of the Act; d) the Trustee has failed or refused to act as a Trustee in accordance with the provisions or covenants of the Deed or the provision of the Act; e) a receiver is appointed over the whole or a substantial part of the assets or undertaking of the existing Trustee and has not ceased to act under that appointment, or a petition is presented for the winding up of the existing Trustee (other than for the purpose of and followed by a reconstruction, unless during or following such reconstruction the existing trustee becomes or is declared to be insolvent); or |153 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS f) the Trustee is under investigation for conduct that contravenes the Trust Companies Act 1949, the Trustee Act 1949, the Companies Act 1965 or any securities laws. 12.4.2 Retirement, Removal or Replacement of the Trustee The Trustee may retire upon giving twelve (12) months' notice to the Manager of its desire to do so, or such shorter period as the Manager and the Trustee may agree, and may by deed appoint in its stead a new trustee approved by the relevant authorities and under any relevant law. The Trustee may be removed and another trustee may be appointed by Special Resolution of the Unit Holders at a Unit Holders’ meeting convened in accordance with the Deed or as stipulated in the Act. 12.4.3 Power of Trustee to Remove, Retire or Replace the Manager Subject to the Deed and the relevant laws, the Trustee may take steps to remove the Manager in the event that: a) the Manager goes into liquidation (except for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction or some other purpose approved by the relevant authorities); or b) the Manager is in breach of its obligations under the Deed, the Act or the Securities Commission Malaysia’s Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds; or c) the Manager has had a receiver appointed; or d) the Manager has ceased to carry on business; or e) a special resolution has been passed at the Unit Holders’ meeting to remove the Manager in accordance with the Deed; or f) the Manager has failed or neglected to carry out its duties to the satisfaction of the Trustee and the Trustee considers that it would be in the interests of Unit Holders for it to do so after the Trustee has given notice to the Manager of that opinion and the reasons for that opinion, and has considered any representations made by the Manager in respect of that opinion, and after consultation with the SC and with the approval of the Unit Holders by way of a special resolution. 12.5 TERMINATION OF THE FUND Upon the occurrence of any of the following events: a) if the Manager has gone into liquidation, except for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation upon terms previously approved in writing by the Trustee and the relevant authorities; or b) if, in the opinion of the Trustee, the Manager has ceased to carry on business; or c) if, in the opinion of the Trustee, the Manager has to the prejudice of Unit Holders failed to comply with the provisions of this Deed or contravened any of the provisions of any relevant law and at a unit holders' meeting summoned by the Trustee in accordance with the Deed, a special resolution is passed to terminate or wind up the Fund, the Trustee shall apply to Court to confirm such special resolution. Upon obtaining the relevant Court order, the Trustee shall take steps to terminate and winding up the Fund in accordance with the Court order, the Deed, the prevailing Acts and Guidelines 154 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 12.6 UNIT HOLDERS’ MEETING Subject to the Deed and the prevailing Acts and Guidelines, a Unit Holders’ meeting could be summoned for any purpose with the salient details as follow:a) The Manager and the Trustee may convene a Unit Holders’ meeting at any time, whilst, the Unit Holder could request for a meeting provided the written request comes from not less than 50 Unit Holders or 1/10 of Unit Holders. b) If the meeting is requested by the Manager, a notice of the meeting would be sent out not less than fourteen (14) days of any such meeting. Whereas, if a meeting is summoned by the Unit Holders, the Manager will send a notice by post at least seven (7) days before the meeting , and also publish a notice in the newspaper at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting. c) The Manager is entitled to receive notice of and to attend at any Unit Holders’ meeting but in respect of Units which the Manager hold or is deemed to hold, then the Manager is not entitled to vote at or be counted in the quorum for such meeting. And accordingly, for the purposes of the following provisions of this Clause, Units held or deemed to be held by the Manager shall not be regarded as being an issue. d) The quorum required for a meeting of the Unit Holders shall be 5 Unit Holders, whether present in person or by proxy, provided always that the quorum for a meeting of the Unit Holders convened for the purpose of removing the Manager and/or the Trustee shall be ten (10) Unit Holders, whether present in person or by proxy, who must hold in aggregate at least fifty per centum (50%) of the Units in circulation at the time of the meeting; e) Save as otherwise provided specifically in this Deed or in the Guidelines and/or the Act, a resolution proposed at the meeting shall be considered as having been duly passed if carried by a majority consisting of more than half of the persons voting thereat upon a show of hands or if a poll is demanded, by a majority consisting of more than half in number of votes given on such poll. |155 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 13.0 MASTER PROSPECTUS CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Manager and the Trustee and any delegate thereof will endeavor to avoid conflicts of interest arising or, if conflicts arise they will ensure that neither the Unit Holder nor the Fund is disadvantaged by the transaction concerned. Any transaction or investment carried out by or on behalf of the Fund should be executed at an arm’s length transaction. The Manager and our related corporations will not act as principal in the sale and purchase of investments and the Fund will not invest in companies related to the Manager. Where a conflict of interest arises due to the Investment Committee member or director holding substantial shareholding or directorships of public companies, and the Fund invests in that particular share or stock, the said committee member or director shall abstain from any decision making relating to investment in that share or stock of the Fund. Our employees who are directly involved in the investment management of the Fund or who have direct and timely access to the daily trades done by the Fund Managers, are required to declare their dealing in the securities. To date, there has been no event of conflict of interest amongst us, employees, directors and Investment Committee members. In the event a conflict or potential conflict of interest involving the Manager and employees is identified, this will be evaluated by the Compliance Department and disclosed to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the next course of action. Conflict of interest situations involving the CEO, directors and/or Investment Committee members will be disclosed to the Board of Directors for a decision on the next course of action. 156 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 14.0 TAXATION OF THE FUND Date: 11 March 2014 The Board of Directors PMB Investment Berhad Ground Floor, Wisma ASMB, No 1A, Jalan Lumut, P.O. Box 10701 50722 Kuala Lumpur Dear Sirs, TAXATION OF THE FUNDS AND UNIT HOLDERS This letter has been prepared for inclusion in the Prospectus dated 28 April 2014 in connection with the offer of Units in the following funds (“the Funds”): 1. PMB Dana Al-Aiman, 2. PMB Shariah Index Fund 3. PMB Shariah Cash Management Fund 4. PMB Dana Mutiara 5. PMB Shariah Aggressive Fund 6. PMB Shariah Growth Fund 7. PMB Dana Bestari 8. PMB Shariah Balanced Fund 9. PMB Shariah Tactical Fund 10. PMB Shariah Mid-Cap Fund 11. PMB Shariah Premier Fund 12. PMB Shariah TNB Employees Fund 13. PMB Shariah Dividend Fund TAXATION OF THE FUNDS The Funds are treated as a Unit trust for Malaysian tax purposes. The taxation of the Funds is subject to the provisions of the Malaysian Income Tax Act 1967 (“the Act”). The applicable provisions are contained in Section 61 and 63B of the Act. The Funds will be regarded as residents for Malaysian tax purposes since the Trustees of the Funds are resident in Malaysia. The income of the Funds in respect of investment income derived from or accruing in Malaysia such as dividends, interest and profit¹ (other than interest and profit¹ which is exempt from tax) after deducting tax allowable expenses are liable to income tax. The prevailing income tax rate applicable to the Funds is 25%. It was proposed in the 2014 Budget tabled in the Parliament on 25 October 2013 that the tax rate of 25% be reduced by 1% to 24% with effect from Year of Assessment (“YA”) 2016. Tax deducted at source from Malaysian dividend received by the Funds will be available for set off either wholly or partly against the tax liability of the Funds. If the tax deducted at source exceeds the tax liability of the Funds, the excess is refundable to the Funds. (However, this set off of tax deducted will not be available based on the Finance Act 2007 if the shares are held for less than 90 days or the dividend is not derived from ordinary shares. However the 90 days rules is not applicable for shares in a company listed on Bursa Malaysia) |157 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Effective from 1 January 2008, single tier dividends received by the Funds are exempted and there will be no tax deducted at source available to the Funds in respect of such dividend income. Income of the Funds in respect of income received from overseas investment is exempt from Malaysian Tax by virtue of paragraph 28 of Schedule 6 of the Act and distribution of such income will be tax exempt in the hands of the Unit holders. However the income maybe subject to tax in the country from which the income is derived. Gains from the disposal of investments will not be subject to generally subject to income tax. Such gains may be subject to real property gains tax under the Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976 (“RPGT Act“), if the gains are derived from the sale of chargeable assets, as defined in the RPGT Act. With effect from 1 January 2013, any gains from disposal of real properties (“chargeable asset”) or shares in real property companies “chargeable asset”) would be subject to real property gains tax of 15% if the disposal of chargeable asset is made within 2 years of its date of acquisition of such chargeable asset. RPGT at 10% would be applicable on gains on those disposal of chargeable assets in the third, fourth or fifth year after the date of acquisition. However, any disposal of chargeable asset after 5 years from the date of acquisition of such chargeable asset is exempt from RPGT. It has been proposed in Financial Bill 2013 that the RPGT rates for disposals of such chargeable asset form 1 January 2014 be revised as follows: Disposal time frame RPGT rates Within 3 years 30 % th 20% th In the 5 year 15 % In the 6 year and subsequent year 5% In the 4 year th The tax allowable expenses are governed by Section 33(1) and Section 63B of the Act. Section 33(1) generally provides for a deduction of expenses “wholly and exclusively” incurred in the production of gross income. Whilst, Section 63B allows the Funds to deduct a permitted expenses. The special deduction is calculated based on the following formula: A x B 4C Where: A Is the total permitted expenses incurred for that basis period. Permitted expenses means expenses incurred by unit trust in respect of manager’s remuneration, maintenance of register of unit holders, share registration expenses, secretarial, audit, accounting fees, telephone charges, printing and stationery cost and postage, which are not deductible under Section 33(1). B Is gross income consisting of dividend, interest and rent that chargeable to tax for that basis period. C Is the aggregate of the gross income consisting of dividend (whether exempt or not), interest and rent, and gains made from the realisation of investments (whether chargeable to tax or not) for that basis period. Provided that the amount of deduction to be made shall not be less than 10% and a maximum of 25% of the total permitted expenses incurred for that basis period. TAXATION OF UNIT HOLDERS Unit holders will be taxed on an amount equivalent to their share of the total taxable income of the Funds to the extent of the distributions received from the Funds. The income distribution from the Funds will carry a tax credit in respect of the tax paid by the Funds. Unit holders will be entitled to utilise the tax credit against the tax payable on the income distribution received by them. 158 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 The distribution of single tier dividends and other tax exempt income by the Fund will be exempted to tax in the hands of the Unit holders in Malaysia. Distribution of foreign income will also be exempted in the hands of the Unit holders. The tax rates charged are as follows: TYPES OF UNITHOLDERS MALAYSIAN TAX RATES Malaysian tax resident: • Individual & non-corporate Unit holders Progressive tax rates ranging from 0% to 26%2 • Corporate Unit holders For every first RM500,000 of chargeable income @20% a) Small Medium Industry (SMI) 3 Company b) Non-SMI Company Chargeable income in excess of RM500,000 @ 25% 25% Non-Malaysian tax resident: • Individual & non-corporate unit holders 26% • Corporate unit holders & trust bodies 25% Tax exempt distributions made out of gains arising from the disposal of investments by the Funds and other exempt income will be exempted from tax in the hands of the unit holders. Any gains realised by unit holders (other than dealers in securities, insurance companies or financial institutions) on the sale, transfer or redemption of the units are treated as capital gains and will not be subject to income tax. Unit holders electing to receive their income distribution by way of investment in the form of the purchase of new units will be regarded as having purchased the new units out of their income distribution after tax. Unit splits issued by the Funds are not taxable in the hands of Unit holders. We hereby confirm that the statements made in this report correctly reflect our understanding of the tax position under current Malaysian tax legislation. All prospective investors should not treat the contents of this letter as advice relating to taxation matters and are recommended to obtain independent advice on the tax issues associated with their investments in the Funds. Yours faithfully, For ATAREK KAMIL IBRAHIM TAX SERVICES (M) SDN BHD MOHD NOH BIN JIDIN Director |159 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS Appendix ¹According to Section 2(7) of the Act, any reference to interest for an Islamic fund shall apply mutatis mutandis, to gain of profits received and expenses incurred, in lieu of interest , in transactions conducted in accordance with the principles of Syariah. ²It was proposed in the 2014 budget that the maximum tax rate of 26% be reduced by 1% to 25% with effect from YA 2015. 3 SMI company means a company incorporated in Malaysia and has paid up capital in respect of ordinary shares of RM 2.5 million and below at the beginning of basis period for a Year of Assessment (YA), resident in Malaysia and not within a group where the holding or other subsidiary company is: a) more than 50% of the paid up capital in respect of an ordinary shares of the company is directly or indirectly owned by a related company; b) more than 50% of the paid up capital in respect of ordinary shares of the related company is directly or indirectly owned by the first mentioned company; or c) more than 50% of the paid up capital in respect of ordinary shares of the first mentioned company and the related company is directly or indirectly owned by other company. “Related company” is defined as a company which has a paid up capital exceeding RM2.5 million in respect of ordinary shares at the beginning of the basis period of the year of assessment. 160 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 15. 2014/2015 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 15.1 UPDATES ON THE FUNDS You may access the daily fund prices, fund’s monthly updates and review our interim and annual reports via our Funds prices may as well be reviewed through major daily newspapers and you will also receive an interim and annual report of the Funds every semi-annual and annual financial year. 15.2 PRE-INVESTMENT FORM (PIF) The purpose of the PIF is to ensure that the investor is sufficiently informed on investments in unit trust funds and in particular, understand the unit trust fund you are investing in. You are required to complete the PIF prior to account opening if you are a first time investor. If you invest in several new funds simultaneously, a PIF must be completed for each fund. 15.3 SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT The suitability assessment should be conducted on an investor who wishes to invest in a new unlisted capital market product. The Suitability Assessment Form should be completed prior to account opening. A suitability assessment refers to an exercise carried out by the Manager to gather necessary information from the investor before matching a particular product with the needs of an investor. 15.4 INVESTOR RELATION You may communicate with us by:i) Telephone: 03-41453900 (Investor Relation Careline) / 03 – 4145 3800 (General Line) ii) Fax: 03 – 4145 3901 iii) E-mail:; iv) Walk-in: v) Mondays - Thursdays Fridays Saturdays-Sundays/Public Holidays 8.45 a.m. – 5.15 p.m. 8.45 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. 2.15 p.m. – 5.15 p.m. Closed Write in – PMB Investment Berhad, Ground Floor, Wisma PMB, No. 1A, Jalan Lumut, 50400 Kuala Lumpur Our Investor Relation Officers would assist on your queries. 15.5 COMPLAINTS Should you wish to complain, you may lodge your complaint by writing to: Head, Internal Audit Department, Pelaburan MARA Berhad rd 3 Floor, Wisma PMB, No. 1A, Jalan Lumut, 50400 Kuala Lumpur Please state the date, time, place of occurrence, person involved and nature of your complaint. You may also lodge your complaint through telephone calls by contacting the Unit. |161 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 15.6 SECURITIES INDUSTRY DISPUTE RESOLUTION CENTER (SIDREC) SIDREC is an independent body corporate, approved under Capital Markets and Services (Dispute Resolution) Regulations 2010, established to resolve monetary disputes between investors and capital market intermediaries registered as its members, such as stockbrokers, futures brokers, unit trust management companies, and fund managers. If an investor has an unresolved claim with a capital market intermediary, he or she may file a claim with SIDREC, either – a) In person Mondays - Thursdays 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. Fridays Public Holidays 9.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. Closed b) Write in – Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Center, Unit A-9-1, Level 9 Tower A, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama, 59000 Kuala Lumpur c) Fax: 03 – 2282 3855 d) E-mail – For further enquiry, you may reach SIDREC via, telephone at 03-2282 2280or its website at 15.7 ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING (AML/CFT) POLICIES 15.7.1 AND ANTI-TERRORISM FINANCING General Policy The Manager has established an anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing (AML/CFT) policies and procedures as required by the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 (AMLATFA). As such the Manager will actively prevent and take measures, to guard against being used as a medium for money laundering activities and any other activity that facilitates money laundering. The Manager will ensure that the members of its staff are aware and receive training on AMLATFA legislation applicable to them, as well as to adhere to their responsibilities under the AMLATFA. 15.7.2 Money Laundering Reporting Officer Designation and Duties The Manager has designated the Compliance Officer as the Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) with full responsibility for the company’s AML/CFT policies and procedures. The duties of the MLRO will include the following: 15.7.3 a) To be familiar with the principles of anti–money laundering as outlined in the AMLATFA and ensure compliance with the AMLATFA; b) To monitor adherence to money laundering deterrence procedures and controls; c) To assemble and distribute information and policies or procedural matters regarding compliance with the AMLATFA; d) To ensure that members of the Manager’s staff are aware of the principals objectives of the AMLATFA, and are familiar with monitoring, detection and reporting procedures; and e) To act as the contact point representing ASMI for the reporting on suspicious transactions to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in Bank Negara Malaysia. Policy and Procedure a) Know-Your-Customer The Manager will ensure that they have a reasonable belief of the true identity of its investors. Therefore, documents to identify and verify will be obtained prior to any registration. b) Investors Identification and Verification Sufficient information will be obtained to enable the Manager to know and ascertain some basic background of its investors such as occupation, employment and political exposure. 162 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS c) 2014/2015 Lack of Verification The Manager would not establish a business relationship or proceed with the transaction if the Manager has a reasonable doubt towards the true identity of the client. If so, the Legal, Compliance and Risk Management Department will be notified accordingly to determine whether a Suspicious Transaction Report should be lodged. d) Investors who refused to provide information If potential or existing investors refuses to provide the necessary information when requested or appears to have intentionally provided misleading information, the Manager shall refuse to proceed with the transaction requested. The Legal, Compliance and Risk Management Department will be notified to determine whether a Suspicious Transaction Report should be lodged. e) Suspicious Transaction Report Suspicious Transaction Report will be lodged when the Manager comes to know, suspect or have reason to suspect that: f) The transaction derived from illegal activities or is intended in order to hide or disguise funds as a plan to violate AMLATFA, or The transaction that is not the sort in which the client would normally be expected to engage. Record Keeping The Manager will ensure proper documentation of all information and documents provided by its investors, method used verification results and the resolution of any discrepancies in identifying information. All records will be stored securely and will be capable of being retrieved without undue delay. g) Training Programmes The Manager will develop an ongoing AML/CFT training to ensure the members of its staff are aware of the following pertinent points: - If they become suspicious of a particular investors, they should immediately report the matter to the immediate supervisors; - That they do not have to be certain, only suspicious that the transactions relate to criminal activity; - That if they have suspicion and fail to report them, they may be committing a criminal offence and/or be liable to disciplinary action for gross misconduct; and - That, unless they are instructed otherwise, they should continue to deal with the investors in the normal way. - AML/CFT training will adopt a different focus for front-line staff and compliance staff. The training will include: a) Ways to identify signs or money laundering that arise during the course of the employee’s duties; b) Steps to be taken when risks are identified; c) Record maintenance policy; and d) Disciplinary consequences for non-compliance with the AMLATFA. 15.7.4 Compliance with the AMLATFA The Board has the responsibility in ensuring with compliance with the provisions of the AMLATFA. The policies and procedures will be reviewed and updated as and when necessary. |163 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 15.8 PRIVACY NOTICE UNDER PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION ACT 2010 This Notice serves to inform the practice of PMB Investment Berhad (formerly ASM Investment Services Berhad) and its affiliates or any parties on our behalf (referred to as ”PMB Investment”, “we”, “us” or “our”), with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal data by or on behalf of, PMB Investment about individuals (referred to as “you”, ”your”, or “yours”). The personal data may also include that of your dependents, beneficiaries or any other persons related to you. Notis ini bertujuan memaklumkan mengenai amalan PMB Investment Berhad (dahulunya ASM Investment Services Berhad) dan dan syarikatsyarikat gabungan atau mana-mana pihak mewakili PMB Investment (dirujuk sebagai “PMB Investment”, atau “kami”) berkaitan dengan pengumpulan, penggunaan dan penzahiran maklumat peribadi para individu (dirujuk sebagai “anda”). Maklumat peribadi termasuklah yang berkaitan dengan tanggungan, waris atau manamana orang yang berkaitan dengan, anda. Privacy Policy Statement Pernyataan Polisi Privasi Your privacy is important to us at PMB Investment that we are committed to protect your personal data and to provide the assurance to you that we will manage and administer the data strictly in accordance with the relevant laws, rules, regulations, guidelines and code of practice issued by the appropriate authorities. Privasi anda adalah amat penting kepada kami di PMB Investment di mana kami adalah komited untuk melindungi maklumat-maklumat peribadi anda dan memberikan keyakinan kepada anda bahawa kami menguruskan dan mentabdir maklumat-maklumat tersebut selari dengan undang-undang, peraturan-peraturan, garispanduan-garispanduan dan kod amalan, yang berkaitan yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan. What Personal Data We Collect Apakah Maklumat Peribadi Kami Perolehi It is necessary for you to supply us your personal data in connection with the provisions of our services to you. Your personal data being supplied is processed by us or any other authorized party on our behalf. Adalah keperluan bagi anda untuk membekalkan maklumat-maklumat peribadi anda berkaitan dengan perkhidmatan yang kami berikan kepada anda. Maklumat peribadi anda yang dibekalkan diproses oleh pihak kami atau mana-mana pihak yang diberikan kebenaran bagi pihak kami. Where it is obligatory to provide your personal data as may be indicated (for example in an application form), failure to supply such data may result in our inability to extend the services to you. Personal data that we collect from you includes but is not limited to:- Bila mana maklumat peribadi anda adalah wajib sepertimana diisyaratkan (contohnya di dalam borang permohonan), kegagalan anda membekalkan maklumat tersebut boleh menyekat kami dalam membekalkan perkhidmatan kepada anda. Maklumat-maklumat peribadi yang kami perolehi dari anda (tetapi tidak terhad kepada):- • Your personal details such as name, identification number, date of birth, gender, ethnics, contact details; • Butir-butir peribadi anda antaranya nama, nombor pengenalan diri, tarikh lahir, jantina, etnik, butir-butir perhubungan; • Your employment details such as occupation, employer, business/employment contact details; • Butir-butir pekerjaan antaranya pekerjaan, majikan, butir-butir perhubungan majikan/ perniagaan; • Your financial standing details, such as earnings, expenditure, financial facilities; • Butir-butir kedudukan kewangan, antaranya pendapatan, perbelanjaan, kemudahan kewangan; Purposes of Your Personal Data Tujuan Maklumat Peribadi Anda We collect and process your personal data for one or more of the following purposes: Kami memperolehi dan memproses maklumatmaklumat peribadi anda untuk tujuan atau tujuan- 164 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 tujuan berikut: • To assess your applications for our products and/or services; • Menilai permohonan anda untuk produk dan/atau perkhidmatan kami; • To manage and maintain your account(s) with us; • Mengurus dan mengekalkan akaun anda dengan kami; • To manage our business and relationship with you; • Mengurus perniagaan dan hubungan kami dengan anda • to administer and manage the products and services we provide you (including issuing statements of investment, distribution warrants, reports and notifications); • Mentadbir dan mengurus produk dan perkhidmatan kami kepada anda (termasuklah mengeluarkan penyata pelaburan, waran pengagihan, laporan dan/atau makluman); • to investigate and resolve any queries, complaints or other enquiries that you submit to us regarding our products and services; • Menyelidik dan menyelesaikan sebarang kemushkilan, aduan atau persoalan yang anda majukan mengenai produk dan perkhidmatan kami; • To understand your current and future investment needs; • Memahami keperluan pelaburan masakini dan masa depan anda; • To provide you with information on our and third party products and services which may interest you; • Memberikan maklumat kepada anda mengenai produk kami atau pihak ketiga yang mungkin menarik minat anda; • To conduct analysis, statistics, review or research for the improvement or introduction of our products and/or services; • Mengendalikan analisa, statistik, semakan atau kajian untuk penambahbaikan kepada produk dan/atau perkhidmatan kami; • To comply with any laws, rules and regulations, and/or guidelines binding on us; • Mematuhi kehendak undang-undang, peraturan dan/atau garispanduan di mana kami adalah tertakluk di bawahnya; • For audit, compliance management purposes; risk • Untuk tujuan pengauditan, dan/atau pengurusan risiko; • For any other purpose that is required or permitted by any laws, rules and regulations, guidelines and/or regulatory bodies; • Sebarang tujuan yang diperlukan atau dibenarkan oleh undang-undang, peraturan, garispanduan dan/atau badan-badan kawalselia; and/or pematuhan Sources of Personal Data Sumber-sumber Maklumat Peribadi We collect your personal data from, but is not limited to, the following sources: Kami memperolehi maklumat-maklumat peribadi anda daripada (tetapi tidak terhad) sumber-sumber berikut: • Your relationship with us, such as your subscription forms for our investment products and services, questionnaires, contest or promotion; • Hubungan anda dengan kami, antaranya borang-borang langganan anda untuk produk dan perkhidmatan pelaburan kami, kaji-selidik, pertandingan atau promosi; • Your verbal or written communication with us, such your telephone call, emails, or access to our website; • Komunikasi lisan atau bertulis anda dengan pihak kami antaranya panggilan telefon, emel atau capaian anda kepada laman sesawang kami; • Third parties connected to you such your employer, joint-account holders and/or referee, subject to your prior consent; and/or • Pihak ketiga yang berkaitan dengan anda, antaranya majikan, pemegang akaun bersama dan/atau perujuk, tertakluk kepada persetujuan anda; and/or • Publicly available sources such as printed or • Sumber-sumber maklumat yang terbuka, |165 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS broadcast media antaranya media cetak atau siaran Disclosure of Your Personal Information Penzahiran Maklumat Peribadi Anda We will not disclose your personal data to any external parties unless you have permitted us to do so, or is under either a legal obligation, or in the need to facilitate the provisions of our products or services to you. As such, we may disclose your personal data to the following parties: Kami tidak menzahirkan maklumat peribadi anda kepada pihak luar kecuali dengan keizinan anda, atau di bawah keperluan perundangan, atau keperluan untuk memudahkan penyampaian produk atau perkhidmatan kami kepada anda. Seiring dengan itu, kami mungkin menzahirkan maklumat peribadi anda kepada pihak berikut: • Any person authorized by us such as our officers, employees, agents, shareholders, directors, committee members, related companies, business partners or affiliates and/or professional advisers; • Sebarang orang yang diberi kuasa oleh kami, antaranya pegawai, kakitangan, ejen, pemegang saham, pengarah, ahli jawatankuasa, syarikat berkaitan, rakan atau ahli gabungan perniagaan dan/atau penasihat professional, kami; • Any person that facilitates in processing and/or otherwise fulfilling transactions that you have requested, such as trustees custodians, data processing service provider, or financial institution; • Sebarang orang yang memudahkan pemprosesan dan/atau dengan kata lain melengkapkan transaksi yang anda pohon, antaranya pemegang amanah, penjaga amanah, pembekal perkhidmatan pemprosesan data, atau institusi kewangan; • Any person that provides services to our business, products and services that you may directly or indirectly benefits from the services, such as professional advisers, takaful operators or brokers, lawyers, auditors, accountants, or mail service providers; • Sebarang orang yang membekal perkhidmatan kepada perniagaan, produk dan perkhidmatan kami yang memberikan manfaat secara lansung atau tidak langsung kepada anda melalu perkhidmatan tersebut, antaranya, penasihat professional, pengendali atau broker takaful, peguam, juruaudit, akauntan, dan pembekal perkhidmatan penghantaran; • Any person that you have authorized to deal with or give instructions to, us such as your adviser, agent, accountant, or lawyer; • Sebarang orang yang mana anda telah memberikan kuasa kepadanya untuk berurusan dengan atau memberikan araha kepada kami, antaranya peguam, penasihat, wakil, akauntan atau peguam, anda; • Any person as may be required by any laws, regulatory bodies, courts or tribunal • Sebarang orang yang peruntukkan di bawah undang-undang, badan kawalselia, mahkamah atau tribunal The above-mentioned persons may be in some instances located outside Malaysia. Pihak-pihak yang dinyatakan di atas dalam keadaan tertentu berada di luar Malaysia. Our business partners, affiliates and us may contact you about products, services and offers which we believe may be of interest to you or benefit you financially. However, we will only disclose your personal data to our business partners or affiliates only upon obtaining your express consent to do so and subject to the relevant laws at all times. Kami dan rakan atau ahli gabungan perniagaan kami mungkin akan menghubungi anda berkenaan produk, perkhidmatan dan tawaran yang kami percaya mungkin menarik minat anda atau memberi manfaat kewangan kepada anda. Walau bagaimanapun, kami akan hanya menzahirkan maklumat peribadi anda kepada rakan dan ahli gabungan perniagaan kami selepas memperolehi persetujuan nyata dari anda terlebih dahulu dan ianya tertakluk kepada undang-undang yang berkaitan. You may inform us at any time if you do not wish to receive any marketing communication personally from us and/or our business partners or Anda boleh memaklumkan kepada kami sekiranya anda berhasrat untuk tidak mahu menerima komunikasi pemasaran secara peribadi dari kami 166 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 affiliates by notifying us at the address/telephone number/email given at the end of this Privacy Notice. Your latest written instruction to us will prevail. dan/atau rakan atau ahli gabungan perniagaan kami dengan memberitahu kami mengenainya di alamat/nombor telefon/emel yang diberikan di penghujung Notis Privasi ini. Arahan bertulis anda yang terkini kepada kami adalah digunapakai. Your Rights to Access and Correct Your Personal Data Hak Anda untuk Mencapai dan Membetulkan Maklumat Peribadi Anda You have the right to access to, and correct, your personal data held by us. Access to, and/or correction of, your personal data should be made through a request in writing and submitted to the address or email given at the end of this Privacy Notice. Anda berhak untuk mencapai dan membetulkan maklumat peribadi anda di dalam simpanan kami.Capaian kepada dan pembetulan maklumat peribadi anda hendaklah melalui permohonan bertulis dan diserahkan ke alamat atau melalui emel yang diberikan di penghujung Notis Privasi ini. We may charge a prescribed fee for attending your request for access to, or correction of, your personal data. Kami berhak untuk mengenakan yuran yang ditetapkan untuk mengendalikan permintaan capaian atau pembetulan maklumat peribadi anda. We may refuse to accede to your request for access to, or correction of, your personal data. In such event, we will notify you of our refusal and the reason of the refusal. Kami berhak untuk enggan dari memenuhi permintaan anda kepada capaian atau pembetulan maklumat anda. Dalam hal ini, kami akan memaklumkan kepada anda keengganan dan sebab kepada keengganan tersebut. Security of Your Personal Data Keselamatan Maklumat Peribadi Anda The security of your personal data is important to us. All our employees are required to comply with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act which provides the basis of the technical and operational security measures. Keselamatan maklumat peribadi anda adalah amat penting kepada kami. Kesemua kakitangan kami diperlukan mematuhi kehendak-kehendak Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi yang memberikan asas kepada langkah-langkah keselamatan teknikal dan operasi. Our contact details are as below – Butiran perhubungan kami adalah seperti berikut – Mailing address/ Alamat surat-menyurat : PMB Investment Berhad Tingkat Bawah, Wisma PMB, No. 1A, Jalan Lumut 50400 Kuala Lumpur Email/ Emel : Phone No./ No. Telefon (03) 4145 3800 Fax No./No. Faks : (03) 4145 3801 Designation of contact person/ Jawatan individu hubungan : Pengurus, Perhubungan Pelabur 15.9 FOREIGN ACCOUNT TAX COMPLIANCE ACT (FATCA) FATCA is a United States of America’s (USA) statute that, among others, requires foreign financial institutions, including us, to report to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the USA about clients who are USA persons. USA persons refers to – a) a citizen of the USA; b) an individual lawfully admitted for permanent residence of the USA; c) an unincorporated association with a substantial number of members who are citizens of the USA or are individuals lawfully admitted for permanent residence of the USA; or d) a corporation that is incorporated in the USA. |167 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 MASTER PROSPECTUS 15.10 Zakat The Funds do not allocate payment for zakat on capital gains and income distributions, on behalf of Muslim individuals and Muslim legal entities that invest in the Fund since by doing so, would not fulfill their zakat obligations. Thus, Unit Holders are required and advised to make their own arrangements in respect of the payments of zakat. Muslim individuals and legal entities who are investors of the Fund are required to pay zakat on trading and investment income. To determine the amount of zakat payable, these investors need to add the principal invested in the Islamic Fund(s) plus the profits earned on these investments multiplied by 2.5%. 15.11 AUDITORS OF THE FUND Messrs. Ahmad Abdullah & Goh has been appointed as the auditors for the Funds. The Auditors may retire upon giving three (3) month’s written notice to the Trustee provided any such notice must always expire one (1) month prior to or two (2) months following the end of the current accrual period, or may be removed at any time by the Trustee or by a resolution of Unit Holders holding not less than 2/3 of the units in issue. Any vacancy in the office of the Auditors shall be filled by a qualified person appointed by the Trustee. Messrs. Jamal, Amin & Partners is the external auditors for the Manager who is registered with Audit Oversights Board of the SC. 15.12 PLEDGING OF UNITS AS COLLATERAL Units held by the Unit Holder may be pledged as collateral for loans to enhance your financial leverage. However, this facility is only available subject to the approval of the banks or other financial institutions. 15.13 BORROWING TO PURCHASE UNITS The Unit Holder has the option to purchase the Units through a loan scheme. However, if such facility is utilised the margin of finance shall not exceed 67% of the amount invested (this limit is not applicable for purchase of Units via credit/charge card). Any redemption of Units is subject to the related financial institution’s approval. Investors are required to understand fully the risk disclosure statement on the loan scheme before signing off on the statement provided. The risk disclosure statement is incorporated in the application forms referred to and accompanied in the Master Prospectus. 15.14 PERIOD OF THE FUND The commencement dates of the Funds are the dates of launching or the dates of the first Prospectus issued by the Manager. The Fund may be terminated by the Trustee who will summon a meeting of Unit Holders due to circumstances affecting the Manager. Otherwise the Fund may continue in operation or in existence if it appears to be in the interest of the Unit Holders for such periods as agreed by the Trustee and the Manager. 168 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 15.15 LIST OF CHANNEL DISTRIBUTIONS Other than the Head Office in Kuala Lumpur, Unit Holder may obtain the Master Prospectus and Forms and purchase the units of our Funds at our regional offices as follows: Regional Offices Pulau Pinang No.46, 1/F Jalan Todak 2, Pusat Bandar Seberang Jaya, 13700 Perai Tel: 04-390 9036 Fax: 04-390 9041 Email: Manager: Yami binti Sulaiman Pahang Lot D103, Tingkat 1 Mahkota Square, Jalan Mahkota, 25000 Kuantan Tel: 09-515 8545 Fax: 09-513 4545 Email: Manager: Ahmad Sabrizal bin Abu Bakar Johor No.17-01, Jalan Molek 1/29, Taman Molek, 81100 Johor Bahru Tel: 07-352 2120 Fax: 07-351 2120 Email: Manager: Anuar Idrus Sarawak Institutional Unit Trust Agents Phillip Mutual Berhad B-2-7 Megan Avenue II, 12 Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-2783 0300; Fax:03-2166 6417 Website: iFast Capital Sdn Bhd Level 28 Menara Standard Chartered, No 30 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-2149 0660; Fax: 03- 2143 1218 Website: Apex Investment Services Berhad Suite 10-A3, 10A Floor, Grand Season Avenue 72 Jalan Pahang, 53000 Kuala Lumpur Tel : 03-2693 2789; Fax : 03-2692 6546 Website: Financial Institutions for Auto debit a. Malayan Banking Berhad b. Bank Simpanan Nasional c. CIMB Bank Berhad d. RHB Bank Berhad No. 59, Tingkat 1, Jalan Tun Jugah, 93350 Kuching Tel: 082-464 402 Fax: 082-464 404 Email: Manager: John Nyaliaw Sabah Lot 2-3-19C, Tingkat 2 Plaza Wawasan, Lorong Wawasan, 88000 Kota Kinabalu Tel: 088-244129 Fax: 088-244419 Email: Manager: Yong Yin Kong |169 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 2014/2015 16. MASTER PROSPECTUS STATEMENT OF CONSENT The Auditor, Bankers, Company Secretary, Lawyers, Tax Adviser, Trustees and Shariah Adviser have given their consent in writing before the issuance of this Master Prospectus to act in that capacity in relation to this Master Prospectus and those consents have been lodged with the Securities Commission Malaysia and have not subsequently been withdrawn. 170 | PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900 MASTER PROSPECTUS 17. 2014/2015 DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION For a period of not less than twelve (12) months from the date of this Master Prospectus, Unit Holders may inspect the following documents or copies thereof during normal business hours at the Manager’s and Trustee’s business office, without charge:a) The Deed of each Funds; b) Each material contract or document referred to in this Master Prospectus; c) The latest annual and interim reports of the Funds; d) All reports, letters or other documents, valuations and statements by any expert, any part of which is extracted or referred to in this Master Prospectus; e) Latest audited financial statements of the management company and that of the Funds for the current financial year (where applicable); f) Audited financial statements of the management company and that of the Funds for the last 3 financial years preceding the date of the Master Prospectus; g) Any consent given by experts or persons named in this Master Prospectus; and h) Writ and relevant cause papers for all current material litigation and arbitration disclosed in the Master Prospectus. |171 PMB Investment Berhad Investor Relation Careline: 03 4145 3900