May Newsletter - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church


May Newsletter - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Vacation Bible School is coming!!
EGYPT: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace
Join us for an exciting adventure
Sunday, July 17 – Thursday, July 21 6:158:30PM!
We need Station leaders and Crew Leaders.
Please sign up at the Bible School display in the
167 EAST MAIN STREET EPHRATA PA 17522 PHONE 717.733.4134
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
May 2016
The JUNE 2016 issue will be mailed on May 26
Deadline for articles for the JUNE 2016 issue: May 19.
Attendance in MARCH
March 6, 2016
March 13, 2016
March 20, 2016
March 27, 2016
To the members of Holy Trinity who are
70 years and older and celebrating a
birthday this month.
Attention Men: Fellowship/Prayer Breakfast
Fellowship/devotional opportunity for men, sons,
grandsons, friends. Date: Saturday, June at 9:00 AM.
Place: Udder Choice. Sign-up in Gathering Area.
Come and join us and bring a friend.
May 15: THE SINGLE’S GROUP will be going to Par k
Place Diner after the 10:30 liturgy. We’ll meet in the
Assembly Area at 12:10. All are welcome. For reservations,
please call Cheryl Plummer by May 14 at 625-3187. Plan to
join us!
E-Mail: Holy Tr inity needs your e-mail address to supplement,
facilitate and economize the information highway from the church
office to you! Your e-mail address won’t be placed in a church
directory. It will only be used for mailings originating in the church
office. If you want to be included, please print your name and e-mail
address on an index card (by the box) and place in the box provided.
Prayer Chain Participants:
Kitty Dickersheid, Patricia Fassnacht, Joyce Gehman,
Carlene Kerschner, Mary Louise Hornberger, Louise
Krick, Shirley Miller, Henrietta Mull, Mary Stophel,
Cindy Sutton, Judy Zimmerman.
To submit names for prayer, please call the church office at
As a result of Federal Law, hospitals are no longer able to
provide the church with any information about patients
without prior patient permission. The only way we will know
1 Gloria Keller
4 Milton Jacoby
4 Charles Weidman
12 Ilmar Muttik
13 Virginia DelPiano
16 Anna Wolf
17 Harold Shelly
19 Thomas Frontz
21 Robert Mellinger
23 Ella Shupp
31 Brenda Wangman
The Yoga group would like to
invite anyone interested in
Yoga to come to our practice
on Monday evenings. We
meet at 6:15PM and end about
8 in the Gathering Area. Bring
a mat and wear comfortable
clothes that allow for movement.
Daily on Weekdays:
S. June Smith Center
1st Tuesday each month:
Ephrata community Auxiliary
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
In order to save on the expense of printing the bulletin,
the bulletins from the 8:00 service will be “recycled” for
use at the 10:30 service. The information inserts will be
available for one per family to take home.
May 2016
Continuing with the this issue of the newsletter,
we have emailed it to all members whose email
addresses we currently have. This will save
considerable paper, printing and postage costs.
Since you are receiving a “hard copy”, it means that we do
not have your email address. If you have an email address,
please submit it to the church office so we can add you to
the list of those receiving the newsletter by email. If you
have access to the internet, you can also read the newsletter
on Holy Trinity’s website.
Women’s Prayer Group
The Women’s Prayer group meets
every Monday morning at 10AM in
the Library.
Ephrata Area Lutheran
Churches Relay for Life
Team will be holding our
annual Yard Sale on Saturday
May 7th to benefit American
Cancer Society. Keep us in
mind as you spring houseclean!
We will gladly accept donations of household items,
baked goods, soda, and bottled water for the yard
sale. New this year we will also be selling
Kaufmann’s BBQ chicken at the yard sale. V&S sub
tickets are still available. See any team member for
details and THANK YOU for your support!
Salem Lutheran Preschool is now accepting
registrations for Fall 2016. The 3 Year Old Class meets
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 11:30
AM. The 4 Year Old Class meets Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 AM to 11:30
AM. Call the Church office at 733-6646 for more
Regular Offering Electronically
On the Holy Trinity website:
(, a new tab on
the menu bar called “Online Giving” will
now take you to a secure web site for you
to give. You can now give your Regular Offering, your
Special Appeal donation, and your Capital Campaign
donation… ONLINE. Or, you can use your Smart
Phone and follow the QR code to the same secure
Finishing the Task
Serving Today and Tomorrow
Have you noticed something
different in the Gathering Area?
What’s different is a new Capital
Campaign display that features the
current figure remaining to pay off
the mortgage.
The display highlights the Capital
Campaign’s three themes – Rooted in
Faith – Building to Serve (building
construction phase) and Built to Serve- A Foundation of
Faith and Finishing the Task- Serving Today and
Tomorrow ( 10 year mortgage phase). Look closely at the
Finishing the Task portion of the display. It’s actually a
puzzle with a piece removed for each $5,000 reduction of
the mortgage.
Due to your regular contributions the total amount
received for 2015 through Sunday, April 17, 2016 totals
$115,070.61 ($57,757.00 – Pledged and $57,313.61 –
Give as Able). Thank you!
Due to the congregation’s concerted effort, Finance
Committee recommended and the Congregational Council
approved at its December meeting an additional payment
of $30,000 be applied toward the mortgage principal. In
January 2012, the mortgage amount stood at $412,000.
Since January 2012, the mortgage has been reduced to
$74,538 (as of April 17). What a difference your regular
commitment, regardless of the amount, has made to Holy
Trinity’s Capital Campaign. Thank you!
We have now paid off 82% of the original 10-year
We begin a new church year challenging you to
consider Christian Stewardship from an entirely new
perspective. Rather than seeing stewardship as purely a
“fund-raising” effort conducted each Fall, we hope to
reframe and redefine stewardship as embracing how you
live every day with God as your center.
What does it mean to have God at the very center of
your life for all the choices and decisions you make? What
does it say about how you manage both your health as well
as about how you share your offerings? What does it say
about your diet, about how you vote, about how you help
your neighbors, about the chemicals you put on the lawn,
and the choice of car you purchase?
Stewardship embraces all the choices we make and all
the values we embrace in life, as stewards of God’s
creation. Over the course of the coming year, we will
challenge you to consider your life in various ways from a
faith perspective. Our hope is to expand the voice that faith
has in your living.
The Stewardship Committee
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
May 2016
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your kind words,
cards, flowers, and visits from Pastor while I was
waiting for surgery, during, and after it. I
am doing well and thank God for our family
at Trinity.
We are very blessed to have such
caring people who continue to surround us
with love and concern.
Love to all of you,
Sue and Carl Rentschler
Thank you very much for the altar flowers,
visits from Pastor and Donna and Dan Doremus
and others from the congregation. I appreciate so
much the kindness shown by all. Thanks also for
all the cards. Only when you are in the hospital do
you learn to appreciate the kindness of all.
Fred Hummel
Thank you,
On behalf of the board of directors of
Ephrata Area Social Services, our staff and those
we serve, I want to acknowledge receipt of, and
thank you for the generous donation of $783.18.
During February EASS distributed food to
158 families, helping 533 people. 211
people benefited from the clothing bank. We
provided 106 rides in the transportation
service. We also helped 2 new families
having 5 members. 24 families (69 family
members) benefited from our Emergency
Financial Assistance program expending
$3,504.88 for prescriptions, home heating fuel and
electric payments to prevent disconnections. The
mission of EASS is to channel effectively
community resources into a network of support for
neighbors in need of Human Resources. With your
support we are able to continue meeting that
Sincerely, Tom Swalwell, Exe. Dir. EASS
If you would like to have a thank you printed in an upcoming
issue of The W indow, please bring or send it to the church
office or put it in the offering plate. Please clearly mark that you
would like it to be printed in The W indow. Thank you.
Trini Mini
ALL ARE WELCOME: The Trini Mini Afterschool program to provide homework help
and related activities for children in grades one through six has grown to an attendance of 20-24 on a
regular basis. The sessions are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. Help is
needed between 4:00 pm – 5 pm for reading and math support. Other activities include educational
games, crafts, snacks and fun! Volunteers for the above may make their own schedules for
attending. Liberal vacation, holidays and happiness provided. Must enjoy elementary age behaviors!
The kids are really well mannered, enthusiastic and appreciative.
Hunger J.A.M. To learn, serve, & share
On June 3, our Synod is packing 400,000 nutritionally complete meals that will help feed hungry
Pennsylvanians. There will be opportunities to learn more about the root causes of hunger and
how we can help advocate and address the systemic issues behind the many helpful ministries we
already provide. The event will take place at Messiah College in Grantham, PA and will kick off
our 2016 Synod Assembly with its theme of Justice and Mercy. We will need 1,200 volunteers
over 12 hours and $100,000. All we need is you! To help: sign up on the list in the Gathering
Music Serving the Word, an outreach ministr y will be presenting a concer t at Luther Acres on
Sunday, 12 June beginning at 2 PM. Both the singer (Charles Johnson) and his accompanist
(Dale Niehaus -- the organist at our Lutheran church we attend here in AZ) are OUTSTANDING
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
May 2016
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
May 2016
The ministries of the Lower Susquehanna
Synod, ELCA will be the focus for our May
Special Stewardship program. In specific, we
will be collecting offerings to support Hunger
Jam (Hunger: Justice and Mercy). On June 3,
1200 volunteers from synodical congregations
will gather at Messiah College, near
Mechanicsburg, PA to pack 400,000 meals that
will be distributed by the Central PA Food Bank
to those in need throughout Central Pennsylvania.
offerings made during May will help to defray the
cost of supplies (approx. $100,000) to make up
the 400,000 meals.
To be honest, 400,000 meals is a number
that just boggles my mind. That number is
beyond my ability to comprehend. Two years ago,
the synod volunteers packaged 300,000 meals.
That number is also a challenge to fathom, but it
is a very real number. Both 300,000 and 400,000
meals speak to the staggering need under which
many of our neighbors live each day.
Undoubtedly there are some among the
poor and needy who are lazy and listless, more
than willing to take advantage of the system, but
they are not representative of the millions and
millions of truly needy who struggle each day to
survive. I am saddened and embarrassed by the
presidential election process while countless
Americans, so many of them children, go to bed
hungry each night. The system does not work for
As of April 25, eight of our members have
volunteered to work a two hour shift on June 3 to
package the meals. I hope you will be generous
with your May Special Stewardship offerings, but
I also hope that you realize that the struggles of
America’s poor and needy will not be restored by
one event of 400,000 meals. As impressive as the
number is, the problem of hunger in America is
massive beyond our comprehension. The need is
enduring and daunting. Sadly the candidates for
political office don’t even address the needs of
our hungry neighbors.
It is easier to ignore their existence. It is
more effective to play on our fears and self
concern. Please do not forget those who live
around us, often in the shadows. We may look
right past them, but Jesus never did. His ministry
to the poor and outcasts was at the very core of
his proclamation of God’s coming kingdom. Our
political leaders may overlook the poor, may
deny their need, but God constantly challenges us
to see them. Jesus never ignored them– neither
can we!
In Christ,
Pastor Herbener
amount of money that is being spent on the
Stewardship Special Giving for MAY
See Pastor’s message above for info about this.
Next Dinner Group: May 13, 6:30 PM.
Location: Reflections. Sign-up in Gathering
May 1: 4-6PM.
Bring a snack to share
COMMUNITY JOB FAIR: Friday, May 6th. 10AM3PM at 55 New St. Ephrata. Interviews, professional
haircuts, profession clothing. For more info, pick up a
flyer on the table in the Assembly Area.
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
May 2016
May 2016
Assisting Ministers
8:00 AM
The Ministers
May 1, 2016
Easter 6
May 8, 2016
Easter 7
May 15, 2016
May 22, 2016
The Holy Trinity
May 29, 2016
Time after
Pentecost-Lect. 9
Council Team
Mary Stophel
Tom Smith
Ron Price
Phyllis Peters
Bonnie Frey
Connie Buck
Mary Stophel
Tom Smith
Phyllis Peters
Ron Price
Todd Peters
John Fuehrer
Ron Price
Mary Stophel
Connie Buck
Cindy Sutton
Todd Peters
Jack Bowers
John Fuehrer
Ron Price
Todd Peters
John Fuehrer
Jim Watkins
Mary Stophel
Connie Buck
CH Eliza Mull
CR Theresa Mull
CH Steve Homan
CR Nick Morgan
CH Steve Homan
CR Eliza Mull
T: T. Mull/S. Morgan
CH Nick Morgan
CR Sydney Morgan
T: E. & T. Mull
CH Steve Homan
#3 Phyllis Doughty
#9 Dave Bowers
#11 Kevin Gingrich
#17 Deb Grube
#1 John Keller
Dave Bowers
Bob Eberly
Nick Morgan
Kevin Gingrich
Bob Eberly
Barb & Steve
Andy Sweigart
Ginni DelPiano
Shirley Reider
Grace Myers
Sue Watts
Barb & Steve
Carol & Tim
Sharon & Mark Snyder
Brenda Wangman
Lori Spitzer
Patrice Mull
Brenda Wangman
Lori Spitzer
Barb Sweigart
Grace Myers
Barb Sweigart
Patrice Mull
Karen Leonhard
Altar Guild
Launder Linens
Bread Baker
Please check your assigned dates carefully and if for some reason you are unable to fulfill your obligation, please contact
someone who will serve in your stead. This is your responsibility. Please let the church office or Pastor or Donna know of
May 2016
Assisting Ministers
10:30 AM
The Ministers
May 1, 2016
Easter 6
May 8, 2016
Easter 7
May 15, 2016
May 22, 2016
The Holy Trinity
May 29, 2016
Time after
Pentecost-Lect. 9
Council Team
Denise Shirker
Peggy Croft
John Weiss
Adam Doughty
Peggy Dean
Peggy Croft
Denise Shirker
Deb Moyer
John Weiss
Adam Doughty
Assisting Minister
Bonnie Frey
Martha Sheaffer
Deb Hornberger
Bonnie Frey
Martha Sheaffer
Communion Assist
Deb Hornberger
Bill Young
Christy Boos
Lori Spitzer
Don Strauss
Allen Nace
Martha Sheaffer
Deb Hornberger
Lori Spitzer
Bill Young
CH Nate Young
CR Evie Cable
CH Tanner Good
CR Clarice Doughty
Sara Garman
CH Tanner Good
CR Nate Young
T E. Cable/H. Weirbiki
CH C. Doughty/
S. Garman
CR Tanner Good
T H.Wierbiki/E.Cable
CH Nate Young
#18 Curtis Boos
#6 Jim Brodt
#10 Bruce Shirker
#14 Bill Young
#16 John Weiss
Brooke Moyer
Nate Young
Norm Wangman
Tom Leaman
Evie Cable
Wendy & Bill Young
Lillian Herbener
Kim Hink
Bonnie Frey
Michelle & Evie Cable
Kristen & Tom Leaman
Cheryl Plummer
Denise Shirker
Amy Wiegand
Amy Wierbiki
Heather Zimmerman
T & K Leaman
Dan Doremus
Winnie Gerlach
Natalie Benigno
Amanda Hinkle
Lyn Weiss
M & E Cable
Lori Brusk
Altar Guild
Deliver Flowers
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
May 2016
Life Together at Holy Trinity: May 2016
Easter 6
8 & 10:30
SCS 9:15
Women’s Prayer
Group 10AM
Yoga 6:15
Bible Study 10AM Sr. Choir 6:30
Trini Mini 3:30
Grief Support
Group 6:30
Trini Mini 3:30
Walking Group
Ascension Day
Worship 7PM
Relay for Life
yard sale
Property 7PM
Youth Volleyball
Easter 7
8 & 10:30
SCS 9:15
Women’s Prayer
Group 10AM
Yoga 6:15
Fellowship 7:00
Evangelism 7:30
Day of Pentecost
8 & 10:30
SCS 9:15
The Holy Trinity
8 & 10:30
Women’s Prayer
Group 10AM
Yoga 6:15
Women’s Prayer
Group 10AM
Yoga 6:15
Pentecost 2
Trini Mini 3:30
Worship 7PM
Dinner Group:
Reflections 6:30
Bible Study 10AM Sr. Choir 6:30
Trini Mini 3:30
Pastor’s monthly
Zion, Manheim
Bible Study 10AM Sr. Choir 6:30
Trini Mini 3:30
Trini Mini 3:30
Worship 7PM
Walking Group
Trini Mini 3:30
Worship 7PM
Walking Group
Memorial Day:
Church Office
Walking Group
Executive 8PM
Last SCS 9:15
Church Council
Finance 7PM
Stewardship 7PM
Bible Study 10AM Sr. Choir 6:30
Trini Mini 3:30
Bible Study 10AM
Trini Mini 3:30
8 & 9:45
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
May 2016
Begins May 29
and runs through
September 4:
8:00 & 9:45 AM
Looking for a wonderful way to spend
an afternoon? Then join the Luther
Lunch Ladies for a tasty lunch, a fun
time and enjoyable company. We meet
the 4th Wednesday of each month, dine at
a different county restaurant, enjoy the
sisterhood of Trinity’s ladies and receive
a surprise favor. This group is open to all
Trinity’s ladies .We car pool from the
American Legion Lot. Please think about joining us.
Call Lois Beck 733 7737 or speak to the pastor.
Power Packs: Power Packs provide free weekend
meals for Ephrata Area School children who
receive subsidized meals at school. The program
is operated entirely by volunteers, and the weekly
power packs are picked up on Thursdays at the
Rec. They need donations of protein items:
peanut butter, canned chicken and tuna. Bring
donations to church. A box will be available in
the Gathering Area. Thank you.
Luther Acres upcoming activities
Annual Health and Wellness Fair:
Thursday, April 28. 8:30-4:30.
Snack and Chat:
Tuesday, May 31 & June 28 at 2PM. RSVP needed.
Strawberry Festival:
Saturday, June 11. 11AM-1PM.
For more info on all of these, pic up a flyer on the
table in the Gathering Area.
St John’s Herr Estate activities
Red, White and Blue Jamboree:
Saturday, May 14. 10AM- 2PM.
Resident Art Show and Open House:
Fri. June 24. 5-7PM.
Snack and Chat:
Tuesdays May 31 & June 28 at 2PM. RSVP needed.
For more info on all of these, pic up a flyer on the
table in the Gathering Area.
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
May 2016
Finance Committee Report
SAVE the DATE! Luthercare’s 22nd Annual:
Tee it up for Kids! Golf Tournament
Monday, September 26, 2016
The John H. Moyer and Erma A. Moyer Scholarship
Trust of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy
Trinity has been established through a gift by their son, John
R. Moyer, to honor his parents and perpetuate the family’s
belief in the importance of higher education.
The Trust provides for a one-year scholarship of at least
$800, to be awarded annually to a member of Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church who will be full-time, third year student,
majoring in Elementary or Secondary Education, at a
Pennsylvania college or university.
Applications and detailed Scholarship selection
information can be obtained from the Church office.
Completed applications and transcripts must be returned to
the Church office no later than July 15.
Turkey Hill Moo Money Program
Thanks to everyone who has been supporting this and
bringing in their lids. If you haven’t
started to save your lids, please consider
doing so!!
Save your Turkey Hill milk lids with the
Moo Money sticker on and put them in the
container in the Assembly Area. The
following Turkey Hill milk items contain
these stickers: Whole, 2%, 1% & Fat Free
milk; Chocolate milk; Strawberry milk &
Orange Cream milk.
Turkey Hill will donate $50 for every 500 lids collected.
500th anniversary Reformation Tour of Germany
June 16-26, 2017
Pastor Sandy Gideon will be leading a group to Germany (and
Switzerland). Some of the places will include: Rhine River
Cruise, Gutenberg Museum, Worms and St. Peter’s church,
Heidelberg Castle, Strasbourg (France), Zurich (Switzerland) &
Neuschwanstein Castle, Zugspitz (the highest point in
Germany), Augsburg, Daschau concentration camp, Wartburg
Castle, Erfurt, Bach Museum, Augustinian Monastery,
Wittenberg & the Castle Church, & Berlin. You can read more
details at:
I also have brochures (& registration forms) I can mail you if
you would like to read more just call my house at 4841172. The price of $3,519 includes airfare, lodging,
transportation, guides, 2 meals a day, plus more. You must be
registered before Jan. 2017. If you have any questions please
call as this will be a great year to visit Germany along with
others from Lancaster County.
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
Redner’s Save-A-Tape Program
Redner’s Market offers a program for
members who shop at Redner’s
Markets to help their congregations
support a designated community
program. Y ou MUST apply for a
Redner’s Save-a-Tape card and show
it each time you make a purchase.
Your receipt MUST say Save-a-Tape
at the bottom, or it will not be eligible
for this program. Place your receipts
in the designated box in the Assembly Area. Redner’s
will contribute 1% of every $5000 worth of purchases.
Our designated program will be the community meals.
The total raised through these 2 programs has been:
$2,631.94 Not bad for items that would have just
been thrown away!!
May 2016
Holy Trinity Lutheran of
Ephrata has provided Bingo on the first Monday of each
month for many years for the skilled care unit at Luther
The community meal program in
Care in Lititz.
Ephrata, continues to be an important
A dedicated group of volunteers helps wheel the
part of the ministry here at Holy Trinity.
into the activity room. During the hour of
There are a number of people who help
volunteers help residents look for numbers.
with food preparation, food and
who participates gets a quarter.
monetary donation, and also coming out
are played until approximately 3-4
to help serve. The more people that help,
are won. The “prize”, can be used at
the more successful the program is. The
help that we get is greatly appreciated.
Attendance is anywhere between 20 to 28 folks.
The meal program in Ephrata continues
Any questions, call Darryll or Kathy Kuhns, 610-410to grow. A weekly Thursday Evening meal is served at one
5410. The residents are very appreciative for activities
of three Ephrata Churches. Watch the weekly bulletin for
such as bingo, to brighten their days.
opportunities to contribute food or to help with meals. If you
have any questions, please call Sue Watts at 738-2327
Ephrata Area Social Services:
PLEASE!! Ephrata Area Social Service is in
need of food items this summer and we need to
start stocking their shelves now. Items needed –
beverage products (cool aid, juicy juice, coffee,
tea, etc.) cake mixes, canned fruits, canned meats
(spaghetti, spam, tuna, ravioli, etc.) canned peas,
cereal, hamburger helper, premixed Jell-O
snacks, pancake mix and syrup. Note: They do
not need canned corn, canned green bean or canned soups.
The Social Ministry Committee thanks you for your
continued support!
Peter’s Porch Prep
Peter’s Porch at Zion Lutheran Church (435 Main
Street, Akron) is open every third Saturday of the
month. Doors open at 8:30am till 10:30am. Join us for
a free breakfast, free clothing and free groceries/
toiletries for families and singles. Would you be willing
to volunteer at this community outreach? The two
Wednesdays before Peter’s Porch is prep... packing
groceries and sorting through donations. Clothing
donations may be dropped off at Zion Monday – Friday
9am-2pm. Questions can be directed to Tracy in Zion’s
Church office: (717)859-2100
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels needs volunteer
packers, every Thursday and the 2nd
and 3rd Fridays of each month, from
8:30– 10:30. Please call 733-4846
between 8:30 & 11:00. Thank you!
Greeters are needed for the 10:30 liturgy. Anyone
interested in helping, please speak to Pastor Herbener.
Eucharist Ministers: Volunteers are being sought to
carry the sacrament from the altar to designated shut-ins
after each liturgy in March. If interested, speak to Pastor
Volunteers needed to deliver the altar flowers to sick/shut
-in/hospitalized members following the 2nd liturgy. All
deliveries will be local. If interested contact Pastor
Herbener or the church office.
Additional Nursery volunteers are needed to assist with
child care on Sunday mornings. If interested, speak to
Pastor Herbener.
Do you like to knit and/or crochet? A new ministr y has
begun here at Trinity-the making of prayer shawls. If you are
interested in joining this group please call Marti Nissley (859
-2847) or Kathy Kuhns (610-410-5410). They will send you
patterns and dimensions. Soft yarn is suggested. Lap
blankets may also be made. When a shawl or lap blanket is
completed prayers for its recipient are
said and it is presented to someone as a
physical symbol of our care and
prayers. Those who receive our prayer
shawls are literally wrapped in our
prayers and feel God’s presence and the
community of His people in a most
special way.
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
May 2016
Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity
167 East Main Street
Ephrata, Pennsylvania 17522-2720
Return Service Requested
The Window
The Lutheran Church of The Holy Trinity
167 East Main Street Ephrata, PA 17522
Phone: 717.733.4134 Fax: 717.733.4135
Holy Trinity email addresses
General Church email:
Pastor Herbener:
Sue Johns:
“A Window is but a transparent wall,
through which one can see out and in.”
MAY 2016
Holy Trinity’s Staff:
The Ministers ............................................................................................................. The Members
The Pastor .................................................................................................. Rev. Henry E. Herbener
Church Musician/Educator ...........................................................................................Donna Nace
Administrative Assistant ............................................................................................... Suzan Johns
The Sexton ................................................................................................................. Candy Snyder
Sr. Choir Director............................................................................................................ Deb Olson
THE WINDOW, Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, PA
May 2016