September - Squirreled Away Home
September - Squirreled Away Home
ilnfant's Erisemble in a ffiElflJ ffi00il ilaome As thousands before you have found to a fact, a New Moon home means re- laxed, limited budget living, in space' to-spare comfort. in one, two, and three bedroom f loor plans, New Moon homes are cornpletely furnished throughout in your choice of modern or traditional styling" Everything . . . from quality kitchen appliances to attractive bed' Available room furniture " . . is provided, ready for you to move in" All You actuallY need to set up housekeeping are your dishes, linens, and silverware. The cost? LESS than that of the furnishings alone in the average homel Note this too: with a wide selection of i excellent mobile home park locations in every state, you can enioy relaxed, carefree livlng wherevei you want. i fl t f t tl Write for free illustrated folder l IJ l. b The WORKBASKET I \ .," 348 SEPTEMBER,19,/64 ,i \ I t,i i I I Brand New! Most remarkable dress form eyer made! HHffIH"LIUING FONMIft Reproduces Uour exact figure -euctt if it changes. I{EGK can be made slimmer or wider. tinally-a SH0UIDERS collapse, glide in or-out. . . garment slips on or dress form with flexible adjustable bust and collapsible shoulders! altogether l4 independently adjustable, fi lgef:lip..control ed, ]ock-tight sections off easily. - I GUARANTEED TO MAKE DRESSMAKING EASY! Not since the invention of the sewing machine has there been such an advancement in the ease of dressmaking! This new, easy-to-adjust dress form is so completely unlike any you've ever seen-is so far ahead of all the othe15-1rys'ye applied for a patent on it. And we're so positive-you,ll be completely delighted with it thaf we2ll lei you use it for 1.0 full days without your risking i single penny. A small deposit brings it to you. . . and if you are dissatisfied for any reason, simply return it -and your deposit will be refunded. No-questions asked! DUPLICATE Y0UR FIGURE lN M|NUTES. No matter your size or shape-even if you're an in-between or half-s _re, have hips larger or smaller than your bu-st . . . the new Acme "Living Form,, will adjust quickly to your exact measurements. Ng other dress form ever made, ,regardless of pricQ, can give you s_uch a ran6ie oT meaiurements because no dher form has these exctusive patent-pending features: 1) The unique new flexible bust feature permits a high, Iow, full bust or even a widely sep_arated bust without affecting D any other body measurements. t{ew collapsible shoutders to allow fitted garment to slip on and off easily. 3) Ngy shoulder and bust sections separately adjustable from each other. 4) 14 sections; each one adjusts independently of the other. Each -section cln be locked tightly in position with a touch of your finger until you change it-an almost magic mechanism. Eveg if y_ou gain or lose inches, your Aime will readily adjust to- "gain', or .,lose,} with yout ftt permanently useful-not only to you, out to other your family, even though they diflvome3 in terently proportioned! ^re Helps yolr alter, remodet, make clothes in half the usual time, at a fraction of the usual cost! The new Acme de llrxe .,Living Form,' takes all the guesswork out of sewing. y6u cin nt. pintanO baste-yogr dress.right on Ihe Acmi. riie?eit G no mistakes to fip but. you'll make smari, new, profe-ssional-loo-king custom-fitted risfiionil. . an.i GOMES READY T0 USE! The Acme comes completely assembled, is constructed to last forever. IC h.s a metal base and iron backbone, a frame ;i tiEa; sturdy -Duratex. It comes with h sepaiiG,-fit-bver pin-jacket made of jersey, aL no eifri;h;rfi.- ICME DRESS F(IRM CO. oept. ur8.49,380 Throop Aye., Brooklyn, N. Y. ll22l eF-l Acme Dress Form Co., Ilept. WB-49 380 Throop Aue.r'Brobklyn, ]1. y. 7l2?l Pleaso,sond my newdeluxeAcme "Living Form" immediately. I enclose deposit of $4.9b fn check or money ordon l[hen it arrives,'f understand that if I'm not thrilled with it-after 10 days use, f:nay return once. However,. if it and get my $4.95 I decido to keep lt, back irt I agree to pay $3 a mlmth for 5 months unUt ?ull payment of $19.95 plus shipping chargss ls mado, Name, Address ..- -- -. ciU-zone_ .__ state_ ,you'll see in advaice how the finishid Oieii- wiU ,loqk' - ,r.]-,:T $aprrAABHR - 7o;$;9,4 VoLUME.. .2 ...t_ **ffiffi 1l - l': ':: - : ffiaffiffiff ilrrffi HoME AFi.Ts MA6AZINE MrrRY 'fDA'S,UIHVAN : ',, ,[P|[Qft,,,:, ..: RSI{A]...,B.U,LL,', :. ASSISTANT EDITOR .':':,, Fried Marble JewelrSr , ,' :Willard and Elma Waltnef:;ffi,, rt.. :, ' (Cover Design) "' ,,,Casserole and Tumblg". Jackets ----- C h a ir Box- ----:-:*---*--- -------:-:--------- - --52 Bird Feeder--:------ -----------"--66 - ,,,, ,.na.fant1s,Ensemble--- -*--,--*--*.-;-- ---15 '- ''. ' -----------50 Foods Let's Eat A Real Breakfast!------26 With the Cooks ------32 To Knit Gqrden Mittens To Tat H,ickrack ------- 65 with Tatting--.-------------23 SPECIAI. ARTICTES Decorate with Huck Weaving----tr2 Flower and Garden Forum------40 Violets-Elvin McDona1d ------42, How to Plant an lris-------- ---------4& Night Blooming Cereus katherine B- Walker--------------45 Preserve Autumn Leaves----------47 ADVERT]SXNG OFFICES tilt[sAs ctTY, Mo. 6{111 .Arthur W" Stockdale, Adv. Director Ray Turpin, Adv. Mgr. 543 Westport Road (Area Code 816) JEfferson l-5730 ERANCH and SALES OFFICES ATLAflTA, GEORGIA 30305 Firnie & Brown 3108 Piedmont Road, N. E, (Area Code 404) 233-6729 cxilGAGO, ILL|NOIS 60603 John Cockerell 116 South Michigan Avenue (Area'Code 312) 263-6929 DETROIT, MICHIGAN Frank B. Heib 188 Elm Street Birnningham, Michigan 480 (Area Code 313) 647-1655 tos AltcELEs, cALtF. 90005 Henry Eschen 3142 Wilshire Boulevard (Area Code 213) DUnkirk 2-8391 Miltt{EAPOLtS, MtNt{, 55402 M. B. Bock 309 Baker Buldine (Area Code 612) FEderal 6-5357 NEW YORK, N. Edward Smith Y" 10017 50 East 42nd Street (Area Code 2l2l 0Xford 7-7990 SAN FRANGISGO. GALIF. 94104 Roger Coombe 57 Post Street (Area Code 415) SUtter L-7440 atrh6.WORILBASKET tB pubushed motrthly by tr4od€m Eudcraft, h9., 543 -yestpqlt Ro8d, Xm€&s*C-ltv, Misswi 64111. S*ond-cla$s postage at KenMs City, Misourl ud &t additional mailins offi@!. Prtated i! U.g.A. F.iiv"fehi Modem Hmdcraft.- Irc.. 1964. Auul sub8crlption r&t€8: U.S.A. md PosssioE, $1.50; Ce&da' $2.00. *tr-m cnmgtng addrss, give old and nM addres, wit}r zlp code, iJ any, md allow slx weeks for chuge to eite-ctive. Iuctude-address l&bel from lost iasue received, or code iruberE from l,Ipbl Matrucrlpts must iEo^et e ieomoiniea bv rctu Dostac€. Publistter a6me8 tro respmsiblllty for retum of Eolicltod material. .posrMASrER: sind form 357e1o rhe Wo'EKBASKET, 543 wostportmRmh,-ilt? Ei"*.fr#.$..Pr1lll;r, 4. The WORKBASKET @ County Fair Bedspread (Illustrated In Color On Front Cover) Dress your bed in this colorful and handsome bedspread! You can make a single or double size-70 or g0 x 105 inches-sxsluding fringe. The model was made frsm J. & P" Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen and number 7 steel crochet hook. You will need 53 batrls of white or ecru and 48 balls of tango for a single size ; 67 balls ecru or white and 62 balls of tango or other desired color. Abbreviqtions: ch (choin) sl st (slip stitch) sk (skip) sc (single crochet) dc (double crochet) rnd (round) lr (treble) sp (spoce) dtr (double treble) dec (decreose) hdc (holf double crochet) Gouge: Each inches square motif measures s Motif-starting at center with ecru, ch 7 , j oin with sl st to form a ring. Rnd 1: Ch 3, 15 dc in ring, join with sI st to top of ch 3. Rnd 2: Ch 3, make a dc around the ch 3 on first rnd (raised dc made), +t make 2 raised dc around bar of next dc, repeat from * arouhd, changing color in last raised dchold baek on hook the last 2 lps of last raised dc, drop ecru, join tango and draw through 2 lps on hook, join as before (32 raised dc, counting ch 3 at beginning of rnd as 1 raised dc ) Note; Color is aLways changed in this way. Hereafter carry unused color loosely in back of work. Rnd 3: With tango, ch 3, make a raised dc around bar of next 2 raised dc, changing color in last raised dc as before, * with ecru rnake 3 dc in top of next raised dc and change color as before, with . tango, make a raised dc around each of next 3 raised dc as before, change color, repeat from t+ around, join" Rnd 4: With tango, ch 3, make a raised dc around next 2 raised dc and change color as before, * with ecru, dc in next 3 dc and change color, with tango make a raised dc around next 3 raised dc and change color, repeat from *' aroufld, join. Rnd 5: With tango, ch 3, make a raised dc around next 2 raised dc, +t with ecru, 3 dc in top of next st, with tango make a raised dc around same st and next 2 sts, repeat from 'rs around, ending with 3 ecru dc in sl st of previous rnd, join. Rnds 6, 'l , B: Repeat Ath, 5th and 4th rnds. Rnd 9: With tango, make a sI st around bars of first 3 tango sts (2 sts dec), ch 7, .,+ sk next B ecru sts, make a raised tr around bars of next 3 tango sts (2 sts dec ) , ch 3, repeat from {- around, join with sl st to 4th ch of ch 7, fasten off. Rnd 10: With ecru, draw up a Ip in same place as last sI st, ch 1, sc in same p1ace, 's 2 sc in next ch 3 sp, make a raised dtr around bars of next 3 ecru sts skipped on previous rnd, 2 sc in same ch B sp, sc in next raised tr, repeat from * around, join. Rnd 11 : Ch 1, sc in same place as sl st, ch 2, sk 2 Sc, sc in next st, + (ch 2, sk 2 Sc, hdc in next st) twice, (ch 2, sk 2 sc, dc in next st) twice, (ch 2, sk 2 sc, tr in next st) twice, ck:r 2, sk 2 SC, in next sc make ( dtr, ch 5, dtr ) ( ch 2 , sk -corner, 2 sc, tr in next st) twice, (ch 2, sk 2 sc, dc in next st) twice, (ch 2, sk 2 sc, hdc in next st) twice, (ch 2, sk 2 sc, sc in next st ) 3 times, repeat from ''( around, join. on Page 6) SEPTEMBER,l96l (Contfuru,ed . 5 Bedspread fro* Rnd 12: Make 2 sc in each ch 2 sp and 7 sc in each ch 5 lP around, join and fasten off. For Single Size SPread, make L4 (Continued Paee 5) rows of 21 motifs. For Double Size SPread, make 18 rows of 21 motifs. Sew motifs neatlY together. Block to measurements. Fringe-Cut 6 strands of thread, each 10 inches l"ong. Doub1e strands to form a looP, insert hook in sPace on edge of bedsPread and draw looP through. Draw loose ends through loop and pulI up tight to form a knot. Make this plain fringe in every other sp or j oining, as the case may be, around 2 long edges and one narrow edge of spread. Knot the fringe by picking up half the strands of the first fringer and" half the strands of the second, fringe and make a knot one inchl d.own and in the center between 2 previous knots. Pick up remaining strands of second fringe and first half of the strands of next fringe and knot as before. Continue in this manner around. Trim ends evenly. ealatful Knat Five different pattern stitches arecombined to make this attractive afghan. The model was made from American Thread ComPanY Dawn Knitting Worsted and one Pair number B knitting' heedles or any size needles which will result in stitch gauge given and a Plastic crochet hook size H. You will need 4 ounces black, 22 ounces white, 4 ounces each of b1ue, rose-beige and gold, 5 ounces each gray and scarlet- It is made in five strips combining the various pattern stitches. Each pattern stitch is numbered and the chart shows suggested aruangement of color and pattern blocks" A11 like patterns are worked with same color, on the same amount of stitches for 64 rows. \ Abbreviqlions: k (knit) . p (purl) sts (stitches) st (slipl sc (single crochet) lp (looP) sk (skip) Gouge: 4 sts equal one inch Mqtchsrick Pqtlern- (number 1) Rows L, 3, 5, 7: K across each row'. Rows 2, 4,6, B: * I( 5, p 1, repeat 6 e The WORKBASKET 4l&* fi"om .)e 4 times ending with k 6. Rows 9, 11, 13, 15: K across each row. Rows 10, L2, L4, 16: K 2, p L, p 1, repeat from r 4 times ending with k 3, repeat these 16 rows )& k 5, 3 times. Mqichstick Pottern-(number Checkerboqrd Pqttern- I) (number 2) Rows 1, 3: K 4r 't p 4rk 4, repeat from * 3 times. Rows 2, 4: P 4, '6 k 4, p 4, repeat from * 3 times. Rows 5, 7: P 4, * k 4, p 4, repeat from +F 3 times. Rows 6, B: K 4, * p 4, k 4, repeat from * 3 times. Repeat these B rows 7 times. (Continued oru Page B) llr:,**;:rO**l#,Hi##*ffi ffi T #*n}$;###';gi ;*lifla ffi*xtffill15.;' erut*-ffi illliilXl;,iTH1l -llH;'Jll,:;1.:::,:','jf ,Ilil,lll;'ill;,lill ii,,* 1 k*uauu*-s#*fu g:l ";sr*"-]--l1 ffiitrtutfif#iltuutffiiffi[, fi "Z [,,'m*n;*iiihlimttl'im,',ffi ] :::g ilrili#n,:tiiru'#tffi'-i::r3:ililriil:fifi: fr, ;*r:,Uj;:r',::,ll',;,"1x'l*tru::*ltl*l':x*l* ",{ffitll$,,"J*tr \ .! ";1lT Ja}ne,Jean'Jeanlne'Jeanne,Jeanene'JennileIlJennle'Je(y,Je$le'JeUeiI!l"o*- Louisa, Louise, Lucille, Lucinda, Lucy, Lulu, Lydia, Lynn, Lynne, Mabel, Mabelle Madeleine, Madeline, Madge, Mae, Maizie, Mamie, Marcella, Marcia, Margaret Marge, Margery, Margie, Margo, Margot, Marguerite, Margy, Maria, Marian Marianne, Marie, Marilee, Marilyn, Marion, Marjorie, Marjory, Marlene, Marsha Martha, Mary, Maryalice, Maryann, Maryanne, Maryellen, Maryiane, Marykay, Mary- lee, Marylou, Mathilda, Mathilde, Mattie, Maud, Maude, Maureen, Maurine, Mavis Maxine, May, Maybelle, Mayme, Meg, Melanie, Melinda, Mellssa, Mickey, Midge Mildred, Millicent, Millie, Mimi, Minerva, Minnie, Miriam, Mitzi, Molly, Mona Monica, Muriel, Myra, Myrna, Myrtle, Nadine, Nancy, Nanette, Naomi, Natalie Nell, Nettie, Nina, Nora, Norma, 0live, 0pal, Pamela, Pat, Patricia, Patsy, Patti Patty, Paula, Pauline, Pearl, Peggie, Peggy, Penny, Phoebe, Phyllis, Polly Priscilla, Rachel, Rae, Ramona, Rebecca, Regina, Renee, Rita, Robbie, Roberta Rosalie, Rosalyn, Rosanne, Rose, Rosemary, Rosy, Ruby, Ruth, Ruthann, Sadie Sallie, Sally, Sandra, Sandy, Sara, Sarah, Sari, Sharon, Sheila, Shelley, Sherry Shirlee, Shirley, Sibyl, Sonya, Sophia, Sophie, Stella, Stephanie, Sue, Sunny Susan, Susanna, Susanne, Susie, Suzanne, Sylvia, Teresa, Tess, Thelma, Theresa Tillie, Tina, Toni, Trudy, Ualerie, Velma, Verna, Veronica, Vicki, Victoria, Viola Violet, Virginia, Vivian, Wanda, Wendy, Wilma, Wini{red, Winnie, Wynne, Yvonne. Sent with Exciting, t{EW GHRISTMAS CARII Samples on FREE TRIAL for Makins Money Easily in Spare Time Can you find your narne ir-trr.'ff;;"? ff so,, only 25c sent with the above fntroductory Coupon brings you a full 91.50 box of lovely NAME-IN-SKIRT Notes. Friends our sample kit: Free Personal Christmas Card Portfolio, color catalogs, 5 sample Assortments on Free Trial and simple directions. If friends don't snap up the samples, into the winsome Colonial Girl desi[n. Yours for only 25c to introduce our new Free Trial The charming $1.50 NAME-IN-SKIRT will rave about them, so distinctive and personal with your own name cleverlv wofked sample kit of spare time money-making ideas. Your Friends Will Be Thrilled The Christmas Card samples we send along with color catalogs of intriguing holiday items, all at low prices, show 1rou an easy, proven way to make $50 to $250 or more for yourself or your organization before Christmas. No experience is needed. To see our new Christmas Assortments and Solid Packs, Name-fmprinted Christmas Cards and Gift Novelties, is to want them. Everything is in I return them at our expense and owe nothing. tust Send Goupon with Name and 25c' Notes are yours to keep for the 25c sent with coupon. I)ecide about making extra money after you see the complete sample outfit and see how easily the money comes in with Midwest cards. You can't possiblv Iose if you act now. Mail the money-saving, money-making lntroductory Coupon above TODAY! YiIUT"::" MIIIWEST CARII C[l. }IIi St. Louis, Mo. 63101 1 Pqltern- (number 4) Rows 1, 3: K 5, P 2, ts k 6, P Ccrble Afghan (Continwed, frorn Page 6) 2, repeat from t( twice ending with k5. Rows 2,4,6: P 5, k 2, tt P 6, k 2, repeat from * twice ending with P 5. Row 5: K 5, P 2, t( sI next 3 sts on d.oubte pointed needle and hold in Checkerboqrd Pottern-(number 2) Seed Pqftern- (number 3 bact of w-ork, k next 3 sts, k 3 sts from double t+Pointed needle, P 2, repeat from twice, k 5. RePeat these 6 rows I tirnes, then rePeat first 4 rows"' ) Row 1: K 1, P 1 across row' Row 2: P 1, k 1 across row. RePeat these 2 rows 62 times. Coble Pottern-(number 4) Diqmond potiern_ (number 5) Rows 1,3: K L, +e P 4,k from * once, P 4, k 7. Seed Pottern-(number 3) B, repeat (Continwed on Page 10) 8 r The WORKBASKET l ,.i ' , I ! Put these on Your new book list.., you can rnake beautiful things out of them Book # 1 53 gooks to create byl Hundreds of beautiful and useful items to knit and crochet' Re' F.iV.rir.ft, yorr.f,itOr.n, your hom.e, your friends. Creative! Stimulating! simple are instructions wiriinet Foi beginners and e*perts alike. Coats & Clark's book ($1'00 and accurate, JustsenJ in the coupon below and 35c foreach them there' for ask and store needlework ior rnv three). Or go to your favorite needlework Clark. the Coats pick all up you can f f.1ri *,,, tt .y cost[nly 2'gc and ;;;;;i; rr--r : v...i r rrrr ...4 - r Ir- ^& atir,e same iime. Copies available after September 1, 1964' r'r"..' r'-rr'rr-'ir r"'i!r'lrrrrir..r t-"il COATS & CLARK INC. I Oept. WB-94, (price includes postage and 35. in.oin. per book, or$1.00 forany three books ii ilil handline... no stamps Please). Box 495, Fair Lawn, New Jersey ! Please send me: #154 r -96s1 -Book#153 -Book#152 clrY. -Book#151 pRtNT ABBREVTATE -Book#L50 NOT OR TypE. DO !I sHlppirrro-LnerL. PLEASE -------- Na me Add res ir city zone-State(orrrn GooD oNLY lN THE uNlrED surrs') I I I I I I I Afghan (Continued. frorn Page B) Row 2: P 6, k 6, rePeat from beginning twice. R6ws 4, 10: P B, * k 2,P 10, repeat from * once,k2,p2. Rows 5, 9: K B, p 2, kt0,p2, repeat from * once,k2. Rows 6, B: P 1, k 4, +i pB,k4, repeat from * once, p 7. Row 7: K 6, p 6, rePeat from beginning twice. Repeat these 10 rows 5 times ending with first 4 rows. .,t Join color of next pattern, complete pattern, cut color. Continue in this manner until all patterns for this strip have been completed, fasten off . Join b1ack, k 3 rows, but do not cut yarn. Work a row of sc down long side working an sc in every other row, fasten off. Join black on other long side of strip and work a row of sc to correspond. Work the other 4 strips to correspond, following chart for patterns patterns with 4 k rows -separate in black. Finishing-Block each strip. Sew strips together with black working through back lps of sts only. FIRST STRIP SECOND STRIP THIRD FOURTH STRIP STRIP #5 #3 whi+ Diqmond Pottern-(number Gray FIFTH STRIP whir Gold White White Gray 5) Always work pattern stitch number 1 in rose-beige. Repeat 16 rows of pattern 3 times (64 rows). Work pattern number 2 in scarlet. Repeat B rows of pattern 7 times (64 rows) Work pattern number 3 with grey" Repeat 2 pattern rows 62 times (64 rows). Work pattern number 4 in blue. Repeat 6 pattern rows I times, then JI1 #l #4 Blue whi+ J+J Rose Beig ; { 41 whi+ Sca rlel l' I #+ whir Blue .+ ,t whi+ I " repeat first 4 pattern rows ( 64 #s #3 Gray whir #l whi+ Rose Beig #2 White Gold Scarlef #3 whir Gray White rows ) " Work pattern number 5 in gold. Repeat 10 pattern rows 5 times ending with first 4 rows of pattern (64 rows). The white pattern is worked" in garter st (k 64 rows). First Strip: In black, cast on 36 sts. Work 4 rows in garter st (k each row ) , cut black. Join color of next pattern to chart and work in pattern for 64 rows, cut color. Join black, k 4 rows, cut color. t# #+ #2 Scarlet whir Blue White Whiie Scarlet #t +L ?fJ White Gold Rose Beige White WHITE SQUAR,ES ARE KNIT IN GARTER STITCH When usushing o. fragr,l,e, hand- made bedspread or tabl,ecl,oth, baste it to a sheet to Preuent stretchtng. l0 r The WORKBASKET ,. I / 't^ IEUIII| I$ FIR$T AoArN ;r.tnoue$ Hearlng Aids I0 yenrs Into the future Space age technology gives you the world's smallest hearing aid eircuit for greatef dependability, smaller size, more power. . .. all this* has been reduced ...t0 this* ilitil*t ITII!III rt$uffi *ecrueL srzg Zenith puts space-age developments to work for you, . . in the amaziigly small, powerful Microlithic hearing aid circuit providing all amplifying functions. This tiny circuitry represents the most important hearing advance in years . . . intro. rduced tr 0 years ahead of schedule ! Here's why the Microlithic Circuit rneans so much to you: Because it does the work of 22 components, takes up so little space, Zenith can put much, much fllore into its hearing aids than ever before 6 transisters, more power, greater gain, firore dependability, convenience . . . il.ore rga1 hearing help. The new circuit opens r.. the door for unlimited improvements. 'at------- Ask your Zenith dealer (listed in the 'Yellow Pages) to show you the new Micro. lithic Circuit. Caution: You'll need a magnifying glass to see it. New Zenith t,Arcadiatt-tiny behind-the-ear aid-is the first heiring ard with this exclusive Microlithic hearing ICP Circuit. We.ighs only Vq ounce with bat- tery. Also available withTele-Touch switch so you can adjust quickly between telephone and person-toperson conversations. -r---------rr---r- rfiease send me FREE BOOKLET telling the exciting story of Zenith's new Microlithic Circuit. TIEAR AGAIN Dept. 10W 6501 W. Grand Ave., Chicago, lll. 60635 Zenith Radio Corporation, Wrrq-H "LIVIN6 SOUND'O HEARING AIDS CITI Lovely huck weaving or Swedish The kind and weight of thread embroidery designs can be easily used will vary, according to the arcreated by weaving under raised tiCte being made. .Be sure to select threads on huck material or towels. eolorfast threads. Embroi'{ery floss Aprons, towels, chair. sets, place is quite' commonly used; use mats and many other items may be three strands. for a light delicate decorated in huck weaving using design and six strands for heavymany color schemes. Any of these type design. Pearl cotton also gives articles make wonderful gift and brilliance and lustre to any huck bazaar items. In combination with weaving' motif. Cut thread about one or more colors of embroidery one and a half times the length to floss, pearl cotton or other desired be woven if a straight line is to be threads, huck weaving makes it so woven. Use a large-eyed, bluntsimple to make colorful additions pointed tapestry needle, the size defor wearing apparel, kitchen cur- pending upon weight of thread. -accessories i household. other "t items. l' ,ill u " r," u - , Huck material comes in an array llr,'l ll ll il \il.' ,r" ,rl' ,, of exquisite pastels and deep 'iIr tr rtkjt{F{ts in It is available white. as well as 36 and l4-inch widths in addition to 17 -inch to afford the greatest possible versatility. Ready-made fringed FI KJhIE or hemmed huck towels in cotton or t linen are also available. Designs are always started in The design is usuallY worked on which may be the wrong side of huck, where the center of material,pairs of threads. counting by found prominent threads are in Pairs This makes the Patterns even1Y across the width of material. It can be worked" on the right side of ma- spaced and edges will end alike. Working from right to left, Pull terial u,here the threads are single under center looP or looPs thread and run lengthwise of fabric' draw thread half way through, and show patterns alwaYs or Charts (Continued, on Page 14) which side of material is to be usedr,',1 u 12 r The WORKBASKET ',:$ You Can Weave Lovely Swedish this.e Gtrith Ern bnoidery S lk€ EX SIVEDT, WEAVE COLORTD H UCK Easy, Lots of F'un. Make Place Mats, Aprons, Towels ! We'll Show You !-low. IREE ! lnstrurtion folder feolures this Gosy-1s-leorn embroidery pcttern. IUrite loduy ! It's so easy to learn Swedish Embroideryand so rewarding! Our all-new illustrated pattern folder guides you each step of the way. Carefully diagrarnrned so you can't make a mistake. You'll hear compliments galore on your decoratively embroidered place mats, aprons, towels made from original. patterns created by foremost experts" No trick at all to make luxurious skirts, blous6s, cafe curtains, table. cloths and other home brightening items. AII are cherished gifts, too. 17 colors, 3 widths to choose from Only STARTEX gives you 16 exquisite pastels and deep shades, as well as pure white, in L7", 36" and ,4u widths plas We'll help you get started 14" x 2A" and L7" x 30" fringed towels. STARTEX Huclc is rnade from premium yarns with an ultra-soft, finish for easy needlework. Ask for STARTEX Colored Let us send you our brand new Free In. Huck at the Linen Department today. Lead' weaving each des.ign" maiX coupon below. ing stores everywhere carry it. struction Folder so you can begin to enjoy the fruits of this delightful pastime. Full of photographs as well as detailed directions for just fill out and Mail thls corxpon today! oaoa oooos.oto I ; O Swede-Weqve Colored Huck i5 Worlh Street, New'Vork 13, N. Y. ,falferns creoled by Coof s rrnd Cforf<, lnc. Startex 55 oooooaooaaaaaaortaaaa Mills, Dept" W-64 \forth . r- Sreet, New York 13, N. Y. Norne a o o o o Add City Stoto ' ,;, -,. . (Good only in USA) ,,,- Huck T[reavirrg (Canti.nued. frorn Page 12) Ieaving the remaining portion to work other half of design. Be careful to count accurately, and do not let weaving thread go through to the underside of material. Make a loop in one design as shown in figure 1 of sketch. Follow pattern chart to edge. Fasten off by weaving thread back through last few stitches and as shown in figure 2, cut thread. Thread needle with dangling thread left from beginning (center of work), turn chart upside down to work other half of row. It is necessary to turn work around and again work frorn right to left. Complete design to edge of article. Do not pull too tight or piece will pucker. slgure I Slgure ? The designs given in this issue are worked on the wrong side by running a thread in contrasting color or colors under the pairs of threads. Some of the designs are worked with loop and straight stitches; these are explained at the end of this article. r, lj rr li rr rl Ir lr [il lrI It ll Animals-Use on children's sun- tl ii,t' lt l, suits, curtains for nursery or bath- lr ,," lt ,," sets. ll ll" ,, 11 lr ,'ll'r[,,,frrlinn,r i',r tt I' It rtll I ,l I -ll ll. ll ll t1 l' I ,, ,, r,ll rrlt tt rl'l tr u -lr-lt lt [ il l'r*,,ttruitltu ilr;Itilfl {F=dF{Ett= =F{F{}=t' IYuttilr,ttt; d u,; rtfiltUllU(U I t| ,t( It u ttu tt ull u llil:;l1lli u( T lllrlit:,;!il:,ffi rr'io'i,' i: ;1, I rr li,r'l r i'( tl lr llil lt t, lt I rl I l1 . The WORKBASKET (Continued on PaSe 22) 9r/*nt't Snon*[/, Crochet these four pieces-jacket, bonnet; bootees and mittens * to match in simple single crochet and embroider with colorful flowers. The model was mad.e of Coats & Clark's 3 Ply Red Heart Baby Wool; use a number 1 steel crochet hook. It will take about six ( l-ounce) skeins of yellow or any desired color, a few yards of fine red and green yarn or embroidery floss. Abbreviqlions: ch (chqin) sis (stitches) lp (loop) sc (single crochet) inc (increose) arm-10 inches; width across each front at underarm \L/a inches; length from shoulder- to Lower edge inches; length of side seam-10 6Yz inches; width across sleeve at upperarm inches; length of -7 inches. sleeve seam-6 Socque-Back: Starting at lower edge, ch 81 (B ch sts to l inch). Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across (80 sc), ch 1, turn. sk (skip) sp (spoce) dc (double crochet) sl st (slip stitch) rnd (round) Gouge: B sc equal 1 inch g rows equal l inch Blocking Meqsurements: Chest-20Y2 inches; width across back at under- Row 2: Picking up back lp only throughout, sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn. Repeat row 2 for pattern. Work in pattern until total length is 6r/z inches. At end of last row ch 46 for sleeve. Drop yarn. Join (Continued on, Page 16) SEPTEMBER,l964 r l5 Collqr-Row 1: With wrong side facing, join yarn to front edge of neck and' work 6? sc around neck edge, turn. Row 2: * Ch 2, 2 dc in same sc, sk next 2 Sc, sc in next sc (shelI made), repeat from o across. Fasten off. Do not turn. Row 3: Join Yarn in ch 2 sP of first shell of Previous row, '( ch 2, 2 dc in same Place, sc in t+ch 2 sP left sleeve edge. next shell, rePeat from across, of Left f,ve6t-ftsry 1: Work across 70 ending with sc in second. dc of last sts, ch 1, turn. shell. Fasten off. Do not turn" Next 4 rows: Working over this Next 4 rows: RePeat row 3. With set of sts only, work even in pattern. right side facing, sc along each front Row 6 (front edge) : 2 sc in first edge. Fasten off. Sc-an iric made-work aCroSS. Cuff-Rnd 1: Join Yarn to lower Next 2 rows: Inc 1 st at front edge of sleeve, sc around, join. Next 2 rnds: Ch 1, sc in each sc edge, work across. At end of }ast rnd fasten around. of dt end Row 9: Work across , red embroider 3 French With off. row ch 16, turn" and with green make flowers, knot Row 10: Sc in second ch from evenlY sPaced leaves, daisy lazy hook and in each st across, ch 1, each front edge as illustrated. along turn. !,e6nsf-Crown: Starting at cenWork even over these BB sts until ch 2. ter, length from first row of front is 3Yz Rnd 1: 6 sc in second ch from inches, ending at front edge. Next row: Work across 43 sts, ch hook. Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around. 1, turn. Work even over these 43 (12 sc). sts until length from first row of 3: is 2 sc in next sc ( 1 scrs Rnd off . Fasten inches. front is 10 in next sc, rePeat from sc inc), Right frspt-ftsq7 1: Sk next 30 sc (18 sc). Continue to work across next of last row of back, ioin Yarn to around, inc 6 sc evenlY sc in each sc st, sc in same sc and each sc across until Piece measures 5 rnd each on (70 sc). diameter. in inches Work 4 rows even. Side Piece-Row 1: Picking uP Next 3 rows: Inc 1 st at front lp only throughout, sc in each back edge, work across. within last 2 inches, having to sc Row 9: Work across. DroP Yarn. a multiple of 3 Plus 1sts, ch L, Join another strand of yarn to first turn. Repeat last row for 4Yz inehes, sc at neck edge of row I and ch 15. ending with a right side row. Fasten off. Ruffle-Row 1: Repeat row 2 of Row 10: Pick up dropped Yarn, collar. sc in each sc and each ch across (88 Row 2: Repeat row 3 of collar, sc) , ch 1, turn. Complete right making 3 dc in each shell instead front to correspond with left front. of 2 dc. Block to measurements. Sew side (Continroed on Page 2A) and underarm seams. lnfant's Ensemhle fro* Page 15) another strand of Yarn at oPPosite end of same row and ch 45 for other sleeve. Fasten off. Pick up dropped yarn, sc in second ch from hook and in each ch, continue across back and other chain, ch 1, turn. Continue in pattern over these 170 sc's until total length is 10 inches, ending at (Continwed I6 o Thc WORKBASKET :::::ji:i.: .tti:il itiili' ':iill: t:i::i ,t,:' .a 'ffi ''t t /A16/oo/Qe,? You like to draw? Then you may have talent enough for a money-making eareer in commercial art. Find out, free! Take Art Talent Test at home. This Test has started many toward a rewarding career. It was devised b_y professional artists at America's leading home study art sehool. For 49 years this school has been discovering Af and developing talent. Find out whether you have the talent for a eareer in advertising art, f ashion drawing, illustratingr or landseape or portrait painting. Commercial artists are highly paid today. Many earn more than $150 a week. Some earn $251000 a year. Mail eoupon today for free Art Talent Test. INsTRUcrtoN scHooLs /ant. 500 S. 4th St., Minneapotis. Minn. 554'15 Studio gS++ Take FREE Art Talent Test r:ffi Please send rne gation. uour Talent Test, wi,thout cost or obli,. (nr,Easn rnrNr) Nam Occupation Address APt.- City County Accredited by the Accrediting Commission of the National Home Study Council. .l lnfant)s Ensemble (Continwed. froru Page 16) Row 3: Repeat last row making dc in each shell. FoId back last 7 rows for cuff and tack side edges in place" With right side facing, j oin yarn to folded edge and sc around entire outer edge including neck edge, join. Fasten off. 4 flowers and leaves on front of cuff as for sacque. Strop-Make a ch slightly longer than length desired. Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 1, turn. Next 3 rows: Work in pattern as for sacque. At end of Jast row fasten off. Sew one end to bonnet. Sew snap fastener to opposite side. Bootees-Sole: Starting at center, ch 2L. Rnd 1: 5 sc in second ch from hook (toe), sc in each ch across, 5 sc in last ch (back), working across opposite side of starting ch, sc in each ch across, join to first sc. Rnd 2: Ch 1, (2 sc in each sc of the 5 sc group, sc in each sc across to next 5 sc group) twice, join. Rnd 3: Ch 1, inc 3 sc evenly across toe and back, sc in each sc around, join. Next 3 rnds: Ch 1, sc in each sc around, join. Upper-Rnd 1 : Ch 1, turn. Picking up front Ip only, sc in each sc around (ridge made), ioin. Next B rnds: Ch L, turn. Picking up back lp only throughout, sc in each sc around, join. At end of last rnd ch 1,, turn. lnstep-11o* 1: Sc in each of next 10 sc, ch 1, turn. Next 10 rows: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn. At end of last row fasten off. Sew side edges of instep in 4 place. Cuff-Rnd tr: Join yarn to 1ast st of instep, ch 13, make 43 dc around last rnd of upper and instep, join to 20 r The WORKB.A$KET top of ch 3. Rnd 2 (Beading) : Ch 4, * sk next st, dc in next St, ch 1, repeat from ')+ around, join to third ch of ch 4 (22 sps ) Rnd 3: * trn next sp make sc, ch 2 and 2 dc (she11), sk next sp, repeat from * around, join to first sc" Rnds 4, 5: )$ In ch 2 sp of next shell make Sc, ch 2 and 3 dc, repeat from -x- around, join as before. Rnds 6,7: Repeat rnd 4, making 4 dc in each shell instead of 3 dc" At end of last rnd fasten off. Cord-Ch 80, sI st in each ch across. Fasten off " Tie a knot at each end and Lace through beading. Tie in front. In instep embroider a flower and leaves as on sacque: Mitfens-Back: Starting at center, ch 17. Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across, 5 sc in last ch ( tip ) , working across opposite side of starting ch, sc in each ch across, ch 1, turn. Row 2: Picking up back lp only throughout, sc in each sc across, making 2 sc in each sc of the 5 sc group at tip, ch 1, turn. Row 3: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn. Row 4: Sc in each sc across, inc 5 sc evenly spaced across tip. Next 4 rows: Repeat tast 2 rows alternately. Row 9: Repeat row 3, fasten off Polm-Work as for back. Holding both pieces together and working through both thicknesses to join, sl st closely around. Fasten off" Cuff-Rnd 1: Join yarn to wrist edge, work 44 sc around, join. Next 4 rnds: Repeat rnds 2 through 5 of cuff of bootees. At end of last rnd, fasten off. Cord-Ch 60" Complete as for cord of bootees. Embnoider a flower and leaves in center of back. . . Lesrn how lhe Midwest Clinic by providing becqnoe fqmous ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM RELIEF WITHOUT fDRUGS tIR SURGERY When the now famous Midwest Clinic (originally Ball Clinic) was established nearly 5O years ago, its founders didn't dream that it would grow into the large health service it is today. Over 70,000 patients have been treated successfully in the field of chronic arthritis, neuritis, sciatica, colon and other rheumatic conditions. No Pills, No "Wonder" Compounds, No "Cure-AIl" Formula or Surgery The staff at Midwest Ctinic quickty get at the basic problem rather than treat symptoms. They concentrate on normalizing the body chemistry, adjusting imbalances and stabilizing systemic functions. Of course, a corrective treatment program also is carried out to afford fast relief, Many Hqve Endvred Needless Suttering Too Long A careful case ,history check is made of each person before acceptance by the Midwest Clinic. The years of experience in treating arthritis and rheumatism lends to a quick evaluation to what extent the patient can expect to be relieved by treatment. As a result, 96Vo of patients, accepted and treated, over the years, are enthusiastic about the relief obtained. Further proof of satisfactory resu.lts is the fact that every year one fourth of Midwest Clinic patients are friends and relatives of former patients from the 50 states and Canada. Yqluable Booklef Senf on Reguesf This 16-page booklet gives you valuable info,rmation about the various types of arthritis and rheumatism. It also tells of prevalent and chronic ailments often associated with arthritis and rheumatism. so Included as well are conTplete lacts about Midwest Clinic and the surprisingly low cost. The book is flss-1here is no obligation. See coupon. E_______r____rEEE_EggK_____ __ Midwest Arthritis and Rheumalism Clinic, Dept. 522-1450, Excelsior Springs, Missouri Gentlemen: Without obligation, please send me a free copy of your book: "Arthritis-Rheumatism. " Huck Weavirg (Cantinued fronn Page 14) Borders-The arrows at center of small designs indicate these designs should be worked from this center point of design and material out to each edge. Music Notes-Designed with the family room or music room in mind, the musical staff is suitable for rnany uses such as curtains, scarfs or pillows. The notes and clef signs may be interchanged or rearranged to your own preference. Perhaps you in row directly above last two threads. Now insert needle under the embroidery floss or pearl cotton and the two raised threads of first row. PulI gently into Place being sure not to puII too tight. This completes the loop stitch. { would like to have a few measures of your favorite song forming a bordclr on curtains, EsPecia1lY attractive for music room curtains would be to use the tieble clef sign on curtain to the right and the bass clef to the left with notes amanged as you wish. Loop Stitch: This stitch is commonly used to form designs on patterns similar to cr'oss stitch deiigrr*. Work from right to teft, Pick up pairs of raised threads in a row' insert needle from left to right under a pair or two raised threads Straight Stitch: This stitch is used more than any other stitch in huck weaving. Working from right to left, pick up all pairs raised threads in a straight line or row (single threads on right side of material). Straight Stitch ZZ o The WORKBASKET ,,},t! [xciting, ilew Detorotor't ldeu! OREATIVE CARD C0MPANY, DePt' l?1"* 44Ol W. Cermak Road, Chicago, lll' 60623 t T I I ot-monev making details t h;; P6i-FREE'inonlitapproval afrd Free Personal I with Assortments I Christmas Album. t ! I t I t T rrr lraarrrrrrrr rrr lrrrrrrrrr Life-ltke R.ambler Roso Plant stands lS lnches htgh. Lovely "PolY" display of ll T roses and rosebuds and 32 t I t I I I I I I I I rrr I leaves in gold-banded bueket' all the rage for home decor. Free with coupon. Send This Coupon for BTAUIIIUT EVERI.ASTING RAMBI.ER ROSE P1ANT FREE fo hetp Yau mulre txrnA ,llOttr at onlv $1-25! Free Albugr of Yes. this big, colorful Evg$asling Ram' orofitablv ct tistmas Cards at Fiant that's all the rage is 6o"Nil;-r-pii"1ei bl&, n""u -FRPP G;Jod fo" a sizeabls in6i.;iiilsg.f5 abo-ve' ;;;"- -ho; *ittt the -couPon new, fast-selling 23o ii"i,ir otEi we introduce our idea* t"fi; i; wholesale prices boost your monev in ii"*" ;;;i"d kif i""'ttt"t irrg extracustomers' more "1i"* please alonB' ngsj; .lt-"i"g" and 5""r. ti*". We'll senil kit srouPs make $50 olaid. for vou to examine on approval' rf "oa bonuses' way io S5OO besides extra iiii'"irrtiio the amazingly easlr r.rrrw filt<s earn good money and malre of newesttust $enil Your llame on Ctlupolt th6 uv iiiiih" iill" =iro*i,ng and All-occasjon If vou act now, the Everlasting Rambler ;te *il i" Cii"i"tlr,as thev pgople tg Gifts eaias eYen- if Ygg GilJlLg fr.i;-Pliit i" voo""-FREE, "rod is needed' f.r""'. lf,"LxPerience ttt" r-es!--of the k!t' iit-""".-tJ ieti"" yo..'lt be thrilled with t-he Chances ""., th"r vo,t*luithout hard lv llout Creative illa[es illoney for lou il;"*E " Sencr no money' ""#;; You risk nothing. Creative makes money--for yoP.oJ yoy i"nine. idst inail the above coupon ;ffi;6" ifi;;i;ai"ia"Irc nrun::%#"5:,tr3,,5b.1Hi?;"lt: Cards pa.vs il";rt ;i br-nlre Christmas ,":,i zs-.i pi"nt -Everlasting each easy- $1.28 sale, Rose Plant sells iast ano "" 157'H GREAIIVE GARD C0',IlePt. {{01 f,. Scrmal [oad, Ohicago, lll. 60623 Rickrack With Tatting This versatile edging may be used for a curved or straight edge' You will need rickrack, a tatting shuttle and size 20 crochet cotton in the color of Your choice. Abbreviotions: pomT-oI rickrack, 6 balt thread to shuttle ch (ch<lin) r (ring) ds (double stirch) P (Picot) seP (sePortrted) (reverse work) cl r (close ring) rw R of 6 ds, ioin to Point of rickrack, 6 ds, cl r. R of 6 ds, ioin to SEPTEMIER, l9il4 ' Zi Who Make Cents :1'' ;, ;; " t ; ;ti:,t'.; :''lt',; Q :..,.,. , .: .:' I1 ,, .: , :t.r::1:i,;:1|r: ,.: :: : .:r',i::t_r,irt:r,.:.:, 1 .,:.: -,',11...1. :::.:: .,:...,.t... ',' Flower Holder Originol Aprons I make original aprons to seII year-round. Sew a standard apron from about one yard of multicolored material. A little to one side on the waistband place two large buttons. Find a hand towel of a color which is predominant in the apron and place two buttonholes at the top. The convenient hand towel is buttoned to . the apron- Housewives readily pay $2.00 for these. Vickie Shauer I wire hangers together and fan them out to lay flat against the wall. Spray white or color of your choice- Fill with artificial flowers, ferns, etc., holding them in bY hooks on hangers. These seII for about $3 depending on flowers used. Mel,oda Smith _ Onion Quilted PlEce Mnts I take two pieces of different col- ored cloth and between them Put a piece of blanket or thick outing the same size to make reversible Place mats. All three Pieces are Pinned together at several Points with safety pins. Use any all-over quilting pattern, and quilt them togeifr"r. By beginning near center and working outward, no frarnes or hoops are needed. I bind them in a contrasting color or add fringe on each end. Besides being good Practice . for new quilting designs, they seII readily in sets of four for $2.59. Mrs. Louise S, Thurtrlan 21.r Thc WORKBASKET Fish I make cute little fish with tails that grow without food or water. I take onions with small shoots on them and dip several times in hot paraffin wax that is colored with of crayons. A mouth is formed "fripr with soft wax and Placed on while still pliable. Eyes can be made with buttons or painted on. A stand' is made by dipping a milk bottle cap in hot paraffin and Placing on bottom of fish. I selI large onion fish for 50c and small ones for 25c. B eu erlE StakelltlrrL The WORKBASKET poys $Z for e<rch short orticle occepted for this deportment. Moteriql should concern specific women who hove 'found woys to crdd to the fomily income. Address oll coniributions to Women Who Moke Cents, The WORKBASKET, 543 Westport Rood, Konsqs City, No contributions to this deport' Missouri 64t I l. ment will be returned. l"t'ottr llrr' around it 71/z inclrt:s w ir lt lr tlrtr end and 5 i"ttr'*' I'rtlm lcaving w irlr' Cut rectangil= 9"t antl ltctrt seam enough **igi"jo-*, right sidcs t'tt''iau Fold'end pencil litrcs sides srieilir: and getherco FIem tltt' meet ancr stitch togethei' sccing After extra 2 inches on end's' r I'ofit' sheets -ordett how ,ri*"ii-inL" f or bottr t'o1r ceived ="ti*'*f I sell muslin scl's and bottori 'lu*tt' for' $2'50' for $2.25 and flannel sets V tol'el' I.)c'r r ryE ? 1 , ffi Fffiilhd$$:ffi, % $d*uryffi ffi+ }lifl$k*Hf* '\)trnost:';-.;i$:l-r. u.uo, *,uuf; u, J g ,. 1,5ffi ,.--',*"i-ii:)T:l-,' ;ffilii:'l;:i;.-' 22'4,. .- '-:,.t$:I -"J,rt;;ll t-'fnn*fi***$o*' u-t?'*'i.|!'[lt:::;: ,^3,fJlfli,[{'t;:.. F' i,iriuti,u' \-t ii:H t I ff { {3,1"; H$tfl ET,T, t.[$'.A][ ISt:ntl lot I selection' l,ve indicated my iti-oiv I Free Trial: I Blill;:':Pqi (L'^*;].,yiii,,',,,, ";11,, 'l'l 'ill r.,*1.'''"' E 3:Hil:i:r!:iilH:li.Xl;1,,,,,,11'f,1, r-rrv i ll" "*" E B:il{['rL *:ii::!::w;;,',ll:l'll';;;,' 5oc; li l.t :l''' H Extra crotch n f;E?S,.f,it Name ....r.,r rrr rrrrl,. .'11Iil' "lliJSI''3'illli;Ili' r lr;rr 1,,, IET'S EAT A REAT 8REAKTrtSfi fact' tl't a It is a well known works better purtorr teels better and with an ;;;* "a.r, day is started Nutritionists breat<fast' ad.equate -Ut"'ttfast need not lce Cereql Crunch French Toostees Topping ond Squce: I cqn (I Pound 4 tell us that most imlarge to be adequate' The the is jhat portant .o"tiaJration - The dailY meal be *"U-Planned' fruit in breakfast should include grait' -u":iched some tormi r-*rtole or b-utter or restored cereal br bread' children' the for milk rrrrargarine and three or four times Include ,""gg *""k *ia a breakfast meat' ;;h Here's the menu for a "ravefried eggs notice" Ure'kfast: Tend'er Criss b-acon; crisP oi ,tic"iwith with warm seived Cross Scone Loaf cocoa hot ;ith ;; Icutter; -loPned *itf, a blob of whiPPed cream' ounce)' sliced frozen orqnse iuice I :*tifhnce)defrosted concenlrote' sYruP (drqined from conned PineoPPle; vz cuP;i;";#le 1/z cup light corn syrup' Vs cuP sugdr Va teosPoon strlt 2 eggs Toost: \/a GuP milk I teosPoon sugor I to I Vz teospoons ginger' os desired Va teosPoon sqlt 6 slicel white brend iave syrup' Make Drain pineilpie-siices;, orange juico t"'au'it"a sauce. co*ilitiu corn syrup' pitt"upple-svruP' concentrate, low heat -rfr;;-;ii"'..ptu"t-over sugar, and sugar until stirring boil' and bring to*a-iuri to 5 minutes or is dissolved. A;il slowiy 4 stirring occasionuntil thickentO-*figfttfy' wfaXe toast' Combine / alIy. I(eep tJu'*'" ginger' and' salt; beat' t"gut, eggs, milk, 'mlxtu.rt' tnut- into cereal Dip bread i" i?g well' Place on crumbs, .routit'E"no-tf' sides Broil 4 to 5 inches ungreaseO naitiis sh9.9t-' browned on 9n: side' from heat *;;;until lorown On r8about 5 minutes; turn and with drained maining side' To serve' top sauce' slices and orange ;il;;dle- Poq'ched Eggs pan !o t\e hoiling Bring *u[Jt in shallow two inches ot point-.rrougf' to have ,aboutiemperature at freat to hold water. ntA'i"" -Ertax eaeh egg into a sauco simmerine" $6 .d; i*to water quicklY at Ceretrl prepctre <lnd Toostees trre eosy to delight Your guesis. 26 . The WORKBASKET dish and depend' the surtt.e.-boof 3 t9 5 minutes' Elemove eggt ing on tfre'firmness desired' turner or spoon and with slotted, drain. pancake Criss-Cross Scone Loqf As Sltown On Opposite 2 3 I Page cups sifred enriched ftour teospoons bqking powder teospoon sqlt cup sugqr Vs cup shortening r/a. I egg, beqten 2/t cup milk melred buiter or mqrgqrine Vz lo cinnEmon sugor Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Cut or rub in shortening until mixture is crumbly. Combine egg and miik, add to flour mixture to make a soft dough. Turn out on lightly floured board or pastry cloth and knead gently 30 seconds. Roll out to rectangle r7n-inch thick. Brush with melted butter or margarine and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Roll up like jelly roll, sealing edge. With sharp knife cut into 14 equal pieces. Flatten each piece Mail Coupon Today We'll send you, without delay, all the information you need to take advantage of under palm of hand, pressing cut slde down. Arrange pieces on end, zig-zag this terrific offer! ir greased 4Yzx$tlr-ineh loaf pan. Bake in moderately hot oven (40O'F.) 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. fashion, SEND NO MONEY We'Il show you how you can easily get $50, $100 and more t,zAA FREE Makes 1 loaf. in cash-PLUS NAPKINS as a BONUS! Deviled Creole Eggs 3 roblespoons butter I 4 smoll onion, chopped eggs (2% ounces) deviled hqm I "4 cqn slices loosf Sizzle butter in large covered skillet. Stir in onion and sauce. Drop in eggs, then drop in spoonfuls of deviled ham being careful not to break the egg yolks. Cover tightly, reduce heat and cook slowly until whites coagulate. Serve hot on toast. Take up to 60 days to pay-N0 RISK ! We'll send you actual samples of our complete line of patterns FREE. Not just 5, 10 or 20but FORTY-FOUR BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS, eaclr one different. 12 brand new this year. You can't miss with our famous GRACE LINE PLAN. Thousands of groups clubs, auxiliaries, -churches, scouts, 4-H clubs, schools and others have been AMAZED how easily and quickly the plan has worked-and they've had fun doing it. Why? Because Grace Line Nap. kins sell on sight! Before this coupon gets lost" r Grace mail it in today for 44 FREE SAMPLES and complete details of our successful plan. No obligation whatsoeYer" Lirr Cr. yi':::'l^illl"':li: H::'tr;;F;;l Send FREE SAMPLES and complete plan ti -io reieive giouO for our group 1,200 napkins I iqf_q"r - to receive generous cash profits. I p-lus senerous FREE. FREE, plus t rrn rjlorctaJ there +L o-o I o no li oalinn - rr obligation. understand is' ^t I I Addre Deviled hom gives o speciol lift to ony egg dish ss lhese Deviled Creole Eggs demonstrqte. Ctty-State-Zrip- I 0rganization I SEPTEMBER,I964 -l . 27 ,fi ffi p ,i. of Teu(hing Yourself ffiUSIC SECRETS 1 q revesled in your own home fhis money'soving wdy Bqked or Shirred Eggs Mornay Choose individual 'ocook and serve" shallow baking dishes. Prepare: 2 cups well-seasoned thin white sauce. Blend into this sauce 1/z teaspoon paprika , L/z cup grated cheese and 2 egg yolks. Pour sauce into 3 well-greased baking dishes set on baking sheet for easy handling" Slip 2 eggs into each dish and sprinkle additional top. Bake at 350oF. to 375"F. (moderate) 15 to 20 minutes, or until eggs cheese over are baked to desired doneness. Apricot Peek-A-Boo Coffee Cqke yourself Piano, Guitar, \rlJte r r'J L'' .? Teach Accordiori, Violin, ANY instrument - even if you don't know a single note now.! No special "talent," no previous training needed. Famous low-cost U.S. School of Muslc Course, with step-by-step pictured lessons, make it simple as A-B-C. Everything is in print and pictures. First you are told what to do. Then a picture you how. sho rricture shows No boring exercises, no tedious scales. You start by ":;;,#offi uJi?r,X?: Jl^-H$,i,13$'?,fl ,3,!15!"f ff i'#Ilti3#$'1fi ;,nJffitt,fi fl33: @liltril^ltf.,L#f etc.- Over 1,000,000 students all over the W Stop Cheoting Yourself of These Joys Popularity. New friends. Gay parties. Musical career. Extra money. Banish worries, frustrations. Satisfy creative urse' ffilffrHil"i3i".t' ,#H'f,3?1 U. J:t 3 f..-83''-' Gain io*-i,.ffi,ffi o"Jti',i3!bl i#*fi#,.ffi STUDIO 679, Port Washington, L.l.; $;,I; Jffil;,13T'*il'r:i"d bv N' Y' iiil,snfri, ,$F I I cups sifted enriched flour tqblespoon boking powder teospoon sqlt 1/r cup shortening I tqblespoon groted lemon rind 4s to 3h cvp milk I cup cooked dried upricots (qbour Vz pound) Va cup enriched flour l/a cup enriched breEd crumbs 2 toblespoons sugqr 2 toblespoons butter or morgorine Stir together flour, baking powder and salt. Cut or rub in shortening until mixture is crumbly. Stir in lemon rind. Add milk to make a soft dough. Turn out on lightly floured board or pastry cloth and knead gently 30 seconds. Divide kneaded fif in half. Roll out one half of dough into rectangle 7 x L 1 inehes. Fit into un- dough greased baking pan. Arrange apricots on dough. Combine flour, bread crumbs and sugar" Cut or rub in butter or margarine Address fiH.H,'fiN SPECIAL INfRODUCTORY our NEW LINE. As ayou 6uy best dollar box of 21 Otr.FER we will send beautiful Christmas Sc'ripture Folders PLUS a fully guaranteed Scripture bal[ point pen for ONLY $1.0q. brder blank describing over 100 items will be enclosed. sJly Club, Society, Orgafr-ization' Schoolr orpronf,$ Your group-or ean easrly ItlaI^e other - yGu yourselt-1o -STAR IED-send $1.00 todav. I 66Yo.- cut np Ihepherd'l lown 0reeting [ardl,lnc.rBox 49, Dilhburg Pa' PRESIDENT KENNEDY 2 & until mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle over apricots. Divide remaining half of dough into 6 pieces. RolI each piece under palms of hands to make a roll about 12 inches long. Twist two rolls together loosely and place lengthwise on filling. Ilepeat with remaining rolls of dough. Bake in hot oven (425"F.) about 20 minutes. TvTRS s E& Ft s T $I2*;ffi:;t 14K gold decoration FINEST AMERICAN MADE CHINA tlqavy silverplate spoon,47/ztt overall length, with late president's prof ite and name. Tomorrow's heirloom, only $1.25 ppd. Also available: N. Y. World's Fair Spoon, only $1.25 ppd. HEATHER HOUSE 505 North 4th Street Burlington, 28 r The WORKBASKET lowa A new breokfqst breod, Apricot'Peek-A-Boo Coffee Ccrke, cornbines tender biscuit dough ond piquont opricots in oitrqclive foshion. Crunchy Bqked Gropef ruit 4 gropefruit Vz cup brown sugqr, 2 I firmly pocked toblespoons soft butter or morgtrrine cup. reody-1q-Got high protein cereql Cut grapefruit crosswise into halves. Cut around eaeh section. Place halves cut-side up in shallow baking pan. Mix sugar and butter until crumbly; add cereal and mix lightly. Sprinkle about 2 tablespoons mix- ture over each grapefruit half . Bake in hot oven (400 oF.) about Lz minutes. Serve hot. Yields 8 servings. Crunchy Boked Gropefruit mqkes breokfqst qn "occosion" no one in your fomily will wont moderately to miss. Get lhis Chorming "BIue Willow 40- Piete Dinnerwore Set . . . FREE P1US$50sCASH! Tflillow" Imacine! Your group can get FREE this enchnatin'S "BIue D-ini'eiware, pallld th-e world's most beloved dinnerware pattern:.? 40' iiece-servie,! for 8-PLUS $50.00 CASII for your treasury-all wit-h-out yo.gin adnance, with. a ipending a penny! I'll send-the Dinne-rw-arg t_g l-.eYvr.rrls, Fla-v-orins, YY QtIIrra gfipiii Lruf Ellts,uu lur!. gupt (,I-fotttbs. Imt. lanllla $1 esize Strength lillllt uu Lfuuuls fa:mous ly IIry Double 6f--mi 1-0^bot_tles' 9e-r1d (If onlv-1-[bo_ttl^ry, each sell only 7{[ oi.l Uotttbs. Simply have 10 members dach the of;e.1d pf-lhe me oniv $50.00 of the pioceeds, and the Dinnerw.are PLUS $50.00 .aDl--^ you how more "lrl h;* i, to get I'll also iiri' show I"t ffi;;'-rBiii; oroceed,s are yours to keep. ilu"iffifi;' Y,'-ll""x;fl eost. No room here for all detailsr"but get comwithout lc'::g:m;xrl#f; ":,:iIrriiEJsi*:31Jf$fIlxl-ffi lc of Your Group's Money! plete facts FREE. Mail the coupon TODAY! l{ever Spend or Pay You send no money. We trust you! We ship the Dinnerware Ta as long as 60 days to and Flavoring entirely on credit. Take send proceeds. No risk, now or ever! FREE Detqilsl nrtt couponroday! Fill in coupon and mail it NOl4r for full details of this exciting offer, FREE and entirely without obligation. ANNAWADETDePt- 83oAT Lynchburgr Virginia I- i Dinnerware "Btue Willow" by charming Chinese legfnspired end of young love. You get 8 cups, 8 sauee_rs, I fruit and cereal dishes, 8 bread-dnd-butter or salad plates, and 8 dinner plates-40 piecedia allt -rri r rrrrrrr ' rrr rr rr r Uirginia -l i- 8304T, Lynchburg, WADE, Dept FREE and without obligation, rush all detailsof your sen' and Cash Offer for our group. Dinnerware FREE sational nfnn ADDRESS ;------------------,--- r I I --------- I t ilJe;r----- I *r-------I OR.GAN[ZATION.-ts------- r r r r r r r r r r I Ir!!I II 'zIIIr . SEPTEMBER,I96l 29 ;,i T H |r DITIN'T FINISH HIGH SCHtltIL? 'lr rl Mail coupon for free booklet that tells how to GET YOUR DIPLOMA AT HOME IN SPARE TITilE Sliced fresh fruit such qs peochesr peors, bononqs ond sfrowberries perk up <r bre<rkfost ond ore o perfect compliment to ony reody-to-eot cereol. Cut up fruit the night before ond toss with on qscorbic ocid mixture. The slices of fruit will retqin their bright color crnd will not turn brown. Finish High School just as thousands of others have done - prepare for r better job o better r better future ! pay IO-Minute 0melef 4 I eggs seporofed teospoon solt teospoon pepper tqblespoon flour tqblespoon softened butter or morgorine loblespoon wtrter CHAIR CANING IS FUN, Beat egg whites with salt until stiff but not dry. Beat egg yolks with pepper, flour, butter or margarine and water until fluffy. Fold beaten yolks into beaten whites. Pour into well-greased 8 or 9-inch skillet heated until a drop of water sizzles. Cover tishtly. Reduce heat to low and cook I to 10 miriutes on top of range until surface of omelet is "d.ry" when touched lightly with fingertip. Fold in half and serve promptly. Makes 2 to 3 servings. Cqnqdion Bqcon Bundles RESTORE OtD FURNITURE 6 2 slices Cqnodinn siyle bscon bqnonos @r ro rtr-ffi, If you're 77 or ouer, and not in school, mail this coupon to: Wayne School I I "Ifow I 60605 Please rush, by mail, your Free Booklet, to Finish Hieh School at Home," with full in' formatiop on the low-cost courses and easy terms. No oblisation. Name.rodrr..... Addrgss. r o........... o r r. r. o....... r.. t. o. o.. EASY,PROFITAB!.EI:' WITH CANE, RUSH OR SPTINT Send 25( for recaning handbook and price list (refund on first orCer). For half a century, Perkins has supplied quality guaranteed materials :-. rush, cane, splint, SEND FOR NEGAilI}TG HANDBOOX etc. Also aslt .about basket weaving materials and instructions. (f2 pg. booklet 25f) o ]lEW flUEll . C0llll. TrA "toothpr,cking" & s&ndwich with brt ght orange carcot sticlcs. 228 SllEtT0ll AVE. 3O r Thc WORKBASKET I I 4l?S. Dearbgrn St., DePt. 33-506 Chlcago' llllnols Va la I I lemon iuice I pineopple sticks brown sugqr scrqmbled eggs Peel bananas. Cut in half lengttrwise; then crosswise. Brush with lemon juice. Roll a quarter of banana and a stick 'of pineapple in each slice of bacon. Fasten with a wooden pick. Place bacbn bundles on baking sheet. Sprinkle with brown sugar. Broil about 4 inches from heat for 3 minutes. Serve hot with scrambled eggs. Yields 4 servings. Flu#fy Egg D.Iests 4 4 4 slices hot, buttered toosf egg whites egg yolks 1/z to I cup groted shorp cheese solt PePper Place hot, buttered toast on cookie sheet. Beat egg whites until stiff, but nqt dry. FiIe whites on toast, making an indentation in the center of each. Carefully slip an egg yolk into each indentation. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and grated cheese. Bake in 350"F. (mod,erate) oven for 15 minutes or until whites are lightly browned and yolks are set. Makes 4 servings. Variation: Top toast with slices of ham, deviled ham, or crisp slices of cooked bacon before topping with egg whites. Cronberry-Oronge Muffins tr cup coorsely chopped ruw crqnherries Vz cup sugqr 2 cups sifted enriched flour* 2 toblespoons sugor I tEblespoon boking powder X tecspoon sqlt I I 2 egg, beqten cup milk toblespoons rnelted shortening or oil tqblespoon grcted orcrnge rind Combine cranberries and the Yz €up I sugar. AIIow to stand while preparing re- maining ingredients. Sift together flour, sugar, baktng powder and salt. Combine milk, shortening and orange rind. Add liquid mixture, stirring only until flour is moistened. Stir ln cranberries with last few strokes. tr'ill greased muffin cups 2/s full. egg, Bake in hot oven (400oF.) about 25 mlnutes. Makes 1 dozen large muffins. *If self:rising flour is used omit baking Ircwder and salt. HAPPI}IESS IS A HA}IDI{ADE QUITT ... mode with lAorning Glqze "Layer-Bih" Botting Your lovely quilt desenres the right quilt filling, snow-white Morning Glaze batting. Surfaces are IiShtly mist-sprayed to give a so,ft, flexible, non-elinging filler. Needles easily _. unfo.Ids and handles like a blanket. Uniform in thickness will not stretch or break. Trimmed to exact quilt size (81" x 96'). America's whitest and fluffiest glazed batt. ilIORNING GLORY battins . . . Snow-white, soft and fluffy. . . designed for luxurious comforters (72" Choice of thickngss-! lb., 2L/* :-.. Ib. or 3 {_90'). lb. Ask for Taylor Made batting, -mattresses, mattress pads, quilts and. comforters at your dry goods or department store. Makiqe quilts, comforters, stuffed toys, etc., is easier and more fun ------lrII-IIr-r---I--II-rr BARBARA TAYLOR'S NEW BOOK h Contains 28 colorful quilt designs, cutting charts with easy-to-follow directions as well as helpful hints on quilts, comforterg and stuf fed toys. n'eatures origlnal quilt deslgns with new treatment of old timo favorites, juvenilo patterns, etc. A MUST for beginners a bis help plus to oxperts. OnIy 50.o postpaid, no extra cost, 6 additional now -at quilt designs at your doalers or - factory. Address direct, from the Dept. W-9, Taylor Bedding Mfs. Co., Taylor, Texas, since 1903. Serve Crqnberry-Oronge Muffins once, ond lhey're sure to become o bre<rkfost f,qvorite with your fomily. NAME t-:------------- Wirh the Cooks. $5OtO $gOO IN YOUR SPARETIME Rush coupon for 2 f ast-selling Christmas Asiortments Card -Satin" on approv4l (2l-card -'.R;;;i Charm" and "ttiletide "Yuletide charm" R;;;i S;Iintt-ino of Personal bis Album gf*P-e1sqnfl fnEP big-Album t"=rt"i ana ina Fnpp essrtil Cf,riJimas-Caid Sambles plus FREE Cat' of ilre Cqristmds Assortments, Gift "t"g hibbons, Stationery, Gifts, Eveiyday Wrais. .."til"its Friends, E'ri ends - neighbors neiBrhtrois or-der-ornsight' order on sisht. Assortmbnts. ry lllvrllrul l-r TO 50c lJ.LOF EVERY lv UUU 9r.\ UP $1-00 YOU TAKE I{,-An{ A[JErr KEEP save money on youiown personal Christmalqafgs, Gifts at wtiotesate.irricei. Send tLe coupon below f,ODAYWA[[ACE gROWtt, t I l- East 26ttr St., Ilept. G- I 64, t{ ewYor k I 0, il.Y. r""" ;;;G;--l w".."tt 11 East 26th 5t., New York l0r N. Y. rr--F-a--l "*"Wrr, ItrI,3 3lF:l$xxf,8n$' $ii# Catalog. Name. ffi "e'$flIi,l; g'x8 $HB B Address.---r--E -- -'zog---ji3l:=-= - ! fiw'l[fi:,[I' Just OII the Press Hunters, Compers ond Fisher- men will find mctny prccticol items in our fully illustroted F crl I Cotolog. Shows hunting f ootwecrr, clothing ond other speciolties of inter- est to both men <rnd women. Mony items crre of our o'wn mcrnufocture. L.L. Beanrlnc.3l4 MainSt", Freeport, Maine Hunting, Fishing and, Camping Specialties I 00 0,;[t,f;, LAB E tS aleeesr LaeEL elnellN lN 25a u.s.A. 1OOO Deluxe, Gold Stripe, g:ummed, padded Labels printed with ANY Name, Address and Zip-Code Number, 25c for ErtCH set! No limit, but please include 1Oc EXTRA for pstg. & hdlgi. for each set. Order NOW before this offer is withdrawn. Money-back guarantee. Write for F.REE Money-Making Plans. TWO BROTHERS, INC. Dept. 751, 415 N. 8th, St. Louis, Mo. 32 o The WORKBASKET 5 green sweet peppers 4 lorge onions 4 cups opple vinegor 5 cups white sugqr I toblespoon sqlt Grind pears through food chopper and drain juice. Grind peppers and onions and add to vinegar, salt and sugar. Cook 30 minutes. Can and seal in very hot jars. Mrs. Thomqs A. Long Chutney 12 opples, peeled qnd chopped l2 ripe tomotoes, peeled qnd cut fine -,---_r----- lj', -==-=-:- Pe,qr Relish 2 gollons firm peqrs, ground 6 red sweet peppers 9 3 I 3 medium onions, chopped green peppers, chopped pint vinegor cups sugor rh cup solt I leospoon I feospoon mustqrd cloves 7+ teospoon cqyenne Combine all ingredients and bring to a" boil, then let simmer. Cooking time should be about 2 hours. Makes 7 to I pints. .Amqndq Gullickson Ripe Tomqto Relish I 4 6 2 I I 2 peck ripe fomqloes peppers, red ond green 'i medium onions cups celery, finely chopped ounce musltrrd seed ounce ground cinnqmon pounds brown sugqr 1/z cvp solt 2 pinfs dErk vinegor Chop tornatoes and drain I hour. Mix together all ingredients well, do not cook. Sii H#3i * 11,"!i?"'il;'TF}ff::fl: The WORKBASKET poys $2 for eoch originol unpublished recipe of yeur fomily's fovorite dish printed in these columns. Address Food Editor, The WORKBASKET, 543 Westporf Rood, Konsqs City, Missouri 64111. We regret thqt we cqnnot publish every recipe ond cqnnot return those not used, nor correspond obout them. The de. cision must be left to our iudges. 4 r Green Tomqlo Mincemeqt I I 4 I 2 2 I I peck green iomqtoes peck green opples, cored pounds brown sugqr cup vinegor pounds seedless rsisins pounds currqnls cup suel or oleo teospoon cloves 1/z teospoon ollspice 2 leospoons cinnqmon Filrl I r,,' Io Grind tomatoes. Bring to a boil and boil 2 minutes, drain. Grind apples, raisins, currants and suet. Add vinegar, tomatoes, spices and sugar. Cook until tomatoes and apples are tender. Can and seal. Minnie Miller Cold Relish I lorge heqd cobboge I onions I cqrrols 8 green peppers 8 red peppers I leospoon celery seed I teospoon mustord seed 3 pints vinegor 5 cups sugqr Clean and grind vegetables and sprinkle with t/z cup salt. Let stand 3 hours. Mix seeds, sugar and cold vinegar. Stir into drained vegetables. Put in sterilized cold jars and seal. Be sure vegetables are covered with liquid. Makes 6 quarts. Let stand one week before using. Mrs. J. L. Hrodecky Mustqrd Pickles I lorge cucumbers 2 quorls whire butlon onions 2 quorts green tomqtoes I bunch celery 6 red peppers, seeds removed I lorge ctruliflowen 2/g cup sqlt Y0[| EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO MAKE THIS PTANTER whet! you f;of;m the Ncrtiona! Hqmdcrqft SocietY. As a Society member, yotl'll receive a--package every month . . . and every package yillgontain an exciting surprise-a Handcraft Kit with euergthing you need to make a charming and valuible lieepsake. One month it may be a lovely apron, or a jbwel box, or a perky Snack Hound whosd nose iights up" trt witrtr always be something beautiful, and always something different. These Handcraft Kits are never sold in stores. They are exclusive creatlons available to Society members only. You'd expect to pay between $Z.qS and $4.98 in a store for the lovely items you'll make-but the cost to you is just $1. Ygt, $t a month is atrl you pay" And some months you'll receive extra free gifts, too ! Whatts motre, if yotl join right away, we will send you-absirlutely fnee-an extra kit: the Coffee Mill Planter strlown above . . . plus your first exciting mon$any kit" NIoney back if youtre 2 quorls vinegor not completely satisfied. N[ain the coupon belo"w 4 cups sugqr today.. . NOW'! I cup flour NATIONA]" HANDCRA'FT SOCIETY 6 level toblespoons dry musford J'1 Hondcroft Bldg", Des ftloimes, lowo 5O3O9 2 toblespoons lumeric r rrrrrrrrl F rrr r r xnnnrlnnnnnx I cup vinegor I Handcraft Society Peel cucumbers, chop peppers and cut ! ilational oes-Monnes, Iowa s030e ,-i--H;;iffii Eids"; I . . ! (except onions) into ! v.t o,.mr'.ii.i, ,. as a club nrember for 6 months and send me : remaining vegetables Coffee Mill Planter Kit as nry free gift. I enclose $l for my first : pieces. Let stand overnight in Ts cup salt. I tle Handcraft Kit, and ! agree to send nny monthly $l in time to-reach : Next morning add water to cover and boil ! you before th6 first day ot each monfft. I unddritand that if my gl I r 15 minutes. Drain. Heat vinegar and sugar. club payments do not reach you hefore the I will receive my Kit CI"0.0. first day of the mohth, t I Mix together flour, mustard and tumeric I understand that you guanam{ee mot to drop me from the list of I members unless I notify nesIgnatiom. You will immedi. ; I and moisten with L cup vinegar. Add to ately return my $l tor any K[t that does mot connpletely satisfy me. I i hot vinegar mixture and cook until thick, wrirr or Mrs. I being eareful not to burn. Strain over ! I pickles. Mix well and bottle hot. Makes :II street I I City I to Pints' Mrs. John F. Ridge [r r r r r r rr x lIrr n m rrrr rr -State---l n n.n.r ! r r r rl SEPTETAABER, \964 r 33 mny rt *oar 7o tIt I l { Tlop Deo,aryo The removable center portion of this month's WORKBASKET corrtains some unusual designs for hand 0r machine embroidery, apptiqu6 or textile painting. Remove pages from magazine by holding the sheet on These designs may also be traced onto fabric by using carbon paper, a tracing wheel, or by rubbing stamping wax over perforations left by an unthreaded sewing machine. each side of staple and carefully pulling to keep from tearing it. If using an iron to transfer design to material, make a test first to determine proper heat and time required. First, heat iron very hot but safely below scorching. Next, cut a small test design and place it (red side down) on material. Protect fabrie by placing tissue paper, brown wrapping paper or a press cloth over design. Then press, morring iron constantly over surface to distribute heat evenly. If iron is at proper temperature, several seconds are required; if not hot enough, it may take a minute or more to get a good stamping. The stamping comes off SLOWLY and is faint at first. Press until as clear as desired. When test results are satisfactory, cut out desired design and pin or baste in place, proceeding as described abo-ve. Additional stampings come off more quickly before pattern cools off. if made White kittens woutrd be attractive embroidered and mounted on bright colored felt for nursery or playroom plaques. A few other suggested uses would be: tea towels, hand towels, hot pad holders, a child's tea party luncheon cloth, curtains for a child's room, baby clothes, pinafores, and even a set of baby bibs for each day of the week. The smaller kittens would be €specially suitable for guest towels, or sunsuit and paiama pockets. Embroider kittens in brown, deep gray or black, eyes deep blue with black outlines and lashes. Black outline stitch is suggested for &Fpliances, and brilliant colors for bows and lettering. Or do aprons to and days of the week in colors contrast with your kitchen. 'Work kittens in outline or long and" short stitches, eyes and mouth in satin stitch and use lazy daisy and French knot stitches where suitable. Designs could also be done with textile paint. 34 . The \MORKBASKET BTTAXHD AND UA$Y 9189 s-I0-12 M_I4_I6 L-I8-20 & lg . t\l- /. Att ^?ti /tW N/' v" [f i t o 9205-Casual shi{t is everyone's choice for chores, shop- ping, g'eneral wear. Even moms-to-be find it figureconcealing. Wear if with or without belt. Misses' "sizes l0-20. Size l6 takes 3|/+ yurds 35-inch fabric. 9189-Neat coverall apron. Stitch it up in a gay ging- hu*; add rickrack trirn. Handy pockets, singte tu*on in back. Misses' sizes small I0.12; medium "|4-l6; [arge rB-20" 4672-?la*tery for fhe lady-in-waiting. The young 4672 r0-t I miss enioys this high-waisted fashion, too. Contrast binding is a smart touch. Embroidered pockef opfional. MisseJ' sizes l0- I 8. Size I b fakes 3 yards 39-inch fabric ; s/e yard contrast. Sen d THIRTY.FIVE CENT WORKBASKET Pqttern Sgrvicg Add TEN CENTS Box 222, z4g wesr ttth, New york, N. y., I ool I for eqch poffern t .yo, wish first Send FIFTY CENTS {in coin) foi clqss moiling. new Fatrl-Winter Cafalog il"trJig llf sizes. SEPTEMBER,1964 . g.g Ftrouuer fitrtd Garden Whqt is the correcl nqrne for the kclngoroo vine? I.S"S., Missouri" Cissus discolor is commonly called the kangaroo vine. I hove iust hroughr my Christrnss cucius for the winter. Pleqse rell me how cqre, for it. Mrs" E.K., Michigon indoors to When the Christmas cactus is brought indoors give it a light place with moderate temperature. Cut down on the water. In fact, until the buds set on, glve it no water at all unless it becomes bone dry. Then if necessary, during October and November it may be watered moderately" After the blooming period water the plant more freely. EUET'W H,l,Y'Xiil 9'-JlI,# If,',?t S O fo,$Bn* 10c MoneY-Agents UUanted -'[t$,T;: lVEke Good order Do not cut down }avender plants in the fall. them protection over winter, using coarse litter such as plant stalks, evergreen boughs, etc. In the spring after growth at the base is well started, cut away all dead branches. Cqn grtlpe vines be *ronsplonted fully? Mrs. G. H., Missouri 5uc€€55' It is not practieal to move a mature grape vine, one that is three or more years old. The check caused by transplanting is so great that the plant is slow to become established. A young plant, one year old from a cutting, will outgrow and bear sooner than an otrder plant that has been moved. T<rELS NEWI Not Seconds-Deluxe Qualitv. PIs. include extra for pstg. with your order. Should trqvender plonts he cut down in fqll? Mrs" J. P", Pennsylvclnicr SfiHuarantee' Dept" Tl{-12, Box 652, St" Louis. Mo. AKE BIG I hqve c .troseph's coot plont rhot hos lost its spots. It is in lhe sun part of the doy. ls there onything I con do to mqke it spotted ogoin? lvtrs. ,A.1.C., Ohio Joseph's coat, Amaranthus tricoior, tends to lose its color in soil that is too rich. Also the more sun it gets the better its color. Plant, or keep this plant, in full sun in ordinary soil. It is usually most highly colored in the f all, becoming less vivid during the winter months. Does qn Oxslis plont require q resting period? Plesse give instruclions on the cqre of rhis plont" Mrs" G. W. N., Colorqdo" Oxalis bulbs are potted in the fall, inch deep, watered sparingly and kept in NffiffiM CHRISTMAS CATATOG Don't start Your Christmas shoPPing until you've sent for this free bookl \rtrIalter Drake 309-II Dnoke Bldg., Colorodo $Prirlgso Golo' 4-A 1i, The WORK 1 a cool dark place until they start. Then they should be brought to the lisht and kept growing rapidly untitr they are through blooming. Then, usually in May, they may be dried off and stored in a dry cool place. About September they rnay be replanted and started into growth again. Gordening questions o!"e onswered eqch month by C. L. Queor, one of the nqtion's leoding gordening experts" Send questions on <r post ccrrd - do not send somples of plonis or lecrves. Mr. Quecr will answer questions only through tl're pqges of ' The WORKBASKET; no will be onswered through tlre mqil. The nnosf generol qnd inleresting questions will be selected to be snswered when they qre tirmely. Address to FIower ond Gorden Forum, questions The WORKBASKET, 543 Wesipont Rood, Kqnsos City, fo\o, 64I '[ 1. !r'rclurde nqnrle ond qddress. BEAUTIFUT DETPHINTUM PLANTS-$2.50 4 for $l VALUE 00 2 Dark Blue and 2 Light Blue, well developed, nicely rooted. Nation's favorite Hardy Perennial. Grow more beautiful each season. Supply limited. $1.00 f.or 4, $1.75 for 8, postpaid. No C.O.D. please. Order "Offer No. 39". PHTOX il*mi.l'li*" 3 for $l 00 6 for $I.75 Will bloom irr your garden for (fl rN Wffi -Red, Separately labeled. Send onlY sent $1-for 3, $1.75i for 6 postpaid. No C.O.D. please. Order "Offer No. 24". $2.r0,50 for ff4.25; L00 fot $7.50 Postpaid. No C.O.D. please. Order "Offer BLOOM THIS YEAR lltl.2n$225 Easter. Thrives "Offer No. 4O". ! 9 for $2.00, one extra Red an abun- 'outside all spring and summbri Beautiful foliage. I{ardy, easy to grow. Only $1.25 ea.; 2 for $2.25; 4 f.or $4. Postpaid. No C.O.D. please. Order L9". MUMS 4 for $l 00 House Plonts Special Otfer Only dance of gorgeous red blooms indoors from Christmas to No; ffilT:Hr Eniov these beau' )'7 ' tiful flowers in your garden. Mixed setels pinks, blues, whites, reds and yellows. Only 6 for $1.50, 12 for $2.75 postpaid. No C.O.D. please. Order "Offer No. 4L". LARGE CUSHION tfillrigtmsg (Eactug E:7z variety. Large sized Bloom first season. Choice of colors: Red, Yellow, Lavender, Purple Pink, $7hite, or Mixed Colors. ( Specify color desired).. 2, for Purple and Pink. I{ave rurrPs W2[ul.or",LT' Dutch Bulbs years. One each ,{Wn;, IMPoRTED DARwtN Yellow, Bronze, White, Eqch seporotely lobeled. Have hundreds of go rgeous blooms year after year on hardy plants 2 ft. high, 3 ft. across. $1.00 for 4, $2.00 for 9, one exNo C.O.D. tra red,'postpaid. please. Satisfaction guaranteed. Order "Offer No. 10". One. Eoch,-Red. lEITOH PIAilTS :IlJr*[*,,-H#',:^*, fruit. Unique pot plant, grows real edible tovel5z Fragrant, waxy white flowers, followed by large juicy lemons. Supply limited. Satisfaciion guaranteed. Each $1.00, 2 for $1.85 postpaid. No C.O.D. please. Order "Offer No. 12". ffi'T.)fi1'+3n fTITi'ffi W Easy to grow loads of big blooms. Ideal for cut flowers. One each-Red, Pink, Yellow, all separately labeled. White for $1.75. Post4 for $1.00-8 paid. No C.O.D. Please. Order "Offer No. 34". AFBICA]I VI(ILETS only $l 00 deep blue flowers. Limited Supply. Sent postpaid, only $ 1,.00 each. No C.O.D. please. Don't delay. .Order "Offer No. t7". ORANGE PTANT Beautiful fragrant blooms followed by large, tasty, edible fruit. Get this outstanding novelty. $l 00 each 2 ur$l 8s pos.tpaid. No C.O.D. please. t'Ofrer No. 13". OFFER, NO. I8 I tEt0lt PLIilT I 0RlilGE PU]IT $2.00 Yalue , r for $1.?5 NO C.O.D. PLEASE. Order A new, different type. Numerous combined colors. Large- packet and Big New Color Catalog FREE with 3 or more Offers. Offers cannot be broken or substituted. No G.O.D. please. t]trr]truDunnnn r0 t2 13 t7 18 19 24 34 39 40 R. H. SHUI{IWAY Seedsmon DEPT. 217' Please send Offers checked. Enclosed find ROCKFORD.. 41 lL[. $ Add 25c for packing, handline one offcr. Add t5o tor 2 or morc. lTrlndtTiruulF-niff iliFru,w-iTfi runnnr & ADBRES$ HERE ! voun fif,ME IffI -l \ ( I Elvin McDonold i;; i sts Box !.;ffij"Fiif;,,? I - t EIII I GITE UntrE DDnnllnTA Today we stand at the beginning of a new and exciting era for African violets. ALI the how-to of culture, once a baffling mystique, has settled down to pure simplicity. The main challenge after basic culture !of FUILSIZE H0frlE PR0DUCTS FREE itor I SgnO HO MONEY! II ;b";;Jeai ;ir;;;;t Fall Foreca,st For African Violets TRIALI Just write vour name,address out and mqil this ad -for big Asgortment of full' BlairQual- "si"ta;ous i ;'"T l' [s r:,"r x?f""i *x "r,'"ixl 4^- rtDEaEt ?npr A f - Slrnw value) --r'--^r forFREE TRIAL. Show rl I' :': requirements are met, is selecting from the dazzling array of varieties" Literally thousands, in fact, spring n Ain:Hover200himeneeds. neoded to sta.rt I i"iii"o.. no monev il . . . I'll help you arrango-erod-lr. up annually by hundreds from amaand mail this ad today with f, Tear out your qnd address above I -o*o rbove to get Your namo and teur and professional hybridizers all foi rnnn rRrAL, and I 'i:;;;;;;f A:;;ffi;;t i;nrnE f money-making Plans. 488AT. Lynchburg,Virginia Lynchburg,Virgin I over the world. In this article I will I gf-ntR, Depf.:4884T' attempt to detail briefly my own growing Arri- IIJ . od moneyfullor I t*ends. earn sood for barI spare ti-me t4-k-ingg orders fo1-barNoox' r-----r--e! --t--ar------- --- W&&,Need Exiro Cosh? This New Cololog E:=.Y ffidffiN Moy Be WOR,TH ffi"f;:il1.":l'i:il::" Let,s start with 1ight, an at1important step in successful violet g, :*'I'"" o o !s giIts, cards, -YP ul catalog lo..finest -v-ii :*: "I;H'i"ili;l1llfit13:ffi: thqf troriilwiritraigE-l+ but in hot weather, only early morn- i shows Golorf . llillrr-iie-nii tamslv can use' rhis*otT*Ylli,ij,tl,tL'rl.'rt; ing or late afternoon sun. violets tnEE *:t'flii:'*:,9 are also unequalled in their ability bon. rn addition to thc catarog #,lii:l"Ji:iY $fiEE to thrive under fluorescent-light ii';iile;ith;;y;;;t;;i',"Ai.ii*...'iitii."""l rs l.-G2, PrrtSqusra,St.Prull,llinn.";Hil:l]L"'"I'oli,il,", ii"*,," il:f:- ! Addtess- ! H,;'""ffi L----- I -" Suspend a 48-inch commercial "lL ^n iij u--rreflector containing two 4O-watt r-r | ---i-r cins "gY l a-az:l il;;:Gsi-S"r*less -;;1iil1"* direct-from-mill price' oee a I 1 trt",,i- un by thel Ilrfi"i=tii*"as """p sarnple stoekingl for free "-iA;;:-wiite B,Ili-d' ilit:" ffi;"i;;-rio.3i"1v -MiIls' I f loipt" n-zo, i"ai"""n"ti", I"d' J ,,, mAKE BIG rArlilG cosru6E IIIoNE@ $ffiffiffi JETTELRy il3J1,j1"",,f,#i;,*H;. ar noner T"..-1,,;yif;Ifl ffi-jl --r- -r table approxitubes, over a plant mately 24 x 48 inches, at a height so tubes are about 12 inches above tops of plants. Burn unit LZ to 15 hours out of every 24; no more and no less. Use one cool white and one daylight tube in your fixture for best results. Temperature is the easiest requirement to meet. Violets like the l3il?,'il?? ;i, il;,'J?nT'J'*" night. Soil is another practically foolproof requirement, es65-68 at #-,U*Xjf i$ft l#tiff,:i'ffiffirfi.i.m#peciaitv.itvo-u.buv"***"'ii"iiy lfii,F*ffi1 pr-epared mixture concocted for lii'"#;lH*fis:kki:::r:: African violets. Or, mix your own, Dor-Bar co., Depr. r-ro+ [ffiffi*ffiU 2e34 ll. Fullenon, ttrirogo t7, ttl.ffiffii$di*ii#ffi1 using equal parts garden loam, peat 42 o The WORKEASKET {'\ Send for pur 36 page Beautiful Colored Catalog Picturing these Bright, Odd and Easily mffi Grown .House Plants. llo ltToday! niriiin and Mexican Succulents, u- d Mimicry Plants. Shade Cacti. Supplies. Africon violets ore such good house plonts! tl moss, sand and vermiculite. Use clay, plastic or decorative ceramic pots, but be sure each has a drainage hole. Remember this general rule when you select pot size: If plant has a leaf span of 6 inches try a 3-inch pot; a leaf span of B inches will d.o nicely in a 4-incher. Violets need a pleasantly moist atmosphere, ideally a range of 30 to 50 per cent relative humidity. If your plant room has a dry atmosphere, especially in winter when heating units are going fulI blast, set all flower pots in a tray of moist sand, pebbles or vermiculite. Also set ornamental bottles and glasses of water among plants or operate a room vaporizer near plants. When they thrive and bloom for months on end, no amount of trouble will seem too much. Keep soil nicely rnoist at all times. Avoid severe or powdery dryness. Actual dripping wetness for days on end will cause root rot in a hurry. Feed every two or three weeks with a liquid African violet fertilizer diluted in water according to directions on plant food container. If insects attack your violets, use an aerosol of African violet pesticide according to manufacturer's directions. There are also nurRerous diseases which trouble violets, and some pests, which cannot be curbed ( Continued, on Page 44) CACTI-Hundreds oRcHlD cAcll of kinds lil described. MAIIY Cotons 10c Appreciated for Catalog JOHNSON CACTUS GAR,DENS PARAMOUNT, CAL]FORNIA BOX 94.W8 O / 'h*,ulu 25c Beautiful pot ptants to grow house Postpaid plants, 3,, ta 4z flowers, last with big' for months. Exquisite mixed S-eed and Nursery eolors. sEl{D ONLY 25c tor 1; Book Socfor2; $1for5. Oider now. R. H. SHUMWAY, SEEDSMATd DEPT. 216, ROCTFORD' ILLINOIS Gorgeous, easy Fascin ating,! SEilD TllR TREE .?#Write: WORLD OF ORCHIDS, Dept. MD-t) 7,1356 S. Flower, Los Angeles 15, Calif. t, ttnmarr ' 40 NEW i'ODELS ...8.DAY FPEE TR,AI. B.u. *- Just arrivedl Standard and Eleetronie Accordions-Amplifi ers ! tew ideas, L lfew styling, Itlew features! Big 3 discounts-Briy direct from world's Personalized Woven Sewing Labels Your own Designer Labels to sew in the things you make! For anyone who sews, knits or crochets. Woven in gold & red on eggshell background of textured rayon taff eta. Specify name label style: ,.SP EC IALLY HAN D & MADEand designed by'r; "CUSTOM MADE espe- cially for you by" or "HAND KNIT and fashioned by"" 45 Labels ... ......,$1.98 15 Lalels ... ...,...11.00 Send Checlc pr M.O.-MonW Baclc Guarantee SPE ilG E R G I FTS liilfl,iJtlfli,'-?,1'Hflfi SEPTEMBER,I96l . 13 $ffiYON NTTDI.T T}lREADTRS V/e GUAR,ANTEE that our genuine German- Made (wrrcH-Hr"R".*tt""*rt t"""ilr.f${,: ! low as fl A l ffiiffi-{'Jrqi*ffi 20!" AIITOMATICALLY and INSTANTLY! Buy at our NEW LOW Agents prices: I Doz. $3.OO; p- Doz. $2.85 per Doz.i 6 Doz. 82,75 lrer Doz.; 12 Doz. $2.5O per Doz.; 5 gross $2"4O per Doz. Sells like mad for $f .OO each for Fund-Raising: projects Churctres, P.T.A.ts, Agents' Y -Schools, ete. Minirnum order 3 samples for $1.OO! No C.O.D.'s. Order NOW! Money-back guarantee. fWo rh6ixERs, lNc., oepl. T-31, Box'662, str. Louis, Mo. PROI,TD Ill}ID RAISER! Ctub tor Church, School, ?ETMANENTLY €ENUINE CCTAMIC KEEPSAKE PLATES DECORATED. your choice of sizes. styles, designs FULL DETAITS NO OSUGAI|OX Plcesc mcntion Church group or Club lrou rcpr?tant. LEG SUFFERERS Why continue to suffer without attempting to do something? Write to{g,y for New Bdoklet-"TIIE LIEPE METHODS FOR, HOME {JSf)." It tells about Varieose Ulcers and Open Leg Sores. Liepe-Methods isia wnil,e uou walk. More than 6o vears of HoW African Yiolets (Continue'd {ro* Page 43) by use of an aerosol. If you detect real trouble, consult with a violet specialist or read a book on African violet culture at your public library" Keep your violets in the pink of condition by washing leaves about once a month with a lukewarm spray of water. Let plants dry colrrpletely before returning to a sunny p1ace. Keep dying leaves and spent flowers removed. The easiest and most fascinating w'ay to propagate violets is to "put d.own a leaf." Take a vigorous leaf with about 1 inch of stem. Insert most of stem in a small pot of moist vermiculite. Turn a clear glass tumbler over leaf. Keep vermiculite evenly moist at all times, and set Ieaf in a well-lighted p1ace, but out of direct sun. After a few weeks a rosette of new leaves will grow. Eventually you can remove glass entirely, provide some direct sun I0 PUBLISH #* 5:a $;r1:,:ff:I?L-.'"ii"irl YOUR BOOK Join our successful authors in a complete and reliable publishing prograrn: publicity, advertising, handsome books. Speedy, efficient service. Send for FREE manuscript report & copy of Publish Your Boolt. CAR tTON PR,ESS Dept.wBl 84 fifth Ave., New York 11, N. Y. let soil and grow on. September and October are ideal times to buy new African violet plants and leaves by mail. How To Plont An lris Sensqtionql Money-Mokers! IHRIFT Our beautiful plastic smiling elown faees now $2.1O per dozen-less in 3 dozen lots zt/e,, x 3,,. Also available at differ-size eat, eolored ent prices: sweetheart' mammy, rabbit, monkey, panda bear, Pinocclrio, Santa and ctricken faces. Folder with description and prices lOc. No C.O.D.'s. e3, NEW yoRK MAILMART *on'o." FEMALE HELP WANTED FI N U b- . ldresses received by you as extra :lrewards. Just show Fashion Frocks lo friends in Jpaie iimel N; intest- lt #l I ment, eanvassing, experienee neees- lg c. Isary. Write today to Fashion E'roeks, I el Dept. 5-13101, Cincinnati 2, Ohio. i4-{ o The'WORKBASKET 1. When plantirrg, dig a pair of slanting holes, rather than iust one and leave a ridge of soil in the center. This ridge is not so likely to settle, thus decreasing the amount of digging usually required. 2. Rest rhizome over the center of this ridge and spread out roots on each side of ridge. This will anchor the plant securely. - 3. Recover hole with dirt and water soil well. 1\ FR(CDDI Qerznaa Curious, odd-looking, strange sPG cies of plants that thrive anywhere with little care. Flowers of exquisite beauty and fragrance. Send b onlv 10e in coin for 50c Pkt. n or 3 Pkts. for 25c and Seed K<rtherine B. Wolker When one common name is given to several different plants, nothing but confusion can result; and to further complicate the problem of identifying correctly the plant known as Nightblooming Cereus is the similarity, on the surface at least, of many plants currently known by this name. Since this confusion has persisted over so long a time, I doubt it will ever SEEf, ALL KINDS AI{D FORI}IS be straightened out, but perhaps we can make a start on sorting out members of the huge Cereus Tribe of cacti. AII plants within the Cereus Tribe of the Cactus family are noted for a*",T;:ser,FREE R. H. SHUMWAY Seedsman, Dept 218, Rockford, ILL u-" 'rr.-e fdL(:Mdt{Ldiui[m tqE'.(E m rLtrdrk hl|,|[l!,rdkdabt.h&(6. E@dlta *Fhdllld. rb adh !.Fil drEbd&d See Fine More Frint Clearl5l -AW rfrt{ io FE d ifrF. d Fut Flry. tul& i in tt 6*. tiri4 m fdilFltfrtrmPtibtu.di.dBiE E&iB 6 |wc. b l|d M, watd hn. u.b tqhr M b.d cqdt inHii h. t &.. xrt. k i.;dd t:b SLIP-ON MAGNIFIERS-$2.98 Having trouble seeing fine print and close wdrk? Siip these magnifiers on your prescription glasses and SEE CLEARER INSTANTLY! Powerful 21/z diopter lenses. Fits all glasses. Low $2.98 postpaid priue saves you 25% over usual cost" lf not satisfied, return postpaid in 30 days for full refund. NEL-KING Prod., Dept. WK-94S,811Wyandotte, K. C. 5, Mo. their huge flowers (up to ten inches and more in length) which are white, sometimes fragrant, and always night-opening. i:::::::i::i::ii::liiltii:;iiii:ii:i::i:j;t:i,.:i::i:.:i:i::iii:;ii::ia;i:tiliriiiii::.:::l fa.ncv^bo_ws with fascinating N.oW anyolrg gan Pixie Bow Maker._ I[eFg With pin jfoiz4 M;;; ;"6Ti. o-f; y-ours Frye vrith new Greeting Card aha Ciff ples for making extra money. N5 experiLr"c" ""-r* "eJGa. Make up to $300 UYhen You UUant lt! Over 450 imagin?tive, new rnoney-makers roryou or organizjrtlg, _ . fast-selling Bow new SOLID-PACK ChriJtmas newest Card Assortments. Gifts qd.Novelties. Exc-lusive 67-card personal Christmas Album FREE. Money-ba;k --guarantee assures biggest profits. Cash Bonus, too. !_[ak_er; Uard-s_; Hylocereus undqtus-q night-blooming cereus often ccrlled "Honolulu queen." Goupon Now! Let's take up the various genera Mail Send no money for FREE Maker and Bow-Ribbon in alphabetical order. Cereus has a Bow with samples on approval. Album, other Free Ofribbed, columnar growth and is FREE fers to start you earning. Order by coupon-send it today. non-climbing; eriocereus (erio meaning woolly or very hairy, and referring here to the areoles ) has a GARDTNAL CRAFTSMEN, Dept. 55-B 14OO State Ave,, Gincinnati, Ohio 45214 ribbed structure and is vine-Iike; Send Pixie Bow Maker, postpaid, as checked below. hylocereus (hylo meaning wood, tl FREE Bow Maker and Bow-Ribbon with moneymaking kit on approval. and translates to- indicate plants O enclosed. Send only Pixie Bow Maker. D $2 enclosed for 90 ft. 94' GoLd Satin Ribbon desire and ability to climb trees) and Bow Maker. $1 has distinctive triangular stems, has (Continued. o'tx Page 46) Name Address- :--. =: : : :-:- rlI.- - - t-9'!L:- :--;.- -- -') -'s 11 ta te IA- :- SEPTEMBER,l964 =- o=:-l 45 Cereus (Continu,ed fro* Page 45) aerial roots for feedifrg and support, ' and is a true climber; nyctocereus (nycto meaning night, refers blooming time to ) is slender, erect or clambering, and has many-ribbed stems; selenicereus (named for dampen, Pres-Kloth on you r garment Selene, goddess of the moon) is a climber with ribbed stems; trichocereus has columnar ribbed stems. Now then, did you notice that only one plant showed a characteristic not shared by the others? Right! Hylocereus has triangular stems, not ribbed ones. This, then, is our Nightblooming Cereus (H. undatus), with three-winged, dark-green stems rooting on one side and maghard to press us,ually. Press-Mit nificent white scented blossoms of great size oper-ring for a few hours on summer nights. osro*, At dePa nTfilt Nightblooming Cereus is easily PRESS WITH NO SHINtr-NO SCORCH A handy ironing helper. Just lay the rti*il*l;*ffiHm sil36?# Weaver Pres-Kloth Go., Omaha, Nebraska WALK ON AIR MOCCASINS! Light, bouncy foam Grepe soles. ehoice leather. Over 223 sizes in stock. Guaranteed! Red, White, Smoke, Taffytan, Black. Purchagel can be exchanged. llllomen's full and halt cizea 3 to 13' AAAAAA to EEE. $6.9t postpaid. GOD's accepted. M0GCASIN-CRAFT, 65-WP lltlulberry St., Lynn, Mass. 46 e The WORKBASKET grown, and flowers freely once plant has become established. Since it climbs vigorously, it must be given ample room in which to grow and spread, and some type of support must be furnished. Best, of course, is a waII of brick or concrete, rough enough for its tough roots to fasten to. If no wall is available, the plant may be grown 0n a trellis. You might like to have a plant (when it is large enough) in a tub 0r Fot, on wheels with trellis inserted into soil. Wheels will permit shifting ptant as necessary to provide heavy shade for roots and light shade for foliage, and will enable you to rnove it outdoors to a protected spot for summer months if you choose to do so. Pot Nightblooming Cereus in very rich", turfy soil. As is true of all epiphytic plants in its native habitat, this one grew in debris caught and held in the crotches of trees; this means it likes a humusy soil of loose, open texture so roots are kept moist, excess water drains rapidly and freely, and some aeration is provided. No epiphytic plant can stand to have its roots com- pressed tightty in heavY soil, nor can it tolerate wet feet, so keep your potting soil as porous as possible. Tropical by nature, Nightblooming Cereus wants amPle water (with proper soil, you need not fear overwatering) and enjoYs an overaII spraying with tepid water. High humidity is beneficial but not absolute1y essential. The Plant likes warm temperatures, and begins to suffer if they fall much below fiftyfive degrees, so don't set it outdobrs unless the nights are warm enough. fndoors any temPerature that suits you will suit your plant' If you have never grown the re- markable Nightblooming Cereus, do manage to find a place for one this year. Like. most of us who have one, you'I1 plan parties to coincide with opening of flowers, and Your guests will need no other entertainment than watching them unfurl. CaIl it King, Queen or Princess of the Night, your. Nightblooming Cereus will show it is a royal plant. pononrue -Lutumn Jnornt An easy and quick way of preserving autumn leaves is to spread them carefully between two sheets of wax paper. Weight them with a large book or other heavy object and let stand for awhile. The leaves will retain their beautiful colors and will becorne tough and pliable. They will not crumble and can be kept for a long time. rnrr flqffil 0AY 0lfTS and GAD0ETS using plastic throwaways THIS 32 PAGE BONUS BOOK FREE IT YOU SUBSCRIBE NOIT TO PACK.O.TUil Free book above includes the best plastics ideas ever to appear in PACK-O-FUN (the Scrapcraft magazine). PACK-0-FUN brings you 100 "Best-ldeas-of-the-Month" for transforming all kinds of throwaways into enchanting toys, gifts, bazaar items, favors, games, decorations, etc. Skits and stunts, too. Nearly half a million users praise PACK-0-FUN. "Best $3 I ever invested," says Mrs. H. G., lll. "l gave up 2 popular magazines to keep Pack- 0-Fun," Mrs. C. P., Wis. "Eases the planning burden," Mrs. K. B. (Den Mother), lnd. For mothers, church workers, teachers, leaders, PACK-O-FUN saves work, ends budget worries. Its tips, helps, make Scrapcraft easy and fun. M0NEY BACK GUARANTEE: You ffioy, at any time, cancel your subscription and get a cash ref und on the unused part. Subscribe now. PACK-0-FUN, 14 Main St., Park Ridge, lll. 60068. IO (F,:lsBrffffi,1lY.r) PACK-0" tU Payment enclosed n $3 N, D':fl' $3 #,lrlt,*. 60068 for PACK-0-FUN subscription: for l-Year tr $5 for 2-Years (Save $1) Also send my FREE "gg-PLUS PLASTIC PR0JECTS" book under separate cover. Rhododendrons utill, grou) in anA soil that does not contain lime, is porous wtthout ber,ng drA and is fairlg rich in humus. SEPTEMBER,I964 o 17 flad"d Wk Ordinary glass marbles may be turned into attractive jewelry by frying! Clear glass marbles in solid colors may be used, or the crystal marble with a colored center known as a "cat's eye" gives an attractive accent when treated. Perhaps you can talk Junior into lending you a few for experimental purposes. If not, you can buy a ten-cent bag at any toy counter. Place marbles in a cold, dry skillet and set on burner (photograph 1) . Stir marbles constantly as they are being fried. Keep them in pan until they are completley heated through -about 15 /er,uelag Willcrrd ond Elmo Woltner in temperature will cause inside of marbles to crackle, while the outside retains its round shape" The crackled inside will pick up rays of light in bright sparkles. If marbles were not completely heated through, they will crackle only a little. The frying and ice water treatment may be repeated to get a finer crackle. Two treatments are about the limit, though, for marbles may break completely after that. change -20 minutes. Photogroph I Pour marbles into pan of ice water (photograph 2). The sudden ll,lffirKs Write I20 Words Per Minute LOWEST COST Age No Obstacle Famous SPEEDWRITING abc shorthand. No strange symbols; no machines; uses ABC's. Easiest to learn and use. Fast preparation for a better position. Nationally used in leading offices and Civil Servico. 120 words per minute-5Ao/o FASTEB than Civil Service requirements. Over 700,000 taught at home or through classroom instruction. The very low cost will surprise you" TYP- ING AVAILABLE. 4Ist Year. Schools in 443 cities throughout tho world. Write for Free Booklot 48 o The WORKBASKET Photogroph;2 To complete jewelry, each marble must have a bell cap cemented to it. These are available at most hobby shops or from craft companies that se11 jewelr/ - rrraking suPPlies. Spread prongs of cap to conform to curve of marble (photograph 3 ) . Attach with jeweler's cement. When cement has set, open a jump ring and slip through loop in top of cap. Bend ends of ring back together again. The marble is now ready to be slipped onto a necklace chain to be used as a pendant. If a single marble is used, the larger size is most attractive (photograph 4). CTUBS (lR IilDIUIDUATS Earn Extra Money Selling Americats Most Gomplete Line of Greeting Gards Photogroph and Gift ltems 3 You might prefer using three or five sma-I1er marbles as drops, also shown in photograph 4. The method of attaching them to chain differs a bit from the pendant type so they will stay in one place and not slide. Close clasp of chain. Locate center link of chain opposite clasp.. Open jump ring and slip it through opening in beIl c&F, then slip jump ring through center link of chain. Close jump ring. Attach other marbles in same w&y, spacing them evenly on each side of center marble. This same method may be used in attaching marbles to a charm bracelet chain. Free Samples-119 name imprinted Christmas cards ranging in price from 25 f or $1.50, 40 f or $1 .95 to 25 for $9.25. Christmas card assortments 21 lor $1.00n $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00, including Bright Noel box with knotty pine envelopes. Many religious box assortments. New Pixie Bow Maker and self-disp€ns' ing Ribbon Facks. Everyday and Birthday cards, gifts, toys, household and baby items. lmprinted Stationery, Wedding Announcements, Napkins and Matches. Write today for salable card sam ples on approval and big new catalog showing thing you money ne:ed everY- to start making ! JUlitrhell Greetings Compony DepL 8-964 '. 47 W.T lhile Rood, Detroit EARN EXTRA MONEY Wilh Amcrzing "HEXE" AUTOMATIC NEEDLE THREADER Photogroph 4 CORRECTION Medallion Doily, page 44, lano.e WORKBASKET Rnd 5l should read: K 3, sl l, k 2 tog, psso, L 3, O, k 2, (k l, p I) until there are 7 sts in next st, k 2, O. World's Only Perfect ileedle Threader People are earningi SZ.OO to $8.OO an hour by simply showins this amazing invention to friends. neighbors, at clubs or to people at work. EXCELLENT FUND RAISER FOR SCHOOLS. SCHOOLSGHURCHES, OR CLUBS: Send $1 for 2 demonstrator samples: $4.95 for eaeh doz.z $13.50 for 3 do,,.i Atl $4O.OO for 12 doz, orders come with eomplete money-making details. SATISF'TGTION GUARANTEED. NONTHIRN IMPONTERS Dept. lir-94, 2453 Morse Aye., Ghicago, lll. 60645 SEPTEMBER,l961 o 49 I.EA R//I BASKET wEAvlilfi FUN .. . P fr0,F IT e*ooero/e enJ 3**[/rr ,5forl,etu J* eoo"Lrt These matching pieces of milk glass crochet are attractive and easy 23O SHEtT0ll AllE. r to make. They were made from Coats & Clark's Speed-Cro-Sheen Mercerized Cotton (2 batls white) and a number 00 steel crochet hook. t{EW HAVE}I o 'COllN. McGUFFEY'S READERS After a long and costly search, reprints of-the-grig' inal 1879 r6vised editions of the famous McGuffey's Readers have been completed and you can now pur' chase exact copies at the following low prices POSTPAID: lst Reader-..........,-.".$2.50 3rd Reader-.---.,.-.,.."..$3.25 Znd Reader.".............-$2.75 OLD 4th 5th 6th Reader.....-....."---.$?.fl Reader....-.....-."...$q.ZI Reader..-....."...-.-.$4.25 AUTHORS Dept. WO'g Abbrevicrlions: ch (choin) crochet) inc (increose) sl st (slip srirch) sc (single Gouge | sr 6L/z sc tr (treble) rnd (round) lps (loops) sk (skip) (srirch) equal 1 inch 7 rnds equal 1 inch Rowan, lowa oving? Ask your mail carrier for a change of address card, FORM 3578. Also send label from recent copy along with new address. Allow I weeks for change. The WORKBASKET 543 Westport Rd. City, Mo. 64I I I Kansas NOW ! DET{TISTS +IELP OVERCOME TflE S+IOCK OF NEW TALSE TEETH- WITfI FASTEET+I Cqsserole Jqcket-Bottom: Starting at center, ch 2. Rnd 1: 6 sc in second ch from hook. Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc afound. Rnd 3: * Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc ( an inc ) , repeat from 't around. Rnd 4: * Sc in each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, repeat from +t around. Rnd 5: Sc in each sc around, inc 6 sc evenly spaced, and being careful incs do not fall over previous When false teeth get on your nerves many dentists give special I'ASTEETH powder. It helps hold teeth in place helps keep them - down when you from slipping or dropping talk-makes you feet more secure. tr'ASTEETH cu,shlons tender gums so you can bite harder and eat easler, faster wlth greater comfort. FASTEETII helps you laugh and speak more clearly without embarrassment. tr'ASTEHIH ls alkaline (non-acld). Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). At drug counters everyurhere. 50 . The WORKBASKET incs. Repeat rnd 5 until there are t32 sc on rnd. Next rnd: Sc in' each sc around, ine 4 sc evenly spaced, join with a sl st in first se. Side-Rnd 1: Sc in same place as sl st, sc in each of next 2 sts, T tr in next st, sc in each of next 3 tr to curve to front of work, repeat from -r around, .sts allowing the f\ NEw nI9G4 ending with a sl st in first sc. Rnd 2: Sc in same place as sI st, it tr in next st, sc in each of next 3 sts, repeat from '6 around, join. Rnds 3 through 8: Repeat rnds 1 and 2 alternately 3 times more. Rnd 9: Sc in each st around, join. Rnd 10: Sc in same st as sI st, sc in next st; thread over hook twice, insert hook under first tr made 2 rnds below and draw lp through, (thread over and draw through 2 lps on hook) twice a raised tr made, make next around next tr made 2 rnds below, thread over and draw through alt lps on hook joint raised tr made, +r sk next sc on previous rnd, sc in each of next 3 sc, make joint raised tr having first tr in same place where last tr was mad.e and next tr around next tr made 2 rnds below, repeat from tt around, making the second tr of last joint raised tr in same place where first tr was made,, sc in next sc, join with a sl st to first se. Rnd 11: Repeat rnd 9. Rnd L2: Sc in same st where sI st was made. Make raised joint tr by inserting hook under both tr's of the last raised joint tr of 10th rnd and making next tr by inserting hook underneath both tr's of next joint raised tr on same rnd and completing the tr, * sk next sc, sc in next 3 sc, raised joint tr having first tr in same place where last tr was rnade and next tr by inserting the hook underneath both tr's of next joint raised tr and completing the ttr, repeat from tt around, ending ,with a sl st in first st. Rnd 13: Sc in each st arouhd, Join. Rnd 14: Long sc in each st anound make a J,ong sc, sc at base of -to l.rhristmos Lrotolog plus all other issues for a fuli year lar yourself and 1 friend. Mail coupon today and be first to see our new and exciting 1i14 Christmas Catalog. Preview the newest and latest gifti and products for yourself, your family and your home. Lowest prices! Satisfaction Guaranteed! Monthly Terms! l{elen Gallagher-Foster House .413-WgFulton St., Peoria. lllinois f t"FrFo -, " F,,T.ilr fi? ?iirffiorl f;Tlff,f,':'",;'fiI.'ixo';uirlx, J:" 1ii I i Address_-- I I City---Zone---State___* : l. Filt in ndme of interesred friend, WgA -- I rr. of a friend---------*I t) I I Address-Zone--S,.*--I_*-_ I r---r---n --r-- For Hobby or Profit LEARN to MAKE PLASTIC FLOWERS. FLORAL AR_ RANGBMENTS, FOLIAGE foT. PLANTERS, DECORATED TREES, as hobby or start y'our own business from home, nni.n*a products easily sold, high profits. send gr.00 for ILLUSTRATED INSTRUCTION MANUAL, refunded with first order supplies, GENERAT CRAFTS, Ilopr. 14, 624 N.W. grh Avenue,'Fort louderdole, Floridc 6O for $2.00 plus 25c post. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE \W 2Vzx3t/2" genuine photosmade from any photo on silk finish studio ilntsn stuoto paper. ongtnat 0riginal -_!-q_tfltoT0 J9 SIRVICE Dept. GPO Box 644, N.Y.l lfilili?o,JJ ?i i %?3;,.,i:fl 5x7").30 for $1.25 ptus free enlargement (60 for $2.25). next sc, join to first long sc and fasten off" Turnbler Jqcket Bottom: Starting at centen, ch 4. (Continued. oru Page 52) SEPTElvtBER, l964 o 5I Turnbler Jacket ( Contr.nued. from Page 5I ) Rnd 1: 15 dc in 4th ch from hook, oin to top of ch 4. Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in same Place, 2 dc in each dc around, ioin. Rnd 3: Sc in each dc around, inc B sc evenly around-to inc 1 sc, make 2 sc in 1 sc, join (40 sc on rnd). Side Piece-Rnd 1: Working in back Ip on^ly, sc in each sc around, j Schools, church groups. sororities, in earning individ.uals, interested 45 cents profit on eactr 91 sale of distinctive Gift Tie Ribbons. Also complete line of Iuxurious gift wrapping: papers. Write for FREE sam' ple brochure and. proven money-making: plans, today! ldeal Gift Tie O & UU Gift Tie O & VU Gift Tie 1133 Main St. 361L W. 16th St. T1.32KnowltonPl. DePt. O'12 Dept. O-12 Dept. O-12 lndianapblis 22, Los Angeles 45, Paterson 3' N. J. join. Rnd 2: Sc in first 3 sc, 't tr in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, allowing the tr to curve to front of work, repeat from )t around, ending with tr in last sc, join. Rnd 3: Sc in first sc, ts tr in next Sc, sc in each of next 3 sts, repeat from ie around, ending with sc in EARN EXTRA M0NEY-Fast, Selling The Latest Style Hats Y(}U MAKE! You custom-make beautiful Designer Hats new each fashion season while training-yours to sell or we?f; Easy professional course includes: lux' urious materlali, trimmings, Hat shapes, head block, original design lessons. FREE Book, "The Art of Prolessional Custom Millinery," and sample last 2 sts, join. Repeat last 2 rnds alternatelY until side piece measures 2L/+ inches. Fasten off. lesson pages show how you can quickly qqrn extra money ht-home selling lesson hats. Write today, no ob-ligation, no sale5man. Acc'd Member, NHSC. Lic. by State of N. J. ACADEMY Dept. (IF MILTINERY 238-094 DESIGN tlTTtE FALIS, NEW JERSEY Choir-Box Here is a unique box You can use $54e for sewing, iewe1ry, trinkets or even as a chair for a doII. It stands about L27/e inches taII when finished and can be made in any color. You probably already have some of the To vou who are 0VER 5t7"-new fashions priced no higher than misses' sizes. StYle shown is diamond pilttern Arnel cotton shift with V-neck, pointed collar, short sleeves. Colors: Toast/ White, Brown/White. Sizes L2 to 22. Other styles & fabrics, $3.98 thru $25. sizes 10 to 24. Also Goats, S[rits, Lingerie, Sports- wear, etc. RUSH C0UPON 0R POSTCARD FOR FREE "TALL - , ___ #_ - _ ffi . _ _ sr I LSj'- gTil 99* - - _ _ E r !i r. E.d l'zb Dept. T'26 Shops, Dept. over Fiye-seven Five-Seven shoFSr iI Or.r lnd. 46207 ! .lndianapolis, Please send FREE Tall Fashion Catalog toi, I l name ! iI addness 52 . The E necessary materials which are gift wrapping paper (figured or perhaps a solid metallic color), cardboard, celluloid, tissue paper for padding, medium size hole Paper Punch, number B steel crochet hook, 2 balls size 5 pearl cotton and decals (or cutouts) for back and seat. To enlarge the pattern given, draw on heavy paper the same IllrIrIber of squares as, shown on chart. Each square equals one inch. Then draw in outlines of each Piece. It is easiest to do one square at a time, making it correspond with chart. WORKB.ASKET the clips so they will not slip during When finished, cut out each pattern piece. Place pattern on cardboard, trace around edge and then cut out. One back, one seat, two arm rests, four lower sides and one bottom will be needed. For each of these cardboard sections also cut 2 pieces of gift wrapping paper and 2 of celluloid ( one for each side of punching. Make 3 single erochet stitches in each hole. Each section is crocheted individually, then aXI sections are joined and sewn" together. Attach seat section at back edge only so it can be raised and lowered as a Iid" A tassel or crocheted ring may be fastened at its center edge" cardboard). Assemble each section card- - sides board. first, covered on both with tissue paper padding, followed by colorful wrapping paper, then celluloid on both sides. When assembling back and seat, place decals on wrapping paper and let dry before adding celluloid piece. Next, punch holes in each assembled section at even.intervals about L/+ inch apart and L/+ inch in from the edge. Pieces of section can be held together with paper b-mJTl,u, is a good NOTHING TO BUY! Just order the candy and we'll deliver it, with us payingthe freight. When your Crive is over return any unsold, unopened candy to us (freight prepaid) and pay only fon the candy you've sold. Think of it: You buy nothing that you haven't sold ! S$,Cent fUnd faiSef ! Get.detairs on an the extra ac*antages erre:'ed and Dolly Deere has it! ,., ALMONDEERES-luscious whole almonds, roasted to perfection and covered DOI-IJI IDEERE with the most deluxe milk chocolate you've ever tasted ! They come to you in handsome packages personalized with your organizatiqn's name, picture and insignia. You sell ALMONDEERES for just 50c a box, and you get to keep 23c on every box you sell ! Dolly Deere Fund-Raising Plan monev, b.,, the ! Remember, when ,.: Dorlv do ilrlr,or,;.','tt itl Mai! rIrInrlEn--IinrIlDE /- I SEND COLJPON TO: ) Doily Deere Candy Conrpany E-oX 4q3_Oz pel_awrye Valtey DEpT" WKE-g Philadelphia 24, Pa. Gentlemen: Please tell me more about the Dolly Deere Flan. Name Addres I'LET DOLLY DC' IT" ,.+,,s,ri*lti*.'.i,i'#'r''*f.,;;ruU*,,,,,,, 1* Organizatio City Age (if under State-21") E-trEnrnEl]n- 5EPTEA BER,1964 o 5& Krrit 8d7e Itrere's a simple, easy-to-make that wiII add an elegant look to pillow slips, scarves or vanitY sets. The length is determined bY the number of stitches cast oI1. The model was made from'number 30 edge IffiM crochet cotton using number 14 steel double pointed knitting needles (if these needles are not available, any small size could be used ). 'fuGffinNA* To lntroduce You Io America's Favorite Hobby and The World's Largest Stamp Firm: Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy (partly pictured 0n genuine postage illustrated) stamps from Argentina, Colombia, Honduras, Jordan, Monaco, San Marino, Togo, Yemen, PLUS MANY 0THERS. A valuable historical - to miss! EXtrA BONUS: COMPLETE U. S. CATALOG, OthCT collection which you can't afford exciting stamp offers for your cqnsideratlqn, lllustrated Bargain Lists, Collector's Guide. One to a customer. Send onlY 25c to: H. E. HARRIS & C0. 0ept. p-zo, BoSton 17, Mass. Abbreviqtions: Latest Fashion Leader Fahrics for Fall and Winter swofch sdmpler tor YOU Smart black and white all wool tweeds for suits, coats. Latest designer colors in new fall plaids. New styles and patterns in rich flannels, acrylic and wool, luxurious all- for your Sampler-swatches of this Fatl-Winter seasons smartest all woolens. Send wool and part wool materials. Select from our exeiting variety of patterns, novelty weaves, mixtures and styles new plaids and rich solid colors. -lovely Buy direet from one of New England's finest quality woolen mills and enjoy big savings when you make style leader, ex- pensive looking dresses, suits, skirts, slacks in your own home. for your Swatch-Sampler today! and sport shirts Send 25c ETOMESTEAD wooLBI\ MILLS, rNC. Dept. W-14, West Swanzey, New Hampshire 54 o The WORKBASKET 03469 k (knif) p (purl) st (sritch) sl (slip) O (yorn over') tog (togeiher) psso (poss slipped stitch over) Cast on an even number of stitches divisible by 5 plus 1. Row 1: K each st. Row 2: K each st. Row 3: Sl 1, tt O, sl 1, k 1, psso, repeat from * to end of row. Row 4: P each st. Row 5: Repeat row 3. ' Row 6: Repeat row 4. Row 7: Repeat row 3. Row B: Repeat row 4. Row g: 51 1, * O twice, k 3, k 2 tog, repeat from tF to end of row. Row 10: P each st, (be sure to p 1 st in each O twice). Row 1I": Repeat row 9. Row L2: Repeat row 10. Row 13: Repeat row 9. Row L4: Repeat row 10. Row 15 Repeat row 9. Row 16: Repeat row 10. Bind off loosely, using a crochet hook. FREE HObbymaft 0atalogs for t full year fro m A s'ow you SOOO rnore things to rnake SOOO rnore new ways to save 1, 1 and. rnore on /8 o All Knitting . . Paint-by-Number . . Every issue brings you thousands of Art Needlework, and Hobbycraft articles: easyto-make kits, ready-made items, and accessories. Discover new ideas from LeeWards for your own home, gift giving, or church and charity fund raising! Many items and kits are made in our own factory . . ..some are made overseas tEtwlRDS, EL8lt, llllllols, to our specifications. DEPI. 6{-s3 Send exciting ncw LccWards catatogs for full Yarns & Yarn Artificial Flowers and . Jewelry Supplies Kits o Crewel Embroidery Needlepoint Stamped Goods for Applique and Embroidery 29 Pages of Christmas Gifts and Trims Many are "exclusives." ALL are high quality! ALL are priced to save you money- and in plenty of time for Christmas! The postcard on the facing page brings you a year's sttbscription-four seasonal issues -FREE! Tear out the card rro*i Mail it today! ttltlnDs, year Kits Fruits . E[Glt, llutols, D[PT. 6{-s3 Send exciting new LeeUllards catalogs for full FREE. FREE. NAM E ADDRESS crw STATE ZONE STATE ZON E year SNW BIfrHT -'isli TOB ['AI,[ *, t^ 9199 l4Y2-24k .tl N1 WV t 4557 IO_I8 fa bric hat of iersey, wool, faille to spark your costumes. Shape brim at mosi becoming angle. 9183-M a ke a l-{ead sizes 2lt/2, 22, 23 inches. 4557-smartly curved bodice above skirt of wide box pleats. Bow at waistline instead of belt. M isses' sizes l0- lB. Size l6 takes 37/s yards 39-inch fabric. 9199-shirtwaist casual wiih crisp collar, easy raglan sleeves. Bias band adds a fashion note. Half sizes t4l/z24t/2. Size l6t/z takes 43/+ yards 4S-inch fabric. 4828-Two for school-A-line iumper with back pleat a nd belt plus Peter Pan blouse. Children's sizes 2, 4, 6, B, 10. Size 6 iumper takes lt/+ yards 54-inch fabric; blouse yard 39-inch. I Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (in coins) for each paltern to: WOnfgeSKET Potiern Service iox 222,243 wesr l7rh, New York, N. Y., Add IEN CENIS for each poitern if you wish first ctass moiling. Send FIFTY CENTS (in coin) {oi new Fall-Winler Galalog feaiuring all sizes. 58 . Th-e WORKBASKET looll OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WORKBASKET READERS Oassified aduertising is $1.75 per word, per month, piryable- in advance by--ghgck, cash or money order? $!/.56 minimum.- Special Heading-s $4"75 per- insertion. is set sotid,-without iisptan leading or blank spaGe._ Type or print all qop-y.-Gopy subieqt E-puU lisheirs approval, Wtien figuring the number of words be sure to lnclude name and address. For example: A E Smith, is three words BOOKS 0N Antiques and Their Prices, AGENTS WANTED Free Circular. W. Warman, Publisher, for us on $500 month Uniontown, Penna. plan. Free Details. White's Rabbitrv, Mt. Vernon, 0hio. Articles About Antiques. $3.00 vr. RUN SPARE TIME Greeting Card'Gift Agents wanted. Box 186W, New Carlisle, Ohio, of samples friends Show .1 home! S[oi new tgO+ Christmas, All'occasion greet' ART, ART SUPPLIES ing cards, gifts! Take orders. Earn to RAISE rabbits iObyr piotit. tlo experience . needed. riv 'iitiiout cost! Special fund raisine Rush lame for piint foi organizations. -approval. Regal Greetings' iamples on Depi. 139.C, Ferndale, -lMichigan. MAKE BIG MONEY taking orders for Siaix Dwarf Fruit Trees. Evervbodv can can now grow Giant Size APPles, peiches, Pears in their vards' Also StiaOe lrees, Shrubs, Vines,- Roses, ctc' Orifii Free.' Stark Bro's, Desk 30195, Louisiana, Missouri- ONLYI Be ,. a. Bq4ulv FREE! WOMEN -'No experience h'a'rlsor. -famous needed' Make -'drotit on' nationa I ly hooi" iOvti'tiieO Hollvwood Cosmetics. Dem' fridnds and neighbors and ;;i;;it1o an hour sPare time A;n' up 'a io $5.00 day full ti[ne. Doubled earn' --$ZS inel--taier ihrough rithers working for you. Free! No charge,- noq or beautici ans, waitres,q-qs, forms for ' doetors, barbers, others. Mir' iruises; - ;;ie fabrics-Nylon, Dacron, Wash 'N Wear cottons. Exclusive styles, toP quality. Big commissions, rea-[ future. Equipment Free. Hoover Uniforms, Ddpt. 5-3026, Textile glde., Cincinnati 2,.' 0hio. 0NAL New longer-burnins Light Bulb. Amazing Free Replacement Guar' antee-never again buv light bulbs. No competition. Multi-million dollar market yours alone. Make small fortune even spare time. lncred'ibly qtrick sales. Free sales kit. Merlite (Bulb Div.), 114 E. 32nd, Dept. C-74A, New York 16. SENSATI tl TEAR OUT THIS AD, mail with name, address for big box of home needs and cosmetics, Free to reliable men and women. Tell and show friends, make good money spare time taking their orders. Write today. Blair, 487AT1, Lynchburg, Va. a Assignments corrected, with overlays, by mail, and returned to vou. Write Dept. \ ANTTQUES ANTIOUERS take America's largest newspaper on antiques, over 32 pages, published twice monthlv, $3.00 vsa(, refunded if not satisfied. Free Antique Dealers Directory each April. Antique Trader, Box 327-59, Kewanee, lll. WANT TG MAKE BIG MONEY at Home? $10.00 profit in an hour possible with lnvisible Mending. Make tears, 5 TEXTILE PAINTING CATALOG Stencils, 403 -North stencils - $1.25. Oity, Kan. 66102. L0th, Kansas LEARN 0lL PAINTING by mail. EasY. Write Art, Box 486, Montrose 3, Colo' rado. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, SUPPLIES BUY DIRECT! Discount Flower Material catalog, L0c. Flocraft, Farrell 8, Penna. BOOKS holes disappear from clothing, fabrics. Steady year-round demand from cleaners, laundries, homes. Details Free. Fabricon, 1584 Howard, Chicago 26, lll. Heps, spare tirne. $70.00 WEEKLY lmmediate Simplified mail bookkeeping. income easy. Auditax, 3+741K, Los Angeles- 34. MA NUFACTU R E Polishes, Cleaners, Anythins. Formula catalog 108. Kemix, Park Ridge, lll. for free'book. No sbligation. Wash' RAISE RABBITS and Fishworms ington School of Art, Studio 1599, month plan. Free details. Port Washington, L. 1., N. Y. Rabbitry, Mt. Vernon, 0hio. ever, ioi actual usable samples. Send name ;n poitCarO to me. HarrY Taylor, President, Studio Girl -Cosmetics, Dept. 44W48, Glendale, Calif. ANYONE CAN SELL famous Hoover Uni' rr YOU CAN ENTERTAIN with Chalk Talks. Catalog 10c. Balda, Trick Cartoonist, Oshkosh. Wisc, nnr LTSS0NS-$6 month includes Drawing, Painting, Commercial -Art; Art Kits (worth $25.) and materials. BIG PR0FIT easy method. Free Details. Babs, 29,2 W, Fremont, Dept. 91, Elm- hurst, M. on $500 White's M0NEYMAKING 0pportunities Ga I or:e! Free Copy. Popular Mechanics Classi- fied, 575-CL Lexington, New York t0022. GR0W ORCHIDS Prof itable! We AT HOME. Fascinating- show how to provide speeial light, temperature, humidity to grow Beautiful Orchids at home. Com- plete details Free! 0rchids, 1356 S. Flower, Dept. MC-g, Los Angeles 15. MAKE MONEY Writing Short Paragraphsl No tedious study! I tell you what to write, where and how to sell, and supply list of editors buying from beginners. Many small checks add up quickly. Write to sell, rieht away. Send for free facts. Benson WRITERS! Manuscripts wanted: all sub' jects, fiction, nonfiction. Free bro' chures give publishing tips. Depart- Barrett, Dept. Cl3-U, 6216 ment 59-1, Exposition Press, 386 Park Avenue South, New York 16, New York. Free Fiction Gatalogue. 0ld Favorites, 30 Front West, Toronto, Canada. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITTES FREE lNFORMAT|0N. Raise, sell fish worms, crickets. Carter Farm-61, Plains, Georgia. LEARN FL0WER Arransins and Floristrv. Start your own business part or full at home. Earn while You time. Study 'Accredited Training. Free Book' let. Lifetime Career Schools, Studio WC-94, 11826 San Vicente Blvd., Los learn. Angeles 49, Calif. DOLLS! D0LLS! DOLLS! We teach You repair, make, sell all kinds of Eolls i n c fu d i n e ctothing. Study at home. Earn while you learn. to Clark, Chicago 26. in course H0ME study ANNOUNCING commercial baking. Practical' basic training. Good f ield for those with aptitude. 'Free book, "0pportunities in the Baking lndustry." National Baking School, 835 Diversey couples can make high salary plus apartment. Pick your own locaiion with our employment assistance. Learn at home. Free Booklet. Motel START A D0LL HOSPITAL At Home. Big Profits. Professional secrets, every' thing you need to start. Earn while learning. Free Details. Hollywood Doll House, Box 2847-WB, Hollywood 28, California. Free booklet. Doll Hospital School, Studio WC-94, 11824 San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles 49, Calif. pany, Box.29-W, Peoria, Chicago 60603." Managers Training Schools, Dept. WC-94, 612 So. Serrano, L'os Angeles 5, Calif. inU iiceisories, "WORK AT HOME caring for children. $50.00 weekly possible. Parents pav you. Guardian Method, 120 S. LaSalle, Pkwy., Dept. 2636, Chicago (60614). or Resort. Men, women, MANAGE M0TEL PLASTERCRAFT FOR FUN Or Profit. Sample, Catalogue 10c. Wooley Com- lll. BAKE NEW GREASELESS DOUGHNUTS ln Kitchen. Stores buy output. Start spare time. Profit 29c dozen. Small Appliance. Free recipe. Arthur, 3605 lsth, Minneapolis 7, Minn. SEPTEfitBER, lg64 . 59 South GUARANTEED MARKET! Earn sparetinne cash raising fishworms for us, or cash in bic on nationwide bait boom! We teach you how, buy your crop while you set established! We paid Baugh $322.96, Mrs. Dufrechou $195.84 for sparetime work! (Many others.) Start backyard, garage, basement. lf inter- ested in extra cash or fulltime home business, write today for exciting free details! Oakhaven 80, Cedar Hill, Texas. MAKE MONEY AT HOME. Learn in- visible reweaving at home. New aD. proved method makes clothine damages disappear. Free Details. Eastern Reweaving School, Room 18, Main Street, Hempstead, New York. GET lNTO Custom Upholstery. Turn old Furniture into big $$$ spare time. Re- upholster chairs, divans like new" Make custom slip covers, drapes. No experi- ence required. We supply everything. Write .for Big Free lllustrated Book on Easy Home lnstruction and how we start you in big $$$ home business. Modern Upholstery lnstitute, Dept. 899-BD, Orange, Calif. & BARBIE PI.AYTHINGS FREE CATALOG over 150 dollhouse items, some suitable for Barbie. Dollhouse Delights, 302 Southeast Payton, Des Moines, lowa, 50315" DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS D0LLS! DOLLS! D0LLS! We teach you to repair, make, sell all kinds of Dolls and accessories, including clothing. Study at home" Earn whi le you learn. Free booklet. Doll Hospital Studio WC-948, 11824 San Blvd., Los Angeles 49, Calif. School, Vicente ${ANDKERCHI EFS Beautiful, scalloped, floral prints. 12 for $2" Springer, Box 84, Woodmere, N. Y. HELP WANTED, FEMALE lF Y0[J,RE interested in makine money in selling, see the hundreds of exceptional opportunities in Salesmen's 0pportunity Magazine. Send name for your copy, absolutely free. Tell us what you're selling now, 0pportunity, 848 N: Dearborn, Dept. 30, Chicago 10, lll. MAKE EXTRA M0NEY introducing new Run-less Seamless Nylons at amazing low direct-from-mill price, 59c a pair! Friends snap them up by the dozen. Write for free samplc stocking and kit. American Hosiery Mills, Dept.748, DRESS DESIGNING for yourself Indianapolis, lnd. or others" Fascinating, profitable ield. Learn at home in spare time. $23 WEEKLY for wearins lovely dresses Practical basic training. Sound "lsarn- received by you as extra rewards. Just by-doing" mbthod. Free book, Na- show Fashion Frocks to friends in spare tional School of Dress Design, 83S time. No investment, canvassing, experiDiversey Parkway, Dept. 1196, Chi- ence necessary. Write today to Fashion DESIGN SMART Fashions f caso (60614). Frocks, Dept. S-1900, Cincinnati 2, 0hio. FREE B00K "990 Successful, LittleKnown Businesses." Work Home! Fly. mouth 726J, Brooklyn 4, New York. MEN! DOLLHOUSE EARTHWORMS EARN M0NEY raisine fishworms for us! 0akhaven-32, Excitine details f ree ! Cedar Hill, Texas. WOMEN! Make money raisine - us. We buy your crop! bait for Wigglers, Warsaw 9, lndiana" Red I MADE $40,000.00 Year by Mail-order! Helped others make money! Start with $10.00-Free Proof. Torrey, Box 3566-1, 0klahoma City 6, 0kla" GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE plastic 3-D products! You produce, profit at home. Fabu lous new machineryless method. Free Facts" Nationwide Plastics, Box 23321-hl, Los Aneeles 90023. BUTTONS FREE INF0RMATI0N. Raise, sell f ish- lvorms, c ri c kets. Flains, Carter Farm-51, Ga. RAISE FISHW0RMS and Rabbits on $500 month plan. Free details. White's Rabbitry. Mt. Vernon, 0hio. paid. Complete, Practical sets. Free S & Fl Trading Stamps- lnquire Fund Raising Special. Pioneer Enterprises, 494 Broad Street, Newark, N, J. Simply address Beery School, 1709, Pleasant Hill, Ohio. IDEAS FIGURINES M0LDS, FIGURINES, crafts. Cataloe lQq (refundable). Steece Bros., Box 177-WH, Sioux Falls 1, So. Dak. FL0RIDA WATER wonderland. Homesites, cottagesites, mobilesites. Established area. $390 Full Price, $S.00 month. Swimming, Fishing, BoatinE, Hlr_ntinr, Golfing: Write, Lake Weir 36, Silver Springs, Florida. Ad 6f070 (F-l) CACTUS 'CnCruS including firey Rainbow. $1. S Meyers Cactus, Fowler, Calif. FLOWER ARRANGING AND FLORISTRY LEARI$ FL0WER Arrangine COMMERCIAL ART "H0W T0 MAKE MONEY With Simple everyone who iikes draw , should have. lt is free; no obligation. Simply address Cartooriists' Exchange, Dept.999, Pleasant Hill, Cartoons"-A book to and Floristry. learn. Accredited Training. Free let. Lifetime Career Schools, Book- Studio WC-94A, 11826 San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles 49, Calif. FOR PARENTS ..8 IVIISTAKES CRAFT SUPPLIES Largest and Finest selection of Leathercraft, Artist, Hobby-craft supplies in the world. Free Gift with first order. Send 50c. Refundable with first order" SkilCrafts, Box 105, Joplin, Mo. PAINT FlGURlttlES for Fleasure, Frotlt. New! Fast, easy, no f iring. Details 10c. Hel0n's Rainbow Phints. 8311-W Pillsbury, Il/linneapolis 20, Minn. 60 o The WORKBASKE,T Dept. INVENTIONS -WANTED INVENTIONS NEEDED immediately for manufacturers. For additional informaKessler Corporation, C-189, Fremont, 0hio. tion write INSTRUCTION LEARN CERAMICS at home, 15 com' plete lessons $2.00 postpaid. John's Ceramics, Box 874, Omaha l, Nebr. LEARN WHILE Asleep! Details free. Research 0lvlnpia, Association, Box 24-WB, Wash. HIGH' SCHOOL AT H0ME in spare time 67-year-old school. No classes. Standard high school texts supplied. with Start your own business part or full time. Study at home. Earn while you 0hio. '64 catalog" HORSE TRAINING ,.HOW TO TRAIN HORSES"-A bOOK everyone who likes horses or ponies should have. Free. No obligation. FLORIDA LAND BARGAIN OVER 200 New Buttons. $1.00" Post- SKIL-CRAFTS l\ew TEAR OUT THIS AD, and mail with name, address for bie box of home needs and cosmetics for Free Trial, to test in vour home. Tell vour friends, make money. Rush name. Blair, Dept. 487 AT2, Lyrichburg, Va. PARENTS MAKE". Every parent should have this new book aboui child training. 'lt is free; no obligation. Simply address Parents Association, Dept. 409, Pleasant Hill, 0hio. Single subjects if desired. Credit for, subjects already completed. Progress atown speed. Diploma awarded. lnforma- write today! tion booklet free American School, Dept. X638, Drexel at 58th, Chicaeo 60637. - LEARN FASCINATING, profitable lnvisible Reweaving at home. $10,00 earnings in an hour possible making tears, holes disappear from clo"thing, fabricsSteady demand from cleaners, laundries, homes. Details Free. Fabricon, 1583 Howard, Chicago 26, lll. ANN0UNCING: NEW PH0T0 Coloring Course! l'lighly successful home study. method. Quickly learn to color photo- graphs in beautiful oils! Fascinating hobby, profitable vocation. Personalized learn-by-doing instruction, latcst text, FREE 7?-page catalog for Handicrafters. complete artist's kit. Low tuition, easy More thah 30 different crafts" American payments" "For Free Book, write National Flandicrafts Co", P.0. Box 1643-X4, Fort Photo .Colorine .School, 835 Diversey, Worth, Texas 76101. "..Dept" 1196, Chicaeo, lll. 60614. hIANDICRAFTS l & JEWELRY OF INTEREST TO WOMEN FINDINGS MAKE BIG Easy Profits making costume jewelry at home in spare time! Quick, easy to make; easier to sell! Details Free! Don-Bar, 2934 West Fullerton, Dept. R-174, Chicaeo 47, lll, EASY T0 MAKE Costume Jewelry. Catalog 25c. lntroductory kit including cataloe $1.00. J & M Novelties, Dept. K-2, Box 173, Broadview, lll. Crystallized Marbles, Moonstones, Pearl jewelry. Catalog 10c. Flocraft, Farrell 9, ,r, Penna. JEUIIELRY MAKII.IG FOR PROFIT THREE BEAUTIFUL KITS plus Cataloe, $1.00. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Modern Craft, Box 11088-WK, Saint Petersburg, Florida 33733" (United States 0nly.) E'lDo-lt-Yourself" Leathercraft Catalog. Tandy Leather Comoany, Box 191-E52, Fort Worth, Texas. LOANS BY MAIL BORROW $1,233 AIRMAIL! Repay $54 for twenty-nine months. State licensed. Postal Finance, Dept. 60-H, Kansas City 1, K?ns. Richmond, Va. MONUMENTS GENUINE MARBLE and Granite Tombstones $12.50 Up, including lettering and footstone. Freight paid. Free catalog. Allstate Monument Co., Station F-14, Atlanta 6, Ga. MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS POEMS Wanted for Musical Setting and Recording by America's Largest Song Studio. Send Poems. Free examination. Five Star Music Masters, 6-W Beacon, 8, Mass. 0EMS WANTED for musical setti ng and recording, Send poems. Free ex- amination. Crown Music, 49-H West 32, New York 1. S0NGPOEMS WANTED for Musical set..ting. Free Examination. Get the "Nashville Sound" in your songs and records. Send Poems: Music City Song- crafters, 6145-AK, Acklen Nashville, Tenn. Station, S0NG IDEAS WANTED. Write with active, professional songwriters with publisher contacts. Records made. Share royalties. Send ideas-free examination. Songwriters' Associates, 236 W. 55th St., New York 19-U. OBESITY DIET 60 P0UNDS!"-Safely!-Complete Plan $1.00. Glick, Box 369-WB, South Pasadena, Calif" to $500, risk. No quality cosmetics with our $10 Demonstration Kit sent on trial. Write for Free offer. Lucky Heart, Dept.66XJ, Memphis 2, Tenn. WILL EXCHANGE sreen stamps for prize recipes. Jean Huddleston, Box H, Crosby. N. Dak. 90 UNUSUAL Lawn ornament and Novelty patterns. Up to 20n high, $1.25" Mastercraft, 92W8, 7A4l 0lcott, Chi- cago 31. MAKE $12.00 profit each dozen sewing aprons. Details Free. Redikuts, Logan- ville 1, Wis. FREE NEEDLECRAFT CATALOG! Embroidery, Knitting, New ldeas! Merribee, Dept. 67A,2727 West 7th St., Fort FRAME-UP our verses, epigrams for unusual gifts. Free details. Reynolds l-7, 1706 Triway, Houston, Texas. LARGE, CLEAN, Solid color cotton scraps from our factory for quilting, Catalog Free. Bencow, 300 tables" No Worth, Texas. aspects. Wholesale East Grace, t2 or 24 HIGH WEEKLY Earnings! Address-mait letters {eaturing real merchandise. Get $10 with every order-keep $8 profit. Supplies furnished. F rec particulars" Modern Merchandising, Box 357, 0ceanside, New York. losses" All 94, Elmhurst, l ll. HEARING AID BATTERIES. Plus BRAIDED RUG Supplies. Especially prepared for weaving, braidine. Lowest prices. Variety of colors. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free Samples. Write Michigan Wool Products Compsr'tv, Benton Harbor 9, Mich. BAKE NEW Greaseless doughnuts in kit. chen. Sell stores. Free recipes. Addison, 3605 South 1sth, Minneapolis 7, Minn. Reed, Box 448M, Wewoka, 0kla. PERFECT GIFTS'for everyone. Over 125 unusual "items in our Catalogue 65c and up. Babs, 292 W. Fremont, Dept. CLUBS, CHURCHES Earn $50 money. Write Mathers Advertising Card Table Plan. Dept. W.8., Box 581, Delray Beach, Fla. MAKE Up to $2.75 an hour or more. Easy, pleasant way. Take orders for TYPE MANUSCRIPTS at home for authors. lmmediate earnings. Complete instructions, $1. Terry Home Services, Box 2027-W9, Downey, Calif. Savines. analysis. Avoid "LOSE AMAZING!-New run-less seamless nylons, only 59c a pair, our low directfrom-mill price. Make extra money fast taking orders everywhere. Send name for free sample stockine and kit. American Hosiery Mills, Dept. 413, lndianapolis, lnd. UP to $300 for your Child's Picture paid by adveitisers. Send small picture for approval. (All Aces.) Returned. Print child's, Parent's name, address, Spotlite, 1611 LaBrea, CW-g, Holly- MISCELLANEOUS AID Batteries. Bis HEARING Free List. Box 5LW, York, Pa. EXPERT current mail order business Boston WORLD'S L0NGEST Lastine Perfume! Generous samile 25c. Peffume, .Box 285W8, Arlington, N. J. wood, Calif. LEATHERCRAFT FRE WEDDING lNVlTATlONS, Napkins. Free Samples. Scholler, 1747 Selby, Saint Paul 4, Minn. dolls' clothes, etc. 5 pounds $3.00 Postpaid. D ix ie- Modes, Sautee- Nacoochee, Ga. 30571. H0ME TYPING-$75 Weekly is Possibte! Details, $1.00. Research Enterprises, 29-M Samoset Road; Woburn, Mass. BONSAI TINY TREES-a complete Home ,Business. Grow them natural; make rep- lic r for immediate High profits. Free EARN $240.00 a month at home, spars Se:Cs. Free subscription to "Bonsaitime, doing only two $5.00 lnvisible Ori;anrentals News." Write, stating age. Mendine iobs a day. Big money paid United Miniature Trees Associates, Box for service that makes cuts, tears dis- 23023-NE, Los Angeles 23. appear from fabrics. Steady demand. Details frqe. Fabricon, 1582 Howard, SPARE TIME EARNINGS. Sewine! KnitChicago 26, lll. ting! Crocheting! Write: Workshop. MAKE EXTRA Money Home Sewineand how to market for best prices. Details 5c stamp. Trade, Montrose I, N. Y. WD3800 Harney, Vancouver, Washing- D0LLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! We teach you FUND RAISING OPPORTUNITY Where ton 98660. N0 SELLING! We buy from you! Supplies, 25c, Beeco, Dansville 4, N. Y" $4O.OO. to make, repair, dress, and sell. Study $7,680.00 possible! JanMar Perfumes, at home. Earn while learning. Free Box 572-W, Washinston, D. C. 20A44. Booklet. Doll Hospital School, Studio MAKE MONEY AT H0ME. Learn inWC-94A, Los Angeles 49, Calif. visible reweaving at home. New apWANT EXTRA MONEY? You can earn it in your spare time. No experience necessary. Learn about party-plan sell- ing, fund-raising, or just "on your o\ilr't". Write for free copy of Specialty Salesman Magazine, Room 812,307 N. Michiean, Chicaso 1, lll. proved method makes clothing damages disappear. Free Details. Eastern Re- weaving School, Room 19, Main Street, Hempstead, New York. WALLPAPER SALE Final clearance - for your Free 1964 patterns. Write catalog at once. Sensational savings" We pay postage. Burlington Trading Post, 1800 Burlington, North Kansas HUNTING For A good Mold? Try the motds the professionals use. Plaster City, Mo. _ craft is an interesting and profitable hobby. Deep-Flex Molds are inex- EARN M0NEY Addressing. Particulars pensive. Send 25c for new 50 page Free. Enterprises, Box 181-W, United, catalog, with over 900 molds and Penna. supplies. Belle Craft Co., Dept. 21, START MONEYMAKINc Candy Kitchen! 119 E. 0klahoma, Guthrie, 0kla. $300 For Your Child's photo when used for advertising. Send photo for approval. Print child's, mother's name, address. Returned. Advertisers, 6340C1-Coldwater, No. Hollywood, Calif" 91606. FREE 800K. Elijah Coming Before Christ. Wonderful Bible evidence. W. B; Megiddo Mission, Rochester 19, N. Y" Free Booklet! Raymond Schenek, Penn, Butler, Pa. 16001. UNUSUAL JEWELRY And Gifts. 7L7 Free Catalog. Davis, 3219 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, Calif. 90404. "H0ME SEWING GUlDE," tells how to make money sewing, buy wholesale etc"! Details, GSC, Box 3944, Dept. 0klahoma City 6, 0kia. SEPTEMBER,l96l WB2, o 6I t lt I I i to $175 CASH? Easy to make ORGANIZATION FUND RAISING big cash profits with Southern's Exciting Anniversary Collection Christmas FREE! 33-Success-Proven Fund Raising Flans for organizations. Candies, Cards nswg5l personalized, religious .Anniversary greetings. flavors, gift items, household necesWrite for Free offer; Sample Outfit on approval. sities. Up to l00o/o profit. Bonus gifts. Also free equipment for dining room Southe-rn- Gree,tings, 478 N. Hollywood, and kitchen. No Money needed. Write for free catalog and details: Shelby HOME TYPISTS, work as our Franchised Associate. Up to $2.00 hour! Write: Specialty Co., Elyria 40, Ohio. Franchise, Box 3944-T, 0klahoma City SAVE M0NEY, make big prof its- on 6, 0kla. Christmas projects. New 1964 do.itNEED $75 EARN up to $2.00 hour sewins Babywear! Free Details! Cuties, Warsaw 17, lndiana. MILLINERY SUPPLY Catatog 2Sc. $.i!!er.-{la1 Co,,, l22L Watnut Philadelphia (7), Pa. Street, yourself catalog. Free, write today. Triarco, Dept. X-4, P. 0. Box 1386, Evanston, lll. 60204_. Y0UR CHURCH 0R GROUP can raise $50.00 and more, easy'and fast. Have L0 members each sell only twenty 50c packages my lovely cheerv Christmas Carol Table Napkins. Keep $50 for your treasury. No money needed. Free Sam. AT H0ME for Businesses, $65 Possible W-eekly! Instructions, $1.00. ples. Anna Wade, Dept. B29AT2, Lynchlnterstate Products, Box l-yss; pel- burg, Va. ham, N. H. UNIQUE, H0MESPUN! The Magazine PHOTOS, COLOR|NG, with the Hillbillv editor. Check its 40 FINISHING pages'. Complete Refund Bulletin. Up Koda. to 100 monthly Needlework and Crafts. FAST, HI-QUALITY Finishine - $1.98 Eieht Jumbo Prints ful! slze patterns on quilts, crochet, color Rolls:$2.49 Re. l!ni!, $3.49 tat, stationery decorating, toys, -Twelve -Twenty low B&W P r i-ce s . dolls, etc. 25c copy. 7 issues $1 .00. prints 15c. Also Custom Quality Studio, Box 4838K, JBS, Valley Park, Mo. Chicago 80. "fll2ftipg $50 WEEKLY P0SS I BLE Profits Sewing At Home." -New Manu. FREE FILM' MAILERS! Fastest Quality script lists items wqnted, plus list of Service! Trial offer: Roll developed, names-addresses of shops buying your 8 iumbo prints 39c; 12-.59c. Reprints handcrafts. Free details. General, -Box 5c. Kodacolor: 8-$1.98; 12-$2.49. 303, lsland Park, New york. Reprints l7r/zc. Willard's, Box 2553-A, TYPE YOUR E $50.00, at same time get 40-piece sei Blue Wi I tow Dinnerware, easily, qdickly. Have 10 members each sell only 10 bottles my famous $1 Double-Strength lmt. Vanilla Flavoring. Keep $50.00 for treasury, get Dinnerware Free. No money needed. Anna charming. Wade, Dept. 829AT1, Lynchburg, Va. lgs 25c. Hookart, Cumberland' Maine. M'rli;, MAKE $100.00 FAST sewins, assembting our products. Materials supplied! FMN; EARN $75.00 QUICKLY, preparine jewelry! Work home. Jewelry, 176, Samson L, Alabama. SEWING SUPPLIES W0RLD'S LARGEST Sewine Supply Catalog. Save to 50o/o; name brand bargains. Zippers 9c, Seam-binding, rickrack Ic yard. Send 25c. Newark Dressmaker Suonly, Dept. 94W, 140 Halsey Street, Newark, New Jeisey. D0LL ZIPPERS. 4tt enameled zippers for "Barbie" dolls. Assorted colors, your choice. 8 zippers and Trimming Catalog $1.00. Home-Sew, Bethlehem 5, Pa. SHELLCRAFT SHELL PICTURES made with Shell Flowers. lt's easy. Complete details with instruction book showing designs. 0nly 25c. Shellcraft, Dept. P-I, 514 N.W. 79th St., Miami 50, Fla. SMOCK RULER CONTEST WINNERS TWO WINNERS tied for First Prize. $150 each, Mrs. George W. Mersereau, 40 Pratt Ave., North Weymouth, Mass. and Josephine Morrow, l02l Rue Lane, West Chester, Penn. Second, $150, Mrs. Cleveland,0hio. I NTR0 DUCTORY 0FFER-Free 5x7 Framed Kodacolor or Black and White Enlargement. Send this ad and roll film to Expert for Quality Photofinishine. 12 exposure Kodacolor $3.00 or black and white 70i. Kodacolor re. MAKE MONEY Writing Short Paragraphs. lnformation Free. Barrett, Dept. Cl3-UA, 6216 No. Glark, Chi- prints 200 each. Expert Studios, 801-T, LaCrosse" Wis. Box SPARE TIME OPPORTUNITIES cago 26. PLASTICS STAMPS NEW LIQU I D Casting Plastic, clear, colors. Embed real f lowers, coins, photos. New manual shows fine things you can make at home and sell at big profit. Send 25c. Castolite, Dept. 110-K, Woodstock, I ll. WOOLEN QUILT PIECES. 1000/o wool pieces 3 pounds postage in- 105 U. S. DIFFERENT Hempstead, N. Y. CATALOG Postpaid! Antioch, Box Kansas City 19, Missouri. " _ $1.00 11074-WB, & JEWELRY WANTED OLD GOLD I S pectac les. N lll. FREE 50 DIFFERENT Stamps, with - AIfred Fahsing, approvals. Atascadero 5, Calif. KENNEDY STAMP FREE! Free 2, lll. WANTED, gold, silver, platinum, scrap ROCKHOUND-GEM CUTTERS-JEweIry Makers . new Free catalog just off the press! Biggest supplier to hobbyist and craftsman offers you tools, materials, equipment,. introductory bargains and know-how. Free Catalog . . . Write Grieger's, Dept. C-18, 1633 r 3.. The WORKBASKET Kansas City, Mo. Dollar Corp., Dept. approvals. F. 25 Different 10c Thrasher, Macedon, TRADING STAMPS FREE lNF0RMAT|0N. Trading Stamps, coupons, premiums, etc. Arbuckle, Box 566D, Sulphur, 0kla. WEAVING SUPPLIES E. WEAVE RUGS-Make Good Profits-No experience necessary! Free Catalog, sample card, and low prices on carpet warp, rug filler, looms, parts, inexpensive beam counter. lf you have loomadvise make, weaving width please. 0r. Rug Company, Dept. 8479, Lima, '"".0hi0. '.''#,g.ra{n 62 U. S. Pony Express, Send 10c for Canada. CEYLON, PICT0RIALS New York. (any form), coins. lnformation f ree. Wilmot's, 1067 Bridge St., Grand Walnut, Pasadena, Galif. Rapids 4, Mich. SALESLADIES WANTED HIGHEST CASH for Gold, Teeth, Jew. elry, Rings, Diamonds, Watches, Silver, MONEY RAISED EASILYI GTeeting Platinum. Mail Articles Today. Free Cards for lndividuals, Organizations Gift with lnformation. Chicago Gold & to sell. Write Style-Craft Greeting Precious Metals, 6 E. Monroe, D-ept. Card CQ,, D-ept. 5, t533 Troost, 1250, Chicago WB, Toronto, with DS-J EWELRY 25c, Hempstead, N. Y. MAKING nformation. Rose lndustries, zg-WB East Madison, Chicago North Lincoln, Lombard 1., ROCKHOU CASH IMMEDIATELY For 0ld GoldJewelry, Gold Teeth, Watches, Dia- monds, Silverware, QUILT PIECES: Colorful Cottons or Corduroy, 3 lbs. $1.98; Cotton Rug Strips, 5 lbs. $2.98. Johnson, 141 STAMPS, Approvals included, Shelron, Box 187, $1.98 Columbus lssue, U. S. COINS WANTED, Free Buying cluded. Clearbrook Woolen Shop, Stamps, All Genuine and Free! List Available. Bedrin, 250 Fulton, Clearbrook, Va. mailing. Empire Stamp ILLUSTRATED.COIN l Bertha Henecke, Rd. 1, Phelps, New York. Third, $50, Melva Korn, t0432 Page Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Send for your Smock Ruler today! No patterns. No transfers. Place on any material and trace. $1.00 ppd. Be elieible for our next contest. B & S Mfe. Co., 38 Coolidge Road, Lynn, Mass. Qr,rrLTrNG REMNANTS OLD COINS WANTED { S*ery The textile industry is Dootrue Kecita A normal stitch is used with a slightly loose tension. Avoid stretch- always striving to improve fabrics and materials and now they have come up with double knits. Doub1e knits are placed very high on the list of fashionable fabrics. There are many washable knits available now that wilt make them more popular than ing the fabric when stitching. I suggest stitching bias tape to seams to control stretching and use woven searn tape in any waistline seams. Tailor's canvas makes an excellent interfacing for collars, fronts, pock- ets, etc. You can use your own dis- ever. cretion for lining and interfacing. Double knit material is actually what the name implies. It is a fabric of double thickness and made of two layers of fabric knitted with two sets of needles. There is a variety of patterns and textures. The home sewer can choose from checks, brocades, plaids, tweeds and even fabrics sprinkled with glitter. Many different styles of ready-made collars can be purchased to match the material. Double knits usually are 60 inches wide. They do not have to be lined but for a professional look I prefer to line my double knit garments. You will find these materials easy to sew and work with because each fabric has excellent body. No special pattern is needed for an outfit made of double knit. In cutting the material, lengthwise folds should be along a single rib of the knit. Do not stretch fabric when pinning the pattern. All edges should lce stay-stitched immediately after cutting. r-:-=ii;i- : REWARD *.ig' FASHION CATALOG MAIL c0uP0il TODAY sportswear, lingerie, corsets, accessories, shoes low priced! -wonderfully TiririlVrIdE; ;il il;- * -- --lI Dept.402 ttew vori, l,t.v. toOfg Rubn me new FREE catalog I I ! ! I Name aoo ,,O4r...--.....,- City citr | -fl--r-i---iXff--*-r-r-r-j--a-i-iir-r-1 --$iilr50.00 FOR THIS COIN!i $500,000.00 SEAR0H FoR RARE C0lNs! Coins do not have to be old to be valuable. of dollars have been paid for coins Thousands SHOWS HOW YOU CAN GET THAT SLIMMER, Y0UNGER, PRETTIER L00K! See hundreds of to. day's smartest fashions in true color. Styles you never thought could come in your size; all fit as if made on you. Dresses, coats, suits, FOR (ERTAIN COINS WE PAY UP Certoin T0: as recent as 1 940 to 1956. Stop spending Gold Goins Before 1929---...--.---$35,OOO.OO valuable coins worth hundreds of dollars I 16'()()().()() Nickels Before 1945-------Silver Dollars Before t 1938-"---- l1'75().OO Illustrated 1804 silver dollar-lg,000 minted Half Dollars Before 1947-------- 5,55O.OO 12 accounted for-where are the rest ? 4,8OO.OO 1919-..----. Before Pennies -only NEW latest 1965 catalogue lists hundreds of 4,75O.OO Dimes Before 1946-------coins we want to buy and gives the price Quarters Before 1941------.----.-" 4.EOO.OO Half Cents Before 191O---------- 3,5OO.OO range we will pay for these United States 25O.OO Lincoln Pennies Before 194()---doins. Certain Half Cent Coins are worth ii -6 $iB-o-o.db foi Canaoian coins. sena onty $I".00 for this valuable coin book. It BEST VALUES CO., COIN DEPT. B-83 New $f,tu JfiT,ffif.ifl:*r;ilL-"L%H"33fi.%t ,$'$ii"f; 285 turc,rker sr., Newqrk, I I Jersev I al:=-----Etgs-.919y!r9k-cgugte.-S9tgglu.g,J"----::::::::i::::'J:-:..11-l---r SEPTEMBER,l964 o 63 a House Slippers Three crochet squares make one slipper as shown. We suggest using American Thread Company Dawn Knitting Worsted in red and white oi any other desired colors. You need two ounces of red and 1 ounce of white. llse a plastic crochet hook size H or any size hook which will result in gauge given. Abbreviqlions: rnd (round) sl st (slip stitch) ch (choin) sc (single crochet) st (stitch) Gouge: Small lp (loop) motif is a 3-inch; square" Large motif is a 7-inch square. 00-LA-LA!!I Fashion goes to your head with BUNNY ANfrOHA BTBDT KIT "l Easy to knit 0r crochet SO LOYELY! SO FTUFFY! mode fhis Bunny Angoro SO I\EW ! Beref f or only g3.00." En;joy crocheting or knitting this beautiful Angora ber beret. Perfect gift for friends and members of your family. fan 'Ihe Bunny Beret is so popular and the demand is terrific. n'its all head sizes. Everyone will mal waI want you to one evening. ACH EA make one for them" Can be made in IilT CONTAINS: 100 00Vo Dure n'rench Enough Super, long-haired, Angora: Hat elastic: Easy-to-follow ins instructions for knitting or crocheting: BEST shades jus ust arrived for you to choose from. Bargain priced to to save you money. Order your kit today. Only $3.00 Postoaid. Postpaid. I'ILL OUT COUPON BELOWI Pos PFIILADELPHIA YARN COMPANY 7O7 Penn Ave., Dept. W, Pittsburgh, Penna. 15222 I enclose $----------------. Please send tr Bunny Angora Beret I{its. Postpaid. I -have chosen tr White tr B1ack I Beige tr Mink Bnown NAME...... ADDR,ESS l_ CITY...-.... ....STATE 64 o The WORKBASKET Lorse Motif (make 2)-With red, ch 2, work B sc in first st of ch (do not join rnds, place a marker at beginning of each rnd). Rnd 2: Work in back Ip of sts on1y, +( 3 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, repeat from * around. Rnds 3 through 7 : Sc in each sc making 3 sc in each corner si, ending last rnd with sl st in first 2 sc to even rnd. Next 5 rnds: Repeat rnd 7 finishing last rnd to end of next corner, join and fasten off. Smqll Morif ( make 4) With - as for white, work first 5 rnds same large motif finishing last rnd to end" of next corner, ioin and fasten off. , Finishing: Fold large motif so opposite points meet at center. Place one small motif in one opening. Sewing through lps in back of sts of last rnd, sew motifs in place centering points of all cprners of smaIl motif. Sew remaining small motif in position sewing two sides and 3 sts beyond center st of large motif for heel section. \ Millens These two-needle mittens stretch to fit teen-agers or adults. You will need one pair size 4 standard knitting needles and 2 ounces knitting worsted yarn in any desired color. Abbreviqtions: k p st (knit) (purl) tog (sritch) inc (increose) NEW! FREE DOLL (together) CATALOG TURNS YOUR SPARE TIME INTO MONEY! ft's Easy! It's Fun! ft's Profitable! Just outfit and dress dolls. You can make lots of extra spending money for yourself, raise . funds for bazaars, schools, religious benefits, and organizations. Standard's IIDRESS YOUR OWN" are avail. in 5" to ' dolls 3O" in variety of styles: 30" o Baby Dolls o Toddlers Teen-Agers a c Hi-Heel Slim Girls o ChuUUies -O Junior & Sub Teens o Miniatures o Boy Dolls o .Newborns o Pressed Faces. PLUS fash ion and jewelry accessories, doll dressmaker supplies laces. trimmings, ribbons, hats,- zippers, buttons, snaps, buckles, f lowers and many more for successful doll rnaking. Write for free catalog today! STANDARD DOtt CO., Dept. WB-964 23-fJ3 31st St. lsland City 5, N.Y. Cast on 40 sts. Work in ribbing of k 2, p 2 for 3 inches. Work next 4 rows in garter st (k each row). Thumb Gusset: K 2A, pick up l" st in row below, k 2A. Next Row: K 20, p 1, k 20. Next Row: K 20, inc I st in next st, k remaining sts. Next Row: K 20, p 2,k20. Next Row: K 20, inc L st in each of next 2 sts, k remaining sts. Next Row: K 20, p 4, k 2A. Next Row: K 20, inc 1 st, k 4, inc 1 St, k 20. Next Row: K 20, p 6, k 20. Continue in this manner until there are L4 thumb sts (inc 2 stsone at each side of thumb gusset and working gusset in stockinette stitch ) FREE Style Book Save rnoney on the latest styles incoats, dresses, Sizes 38 to 60. proportioned to fit your figure gracefully. Acetate Jersey Dress and Cardigan Jacket shown is solid and printed combination. Dress has an elasticized rvaist" Only $5.98. Others $2.98 up. Coats from $12.98. Also suits, sportswear, underwear, corsets, hose and shoes-all at LOW prices. Mail coupon for free Style Book. Please mail me tr.REE StyleBoolr for$tout\ffomen. t (r-26 )-! I . (Continued. on Page 66) l Post Ofice Zone .Stote SEPTEMEER,Ig64 p-oa i o 65 Mittens EAR]I GOOD STEADY PAY ffit (Continued from Page 65) Working on 14 thumb sts onIY, work in stockinette (k 1 row, P 1 I.EARN AT HOME IN 12 WEEKS Pai, to $60 a week, in good times.o^r bad #;i:t'lrlllt +:$f lr""t;'h- :sn:'srx';, : i*.:d:g;*,:"i'*;'$-i::1xliL?1"Ttifi ft PaS"if$$U&:! EBSLi'BR'f ,l"r':?l:'s:,ff ffi?,+X%HE%'"Bif"%t:l I tl llf"3*ts"?g nust I "o" I I il-ls .r8r? t'35"I'1H t!$a,ir. I 16-page FREE Booklet 'Careers in Nursins" t :: - ::::: :: :: - -- - - :: ! -r:,-rrrE--*-srATE-----------. I ::::::::::::-:::-::::::-:: clTY----- sP00N TREE $2.98 Colonia1 charm in walnut - finish cher- rywood with fruit- decorated ceramic shelves to your adorn $able or side- board!' It's a real decorator find! 2- tiered heirloom- copy spoon holder atlractively dis- plays your prized collection. IJse it for buffet or family- style meals. row) for L4 rows. Decrease Row: K 2 tog, k 1, repeated across row. P next row. k K 2 tog across row, ending with 1. Fasten off yarn. Join yarn at base of thumb and work remaining 40 sts in garter st for 43 rows. Tip Decrease: )t K 2 tog, k 1, repeat from * across row. K next row. Next Row: * K 2 tog, k 1, rePeat from * across row. K next row. Next Row: K 2 tog across row. Fasten off yarn. PuII up sts tightly together and secure. Sew Seams. Make a second mitten in same manner. L5" tall. Money-back T r e e, $2.9S post- guarantee! Spoon Seod /eedea For a winter bird" feeder pour excess cooking grease into coffee can. When can is full and grease has hardened, cut bottom out of can. Run a dowel pin or thin stick through grease Rear one edge. Straighten a wire coat hanger and run through hardened grease at opposite end from stick. Twist wire together again and use end to make hanger. Hang this over tree limb. It makes an excellent bird feeder with no expense. The dowel serves as a perch for the birds as theY eat the much needed fat. 66 o The WORKB.ASKET PICK A TA[[ PATTTBN o a o € -o 9 ffi ruN 468 4 141h-26Y2 9O7 4 12Yz*22v2 4684-Casual shirtdress is smarf for any season. This haB shoulder yoke, skirf of flaring gores. Choose short or three quarter length sleeves. Htlf sizes 14t/2-26't/2. Size t6t/z takes 33/+ yards 39-inch fabric. 9074-5limming coatdress with side-buttoned line; choice of high neck or setaway collar. Half sizes 12t/2-22Y2. Size l6t/z takes 4 yurds 39-inch fabric. 4830-Saparates for school or career-all easy to sew. Sleeveless [acket tops skirt afd shirt. Misses'sizes l0-18. Size l6 iacket, skirf lakes 2t/syards 54-inch fabric; sh:r+ 2t/e yards 39-inch, Send TH IRTY-FIVE CENTS (in coins ) for each pattern to: WORKBASKET Pottern Service lox222,243 wesr l7rh, New York, N. Y., Ioorl Add TEN CENTS for ench pottern if you wish first clqss moiling. Send FIFTY CENTS (in coin) for ne\ry ; Falil'Winfer Catalog featuring all sizes, $EPTEMBER, 1964 O 67 IMBR0IDERED 0UltTS in radiant colors for treasured needlework. C626, State Bird design with floral background for each of our 50 States and C9901, State flower for each. For 9" blocks. Complete set of 50 designs, in hot iron transfer, for each of these two both sets $1:0O nurnbers, only 50c each ppd. Includes chart and- directions which inake easy work of this cherished needlework. Send order to Aunt Martha's Studios, Inc., Dept. 964, L243 Swift, I{.C., Mo. M116. PR0TECTS R0SES, Yaluable Plants A sai n s t \(inter Freeze -- \Tinters raise havoc with precious roses, small plants, bushes and shrubs. New "Rose Collar" helps protect roots and stems against freeze and thaw. Made of green matedal that gives all-winter protection. Collar size for rose bushes and other small plants and the "Tee-Pee" size for larger plants. "Rose Collars" give p,lant! FulI prqtection in a matter of minutes. Low-priced, 4 "Tee-Pee" Roses Collars #L, 4 Round Rose Collars $1, or 8 (4 of each or alike) $1.8r. W0RKBENGH MAGAZINE dream The handymanos is packed full of Add 40c, we ship ppd. If C.O.D. cost plus postage fro,m: Michigan Bulb Co., Dept. TP-16L4, Grand Rapids, Mich. 49502. every issue money-saving ideas for home improvement as well as original designs you can make quickly and easily. Step by step instructions, clear diagrams and photographs save you time and money. Special offer of 10 months (5 issues) for $1.00. Receive Free the all new collection of Handcraft Plans. Send only $1.00 to Workbench, 543 Westport Rd., Kansas City, Missouri, 64111. 500 ZIP C0DE LABELS-50c[ Start using the new code numbers on your return address labels. This new system quickly identifies Zip lNT(l NEW ST0LE $24.95..'r. R. Fox, fur specialist, restyles your old, worn fur coat into a glamorous new cape or stole. Special Price includes cleaning, glazing, new lining, inter*mink, lining, monogram. ( beaver, extras add'I.) Send no rnoney! Wrap up old fur coat, mail it to us now. Send dress size and height on postcard. tray postman $24.95 plus postage when new cape arrives. Or write for free style book. I. R" Fox, 146 W. 29th St., Dept. B-10, New York 1, N. Y. 68 r The WORKBASKET your city, zofle and state, speeding your mail by as much as 24 hours! At y name, address and Zip code beautifully printed in black on crisp white gummed paper with rich gold trim. Up to 4 lines. 2" long. Set of ,00 labels in plastic gift box, just 50c. Postpaid" Fast service. Money-back guarantee. If you don't know the corr ect Zi.p code number, just add t 0c per set and we will look it up for any address. Same fast service. \Talter Drake, 309.3 Drake BIdg., Colorado Springs, Colo. 80901. Send for free catalog" q ,,,i _ ,a{ r.! ii IRRITATING EYEGTASS MARKS? rJncomfortable slip and slide? Wear foam soft Cush-N-Grips 'l i::t ,. 1, .:i .,( l.' at all times to prevent irritating, unsightly red eyeglass marks, uncomfortable slip and slide! Apply in seconds and forget about glasses at last. Perfect for sewirrg, knitting. Wonderful for housewives, sportsmen, golfetrs, businessmen. Supply of 24 nose cushions and 12 ear tabs in plastic carrying case, only $1.00 ppd. Modalities, fnc., Dept. W-13, 31-01 Steinway St., Long fsland City 3, N.Y. O(ILLS! W(IRLD'S M(IST FASCINATING BUSINESS. We teach you how to repair, dress and. make dolls of all kinds,-how to operate a profitable DolI Hospital or enjoy a -wonder- full hobby! Opportunities everywhere. F-ree information on this famous home qtudy cgxrse. Accredited by the National I{ome Study Council. Norm and Sue Morris, Lifetime Career Schools, Studio W-94, L1824 San Vicente Boulevffid, Los Angeles 49, Calif. D(}IL FACES $1.00 postpaid. SPECIAL ]NTRODUCT(IRY (IFFER You get 2 faces ZL/a" x 3" for stuffed dolls, 2 strands of mohair curls and 6, 3" zippers. Money back guarantee. Also a catalog featuring babies, toddlers, hifashions, juniors and subteen dolls. Jewelry accessories, doll dressmakers supplies, laces, trimmings, ribbons, snaps, buttons, buckles and many items for successful doll making" Standard Doll Co., Dept. WBS64, 23-83 31st., Long fsland City, N.Y. L1105. Y0UR l}LD FUn RESTYTED $24.95 Morton's re- models your'-old fur to glamorous new cape, stole or jacket only $24.95. New lining. interlining, monog'ram, cleaning, glazing, Morton's World's Largest Fur- Restyliiig Specialist Qffers Over 40 Styles. Praised bi Glarnour, Vogue-etc. Send no money! Just mail old fur; state dress size. Pay postman when new style arrives. .Write for Morton's N_"* Free Style Bgok. Morton's, Dept. 97W, Washington 4, D. C. , u E: .: RlrG- MAK[I|C MADE EASY with this texins needle! Beautiful deep napped reversible rugs can be made from old clothing. IJse only needtre and spool o{ ryarp. A4jrrstable spring gauge noeasures stitch. Countless patterns can be woven with torn or bias-cut plrips of cotton, woolen or rayon material. No need to sew ends together. 92.00 price includes needle, patterns, full instructiorrs. Send $2 today. No COD's. Graftex Needle- craft, Box 55 B, Pacific Pafisades, Calif. EYETET and SNAP FASTENER PIIER KlT, $1.98. New plier attaches eyelet and punches hole with one easy squeeze. Comfortably shaped to fit a woman's hand. No separate parts to lose. In kit is a rustproof plier, 50 asstd. color eyelets and 4 nickel snaps, only $1.98, more eyelets and snaps avail. Also order World's Largest Sewing Supptry Catalog, only 25c" Offers savings ta 5O/6 on over 740 sewing_ ."ids. Ilgwark- Dressniaker Supply, Dept. W94, tr40 Halsey St., Newark, N.-J-.'O7LhZ. SEPTEMBER,l964 . 69 -Needlework In A lighthearted Mood 3 152*Two birds are better than one ospecially when they are pan hotders. A ful'l moon iorr, ; holder for the birds making them decorative as well as functional. The birdi could be red, blue, brown, orange, etc" l-This cross stitch is wonderfully adapfable since squares, rectangles or a confinuous border may be arranged with the correcf count. Atso, two other stitches are included which make charming decorations alone. Suggested ideas for use are shown on illustration. 353 f 1 (:! h; 3631 3629-A set of 7 kitten tea towels is iust the thing for a gift, a bazaar or yourself. Embroidery or trLe textile paint makes it delightfully edsy fo do in your leisure moments. lt's fun! fi., '{!r fi 3533-Time and Tide Quilt is an unusual arrangement of prints, plain color and whife for a refreshing new quilt to use now or for someone's Hope Chest. Cutting pieces, yardage estimafes, etc. are included. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (in -oin) for Cross Stitch Psffern or Quilt pofiern to: HOMECRAFT SERVICE, I)ept. WB Swift, North Kansas City,. Missouri 64116 1245 7A o The \VORKBASKET r, -q ..JUST TIIIE I]IUIilIIG A GR(IUP (lI FNIE]IIILY, HEIPFUI lloillEttlAltEns lllT0 Y0uR HoillE" - SO YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU SEE YOUR FIRST COPY OF _ A big 48-page rnonthly magazine iust cremmed full of delightful surprises o Potlerns lo Mqke (Knitti ng, Grocheting, Sewing) o Reoder Exchonges r Short Story Contest o Photos, lllustrqtions o All About Pets o Reoders' Hobhies o Heqhh Notes o Things to Moke o Children's Bright Suyings (Hondicrqft) o Sewing Circle o Good Old Doys o Reqders' Recipes o (qlling Young . o Prize Porqde . (Contests, informati on) Festures on Home Money Moking ALL THilS AND I'i'HAT SATISTIED SUBSCRIBERS SAY! o "Enclosing $1.50 for my renewal. Women's Flousehold is always in- teresting. Thanks to you for making it that way. " Mrs. C. R. V., Toledo, Ohio. . "This is my first attempt at writing to any magazine, but had to tell you how much I en- joy it. I read about every word that is printed from cover to eover." Mrs. A.8., Salem, Ohio. . 'oReceived my f irst copy of Women's Household. Flave reacl it over twice already. I enjoyed it very much and I'm eagerlv awaiting the next i ssu e. " Mrs. Il. C., Columbus, Ohio. . "A couple of months &Bo, I discovered your rnagi'azine on & stand-after reading it from cover to cover I immediately subscribed to it, and f do enjoy it so very much. " Mrs. D. J., Green Bay, Wis. (We are members of the Hornemokers All About Flowers o Golden Age (lub o Free! (Where lo get) o Old Time Songs & Poems o Emburrossing Moments o lllustrqted I(l(lK My Pet Peeves IVTORE EVERY MONTH! You'll be as delishted and pleased over this new and unusual magazine! Thousands of other wonderful housewives are iust waiting to meet you through the pages of this friendly homemakers' magazine. ft's as friendly as a club meeting-right in your own home. You will never feel virithout friends after you meet the thousands of friendly "Women's llousehold" contributors. You will be delighted over the many new friends you will make in lhis magazine, believe us! NO PROBLEM TOO BIG FOR OUR READERS! Meet the thousands of wonderful housewives eager to help yotr with your problems or to share your good news. This is one of the very few magazines published entirely written by its readers. Just $t.50 per year, $1.00 for 8 months The subscription price is LOW. Just $1.50 brings you 12 big issues or $1.00 will bring you B big issues, and you can have your money back if the first issue that you receive isn't all that 1 we promised. WE PROMISE YOt That You Will Be Delighted Yes, you MUST be pleased and delighted with your first copy! We promise you that! (See ollr guarantee below.) Your money bock in full-qf 6nss*if you don't find the first issue that you receiue we said it to be*AND MORE! YOU be the iudge of "Women's Household!" WOMEN'S HOUSEHOLD When you receive your f irst copy, look it over P. 0. Box 591-W9, Lynn, Mass. Yes! I '*,,ant to join the "Women's l{ou^sehold. " Please enter my subscription as follows: carofully and if you don't f ind it ALL that we've said it to be, if you don't find it to be one of the most interesting and unusual and del ightfu I publications in existence, we will be glad to return your money in full. No quibb Iine about it either. I E Months, $1 .00 n 12 Months, $1.50 I Narne"..... Address.. You have nothing to lose. Lynn Ghamber of Gommerr;e.) City........lI :t t : r r t r x il r lf ---..State----.--.---.--* I t I I r r I I I t t] t9 E 5 r E lliI I I t8 IllllIAlI!atlI I i 7 EAmNsn URN FREE! 60 it l, #,,i 'f: Automotic Ferc by the mcrkers ol Drip-O-Lcrfov@ 'l { 1 Jfi i I | your organization for selling only 36 M-K Pure Vanilla FREE to at $t each! sS ,[A$,Y ',ffS i[J$tr p @ Just put cold water in bottom . . . coffee in top . . . flip the switch . . . and forget it. When light comes on 60-CUPS of delicious coffee are ready to ifT',$ @ Tff il r""'' Simply sell 36 $1 bottles of M-K Pure Vanilta and it be- Aru,D IT''S S@ ,ffiAS. . longs to your group Free. Ex- tra goods allowed to cover all shipping charges. sen/e. Morior-Kdy Producls Co., lnc., Depl. l4-H Brownslown, Indiclno 47220 Our group wishes to own the 60-Cup Urn: ft Please ship on 60 days credit. We are enclosing $3.75 to cover all shipping will remit $36.00 and will receive the urn. all shipping charges-totat $39.75), for $_3.75 'Pure to cg,ver plus free.goods^to.make. Pacf. shipping Vanilla, 36 $1 boitles of-'M-K which coifi, hnd the 6ti.cup iutomatic g;n, pictured above. Wb are under no fur,ther obligation. OH CREDIT tl charges. Whtn sold we I Enclosed is $36.00 (plus pleaseTfrip CASH 0RbER ORGAN -STATE. JIP NO.- \ {