Reel I Note Poems , 3/22 - University of Washington Libraries
Reel I Note Poems , 3/22 - University of Washington Libraries
\ - CARLOS BULOSAN S-8/- ,'- MICROFILM COLLECTION Reel I Location of hard CODV WRITINGS - Bulosan Play in Verse - Jose Rizal Poems 4/1 July 5, 1953 The Oak Tree "Into the world I walk free" My Country My Street A Midnight Song All Summer A Hill. A House. And Love. 3/22 3/22 4/3, 3/22 3/22 3/15 Another April Discovery of a Minority Exits and Entrances for Our Time "I met her in the tall summertime" The Good Life: What Did I Know 3/22 3/22 3/22 Note Poems Now That You are Still The Surrounded 3/22 October 31, 1954 Legend for Our Time "Now that I lost you" My New Room "The time is too late" 3/1, 3/15 The Song of Songs Peaceful You, Immortal You "Our lives conflicted towards Lullabye the end" and Goodnight Aha! on the.Face of Love Song after Reading Harriet A ilew Year Letter Poem for a Moment Desolation ~ T~man's Life The Song of the Sun The Vaulted Wall A Nightfall Song Love Letter :fuen Night 3/15 3/22 Falls - Page Reel 1 (cont.) Location Song for Chris Mcnsal.ns' June 24, 1')511 The Masquerade Ball: A Legend In Search of America B:.rthday partial PROSE A Virgin Other bibliography for Cousin 3/15, )/~I Items 1 1 1 2 1 ,., L attached Pedro Tales of Luzon hard co~ new Year'sEve OUTGOING LETTERS Marjorie Ch~!s i:"; r-Iatt Hary Gibson (includes Poem for Maria) Chris ~ary Gibson (repeat copy) Florentino B. Valeros, 4-8-53- 4/2 and 18 pp. - ?OE~S (a loose folders of ~oeMs cO~Diled for Chris and Irene) When I was a Little Boy: A Dream The Bee and the Rose Hhen the Knife Cut You I Cannot Lose You Hhite Rose, v1ild Rose, Lost Rose Hhen You t'/ere a Little Girl Dark t'1oment The Blue Sky Testament Little EleITY Fear Desire My Country Growth Is It A Poem Silence My Mother But Eyes Cancione Maldeta Land of the Morning Can I Love You Of Love and Hate Unfinished Letter Will You be ~en When You Grow There is only You in the Poem Up ---- 2. 4/3 3/22 Page Reel Location 1 (cont.) POEMS (cont.) What Would You Do Adoration 3. or hard coPY 4/3 (cont.) ! My People A Song or Freedom Gift Marching In the Moonlight Fcr"!ver Little Song When I was a Little 30Y: A Reality Praise and Warning A Little Poem Mother and Children Testament or Earth A Bright Star Miracle of Spring Passage from Life Land of Beauty Beautirul Boy Two Eternities How You are Still Only 2 a Bird - SCRAPBOOK (from original loaned by ~ Lc~~'P+r Josephine Patrick) 3 TEXTBOOK - Philippine ~anila. C-i51 () Bureau or Public Schools Prose and Poetry, Vol. 4, Manila, Bureau or Printing, 1951 353 pp. -includes two or Carlos ~ulosan's works J'{!4/' My Father's Tragedy If You Want to Know Who You Are -fi1~ includes 5 pp. of notes rrom Bulosari to Josephine concerning authors and/or works found in the text 4 /' 1-. \,- , . University /,./ of Chicago Library - ..' ! . MANUSCRIPTS - or Carlos Bulosan in the / .",. ,. no reproduction without U or C permission. ._",'h . , " . ( OUTGOING LETTERS Harriet Monroe Cede Poetry Magaziae)-includes brier biography 1931-36 Items 11 .. , POEMS Without Ceremony Letter .from America In time or Drought Secret " ------- -~ -- - ---- - - -- \ ; i; ?a~e4 Reel ~cont. ) POEHS (cont.) No Story i1onuments GEiiERAL CORRESPOHDEllCE Donald J. Paquette 'toHarriet !1onroeconcerning c. Bulosan LETTERS D. ZabeH OUTGOING i'Jar-tin Ger~ldin.:; Volell "t:crge!}illon Items 1936 1 1937 1 6 5 ro::-~~s The ;ii~ht Young i.lan Piece Needing ?.JoTime The Phoenix Three Poems: !:'etterin ~:xile _.1.~erican :~istory Sunset and Eveninl; - Star ---- -- . /ccc / BULOSAN, CARLOS M~terials loaned for filming by Josephine Patrick /,' Reel 5 (' - I " Ii r .J.. Play in verse- Jose Rizal "/'(~ .~', .'" ' ..cI / i .11 <1/1 I, , Poems All Summer A Hill. A House. And love "Always Another Another when I thought April Letter to J. I found a sheltered sky" Discovery of a Memory Exits and Entrances for our rime In Remembrance My Country/My Street Ny New Room My Sister, My 3ride The Oak Leaf =-, ~ ._~J2 G the woods Incor.1ingLetters Valeros, Florentino B. Yabes, :Leopoldo Y. Wally Outgoing Letters to Josephine ------ -,. 3/2- Once Again I will Tell You Song for Chris ~ensalvas' Birthday The Vaulted Wall A Walk throu&h The Young Ones / '- 1"'/':2. Dates 1955 1948 n.d. Patrick #Items 3 1 1 4 1354, n.d. -- ':< j. ("' / ~ t. '] CARLOS BULOSAN MICROFILM COLLECTION Reel 6 WRITIHGS - BULOSAN Pla~'s "The Big Silver Dollar" "The Worldbeaters" Prose "As Long as the Grass Shall Grow" Poetry "Another Legend" A Snowfall. "A Darkness. "Landscape 1tf.ast A Rain" With a Bottle" PoeJII" "You ~1i11 frow old together" -Dates INCOHING LETTERS - Bulosan, Autobiop.:raphy Harcourt, 3r3.ce nnd Company, New York r-unkel, Donald 1 1923 P48 1 1 -'1 1 Pub1istoers, ,::,~" ,'v 1~4Ll publishers. 1953 l;"H~;:-I.l'J New York . LETTI:RS GENERAL CORRESPOHDENCE - MISCELLAilEOUS Bu1osan, Marjorie Patton Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, International, Local 7-C Josephine Patrick to Washington State Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born 104~, ------ 5J, S2 , ..... 4 1952 April 23, U53 FINANCIAL RECORDS Harcourt,. Brace and-Co~pany Lieber, Maxim ----- 1955 n.d. 1953, R. Lieber, Haxim The nation Saunders, ~~arion Wilson (H.W.) Company, :lolf, Harriet I)UTGOI?j(; .1953 4 6 1 1948 Aurelio ..Bulosan, Marjorie Patton Committee to Sponsor (Luis) Taruc's Items -- lC!SO 1949 - - --- 1 I I CARLOS BULOSANMICROFILM COLLECTION Page 2 Reel 6 LISTS The Carlos Bulosan Fund Dates Items n.d. 1 1 NOTES EPHEMEP~ PUBLICATION Saturday EYenin~ Post special edition, inc1udinp, "Freedom from Hant" by Bulosan -- -- --------- 1976 3 1gt3 1 CARLOS BUl..uSAN PAPERS fran. Selections Prose hritings Contents Reel 7 A rich ;r,anin the family The po~er Wisdom of music of Uncle Betrayal A servant Dinner (11 pp.) Sator of Uncle Homecoming (19 pp.) Soyoc of Uncle ~ith a king (10 pp.) (9 pp., ~ith The story of creation A trip to Baguio 3andi~ Pedro Son of Uncle Sator (8 pp.) Roman (8 pp.) (11 pp.) (10 pp.) I am not a laughing man (7 pp.) My first day in America (3 pp.) The summer music of beautiful of the amorous mermaid The great Springtime lover gnost were The big convention (7 pp.) falling came to town The beer drinkers (9 pp.) Heart of darkne~s (4 pp.) Tales from the old country The rooster's Unfinished (61 pp.) (26 pp.) ghost a ghost? (10 pp.) (10 pp.) Now 10ng shadows Really, (7 pp.) (8 pp.) of my father The amorous of p. 67) (9 pp.) The bet rayal of Uncle Lonesome copies (100 pp.) and the tax collector Return two different (16 pp.) of Cousin "Be American" (8 pp.) !>Ianuel (7 pp.) in the house Marriage (9 pp.) (9 pp.) (8 pp.) (8 pp.) egg portrait (14 pp.) (9 pp.) ~- -- " Reel 7 Cat in the rain The younger (12 pp.) sister I don't know why My brother Joey (18 pp.) (7 pp.) (11 pp.) The stolen violin (11 pp.) The night reveals (12 pp.) Death of an author I should have Miracle (8 pp.) stood in bed by the sea The thief (4 pp.) (12 pp.) The glorious Americano day from (9 pp.) Luzon Odyssey of Constantia Romance of Magno The hairline Drake The tall white (10 pp.) (20 pp.) (17 pp.) of Pantaleon The world beaters Cordalles Moradoro (20 pp.) (22 pp.) horse in Santo A city in the (8 pp.) Rubio We laugh a little The angel (13 pp.) (19 pp.) Domingo (22 pp.) sky (26 pp.) -- -- - ~r ~~. ' CARLOS BULOSAN Microfilm Collection REEL DATES 8 OUTGOING LETTERS - to Josephine Patrick 9 liThe Cry and the Dedicationll 1953-55