Are heat waves increasing over Argentina?
Are heat waves increasing over Argentina?
A heat Are h t waves increa i asing i over Argentina? A ti ? M ild Rusticucci Matilde Matilde Rusticucci R i i 1 ‐ 2 G Gustavo Gustavo Almeira Al i Almeira 1 Departamento Ciencias de la Atmósfe 1 p d l ó f ra UBA / CONICET / 2 2 INA / SMN / UBA / / mati@at mati@at.fc cen uba ar Motivation: One exam One exam mple mple Strong heat waves are close related to mortality in gh l l d li y i Buenos Aires, so an alert system is trying to be Buenos Aires, so an alert system is trying to be implemented through the National Weather implemented through the National Weather Service IIn Argentina, as all over the A g ti , ll th world warm nights have been world, warm nights have been increasing and cold nights decreasing increasing and cold nights decreasing but the frequency of warm and cold but the frequency of warm and cold d y h b days has been decreasing in some d i gi regions. So, the objective of this work i S th bj ti f thi k is to find a definition of the heat waves is to find a definition of the heat waves that includes both variables that includes both variables together, and the associated warming together, and the associated warming excess, with focus on the warm period , ith f th p i d of the year Strong heat waves are close of the year. Strong heat waves are close related to mortality in Buenos Aires so related to mortality in Buenos Aires, so an alert system is trying to be an alert system is trying to be i pl implemented through the National d h gh h i l W th S i Th Weather Service. These limits were li it considered to study the trends and considered to study the trends and variability of heat waves occurrence variability of heat waves occurrence and intensity and intensity Mortality and Temperature ‐ Mortality and Temperature Summer heat wave in Summer heat wave in Buenos Aiires Buenos Ai ires D 2000 J n 2001 Dec 2000‐Jan 2001 BUENOS AIRES DAILY MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE VS MEAN DAILY MORTALITY (2001-2007) BUENOS AIRESAIRES 30 0/12/2000 - 10/01/2001 Mortality 170 Temperature 300 40 250 35 200 30 150 25 100 20 50 15 0 10 160 MOR RTALT TY 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 30/12/2000 01/01/2001 Mortality TEMPERATURE ((ºC)) 03/01/2001 05/01/2001 Maximum Temperature 07/01/2001 09/01/2001 Minimum Temperature Heat waves Persistence in Buenos Aires – ONDJFM Heat wave:Tmax>32ºC and Tmin>20ºC 1959‐2010 ONDJFM Heat wave:Tmax 32 C and Tmin 20 C 1959 2010 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Mean : 90 Mean : 90 deaths/day / y Mean decadal number of heat Mean decadal of heat waves (persistency >= 3 days) >= 3 days) considering TX90 OR considering TX90 OR Tn90 Both TX90 AND Tn90 Tn90 Both TX90 AND Tn90 frrequ uen ncy A heat wave was defined as : A heat wave was defined as : Tmax and Tmin over the 90th Tmax and Tmin over the 90th percentile for more than 3 percentile for more than 3 consecutive days Summer: October consecutive days. Summer: October to March to March 2 3 4 5 6 7 Days 8 9 10 11 12 BUENOS AIRES (1) BUENOS AIRES (1) TX90 Tn90 TX90 AND Tn90 TX90 AND Tn90 MENDOZA TX90 120 100 FRECUEENCIA 80 60 MENDOZA (6) 40 30 20 Decades from 1961/70 to 2000/2010 Decades from 1961/70 to 2000/2010 25 0 1971‐80 1981‐90 1991‐2000 2001‐2010 MENDOZA TN90 20 FR RECUEENCIA 1961‐70 15 120 10 100 5 80 LAS LOMIITAS FR RECUENCIA 0 1961‐70 60 1971‐80 POSADAS POSADAS 60 1981‐90 1991‐2000 2001‐2010 60 50 40 50 40 40 FREECUENCIA 20 0 1961‐70 1971‐80 1981‐90 1991‐2000 2001‐2010 UENCIA FFRECU A 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 1961‐70 CORDOBA OBSERVATORIO TX90 CORDOBA OBSERVATORIO TX90 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1971‐80 1981‐90 1991‐2000 1961‐70 2001‐2010 1971‐80 1981‐90 1991‐2000 2001‐2010 SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 40 FRECU UENCIA A FRECUEENCIA 30 20 CORDOBA OBSERVATORIO 50 25 CORDOBA OBSERVATORIO TN90 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 40 1961‐70 1961 70 1971‐80 1971 80 1981‐90 1981 90 1991‐2000 1991 2000 2001‐2010 2001 2010 FR RECUENCIA 1981‐90 1991‐2000 2001‐2010 0 20 30 FREECUENC CIA 1971‐80 60 10 30 1961‐70 RECONQUISTA RECONQUISTA 15 20 10 10 0 5 1961‐70 1971‐80 1961‐70 1971‐80 1981‐90 1991‐2000 2001‐2010 1971‐80 1971 80 1981‐90 1991‐20002001‐2010 1981 90 1991 20002001 2010 SANTA ROSA 20 BAHIA BLANCA 30 25 15 20 FREC CUENC CIA 1961‐70 1961 70 15 F FRECUE ENCIA A FR RECUENCIA 0 10 1981‐90 1991‐2000 2001‐2010 No clear trend in the l d in the h No clear trend occurrence of heat waves is fh t i found regionally found regionally. No trend in central No trend in central Argentina, negative trend in Argentina, negative trend in western and northern d h Argentina but more heat Argentina, but more heat waves in the last decades were waves in the last decades were found in several stations found in several stations. f d Significant positive trends in Buenos Aires and Reconquista. B Ai dR q it This behavior has not exactly This behavior has not exactly followed the trend of Tn90 or followed the trend of Tn90 or Tx90. Thi i d This index seems to be b rigorous to describe heat rigorous to describe heat waves it represents extreme waves, it represents extreme and persistent Heat events and persistent Heat events. 10 5 5 0 1961‐70 0 1961‐70 1971‐80 1981‐90 1991‐2000 0 2001‐2010 1971‐80 1981‐90 1991‐20002001‐2010 The physical reasons that Th phy i l th t evolved in these events will evolved in these events will be explored to update and be explored to update and enhance the alert system enhance the alert system ‘h l h h ’ ‘health‐heat waves’