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EFFECTIVE & EFFICIENT CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ROADSHOW 2015 SEMINAR& EXHIBITION 20 Introduction Ir. SINGGIH WASESA CEO Deputy of AMBI CITIES In last 5 years, the world business competition has been growing so tight In order to survive and growing, we need more new innovation and marketing strategy. by going to the entry into ASEAN Economic Community, all parties must to research and develop new innovation and strategy to survive in this open competition. So, Efficiency and good quality product look like not enough to win this open competition. We still need real personal approach into community to looking for information what they need and what they want. After collect all information until regional community especially construction community and stakeholder, we can set the strategy to try open this missing link. Without reducing the quality of promotional and marketing activities that have been programmed by each company, AMBI (Indonesian Steel Community Association) collaborate with STEELINDONESIA.COM and supported by Indonesian Institutes and Associations will organize Seminar and Exhibition with Main Themes “Improving Regional Entrepreneurship in Industry and Steel Construction” and display the Product and Services in 20 cities in Indonesia. To conduct joint promotions expected to provide complete information to the general public especially the construction services community. Of course, this joint promotion will be more Effective and Efficient. Main Themes : Improving Regional Entrepreneurship in Industry & Steel Construction Organized by : Media Partner : SEMINAR& EXHIBITION 20 CITIES Basic Idea 1. Supporting master plan of the New Government period 2014-2019 : a. Marine Highway Development Plan b. Accelerated development of the national infrastructure 2. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) was in sight, whether Indonesia has been ready for it or whether we had enough preparation 3. Technology Information has been developed rapidly so it is necessary we can optimally use this technology. 4. Dissemination of information related to the ability of the Industry Construction products and services still needs to be effective and targeted dissemination. Intents & Purposes Intents : The aim of ROADSHOW is the dissemination of information related to the ability of the National Construction Industry reach the right target. Purposes : 1. To obtain information and the data capabilities right market, that presented the National Construction Industry stakeholders. 2. Creating format of promotion and marketing activities are Effective and Efficient. 3. Equitable distribution of information related to the ability of the national construction industry in order to support the accelerated development program. Main Themes : Improving Regional Entrepreneurship in Industry & Steel Construction Penyelenggara : Media Partner : SEMINAR& EXHIBITION 20 CITIES Improving Regional Entrepreneurship Main Theme In Industry & Steel Construction Format Event A. SEMINAR 1. The seminar was held in a full day, held at the Ball Room College area designated as a regional committee. 2. Presenting speakers from all Business Elements, among others: the Steel Industry, Construction Industry, Associations, Consultants, Regulators and Academics. B. EXHIBITION ROADSHOW will be more attractive to the convening of the Construction Industry Products Exhibition for 2 (two) days and is filled with events Product Presentation of each exhibitor. C. BUSINESS FORUM In ROADSHOW events also held Business Forum with Gala Dinner which aim to identify more closely with the business community and local officials. D. PRODUCT PRESENTATION On the second day ROADSHOW will be held presentation of products represented by each of the companies participating in this event. Presentations will be relaxed and interactive so that communication between the participants and the speakers can run well. E. SEMINAR PARTICIPANTS AND GUEST INVITATION - Local Officials - Akademics - Businessman - Contractor - Consultant - Asosiation - Practitioners - Assembly at Regional Member Main Themes : Improving Regional Entrepreneurship in Industry & Steel Construction Organized by : Media Partner : SEMINAR& EXHIBITION 20 PUBLIC Seminar FORMAT EVENT CITIES EXHIBITION PRODUCT Presentation Gala DINNER Seminar - one day Product Presentation - one day Exhibition - two days Main Themes : Improving Regional Entrepreneurship in Industry & Steel Construction Organized by : Media Partner : SEMINAR& EXHIBITION 20 SOCIALISATION and LEARNING share INFORMATION & Build PARTNERSHIP CITIES STEEL industry MACHINE production STUCTUREE design WELDING Technology COATING Technology PROJECT nancing REGULATION HEAVY Equipment ERECTION Main Themes : Improving Regional Entrepreneurship in Industry & Steel Construction Organized by : Media Partner : INTERNATIONAL FORUM “Steel Industry and Construction Organizer Supporting the Development of National Infrastructure” October 7th 2014, Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel Jakarta ATION T N E CUM DO Organized by : Supported by : AGI Ministry of Industry REPUBLIK INDONESIA Ministry of Public Works REPUBLIK INDONESIA Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources REPUBLIK INDONESIA National Construction Services Indonesian Tower Indonesian Indonesian Galvanizers Development Board Fabricator Association Contractor Association Association Indonesian Coating Association Indonesian Steel Community Association Online Media Industry & Steel Construction SEMINAR& SEMINAR& EXHIBITION PAMERAN 20 K CITIES OTA ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO : SPONSORSHIP PARTNERS in INTERNATIONAL FORUM which been held : October 7th 2014 Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel , Jakarta P A I N T Hight Quality Coating PT. GUNUNG GARUDA PT. GUNUNG RAJA PAKSI PT KARUNIA USAHA NURINDO CHINA JINYUAN BAISHITAN / CNBM PT. ESABINDO PRATAMA PT. SWARNA BAJAPACIFIC PT. MAKMUR ANUGRAH SEJAHTERA PT. GLOBAL JAYA MARITIMINDO PT. SUPER TEKNIK PT. HAMASA UTAMA PT. BEVANANDA MUSTIKA PT GUNUNG STEEL CONSTRUCTION PT. SUMITOMO INDONESIA PT. PENI JAYA HARIBAJA PT. ANUGRAH WIJAYATRISNA PT. MITRA LOGAM PRATAMA PT. HWA HOK STEEL PT. GROWTH SUMATRA INDUSTRY PT. WAHANA KEMALANIGA MAKMUR PT. SUPRA SURYA INDONESIA PT. PUTRA BAJA DELI PT. GEWINN GOLD HUTAMA PT GLOBAL INFOTECH SOLUSINDO hamdok PT. DOK DUASATU NUSANTARA Tema: Road Show Main Themes Improving Meningkatkan Regional Kewirausahaan Entrepreneurship Daerah di Industri Baja in Industry&&Konstruksi Steel Construction Organized by : Media Partner : Program PROMOSI 2015 Sponsorship Asosiasi Masyarakat Baja Indonesia SEMINAR& SEMINAR& EXHIBITION PAMERAN 20 K CITIES OTA Form SPONSORSHIP General Requirements 1. Companies partner that will participate as a sponsor has to comply with the rules imposed by the organizers. 2. Companies are agree to participate as a sponsor must fill sponsorship participation form that has been provided by the organizer. 3. All materials especially regarding the logo design company and promotional material (photographs) must be submitted no later than 2 (two) weeks before the event begins. 4. For companies that would be required to submit a speaker in a seminar, must collect data materials to commitee no later than 2 (two) weeks before the event begins. 5. All forms of promotional materials will be designed by the organizers except, materials for exhibitions, product presentations, and brochures companies. SPECIAL Requirements 1. For departures company team sponsorship, if desired ticket procurement and accommodation can be booked through committee. 2. For companies with platinum, gold, or silver sponsorship fund payments will be paid a minimum of two (2) times the seminar (2 cities). 3. If the Sponsoring company that will pay off in advance before the event will get a discount of 10%. 4. Payment will be recognized as valid if sent to the committee's account contained in sponsorship participation form. 5. Cancellation of Participation : Requirements : a. If the sponsoring companies have filled the sponsorship participation form will be charged at 20% of the contract value. b. If the sponsoring company has to pay the sponsorship fee on property risks that have been produced will be subject to a discount of 60%. Tema: Road Show Main Themes Improving Regional Entrepreneurship Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di Industri Baja in Industry&&Konstruksi Steel Construction Organized by : Media Partner : SEMINAR& SEMINAR& EXHIBITION PAMERAN 20 K CITIES OTA A. Platinum : 200 juta SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE No : 100 juta C. Silver : 50 juta Sponsorship Package 1 Following the Roadshow in 20 major cities (over 1 year) 2 The company logo is displayed at the BACKDROP event 3 The company logo is displayed at the seminar kit 4 - Paper Bag 5 - Block Note 6 - Certificate 7 - Signs of participants and organizers 8 B. Gold Platinum Gold Silver The company logo is displayed at the promotion and publication media 9 - Billboard 10 - Banner 11 - Steelindonesia Tabloid 12 - Online Media 13 Company logo to appear on shirts committee 14 Company logo to appear in the slide show 15 The presentation of products on stage (15 minutes) 16 Getting a banner ad for 3 months in 17 Distributing brochure to participants in the seminar 18 Getting the exhibition space of 2x3 M (Including Back Wall) 19 Get two (2) seminars and gala dinner invitation *) see attached on sponsorship property Tema: Road Show Main Themes Improving Regional Entrepreneurship Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di Industri Baja in Industry&&Konstruksi Steel Construction Organized by : Media Partner : property sponsorship property sponsorship Backdrop Backdrop Event : size 7M x 3M 1 piece, Location : Indoors SEMINAR Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di N A S I O N A L LOGO Sponsor Industri & Konstruksi Baja LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor 20 KOTA Medan, Maret 2015 Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Di dukung oleh : Penyelenggara : AGI Kementerian Perindustrian REPUBLIK INDONESIA Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum REPUBLIK INDONESIA Kementerian ESDM REPUBLIK INDONESIA Asosiasi Galvanis Indonesia Asosiasi Pabrikan Tower Indonesia Gabungan Pelaksana Kontraktor Indonesia Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Asosiasi Masyarakat Baja Indonesia Media Partner : property sponsorship property sponsorship Paper bag Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di Industri & Konstruksi Baja Di dukung oleh : Penyelenggara : AGI Kementerian Perindustrian REPUBLIK INDONESIA Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum REPUBLIK INDONESIA Kementerian ESDM REPUBLIK INDONESIA Asosiasi Galvanis Indonesia Asosiasi Pabrikan Tower Indonesia Gabungan Pelaksana Kontraktor Indonesia Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Asosiasi Masyarakat Baja Indonesia Media Partner : 02 AJAB ISEB RANIMES NASIONAL ATOK SEMINAR SEMINAR BESI BAJA 20 KOTA PaperBag : Foolscap 6000 pieces Acara ini didukung oleh : LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor property sponsorship property sponsorship Block note BlockNote : A5 size 6000 pieces SEMINAR 20 N A S I O N A L KOTA Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di Industri & Konstruksi Baja Di dukung oleh : Penyelenggara : Media Partner : AGI Kementerian Perindustrian REPUBLIK INDONESIA Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum REPUBLIK INDONESIA Kementerian ESDM REPUBLIK INDONESIA Asosiasi Galvanis Indonesia Asosiasi Pabrikan Tower Indonesia Gabungan Pelaksana Kontraktor Indonesia Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Asosiasi Masyarakat Baja Indonesia LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor property sponsorship property sponsorship Certificate Certificate : Participants/Committee 6000 sheets SEMINAR Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di Industri & Konstruksi Baja NASIONAL Sertifikat Di dukung oleh : Kementerian Perindustrian REPUBLIK INDONESIA Diberikan Kepada Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum Raihan Ardyansah REPUBLIK INDONESIA Kementerian ESDM Atas partisipasinya sebagai REPUBLIK INDONESIA AGI PESERTA Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Asosiasi Galvanis Indonesia Asosiasi Pabrikan Tower Indonesia Gabungan Pelaksana Kontraktor Indonesia Media Partner : Dalam acara : Seminar Nasional “Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan diIndustri & Konstruksi Besi Baja: Auditorium Universitas Sumatera Utara - Medan Februari 2015 Singgih Wasesa Ketua Pelaksana Nama Lengkap Rektor Universitas Ken Pangestu Ketua Umum AMBI property sponsorship property sponsorship ID card ID Card : A6 size 6000 pieces SEMINAR 20 SEMINAR 20 Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di N A S I O N A L KOTA N A S I O N A L KOTA Industri & Konstruksi Baja Industri & Konstruksi Baja PANITIA PESERTA Di dukung oleh : Penyelenggara : Di dukung oleh : Media Partner : AGI Kementerian Perindustrian REPUBLIK INDONESIA Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum REPUBLIK INDONESIA LOGO Sponsor Kementerian ESDM REPUBLIK INDONESIA Asosiasi Galvanis Indonesia LOGO Sponsor Penyelenggara : Media Partner : AGI Asosiasi Pabrikan Tower Indonesia Gabungan Pelaksana Kontraktor Indonesia LOGO Sponsor Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Asosiasi Masyarakat Baja Indonesia LOGO Sponsor Kementerian Perindustrian REPUBLIK INDONESIA LOGO Sponsor Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum REPUBLIK INDONESIA LOGO Sponsor Kementerian ESDM REPUBLIK INDONESIA Asosiasi Galvanis Indonesia LOGO Sponsor Asosiasi Pabrikan Tower Indonesia Gabungan Pelaksana Kontraktor Indonesia LOGO Sponsor Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Asosiasi Masyarakat Baja Indonesia LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor property sponsorship property sponsorship LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor SEMINAR 20 N A S I O N A L KOTA Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di Industri & Konstruksi Baja Medan, Maret 2015 Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Di dukung oleh : Penyelenggara : Media Partner : AGI Kementerian Perindustrian REPUBLIK INDONESIA Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum REPUBLIK INDONESIA LOGO Sponsor Kementerian ESDM REPUBLIK INDONESIA Asosiasi Galvanis Indonesia LOGO Sponsor Asosiasi Pabrikan Tower Indonesia Gabungan Pelaksana Kontraktor Indonesia LOGO Sponsor Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Asosiasi Masyarakat Baja Indonesia LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor Billboard Billboard : size 4M x 6M 1 piece, Location : Outdoors property sponsorship property sponsorship Banner Banner : size 1M x 7M 3 pieces, Location : Around Campus SEMINAR NASIONAL Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di Industri & Konstruksi Baja Media Partner : Maret 2015 - Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan Selamat Datang Peserta SEMINAR NASIONAL Maret 2015 - Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di Industri & Konstruksi Baja Media Partner : LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor property sponsorship property sponsorship Iklan 2 kolom tabloid commercial property sponsorship property sponsorship Online Banner Advert online commercial property sponsorship property sponsorship T’Shirt T’Shirt : Committee 500 pieces MP KA US SEMINAR N A S I O N A L BESI BAJA SEMINAR N A S I O N A L Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Daerah di Industri & Konstruksi Baja LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor LOGO Sponsor Seminar Experiences Seminar Experiences Documentation Exhibition Experiences Exhibition Experiences No Agenda Place Tittle Documentation Banner Organizer : Global Expo Management 1. March 18th - 21th 2015 JI-Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta - Indonesia Constrution and Mining Solutions Organizer : Panorama Exhibition 2. 3. March 18th - 22th 2015 April 28th - 29th 2015 JCC - Jakarta Convention Center Indonesian Dedicated Architecture, Interior Design & Building Exhibition & Conference Area Serbaguna Sumampir - The Royal Krakatau Cilegon, Banten - Indonesia Industrial Construction Equipment, Building, Tools and Metalworking Technology Ring Road - Medan International Palm Oil Exhibiton Pameran & Seminar Kelapa Sawit Organizer : Tiga Pilar Manajemen Indonesia Organizer : INPALME 4. May 6th - 8th 2015 Organizer : ACARINDO 5. May 6th - 8th 2015 JCC - Jababeka Convention Center Industrial Manufacturing & Automation Fiesta Organizer : DMG Event 6. May 7th - 9th 2015 JI-Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta - Indonesia International Building & Construction Show Organizer : GIM 7. May 20th - 22th 2015 JI-Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta - Indonesia Indonesia International Material Handling & Logistik Website Fax Fax SPONSOR PLATINUM (200 juta) B. SPONSOR GOLD (100 juta) C. SPONSOR SILVER (50 juta) (............................) Petugas/ Field Officer After completed this form please fax : 021-8934360 Payments are considered legitimate by the official receipt of the Executive Committee, done through transfer / bilye giro / cross checks addressed to : PT. Global Infotech Solusindo No. Rekening : BANK BCA KCP. Jababeka Bekasi. BANK Mandiri Cab. Jababeka Bekasi. No. Rek. 87604 57575 No. Rek. 15600 3155 639 PAYMENT PROSEDURE Sdr. Hendra : 0819-01404416 atau 021-49049470 atau CONFIRMATION & RESERVATION This form must be filled in duplicate, the original is returned to committee, and the copy to the sponsor. This order is a collective agreement that can not be canceled unilaterally To the outside Jakarta please mail the original form, creative and proof of payment to the executor Implementing entitled to run ads after the deadline if the buyer has not yet submitted their creatives. Minimum Sponsorship fees paid for two (2) seminars. Tanda Tangan / Cap Perusahaan Signature / Company Stamp (............................) Pemesan / Customer, .....................,...........................’2015 : Amount Received:........................................................................................ A. please chosen by circling the letters A, B, or C. Note : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Handpone Handpone We are willing to be sponsorship : JOINT OF PROMOTION “IN 20 CITIES IN INDONESIA - SEMINAR - EXHIBITION - BUSINESS FORUM” E-mail Telepon Phone Alamat Address Nama & Jabatan Name & Position Organized by : SPONSORSHIP FORM SEMINAR - EXHIBITION - BUSINESS FORUM IN 20 CITIES IN INDONESIA PROMOTION Nama Perusahaan Name of the Company CITIES 20 SEMINAR& EXHIBITION