triangle hofbrau restaurant
triangle hofbrau restaurant
Richmond Hill Arwa El-Rowmeim Arwa El-Rowmeim Where is Richmond Hill? A Closer Look History ● ● ● Richmond Hill was farmland. Richmond Hill was founded in 1867 by a Manhattan attorney named Albon P. Man. Architect Edward Richmond laid out much of the residential area. Restoration Fairs ● Every 2 years craftsmen, artisans, and professionals in woodwork, plasterwork, gardening, painting, among other disciplines, come together to: ○ ● ● Maintain and decorate the Victorian and Queen Anne-style houses Hosted by Richmond Hill Historical Society Designed to preserve historical character Shopping Areas ● ● ● Myrtle Avenue Lefferts Blvd Jamaica Ave ● Where the 3 streets above meet was known as Triangle Hofbrau ○ ○ Queens’ 1st Restaurant Visited by Babe Ruth, Mae West Demographics ● ● ● ● ● ● Richmond Hill’s population was mainly Irish, German, and Italian up until the 1970s Hispanics began to settle in thereafter At this time relators attempted to induce white property owners to move out. South Richmond Hill is home to Trinidadians, Columbians, Indians, Ecuadorians, and Guyanese. Liberty Avenue = Little Guyana Richmond Hill also has the largest Sikh population in the USA. Demographics ● ● ● ● Population: 77,653 The majority of housing was built before 1939 Richmond Hill is a middle class neighborhood. 55% of the population is foreign born American survey Demographics-Race 1980 1990 2000 2010 Demographics-Ancestry Diversity Housing ● The majority of the housing was built prior to 1940 Income ● Compared to the NYC income, Richmond Hill seems to follow the same trend. Income Comparison Median Household Income comparison According to american community survey 2009-2013 5yr average: ● ● Median Household Income in the past 12 months of NYC: 52,529 Median Household Income in the past 12 months of Richmond Hill:62,466 What is Richmond Hill Known For? ● ● ● ● Little Punjab Little Guyana Victorian Homes Historical Sights Victorian Homes Historical Sights- Church of Resurrection Historical sights- Richmond hill Library Historical Sights- The Republican club Today this historical building has been turned into a catering hall. Schools in richmond hill ● Elementary Schools: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● PS PS PS PS PS PS PS 237 51 54 Hillside 55 Maure 56 Harry Eichler 66 90 High Schools: ○ Richmond Hill High School