NOV 2015 - Military Officers Association of Sarasota


NOV 2015 - Military Officers Association of Sarasota
Vol. XXVI No. 11
MOAA 4-Star Chapter 2003 & 2008; MOAA 5 Star Chapter 2004-2007 & 2009-2015
Best Newsletter 2007 & 2010; 1st Runner Up 2008, 2012 - 2014; 2nd Runner Up 2009
November 2015
OCTOBER LUNCHEON PROGRAM: Captain Eileen Roemer: Two remarkable careers and more to do…
by Christopher White
Our October luncheon was a true multi media event. With at least one other service organization attending (thanks Air
Force Association), we had MOAS Allied member Bohdan Hryniewicz conduct a book signing of his recently published, My
Boyhood War, describing his youth and participation in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, followed by a dynamic presentation by our
guest speaker, Captain Eileen Roemer, USN (Ret).
Captain Roemer has a pretty incredible story. She successfully pursued two careers, one in the Navy and one in the FBI,
retiring as a US Navy Captain and Special Agent in Charge respectively. Following her second retirement, she signed on as a
counterterrorism specialist at the National Counterterrorism Center’s (NCTC) Directorate of Strategic Operational Planning
(DSOP) in Virginia and later, as a Counterintelligence Senior Advisor, providing liaison between U.S. Central Command and the
FBI Tampa Division.
As she described her careers, she was just a lucky lady at the right time and place. She also would not take no for an
answer when applying for positions. Her father had a successful career in the FBI. When she graduated from the FBI Academy,
her father gave her his badge, number and credentials. She was fortunate to have had the opportunity for many firsts for women
in both the Navy and the FBI. So much has changed, and mostly for the better.
Captain Roemer also serves on the Board of Directors for the Women’s Resource Center of Sarasota County and is the
Chair of their Scholarship Committee. As she described the purpose of, and her experience with the Center, she spoke of women
veterans and the unique challenges they face. After a short video about the great work and support the Center provides to all
women in need (, she encouraged the membership to get involved
individually and/or financially with this effort.
by Christopher White
Our November luncheon is our Annual Business Meeting where we will be electing our 2016 chapter officers. If you are
interested in serving in some capacity, the Nominating Committee chaired by Jim Connell would sure like to hear from you.
Our guest speaker will be Dr. Curtis L. Gilroy who will address the results of the Military Compensation and Retirement
Modernization Commission.
President Obama supports 10 of the 15 Commission
recommendations: Survivor Benefit Plan, Financial Education, Medical Personnel Readiness,
DoD and VA Collaboration, Child Care, Service Member Education, Transition Assistance,
Nutritional Financial Assistance, Dependent Space-Available Travel, and Report on Military #$+#%!#$/!'$-,2
#$ %.$$$--------,,2
Connected Dependents.
Dr. Gilroy is well qualified to speak on this topic having served six Secretaries of #%#*.$!# #---------,,,3
Defense while in DoD, and was the official DoD spokesperson for our All-Volunteer Force.
Dr. Gilroy retired from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) in 2012. His last " $!# #,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5
position was that of Director, Accession Policy, in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (""!#%(##!!"$,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5
for Personnel and Readiness, where for 10 years, he had oversight for recruiting the active $(#!# #%$,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5
duty force. Before this appointment, he served as Director of the 9th Quadrennial Review of ( ! !%!$,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6+7
Military Compensation, a comprehensive evaluation of the military compensation system, and ($ $$& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8+9
was Director of Special Projects and Research within the OSD.
Dr. Gilroy is an economist with over 30 years’ experience applying economic analysis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10
and policy research to military manpower and force management issues, and has an ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11
additional 10 years’ experience in studies of the civilian labor market.
He received his Ph.D. in economics from the State University of New York; M.B.A. ( ! $#)&! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13
from McMaster University; M.A. from the University of Toronto; and B.A. from Acadia %/#%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13
University (Nova Scotia).
We look forward to seeing you at our November luncheon.
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Sarasota Breeze
Chapter Officers, Directors and Committees
Board of Directors
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Director (Scholarships)
Director (Programs)
Director (Publicity)
Immediate Past President
George Tracy
Brian McCarthy
Linda Gould
Christa Friedlander
Craig Hullinger
Claire M. Power
Christopher White
Alan Forrester
Troy Scott
Linda Gould
Charles Caudill
Len Friedlander
Tony Mowry
Patricia McLain
Mike Adkinson
Craig Hullinger
Jonathan Gordon
Board Staff
Program Planning
Legislative Affairs
Veterans Affairs
Veteran Affairs Support
Awards Board
Membership Committee
Recruiting & Retention
Recruiting & Retention
Brian McCarthy
Troy Scott
Perry Korszen
Scholarship & Projects Committee
JROTC Liaison
Claire M. Power
Kay Tracy
Carol O’Brien
Mike Staley
Jean Southworth
Len Friedlander
William LaFollette
Scheduled Events Committee
Greeter s
Reception Manager
Asst. Reception Manager
50-50 Managers
Elke Scott
John & Carol O’Brien
Pat McLain
June Moore
Kay Tracy
Christa Friedlander
Survivor Assistance Services Committee
Charles Caudill
Lee Kichen
Peggy Mock
Social Club YAHOO (Young At Heart Officers Org)
John O’Brien
Support Our Troops Program
Program Co-Chairpersons
Program Co-Chairpersons
John & Carol O’Brien
Jim & Joyce Hesson
Newsletter Operations, Sarasota Breeze
Managing Editor
Photo Recorder
Len Friedlander 927-0996
Patt Staley 752-4086
Craig Hullinger 309-634-5557
Pat McLain
November 2015
George Tracy
" C o m m e m o r a t i n g t h e Vi e t n a m Wa r 5 0 t h
Anniversary" For those of you who missed our Vietnam
Veteran Tribute at the September luncheon, BG Jim
Hesson will present another tribute at our November
luncheon with the distribution of the commemorative
Vietnam Veteran pin to all Vietnam Veterans in attendance!
Please be there! You deserve this long-awaited recognition
Reminder: Our 2016 MOAS Officer/Director
Nominating Committee remains operational and welcomes
your nominations for MOAS officers, directors and staff.
You will meet, herein, nominees for your review of those
volunteers, continuing and new, for MOAS 2016 Officer/
Director service. Please feel free to contact Jim Connell,
(941) 921-2979,, Steve Cork, (941)
377-5485, and/or Byron Hill, (941)
460-6658; to nominate or
volunteer your services. Thank you for your support!
You will not want to miss our next Annual Business
Meeting Luncheon on November 20th, including the
election of our 2016 Officers/Directors and featuring our
speaker, Dr. Curtis L. Gilroy, who has served six
Secretaries of Defense as the DoD executive responsible
for and the official DoD spokesman for our All-Volunteer
Force. Make it a point to attend!
And Save The Date: Our MOAS Winter Gala will be held
this year on Sunday, December 20th. Please make your
reservations NOW.
The MOAS membership is invited to attend the
Missing In America – Florida - Call To Honor interment
of 14 Veterans and 8 Veteran Spouses on Thursday, Nov
5th at 1:00PM. These unclaimed remains of forgotten
heroes deserve our company, as they finally secure the
dignity, respect and honor of a Sarasota National
Cemetery resting place.
Please support the Sarasota Veterans Day Parade, 10AM,
Main Street Sarasota, passing out Support Our Troops
care boxes, ready to mail to those “in harm’s way! (Contact
Carol O’Brien at and/or Mike Staley at
Veterans’ Day Breakfast Invitation, 11 November 2015, 7-9AM, Robards Arena, $25 (RSVP by 6 Nov to KIM Noyes, 925-2970)
Upcoming Yahoo Events include lunch at Seasons52 (University Town Center) on 4 November; Army-Navy Game party at the
Tracy’s on 12 December and Tampa Lightning in January. (Details inside).
Take Action!! Please use the MOAA “Take Action” network to connect to your Congressional legislators at
moaa/home/ and add your voice in support of our MOAA team in Washington “storming the hill” to get positive results on
Veterans’ issues legislation that concerns you!
Just Do It! MOAA Alert at Tell POTUS not to veto the Defense
Bill.! All it takes is your zip code to act!!
Thanks to all of you, who attended our October MOAS Luncheon and to our Luncheon Support Team for their alwaysoutstanding job! And to our very accomplished speaker, Eileen Roemer Captain, USNR, who helped us to better understand the
importance and the challenges of women in the military services and their need for support. Remember! Our “Never Stop
Serving” and “Take Action” mantras apply to our military men AND WOMEN.
Thank you all for your support of our MOAS 2015 Team and your donations to our 2015 Scholarship Program!!
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Sarasota Breeze
November 2015
Craig Hullinger
President George Tracy called the meeting to order at 4:00PM
on Monday Oct 5, 2015 at the Meadows Community Center.
ATTENDANCE: Board Members Present: George Tracy
(Pres); Brian McCarthy (1VP); Christa Friedlander (Treas);
Christopher White (Dir); Alan Forester (Dir); & Claire Power
(Dir). Board Members Absent: Craig Hullinger (Sec’y), Linda
Gould (2VP) & Troy Scott (IPP) Committee Chairs & Visitors
Present: Pat McLain, John O’Brien, Carol O’Brien & Len
Mon - Nov 30
20 (GALA)
We are set for tomorrow’s Oktoberfest event with 50 attendees.
The new web site is moving along on schedule. The navigation
menu has been competed and the programmers are building
the web site for viewing later this month. $2,000 was received
to offset setup and annual fees from the Stars & Stripes
Foundation. There will be no recommended changes to the
ByLaws this year for a membership vote.
Annual membership renewal forms will be sent at the end of
the month to non-email members and in November by email to
all others. We will ensure that the DUE DATE is noted of
1/1/2016. Awards Board – The President will meet with the
Chairman Jon Gordon to prepare nominations. The MOAA
Annual Meeting will be attended by the President and Len
Friedlander. The President applied for a grant from the CFS to
help defer the web site development cost.
Officers & Directors – Tracy, McCarthy, Friedlander, Forrester
and Powers have all agreed to continue in their current
positions. We are still looking for a Secretary and 2VP. Len
Friedlander will serve as Legislative Chair until year end.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Sep 8, 2015 Board meeting
minutes & newsletter summary were unanimously approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer reported she
secured a CD at 1.21% interest for $6,000 for a term of one
year (9/21/2016). Balances as of September 30, 2015:
MOAS Operating Account
Operating Fund
$ 21,417.20
LoV Flag initiative $ 3,546.49
Scholarship Fund Account
Undesignated Scholarship Fund $ 24,464.36
Veterans Scholarships
$ 1,000.00
SOT Fund
$ 3,755.80
Scheduled Events (Elke Scott): The September Luncheon
paid attendance was 109; profit was $57.00, and the SMOSF
received $125.00 from the 50/50.
Newsletter: (Len Friedlander) The October issue of the Breeze
was published and distributed (99 hardcopies via USPS, and
316 via email) to our membership, MOAA & FCOC leaders,
congressional offices, and interested organizations. The
hardcopy cost was $125.57.
Scholarships: (Claire Power) 2016 is the 100th anniversary of
the formation of ROTC and JROTC. I have been contacting
the SMI’s at the high schools about their plans. SGM Mitchell
(Riverview) has requested our assistance with his cadet trip to
Washington DC to celebrate the anniversary. The Riverview Boosters
will be holding fund raising events to cover transportation expenses, but
there are 4 to 7 cadets whose families cannot afford the $200 cost of the
trip. I have spoken to our Treasurer and there are funds allocated for
JROTC to meet $1,000 of this need and perhaps more in 2016. I ask
the Board to authorize this expenditure. The Board authorized the
$1,000 expenditure for Riverview JROTC.
I will not know if we will receive a grant from the Schmidt Foundation
until mid-November, 2015 for the 2016 Scholarships.
Tom Piazze and I will meet with Col. Christopher Davis, Sarasota HS
SMI, on Oct 22nd. Tom will talk about the Flag Initiative and I will discuss
scholarships and ask if the Sarasota HS JROTC cadets can be the
Color Guard at our Gala.
The Oct 19 Scholarship Committee meeting has been rescheduled for
January 2016.
Publicity: (Alan Forrester): Two of our press releases were featured
above the fold in the Herald Tribune Community Section. This type of
publicity is we what we have been working toward for almost 5 years. I
believe that the publicity we received from the Flag Day Celebration help
catapult us to the main stream. September's regular press release was
sent to our distribution channel and to key MOAA individuals.
Programs: (Chris White): I've made some progress on locking in the
first 3 luncheons for 2016. Beyond that there is a rough plan. The Board
endorsed Dr. Sean McFaye and Dr. David Zonies as guest speakers.
The Board approved a $300 expenditure for the Sarasota Opera to
perform at the January luncheon. An excerpt of the plan for future
speakers is shown below:
Multi Service Luncheon - CAPT Eileen Roemer
Annual Business Meeting - Dr Curtis Gilroy
Military Gala
Membership (Brian McCarthy): The upcoming MOAS YAHOO
Oktoberfest Recruiting promotion is expected to generate MOAS
Chapter visibility and appeal to prospective members.
Members – Kevin Moran and Bill Robertson, Esq. were approved as
Associate members. McCarthy will notify them.
1/ 1/ 2015
Social Marketing (Craig Hullinger): We continue to work to improve our
Social Marketing Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
We urge Board Members to post to these sites to help improve and
expand our efforts to communicate with our current and prospective
Yahoo (John O’Brien) George & Kay Tracy will be hosting the Army/
Navy game this year on Dec 12th.
Sarasota County Veterans Commission (Pat McLain): Commissioner
Paul Caragiulo proclaimed SCVC a Vietnam War Partner and presented
a certificate to BG Jim Hesson and Pres. Ted Smith.
Jerry Koontz from Manatee Veterans Council said they have a breakfast
planned For Nov. 10th and a parade on Nov. 11h. Art McGinnis from
Punta Gorda Council said they were having a Nov. 11th parade.
Andy Hooker announced the elected SCVC officers for the coming year:
Pres. Ted Smith; 1st V.P. Todd Hughes; 2nd V.P. Matt Erny; Secretary
Marlene Hauck; and Treasurer, Rick Rigola.
BG Hesson spoke of the 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War.
USF will conduct a Veterans Appreciation Day on Nov. 5, 2015, Noon to
Secretary’s Corner Continued on Page 12
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Sarasota Breeze
Len Friedlander
FY 2016 Defense Bill
House and Senate conferees finally agreed to move forward
with an annual defense bill, one with a lower than expected
pay raise and significant changes to military pay and benefits.
The defense bill capped the active duty military pay
raise at 1.3%, marking the third consecutive year of pay caps.
The bill also includes major changes to military
retirement, effective 2018, which cut military retirement by
20% and decrease the disability retirement calculation in
order to provide a 5% government match to federal Thrift
Savings Plan (TSP) accounts held by military members for up
to 26 years of service. Current service members and
retirees will be grandfathered into the current system.
The intent of the plan is to provide a portable retirement
benefit to troops exiting service prior to serving a full career.
Slashing military retirement by 20% and providing a
‘401k-style’ benefit will probably erode career retention and
provide a greater incentive for members to leave service
early. Because the policy funds the new vesting provisions
by imposing major benefit cutbacks for those staying for a
career, MOAA has great concerns about the impact on longterm readiness and retention.
Congress rejected proposals to means-test annual
TRICARE fees and implement new enrollment fees for
TRICARE For Life. They also rejected consolidating
TRICARE Prime and Standard, which would have required
Standard enrollment fees without the guaranteed access of
Prime -- essentially paying more for less.
Late last month a government shutdown was averted
by the last minute passage of a Continuing Resolution
(providing funds to run the government until Dec 11, 2015)
that took Democratic votes to pass in the House 277 -151.
The House leadership had a difficult time finding Republican
support. In fact all 151 NAY votes were from Republicans.
The Senate passed it handily 78-20.
But President Obama has said he will veto it. He is
concerned Congress skirted statutory budget caps by adding
(a much needed) $38 billion in a supplemental wartime
account exempt from budget caps.
Why does the White House see that as a problem?
For one thing, the Pentagon needs funding in the baseline
defense budget to make longer-term plans and commitments.
But the bigger political issue is that the president and many in
Congress think the arbitrary budget cap is too low for nondefense programs, too. If the Pentagon is to get needed
relief, they believe non-defense programs should as well.
On Oct. 1, MOAA President Vice Adm. Norb Ryan,
USN (Ret.) wrote the president urging against a veto. “... As
much as we disagree with some of the provisions,” Ryan
said, “the fact is that we are still a nation at war, and this
legislation is vital to fulfilling wartime requirements. ... We
urge you to sign this important bill into law and take up any
concerns with it, including the legitimate Overseas
Contingency Operations funding concerns in the New Year.”
Some concerned MOAA members have already
asked, “Why not support the veto and try to get fixes to some
of the things we don’t like?” The reality is that a veto will not
November 2015
reopen any of the things MOAA is concerned about in the bill.
Those fights have been fought in the Armed Services
committees, with compromises – sometimes grudgingly –
reached in the interest of getting a bill passed. There is zero
possibility of any of those things being renegotiated.
If the president vetoes the defense bill, the only thing
that has any chance at all of being reworked is the portion of
the budget that’s carried in the regular budget vs. the
supplemental piece. But the issue of how those changes are
paid for is exactly what has Congress tied up in knots.
The worst-case veto scenario is a frustrated Congress
could just eliminate the supplemental account, and pass a
defense bill with $38 billion less funding.
Alternatively, the defense bill would go back into the
roiling pot with the other major budget issues – raising the debt
ceiling, figuring out the entire government budget, and funding
it through a continuing resolution or some other measure. To
add to the mix, no one knows if the post-Boehner House
leadership will take an even harder line on budget issues.
MOAA is already concerned that negotiations on these
political hot potatoes may still lead to a federal shutdown. We
do not want to risk losing the defense bill as well by kicking it
back to what will be an even more severely divided congress
due to current uncertainty in leadership.
To MOAA, the best option is to sign the defense bill
with the $38 billion in contingency money now, keep the White
House and Congress focused on negotiations on the already
huge challenges for the remaining legislative year, and push
our remaining legislative agenda in 2016.
Act now to send President Obama a MOAAsuggested message asking him not to veto the defense
No COLA, But Medicare Increases Possible
Social Security recipients will not receive a 2016 costof-living increase. But 30% of Medicare beneficiaries could
have record increases in their premiums unless Congress
intervenes. The administration is urging Congress to stop — or
at least moderate — the health insurance premium increases,
which could raise the cost for some beneficiaries by about 50%.
Medicare premiums are linked closely to Social
Security benefits because most people on Medicare have their
premiums deducted from their monthly Social Security. Federal
law stipulates that the increase in a person’s Medicare premium
cannot exceed the increase in the person’s Social Security
benefit. So, if your Medicare Part B monthly payment is
deducted from your Social Security benefit, you will NOT
see this expected increase.
About 70% of Medicare beneficiaries will be protected
against higher 2016 premiums, but that same law exposes the
other 30% to price shocks because the higher overall costs
must be spread across a smaller group of people. Medicare
stated that the monthly standard premium would rise in 2016
from $104.90 to $159, and the annual Part B deductible would
increase to $223 from $147.
Without legislative action, the White House faces a
choice between authorizing a big increase in Medicare
premiums for those 15 million recipients, or taking money from
Medicare’s “contingency reserve,” which is already lower than
recommended levels.
The House Democratic leader, Representative Nancy
Pelosi of California, and Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio had
been quietly exploring a deal to limit the increase in Medicare
premiums. But with turmoil in Republican leadership ranks,
Congress is barely able to function.
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Sarasota Breeze
November 2015
Visual & Performing Arts
@ Booker
Charles Caudill
Pat McLain
Who Are We?
Shortly after I entered the Air Force and became a
Chaplain in 1956, I was called to go to a crash site as the
Chaplain on Duty to assure the remains of the pilot was
handled with respect. When I arrived, only a deep crater
was left where the plane had exploded on impact. The
only human remains I could find were the size of a silver
dollar, along with the pilot’s wallet. I looked inside and saw
the picture of a man and wife with a son and daughter. I
realized it wasn't the body that was important, but the
individual spirit that would eventually comfort the family.
Often our soul is the one thing we know little
about. I was reminded that God had told us that He was
Spirit and that we must worship Him in spirit and truth. I
thought what I saw in the mirror was me, but had no idea
the real part of me was my spirit. For years I have dealt
with me in a spiritual way and now feel I can respond as
Paul when he said, “I now look into a mirror dimly but at
last face to face.” Paul made this statement based upon a
saying of the rabbis of his time that through a certain
window Moses saw God. My real value was myself in
spirit, not in body. I was especially glad to discover that
since I was getting older.
A story that symbolizes how we overlook our soul
is “A Stone in the Sun.” While the author was hiking in the
mountains she found a stone with colors of the rainbow.
She picked it up and took it home where she placed it in a
cabinet with other treasures. Sometime later when she
was dusting she was surprised to see the stone had
completely lost its luster, and looked like a hard, gray
chunk of nothing; downright ugly. She started to toss it in
the trash and when she opened the kitchen door, a beam
of light struck the stone and it began to shine again. It was
lustrous with colors of emerald, topaz and garnet. The
colors had always been there, but needed the light to
illuminate its beauty. The same is true of us. Every time
we put ourselves in the presence of God we are restored.
The recent flooding in South Carolina has
demonstrated spirit in everyone affected. People have
shown what is really important in their lives.
friends and neighbors, sharing and vowing to help each
other rebuild. As they were evacuated, people saved
photographs and family mementos, the things that were
really of value.
They saved what they wanted their
children to have.
I hope that we will all be remembered for our
loving spirits who we really are and not just our acquired
NOV 12
Tickets: Adults $15; Seniors $10; Students $5
Call Judy Piercy @ 941-355-2967, Ext 1 or
NOV 20 6:00 PM
John O’Brien
The Sarasota Veterans Services Office has notified
us that we are on the Sarasota Veteran’s Day parade list.
We will take full advantage of this opportunity and Mike
Staley will run a crew and his F150 truck to hand out our
SOT boxes at the
We are still
supporting the
Combat Aviation
Brigade of the 101
Airborne, which has
been in Afghanistan
s i n c e A p r i l 2 9th.
They are just one of
many units who are
spread thin with multiple
deployments and seeing a reduction in military manpower
and funding. Projections are that the continuing force draw
down will result in the US having the smallest Army since
1940 and the smallest Navy since 1930. This is occurring
during a time of world chaos and high risk. The pressures
on our servicemen and women will be the mantra to do
“more with less.” Have you heard that before?
We MOAS veterans are going to Support Our
Troops as we have always done, getting thousands of Care
Packages to our soldiers deployed in harm’s way as a big
thanks for their service and sacrifice to keep us safe.
At our last luncheon we recognized our Vietnam
veterans and their service, which was not respected during
that war. We do not want that disconnect again.
While the average American has little knowledge of
the military, our SOT program has been able to involve
thousands of average Americans in shipping Care
Packages to show their support and the respect to those
who serve. Send an SOT box!
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Sarasota Breeze
November 2015
October Luncheon Photos
Nancy & Vic Reiling
Returning Members
Jim & Mary
New Members
Lt Col Tommy Gregory
Lt Col Erica Gregory
Carol O’Brien (l) and Mary Gordon
Jerry & Saundra Hilmes
Will Oler &
Robbye Langenfeld
Air Force Table
(l-r) Karen Olsen, Howie Cobin, Mike Richardson, Linda & Robert Coleman
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Sarasota Breeze
November 2015
Diane Connell (l) & Beth Hullinger
New member MAJ Tom Dupree
& June Wohlgemuth
Linda Gould (l) & mom
Lynn Gould
Janice Sladzinski (r) and
guest Kathy Brogan
Our Greeters
John O’Brien (l) & Russ Wiltshire
Bobbie Fernander (l) & Jere Berkey
USMA Class of ’59
(l-r) Saundra & Jerry Hilmes, Robert Roth, Elaine & John Guthrie
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Sarasota Breeze
November 2015
The Annual MOAS Business Meeting to be held at the November Luncheon will have a single item of business; the election of
Chapter Officers and Directors for 2016. The Nominating Committee has nominated the individuals listed below for the
identified Chapter Officer/Director positions.
GEORGE TRACY (President) Born in St. Louis, raised in Baltimore, George graduated from the US Naval Academy
(USNA) in 1963 after his USNA Hall-of-Fame lacrosse career. Assigned to destroyer duty, he completed two Vietnam
tours aboard the USS McKean (DD784); followed by two Vietnam tours as Executive Officer/Navigator of the USS Polk
County (LST1084), including a FIRST Pacific transit with the huge LCU-1619 (Landing Craft Utility) strapped to the main
deck - making typhoon encounters even more fun!! Having met and married his incredible wife, Kay, in San Diego prior to
his fourth Vietnam tour, George, now command-qualified, returned there in 1968, joining the Fleet Training Group, Pacific,
as Naval Instructor and Chief Inspector of battle readiness training to over 50 Navy ships, all types, delivering instruction
and exercises in battle readiness, command-control, weaponry and seamanship in preparation for Vietnam combat
In 1970, George left the Navy to enter the 2-year Systems Engineering Development program with Electronic Data
Systems Corporation (EDS). This began his successful, challenging 44+-year Information Technology (IT) career, as a systems engineer,
manager, business developer and consultant; delivering IT solutions to industry and government clients in the US, Middle East and Europe.
Arriving in Sarasota in June 2008, George continues his IT services part-time, while serving with Kay as a 12th Circuit
Court Guardian ad litem, an at-large lacrosse coach-consultant, a proud father of three sons, the "Grand Dude" for four grandchildren, and a
lucky husband, enjoying MOAA-Sarasota comradery, Lakewood Ranch hospitality and the riches of Gulf Coast living.
BRIAN MCCARTHY (First Vice President) Rear Admiral Brian McCarthy served in the United States Navy from
Vietnam through Desert Storm. He was commissioned Ensign from Officer Candidate School and graduated from the
Navy Supply Corps School with an independent afloat designation. He served aboard the USS BUCK (DD-761) as
Supply & Disbursing Officer earning his surface warfare qualification. The BUCK conducted operations off the coast of
Vietnam and the Mekong Delta where served on PBRs as part of a River Assault Squadron.
Admiral McCarthy held five commands and served on the staff of COMCRUDESPAC, CINCLANTFLT, CINCPACFLT
and CNO. Selected to Rear Admiral in 1992, he served as: Assistant Deputy Director - Defense Logistics Agency (DLA);
Commander - DLA Contingency Support Teams; Deputy Director - Defense Fuel Supply Center; Flag Oversight - Navy
Expeditionary Fuel Operations; and Principal Logistics Planner during Desert Storm for CNO at the Naval War College.
Admiral McCarthy is a graduate of the Naval War College, Armed Forces Staff College and Defense University and
Former Director of the Navy Supply Corps Association. He has been personally decorated nine times and retired in 1996 with 30 years of
Brian McCarthy is the CEO of Starboard Tack, a licensed property management company in Sarasota. During his 40-year real
estate career he has developed and managed over $1/2 billion of commercial properties. He holds a BS – Engineering Science from
Oakland University and an MBA from Harvard University. He is married to the former Valerie Lojewski and has four children Conner, Amara,
Meghan and Kelly.
PERRY KORSZEN (Second Vice President) A Florida native, Perry Korszen grew up in Englewood and attended
Pine View School for the gifted in Sarasota. He attended the University of Florida, where he majored in Finance. While
at UF, Perry was a brother in the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and was a volunteer in the Big Brothers Big Sisters
organization. Upon graduating UF Perry was commissioned as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. He spent
his time in the operating forces as a Platoon Commander for Combat Logistics Battalion 2. Perry was deployed to
Afghanistan, where he served as convoy commander for frequent patrols throughout Helmand Province.
In 2013 Perry completed his military service as a Captain, and moved back to Florida to join the Korszen
Financial Group as a Financial Advisor. An active member of the Military Officers Association of Sarasota, he is also a
member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), and Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast.
Christa was born, raised, and university-educated in Berlin, Germany
where she met and married Len in 1960. During their multiple assignments to the Washington, DC area, she was a
senior member of a major health maintenance organization administrative team, providing her with extensive
experience in budgeting, purchasing, human resources, marketing, labor relations, staff assignments, and clinical
While stationed in Ankara Turkey, Christa was appointed to the Executive Board of the Turkish-American
Archaeological Society with a mandate to provide logistical and financial support to American archaeologists and
interns working in Turkey at university-sponsored excavations. In addition, she worked on a fundraising/distribution
committee providing material and financial assistance to schools and hospitals in impoverished regions of eastern
Turkey. She was the Treasurer for a joint service Officers Women’s Club, and reopened and managed a dormant thrift
shop for military dependents.
On the local level, Christa is the Chairperson of the Architectural Review Committee for a community of 750+ homes. She has been
active in MOAS, working the luncheon 50/50 raffle, has been MOAS Treasurer since Oct 2010, and was 2012 FCOC Convention Treasurer.
The Friedlanders have two children, three grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.
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November 2015
CLAIRE POWER (Director) Claire holds a B.A. from Brooklyn College. She is a retired Vice President and Global
Insurance Manager for the investment banking firm Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ) in New York City. During her
twenty-one years at DLJ, she also held the positions of Chief Administrative Officer for the Legal and Compliance
Departments, Assistant Corporate Secretary and was a member of the Board of Directors of DLJ Long Term Investment,
Inc. Prior to joining DLJ, Claire was the Assistant Corporate Secretary of the Dreyfus Corporation. Claire has been a
member of the Family Support Committee of Habitat for Humanity Sarasota for 12 years, where she has prepared scores
of families for home ownership.
Claire has served as a MOAS Board member and Scholarship Committee Chairperson for the last 6 years. Her
hobbies include: yoga, swimming, reading, cooking, biking and travel.
Alan is a Certified Public Accountant and Professional Engineer with a Master’s
degree in Business Administration. He has started and built several successful companies in the computer and
surveillance technology industry. Prior to his relocation to Sarasota, he was the Chief Operating Officer for the Seminole
Tribe of Florida. Most recently, he has been active in commercial and residential real estate and has written two books on
investment and leasing in this industry. He is also a member of a development team building a $30 million apartment
He is currently President & CEO of First National Consulting, LLC and specializes in arranging project financing for
companies looking to raise $1 million to $500 million.
Alan has been active in many charitable causes including donating 22 years of his time in various committees of a 500bed teaching hospital, including eight years as a member of the Board of Trustees with two years as Chairman of the Board.
He is member of the Oakland University Presidents Club. He is currently on the Board of Directors of the American Ideals Foundation, the
Military Officers Association of Sarasota and Advisory Board for the Army in Sarasota.
JOHN O’BRIEN (Past President) Drafted in 1969 and commissioned out of Engineering Officer Candidate School
in 1970, John was re-trained as a medic, and served as a medical platoon leader with the 1st Infantry Division
(garrison). John has a BS and MS from Va. Tech, and PhD in Biochemistry from USC. He had multiple tours in the
DOD Biological Defense Program at FT Detrick, MD; was on the staff at the DOD Medical School in Bethesda, MD; and
commanded the US Army Forensic Toxicology Drug Testing Laboratory, FT Meade, MD. His final assignment was at
the Pentagon on the staff of the Army Surgeon General where he served as the Army Staff Officer for Medical Science
and Assistant Chief, Medical Service Corps. He retired in 2000 after 31 years of active duty.
John, and his wife of 47 years, Carol, live in Lakewood Ranch, where both are active with the neighborhood
Community Emergency Response Team to coordinate neighborhood actions following a catastrophic hurricane. Their
son, MAJ Shawn O’Brien, US Army, and his wife, Reena, are at Ft Knox, KY where Shawn is in human resources responsible for the
assignment of US Army Majors. He will be promoted to LTC on NOV 1st. The O’Brien’s daughter, Colleen, lives with her family in Gray, TN.
Chapter President George Tracy
presents speaker Captain Eileen
Roemer with MOAA glasses as a
token of our appreciation
Chester Hryniewicz discusses
his book, My Boyhood War, that
describes his experiences in
Warsaw as a young boy in the
Polish resistance
President George Tracy presents
the 2014 MOAA Communications
Award to Craig Hullinger for
creating & operating the MOAS
Chapter Blog
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Young at Heart Officers Organization
John O’Brien
Our Chapter’s OKTOBERFEST Recruiting and YAHOO
event at the Gold Coast Eagle Taproom in Lakewood Ranch
was a great success. A great time was had by the 42
attendees (current & prospective members). Many thanks
to all the volunteers who worked to bring this event together,
and a special thanks to Col John Saputo for making his
facility available and supplying the beer for the event. A
reminder that we are still looking for volunteers to help
arrange YAHOO events throughout the year. Carol and I
have been at it for 10 years and it’s time we take on other
challenges. Drop us an email (
November 2015
Saturday, December 12th @ 2:30PM
2015 Army/Navy Football Game
George & Kay Tracy will host the YAHOO Army/
Navy Game on Dec 12th at their home in Lakewood
Ranch. They will be providing a main course, plates,
cups, and utensils. So you should bring your choice of
appetizer or dessert plus your beverage of choice!
Arrival time is 2:30PM with kickoff at 3:00PM. We
are limited to 30 people for this very popular event, so
please sign-up early (NOW!!) Contact Kay at or (941) 907-9865, telling her
your appetizer or dessert choice.
Wednesday, November 4th @ Noon
Lunch at Seasons 52 in UTC Mall
Join us for lunch at the Seasons 52 restaurant in the
University Town Center on University Parkway. A new
restaurant to the area, Seasons 52 has a very nice menu
that changes throughout the year. Currently its fall menu is
in full swing, and we will be ordering off the menu (and
paying our own bill). We have a reservation for 24 people at
The restaurant is located on the west side of the mall near
the center and there is valet parking right in front of Seasons
52 for a cost of $5.00.
RSVP NLT Oct 28th to Carol O’Brien at 941-907-8891 or
DIRECTIONS: I-75 to University Pkwy. Head west on
University Pkwy and then turn south on Cattleman Drive.
Go to first light and turn left on University Town Center Dr.
Then turn right and drive to the center of the mall. Seasons
52 is located next to the Cheesecake Factory.
We will complete preparations by Saturday, December 4th
and return from the MOAA-FCOC cruise (December
5-10), ready for kick-off!!
During our absence the alternate POC is Lynn Trusal
(; 941-907-3732).
Directions: Take I-75 to University Pkwy (Exit 213).
Travel East on University 3 Miles, to Lorraine Road. Left
on Lorraine, 1.6 miles to Players Drive. Right on Players
(gate check-in), 0.9 miles to Ravelston. Right 0,1 miles to
Leopard Creek. Right 0.2 miles to Newtonmore Lane.
Left 0.2 miles to 14613 on the right.
The Rivalry Continues!!"
(l-r) Betty McGinnis,
Cliff Bermann.
Bobbie Fernander,
Shirley Gordon,
Jorgen Graugaard,
Lynn Gould,
Will Oler
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November 2015
by Claire Power
On October 7th I attended the annual
Scholarship Luncheon hosted by the State
College of Florida Foundation (“SCOF”). This is
an event where SCOF presents its Scholarships,
and honors its benefactors. As you may recall,
we made a $1,000 grant to the SCOF Veterans
Program. Two veterans, Justin Walker and
Michael Brooks, received these monies. Their
thank you notes/biographies appear in this issue
of the Breeze.
I had the opportunity to meet Justin
Walker at the Wednesday luncheon. Justin is a
four-year Air Force veteran, father of two (2) and
a second year student in Physical Therapy.
Michael Brooke an Army veteran and
current member of the FL National Guard was not
able to attend the luncheon but his letter speaks
for itself.
Justin Walker
The Roskamp Institute, specializing in the diagnosis of
Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, mild cognitive
impairment, and cognitive dysfunction secondary to brain
damage or disease, invites all military, veterans and their
families and friends to an Open House on Friday,
November 13th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at:
The Roskamp Institute
2040 Whitfield Avenue
Sarasota, FL 34243
10:00 AM:
Presentations on Institute Research and
topics relevant to military
11:15 to 12:30: Tours of the labs and facility
12:30 to 2:00: Lunch and interaction with the staff
Please RSVP via Phone to Sally @ (941) 752-2949
For questions or additional information, you can also
contact Cheryl Brandi (CDR, Ret) at
MindSpa Integrative Wellness Center is offering area
veterans and their spouses free health and wellness
services on the Marine Corps Birthday (November 10)
and Veterans Day (November 11).
MindSpa is interested in helping area veterans
dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and
related conditions. MindSpa is a VA approved provider,
but is NOT seeking reimbursement from the VA in
connection with this initiative. This is a goodwill effort to
leverage the expertise at MindSpa to support local
veterans at no cost to them or their family.
Veterans can learn more about the MindSpa
clinical and spa services and team members at and make appointments for
either day by calling (941) 378-9959.
MindSpa is located in the Ridgegate Center at
5632 Bee Ridge Road next to the Sarasota VA
Outpatient Clinic, and will accommodate as many
veterans as possible during the two-day program.
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Brian McCarthy
Military officers 'never stop serving'
The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)
motto is "Never Stop Serving."
Many of us have attended funeral services at
the National Cemetery here in Sarasota. Near the end
of the service, an honor guard consisting of volunteer
veterans comes forward to remove the flag from the
coffin. Respectfully, they fold it
and present it to the veteran’s
widow with the words “On
behalf of a grateful nation.”
The guard then proceeds
outside where a bagpiper
pipes a familiar tune, the
guard comes to attention, a
21-gun salute is fired and
“ Ta p s ” s o u n d e d i n t h e
distance. Inside the pavillion,
as the guard leader gave his
commands, you could see
veterans in the crowd
standing, snapping to
attention, while holding back
their tears as a fellow veteran was
laid to rest.
“Veterans serving veterans” is a MOAA focus,
and that of our chapter.
There are many opportunities to volunteer in
our chapter. Joining one of our committees or assuming
November 2015
a leadership role. We often hold several events each month
and would appreciate your help. Special events are both fun
and rewarding.
We participate in Memorial Day and Veterans Day
parades and pass out “Support Our Troops” boxes. We
could use your help. We have partnered with the Stars &
Stripes Foundation to hold two community events next year:
Flag Day at Patriot Plaza and Veteran’s Day. With over
2,000 attendees at last year’s Flag Day celebration we
recognized that our community needed a reason to
I challenge you to get involved – it’s free with
When attending our
luncheons bring a guest, as we
are always enthused to welcome
new members; contribute to our
Scholarship Fund; or attend a
YAHOO or Meet & Greet event.
The best way for us to spread the
word about how we serve our
veterans and community is wordof-mouth.
No sitting on the
sidelines. Jump in - the rewards
are numerous. Please give any
member of the leadership team a
call or email and we will find the
right place for you.
I hope I have laid the corner
stone for promoting your volunteerism
and that you will pass the word and “never stop serving”.
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front
of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
- G. K. Chesterton
For those who missed the Vietnam Veteran Tribute at
the September Luncheon, BG Jim Hesson will present
another tribute at our November luncheon (Nov 20)
distributing the commemorative Vietnam Veteran pin to
all Vietnam Veterans in attendance!
Please be there! You deserve this long-awaited
recognition for your HONORABLE SERVICE
Vietnam War Casualties - Part 1
Hostile deaths:
Non-hostile deaths:
(Includes men formerly classified as MIA, Mayaguez casualties &
men who have subsequently died of wounds.
8 nurses died -- 1 was KIA
Married men killed: 17,539
61% of the men killed were 21 or younger
Highest state death rate: West Virginia - 84.1% (national average
58.9% for every 100,000 males in 1970)
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November 2015
MOAS Luncheon
Friday, November 20, 2015
Michael’s On East
For 11/20/2015 at 11:30 AM
Michael’s On East
DRESS: Coat (Tie Optional)
Please reserve _______ places for the Luncheon
A check for $ ______ is enclosed based on $27.00
for each person attending (Tax & Tip included).
Butternut Squash & Apple Bisque
with a Touch of Cinnamon & Fresh Cream
Signature Bread Basket
NAME, RANK, & PHONE # of Requesting Member.
Please print names of additional persons attending.
(Use an extra sheet of paper if necessary)
New or First Time Attending Member_________
Is this your birthday month? _________
Roasted Sliced Turkey Breast
with Homemade Stuffing & Gravy
Mashed Potatoes, Haricot Verts
& Cranberry Sauce
Cranberry-Gingerbread Tart
Spicy Gingerbread Crust, Frangipane,
Tart Cranberries and hints of Orange,
baked with Cinnamon Streusel
Served Coffee, Decaf & Tea
Friday, Nov. 13th 5pm - 7pm
Sarasota MOAA has a monthly
Happy Hour/Meet & Greet/Officer’s Call
on the
second Friday of each month from 5pm to 7pm
Our Happy Hour re-creates the camaraderie we
enjoyed at the O’ Club back when we were on active
duty. We’ll have a few drinks and swap some stories.
Members and prospective members can get to know
each other in an informal setting.
We hope you can make the next Meet & Greet
at the Sarasota Vineyard
downtown Sarasota at 1528 Main Street
between Lemon Ave & Orange Ave
Please return the above form with check made out to
Mail to:
Elke Scott
841 Forestview Court
Sarasota FL 34232-2455
Elke’s Phone # 379-3023
We must provide the restaurant with an exact number
of reservations at least 48 hours in advance of event.
No additional requests or refunds will be honored after
that time.
Requests for menu changes due to dietary restrictions
should be provided at the time of reservation. Please
do not contact Michael’s on East directly. Thank you.
The Southwest Florida
Blue Star Mothers Chapter FL4 (Tax ID 94-3473959)
Supports Wreaths Across America
Wreaths Across America began in 1992 when the Worcester Wreath
Company donated 5,000 wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery for
display at our honored Veteran’s gravesites. Each year more than 360
cemeteries participate in the event.
The “Wreath Laying” ceremony at the Sarasota National VA
Cemetery will be conducted on December 12th, 2014.
You can sponsor a wreath to be placed on an
honored Veteran’s gravesite at the Sarasota National
VA Cemetery by donating $15.00.
Orders & Payments must be received by Nov 28, 2014
Please mail a check along with a donation form available at:
Make check payable to: SWF Blue Star Mothers FL4
Mail to:
SWF Blue Star Mothers FL4
P.O. Box 495301
Port Charlotte, FL 33949
For questions please contact Linda Atkins at (941) 456-1920
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Sarasota Breeze
Secretary’s Corner
September 2015
Continued from Page 3
Club Essentials – Continuing to work with ClubEssentials to upgrade & consolidate MOAS, SOT and BLOG sites. The Board approved the
payment of $299 to McCarthy to obtain images for web site from iStock. Invoice will be forwarded to Treasurer after purchase.
Advocacy (Tom Piazze) The Veterans' Task Force Meeting with Cong. Vern Buchanan and the Florida Legislative Delegation from both
Manatee and Sarasota Counties is scheduled for 11:00AM, Monday October 12th at the Goodwill Manasota Corporate Headquarters. I have
been asked to serve as the MC for the event and will try my best to emphasize those areas of greatest interest to MOAA; more localized topics
for discussion are currently being finalized by a select committee of Task Force Representatives..
Flag Protocol Initiative (Tom Piazze) At Bob Fernander's invitation, on 14 Sep Piazze made a short presentation to the Men's Club of
Incarnation Catholic Church in Sarasota about the American Flag Protocol Initiative and the Flag Day Ceremony at Patriot Plaza. The
presentation may result in an invitation to implement the Flag Protocol curriculum at the elementary school associated with the church. Bob
promised to follow up.
Auxiliary Liaison – Peggy Mock was introduced to the Board. A discussion was held regarding veteran benefits.
Vietnam Veterans’ Pin – We will schedule another presentation of Vietnam pins for the November luncheon.
NEXT MEETING: Meeting adjourned at 5:35 PM. The next Board meeting is scheduled for 4:00PM on Monday November 2, 2015 at the
Meadows Community Center.
November - December 2015
Nov 2, Monday
MOAS Board Meeting - Meadows Community Center
4:00 p.m.
Nov 4, Tuesday
YAHOO: Lunch @ Seasons52 - Details Page 10
12:00 p.m.
Nov 5, Wednesday
Missing in America - Sarasota National Cemetery - Details Page 2
1:00 p.m.
Nov 11, Wednesday
VETERANS DAY Parade - Main Street Sarasota
10:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m
Nov 13, Friday
Meet & Greet - Sarasota Vineyard - Details Page 11
Nov 20, Friday
Luncheon - Michaels on East - Business Meeting & Dr. Gilroy
11:30 a.m.
MOAS Board Meeting - Meadows Community Center
4:00 p.m.
Meet & Greet - Sarasota Vineyard - Details Page 11
5:00 p.m.
YAHOO: Army/Navy Football Game - Details Page 10
2:30 p.m.
Nov 30, Monday
Dec 11, Friday
Dec 12, Saturday
Dec 20, Sunday
MOAS Winter Gala - Michaels on East
6:00 p.m.
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