October/November, 2005 issue of RTO Magazine
October/November, 2005 issue of RTO Magazine
Volume 1 issue 4 October/November 2005 the own professionals professionals Thetrade trademagazine magazine for for rent rent to to own Ultimate Rent to Own Software Buying Guide Feature comparison of leading RTO store operating software packages Plus 10 questions for RentCash Founder Gordon Reykdal RTO Excellence Profile - Joe Burchfield - Right Choice Rental Diversify - Find Rental Dollars In New Areas Rent The Sizzle - Features and Benefits Key To Increasing BOR Book Review - Bud Holladay Reviews Latest Activist Hit Piece www.rtoonline.com October/November 2005 RTO magazine page: 1 From the publisher As a born-again-geek, soware dominates my life. A quick run through my programs reveals I have more money invested in soware than I spent on my first house (It was a small house). I use the term Invested because soware is an investment, not an expense. Like any investment, great care must be taken in choosing soware that matches your long term goals and unique operational needs. Each operation has its quirks. Each set of quirks require a different approach. Different approaches require different soware applications. Our Soware Guide (p 12) offers side by side comparisons of over 80 features of the major rental-purchase soware providers. Thanks to High Touch, RSSS, RTO Pro, and Ideal Soware for their participation. Agreeing to a direct comparison with the competition, in print, without ever having seen the competition’s data, demonstrates a tremendous faith in the superiority of your product and explains why these companies have risen to the top to dominate the rent to own soware market. Roy Griffaw Publisher RTO Magazine RTO Filmstrip © : This months RTO Filmstrip is from the Arkansas Rental Dealers Fall Conference, the inaugural Heartland of America RTO tradeshow organized by Missouri Rental Dealers Association, and other recent events. RTO Magazine 4862 Newberry Ct. Jackson Mo., 63755 Circulation: 9,245 RTO Magazine is published bi-monthly by RTO Online, Inc. Principle office: 4862 Newberry Ct. Jackson, MO 63755. All contents © RTO Online, Inc. Call 866-786-7547 to arrange for RTO Magazine coverage of your event. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Subscriptions are free to anyone directly involved in the rental purchase industry. For non-industry subscribers, the cost is $99 per year (6 issues). Make advertising inquiries to: p 28 RTO Online Sales and Marketing Dept. 866-786-7547 sales@rtoonline.com Don’t Put All Your Eggs Into One RTO Basket Diversify your RTO business to make it through the lean times. p 32 Rent The Sizzle A firm grasp of features and benefits will increase rentals and improve the customers experience. “Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.” -Laurence J. Peter the trade magazine for rent to own professionals PAGE 38 Contents Joe Burchfield Right Choice Rental Owner Joe Burchfield understands he’s got to think BIG to make small-town RTO work. p6 10 Questions For Gordon Reykdal, Founder and CEO of RentCash. PAGE 12 RTO Excellence p 40 Book Review: Bud Holladay reviews the latest activist hit piece and shows why being called a predator by a socialist isn’t so bad. COVER Software Buying Guide Side by side 80 point feature comparison of the Rent to own industry’s leading software providers. p 26 RTO Photo Gallery Photo Spread from; Heartland of America Tradeshow and ARDA Fall Conference. More... p5 Adding Fixed Assets: By Lynnray Financial p 31 Special Events Represent Opportunity For RTO Profit: By Mike Bertolani p 34 How to Avoid Viruses and Worms: By Jay Nardone p 46 RTO Success Stories; by Trooper Earle We want to hear from you! Send all letters to the editor and feedback to feedback@rtoonline.com I N FO R M AT I O N A L I T E M F R OM LYN N R AY F I N A N C I A L C O R P O R AT I O N Adding Fixed Assets ? Lynnray Financial Corporation (LFC) not only offers fixed assets, will take the pain out of upgrading. long term (24 months) inventory financing, but For example, a $10,000 package would cost about also has a variety of programs available for the $230.00 per month for 60 months. acquisition of fixed assets. Point of sale systems, computers (hardware and software), telephone LFC has been providing financing to businesses for systems, office furniture, copy machines, display over twenty years with a focus on providing own- racks and any other related business equipment ers of rental stores dynamic financing solutions. If are eligible for up to 60 month financing. We have your RTO store is interested in expanding its available Deferred Payment, inventory, improving its cash Seasonal Skip, and Software flow, and realizing an immedi- Only programs. We have the ability to customize any program to meet the individual need of the RTO business. software financing available ate return on investment, please contact LFC even if you are new in business. A representative will respond immediately to answer any questions It is hard to assign an actual and process your application. cost benefit to the addition of Applications under $100,000.00 computer hardware and software assets. We all do not require financial statements and typically know that to run and manage our businesses take forty-eight hours to approve. Additional infor- properly, we need to stay on the cutting edge of mation on the application process and credit crite- technology. However, if cash flow is tight, we tend ria is available upon request. to neglect technology upgrades in favor of buying inventory. Using LFC’s 24 month inventory financ- Lynnray Financial Corporation: The Rent-To-Own ing to ease your cash flow crunch, and setting up Industry’s source for long-term financing. Please a long-term program (up to 60 months) on the call us at 1-800-535-4138. LYNNRAY FINANCIAL CORPORATION Equipment Leasing / Financing c a l l b i l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 3 5 - 4 1 3 8 e x t 3 • w w w. ly n n r ay f i n a n c i a l . c o m www.rtoonline.com October/November 2005 RTO magazine page: 5 10 Questions For Gordon Reykdal Gordon Reykdal founded not one, but 2 of North America’s largest Rent to Own companies; RTO Enterprises (now easyhome), and RentCash. Rentcash now operates under three store banners: The Cash Store, Instaloans and Insta-rent. The Cash Store and Instaloans act as brokers to facilitate payday advance services. Insta-rent rents furniture, appliances, electronics and computers. The Company employs more than 1300 associates in nine provinces and two territories in Canada. Among his many honors, Reykdal was named one of Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 executives, Entrepreneur of the Year, and in 2005 he was named as one of the century’s 100 Entrepreneurs who built the province of Alberta. Reykdal is on the Board of the University of Alberta Hospital Foundation, The Alberta Diabetes Foundation and is the Honorary Counsel for the Republic of Iceland. He is also the very proud grandfather of his first grandchild. Ella Reykdal. Your Insta-rent locations are Kiosks inside The Brick and United Furniture Warehouse stores. What’s the advantage over stand alone stores? The main advantages are; 1. The best selection of brand name furniture, appliances and electronics in the Canadian rent to own industry. 2. There is significant pre-existing traffic within The Brick and United Furniture Warehouse stores. Customers can rent-to-rent, or rent-toown if they don’t qualify for retail programs being offered. 3. With no store build out, operating-and capital-costs are reduced significantly. 4. No display inventory - purchases occur only after a confirmed customer rental order. 5. The Brick and UFW stores provide all required warranty service. What is your target revenue per location? Our target revenue for the Insta-rent stores are $500,000 upon maturity and The Cash Stores $600,000 upon maturity. The Kiosk model has been tried in the US with little success. What are you doing differently that explains your rapid growth? We have an employee training program that is unparalleled in the industry along with our extensive in-store marketing program and the relationship we have cultivated with our partners at The Brick and United Furniture Warehouse. What is the market saturation point in Canada? I believe the Canadian payday advance industry’s market potential is approximately 10% of the American market. It’s a fair estimate because the profile of the U.S. and Canadian customer is quite similar and represents about the same percentage of our overall population. There are currently 25,000 storefronts in the U.S. allowing for 2,500 in Canada. There are only 1,200 storefronts currently offering the service in Canada. There is significant room for expansion. With respect to the rental business, in my opinion the same percentages don’t apply. A ratio of approximately 5-6% of that of the U.S. market is probably more in line. With approximately 8,500 stores in the U.S. that would allow for approximately 500 Canadian storefronts and there are fewer than 300 currently operating. Will The Cash Store or Insta-rent ever move south of the border? There is so much more to accomplish in our home country that we have made no plans for U.S. expansion. The competitors established there serve the market well. You founded RTO Enterprises (now easyhome), Canada’s largest rent to own company, what’s it like competing with the company you founded? Our business models are so different. Our customers are primarily looking for retail transactions and then are provided with a different option for obtaining ownership through the Insta-rent. You are a founding member of the Canadian Payday Loan Association. What is the primary mission of CPLA? The CPLA is a source of pride for Rentcash and the pay day loan industry. The Association’s goal is to unify the industry and improve business practices of members. All CPLA members are committed to adhering to standards of conduct in disclosure of information, business practices, and consumer education. This is self-regulation at its best. Is there value in creating alliances between specialty finance associations (rent to own and payday loan) and consumer groups? It’s always good practice to know and understand consumer groups and their concerns. A consumer group that raises a legitimate issue should have an industry point of contact. We can all work together to come up with a resolution that protects consumers, companies and the industry. What was the most challenging period in your life? Every period has been challenging; that’s what makes it interesting. Are you really an Ambassador? I am the Honorary Consul for The Republic of Gordon Reykdal, CEO, RentCash, Inc Iceland and the President of the Icelandic Canadian Chamber of Commerce and enjoy my role and contributing to Iceland. I am Icelandic on both sides and am proud of my family’s country of origin. It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that bling. You wouldn’t want to settle for boring bedroom furniture. Why should your rental customers? Sandberg Rental Express is known for up-to-the-minute, fashionable style. We’re famous for bringing your customers the looks they want and the prices they’ll love, with no waiting! Unique features and special touches sets Sandberg Rental Express head and shoulders above the competition. • Exclusive Ultra Gloss on most styles • All merchandise in stock for immediate delivery • Master Bedroom, Youth Bedroom and Entertainment Systems all from one source and all delivered on one truck • Replaceable tops • Replacement parts shipped within 48 hours of notification • Steel Mirror supports supplied with every mirror Contact: Dave Humphrey, Matt or Wayne Harris ph: 863-534-8915 fax: 863-534-3009 323.582.0711 • www.sandbergfurniture.com www.rtoonline.com October/November 2005 RTO magazine page: 7 RTO magazine page: 8 October/November 2005 www.rtoonline.com RTO Magazine presents the definitive guide to Rent to Own Store Operating Software. 101 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 010 01 SOFT W High Touch RSSS RTO PRO Ideal Software the trade magazine for rent to own 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 0 0 0 0 0 0101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010101010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0101010101010101010 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010 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0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010 101010101010101010101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010101010101010101010101010101010 101010101010 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 1010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010101010 10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 101010101010101010101010 1010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010 10101010101010 TO Magazine presents the first10101010101010101010101010 comprehensive compari-0101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010101010101010101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 son of all major1010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 Rental Purchase software providers.1010 We 10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 10101010 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 10 1010101010 asked High Touch, RSSS (Rental and Sales Software 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 101010 10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 10 01010101010 101010101010101010101010101010101 Systems), RTO Pro, and Ideal Software Systems a series of 0101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010101010101010 1010101010101010101010101010 010101010101010101010 101010 010101010101010101010101010 questions. The10101010101010101010101010 end result is an exhaustive 82 point side by side 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 10 01010101010101010101010101 1010 feature comparison of all four programs. 101010101010101010101010 010101010101010101010101010 010101010101010101010101010101010 101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010 10101010101 From the ability to export data into standard accounting 10101 pro-101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 101010101010101010 1010101010101010101010101010101 1010101010101010101010101010 grams, to video capture and VOIP (Voice Over Internet 01010 0101010101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010101010 1010101010101010101010101010101010 1010101 101010101010101010101010101010101010 10 Protocol), the product comparison on the follow-1010101010 0101010101010101010101010 1010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010 1010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 101010101010101010101010101010101010 101010 1010 ing pages offers rent to 101010101010101010101010101 own professionals valuable 0101010 0101010101010101010 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 1010101010101010101010101010101010 101010101 1010101010101 insight into the 10101010101010101010101010101010 strengths of all software brands.010101010101 01010101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010101010101010101010 101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 0 101 pages 12-13: Feature Table Key 01 101 01 101 0 101 0 101 0 Feature is 101 Feature is avail- Feature is not 0 101 able at an extra available. 0 included in the 101 01 base package at charge. 101 01 101 0no extra charge. 010 0 101 0 101 01 1 101 010 pages 14-17 Survey Company Color Code Key 010 1 010 0 High Touch, RSSS, L.P. 101 RTO Pro Ideal 0 010 Software Software 0 Inc 101 0 101 Systems 0 010 0 101 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 Rent to Own WARE Software Feature Comparison R Included Available N/A agazine for rent to own professionals Continue Purcha R e n Rental t t feature o O wcompa n Function (Alphabetical) High Touch (PRO-Store) Accounting Export (Quickbooks/Peachtree/ Mass90) Included Included N/A Available ACH (Integrated) Available Available N/A N/A Airtime Accounts Included Included Included N/A Barcoding Available Included Included Included Billing Statements Included Included Included Included Central File Interface Included Included Included Included Check Cashing (Outside Company) Available N/A Included Available Collections (On-Screen) Included Included Included Included Company-Wide Inventory Available viewed at store level Included N/A Available Contract/Agreement Editor Included Available Included Included Corporate Office Module Available Available Available Available Credit Card Processing (Integrated) N/A N/A Included N/A Customer Club Programs Included Included Included Included Data Export to Excel, Word, etc. Available Available Included Included Depreciation Included Included Included Included Document Imaging (Drivers License, Check, Rental Apps) Available Available Included N/A General Ledger (Intergrated) Available Available N/A N/A Installation (Onsite) Included Available Available Available Internet Marketing Available Available N/A N/A Internet Updates Available N/A Included N/A Inventory Purchase Orders Available Available N/A Included Inventory Transfers Included Included Included Included RTO magazine page: 14 RSSS October/November 2005 RTO Pro The Ideal Rental Manager www.rtoonline.com ase Software nhparison chart High Touch (PRO-Store) Laser Agreements Available Available Included Available Layaways Included Included N/A Included Loaner Tracking Included Included Included Included Mail-Out Management Included Included Included Included Mapping Interface (Map customers) Included Available N/A N/A Network (Multi-user) Version Included Included Available Available Payday Advance Available Available Included Available Payroll Available Available N/A N/A Real-time Multi-store Data Access Available Included N/A N/A Remote Data Backup N/A Available N/A Available Rent-to-Rent Agreements Included Included Included Included Retail Sales Included Included Included Included Retail Financing N/A Available Included Included Service/Repair Included Available Included Included Tag Printing Available Included Included Available Teletrack Interface Available Included Included N/A Time Clock Available Included Included Included User Meetings Included Included N/A Available Video Surveillance Available Available N/A N/A Video Capture Available Available Included N/A Voice Over IP Available Available N/A N/A Wheels & Tires Included Included Included N/A Word Processor to create Included letters/invoices Included Included Included John Rogers began his rent-toown sales career with High Touch in 1995. Currently he is the national sales manager for High Touch, Inc. John currently serves on the APRO Vendor Advisory Committee and from 2001 to 2005 was a member of the APRO Board of Directors. www.rtoonline.com RSSS Ellison Crider began his rentto-own career in 1979. In 1990 he became VP of marketing for Rental and Sales Software Systems (RSSS). Currently general manager of RSSS, Ellison is vice-chair of APRO’s Vendor Advisory Committee and a member of the APRO Board of Directors. RTO Pro The Ideal Rental Manager Ron Ganus has served as CEO of Steve Lenhart has served as a RTO Pro Software since its inception in 1990. He first became involved in the RTO Industry in 1983 with Curtis Mathes. He was a Curtis Mathes franchisee until 1996. vendor to the Rent To Own Industry since 1988. Since 2001 with Ideal Software Systems. Whos Who? Whos Who? Function (Alphabetical) to Own October/November 2005 Continue RTO magazine page: 15 R e n t t o O w n feature comparison chart 800.326.6059 316.831.5555 www.hightouchinc.com johnr@hightouchinc.com 1984 259 3679 90 Yes Yes PRO/Store v14 Unix/Linux Linux PC, Linux, printer, receipt printer, modem or hi-speed Internet 29 Website: Email: Serving industry since: RTO Company Users: RTO User Locations: Number of employees: Approved Trib vendor?: Approved Rent Direct vendor?: Software program name: Current Version: Software platform: Operating system: Minimum hardware requirements: Support techs on staff: John Rogers Contact name: Fax: 2020 N. Amidon, Wichita, KS 67203 Address: Phone: High Touch, Inc Company name: 8 Any standard computer system. Unix/Windows Zortec, System Z v11.5 RSSS Yes Yes 21 650 155 1983 sales@rsss.com www.rsss.com 361-993-1731 361-993-1790 Doug Funk 711 N. Carancahua, Ste. 1500 RSSS, L.P. 3 128MB Ram (512MB Ram with XP) Windows XP Windows 95 - XP v5.0.61 RTO Pro No No 3 609 419 1990 sales@rtopro.com www.rtopro.com 800-926-0668 800-351-6299 Ron Ganus 2503 Gables DR Eustis FL 32726 RTO Pro Software 18 Pentium 233MHz, 1 GB HD, 16 MB RAM, Monitor, CD ROM, Zip Backup XP Pro, Win2000, Win98, Win95 Dos/Betrieve v11.3 The Ideal Rental Manager (TIRM) Yes Yes 76 492 257 1985 slenhart@idealss.com www.idealss.com 601-693-2302 800-964-3325, ext 153 Steve Lenhart 4909 Great River Dr., Meridian, MS 39303 Ideal Software Systems “Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes tu and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future uture may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes and perh perhaps weigh 1.5 tons.” -Popular Mechanics, Marc rch 1949 Rental Purchase Software Continue No Support required?: Name 5 of the programs outstanding capabilities: $495 per day. N/A Lease only Purchase $300/day plus travel expenses $300/day plus travel expenses. $300/day plus travel expenses $300/day plus travel expenses. 90 days Free then $50.00/month or 450.00/yr for first store $25/month or $250/year each additional store. $40/incident with no support plan. $299 receipt printer (optional) $899 Purchase (optional) Independently-operating stores push updates nightly to Home Office via internet or modem; Home Office return updates stores on request. Cost: Lease $175/month or purchase $3995 plus $75/mth support. User Friendliness--Function keys allow users to maneuver quickly and access a wealth of information with limited key-strokes Ease of use. Most new users are coming off a system that does not provide accurate real time data and reporting. The RSSS system is uniquely designed to provide accurate information on a real-time basis, as it happens at the stores. Industry- recognized higher product support levels. What is the primary reason users choose your software? Corporate Office system via modem to modem or via internet FTP. Purchase price is $1000 for first 3 stores - $200 each additional store. No lease. Credit Method Agreement Tracking & Payment Mode Flexibility (accept daily, weekly, monthly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly payments on-the-fly). Windows Based. Built in WYSIWYG Word Processor for creating / editing contracts, letters, invoices etc. Ability to operate on-line in real-time, eliminating the need for nightly communications. Ability to rent, sell, and take payments for other stores out of the same database using the same customer file. 100% agreement of data between store and home office. Fewer crashes. What are 2 features that make this software unique? Stores can operate online in real-time with Home Office or remotely updating nightly to the Home Office. Home Office Cost: Lease: $2995 plus approximately $300/mth depending on # of locations and modules. Includes 24/7/365 support. Purchase not available. Multiple-Agreement Payment Screen; Company-wide inventory (with Corporate Office system); Model File, Rate Code, and Reduced Term Pricing; Advanced Retail Sales, Installment Financing and Collections; Enhanced Undo Flexibility (easily undo stock & agreement charge-offs) Built in WYSIWYG Word Processor for creating / editing contracts, letters, invoices etc. End-user editable laser-printed agreements. Retail sales, Cash Advance and Check Cashing functions included at no additional charge. Ability to download updates via internet. Integrated credit and debit processing included at no additional charge. Accurate inventory control and depreciation calculation. On-screen collections. All locations combined in one database. Integrated purchase order and accounting systems. Exclusive buyer’s and min/max reporting. Fully integrated from store to home office to accounting, accurate system-wide reporting, scalability, multiple application platform, programming techniques that provide greater support for the program. Do you have a Corpo- Home Office available via vpn connection rate Office System & or modem from remote stores. Cost: Lease $148/month. how do stores communicate with it? No $550 1 month $650 per day + travel. $650 per day + travel. optional) $650 per day + travel. $650 per day + travel. (optional) $60 per month per location Upgrades and support included (optional) $950 #3495 Purchase $950 $160 per month Lease Lease - Included / Purchase No Lease - $150.00 / Purchase - $899.00 2 months $300/day plus travel expenses $300/day plus travel expenses. $300/day plus travel expenses $300/day plus travel expenses. Support included in lease. $299 receipt printer (optional) $75 per month Lease Yes $750 software. $3500 hardware. $1800 Average initial order per store: $495 to $595/day None installation & training are bundled at $495 per day Onsite Installation: Support included in lease. None $ 22.50/qtr hour Support $3500 $175 per month Required length of lease contract: $950 One Time Fee Hardware N/A Lease only Lease $495 per day. $159 per month Software Purchase Onsite training Lease Cost per store R e n t t o O w n feature comparison chart Yes RSSS sells and services the hardware. RSSS also supplies software to the music products industry - companies that rent and sell musical instruments. Custom development is available at $90/hour. 34 in all divisions. Yes High Touch sells and services the hardware. Financial Services & Web Services. Do you offer custom development and at what cost? How many developers on staff? Do you sell Hardware? Do you develop/support software for any other industries? 4 RSSS offers custom development at the cost of $95 per hour. Ideal Solutions Inc., builds to order, stocks, repairs and warrantees the required hardware to provide turn-key solutions for all Ideal Software products. Retail Furniture, Payday Advance, Check Cashing, Pawn, Title Pawn, Family Entertainment POS/Redemption. Cash Advance and Check Cashing. 11 Ideal has an extremely active development department, receptive to customizing everything from basic program functionality, to enhanced company-specific features and management reports. General user requests are often accommodated in future releases at no charge. User-specific development is billed at $150/hr. Yes. Receipt printers and other peripherals only. 3 RTO Pro offers custom programming quoted on a per-job basis. Onsite Installation & Training: $650/weekdays plus travel expenses. $750/day plus travel weekends. Telephone Training: $75/hr. Regularly-Scheduled Training Classes at Ideal Headquarters: $495/person/2 day class. Free by phone. On site available at $300/day plus expenses, although RTOPro is so easy to use no one has ever taken us up on the offer. What types of Installation & Training do you offer and at what cost? We have support techs for on-site for installation and training. On-line training, which saves the cost of travel, is also available at a reduced cost. Onsite installation & training is bundled together for start up or conversion at $495/day. Online installation & training available at $22.50 per quarter hour. What types of Installation & Training do you offer and at what cost? 24/7 Telephone Support. 96% of calls answered live. Lease or monthly support plan includes upgrades and unlimited software support 8am-5pm. Monthly Support Plan available with purchase (Single-User: $60/mth/store; Multi-user: /$80/mth/store). After-hours Critical Support $37.50/ ½ hour. Networking & hardware support billed at $62.50/ half hour. 24/7 Unlimited support and upgrades are included with lease. With purchase first 90 days support is Free; After 90 days $50.00/month or 450.00/yr for first store; $25/month or $250/year each additional store. If no support plan then $40/incident. Email support (no fee); phone support $22.50 RSSS offers 24/7/365 software application per quarter hour. All support is available support to all our clients. This support is in24/7. cluded at no additional charge in the monthly lease rate. Support comes as part of the package with RSSS. What kind(s) Technical Support is available and at what cost? Ideal Software Systems RTO Pro Software RSSS, L.P. High Touch, Inc Company name: “Einstein argued that there must be simplified explanations of nature, because God is not capricious or arbitrary. No such faith comforts the software engineer. “ -Fred Brooks, Jr. Rental Purchase Software Please provide testimonials from 3 current users Mitch Kimble, President, 1st Choice Home Furnishings We have really enjoyed our new system. Next month will mark one year that we have been on RSSS. Switching was a tough decision for us but the progress we have made through RSSS is incredible. This system enables us to run our seven stores more efficiently not only on a store level but also through the home office. The reports that are generated also give us a much better picture of our business and we feel our numbers are more accurate. I have been in the RTO business for 12 years and I just want everyone to know that this company knows the RTO business. They solve any questions or problems that occur promptly and professionally. Thanks for taking such good care of us the past year as we look forward to the future. John Johnson, Computer Service Manager, Countryside Rentals “We installed a VPN initially to not only speed up the process of gathering data, but to also allow multiple users to communication to our store(s) and not tie up a phone line while doing so. Since the installation however, the greatest advantage has been the contentfiltering and anti-virus services we added for protection. These two services seem to have eliminated all virus problems experienced in the past and it also prevents our employees from surfing the net.” “In my experience, what sets High Touch apart from the competition are the security controls and the integrated accounting package. The secured functions allow flexibility and control over what each individual employee can do in the system. The integrated accounting system allows us to account for all of the aspects of our business without any redundant entries. This makes for a significant time savings as well as a definite confidence in the integrity of the information.” Jet Griffin, President, Griffin Rent To Own, Yazoo City, MS. “Over the years, we tried two other RTO software companies to help us run our business. They both seemed to lack features and benefits that we needed to run our company in most optimal and efficient way. We then switched to RSSS and have not looked back since. RSSS software gives us all of the features we need while still being very user-friendly. We recommend RSSS software to anyone who needs software they can rely on. Their technical staff really takes care of us and our needs, and takes the time to make sure that we understand our software and hardware. We consider RSSS as a business partner and friend to our family business.” Terry Beville, Vice President and CFO, Buddy’s Home Furnishings We’ve been on the RSSS system for 10-years and it has taken us from 20-stores to over 60-stores. Ten years ago we decided we had to make a change because our current software was not going to get us where we wanted to go. We had plans to expand and we needed software that could help us get there. We looked at all the major rental-purchase software packages and RSSS was the best fit for us. The support we have received from RSSS has been excellent and as our business has grown we’ve been able to customize the Enos Barger, Controller, Furniture & Appliance RSSS system to help us manage our busiNow ness better.” Larry Goad, President, Zion’s Rental-Purchase “Because of the severe reliability problems with the software company that we had been using, I made the switch to High Touch. Many of my friends in the rental business recommended them to me, and I’m glad that they did. I no longer have reliability issues, on a scale of 1 to 10 I’d have to give them a 14.4!!” Judy Pickens, E-Z Pick’ins Furniture, Hot Springs AR Thanks! Your software is great! Everyday we discover it will do more. Our business took off so fast we couldn’t have kept up with it without your software, and it’s easy! Stuart Fahlbeck, Challenger Rentals, Elkhart IN. Keep up the good work! You all should be commended on the great product and tool you’ve created for the industry. Keep the great updates coming....love to see you pass the competition sometime. Danny Miller, Bargain Center Inc., Grove OK We’ve been using RTO Pro for over 6 years. Your software provides a stable, easy to use software platform for our rental business. Feature update are timely and predictable. Technical support has been outstanding. You seem very interested in our business. I like the fact that when I call, I get a live person. Almost all of the suggestions we have suggested have been adopted by RTO Pro. I like the fact you listen to your customers and change with them. Trooper Earle, Premier Rental Purchase (18 Locations) “The Ideal Rental Manager has been a great change for Premier Rental Purchase. Because Premier dealers are all seasoned RTO professionals from different RTO backgrounds, it was extremely difficult to find software that would satisfy everyone’s needs. Eventually, we loaded the top industry software programs on different computers at one of the Premier dealer retreats, and every dealer got an opportunity to get an in-depth comparison of program. After 2 days, it was a unanimous decision to go with Ideal. Ideal’s TIRM program is extremely flexible and is capable of satisfying the needs of any RTO store. Ideal was clearly the right choice for Premier.” Kathy Windsor, National TV Sales & Rental (17 locations) “The scariest thing about switching to a new computer program is the data conversion and training. When we chose Ideal, they made me feel comfortable by listening to how we ran our business and through training at their location before our conversion. Then they trained our managers on site while converting the stores’ information...so that within 24 hours we were up and running. I’m not going to tell you it was painless, but almost. Since that date we have purchased & converted 2 more companies to Ideal, and it was almost as easy as turning on a switch. I feel I have everything needed at the Home office and at the store level, but if there is something special we need, they get it done. I am confident in their product and recommend it.” Edwin Baird, FOG/EZ Rentals (47 locations) “Ideal Software Systems has allowed our company to concentrate on management and focus on new growth by providing extensive standard reports, custom reports, consumer data, and inventory management tools at both the store and corporate office level.” RTO magazine page: 20 October/November 2005 www.rtoonline.com www.rtoonline.com October/November 2005 RTO magazine page: 21 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid When Purchasing Software by Stephen Lenhart 1 Blindly following the pack Just because your buddy at XYZ Rentals chooses to install a particular software package, doesn’t mean it’s your stores’ best option. This assumes your friend did thorough research. Also every company has different operational challenges. Not every company has employees with similar expertise or the same IT budget. 2 Insufficient research 3 Not properly recognizing your company’s unique characteristics 4 Not defining minimal operating requirements vs. discretionary perks Basing a pivotal business decision like software on a spec sheet, price, or particular salesperson can lead to disaster. It is to the dealer’s, as well as the software vendor’s best interest, to insist on a step-by step demo in an effort make an educated, operational decision. Little things which make your company successful in the competitive RTO marketplace often require specialized functionality. Identifying these unique requirements in advance often leads you to select a program that works particularly well in a specific situation or software vendor dedicated to custom development. For example: a company with a single showroom might want access to customer accounts in multiple payment locations all over town therefore requiring a web-based central database. What functionality do you absolutely need to be successful? Are you willing to pay extra for “play value”? All software sales departments are guilty of working into development “technology-rage” selling features, which end-users seldom use. Portable Palm-Pilot bar-code scanners, fingerprint recognition, RFD devices…are useful features in the proper environment, but may not increase efficiency enough to justify the expense. 5 Buying store-level software more complex than you need Companies tend to over-buy store-level software; quickly reaching a point of diminishing returns as overcomplex software designed to increase productivity, accuracy, and profitability becomes frustrating and time-consuming for employees to complete everyday tasks. Better is to provide time-crunched operators quick access to accurate, practical, and easy-to-understand information to meet everyday operational needs. Let corporate get bogged down in volumes of consolidated data. Stephen Lenhart is the RTO Sales Manager for Ideal Software Systems, Inc. Ideal Software Systems has been established as a leading software provider to the Rent to Own industry since 1983 and continues development and support to over 472 users of The Ideal Rental Manager, as well as 2300 other locations in the Payday Advance, Retail Furniture, Pawn, and Family Entertainment industries. 6 Ignoring the company behind the software 7 Skimping on training 8 Not purchasing recommended hardware from your software vendor 9 Viewing monthly support as an expense, rather than an investment A visit to a potential software provider’s headquarters is crucial. You are entering into a long-term, not easily terminated, partnership with a vendor in which you must be able to put the highest level of confidence. Important factors affecting your decision should include the vendor’s: industry knowledge; leadership vision; stability & profitability; momentum, direction, & business focus; tech-support quality; employee morale, attitude & turn-over rate; installation & training available; ability to deliver new product and updates; and the development staff’s ability & willingness to customize the program. Even the best manuals are no substitute for hands-on training. Day-to-day tasks are usually simple enough to learn “on-the-fly”, but advanced training maximizes your investment with benefits including: ■ Hands-on instruction to complicated, most valuable features. ■ A broader understanding of the program’s underlying business concepts. ■ Less user-errors minimizing frustration, down time, and money spent correcting them with tech-support. ■ Invaluable relationships built with your tech-support reps, resulting in better future service. Most software vendors also sell recommended hardware, at or near competitive prices. Purchasing from them not only guarantees the systems are configured correctly up front, but places responsibility solely in their hands and avoids a “blame game” when inevitable problems arise. Operating as a “one-stop-shop”, your systems partner will be most familiar with possible solutions to get your system running smoothly again with minimal down time. Monthly support is invaluable insurance, but it also pays for the development of the new upgrades and features you desperately need and want. With the legal status of the RTO industry ever-changing, the longevity of your software requires continued development and monthly support is an important investment. 10 Assuming this is a “1-time and done with purchase” As the requirements to your management software change, your software vendor needs your continued “hands-on” feedback. Active participation at your annual users’ conference, and throughout the year, needs to be top priority for owners, district managers and store managers. APRO Double 8/29/05 12:12 PM Page 1 NINE BILLION DOLLAR BUYING POWER! 6000 STORES! If you operate an independent RTO store, or plan to, you can now leverage the unmatched strength and full marketing support capabilities of the nation’s leading buying and selling group of electronics, appliances and furniture products. 2400 MEMBERS! ONE COMMON GOAL-SUCCESS! Rent Direct is a division of Nationwide Marketing Group, America’s largest buying organization. How large? Over 2400 members, 6000 store-fronts, and more than $9 billion in sales. Rent Direct now brings the same strengths to independent RTO dealers across the country. Rent R Where Independent RTOs Join Forces To Succeed! • Group Centralized Purchasing System - gain enormous buying power from our extensive list of top-name vendors. • Huge Cost-Savings on Products & Shipping - order as few as 6 to 11 pieces, get your shipment delivered within 48 hours. • Store Fixtures & Displays - professionally designed custom displays to help you showcase your products and increase sales. • High Impact Advertising and Promotions - roll out proven, powerful marketing programs ready to implement. • On-Line Training Programs - take part in and grow through focused learning opportunities. • Member Web Site - your direct link to all resources through our Member communications website. • PrimeTime!™ Conventions - meet the industry’s leading vendors and other RTO dealers to trade tips and gain knowledge. • PrimeTime!™ “Instant Cash Back Now” - aggressive show specials that put BIG money in your pocket before you leave PrimeTime!™. • Independent Thinking Magazine - learn what industry experts have to say about the RTO route to success. nt Direct For More Information Please Contact James MacAlpine At 336-714-8802 or by email: jamesm@nationwidegroup.org Rent Direct Nationwide - 110 Oakwood Dr., Suite 200, Winston-Salem NC 27103 Photos taken by RTO Magazine at recent industry events. Lynn Clark, Executive Director of the Texas Association of Rental Agencies, said goodbye to colleagues during a retirement party held in her honor at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, Texas on September 29th. Arkansas Rental Dealers Association 2005 Fall Conference at Petit Jean State Park near Morrilton Arkansas. RTO magazine page: 26 Ben Lewis, DSI Systems, accepts the team trophy at the inaugural Heartland of America Tradeshow (MRDA). Gave up playoff tickets to attend ARDA meeting. ARDA Past Big Cheese ier an Al October/November 2005 z ra F www.rtoonline.com Find thousands of pics from RTO industry events at ww s at Contact events@rtoonline.com to arrange coverage for your company or organization event. Statuettes presented to award winners at the APRO show in Las Vegas. Wanda Kopsas, wife of National TV Sales and Rental District Manager Danand Kopsas, won theham-it-up High Touch Lorie Dave Brunelle, for the paparazzi at APRO’s Tonight Show. “Cash Cow”own in aAction drawing during The Brunelles Rentheld to Own in Salt Lake City, Utah the 2005 Heartland of America Tradeshow In Lake Ozark, MO. ARDA Exec Director of Cheese Jil lC ARDA Big Cheese Houston Astros fan Joe Bu rch fie ld rew s Power Behind ARDA‛s Big Cheese. ld fie h rc u B my A www.rtoonline.com www.rtoonline.com October/November 2005 RTO magazine page: 27 Don’t put all your eggs in one RTO Basket ! y if s r e v i D By Mamie Harper hese are challenging and changing times for rent to own professionals. As a store owner or manager, it is your responsibility to become the company’s visionary. It is no longer enough to open the store, manage employees, deal with customers and make the daily deposit. Diversification is the key to long term survival. T privacy of their homes. In less than 30 days, I had not only re-rented the 100 BOR that had been abruptly returned to me, I had gained units by renting televisions of all sizes. The war dragged on for two years and these customers acquired ownership of the products. What could have been a catastrophic event for my business, ended in growth. True Case File: As a one-store owner in a military town, the Gulf War began and I watched my store lose 100 BOR in less than two weeks. Soldiers were rapidly deploying and returning rented merchandise. No one knew how long the war would last. My livelihood and that of my employees was at stake. I quickly mobilized my crew and began marketing to the wives of deploying soldiers. We advertised the fact that their husbands would be receiving additional compensation for combat pay and that we would deliver products to improve the quality of their lives during these difficult times. I ordered truckloads of big screen televisions and we encouraged the military and civilian communities to watch the events of the war unfold in the I learned a very important lesson from this experience. Do not keep all of your eggs in the RTO basket! I diversified my business so that I would never be adversely affected by outside forces again. From that day forward, I looked for business under every rock. Over the years, my strategic plan of insuring my long term business survival has grown so large that I have spun off two separate commercial divisions. How did I do it? As a store manager and then as a store owner, I had always hated the months of January and June. Customers would return product after the holidays and I would have to endure a dismal rental month. June was the same story. Children would get out of school, families would go on vacation and the traffic in the store would dwindle. These two slow rental months became my priority. What ancillary business could I develop to enhance the standard rent to own cycle? Answer: Temporary corporate housing! January and June are ideal months for relocating executives and their families to make new homes and living arrangements. I created a program that I marketed to apartment complexes, Fortune 100 companies, human resource companies and visiting nurses’ associations. We began renting furniture packages, appliances, electronics, computers, accessories and even household amenities like pots and pans, and sheets and towels. Currently, we offer a turn key corporate housing program that includes apartment rent, all utilities and services such as broadband internet, phone and cable. Our clients include national and regional relocation companies, insurance companies, institutions of higher learning, local, state and federal government. We developed more commercial business by renting furniture to decorate lobbies and offices for a variety of businesses. We offered them a rent to rent agreement, whereby on a regular basis, generally every quarter, we would switch out their furniture and give them a new fresh look! Once we had built up a large commercial rent to rent clientele, our delivery trucks would rotate the furniture and accessories from business to business. It offered a great value to these businesses that could deduct furniture rental payments as a normal business expense and prevent them from having to make a capital expenditure. We provided rental furniture, appliances, electronics and computers for political campaign offices, schools, courtrooms, convention centers, hotels and a variety of other businesses. The best part of the deal, according to my employees, is that there are no collections with this type of business. As a store owner, it did take some getting used to in regards to offering the thirty day billing. But I decided the diversification I was seeking was well worth the effort. So, it is not too late to put together your 2006 strategic plan to diversify your core rent to own business with ancillary and complementary business. Don’t sit and wait in the store for customers to come to you. Get out in the community and generate your own new business. Join chambers of commerce and business organizations so that you can network with a large group of people. You have the power to diversify and insure your long term. Do it today! ___ RTO magazine page: 28 October/November 2005 www.rtoonline.com Yamaha is the largest, most respected musical instrument company in the world and many of our products are now available for RTO vendors with extensive advantages: • One of the best-known brand names in America • Popular acoustic and electric guitars, digital pianos, portable keyboards and digital drums available DD55C • Buy direct from the manufacturer • Yamaha will ship one unit anywhere in the U.S. via prepaid freight EG112 F310 • Customized merchandise programs by store • One year warranty from first date of rental Get started with Yamaha today by calling Thomas Murphy of Motivated Marketing at (800) 386-8774 or (813) 220-1115, or by e-mailing tmurphy@motivatedmktg.com. ©2005 Yamaha Corporation of America. www.yamaha.com DGX505 RTO magazine page: 30 October/November 2005 www.rtoonline.com Wireless in a barn? What Do Horses and LCDs Have In Common? I know it sounds strange, but several barns had a server setup with either a computer or a notebook that you could look up prospective horses to buy. The registration booth areas were setup with Dell computers and Lynksys wireless in which they had 4 locations all running into one main server. As luck would have it they had signage for who they rented the product from and people were commenting how nice it would be if they could have the same setup at home. Wireless is a hot category for the holiday. Special events offer RTOs opportunity for big profit. by Mike Bertolani ’m writing this article from the Morgan Horse Grand National and World Title show. “What do horse shows and rent to own have in common?”. Like all special events, the exhibitor area and the barn are packed with items rented from local RTO dealers. I myself rent video equipment for our barn display from ColorTyme franchisee Willie Cole in Oklahoma City (Lucas and his staff do a great job on service by the way). The “talk in the barn” this year was the use of LCD panels and wireless connections for customer lounges, and that my friends is one great opportunity. I LCD panels make a great presentation for displaying products in action. Many of the RTO magazine page: 31 show vendors used the Viewsonic 15” and 17” monitor with a DVD video showing how saddles looked on a horse, buggies road behind a horse or even how things are made. In the barn area, breeders ran DVD movies created in Windows Movie Maker that showed the yearlings or horses they were trying to sell. I saw several barns with ACER 17’ LCD monitors and even one with a 19” unit. The reception area had rented video equipment, and even the judges rent Dell 15” screens every year. A farm owner and trainer I spoke to stated that they were renting them from a local dealer. One was paying $1,000.00 each for 10 day rentals of two 42” units, all from local companies that delivered/ installed/ and will pick up the merchandise. October/November 2005 So you are still wondering how this all fits into your model, right? Well, people like to see things in action; what it looks like in everyday use. Try setting up a wireless network in your store. Have several computers and or notebooks around your location running through one router on the same internet connection. Market a Linksys 4 port wireless router and an ACER wireless notebook as a package along with an Ogio bag, all for under $39.00 a week. Like the Morgan Horse Grand Nationals, every town has perennial functions. By getting involved in these events you begin to brand yourself to a whole new market. Don’t be afraid of short term rentals. $100.00 a week on a short term rental for a 32” TV is not so bad. Special event short term rentals can make a big deference in your store’s bottom line, especially during slow summer months. If you are interested in more ideas contact me at mbertolani@sedintl. com and I would be happy to fill you in. www.sedintl.com www.rtoonline.com Free service loaner. If anything should go wrong, we will bring you a free loaner to use while yours is being repaired. Rent The Sizzle! Free set-up. We’ll set it up for you at no extra charge. Early payout option. You can save money and buy it out at any time. 90-days same as cash. You can split the retail price into three payments and avoid paying any interest. By Pam Leach Rent to term and own. You don’t have to pay it off early. Maximize the amount of time for free service by renting for the full rental term. othing rents better than sizzle. As rent to own pros, we sell a product and a service. Explaining only services will not get the sale, nor will only explaining every last detail of the order form. No one is going to be inspired to rent that stainless-steel 24cubic-foot side-by-side refrigerator with ice and water in the door by being told they need four references. To get the sale, the prospect must be sold on the product AND the service. Make weekly or monthly payments, whichever is most convenient for you. (To have this also count as a close, ask something like, “Would you prefer weekly or monthly payments?”) N Product features are the “bells and whistles”-the PIP, the glass shelves, the extra software-whatever it is that makes that particular product stand out or that differentiates it from another brand. If product features are the bells and whistles, product benefits are the “sizzle.” Benefits demonstrate how a product feature will make life easier or better or just plain more fun for the rental consumer. That big-screen comes with PIP, “so you can watch two channels at the same time.” The refrigerator has glass shelves, “so if there is a spill, it will be contained and make it easier to clean up.” Here are a few more examples: Washer Large-capacity so you can wash larger loadsthis model will hold king-size comforter. Multiple temperature settings so you can set just the right temperature for the type of fabric you’re washing. Three different water level settings so you can choose the water level depending on the size of your load. Three different cycle settings: delicate, regular and heavy duty, so you can wash anything from delicate lingerie to a full load of jeans. Dryer Large capacity so you can dry larger loads. Three different temperature settings: Delicate, Permanent Press and Normal so you can use the right temperature for the right fabric. A buzzer will sound to let you know when the dryer stops so you can pull out the clothes before they wrinkle. It has an easy-to-reach lint screen located on the top so you won’t have to bend down each time to clean it. Stereo New or Used Products. We give you a choice of brand-new or previously owned merchandise. Satisfaction guaranteed. If for any reason you are not happy with your merchandise, we will pick it up. Disclosure agreement explained. We will make sure you understand everything. Unlike other retail establishments, there are no hidden costs. No credit needed. We don’t do credit checks. Good credit, no credit, it doesn’t matter. There is a 50-disc CD changer so you can store lots of CDs and listen to different music. Short-term rental. If you just need to rent something until you get yours repaired, no problem. You can rent for the day, the week, or rent-to-own. It has 250 watts so you’ll shake the walls and make the neighbors mad. No big down payment. You don’t have to put a lot of money down. No deposits. It can be hooked up to your TV so you can have stereo surround sound. It has a remote control so you can control everything from the convenience of your chair. Program features and benefits are the “value added” part of the equation. Your company’s program (free delivery, free loaner, etc.) is what makes the retail cost of your products worth it to the prospect. Make sure your prospects know the value of your company’s services. Some examples are: No long-term obligation, which means you don’t have to keep it, you can return it anytime. Free service. We don’t charge you anything to repair it. Free, fast delivery, so you don’t have to wait to get it in your home-and at no charge. How to come up with features and benefits How much do you know about each product you carry? Likely you can list the features and benefits of your most popular items, but what if you’re presenting a brand-new product? Many stores have associates who “specialize”-some are great at electronics while others know computers and still others know about the furniture. That’s fine if you all are in the store all at the same time, and are not busy with other prospects, but how often does that happen? Set a goal to learn all you can about one new product line per week. You have to sell by phone as well so it is important that you can paint a picture for the phone prospect. Get out of your comfort zone a little. Roleplay during meetings. Sell to each other when continued on page 42 “Take my RTO accountant... PLEASE!” T The competition was organized by Accountants One, an Accounting and Financial Recruiting Firm. The company wanted to prove that “accountants are funnier than you think” After am AmericanIdol-like competitive audition process, ten financial professionals were selected to perform in a night of stand-up comedy at The Punchline. All proceeds benefited TECH CORPS Georgia. “Accountants have gotten an undeserved reputation as ‘humorless number crunchers’ in our society,” notes Dan Erling, Vice President of Accountants One. “But in taking the time to really get to know the thousands of financial professionals we’ve worked with over the past 32 years, our firm realized that accountants have a lot more to offer - even in the area of comedy. That’s why we decided to share this secret with the world via our Funniest Accountant Search.” Turner, along with the other 9 finalists, took part in a “comedy boot camp” training session prior to his routine. Alas, Ben did not win the completion, but he did not leave empty handed. Turner was awarded an engraved Billy Bass Singing Fish for his efforts. 6 feet 9 inches of number crunchin sex appeal! ax Director for Aaron Rents, Inc., Ben Turner, recently participated in a stand-up comedy competition called “Atlanta’s Funniest Accountants.” From his funny voice to his extraordinary height (6’ 9”), Turner is not easy to miss. Comfortable on stage, this Snellville, Georgia resident has no previous experience as a comedian, but admires Jerry Seinfeld for his witty humor. Ben feels that being an accountant has given him the opportunity to see how his fellow financial professionals really act and insight on their strange love of numbers. Ben says that if he weren’t an accountant he’d be unemployed. Ben Turner, Tax Accountant for Aaron Rents, during his act in the Atlanta’s Funniest Accountants finals at the Punch Line comedy club in Atlanta, Georgia. software - watch out for bundled ad-supported products. How to avoid pop-up ads, spyware and viruses By Jay Nardone aving been a computer and notebook supplier to the rent to own industry for the last ten years, I have been fortunate enough to develop good relationships with many RTO dealers. Recent feedback I have heard from our customers is they need assistance with computer software that will combat spyware and viruses. . H What are Pop-Up Ads and Spyware? You have heard it time and time again from your customers. “I keep getting these Ads that just pop up on my screen” or “my computer is so slow”. Pop-up ads are different from regular banner ads in that they appear in new windows, often clogging up your display and sometimes crashing your system. Most ISPs (Internet Service Providers) provide a built-in pop-up blocker. Make sure this function is enabled so that it provides protection from incoming Ads. Today’s trickiest Ads look harmless and appear legitimate; however, in reality the intentions of these Ads are to invade your customer’s computer and negatively affect the computer experience. One wrong click and presto, spyware is added to the computer. What does mean? Spyware, also called adware, is any software that covertly gathers user information through the user’s Internet connection without his or her knowledge, usually for advertising purposes. Spyware applications are typically bundled as a hidden component of freeware or shareware programs that can be downloaded from the Internet. Once installed, the spyware monitors user activity and transmits that information to someone else. Spyware can also gather information about e-mail addresses, passwords and even credit card numbers. Tips to avoid pop-up ads, spyware and viruses Don’t download and install software or files from any unknown source. Don’t open email attachments from people you don’t know. Read the fine print when using or installing file sharing Keep track of what your employees are doing. Don’t allow them to install any software without permission. Install a reputable anti-spyware software (see below). Pop-Up Ads and Spyware Removal Most name brand computers offer some form of anti-spyware software. HP and Compaq computers feature a complimentary version of Norton Internet Security AntiSpyware software with 60 days of live updates. The Anti-virus Corporate Enterprise Edition can be purchased for $99 at http://www.symantecstore.com . Here are some free spyware software solutions that can be downloaded from www.download.com: 1.) Spybot Search & Destroy 1.4 2.) Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) 3.) Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition 1.06 Virus Removal Viruses can be annoying like spyware or do serious damage. A virus is a software program that is capable of reproducing itself and can cause great harm to files or other programs. The following antivirus software solutions can be downloaded free with unlimited updates from www.download.com: 1.) AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 7.289 2.) Avast Home Edition 4.6 Customers tend to equate the inefficiency of a computer with numerous spyware and viruses as a computer hardware problem. Insureing adequate protection will increase customer satisfaction and keep rates. Remember, computer viruses which have been added to computers via Internet usage, are not covered under the manufacturer’s software warranty. Performing weekly updates of these products will keep your computers ready-to-rent. Restoring Rental Computers After each computer rental; it is imperative that each computer is fully re-formatted prior to the next customer rental. HP and Compaq computers and select Toshiba notebooks feature built-in restore programs. Restoring with the built-in restore function takes less than 20 minutes. Call your BDI Laguna RTO salesperson at 800-241-5641, and we can offer other great suggestions that will ensure your computers are rented and not sitting idle on your shelves. RTO magazine page: 34 October/November 2005 www.rtoonline.com RTO magazine page: 36 October/November 2005 www.rtoonline.com www.rtoonline.com October/November 2005 RTO magazine page: 37 RTO Magazine Presents Recognizing excellence among independent rent to own dealers Joe Burchfield Right Choice Rental Big Ideas In A Small Town By Lucille Farkas ight Choice Rental Owner and Arkansas Rental Dealers Association President Joe Burchfield understands he’s got to think BIG to make small-town RTO work. R Joe Burchfield was 21 years old and fresh out of Southern Arkansas University when he answered a classified ad seeking an account manager. Joe thought he was particularly well-suited for the job (he did, after all, have an accounting degree!). When Joe arrived for the interview and learned the account manager slot had been filled, he agreed to accept a position as a driver for the company, E-Z Rental. Joe Burchfield showed up for his first day of work in a shirt, tie and dress slacks. The year was 1987, and his co-workers donned the unofficial RTO uniform of the day - jeans, t-shirt and a lit cigarette. As one of E-Z Rental’s drivers based in Magnolia, Arkansas (population: 10,000), Joe traveled among owner David Pyle’s other stores, delivering product wherever it was needed. “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” Within 30 days the person who had been hired as the account manager decided he didn’t like the job, giving Joe the chance to take over his duties. There were no training manuals, and the store manager at the time wasn’t much help, either. Undaunted, Joe simply figured things out for himself. -Jack London “I developed my own system using three different-colored highlighters, depending on how late a payment was. I put some structure to it and became pretty darn good at running accounts,” said Joe. (1876 - 1916) David Pyle, the man who hired Joe, was something of an RTO baron in late-80’s Arkansas. While he was part owner of E-Z Rental, he was also the complete owner of a store across town, Rent-n-Own. Impressed with Joe’s account manager skills, David tapped Joe to become Rent-n-Own’s new store manager. RTO magazine page: 38 October/November 2005 www.rtoonline.com “I went from running a 200-account route to managing a 750-BOR store. It took me awhile to feel as though I had my head above water. I was in charge of the store plus the entire service facility. Thankfully, my father was a TV repairman, which helped me understand the service business.” Over the next few years, Joe honed his managerial skills while more than doubling the BOR of the Rent-n-Own store to a peak of 1307 units. He began to feel he needed more of a challenge. “Right Choice Rental stores gain revenue by offering a wide array of traditional and non-traditional RTO products and services.” Joe’s company created the patterns and keeps the materials in stock to custom-build each unit. Joe’s most popular storage building measures 8 foot by 12 foot and rents for $99 a month for 18 months. “We’ve got it down to where we build it within 24- 48 hours and then one person can load and unload the building with a winch mounted to a refabricated flatbed truck. We set it up at the customer’s home, put it on blocks, level it, and we’re done. The best part is that I’ve yet to go pick one up from a customer, and for every unit I rent, I cash sale a unit for $1299.” While the chain was a great purchase for a large entity, Joe felt his talents were better suited to a small company. So Joe left Arkansas for Shreveport, Louisiana where he spent five years managing operations for Good Home Center. All the while, though, Joe dreamed of being in business for himself. Like most folks, the only thing holding him back was a lack of capital. But a chance introduction to entrepreneur John Earnhardt helped Joe secure financing and make his RTO dream a reality. The Stamps store performed well enough that Joe was able to add Prescott, Arkansas (population: 4,000) in September of 2000. Most recently, Joe added his third location in the big city (at least by Right Choice standards) of Texarkana, Arkansas (population: 30,000). So, how does Joe make the small-town RTO model work? The answer lies not just in Joe’s head, but in his character. “We all look at the numbers, but sometimes that bottom line is not the most important thing. When I see a customer develop a better lifestyle or quality of life through acquiring our merchandise, or when I see an employee develop a career, that makes me feel as though we have done something excellent. Our cus- In addition to the Radio Shack opportunity, Joe has built another successful idea around a consumer trend - storage units. “I almost hate to give this idea away it’s done so well for us. But I kept seeing all these mini storage units that were going for $30, $60, $80 a month that a customer had to drive to and that they would never own. It occurred to me that we could rent-to-own portable buildings - and boy, has that done well for us.” “In 1992, I took a position within the home office as training coordinator for David Pyle’s seven stores. I wrote manuals, conducted seminars, even doubled as company auditor. By ’94, I was a full-fledged district manager overseeing five of our company’s nine stores. Later we were sold to HomeChoice, which eventually became RentWay. We were a great purchase for them - small town stores with low overhead, and each one averaged about 900 BOR.” Joe returned to Arkansas, and he knew just where to open his first store - in the tiny hamlet of Stamps, Arkansas (population: 2,000). Despite the small number of residents, Joe knew stores in Magnolia delivered merchandise there and he sensed an opportunity. In March of 1999, Stamps, Arkansas became the location of Joe’s first Right Choice Rental store. Joe believes the Radio Shack franchise could help him lower his overall merchandise cost, as well. He plans to take advantage of Radio Shack’s buying power and check his franchisee price for any item before purchasing it through a distributor or even direct from a manufacturer. Joe and Amy Burchfield tomers are told ‘no’ every day. These people are good folks who just get into tough situations. We want to be able to help.” One way Right Choice Rental stores help is by offering a wide array of traditional and non-traditional RTO products and services. Sure, you can rent televisions, sofas and appliances in Joe’s stores. But you can also rent a U-haul, a car audio system or get phone service. And Joe’s next idea is really breaking new ground. At the Prescott location, Joe’s taken the bold step of adding a Radio Shack franchise to maximize his revenue opportunities. “We’ve added Radio Shack fixtures and merchandise right within our own store. It’s not a kiosk, or even a separate counter. The potential benefit to us and to our customers is huge. Any Radio Shack item our customers want to rent, I’ll move over to a rental agreement. Digital cameras, LCD televisions, you name it. Plus, this introduces our store to an entirely new customer base.” Joe’s seen how the rental business has shifted over the years, and he’s using items like the Radio Shack franchise and RTO storage units to set his company up to weather longterm change. As for short-term growth, Joe sees some opportunity right around the corner. “I will say I’m actively exploring the tire and rim rental opportunity. And as for more standard RTO merchandise, gaming systems will be big this holiday. I’ll also rent MP3 players through Radio Shack. I am considering how I can make iPod’s available to my customers, but that may be further down the road because of how delicate the units are. And LCD televisions are growing at a fast pace for us. We rent a typical 44” LCD set for $39.95 a week for 104 weeks.” Joe says in the small towns where he operates an advertising plan is secondary to treating customers well. Word-of-mouth is where it’s at. “We pay $25 to any customer who refers a new customer. We’re willing to pay cash, but usually the customer just wants it deducted from their agreement. And nothing’s better than continued on page 42 Same Old Same Old Bud Holladay reviews the new book Scholar and Professor of Social Policy at the University of Houston. “SHORTCHANGED, LIFE AND DEBT IN THE FRINGE ECONOMY” Like many social scientists/socialists, Karger seems to feel that an alphabet soup of acronyms will stimulate sufficient outrage to force some undefined change in our society. How many times do we need to be told that the CEO of a big American corporation makes a lot of money? Howard Karger, 2005 Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. San Francisco CA $24.95 US nly eight pages into the preface of his book Shortchanged, Life and Debt in the Fringe Economy, author Howard Karger compares the notorious Colombo crime family to legal payday lenders, calling the mafia’s “vig,” or interest rate, a bargain compared to the fees charged by many legal payday lenders. That probably tells you all you need to know about this 252-page book (including 31 pages of footnotes and glossary) and more than you want to know about Karger, a two-time Senior Fulbright O Most of Shortchanged is devoted to what Karger calls the “predatory payday lending industry.” Karger claims that what seem to be small, independent storefront operations are actually a part of a fully formed parallel universe dominated by some an evil banking empire (imagine the surprise of several thousand store managers and associates when they realize their 401k plans could be under the control of Mini-Me). Karger actually tries to make a case for programs modeled after the practices of village lenders in Bangladesh. Apparently the peasants in Bangladesh are not wired into that nefarious parallel economy Karger warns us about. Rental purchase companies get a shallow and careless dusting from Professor Karger’s brush. Karger’s chief complaint against rental operators is their alleged overstatement of the risk factors in justifying pricing schemes. On the positive side, he expresses a grudging appreciation for the place rental purchase companies occupy. Consider these comments about a customer whose furniture was picked up and later returned: “On the positive side, Janis didn’t take on intractable debt – as she would with payday loans or credit card purchases – and she could voluntarily return the rentals when the payments became unaffordable. Nor did she face a potential lawsuit and hounding by collection agencies. The repossession also didn’t affect her credit.” Some rental purchase companies might be wise to substitute Karger’s words for their next ad flyer. Like most social activists/socialists, the author is full of complaints about what ails us, and equally full of ways to spend your money to fix it. ___ RTO magazine page: 40 October/November 2005 www.rtoonline.com Sandberg Rental Express. Powered by a tradition of style, quality and innovation. Sandberg Rental Express—your fast-track to up-to-theminute style and rapid delivery—is no mere sprinter. As the rental division of Sandberg Furniture, each piece of bedroom furniture for adults and children as well as entertainment centers from Sandberg Rental Express come to you with nearly 90 years of American-made manufacturing excellence. We give your customers the variety and the style they are looking for at reasonable prices. We give you the satisfaction in knowing the tradition of quality that goes into each of our products. Sandberg Rental Express’ substantial, innovative features make the difference. ULTRAGLOSS for lasting beauty. Metal Slats for Adult Beds. ULTRAGLOSS is a state of the art, super high gloss, environmentally safe poly-finish that releases no Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) into our atmosphere. This product has been produced with our environment in mind, using some of the most technologically advanced materials and processes. The slats that support the bed underneath are typically wooden. As with most manufacturers, Sandberg’s used to be. Not anymore. Although Sandberg is the only company in the furniture industry to use ULTRAGLOSS in its manufacturing, it has been used —and proven—in many other industries for years. From gymnasium floors to Kevlar military helmets, many varied products have utilized ULTRAGLOSS for its resiliency and durability. ULTRAGLOSS is mar-resistant and has been thoroughly tested and found to have been unaffected by ink, coffee and even ammonia, among other potential household problems. Sandberg has upgraded their slat system to metal. Metal is an improvement in terms of value to the consumer, utilizing a stronger material and offering more stability. Wood can become loose. It can sag and split. The new metal slat system is adjustable, so that it fits all adult-size beds. Each Sandberg Rental Express bed is shipped complete with metal rails. AND MORE!—The kind of features you expect only in high-price furniture... • Roller-Glide metal drawer runners • Cam-Lock adjustable door shelves • European 32mm dowel construction • Adjustable leveling feet • Fully adjustable door hinges The more you know about Sandberg Furniture, the more you’ll want Sandberg Furniture. Contact: Dave Humphrey, Matt or Wayne Harris ph: 863-534-8915 fax: 863-534-3009 323.582.0711 • www.sandbergfurniture.com Rent the sizzle! it easier for staff to learn the inventory and, most importantly, to make a sale! An added benefit for the staff is that sizes and dimensions are always at hand (especially handy for phone sales). By Pam Leach Continued from page 32 there aren’t any prospects in the store. Make a game of it. How many features and benefits can you come up with for any one product (the sillier the better)? Hold contests. Write down all the objections you heard this week, then list all the features and benefits you can think of to overcome those objections (product and program). Make a features and benefits binder One way to keep track is to assemble Features and Benefits binders. Most stores have a large enough inventory that it makes sense to create one for each product type (Televisions and Electronics; Appliances; Furniture). Three-ring binders are easiest to keep updated. Decide if you want to organize by manufacturer or by type of product-whichever you find easier to look up. For the sake of your sanity, split the duties up and assign each employee a section of the store. To help train your employees on the inventory of the entire store, you might consider switching the duties around regularly. Put Susie in Electronics, Jack in Furniture and Sam in Appliances this month, then rotate departments next month. Once the hard part of creating the books is done, keep it up-to-date. Whenever new inventory arrives, add the information to the book immediately. Use the pockets for flyers, brochures or manuals. A good Features and Benefits binder that is easy to use and updated regularly makes Marty Smith (left) and Chuck Kuluva at the 2005 Heartland of America tradeshow in Lake Ozark, MO. Overcome Objections Big ideas in a small town By Lucille Farkas Continued from page 39 One last benefit of features and benefits: it’s SO much easier to overcome sales objections! Rather than letting an objection go, counter it with program or product features and benefits. a smile and a handshake. We don’t just hang flyers on doors when we deliver merchandise. We knock on the door and invite that customer down to see what we’ve got in our store. We’re sort of ‘old school’ that way.” The prospect is objecting to price? Remind them of the free service and free loaner. Follow with another close. Joe motivates his employees by demonstrating that no one, including him, is too important for a task at hand. They want to discuss it with their spouse first? Remind them of the product features and benefits that meet their needs (extra-large capacity, water and ice in the door, etc.). Remind them that there is no obligation and they can return the merchandise at any time. Follow with another close. “One of the first things I did as a district manager on my first day in a new store, or with a new hire, was help load or unload a truck or clean the store restroom. I wanted the people I was working with to understand that we are a team. And to this day, you are just as likely to find me sweeping the floor or loading a truck.” While you might not get the sale every time, using features and benefits will certainly increase your chances. Let your prospects know the value they’re receiving! It’s worth noting that Joe considers Right Choice Rental a family business, with wife Amy “keeping my papers in order and keeping me out the door!”. Joe’s children have also worked at the stores during school breaks and in summertime. And his dad, the TV repairman, runs Joe’s service operation. ___ “You get what you INSPECT, not what you EXPECT” Shopper’s View supplies RTO Mystery Shoppers www.shoppersview.com “I will say that in this business you definitely make a lot of friends. I have so many strong connections to my stores and to my employees, that I don’t ever see myself retiring. I would like to eventually develop into a 7 - 10 store chain. The ultimate for me would be to have seven stores with seven great managers who I could give an ownership stake in the company. I’ve always said, ‘Help me make some money and I don’t mind sharing it with you!’” Which just goes to show that you can live and work in the smallest of towns, and still manage to think really big. Just ask Joe Burchfield. ___ Visit www.RTOonline.com Know someone who’s excellent? Please send suggestions October/November for future RTO 2005 Excellence Dealer Profiles to :suggestions@rtoonline.com www.rtoonline.com RTO magazine page: 42 • • • • • • Experience the M & B Profit Advantage • Diamond Importers Prime Jewelry Manufacturers • Over a Century of Jewelry Manufacturing and Marketing Experience • Exceptional Inventory Management • In-House Repair, Refurbish, Sizing • “Quick-Turn” Shipping Advantage • Special Orders - No Problem • Turn Key Jewelry Department Set-Up • Experienced In-Store Training • Customized In-Store P.O.P. • Flyer/Mailing Program 6040 Century Oaks Drive • P.O. Box 23227 (37422) • Chattanooga, TN 37416 Telephone: 423-894-4480 • Toll-Free: 800-251-7640 • Fax: 423-894-5122 www.rtoonline.com October/November 2005 RTO magazine page: 43 RTO Success Stories by Trooper Earle WITH YOUR RTO EXPERIENCE, WE CAN MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! Leasing • HR • Legal • Easy start-up • Advertising • Financing • Operational Support • Buying Power • Camaraderie Premier Successes “From 4 to 40 in 4 years” he word is spreading. RTO people are talking to each other and one word keeps coming up: Premier. Those who are ready to start their own business are favoring Premier Rental-Purchase to help them get started. And those already part of Premier have found the support they need to keep right on growing. T For seasoned RTO operators wanting to go out on their own, Premier has become important in helping them put together a business plan, working with banks to secure financing, linking them to a network of quality vendors, and giving them access to support services that includes human resources, payroll, advertising, accounting and even legal advice. Now an approved SBA franchise organization, Premier is playing an important role for current dealers looking to open their second and third stores. Premier provides comprehensive support services to its dealers so they can grow their business aggressively without being encumbered by the many important but time-consuming details that come with any business ownership. In order to better help dealers expand, Premier has named Mike Lewis as vice president of operations. After 11 years of RTO experience that included being a regional director for another RTO company, Mike opened his own business last year, finding Premier’s guidance and support invaluable with the financing and store opening. Owner of Central Properties of Granger, Inc., in Mishawaka, IN, Mike returned to his bank after eight months of business looking for more financing for additional stores. “It is one thing to be successful working for an RTO company and doing things in their system, but another to create your own,” says Mike. “As an independent dealer, it’s your business. I know from my own experience how difficult it was to open a store and develop systems that got all my employees working effectively together. As VP of operations for Premier I will help new dealers get through that challenge and not lose the day-today focus on the numbers. Premier does a great job already of getting new dealers open. I will help new dealers after they open to establish their own systems while staying focused on renting and collecting.” Mike adds, “In working for other companies, ‘profit’ is all you know. As an owner/operator, ‘cash flow’ is king. To be successful, new dealers have to make that huge mental change quickly.” According to Premier’s president/CEO Trooper Earle, “Mike has the unique understanding of what it takes to run a successful store as well as what is necessary to build and run an effective multi-store company. They are vastly different. For all of our dealers, making one store a success is easy. But developing a multi-store organization requires systems, processes and internal communication to maintain performance and standards. Premier is very excited to have Mike helping our new dealers develop their operational systems so they can get ready for multi-store expansion when excess cash flow from their first store comes.” Trinidad (Trini) Rubio was at an RTO convention last year and happened to speak to Trooper. A market manager over eight Texas stores for the biggest RTO company, Trini had been toying with putting his 15 years of industry experience to work in his own business. His meeting with Trooper helped him see it as a possibility. Mike Lewis has been named “We had success with the first Premier’s VP Operations. store and were in the financial position to go back to the bank to ask for more funding to open another store,” says Mike. “The bank knew we weren’t just a mom and pop but rather a class operation. They poured over our numbers heavily and visited our store many times. With our operational procedures solidly in place and the credibility of the Premier support system behind us, it turned out to be easy to go get the ‘okay.’” Mike’s plans now also include a third store in Indiana before the end of the year! With established operational systems, Mike’s organization is ready to grow with multiple stores. “Having an industry accountant, human resources, payroll services, advertising and legal support through Premier means we don’t have to worry about things like quarterly taxes, payroll, insurance or marketing programs. My stores can run largely on their own leaving me free from administration duties so I can keep growing.” RTO magazine page: 44 And now Mike is poised to help other dealers do the same - keep growing. In his new role with Premier he will help new dealers get off to the right start. “Trooper takes the time to talk to you,” says Trini. “He is really personable and he sold me on Premier Rental-Purchase. I reviewed and researched other options and came to the conclusion that Premier was the best vehicle to help me realize my long-term business goals.” The biggest stumbling block for him was financing. He says Premier “made it easier. I tried it on my own first and couldn’t do it. Premier’s entire support program helped the bank feel comfortable with me and my plans.” But Trini is quick to say that Premier is invaluable in other parts of his new business, too. “I am an operator,” says Trini. “I don’t want to be burdened with the administrative tasks of owning a business. I want to be hands-on with customer service and spearhead the training for my employees. I also want the freedom to implement the vision I have for my company. Premier’s support allows me this privilege and, I believe, is one of the reasons success is on the horizon.” October/November 2005 www.rtoonline.com Dave Reed has a special offer to those thinking about starting a new RTO business: “For any ‘fence sitters’ out there, just give Premier’s Trooper Earle or me a call,” he says. After 20+ years working for the biggest RTO names and moving up from market manager to regional manager to senior vice president, Dave decided “the timing was right to do what I wanted, not what someone else wanted. It was time to look out for my family and our future.” For him - and for others, he claims - Trooper and Premier have the answer. “After checking around and comparing what was being offered, it was an easy decision to choose Premier. They offer a vehicle while I supply the gas. The lower fees, a great support network and very few constraints are allowing me to do what I want, when I want.” Although his experience had included virtually all aspects of RTO, he found that having Premier’s three-year budget process already formatted made it easier to get started. Chuck Botts watched as many of his RTO friends went out on their own - Dave Jones, Rich Bagoly, Brian Ferrari, Scott Kinnear. And they were successful. “With all of our experience, we all knew how to rent and collect but we didn’t know how to do other operations,” says Chuck. “Yet there everyone was telling me how easy it would be with Premier.” Chuck believed them. “What Premier did for us was great. It laid out what we didn’t know.” According to Chuck he didn’t look anywhere else. And for him, everything has gone as expected in opening his new business in Nashville, TN. At Premier, Rick feels he is more than just another store owner, rather an important member of the Premier family. Not only does he feel Premier will help him be successful, but he can help Premier be successful too. “Premier listens. Good ideas, no matter where they come from, get implemented and changes are made. It’s fun to contribute to a rapidly growing organization” says Rick. “Premier is very comfortable letting our dealers speak for our program and support,” says Trooper. “We are earning our industry credibility from their success and support. I urge anyone interested in opening their own RTO to call any of our dealers and ask them about their choice to join Premier. People believe what they hear from our dealers and that is what is driving Premier’s rapid growth and success. “Premier is different from our industry competitors. Frankly, we are different from most franchises. Most franchisors believe they have given the dealer the right to exist and there is only one way to do things…their way! Premier doesn’t teach RTO, we support it. Our dealers are all seasoned RTO professionals. They know what to do, and our organization takes the time to listen to them. Premier provides them with the knowledge of what it takes to own a business and the support to do it. It’s a true business partnership. We believe our dealers know better than anyone what their customers want and need. Our goal is the use the knowledge, the diversity and collective power of the entire group to strengthen our support programs and provide answers to each dealer. Trooper continues. “Franchises typically don’t allow individuality and diversity. Premier welcomes it and uses it to our advantage. Iron sharpens iron. That’s the Premier difference! Just three years ago we had four dealers. By next summer we expect to be very close to 40 dealers. From four dealers to 40, in four years. Our brand of franchising clearly is working.” Dragged down by a corporate structure that didn’t fit with his philosophy of customer service, Rick Vadnais decided the “only way to control your own destiny is to own your own business.” For him it was time to put into play something he had been thinking about over his 18 RTO years. “What attracted me to Premier was the name Trooper Earle,” says Rick. “It’s a household name in RTO. I talked to a lot of people who knew of Trooper, and I had heard all good things, particularly that he had vision, he was flexible, he was fair and as head of Premier he offered good leadership. Premier was something I wanted to be part of.” Premier Rental Purchase Inc. | 1-800-2PREMIER | www.premierrents.net RTO magazine page: 45 “Ownership and support assistance for the seasoned RTO Pro.” October/November 2005 www.rtoonline.com RBrycee Co.n t t o O w n R RTOtradeshow.com CLASSIFIEDS Turnkey RTO Jewelry Programs B w 1 H 8 B F b !SKABOUTOUR &2%%%8#(!.'% PROGRAM M w 6 C 8 R F r WWW24/JEWELRYCOM Associated TITLE , Inc. Turn your non-paying customers into CASH with car title loans, and earn 25% interest / mo.( laws vary) H w 2 W 8 J F j *turn Key Operation *Training, and forms *Allowed in 20 States including: GA, SC, AL, DE, CO, NV, MS, TN, UT, and more Associated Title , Inc www.fasttitlepawn.com call now; 404/252-8117 Rent ent to Own I w 1 D 8 C F c Advertising information sales@RTOonline.com October/November 2005 R w 7 C 3 D F s R w 2 E 8 R F s To advertise in RTO Magazine, the most widely circulated RTO industry print publication, or to advertise on RTOonline.com, the RTO industry’s most popular trade website, contact RTO Online Inc. w866-786-7547 - sales@rtoonline.com RTO magazine page: 46 I w 4 M 8 S s www.rtoonline.com nR e n t t o O w n RTOtradeshow.com a service of rto online - www.rtoonline. www.rtoonline.com Vendor Address Book Jewelry Bryce Co. www.brycejewelry.com 11844 Bandera Rd #114 Helotes, TX 78023 800-880-9434 Bryan Collins FAX: 210-695-1092 bryan@brycejewelry.com M&B Jewelry / Previously BOGO www.mandbjewelry.com 6040 Century Oaks Dr. Chattanooga, TN. 37422 800-251-7640 EXT. 227 Robby Tyson FAX: 423-894-5122 rtyson@mbjlry.com Software High Touch, Inc. www.hightouchinc.com 2020 N. Amidon Wichita, KS 67203 800-326-6059 John Rogers FAX: 316-831-5555 johnr@hightouchinc.com Ideal Software Systems/TIRM www.idealss.com 4909 Great River Dr Meridian, MS 39303 800-964-3325 ext 153 Stephen Lenhart slenhart@idealss.com Furniture Sandberg Furniture www.sandbergfurniture.com 590 E. Summerlin Street Bartow, FL 33830 863-534-8915 Wayne Harris FAX: 863-534-3009 Risk Management Teletrack, Inc. www.teletrack.com Suite 800, 155 Technology Parkway Norcross, GA 30092 770-449-8809 x1709 Scribner Dailey FAX: 678-229-1054 sdailey@teletrack.com Appliances GE Consumer Products www.geappliances.com AP 4, Room 200 A18 Louisville, KY 40225 800-782-8097 Paul Eichberger FAX: 800-772-6704 paul.eichberger@appl.ge.com Electronics SED International www.sedonline.com 4916 N. Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, GA 30084-3031 1-800-444-8962 ext. 1184 Michael Bertolani FAX: 770-493-5682 mbertolani@sedintl.com YAMAHA Music www.yamaha.com 6600 Orangethorpe Avenue Buena Park, CA 90620 800-386-8774 Thomas Murphy FAX: 775-703-5418 tmurphy@motivatedmktg.com BDI Laguna www.bdilaguna.com/rto 3960 Royal Drive Kennesaw, GA 30144 800-241-5641 Jay Nardone FAX: 678-255-4580 jnardone@esend.com Twinhead Corporation USA www.usa.twinhead.com 48303 Fremont Boulevard Fremont, CA 94538 510-824-6788 Ray Oribello FAX: 510-492-0820 ray_oribello@twinhead.com dPi Teleconnect www.dpiteleconnect.com/rto 2997 LBJ Freeway Dallas, TX 75234 972-488-5500 x4001 David Dorwart FAX: 972-488-8636 ddorwart@dpiteleconnect.com Business Opportunities ColorTyme Rent-To-Own www.colortyme.com 5700 Tennyson Pkwy #180 Plano, TX 75024 972-403-4905 Pat Sumner FAX: 972-403-4923 Premier Rental Purchase www.premierrents.net PO Box 244 Lightfoot, VA 23090 800-2-Premier Trooper Earle troop@premierrents.com Associated Title Loans www.getcommissionsfast.com 6000 Lake Forrest Dr Suite 315 Atlanta, GA 31315 404-252-8117 Bill Robbins brobbins@getcommissionsfast.com n Rent to Ow wn RSSS, L.P. www.rsss.com 711 N. Carancahua, Ste. 1500 Corpus Christi, TX 78475 361-993-1790 Doug Funk FAX: 361-993-1731 sales@rsss.com RTO Pro Software www.rtopro.com 2503 Gables DR Eustis, FL 32726 800-351-6299 Ron Ganus FAX: 352-385-0287 sales@rtopro.com Forms InForm Print & Promotions www.rtoforms.com 1209 S. Ridgewood Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114 888-786-3676 Chet, Pensak FAX: 800-550-1554 chet@rtoforms.com Marketing RTO Online, Inc www.rtoonline.com 4862 Newberry Jackson, MO 63755 662-415-4523 Marketing Dept FAX: 440-325-8803 sales@rtoonline.com RTO Internet www.rtointernet.com 4862 Newberry Jackson, MO 63755 866-786-7547 Roy Griffaw rtointernet@rtoonline.com Central File Marketing www.centralfileinc.com 5277 W. Beaver Creek Pkwy Brown Deer, WI 53223 800-749-6245 Al Benson FAX: 414-365-9001 TruckSkin, LLC www.truckskin.com 2322 Cass Road Traverse City, MI 49684 231-995-8601 Joe Lapekas FAX: 231-933-0663 truckadsjoe@hotmail.com Financing Lynnray Financial Corporation www.lynnrayfinancial.com 5696 Peachtree Pkwy Suite J Norcross, GA 30092 800-535-4138 Bill Lassiter blassiter@lynnrayfinancial.com Pre-Paid Services Budget Phone www.budgetphone.com PO Box 19360 Shreveport, LA 71149 888-866-3663 Danny Hyde dhyde@budgetphone.com BGC Telecom LLC www.bgctelecom.com 2001 East Malone Sikeston, MO 63801 1-888-698-1725 ext 703 Anthony Jarrett FAX: 573-471-5386 BGCTelecom@BGCTelecom.com Trihouse Enterprises Payday Loans www.Payday-Loan-Industry.com 1516 E. Tropicana, Suite 150 Las Vegas, NV 89119 702-889-9555 Jer Ayles Jer@Payday-Loan-Industry.com Buying Groups RentDirect Nationwide www.gorentdirect.com 110 Oakwood Dr. Suite 200 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 336-722-4681 James MacAlpine FAX: 336-714-9760 jamesm@nationwidegroup.org Associations Coalition for Fair Rental Regulations Ron Waters rlwaters@sbcglobal.net 9 Billion Dollar Buying Power! 6000 Stores! 2400 Members! Where Do Independent RTO Dealers Turn For Help In Today’s Competitive Environment? They Turn To Rent Direct Nationwide! With group centralized purchasing power, low-cost quick turn around shipping, high-impact advertising, on-line training programs and a host of other benefits, Rent Direct Nationwide is the independent RTO dealer’s best shot at reaching every business objective. RentDirect Rent Direct Nationwide Please see our ad in the center spread for more details. 110 Oakwood Dr., Suite 200, Winston-Salem NC 27103 For more information call James MacAlpine at 336-714-8802 or email jamesm@nationwidegroup.org.
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Dec/Jan 2006
I thank you for your loyal readership and look forward to developing new and exciting ways to serve
Roy Griffaw
RTO Magazine