Depósito Ni-Cu Santa Rita - Bahia
Depósito Ni-Cu Santa Rita - Bahia
Depósito Ni-Cu Santa Rita - Bahia Cesar F. Ferreira Filho IG – Universidade de Brasília Eurípedes Mariano da Cunha 5° SIMEXMIN Ouro Preto 23 de maio de 2012 Picture February 2012 Outline • Overview of the Santa Rita Project Eurípedes Mariano da Cunha (Exploration Manager) •The Santa Rita Ni-Cu Deposit Mirabela Nickel Exploration Team • Discussion of Recent Data Sulfur isotopes LA-ICPMS zircon geochronology PGE / PGM data EXPLORATION & RESEARCH Exploration History • Mineração Nhambú Limitada 1979-1981 (JV between BP-RTZ) • Regional and grid exploration culminating in 2 ddh (328.88m) • Concluded that the Fazenda Mirabela nickel anomaly was of lateritic origin and unrelated to significant primary mineralization • Caraíba Metais S/A 1985-1989 • Reconnaissance and grid exploration with 5 ddh (579.70m). 4 holes intersected intervals of disseminated Ni and Cu sulphides within the Fazenda Mirabela MaficUltramafic Intrusion • Sulphide resource estimated as 18 Mt @ 0.5% Ni, 0.2% Cu but Caraíba were not interested due to low Cu grades and the prevailing economic conditions • Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral (CBPM) 1989-2002 • Detailed grid exploration, airborne EM survey leading to 5 ddh (1,340.35m) to confirm the earlier sulphide resource. Auger drilling and 36 ddh totaling 985.8m defined a laterite resource of 54.7Mt @ 0.78% Ni • Public tender of project in 2003 won by Mirabela Mineração do Brasil Ltda (MBN) • MBN began laterite evaluation in Mar. 2004 and sulphide evaluation in Sep. 2004 Exploration History Ano de 2006 • Dezembro – audiências públicas referente aos Relatório de Impacto Ambiental (RIMA) . Ano de 2007 • Novembro – Início das atividades de implantação do Empreendimento. Ano de 2009 • Início da operação da Mina Santa Rita; Ano de 2010 • Produção de 10,3 mil toneladas de níquel contido. • Itagibá-BA passa a ser o município com maior arrecadação de CFEM na Bahia. Ano de 2012 (Target) 6.5 Mt ROM 147 Kt concentrado (13% Ni) Produção - 20.2 Kt – Ni contido Mercado: VM (Fortaleza de Minas) e Noril'sk (Finland) Orthopyroxenite Ridge and Tailing Dam - 2004 Exploração & Pesquisa Orthopyroxenite Ridge and Tailing Dam – 2012 Exploração & Pesquisa Infrastructure Exploração & Pesquisa Environmental Conditioning Fauna monitoring Seismograph monitoring Revegetation ETE Monitoring Environmental noise monitoring Hedgehog reabilitation (Chaetomys subspinosus) Flora monitoring Fauna monitoring Air quality monitoring Waste Management Seletive gathering Aquatic Ecosystem implementation Source: Environment and Sustainability 9 Sustainability Actions and Environmental Education Sustainability development support Talk Project Sustainability development support – Food course Citizen Mirabela Project Trail Project Eco Blitz Project Mirathlete Project Pre- University Course Source: Environment and Sustainability Mexa-se Program Trained people in 2010 and 2011 = 150 Hired people = 45 Teacher Training Supporting the CETEP with courses Sow Project 10 Flow Sheet – Plant Balls Mill II Primary Crusher Stockpile Source: Plant Operation SAG Mill I De-sliming Concentrate Thickener Flotation Tailings Thickener Filtration Nickel Concentrate – 13% Ni Grade Tailings Dam 11 Santa Rita Mining Phases Source: Mine Planning and Control 12 Santa Rita Mining Phases – Phase 1 Source: Mine Planning and Control 13 Santa Rita Mining Phases – Phase 2 Source: Mine Planning and Control 14 Santa Rita Mining Phases – Phase 3 Source: Mine Planning and Control 15 Santa Rita Mining Phases – Phase 4 Source: Mine Planning and Control 16 Santa Rita Mining Phases – Phase 5 Source: Mine Planning and Control 17 Santa Rita Mining Phases – Phase 6A Source: Mine Planning and Control 18 Santa Rita Mining Phases – Phase 6B Source: Mine Planning and Control 19 Santa Rita Mining Phases – Phase 07 Source: Mine Planning and Control 20 Santa Rita Ni-Cu Deposit Cava Norte March 2010 The largest example of stratiform/stratabound Ni-Cu sulfide deposit hosted within the interior of a layered intrusion. Geological Setting • Several mafic and maficultramafic intrusions located close to the contact between the Itabuna-Salvador-Curaçá Orogen and the Jequié Block. • The Fazenda Mirabela intrusion is considered to be emplaced during (or shortly after) the collision of these blocks during the ca 2.02.1Ga TransAmazonian Orogeny (Barbosa et al. 2003). • Geochronological studies (zircon U-Pb LA-ICPMS) of layered intrusions and host rocks (Fausto Lazarin M.Sc – UnB) support this interpretation. Santa Rita Ni-Cu Deposit ( The stratiform/stratabound mineralization is located in the transition from dunite in the footwall to gabbronorite in the hangingwall. Disseminated sulfides (Pn-Py-Po-Cpy) occur mainly in harzburgite, olivine opxt and opxt. Cava Norte (March 2010) View to from NE to SW Pxt Gbrnt Dunite / Hzb dyke Cava Norte (March 2010) View to from NE to SW Pxt Gbrnt Dunite / Hzb dyke View from Cava Norte SW to NE Mafic Zone Peri-Peri The mafic-ultramafic Fazenda Mirabela intrusion consists of a continuously fractionated sequence of dunite, harzburgite, olivine opxt, opxt websterite and gabbronorite. Gabbronorite Websterite Opxt Minor discontinuities occur in the stratigraphy. New injections of parental magma? Convection within the magma chamber? Ol Opxt Hzb Dunite Dunite Ol + Chr cumulate Harzburgite Ol+Opx+Chr Ol Orthopyroxenite Ol+Opx+Chr Orthopyroxenite Opx+Chr cumulate Websterite Opx+Cpx cumulate Gabbronorite Opx+Cpx+Pl cumulate The mafic-ultramafic Fazenda Mirabela intrusion consists of a continuously fractionated sequence of dunite, harzburgite, olivine opxt, opxt websterite and gabbronorite. Gabbronorite Opx+Cpx+Pl Opx+Cpx The crystallization sequence is: Opx+Chr Websterite Opxt Ol+Chr > Opx+Ol+Chr > Opx+Chr > Opx+Cpx > Opx+Cpx+Pl Ol Opxt The crystallization sequence and gradational transition of mafic-ultramafic rocks are consistent with compositional variations throughout the stratigraphy. Ol+Opx+Chr Hzb Ol+Chr Dunite The Santa Rita deposit is characterized by the lateral continuity of the mineralization (~ 2 km) and the great thickness of disseminated sulfides (up to 200 meters). Orthopyroxenite Ni-Cu sulfide ore Disseminated sulfide Disseminated sulfide mineralization occurs mainly from the upper dunite (Ol+Chr cumulate) to orthopyroxenite (Opx cumulate). Orthopyroxenite Ni-Cu sulfide ore Disseminated sulfide dunite (Ol+Chr cumulate) NiS ore Pn+Po+Py±Cpy orthopyroxenite (Opx+Chr cumulate) NiS ore Pn+Py±Po±Cpy The Santa Rita deposit is characterized by the lateral continuity of the mineralization (~ 2 km) and the great thickness (up to 200 meters) of disseminated sulfides (2-5 vol.%), the high nickel tenor of sulfides (ca 16-18 wt.%) and variable Ni/Cu ratios (average 3-4). High nickel tenor (16-18 wt.%) Pn+Py±Po±Cpy (ca 50-60 % Pn) High nickel tenor (16-18 wt.%) ~ 50% Pn Representative data from one drill core Country rocks of the Fazenda Mirabela intrusion include sulfide-bearing Neoarchean supracrustal rocks (high grade metamorphosed BIF and graphite-bearing granulite). Does assimilation of sulfides from crustal rocks is significant for the origin of the Santa Rita deposit? Graphite-bearing gneiss – Po-Py Santa Rita Pn-Py-Cpy-Po Country rocks of the Fazenda Mirabela intrusion include sulfide-bearing Neoarchean supracrustal rocks (high grade metamorphosed BIF and graphite-bearing granulite). Does assimilation of sulfides from crustal rocks is significant for the origin of the Santa Rita deposit? 1. S isotope data for the Santa Rita deposit (Lazarin 2011) do not provide evidence for crustal contamination. 2. Contrary to what is generally accepted world class Ni-Cu sulfide deposits may be formed without addition of crustal sulfides. The preferred petro-tectonic setting of world-class intrusion-related Ni–Cu sulfide deposits are controversial. Some studies suggest that they are typically associated with extensional tectonics in the crust, including rifted continental crust or continental margins. (Naldrett 2004; Barnes et al. 2005). The Santa Rita deposit is an example of world-class Ni-Cu sulfide deposit hosted within an intrusion emplaced during (or shortly after) an orogeny (TransAmazonian - Barbosa et al. 2003). Geological Setting LA - ICP-MS zircon ages. Lazarin (MSc, 2011 - UnB). Fazenda Mirabela - 2050±17 Ma Palestina - 2079±16 Ma Granulite facies metamorphism in the southern ISC belt is 2086 ± 7 Ma (Peucat et al. 2011). Fazenda Mirabela and Palestina show minor tectonism and recrystallization under high grade metamorphism. Intrusion were emplaced shortly after peak metamorphism in the ISC belt (tardi orogenic intrusions) Distribution of PGE Two distinct association (vertically offset profile) 1. PGE associated with BMS (Santa Rita ore). High Pt/Pd. 2. PGE (low S) associated with footwall dunite. Low Pt/Pd Ni Cu S Cr Pt Pd 800 900 Santa Rita Ni-Cu sulfide 1000 Footwall (low S) dunite Distribution of PGE Two distinct association (vertically offset profile) 1. PGE associated with BMS (Santa Rita ore). High Pt/Pd. 2. PGE (low S) associated with footwall dunite. Low Pt/Pd Ni Cu S Cr Pt Pt Pd Pt 800 Pd 900 Santa Rita Ni-Cu sulfide Pt 1000 Footwall (low S) dunite Pd Barnes et al. (2010) – EconGeol Mixing model – U-type (ultramafic magma) and G-Type (mafic magma) "Sulfide PGE tenors range from less than 100 ppb to greater than 10 ppm of both Pt and Pd, with maximum values in S-poor rocks at the base of the sulfide-bearing interval. PGEs become significantly more depleted toward the top of the Santa Rita zone. We attribute these features, along with ....., to mixing of an initially S-undersaturated, moderately Ni enriched resident magma with a relatively low Ni, PGE-depleted replenishing magma charged with suspended sulfide liquid droplets" PGE and PGM distribution in the Santa Rita deposit. 1. Is the mixing model the best explanation for the distribution of PGE in the Fazenda Mirabela intrusion? 2. Several layered intrusions (Great Dyke, Serra da Onça, Rincon del Tigre, etc) have distributions of PGE and BMS characterized by vertically offset profiles. These offset profiles may be interpreted as the result of fractionation processes in the magma chamber. Santa Rita Ni-Cu sulfide deposit ( The largest example of stratiform Ni-Cu-dominant sulfide mineralization hosted within the interior of a layered intrusion (159Mt@0.53Ni - potential for significant increase considering deep resources). Layered intrusions were usually considered as poor targets for Ni-Cu sulfide deposits. Cava Norte March 2010 November 2011 Santa Rita Ni-Cu sulfide deposit ( Layered intrusions were usually considered as poor targets for Ni-Cu sulfide deposits. Stratiform/stratabound Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization is a common feature in layered intrusion. The Santa Rita deposit is unusual for the combination of: extension (up to 2 km), thickness (~ 200m) and metal tenor (16-18% Ni). Layered intrusions should be considered for high tonnage and low grade Ni-Cu sulfide deposits. March 2010 November 2011 THANK YOU Instituto de Geociências Universidade de Brasília
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