Enterprise - HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology


Enterprise - HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
The HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology translates the
promise of genomics into measurable, real-world
benefits for people and their communities.
The HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology launched in 2008 with the
commitment to improving human health, stimulating economic development
and inspiring youth to seek scientific careers.
HudsonAlpha’s innovation contains three essential ingredients:
research-driven discovery, education and entrepreneurship.
Under the leadership of Richard M. Myers, Ph.D., a leading figure within the
Human Genome Project, HudsonAlpha marries these three endeavors into
a single enterprise. In its first six years, HudsonAlpha has generated major
discoveries that impact disease diagnosis and treatment, created intellectual
property, fostered biotechnology companies, and expanded the number of
biosciences-literate people, many of whom will take their place among the
future life-sciences workforce.
Genomic research, educational outreach and economic development: each of
these mission areas is a precursor to advancing quality of life. Together, they
have a powerful synergy and represent SCIENCE FOR LIFE at HudsonAlpha.
The companies included in this booklet work in life science sectors including
therapeutics, health-related products and varied services. A talented
workforce drives innovation in the research laboratories and commercial
These companies are part of the 152-acre biotech campus within the
Cummings Research Park, the second largest research park in the U.S. and
the fourth largest in the world. Currently three buildings provide world-class,
state-of-the-art laboratory, office and meeting space. Additional space is
available to biotech companies of various sizes, and new construction on
campus is also available.
Located in Huntsville, Alabama, HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology is
an integral part of the strong northeast Alabama economic community:
“Ten great places to be inspired by innovation.”
USA Today, April 2013
“Top 25 cities for high-tech startups.”
Entrepreneur magazine, August 2013
“One of the nation’s Top 20 strongest economies.”
Economic Strength 2013 Rankings, Policom Corporation
“HudsonAlpha’s collaborative entrepreneurial environment
and the immense body of work and expertise in the fields of
life sciences and research made headquartering Leavendary
here a very easy decision.”
—Peyton McNully, Leavendary
(a HudsonAlpha associate company)
Associate Companies
CFDRC ........................................... 6
iRepertoire................................... 15
Concero Scientific ....................... 24
iXpressGenes .............................. 16
Conversant Bio .............................. 7
Jackson Center ........................... 25
CyberGene ................................... 24
Kailos Genetics............................ 17
Delafield Solutions ........................ 8
Kirchner....................................... 25
Diatherix ........................................ 9
Leavendary................................... 18
EGEN ........................................... 10
Microarrays ................................. 19
Food Security Group.................... 24
MVW Nutritionals ........................ 20
Foresight Biosciences ................. 11
Serina Therapeutics .................... 21
GeneCapture ............................... 12
Southern Cord ............................. 22
iCubate ........................................ 13
Transomic.................................... 23
IDair ............................................. 14
Thermo Fisher ............................ 25
inQbio........................................... 24
Ubiquity Genomics ...................... 25
CFDRC’s mission is to develop and commercialize
innovative technologies. Most of the company’s work
is performed through highly competitive research
contracts from government agencies. Three core focus
areas are aerospace and defense, biomedical and life
sciences, and energy and materials.
Bio and Energy Technologies
The CFDRC Bio & Energy Division has a patent portfolio
consisting of ~25 patents in the following key areas:
• Microfluidics – miniaturized sample preparation
and manipulation including cell-based assays;
leading product technology is SynVivo.
• Electrochemical Devices – Variety of power
sources including biologically inspired prototypes;
leading product technology is Bio-Battery.
• Chem/Bio Sensors – Optical and electrical sensors
for detection of chemical and biological agents.
• Advanced Software Tools – Custom software
tools for design analysis of material, devices, and
• SynVivo – Realistic, dynamic, cell-based assays
enabling accurate studies of cellular behavior,
drug delivery and accelerating drug development
• Bio-Battery – Biologically inspired power sources
utilizing enzymes as catalysts to convert readily
available fuels such as sugar and alcohol directly
into electrical energy.
Sameer Singhal
CFDRC’s SynVivo product is currently being tested by a
number of academic collaborators, small biotechs and
VP of biomedical and
energy technologies
Kapil Pant, Ph.D.
VP of biomedical and
energy technologies
CFDRC’s Bio-Battery product is receiving application
development funding from a defense contractor and is
scheduled to undergo field trials in 2014.
Conversant Bio provides biospecimens and ancillary
services to researchers focused on oncology, hematology, and immunology research. In 2013, Conversant
Bio expanded services to include neurology, endocrinology, and pulmonology.
Because patients are waiting.
Conversant Bio provides primary tissues and cells
matched with the clinical information scientists need
to better validate their research so new drugs can
reach the patient bedside more quickly. Most projects
are prospective in nature; Conversant Bio collects and
processes specimens that meet each researcher’s
specific criteria for patient selection and sample
preparation. Additionally, Conversant Bio continues to
expand its ability to source normal biospecimens to
support general immunology research.
Conversant Bio is currently involved in more than 160
active preclinical or clinical studies with scientists in the
U.S., Europe and Asia. Examples of past research include:
Non-small cell lung cancer
Longitudinal collection of blood, sputum and tumor tissue
helped develop companion diagnostic for EGFR targeted
therapy in Phase I trials. Proved that diagnostic assay is
possible on less invasive specimens (blood/sputum).
Glioblastoma multiforme, hepatocellular carcinoma,
breast cancer (triple negative), colorectal cancer
Collection of blood and tumor tissue to identify additional
disease indications for lung cancer drug in a Phase III
Breast cancer, renal cell carcinoma
Marshall Schreeder, Jr.
chief executive officer, co-founder
Luke Doiron
chief commercial officer, co-founder
Jay Scherer
chief operating officer
Will Taylor
chief financial officer
Collection of tissue and treatment outcome information
to validate prognostic test that identifies Herceptin and
Sutent responders/non-responders for breast cancer
and renal cell carcinoma, respectively.
Collection of blood samples to test primary immune cells
in vitro in order to better understand the mechanisms of
steroid resistance and the potential of targeted therapies
to restore steroid responsiveness.
Collection of blood and tumor tissue to validate PI3
kinase biomarker for novel therapeutic compound.
Results were extremely promising and researcher plans
to push drug from Phase I to Phase III trial because of
unmet medical need.
Know You Are Protected. Always.
Microbial Viruses:
❍ Seasonal Influenza/H1N1
Delafield Solutions provides a novel approach
to area disinfection and cleanliness of work
and living spaces. As a licensee of two patents
related to the generation and dispersement
of Purified Hydrogen Peroxide (PHP), we are
designing safe, efficient methods for continuous
deployment of a known, effective disinfectant in
occupied spaces. Through these dispersement
methods, we are able to reach mold, microbes,
viruses and bacterial coliforms normally
inaccessible through typical housekeeping
practices. By creating a dry ideal gas, we are
able to more effectively treat contaminants at
lower concentrations than currently available
vapor or fogging applications. PHP molecules
are not encapsulated by water, allowing them
to be electrostatically attracted to microbes
effectively rupturing cell walls. This achieves
effects at H2O2 concentrations millions of
times less than current misting technologies.
❍ Norovirus
Bacteria and Fungi
(Mold and Mildew)
Viruses: Influenza H1N1
❍ Staphylococcus
❍ E-coli/Listeria/Salmonella
❍ Aspergillus-niger (black mold)
Stuart Kinder
Marc Lee
Chief Executive Officer
Jeff Castille
Executive VP, Operations
Persistent HAI’s
❍ C-diff
After more than three years of extensive analysis
by independent laboratories on the effects on
harmful microbes including viruses, bacteria,
mold, and other spore contaminants, and
satisfactory toxicology study, the technology
achieved the regulatory status necessary for
sale into the general market. PHP technology
falls into the category of disinfection and
is regulated by the EPA (not sterilization—
regulated by FDA) based on a year 2000 Final
Rule. Our products are classified by the EPA
as “pesticidal devices” under FIFRA, however
they are not “pesticides” and do not require
pesticide registration.
Currently, as we continue to refine our
products and assess their viability in the real
world environment, we are seeking clients
that have a unique or challenging disinfection
environment. Recently we completed the
successful trial onboard a working maritime
service boat operating in the Gulf Coast
Intracoastal Canal System. We believe
projects like this and others will contribute
to our greater understanding of the various
applications for our technology knowledge
base and help us reach the commercialization
Diatherix is an innovative, CLIA certified, molecular
diagnostic laboratory utilizing proprietary TEM-PCR™
(Target Enriched Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction)
technology for precise detection of infectious diseases
– linking diagnostics to therapeutics.
TEM-PCR Benefits:
Diatherix Distinctions:
Improved speed and accuracy of laboratory results
lead to:
• Simultaneous identification of bacteria, viruses,
parasites, Candida and antibiotic resistance
• Detection of bacteria in the presence of antibiotics
• Increased sensitivity and specificity
• Simplicity of single sample collection
• One day results*
TEM-PCR technology is a unique, multiplex
amplification platform designed to overcome the
challenges that exist with conventional laboratory
methods and real-time PCR applications.
• Improved patient outcomes
• Cost reduction and avoidance
• Reduced antibiotic utilization
• Increased patient satisfaction
• Greater clinical value
Linking Diagnostics to Therapeutics ™
866.979.4242 / www.diatherix.com
© 2013 Diatherix Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Determined by sample receipt.
EGEN, Inc. is a privately held biopharmaceutical company
focused on developing therapeutics for the treatment
of human diseases, particularly cancer. The company
specializes in the delivery of therapeutic nucleic acids
(DNA and RNA) aimed at specific disease targets via
its proprietary nucleic acid delivery and expression
technologies. The company has developed an innovative
research and development model with in-house expertise
in synthetic chemistry, molecular biology, formulation
and preclinical pharmacology. EGEN has a significant
intellectual property position in novel synthetic delivery
systems and their formulations with nucleic acids,
exceptional expression vectors for RNA secretion and
cell penetration and therapeutic applications thereof.
TheraPlasTM technology
A platform based on proprietary polymeric carriers for
delivery of therapeutic DNA nanoparticles, EGEN’s lead
product is in clinical trials (Phase I) for the treatment of
ovarian cancer and is in preclinical development for the
treatment of brain cancer.
TheraSilenceTM technology
Using proprietary synthetic carriers to deliver inhibitory RNA molecules, EGEN has demonstrated proof of
concept in animal models of lung cancer and pulmonary
arterial hypertension.
EGEN is developing a proprietary RNA amplification and
secretion technology that enables it to engineer mammalian
cells to produce and secrete biologically active RNAs into
extracellular space. These biologically active RNAs could be
a gene silencing RNA, microRNA, RNA aptamer or mRNA.
This platform has broad applications in both life science
research tools and therapeutics.
Trials/Testing (ongoing or recently completed)
The company’s lead drug candidate EGEN-001 is being developed for the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis of gynecological origins. Currently, there are
three ongoing clinical trials:
Khursheed Anwer, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Phase II clinical trial: Treating patients with persistent or
Jason Fewell, Ph.D.
Phase I clinical trial: Study of intraperitoneal EGEN-001 ad-
president and chief scientific officer
vice president
preclinical research and development
Danny H. Lewis, Ph.D.
senior advisor
re-current ovarian epithelial cancer, fallopian tube cancer
or primary peritoneal cancer
ministered in combination with pegylated liposomal-dc
More information on these clinical trials at:
Foresight Biosciences provides technology for
glycobiology research with an emphasis on creating
tools and in vitro technologies to advance proteinbased drug development.
Most FDA approved protein therapeutics are
glycosylated. Natural protein glycoconjugates have
very specific structures that affect their function and
distribution. Therapeutic proteins derived from nonhuman cells often exhibit improper glycosylation that
require modification prior to administration.
Foresight Biosciences has developed technology
to facilitate protein posttranslational modification,
glycoconjugation, and glycan analysis.
The company offers benchtop assays for glycoprotein
terminal fingerprint analysis, enzymes and convenient
kits for identifying, repairing and modifying protein
Ronny Hughes, Ph.D.
Randall Wilson, Ph.D.
vice president
Ernest Curto, Ph.D.
senior scientist
GeneCapture, a startup company in the research
and development phase, is prototyping a portable,
automated device to detect and identify pathogens in
less than one hour. This rapid detection device could
be applied to human and animal health, as well as
The company’s technology is based on a patented
DNA hybridization process and on a patented highperformance optical scanning technique.
GeneCapture is participating in a validation pilot with
Huntsville Hospital. Lab proofs have been conducted
on human, plant and animal pathogens.
Peggy Sammon
chief executive officer
Krishnan Chittur, Ph.D.
chief technology officer, founder
iCubate® is a molecular diagnostic company with
groundbreaking technology and an innovative platform
to detect infectious diseases. The company is currently
developing tests for companies and organizations both
in the U.S. and overseas.
Founder Jian Han, M.D., Ph.D., developed patentprotected arm-PCR reaction that addresses up to 30
genes in one test used by iCubate®. The research and
potential clinical possibilities are endless in designing
tests to differentiate between organisms and drug
resistance markers.
T h e i C u b ate ® Syste m (i C - Syste m ™ ) per fo r m s
extraction, amplification and detection using the
patented iC-Cassette™. The iC-Cassette™ is preloaded
with our arm-PCR reagents with the ability to detect
multiple organisms or gene markers in one test.
The iC-Cassette™ is a closed system, ensuring a low
risk of contamination and false positive results. The
iC-Processor™ processes up to four iC-Cassettes™ at
one time, with multiple iC-Processors™ linked together
for higher throughput. After processing, the iCCassette is scanned using the iC-Reader™ with results
appearing in an easy to understand report through the
company’s proprietary iC-Report™.
Clinical Application: iCubate® is working toward FDA
approval with the iC-GPC or blood infections panel. This
test is used for blood culture bottles to differentiate
between pathogens associated with sepsis. Other tests
are currently under development. Potential customers
include hospitals, physicians’ offices, research and
reference labs.
Carter Wells
chief executive officer
Jian Han, M.D., Ph,D.
founder, president and chief scientific officer
iCubate 2.0: The iC-System™ is being marketed and
sold in the research-use market. Customers include
U.S. government agencies and universities along with
government agencies and organizations in Asia. The
iC-System™ can be customized to detect a variety of
iCubate® anticipates releasing its blood infections
panel for beta testing. Upon successful completion,
testing will transition to clinical trials.
IDair products are at the forefront of a new wave of
biometric collection devices. IDair provides rapid,
touchless fingerprint collection and matching. The
technology converts a picture of a person’s finger into
a fingerprint image and then into a biometric template
(data file). This template is used in comparisons with
other fingerprint templates – for authentication or
identification of an individual. IDair enables fingerprint
reading from ranges of two inches to six feet, or
more. The process can also operate on most recent
smartphone models.
IDair has a growing customer base, selling to a variety
of organizations ranging from the U.S. government to
24-hour fitness gyms.
AIRprint is IDair’s initial flagship product. It collects
a person’s fingerprints from up to 2 meters away.
AIRprint takes approximately 2-3 seconds to match a
collected print against other stored fingerprints and
output the results.
ONEprint is a smaller, short range version of AIRprint. It
is designed to mount on a doorframe and provide access
to a facility. ONEprint’s collection distance is ~3 inches.
It is designed to support commercial applications,
including facility access, time and attendance, pointof-sale systems and more.
innerID is IDair’s latest product. It delivers the capabilities of AIRprint or ONEprint, but it resides on a
smartphone. An Android or iOS mobile device becomes
a fingerprint reader and matcher. innerID allows users
to simply point their phone camera at their finger to
collect a fingerprint. With innerID, there is no need to
allow anyone else access to your fingerprint templates.
They are stored securely on your phone.
Joel Burcham, Ph.D.
president and chief executive officer
Jay Ange
director of sales
IDair is conducting beta testing with some of its
customers. As the IDair technology is new, many
customers have the desire to integrate the product
into their security systems prior to installing a large
number of units.
An immune repertoire is the sum total of all the functionally
diverse B and T cells in an individual’s circulation at any
given moment. Each person has an individualized immune
iRepertoire uses immune repertoire sequencing technology
to access the body’s immunological memory, or “logbook”
of all past infection and disease. Sequencing the immune
repertoire can yield insights into the nature of the body’s
immune response to disease and infection. The future market
for iRepertoire will be in clinical and research applications
that require immune assessment such as drug treatment
monitoring, identification of minimal residual disease (MRD),
immune monitoring after stem cell transplantation, vaccine
studies, and biomarker development.
iRepertoire sells reagent kits and services for immune
repertoire amplification of B cell and T cell receptor
sequences, which are compatible with downstream Next
Generation Sequencing (NGS). This year, iRepertoire has
launched automated immune repertoire amplification and
extraction on their sister company’s iC-processor (iCubate,
iRepertoire’s novel arm-PCR (amplicon rescued multiplex
PCR) is very sensitive, allowing the amplification of an
inclusive immune repertoire from a small sample.
The company provides primer kits and amplification to
sequencing services to examine the TCR and BCR immune
diversity in both humans and mice. iRepertoire also offers
access to its proprietary repertoire analysis tools with the
purchase of its reagent systems.
iRepertoire’s reagent systems allow researchers to easily
and inexpensively generate their own high-throughput
sequencing libraries in the convenience of their laboratory
and analyze their data with the iRepertoire’s proprietary
software pipeline at no additional cost.
Jian Han, M.D., Ph.D.
chief executive officer
iRepertoire is proud to be a part of the nonprofit initiative
R10K, or Repertoire 10,000, with the HudsonAlpha Institute
for Biotechnology, which aims to study the immune repertoire
of 100 different diseases. The company has developed
two key indices to describe the immune repertoire, i.e.,
the diversity index and the sharing index. These indices
allow iRepertoire to identify disease specific signatures for
diagnosis, prognosis and treatment guidance.
iXpressGenes is a bioengineering and synthetic biology
company focused on protein crystallization, specialty
enzymes and contract research associated with genetic
The CrystalX2 is a novel microscope designed to
identify protein crystals at a very early stage using trace
fluorescence. It is designed for use in research, biotech
and pharma labs.
Protein crystal growth – iXG is conducting ongoing
research to address better techniques for crystal
growth. iXG has pioneered the trace labeling protocol
which is considered a best practice in labs in Europe
and the U.S.
Enzymes – iXG provides single solutions, specialty
enzymes and bio-lab supplies. The company has
exclusive access to microbes from the Atlantic Mid
Ridge Rainbow Deep Sea Vents. These microbes have
led to engineered enzymes with special traits, speeding
reactions in PCR and providing more temperature
stable polymerases.
Research – Scientists at iXG are exploring synthetic
biology solutions in the areas of healthcare, environment
and defense.
iXpress Genes is actively involved in a post traumatic
stress disorder biomarker study.
Joseph Ng, Ph.D.
chief executive officer
With a focus in the fast-growing world of next generation
sequencing, Kailos Genetics, through its CLIA Services Laboratory, analyzes DNA for “genetic clues”
associated with drug response, adverse response and
diagnosis of disease. These clues enable physicians
to proactively identify responders and non-responders
to certain drug therapies, avoid serious adverse drug
reactions that are genetically linked, and diagnose
inherited and non-inherited diseases.
The CLIA Services Laboratory at Kailos Genetics
currently provides drug metabolism/pharmacogenomic
testing services for (1) drugs and conditions commonly
associated with cardiac disease, (2) for drug and
conditions common associated with mental health
issues, and (3) for drugs commonly used to treat pain
and pain syndromes. The lab also provides cystic
fibrosis screening (CFTR gene). Other undisclosed
tests are undergoing clinical validation.
Kailos Genetics services all physician specialties and
has business-to-business relationships to leverage its
TargetRich™ technology in non-physician and research
Key Technology
Kailos Genetics is setting new expectations in
targeted enrichment with its proprietary technology –
TargetRich™. TargetRich™ achieves its high content
definition and specificity through two discrete targeting
steps and employs a clean-up step to remove any offtarget product prior to next generation sequencing.
This enables TargetRich™ to efficiently use sequencer
capacity, providing a cost effective method to detect
genetic changes known to be associated with both
disease detection and selection of the most appropriate
drug therapy.
Brian Pollock
president and chief executive officer
D. Troy Moore
chief scientific officer
Michael J. Walters
chief commercial officer
Randy C. Bachmeyer
chief technology officer
Propagating Legendary Yeast
Leavendary provides craft brewers customized “bigbrewery” biology that fits the craft brewing context.
Innovative craft brewers continually produce new
recipes that create new and responsive biology
requirements for Leavendary. Leavendary ensures
brewers have “pitch perfect” yeast, a first-class
quality program, and the biology expertise they
need to succeed in a highly competitive market.
• Delivering pitchable quantities
• Banking services
• Strain selection assistance
• Full service testing
• Contaminant ID/remediation
• Draught testing
Bio R&D
• Custom yeast strains
• Consulting services
• Wild yeast “domestication”
Peyton McNully
Perfect Pitches, Every Time
Craft Biologists
Serving Craft Brewers
Full Service Beer Biology
Microarrays Inc. is a technology company that uses
precision robotics to manufacture a product called
a microarray. Microarrays are orderly arrangements
of capture probes usually made of DNA and/or
proteins. These probes are able to “capture” biological
information, allowing researchers to rapidly sort
through complex samples and identify the presence or
absence of targets of interest.
Within healthcare, everyone from the patient to the
providing institution benefits from the use of arraybased tools. For the patient, the diagnostic time savings
can mean the difference between a positive or negative
outcome, especially in regard to infectious diseases.
The technologies developed at MI span the full
spectrum of array production, from early project
conception to manufacturing, final quality control and
product validation. MI develops all of the motion-control
software, printing robotics and microfluidic deposition
technologies used by MI to provide high throughput
capability to any project.
DNA/protein/antibody arrays - Array-based tools allow
scientists to better understand the fundamental aspects
of cellular biology, as well as to explore the underlying
aspects of human genetic disease. MI provides full
custom service for organizations seeking assay
development assistance.
While best known in the industry for microarray
production and assay development, MI has expanded to
include gene expression laboratory services.
Joel Peek
president and chief executive officer
Company’s supplements and vitamins
support the cystic fibrosis community and
others with gastrointestinal disorders.
Mike Walters
Melanie Vandiver
Suzanne Michel
registered dietician
MVW Nutritionals is a privately held company, with
the mission of providing leading edge nutritional
supplements and vitamins for persons who have
cystic fibrosis and other gastrointestinal disorders.
Our goal is to deliver exceptional product profiles,
coupled with outstanding service. We believe that
quality in what we do, at a reasonable price, are
important, and we are committed to this mission.
Our products are manufactured at certified cGMP
facilities to meet the guidelines set out by the FDA.
Routine testing occurs and every product receives
a Certificate of Analysis (“COA”) upon release by
the Quality Assurance team. In addition to making
sure that each product meets its label claim when
released, products also undergo stability testing to
provide the confidence that the levels of vitamins and
minerals needed in your care are consistent with the
label through product expiration. We believe this is
important, as we seek to ensure the highest standard of quality control from our manufactures for our
Serina Therapeutics, Inc. is a privately-held pharmaceutical
company that is advancing novel therapeutics for Parkinson’s
disease, restless leg syndrome, cancer, inflammation and pain
using its proprietary, patented polymer technology. The company
has created new pharmaceutical candidates using polyoxazoline
(POZ) – a safe, water-soluble polymer to which we can attach
a variety of small molecules, proteins, peptides and DNA. The
attachment of these molecules to POZ typically confers a unique
pharmacokinetic profile that is markedly different from the
parent compound. This profile may confer advantages in terms
of safety and efficacy. In general, molecules attached to POZ
stay in the body for a much longer period of time – and can be
precisely tuned to achieve the desired therapeutic profile.
In early 2013, Serina Therapeutics, Inc. announced a partnership
with AstraZeneca to develop a POZ-therapeutic with an
AstraZeneca proprietary compound. In April 2013, Serina
entered into an exclusive license with the Scripps Research
Institute (TSRI) to employ their “click chemistry” technology
for the development of POZ-therapeutics. Finally, in July 2013,
Serina entered into an agreement with TSRI to develop antibodyPOZ-conjugates for applications in cancer.
Serina is actively seeking additional partnerships with their
polymer technology.
Key Technology
Novel polymer drug delivery platform based on polyoxazoline POZ.
Randall Moreadith, M.D., Ph.D.
president and chief executive officer
Tacey Viegas, Ph.D.
chief operating officer
Mike Bentley, Ph.D.
chief scientific officer
Milton Harris, Ph.D.
Serina has advanced one lead pre-clinical candidate through
preliminary proof-of-concept and is advancing this compound
through IND-enabling studies in 2013-2014. SER-214 represents
a novel approach to the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s
disease to provide continuous delivery of a potent dopamine agonist
called rotigotine. Such an approach should provide continuous
dopaminergic stimulation (CDS) - a long-sought clinical strategy
to circumvent the major problems associated with short-acting
dopamine therapies. Serina plans to introduce SER-214, a
once-per-week injectable for Parkinson’s disease, into the
clinic in the second half of 2014.
Serina’s POZ-oncolytic compound for targeting to
different receptors on the surface of cancer cells is in
early development stages in animals, with pre-clinical
studies anticipated in later 2014.
Southern Cord is a private blood bank for families
who want to store the stem cells derived from their
child’s umbilical cord blood. Cord blood is collected
after the baby is delivered, presenting no health risk
or pain to the mother and child.
One of the unique things about cord blood stem cells is
these cells can be morphed into several different cells
later. Currently, stem cells derived from cord blood are
being used to treat several diseases including some
cancers, blood disorders and immunodeficiencies.
Research is underway into regenerating tissue using
cord blood stem cells and advanced research is being
done in organ development. Southern Cord provides
the opportunity to its clients towards these future
medical breakthroughs by preserving stem cells for
future use.
Cord blood is a valuable, non-controversial source
of a child’s own adult stem cells. It contains red
blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets
and is rich in hematopoietic stem cells. The stem
cells in cord blood have immense potential to cure
heart related diseases, blood diseases and genetic
disorders. Cord blood stem cells are being used to
treat approximately 80 different diseases and many
other diseases treatable with cord blood stem cells
are discovered every year.
If a patient needs a stem cell transplant, this can only
be obtained from bone marrow, circulating blood and
cord blood. Cord blood can only be harvested at birth.
Bone marrow and circulating blood are more difficult
to find a match to a donor. There are emerging
therapies in which children can use their own cord
blood stem cells to help repair the body.
Chakri Deverapalli
Bhavani Kakani
Lisa Williams
Our Mission
At transOMIC technologies we believe deeply in the power of
science and technology to advance our understanding of biological
systems and ultimately improve the quality of life. Our company
provides innovative tools and strategies for life science research
to help unravel genetic complexity and understand disease
development. This mission, coupled with a good understanding of
the tools that life science researchers need, drives our focus to
be a research partner, delivering technologies in a cost-effective
and technically supported manner to enable discovery across the
We have the largest offering of gene content to enable scientists
across the world, academic and commercial, to perform gene
knockdown and over-expression studies. These types of studies
produce insights into gene function ultimately providing biological
understanding of disease and possibilities for therapies. Most
of our leading edge products are developed through ongoing
collaborations with academic thought leaders.
Current Products
New generation shRNA tools for RNA interference
(RNAi): A new and unique design algorithm developed
by eminent cancer biologist Greg Hannon at Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory dramatically improves gene
knockdown efficiency. New collections target human,
mouse and rat genomes with potent, specific and 100%
guaranteed gene knockdown. Innovative RNAi product
formats from transOMIC allow scientists to target hundreds
to thousands of genes in one reaction greatly reducing the
cost and labor involved with large scale screening studies.
Genes for all species: We offer hundreds of thousands of DNA
based clones representing genes from human, mouse, rat, bovine,
zebrafish and xenopus species allowing scientists to express them
in cells and determine their biological function.
Blake Simmons
chief executive officer
Gwen Fewell
chief commercial officer
Rusla du Breuil
chief technology officer
Targeted Enrichment Sequencing Panels: TransOMIC has
partnered with Kailos Genetics to offer targeted enrichment
custom and cancer specific panels for next generation sequencing.
These panels based on proprietary Nested Patch PCR™ provide
an effective technology for targeted enrichment re-sequencing
of candidate genes or specific exons using next generation
sequencing. This technology enables rapid detection of various
genetic variations (i.e. SNPs, indels) and epigenetic modifications
used to make associations with disease markers and selection of
appropriate therapies.
Concero Scientific’s mission is safeguarding the warfighter and
the homeland from biothreats by accelerating prevention, response
and control solutions for infectious diseases and bioagents through
research, development and integration of cutting-edge life science
CyberGene Diagnostics is a medical knowledge, modeling and
simulation company that focuses on complex medical disorders such
as acute and chronic pancreatitis. New approaches, as engineered by
CyberGene Technologies, are critical for the personalized medicine
approached needed for patients with unexpected and unpredictable
disorders. Using new machine learning and modeling technologies,
complex medical problems may now be addressed through optimal
use of deep biological knowledge, new genetic and “omics”
technologies, by forward thinking physicians caring for patients with
complex problems.
The Food Security Group is dedicated to meeting the challenge of
producing sufficient food to feed the world’s expanding population
through the commercialization and proliferation of advanced
agricultural technologies. The group works primarily with companies
focused on advanced fertilizers, seed and plant genetics, water
utilization, pest and disease control and post harvest efficiency. The
Food Security Group actively collaborates with subject matter experts
and issue advocates, including leading nonprofit entities committed
to alleviating poverty in developing nations, in order to fully address
agricultural efficiency solutions.
InQ Biosciences provides the first fully integrated cell growth and
cell analysis system that combines a dynamic software-controlled
sample environment with powerful imaging and real-time data
collection. InQ Biosciences’ instrument accurately models the
conditions found in the human body that are essential for healthy
and abnormal cell growth and cell analysis. It is an essential tool
for researchers studying the effects of disease and environment
on human and animal cells. The company’s technology accurately
simulates hundreds of disease states, including stroke, heart attack,
Alzheimer’s and ALS.
The Jackson Conference Center is located on the HundsonAlpha Biotech
Campus, adjacent to the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. The
22,000 square foot conference center, with its flexible meeting space,
can host meetings and conferences for up to 800 guests. The center
boasts state of the art audio visual equipment and an IT support staff that
ensures everything runs smoothly. Experience personalized and efficient
service offered by Jackson Center’s hospitality minded staff. Enjoy fresh,
energizing meals prepared by the in house culinary team. Jackson Center
makes it easy to get down to business with no distractions.
The Kirchner Group has provided traditional merchant banking services
since 1985. The Company provides advisory, operational and transactional
support to companies as well as asset management services for
institutional investors. Kirchner Group’s proprietary platform is built on the
premise that pairing deep domain expertise with process experts provides
superior results. Clients and partners range from promising entrepreneurs
to Fortune 500 companies and their investors. The Kirchner Group is
a trusted, one-stop source helping early and mid-market companies
create value.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science, with
50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers
to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our customers
accelerate life sciences research, solve complex analytical challenges,
improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity. Our four
premier brands – Life Technologies, Thermo Scientific, Fisher Scientific
and Unity Lab Services – offer an unmatched combination of innovative
technologies, purchasing convenience and comprehensive support.
∞ Ubiquity
Ubiquity Genomics provides tools for targeted DNA sequencing. The
company’s proprietary technology allows researchers to focus genetic and
epigenetic analyses on large regions of the genome at a fraction of the
cost of other commercially available approaches. Ubiquity Genomics offers
customized sequencing services, as well as pre-made targeting kits. The
first pre-made kit is Complete MHC, which enables scientists to sequence
the entire MHC locus, a region of great importance to immunological
disease research. Ubiquity also offers kits for the enrichment of human
DNA from contaminated sources, such as saliva. These kits will also
deplete human DNA when the research is focused on the microbiome.
“HudsonAlpha gives us an
unparalleled opportunity to work
in a world-class facility where
we can learn and grow with other
entrepreneurs, educators and
basic scientists. The collaborative
environment at HudsonAlpha
has facilitated our growth.”
– Marshall Schreeder, Jr.
Conversant Bio
601 Genome Way, Huntsville AL 35806 | T: 256.327.0400
| F: 256.327.0976