GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT OFFICERS BORNE ON THE l.A.S. CADRE OF GUJARAT AS ON 18 T JANUARY, 2016 This booklet contains information regarding postings etc., of officers borne on the Gujarat Cadre of the Indian Administrative Service. 2. Errors and omissions in the earlier compilation brought to our notice, have been corrected. 3. In spite of our sincere efforts, it is likely that some errors or omissions might have gone unnoticed. Officers are requested to bring these to the notice of the G Branch of the GAD. Dr. Jagdip Narayan Singh, 1.A.s. Additional Chief Secretary to Government (Personnel), General Administration Department, 1, Sardar Bhavan, Sachivalaya, GANDHINAGAR. Government of India MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS (Department of Personnel & Training), NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 30th January, 2013. G.S.R.54(E). - In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section-3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951 ), read with sub-rule (2) of rule-4 of the Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954, the Central Government, in consultation with the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Indian Administrative Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955, namely:1. (1) These regulations may be called the Indian Administrative Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Amendment Regulations, 2013. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Schedule to the Indian Administrative Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955, for the heading 'Gujarat' and the entries occurring thereunder, the following shall be substituted, namely:- 'GUJARAJ' Name of the Cadre 'Gujaraf Designation of Posts Senior Duty Posts under the State Government Chief Secretary to Government Additional Chief Secretary to the Government Principal Secretary to Government Commissioner of Commercial Tax Principal Resident Commissioner, New Delhi Chief Executive Officer, Gujarat Disaster Management Authority Director General SPIPA Chief Electoral Officer, Gujarat State. Commissioner of Rural Development Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Secretary to Government Development Commissioner Industries Commissioner Settlement Commissioner and Director of Land Records. Commissioner of Land Records Commissioner of Cottage & Rural Industries Commissioner of Transport Commissioner of Higher Education Commissioner of Fisheries Commissioner of Health, Medical Services & Medical Education. Commissioner of Women & Child Development Commissioner of Geology & Mining. Principal Secretary to Governor Special Commissioner of Commercial Tax Commissioner of Schools Secretary to Chief Minister. Commissioner of Labour Commissioner Bureau of Public Enterprises. Commissioner of Information Commissioner of Relief Commissioner of Tribal Development No. of Posts 162 1 4 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name of the Cadre No. of Posts Designation of Posts Commissioner of Technical Education 1 Revenue Inspection Commissioner 1 Commissioner, Youth, Sports and Youth Services 1 1 Secretary to Governor Additional/Joint/Deputy Secretary to Govt. 25 Collectors 26 District Development Officer 26 Director of Municipalities 1 Registrar of Co-operative Societies 1 Commissioner, Entertainment Tax 1 Deputy Director General, SPIPA. 1 Director of Employment and Training 1 Director of Civil Supplies 1 Director of Scheduled Caste Welfare. 1 Additional Commissioner of Industries 1 Additional Development Commissioner 1 Additional Commissioner of Commercial Tax 1 Additional Rural Development Commissioner 1 Superintendent of Stamps & Inspector General of Registration. 1 Commissioner of Mid-day Meals 1 Director, ICDS 1 Additional Rural Development Commissioner (MNREGA) 1 1 Total Senior Duty Posts 162 2 CDR not exceeding 40% of 1 above 64 3 SOR not exceeding 25% of 1 above 40 4 TR not exceeding 3.5% of 1 above 5 5 LR & JR not exceeding 16.5% of 1 above 26 6 Promotion Posts 33 1/3% of 1,2,3 & 4 above 90 7 DR Posts (1+2+3+4+5-6) 207 Total Authorized Strength 297 Note : (1) Prior to issue of this notification, the total authorised strength of the Gujarat Cadre was 260. (2) The Principal Regulations were published in the Gazette of India vide SRO No.3350 dated 22nd October, 1955. These were subsequently amended in respect of Gujarat Cadre by the following GSR Nos. and dates. SI.No. GSRNo. DATE SI.No. GSRNos. DATE 1 505 29.04.1960 13 639 11.07.1981 2 979 27.08.1960 14 37 18.01.1986 3 226 24.02.1962 15 190 26.03.1988 4 163 02.02.1963 16 419 17.06.1989 5 435 14.03.1964 17 271 06.06.1992 6 1715 27.11.1964 18 654 (E) 15.10.1993 7 1275 04.09.1965 19 297 25.06.1994 8 1231 13.08.1966 20 319 (E) 31.03.1995 9 1116 29.07.1967 21 754 (E) 04.11.1999 10 308 08.03.1975 22 140 29.03.2000 11 1251 21.10.1978 23 706 (E) 16.11.2006 12 221(E) 21.04.1980 24 188 (E) 24.03.2009 (Deepti Umashankar) Director (Services) SCALES OF PAY INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE (Revised Pay Scales w.e.f. 1-1-2006) Chief Secretary t 80000 (Fixed) Additional Chief Secretary t Principal Secretary HAG f 67000-79000 (Annual Increment@ 3%) Super-time Scale (Pay Band-4, Grade Pay t 10000) f 37400-67000 Selection Grade (Pay Band-4, Grade Pay t 8700) t 37400-67000* Junior Administrative Grade (Pay Band-3, Grade Pay t 7600) t 15600-39100* Senior Time Scale (Pay Band-3, Grade Pay f 6600) t 15600-39100* Junior Time Scale (Pay Band-3, Grade Pay f 5400) t 80000 (Fixed) 15600-39100* *With two advance increments in the Pay Band @3% of sum of Pay+ Grade Pay. 1 LIST OF OFFICERS BORNE ON THE l.A.S. CADRE OF GUJARAT AS ON 15 T JANUARY, 2016 The Contents of this List should not be deemed to convey sanction or authority in the matter of Seniority. 3 2 List of IAS Officers borne on the IAS cadre of Gujarat as on 1st January 2016 I Sowceof Sr. No. Photo Name of the Otncer and present post held Contact Details Date of Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Puri. Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. 01-02-1956 12-07-1978 01-11-2014 80000/(Fixed) M.A. (Political Science) Delhi, LLB. (Special), Ph.D. in Rural Economics, LLM. Ex-Cadre Sambalpur, Orissa. 12-06-1957 19-10-1981 03-07-2015 80000/(Fixed) B.A. (Economics), M.A. (Economics), M.Sc. (Macro Economic Policy & Planning, U.K. On Deputation to GOI District : Luckhnow, Uttar Pradesh. 24-07-1958 01-09-1981 01-07-2015 1981 80000/(Fixed) Masters in Medieval and Modern Indian History. On Deputation to GOI RR 1981 Rajkot. Gujarat. 03-11-1958 01-09-1981 01-09-2015 80000/(Fixed) M.Com. (Adv.Busi.Mgt.), P.G.D. in Public Policy & Mgmt. (llMB) (Gold Medalist), Ph.D. in Yoga. On Deputation to GOI Goner, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 06-07-1956 01-09-1981 31-05-2015 (A.N.) 80000/(Fixed) B.A. (Eco.), LLB. Cadre 09-09-1957 01-09-1982 31-08-2015 80000/(Fixed) B.Tech. (Mech.) 1.1.T Delli, M.P.P. (Prinnceton. USA). MAP.A. (Syracuse, USA), On Deputation to GOI Recruitment Native & Year of Allotment 1 Dr. S. K. Nanda Chairman & Managing Director, Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd., Vadodara. (0) 0265-2240755 0265-2240855 (R) 079-23224394 (M) 9978406114 (F) 0265-2240072 RR 1978 Pay Scale ro Educational Qualification Remarks E-mail: 2 Shri Pradeep Kumar Pujari Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Power, New Delhi. (O) 011-23710271 (R) 011-24100998 (M) (F) 011-23721487 RR 1981 E-mail: 3 SrnL Rita A. Teaotia Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Commerce, New Delhi. (O) 011-23063664 (R) 011-23389074 (M) 09013132311 (F) 011-23061796 RR E-mail: 4 Dr. Hasmukh Adhia Secretary to Govt. of India, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi. (O) 011-23092653 011-23092111 (R) 011-24675862 (M) 8130633366 (F) 011-23092719 E-mail: 5 Shri G. R. Aloria Chief Secretary to Government of Gujarat. Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23250301 (R) 079-22686460 (M) 9978406138 (F) 079-23250305 RR 1981 E-mail: 6 Shri Tapan Ray Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs. New Delhi. (O) 011-23384017 (R) 011-23382324 (M) 9999306113 (F) 011-23384257 RR 1982 New Delhi LLB. (Sp0, Ex.Master in Int. Trade 0.1.F.T) P.G.D.l.B, (Int. Busl.) Dlp.(lnt Trade Law), Dip., Dip.(Env.Law), Dip. (German). E-mail: 7 (O) 011-23710619 Dr. Amarjit Singh (R) 011-24104133 Special Secretary to Govt. of India, (M) 9560074646 Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, (F) 011-23725477 New Delhi. RR 1982 Chandigadh 21-11-1957 01-09-1982 31-08-2015 80000/(Fixed) B.Com., M.A. (Economic), Ph.D (Medicine) U.K. On Deputation to GOI New Delhi 13-05-1956 29-08-1983 09-12-2015 80000/(Fixed) B.A. (Economics Honours), Master of Business Administration (Specification in Marketing Finance) On Deputation to GOI E-mail: 8 Shri Ashim Khurana Chairman, Staff Selection Commission, New Delhi. (0) 011-24361359 (R) (M) 9899877360 (F) 011-24360120 RR 1983 E-mail: 4 Sr. No. 9 Name of Ille Officer and present post held Photo Dr. Jagdip Narayan Singh Additional Chief Secretary to Government. Finance Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. 5 Contact Details (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23250611 079-23254908 9978405930 079-23250605 I Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Allotment RR 1983 or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale Patna. Bihar. 02-05-1959 06-10-1983 07-11-2014 80000/(Fixed) M.A. (Int. Studies, JNU), MDM (AIM, Manila), Ph.D. (MSU). Cadre At : Nawabpura, Out Side Mala Khera Gate, Alwar-301001 Rajasthan. 05-02-1957 21-08-1984 01-06-2015 80000/(Fixed) B.E. (Elec. Be Communications Engg.) Cadre Village : Basti, Taluka: Basti. Uttar Pradesh. 23-04-1960 21-08-1984 27-04-2015 80000/(Fixed) B.Com. (Accountancy), Master of Commerce Cadre Hat~ar. 15-07-1958 21-08-1984 05-09-2014 80000/(Fixed) M.A. (Pol.Sci.), M.B.A. (U.K.). Cadre New Delhi 22-11-1959 26-08-1985 27-04-2015 80000/(Fixed) B.Tech. Ex-cadre Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 15-08-1960 26-08-1985 27-08-2014 80000/(Fixed) B.Com. (Management), LLB. Ex-cadre Village: Dalmianagar, District : Rohtas, Bihar. 01-02-1960 26-08-1985 26-02-2014 80000/(Fixed) B.A. (Hons.) Ex-cadre Faridabad, Haryana. 05-04-1960 26-08-1985 27-04-2015 80000/(Fixed) B.E. (Electronics & Communications), Diploma in Business Finance, M.B.A. (Business Administration), U.K. Ex-cadre Native Date (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail: 10 (O) 079-23250505 Shri Prem Kumar Taneja Additional Chief Secretary to Government. (R) 079-26424902 (M) 99784061 46 Home Department. (F) 079-23250501 Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. RR 1984 E-mail: 11 Shri Arvind Agrawal Additional Chief Secretary to Government. Industries & Mines Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (0) 079-23250701 079-23250703 (R) 079-26862687 (M) 9825419819 (F) 079-23250844 RR 1984 E-mail: 12 13 14 15 Shri M. S. Dagur Additional Chief Secretary to Government. Social Justice & Empowerment Department. Sachivalaya. Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23251201 079-23251203 (R) 079-23252461 (M) 9978406129 (F) 079-23254817 Shri Sujit Gulati Additional Chief Secretary to Government (Primary & Secondary Education), Education Department. Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) Shri Anil Mukim Additional Chief Secretary to Government (Medical Services & Medical Education), Health & Family Welfare Department, Sachivalaya. Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23251401 Shrl Dina Nath Pandey Commissioner of Relief & Ex-Officio Additional Chief Secretary to Government. Revenue Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. 16 Shri Atanu Chakraborty Managing Director, Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Ltd., RR 1984 District : Bharatpur, Rajasthan. E-mail: 079-23251303 079-26873353 9978406980 079-23251305 RR 1985 E-mail: 079-23251403 (R) 079-26400021 (M) 9978405904 (F) 079-23254653 RR 1985 E-mail: (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23251509 079-23257489 9978406491 079-23251568 RR 1985 E-mail: (O) 079-66701303 (R) 079-66701304 (M) 9978405624 (F) 079-23249386 RR 1985 Gandhinagar. E-mail: 7 6 Sr. No. 17 Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Shri Anand Mohan Tiwari Managing Director, Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd., Vadodara. Contact Details I Sowceof Recruitment Native & Year of Allotment (O) 0265-2232801 0265-2230030 (R) 0265-2335777 (M) 9978406142 (F) 0265-2232130 Date of Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Appointment to present post Date of Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks RR 1985 Village Baragaon, Sant Ravidas Nagar. Taluka : Unjh, District : Bhadohi, Uttar Pradesh. 03-06-1959 05-09-1985 29-08-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) M.Sc. (Zoology/Sp!. in Biochemi.), Master in Business Administration. Ex-cadre RR 1985 Delhi. 26-11-1959 26-08-1985 15-06-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.E. (Hons.) (Ele.Engg.). M.Sc. (Public Eco. Mgmt.), Engineering Degree of Master of Philosophy in Defence & Strategic Study Ex-cadre Village : Bhatariya, Taluka: Datroj, District: Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 28-07-1960 26-08-1985 15-06-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Com. (Statistics). M.B.A. (General Management). Cadre RR 1985 Kanchisol, Betnoti, District: Mayurbhans, Orissa. 21-11-1959 09-09-1985 09-07-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) M.A., M.B.A. (Public Service), UK. On Deputation to GOI RR 1986 New Delhi 27-10-1960 25-08-1986 01-09-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.A. (Hons.) History, Delhi University. M.A. History. (Jawahar lac Nehru University (JNU), Cadre E-mail: 18 Shri Prem Kumar Gera Managing Director, Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Ltd., Ahmedabad. (O) 079-27913761 (R) 079-26747354 (M) 9978442884 (F) 079-27911454 E-mail: 19 Shri Punamchand Pannar Principal Secretary to Government. Forests & Environment Department.. Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (0) (R) (M) (F) 079-23251051 079-23254917 9978406123 079-23252156 RR 1985 E-mail: 20 Shri Girish Chandra Munnu Additional Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, New Delhi, (O) 011-23094811 (R) (M) (F) E-mail: 21 SmL Sangeeta Singh Principal Secretary to Government (Appeals), Revenue Department, Ahmedabad. (O) 079-29708455 (R) 079-26463099 (M) 9978406369 (F) 079-29708456 Advance Diploma in French School of Languages (GOL) E-mail : 22 Shri Sanjay Prasad Principal Secretary to Government. Labour & Employment Department.. Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23250873 (R) 079-26462060 (M) 9978406348 (F) 079-23250875 RR 1986 Diploma in Pub. Admini51ration, ENA, France, Delhi 18-09-1959 25-08-1986 27-02-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.A. (Hons.) History. M.A. (Hons.) History. Diploma E code Nationated Administration, Paris. Cadre RR 1986 Patna, Bihar. 06-05-1962 25-08-1986 01-09-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Tech. (Civil Engg.), llT, Kanpur. M.B.A. (Public policy & Management). Ex-cadre RR 1986 Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. 22-04-1962 25-08-1986 13-10-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) M.A. (Pol.Sci.), JNU, New Delhi, M.Phil (Diplomacy) JNU, New Delhi, M.B.A. (Public Policy), Univ. of Ljublana, Ph.D. (MS Univ. Baroda), Gujarat. On Deputation to GOI E-mail: 23 Shrl Pankaj Kumar Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation, Ahmedabad. (O) 079-22831601 (R) 079-22864118 (M) 9978406004 (F) 079-22803065 E-mail: 24 Dr. Guruprasad Mahapatra Joint Secretary to Govt. of India, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry. New Delhi. (O) 011-23061837 (R) 011-23072562 (M) 9999260104 (F) 011 -23061837 E-mail: 9 8 Sr. No. 25 Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Shri Vipul Mitra Director General, Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration (SPIPA), Ahmedabad. Contact Details I Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Allotment (O) 079-26748722 (R) 079-26925488 (M) 9978406135 (F) 079-26749048 RR 1986 Native Date or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale District: Jalandhar, Punjab. 22-07-1963 25-08-1986 01-09-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.A. (Eng./Eco./History). Master in Personnel Mgt, (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks Cadre L.L.M. ( U.K.). E-mail: 26 Dr. Rajiv Kumar Gupta Principal Secretary to Government, Urban Development & Urban Housing Department. Sachivalaya. Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23251001 (R) 079-23252920 (M) 9978406054 (F) 079-23251085 RR 1986 Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 06-05-1962 25-08-1986 13-08-2012 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.A. (Pol.SciJHistory/Eng.Lit.). M.A. (Pol. Sci.), Ph.D. (International Law). Cadre Village : Ukhlod, Taluka : Viramgam, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 22-09-1960 25-08-1986 21-02-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Com. (Accountancy), M.B.A. (Finance Mgmt.). Master in Development Studies Netherland (Public Policy), Ph.D. in Public Policy and Management. Cadre Badaun, District : Badaun. Uttar Pradesh. 06-01-1965 28-08-1987 20-04-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Tech. (Ele. Engg.), llT Kanpur, Master in Public Policy (Tokyo). On Deputation to GOI District: Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 29-01-1959 24-08-1987 26-08-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) M.A. (German), LLB., M.B.A. (Dist.) U.K. P.G.D in Ecology & Environment. Cadre Taluka : Charkhari, District : Mahoba. Uttar Pradesh. 12-12-1961 24-08-1987 15-04-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Tech. (Aeronautical) 1.1.T. Kanpur. On Deputation to GOI Village& Taluka: Reiek. District : Aizool, Mizoram. 01-03-1962 24-08-1987 30-08-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.A. (Hons.) (History/Pol.Sci.) Cadre District: Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu. 14-10-1963 25-08-1988 24-04-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) M.Sc. Zoology. M.Phil (Energy & Environment), M.B.A. (International Finance). Cadre E-mail: 27 Dr. P. D. Vaghela Commissioner of Commercial Tax, Ahmedabdad. (0) (R) (M) (F) 079-26581929 079-26850325 99784077 44 079-2657 4612 RR 1986 E-mail: 28 Shri Raj Kumar Joint Secretary to Govt. of India. Department of Economics Affairs, New Delhi. (O) 011-23092387 (R) 011-24104387 (M) 9999132035 (F) 011 -23094453 RR 1987 E-mail :jsmi-< 29 Shri Raj Gopal Principal Secretary to Government, Ports & Transport Department. Sachivalaya. Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23250506 (R) 079-29703951 (M) 9978406052 (F) 079-23250589 RR 1987 E-mail: 30 Shri R. P. Gupta Joint Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Coal, New Delhi. (O) 011-23384224 (R) 011-24105768 (M) 9978406066 (F) 011-23385652 RR 1987 E-mail : 31 Shrl L. Chuaungo Principal Secretary to Government, Energy & Petrochemicals Department. Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23250771 079-23250773 (R) 079-23217667 (M) 9879565877 (F) 079-23250979 RR 1987 E-mail: 32 Miss S. Aparna Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Chief Minister's Office, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23250078 (R) 079-23257482 (M) 9978406106 (F) 079-23222101 RR 1988 E-mail: 10 11 I Sowceof Sr. No. Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Contact Details Date or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale Baripada. Orissa. 05-09-1963 25-08-1988 15-06-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) M.A. (Political Science), Master in Public Policy & Management {The Netherlands). Cadre New Delhi 26-01-1964 25-08-1988 06-07-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) M.A. (Eco.), M.A. (International Political Economics). Cadre RR 1988 Azamgadh, Uttar pradesh. 11-07-1962 25-08-1988 03-06-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.A. (Political Science/ Economics/Philosophy), M.A. (Political Science), Master in Public Policy, Australia. On Deputation to GOI RR 1988 District: Muzfemagar, Uttar Pradesh. 16-11-1963 25-08-1988 07-09-2010 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Tech. (llT.D). Mechanical Engg., ENA (France). Ex-cadre Village& Taluka: Sojitra, District : Anand, Gujarat. 30-11-1960 29-08-1988 30-08-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.A. Sociology Ex-cadre Chandigarh 26-11-1962 25-08-1988 01-03-2009 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Sc. (Hons.). Zoology. M.A. (Political Science), M.Phil (African Studies), LLB. (Labour Laws), Diploma in French Language. Cadre Nainital, Uttarakhand. 19-10-1965 21-08-1989 17-06-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Tech (Civil Engg.), M.Tech. (Water Resources Engg.), 1.1.T. New Delhi. Cadre Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 12-07-1967 21-08-1989 12-06-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.A. (Pol. Sci.), L.L.M. & P.G.D.E.E Uni. of Hyderabad, M.l.D.P. Duke Uni. USA. Ex-cadre Recruitment & Year of Native Allotment 33 Shri B. B. Swain Principal Secretary to Government, Panchayats. Rural Housing & Rural Development Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23251103 (R) 079-26403141 (M) 9978406155 (F) 079-23252055 RR 1988 (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail: 34 35 Shri Mukesh Puri Principal Secretary to Government, Narmada, Water Resourses, Water Supply & Kalpsar Department (Water Supply). Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23251683 (R) (M) 9978408088 (F) 079-23254656 Shri A. K. Sharma Joint Secretary to Prime Minister. Prime Minister's Office, New Delhi. (0) 011-23015944 RR 1988 E-mail: (R) 011-23072555 (M) 9013990009 (F) 011-23017365 E-mail: 36 Shri Sanjay Nandan Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23256744 079-23256746 (R) 079-26403060 (M) 9978405682 (F) 079-23256746 E-mail: 37 38 39 SmL Anuradha Mall Commissioner of Women & Child Development & Principal Secretary to Government, Women & Child Development Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) SmL Anita Karwal Chief Electoral Officer for the State of Gujarat & Ex-officio Principal Secretary to Government, General Administration Department. Sachivalaya. Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23250318 Shrl PankaJ Joshi Principal Secretary to Government (Higher & Technical Education). Education Department, Sachivalaya. Gandhinagar. 079-23254822 079-22866021 9978405367 079-23254823 RR 1988 E-mail: 079-23250316 (R) 079-26560643 (M) 9978406110 (F) 079-23250317 RR 1988 E-mall : &. (O) 079-23251308 (R) 079-26426664 (M) 9978405961 (F) 079-23254697 RR 1989 E-mail: 40 Shri Srinivas Katikithala Principal Secretary to Government. Revenue Department, Sachivalaya. Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23251503 (R) 02764-261178 (M) 9978408081 (F) 079-23251508 RR 1989 E-mail: 12 Sr. No. 41 Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held 13 Contact Details (O) 079-23238363 Shri Amrendra Kumar Rakesh Vice Chainnan & Chief Executive Officer, (R) 079-26924731 Gujarat Maritime Board, Gandhinagar. I Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Allotment RR 1989 (M) 9978407328 (F) 079-23234703 or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale Village: Amarpur, Taluka : Tekri, District : Gaya, Bihar. 21-07-1964 21-08-1989 20-02-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Tech (Civi0, Diploma in Public Policy (The Hague). Ex-cadre Rajasthan 01-12-1965 21-08-1989 17-10-2011 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) Post Graduate. Psychology. On Deputation to GOI Kata, Rajasthan. 25-07-1965 20-08-1990 28-08-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.E. (Electronics). PGDM (llMA). Ex-cadre Darbhanga. Bihar. 20-12-1966 20-08-1990 27-04-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Tech. (Hons.) Ex-cadre New Delhi 24-10-1963 20-08-1990 15-06-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.A. (History/Pol. Science & Public. Admn.). Ex-cadre Debghar, Bihar. 19-01-1967 20-08-1990 25-09-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Sc., M.Sc., M.B.A. (U.K.) Ex-cadre Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 14-02-1967 20-08-1990 23-04-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.A. Ex-cadre Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 17-08-1967 15-09-1991 15-06-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) Ph.D. (e-Govemance), M.Sc. (Nuclear Physics), M.P.A. (Harvard) Chevening Scholar (London School of Economics) B.Sc. (Physics). Cadre Native Date (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail : 42 SmL Sunaina Tomar Joint Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Textiles, Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi. (O) (R) (M) (F) 011-23061826 011-24677060 9650866555 011-23063588 RR 1989 E-mail: 43 Shri Kamal Kumar Dayani Commissioner of Transport. Gandhinagar. (0) 079-23251361 (R) 079-23254954 (M) 9978405830 (F) 079-23251362 RR 1990 E-mail: 44 Shri Manoj Kumar Das Principal Secretary to Government. Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23251162 079-22862291 9727780001 079-23251199 RR 1990 E-mail: 45 Shri Manoj Aggarwal Vice Chairman & Managing Director. Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation, Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23250583 079-23262000 9978444105 079-23259359 RR 1990 E-mail: 46 Shri Chandra Vanu Som Managing Director, Gujarat State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd., Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23259759 (R) (M) 9978406105 RR 1990 (F) 079-23222707 E-mail: 47 Shrl Arunkumar M. Solankl Principal Secretary to Govemment, Agriculture & Cooperation Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23250801/ 213 (R) 079-23243736 (M) 9978405681 (F) 079-23252365 RR 1990 E-mail: 48 Dr. Jayanti S. Ravi Commissioner of Rural Development & Principal Secretary to Government (Rural Development), Panchayats. Rural Housing & Rural Development Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23253461 079-23235796 (R) 079-23226010 (M) 9978406018 (F) 079-23259806 RR 1991 E-mail 14 Sr. No. 49 Name of Ille Officer and present post held Photo SmL Anju Sharma Chief Executive Officer, Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority, Gandhinagar. 15 Contact Details I Sowceof Reauitment & Year of Allotment (O) 079-23259276 (R) 079-23260180 (M) 9978405600 Native Date or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks RR 1991 Luckhnow, Uttar Pradesh. 15-07-1969 15-09-1991 24-08-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) M.B.A. (Marketing & Finance), M.A. in International Dev. Policy, Duke University USA. Ex-cadre RR 1991 Village : SalemSubramanianagar, Tauka & District : Salem, Tamil Nadu. 11-06-1961 15-09-1991 21-09-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) M.Sc. (Physics), B.Ed.. Ph.D. (Disaster Management), Austrian National University, Canberra. On Deputation to GOI Patna, Bihar. 03-12-1965 23-12-1991 15-06-2015 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.Sc. (Hons.) (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics, Spl. Paper-Electronics), Certificate in Computers from IGNOU. Ex-cadre Taluka : Rahawas, District : Dausa, Rajasthan. 01-07-1965 15-09-1991 01-09-2014 HAG 67000-79000 (Annual Increment @3%) B.E. (Mech.Engg.) Ex-cadre 01-07-1970 03-09-1995 27-08-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 M.B.A., B.A. (Hons.). English Literature. Cadre Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 03-07-1971 03-09-1995 10-10-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 ExecutiVe Masters in Public Administration Maxwell, Syracuse, USA., M.Sc. Bio-Technology. Ex-cadre Mumbai, Maharashtra. 15-08-1969 05-09-1996 16-06-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.Com. (Financial Accounting), EMPA (International Trade Finance), Mason Fellow & MPA in Economics, Harvard University. Cadre Taluka & District : Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. 05-05-1971 05-09-1996 23-04-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.E. (Mining Engineering), M.B.A. (Finance & Marketing), M.A. (Economics), MIDP, Ph.D. Cadre (F) 079-23259275 E-mail: 50 Dr. V. Thiruppugazh Advisor, National Disaster Management Authority (NOMA), New Delhi. (O) 011-26701786 (R) (M) 09599946299 (F) 011-26701816 E-mail 51 52 s. Shri J. Haider Principal Secretary to Government (Tourism, Devsthanam Management & Pilgrimage), Industries & Mines Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. Shri Jagdish Prasad Gupta Commissioner of Health. Medical Services & Medical Education. Gandhinagar and Ex--Ofllclo Principal Seaatary lo Government, Health & Family Welfare Departmert (Public Health & Family Welfare), Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. 53 54 (0) 079-23250706 (R) 079-23254956 (M) 9978406080 (F) 079-23250325 RR 1991 E-mail : (O) 079-23253271 (R) (M) 9978406064 (F) 079-23256430 RR 1991 1----------'-----''-------E-mail: SmL Vatsala Vasudeva Commissioner of Cottage & Rural Industries & Secretary to Government (Cottage & Rural Industries), Industries & Mines Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-2325738B/89 019-232s9411na (R) 079-23261050 (M) 9978405535 (F) 079-23257390 079-23259479 SmL D. Thara Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad. (O) 079-25352828 (R) 079-22860045 (M) 9978533344 (F) 079-25354638 RR 1995 Chandigarh, Punjab. E-mail:, RR 1995 E-mail: 55 56 Ms. Mona K. Khandhar Secretary to Government (Animal Husbandry, Cow Breeding, Fisheries & Cooperation), Agriculture & Cooperation Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23250326 079-23250328 (R) 079-26857992 (M) 9978441388 (F) 079-23252480 Dr. T. Natarajan Secretary to Government (Economic Affairs), Finance Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23250603 (R) 079-23240535 (M) 9978406048 (F) 079-23250615 RR 1996 E-mail: RR 1996 E-mail: 17 16 Sr. No. 57 Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Shri Rajiv Topno Private Secretary to Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Office, New Delhi. Contact Details I Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Allotment (O) 011-23016060 (R) 011-26114633 (M) RR 1996 Date or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale Village & Taluka : Ranchi, Jharkhand. 28-05-1974 04-09-1996 13-10-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.A. (Hons) in Political Science On Deputation to GOI Luckhnow, Uttar Pradesh. 01-04-1972 05-09-1996 28-08-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 M.A. (Psycho.) M.P.A.. Huniphrey School of Public Affairs University of Minnesota, USA. Cadre Village & Taluka : Manjhau. District : Begusarai, Bihar. 08-07-1970 05-09-1996 09-05-2013 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.Tech (Elec. Engg), 1.1.T. Kanpur, EMPA, Syracuse University, USA. Ex-cadre Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. 06-03-1972 08-09-1997 01-05-2013 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 M.Sc. (Zoology) Ex-cadre Village & Taluka : Saidpur, Disrict : Ghazhipur, Utter Pradesh. 28-04-1975 08-09-1997 04-11-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering), 11.T., Kanpur. Cadre Native (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks (F) 011-23010233 E-mail: 58 Ms. Mamta Venna Industries Commissioner, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23252524 079-23252526 (R) 079-23254862 (M) 9978407301 (F) 079-23252521 RR 1996 E-mail: 59 Shri Mukesh Kumar State Project Director. Serva SikshaAbhiyan & Ex-officio Commissioner of Primary Education, Gandhinagar. (0) 079-23243133 (R) 079-26857992 (M) 9978407676 (F) 079-23238404 RR 1996 E-mail: 60 SmL Shahmeena Husain Director (Administration). Gujarat Utja Vikas Nigam Ltd., Vadodara. (O) 0265-23381 B6 (R) 0265-2330072 (M) 9537155055 (F) 0265-2337918 0265-2338164 RR 1997 E-mail: 61 62 Shri Ashwani Kumar Secretary to Government (Housing & Nirmal Gujarat), Urban Development & Urban Housing Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. Ms. Sonal Mishra Managing Director, Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd., Vadodara. (O) 079-23251037 (R) RR 1997 (M) 9978407251 (F) 079-23257386 E-mail : (O) 0265-2230664 (R) 0265-2783699 (M) 9727056976 (F) 0265-2230029 RR 1997 Utter Pradesh 30-08-1972 11-12-1997 27-04-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.A. (Hons) (Economics). LLB. Ex-cadre RR 1997 Village: Rlgaspura. District : Alwar, Rajasthan. 04-03-1969 08-09-1997 28-08-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.A. with Economics, Pol. Science, Geography, M.A. with Pol.Science. Cadre Utter Pradesh 08-12-1972 07-09-1997 01-03-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.E. (Electronics & Communication) llT, Roorkee, M.Tech. (Optical Communication) llTDelhi. Cadre E-mail: 63 Shrl Ramesh Chand Meena Secretary to Government, Tribal Development Department. Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23252028 (R) 079-23254939 (M) 9978407535 (F) 079-23258081 E-mail: 64 Shri Manish Bhardwaj Secretary to Government, Sports, Youth & Cultural Activities Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23251371 (R) 079-23226065 (M) 9978407112 (F) 079-23252995 RR 1997 E-mail: 18 Sr. No. 65 Photo Name a1 Ille Officer and present post held Shri Dhananjay Dwivedi Secretary to Government, Science & Technology Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. 19 Contact Details (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23259999 079-23247162 9978407179 079-23257430 I Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Allotment RR 1998 or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale Village: Khadagada, District: Dungarpur. Rajasthan. 01-07-1973 07-09-1998 15-06-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.E (Electronics & Telecom), M.B.A. (Finance-Investment), Duke Uni. (USA). Cadre Mau. Uttar Pradesh. 16-09-1971 07-09-1998 11-08-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.A. (Hons.) (History), M.A. (History). On Deputation to GOI Taluka: Dharuiqvaram. Andhra Pradesh. 10-01-1965 07-09-1998 25-09-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 M.B.B.S. Ex-cadre Patna, Bihar. 24-08-1970 07-09-1998 25-08-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.Tech. (Hons.) 1.1.T. Kharagpur, M.P.A.• Huniphrey School of Public Affairs University of Minnesota, USA. Cadre Village : Gavada, Taluka: V"gapur, District : Mehsana, Gujarat. 01-06-1959 15-06-2004 12-06-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.A. History Ex-cadre Ahmedabad City. District: Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 04-08-1956 15-06-2004 18-06-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.Com. (Advance Accountancy & Auditing), LLB. (SpO. Cadre Village: Fatehpur, Karchana, District: Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 15-06-1976 20-09-1999 18-06-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.Tech. Textile Techonology (llTD), CIC, M.A. (Eco.). Cadre Village: Sikar, Taluka & District: Sikar, Rajasthan. 11-02-1971 20-09-1999 07-07-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.E. (Civi0 from NIT, Jaipur, Master of Business Law (MBL) from National Law School of India University, Bangalore. Ex-cadre Native Date (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail: 66 Shri Mohammad Shahid Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, New Delhi. RR 1998 (O) (R) (M) (F) E-mail: 67 Dr. s. Murali Krishna Managing Director. Gujarat Urban Development Company Ltd., Gandhinagar. (0) 079-23246126 079-23246127 (R) 079-23241171 (M) 9978441 590 (F) 079-23246127 RR 1998 E-mail: 68 Shri Sanjeev Kumar Secretary to Government (Expenditure). Finance Department, Schivalaya. Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23250606 079-23254862 9978406373 079-2325051 o RR 1998 E-mail: 69 Shri R. M. Jadav Special Commissioner, Ninnal Bharat Abhiyan in the Commissionerate of Rural Development. Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23245337 079-23289138 9978405994 079-23257355 scs 1998 E-mail: 70 Shri M. A. Nannawala Commissioner of Fisheries. Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23253742 scs 079-23253729 (R) 079-26672886 (M) 9978405983 (F) 079-23253730 1998 E-mail: 71 Shrl Hareet Shukla Development Commissioner, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23254068 (R) 079-26404028 RR 1999 (M) 9978407755 (F) 079-23254114 079-23254076 E-mail: 72 Shri Ajay Bhadoo Secretary to Chief Minister, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23250023 079-23250025 (R) 079-23254925 (M) 9978406358 (F) 079-23257618 RR 1999 E-mail: 20 Sr. No. 73 Photo Name a1 Ille Officer and present post held Shri A. M. Mankad Commissioner of Technical Education, Gandhinagar. 21 Contact Details (O) 079-23253546 (R) I Sowceof Reauitment & Year of Allotment scs 1999 or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale Surendranagar, Gujarat. 08-10-1956 07-03-2005 26-08-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.A. Cadre Devalia, Taluka & District: Amreli, Gujarat. 06-03-1959 07-03-2005 03-03-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 M.Sc. (Geology) Cadre Village : Kothamba, Taluka: Lunawada. District : Mahisagar, Gujarat. 11-06-1956 06-04-2005 23-02-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.A. (English), LLB. (Special). Urban Management (Singapore). Ex-cadre Village : Pasavadal, Taluka : vadgam, District: Banaskentha, Gujarat. 19-05-1958 22-03-2006 26-02-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 M.Com. (Adv. Accountancy) Cadre Village: Dhunadara. Taluka : Thasara, District : Kheda, Gujarat. 12-12-1956 22-03-2006 24-02-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.Com. Cadre Village: Nandol, Taluka: Dehgam. District: Gandhinagar, Gujarat. 25-07-1959 22-03-2006 12-06-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 M.Com., LLB. Cadre Unai, Taluka: Vyara, District : Tapi, Gujarat. 31-08-1956 22-03-2006 07-07-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 M.Sc. (Botany) Ex-cadre 08-10-1976 04-09-2000 27-02-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 M.A. (Eng.Lit.), Diploma in Joumalism. Ph.D. in Management Ex-cadre Native Date (M) 942881 4280 (F) 079-23253546 (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail 74 Shri V. P. Patel Commissioner of Land Reforms & Ex-officio Secretary to Government, Revenue Department, Sachivalaya. Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23251511 079-29703682 9978408567 079-23252318 scs 1999 E-mail: 75 s. Shri H. Patel Municipal Commissioner. Vadodara Municipal Corporation, Vadodara. (0) 0265-2433344 (R) 0265-2792233 0265-2785700 (M) 7874077888 (F) 0265-2433060 scs 1999 E-mail: 76 Shri S. B. Raval Commissioner of Information, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23253388 (R) scs 1999 (M) 9978406499 (F) 079-23259288 E-mail: 77 Shri A. J. Shah Commissioner of Higher Education, Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23254000 079-23243272 9825228688 079-23252240 scs 1999 E-mail: 78 Shri N. P. Thakar Settlement Commissioner Br Director of Land Records, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23229090 (R) 079-27605813 (M) 9978406469 scs 1999 (F) 079-23257664 E-mail: 79 Shrl G. R. Chaudharl Municipal Commissioner, Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23220440 (R) 079-23260800 scs 1999 (M) 9978407781 (F) 079-23221419 E-mail: BO Dr. Vinod R. Rao Commissioner, National Rural Health Mission, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23253299 (R) 079-23254900 RR 2000 (M) 9978402959 (F) 079-23253298 E-mail: Aleppey District, Kerala. 22 Sr. No. 81 Photo Name a1 Ille Officer and present post held Shri M. Thennarasan Commissioner of Geology & Mining, Gandhinagar. 23 Contact Details (O) (R) (M) (F) I Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Allotment 079-23254151 079-26460622 7567121111 079-23256794 RR 2000 Native Date or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale Village: Peikkaraumbakottal, Taluka : Orathandu, District : Thanjavur, Tamilnadu. 25-07-1971 04-09-2000 16-06-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 M.Sc. (Agri.) (Entomology) Cadre (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail : 82 Shri Anupam Anand Managing Director, Uttar Gujarat Vg Company Ltd., Mehsana. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02762-222097 079-23260650 9978407791 02762-223574 RR 2000 Patna, Bihar. 05-07-1976 04-09-2000 18-06-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 P.G. in International Politics, M.A. in International Relations (JNU). Ex-cadre RR 2000 Maharashtra 30-08-1972 20-09-2000 04-07-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 B.E. (Electronics & Tele. Communication) Pune University Executive Administration (EMPA), Syraensh University, USA. Ex-cadre Village: Kukarwada, Taluko: Vgapur, District : Mahesana, Gujarat. 30-12-1957 24-01-2007 09-07-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.10000 M.Sc (Microbiology). G.D.C.&A., Higher Diploma in Co-operation, LLB. Ex-cadre Himachal Pradesh 05-08-1975 02-09-2001 22-08-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 M.A. (History), MIDP. Ex-cadre Village: Sihot Chhoti, Taluka & District: Sikar, Rajasthan. 06-07-1975 02-09-2001 07-07-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 M.Sc. (Chemistry) Ex-cadre Banda. Uttar Pradesh. 05-07-1974 09-09-2002 09-03-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 B.A.( Psycho), Political Sci., Modern History. Ex-cadre Village : Sikroda, Taluka: Hindaun, District: Karauli, Rajasthan. 01-01-1980 02-09-2002 07-07-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 M.A. (History) Cadre E-mail: 83 Shri Torawane Milind Shivaram Municipal Commissioner. Surat Municipal Corporation, Surat. (0) 0261-2422244 (R) 0261-2258393 (M) 9724345000 (F) 0261-2422110 E-mail: 84 Shri D. P. Joshi Secretary, Gujarat Public Service Commission, Ahmedabad. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-25507386 079-23210885 9978405662 079-25506909 Selection 2000 E-mail: 85 Ms. Arti Kanwar Special Commissioner of Commercial Tax, Ahmedabad. (O) 079-26581393 (R) (M) 9978407888 (F) 079-26580075 RR 2001 E-mail: 86 Shri Vijay Nehra Municipal Commissioner, Rajkot Municipal Corporation, Rajkot. (O) 0281-2224133 0281-2239973 (R) 0281-2483875 (M) 9714503701 (F) 0281-2224258 RR 2001 E-mail: 87 Shrl Jal Prakash Shlvahare Municipal Commissioner, Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation, Bhavnagar. (O) 0278-2510532 (R) 0278-2518141 RR 2002 (M) 9979605656 (F) 0278-2428628 E-mail: 88 Shri Lochan Sehra Collector, Mehsana. (O) 02762-222200 02762-222211 (R) 02762-253365 (M) 9978406214 (F) 02762-222202 RR 2002 E-mail: 24 Sr. No. 89 Name of Ille Officer and present post held Photo Shri Sandeep Kumar Managing Director, Paschim Gujarat Company Ltd., Rajkot. Vu 25 Contact Details (O) (R) (M) (F) 0281-2361750 0281-2454230 07874066655 0281-2366077 I Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Allotment RR 2002 or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale Kahelgoun. Bhagalpur, Bihar. 01-01-1976 02-09-2002 22-04-2013 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 M.A. (Geography) Ex-cadre Village: PrantU. Taluka: Prantu, District: Sabarkantha, State: Gujarat. 14-02-1956 29-04-2011 01-03-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 B.Com., LLB., Diploma in Journalism. Ex-cadre Village : Akru, Taluka: Dhandhuka, Dist: Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 01-06-1957 29-04-2011 09-03-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). B.A. (Economics). Cadre Amritsar, Punjab. 05-03-1978 01-09-2003 21-09-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 B.A. Pol. Science (Hons.), History & Economics, M.A. (Pol. Science). Cadre Chandigarh, Punjab. 05-03-1978 01-09-2003 OB-07-2014 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 M.B.B.S. Cadre Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 25-04-1978 01-09-2003 02-03-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B.P.T.), M.Sc. (Applied Psychology). Cadre Village : Varamor, Taluka: Viramgam, District: Ahemadabad, Gujarat. 04-06-1978 01-09-2003 02-03-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 B.B.A. Business Management Ex-cadre Long Term Training Abroad Hoshiarpur, Punjab. 02-03-1981 01-09-2003 24-02-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 B.E. (Instrumentation & Control Engg.) Cadre Native Date (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail: 90 Shri S. K. Pandya Collector, Botad. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02849-231301 02849-231310 9978405931 02849-231304 scs 2002 E-mail : 91 Shri J. C. Chudasama Additional Industries Commissioner (CSPO), Gandhinagar. (0) 079-23152354 (R) 079-26762386 (M) 9898512003 (F) 079-23252535 SCS 2002 E-mail: 92 Shri Roopwant Singh Additional Secretary to Government (Budget), Finance Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23250640 079-2286228 9978406705 079-23250615 RR 2003 E-mail: 93 94 Dr. Sandhya Bhullar Director of Employment & Training, Gandhinagar & Ex-officio Managing Director Gujarat Skill Development Mission, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23253802 079-23253805 (R) 079-23257062 (M) 9978405640 Shri Swaroop P. Collector. Sabarkantha. (O) 02772-241001 (R) 02772-223001 (M) 9978406221 RR 2003 (F) 079-23253835 E-mail: RR 2003 (F) 02772-241 611 E-mail: 95 Shrl Pravlnbhal K. Solankl Managing Director. Dakshin Gujarat Company Ltd., Surat. Vu (O) 0261-2506101 (R) 0261-2902808 (M) 9978422525 (F) 0261-2574251 RR 2003 E-mail: 96 SmL Avantika Singh Aulakh Collector. Vadodara. (O) (R) (M) (F) 0265-2433000 0265-2313131 9978406224 0265-2431093 RR 2003 E-mail: 27 26 I Sowceof Sr. No. Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Contact Details Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Appointment to present post Bhuj, Kutch, Gujarat. 28-04-1956 27-08-2012 24-08-2015 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 B.A. (English) Ex-cadre Dholka, District : Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 15-09-1956 27-08-2012 05-10-2013 37400-67000 P.B.-4 G.P.8700 B.Com. Cadre Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 20-08-1979 01-09-2004 29-09-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 B.Com., Cadre Native Allotment 97 Shri B. K. Thacker Director, State Fire Prevention Service, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23259451 (R) scs 2003 (M) 9978407004 Date of Date of Birth Recn.Jitment & Year of Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks (F) 079-23259302 E-mail: 98 Shri J. K. AsUk (O) 02752 283752. SCS District Development Officer, Surendranagar. 02752 282016. (R) 02752 283501 (M) 9978406248 (F) 02752-283402 2003 E-mail: Dr. Rahul Babulalbhai Gupta (0) 079-23250517 RR Joint Secretary to Govtemment (Law & Order), Home Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (R) 079-27492842 (M) 9978405578 2004 (F) 079-23252975 C.A., Ph.D. (Human Development Index). E-mail: Ms. Manisha Chandra Collector, Rajkot. (O) (R) (M) (F) 0281-2473900 0281-2453000 9978406220 0281-2453621 RR 2004 Allahbad, Uttar Pradesh. 12-04-1978 01-09-2004 10-07-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 P.G. (Political Science) Cadre 18-02-1978 01-09-2004 10-07-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 B.A.M.S. Cadre 20-07-1977 01-09-2004 01-09-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 B.A. (Eco.) Public Admn. History Cadre 07-07-1977 01-09-2004 07-07-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 B.Tech. (Mech.Engg.) Cadre 24-11-1975 06-09-2004 07-03-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 B.A. (Public Administration) Cadre E-mail: Dr. Rajender Kumar Collector, Surat. (O) (R) (M) (F) 0261-2652525 0261-2669080 9978406222 0261-2655757 RR 2004 Village : Lohardi, District: Shinnor, Himachal Pradesh. E-mail: Shri Rajesh Manjhu Collector, Patan. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02766-233301 02766-233300 9978406218 02766-233055 RR 2004 Town : Pilibanga, District : Hanumangam, Rajsthan. E-mail: Shrl RaJkumar Benlwal Collector, Ahmedabad. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-27551681 079-22863598 9978406201 079-27552144 RR 2004 Karauli, Mandawara. District: Hindaun, Karauli, Rajasthan. E-mail : Shri Rakesh Shankar Director of Municipalities, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23256301 (R) (M) 9978405828 (F) 079-23256302 RR 2004 E-mail: Dahanu Road, Thane, District : Thane, Maharashtra. 28 Sr. No. 105 Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Shri S. L. Amrani Deputy Director General, Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration, Ahmedabad. 29 Contact Details (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-26741999 079-26928787 9978440350 079-26749048 I Sowceof Reauitment & Year of Allotment scs 2004 Native Date of Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Village: Bhadiyad. Taluka: Dhandhuka. District: Ahmedabad. 27-05-1959 27-08-2012 24-02-2014 - M.A. (Economics) Cadre 01-07-1960 27-08-2012 09-07-2014 - B.Com., LLB. Cadre 29-05-1957 27-08-2012 27-02-2015 - M.Com. Cadre 26-10-1959 27-08-2012 17-01-2014 - B.Com., B.Ed.. D.T.P., Ex-cadre Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail : Shri M. s. Patel Collector, Kachchh-Bhuj. (O) 02832-250020 (R) 02832-250350 SCS 2004 (M) 9978406213 (F) 02832-250430 Vilage & Taluka : Unjha, District : Mehsana, Gujarat. E-mail: Shri B. C. Patani Collector, Tapi-Vyara. (0) 02626-224460 (R) 02626-220221 (M) 9978405364 (F) 02626-221281 SCS 2004 Taluka & District: Patan. Gujarat. E-mail: Shri L. P. Padalia Joint Chief Electoral Officer, Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23245732 079-23245689 9978407171 079-2325031 7 SCS 2004 Jamnagar, Gujarat. C.l.C., LL.M. E-mail : Shri M.A. Gandhi Collector. Dahod. (O) 02673-239001 (R) 02673-251888 (M) 9978406207 (F) 02673-239005 Selection 2004 13-01-1964 23-02-2009 07-07-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 M.Sc. (Microbiology) Cadre Village: Choila. Taluka: Bayad, District: Aravalli, Gujarat. 31-10-1962 23-02-2009 22-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 B.Com. Cadre Bhudhatota, Ts. Parjang, District: Dhankanal, Orissa. 15-07-1976 01-09-2005 02-03-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 M.Phil (lntemalional Politics) Cadre 13-11-1976 01-09-2005 09-07-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 B.A. (English Literature), M.A. (Public Policy). Ex-cadre Town: Una, District : Gir Somnath, Gujarat. E-mail : Shri N. B. Upadhyay Registrar of Cooperative Societies. Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23253868 (R) 079-23263076 (M) 9978406985 Selection 2004 (F) 079-23253862 E-mail: Shrl Banchha Nldhl Panl Collector. Bhavnagar. (O) 0278-2428822 (R) 0278-2568866 RR 2005 (M) 9978406206 (F) 0278-2427941 E-mail: Shri Patel Harshadkumar Ratilal Municipal Commissioner. Jamnagar Municipal Corporation, Jamnagar. (O) 0288-2552321 (R) 0288-2552372 (M) 9726522333 (F) 0288-2554454 RR 2005 E-mail: Vilalge : Jalisana, Taluka: Mandal. District: Ahmedabad. 30 Sr. No. Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Dr. Vikrant Pandey Collector, Bharuch. 31 Contact Details (O) (R) (M) (F) 02642-240600 02642-223701 9978406205 02642-240602 I Sowceof Reauitment & Year of Allotment RR 2005 Date or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Town & District: Jhalawar, Rajsthan. 22-04-1979 01-09-2005 25-02-2015 City & District : Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. 17-03-1974 Native Pay Scale (') 15600-39100 Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks M.B.B.S. Cadre B.E. (Computer Science & Engg.), M.A. (Public Policy). Cadre B.E. (Mechanical), PGDBM (Business Management), M.A. (Public Policy). Cadre B.E. (ElectricaO Cadre M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry). P.G.D. in Plastic Processing Technology, Master in Public Policy. Cadre P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 E-mail: SmL Ponugumaua Bharathi Collector, Panchmahals-Godhara. (O) 02672-242800 (R) 02672-242900 RR 2005 (M) 9978406217 (F) 02672-242899 01-09-2005 10-07-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 E-mail : (0) 079-23251170 RR Shri Ranjeeth Kumar J. 079-23248625 2005 Director of Civil Supplies and Ex-officio Joint Secretary to Government, (R) 079-23260590 Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs (M) 9978405041 (F) 079-23245070 Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. E-mail: Village & Taluka Sirkali. District: Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu. 28-07-1975 Ms. Shalini Agrawal Additional Commissioner of Commercial Tax, Ahmedabad. City Jaipur, Rajasthan. 28-10-1980 Village: Buradari, Bihar Sharif, Distirct: Nalanda, Bihar. 17-01-1974 (O) 079-26583539 (R) RR 2005 01-09-2005 02-03-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 01-09-2005 17-02-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 (M) 9978405036 (F) 079-26580075 E-mail: 117 Shri K. K. Nirala Collector. Kheda-Nadiad. (O) 0268-2553334 RR (R) 0268-2556700 (M) 9978406212 (F) 0268-2553358 2005 01-09-2005 17-02-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 0268-2553360 E-mail: Shri K. D. Chandnani District Development Officer, Navsari. (O) 02637-244299 (R) 02637-234058 (M) 9978406240 SCS 2005 Junagadh, Gujarat. 17-02-1958 27-08-2012 07-07-2014 - B.A., LLB. Cadre Village: Bhensawada. Taluka : Dhansura, District: Aravalli, Gujarat. 05-05-1960 21-03-2013 OB-07-2014 - B.A. (Political Science), M.L.W., LLB. Cadre Village : Dhava, Taluka: Talala, District: Junagadh, Gujarat. 26-01-1964 21103/2013 26-02-2015 - M.Com. Cadre (F) 02637-230475 E-mail: Shrl K. D. Kapadia Director of Scheduled castes Welfare, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23253235 (R) 079-23260702 scs 2005 (M) 9978405097 (F) 079-23253244 E-mail: Shri K. M. Bhimjiyani District Development Officer, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23222618 (R) SCS 2005 (M) 9978406234 (F) 079-23223266 E-mail: 32 33 I Sowceof Sr. No. Name of Ille Officer and present post held Photo Contact Details Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Appointment to present post 04-02-1961 21/03/2013 24-04-2013 - B.Sc. Cadre 15-12-1959 21-03-2013 22-06-2015 - M.Sc. (Zoology), B.Ed. Cadre 04-04-1962 21-03-2013 02-03-2015 - B.Sc. (Agri.), PGDBA M.B.A., Master in D'ment Mgt. AIM (Manila). Cadre Village : Tarapur. Taluka: Tarapur, District : Anand, Gujarat. 01-09-1959 21-03-2013 09-07-2014 - B.Com. Cadre Jamnagar, Gujarat. 29-10-1960 21-03-2013 26-02-2015 - B.Com. Ex-cadre Village: Kalyanpura. Taluka :Jamjodhpur, District: Jamnagar, Gujarat. 07-06-1958 21-03-2013 29-06-2015 - M.Sc. (Agri.) Cadre Village & Taluka : Kheralu, Distirct : Mehsana, Gujarat. 05-07-1959 21-03-2013 02-03-2015 - B.Sc. (Chemistry') Ex-cadre 15-01-1958 30-12-2013 09-03-2015 - B.Com., LLB., D.T.P. Cadre Native Allotment Shri M. J. Thakkar Additional Rural Development Commissioner, Commissionerate of Rural Development, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23253452 (R) 079-23231658 (M) 9978405884 scs 2005 (F) 079-23259806 079-23257355 Date of Date of Birth Recn.Jitment & Year of Village : Panvel, District: Raigarh, Maharashtra. Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail : Shri R. J. Mankadia Collector, Jamnagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 0288-2555869 0288-2554059 9978406210 0288-2555899 scs 2005 Village: Jamtimbadi, Taluka: Upleta, District : Rajkot, Gujarat. E-mail : Shri D. G. Patel (0) 0286-2221 BOO scs Collector, Porbandar. (R) 0286-2243801 (M) 9978406219 (F) 0286-2222527 2005 Village : Gondal, Taluka: Gondal, Disxtrict: Rajkot, Gujarat. E-mail: Shri G. C. Brahmbhatt District Development Officer, Valsad. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02632-253184 02632-248648 9978406250 02632-248315 02632-253829 scs 2005 E-mail: Shri S. M. Patel Collector. Morbi. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02822-240701 02822-227712 9978405932 02822-242640 scs 2005 E-mail: Shri R. G. Bhalera Additional Development Commissioner, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23254058 (R) 079-23260429 (M) (F) scs 2005 E-mail: Shrl R. G. Trivedi Municipal Commissioner, Junagadh Municipal Corporation, Junagadh. (O) 0285-2650450 (R) 0285-2650039 scs 2005 (M) 9427208277 (F) 0285-2651510 E-mail: Shri N. L. Pujara District Development Officer, Dangs-Ahwa. (O) 02631-220254 scs (R) 02631-220235 (M) 9978406233 (F) 02631-220444 2005 E-mail: Jamnagar, Gujarat. 34 35 I Sowceof Sr. No. Name of Ille Officer and present post held Photo Contact Details Recn.Jitment & Year of Native Date of Birth Allotment 129 Shri M. R.. Kothari District Development Officer, Rajkot. (O) 0281-2477008 (R) 0281-2477144 (M) 9978406245 (F) 0281-2479128 scs 2005 Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post 30-12-2013 03-03-2015 Pay Scale (') - Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon B.Sc., Remarks Mumbai, Maharashtra. 18-09-1960 Ahmedabad. Gujarat. 20-10-1962 30-12-2013 16-06-2015 - B.Com. Ahmedabad. Gujarat. 05-06-1959 30-12-2013 02-03-2015 - B.Sc., Special LLB (SpeciaQ. Cadre LL.M., Diploma in Taxation Laws & Practice. Diploma in Labour Laws & Practice. Certificate Course in Cyber Law, Certificate IPR M.B.A Palanpur, Banaskantha, Gujarat. 12-02-1959 30-12-2013 07-03-2015 - M.V.Sc., Ph.D. Cadre Mehsana, Gujarat. 20-07-1962 30-12-2013 08-07-2014 - M.Com. Cadre Deepalpur, Distirct : Sonepat. Haryana. 09-06-1979 29-08-2006 25-02-2015 15600-39100 Ph.D. (Agri.), Specialisation in Agronomy. Ex-cadre M.Com., M.A. (Public Policy). Ex-cadre M.A. (Ancient History), M.A. (Public Policy). Cadre Cadre OTC E-mail: 130 Shri H.K. Patel Collector, Devbhumi Dwarka-Khambhaliya. (O) 02833-232804 (R) 02833(M) 9978405933 (F) 02833-232102 SCS 2005 Ex-cadre E-mail: 131 Shri V. A. Vaghela District Development Officer, Panchmahals-Godhra. (0) (R) (M) (F) 02672-253377 02672-253399 9978406242 02672-253350 SCS 2005 E-mail: 132 Shri C. S. Chaudhari District Development Officer, Jamnagar. (O) 0288-2553901 (R) 0288-2552402 (M) 9978406235 (F) 0288-2552394 SCS 2005 E-mail: 133 Shri s. A. Patel District Development Officer, Dahod. (O) 02673-239066 02673-247800 (R) 02673-224044 (M) 9978406232 (F) 02673-239138 SCS 2005 E-mail: Dr. Ajay Kumar Collector. Gir-Somnath. (O) 02876-240001 (R) 02876-240005 (M) 9978405934 (F) 02876-243300 RR 2006 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 E-mail: Shrl Jenu Devan Collector. Chholaudepur. (O) 02669-233003 (R) 02669-232001 (M) 9978405937 (F) 02669-233002 RR 2006 Village:Chengalam Taluka & District: Kottayam, State : Kerala 01-01-1984 11-12-2006 15-08-2013 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 E-mail : Shri Alok Kumar Pandey Collector. Junagadh. (O) 0285-2630100, 0285-2636100, (R) 0285-2650203, (M) 9978406211 (F) 0285-2635599, RR 2006 Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh. E-mail: 16-12-1978 29-08-2006 20/04/2013 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 37 36 Sr. No. Name of Ille Officer and present post held Photo Contact Details I Sowceof Recn.Jitment & Year of Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Appointment to present post Delhi. 17-10-1981 29-08-2006 20-10-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 Village & Taluka : Madhupur, District : Deoghar, Jharkhand. 24-09-1973 29-08-2006 25-02-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 7600 Allotment Ms. Vipra Bhal Labour Commissioner, Jammu-Kashmir. (O) 0191-2479339 0194-2472524 RR 2006 Date of Date of Birth Native (R) Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks M.A. Sociology. B.A. (Hons.) Psychology. On Deputation to GOI B.A. (Hons.) (Economics), Cadre (M) 9858803075 (F) E-mail : Shri Ravi Kumar Arora Collector, Valsad. (O) 02632-253613 (R) 02632-253060 RR 2006 (M) 9978406225 (F) 02632-243417 Master in Public Policy. E-mail: Shri A. V. Kalaria District Development Officer, Gir-Somnath-Veraval. (0) 02876-249555 (R) 02876-249777 (M) 9978406495 (F) 02876-249255 SCS 2006 Bhavnagar, Gujarat. 26-09-1961 15-01-2015 06-03-2015 - B.A.. Ex-cadre LLB., M.B.A. E-mail: Shri P. B. Thakar District Development Officer, Botad. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02849-255222 02849-255221 9978406493 02849-255333 SCS 2006 Anand, Gujarat. 17-03-1957 15-01-2015 23-02-2015 - M.Sc. (Statistics), LL.B. Ex-cadre Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 01-09-1964 15-01-2015 23-02-2015 - B.Com., LLB., MLW. Ex-cadre Banaskantha, Gujarat. 29-03-1960 15-01-2015 25-02-2015 - B.Com., LLB. Cadre Banaskantha, Gujarat. 05-03-1959 15-01-2015 02-03-2015 - B.Sc. (Geology) Ex-cadre Banaskantha, Gujarat. 01-06-1960 15-01-2015 24-02-2015 - B.Sc., LLB. Ex-cadre E-mail: Shri R. B. Barad Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-25354989 079-29705568 7567038888 079-25359114 SCS 2006 E-mail : Shri c. P. Nema District Development Officer, Porbandar. (O) 0286-2243803 (R) 0286-2212638 (M) 9978406244 SCS 2006 (F) 0286-2211806 E-mail: Shrl J. T. Akhanl Director, Gujarat Energy Development Agency, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23247093 (R) 079-23229601 SCS 2006 (M) 9909900651 (F) 079-23247097 E-mail: Shri C. R. Kharsan Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-25353303 079-26465390 8469233111 079-25391746 SCS 2006 E-mail: 38 Sr. No. Name of Ille Officer and present post held Photo 39 Contact Details I Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Date of Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Appointment to present post Mehsana. Gujarat. 01-06-1961 15-01-2015 24-02-2015 - B.Com. Ex-cadre Village: Khadka Chikhali, Taluka : Songadh, District : Tapi-Vyara. Gujarat 01-06-1959 15-01-2015 23-02-2015 - B.Sc. Ex-cadre Godhara. Panchmahals. Gujarat. 05-04-1961 15-01-2015 07-03-2015 - B.Com. Ex-cadre Village: Vankada. Taluka: Vgaynagar, District: Sabarkantha, Gujarat. 14-04-1962 15-01-2015 26-02-2015 - B.A., M.A., Cadre Amreli, Gujarat. 03-10-1959 15-01-2015 02-03-2015 - B.Com., LLB., ICWA. Ex-cadre Village : Shiva, Taluka: Bhanvad, District : Devbhumi Dwarka, Gujarat. 08-09-1959 15-01-2015 27-02-2015 - B.Sc. Cadre Selection 2006 Village: Bharoda, Taluka & District: Anand, Gujarat. 31-12-1961 29-04-2011 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.-7600 B.Sc., M.B.A., C.l.C. - Selection 2006 Rajkot. Gujarat. 21-05-1958 29-04-2011 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.-7600 B.Com., LLB., Govt. Dip. in Co-op. & Accountancy, Higher Diploma in Co-op. Ex-cadre Native Allotment 145 Shri I. K. Patel Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-25350606 079-26569620 9099700022 079-25353252 scs 2006 Date of Pay Scale (') Remarks Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon E-mail: 146 Shri B. K. Kumar Director of Prohibition & Excise, Ahmedabad. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-22681006 079-22866446 9978406262 079-22682219 scs 2006 E-mail: 147 Shri N. K. Damor Chief Executive Officer, Development Support Agency of Gujarat (D-SAG), Gandhinagar. (0) (R) (M) (F) 079-23257444 0799978405873 079-23257678 scs 2006 E-mail: 148 Shri M. D. Modia District Development Officer, Anand. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02692-241110 02692-264500 9978406228 02692-243895 scs 2006 Ph.D. E-mail: s. 149 Shri B. Patel District Development Officer, Arvalli-Modasa. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02774-241544 027749978406496 02774-240744 scs 2006 E-mail: 150 0 Shri S. K. Langa District Development Officer, Mehsana. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02762-222301 02762-222304 9978406239 02762-221 447 scs 2006 E-mail: 151 Shrl V. B. Mecwan Waiting for Posting. (O) (R) (M) 9099952833 (F) - E-mail: 152 ShriK.B.Upadhyay Collector. Mahisagar-Lunawada. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02674-250664 02674-253555 9978405936 02674-250666 E-mail: 02-03-2015 40 41 I Sowceof Sr. No. Name of Ille Officer and present post held Photo Contact Details Recn.Jitment & Year of Native Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Appointment to present post 22-12-1980 18-08-2007 05-03-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.-7600 03-05-1979 18-08-2007 07-07-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.-7600 ICWA. Allotment 153 Ms. Ardra Agrawal Collector, Dangs-Ahwa. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02631-220201 02631-220202 9978406208 02631-220294 RR 2007 Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. Date of Date of Birth Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks M.Phil. (Political Science) Cadre B.Com., Cadre E-mail : Shri RaviShanakar Collector, Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23220630 079-23257053 9978406209 079-23259040 RR 2007 Village: Sripalpur, Taluka: Koilwar, District : Ara, Bihar. Diploma in CFA. E-mail : Ms. Remya Mohan Muthadath Collector, Navsari. (0) 02637-244999 RR (R) 02637-246000 (M) 9978406215 (F) 02637-281540 2007 Cochin, Kerala. 14-04-1980 18-08-2007 07-07-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.-7600 B.A. (Literature in English), PG in Management. M.B.A. (Symbiosis) Pune. Cadre 10-04-1978 18-08-2007 07-07-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.-7600 B.E. (Chemicals) Cadre 16-11-1973 18-08-2007 01-10-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.-7600 B.Tech. (Chemical Engg.) Cadre Gujarat. 22-12-1964 15-01-2015 02-03-2015 - M.Com Ex-cadre Bhavnagar, 02-12-1964 15-01-2015 25-02-2015 - B.Com Ex-cadre 03-06-1967 15-01-2015 23-02-2015 - B.Sc., M.Sc. (Physics). Ex-cadre E-mail: Shri Rana Dilip Kumar Collector, Banaskantha-Palanpur. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02742-257171 02742-257007 9978406204 02742-252740 RR 2007 Ahmedabad, Gujarat. E-mail : Shri Sagale Sandip Janardanpant Collector. Narmada-Rajpipla. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02640-222161 02640-222162 9978406216 02640-222171 RR 2007 Akola, Taluka & District: Akola, Maharashtra. E-mail: Shri M.A. Pandya District Development Officer, Devbhumi Dwarka, Khambhaliya. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02833-235947 028339978406492 02833-235947 SCS 2007 E-mail: Shrl R. G. Gohll District Development Officer, Mahisagar-Lunawada. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02674-250945 026749978406497 02674-250946 SCS 2007 Gujarat. E-mail: Shri D. N. Modi Chief Executive Officer, Gujarat Municipal Finance Board, Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23250294 02717-235344 9978400531 079-23250280 SCS 2007 E-mail : Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 42 43 I Sowceof Sr. No. Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Contact Details Date of Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post 09-03-1964 15-01-2015 02-03-2015 - B.Sc., M.Sc. (Microbiology), DMLT (Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology), MDM (Master in Development Manager), Social Development. Cadre 09-12-1960 15-01-2015 25-02-2015 - B.E. Civil Cadre Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 18-08-1961 15-01-2015 02-03-2015 - M.Com. Ex-cadre Village: Vangivad. Taluka: Zalod, District: Dahod. Gujarat. 15-05-1965 15-01-2015 28-02-2015 - B.Com. Cadre Village : Mumanvas. Taluka: Satlasana, District : Mehsana, Gujarat. 01-02-1958 15-05-2012 24-02-2015 - B.A. (Eco.) Cadre Village: Sardhav, Taluka & District: Gandhinagar, Gujarat. 02-07-1985 01-09-2008 26-02-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 M.B.B.S. (Medicines), M.A. (Public Policy), M.A. (Sanskrit). Cadre 23-05-1982 01-09-2008 26-02-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 B.Com. (Hons.}, LLB.. International Law. Cadre 07-02-1980 01-09-2008 02-07-2014 15600-391 OD P.B.-3 G.P.6600 M.A. from Patna University, Patna, LLB. from Patna Law College, Patna, University, Patna, Ph.D. from Patna University, Patna. Ex-cadre Recn.Jitment & Year of Native Allotment 161 Kum. B. R. Dave District Development Officer, Ahmedabad. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-25506487 079-26423004 9978406226 079-25511359 scs Gujarat. Pay Scale (') 2007 E-mail: Shri c. J. Patel District Development Officer, Kutch-Bhuj. (O) 02832-250080 (R) 02832-250052 scs 2007 (M) 9978406238 (F) 02832-250355 Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks Village: Rangpar, Taluka & District : Morbi, Gujarat. E-mail: Shri R. J. Halani Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Rajkot Municipal Corporation, Rajkot. (0) 0281-2331484 (R) 0281(M) 9714503702 (F) 0281-2224258 SCS 2007 E-mail: s. Shri R. Ninama District Development Officer, Tapi-Vyara. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02626-222141 02626-220222 9978405263 02626-222142 scs 2007 E-mail: Shri H. R. Suthar Collector. Amreli. (O) 02792-222307 (R) 02792(M) 9978406202 (F) 02792-222710 Selection 2007 E-mail: Dr. Patel Dhavalkumar Kiritkumar Collector. Anand. (O) 02692-261575 (R) 02692-261000 (M) 9978406203 RR 2008 (F) 02692-261575 E-mail : Shrl Udlt Agrawal Collector, Surendranagar. (O) 02752-282200 (R) 02752-282201 RR Delhi 2008 (M) 9978406223 (F) 02752-283862 E-mail: Dr. Ranjit Kumar Singh Additional Rural Development Commissioner, Commissionerate of Rural Development. Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23256755 (R) RR 2008 (M) 9408349503 (F) 079-23259729 E-mail: Village: Fatikwara, Taluka: Desari, District : Vaishali, Bihar. 44 Sr. No. Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Ms. Saidingpuii Chhakchhuak Collector, Arvalli-Modasa. 169 45 Contact Details (O) 02774-247800 (R) 02774-247804 (M) 9978405935 (F) 02774-247801 I Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Allotment RR 2008 Date or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post 18-03-1981 01-09-2008 01-03-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 B.A (History) Ex-cadre Village: Baldhan Kalan, Taluka : Jatusana, District: Rewari, Haryana. 20-07-1982 31-08-2009 04-07-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 M.Sc. (Agri.), Ph.D. Cadre Village & Taluka : Khedbrahma, District: Sabarkantha, Gujarat. 17-04-1983 31-08-2009 08-07-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 B.E. (Computer) Cadre Erode, Taluka & District: Erode, Tamil Nadu. 08-01-1980 31-08-2009 01-10-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 M.S. Applied Econometrics. Cadre Village : Nokh, Taluka: Raipur, District : Pali, Rajasthan. 01-11-1984 31-08-2009 21-10-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 M.B.B.S. Cadre Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu. 06-11-1979 31-08-2009 16-04-2013 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 B.Com., M.A. (Economics), M.A. (Public Policy), PGDCA, CAllB. Cadre Kachchh, Gujarat. 27-05-1962 15-01-2015 15-06-2015 - M.Com., LLB., D.Nat Yoga (Ayurved). Health Education, Dip. in Banking, Govt Dip. in Co-op & Accountancy, Higher Diploma in Co-op. Cadre 27-10-1985 31-08-2010 18-02-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 B.A. Cadre Native Village : Kulikawn, Taluka & District: Aizawl, Mizoram. Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail: 170 Shri Kuldeep Arya District Development Officer, Vadodara. (O) 0265-2432027 (R) 0265-2338476 (M) 9978405935 (F) 0265-2431078 RR 2009 E-mail: 171 Shri Kharadi Vijaykumar Lalubhai District Development Officer, Surat. (0) (R) (M) (F) 0261-2422160 0261-2667453 9978406247 0261-2450091 RR 2009 E-mail: 172 Ms. Praveena D. K. District Development Officer, Kheda-Nadiad. (O) 0268-2557262 (R) 0268-253280213 (M) 9978406237 (F) 0268-2557851 RR 2009 E-mail: 173 174 ~ Dr. (Ms.) Ratankanvar H. Gadhvicharan (O) 02766-232936 (R) 02766-231446 District Development Officer, (M) 9978406243 Patan. (F) 02766-234294 RR 2009 E-mail: Shri Nagarajan M. District Development Officer, Sabarkantha-Himatnagar. (O) 02772-242350 (R) 02772-222351 (M) 9978406246 (F) 02772-240872 RR 2009 E-mail: 175 Shrl Sunllkumar Hlralal Dholl Commissioner of Mid-day Meals, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23253450 (R) 079-23236190 (M) 9978405534 (F) 079-23253488 Selection 2009 E-mail: 176 Shri Patel Anand Babulal District Development Officer, Bharuch. (O) 02642-240603 (R) 02642-245880 (M) 9978406230 (F) 02642-240951 RR 2010 E-mail: Himatnagar, Sabarkantha, Gujarat. 47 46 Sr. No. 177 Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Dr. Narander Kumar Meena Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Vadodara Municipal Corporation, Vadodara. Contact Details (O) (R) (M) (F) 0265-2433233 0265-2782278 9978407175 0265-2433060 I Sowceof Reauitment & Year of Allotment RR 2010 or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Village: Jhajhirampura, Taluka : Baswa, District : Dausa, Rajasthan. 31-08-1983 31-08-2010 18-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 M.A., M.Phil. Ph.D. Ex-cadre Taluka & Distrid: Gurgaon, Haryana. 03-06-1984 31-08-2010 18-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 M.B.B.S. Cadre District : Patna. Bihar. 26-02-1984 29-08-2011 18-02-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 B.A. (Hons.). M.A., M.Phil (Geography). Cadre Mumbai, Maharashtra. 18-9-1966 15-01-2015 17-06-2015 B.E. (Civil), Ex-cadre Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 03-07-1973 15-01-2015 29-05-2015 Samastipur, Bihar. 15-06-1985 29-08-2011 03-03-2015 Gandia, Maharashtra. 23-06-1986 29-08-2011 16-11-1985 29-08-2011 Native Date Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail: 178 Dr. Gaurav Dahiya District Development Officer, Banaskantha-Palanpur. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02742-254060 02742-253029 9978406229 02742-252063 RR 2010 E-mail: 179 Shri Sujeet Kumar District Development Officer, Amreli. (0) (R) (M) (F) 02792-222313 02792-222431 9978406227 02792-222378 RR 2010 E-mail: 180 Shri Tushar Mohanlal Dholakia Diredor of Social Defence, Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23256309 079-23260294 9978408055 079-23256308 Selection 2010 - F.l.E. E-mail: 181 Shri Hardik Satishchandra Shah Member Secretary, Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 079-23232152 079-26741311 9978407260 079-23222784 Selection 2010 - Fellow HKS, Harward University, USA M.E. (Env. Management), LLB., PGC (EIA) Manchester University, UK, B.E. (Env). Ex-cadre 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 M.A. (English), M.A. (Public Policy). cadre 02-03-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 M.B.B.S. Ex-Cadre 23-02-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 B.E. (Mechanical), Master in Public Policy. cadre E-mail: 182 Shri Ajay Prakash District Development Officer, Junagadh. (O) 0285-2635315 (R) (M) 9978406236 (F) 0285-2636317 RR 2011 E-mail: 183 Dr. Pardhl Sourabh zamalngh District Development Officer, Chhotaudepur. (O) 02669-233251 (R) (M) 9978406468 (F) 02669- RR 2011 E-mail: 184 Shri Oak Aayush Sanjeev District Development Officer, Bhavnagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 0278-2426810 0278-2565955 9978406231 0278-2430295 RR 2011 E-mail: District: Pune, Maharashtra. 48 Sr. No. 185 Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Shri Kankipati Rajesh District Development Officer, Morbi. 49 Contact Details (O) 02822-222899 (R) I Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Allotment Native Date or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks RR 2011 Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh. 23-03-1986 29-08-2011 25-02-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 B.Tech. (Electrical & Electronics) Ex-Cadre RR 2011 Village :Vasavad. Taluka: Gondal, District : Rajkot. Gujarat. 13-01-1986 29-08-2011 23-03-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.6600 M. Phann cadre District: Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. 12-10-1986 03-09-2012 04-09-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 Dual Degree (B.Tech+ M.Tech.), Computer Science and Engineering, llT Bombay. - Village : Kalulea, Distirct: Pune. Maharashtra. 29-06-1989 03-09-2012 03-09-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 5400 B.A. (Economics) - 27-10-1985 03-09-2012 03-09-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.A. (Psychology), M.B.A. (Marketing). - 13-11-1982 03-09-2012 04-09-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 M.A. (English Literature), B.Ed. (English). - 07-01-1989 03-09-2012 03-09-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.E. (Hons.), Computer Science. - 27-05-1988 02-09-2013 16-12-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.Tech (CiviO - (M) 9978406470 (F) 02822-222580 E-mail: 186 Shri Sujal Jayantibhai Mayatra District Development Officer, Narmada-Rajpipla. (O) 02640-224820 (R) 02640-222417 (M) 9978406241 (F) 02640-222086 E-mail: Shri Amit Arora Assistant Collector. Limdi, District : Surendranagar. (0) 02753-260051 (R) 02753-260022 (M) 9978405343 (F) 02753-260051 RR 2012 E-mail: Shri AmrutNh Kalidu Aurangabadkar Assistant Collector. Mahuva, District : Bhavnagar. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02844-222765 02844-222400 7567010268 02844-222765 RR 2012 E-mail : Shri Gaurangbhai H. Makwana Assistant Collector. Nakhatrana, District : Kutch. (O) (R) (M) (F) 02835-222122 02835-222121 09978405770 02835-222122 RR 2012 Village : Manund, Taluka: Patan, District: Patan, Gujarat. E-mail: 190 Shri Tushar Dalpatbhai Sumera Assistant Collector. Morbi, District : Morbi. (O) 02822-242300 (R) 02822-224464 (M) 7567009392 RR 2012 (F) 02822-243703 Vadhvan, District : Surendranagar, Gujarat. E-mail: 191 Shrl Vlshal Gupta Assistant Collector. Dhari, District: Arnreli. (O) 02797-225070 (R) 02797-222030 RR 2012 (M) 7567009902 (F) 02797-225070 Village : Hajipur, Taluka: Bansur, District : Alwar, Rajasthan. E-mail: 192 Ms. Agre Kshipra Suryakantarao Assistant Collector. Valsad, District: Valsad. (O) 02632-249239 (R) RR 2013 (M) 9978405227 (F) E-mail: Latur, Maharashtra 50 Sr. No. 193 Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Shri Amit Prakash Yadav Assistant Collector, Bharuch, District: Bharuch. 51 Contact Details I Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Allotment (O) 02642-241980 (R) Native Date or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks RR 2013 Chhibramau, Dist Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh 01-03-1987 02-09-2013 16-12-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.Tech (Mechanical Eng.) - RR 2013 Nagpur, Maharashtra 08-01-1985 02-09-2013 22-12-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 M.B.B.S. - Aunctheshwar, Maharashtra 04-02-1984 02-09-2013 16-12-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.A. - Jodhpur. Rajasthan 27-10-1985 02-09-2013 16-12-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.Sc., Biotechnology. M.B.A., HR & Marketing - Hamnumangarh, Rajasthan 05-07-1984 06-12-2013 18-12-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 M.B.B.S. - Munnar, Dist ldukki, Kerala 30-08-1984 06-12-2013 16-12-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.Tech (Forestry), Management (llM-A) - Village : Bhiliara, Tai.: Daltongang, District : Palama, Jharkhand. 20-09-1989 22-06-2015 24-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P. 5400 B.Tech. (Biotechnology). - Jaipur, Rajasthan. 15-08-1986 22-06-2015 22-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.E. (l.T.). - (M) 9978408873 (F) 02642-221346 E-mail: 194 Shri Gosavi Harshit Pnrthwiraj Assistant Collector, Santarampur, District : Mahisagar. (O) 02675-221026 (R) 02675-221027 (M) 7567010791 (F) 02675-221550 E-mail: 195 Shri Nirgude Yogesh Babanrao Assistant Collector. Dhrol, District: Jamnagar. (0) (R) (M) (F) RR 2013 E-mail : 196 Ms. Stuti Charan Assistant Collector. Vanthali, District: Junagadh. (O) (R) (M) (F) RR 2013 E-mail : 197 Shri Manish Kumar Assistant Collector, Borsad. District : Anand. (O) 02696-224430 (R) RR 2013 (M) 9726606660 (F) 02696-224440 E-mail: 198 Shri Arun Mahuh Babu MS Assistant Collector. Mehsana. District: Mehsana. (O) (R) (M) (F) RR 2013 E-mail: 199 Shrl Rachlt Raj Supernumerary Assistant Collector, Patan. (O) (R) RR 2014 (M) 9978405716 (F) E-mail: 200 Ms. Prashasti Pareek Supernumerary Assistant Collector, Rajkot. (O) 0281-2447760 (R) RR 2014 (M) 9978405628 (F) 0281-2453621 E-mail: 53 52 Sr. No. Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Contact Details I Sowceof Reauitment & Year of Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Appointment to present post Rajasthan. 19-06-1989 22-06-2015 22-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.E. (ChemicaO - Boisar. Maharashtra. 05-10-1990 22-06-2015 22-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.). - Village : Vilapil, Tai. : Kattakada, Dist: Trivandrum, Kerala. 25-04-1989 22-06-2015 22-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 BAMS - Faridabad, Haryana. 30-09-1985 22-06-2015 22-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B. Tech., Mechanical Engineering from llT, Delhi. - RR 2014 Rajasthan. 01-09-1989 22-06-2015 22-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 RR 2014 Trivendrum, Kerala. 26-05-1985 22-06-2015 22-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.A., LLB. (Hons), National Law University, Raipur. - Bhudhana, 25-04-1982 22-06-2015 22-06-2015 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.Tech. - 29-04-1987 22-06-2015 01-09-2014 15600-39100 P.B.-3 G.P.5400 B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication. - Date Allotment 201 Shri Prabhav Joshi Supernumerary Assistant Collector, Surendranagar. (O) 02752-283862 (R) 9978405474 (M) 9978405474 (F) Date of or Birth Native RR 2014 Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail 202 Shri Baranwal Varunkumar Jagdish Supernumerary Assistant Collector, Sabarkantha. (O) 02772-241001 (R) 02772-222890 RR 2014 (M) 9978405465 (F) 02772-241611 E-mail : 203 Ms. Jincy R. William (0) 0265-2433000 Supernumerary Assistant Collector. Vadodara. (R) RR 2014 (M) 9978405469 (F) 0265-2431093 E-mail 204 Shri Ajay Dahiya Supernumerary Assistant Collector. Bhavnagar. (O) 0278-2428822 (R) RR 2014 (M) 9978405392 (F) E-mail: 205 Shri Praveen Chaudhary Supernumerary Assistant Collector, Kheda. (O) (R) (M) 9978405684 (F) - E-mail: 206 Shri Arvind V. Supernumerary Assistant Collector, Banaskantha. (O) 02742-257171 (R) (M) 9847766655 (F) 02742-252740 E-mail: 207 Shrl Ashlsh Kumar Supernumerary Assistant Collector, Panchmahals. (O) 02672-242941 (R) RR 2014 (M) 9899768701 (F) 02672-242899 Dist.: Muzaffamagar, Uttar Pradesh. E-mail: 208 Shrl Ranavaalya Anllkumar RamJlbhal Supernumerary Assistant Collector, Jamnagar. (O) 0288-2555869 (R) RR 2014 (M) 9726781937 (F) 0288-2555899 E-mail: Gujarat. 54 Sr. No. 209 Name of Ille Officer and present post held Photo Shri H. J. Vyas Director, District Rural Development Agency, Paten. 55 Contact Details (O) 02766-220711 (R) 079-26750706 (M) 9825498655 (F) 02766-221111 Sowceof Recruitment & Year of Allotment I Date or Birth Date of Appointment to l.A.S. Date of Appointment to present post Surendranagar, Gujarat. 28-09-1959 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - B.Sc. - scs Kachchh, Gujarat. 20-07-1959 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - B.A. - scs New Delhi. 01-07-1960 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - B.Sc., - scs Native Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks E-mail: 210 Shri J. K. Gadhvi Programme Officer (Admin.), State Rural Health Mission (National Rural Health Mission), Gandhinagar. (O) (R) (M) 9099329006 (F) E-mail: 211 Shri P. L. Solanki Director, District Rural Development Agency, Ahmedabad. (0) 079-27914201 LLB. (R) (M) 9426250200 (F) E-mail : 212 Shri J. B. Patel Managing Director, Gujarat Rural Industries Marketing Corporation Ltd., Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23227068 (R) scs Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 29-12-1962 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - M.Sc. - Jamnagar, Gujarat. 08-11-1966 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - B.E. (CiviQ. - Anand, Gujarat. 08-01-1965 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - M.Sc. (Dairy Tech.), M.B.A. - Amreli, Gujarat. 03-09-1960 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - B.Com., LLB. - Tamilnadu. 19-11-1962 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - M.Com. - (M) 8141536777 (F) 079-23227243 E-mail: 213 Shri H.K. Koya Resident Additional Collector, Surendranagar. (O) 0275-283862 (R) (M) 9978405224 (F) scs E-mail: 214 Shri A. M. Sharma Additional State Project Director. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23232413 (R) 079-23260211 (M) 9638514900 scs (F) 079-23238404 E-mail: 215 Shrl J. R. Dodlya Resident Additional Collector, Dangs-Ahwa. (O) 02631-220221 (R) scs (M) 99784051 BO (F) 02631-220214 E-mail 216 Shri M. V. Daxini Executive Director, Gujarat Council of Science City, Ahmedabad. (O) 079-65222127 scs (R) 079-27490971 (M) 9824100241 (F) 079-29703121 E-mail: 57 56 Sr. No. Photo Name of Ille Officer and present post held Contact Details Sowceof Recruitment & Year of I Native to l.A.S. 07-10-1960 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - M.Sc. - 14-06-1966 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - B.E. (Electronics). - 23-09-1960 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - B.Com. - 22-11-1966 30-12-2015 01-01-2016 - B.V.Sc. &A.H. - Allotment 217 Shri A. J. Shah Officer on Special Duty (Project), Office of the Commissionerate of Transport, Gandhinagar. (O) 079-23251366 (R) 079-26932902 (M) 9825205795 (F) 079-23251362 scs Village : Chaklasi, Dist: Kheda, Date of Appointment Date of Appointment to present post Date or Birth Pay Scale (') Educatlonal Qualltlcatlon Remarks Gujarat. E-mail: 218 Shri D. S. Gadhvi Deputy Commissioner, Commissionerate of Rural Development. (M) 8128676260 Gandhinagar. (F) 079-23256751 (O) 079-23253458 (R) 079-27467629 scs Mehsana, Gujarat. E-mail: 219 Shri R. B. Rajyaguru Joint Secretary, State Election Commission, Gandhinagar. (0) 079-23252146 (R) 079-26937388 (M) 9429435700 (F) scs Rajkot. Gujarat. E-mail: 220 Shri D. P. Desai Deputy Municipal Commissioner, (O) 079-26841201 (R) Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad. (M) 7567037777 (F) 079-26841203 scs E-mail : Surendranagar, Gujarat. 59 INDEX Name of Officer Page Sr. No. No. Name of Officer Page Sr. No. No. A Agre Kshipra Suryakantarao 48 192 Anand Mohan Tiwari 6 17 Ajay Bhadoo 18 72 Anil Mukim 4 14 Ajay Dahiya 52 204 Anita Karwal 10 38 Ajay Kumar 34 134 Anju Sharma 14 49 Ajay Prakash 46 182 Anupam Anand 22 82 A. J. Shah 20 77 Anuradha Mall 10 37 A.J.Shah 54 217 Ardra Agrawal 40 153 A. K. Sharma 10 35 Arti Kanwar 22 85 36 139 Arunkumar M. Solanki 12 47 34 136 Arun Mahesh Babu MS 50 198 2 7 Arvind Agrawal 4 11 Amit Arora 48 187 Arvind V. 52 206 Amit Prakash Yadav 50 193 Ashim Khurana 2 8 A. M. Mankad 20 73 Ashish Kumar 52 207 A. M. Sharma 54 214 Ashwani Kumar 16 61 Amrendra Kumar Rakesh 12 41 Atanu Chakraborty 4 16 Amrutesh Kalidas Aurangabadkar 48 188 Avantika Singh Aulakh 24 96 A. v. Kalaria Alok Kumar Pandey Amarjit Singh B Baranwal Varunkumar Jagdish 52 202 B. K. Thacker 26 97 Banchha Nidhi Pani 28 111 B. K. Kumar 38 146 B. B. Swain 10 33 B. R. Dave 42 161 B. C. Patani 28 107 c Chandra Vanu Som 12 46 C. P. Nema 36 142 C. J. Patel 42 162 C. S. Chaudhari 34 132 C. R. Kharsan 36 144 D D. G. Patel 32 123 D. P. Joshi 22 84 Dhananjay Dwivedi 18 65 D. Thara 14 54 Dina Nath Pandey 4 15 D. N. Modi 40 160 D. P. Desai 56 220 D.S. Gadhvi 56 218 60 Name of Officer Page No. Sr. No. Name of Officer Sr. Page No. No. G Gaurangbhai H. Makwana 48 189 Gosavi Harshit Pruthwiraj 50 194 Gaurav Dahiya 46 178 G. R.Aloria 2 5 G. C. Brahmbhatt 32 124 G. R. Chaudhari 20 79 Girish Chandra Murmu 6 20 Guruprasad Mahapatra 6 24 H Hardik Satishchandra Shah 46 181 H.K. Koya 54 213 Hareet Shukla 18 71 H.K. Patel 34 130 Hasmukh Adhia 2 4 H. R. Suthar 42 165 H.J. Vyas 54 209 H. S. Patel 20 75 I. K. Patel 38 145 J Jagdip Narayan Singh 4 9 Jenu Devan 34 135 Jagdish Prasad Gupta 14 52 JincyWilliam 52 203 Jai Prakash Shivahare 22 87 J. K. Astik 26 98 Jayanti S. Ravi 12 48 J. K. Gadhvi 54 210 J.B. Patel 54 212 J. R. Dodiya 54 215 J. C. Chudasama 24 91 J. T.Akhani 36 143 K Kamal Kumar Dayani 12 43 Kharadi Vijaykumar Lalubhai 44 171 Kankipati Rajesh 48 185 K. K. Nirala 30 117 K. B. Upadhyay 38 152 K. M. Bhimjiyani 30 120 K. D. Chandnani 30 118 Kuldeep Arya 44 170 K. D. Kapadia 30 119 L. P. Padalia 28 108 L L. Chuaungo 8 31 Lochan Sehra 22 88 Name of Officer Page No. Sr. No. Name of Officer No. Sr. No. Page M M.A. Gandhi 28 109 M. J. Thakkar 32 121 Mamta Verma 16 58 Mohammad Shahid 18 66 M. A. Narmawala 18 70 Mona K. Khandhar 14 55 M.A. Pandya 40 158 M. R. Kothari 34 129 Manisha Chandra 26 100 M. S. Dagur 4 12 Manish Bhardwaj 16 64 M. S. Patel 28 106 Manish Kumar 50 197 M. Y. Daxini 54 216 Manoj Aggarwal 12 45 M. Thennarasan 22 81 Manoj Kumar Das 12 44 Mukesh Kumar 16 59 M. D. Modia 38 148 Mukesh Puri 10 34 N Nagarajan M. 44 174 N. K. Damor 38 147 Narander Kumar Meena 46 177 N. L. Pujara 32 128 N. B. Upadhyay 28 110 N. P. Thakar 20 78 Nirgude Yogesh Babanrao 50 195 0 Oak Aayush Sanjeev 46 184 p Pankaj Joshi 10 39 Prabhav Joshi 52 201 Pankaj Kumar 6 23 Pradeep Kumar Pujari 2 2 Pardhi Sourabh Zamsingh 46 183 Prashasti Pareek 50 200 Patel Anand Babula I 44 176 Praveen Chaudhary 52 205 Patel Dhavalkumar Kiritkumar 42 166 Praveena D. K. 44 172 Patel Harshadkumar Ratilal 28 112 Pravinbhai K. Solanki 24 95 P. B. Thakar 36 140 Prem Kumar Gera 6 18 P. D. Vaghela 8 27 Prem Kumar Taneja 4 10 P. L. Solanki 54 211 Punamchand Parmar 6 19 Ponugumatla Bharathi 30 114 Name of Officer Page No. Sr. No. Name of Officer Page No. Sr. No. R Rachit Raj 50 199 Ravi Kumar Arora 36 138 Rahul Babulalbhai Gupta 26 99 Ravi Shanakar 40 154 Rajender Kumar 26 101 Remya Mohan Muthadath 40 155 Rajesh Manjhu 26 102 R. B. Barad 36 141 Raj Gopal 8 29 R. B. Rajyaguru 56 219 Rajiv Kumar Gupta 8 26 R. G. Bhalera 32 126 RajivTopno 16 57 R. G. Gohil 40 159 Raj Kumar 8 28 R. G. Trivedi 32 127 Rajkumar Beniwal 26 103 Rita A. Teaotia 2 3 Rakesh Shankar 26 104 R. J. Halani 42 163 Ramesh Chand Meena 16 63 R. J. Mankadia 32 122 Rana Dilip Kumar 40 156 R. M. Jadav 18 69 Ranavasiya Anilkumar Ramjibhai 52 208 Roopwant Singh 24 92 Ranjeeth Kumar J. 30 115 R. P. Gupta 8 30 Ranjit Kumar Singh 42 168 R. S. Ninama 42 164 Ratankanvar H. Gadhvicharan 44 173 s Sagale Sandip Janardanpant 40 157 S. K. Langa 38 150 Saidingpuii Chhakchhuak 44 169 S.K.Nanda 2 1 Sandeep Kumar 24 89 S. K. Pandya 24 90 Sandhya Bhullar 24 93 S. L.Amrani 28 105 Sangeeta Singh 6 21 S. M. Patel 32 125 Sanjay Nandan 10 36 S. Murali Krishna 18 67 Sanjay Prasad 6 22 Sonal Mishra 16 62 Sanjeev Kumar 18 68 Srinivas Katikithala 10 40 S.Aparna 8 32 Stuti Charan 50 196 S.A. Patel 34 133 Sujal Jayantibhai Mayatra 48 186 S. 8. Raval 20 76 Sujeet Kumar 46 179 S. B. Patel 38 149 Sujit Gulati 4 13 Shahmeena Husain 16 60 Sunaina Tomar 12 42 Shalini Agrawal 30 116 Sunilkumar Dholi 44 175 S. J. Haider 14 51 Swaroop P. 24 94 Name of Officer Page No. Sr. No. Name of Officer Sr. Page No. No. T Tapan Ray 2 6 Tushar Dalpatbhai Sumera 48 190 T. Natarajan 14 56 Tushar Mohanlal Dholakiya 46 180 Torawane Milind Shivaram 22 83 u Udit Agrawal 42 167 v Vatsala Vasudeva 14 53 Vipra Bhal 36 137 V. A. Vaghela 34 131 Vipul Mitra B 25 V. B. Mecwan 38 151 Vishal Gupta 48 191 Vijay Nehra 22 86 v. P. Patel 20 74 Vikrant Pandey 30 113 V. Thiruppugazh 14 50 Vinod R. Rao 20 80 Processed & Printed at Government Photo Litho Press, Ahmedabad.
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