PlayStation Official Magazine - June 2016 UK
PlayStation Official Magazine - June 2016 UK
issue 123 june 2016 £5.99 world exclusive unchArted 4 reviewed! Has Nathan Drake struck gold again? hands-on! mirror’S edge Massive Catalyst playtest, because you gotta have Faith… All-slime classic gets reinvented on PS4 MAFIA III: It’s GtA IN NEW ORLEANs! TiTanFall 2 breaks cover aT lasT KANE AND AbLE: EuRO 2016 pREDICtED e x T e n d e d p l aY ! Final FanTasY xv New screens, new secrets, new movie ISSUe 123 / JUne 2016 Future Publishing Ltd, Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA, United Kingdom tel +44 (0) 1225 442244 fax: +44 (0) 1225 732275 email twitter @OPM_UK web welcome Y es, you are staring at the ghost of oPM past. yes, my doughy frame does bear an uncanny resemblance to the 1984 manifestation of Gozer. Don’t, however, go calling 555-2368. I’m merely filling in while editor Matt takes a spring break, and in doing so helping the team source spook-tacular exclusives such as the first hands-on with Ghostbusters on PS4. Making an official tie-in is one of the toughest challenges in all of gaming, and our tale of new studio Fireforge’s efforts with this one begins on p52. Additionally, we look back at 36 years of PkE-tracing, Egonworshipping goodness in the complete Ghostbusters chronology, from p58. All without a “who you gonna…” joke in sight. (Don’t say it. Don’t even think it.) From uncharted territory to Uncharted territory: we also have the first review of Drake’s latest. Is it also his greatest? Flick to p74 to see. Plus playtests of Mafia III, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Final Fantasy XV and more. It’s a privilege to be haunting these pages once more. Enjoy the mag. eDItoRIaL acting editor Ben Wilson @Benjiwilson Managing art editor Milford Coppock @milfcoppock production editor Andrew Westbrook @andy_westbrook staff writer Jen Simpkins @itsJensim staff writer Ben Tyrer @bentyrer ContRIBUtoRS words Jenny Baker, Ben Borthwick, Matthew Clapham, Edwin Evans-Thirlwell, Matt Elliott, Jordan Farley, David Houghton, Leon Hurley, Daniella Lucas, Ben Maxwell, Dave Meikleham, James Nouch, Louis Pattison, Matthew Pellett, Rhiannon Rees, Sam Roberts, Matt Sakuraoka-Gilman, Chris Schilling, Tom Sykes, Robin Valentine, Iain Wilson design Rob Speed aDVeRtISIng commercial sales director Clare Dove advertising director Andrew Church account manager Steve Pyatt advertising manager Michael Pyatt for ad enquiries contact maRKetIng Group marketing manager Laura Driffield Marketing manager Kristianne Stanton PRoDUCtIon & DIStRIBUtIon production controller Vivienne Calvert production manager Mark Constance printed in the uK by William Gibbons & Sons Ltd on behalf of Future distributed by Seymour Distribution Ltd, 2 East Poultry Avenue, London EC1A 9PT, Tel: 0207 429 4000 overseas distribution by Seymour International game of the month Ghostbusters PS3 ghoStBUSteRS faVe Stay Puft Marshmallow Man CIRCULatIon trade marketing manager Juliette Winyard – 07551 150 984 SUBSCRIPtIonS uK reader order line & enquiries 0844 848 2852 overseas reader order line & enquiries +44 (0)1604 251045 online enquiries email LICenSIng senior licensing & syndication manager Matt Ellis +44 (0)1225 442244 Fax +44 (0)1225 732275 management managing director Joe McEvoy editorial director Matt Pierce group art director Rodney Dive Deputy group art director Mark Wynne The ABC combined print, digital and digital publication circulation for Jan-Dec 2015 is 29,855 (Print 26,659 Digital 3,196) A member of the Audited Bureau of Circulations Future is an award-winning international media group and leading digital business. We reach more than 49 million international consumers a month and create world-class content and advertising solutions for passionate consumers online, on tablet & smartphone and in print. Future plc is a public company quoted on the London Stock Exchange (symbol: FUTR). “wE’VE PLAyED GHoSTBUSTERS oN PS4 – AND Look BACk oN 36 yEARS IN Ben Wilson actinG editor THE CoMPLETE CHRoNoLoGy.” @Benjiwilson secure your copy of opM #124 + 20 light bar decals Subscribe on p66 by 18 May this month’s naught y stream-crossers… Chief executive Zillah Byng-Thorne Non-executive chairman Peter Allen Chief financial officer Penny Ladkin-Brand Tel +44 (0)207 042 4000 (London) Tel +44 (0)1225 442 244 (Bath) All contents copyright © 2015 Future Publishing Limited or published under licence. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored, transmitted or used in any way without the prior written permission of the publisher. Future Publishing Limited (company number 2008885) is registered in England and Wales. Registered office: Registered office: Quay House, The Ambury, Bath, BA1 1UA. All information contained in this publication is for information only and is, as far as we are aware, correct at the time of going to press. Future cannot accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. You are advised to contact manufacturers and retailers directly with regard to the price and other details of products or services referred to in this publication. Apps and websites mentioned in this publication are not under our control. We are not responsible for their contents or any changes or updates to them. If you submit unsolicited material to us, you automatically grant Future a licence to publish your submission in whole or in part in all editions of the magazine, including licensed editions worldwide and in any physical or digital format throughout the world. Any material you submit is sent at your risk and, although every care is taken, neither Future nor its employees, agents or subcontractors shall be liable for loss or damage. We are committed to only using magazine paper which is derived from well managed, certified forestry and chlorine-free manufacture. Future Publishing and its paper suppliers have been independently certified in accordance with the rules of the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). Jen Simpkins Ben tyrer andy Westbrook milford Coppock game of the month Dark Souls III ghoStBUSteRS faVe Gozer game of the month Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End ghoStBUSteRS faVe Egon Spengler game of the month Stikbold ghoStBUSteRS faVe Librarian Ghost game of the month Tom Clancy’s The Division ghoStBUSteRS faVe Peter Venkman staff writer Spent month “hella salty” over being “bodied” on “the new hotness.” In English: lost a couple of Street Fighter V matches online. staff writer Barely slept for a full week while playing Ghostbusters PS4 and reviewing Uncharted 4. The ultimate first world problem. production editor Favourite birthday present from the team? Not his TMNT Funko Pop. Nor his bottle of pricey plonk. His Euro 2016 sticker album. ManaGinG art editor Finally graced us all with his karaoke rendition of Back In The USSR. Team verdict: 7/10. Hey, it’s still a good score. 003 highlights The big 10 006 MAFIA III It’s GTA in New Orleans! Hop in the passenger seat as we cruise through the Deep South. preview 032 FInAl FAntAsy XV Digging up demo secrets ahead of the main game’s release in September. preview 040 MIrror’s EdgE CAtAlyst Pain in the glass or miraculous return to form? Find out as we playtest Faith’s latest. feature 052 ghostbustErs One of the ‘80s most iconic film franchises takes its PS4 bow – and we’ve gone hands-on. review 074 unChArtEd 4: A thIEF’s End scouring our way through nate’s greatest adventure yet, as he braces himself for one final treasure hunt. review 080 dArk souls III Thought Ghostbusters’ library ghost was terrifying? Now try the hellscape of Lothric. review 088 rAtChEt & ClAnk The luscious Lombax and his robot chum return in glorious HD-o-vision. sUBsCRiBE NOW! Want something not-so-strange delivered directly to your neighbourhood on a monthly basis – and two free pop! Vinyls to boot? turn to p66… 044 043 080 040 032 074 084 068 088 036 085 s E c T i o n s aT a G l a n c E THE biG 10 prEviEws 006 031 Latest info, screens and playtests All the hottest news fEaTurEs rEviEws nETwork rETro sTaTion To-the-point, detailed analysis In-depth verdicts on every big new game Max out your PS4, online and off Classics revisited 048 074 097 106 THE Games index 087 AdAM’s VEnturEs: orIgIns 064 bAtMAn 099 broForCE 080 dArk souls III 106 dEMon’s souls 098 dIrt rAlly 099 EA sports uFC 2 086 EntEr thE gungEon 100 FAllout 4 032 FInAl FAntAsy XV 042 FurI 052 ghostbustErs 045 god EAtEr: rEsurrECtIon 045 god EAtEr 2: rAgE burst 114 guItAr hEro 2 104 hItMAn 044 hypEr lIght drIFtEr 036 lEgo stAr WArs: thE ForCE AWAkEns 046 loVEly plAnEt 109 MAd MAX 006 MAFIA III 046 MEkAzoo 092 MInECrAFt story ModE: EpIsodE 5 040 MIrror’s EdgE CAtAlyst 095 Mlb: thE shoW 16 087 MXgp 2 087 nItro+ blAstErz 088 rAtChEt & ClAnk 094 rÉpublIquE 046 sErAph 093 sEVErEd 043 shErloCk holMEs: thE dEVIl’s dAughtEr 038 snIpEr ElItE 4 064 south pArk: thE FrACturEd but WholE 094 stIkbold 068 strEEt FIghtEr V 046 sWord Art onlInE: holloW rEAlIzAtIon 046 tAlEs oF bErsErIA 018 tItAnFAll 2 064 tMnt: MutAnts In MAnhAttAn 105 toM ClAnCy’s thE dIVIsIon 085 trACkMAnIA turbo 074 unChArtEd 4: A thIEF’s End 084 uEFA Euro 2016 094 unEpIC 064 thE WAlkIng dEAd: sEAson 3 010 WWE 2k17 012 zEro tIME dIlEMMA 005 This is what it’s all about – taking down goons in the hazy southern sun. Though cover-shooting is the simplest of many approaches. 006 the late ’60s setting brings a lot of heavy themes, and hangar 13 isn’t shying away from any of them. 10 Taking cover which wwe star gets the 2K17 glory? 14 Tick, Tick, boom! guile joins the street fighter v roster. 16 french connecTion oPm plays through the euros on Pes. TheBig10 STorieS everyone’S Talking aBouT organised crime goes open world in mafia iii new bordeaux hands-on confirms that when it comes to story, you’re the boss this could be the year that mafia finally makes it big. with a solid foundation in 2004’s Ps2 original, last-gen’s mafia ii blended sublime, snappy combat with silky smooth driving, while its fantastic period soundtrack made its tremendously evocative ‘50s world one in which to truly wallow. it never quite nailed the full open-world experience, however, playing like a linear action game (albeit a great one) with brilliant set dressing. but that’s all changing for this third instalment. series fans need not worry. new developer hangar 13 – taking over from original creator 2K Czech, while absorbing a fair few of that studio’s staff – isn’t losing sight of what has made these mob tales so beloved. the thoughtful, grown-up narrative remains, this time carried into 1968 by new protagonist lincoln Clay, a vietnam vet and exmember of the black mafia. acting 01 as a microcosm for america’s late ’60s troubles, Clay brings a clip-full of heavy themes with him, and hangar 13 isn’t shying away from any of them. also unmistakable is mafia’s trademark sense of a time and place, this time brought to life through the city of new bordeaux. it’s okay, you can say new orleans – to all intents and purposes, that’s basically what it is. the locale teems with startling atmosphere and period detail, the iconic melodies of the flower power era permeating its every corner, flooding the actionadventure with discordant tones of joy and upheaval. Southern diScomfort what has changed is the way you navigate mafia’s dense, historical storytelling. no longer does that world speed by as background detail while you race through a rigid campaign structure. in mafia iii, freedom, choice and possibility are at the core of everything. and don’t go thinking that hangar 13 has muddied new bordeaux 007 The Big10 STorieS everyone’S Talking aBouT with unrelated side-missions and goofy, diversionary escapades. everything you do is part of the main story, and every action pushes you forwards along lincoln’s path of revenge against the italian mob who betrayed his crew. it’s just that every objective now has many angles of attack, taking in a raft of disparate, eclectic possibilities, wide open to be tackled by any means you can dream up. imagine hectic, guerrilla-style street combat with a dash of hitman’s strategic forward planning, and you’re getting close. 008 Street fighter to bring down the presiding power, lincoln, aided by three lieutenants – the gangland bosses of the city’s smaller irish, haitian and italian crews – has to steadily and progressively snatch control of its various rackets that are dotted about the city. this means reducing to zero the income that each sideline brings in, via a rich array of different methods. each target hit cuts the mob’s profits by a set amount, and you’re free to strike any that take your fancy, as long as you get the job done. supply trucks can be destroyed in madcap road battles. italian enforcers can be hunted down at their hideouts, and assassinated in any way you wish. blaze through their goons first; find a stealthier route to your quarry; or enjoy a freeform blend of the two. it doesn’t matter, so long as they go down. hell, you could even remotely plant C4 in just the right spot, or recon the block for a convenient sniping spot and then walk away as if a ghost. hangar 13’s motto for mafia iii is “no failure but death,” and the game’s robust, accommodating combat systems live up to that through every cover-based shootout, explosive booby trap and silent underworld takedown. those three lieutenants of yours add an extra layer of possibility by way of the perks they furnish in return for your favour. handing out stolen territory to your trusted heavies earns you everything from noise-making lures and on-demand delivery trucks full of guns and ammo, to dial-a-goon hit squads for heavy assaults, plus plenty of health and armour support. Just make sure you treat them fairly. if any one of them ever feels betrayed by favouritism, events can turn very ugly. how ugly, we haven’t yet seen, but a every objecTive has many angles, open To be Tackled by any means you can dream up. Sim city for all its arcadey handling, the tech underpinning mafia iii’s smooth driving is running a seriously powerful simulation. it can even detect tyre temperature and the weight of the remaining gas in the tank. threat of imminent violence from a furious irishman implies there might be major, game-changing consequences down the road. Self-made man while waiting to discover what those consequences might be, however, there’s plenty to keep lincoln busy, such as robbing italian businesses for big financial scores; or creeping past gangsters as they beat up protesting hippies and lay concrete foundations enhanced with dead bodies; or tapping the phone lines of mafia strongholds to get information that might help persuade opposing bosses to join your burgeoning empire rather than take a bullet to the skull. even mafia iii’s more scripted, set-piece-driven missions – which cap off the take-down of each key racket – offer plenty of scope for authorship. do you infiltrate that hotel penthouse by driving straight into the underground car park in a known mobster’s (recently stolen) ride, and then nonchalantly take the elevator up? or do you make a statement in the lobby with a machine gun and a handful of grenades? there are many stories to be told in mafia iii, but every one of them will be your own. sold on mafia’s mature sandbox action or prefer it crazier? Tweet @opm_uk. ■ cars, lights, signposts: environmental details deliver a brilliantly lived-in world. The series has always had a classy, period feel. They’re like sumptuous holiday destinations. ■ The nights are as moody as the days are bright. just look at that lighting. mafia iii’s combat is always satisfying, but the death animations really make it sing. 009 ■ We’re not sure exactly who this guy is, but anyone hanging around in an underground car park, smoking, wearing a hat, has to be a tad dodgy. right? mafia iii might well have the shiniest cars on ps4. Well, until the bullets start flying, at least. wwe 2k16’s Community Creations options give a good sense of who’ll be on 2k17’s roster. 010 Superstars fight for WWE 2K17 glory Cover campaigns begin as new roster additions emerge In the world of WWE, the end of WrestleMania season is regarded as the beginning of a new year of storylines. Here in the videogame world, it means something else, too: the countdown to the next WWE game has begun. Though official announcement of WWE 2K17 is still yet to arrive, the debate over who should be the next cover star has already started in the locker room. At WrestleMania, we met with more than 20 superstars to find out who’s the most deserving of the glory. “I’ll say point blank that I’m the hardest working man in the WWE,” boasts Ryback, justifying himself – 02 one of many self-nominations in a list that includes The Miz, the Dudley Boyz, The New Day and Zack Ryder (whose partner Emma suggested that they appear together as the “newest power couple of WWE”). “NXT Champion Finn Balor,” smiles Balor, following suit. What if he no longer holds the NXT title at 2K17’s launch? Balor barely pauses. “Maybe WWE World Heavyweight Champion Finn Balor?” he says. Not everybody’s interested in selfglory, however. Presenter Renee Young tips Dean Ambrose, Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts fancies Bray Wyatt because he’s “unique,” Sami Zayn picks Seth Rollins, for his “bang-up job” as champ, and both Usos are hoping for Roman Reigns (“he’s been roman reigns has been working his ass off. wwe talk “brock Lesnar and Paul heyman deserve to be on the cover of the next videogame because there’s no bigger box office attraction in the wwe. as the saying goes: ‘Then, now and forever.’ brock Lesnar is the conquerer of the Undertaker’s undefeated streak. why would you deprive the gaming audience of the privilege?” Paul heyman advocate for brock Lesnar working his ass off all year, through all the boos and the cheers”). The biggest surprise? WWE’s top heel Kevin Owens with a selfless response: “The New Day. Those guys took themselves from being an act that could hardly get on the Kick-Off show at one point, and now they’re one of the biggest things in WWE and one of the most entertaining acts we have.” Kalisto, meanwhile, wants a Hall Of Famer to grace the front: “I would love to see Eddie Guerrero; a great talent and legend.” the new fray Regardless of the superstar who gets the cover glory (we expect Brock Lesnar), the game itself should feature many new roster additions thanks to waves of popular NXT signings and call-ups to Raw. A near-total overhaul of the women’s division is the best place to Being drawn in as well as the Cgi movie, ffXV is getting a five-part anime series called brotherhood, which acts as a prequel to the game. You can watch episode one right now for free on YouTube. The Big10 STorieS everyone’S Talking aBouT These guys look like they don’t dilly-dally shilly-shally about. Final Fantasy film’s Stark surprise Sean Bean and Aaron Paul front Kingsglaive cast Ever heard the one about Jesse from Breaking Bad walking into a bar with Ned Stark and Cersei Lannister from Game Of Thrones? It ends with the punchline, “and then they filmed a new Final Fantasy movie.” Except here’s the curious thing: we’re not joking. They’re all due to star in Kingsglaive – a CGI movie set to run alongside the events of FFXV. While the game follows Noctis and his band of merry men after they leave the crown city of Lucis, the film will concentrate on King Regis (Sean Bean), who remains in the city as it comes under attack by the invading Niflheim empire. As with most things Final Fantasy, it’s all about gaining the power of magical crystals. Nyx Ulric (Aaron Paul) is the leader of the Kingsglaive, which are basically fancy knights, and is tasked with trying to slow the empire’s advances. The only 03 start: Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch emerged from WrestleMania as three of WWE’s biggest stars as they fought for the new WWE Women’s Championship. Their inclusion is a must, as is that of NXT favourites Bayley and Asuka. Then consider the hiring of AJ Styles and Apollo Crews, the return of the Dudley Boyz and Alberto Del Rio, plus NXT talent such as Shinsuke Nakamura, Austin Aries and American Alpha – all sure to feature. And since WWE 2K16’s DLC featured the preceding Hall Of Fame class, don’t bet against new inductees Big Boss Man, The Godfather, The Fabulous Freebirds, Jacqueline and Stan Hansen being added too. Last year’s record-breaking roster could soon look positively tiny… we’ll bring you the first look at wwe 2k17 and its new cover star this summer. friends the good guys have are also under occupation from the empire, including the Oracle Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (Lena Headey) – who is also Noctis’ betrothed, and can speak to the giant god-like Archaens. It sounds even more complicated than the plot of Thrones, and those who’ve seen previous (mildly bonkers) films Spirits Within and Advent Children can’t be blamed for approaching this with an air of even deeper cynicism. But with such star power attached, it should at least prove watchable. Kingsglaive hits Japanese cinemas in July, but there’s no word on a UK release yet and sadly the actors won’t be reprising their roles for the game. Expect some mismatched voices, then, but any additional slices of that delicious FFXV world can only be a good thing. The PLoT soUnds more ComPLiCaTed Than game of Thrones. for our extended playtest of the new final fantasy XV demo, flick to page 32. 011 You need six passwords to escape. to unlock one, somebodY has to die… The Big10 (Coin) Flipping out “There really is a 50-50 chance,” says director Kotaro Uchikoshi of random outcomes for those keen to 100% ZTD. “If you’re really unlucky, you might have to continuously replay some scenes.” ■ Every scene is fully voiced, so you can “play without reading” if you want. STorieS everyone’S Talking aBouT ■ Junpei, Akane, Phi and Sigma all return from previous Zero Escape games. meet ps Vita’s next best game Zero time dilemma is a sight for saw eyes phi is locked inside an incinerator, sigma is strapped to a chair with a revolver to his head, and you’re told that pulling the trigger will release phi before she’s flame-roasted. what do you do? that’s just one conundrum you’ll face in new ps Vita narrative adventure Zero time dilemma, the sequel to the excellent Virtue’s last reward. like the previous games in the series, Zero time dilemma locks nine people inside a facility and asks you to solve puzzles and make choices to help them escape. and continuing the trend established in Vlr and its (sadly non-playstation) prequel nine hours, nine persons, nine doors, those choices you make are going to mean certain characters will die. 04 chance chance revolution Yet there’s a major twist in the above scenario: chance. the chamber of that revolver contains three live rounds and three blanks, and you don’t know which one you’ll get. the outcome is completely random, meaning that the series famed for its split-path stories (it took more than 30 hours to see them all in Virtue’s last reward), now has more branches than ever. the addition of luck isn’t the only major change to the formula. the nine stars are assigned to one of three teams, each trapped in a different ward. to escape, they’ll need to uncover six passwords – to get one, someone must drop dead. time to die a memory-wiping serum injected into the protagonists on a regular basis means you won’t get to follow these teams’ fates chronologically. instead, you pick story fragments from a floating menu, unravelling the tale non-linearly and piecing together the plot as you go – think memento meets saw. it’s set to challenge the very top of our ps Vita hall of Fame. Aksys Games is bringing Zero Time Dilemma to UK PS Vitas on 28 June. 013 the big shot eagle-eyed analysis Guile can walk forwards while retaining his charged specials (but he resembles an arse-dragging dog). 014 SFV Guile comes with sunglasses already on. Bad news for fans of the game’s best taunt. Not pictured is his V-Skill: a floaty yellow landmine, perfect for controlling space and wake-up. Guile be back in Street Fighter V Gaming’s baddest flat-top returns At last, the US’s most super soldier (don’t argue) is back in Street Fighter V. Guile was one of the original eight characters in Street Fighter II, and he’s as American as bald eagles, pepper spray and putting mac and cheese on everything. If you’re not familiar with him, Guile’s famous for his unshakeable love of justice, immaculate hair and defensive capabilities that make Fort Knox look like a child’s 05 inflatable castle. Jump in on Guile? You’re getting pwned. Other contenders are inbound, too. Balrog, Urien, Ibuki and Juri are planned for 2016, with six more characters coming in 2017. If we don’t get Oro, we’ll be flipping tables with our free arm. Also – finally! – a proper rage quit system will be implemented, punishing players with high disconnect rates. (You’re right to look red-faced, World Combo…) Guile formed (the best) part of April’s update for Street Fighter V. number game we do the maths $330m 5-5 Amount The Division generated on release – fastest-selling new IP ever. Aggregate FIFA Interactive World Cup result, won by Denmark (away goals). 100+ Countries expected to be represented at this year’s E3 trade show. 38.3 The beefy file size, in gigabytes, of baseball sim MLB The Show. 10,000,000 Number of copies of Final Fantasy XV that Square Enix expect to sell. The flash kick’s still deadly, while Guile’s V-Trigger chucks out a flurry of Sonic Booms. 30/09 The aforementioned, much-desired Final Fantasy XV releases on this date. 335 New max Light level in Destiny after the spring update. Best buddy Nash sacrificed himself to save Guile, so we can’t wait for them to be reunited. $8.00 How much a Rocket League stressball costs from the official Psyonix store. 015 If ps4 Croatia can win it, surely real life england can triumph this summer, right? 016 Croatia conquer Euro 2016 Cacic’s lads crowned champs as we recreate the Euros in PES What a year Slaven Bilic is having. First he guides West Ham to their best Premier League finish in more than a decade. And then his virtual countrymen only go and lift the silverware at the Euros in France… well, in PES 2016’s free DLC update, at least. Some bookmakers may have them pegged as a 25/1 shot for this summer’s Gallic soccer extravaganza, but such trivial numbers mean little to Mario Mandžukic and his buddies, who positively shine as we recreate Euro 2016 in Konami’s kickabout. God, it seems, is a Croatia fan. 06 Upon firing up the recently added tournament, we immediately select Roy’s boys, mostly to make the poor Scotsman writing this piece cry salty tartan tears [not that former OPM news ed Meiks is the bitter type *cough*]. As PES 2016 automatically sorts all 24 sides into their officially drawn groups, setup is a breeze, and it’s not long before this young England outfit are fit and firing into action. Well, that’s as soon as we get a pesky 2-1 loss to Russia out of the way. Despite Jamie Vardy wasting no time cashing in his goal tokens with a deftly placed header, the Leicester hitman’s efforts are in vain after second half goals from Dzagoev and Dzyuba give the Ruskies three Ireland make the spIrIt of roy keane’s hobo beard very proud. team talk “england’s default lineup might be outdated – Gibbs at left-back?! – but the strikers did the business. roy’s boys were sent packing from the last 16, but the lads up top weren’t to blame. between them, vardy and kane scored seven in three starts. sorry, sturridge. also, I totally started Jonjo shelvey. blame me.” dave meikleham former news editor, opm precious points. Chin up, Roy – there’s a Battle of Britain to play! Yes, Group B’s most eye-catching tie is up next, with England nabbing bragging rights over Wales in the home nations derby, thanks to a thrilling 4-3 win courtesy of braces by Kane and Vardy. Get benched, Wayne. Indeed, Rooney continues to pluck splinters from his ample derrière in a 0-0 snore draw with Slovakia, as England finish third in the group. Fortunately, thanks to that oh-so-forgiving 24-team format, Roy’s boys manage to scrape through regardless. Phew. Brit your teeth With France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Portugal all topping the other groups, the last 16 is a more daunting prospect than asking Luis Suarez to rub suntan lotion on your neck… with his teeth. zlat traCk BullY last time opm recreated the euros, in 2012, Zlatan Ibrahimovic was the Golden boot winner. he did it again this time, outshooting everyone with six goals. The Big10 STorieS everyone’S Talking aBouT info patches update your brain ■ pes’ euro licensing is patchy, but at least it gets the pot right. despite the latter only having 39% possession during their 3-1 win. The current World Cup holders aren’t the only goliath to crumble in the quarters. The Swiss sink Spain 2-1, with that man Shaqiri netting the winner. All these upsets lead to a distinctly fresh looking set of semis, as Sweden meet Switzerland and Croatia battle Ireland. That not-sofab four is then quickly cut to two, the Swiss sending the Swedes packing 3-0 before Croatia crumple Irish hearts by beating Martin O’Neill’s side 4-1 on pens. Still, the big boys don’t have it entirely their own way, with an unbeaten, Shaqiri-inspired Switzerland impressing in Group A – bask in that reflected glory Stoke. Elsewhere, Ireland have made the spirit of Roy Keane’s hobo beard proud in Group E, edging over the line in their final fixture with a resounding 3-0 win over the Italians thanks to a Jonathan Walters hat-trick. Truly, this tourney belongs to Potters fans everywhere. Despite the seemingly strong knock-out lineup, however, the last 16 springs some juicy shocks. Italy fall to Croatia, Ireland end the host’s dream in a ludicrously dominant 2-0 display over France, while England are soundly beaten 3-1 by Germany. That last one’s a total surprise, right? Kindly old Roy can at least take comfort when the Germans crash out to Croatia in the quarters, Final Fever Ladies and germs, we give you the Euro 2016 final: Switzerland versus Croatia. Hooray for the least glamorous decider ever (we’ve blotted 2004 from our brains). Despite the Swiss leading twice and the Shaq attack laying on a cracking assist, two late goals by Marcelo Brozovic ultimately win it for the Croats. While those parties rage on in the streets of Zagreb, why not slap all of your savings on the real Croatia winning this summer’s Euros? C’mon, Uncle OPM would never steer you wrong… Can Yuz Believe it? you’ll be wallowing in the filth of Japan’s underground come 2017, with prequel yakuza 0 hitting european consoles. While you’ll still be able to take control of main protagonist kazuma, for the first time in the main series, you’ll also slip into the luxurious, unhinged shoes of ‘mad dog’ Goro majima. 017 Move over, Mozart While Classic fm isn’t our usual go-to station, we’re happy to see that some of our favourite gaming themes have made it into its hall of fame. the delightful everybody’s Gone to the rapture soundtrack by Jessica Curry ascends to #268, while shenmue is the highest new entry at #144. for our definitive verdict on pes’ take on euro 2016, nutmeg your way to p84. Hoops, Here it is ■ despite being hacked to bits, old ‘arry kane had a fine tourney. We have carball, but now it’s time for rocket league to add basketball into the mix. hoops adds a new arena and mode to the multiplayer classic, in which the goal is a giant hoop rather than a net. We suspect it’ll be worth putting in the hours practising flying to get some slam (on the brakes) dunks. Mech it a double: Titanfall is back Slaughterbots respawn for PS4 debut PS4 has utterly rocked this generation. So much so that we’ve barely ever looked over the fence to enviously glance at what might be growing in the garden of green. A rare exception came in 2014, with Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall, a frenetic multiplayer blaster that focused on velvety smooth parkour. That, and giant sodding mechs. The sequel’s been confirmed as PS4-bound for a while, but a new teaser trailer means we now have a vague idea of what to expect. Shock horror – Titanfall 2 focuses on great big murder bots. This time, though, they’re packing swords. The ever-so-brief video shows an exotic jungle crawling with mysterious alien beasties – a big departure from the war-torn cities of the first game – before cutting to a crashed drop pod and a mech wielding one hell of a blade. 07 The presence of such a prominent, pointy object suggests robot combat now focuses more on melee attacks than the gun-based scuffles of the original. don’t be a hero Rumours also point to Titanfall 2 featuring a beefier, more narrative-led single-player component, something the trailer backs up. “The problem with being a hero is you have to be willing to die for what you believe in,” growls a miffed South African narrator. “If I were you… I wouldn’t try so hard.” Yup, it certainly sounds like there will be more plot (and a clearer bad guy) to sink your chompers into between all the mech-on-mech destruction. With an official unveiling set for the EA Play event during next month’s E3, these robots won’t be in disguise much longer. ThE muRdER boTS ARE bAck, And noW ThEY’RE PAckIng gIAnT SWoRdS. drop pods look like they’re back to deliver AI and human fighters to the battlefield. A mcFarlane Toys tie-in press release suggests Titanfall 2 is out this winter. the rumour machine our sources understand… Norwegian midfielder Andrine Stolsmo Hegerberg’s “#fifa17” Instagram post suggests Norway’s national women’s side is getting the call-up from EA next season. Is Skyrim PS4-bound? A supposedly leaked photo shows it in the PS Now store. God Of War PS4 A Polish gaming website suggests hints abound, The Witcher as one 3’s Blood And insider Wine DLC teases may release a Nordic on 7 June. theme. Mirror’s Edge Remastered? Hopefully that now-removed screenshot of an Amazon UK listing was legit. One MOre encOre Are traditional peripherals dead? Ranyard says no: “One thing that VR lacks is tactile feedback – you do get that with peripherals.” Don’t smash those placcy Guitar axes just yet, then. PlayStation voices the month in mouthing off Former SingStar boss Raynard is a big convert to PS VR’s hymn sheet. How Wonderbook inspired PS VR Ex-Sony director talks tech’s surprising origins Excited about PlayStation VR? Course you are. Yet you may be surprised to learn that its origins, at least in part, stem from an interactive PS3 tome brought to life with flicks of the Move controller. “In terms of stepping stones, the tracking required for Wonderbook is not that different from tracking a VR headset,” reveals Dr Dave 08 ■ Who’da thunk this would be the inspiration behind PS VR? Dr Dave, that’s who. Genius. Ranyard, former Sony London director and Wonderbook’s executive producer. “We used Move for dancing games, too. Put all those things together – cameras, microphones, Move controllers and tracking – that’s VR.” And it’s not just Book Of Spells. Ranyard explains how older phases of tech all play their part in the VR future: “One of the things I often get asked about is whether ‘VR is going to be another thing that’ll fizzle out, like 3D TV’. I think we’ll look back and see all these technologies as stepping stones, because I think VR is a fundamental promise that’s really exciting.” Having left Sony after 17 years in January, Ranyard has plans for what he wants to do next, but none of our spells could loosen his lips on exactly what. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you!” What VR game are you desperate to immerse yourself in? Tweet @OPM_UK. “Mass Effect was like my teens. Didn’t realise you could have sex with the other characters.” Sick selfburn, Hello Games’ Sean Murray. “I’m the hand behind all of Brian’s writing. I have the scrawl of a 13-year-old child.” Firewatch designer Olly Moss reveals a scribbly secret. “Guile looks like he’d get his ass beat by Nash. LMAO.” Street Fightin’ pro ricki Ortiz doesn’t fear the Sonic Boom. 019 instant opinion Check out the Lara and Drake cake figurines. Hang on, we’re getting an idea for a game… strong vs wrong Evolving Door A happy end for the team at Evolution, who are being taken on by Codemasters. The Dirt Rally and Driveclub devs together? Get revvy for some top racing. can you fEar it? HEllbounD 020 Doom’s open Beta had us rushing through levels while sucking super shotgun bullets. Bring on 13 May. Zan-griEf Alex’s arrival is great news, but Street Fighter V’s April update still stings. There’s nothing wrong with Challenge mode, but it’s still no substitute for an arcade mode. Donut Pass go Uncharted 4 has its first confirmed casualty in Donut Drake. While we understand the reasons behind his untimely passing – probably heart disease – we’ll still miss him. Crash (Bandicoot) the wedding Game on! PlayStation fans tie the knot, Sony-style Other than Vanilla Coke and dreams of helping to shave Nathan Drake’s perfect jawline – overshare? – nothing makes Team OPM happier than its readers. We’re therefore delighted to report that longtime PlayStation fans Alex Duhig and Laura Varley – who met through our Facebook group – have tied the knot. Best of all, they did so via a PlayStation-themed wedding. The happy couple’s story began eight years ago, when they started gaming together after meeting through 09 iT wAS A TribuTe TO wHAT gAMing HAS DOne fOr uS. out of PrimE Far Cry Primal Survivor mode sounds great, making the game more like a prehistoric sim than simply a Far Cry re-skin. So why is it coming out so late? the Rocket Minions community. (Our own Iain ‘Mr Trophy’ Wilson was also a member.) While Unreal Tournament 3 and Metal Gear Online were faves, Laura says they bonded over Resi 5 co-op. “We loved that game and kept playing until we earned the platinum – together!” From there, the relationship levelled-up, and Alex proposed. “I honestly thought he was just being odd,” says Laura. “Then I saw he was on one knee!” They knew there could only be one theme for the big day in West Sussex. “We wanted something that screamed ‘us’, and to pay tribute to all gaming has done for us. It was nice to show our families that videogames can be so much more than just entertainment.” Better yet, when Sony heard about the festivities, it kindly supplied the ultimate wedding present: two PS4 consoles, two extra controllers and six games. As Laura says, they can now go back to their early days. “We get to play online-only games together, which is awesome!” ■ As wedding presents go, you’re unlikely to top this PlayStation haul. Huge congratulations to Alex and Laura from everyone at OPM Towers. © Laura Brown Photography Fear Effect is such a cult game that the FBI is probably monitoring it. Fortunately, it’s Kickstarting a revival, so you’ll be able to drink its Kool-Aid once more. The Big10 Gimme Shelter Doom pub Bethesda is hosting its own E3 press conference again this year. Considering 2015’s bombshells of Fallout 4 and Dishonored 2, we’re buzzing to see what’s up its power armour. STorieS everyone’S Talking aBouT just one more question… 10 the team debate this month’s burning issue What would be your dream reveal at this June’s e3 mega-show? 021 Ben Tyrer Staff Writer andrew wesTBrook production editor Ben wilson acting editor Jen simpkins Staff Writer ps4.5 is on my Christmas Wishlist. all i need noW is for it to beCome a reality. i dream of KoJ roCKing the stage With a little taste of What’s to Come. i really hope Cliff bleszinsKi’s right about bulletstorm 2. all i Want is for taKe-tWo to bring the ‘shoCK faCtor. We’ve had the messy divorce. and we’ve had the dastardly ex making petty public digs while doing a runner with the kids (well, somebody’s got to feed the snake). but now it’s time for a new beginning. yep, the e3 of my dreams has the one and only hideo Kojima rocking the la stage, perhaps with a hot new partner on his arm – a hot new partner answering to the name guillermo del toro, obvs. by e3 time, the mgs creator would’ve had over half a year with his newly independent studio. and it’ll be almost as long since news broke that he’s working on a sony console exclusive. time for a taster? hells yeah. n in november, the gears of War creator (don’t boo, he’s doing other stuff now) claimed a bunch of the shooter’s devs bought the abandoned ip and “are working on a sequel.” i’ve since spent every evening praying this rumour is real, despite being as religious as nesquik. bulletstorm was ps3’s punchiest shooter, with kaleidoscopic levels that blended laugh-out-loud kills with an old-school points-per-death dynamic (rear entry? 50 big ones!). it would translate beautifully to ps4. plus its decent story was left on a massive cliffhanger. rhyming memo to Cliffyb’s pals: please make it be, at this year’s e3. n no, we still don’t know if ps4.5 (or ps4K?) is definitely happening. but i really, really want it to. sony has a habit of releasing slimline versions of its fun boxes throughout the console cycle and, with both playstation Vr and 4K heading for the mainstream, the idea of a slightly more powerful console, catering to those taking the leap, makes a whole lot of sense. With it being easier than ever to transfer saves between machines, upgrading should also be hasslefree. okay, i also like getting new consoles from santa – this would scratch that entitlement itch oh-so-well. n a new bioshock? as a superfan, the thought leaves me as torn as a wormhole in time and space. on the one hand, the trilogy is perfection, as is. infinite tied the narratives of all three games together in one big, mind-blowing bow. on the other hand… bioshock 4. if publisher take-two announced a return to the plasmid-slinging, story-driven shooting, i’d be on the convention centre floor in an insta-puddle of energy drinks, grateful tears… and maybe some excited widdle. it’s a pipe-dream, perhaps, but more info on bioshock creator Ken levine’s new small-scale, open-world fps might otherwise satiate the splicer in me. n rePlies F t @OPM_UK W e Whole Lara love 024 Why is there such a delay to the release of Rise Of The Tomb Raider on PS4? I feel it gets a bit of a raw deal from you guys. I love OPM and agree mostly with your reviews and opinions, but you are preoccupied with your love affair with Uncharted. And whilst they are all damn fine games, I think the last Tomb Raider release was just as good, if not better, and doesn’t get anywhere near the credit it deserves. John allen via email Rise isn’t expected to hit PS4 until about november due to an exclusivity deal, though pre-orders are now available – expect plenty of coverage in OPM as that time draws nearer. Dark fears Am I the only one worried about the depiction of mental illness as part of Darkest Dungeon? It would be easy for the depictions of the various forms of illness to fall into parody, re-enforcing standard tropes about the mentally ill. Roger Morris via email tS: In Darkest Dungeon, we’ve tried hard to emphasise that it is not a game about mental illness. Instead, it’s a game about human response to stress. the afflictions are temporary conditions that reflect how that character responds to a condition of extremely high stress brought on by environmental stimuli. Often these are negative responses (Irrationality, Selfishness) but sometimes they are quite positive (e.g. Powerful, courageous etc.). the activities in turn are themed around yOU’RE PRE-OCCUPIED WITh UNChARTED. ThE LAST TOMB RAIDER RELEASE WAS JUST AS GOOD, IF NOT BETTER. Star letter Block star I’d just like to share a little life story. It was 1993 when my six-year-old life became complete – my dad took me to see Jurassic Park. Twenty-three years later (wow!), I relived that excitement as I loaded up Lego Jurassic World. My VHS may have worn out years ago, but I still know every word and beamed as little Lego actors re-enacted my favourite film. Now, at 1am on a Sunday, having dedicated 33 hours to gathering 18 BILLION virtual Lego studs, I’ve scooped the platinum. I’m not usually a trophy hunter, but it was for the legacy of John Hammond. Keep up the good work OPM. hegx (grown-up name Helen culver) via email an impressive achievement, Helen, and we’re sure the Doc would approve. to reward your dino levels of dedication, have a year’s free OPM subscription. ways to reduce stress, and thereby return the hero to their respective base-line. We have sought to avoid tackling actual mental illness, which we interpret as more permanent conditions that are not related to conditions of high stress. a good example is that the “Hopeless” affliction is not at all supposed to be interpreted as clinical depression, but rather a temporary onslaught of despair brought on by dire circumstances. can I get a Rt? Tweet gold (and one troll) from this month’s @OPM_UK timeline @jennifelizabart Literally anything I see on mirrors edge catalyst makes me cry. I’ve waited for SO LONG. @AdamSessler I cannot overstate the pleasure of waking up and having a new Ratchet and Clank game ready to play. @SirLarr Just Super’d some guy in Street Fighter V so hard that it blew the PS4 offline. @C3NTAURI0N Thanks for the code in the last issue. I’m now addicted to world of tanks. troll of the month #122 Uncharted special, Ps Vr, Hitman, The Division, Dirt rally. that’s a serious question worthy of a serious response, Roger, so we forwarded it to the man best qualified to provide a proper answer – tyler Sigman, co-president of Darkest Dungeon developer Red Hook Studios. Here’s what he had to say… @GreatWallofChin #Firewatch was fantastic! The type of storytelling I love. And how about that voice talent? Perfect. @coolderik FFXV demo question: is magic consumable? We know how swimmingly that turned out in FFVIII. @chalm3rs_305 Disappointed to find issue 122 being an Uncharted mag instead of Playstation. Getting Repetitive. @JamesEarnshaw Day was made easier by TWO @OPM_UK podcasts! It’s the new hotness with lots of banter. @Wario64 Now that Shenmue 3 actually exists, I need a new game to joke about being at E3. @SusanArendt And that’s my PS VR preordered. I wasn’t going to, but...I mean...Rez. best comments from “Hell Yessss! But please don’t concentrate on online play or DlC. Just make an epic and amazing game like the first one.” “i’ve been in love with this game since it first came up on Ps2.” Aaran Metcalfe hopes the last of us 2 rumours are true. Alvin Flores on ratchet & clank. ReaDeRS’ MOSt WanteD 1 Which games are bleeping loudest on your radar? 5 no Man’s Sky In your first Most Wanted poll in the post-Uncharted 4 world, it’s perhaps unsurprising that hello Games’ procedurally generated space behemoth won the vote by a landslide. It’s now less than two months until the interplanetary explorer lands, so let’s just hope it really is the giant leap for gaming that we’re all expecting. hands up who’s missing David Cage? Some of you certainly are, judging by the shock debut entry of Quantic Dream’s Kara demo-inspired android saga. There have been no new details since last October’s Paris Games Week trailer reveal… but yes, it does look cool. FORMat Ps4 eta 24 JUN 2 FORMat Ps4 eta 2017 vOte nOW! Horizon Zero Dawn Creeping up the table to its highest position yet, details on the lushlooking PlayStationexclusive remain frustratingly scant. Fingers crossed E3 will deliver an update on Guerrilla’s futuristic open-world adventure. 025 Tell us the five games you can’t wait to play at 4 FORMat Ps4 eta 2016 3 Mass effect andromeda News of its release being delayed no doubt helped knock Bioware’s spacefaring adventure down two places in your chart, but there’s still no shortage of fans intrigued about what a post-Shep universe could deliver. Final Fantasy xv Back in your Most Wanted after a four-month break, something tells us the RPG adventures of Noctis could become a regular podium fixture in the months ahead. head to p32 to read about our extended playtest of the latest demo. FORMat Ps4 eta 30 seP exIt POll Our Facebook fans answer a final question Detroit: Become Human FORMat Ps4 eta Q1 2017 Where or when would you like the next Call Of Duty to be set? 12% Have a leap back in history within their sights, ideally to the American Civil War. 24% Crave a more drastic switch, such as to Trump Tower, a monster’s belly, the Nostromo or a white Transit van. 8% Want the 40% Wish the series would hit rewind and return to its WW2 roots. sun on their backs with some iraqi shooty action. 8% Hope to show Jong-un that he’s a wrong ‘un, in North Korea. 8% Think the Vietnam War is a conflict ripe for the current-gen treatment. next MOntH Gaming’s biggest show storms into los Angeles in June, so we want to know: what are you most excited to see at e3? OpiniOn Jen Simpkins Get lost, mini-maps. well-desiGned videoGame environments should lead the way, and let us keep the fizz of discovery. Talk to the hand, HUD. Immersive gaming is off-grid 026 L et me level with you: I’m a bit dizzy. I have no sense of direction, and could get lost in a neon-lit, brailleencrusted, circular corridor. You’d think I’d be grateful for mini-maps, right? Wrong. I’m sick of the things. They’re either a bewildering muddle of markers (looking at you, Final Fantasy XIV) or bland, utilitarian tools that distract from my experience. Star Wars Battlefront’s mini-map is as functional and sterile as a Cillit Banged Stormtrooper. It does its job admirably, but keeping a constant eye on those ominous, uninspired red sectors dilutes the magic of really feeling like you’re actually in Star Wars. Destiny, despite excellent map design, is the same (though Ghosts are a decent way of integrating accessing objectives into the world). And it’s not just shooters dragging us around by the hand. Nothing shatters the RPG illusion like following mini-map paths to objectives like a good little puppy, stepping over chances to organically discover things. Seeing a breathtaking landmark for the first time via a marker on that odious little circle? Devastating. Yes, you can often turn mini-maps off: a welcome option in exploration-rich games such as The Witcher 3, but it’s no real WRITER bIo Jen Simpkins opted out of GCSE Geography, and thought London was smack-dab in the centre of the UK until she was 14. She still feels a terrifying stab of panic when she loses sight of her mum in Tesco. Who’s her fave band? One Direction, obvs. solution. Some direction in massive, interconnected worlds is essential. Enter Saints Row: The Third (through the wall with an octopus cannon, probably). Dotted paths be damned: markers were integrated into the environment. The city felt recognisable; certain gang vehicles indicated different turf; arrows lit up the roads of Steelport as you drove. The open-world title let you take in and navigate the neon madness instead of keeping you surgically attached to the mini-map. But there was still a mini-map, wasn’t there? And it’s too easy to fall back on the coquettish, miniature mission icons giving you that “Come hither” wink. If we want well-designed environments, to feel that addictive fizz of discovery in videogames, we’ve got to go cold turkey. No HUD. No mini-maps. Nothing. Up for it? Then the rarest, frostiest bird you’ll find right now is Jonathan Blow’s maze-based mind-boggler, The Witness. It’s ironic – and utterly brilliant – that in a game about labyrinths, I’ve not felt lost once. It’s the lack of anything resembling a HUD that makes unpicking the island so absorbing. I know exactly where to go and what to do, if I just pay attention to my surroundings. JENNIFER SAUNTERS From the get-go, I learn that following the island’s many wires leads to panels to solve. Once I complete enough, lasers indicate a far-off goal, in both a geographical and gameplay-related sense. And when I’m wandering through the island looking for more, clearly colour-delineated regions help me navigate easily without shoving a floating “YOU ARE HERE” prompt in my face. I can focus. A mini-map would cause me to be hasty, linear and overlook secrets. That’s why I was bricking it about upcoming indie space exploration sim, No Man’s Sky: it was set to include a mini-map. Fortunately, a recent trip to Hello Games’ studio revealed it had been replaced by more subtle cues and markers laid over the environment, toggled by pressing r. Having the navigation skills of a mentally deficient Roomba, I’ll still need those little prods in the right direction. But if future games don’t similarly recalibrate their approach to minimaps, I’ll direct them to the bin. OpiniOn Ben Tyrer Tom Sykes taminG a sabretoothed tiGer with a wavy hand is ridiculous, so why not have fun with it? there’s a vast swathe of Games for which ‘finished’ has become a meaninGless term. Far Cry Primal has all the ingredients for a comedy, but gets the recipe wrong Epic’s Paragon is a good start, but PS4 sorely needs an Early Access system H alfway through Far Cry Primal, you meet Urki The Thinker, a caveman with one purpose – to push Homo sapiens into the future, through methods such as mastering the power of human flight. His first experiment sees him taking two feathers, jumping off a cliff and… plummeting into a stack of hay. Still, he’s the only character who seems to know that Primal should be a comedy. Let’s look at the evidence. You’re a beastmaster with a tame honey badger that attacks on command; another Ubi game – yes, the one with the stabbin’ and jumpin’ – is overtly and repeatedly referenced; plus Urki’s accent is… well, not of its time. Yet Primal takes itself far too seriously, mixing intentional laughs with a straight story about fighting a cannibalistic tribe. It’s hard to know what to feel when you find a mangled, half-eaten body next to the cavemen you’ve murdered with an owl. DISTANT FARCE It really doesn’t need its po-face. There’s nothing to get emotionally invested in. The cast and story is dull – it’s certainly making no attempt to mix up the narrative structure, with every major plot beat taken from an older Far Cry. But this lack of surprise could still work if it pointed out the flaws in its structure, like a much hairier Deadpool. Sacrificing the seriousness certainly wouldn’t have any impact on the gameplay – every addition and tweak that Primal makes would work just as well if it played itself for laughs. Taming a sabre-toothed tiger with nothing but a bit of meat and a wavy hand is ridiculous, so why not have fun with it? After all, the series has form. Blood Dragon takes a gloriously silly premise, rams it full of even sillier jokes and gets a spirited Michael Biehn to add some clout to the one-liners. It knows it’s stupid, but it gives (what’s become) the standard Far Cry formula a different tone. The endless recycling of missions, outposts and takedowns is made bearable by the punchlines. Primal is much closer to this level of parody than it wants to admit, but it never commits to seeing the funny side, leaving us with a stony face. T here’s a certain type of game that’s curiously absent from PlayStation. No, not truck simulators – though that’s a sore point, too – but survival games such as DayZ and The Long Dark. These games can be brilliant. Broken and unbalanced, yes. But brilliant with it. Every other week there’s some amazing new YouTube video of Rust – the PC’s premier naked caveman theft and murder sim – and, frankly, I want in on the action. Something like the Xbox One Game Preview programme would do just fine, thanks – a tailored selection of in-development titles, the wheat having already been thoroughly separated from the chaff by folks buying these unfinished games on Steam. They can find the gems among the muck – games such as Subnautica, Slime Rancher, and Secrets Of Grindea – and we can enjoy them just that little bit later, though not late enough for them to become dated, irrelevant and tame. There’s something magical about playing an unfinished game, one that hasn’t yet settled into its final form. You can see the walls taking shape, the world evolving into something greater before your eyes. Not all games benefit from being in Early Access, but there’s a real Wild West feeling about survival titles, crafting games and roguelikes. Playing them is like stepping out into uncharted territory, territory that may be very different – less interesting and more nailed down – once the unwashed masses get their hands on version 1.0. AlphA pApA There’s something to be said, of course, for waiting for games to be labelled as finished before throwing cash at them. They’re more likely to work, for a start – nobody likes shelling out for a game that runs like a bag of rotting offal. But there’s a vast swathe of games for which ‘finished’ has become a meaningless term. Minecraft may never be finished, in the traditional sense, and I fear we’ve already missed out on DayZ’s heyday, which kicked off the whole survival thing years ago. The PC can keep the dodgy DayZ and Minecraft clones, but if we could just get Ark: Survival Evolved, Rust, GRIP and Scrap Mechanic before too long, I’ll be a happy man. WRITER bIo WRITER bIo Far Cry 3 remains one of Ben Tyrer’s favourite games, believing the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. He only has himself to blame for sticking with the series. Tom Sykes has been gaming since the Amstrad, and he’s still waiting for that gritty reboot of Animal, Vegetable, Mineral. A big RPG fan, he’s already bagsied the Vagrant Story 2 review… Square Enix just has to make it now. Hint hint. 027 1 cancellation Cancellation The binned games that died in teasing, tantalising, sometimes super-sad style 1 028 WWE BraWl Street Fighter meets Super Smash Bros… if Ryu and Mario had both been AA’ed through tables. That was the basic premise for this bicep-heavy grappler. A platformer/beat-‘em-up hybrid, it centred around Cena and co. trying to stop Vince McMahon’s schemes. Despite its quirky art style, Brawl was canned in 2012, not long before publisher THQ went under. 2 Killing Day Or ‘The One With The Really Sexy Marble Textures’. Another failed child of (whisper it) E3 ‘05, this Ubi shooter rocked sultry destructible scenery. Very little was ever mentioned of K-Day after this and, in the fullness of time, it looks like it was merely a briefly impressive slice of target footage to hype folk for PS3. 3 Faith anD a .45 A Bonnie And Clyde-inspired co-op shooter, set during the Great Depression, starring outlaw lovers Luke and Ruby. It was slated for PS3, but when dev Deadline Games’ episodic Watchmen series tanked, the duo were taken out back. And here we were thinking Bonnie And Clyde had a happy ending. 4 harKEr Bloody vampires. They come here, they take our jobs, suck our arteries dry, then don’t even have the decency to nail down a release date. Harker was a vamp-hunter dreamt up by The Collective, a studio that cut its fangs on PS2’s Buffy titles. Luckily for Drac, Harker was cancelled after The Collective merged with Shiny Entertainment. 5 100 BullEts Screw ammo. Want to deal a game a real deathblow? Just have its publisher go belly up. PS2’s take on Brian Azzarello’s comic may have sported an inventive shooting system built around a rage meter and using hostages as shields, but it couldn’t survive the financial woes that saw Acclaim die back in 2004. 6 this is VEgas This debauched PS3 open world was set to let you build an empire… not through gambling, but by fighting and partying, naturally. Once owned by Midway, it was sold to Warner Bros in ‘09, then canned due to spiralling losses that saw both publishers lose a combined $50m. Whatever happened in this Sin City sandbox, it’ll have to stay there. 7 star Wars 1313 God, this one still hurts more than watching a night of Jar Jar-funded amateur theatre. Influenced by Uncharted and running on Unreal Engine 3, 1313 looked like it could be the Star Wars game. Then LucasArts got bought by Disney and the latter decided it would rather focus on making mobile games. Sith truly does happen. 8 thE gEtaWay 3 Are you mugging me off, sunshine? After wowing the world with its Piccadilly Circus demo at 2005’s E3 – a showing meant to highlight PS3’s potential power – The Getaway 3 went into hiding. SCE London later confirmed it had shelved the game to work on EyePet, and the Cockney caper was ditched for good when Shuhei Yoshida took over at worldwide studios. 9 Eight Days Poor SCE London. First The Getaway 3 died, then Eight Days went the same way. Another darling of E3 2005, this actioner impressed with a tech demo set at a gorgeous petrol station, and promises of a map that spanned eight states. It was pulled in 2008, with Yoshida citing its lack of online play. Honourable mentions turok 2 This follow-up to Disney’s 2008 dino reboot was quickly ditched, despite some alluring T-rex footage. agent It was never officially cancelled, but Rockstar’s ‘70s spy thriller looks doomed after spending nine years deep undercover. 2 star Wars Battlefront 3 Before DICE became at-one with the Force, LucasArts developed a sequel that very nearly got finished. Did we miss your favourite canned game? Got an In The Mood For idea? Show and tell at 3 4 7 5 6 029 8 9 “surely you should be sending Me a Prize for coMPleTing ThaT challenge.” “More words Than i can handle.” “You’ve been cheating on Your vita with an older model.” “ThaT’s a real healTh and safeTy siTuaTion.” “i’M noT saT here in oPM Towers in a croP ToP. for once.” “the uncharted Forecast is a great pun.” “everyThing was off for The hoff.” the opm podcast get it from iTunes or at today 40 mirror’s edge catalyst faith’s back on the run, and she’s got a new open world to explore… 031 contents final fantasy XV 32 | lego star wars: the force awakens 36 | sniper elite 4 38 furi 42 | sherlock holmes: the deVil’s daughter 43 | hyper light drifter 44 god eater 2: rage Burst / resurrection 45 | loVely planet 46 | mekazoo 46 Preview That rain sure looks realistic, but we look forward to the day when videogame hair looks as soggy as ours. 032 Preview “craShing into the huge iron giant iS a SPecial kind of joy.” Format PS4 / eta 30 SePtember pub Square enix / deV Square enix Final Fantasy XV After the hype, the hands-on… and it’s everything you ever dreamed Break out the victory fanfare. It’s finally, definitely, happening. Final Fantasy XV is coming out this year and we’ve been handson with the longed-for demo to glean every scrap of info possible. It’s short, at roughly 15-20 minutes long, but there are loads of hints at what to expect from the upcoming game – if you only know where to look. Unlike the Duscae demo – which came free with Final Fantasy: Type-0 last year, and follows a full party of four as well as one large area to run around in – this Platinum demo strings together several smaller sections. It also follows a young version of hero Noctis as he’s led by cuddly fox-god-thing Carbuncle through a surreal dreamscape that gives an incredible flavour of what to expect from XV, even though it won’t appear in the finished adventure. sword prey If you’ve never played a Final Fantasy title before, or are a lapsed fan, the collectible crystals and squeaky hammer found within might be offputting. But once you’ve got your head around the Alice In Wonderland vibe, you’re treated to a sneak peek at the menacing face of a 100-foot muscled titan, some hands-on time with the new fighting system, and glimpses of just how huge this open-world take on Final Fantasy will be. 033 Preview left Lunafreya might be FFXv’s heroine, but she won’t be joining the party. it’s just you and the boys. right it’s all about brotherhood – your squad are also your best friends. They’ve got your back. Summon ifrit hasn’t been seen yet, but these burnt trees and fiery crystals suggest he’s nearby. world tour It’s not all monsters and backstabbing, there’s also some sightseeing to do 1 Okay, so it’s not exactly good news to see enemy airships cruising overhead, but Niflheim tech is as worthy of awe as it is of fear. 2 Smelly Chocobos aren’t always befitting of a prince. Thankfully, there are plenty of luxury yachts around to help you take in that view. 3 You get to roam around a small area of Altissia in the demo. As well as waterways inspired by venice, it’s also home to the gigantic Leviathan. 4 To get that real city experience, you need to speak to the locals. who knows, maybe you’ll even squeeze a few quests out of them. Preview The most notable change since the Duscae demo is the combat. It’s far simpler now, with individual weapons and spells mapped to the D-pad rather than tangled together and tied to each blade. It’s now incredibly easy to string together combos – open up with a few swings of a light sword before switching to a two-handed beast to finish the job. All of your attacks are tied to e, which makes it quick to learn, but it does take an oddly long time to master. It feels like a weird mix of Kingdom Hearts and Assassin’s Creed when you switch your tools up, but it works. warp speed above Just like us Brits, Noctis and friends love little more than chatting about the weather. “So, that was summer, eh? How about this rain?” “you Shrink to the Size of a mouSe and have to navigate a huge Stately room – it’S Surreal.” As well as conjuring his fighting utensils from thin air, Noctis can also phase into nothingness to dodge attacks – something bound to become a key part of your strategy. After a bit of practice, you find there’s natural rhythm as you weave dodges between strikes. The combat opens up further when you learn the powerful warp ability, which sees you teleporting to safe recovery areas, or careening straight into whatever nasty-type is bothering you. Crashing into the huge Iron Giant by warping from the other side of the arena at the end of the demo is a special kind of joy. As tactical and involving as the turn-based combat of previous FF games can be, nothing quite compares to getting all personal and smashing stuff up yourself. With the series usually having a huge Factrick range of weapons and spells, however, 1 . c h a n g i n g F a c e s a mere four D-pad slots seems limiting. Several of the plates placed As ever, you can swap things out to better throughout the demo let suit certain areas, but who wants to be you turn into monsters, or even a toy car. constantly diving into menus? And while selecting a spell to use is easy, aiming is 2. prize Fighter a faff – by the time you’ve targeted onto there’s a secret weapon hiding at the top of the something, it’s often moved out of range. stately building during the Fine-tuning, to keep combat fun for the iron giant boss fight. full 40 to 50-hour story, is clearly still 3 . ta k e a r i g h t needed before September. in the first zone, there’s What we’ve seen of the world so far, a hidden path that lets though, looks absolutely gorgeous. In one you see just how huge leviathan is going to be. area, you shrink to the size of a mouse and have to navigate a huge stately room. It’s surreal, but it lets you get close enough to inspect magazine covers and biscuit tins. So much attention has been lavished on even the smallest of details – the world has a realistic, human touch. princely pleasures above Pinball effort Justice Monsters Five is the mini-game of choice for this Final Fantasy outing. Screw Blitzball. above Your car, the regalia, can turn into an airship to make exploration easier, but only near the end of FFXv. FFXV is taking a lot of cues from the likes of The Witcher 3 with its open-world approach. The demo may stop you wandering off too far, but we keep glimpsing snippets of vast plains, lush forests and huge cities cut into floating cliffsides just waiting to be explored. If several 100ft-tall gods can happily stroll around with plenty of space, then there should be loads of room for our gang to go on day trips. One slight fear is that, right now, those huge fields look pretty empty. There are monsters to hunt, but we haven’t yet heard anything about any side-quests – the backbone of any good open-worlder. All that space is nice and all, but there’s a risk of it feeling soulless if they’re just empty zones in which to ferry yourself between plot points. After ten years in development, a changing of hands and a switching of title, there’s a lot of expectation on Final Fantasy XV’s shoulders. There’s still a lot we don’t know, but if it lives up to its lofty goals, it could be the highlight of this generation. 035 Preview Flight sections come in both linear and open arena varieties – the latter is a surprisingly competent attempt at proper Star Wars dogfighting action. “We’ll get to hunt rathtars With han and CheWie before the film.” 036 Remember Rey sliding down the dune in the film? It’s inspired an SSX-style sandboarding section. Above BB-8’s even cuter in Lego form than he is in the movie. And yes, during an early cutscene, he does indeed give Finn a flamethrower ‘thumbs up’. PRevIeW formAt Ps4/Ps3/Ps Vita / etA 28 June / Pub Warner bros / dev tt games lego stAr WArs: the force AWAkens The tie-in that’s a Force to be reckoned with Whatever you do, don’t call it ‘just another Lego game’. Sure, over the last 11 years, you’ve become accustomed to that story playing out across tie-ins to the Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, The Lord Of The Rings and Pirates Of The Caribbean sagas. The most recent release, Lego Marvel’s Avengers, suggests it’s a pattern that’s offering diminishing returns, too. But if this game is ‘another’ anything, it’s another reminder of why you fell in love with TT Games’ unique take on the legendary Lucasfilm universe in the first place. As we pick our way through a trio of levels, it becomes clear that the next Lego outing is delivering something very special. On a surface level, it offers familiar mechanics with a couple of new features thrown in. Yet the combination of the setting, the puzzles, the visual gags fActrick 1. clAss Act and John Williams’ peerless score combines to elevate The Force Awakens’ plastic some of the film’s stars, such as daisy ridley, incarnation far above the tie-in crowd. recorded extra dialogue lines for the game. 2. ePisode 6.5 the fArce unleAshed Rey and BB-8 have just met on Jakku. After a brief sandboarding session that, at a glance, could be mistaken for a rebooted SSX, the duo is confronted with a massive, 3 . t h e b r i c k o f i t hollowed-out Star Destroyer. Don’t expect five different hub remember things happening this way round levels, too: Jakku, takodana, in the film? That’s because they didn’t. starkiller base, d’Qar and the millennium falcon. “We wanted to make something of Rey meeting BB-8 and forging that relationship,” says lead story designer Graham Goring. “We thought it was important to do that in a level rather than a cutscene, but obviously if it’s just in a featureless desert and she tells one Teedo to go away, that doth not a level make! Luckily, we were given the freedom to build that up into something else.” With the license to create a custom adventure, TT Games decided to take us back to that ship carcass where we first meet Rey in the film. Inside, we find puzzles galore, and an opportunity to test out new mechanics – most notably the Multi-Build ability. Like the 3-in-1 Lego Creator sets lining shelves of toy shops, it’s a way to piece together different there are 18 levels in all – 11 taken from the film, and seven brand new tales set between episodes Vi and Vii. objects with the same pile of bricks. By holding the left stick in certain directions, we’re able to choose what items to build. So begins a door puzzle in which we unlock three mechanisms by making specific items and ports, then dismantle them to create others. TT Games was given license to do far more than just tweak some scenes from the film – it’s added its own Star Wars stories to fill in blanks between Episodes VI and VII. Long before setting foot on the Eravana smuggling freighter, we’ll get to go hunt rathtars with Han and Chewie. “I got to name a character in the Star Wars universe,” laughs Gorin, pinching himself. AttAck the blocks Upgraded combat shines (maxing out a combo meter lets Rey unleash onehit KOs); robust platforming elements stand out (‘moments of jeapordy’ have us rapidly tapping r to regain our grip if a handhold works its way loose); Blaster Battles impress (the camera snaps in close as we pop in and out of cover, taking pot shots at crowds of Stormtroopers); and sandbox flying sections are fully formed slices of filmic dogfights (who needs Battlefront?). But above all else, it’s the little touches that make a difference. It’s the sight of minifigs sliding down dunes in the background of scenes, and the way BB-8 scuffs games of tic-tac-toe into the sand. It’s the slapstick cutscenes and the ability to play Holochess. It’s the sight of Kylo Ren having a teenage tantrum in a bedroom plastered with posters. And it’s the sensation that this has been made with the kind of love not seen since the first Lego games. Much like the film itself, this perfectly recaptures the original’s mood, and it’s destined to thrive because of it. 037 Preview “The SeRieS’ killcam now ShowS kniveS RiPPing ThRough muScle and oRganS.” A flythrough of the Regilino Viaduct level reveals hundreds of enemies and miles of pathways. Format PS4 / eta 2016 / pub Rebellion / Dev Rebellion Sniper elite 4 The World War II shooter goes full Metal Gear Italy, 1943. Or could it be Afghanistan, 1984? There’s good reason for the confusion – Sniper Elite 4 bears more than a passing resemblance to Metal Gear Solid V. Rebellion’s PS4 blaster might not technically be set in an open world, but when its smallest level is three times bigger than Sniper Elite III’s largest, and its chapters can take hours to finish, the word ‘sandbox’ really begins to apply. can see the blade rip through muscle and organs as you slide it home) and can booby trap bodies in order to take out others. With AI that aggressively investigates your last known position, the tools are there to really monkey with enemies and gleefully lead them into ambushes. You monster. Having shot his way through northern Africa in Sniper Elite III, American marksman Karl Fairburne is now creeping through the coastal fishing villages, shadowy forests and holey monasteries (geddit?) of Italy. Plugging enemies from range still forms a big part of the action, but with Nazis able to triangulate your location from just two or three shots, and the sprawling levels home to hundreds of foes, you need to do much more than find a solitary sniper’s nest and unload your bullets in order to progress. As a result, close-quarters stealthing has been brought to the fore. Whistling at enemies to distract them before jumping out of windows and shimmying across ledges, Big Boss-style, is commonplace. Karl’s also a dab hand with a knife (the series’ gory X-ray Kill Cam now triggers for melee kills, too, so you Again, just like in Metal Gear Solid, missions are packed with optional secondary objectives and collectibles. Identifying and executing key Nazis and Italian fascists can prevent backup from being called if you’re spotted, and if you do mess up, it’s not all over – you get the same, pulse-pounding thrill in trying to escape a meltdown situation. It’s far closer to Kojima’s epic than it has any right to be. Keen to make amends for the disappointment of Sniper Elite III, Rebellion has really upped its game. In the war against Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, this has the early advantage. carry on camping above The infamous X-ray cam will also trigger if you shoot barrels. Seeing a body ravaged by an explosion in slo-mo is rather horrible. Preview ForMat PS4 / eta 9 JUN / Pub EA / dev DICE Mirror’s edge Catalyst Speedrunning towards Game Of The Year contention 040 No guns. Yes, they’ve gone. Catalyst, it seems, is a Mirror’s Edge follow-up that’s well aware of its predecessor’s problems, and getting rid of the maligned gunplay is just one of the ways that DICE has revised its free-running first-person cult hit. While Faith’s story has been rebooted, though, and the action has moved to an open world, you can breathe easy – this is faithful (look, allow us the one pun) to the original in all the right ways. The team, for example, knew the platforming didn’t need fixing. Instead of making the wonderfully complex wall-running, leaping and sliding any simpler, they’re instead reintroducing some of those ideas through an upgrade tree, meaning it’s all a little easier to learn. In the first game, Faith started with the ability to instantly spin 180 degrees on the spot, using u, and avoid a painful landing, by rolling with p at the last second. These are now moves you have to unlock, the FaCtriCk 1 . F i g h t i n g F o r C e idea being that throwing less at the player right at the start will make these things Faith’s combat has been revamped. You can knock easier to incorporate as you go. Once foes out on the move, or kick you’ve got these upgrades within an hour’s them into each other. play, running around feels as intricate and 2. hard reset thrilling as it ever did. The story here is pretty much rebooted, but while it looks nicer, it still feels like a generic dystopian tale. on the run “The platforming in particular, and that fluid first-person movement, was You can set your own time something that was so right that we had trials around the open world to look at it, preserve it, but also see then list them publicly on PSN, or just with friends. where we could improve it,” says producer Amo Mostofi. We can play Catalyst on muscle memory alone, but there are tweaks to the free-running that players might miss. “There were certain elements in terms of the movement that we could improve. Perhaps they might not even be recognisable to the player, you may not even notice it, but we’ve had game designers look at that, we’ve had our engineers building into that. They’re very proud of it.” Perfecting the platforming makes sense when you consider that one of the biggest additions to Catalyst is user-generated time trial challenges. These can be found dotted around the open world, and each has its own leaderboard, with an algorithm behind the 3. soCial CliMber scenes to sort out the best and most popular ones. You can set your own runs by placing the checkpoints where you want. You can share these publicly, or just with friends if you don’t want speedrunners coming along and beating you at your own race. Topping the leaderboard for someone else’s time trial is like discovering a new way to hurt somebody’s feelings. Considering you can place these anywhere in the open world, they’ll be fundamental to the extended lifespan of Catalyst – with the right set of friends either tremendous fun, or detrimental to a happy existence. high rise Another user-generated element is the BE Emitter – you can climb to a particularly high part of the world, drop this noise-emitting device, then challenge another player to reach it via a companion app. This gives you a better incentive to explore the world, find secret areas and max out the possibilities of Faith’s skillset. It also means that Catalyst isn’t just about running around at high speed. This ensures there’s a puzzle element to getting around, which offers a change in pace, similar to some of the slower, trickier levels in the original. The map throws in plenty of DICE’s own fetch quests and trial runs to ensure you’re never short of things to do in this gorgeous city. It feels like DICE looked at the first game and retained everything that players liked about it, then layered a bunch of more modern, onlinefocused touches on top. Everything that needed fixing seems to have been addressed in some capacity with Catalyst, while, with the new social challenges and a whole open world in tow, it’s determined to keep you playing a lot longer this time. Preview Sections of the city glow red like an integrated route planner to show you where to go, but you can turn it off with the right stick if you’d rather just explore. “RUNNINg ARoUND FEElS AS INTRICATE AND ThRIllINg AS IT EvER DID.” 041 Faith’s story is presented in fancy cutscenes, but this dystopian rebellion yarn has yet to grab us. above Faith’s hand-to-hand combat abilities have been expanded this time around – she can even shove her enemies off the top of buildings. Preview on the box “Think Frank From Donnie Darko, buT sTyleD by ‘90s ravers.” judged only by their covers DeaD islanD DeFinitive eDition Afro Samurai creator Takashi Okazaki’s talented fingerprints are all over your foes. Format Ps4 / eta summer / Pub The Game bakers / Dev The Game bakers 042 Co-op is key in this survival horror with a difference. Inspired by Spice Girls hit 2 Become 1, you are half of a sliced-up zombie. Find the other half, while feeding on killer humans who want to make you more dead. Format Ps4 eta 31 may Furi Going down the rabbit hole with this boss fight slasher The reward for hacking through crowds of fodder in most action games is the juicy boss fight that’s waiting to test your abilities at the end of a level. The Game Baker’s ingenious twist on the ageold formula, however, is that the boss fight is the level, with your enigmatic swordsman going toeto-toe with just the one challenging foe per stage. Should be a cake walk, right? Nope. Prepare for meticulous punishment. Context is brief before we dive into the fight. Our nameless futuristic samurai is being held prisoner, his guard mocking him as “a bringer of death” and gleefully promising to kill him over and over again. There’s bad news for that fool, however, as a fluorescent bunny – think Frank from Donnie Darko, but styled by ’90s ravers – frees us. It’s time to make him eat his words, with Hotline Miami-esque synth music pounding in the background. anger management Furi’s opening fight is split between two distinct phases. To begin with, it’s pretty much a bullet hell, as our hero squares off against his jailer in a large, perfectly circular arena. Using classic twin-stick controls, we frantically chip away at his health while dashing with q to dodge the bullets he’s sending our way. Once he’s down, we whisk in and go into the second phase. Close up and confined to a much smaller area of the map, this is a tense, calculated duel rather than a sloppy button-hammering slog fest. You can tap r to slash, or hold it to deliver a more devastating blow – but those who live by the ‘attack is the best form of defence’ mantra quickly end up swallowing their own teeth. Instead, there’s an emphasis on waiting for an enemy to strike first before timing your parry with e, providing a window in which to secure a few hits. Not that this villain is a one-trick pony, mind. If you notice the area you’re standing in is glowing red, it’s time to get out of Dodge. Otherwise, you can expect a sword in your sternum. This brief introduction to Furi’s unusual world has a ferocious pace, but its stop/start nature transforms fights into cerebral chess matches that reward brains over braggadocio. Don’t worry though, there’s still a pleasing arcade rush to pulling off combos. As long as it keeps you on your toes throughout every scrap, this should be a memorably stylish odyssey. one Piece burning blooD Calling all older siblings, wind-up merchants and lowlevel bullies! This rhythmaction teaser is for you. Titter, poke and prance until your enraged opponent’s blood literally boils. Format Ps4 eta 3 jun carmageDDon: max Damage above This guy frees us from jail. Considering the beating we get, we kinda wish he hadn’t. You’re Dave, a typical, happy-go-lucky kinda guy. Until you find the skull earring, that is. Now you’re Demonic Dave, with the power to control all cars to satisfy your every whim. Format Ps4 eta summer Preview “it’S claSSic HolMeS, But witH a daSH oF downey and a SPrinkle oF cuMBerBatcH.” There’s an immediate sense of familiarity if you played Crimes And Punishments. Didn’t enjoy that? This likely isn’t for you. FormaT PS4 / eTa 27 May / PuB BigBen interactive / Dev FrogwareS Sherlock holmeS: The Devil’S DaughTer True to Sir Arthur, but with a touch more laughter This eighth outing of Frogwares’ crime-solving series contains many parts one might consider elementary: Batman-style detective mode, character exposition via QTE, and an over-arching storyline in which your deductions and conclusions ultimately shape the 20-hour tale’s climax. Happily, it also adds something lacking from earlier instalments: humour. Previous game Crimes And Punishment’s Sherlock was staid and stuffy. Devil’s Daughter Sherlock might look the same – at least until you get to work reshaping his facial hair into something thoroughly Brick Lane 2016 – but he’s been given a more contemporary voice, literally and figuratively. Baker TreaT New actor Alex Jordan’s delivery weds exuberance with experience, this revised interpretation of the Baker Street detective still resolutely his own man, yet imbuing a sprinkle of Cumberbatch and a dash of Downey Jr. Take a scene in which he performs an exorcism with Shakespearian theatrics: marching to a mantlepiece and exclaiming, “Fire and flames! Better for crumpets than foul-toothed demons!” “For me, the humour is a way [for Devil’s Daughter] to be more modern,” says producer Aurelie Ludot. “The Victorian era is quite stiff, and humour enables us to distort these serious situations.” It’s extended to Sherlock’s pet mutt, too – playable here as he was in Crimes And Punishments. “You can play as Toby again – it’s the same, except the trail you follow is a bit more interesting,” says Ludot. “We play it for comedy with the music and the fact that he’s intelligent but looks like a very old guy with big ears.” The laughs don’t always work. Returning American character Orson Wilde is a one-man band of cringe, spitting out gags about having tea at five to prove his Englishness, and not wanting to hang for a crime because “the gallows will mess up my hair.” Even so, it’s refreshing to see a series with such a starchy collar finally undo its top shirt-button. If the puzzles match the laughs, this may yet elicit cries of “excellent.” above Sensibly, there are no mini-maps in Devil’s Daughter – after all, sat navs didn’t exist at the turn of the twentieth century. Preview “aS Dark SoulS veteranS know, intenSe Difficulty leaDS to a wave of SatiSfaction.” You’re followed around by a little door opening doo-dad, much like your Ghost in Destiny, minus the Nolan North. format PS4 / eta Summer / pub machine heart GameS / Dev machine heart GameS Hyper LigHt Drifter Futuristic Lassie proves completely barking There’s a thin line between being abstract and utterly unfathomable and this indie hopeful doesn’t so much walk this line as mainline off it. Hyper Light Drifter is bonkers. But it’s mad in a weirdly earnest way, rather than a fun way – depending on your threshold for pretension, it might just turn you away. That would be a huge shame, as behind the square-headed dog leading you across a bubblegum-coloured pixel-verse (we think that’s what the story is about) lies a devious and maddeningly satisfying top-down action RPG. Yes, we really did say square-headed dog. The titular Drifter is a cape-wearing type with an initially easy-to-grasp moveset. You’ve got a burst dodge, a laser sword triple-swipe combo and rudimentary healing skills. On top of this, you also have a laser pistol (and, later, other ranged options), which recharges as you deal out melee damage. It’s a neat trick that incentivises mixing up attacks, forcing you to actively move around each arena. Combat can get very intense as a result. As more varieties of enemies get introduced, from shurikentossing frogs to ground-pounding crystal ice golems, you find that death is only ever one mistake away. This is a difficult game, and while death will only ever put you back outside the room you were just in, it can be incredibly frustrating. As Dark Souls veterans know all too well, however, such intense difficulty leads to an eventual wave of all encompassing satisfaction. rainbow bite For all its difficulty, it’s easy to feel cool while playing it, dodging slomo bullets and darting about like a rainbow dervish, all in the sultry shade of your new favourite gaming soundtrack (by Disasterpeace, the chap responsible for Fez’s music). We curse the lack of invincibility frames, with a slight drop in rate rearing up every so often. Plus the fact we can’t quite figure out what it’s all about. But we still reel away from each enemy encounter on a luxuriant high. For those missing a new DmC thrill ride, or burnt out by the Souls series, this could be your next big thing. above You can choose your route through the levels from the start, though some will be easier than others. (Hint: definitely go east.) Preview Resurrection sequel Rage Burst adds three new weapon modes and normalattack-buffing Blood Arts. “a gaPing tentacle maw exPlodeS from our gun to Suckle the loot. yummy.” Format PS4/PS Vita / Eta 30 aug PuB Bandai namco / dEv Bandai namco God EatEr 2: raGE Burst/ rEsurrEction Become the Aragami killer Who eats to forget their problems? A cookie here, seven cheeseburgers there… How about the corpses of giant monsters? You’re in luck. Action-JRPG series God Eater is coming west with double helpings of deific deliciousness. Buy God Eater 2: Rage Burst, and you’ll get God Eater Resurrection (the remaster of the first game) for free. Dashing around a winged Aragami beast under Resurrection’s burnt-orange sky, we deal deft sword slices – until a charge flattens us. Luckily, our God Arc weapon can shapeshift from Sword to Gun to Shield Mode. One tap of u and our blade folds back into a meaty minigun. Now that’s more like it. Once we’ve pumped some lethal lead into the scaly scary, we hungrily hold w over its carcass – and a gaping tentacle maw explodes from our gun to suckle weapon-crafting materials. Yummy. Thank God Eater there’s loot to go around: working with friends in four-player full story co-op and online multiplayer is essential. Producer Yusuke Tomizawa warns us: “Other games make things easier. God Eater is challenging. You’ll be surprised how difficult it is to defeat the first boss.” above Freebie Resurrection lays the groundwork for the series’ saga of plagues and conspiracy. Also, bearded dragon! 045 Preview preview round-up It’s JRPG o’clock, as we discover how Tales Of Berseria is reinventing itself and watch Sword Art Online continuing to put the murder into MMO. If anime isn’t your jam, why not sample the retro stylings of Mekazoo… 046 Mekazoo ForMat PS4 eta Summer pub Good mood CreatorS dev Good mood CreatorS this 2.5d platformer wastes no time in hitting all of our favourite nostalgia buttons, with music that apes SNeSera donkey Kong and an art style that would fit in with the golden era of Crash and rayman. unfortunately, our playthrough on co-op leaves us with a minor headache. each player controls a specific animal, each of which is better suited to certain situations. only one player, however, is allowed on screen, with the other one stabbing w when they want to sub themselves in. It’s just too convoluted for the type of speedrunning itch that mekazoo tries to scratch. Sword art online: Hollow realization ForMat PS4/PS VIta eta autumN pub BaNdaI NamCo dev aqurIa of the many possibilities for PS Vr, we’re hoping ‘death games’ aren’t one of them. Based on an anime about a Vr mmo, in which snuffing it in-game also means real-world byebyes, this JrPG series puts you in a mercifully less mortal situation. tactical approaches to protagonist Kirito’s sword-swinging pay dividends – direct your clan of three aI mates to make efficient mincemeat of mobs. at least you’re safe in the knowledge you won’t die for real. Probably. taleS oF berSeria ForMat PS4 / eta 2017 / pub BaNdaI NamCo dev BaNdaI NamCo We’ve now had 20 years of gorgeous, character-driven JrPGs from the tales series – so how do you keep things fresh? try a series first: hot-headed Velvet is tales’ first ever solo female protagonist, and she’s pretty angry about the whole betrayal/dead parents/infected daemon-fist thing. Vengeance it is, then. enemy-squishing’s been overhauled and a new Soul Gauge system has you stun foes to steal their souls. But it’s not all doom and daemons. With charming new characters as well, we can’t wait to see more of tales. SerapH ForMat PS4 / eta tBa pub dreadBIt GameS dev dreadBIt GameS aiming is for schmucks. Why worry about lining up those dual pistols when you could be concentrating on cartwheeling around ancient ruins and destroying your sci-fi shins with a badass knee-slide? that certainly seems to be dreadbit’s attitude in this interesting, platform-heavy shooter that adopts an always on auto-aim to ensure players focus on evasion and flashy movement. You may not have to worry about being a crackshot, but that doesn’t mean Seraph is a cakewalk. a dynamically scaling difficulty level means you have to keep on your toes to help the title character evade all types of beastie. lovely planet ForMat PS4 / eta SPrING pub tINY BuIld dev tINY BuIld You know what PS4 needs? more trippy first-person shooter gun ballets. tiny Build’s take on gunplay rocks one of the most unique visual aesthetics we’ve seen in ages, and that imaginative flare extends well beyond combat. You shoot enemies who take the form of cubes with unbearably sad faces… with a gun that looks like a snooker cue. It’s kinda like Katamari damacy descended on the Crucible. With more than 100 bitesized levels, the action focuses on conquering online leaderboards through speedruns. this could be adorably addictive. the OPM INtervIew Q A Forging a new reality OPM sits down with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO Jim Ryan to get the skinny on PS VR and PS4’s future 048 F rom the moment we again donned the headset and dove into the kaleidoscopic magic of PlayStation VR, at this year’s GDC event in San Francisco, we knew it would set the games industry aflame. Unparalleled wonder unfolds – high-octane shootouts, mind-bending puzzle chambers, rhythm-violence beetle-riding – all with us at the heart of the experience. But despite enjoying that instant immersion, we still have plenty of questions about the new tech. How in the name of Kratos will Sony manage to sell it at the low price of just £349? Can we expect PlayStation VR to branch out beyond games? And are we going to fling that fancy headset straight off our bonces when heading virtual footballs in The Headmaster? Fortunately, we found ourselves in a small room with a man able to answer all of those questions and more – the one and only Jim Ryan, European boss of Sony Computer Entertainment. In our exclusive interview, he reveals how the company learnt from the “mistakes” of the PS3 era; how vital it is to correctly market PS VR for the masses; oh, and we may just have pressed him on a certain lovable scamp called Crash… the PlayStation europe boss has his noggin firmly in place, having mastered upcoming PS vr footy sim the headmaster. 049 the OPM INtervIew sony’s expertise and heritage allows us to put playstation Vr together to sell at £349 and still make money. OPM: First of all, congratulations on 36 million PS4s being sold – that’s quite the achievement. Did you ever imagine you’d be hitting that big a number so soon? Jim Ryan: Um… (Laughs). That’s an interesting 050 experiencing vr is key to understanding its potential, so Sony could be taking trial events on the road. question to start! I think probably the honest answer is no. I think we were confident in the proposition that we had; we obviously made a number of – I shouldn’t hesitate to use the word “mistake” – mistakes with PS3, and we were very single-minded and very determined to try and address each of those mistakes. We engaged in a lot of soul-searching – I think we got most of the boxes that had a cross against them in the PS3 era ending up with a tick against them this time around. So we were confident, but I don’t think… I doubt that anybody expected us to be this successful. OPM: We’re obviously keen to talk about PlayStation VR. Since the big announcements at March’s GDC event in San Francisco, the reaction from our readers has been extremely encouraging, very positive. How have you been able to come in at such an amazing price, relative to what the competition is doing? JR: I think the answer to that lies in Sony’s heritage. Obviously, and increasingly, Sony is an entertainment company. It is also a very proud consumer electronics business with a very long and illustrious career of making great consumer electronics hardware. Whether it’s designing in an elegant or effective manner; whether it’s sourcing componentry from all around the world in a cost-effective manner; or whether it’s putting the thing together, this is what Sony does. This is a big part of Sony’s DNA. It’s sometimes easy to take this for granted in this wonderful, networked world that we live in these days, Middle exclusives like Uncharted probably helped shift a few of those 36 million PS4s. Left Bloodborne, another PS4 exclusive. Right Cross-Play with PC is already a thing. but it’s actually something that allows us to bring all that knowledge and expertise and heritage to bear. It has allowed us to put this thing together in a manner that enables us to sell it at £349 and still make money. OPM: It’s great to see it’s not being rushed to market. October seems to give you a good amount of breathing space to make sure you’ve got the software support in place. Was that a big factor when deciding the release date? JR: It was a combination of that and also having what we considered to be the right amount of hardware to put into the OPM INtervIew Q & A n e e d t o k n o w JIM RYAn the eUrO laUNCheS leadINg tO PS vr 2010 PLAYSTATIOn MOVE n The motion-sensing controller, or wand, is introduced to support PS3 (and later PS4). Receiving widespread critical and popular acclaim, it shifts more than 15 million units within two years, before PS VR creates a fresh surge. 2012 PS VITA n Sony launches its powerful new handheld as the successor to 2004’s PlayStation Portable. With its name being taken from the Latin for “life,” PS Vita hits the market with day one games such as Uncharted: Golden Abyss. 2013 PS4 n Current-gen arrives and PS4 never looks back. Being the most powerful, socially connected console to have ever existed, and with an abundance of boundarysmashing games, it’s little surprise that it’s a huge global success. the market as well, so it was a combination of software support and the timelines on the hardware side of things. OPM: Your job must be to convert as many PS4 owners to PS VR as possible. How do you do that, considering it’s such a transformative experience that only really comes across when you test it? JR: Yeah, it’s a very good question, and essentially that’s the job of marketing. And it’s quite a challenge. We certainly have great knowledge about how to market traditional gaming consoles – we’ve done it for over 20 years now. I think we’re quite good at it and we know what to do. But this is different. As you say, it’s really only when you try [PlayStation VR] that you actually understand. So the marketing mix of activities that we engage in to evangelise virtual reality will be very different from the marketing mix that we use when we took, for example, PS4 to market. There’s going to be a much greater emphasis on experiential, on trial, to try and achieve exactly what you spoke of. OPM: We were impressed by the scope of demos available at GDC. Is there a big chance to branch out and make PS4 more than just a predominantly gaming platform? JR: I think your use of the verb “branch out” is absolutely correct because it is, after all, a PlayStation product, and PlayStation stands for gaming – that’s what we do, that’s what we’re about and that will be the principal area of focus at the beginning. But I think, as you yourself experienced – looking at some of these other things – they’re interesting and they’re fun and some of this stuff is very relevant and very appealing to gamers, so why wouldn’t you offer those sorts of experiences, and we will. But we’re pretty clear-minded that gaming will be the principle area of focus. OPM: With the exception of multiplayer mini-games collection The Playroom VR, what’s your personal PlayStation VR highlight so far? JR: [Football heading sim] The Headmaster. OPM: For what reason? JR: Because I’m good at it! (Laughs) OPM: Fair enough! When we saw the pitch for that game, we were worried the headset might keep flying off? JR: Yeah, well I was a bit worried my head would fall off! But no – those balls were bulleting into the top righthand corner of the goal every time. It was great! OPM: Moving onto the wider spectrum of PlayStation, PS4 was very much a console designed to evolve. How has that gone so far? Where do you see the current PS4 in the grand scheme of things? Is there still a long way to go? JR: Yeah, obviously when you have a connected device like PlayStation 4, the possibilities to significantly enhance the capabilities of the device through firmware upgrades are considerable – we’ve already seen that over the life of PS4 with features such as Share Play and a raft of other individually less significant, but cumulatively actually very meaningful, functional enhancements to the device. That will definitely continue – we have a roadmap. Much of this stuff is still under wraps but we’re definitely, certainly not standing still with PS4. There’s more to come! OPM: This might infringe on some of those things under wraps, but Early Access programmes are something we’ve seen quite a lot of on PC – is that an area that you think PlayStation can explore or wants to explore? JR: I think it’s certainly something that we’re open to. It’s really a balance between offering a proper experience and making all sorts of things available. There’s a certain quality threshold that we have to be sure to meet, or at the very least to position the thing properly. But we’re open to that. OPM: We chuckled when Microsoft made its announcement about cross-platform play, as we thought, “Well, we’ve been doing that for a long time on PlayStation.” But the suggestion of possible cross-platform play with other consoles is interesting. From Sony’s point of view, is PlayStation open to that possibility? JR: Well, you know, I couldn’t really work out what all the fuss was about in that Microsoft announcement because it’s something – as you say – we’ve been doing. We’ve done it with PC, we’ve done it with Xbox consoles. We’re completely open to any developer or publisher who wants to have the conversation; we always have been and we remain so. OPM: Last year’s E3 was incredible. Looking ahead to the next E3 show, in June, how do you begin to piece together something mindful of what you did last year, while not staying in its shadow? JR: Uh… (Laughs) You know, one of the great things about working in the entertainment business is that things evolve and new things start to get worked on. As one game comes out, the development team starts work on the next thing, and it’s a kind of endless cycle. You’re right, matching last year’s E3 will be quite some challenge, but I’m pretty relaxed and quite confident that we will rise to that challenge. OPM: One last question. This one’s from one of our readers... JR: They’re usually the most dangerous! (Laughs) OPM: At last December’s PlayStation Experience, SCE America CEO Shawn Layden walked out on stage wearing a Crash Bandicoot T-shirt. Is Sony aware of how much fans want Crash Bandicoot? Is there anything that can be done to get him back on PlayStation? JR: Um… we’re certainly aware of the considerable affection – even reverence – in which the mighty Crash is held. But nothing to update at this stage in that area. 051 Ghostbusters 052 spiritual New studio Fireforge ain’t afraid of no tie-in. as part of a secret first Ghostbusters 053 successor play, Ben tyrer meets the team behind Ghostbusters’ ps4 rebirth Ghostbusters D oes any genre inspire more undeserved apathy than the licensed tie-in? There’s a towering scrapheap of games only out to capitalise on stratospheric opening weekend numbers, sure, but there are also those that soar past that low benchmark. They don’t merely capture what makes their universe special, but – like a hug from the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man – engulf you in everything you hold dear about the IP. It’s a special skill, one that can elude even the very best of developers. So inheriting one of the most beloved series of all time for your studio’s debut? That sounds harder than crossing the streams without ending the world. Step forward, Fireforge. 054 CapturinG the Spirit(S) Chris Tremmel is project director and, with a CV encompassing names such as Insomniac, EA and Crystal Dynamics, aware of the monumental task his team faces. “Licensed games come with their own set of “the team worked with original ghostbusters director ivan reitman.” challenges,” explains Tremmel. “The big thing I learned on the Lord Of The Rings games was to stay true to the franchise as best as possible, while trying to figure out what fans of the property were going to enjoy.” The first thing that jumps out about Fireforge’s debut is the striking art style. Moving away from the films’ realism means it’s easy to dismiss this as being for kids, but the dev insists this is a game for every ’busters fan. “The industry has gone back to this style of game. Just because it looks like that no longer means it’s a kiddie game. I mean, that kind of used to be the thing, right? If a game looked a certain way, it was assumed it was made for kids, but as the industry has matured, we’re at a place where that art style doesn’t dictate the target audience anymore.” In fact, when the studio came to designing Ghostbusters, they went to the father of the franchise, Ivan Reitman, as well as the makers of this year’s movie reboot. “Just from a validation point, it was important for the team to be able to get our concept in front of Ivan and hear his feedback and hear what he had to say. “Along with him, we also worked with [the new film’s director] Paul Feig a little bit and with Amy Pascal, who’s the producer of the film. We didn’t get to work with the original cast, but Ivan seemed to be the spokesperson from that group. The interactions we’ve had with him have been really good – it’s been all the way from the look of the game to the music to the voiceovers, the locations, the ghosts… those sorts of things.” New York is also a huge part of Ghostbusters’ charm – seeing the more glamorous areas of the city, not just the grimier parts, covered in all sorts of spectral slosh – and Tremmel didn’t want to lose any of that appeal, with the levels staying true to the original aesthetic. “We have locations that are pretty standard to the Ghostbusters world, like mausoleums and haunted hotels and a sanatorium, but we tried to take different spins to it. Our hotel this time is actually aboard a historic cruise ship, while our cemetery deals with a lot more above-ground crypts and mausoleums. So while we took some standard approaches to locations, we also tried to add a slightly new twist to some of them.” Slime of the Century The debut developer has been working on this latest ‘bustin’ entry for over a year and Tremmel tells us that, from the start, couchplay multiplayer has been the bedrock for this tie-in. “There are a lot of online games out and a lot of PvP-style games out, but we always thought that the Ghostbusters franchise lent itself really well to allowing a group of friends to play together.” Surprisingly, this means there will be no online multiplayer for Fireforge’s Ghostbusters. Producer Dino Verano, from publisher Activision, explains: “We want people to be able to be playing together and interacting with each other and we want it to be friendlier, [to suit] a wide variety of audiences.” hang on a sec, shouldn’t bodies the cad on the right, holding the PKe meter, is described by Activision as “bill Murrayish.” them’s big shoes to fill. in the morgue be lying down? Gulp. All of Fireforge’s levels have been designed with the original Ghostbusters aesthetic in mind, only with a little added twist. Getting good at playing with your proton-packing buddies is vital – it’s the fastest way to level-up. 055 Ghostbusters Before we get onto the streets, it’s time to meet the new guys and gals. You and up to three mates take on a wet-behind-the-ears crew of NY’s finest paranormal protectors, whose names are blank at the start, meaning it’s left to you to decide what they answer to. Do you go for the classic Venkman, Stantz, Spengler and Zeddemore lineup? Or take the Xcom approach and achieve some goals with your real-life squad? Fireforge gives them distinct personalities, but the idea is that you’re a member of the team. “You can relate to these characters just through their different personalities, but it’s not about these new characters and where they come from,” says Tremmel. “It’s really about you 056 “we have 16 upgrades for each character, each with five stages.” putting yourself into the position of being a Ghostbuster and choosing the character you feel you relate to most.” total BrotoniC reverSal Taking place after the events of the new film, we jump into The Aldridge Mansion. Using a Diablo-esque top-down view to keep the whole team on-screen, we sneak through the deserted house, scanning the room with our PKE meters until we stumble upon floating skulls. Proton pistols at the ready, we blast them away using the right stick to aim, and i to shoot. As we attempt to keep the bookshelves ectoplasmfree, we need to retire this level’s boss by firing up the proton pack, frantically wrestling and slamming her into the ground, then finishing her off by dumping her into the ghost trap. This boss battle does a great job of forcing you to experiment with weapons and combinations, as you and your partners probe the ghost’s weaknesses with grenades and proton wands. Seeing the co-op award come up for taking down ghosts together always results in a mini high-five. Like any strong team, each Ghostbuster brings a little something different to the party, such as having a unique grenade and individual weapon that only they can use. But don’t worry – all four are equipped with the classic proton wand, PKE meter and ghost trap. Combining the distinct advantages of each class gives the game depth and adds bonus points via the synergy system. One character, for example, is referred to by Tremmel as ‘The Heavy’, courtesy of the minigun he lugs around. If he chucks his slime grenade, it slows down any ghoul that gets hit by its gunk, giving the rest of the team a chance to earn a little extra XP. The dev explains, “They receive a synergy bonus or co-op bonus for co-operating and you get a score multiplier based on that. It increases the scores for eliminating different ghosts and allows the characters to level-up a little bit quicker.” The top-down view and twin-stick controls imply arcadey thrills, but Tremmel insists that all upgrades help build the ultimate wraith warrior. “Sixteen different upgrades for each character can be purchased. Each of those has five stages to it. You can make a weapon stronger, make an area effect larger, increase your movement speed, increase a point bonus on the trap mini-game, make the weapon overheat last longer. It’s a whole range of things that you can really upgrade.” Like in any good panto, there comes a time when our heroes should have a look at what lurks behind. GhoSt of the paSt Despite multiplayer co-op being on the other end of the spectrum to 2009’s PS3 Ghostbusters effort, Tremmel is open about how much it influenced Fireforge’s project. “We’re big fans of the third-person Atari game. It nailed the feel of using the proton wand and proton beam to capture and wrangle ghosts, and get them into the traps. We thought that type of mechanic would be really fun if brought into a team-based environment where four people could do that at the same time.” This might not have the huge spectacle and original cast likenesses of PS3’s Ghostbusters, but instead of lazily adopting the look of the films, Fireforge is mixing distinctive style with admirably old school ambitions. There’s nothing you’d call revolutionary, but if PS4 ’busters achieves its aim of gearing us up with the latest protonic weaponry and making us feel like the new recruits at 110 N Moore Street, we’ll be as happy as Ray Stantz sliding down a fireman’s pole come 15 July. Don’t cross the streams! Ghostbusters hey, GooD SpooKinG project director Chris tremmel on ‘forging firsts opm: how will the single-player campaign work? Ct: You always have four Ghostbusters on-screen at the same time. If I’m playing by myself then three characters are AI-controlled, with two people, two of them are AI-controlled, and so on. the difference in the game is we dynamically adjust the encounters dependent upon the number of human players. If you’ve got four players together, the encounters are going to be a little bit tougher. opm: Does the multiplayer have a drop in, drop out option? Ct: For us, that was one of the very first requirements. Making this kind of game, there are a few anchor points you have to hit, and that was one. It has to be drop in and drop out, because the levels are about 30 minutes each. It was really important to make sure that if somebody wanted to drop in while halfway through, they could. or if somebody needed to take a break and jump out, they could. that comes from us being fans of this kind of genre, and running into games that didn’t have that type of thing. We felt we had to provide that ability. opm: how specifically will the multiplayer mechanics tie into the levelling-up system? Ct: throughout a level, every character maintains their own score. At the end of each there’s a little scoring segment that adds up how many ghosts you’ve eliminated, how many co-op assists you got, how many hidden items you may have found, etc. Characters then level up through that process, and every time a character levels up they’re given a number of skill points that they can then use to spend on the skill tree to enhance their character. there’s a whole range of things you can upgrade, and if you’re playing with multiple people, each character will level up independently at the end of each level. Fireforge’s art style does a great job of combining both cartoon and classic visual effects. the devs consulted both the original and reboot movie directors when designing the top-down style. Decisions, decisions. Do you switch out your pack for the dual-pistols, assault rifle or minigun? opm: What’s it been like working on a debut game after spending your career with established studios? Ct: It’s inspiring to see people get really excited, every day, about, say, a new ghost that’s in the game, or a new game mechanic that’s working. or even – when we’re at the stage we’re at right now, where we’re doing a lot of tuning and final tweaks on the game – still seeing people really excited about playing it. that’s the thing that always gets me towards the end. opm: finally, who is your favourite Ghostbuster of all time? Ct: I actually really love the new holtzman character from the new film. People will be pleasantly surprised – she’s an awesome character. 057 Ghostbusters 058 Ghostbusters chronoloGy Films! Games! Toys! Ben Wilson charts 36 incredible years of an all-slime classic 1980 Good friends Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi costar in musical crime caper The Blues Brothers, the second of the pair’s three movies together (the others being 1941 and Neighbors). After its success, Aykroyd begins mapping a concept called Ghost Smashers, in which the duo cross time and space battling spirits with wands. Ghostbusters 1983 1982 Aykroyd begins work on the script for Ghost Smashers, many excerpts from which will leak over the years. In this version, The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is one of multiple Gozer manifestations, Winston is instead called Ramsey and a “gluttonous yellow mist” known as Onionhead haunts the Greenville Guest House. That character will go on to become Slimer. On 5 March, John Belushi passes away, after being injected with a deadly mix of cocaine and heroin. “I was, in fact, writing one of his lines when he died,” reveals Aykroyd years later. Following Belushi’s death, Aykroyd sends a half-finished script to Bill Murray. He, in turn, recommends the project to Animal House producer Ivan Reitman, who has also already directed Murray in comedies Stripes and Meatballs. Reitman likes the comic elements, but criticises the characterisation and budget required to bring it to life. 1984 1985 After 15 weeks of filming in New York and LA, the movie wraps in February. It’s released in the States on 8 June, grossing $13.6 million in its opening weekend, and staying at number one for five weeks. (Thirty years later, its gross is estimated at an astonishing $290 million.) In addition to the film, the first Ghostbusters game is released on Atari 2600. It’s coded within six weeks and sees you driving around New York in Ecto-1. The film is released on Betamax and VHS with a curious error: the stereo soundtrack for the latter version is accidentally reversed from right to left during transfer. It’s corrected in future releases. Don Shay’s ‘Making Ghostbusters’ book, featuring Bernie Wrightson illustrations of monsters that didn’t make the film, is an instant hit and goes on to be considered the film’s bible. (In 2016, acquiring a copy will set you back around £80.) 1986 Season one of cartoon The Real Ghostbusters emerges. The characters share the names of their film counterparts, but aren’t based on the actors – although Ernie Hudson auditions to reprise his role of Winston, Arsenio Hall gets the part. In the ’toon, Slimer lives with the ’busters as a mascot-style ally. It spawns an official toy line that grows more bizarre with each passing year. Granny Gross Ghost, anyone? In January, Aykroyd submits a revised 180-page script for Ghostbusters, which Reitman this time likes, after making some tweaks – such as setting the film in a modern American city, and bringing aboard Harold Ramis. Columbia Pictures chairman Frank Price agrees to finance the film, as long as it doesn’t cost more than $25m. By October, as preliminary second unit photography begins in New York, its budget is already nearing the $30 million mark. Oops. © Philip Ritz/Wikipedia 1981 the ‘busters hQ remains in use as a real-life firehouse in NYC’s tribeca neighbourhood. 1987 New videogame alert: Burgertime developer Data East releases top-down shooter The Real Ghostbusters in arcades. (It’s later ported to Amiga and Atari ST.) On the ’toon front – and in an incredibly bold move for a kids’ TV show – a season two episode of The Real Ghostbusters takes horror king HP Lovecraft as inspiration. The ’busters have to defeat the Elder Gods after a cult uses Necronomicon to unleash a nefarious spirit. The ep’s title: The Collect Call Of Cathulhu. As well as the two official the real Ghostbusters games, there was also the unlicensed Meikyuu hunter G in Japan. 059 Ghostbusters 1988 Filming of a movie sequel begins. “We’ll burn in hell if we call it Ghostbusters II,” insists Bill Murray. The first Ghostbusters comic series emerges, published by Marvel UK on these shores and NOW in the US. On the cartoon front, writer J Michael Straczynski walks away ahead of season three. “They proposed really offensive things,” he later tells SFX. “They wanted to make Janine a mommy character, instead of the strong female character she’d been. They wanted to make Winston, the only black character, just a driver, which I thought was profoundly racist.” 1989 Ghostbusters II – sorry, Bill – is released on 16 June. It plays at 2,410 cinemas, taking more than $29 million in its first three days. It’s the biggest opening weekend in cinema history… for one week, until Batman takes $40 million. Cast members include Bill Murray’s brother, Brian Doyle Murray, as a psychiatric doctor, Dan Aykroyd’s niece, Karen Humber, as a school child, and Ivan Reitman’s son Jason (now an Oscar-nominated director himself), who insults the Ghostbusters at a birthday party. 1991 060 On 5 October, after seven seasons, the curtain falls on The Real Ghostbusters cartoon. Pandering later series are unrecognisable from its earlier tales – such as that Lovecraft episode – with Slimer (now the focus of the show) imagining himself in Jack & The Beanstalk and entering a dog show. Kenner’s toy line also comes to an end – its final five figures are glow-in-the-dark versions of the Ghostbusters and Louis Tully, known as Ecto-Glow Heroes. 1990 A big-ish year on the videogame front. Ghostbusters II emerges on various formats, with the DOS version standing out – at one point, you get to stomp around New York as the Statue Of Liberty. Sidescrolling platformer Ghostbusters is also released on Mega Drive. Many fans consider it non-canon as it doesn’t acknowledge events of the sequel, and only features three playable Ghostbusters – Winston finds himself completely excluded. It’s been a tough three decades for ‘busters games, but 1990 delivered ghostly treats. 1992 1993 Another farewell, this time to The Real Ghostbusters comic books. In the UK, it’s amassed 193 issues in four years, plus four annuals and ten specials. The NOWpublished US comics also call time, after 32 issues, two annuals and one special. Aykroyd dismisses rumours of Ghostbusters III in an interview with Playboy. “The one [film] I don’t think we’ll necessarily further exploit is Ghostbusters. It looks like that’s about had its run. It opened and Batman opened the next weekend and wiped us out that summer. Although we made a good movie, it just wasn't as commercially successful as everybody thought it would be.” 1994 In a TV interview, Aykroyd suggests Ghostbusters III could well be a possibility after all. “Ah, it might happen,” he tells WWOR Channel 9 News. “I’ve got a story in mind that I’m thinking about. So we’ll see. It’s certainly something I always wanted to do. It’s just getting the other players together.” Ghostbusters 1995 1996 More Ghostbusters III talk. It’s rumoured that neither Reitman nor Murray are interested, while Aykroyd tells AOL: “Have script, will travel, but not with all of the original players.” Singer Huey Lewis, meanwhile, reaches a settlement with Ray Parker Jr over a dispute concerning the Ghostbusters theme. Lewis had sued for copyright infringement, claiming the now-legendary riff was borrowed from his 1983 hit I Want A New Drug. (Listening today, both rhythm and melody are near-identical.) Ghostbusters Spooktacular – a special effects show opened at Universal Studios Florida in 1990 – is closed. Its original guise featured an actress in the role of Gozer performing acrobatics, while being fired at by a cast of ’busters. Relaunched in 1993, its second incarnation saw ‘Louis Tully’ (not played by Rick Moranis) select three volunteers to help set up equipment, before a lights-andsound experience leading to the Marshmallow Man’s on-stage demise. Twister… Ride It Out took its place. 1998 Lots more chatter surrounding a third film. “The concept is still strong and I think that Harold and I can pull it off,” Aykroyd tells Hollywood Online. “We're going to do a Hades version of New York. You look down at the river and there's a ferry of Wall Street commuters, except they're being shoved off with pitchforks into the river which is now boiling blood.” Hudson (Winston) says he’d like to be involved. “Assuming there's gonna be a third one, and assuming I'll be asked, I'd like to be a part of it – if the script is good, as it should be.” 1997 Animated hauntings return via Extreme Ghostbusters, a spiritual sequel to The Real Ghostbusters. While his three contemporaries have moved on, Egon Spengler remains in the firehouse to look after Slimer and train four successors: goth Kylie, slacker Eduardo, paraplegic Garrett, and brainiac Roland. Action figures of all them – except Garrett – are inevitably released, as well as Time Crisis-aping PS1 shooter Extreme Ghostbusters: The Ultimate Invasion. Unimpressed? So are audiences, and it lasts just one 40-episode season. 1999 2000 The films debut on DVD as Aykroyd completes the first draft of Ghostbusters III: Hellbent. It would see the devil sending spirits back to the real world to roam Manhattan. Ray and Egon are still ’busters at the head of a huge franchise, but Winston is a doctor and Peter has moved on to a new life with Dana and Oscar. There’s a new car, too: a 1989 converted Cadillac, Ecto12. “If we were to go ahead with the project, I would probably produce the film, not direct it,” admits Reitman. “It’s dead,” says Aykroyd of Ghostbusters III, in a press conference for new movie Stardom. Why? “A combination of not getting the right story, and the business side of things.” Specifically, Bill Murray’s reluctance to be involved, and Sony Pictures’ lack of interest in financing the project, for which Aykroyd is seeking $120 million. “They’re trying to get bargains, they're trying to get the next Blair Witch. But, you know, sometimes you have to seed for the big harvest to come in.” 2001 2002 Remember the Parker Jr versus Huey Lewis rumble? It’s on again after Lewis is accused of breaching the confidentiality agreement pertaining to the 1995 settlement, on VH1’s Behind The Music. "I suppose it was for sale, because, basically, they bought it,” says Lewis. Parker sues and, according to a recent Reddit AMA: “Got a lot of money.” IGN acquires the 1999 draft of the Hellbent script, and drops swathes of further detail. Fresh ’bustin meat includes New Jersey punk Franky, the dreadlocked Lovell, child genius Nat, science graduate Moira and Latino beauty Carla. Aykroyd declares, however, the film “will never happen” with Murray still dead against it. 061 2003 Same old story, regarding film three. “Never. That will never happen. Unless Bill Murray agrees. Everyone else would love to do it, Columbia, Harold Ramis, myself, director Ivan Reitman,” says Aykroyd. “It’s a five-way rights situation and Bill is locking up his piece of the rights because he feels that was work that he just wants preserved and he doesn’t want it diluted. And as an artist, I can respect that.” 062 2004 2005 2006 Ghostbusters: Legion, from Canadian publishing house 88MPH Studios, sees the original characters return in comic form – albeit with events of the film retconned so that everything takes place in 2004. As such, references to mobile phones, Starbucks and Cameron Diaz all feature. Licensing and financial issues plague the series, and it’s curtailed after just four issues. Presuming it a non-starter, Ramis divulges even more details on the canned third film – including the actors he and Aykroyd had in mind for a new crew. “We were thinking Chris Rock, Chris Farley and Ben Stiller taking over. That would have worked,” he tells Ain’t It Cool News. Perhaps surprisingly, he shows no regrets about the idea being killed off. “I can’t say my heart was really in it, you know... making the third one.” A Ghostbusters mobile game emerges, and elicits universal mirth for its utter hopelessness. The story sees you ridding a millionaire’s home of ghosts, but is absurdly long (with more than 100 rooms), features cookie-cutter puzzles, and references none of the original characters or movies. It’s the laziest of half-arsed cash-ins. 2007 Slovenian developer Zootfly sends fans into a frenzy when it drops Youtube videos of a new, acelooking Ghostbusters PS3 game. They’re taken down for copyright reasons, but it’s clear that the audience who grew up with the films is desperate for a fully fledged, quality videogame starring the old crew. Elsewhere, Aykroyd announces “it lives!” regarding Ghostbusters III – as a CGI animated project, which will feature Murray on vocal duties after all. 2008 “Well, I think the wounds from Ghostbusters II have healed,” says Murray regarding the possibility of a third film, adding – in a somewhat prescient manner, as it turns out – “there's some funny girls I'd love to see be Ghostbusters.” A pencil-based comeback occurs as IDW secures comic book rights. Its first edition sees the ’busters trying to resolve a ghost war between Japanese Yakuza and a US crime syndicate, and is widely praised. Ghostbusters 2010 2009 Developer Terminal Reality delivers the ’bustin videogame so hoped for in the wake of those Zootfly vids. “This is essentially the third movie,” says Dan Aykroyd of the blaster, set two years after Ghostbusters II and casting you as an unnamed fifth crew member. All of the original actors lend their voices to the game, and it scores 8/10 in issue #33 of OPM. 2012 Still no Bill. “He will not do the movie,” says Aykroyd. “He’s got six kids, houses all over America. He golfs in these tournaments where they pay him to turn up and have a laugh. He’s into this life and living it… but I can’t be mad at him. He’s a friend first, a colleague second.” ‘Extreme Ghostbuster’ Kylie resurfaces in the popular IDW comics, while ’busters toys are officially in fashion again, too. The new Mattel range, launched the year before, even includes EPA blowhard – and ’buster hater – Walter Peck. In much sadder news, Ramis contracts autoimmune inflammatory vasculitis, taking away his ability to walk. 2011 In a trade show programme, it becomes clear that a third film is coming, with a planned release date two years later. “Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) has a licensing programme targeting the Ghostbusters core fan base for the relaunch of the movie franchise in 2013,” it reads. “Yes, we will be doing the movie, hopefully with Mr Murray,” confirms Aykroyd. Also, Ghostbusters: Sanctum Of Slime hits PS3. It’s terrible. 2013 2014 In December, Sony announces a raft of big licensees who’ve signed on to help celebrate the original film’s 30th anniversary throughout the following year. Among the most exciting are Funko, the super-revered creators of the POP! collectible figure range. They don’t disappoint, either,: the four main ’busters, Slimer, Marshmallow Man and Ecto-1 are all immortalised in vinyl over the following months. A colossal blow. On 24 February, aged 69, Harold Ramis passes away, surrounded by his family. The news is a devastating blow to his contemporaries, and leads Reitman to step away from the purported threequel for good. “With Harold no longer with us, I couldn’t see it,” he says. In October – after so many false starts – a new flick is finally confirmed, with Paul ‘Bridesmaids’ Feig taking on Reitman’s mantle. 2015 Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones are confirmed as the main, all-female cast for the new Ghostbusters, while the Funko range grows again to include Domo versions of Slimer and Stay Puft. In February, US company Cryptozoic launches a Kickstarter for a Ghostbusters board game – and with more than $1.5 million pledged, it’s available worldwide less than a year later. Ghostbusters Lego, the all-new Ghostbusters crew. Left to right: Leslie Jones, amazingly, is also now a thing. Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon. 2016 A 15 July release date is locked in for the new Ghostbusters movie, with Murray, Aykroyd, Hudson and Sigourney Weaver among those confirmed for cameos. Cryptozoic launches another board game Kickstarter – this time for Ghostbusters II – while a very wellknown UK publication named Official PlayStation Magazine unveils the first Ghostbusters videogame for PS4. 063 01 tie-ins the year of the tie-in More licensed treats set to brighten up 2016 01 TMNT: MuTaNTs iN MaNhaTTaN 02 baTMaN All shell breaks loose in Platinum’s new brawler Bats the Wayne to do it Pub Activision dev PlatinumGames eTa Summer 064 It feels like we’ve been waiting since the days of gloomy seaside arcades for a not-terrible Turtles title, but Mutants In Manhattan glows with mutagenic promise. It’s being developed by Platinum, a studio so talented at making action games that even its Transformers one didn’t stink. A Turtles game plays to its strengths even more – expect crisp third-person action and immaculate hack ‘n’ slash combat. Just like the source material, each turtle has their own ‘thing’ – Raph can enter stealth mode, Leo focuses to slow down time, Mikey can refresh his teammates’ abilities and Donnie can get wedgied in the school toilets for being a nerdlinger (okay, that one might be a lie). You can also shift between Turtles in the single-player game, though we don’t know why you’d want to play as anyone except Raphael. The other bit of good news is this is based on the excellent IDW comic run – the story is by the same author, Tom Waltz – rather than the goofy, Michael Bay-produced cinematic dog’s egg. Our only minor grumble is the lack of local co-op, but at least you can play with four half-shelled heroes online. Yes, it’s okay to allow yourselves a cheeky, “Cowabunga!” Go wild. Pub Warner dev Telltale Games eTa 2016 Telltale’s games are all about choice, so Batman isn’t the most obvious fit. His decisions rarely get more complex than ‘how shall I break this criminal’s knees?’ or ‘which gargoyle should I brood on tonight?’ Thankfully, this promises something more cerebral. The focus is on the complex mind of Bruce Wayne himself, rather than the Bat – a subject that’s never been explored to any level of satisfaction in movies or games. We often get images of ol’ Brucie staring at the pale moonlight – and the flashbacks in the Arkham games were superb – but Telltale promises to take us deeper. It’ll apparently look at the duality of his identity – ooh, deep – and the struggle of saving a Gotham City overrun with corruption and violence. You can expect the usual Telltale blend of decision and consequence – a fascinating prospect for the often-authoritarian world of Batman. Best of all, you’ll have to switch between Bruce and Bats, depending on the situation. Going to a gala ball? Your armour is a tuxedo. This could be the ultimate examination of Wayne’s complex psyche. Our only request? Please, please don’t call it Bruce Wayne: Beneath The Kevlar Cowl, or something equally guff. 03 souTh Park: The FracTured buT Whole 04 The WalkiNg dead seasoN 3 05 lego sTar Wars: The Force aWakeNs everybody, if you can do the Cartman new game is only a matter of corpse BB-8 brick rolls onto Ps4 Pub Ubisoft dev Ubisoft San Francisco eTa 2016 Pub Telltale Games dev Telltale Games eTa 2016 The Stick Of Truth is one of the best tie-in games. Ever. We’d be happy with more of the same – assuming there were any fantasy tropes left to mock – yet The Fractured But Whole is giving us something different. Instead of a Tolkien-esque trawl through sphincters, the next South Park title riffs off the undying popularity of superhero movies. You’ll still be in control of the no-longer-really-new New Kid, this time teaming up with a cast of wonderfully crap superheroes. Cartman is The Coon – half man, half raccoon – and Stan is Toolshed, a hero with the power to control, well, tools. The last game worked because it was an unapologetic turn-based RPG, and the formula remains the same here. The one area of concern is the removal of RPG-specialist Obsidian from development, with Ubisoft San Francisco stepping into the gap. Telltale dabbles in everything from Minecraft to Game Of Thrones, but The Walking Dead remains its big series. Season Two gave us closure on many story elements, but there’s more to be said in Telltale’s more-about-the-peoplethan-the-zombies narrative. Season Three promises the same branching stories, tough choices and staggering selection of endings, but Telltale CEO Kevin Bruner promises it won’t feel too familiar – fans can expect things they’ve never seen before. In fact, it’s being refreshed to bring it to a wider audience. This is partly to tease in viewers of the TV show who are unfamiliar with the game’s belligerent mix of tough choices and tougher consequences. Apart from that, details are still scarce. We’re hoping Season Three can return The Walking Dead to the gruelling heights it reached before the disappointing Michonne spin-off. Rotting fingers crossed. Pub Warner Bros dev Traveller's Tales eTa 28 June Star Wars remembered its sense of humour for The Force Awakens, so it’s the perfect fit for the inevitable Lego spinoff. The brilliant trailer, complete with a ‘BB-8 on board’ joke, was evidence enough. The game expands on the established Lego formula, including tweaked building options that let you construct different creations with the same bricks, just like you would in real life. Combat has also been rejigged to include specific blaster sections, which feature cover shooting for the first time in a Lego game. As ever, you can expect the usual, whopping great cast of Star Wars favourites, including so-nice-we-wish-he-wasreal Poe Dameron and angsty chinchilla Kylo Ren. Best of all, the game covers the period between Return Of The Jedi and The Force Awakens, allowing us to explore each character’s backstory and, more importantly, finally discover what haircare products Chewie’s been using. When your squad is looking fierce and ready to head to the club, but you gotta take out shredder first. 02 it’s a double delight from 05 tie-ins TeaM Picks The tie-ins we’d love to see on Ps4 Ben Wilson We’ve had transformers. We’re getting turtles. now it’s time for Platinum to complete the ‘80s ‘toon hat-trick, and deliver us a thundercats actioner. imagine the sword-swinging, nunchaku-cracking four-way battles against Hammerhand, Mumm-Ra and – greatest episode ever – the inflamer. or, if Platinum doesn’t see gold, enter telltale; there’s loads of storylines to tap into. the lion-o/Cheetara/tygra love triangle. Jaga and Grune’s on-off bromance. Ma-Mutt’s daddy issues. like Monkian, it’s a no-brainer. Jen siMPkins 03 As oPM’s resident Japanophile, i’m hankering after an obscure anime tie-in. Here are five words to get my engine revving for a racer based on 2009 animated movie Redline – nsFW Wacky Races in space. All the elements are there for a no-holdsbarred Ps4 wheel-spinner. the zany tale of the Redline drag race; the neon pulse of the art style; a soundtrack making sexy jelly of your eardrums. And imagine the power-ups. Racers turning into robo-cars, firing boob-projectiles? Move the hell over, Rocket league. 04 Ben tyReR telltale, which has highly anticipated tie-ins of Batman and the Walking Dead season 3 hitting Ps4s in 2016. oh this? Just the Millennium Falcon in lego, screeching over Jakku’s deserts in lego star Wars: the Force Awakens. yes, the Wire videogame would probably fly against everything the series is about. it’s tricky to condense the systemic failings of the war on drugs into something to literally blast through in a weekend. But take telltale’s narrative skills and let me fill the shoes of Mcnulty and Bunk – solving crimes, trading thoughts and having a dialogue wheel with only one word on it. We’ll let you guess what it is. the two po-lice are the most natural entry point to avoid coming across as crass, or duller than the Baltimore docks. AnDReW WestBRook Ratchet? not for me. the true furry platformer king should be ‘80s cartoon superhero Danger Mouse. He’s the world’s greatest spy, a consummate englishman and he wears an eyepatch. He also packs a hilarious sidekick, an inventive extended cast and brilliantly diverse settings. His last proper tie-in was on spectrum – surely now, with the recent tV reboot, it’s his time again? in the words of the gushing singer on the sublime soundtrack: “He’s the greatest, he’s fantastic, he’s the best.” ‘nuff said. 065 Special offer Subscribe to Choose Your Package PRINT 066 Every issue delivered to your door with exclusive subscriberonly covers each month. digital Instant digital access on iOS or Android devices. Plus all the latest PS4 trailers on iPad. ONLY £29.50 ONLY £13.50 every six months PRINT & digital Every issue delivered in print and to your iOS or Android devices. ONLY £ 35 every six months every six months SubSCrIPtIOn Special Offer Get a POP! Vinyl Nathan Drake and Kratos when you start a print or print + digital subscription 067 two of the biggest PlayStation icons of all time are ready to invade your shelf! Every uncharted and God Of War fan needs to own these Subscribe to OPM today ONliNe TeRMS AND CONDiTiONS Gift is available to new UK print subscribers and print + digital subscribers paying by monthly Direct Debit only. Please allow up to 30 days for delivery of your gift. Gift is subject to availability. In the event of stocks becoming exhausted, we reserve the right to replace with items of a similar value. Prices and savings quoted are compared to buying full priced UK print and digital issues. You will receive 13 issues in a year. If you are dissatisfied in any way please call 0844 848 28 52 or you can write to us at Future Publishing Ltd, 3 Queensbridge, The Lakes, Northampton, NN4 7BF , United Kingdom to cancel your subscription at any time and we will refund you for all un-mailed issues. Prices correct at point of print and subject to change. For full terms and conditions please visit: uk/terms. Offer ends 07/06/2016. 10 [*probably] Essential Street Fighter V tips you definitely* haven’t tried yet Y 068 ou may, if you’ve been playing Street Fighter V, have met the Wall of Bronze. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of it – it’s the name we’ve just made up for the point at which specials and solid combos no longer work online. The basics can only take you so far. Eventually, you’ll face an imperious, scrub-killing M Bison or a contemptible Vega who’ll use the very framework of the game against you. That’s when these tips come in handy. Some of them are straightforward, others will require practice and research. All of them, however, will make you become a more competitive player. Learn well, young padawan, and tell M Bison we sent you. EXPERT bio Matt Elliott fell in love with Street Fighter II in a sticky Cromer arcade. He’s since resolved all conflicts in his life by asking ‘what would Guile do?’ (The answer is almost always ‘flash kick’.) Key c. – Crouching s. – Standing f. – Forward b. – Back (e.g. f.MP = forward medium punch) LP – Light punch MP – Medium punch HP – Heavy punch LK – Light kick MK – Medium kick HK – Heavy kick 1 Harnessing Alex New boy Alex is a spritely, energetic grappler – part Hulk Hogan, part Macho Man Randy Savage. He’s got great pokes – his s.MK especially so – and his s.HK is a rangy Crush Counter. His specials are a mixed bag. His slash is a decent combo finisher, but his jumping stomp is pretty useless – it’s unsafe on block, and it doesn’t cross-up. His stun gun headbutt, however, is wonderful. You can jump across the entire screen, it can’t be blocked and it does massive amounts of stun. Alex has also got the best dash of any Street Fighter V grappler. Force your opponent to play defensively using your pokes, then nip in for your damaging command throw. Finally, his Critical Art is amazing – it has a tidy, five-frame start-up, and surprisingly good range. Use it to counter-attack scrubby Ryus who spam fireballs, and bury their heads in the concrete. Lovely. StrEEt FigHtEr V tipS 3 Mastering mix-ups 2 Okay, this is the bit in the training montage when the music swells and it all starts making sense. Mix-ups are about making your opponent think you’re going to do one thing, then doing something different. It forces your enemy to guess how you’ll attack, and lets you play all sorts of devious mind games. Let’s use the meaty as an example. Hit it once or twice, and a smart opponent will learn that they have to block on wake-up, not jab. Move in after you knock them down and they’ll be expecting the same again. But you throw them. Knock them down again and they’ll be expecting another throw. So go back to the meaty. It’s a fundamental element of Street Fighter that can be applied across your entire game. Fake your foe into guessing your next move, and punish them. Congratulations: you’re a cerebral assassin. We’ve got you recovered Now for some fundamentals. Street Fighter V has three recovery options when you’re knocked down, and you need to know how and when to use all of them. Hit down when you land to perform a quick recovery, which will have you quickly return to your feet, or press back to hop backwards and put some space between you and your opponent. The third option is doing nothing, which will perform a standard, slow recovery. Use them all, and try to understand how your opponent will pressure you. 5 Avoid stun using V-Reversal If you’re taking heavy damage and your stun gauge is filling up, use your V-Reversal. It sounds obvious, but few players use it effectively. Many V-Reversals have lengthy animations that give you time to completely recover. It’s the perfect opportunity to get back in, but more importantly, it doesn’t leave you stunned and open to a combo that could remove a third of your health. Serve up some meaties Meaties are what will change your game the quickest. We explain in tip #10 exactly how frame data works, but what’s important for now is knowing that with meaties, all that matters are the final active frames. The plan is to attack your enemy as they get up – shhh, it’s not dishonourable – timing the active frames so they connect as late as possible. It’s best to use a medium attack that opens a combo, or even better, a Crush Counter. If they try to throw a jab on wakeup, your attack will connect at the same time and beat it. Timing is crucial. StrEEt FigHtEr V tipS Hone your reactions All of this stuff can be practised in Training mode. You can set the dummy to attack with a jab on wake-up, allowing you to nail the timing for your Crush Counters. You can also set guard recovery actions. Set up the dummy so that it throws out a jab after blocking, then hit it with a move that leaves you at an advantage on block, before striking with a medium attack. This is an excellent way of learning how your frame traps work. Best of all, you can mix your options, and practise reacting to different scenarios. If you see a human opponent repeatedly spamming the same move effectively, use Training mode to learn how to punish it. 8 Learn attack priorities People often talk about Street Fighter being the rock-paper-scissors of fists – a lazy way of describing it, perhaps, but fundamentally correct. If two attacks connect at the same time, Street Fighter V has a system for deciding which one ‘wins’. Generally, the more powerful the attack, the better. So, if you’re hit with a light punch and you connect with a medium kick, only the kick will cause damage. Likewise, heavy attacks beat medium ones. The tradeoff is that weaker attacks are usually quicker, and will connect before stronger ones. The system only works when you’re trading blows, so it’s all about gaming that system, something we’ll come back to in tip #10. 7 Crush candy Again, this might seem like an obvious one, but landing Crush Counters should be oh-sohigh on your list of offensive priorities. Every character has at least two moves that act as Crush Counters. Make sure that you learn ’em. Yep, all of ’em. Most importantly, also practise how to follow them up to really take full advantage. Mika, for example, has to dash in after landing her dropkick. It’s unintuitive, but the massive rewards make it well worth practising. Also, learn to land Crush Counters with your meaty attacks – remember what we said in point #4? – and punish whiffed moves such as Dragon Punches. Owning wake-up A word of caution about the meaties mentioned earlier: these are risky against characters with invincible attacks such as Dragon Punches. Yet you can spin this knowledge to your advantage. Use mix-ups and pressure to bait out Dragon Punches on wake-up, block instead of attacking, then punish. If your opponent doesn’t have any decent wake-up specials, even better news: R Mika, Karin, M Bison, Laura, Zangief and Nash are super-easy to punish on wake-up. Keep on them, forcing them to waste meter on EX versions of their specials. 071 Study the frame data… no, really Having established how Street Fighter V’s roshambo-fu works (#8), you need to start using it. Frame data is essentially what happens when maths meets martial arts… wait, no, come back! It’s less terrible than it sounds. Every move has a number of start-up frames. This is how long it takes you to chuck out an attack. There’s also specific data for what happens when a move is blocked, and when it connects. So, if a move has a seven-frame advantage on hit, you can link it to any other move that has a start-up of seven frames or less. Make sense? That info alone won’t change your game, but frame traps will. Find out which attacks leave you at an advantage on block, then follow them with moves that beat your rival’s counter-attack. For example, Chunners’ s.MP leaves her at a +3 frame advantage on block. Follow it up with her five-frame b.HP and you’ll frame trap (and Crush Counter) anyone who tries to counter-attack with a three-frame jab. You can get all the frame data in the excellent (and free) V-Frames app for Android and iPhone. “When we said ‘no guns’, we knew that we wanted to make Faith a projectile. She needed to be the weapon.” Interactive iPad edition also available Discover the story behind the new Mirror’s Edge in issue 293, on sale now. Try two free issues of the iPad edition today – search “Edge” in the App Store You will receive two free issues (the current issue and the next issue) when you start a no-obligation trial subscription to Edge’s iPad edition. Available to new subscribers only. iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc, registered in the US and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. OPM scOres Gold award gOld award awarded to a game that’s brilliantly executed on every level, combining significant innovation, near-flawless gameplay, great graphics and lasting appeal. editor’s award editOr’s award not at the very highest echelon, but this is a game that deserves recognition and special praise based on its ambition, innovation or other notable achievement. 10 incredible the kind of phenomenal experience rarely seen in a console generation. 9 Outstanding unreservedly brilliant – this should be in every collection. 8 Very gOOd a truly excellent game, marred by just a few minor issues. 7 gOOd a great concept unfulfilled or the familiar done well, but still well worth playing. 6 decent fun in parts, flawed in others, but more right than wrong. 80 dark sOuls iii it’s series finale time for from’s patience-sapping rpg, but is it any good? we show no mercy… 5 aVerage what you expect and little more, this is for devotees only. 4 belOw aVerage any bright ideas are drowning in a sea of bugs or mediocrity. 3 POOr a seriously flawed game with little merit on any level. 2 awful disgraceful: the disc would be more beneficial as a coaster. 1 HOrrific own this and you’ll be swiftly, justifiably, exiled from society. contents uncharted 4: a thief’s end 74 | uefa euro 2016 84 | trackmania turbo 85 enter the gungeon 86 | ratchet & clank 88 | minecraft story mode 92 severed 93 | rÉpublique 94 | stikbold 94 | unepic 94 | mlb: the show 16 95 073 review Gold award glory huNtEr @bentyrer uNchartED 4: a thiEF’s END PS4’s new gold standard 074 info Format PS4 Eta Out NOw PuB SONy DEv Naughty DOg Y ou’ve worked this out already by glancing at that score, but here’s written confirmation. The wait has been more than worth it. Nathan Drake’s final journey is the one that Sony’s greatest action hero deserves. Uncharted 4 has sections, and set-pieces, that need to be played to be believed. It looks phenomenal. It delivers you back into a world, and storyline, that you never want to leave. It is, without question, the best game in the series – and PlayStation 4’s finest hour so far. Drake rocking it cosmetically in his bonafide current-gen debut is hardly a surprise, but it merits praise, regardless. Screen-grabbers will mash the Share button relentlessly, as a feast of incredible vistas and obscenely well-crafted details makes Uncharted 4 the best-looking game on any console. Character models and facial animations are pretty much flawless, sailing over the uncanny valley as a whole host of smirks, eyebrow raises and furrowed brows translate to the most natural looking of performances. NEvEr too NatE I’ll try not to drop spoilers, but the story requires discussion at least. With Nate happy(ish) in his new – very legal – job of hauling marine wreckage, he gets a visit from the ghost of older brother past. Sam Drake, who shares the same “a feaSt Of iNcreDible viStaS makeS uNcharteD 4 the beStlOOkiNg game ON aNy cONSOle.” 075 Don’t look so confused Drake, that’s definitely a 10 we’re slapping on your series finale. review above Henry Avery’s a pirate king, is it any surprise he’s left behind some wreckage? 076 Drake’s new job as a clock repairman doesn’t seem to be going to plan. above left Remember the E3 car chase demo? It’s astonishing. above right Good news: your AI buddies are handy with a piece. left There’s still nothing as satisfying as a one-punch finish. right Sam Drake is charmingly headstrong and just as likeable as his l’il brother. review roguish glint in the eye, but is sporting some intriguing tats and appears a little more wizened from wasted years, comes back to ask his little brother for help. From there, the Brothers Drake resume their lifelong race for the vast reams of treasure that belonged to Pirate King Henry Avery against the smarmy Rafe Adler. raFE to thE FiNish That’s purposefully as vague as possible. Not only due to my spoilers caveat, but also because A Thief’s End adds enough elements to its story formula to bubble in a different way. Gone is the rat-a-tat-tat pacing of Among Thieves and Drake’s Deception, in which the story scarcely lets you breathe. This entry is more self-assured in the ebb and flow of quiet exploration, allowing its leads to make their impression before building to those standout set-pieces. Following The Last Of Us, Naughty Dog is clearly high on confidence, and does a superb job of enhancing Uncharted’s charm. Not that you’re chucked in at the deep end. There’s a deft touch to the opening few chapters that keeps the action light, the scope tight, and uses its linearity to build to what’s coming later. One such chapter merely explores where Drake and Elena are in their lives – it’s not only vital to A Thief’s End, but joyously mundane in a way that previous entries didn’t dare try to be. The opening hour eases you through the small beginnings until you meet that long lost brother. Sam is certainly cut from the same cloth as his sibling – when they’re together, there’s an easy rapport between the two as they trade quips and chuckle their way through scrapes and scraps that perfectly demonstrate why Nate is so willing to join him for one final adventure. Too often in games, a previously unheard-of family member is introduced to a story, with an expectation that you’ll automatically care about them. That’s not the case with Sam, who is just as important to this adventure as Nate, without being a carbon copy. This adds a fascinating dynamic to the family unit Nate’s made in the years he thought his older brother had shuffled off the mortal coil. It also shouldn’t come as any great shock, but Nolan North and Troy Baker turn in career-best performances, riffing off each other as if real-life siblings. Similarly, Uncharted 4 also boasts the series’ most fascinating villains. While Rafe’s rich-boy-gone-wrong hits all the moustachetwirling beats, it’s partner Nadine who impresses the most, with her love of smacking both Drakes around, and cold disdain for anything that isn’t money or ageing heartthrob Victor Sullivan. Even the Shoreline cannon fodder she commands are fun company, sporting the best South African accents since Lethal Weapon 2’s “diplomatic immunity.” You never tire of ’em. The reason, however, that this is the best Uncharted story is that while the franchise’s charm and light touch remains, it also veers into what makes Nate tick in a way previous entries didn’t. For the first time, this is a Drake with real, ugly flaws, and A Thief’s End doesn’t let him off with a shrug and wink. This isn’t glib moodiness for the sake of it. There’s an uncomfortable familiarity to some of his interactions later on that speak to Naughty Dog’s evermaturing writing style. In short, he’s occasionally an arsehole – and all the more human (and therefore richer as a character) because of it. That evolving style can also be seen in a different way with the expansive approach to level design. As you progress, the game seems to get bigger and bigger, each level branching off in different paths that always guide you to the same place. This time you really feel like an explorer, probing the Madagascan savannah, frosty caves or tropical islands, each level boasting a sense of scale that never overwhelms but feels grander than what’s come before. As a result, little secrets feel that much more rewarding – most come by tearing yourself off the beaten track, rather than stumbling across them. Exploring and clambering has never been more enjoyable, either. While the driving sections are essentially a way to make the larger levels easier to get across and provide the basis for one of Uncharted 4’s standout moments, they are also decent in their own right, with a strong amount of skidding potential from tapping the handbrake, and a welcome inability to wreck vehicles. “bOth NOlaN NOrth aND trOy baker turN iN career-beSt PerfOrmaNceS.” Below Sexy, swoon-worthy Nate is back in full force. In another life, he would be a perfume model. graPPlE hookED Most fun of all in terms of traversal mechanics is the grappling hook. As vital to this Uncharted as crafting is to The Last Of Us, the metal claw of awesome adds an extra layer of butt-clenching terror as you line up jumps, then prepare to smash o to chuck it out. It mixes up the climbing by affording you more control of Drake, and injects an extra touch of pace into scaling cliff faces. Even in the actionheavier sequences, there’s a special joy in using it as ‘get out of jail free’ card, allowing you to stay one step ahead of the messes you create while firing off your gun. Thankfully, Nate hasn’t become a pacifist between entries, and Naughty Dog doesn’t tinker with the bulletplay too significantly. Aiming is a tad quicker than in past outings – you can always mess around with the sensitivity as well – and guns pack more of a visual punch, with enemies staggering and cover crumbling much more frequently. Fisticuffs remain similar, but deliver more contextual actions with your gang or the environment – our favourite being when Drake grabs an ally and swings them into a Shoreline fool. It amounts to a sweet blend of the familiar and the fresh with regards to slinging your knuckles about. While shooting and scrapping is similar, the architecture of fights has undergone a quietly radical rehaul between Drake’s Deception and A Thief’s End. Each conflict starts with Drake in stealth mode, from where he can tag enemies to keep track of them wandering around using alert phases. White means they’re looking at you, yellow that they’re investigating and orange is, er, not good, as they’re going to start firing. While stealth is a constant in the series, this refocusing enables more freedom than past entries’ cover-based antics. shorE thiNgs An early firefight in the ruins of a graveyard quickly shows how this approach improves the combat. After using more dynamite than is advisable, a squad of Shoreline mercs decides to check out the explosion. As Drake crouches in the long grass, you can/ should tag enemies to follow their movements, but are left to tackle them however you like. Cracking a few necks quietly is always the best option, with going loud usually being a last resort, as enemies are quite happy to suck up more ammo this time if you miss their faces. I take one out who wanders near my crouching position, before moving over to some ruins to get a height advantage and tagging the remaining suckers. Hang on, maybe I shouldn’t be peeking out so much, as a guard is now investigating. Not to fret. I inch along the wall Drake is clinging to, and drop 077 078 right There’s a return to the lush greens of Drake’s Fortune, but it’s even more gorgeous now. left Hope you’ve got some Daz back at the hotel, Drake. Those stains are as stubborn as your brother. on him, Drake’s flying punch my new favourite finisher. With only a handful of mercs left, I unholster the Para. 45 and get ready to dish out some delicious lead suppers. It’s by no means the most sophisticated stealth system, but a satisfyingly meaty upgrade on the smaller-scale shootouts of its past. Plus it makes sense for Drake’s scrappier style as a fighter, its simplicity combining well with the multi-level arenas to create more natural shootouts. Unfortunately, this openness sometimes works against you. Plan A can disappear out of the window pretty quickly, at which point going back into stealth requires you to climb up or down a structure, while avoiding the gang of goons who are pumping death at you. It’s not uncommon to get caught out by a flanking enemy – fair play to the AI this time, as it’s much more intelligent, quickly trying to surround you – creating an unmanageable, chaotic mess. These sections sing when you control the fights, swinging and sneaking through waves, or engineering a situation where you rain death and destruction “thOSe SPecial Set-PieceS are NOw SurrOuNDeD by aN aDveNture aS StrONg.” with a squeeze of the trigger – just wait until you discover the thunderous ARX-120. But it can all become unwieldy a little too quickly, and getting caught in a maelstrom of pain frustrates. Mercifully, it’s not a regular occurence. sEt-PiEcE oF DrakE Where you’re all too happy to be caught in the eye of a bodyshattering storm is within the game-defining, and now series-defining, moments – set-pieces in which the camera swirls around Drake as he finds himself falling into and/or sprinting away from engulfing danger. While Uncharted 2 and 3 defined themselves on these spectacular scenes, A Thief’s End doesn’t rely on them as liberally, instead utilising them where absolutely necessary – and, therefore, to astonishing effect. Such scarcity makes them all the more special. There are elements of these grandiose game-stoppers that pay homage to the past in subtle (and not so subtle) ways. But Naughty Dog remains the master of ensuring you have enough control to feel like you’re not just a passive spectator. You’re guiding his tumble back to the ground, clawing and gripping on anything that comes to hand, or improvising a way to stupidly swing back into the fray. That amazing disbelief you had when hanging off the plane in Drake’s Deception or fleeing a helicopter in Uncharted 2 is here. It’s just that now, those scenes are surrounded by an adventure that’s just as strong. While A Thief’s End gets so much right, it’s also not without nitpicks. The optional conversation prompts are bizarrely rare and hardly crop up later in the story. They’re inoffensive and add a little personality to some interactions, but just have minimal impact on the experience overall – kinda review the opm breakdown w h at y o u d o i n… u n c h a r t e d 4 24% checking amazon for real-life grapple hook prices. 9% flicking through the journal to find all the jokes. 1% Okay, you’ll know what is when you see it, but i won’t spoil the surprise. above Here’s an aerial takedown in its full glory. Even the punch-ee looks impressed. 14% Staring slavishly at the clouds of smoke that plume away from explosions. 36% Pausing the game to catch your breath after another set-piece. 16% bellowing as much as Nate when you miss the pesky merc who flanks and ends you. m u lt i p l ay e r we’ll have a full review once we’re on the servers, but recent beta play offers hope. fantastic level design and pacey action keeps deathmatches fresh, while goofy power-ups are surprisingly well-balanced. lots to look forward to, then. right Seriously, Uncharted 4 is a screenshot treasure trove. s tat pa c k 13 23 36 48 PErFEct trEasurE The niggles and frustrations matter little when Nate’s fourth outing has you rocking on the sofa without even realising it. Uncharted 4 may yes yes PS4’s last visual champion is blown away by Drake’s stubbled chops and curled grin. Sure, you get three uncharteds in the collection, but none of them reach these heights. Super close, but it’s a touch more enjoyable spending time with the cast of a thief’s end than Joel and ellie. a Bl PP E Na NcE ivE Dis so ow o N EP u Ns t lE trophy cabinet r at Naughty Dog’s victory lap is a celebration of its past, present and future, with clever pacing and thrilling set-pieces surpassing expectations in its most exhilarating uncharted to date. No PS4 should be without this. buy. it. Now. Ben tyrer yes ar verdict is it better than? shh s be an epilogue in comparison to the PS3 trilogy, but it will be remembered as the series’ definitive game. Everything the series does well, A Thief’s End improves on. Everything it introduces, it does so comfortably and confidently. While it’s the adventure’s quietest and most surprising moments that you’ll rush to talk about once the screen fades, it shouldn’t detract from the peerless set-pieces, fantastic writing and propulsive action that it conjures up. “Alright, I’m not going to lie, this is pretty awesome,” Drake grins to himself, early on in A Thief’s End. He’s not wrong. Total number of journal notes and journal entries that are waiting to be found. N like speed dating. Similarly the Piton, the climbing spike that allows Drake to make his own hand-holds on some cliff faces, arrives late in the day and doesn’t change the feel of climbing in the way the grappling hook does. Also, as the final chapter of the overall series – and again, I’m writing this while trying to give away as little as possible – it’s a slight shame that it ends fairly unevenly. The last in-game chapter rushes itself, leaving a slight deflation to what is otherwise a near flawless story. It pulls itself back, however, with a coda that sums up what makes this series so special. Ultimately, it’s possibly my favourite ending to any Naughty Dog game. Fancy a natter? You’ll find this many optional conversations throughout the story. bronze you’re a regular Solid Snate, stealth taking down at least 30 enemies. Don’t forget to tag ‘em. silver forget the treasure hunting, you’re also a killing machine, taking out 100 enemies in a row without dying. lu Do above The Brothers Drake, who love their bikes almost as much as each other. Number of hours Chapters that you can expect you’ll need to to be spending shoot and with Nate before stealth through discovering to see how this his final fate. thief ends. Gold everyone’s favourite uncharted criticism gets its own shout out, if you manage to off 1,000 foes. 079 Combat demands careful attention to attack patterns and your character’s limitations. 080 “EvEn a low-lEvEl foE can bE your doom, thanks to a hugE array of tricks and tactics.” review DIe harDer Dark SoulS III @dirigiblebill Merciless climax to gaming’s greatest action-RPG series info Format Ps4 eta out now PuB bandai namco Dev from softwarE A fter the filth of Irithyll jail, the radiance and space of Archdragon Peak can be overwhelming, like being shown an aeroplane window after having your head shoved down the cabin toilet. The prison is a place of stealth and terror. It’s patrolled by cowled women clutching red-hot brands, twisted exiles from the Profaned Capital who can sear away your health bar with a stare. But Archdragon Peak? It’s all hazy blue skies and serene marble cliffs. What could possibly go wrong here? Stepping away from a bonfire checkpoint, we take a moment to drink in the beauty of a tumbledown fortress wall. Then, a dinosaur in a dressing gown drops off a platform and flattens us with an enormous axe. knIght watch The Souls games are built around such hilarious, maddening reversals, and few things are as satisfying as clocking an ambush and working out how to thwart it. But after four instalments, the old bait-and-switch routine is becoming a little too predictable. Spotted a knight facing the other way? Check the rafters for archers before moving in. Glowing trinket down the hall? Keep an eye peeled for corpses gripping weapons. The air of over-familiarity applies to more than just enemy distribution. Dark Souls III is, as expected, a brilliant and sophisticated epic, combining the best melee combat in the business with decadent, tortuous environments and expertly crafted bosses. But it’s a work of consolidation rather than change, marshalling systems and lore from across the series into what is, at times, the definitive Dark Souls, while adding little that feels genuinely fresh. The setting is another kingdom whose rulers have been corrupted by power and forbidden 081 Fast travel between bonfire checkpoints is now available from the off. But you still have to activate them first… 082 right Top tip for tough sword-wielding bosses: roll towards them. left Even the books want a piece of you. Take care not to get cursed. knowledge. Your task, as a resurrected but cursed warrior, is to bring them to heel by straight-up murdering everybody and offering their remnants at this game’s Firelink Shrine. The latter is more of a distinct customisation hub than in the original Dark Souls. It’s home to a Firekeeper who boosts your stats in return for harvested souls, a blacksmith who takes care of weapon upgrades, and a selection of oddball personalities who must first be rescued from the world. All these characters are on personal journeys, and you need to pay close attention to the dialogue if you want to explore their stories to the end. ShaDow Play Structurally, Dark Souls III falls between the entwined geography of Dark Souls – essentially a colossal tower with routes woven around and through it – and the looser, less engaging layout of Dark Souls II. Having fast-travel between bonfire checkpoints available straight away threatens to make progress feel choppy, but you still have to reach those bonfires to activate them. “wEaPons rangE from thundEring grEatswords to barbEd gauntlEts.” You can also, as in the first game, see most major locations clearly from a distance – a forest lurking beneath a ruined bridge, or a frosty citadel rearing against the Moon – which creates a sense of global coherence even Bethesda could learn from. Individual areas can be quite linear, but there’s always plenty to discover – illusory walls, smashable objects that mask shortcuts or discreetly jutting beams that offer hidden routes to items. Covering ground is tough, so stumbling upon, say, an elevator that links a building’s threshold to its highest tower is often as elating as beating a boss. Just don’t get too carried away. Even a low-level foe can be your doom, thanks to a huge array of tricks and tactics per enemy type, and death bites harder than in most games, with all your accumulated souls dropped in a puddle by your corpse. Fail to reclaim them, and they’re gone forever. Combat is faster and angrier, a mixture of Bloodborne’s cat-footed manoeuvring and classic Souls defensive play. It revolves, as ever, around a stamina bar that’s drained by attacking, blocking and dodging. Exhaust it and the next hit sends you reeling. Weapons – which range from thundering greatswords and poisoned spears to whips and barbed gauntlets – now have category-specific skills such as fiery groundpounds or guardbreakers that can turn a losing fight in your favour. tough love The skills system isn’t a dramatic alteration, but it’s another welcome layer of complexity, particularly when it comes to competitive multiplayer, which once again sees you invading another player’s session using certain items. You can also form “covenants” with NPCs. These shape the multiplayer options review the opm breakdown w h at y o u d o i n… d a r k S o u l S i i i 10% creeping around corners or through doors, shield firmly up. 25% 16% failing to roll under an enormous blade or blast of malignant sorcery. Sadly contemplating something ghastly that is about to absolutely destroy you. 14% clapping your hands as you discover a secret or shortcut. above There are dozens of weapons and spells, some familiar from the original. 16% deciding which weapon to reinforce, which stat to raise or spell to buy. 19% scraping through encounters by way of surgical blocks and dodges. Second opinion SoulS Survivor Utterly magnetic, the series finale fuses the first Souls’ labyrinthine environments and defensive play with the melee savagery of Bloodborne to all-consuming effect. I’m playing other games in a daze, visions of boss fights dancing in my head. Innovation is lacking, but does it matter? I’d trade actual souls for just one... more... try... Jen Simpkins right The landscapes and backdrops are stupefying. So, at times, is the framerate. the firSt five hourS… 1 2 3 4 5 083 above Pure magic users may struggle, but adding a sword works wonders. available – followers of Farron, for example, are automatically summoned to assail players who enter his domain, while Blue Sentinels are conjured to help those under attack by pesky Red Phantoms. Where previous games required you to recover your character’s Humanity, the online here is governed by access to Embers – rare items you can crush for a health boost and in order to match-make, but which also expose you to invasion. It’s a streamlining of the Humanity system that asks the same overall question – is having a friend to hand worth the hostility you might attract? Bosses are where you need your friends most. Dark Souls III musters some incredible specimens – a collective of undead hunters who are as happy to kill each other as the player; a forlorn demon king waiting on the shores of a volcanic lake; a possessed tree in the process of giving birth to something worse. All represent a formidable challenge, though none are a match for the best bosses of the original game. Still, coming second to the first Dark Souls is nothing to be ashamed of, and Dark Souls III hardly puts a foot wrong otherwise. The only significant scratch in the polish is the performance, with framerates sagging noticeably during crowded skirmishes, and texture pop-in a factor throughout. But the lure of those dizzying encounters and vistas amply exceeds any annoyance about the engine. This isn’t quite a stunning rebirth for the series on PS4, but it’s undoubtedly a magnificent end. 1 cobble together a vaguely human-looking Pyromancer. from’s face editor would make a wrestling game feel ill. 2 Pull a sword out of a dude who immediately murders us. samaritans die hardest. 3 we’re in lothric castle. here be dragons. handily, you can trick them into blasting other enemies. 4 time for another boss. this one likes to vomit glaciers. 5 below the castle, an undead village festers. compel-o-gr aph Hey, halberds hurt. Oh no, archers. Wow, secret area? To me, white phantom! 0 Endgame jitters. TimE 60 hours iS it better than? verdict dark souls iii rarely innovates, but it experiments within the souls parameters to grotesque and glorious effect. another game of the year contender, then. edwin evans-thirlwell no yeS no the world of lothric isn’t as cunningly woven or enigmatic as lordran and feels slightly over-familiar. dsiii restores that sense of organically unfolding geography that was lost in dsii’s drangleic. from’s first Ps4 game offers more glamour, more balletic combat and some series-best locations. review Squads feel outdated. The Ox as a starter? Really, PES? Really?! Woy zoNE 084 @mcmeiks uEFa Euro 2016 Fab footy outscores lamentable licensing… just D info Format PS4 aLSo oN PS3 Eta Out NOw Pub KONami DEv PES PrOductiONS eath. Taxes. England screwing up any chance of international glory via penalty spot misery. These are the unequivocal certainties of our existence on this spinning rock. Oh, and while we’re sharing an existential moment together, you better pop ‘PES Productions making great football games with dreadfully drab presentation’ onto that list. No matter how good the on-field action, the developer can never quite cook up that special sauce to slather onto its juicy soccer steak. And that’s the case here. Euro 2016’s take on the rapidly approaching French footy spectacle lacks va-va-voom, while its patchy licensing makes it feel like FIFA’s unloved twin. That’s a damn shame, because when PES and its new tourney step onto the field, they’re a lethal front two. First, let’s clear up some details. Konami has released both digital and PlayStation-exclusive boxed editions of Euro 2016, with each version also containing full-fat PES 2016. So far, so generous. Even better, existing PES owners get it added free through March’s Data Pack 3.00 update. Said gratis DLC also sprinkles in 199 new “Patchy licENSiNg mEaNS ONly 15 Of thE 24 SidES arE trEatEd tO PrOPEr KitS.” player faces, fresh transfers, new boots (woo!) and Euros final venue the Stade de France. The business model may be commendable, but Euro 2016 is sadly every inch the quickly trotted out expansion. I hope you’re hungry, because it’s time to open wide for some no-frills football. EA’s full price Euro and World Cup games may have been cynical, but at least they always felt like a celebration of their tournaments. Here, competing for the Delaunay Cup is accompanied by all the fanfare of dropping a Bovril into your lap. Kit haPPENS Forget about licensed managers prowling their technical areas; Euro 2016 doesn’t even include all 24 of the finals’ licensed sides. Only 15 teams are treated to their proper kits, meaning nine nations – including Ireland, Belgium, Sweden and Switzerland – all draw that unlucky chamber in PES’ continued game of Russian roulette. Oh, and the Ruskies don’t get their strip either. Though nine teams must put up with generic clobber, at least they all get real player names, with the majority sporting the series’ always spot-on likenesses. Yet with only one licensed stadium, dreary menus and low quality FMV intros, the tournament can come across as an afterthought. There is a saving grace, and it’s a big one – this is a fundamentally brilliant football game. Add the Euros to PES 2016’s already title-winning squad and the overall package is a bonafide winner. Its passing matches FIFA blow for blow, while sharper slide tackles and crisper shooting mean games are punchier than EA’s soccer juggernaut. A sublime on-pitch effort then, but next time, Konami really needs to learn how to season that steak. verdict the quality of the footy secures Euro 2016 a big score, but presentation and licensing issues see Konami very nearly make a hash of an open goal. Dave meikleham review Par times are represented as ghost drivers, which offer a glimpse of the quickest racing lines. manic strEEt scrEEchErs @jamesnouch trackmania turbo 085 Highway to the danger zone n info Format PS4 Eta Out nOw Pub ubiSOft DEv nadeO eed For Speed’s plenty fast, Burnout’s pretty nippy and Driveclub moves at a fair old clip, but Nadeo’s latest leaves these motoring celebs looking positively pedestrian. Here, you might start a level suspended from a crane, freefalling 200m for a running start, before drifting into a tight hairpin bend. You’ve barely straightened up before you hit a boost, sending you careening off a ramp at 500km per hour… Trackmania is essentially a crazed, colourful and terrifically quick rollercoaster – a celebration of unbridled speed that’s festooned with barmy loop-the-loops and stupefying stunt jumps. To that end, its single-player campaign boasts an impressive assortment of impossible track designs, charting insane corkscrews and longdistance leaps in a Trials-style time-attack against a variety of spectacular backdrops. The main campaign mode hosts a generous 200 stages, but that’s not all. It’s accompanied by a host of multiplayer modes, playable in a variety of online, split-screen and pass-the-pad configurations. And then there’s the powerful course creation toolkit, which even empowers “crazed and cOlOurful, it’S feStOOned with StuPefying Stunt jumPS.” unimaginative dullards like us to whip up some swiveleyed nuttiness, thanks to an interface that emphasises user-friendly automation over esoteric tinkering. racE against timE But there’s also a serious side, a side that’s all precision stopwatches and strict accounting – the goal of each single-player stage is to beat the dev’s punishing par times, often while avoiding any number of trackside obstacles that could torpedo your promising run. This exacting edge creates moments of holdyour-breath tension as bracing as any horror scare. When you’re pushing your vehicle to the edge in pursuit of a licketysplit lap-time, you exist in the exhilaratingly narrow space between triumph and disaster. Successfully thread your way through all of these perilous impediments and you’re awarded with a shiny medal. A bronze, naturally, is the digital equivalent of a humiliating slap in the face – a bitter booby prize for a race hard run. But a gold, meanwhile, is a precious testament to your racing panache, and the sense of accomplishment evoked is only heightened by the stiff challenge on offer in some of Trackmania’s trickiest tracks. There’s a fine line between a stiff challenge and a punishing slog, however, and Trackmania’s courses do, at times, present one cruel twist too many. At its worst, it can feel as though Nadeo’s designers are personally trolling you, placing mean-spirited hurdles in the perfect place to scupper your efforts. But even the odd spiteful stage can’t dull the boisterous appeal, and for every frustrated ragequit it inspires, there’s an hour or more of big dumb grins in this flamboyant bundle of unabashed fun. verdict a princely suite of tracks, modes and features all wrapped up in a colourfully boisterous package. it’s fast, frenetic and occasionally just a bit bloody frustrating. James nouch review There’s lots of delightful detail in the art, adding to the pleasure of making a big old mess. ShotS FirED 086 @schillingc EntEr thE GunGEon Another arsenal that doesn’t quite stay the distance t info Format PS4 Eta Out nOw Pub DevOlver Digital DEv DODge rOll here’s been quite a bit of hand wringing about the games industry’s preoccupation with ordnance lately, to the point where many games often invite us to question our fondness for digital destruction. So it makes a refreshing change to see a developer unashamedly embracing the way of the gun. Dodge Roll’s sparky twin-stick dungeon crawler is the kind of game in which even the bullets shoot bullets. Just about everything you face is either gun or ammo-shaped. If not, it’s usually holding an unfeasibly large weapon or spitting out projectiles. With the randomly generated floors throwing out narrow walkways, disappearing platforms, spike pits and more, staying out of harm’s way is no easy task. Happily, you’ve got two secret weapons to call upon: there’s an evasive roll that gives you a brief window of invincibility, and blank rounds that act as smart bombs, destroying every projectile on screen. The controls can feel lethargic, though you quickly realise they suit the tempo of the combat. As busy and frantic as it looks, it’s unwise to charge into the fray all guns blazing, not least “the gunS fire bOuncing SawblaDeS, tentacleS anD hOming SkullS.” since whichever dungeoneer you pick, your starter gun is a piffling pea-shooter. With death taking you back to the entrance and heart pieces proving scarce, health is an even more precious resource than ammo. You need to find cover wherever possible, which can involve upending tables for short-lived protection. A collectible that leaves enemies stunned by your furniture flipping prowess is a godsend. bullEt ballEt You expect a challenge from a game like this, and Enter The Gungeon doesn’t disappoint. From a musclebound bird toting a minigun, to a Gorgon wielding twin-SMGs, the bosses are a real highlight, falling just on the right side of the fun/frustrating divide. You might face them a few times before weaving through their bullet patterns without taking a hit, but patient play is rewarded. The arenas also give you more room, with regular enemies killing me more frequently than bosses. For a while, you discover something new on every descent. A shopkeeper doubles his prices if you refuse to stop shooting inside his store. Release two prisoners and, for a small fee, they leave a wider range of weaponry in the dungeon’s unlockable chests on subsequent runs. But minor irritations start to rack up. While it’s fun to move from derringers and magnums to guns that fire bouncing sawblades, tentacles and homing skulls, there’s not enough meaningful variety. The randomness can grate, leaving you facing a boss with your starter weapon, or having an enemy at the entrance of a room taking your last sliver of health. That’s the risk with guns, we guess – eventually, you shoot yourself in the foot. verdict if not quite the diamond bullet through the forehead it threatens to be, this enjoyably challenging shooter roguelike is a reminder that run and gun equals fun. Chris Schilling review info Format PS4 Eta Out nOw Pub PQube DEv MileStOne info Format PS4 Eta Out nOw Pub MARvelOuS GAMeS DEv eXAMu mXGP2 Nitro+ blaStErz this motocrosses the line Hope you’ve got breakdown cover G o etting a chase cam right is a fine art. every dev should look to Driveclub as an example: an implementation so good we even occasionally abandon the in-car view to enjoy it. but if evolution’s take is a high-water mark, Milestone’s is the cracked riverbed below. Rigidly locked to the back of the bike, it emphasises both MXGP’s jittery handling and shaky framerate. Any nuance afforded by an admirably detailed control scheme is lost in a mess of juddering camera shifts and misjudged corners. there’s a first-person option, too, but that comes at the cost of placing you closer to the ugly brown textures that carpet MXGP2’s rather lifeless looking world.1 there are some impressive draw distances to take in across the 18 officially licensed tracks, admittedly, but this remains an astonishingly ugly game considering it has no PS3 albatross version to blame things on. exactly what is on the screen to justify its agonisingly long loading times is beyond us. the custom career and free-ride options on offer are flanked by a variety of official events, not to mention a full 2015 rider roster and broad selection of 250cc and 450cc bikes,2 but despite the confusingly busy list of options, there’s little to distinguish the various events other than their titles. the same is true of the three physics models on offer, which all inspire a similar level of indifference as bikes fail to do what you expect or communicate anything of their heft or the different track surfaces. Given the obvious effort that has gone into providing a generous package for fans of the sport, it’s a minor tragedy that there are so many false starts within. ben maxwell FootNotES 1 this introduces realistic starts, with lights replaced by a badly rendered woman holding a sign. 2 the selection of bikes and riders on offer is vast, with myriad customisation options. n first glance at this 2D anime fanservice fighter, you’d be forgiven for seeing nothing but niche – there’s a particularly cavernous one between the prominent breasts of box-art bombshell Super Sonico. if you’re into a little titillation with your brawlers, it’s cute. if you’ve got niggles about jiggles, it’s offputting.1 but beyond all the heaving cleavage is accessible arse-kicking – and hidden depth, too. Sonico is a zoning character, calling upon her J-pop bandmates to beat up opponents while her anti-socially extensive collection of cats cavorts about her person. Grapplehappy Muramasa’s more technical and, er, technically a spider-demon. And Saya? well, she’s just a regular girl in a pretty nightie. Just kidding – flesh tentacles! Obstacles between you and smacking your friends across the jaw with your big meaty appendage are few.2 everything is designed to accommodate: quarter-circleheavy inputs, quickly refilling Super bars; the ability to call in support characters to attack. there’s even a button to dodge trouble, and a triggerable variable Rush state that lets you auto-combo by mashing buttons. why hello there, breakdown. (i’m fine. it’s what blasterz calls KOs.) Yet there’s zero explanation of these mechanics. You get a barebones Story mode, Score Attack, versus and Online, but no tutorial or even Challenge mode for combo drills. Fighting enthusiasts will uncover competitive complexity for themselves in blasterz’ lightning-fast aerial footsies and intricate parrying options. At least superficial scraps rule, too: in all seriousness, this booby fighter’s got a great personality. Jen Simpkins FootNotES 1 You’ll adore or abhor the bikini costume DlC. Personally, i remain unconvinced of the bullet-resistant properties of swimwear. 2 that sounded less wrong in my head. info Format PS4 Eta Out nOw Pub SOeDeSCO DEv veRtiGO GAMeS aDam’S vENturE: oriGiNS You won’t Adam and eve it t here’s nothing quite like the sensation of solving a satisfyingly tricky puzzle – the feeling of working through all a conundrum’s possible answers to reach that one, incontrovertible solution. Alternatively, if you prefer to bash out a couple of guesses before fluking your way onto the right answer, here’s a bargain bin adventure that’ll allow you to do just that, such is the simplicity of its all-too-basic brainteasers. Adam’s venture isn’t merely puzzles, and its globetrotting narrative follows a cocksure indiana Jones-type as he traverses crumbling temples, evades nefarious corporate goons, and even confronts an ancient evil. Yet while that might make for a compelling back-of-the-box summary, in practice, it’s an excuse for unresponsive platforming, instant-fail stealth sections, and a bit of gentle Christian sermonising.1 what’s more, the lead character just isn’t likeable. Adam tosses out one-liners with gleeful abandon, but his witticisms simply never land. Sometimes they’re marred by ropey voice acting. Occasionally they’re faintly sexist.2 Above all, they’re just consistently unfunny, like playing as a concussed nathan Drake. On a technical level, the game is simply a shambles, with amateurish animation and obtrusive texture pop-in accompanying your every step. Couple those troubles with some truly dated visuals, and the overall effect is to completely rob Adam’s venture of any sense of spectacle. Yet while there’s little to recommend this Christian caper, it’s too breezily straightforward to be truly hateful either. Just don’t go in expecting a religious experience. James Nouch FootNotES 1 One crummy conundrum has you rearranging bible verses. 2 Adam’s attempts at flirtation are especially bizarre, and include unprompted compliments on a woman’s smell. 087 088 “SerieS callbackS are beautifully crafted – grinding along railS never felt So Slick.” This fuzzy dude is the galaxy’s main star – but plenty of smart-mouthed NPCs dazzle, too. review editor’s award ShEEP ShootEr ratChEt & CLaNK @itsJenSim Riveting reboot proves retro’s got a brand new Blarg info Format PS4 Eta out now PuB Sony DEv inSomniac gameS Y ou never forget your first KISS – and Insomniac’s PS2 actionplatformer lived and breathed that ‘keep it simple, stupid’ principle. It was pure Lombaxhopping, glitterball-blasting, crate-smashing joy. And the reboot? Well, pucker up, as the essential brilliance of Ratchet & Clank is back, and here’s the tutorial for newcomers: jump, shoot, smile until you can’t feel your face. Or at least it would be that simple, were the expanded Solana Galaxy not freshly stuffed with distractingly delicious detail. Flinging Day-Glo space ferret Ratchet (plus metal backpack buddy Clank) across bustling Metropolis and through tropical Pokitaru, you admire a glistening, unfortunate-looking alien here, a spaceshipstudded vista there… aaand oops. Er, you didn’t need that health bar, did you? It’s easy to forget about small things like not getting shot to fuzzy ribbons when the world’s been polished to a cinematic gloss. This is a movie tie-in, but movement feels so fluid it’s like playing the flick itself. The controls are hyperprecise: each nostalgia-powered bounce around Captain Qwark’s revamped fitness course an elegant operetta starring your thumbs singing the praises of 3D platforming. Light, instantaneous, effortless – how it was always meant to be. CLaNK GooDNESS The screws have also been tightened on Ratchet’s unique arsenal. Each weapon fires its bonkers load with individual authority – the Combuster peppers foes with flaming quickfire; the Pixelizer’s scattershot acid-green ray deploys with a Space Invaders-esque bloop; the Sheepinator requires a steady hand with the rangey beam to get Ratchet up to his elbows in enemy DNA. Combat is perfectly pitched, with limited ammo forcing you to switch it up – w pauses 089 Yep, planet Pokitaru looks this incredible. Go ahead and pop your eyeballs back in. 090 right New blaster the Pixelizer even works on humungous mobs – and that includes bosses. Left Levels are bigger than ever, and sliding about Batalia on rails is certainly no grind (sorry). the chaos as you nonchalantly, hilariously consider your weaponry options as if deciding between types of marmalade at your local Tesco. Select one, time unfreezes, and a giant tank bobbing its head to ’70s disco is treated to a turret-full of flamethrower. And there are myriad ways to turn up the heat you’re packing. Bolts – that soar out of smashed crates in a jingling, sparkling flurry – can be used to purchase weapons, while hidden Raritanium shards buy you upgrades. And what’s better than one homicidal robo-bodyguard? Two homicidal robo-bodyguards, obviously. Liberal use of your weapons automatically levels them up – Mr Zurkon births a Zurkon Jr sidekick at level five while the Warmonger rocket launcher cheekily rebrands itself Peacemaker. And it’s not just the pea-shooters reinventing themselves. Series callbacks are beautifully crafted rejuvenations – grinding along rails has never felt so slick, and Clank’s reprogrammable Gadgebot puzzle sections offer more to get your head around than ever. “one cheat letS you give ratchet a t-rex head (but Sadly not tiny armS).” Completely new additions are some of the most creative content in the series, with two boss battles being highlights – one’s a round of jetpack-aided aerial chicken with a returning star; the other sees a foe using Ratchet’s arsenal against him. That Groovitron’s not such a giggle now, is it? Inevitably, though, there are downsides to such extensive tinkering. Is it a quality tune-up of a classic? Undoubtedly. Does it bolt on some cracking new parts? Absolutely. But have the devs been overly eager with the OmniWrench? Perhaps. PS4’s Ratchet & Clank is so sleek that its weaker components almost audibly rattle. A once-simple story – plucky Galactic Ranger wannabe and diddy defect Warbot fight planetobliterating Chairman Drek – is now a muddled pastiche. Is it following the original game’s plot? Or the new movie’s? And then there’s the new game’s Qwark-narrated perspective… it’s all too much. Movie characters such as sassy ladyranger Cora and cyborg baddie Victor Von Ion are jammed in with little explanation. And the formerly complex central friendship? Robbed of screen time, it falls flat – and in the critical final hours, questionable detours, padded-out sections and a movie-mandated Lombax strop scramble the pacing. CoLLECt-QuIBBLES The sheer amount of tacked-on stuff extends to the collectibles. Holocards, excluding the well-hidden set that earns you the legendary RYNO, feel unnecessary – a set might get you a 5% extra bolts buff or upped damage on your already well-upgraded weapons. It doesn’t help that the raspberry-blue floozies practically throw themselves at you if you so much as look at an enemy funny. The cards contain series trivia, review the opm breakdown w h at y o u d o i n… r at c h e t & c l a n k 3% getting briefly distracted from quality gaming by annoying bugs. Son of a glitch! 7% Scampering around puzzle sections and away from danger as the adorable clank. 45% Planet and platform-hopping through the enormous, gorgeous galaxy. 10% chuckling at the many retro references and mr Zurkon’s patter. 15% bashing every crate, toolbox and piece of public property for those sweet, sweet bolts. 20% would you like your enemies toasted, pixelised or sheepified? above Time to play as Clank in a game of jumprope – only with more lasers and more death. s tat pa c k ‘02 11 3 28 right New dogfighting sections are a rush. And yes, there’s a Star Fox reference. The year the frachise was born with the PS2 release of the original. Ah, memories. Planets that Trick-filled you can bounce, hoverboard blast and boogie races to master your way through – Bronze, Silver in 2016’s and Gold PS4 reboot. cups await. Cheat-unlocking Gold Bolts to find. Getting them all will bag you invulnerability. friends & enemies Dr NEF a EK Dr ChaIrma N ra Co uS rIo 091 above You’ll replay just to see every enemy’s unique Groovitron boogie. the new ranger seems lovely. Shame we don’t really get to know her. the up your arsenal foe pops up. where’s your medical degree, eh? second opinion clank commander Remakes are just that – the same old game updated. But Ratchet & Clank is the first one I’ve played to actually feel like an entirely new experience. It’s completely at home in 2016 thanks to wonderfully expressive visuals and a boredom-staving pace that transitions between hoverboard races, aerial dogfights and jetpacking explorations with the graceful timing of a ballroom dancer. Albeit one with a gun that turns foes into pixels. Ben Griffin trophy cabinet FW ar SuPE rt a mP o EL maStEr the final boss fight. Combat and platforming certainly don’t offer endless complex depths to explore, either. But it’s hard to argue the nitty-gritty with a game that’s the best-looking thing on PS4 right now, handles as smoothly as a buttered dream, and lets you turn giant flying brainsquids into 8-bit sprites and/ or sheep and/or disco divas. It’s also difficult to scrutinise flaws when you’ve a smile so wide it’s obstructing your vision. Despite some overcomplications with narrative and mechanical components, and a couple of loose technical screws, Ratchet & Clank’s return is – quite simply – glorious fun. I ha t and make weapons available in the unlockable Challenge Mode – it’s a case of little challenge, little reward. Little point, then. The new functionality for the series’ coveted Gold Bolts, however, more than makes up for that wasted potential. They encapsulate the retro, yet utterly revivified, feelgood spirit of the reboot. In an inspired twist, the items are now spent not on superweapons, but on cheats. Hunt down the shinies and you can transform bolts into Sonic’s rings or Legend Of Zelda rupees. There’s also a hipstermatic in-game filter to unlock (I’ve dubbed it Clankstagram). One cheat even lets you give Ratchet a T-rex head (comically tiny arms are sadly not included). I do, unfortunately, experience a handful of technical issues – crates pop in and out of existence, there’s missing dialogue audio, and I even glitch into an enemy on has a penchant for tailored suits. oh, and blowing up planets. ra DEr verdict hold onto your puny human eyeballs. despite stumbles, it’s a gleeful party with old friends and otherworldly levels of gorgeous, all at a piffling price point. Jen Simpkins bronze silver become the evil lombax upgrade every weapon twin of anchorman’s to maximum level. brick tamland by the drunk-on-power breaking every lamp cackling is an in aleero city. optional step. gold holocard trading might be a bit boring, but you’ll have to complete every set if you want this trophy. review The finale ends on a cliffhanger as second season episodes 6, 7 and 8 come later this year. @itsjensim DiG it 092 Episode Series minEcraFt Story moDE: EPiSoDE 5 Sift through the dirt for a hint of unexpected gold S info Format PS4 Eta Out NOw Pub telltale GameS DEv telltale GameS ome of you cannier ’crafters may have noticed that, after the first episode, my reviews of Telltale’s interactive adventure Minecraft Story Mode disappeared. Full disclosure: I buried ’em. Along with the memories of clunky combat, offensively lazy dialogue and the last of any hoots I gave about the tedious plot. But at the conclusion of my grind through second-rate storytelling, I unearthed a gem. But with the discovery of an enchanted set of flint and steel, sparks fly. It’s off through a portal to Sky City to reach the mystical Eversource before rivals the Blaze Rods. Along the way, we’re treated to – and you might want to sit down for this one, Story Mode war vets – genuinely funny dialogue. Not that there wasn’t a crunchy layer of the series’ typical faults to scrape off first. Pickaxedeep in a jungle temple, with puzzles that either merrily defy all logic or are insultingly simple, protagonist Jesse and his/her band of blockbusting buddies reminisce. Remember when we defeated that giant boss? A couple of critically important characters snuffed it? And everything felt generally finale-ish? Ah, mediocre times. Wait, why does this episode exist again? To have Jesse and friends join the civil service, presumably. Our heroes, now covered in glory and the body odour of adoring fans, inexplicably become town planners. This involves telling series baddie-turned-lovable slimeball Ivor, through classic Telltale dialogue options of varying sensitivity, that his massive, lava-spewing skull fortress should have had planning permission. Thrilling. SKy D’ivor Fortress enthusiast Ivor is a riot, fangirling over the Eversource like a Japanese schoolgirl and insisting his “weight is proportionate to his height!” after he’s hauled from a cliff edge. The quality continues, an intriguing tale of friendship, jealousy and even politics weaves through storm-lashed, monster-beseiged, skydiving QTE set-pieces somehow as cinematic as they are cuboid. And the true nature of the Eversource? A stroke of comic, distinctly Minecraftian genius. By the time the final episode is cleverly making kid-friendly quips about the importance of gender neutrality, I’m as impressed as I am baffled. This, from the series that just one episode ago has your character study prismarine shards and, after much contemplation, announce, “Prismarine is a cool word. Priiiismarine.” Sadly, the reality is that Episode 5 isn’t reason enough to shovel through this utterly middling series. Plus the finale is still hampered by fudgey combat, limp pseudo-puzzles and the odd audio bug. Lacking Telltale’s signature flair for engaging storytelling, the first season of Story Mode remains a potential diamond stuck firmly in the rough. verdict a familiarly average start, but with sharp writing and dramatic set-pieces, the finale builds to excellence. Promise in spades, but I’m glad Season One’s kicked the bucket. Jen Simpkins review We’re sure an island full of crazed crows makes for a wonderful summer getaway. armlESS FuN @bentyrer SEvErED 093 Slicing through all expectations D info Format PS Vita Eta Out NOw Pub DriNkbOx StuDiOS DEv DriNkbOx StuDiOS rinkbox’s follow-up to Guacamelee takes about seven seconds to destroy any expectations you may have. If you’re awaiting another playful trip through the underworld, think again. Instead, this is a brutal journey, one that replaces the pithiness of Guacamelee with sincerity and melancholy. Don’t let that put you off, though, as this mature journey is a fascinating experiment that fits PS Vita superbly. Dropping into the boots of the one-armed Sasha, who awakes in a world in which she doesn’t belong, you receive a sword and must find her family across three sprawling areas. Surprisingly, this is a first-person crawler – like ancient maze games in which you can look around on the spot, but only move forwards one room or step at a time. Initially disorientating, the deliberate speed suits the contemplative story, as you shuffle and ponder through Severed’s labyrinths. Once you adjust to the slower pace, Severed puts the sumptuous art design front and centre. It feels like you’re wandering through your own graphic novel, especially when you first come face to dripping maw with the monsters you’ll “NOthiNg SayS jOb well DONe like StealiNg aN eyeball Or fiVe.” be fighting. Putting PS Vita’s features to the fore, combat is exclusively flicks of the finger on the touchscreen. SwiPE right To begin with, it almost feels a little Fruit Ninja-y. But Severed quickly develops a considered take on duelling. You fight one monster at a time, but must swiftly flick between the group that surrounds you. Strikes can be parried by dragging in the direction of their attack and, with plenty of different enemy types, distinct strategies are required to take on each group. Plus, in a gorily satisfying twist, you upgrade your character by chopping off bits from the creatures you defeat. Nothing says job well done like stealing an eyeball or five. Unfortunately, it’s not the most comfortable way to play. Holding your PS Vita in one hand and slashing with your other leads to inaccuracy – certain encounters trip into frustration as you need to manage groups of monsters as well as a ticking clock. At its best, there’s a lovely flow to taking down beasts, but at its worst, it’s consoleflinging worthy. On top of that, the adventuring can lean a little too much on backtracking. While there’s nothing wrong with the Metroidvania abilities that open up secrets in previously ticked-off areas – and make for some effective puzzles later on – there are so many secrets buried within each area that it sometimes feels less empowering and more of a slog. But these niggles are brief and barely matter by the credits. Severed is an unusual game that remains compulsively fascinating, making full use of PS Vita’s strengths – feeling like it couldn’t exist anywhere else – to craft a quietly moving tale. verdict beguiling and unique, Severed’s flaws don’t distract from an engrossing adventure that mixes old-school and contemporary game design. ben tyrer review info Format PS4 Eta Out NOw Pub GuNGHO ONliNe DEv CamOuflaj Format PS4 Eta Out NOw Pub CuRve DiGital DEv Game SwiNG info Format PS4 alSo oN PS vita Eta Out NOw Pub & DEv a CROwD Of mONSteRS réPubliquE StikbolD uNEPic the art of keeping Hope alive Don’t dodge this couchplay classic it’s an accurate name t 094 info a t his dystopian saga was originally a mobile game – but always seemed destined for something greater, hence the leap to PS4. it challenges – both emotionally, and in gaming terms – from early on: staring into the panicked face of a girl named Hope, you learn she’s going to be ‘erased’ for having a book that supposedly infects young minds. Hope is whisked away for a rough inquisition, observed from the lens of a nearby security camera. that leaves you with numerous questions, and République’s measured pacing throughout five episodes – as well as subtle narrative clues in the form of posters, voicemails and newspaper cuttings – makes for some excellent storytelling throughout.1 the main idea is to bust Hope out of the building, eluding Prizrak patrols. But there’s no real sense of urgency when you realise that getting caught simply means being tossed in a holding cell you can easily escape.2 the fun, however, clearly lies in not getting caught at all. what’s more, sneaking around is made interesting by switching between Hope and the cameras lining the corridors. this creates an unlikely synergy between man and machine in a ‘big brother’ state, especially when you can seal off doors and override locks to aid our escapee. the fixed camera angles also present a surprising sense of realism, though the sudden change of perspective when entering a new location can be jarring. Despite its awkwardness and repetitive scenarios, République has heart and a rich, slow burn plot that keeps you guessing. rhiannon rees n instant way to tell whether a couchplay game is any cop is by the inability to control your volume while playing. Stikbold – a reimagining of dodgeball with a heavy dose of ‘70s style – is a corker in this regard. Get a group of people playing and, within minutes, there’s screaming, air punching and a whirlwind of chortles. it’s ingeniously simple, with up to six players (four human, two bots) taking part in either a free-for-all or team match, the winner being the last one standing. Games take place across five wildly different arenas, all with various environmental hazards to navigate,1 as well as the ball you’re dodging. utilising twin-stick controls, with p for diving and catching, and i for throwing, it’s supremely easy to pick up and play from the off, while little touches add a ton of depth, meaning there’s plenty to master if you want to get ultra-competitive. there are even ways for knocked-out players to keep enjoying the action.2 then there’s the fleshed-out campaign as well, which you can tackle on your own or with a mate. the charmingly silly story is funny, but it’s the boss fights that are the highlight. they keep the game’s goofiness – such as using washed-up jellyfish to beat back waves of lifeguards – while providing a challenge you don’t get in multiplayer. Short and sharp, it’s well worth exploring. Stikbold isn’t without its flaws. it can be a little too chaotic, with some stages having too many distractions, while the campaign can be unbearably tough, especially if you’re relying on an inconsistent ai partner. But don’t let that distract from what this is – the best couchplay game since towerfall. ben tyrer here’s almost a decent little dungeoncrawling RPG lurking somewhere within unepic. almost. But not quite. the basic exploration through boxy caverns is certainly entertaining, as is the gradual empowerment of your character as you drop points into various weapon disciplines and skills. it’s also simple but functional. for the price, there are definitely plenty of worse ways to spend some time walloping worms and orcs with an axe.1 mechanically, however, it’s nowhere near ambitious enough. Hit monsters to get XP and get better things to hit them with. then do it again. and again. it also suffers from poor art and terrible writing. visually, it’s as appealing of one of those pop-up ads that asks you to shoot the target. there’s an almost childlike level of drawing that looks terrible when zoomed in, and tiny when not – reading text is a real squint-fest too.2 it’s also poorly written: various references are made to Star wars, metal Gear, the matrix and so on, but with little skill or charm. there’s a version of Yoda called Yoghurt, for example. it’s pretty base, too. the first time you meet a woman, the only conversation is an excruciating series of euphemisms for “i want to sex you.” there’s also a mission in which you have to rescue ‘females’ that have been imprisoned next to beds. it’s a real shame. with some slightly higher production values, this could have been easier to recommend. However, that schoolboy level of… everything – whether it’s visuals, tone or humour – drags the whole project down to a point where it just feels like it was made by children. and not in a cute way. leon Hurley FootNotES 1 Quirky collectibles alert! Hope can pick up indie game cartridges, echoing République’s origins. 2 Seriously, you’d think the guards would know what’s up after the fifth breakout. FootNotES 1 a windy oil rig allows you to push opponents off the edge or get squashed by a giant whale. 2 Get revenge by taking out the remaining players with traps and attacks from outside the ring. FootNotES 1 Combat involves mashing r. Stats rule so high attack values are more important than skill. 2 the on-screen HuD is functional but not pretty – info comes at the expense of legibility. review info format PS4 also on PS3 eta Out nOw puB SOnY Dev SOnY San DiegO this month on ps plus @itsJenSim There must’ve been something in the PlayStation water this month – the April Instant Game Collection looked distinctly peaky. Giddy space shooting, zombie-tainted survival horror, cyberdiseases and mutated goldfish all brought their own infectious strains of fun. We were more than happy to get down with the sickness – freebies are freebies. Even contagious ones. Base playa mlB: the shoW 16 Bat slams vs super hands t here was a time when Sony’s big bopper scored a run of OPM 10/10s that looked to be seemingly endless – but the switch to PS4 last season saw it come to an end. It’s not that MLB 15 was in any way poor, but the removal of features such as Sounds Of The Show (in which you could assign individual walkup or home run music to any team or player) made the generational leap feel more like playground hopscotch. No such issue this year. Sounds Of The Show is back, and PS4’s biggest sports exclusive finally rekindles the form that made it so essential for the first half of this decade. Its on-field brilliance comes down to nailing the fundamentals of baseball in a way that’s accessible yet unfathomably deep. So, in essence, pitching comes down to three button presses on a golf-game-style swing-o-meter, yet there are endless nuances once you’ve nailed the basics: different pitches assigned to different face buttons, strategies in terms of aiming at a batter’s hot and cold zones, and so forth. Similarly, batting can be done on timing alone, but the real skill – and achievement – comes from using those hot zones to wait for the batter’s ideal pitch, before steering it over the fence. Things naturally get way, way more strategic and complex than that as you play, but the excellently honed dynamic difficulty mechanic offers just the right amount of patronisation-free handholding for new players. Within mere weeks, you’ll be the virtual answer to 2016 real-life super-rook Trevor Story. life’s a pitch Presentation-wise, MLB steals back the ‘just like on TV!’ crown worn by NBA 2K over the last two years. The Show looks and sounds like an ESPN broadcast, but feels like one, too. That’s thanks to the tiny details you rarely see in other sports games – fans grinning inanely after catching home runs, commentator discussions on the umpires’ strengths and weaknesses, late-game replays of critical events from earlier in the same match, and so on. Throw in three massive long-term modes – Diamond Dynasty, Road To The Show and the always-outstanding Franchise – and the scope for bat-swinging, curveball-slinging happiness here is as vast as it ever was. verdict You need to know the sport to master it – hence no 10/10 this year – but PS3’s greatest sports series is on the verge of once more dominating all contemporaries. Ben Wilson @BenjiWilson we all knew DeaD star was winging its way to PS Plus after someone tried to throw money at it too soon and Sony’s polite refusal revealed all. But we hadn’t expected the competitive brilliance of the PS4 space MOBa-like. ten-player team skirmishes were as much about capturing outposts and defensive play in procedurally generated zones as they were about firing your ship’s lasers into anyone who looked at you funny. antagonising the undead in survival horror ZomBi (PS4) fared less well. a cricket bat was key to fiendish fights, but wonky controls and bugs meant it was occasionally a swing and a miss. no post-post-apocalypse from actionadventure i am alive on PS3 – the suffering continued in a decaying city with murky morality. when sacrificing lives got heavy, PS3 space strategy savaGe moon swooped in. Ore-mining and bug-blasting earned credits for upgrades, prompting tactical decisions. Should we buy canny traps, or invest everything in big nasty machine guns? and the PS Vita lot was especially virulent this month. a virus nameD tom had us inhabit the vengeful digidisease bent on… er, puzzling its way through more than 50 levels. if the frustrating difficulty didn’t leave you queasy, ten-second-level randomised shoot-’em-up shutshimi had you covered with a scatterbrained goldfish with disconcertingly muscular, humanoid arms. Oof. Pass the bucket. 095 VO LU M E1 0 PRESENTS Blockbuster! Your 148-page guide to the world of Minecraft On sale now! In print. On iPad. On iPhone. Find it on the GamesMaster Magazine App Or visit this month online dlc movies music how to trophies on the store 100 Fallout 4 – Far Harbor It’s back to the Wasteland, as the first story-based DLC has landed. Steady your sea legs as there are plenty of feral nasties awaiting you. 097 on your xmb 102 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rip out your ’sabers and Force-dim the lights, BB-8’s made it to Blu-ray. music 103 This month’s hottest tunes online tests Dirt Rally How does the punishingly superb new rallying champion fare on the hazardous online track? 98 how to… 104 Master Hitman’s Paris platinum club 105 Tom Clancy’s The Division online tests what we’re playing now multiplayer modes put through their paces by our team of experts review rocket league andrew Westbrook learns that playing for rank simply ain’t fun My four-wheeled footy prowess has come on in jumps and slides. My poaching days are behind me (well, almost) and I’ve actually crafted goals. But that all means nothing when I foolishly agree to join a mate in some ranked co-op play. This buddy lives for Rocket League. He’s immensely proud of his hard-earned rank. The barking of positional orders and the expletiverich questioning of my defensive “skills” sure make that clear. But it teaches me just one thing – playing for points turns you into a right ranker. 098 tom clancy’s the Division it’s a good day for Ben tyrer to get shot in the Dark Zone Finally joining a mate in Ubi’s post-Black Friday hellscape means it’s time to take a first wander into the lawless Dark Zone. What a dumb idea. Within seconds of trying to loot some sweet beanies, a group of Level 22 NPCs descend. My chum is a Level 12, I’m a seven. Slaughter is too mild a description for what happens and we’re both immediately tasting pavement. The Division, sensing we’re not ready, boots us back outside. Destiny: the taken king Jen simpkins’ one-shot bird-face does not fly in the crucible I just can’t quit this online shooter. There’s so much left for me to see and do. I triple-hop into Crucible’s PvP carnage for the first time, proudly rocking my Celestial Nighthawk helmet. Eat sextuple the damage, suckers! Except they don’t. My fiery load misses its mark, and I’m left impotent. Er, this never usually happens, I swear. Switching out my headgear helps my Golden Gun’s premature problem. Some loadout-tinkering here, some heavy ammo there, and I’m thundering through Venus on a five-kill streak with a resurrected ego. info Format PS4 PuB CODEMaSTERS Dev CODEMaSTERS revieW ISSuE #122, 9/10 Dirt Rally The cars aren’t the only things playing dirty O ne of the finest racing games Codemasters has ever produced, Dirt Rally is certainly the dev’s best rally game to date. But while rallying is a motorsport that favours isolated concentration and split times over bumper-to-bumper action, the British studio has included a suite of multiplayer options to help take the sting off that mud-caked loneliness. The first of these comprises Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Special challenges, in which you can earn chunky wads of in-game currency (assuming you perform well). You only get one shot at posting your time, which serves to heighten the sense of pressure as you aim to balance pushing as hard as possible through every bump and turn with not stacking your car into the robust stack of logs lurking on the inside of that upcoming corner. “Don’t cut,” our co-driver warns, before we decide we know best and add some impromptu wood effect trim to what’s left of the bonnet. Leagues are custom series that can be set up online (an option exists to do so in-game, but using PS4’s browser for this can be more challenging than some of the rally stages, so we recommend doing this via a laptop instead) and tweaked according to your particular taste. Events take the form of multi-stage seasons that can be geared towards the particularly competitive, the just-for-fun contingent and any blend of the two. In both Leagues and regular events, you have to make repairs along the way, ensuring you still benefit from time spent managing your crew in the single-player championships. The final piece of the multiplayer puzzle is Rallycross, which drops WE’RE RaMMED MIDCoRNER By CoWaRDLy CoMPETIToRS aFRaID To TakE US oN FaIRLy. track recorD Head-to-head racing is kept simple by sticking to three classes of car: Classic, 1600 and Super. There are three tracks (Hell, Höljes and Lydden Hill), with eight variations. G Ea SPoRTS UFC 2 Wallets ready: ultimate Team hits the octagon info Format PS4 PuB Ea Dev Ea CanaDa revieW ISSuE #122, 7/10 verdict a solid offering that ties in well with the main game. Penalties for poor sportsmanship would improve things, but what’s here will keep you Scandi flicking for a while yet. Ben maxwell verdict While the small amount of online modes reward commitment rather than casual play, the fights are just as chinshatteringly intense. Ben tyrer With just one shot at posting times, nailing a corner’s sweet spot becomes all-important. timed runs in favour of simultaneous four-player clashes. On track, the result is fantastic, making us hanker for a TOCa (or at least Grid) reboot, but don’t expect to find too many honourable drivers – we’re regularly rammed mid-corner by cowardly competitors too afraid to take us on fairly. When you do find yourself with the right group, however, it’s a huge amount of fun, even if the events are too short-lived to truly compensate for the amount of time you spend waiting in the lobby. Compounding the issue is the absence of a spectator mode while you’re waiting to join a game (though you can do so while already in an event). These are small niggles in an otherwise solid package, however, and while new Dirt’s multiplayer options are slimmer than those found within its excellent single-player, it’s – ahem – rally anything less than thrilling. ood news, big spenders. uFC 2 takes the ultimate Team template and makes it work. The main difference is you chase moves – say, the Superman punch – rather than players. The slow burn, gradual improvement addiction remains the same and, once you’re invested, it’s hard not to want to power through packs. Elsewhere, Ranked Championships mode has you moving up divisions, FIFa Seasons-style. While a few time-outs looking for games occur, once you’re in, they run with minimal fuss, though you’re left screaming after getting laid out by a lucky punch. again. There are also unranked matches for knockabouts. Sadly, the game’s best mode – Knockout – doesn’t feature online. a glaring omission in an otherwise sturdy offering. W Broforce an online wasteland of bugs and broliness info Format PS4 PuB DEvOLvER DIGITaL Dev FREE LIvES revieW ISSuE #122, 7/10 e’re desperate to brodown with four randos in this spectacular shrine to muscles ‘n’ guns. Making it happen, however, is harder than the love child of Snake Plissken and John Rambo. For every game we manage to actually play with online strangers, there are at least three in which our character just doesn’t spawn in, leaving us ruefully watching other people having fun. Or worse, a static character doing nothing. If that wasn’t enough, there’s a game-breaking bug that freezes the entire game when you enter the lobby, forcing you to close and re-open the application. There’s just too much hassle. If you must have the company of others, you can host games for people to join – but the reality is you’re better off broing it alone. verdict What should have been an explosion of testosterone-filled joy is in fact a crumbling mess. It’s basically Hans Gruber’s plan at the end of Die Hard. Ben tyrer 099 on the store empty your wallets now with the latest downloadable diversions expansion dlc £11.59 Call Of Duty: BlaCk Ops 3 – EClipsE The second round of Blops 3 DLC contains fresh zombies in feudal Japan and four new maps. There’s a remake of Bonsai from World At War, a space airport, a volcanic military complex and a Shaolin temple on an island. £19.99 Fallout 4 – Far Harbor 100 FrEE Bye-bye, Boston. We’re off to solve mysteries in Maine B ored of using the Automatron DLC to bolt sexy gams onto loyal robo-butler Codsworth? We know you aren’t, you brilliant maniac. But just in case you fancied something a little more substantial from your Fallout 4 expansions, story-based Far Harbor has sailed onto PS4, with plenty of whodunnit intrigue and higher-level kit. Located off Maine’s coast, the titular irradiated island is even bigger than Oblivion’s Shivering Isles DLC, Bethesda calling it the “largest landmass for an add-on we’ve ever created.” But don’t expect sun-soaked jollies. Higher levels of radiation mean Far Harbor is overrun with new, feral nasties. What’s even more horrifying than a ravenous new species of lethal creatures? That’s right, politics. In your search for a missing woman, you’re caught up in the conflict between the locals – the Children of Atom – and the synths. Hope you’re feeling Charismatic, as you must try to restore peace to the town, whatever that might cost you. We’re betting limbs or sons. What wouldn’t we sacrifice for more time with dishy synth gumshoe Nick Valentine? Fortunately, you’re working the case under Valentine’s Detective Agency. And as for investigative tools, well, there’s nothing better for subtle sleuthing than brand new high-level armour and weapons. DOn’T ExpECT SunSOAkED JOLLIES. FAr HArBOr IS OvErrun WITH nEW, FErAL nASTIES. £1.69 Remember that gorgeous Drake’s Fortune scene where Nate finds a U-boat atop a waterfall? Well, now you can plonk it on your PS4 menu screen. The first of two free updates includes four extra-tough multiplayer Incursions, four new sets of gear, Dark Zone supply drops and Loot trading. The first, Falcon Lost, is set in an underground watertreatment facility. Don’t expect any checkpoints. £5.79 far Cry primal – WEnja paCk also on Psn Uncharted dynamic theme tOm ClanCy’s thE DivisiOn – inCursiOns FrEE ant-man Pack Exclusive to PS3 and PS4, the Lego Marvel’s Avengers add-on has you play shrinking superhero Scott Lang (and ten other characters) in a Pym Technologies level. £3.99 SPongebob SqUarePantS kit The LBP3 level kit features 117 stickers, 54 decorations and Sackboy using SpongeBob’s excavated body as one of 200 premium costumes. £7.99 gaara’S tale Scenario Pack PS1 Sneak back into Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 with adventure story scenario “Bonds Of The Sandy Sea” and three new secret techniques. £3.99 eSPortS Wrc Pack 2 Rally round, race fans, the WRC 5 DLC adds six new special stages in which to compete. What else do you win? A new car – the exclusive Concept Car E2. Grab the trio of Legend Of The Mammoth missions – Hunt The Hunters, The Trapped Elder and Duel Of Beasts. You play as a mammoth trying to defend your herd. Or square off against a glowing rhino, wielding your fancy new Blood Shasti Club and enjoying extra skins and perks. THE UK’S NO. 1 MULTIFORMAT GAMES MAG Featuring: We’ve played Platinum Games’ tantalising TMNT title! + Interviews! Previews of huge console exclusives: Uncharted 4 and Gears Of War 4 Shenmue III, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy XV – all the big games! Join Cloud, Squall and the gang for a Final Fantasy retro road trip! ... and much more! On sale now! In print. On iOS. On Android Find it in the GamesMaster magazine app on your XMB blu-rays coming soon room 16 May Brie Larson scooped the best actress Oscar for her performance in this drama about a mother and son imprisoned in a squalid room. i Am wrAth 16 May John Travolta does his best Liam Neeson impression in this geriaction movie about a man out for revenge following the murder of his wife. childhood’S 16 May end Mini-series adaptation of Arthur C Clarke’s sci-fi classic about a seemingly peaceful alien invasion by a mysterious race. hired to kill 16 May Daft, high concept ’90s action movie about a soldier of fortune who infiltrates a South American fortress by posing as a fashion photographer. Scott of the 16 May AntArctic Ealing Studios’ classic chronicles the true story of British explorer Robert Falcon Scott and his ill-fated expedition to the South Pole. 102 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Striking back on Blu-Rey F Keep an eye out for Daniel Craig, who cameos as a Stormtrooper guarding Rey. orget navigating an asteroid field with Darth Vader on your tail: if you want impossible odds, try making a follow-up to the most beloved film trilogy of all time. Miraculously, The Force Awakens obliterates any lingering ill-will after the prequel trilogy left everyone with a nasty case of the Jar Jars. Picking up 30 years after the destruction of the Empire, at a time when the evil First Order has risen to fill the power vacuum and the Jedi are considered myths, it’s difficult to imagine anyone crafting a more satisfying Episode VII than The Force Awakens. As a piece of storytelling, it’s superb – passing the torch from the old guard to the new without doing a disservice to either. Harrison Ford is wonderful as grizzled smuggler Han Solo, John Boyega consistently hilarious as jaded Stormtrooper Finn and Daisy Ridley the hidden strength at the heart of the heroics as scavenger Rey. Scenestealing ball droid BB-8, meanwhile, has more character than the entire cast of the prequels. There are niggles: John Williams’ score is more a grower than an insta-classic, while the plot’s mirroring of A New Hope can leave it feeling derivative. But it feels churlish to criticise given the magnitude of the achievement – Star Wars is back in the most thrilling way imaginable. Jordan Farley 16 May orAnge iS the new BlAck: SeASon 3 The third season of the top Netflix comedy about female inmates makes its way to shiny disc this month. the Big Short 23 May Star-studded black comedy directed by Anchorman’s Adam McKay that wittily exposes the amoral chaos in the run-up to 2007’s financial crisis. Spotlight 23 May Powerful true-life tale about the Boston Globe journalists who exposed widespread child abuse by the Catholic Church. A worthy Best Picture winner. the complete 23 May AndromedA Star Trek wannabe based on a Gene Roddenberry idea that inexplicably made it to five seasons. Stars former Hercules Kevin Sorbo. gooSeBumpS 30 May Jack Black plays Goosebumps writer RL Stine in this meta adaptation of the cherished children’s horror series that sees his creations escape the page. The set was chilled to -1°C for parts of the shoot. music Weezer WEEzER formAt ALBuM etA OuT NOW price £7.99 In true Weezer fashion, this – their fourth self-titled album – is known as “The White album.” It’s a goodie, too: a sun-kissed tribute to California that melds fuzz-happy guitars and Beach Boys-style vocals into something both wistful and hella rocking. The Hateful Eight Quentin Tarantino gets cabin fever F ew filmmakers build a sense of event around their movies like Quentin Tarantino. That’s why his latest, a bum-numbing three-hour Western set almost entirely in a claustrophobic cabin shortly after the American Civil War, comes not only with an overture, but was shot on 70mm film – a format scarcely used since the biblical epics of the ’50s and ’60s. Lest you think this is grandstanding, Tarantino has also crafted a tale worthy of this extravagant cinematic vision. Caught in a blizzard on the road to Red Rock, John “The Hangman” Ruth (Kurt Russell) and his bounty Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh) are forced to seek shelter in a creaky log cabin alongside a gaggle of gunslinging guests. Naturally, “playing nice” isn’t in anyone’s vocabulary. Few people write dialogue like Tarantino and it’s testament to his abilities that, despite the unwieldy runtime and theatrical structure, The Hateful Eight never fails to hold your attention. Every breath, step and utterance is loaded with meaning as wartime rivalries, intrinsic racism and the lingering threat that someone may try to snatch away Ruth’s payday keep tensions on a hair-trigger. The performances are superb (particularly Jason Leigh’s cackling criminal), the snowswept cinematography is gorgeous and Ennio Morricone’s fabulously foreboding soundtrack powers the film like a steam engine. The undisciplined runtime, explosions of stomach-churning violence and deliberately dislikeable characters may prove too much for some, but otherwise, this is Tarantino’s best work since his ’90s heyday. Jordan Farley Jessy lanza OH NO formAt ALBuM etA 13 MAY price £7.99 Like Katy B or alunaGeorge, Canada’s Jessy Lanza makes a modern R&B music that’s catchy, but smart with it. Oh No is more upbeat than her debut, the flicking rhythms drawing on a modern club sound, while being pop music to the core. eagulls uLLAGES formAt ALBuM etA 13 MAY price £7.99 There was always a dark undercurrent running through the music of Leeds post-punks Eagulls, but for second album Ullages they go full-on stadium goth. Echo-soaked drums and shrieking, strangulated guitars are the order of the day. zayn BEFOuR formAt TRACK etA OuT NOW price £0.99 you’ve got to hand it to exOne Directioner Zayn Malik, he’s managed to pull off the often-so-elusive “bloke leaves boy band, gets a bit good” manoeuvre with aplomb. It’s a firm goodbye to squeaky-clean harmony pop, and a hello to moody The Weeknd-style R&B with lots of smouldering looks and snogging in the videos. 103 how to… doctor playstation Our console medic fixes your tech woes with actual science Master Hitman’s Paris Killing two birds with one stone cold killer 1 2 3 STEp 1 Let them eat Lead STEp 2 room with a pew, pew, pew STEp 3 Let gravity do the work the problem 104 You’ve killed and killed and killed some more, but still can’t secure a master rank. You can get there quick by hitting your two targets at the same time, if only they were together… Medical school taught me to do no harm. But it also taught me to never say no to freelance games writing. And to look very, very closely at contracts. As such, I know that sniping your way through Paris’ gruesome twosome is all about getting the setup just right. You’ll need a mastery level of five to hide the Jaeger 7 rifle in the ‘Shed’. You’ll also want to equip a lockpick and spawn undercover in the AV Centre. Steal the fireworks detonator where you first appear and follow the rifle icon to the shed in the north-west garden. Pick the lock down the nearby stairs to reach the barge. Activate the fireworks from the top of the ladder and Victor and Dahlia emerge to observe, on the patio and balcony, respectively. Aim for clean headshots, as torsos take two bullets. I know, I’m a doctor. Option two is to shepherd your targets into their panic room, setting up easy kills. Start the level undercover in the Kitchen, then run east to the security centre and read the evacuation plans. Now head to the upstairs kitchen, where you pick up rat poison and put it on the sushi (look for the tray with an interaction symbol). The Doc can vouch for this working a treat on those patients who seem to think they don’t really need medicine. Sure enough, Victor’s bodyguard scoffs it. Follow him to the bathroom, subdue him and steal his outfit. Use his phone to call in a fake threat that sends your hosts to the south-east room on level two. Now, either wait in the room and use the winch to drop a chandelier on them, or plant a remote mine – find one in the attic by the security consoles – and detonate. They say man’s greatest enemy is man, but then they also say you shouldn’t operate blindfolded, so what do they know? In this case, man is used as a weapon. For option three, repeat the fireworks detonator-swiping trick from step one. You now need to transport it to the balcony behind the auction – the Doc suggests subduing the bodyguard behind the garden shed by the northwest barge and stealing his outfit. Now, shimmy up the nearby drainpipe to the third floor. Activate the detonator on the auction balcony and Dahlia eventually appears to gawp at the show. When she steps to the central balcony, it means Victor is directly beneath her – press q to push her onto his head. City of love? City of shove, more like. (And they say Patch Adams is the only funny doctor.) the verdict next month Six bodies in 30 minutes, an efficiency rate that would impress any government inspector. Some might call for an inquest, but I’d call room service for a bottle of bubbly. Très bien! The Doc gets to grips with some new science – playing your PS4 on a PC or Mac. Mr trophy When taking on Level 30 enemies, stick to cover and use blindfire to minimise your exposure. Iain Wilson’s PSN ID is Wilbossman, and his trophy cabinet is bigger than yours. Platinum x 69 Gold x 399 Silver x 1,461 Bronze x 6,097 Platinum Club Mr Trophy activates his Agent in Tom Clancy’s The Division A s you head out into what remains of Manhattan, focus on getting your Agent On the Level by completing story and side-missions to build them up to Level 30. However, there are a number of trophies you can work towards on this journey, to reduce the amount of grinding required once at the endgame. For Skill Kill, you need to finish off 50 enemies using Skills, so equip an offensive item, such as the turret, and use it regularly in combat. Whenever you fight alongside others, heal or buff your teammates 100 times and they’ll be able to Lean On Me – the Support Station unlocked in the Medical Wing is the easiest Skill to use for this. In order to show off Those Signature Moves, you must activate any of the Signature Skills 100 times, but these are only unlocked by purchasing at least one of the 1,000 supplies in the Base of Operations, so pick one and complete enough related Encounters to purchase the big upgrade. Signature Skills have a cooldown of around 15 minutes per use, which is why you want to start racking up uses of them as soon as possible. Once you’ve hit that Level 30 cap, you get the chance to show you Know No Fear by… completing you’ve cleared out by purchasing the Canine Unit upgrade in the Security Wing. Some of these have been known to glitch, so if a piece of Intel fails to register, you should join the game of someone who hasn’t collected it and pick it up again from there. The final pieces of silverware can be tracked down in the Dark Zone, including completing a Mass Extraction, once you’ve successfully helicoptered an item away from all eight Extraction Zones. You must also kill 20 Rogue Agents in order to claim I am the LAW!. Thankfully, there’s an easy, sneaky way to boost this with a friend – simply team up and enter the Dark Zone together, then split your group and take turns blasting each other until you’ve dished out justice the required number of times. If you’ve managed to complete all of these steps, then you’ve earned your status as a Platinum Agent – congratulations on keeping those streets safe! SIGNATURE SkILLS HAvE A 15-MINUTE COOLDOWN, SO START RACkING UP THEIR USES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. all of the missions again on Hard difficulty. Great. It’s potentially easier to do this solo, as the number and level of enemies scale up when with a group, though it’s still quite a slog. Conversely, you’ll need at least one partner to earn United We Stand by starting and completing a Level 30 co-op mission without anyone being downed or dying, and setting the difficulty to Easy can help with this one. There are six different awards relating to the 293 Intel collectibles, which you can either find using a guide ( Divisionguide) or reveal in areas NExT ISSUE Our man Trophy faces the fight of his life as he goes in search of Dark Souls III’s shiny pots. join the club Hey! What’s the hardest trophy you’ve snagged? Tell us at opm@ 105 Cl as si C Ga me t re r t os a o ti n The game isn’t tough just for the hell of it, but because Miyazaki wanted you to feel accomplishment. info pub namCo BanDai Dev From soFtware releaseD 2009, Ps3 get it now amazon, £14.98 neeD to know 1 2 3 106 miyazaki admits it was partly inspired by ico. the Us deluxe edition contained a 150-page guide. Ps Home got Ds armour sets, but only in Japan. retrostation F r o m’s h e l l ■ Ah, the Vanguard – conquerer of many lives. Git. me ■ If you get overwhelmed by a group, you’re done. Ga IT’s A GlorIously rewArdING ANd bArbArIcAlly TouGh AdVeNTure. C while miyazaki and his team were building one of Ps3’s most finely crafted combat models, the director decided something was needed to pierce the game’s persistent sense of loneliness; a way for players to link up without relying too heavily on traditional communication. the end product was a system in which you could briefly see other players’ ghosts by touching their bloodstains, while also letting you leave messages to warn of impending danger. it’s a graceful, elegant way of letting players guide each other without the need for words; a silent handshake for souls’ adventurers to impart advice. and really, that’s the point of Demon’s souls – learning through failure and repetition. the game’s exquisitely chunky swordplay is demanding, but it’s never unfair. Get that shield up, plan your attacks with surgical precision and never let your guard down. it’s an intoxicating blend that keeps you constantly vigilant and never anything less than resolutely engrossed. si m ost modern games must make Hidetaka miyazaki sick. ample checkpoints. Patronising tutorials. regenerating health. it’s almost like they’re not designed to make you suffer. thankfully, as long as we all reside on the same watery planet as From software’s acclaimed director, Playstation will always be home to a special breed of savage challenge. enter Demon’s souls. Back in 2009, gamers had yet to truly taste real pain. sure, the likes of Devil may Cry 3 could kick you squarely in the ass, but rarely had the Playstation nation seen anything quite so barbarically tough as From’s wonderfully designed, hugely disciplined and gloriously rewarding fantasy adventure. set in the lonely, often perversely beautiful kingdom of Boletaria, Demon’s souls took many of its cues from King’s Field, another From series that revelled in dark dungeons and granite-hard beasties. Despite their quality, those titles had minimal impact outside of Japan, and certainly can’t lay claim to kickstarting the same calibre of dynasty as the souls series. of course, they didn’t have an ingenious online system in their corner… as Demon’s Souls Cl Each month we celebrate the most important, innovative or just plain great games from PlayStation’s past. This time, we get ready to suffer like never before, as we take a loving look back at the devilishly difficult delights of a modern classic this hyper-focused approach to fights is further bolstered by a terrific risk-versus-reward system. when your mute slayer of Demons perishes, they leave behind a bloodstain with all of their previously amassed souls (the game’s currency for levelling-up). on your next go, return to where your corpse dropped and you can greedily suck those precious resources back up. Fall again before you make it back, and those souls are gone forever. rarely has the price of failure been balanced on such a precarious knife edge. publishing purgatory Unlike Bloodborne’s Yharnam or Dark souls’ lordran, Boletaria feels cloyingly claustrophobic. this is not an open world, but a series of battered caverns, castle ramparts and dungeons disparately knitted together by the nexus – a dank, boxy hub that acts as the player’s temporary safe haven. while it may lack the cohesive scale of its spiritual successors, Demon’s souls still creates a world where intrigue and danger lurk around every deadly corner. Considering From’s masterpiece remains one of Ps3’s most cherished exclusives, it’s amazing to think it almost never got a european release. sony helped launch the game in Japan, but elected not to publish it elsewhere. mercifully, a spate of glowing reviews and word-of-mouth praise eventually saw namco Bandai publish a Pal version, some 18 months after its initial release. the Playstation landscape would look decidedly different (and nowhere near as deliciously punishing) if namco hadn’t made that call. ■ The Nexus is a soothing (if depressing) safe zone. 107 ti me ma ch in e Name that game Guess the four games, and their scores, from these review quotes 1 opm timE machiNE 5 yEars aGo Deus Ex marked the spot in OPM #58 – though one review in particular proved to be anything but god-like… Like a 60-yardfieLd goaL into a hurricane headwind, it comes up just short of greatness. 2 3 for every singLe thing you can think of – hammers, fondue, teLetext – there’s someone out there who finds it wiLdLy arousing. Above Deputy editor Leon spent ten hours playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution, excitedly switching from “Terminator to cat burglar, assassin to hacker.” He was right to feel pumped – Eidos’ action stealther went on to score a tidy 8/10 later in the year. Below left We Dare got blasted in an all-time classic OPM review. “Contraceptive, delivered by PS3.” Below right Bioshock’s Ken Levine promised and delivered great things from Infinite. Big daddy indeed. 4 it’s exactLy Like the princess bride, except it’s about tennis. and andre the giant is sadLy absent. (for shame.) 1. madden nfL 13, issue #76, 8/10 2. resident evil hero hd, issue #120, 7/10 3. we dare, issue #58, 2/10 4. everybody’s tennis, issue #48, 8/10 Answers 108 yes, oLd aLbert’s shadow dash makes him Look Like an uroborosfueLLed road runner, but it’s a fun addition. Far left An Uncharted 3 preview saw us tip it for Game Of The Year honours. Bold, we know. Left We outlined 20 essential PSN downloads for under £50. If you’ve still not played Stacking, just leave. Now. retrostation don’t Make Me play! who? Mad Max don’t like it. never tried it. every month we force one of our team to play their most feared game L info pub WArnEr BrOS Dev AvAlAnchE InTErAcTIvE releaseD 2015 get it now rAKuTEn, £18.50 what? Critically divisive but disarmingly pretty sandbox starring the unhinged Aussie petrolhead. Fisticuffs are borrowed from Batman, while spot welded on top is car customisation and a tanker full of dusty vehicle combat. Arkham’s Batmobile failed to convince Matt Clapham that what his beloved combat formula needs is more Formula One. Can a game that borrows its mechanics really change his mind? ike anything else, games go through fashions. The one in vogue when I was a rookie journo was the canned drama of the tacked-on driving section. I can’t even count the number of helter-skelter ‘narrow escapes’ that action-adventures have pretended I’ve had behind the wheel. So, when Mad Max takes the bolt-on driving bit and makes it the game, all I can see is a sort of distorted genius. Even before I put pedal to metal, it’s worse than I feared. Some bright spark plug has decided to make Max control more like a car than a human. This works in that the right trigger makes both go a bit faster, and then falls apart lemon-quick. So Max acts like a madman, slurring his way through the opening as fingers attuned to the Dark Knight are dragged into the harsh sOMe BrIght spArk DeCIDeD tO MAke MAx COntrOL MOre LIke A CAr. ■ Dev Avalanche sure can wring magnificence out of decay. If scrap-rich locations weren’t just another icon screaming for focus, I’d probably enjoy poking around the map’s pockets of beauty. wasteland glare. But that bleaches into insignificance when I accept the keys to the Magnum Opus. In mere minutes, I’m wrestling a junker that handles like an eel in a bath of KY Jelly through another faux-high-stakes escape. Thing is, I can see why others like it. But it’s the kind of game that slips on a polarising filter the second it boots. Where I experience an achingly slow grind to get a half-decent car, others see hard-won empowerment. Where I find busywork – icons to smash, scarecrows to topple, a whole lot of pressing q near things – a mirror self would see plenty to do. Both of us would agree that toppling camps is awesome, but I ate a lot of dust in the mid-noughties, and after hours of entertainment-parched q pressing, I slip out a long-loved copy of Burnout, and find all the best bits of Avalanche’s adventure condensed into four exhilarating minutes. Sorry, Max, but I still prefer fast and furious to your wending fury road. 109 HA LL OF FA ME THE dEfiniTivE guidE To CuRREnT-gEn’s gREaTEsT gamEs ps4 Hall of famE 1 MeTal gear solid V: The PhanToM Pain Konami might try and scrub Hideo Kojima’s name from the ultimate in tactical espionage action, but it’ll never remove his fingerprints. While retaining that distinct storytelling and sense of wonder that defines an MGS title, MGS V offers a level of freedom and creativity unheard of in any sandbox. Grand, majestic and bittersweet, this is an instant classic. 2 grand ThefT auTo V 3 bloodborne 4 sTreeT fighTer V 5 Laughing in the face of other cross-gen ports, GTA V on PS4 is more than just a mere HD remaster. Upped to a glorious 1080p, it weaves everything that made the PS3 original great, with new music, more dynamic weather and a game-changing FPS mode. 9 The wiTness The ultimate puzzle game? Thekla, Inc’s behemoth boasts one of PS4’s most stylishly inviting, and resolve-testing, worlds to explore. It then crams it so full of secrets that even the platinum isn’t the end of the adventure. It’s a true original. 10 driVeclub 11 alien: isolaTion desTiny: The Taken king 12 Towerfall ascension 6 The lasT of us reMasTered 13 baTMan: arkhaM knighT 7 fallouT 4 14 uncharTed: The naThan drake collecTion 110 8 With the finest third-person melee combat in gaming, drool-worthy art design and the most twisted monsters imaginable, this is a gorgeously Gothic must-have. The Old Hunters expansion adds enough nightmare fuel to make a Yharnam return essential. Mechanically, this is as close to perfection as any fighter on console – everyone from hardcore fans to first timers can grab a pad/fightstick and have serious fun. The launch game’s lean, but with free add-ons coming all the time, it keeps getting better. The Taken King expansion means there’s never been a better time to be a Destiny player – for veterans it’s a giant vat of new content that’ll keep you playing for months; for newcomers it offers the smoothest, most complete shooter a PS4 owner could wish for. This modern masterpiece just gets stronger with age, like a full-bodied stilton. A starkly brutal, emotionally honest take on the end of the world, Naughty Dog’s stealth shooter is quite simply one of the best games ever, even if this PS4 port doesn’t add much to it. Hitting PS4 with the atomic force of a Fat Boy, Fallout’s excellent gunplay and crafting systems can trigger a nasty case of RPG-itis. It’s not without its faults (or vaults), but the scale of Bethesda’s wasteland will keep you bunkered down for weeks. The wiTcher 3: wild hunT The White Wolf himself finally rides onto PS4 and brings with him one of the most diverse and challenging RPG worlds ever seen. Mesmerising to look at and utterly engrossing to play, CD Projekt RED’s farewell to Geralt is a current-gen essential. The premier current-gen racer leaves its rivals for dust due to gorgeous graphics, strong social features and great handling. Major add-on Driveclub Bikes is also the greatest bike racing game on PS4, thanks to making driving on two wheels fun again. Explore Ridley Scott’s original vision of a horrortinged future in startling fidelity with an attention to detail that borders on the obsessive. It’s time to remember what made the xenomorph so scary in the first place… and then get killed by it. You haven’t lived until you’ve enjoyed a four-player free-for-all in this instant couchplay classic. The solo campaign is fine by itself, but almost nothing beats the arrow-grabbing, death-defying last-second kills of local multiplayer’s mayhem. Rocksteady sends the Bat out with a bang. A compelling, cathartic story adds new layers to the Dark Knight, while PS4 allows Gotham to blossom with a truly amazing engine. The stealth still sings, the fisticuffs are fab and the Batmobile is brill. If you somehow missed the trilogy on PS3 then this excellent remaster should be your next purchase. Nathan Drake is PlayStation’s biggest hero, and no PS4 owner should skip his collection. 15 life is sTrange The sublime writing and pacing of this episodic narrative will have you agonising over choices, and then marvelling at their flawless integration. To quote heroine Max’s BFF Chloe, it’s “hella” good. You’ll wish you could play it all over again for the first time. retrostation 16 NEW! 17 18 19 20 dirT rally Codies drifts its rallying masterclass onto PS4, offering the first real competition for Driveclub’s current-gen crown. This purist racer is less gaudy than previous Dirts, and can be brutal – making steel-nerved victories all the more exhilarating. MinecrafT Bigger, better and blockier than ever before on PlayStation, this iconic build-’em-up benefits massively from PS4’s additional power and gives you a creative playground 36 times the size of that on PS3 in which to build. Or lob TNT around, if you want. We dive into ps4’s library for gold. This month: Rpgs P IC K #1 basTion Jen simpkins thinks the watercolour blend of gun-toting and emoting is rPgenius Its handheld original is rightfully riding high in the PS Vita Hall Of Fame as its PS4 remake-of-sorts swoops onto the current-gen roster on a raft of new features. Media Molecule makes the most of all that extra power and strikes gold yet again. You might not expect elegance when a game’s snowy-haired hero faceplants into every level, but this is a stained-glass masterpiece. Stepping stones float up beneath your feet – much like the utterly moving mystery. The Narrator purrs caramel; The Kid sinks a plethora of weapons into tough enemies; gameplay-customising idols unlock for entirely new experiences. Exquisite. resogun Capturing everything that made the shoot-’em ups of old so compelling and combining it with a sumptuous voxel-based visual presentation, Resogun should come with a health warning that reads: “This game will consume your every waking moment.” P IC K #2 wasTeland 2: direcTor’s cuT ben Tyrer believes fallout could learn a thing or two from its godfather Journey In a gaming landscape dominated by mindless violence and blabbering idiots, this wordless walkabout stands tall in red robes. It’s about joining an online stranger and going for a wander, exploring a beautiful sandy world together in quiet awe. unTil dawn 22 gone hoMe Once destined to live its life as a PS Move curio on PS3, Supermassive Games’ ode to the teen slasher movie has emerged on PS4 with a rusty, bloody axe in one hand and a rather nasty looking set of consequence-based choices in the other. A perfect port from PC, Gone Home is tensionbuilding masterpiece that has you slowly peeling back layers from the game’s central mystery. It’s short, but there’s zero padding to the exploration, making every key discovery feel like a powerful gut punch. sTar wars baTTlefronT Perfectly capturing the spirit of Star Wars, this is a complete triumph in making you feel like you’re in amongst the Empire’s assault on Hoth, or bringing about its demise on Endor. Accessible and immediate, you won’t want to put your DualShock 4(orce) down. 24 dragon age: inquisiTion 25 salT & sancTuary NEW! alternative picks Tearaway unfolded 21 23 bubbling undER Wasteland 2 features zero easy choices. At no point are you faced with an obvious solution, or even an agreeable one. Just as it should be. The turn-based combat is unflinchingly difficult, while the journey across an irradiated America offers a fuller world than spiritual successor Fallout. Plus, you can write your own bio. We approve. iTS JourNEY oFFErS A FullEr World ThAN SPiriTuAl SuccESSor FAllouT. P IC K #3 diViniTy: original sin rPg expert robin Valentine summons up a storm of old-school strategy Electrified blood, flaming oil, explosive toxic gas, wanton teleportation – this isometric gem’s turnbased combats are an exercise in ordered chaos, and like nothing else on PS4. Bring a co-op buddy along for the ride and engage in in-game verbal sparring matches while the expansive and mindbogglingly interactive world quite literally burns down around you. Now that’s magic. Following closely on the action-RPG heels of Geralt of Rivia, Bioware’s third trip to Thedas conjures something truly special. Improved combat; an ace cast of characters; a semi-open world full of emergent gameplay; an epic story. The list goes on. You’ll lose seasons to this 2D Hard-PG, which takes the Dark Souls template and twists it to create something equally addictive. With its peppering of grotesque monsters, broad skill tree and gothic art style, you’ll find no safe haven here. ■ divinity: original Sin is as reverent of glorious rPGs past as it is devoted to creating something completely new. 111 HA LL OF FA Me The essenTial collecTion of lasT-gen classics ps3 hall of fame 1 tHe laSt Of uS PS3’s premier developer proves a misbehaving pooch can learn new tricks in this extraordinary adventure. In true Naughty Dog fashion, the Californian studio subverts everything from zombie and postapocalyptic tropes to the gameplay beats of its own back catalogue. effortlessly blending stealth, horror and action with a script destined to break your heart, TLOU is interactive storytelling at its finest. 2 GranD tHeft autO v 3 unCHarteD 2: aMOnG tHIeveS 10 4 reD DeaD reDeMptIOn 11 BIOSHOCK InfInIte 5 JOurney 12 BatMan: arKHaM CIty 6 MaSS effeCt 2 13 tHe WalKInG DeaD: SeaSOn One The largest entry in the series is also one of the most ambitious games ever, but its fusion of thrilling missions, entertaining characters and scathing satire looks effortless. There can be no better way to bring a generation to a close than this. 9 A near-perfect open-world fusion of engaging storytelling, truly compelling characters and a living environment ripe for experimentation. No sandbox since has got us quite so invested, and the bold ending still resonates to this day. This charming two-hour voyage crafts an incredible, immersive narrative and a genuine emotional connection using little more than near-silent figures, marvellous sand physics and floating pieces of cloth. A remarkable and unique experience. While Bioware’s trilogy-ender sends Shepard out in fine style, it’s the middle slice of the delicious sci-fi sandwich that remains its best. A brilliantly scripted action-RPG, the closing ‘suicide mission’ provides an incredible finale. Only Valve could turn advanced physics, impossipuzzles and a voice cast comprised of a disembodied AI and Stephen Merchant into such a unique and undeniable work of genius. Hands down the funniest first-person experience on console. Metal Gear SOlID 4: GunS Of tHe patrIOtS The most gleefully playful and imaginative stealth game on PS3. Whether you’re watching a monkey slurp soda or revisiting the site of the PS1 original, no game honours its past so poignantly. The game that sparked a million mancrushes, with a perfectly pitched script, crunchy combat and setpieces like no other. In three words: unprecedented, unequalled, Uncharted. 112 pOrtal 2 Perhaps the best narrative team of the entire generation brings one of its finest series to a staggering climax. The original game would be well deserving of a place, but the mind-boggling revelations here run a whole lot deeper. The most compelling bit of Bats action money can buy… that doesn’t involve Heath Ledger’s Joker. Thanks to an acutely detailed open-world chunk of Gotham, Rocksteady’s classic just pips Arkham Asylum to this spot by the thinnest of bat-whiskers. Telltale has crafted some amazing stories, but the first season of The Walking Dead stands among the best downloadable games ever with emotional ties and tangible consequences for your actions. 7 DarK SOulS 14 Heavy raIn 8 Call Of Duty 4: MODern Warfare 15 lIttleBIGplanet 2 Akin to nothing else you’ve ever played (unless you’ve already played Demon’s Souls). It may be as impenetrable as a vault in Fort Knox, but persevere and there’s a brutal and beautiful challenge within that you will never, ever forget. Simply the finest COD ever made. From that nuke to Captain Price’s mesmerising ghillie suit stealth mission, few games can match Modern Warfare’s thrilling scripted spectacle. From controversial purveyor of interactive cinema, David Cage, comes this psychological thriller that plays like no other game on the system (apart from Beyond: Two Souls, natch). A real masterpiece of twists, turns, cinematography and, uh: “JASON!” Media Molecule’s second swing at the usergenerated puzzle-platformer is even more essential than its predecessor, offering a raft of options so deep and rewarding the only thing holding you back are the limits of your imagination. YOUr EVErY NEED FOr ON-thE-gO gOODNESS pS VItA hAll OF FAmE 1 2 3 teaRaway Peerless crafty platforming from Media Molecule, this time using PS Vita’s raft of touchscreen/ touchpad controls to surprise and delight you in new ways for hours on end. Full of whimsy, charm and enough personality to put most games to shame, Tearaway’s papercraft world remains Vita’s most vibrant title. peRsona 4: GolDen This thoughtful and unique JRPG epic gives you another stab at high school – only this time with intrigue and superpowers instead of nerves, acne and an unpredictable vocal register. Rayman leGenDs Rather than losing its lustre on the move to PS Vita, Ray’s second slice of sumptuous side-scrolling is even better on handheld. Touchscreen gestures make this fine platformer all the sweeter. 9 metal GeaR soliD HD collection Two of PlayStation’s finest adventures scale down beautifully, with enough cutscenes to fill a transatlantic flight. Even less excuse not to play, then. 10 spelunKy With more than a subtle nod of its fedora to a certain whip-wielding Dr Jones, Spelunky’s procedurally generated dungeons and platformer/roguelike mashup shines brightest on PS Vita. 4 velocity 2X 11 steins;Gate 5 littlebiGplanet 12 Hotline miami 6 supeR meat boy! 13 cRypt oF tHe necRoDanceR 7 A ludicrously enjoyable puzzle/platformer hybrid that should come with a health warning. So joyous is the side-scroller’s twin-stick teleporting, there’s a danger you’ll smile your face clean off the bone. Sackboy’s back, smaller but just as lovable as ever. His platforming antics work perfectly on Vita, and the new control inputs complement the level creator brilliantly. Also: d’awwww. The new music doesn’t match up to the classic tunes, but Meat Boy’s longawaited PlayStation debut is the finest, fleshiest twitch platformer of all. An essential, thumb-destroying masterpiece. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD RemasteR 14 GRavity RusH 15 Use a gravity-defying cat to break the laws of physics and zoom across the skies of a floating steampunk city. With stylish comic-book looks and a sassy heroine, this is a rush to remember. Part puzzler, part top-down murder-‘em-up that’s as brutal as almost anything else on PlayStation. It’s hard but never frustrating, with instant restarts and lightning-fast gameplay. Take Guitar Hero and Spelunky, then whack them in a blender. You’ll get this gem, with its addictive soundtrack and moreish rhythm-action monster-slaying. Two examples of JRPG royalty, lovingly restored to their former glory for your portable pleasure. Their new touch controls are – gasp! – a welcome addition. 8 This mind-bending, tongue-in-cheek visual novel takes something as simple as a mobile phone and turns it into a timetravelling extravaganza that’s fit to bursting with comedy and drama. uncHaRteD: GolDen abyss Drake proves he’s just as adept at adventuring on the go. A prequel story plump with classic jungle action, and crammed full of typical Uncharted charm. GRim FanDanGo An example of genuinely timeless storytelling finally arrives on PlayStation. Double Fine’s deft touch-up retains the old-school adventuring for a new generation to savour and enjoy. 113 Parting sh t LOOk AwAY! Celebrating PlayStation’s finest moments Spoiler alert No.39 Grounding the Free Bird Guitar Hero 2 asks you to shred the unshreddable last month alien: Isolation Remembering how Ridley Scott’s xenomorph became scary again. Format PS2 / Pub REd OCTANE / Dev HARmONIx / releaseD 2006 / score 8/10 T hey don’t really want you to play Free Bird. They’re just heckling you.” So it goes in the original Guitar Hero, in which, as you wait to strum some blistering riffs, the loading screen jokes about this twangy classic that remains conspicuously absent from the playlist. However, we’re all familiar with the sequel mantra by now – bigger means better. And rarely do guitar solos come mightier than the monster found in Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Free Bird. You need to complete the career mode on Normal, Hard or Expert to unlock it, but when you do, prepare for your fingers to reach speeds they’ll never come near again. To begin with, the tune is deceptively steady, a Calpol-sweet mixture of long notes and simple hammer-ons. You might even call it sedate, as the cover version’s surprisingly adept singer builds up to the moment you learn to fear, when he croons, “Lord knows, I cannot change.” All of a sudden, a torrent of notes come flooding down the screen. Red, yellow and blue gems might as well be one as your fingers rapidly crash into buttons, the track resembling a hospital heart monitor with notes screaming past at RSI-inducing speeds. As this frenzy escalates, you then have to contend with power chords zooming at you. Frayed fingers dance across the guitar like a spider throwing shapes to Skrillex, the song challenging you with every type of pattern, just in case you’re not getting tired. (You are.) Thankfully, with one final power chord and wrists throbbing from the most intense workout you’ll ever give them (stop it), the song reaches its final climax. *cough* You’ve definitely proven those (non-existent) hecklers wrong. ■ Next month metal Gear solid 3: snake eater The best boss fight of all time. Naked Snake takes on The Father Of Sniping. next month o n S a l e 7 Jun Subscribe on page 66 FRee! dualShock light bar decalS Yooka-LaYLee Behind-the-scenes look at Banjo-Kazooie’s sky-soaring, tongue-whipping, fart-bubbling (really) successor 9000 9012
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