Exceptional Senior Living cept ern
Exceptional Senior Living cept ern
25 Leonard Trail • Fort Worth, TX 76114 • 817-731-7600 October October 2016 2016 •• AL IL Executive Team Executive Director Jennifer Pope Business Director Cheara Cameron Assistant Living Lifestyle Director Cassidee Lowe Independent Living Lifestyle Director Brandy Pennington Move-In Coordinator Amanda Medina Culinary Director Adam Williams Maintenance Director Angel Vallejo October Is October is generally known as the month of haunts, scares, ghouls, leaves changing color and falling from the trees, and the first frost of the year settling in. There’s more to the month than that, though. A lot more! Did you know October is National Chili Month? Really! It’s one of many things celebrated in the month of October besides Columbus Day and Halloween. Here’s a few we’ve collected to share. Domestic Violence Awareness Month - Victims of domestic violence know what it’s like to live in fear or lose themselves behind a facade. But there is help and resources available to victims. The website for the National Collation Against Domestic Violence, www.ncadv.org, is a good place to start and is full of information, news, updates, events and postings. However, this is an issue that should not be focused on just for one month out of the year. Thousands of people are victims of domestic violence and more needs to be done to help them, even if all that can be offered at the time is different shelter and someone to listen. Breast Cancer Awareness Month - The lifetime risk of getting breast cancer is 1 in 8 and although it’s the second leading cause of cancer death for American women, its death rate is much lower (1 in 28). Early detection is crucial to catching the cancer, treatment and survival. Self-exams can be done at home very easily and if you find something that feels abnormal, call your doctor and make an appointment. They’ll do a manual exam and likely order a mammogram to make sure there’s not something they missed. Sometimes there is cancer or tumors that can’t be detected manually. Although October has been designated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, women (as well as men - 400 men die each Continues next page Exceptional Exceptional Senior Senior Living Living October Is, Continued from front page year from breast cancer) should be on the offensive and stay aware of their bodies. National Arts & Humanities Month Established in 1993 to encourage Americans to engage and explore the facets of the arts and humanities and other cultures, it is now celebrated every October as it began a habit of lifetime of active participation. It is the United States’ largest annual celebration of the arts. The NAH has four primary goals: to create a national, state, and local focus on the arts and humanities through the media; to encourage the active participation of individuals, as well as arts, humanities, and other interested organizations nationwide; to provide an opportunity for federal, state, and local business, government and civic leaders to declare their support for the arts and humanities; and to establish a highly visible vehicle for raising public awareness about the arts and humanities. National Chili Month - As the weather is changing, the color of the leaves are turning, a nice big bowl of chili might just hit the spot while you watch the game. Or you could have a cookoff in your neighborhood, town, at one of the fairs, or even in your own kitchen. But no cheating, especially on the last one; remember, you still have to live with them! There are plenty of places to find recipes for making chili, or perhaps you have one that’s an old family tradition or you want to experiment and come up with something new. If you’re looking for ideas, check out www.famouschilirecipies.com Arts and Crafts Month - Here in the state of New York, we celebrate our arts and crafts month in October. Other states celebrate in other months, but celebrating in mid-autumn allows us to use items from the outdoors in our projects, such as leaves, acorns, or pine cones. There’s nothing except your imagination to limit what you can make with what you’ve got. So go and make the dream catcher meant for the giants! Or make the quilt meant for the mice. Ingredient of the Month: Peas Many people think peas are just a poor man’s meat or a cheap restaurant side-dish that puts ‘green’ on your plate. Peas are really little powerhouses of nutrition that are a boon for your health and the whole planet. Read all their benefits, how to use them properly, and some easy recipes. We start with the benefits of this tasty powerfood. 1. Weight Management: Peas are low fat but high everything else. A cup of peas has less than 100 calories but lots of protein, fiber and micronutrients. 2. Stomach cancer prevention: Peas contain high amounts of a health-protective polyphenol called coumestrol. A study in Mexico City determined you only need 2 milligrams per day of this phytonutrient to prevent stomach cancer. A cup of peas has at least 10. 3. Anti-aging, strong immune system, and high energy: This comes from the high levels of anti-oxidants including: flavinoids: = catechin and epicatechin carotenoid= alpha-carotene and beta-carotene phenolic acids = ferulic and caffeic acid polyphenols = coumestrol 4. Prevention of wrinkles, alzheimer’s, arthritis, bronchitis, osteoporosis and candida These come from peas strong anti-inflammatory properties. Excess inflammation has also been linked to, heart disease, cancer, and aging in general. These properties include: Pisumsaponins I and II and pisomosides A and B are anti-inflammatory phytonutrients found almost exclusively in peas. Vitamin C and vitamin E, and a good amount of the antioxidant mineral zinc omega-3 fat in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). The Love of October A child looking at ruins grows younger but cold and wants to wake to a new name I have been younger in October than in all the months of spring walnut and may leaves the color of shoulders at the end of summer a month that has been to the mountain and become light there the long grass lies pointing uphill even in death for a reason that none of us knows and the wren laughs in the early shade now come again shining glance in your good time naked air late morning my love is for lightness of touch foot feather the day is yet one more yellow leaf and without turning I kiss the light by an old well on the last of the month gathering wild rose hips in the sun.” - W. S. Merwin MONTHLY OBSERVANCES Computer Learning Month Country Music Month German-American Heritage Month Book Month Breast Cancer Awareness Month Cookie Month Dessert Month Physical Therapy Month Pizza Month Positive Attitude Month Residents’ Rights Month Vegetarian Awareness Month BIRTHSTONE: Opal FLOWER: Marigold ZODIAC: Libra & Scorpio 5. Blood sugar regulation: High fiber slows and protein slows down how fast sugars are digested. The anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory prevent or reverse insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes) All carbohydrates are natural sugars and starches with no white sugars or chemicals to worry about. SPECIAL DATES Rosh Hashana ................10/03 Physician Assistant Day ..10/06 World Smile Day............10/07 Columbus Day ...............10/10 Yom Kippur ...................10/12 Full Moon ......................10/16 Healthcare Quality ... 10/16-22 Medical Assistants .... 10/17-21 Halloween ..................... 10/31 Sunday Monday 10:00 Church Service-AR 10:00 Church Service-AR 10:00 10:00 Church Church Service-AR Service-AR 10:00 Church Service-AR Train2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican MPR 2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican Train2:00 2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican ChickenFoot/Mexican TrainTrain2:00 MPR ChickenFoot/Mexican TrainMPR MPR MPR 7:00 Resident Game Night/Chitchat -MPR 7:00 7:00 Resident Resident Game Game 7:00 Resident Game 7:00 Night/Chitchat Resident Game -MPR Night/Chitchat -MPR Night/Chitchat -MPR Night/Chitchat -MPR 2 10:00 Church Service-AR 10:00 Church Church Service-AR Service-AR 10:00 10:00 Church Service-AR Train2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican MPR 2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican ChickenFoot/Mexican TrainTrain2:00 2:00 Train2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican ChickenFoot/Mexican TrainMPR MPR MPR 2:00 MPR Matinee Movie -Theater 2:00 Matinee Matinee Movie -Theater -Theater 2:00 2:00 Matinee Movie Movie -Theater -Theater 2:00 7:00 Matinee ResidentMovie Game 7:00 Resident Resident Game Game-MPR Night/Chitchat 7:00 7:00 Resident Resident Game-MPR 7:00 Game Night/Chitchat Night/Chitchat Night/Chitchat -MPR -MPR Night/Chitchat -MPR 9 10:00 Church Services-AR 10:00 Church Church Services-AR 10:00 10:00 Church Services-AR Services-AR 10:00 Services-AR Train2:00 Church ChickenFoot/Mexican 2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican ChickenFoot/Mexican TrainTrain2:00 2:00 MPR ChickenFoot/Mexican TrainMPR MPR 2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican TrainMPR 2:00 MPR Matinee Movie-Theater 2:00 Matinee Matinee Movie-Theater 2:00 2:00 Matinee Movie-Theater Movie-Theater 7:00 Matinee ResidentMovie-Theater Game 2:00 7:00 Resident Resident Game Game 7:00 7:00 Game Night/Chitchat-MPR 7:00 Resident Resident Game Night/Chitchat-MPR Night/Chitchat-MPR Night/Chitchat-MPR Night/Chitchat-MPR 7:00 Resident Game Night/Chitchat-MPR 16 10:00 Church Services-AR 10:00 Church Church Services-AR Services-AR 10:00 10:00 10:00 Church Church Services-AR Services-AR 2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican Train2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican ChickenFoot/Mexican Train10:00 Church Services-AR Train2:00 Train2:00 2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican ChickenFoot/Mexican TrainMPR MPR MPR MPR MPR 2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican Train2:00 Matinee Movie-Theater 2:00 Matinee Matinee Movie-Theater Movie-Theater 2:00 2:00 MPR Matinee Movie-Theater Movie-Theater 2:00 Matinee 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 2:00 Resident Game Resident Game ResidentMovie-Theater Game Resident Game Matinee Night/Chitchat-MPR Night/Chitchat-MPR Night/Chitchat-MPR Night/Chitchat-MPR 7:00 Resident Game 10:00 Night/Chitchat-MPR Church Service-AR Service-AR 10:00 10:00 Church Church Service-AR 10:00 Church Service-AR 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 23 ChickenFoot/Mexican TrainChickenFoot/Mexican TrainChickenFoot/Mexican TrainChickenFoot/Mexican TrainMPR MPR 10:00 MPR Church Service-AR MPR MPR 2:00 Matinee Movie-Theater 2:00 Matinee Movie-Theater 2:00 Matinee Train2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican Matinee Movie-Theater Movie-Theater 2:00 Matinee Movie-Theater MPR 7:00 Resident Game 7:00 Resident Game 7:00 Game 7:00 Resident Resident Game 7:00 Resident Game Night/Chitchat-MPR Night/Chitchat-MPR Night/Chitchat-MPR Night/Chitchat-MPR 2:00 Night/Chitchat-MPR Matinee Movie-Theater 7:00 Resident Game 10:00 Night/Chitchat-MPR Church Service-AR 30 10:30 Self Lead Workout-FR 10:30 Workout-FR 12:00 Self FreeLead Halloween Nachos10:30 Lead Workout-FR 10:30 Self Self Workout-FR 12:00 Free Halloween NachosPub Lead 10:30 Self Lead Workout-FR 12:00 Free 12:00 Free Halloween Halloween NachosNachos1:00 Pub Bridge-MPR 12:00 Free Halloween NachosPub Pub 1:00 1:30 Bridge-MPR Central MarketSign Up Pub 1:00 1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR Required 1:30 Market- Sign Up 1:00 Central Bridge-MPR 1:30 1:30 Central Central MarketMarket- Sign Sign Up Up 3:30 Dominoes-Pub 1:30 Required Central Market- Sign Up Required Required 4:00 Halloween Required Door 3:30 3:30 Dominoes-Pub Dominoes-Pub 3:30 Dominoes-Pub 3:30 Halloween Dominoes-Pub Decorating Contest 4:00 4:00 Halloween Halloween Door Door 4:00 Door 4:00 Decorating Halloween Door 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub Contest Decorating Contest Contest Decorating Decorating Contest 7:00 Trivia Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 10:30 Weight Weight Workout-FR Workout-FR 10:30 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 1:00 Bridge-MPR 1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR 1:00 1:00 1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR 1:30 Montgomery Plaza- Sign Up Required Plaza- Sign 1:30 Montgomery Montgomery Sign 1:30 1:30 Montgomery Montgomery PlazaPlaza- Sign Sign 1:30 PlazaUp Required Required Up Up Required Up Required 3:30 Dominoes-Pub 3:30 Dominoes-Pub Dominoes-Pub 3:30 3:30 Dominoes-Pub Dominoes-Pub 3:30 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub Tuesday Thursday 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 3 10 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 Weight/Resistance Weight/Resistance Workout -FR Weight/Resistance Weight/Resistance Workout -FR -FR Workout 10:30 Weight/Resistance Workout -FR 1:00 Bridge-MPR 1:00 Bridge-MPR Workout -FR 1:00 1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR 1:30 Walmart, Target, Rigmar1:30 Bridge-MPR Walmart, Target, RigmarRigmar1:00 1:30 Target, Sign Up Required 1:30 Walmart, Walmart, Target, RigmarSign Up Up Required Required Sign Sign Up Required 1:30 Target, Rigmar3:30 Walmart, Texas Holdem-Pub 3:30 Sign Texas Holdem-Pub 3:30 Texas Holdem-Pub Up Required 3:30 Texas Holdem-Pub 3:30 Learn Texas Calligraphy-MPR Holdem-Pub 4:00 4:00 Learn Learn Calligraphy-MPR Calligraphy-MPR 4:00 4:00 Learn 3:30 Holdem-Pub 4:00 Texas Learn Calligraphy-MPR Calligraphy-MPR 4:00 Learn Calligraphy-MPR 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 10:30 Weight Weight Workout-FR Workout-FR 10:30 10:30 10:30 Weight Weight Workout-FR Workout-FR 1:00 Bridge-MPR 1:00 Bridge-MPR 1:00 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 1:00 Bridge-MPR 1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR 1:30 University Park Village1:30 University Park VillageVillage1:30 University Park 1:30 Bridge-MPR University Park VillageVillage1:30 University Park 1:00 Sign Up Required Sign Up Required Sign Sign Up Up Required Required Sign Up Required 1:30 Park Village3:30 University Dominoes-Pub 3:30 3:30 Dominoes-Pub Dominoes-Pub 3:30 Dominoes-Pub Sign Up Required 7:00 Trivia Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Pursuit-Pub 3:30 Trivia Dominoes-Pub Senior Game Week Week 7:00Senior Trivia Pursuit-Pub Game Senior Game Week Week Senior Game 10:30 Weight Weight Workout-FR Workout-FR 10:30 10:30 Weight Weight Workout-FR Workout-FR 10:30 1:00 Hulen Mall-Sign Up 1:00 Hulen Mall-Sign Up 1:00 1:00 Hulen Hulen Mall-Sign Mall-Sign Up Up 1:00 Hulen Mall-Sign Up Required Senior Game Week Required Required Required Required 1:00 Weight Bridge-MPR 10:30 Workout-FR 1:00 Bridge-MPR 1:00 1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR 1:00 Bridge-MPR 3:30 Texas Holdem-Pub 1:00 Up 3:30 Texas Holdem-Pub 3:30 Texas Holdem-Pub 3:30 Hulen Texas Mall-Sign Holdem-Pub 3:30 4:00 Texas Learn Holdem-Pub Calligraphy-MPR Required 4:00 Learn Calligraphy-MPR 4:00 Learn Calligraphy-MPR 4:00 Learn Learn Calligraphy-MPR Calligraphy-MPR 4:00 7:00 Bridge-MPR Trivia Pursuit-Pub Pursuit-Pub 1:00 7:00 Trivia 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 3:30 10:30 4:00 12:00 7:00 1:00 1:30 7:00 Resident Game Night/Chitchat -MPR 3:30 4:00 7:00 17 24 Texas Holdem-Pub Self Lead Workout-FR Learn Calligraphy-MPR Free Halloween NachosTrivia Pursuit-Pub Pub Bridge-MPR Central Market- Sign Up Required Dominoes-Pub Halloween Door Decorating Contest Trivia Pursuit-Pub 31 4 10:30 Walking Club-Lobby 10:30 Walking Art-MPR Club-Lobby 10:30 Club-Lobby 1:00 Walking Creative 10:30 10:30 Walking Walking Club-Lobby Club-Lobby 1:00 Creative Creative Art-MPR Art-MPR 1:00 1:00 Mahjong-DR 1:00 1:00 Creative Creative Art-MPR Art-MPR 1:00 Mahjong-DR Mahjong-DR 1:00 2:30 Sit N Stretch-FR 1:00 1:00 Mahjong-DR Mahjong-DR 2:30 Sit N N Stretch-FR Stretch-FR 2:30 Sit 3:00 Chicken Foot/Mexican 2:30 Sit Sit N N Stretch-FR Stretch-FR 2:30 3:00 Chicken Foot/Mexican Train-MPR 3:00 Chicken Foot/Mexican 3:00 Chicken Chicken Foot/Mexican Foot/Mexican 3:00 Train-MPR Train-MPR 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub Train-MPR Train-MPR 7:00 Texas Texas Holdem-Pub 7:00 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub Holdem-Pub 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub 10:30 Walking Club-Lobby 10:30 Walking Walking Club-Lobby Club-Lobby 10:30 10:30 Westworth Walking Club-Lobby 11:30 Village 10:30 Walking Club-Lobby 11:30 Westworth Village Luncheon-Sign Up 11:30 Westworth Village 11:30 Westworth Village Luncheon-Sign Up Luncheon-Sign Up 11:30 Westworth Village Luncheon-Sign Up 1:00 Mahjong-DR 1:00 Mahjong-DR Luncheon-Sign Up 1:00 Mahjong-DR 1:00 Mahjong-DR 2:30 Sit N Stretch-FR 2:30 Mahjong-DR Sit N N Stretch-FR 1:00 2:30 Sit 2:30 Sit N Stretch-FR Stretch-FR 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican Train 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican Train Train 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican 2:30 Sit N Stretch-FR 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican Train Train 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican Train 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub 11 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub 9:00 Free Blood Pressure Clinic-FR 9:00 Free Free Blood Blood Pressure Pressure 9:00 9:00 Free Blood Pressure Clinic-FR Clinic-FR 10:30 Clinic-FR Weight/Resistance Clinic-FR Workout-FR 10:30 Weight/Resistance Weight/Resistance 10:30 10:30 Weight/Resistance 10:30 Weight/Resistance Workout-FR Workout-FR 2:00 Workout-FR Total Core-FR Workout-FR 2:00 TotalDancing-Pub Core-FR 2:00 Total Core-FR 3:00 Line 2:00 Total Total Core-FR Core-FR 2:00 3:00 Line Line Dancing-Pub 3:00 Dancing-Pub 4:00 Wine Wednesday/Live 3:00 Line Dancing-Pub 3:00 Line Dancing-Pub 4:00 Wine Wine Wednesday/Live Wednesday/Live Music-Pub 4:00 4:00 Wine Wine Wednesday/Live Wednesday/Live 4:00 Music-Pub Music-Pub Music-Pub Music-Pub 5 12 9:00 Free Blood Pressure 9:00 Free Free Blood Pressure Pressure 9:00 Blood 10:30 Weight/Resistance 9:00 Free Blood Pressure 10:30 Weight/Resistance 9:00 Free Blood Pressure Workout-FR 10:30 10:30 Weight/Resistance Weight/Resistance Workout-FR 10:30 Weight/Resistance 1:00 Workout-FR Calendar Chat with BrandyWorkout-FR 1:00 Calendar Chat Chat with BrandyBrandyMPR 1:00 Calendar 1:00 Workout-FR Calendar Chat with with BrandyMPR MPR MPR Core-FR 1:00 Chat with Brandy2:00 Calendar Total 2:00 Total Total Core-FR Core-FR 2:00 2:00 Total Core-FR 2:00 MPR TotalDancing-Pub Core-FR 3:00 Line 3:00 Line Line Dancing-Pub Dancing-Pub 3:00 3:00 Dancing-Pub 3:00 Line Line Dancing-Pub 2:00 Total Core-FR 4:00 All Pink Happy Hour-Pub 4:00 All Pink Happy Hour-Pub Hour-Pub 4:00 All Pink Happy 4:00 All Pink Happy 4:00 All Pink Happy Hour-Pub Hour-Pub 3:00 Line Dancing-Pub 4:00 All Pink Happy Hour-Pub 19 9:00 Free Blood Pressure 9:00 Free Free Blood Blood Pressure Pressure 10:30 Walking Club-Lobby 9:00 10:30 Walking Walking Club-Lobby Club-Lobby 9:00 Blood 9:00 Free Free Blood Pressure Pressure Clinic-FR 10:30 Clinic-FR 10:30 Walking Club-Lobby 10:30 Walking Club-Lobby Clinic-FR 11:00 Ladies Lunch OutingClinic-FR Clinic-FR 11:00 Ladies Lunch Outing10:30 Weight Workout-FR 11:00 Ladies 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 11:00 Ladies Lunch Outing11:00 Ladies Lunch Lunch OutingOuting9:00 Free Blood Pressure 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 1:00 Mahjong-DR 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 1:00 Mahjong-DR Mahjong-DR 10:30 Walking Club-Lobby 2:00 Total Core-FR 1:00 2:00 Total Core-FR 1:00 Mahjong-DR Clinic-FR 1:00 Mahjong-DR 2:00 Total Core-FR 1:00 Creative Art-MPR 2:00 Total Total Core-FR Core-FR 2:00 1:00 Creative CreativeLunch Art-MPR 11:00 Ladies Outing2:00 Resident Council Meeting-TH 1:00 2:00 Resident ResidentWorkout-FR Council Meeting-TH Meeting-TH 1:00 Creative Creative Art-MPR Art-MPR 1:00 Art-MPR 10:30 Weight 2:00 Council 2:30 Sit N Stretch-FR 2:00 Resident Council Meeting-TH Meeting-TH 2:00 Resident Council 2:30 Sit N Stretch-FR 1:00 Mahjong-DR 3:00 Line Dancing-Pub 2:30 Sit N Stretch-FR 3:00 Line Dancing-Pub 2:30 Sit Sit N N Stretch-FR Stretch-FR 2:30 2:00 Total Core-FR 3:00 Line Dancing-Pub 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican Train 3:00 Line Dancing-Pub 3:00 Line Dancing-Pub 1:00 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican 4:00 Purple Margarita/Live 3:00 Creative ChickenArt-MPR foot/Mexican Train Train 3:00 foot/Mexican Train 4:00 Purple 2:00 Council Meeting-TH 7:00 Chicken Texas Holdem-Pub 4:00 Resident Purple Margarita/Live Margarita/Live 4:00 Purple Margarita/Live Music-Pub 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub 2:30 Sit N Stretch-FR 7:00 Texas Texas Holdem-Pub 7:00 Holdem-Pub Music-Pub Music-Pub 3:00 Line Dancing-Pub Music-Pub 7:00 Community Community TV TV Series Series 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican Train 7:00 7:00 Community Community TV Series Series 7:00 TV 4:00 Purple Margarita/Live 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub 25 10:30 Walking Walking Club-Lobby Club-Lobby 10:30 10:30 Walking Walking Club-Lobby Club-Lobby 10:30 1:00 Creative Art-MPR 1:00 Creative Art-MPR 1:00 Creative Art-MPR 1:00 Creative Art-MPR 1:00 Mahjong-DR 1:00 1:00 Mahjong-DR Mahjong-DR 1:00 Mahjong-DR 10:30 Walking Club-Lobby 1:00 Dairy Queen-Sign Queen-Sign Up 1:00 Dairy Up 1:00 Dairy 1:00 Dairy Dairy Queen-Sign Queen-Sign Up Up 1:00 Queen-Sign Up Required 1:00 Creative Art-MPR Required Required Required Required 2:30 Mahjong-DR Sit & & Stretch-FR Stretch-FR 1:00 2:30 Sit 2:30 2:30 Sit Sit & & Stretch-FR Stretch-FR 2:30 Sit & Stretch-FR 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican Train 1:00 Dairy Queen-Sign Up Train 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican Train 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican Train 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican Train 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub Required 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub 7:00 Texas Texas Holdem-Pub Holdem-Pub 7:00 2:30 Sit & Stretch-FR 3:00 Chicken foot/Mexican Train 7:00 Texas Holdem-Pub © All Rights Reserved • www.mycorwincalendar.com • 1-877-CORWIN2 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 18 10:30 Walking Club-Lobby Friday Saturday Music-Pub 9:00 Free Free Blood Blood Pressure Pressure 9:00 9:00 Free Free Blood Pressure Pressure 9:00 Blood Clinic-FR 7:00 Clinic-FR Community TV Series Clinic-FR Clinic-FR 10:30 Weight/Resistance 10:30 Weight/Resistance 10:30 Weight/Resistance Weight/Resistance 10:30 Workout-FR 9:00 Free Blood Pressure Workout-FR Workout-FR Workout-FR Workout-FR 12:00 Lunchbox Bingo-MPR Bingo-MPR Clinic-FR 12:00 Lunchbox 12:00 Lunchbox 12:00 Lunchbox Lunchbox Bingo-MPR Bingo-MPR 12:00 Bingo-MPR 2:00 Total Core 10:30 Weight/Resistance 2:00 Total Core 2:00 Total Core 2:00 Total Core 2:00 Core 3:00 Total Line Dancing-Pub Dancing-Pub Workout-FR 3:00 Line 3:00 3:00 Line Line Dancing-Pub Dancing-Pub 3:00 Line Dancing-Pub 4:00 Lunchbox Wine Wednesday-Pub Wednesday-Pub 12:00 Bingo-MPR 4:00 Wine 4:00 4:00 Wine Wine Wednesday-Pub Wednesday-Pub 4:00 Wine Wednesday-Pub 7:00 Community TV Series Series 2:00 Core TV 7:00 Community TV 7:00 Community 7:00 Total Community TV Series Series 7:00 Community TV Series 3:00 Line Dancing-Pub 4:00 Wine Wednesday-Pub 7:00 Community TV Series 9:00 Free Blood Pressure 26 6 10:30 Balance and Core-FR 10:30 Balance Balance andwith Core-FR 10:30 and Core-FR 11:00 Study Ja Davis10:30 Bible Balance and Core-FR Activity Room 11:00 Bible Study with Ja DavisDavis11:00 Bible Study with Ja 11:00 11:00 Bible Bible Study Study with with Ja Ja DavisDavisActivity Room Activity Room 1:00 Activity Chicken FootMexican TrainActivity Room Room MPR 1:00 Chicken Chicken FootMexican FootMexican TrainTrain1:00 1:00 Chicken Chicken FootMexican TrainTrain1:00 FootMexican MPR MPR 3:00 $1 Bingo-MPR MPR 3:00 3:00 7:00 3:00 3:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 1:00 10:30 1:00 1:00 1:00 MPR $1 Bingo-MPR Bingo-MPR $1 Pictionary-MPR $1 Bingo-MPR Bingo-MPR $1 Pictionary-MPR Pictionary-MPR Pictionary-MPR Pictionary-MPR Balance and Core-FR Balance and and Core-FR Core-FR Balance Balance and Core-FR Chicken Foot/Mexican Balance and Core-FR Chicken Foot/Mexican Train-MPR Chicken Foot/Mexican Chicken Foot/Mexican Train-MPR 1:00 Chicken Foot/Mexican Train-MPR 3:00 Train-MPR $1 Bingo-MPR 3:00 $1 Bingo-MPR Train-MPR 3:00 $1 Bingo-MPR 3:00 $1 Bingo-MPR 4:00 Crafting-MPR 4:00 $1 Crafting-MPR 3:00 Bingo-MPR 4:00 Crafting-MPR 4:00 Crafting-MPR 6:30 Mary Poppins-Sign Up 6:30 Mary Mary Poppins-Sign Poppins-Sign Up Up 6:30 4:00 6:30 Mary Required 6:30 Crafting-MPR Mary Poppins-Sign Poppins-Sign Up Up Required Required Required Required 6:30 Poppins-Sign Up 7:00 Mary Pictionary-MPR 7:00 Pictionary-MPR Pictionary-MPR 7:00 7:00 7:00 Pictionary-MPR Pictionary-MPR Required 7:00 Pictionary-MPR 10:30 Balance and Core-FR 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 10:30 1:00 11:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 3:00 1:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 13 20 Balance and and Core-FR Core-FR Balance Balance Balance and and Core-FR Core-FR Bible Study with Ja DavisBible Study Study with with Ja Ja DavisDavisBible Bible Ja Bible Study Study with Ja DavisDavisActivity Room Balance andwith Core-FR Activity Room Activity Room Activity Room Room Activity Chicken Foot/Mexican TrainBible Study with Ja DavisChicken Foot/Mexican TrainChicken Foot/Mexican Chicken Foot/Mexican TrainTrainChicken Foot/Mexican TrainMPR MPR Activity Room MPR MPR MPR $1 Bingo-MPR Chicken Foot/Mexican Train$1 Bingo-MPR $1 Bingo-MPR Bingo-MPR $1 MPR Pictionary-PUB Pictionary-PUB Pictionary-PUB Pictionary-PUB 3:00 $1 Bingo-MPR 27 10:30 Balance Balance and and Core-FR Core-FR 10:30 7:00 Pictionary-PUB 10:30 Balance and and Core-FR Core-FR 10:30 Balance 11:00 Bible Bible Study Study with with Ja Ja DavisDavis11:00 11:00 Bible Study with Ja DavisDavis11:00 Bible Study with Ja Activity Room Activity Room Activity Room Activity Room 10:30 and Core-FR Train1:00 Balance Chicken Foot/Mexican Foot/Mexican 1:00 Chicken Train1:00 Foot/Mexican Train1:00 Chicken Chicken Foot/Mexican Train1:00 Chicken Foot/Mexican TrainMPR Study with Ja Davis11:00 MPR Bible MPR MPR MPR Room 3:00 Activity $1 Bingo-MPR Bingo-MPR 3:00 $1 3:00 3:00 $1 $1 Bingo-MPR Bingo-MPR 3:00 $1 Bingo-MPR 4:00 Chicken Crafting-MPR 1:00 Foot/Mexican Train4:00 Crafting-MPR 4:00 4:00 Crafting-MPR Crafting-MPR 4:00 Crafting-MPR MPR 7:00 Pictionary-PUB 7:00 Pictionary-PUB 7:00 7:00 Pictionary-PUB Pictionary-PUB 7:00 Pictionary-PUB 3:00 $1 Bingo-MPR 4:00 Crafting-MPR 7 8:00 ROMEO Breakfast 8:00 ROMEO ROMEOWorkout-FR Breakfast 10:00 Weight 8:00 8:00 ROMEO Breakfast Breakfast 10:00 Weight Workout-FR 10:00 Weight Workout-FR 2:00 Matinee Movie-TH 10:00 Weight Workout-FR 10:00 Weight Workout-FR 2:00 Matinee MatineeQ-MPR Movie-TH 2:00 3:00 Rummy 2:00 Movie-TH 2:00 Matinee Matinee Movie-TH Movie-TH 3:00 Rummy Q-MPR 3:00 Rummy Q-MPR 4:00 Residents BYOB Social 3:00 Rummy Rummy Q-MPR Q-MPR 3:00 Hour-Pub 4:00 Residents Residents BYOB BYOB Social Social 4:00 4:00 Residents Residents BYOB Social Social 4:00 BYOB Hour-Pub 7:00 Hour-Pub Movie N Popcorn-Theater Hour-Pub Hour-Pub 7:00 Movie Movie N N Popcorn-Theater Popcorn-Theater 7:00 7:00 Movie Movie N N Popcorn-Theater Popcorn-Theater 7:00 14 9:30 Bocce Ball-Bocce Ball 9:30 Bocce Bocce Ball-Bocce Ball-Bocce Ball Ball 9:30 9:30 Court Bocce Ball-Bocce Ball Court Ball-Bocce 9:30 Bocce Ball Court 10:30 Court Weight Workout-FR 10:30 Court Weight Workout-FR Workout-FR 10:30 Weight 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 2:00 Matinee Movie-TH 2:00 Matinee Movie-TH 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 2:00 Matinee Movie-TH 2:00 Rummy MatineeQ-MPR Movie-TH 3:30 3:30 Rummy Rummy Q-MPR Q-MPR 3:30 2:00 Matinee Movie-TH 3:30 Rummy Q-MPR 4:00 Resident BYOB Social-Pub 4:00 Rummy ResidentQ-MPR BYOB Social-Pub Social-Pub 4:00 Resident BYOB 3:30 4:00 4:00 Resident Resident BYOB Social-Pub Social-Pub 7:00 Movie N BYOB Popcorn-Theater 7:00 Movie Movie N N Popcorn-Theater Popcorn-Theater 7:00 7:00 Movie 4:00 BYOB Social-Pub 7:00 Resident Movie N N Popcorn-Theater Popcorn-Theater 7:00 Movie N Popcorn-Theater 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:30 Balance and Core-FR 21 The Sixth Floor The Sixth Sixth Floor Floor The The Floor The Sixth SixthKennedy Floor Museum Museum Kennedy Museum Kennedy Museum Kennedy MuseumExhibit-Sign Kennedy Special Special Exhibit-Sign 10:00 The Sixth Floor Special Exhibit-Sign Special Exhibit-Sign Special Exhibit-Sign Up Required Up Required Museum Kennedy Up Required Up Required Up Required 10:30 Weight Workout-FR 10:30 Weight Weight Workout-FR Workout-FR 10:30 Special Exhibit-Sign 10:30 Weight Workout-FR Workout-FR 10:30 Weight 11:00 Dominoes-Pub 11:00 Dominoes-Pub 11:00 Dominoes-Pub Up Required 11:00 Dominoes-Pub 11:00 2:00 Matinee-Theater 2:00 Dominoes-Pub Matinee-Theater 2:00 Matinee-Theater 2:00 Weight Matinee-Theater 2:00 Matinee-Theater 10:30 Workout-FR 3:30 Rummy Q-MPR 3:30 Rummy Q-MPR 3:30 Rummy Q-MPR 3:30 Rummy 11:00 Dominoes-Pub 7:00 Movie NQ-MPR Popcorn-Theater 7:00 7:00 Movie Movie N N Popcorn-Theater Popcorn-Theater 7:00 Movie N Popcorn-Theater 2:00 Matinee-Theater 3:30 Rummy Q-MPR 7:00 Movie N Popcorn-Theater 9:30 Bocce Ball- 28 9:30 9:30 Bocce Bocce BallBall9:30 Bocce BallBocceball Court Bocceball Court Bocceball Court Court Bocceball 11:00 Dominoes-Pub 11:00 Dominoes-Pub 11:00 Dominoes-Pub 11:00 Dominoes-Pub 11:00 9:30 Dominoes-Pub Bocce Ball2:00 Bocceball Matinee-Theater 2:00 Matinee-Theater Court 2:00 Matinee-Theater 2:00 Matinee-Theater 2:00 Matinee-Theater 3:30 Rummy Rummy Q-MPR Q-MPR 3:30 3:30 Rummy 11:00 3:30 Dominoes-Pub Rummy Q-MPR Q-MPR 3:30 Rummy Q-MPR 7:00 Movie Movie N N Popcorn-Theater Popcorn-Theater 7:00 7:00 Movie 7:00 Matinee-Theater Movie N N Popcorn-Theater Popcorn-Theater 2:00 7:00 Movie N Popcorn-Theater 3:30 Rummy Q-MPR 7:00 Movie N Popcorn-Theater 7:00 Pictionary-PUB 1 Awareness Month Awareness Month October 2016 The Westmore IL Calendar 2:00 ChickenFoot/Mexican TrainMPR 10:00 Church Service-AR Wednesday 10:00Awareness Weekend Walk Month Awareness Month Awareness Month 10:00 Weekend Walk 1:00 Weekend Bridge-MPR 10:00 10:00 Weekend Walk Walk 10:00 Weekend Walk 1:00 Bridge-MPR 2:00 Domino's-Chicken Foot1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR 1:00 1:00 Bridge-MPR Mexican Train-MPR 2:00 Domino's-Chicken Foot2:00 Domino's-Chicken Domino's-Chicken FootFoot2:00 2:00 Mexican Domino's-Chicken FootTrain-MPR 3:30 AL/IL resident mingle-AR Mexican Train-MPR Mexican Train-MPR Mexican Train-MPR 3:30 AL/IL resident mingle-AR 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 3:30 AL/IL AL/IL resident resident mingle-AR 3:30 mingle-AR 3:30 AL/IL resident mingle-AR 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Trivia Trivia Pursuit-Pub Pursuit-Pub 7:00 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 10:00 Weekend Walk 10:00 Weekend Weekend Walk Walk 10:00 10:00 Weekend Walk 1:00 Bridge-MPR 1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR 1:00 1:00 1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR 2:00 Domino's-Chicken FootMexican Train-MPR 2:00 Domino's-Chicken Domino's-Chicken Foot2:00 Foot2:00 Domino's-Chicken Domino's-Chicken Foot2:00 FootMexican Train-MPR Train-MPR Mexican Mexican Train-MPR Mexican Train-MPR 3:30 AL/IL Resident mingle-AR 3:30 AL/IL AL/IL Resident Resident mingle-AR mingle-AR 3:30 3:30 AL/IL AL/IL Resident Resident mingle-AR 3:30 mingle-AR 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 7:00 Trivia Trivia Pursuit-Pub Pursuit-Pub 8 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 15 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 22 3:30 AL/IL Resident mingle-AR 29 10:00 Weekend Walk 10:00 Weekend Weekend Walk Walk 10:00 10:00 Weekend Walk 11:00 Fall Festival 10:00 Walk 11:00 Weekend Fall Festival Festival 11:00 11:00 Fall Festival 1:00 Fall Bridge-MPR 1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR 11:00 Fall Festival 1:00 1:00 Domino's Bridge-MPR 2:00 Chicken Foot 2:00 Bridge-MPR Domino's Chicken Foot Foot 1:00 2:00 Domino's Chicken Train-MPR 2:00 Mexican Domino's Chicken Foot Mexican Train-MPR Train-MPR Mexican Train-MPR Mexican Mexican Train-MPR 2:00 Chicken Foot 3:30 Domino's AL/IL Resident mingle-AR 3:30 AL/IL AL/IL Resident Resident mingle-AR mingle-AR 3:30 3:30 AL/IL Resident mingle-AR Mexican Train-MPR 3:30 AL/IL Resident mingle-AR 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Trivia Trivia Pursuit-Pub Pursuit-Pub 7:00 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 AL/IL Trivia Resident Pursuit-Pub 3:30 mingle-AR 7:00 Alzheimer's Walk 7:00 Alzheimer's Alzheimer's Walk Walk 7:00 7:00 7:00 Alzheimer's Alzheimer's Walk Walk 9:00 Weekend Walk 9:00 Weekend Walk 9:00 Weekend Walk 9:00 9:00 Weekend Weekend Walk Walk 7:00 Alzheimer's 1:00 Bridge-MPR 1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR Walk 1:00 1:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR 1:00 2:00 Domino's-ChickenFoot9:00 Walk 2:00 Weekend Domino's-ChickenFoot2:00 2:00 Domino's-ChickenFootDomino's-ChickenFoot2:00 Domino's-ChickenFootMexican Train-MPR Mexican Train-MPR 1:00 Mexican Bridge-MPR Mexican Train-MPR Mexican Train-MPR Train-MPR 3:30 AL/IL Resident mingle-AR 3:30 AL/IL Resident 2:00 Domino's-ChickenFoot3:30 AL/IL AL/IL Resident Resident mingle-AR mingle-AR 3:30 mingle-AR 7:00 Mexican Trivia Pursuit-Pub Train-MPR 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub 9:00 Trivia Weekend Walk 9:00 Walk 7:00 Pursuit-Pub 9:00 Weekend Weekend Walk 9:00 Weekend Walk 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 9:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 1:00 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 2:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR Bridge-MPR Weekend Walk Domino's-ChickenFootDomino's-ChickenFootDomino's-ChickenFootDomino's-ChickenFootDomino's-ChickenFootMexican Train-MPR Mexican Train-MPR Mexican Mexican Train-MPR Train-MPR Bridge-MPR Mexican Train-MPR AL/IL Resident mingle-AR AL/IL Resident mingle-AR AL/IL AL/IL Resident Resident mingle-AR mingle-AR AL/IL Resident mingle-AR Domino's-ChickenFootTrivia Pursuit-Pub Pursuit-Pub Mexican Train-MPR Trivia Trivia Trivia Pursuit-Pub Pursuit-Pub Trivia Pursuit-Pub 3:30 AL/IL Resident mingle-AR FR. ................................. Fitness room Awareness Month 7:00 Trivia Pursuit-Pub DR.......................................Day room 10:00 Weekend Walk AR.............................. Activity Room 1:00 Bridge-MPR PL..................................................Pool 2:00DiR. Domino's-Chicken Foot..............................Dining Room Mexican Train-MPR TH..........................Theatre 2nd FLR 3:30Pub............................... AL/IL resident mingle-AR Pub 2nd FLR 7:00MPR. Trivia Pursuit-Pub ...............Multi-Purpose 3FLR All Programs Are Subject To Change Due To Circumstances Beyond Our Control. Thank You For Your Understanding 8:00 ROMEO Breakfast 10:00 Weekend Walk Westmore Spotlight! Lifestyle Changes Reduce Stroke Risk New guidelines issued by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association say that people who make healthy lifestyle choices can significantly reduce stroke risk by 80 percent. Stroke types are: Sam presenting Westworth Village Chief of Police with an award for our Operatio n Gratitude month. Ischemic stroke. These account for 87 percent of all strokes and occur when a blood vessel in or leading to the brain is blocked. Hemorrhagic stroke. A blood vessel rupture causes a non-ischemic or bleeding stroke. Transient ischemic attack or TIA. This occurs when the blockage is temporary, but is considered a major risk factor for a later, larger stroke. The new guidelines feature several key prevention updates based on recent research and say that making healthy lifestyle choices can lower risk of a first stroke as much as 80 percent compared with those who don’t make such changes. The preventive benefit increases with each positive change you make. You can reduce stroke risk by: • Not smoking • Eating a low-fat diet high in fruits and vegetables • Drinking in moderation • Maintaining a normal body weight • Exercising Regularly Other findings include: Emergency room doctors should attempt to identify patients at high risk for stroke and consider making referrals, conducting screenings or beginning preventive therapy. Although genetic screening for stroke among the general population isn’t recommended, it may be appropriate in certain circumstances, depending on family history and other factors. General population screening for carotid artery narrowing isn’t recommended. The usefulness of stenting in people with a narrowing of a carotid artery in the neck compared to surgery (endarterectomy) is still uncertain. Because of advances in standard medical therapies (including a change in lifestyle factors, treating high blood pressure and using antiplatelet and cholesterol lowering drugs) the usefulness of either procedure in people who have not had symptoms is unclear. Doctors must decide whether to perform either procedure on a case-by-case basis. Aspirin doesn’t prevent a first stroke in low-risk people or those with diabetes or asymptomatic peripheral artery disease. However, it’s recommended for those whose risk is high enough for the reduction in stroke risk to outweigh the bleeding risks of aspirin. Talk to your doctor about how to make the lifestyle changes that will lower your stroke risk. This Day In History t Therapy!! Residents enjoyed Pe • October 2, 1950 - Peanuts comic strip by Charles Shultz first appeared in newspapers. • October 5, 1921 - The World Series was broadcast on radio for the first time. New York City demanding the right to vote. • October 27, 1858 - President Theodore • October 6, 1889 - Thomas Edison showed the Roosevelt’s birthday. The “Teddy Bear” was named • October 11, 1984 - Space Shuttle Challenger • October 28, 1886 - France presented the U.S. 1st motion picture. astronaut Kathryn Sullivan became the first American woman to walk in space. • October 15, 1951 - “I Love Lucy” premiered Residents enjoying music, vendors, and crafts. • October 23, 1915 - 25,000 women marched in on television. after him. with the statue of Liberty. • October 31, 1926 - Magician Harry Houdini dies from complications of a ruptured appendix. Halloween Find each of the following words. ATHLETE CAT CLOWN DEVIL DOCTOR FRANKENSTEIN GAMECHARACTER GHOST MUMMY NURSE PIRATE POLICEOFFICER SUPERHERO VAMPIRE WITCH ZOMBIE E C L A W N N I E T S N E K N A R F D O C T O R O G A M E C H A R A C T E R E T R E P I R A T R R O M U W D O C T A R O N I R S E D R N C A W A E I U S I C A T L E T E R M U M M L V I N I I T H P M M T H C L O W N M A E U I T A R I P I T L R M M M C G V A M P I R I G H C L O W S L M H G I A O U H R E P U S I D L G E R L D O C T C A N P V L E I B M O Z N A R E I H E E H Z M C T T V U W I T C E T E L H T A A V V O G P O O U A R S S N U R S E Y M M U M O T T I E S Z U C M C A M P O L I C E O F F I C E R I E O D T T S F B Z T I O A F F F R F I N H O I E N I S E A N P L I A ATHLETE DOCTOR NURSE SUPERHERO CAT FRANKENSTEIN MUMMY VAMPIRE CLOWN GAME CHARACTER PIRATE WITCH DEVIL GHOST POLICE OFFICER ZOMBIE 25 Leonard Trail Fort Worth, TX 76114 817-731-7600
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