(754) 322- 7050 Andria.Ammons@browardschools.


(754) 322- 7050 Andria.Ammons@browardschools.
Andria Ammons
McNab Elementary School
1350 S.E. 9th Avenue
Pompano Beach, Fl 33064
(754) 322- 7050
Heroes Modeling Character Traits To Become Successful Leaders
For information concerning IMPACT II opportunities, such as interschool
visits, staff development, workshops and Adapter and Disseminator grants,
please contact:
Broward Education Foundation
600 S.E Third Avenue, 1st Floor
Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33301
(754) 321-2032
Impact II is a program of the The Broward Education Foundation
Table of Contents
1) Photograph of Heroes Modeling Character Traits for Successful Leaders………..1
2) Goal and Objectives ………………………………………………………………2
3) Course Outline ………………………………………………………………….3-7
4) Lesson Plan for Betsy Ross and Character Trait Cooperation ……………………8
5) September’s Character Trait is Cooperation ……………………………………...9
6) Betsy Ross Graphic Organizer …………………………………………………..10
7) Cooperation Poem ……………………………………………………………….11
8) Lesson Plan for Johnny Appleseed and Character Responsibility ………………12
9) October’s Character Trait is Responsibility ……………………………………..13
10) Johnny Appleseed Graphic Organizer ………………………………………….14
11) Responsibility Poem …………………………………………………………….15
12) Lesson Plan for Dr. Carver and Character Trait Citizenship ……………………16
13) November’s Character Trait is Citizenship ……………….…………………….17
14) Dr. George Washington Carver Graphic Organizer ……………………………18
15) Citizenship Poem ……………….......…………………………………...….…..19
16) Lesson Plan for Oprah Winfred and Character Trait Kindness ………………...20
17) December’s Character Trait is Kindness ……………………………………….21
18) Oprah Winfred Graphic Organizer ……………………………………………..22
19) Kindness Poem …………………………………………………………………23
20) Lesson Plan for Dr. Martin Luther King Character Traits Respect/Courage…...24
21) January’s Character Traits are Respect and Courage …………………….…….25
22) Dr. Martin Luther King Graphic Organizer ……………………………………26
23) Respect Poem ………………………………………………………………….27
24) Answering Questions about Martin Luther King from Biography Central……...28
25) Lesson Plans for Rosa Parks and Character Trait Fairness ……….……………29
26) February’s Character Trait is Fairness …………………………………………30
27) Rosa Parks Graphic Organizer …………………………………………………31
28) Answering Questions about Rosa Parks on Biography Central ………………..32
29) Lesson Plans for Colin Powell and Character Trait Self-Control ……………...33
30) March Character’s Trait is Self-Control ……………………………………….34
31) Colin Powell Graphic Organizer …………………... …………………………35
32) Lesson Plans for Harriet Tubman and Character Traits Trustworthiness ….….36
33) April’s Character Trait is Trustworthiness …………………………………….37
34) Harriet Tubman Graphic Organizer …………………………….……………..38
35) Lesson Plans for George Washington and Character Trait Honesty ………….39
36) May’s Character Trait is Honesty ……………………………………………..40
37) George Washington Graphic Organizer ……………………………………….41
38) Famous American Graphic Organizer ………………………………………...42
39) Famous American Quilt ……………………………………………………….43
40) Famous American Webquest ………………………………………………44-46
41) Summary Question of a Famous American …………………………………..47
42) Summary Evaluation of Project ………………………………………………48
43) Resource List …………………………………………………………………49
44) Biography …………………………………………………………………….50
Heroes Modeling Character Traits To Become Successful Leaders
Curriculum Area(s) The major focus of this curriculum is integrating social studies,
reading, writing, drama, art, and technology.
Quote: For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people’s love and
concern for each other.” Millard Fuller
Title of the Project: Heroes Modeling Character Traits To Become Leaders
Goal and Objectives
The Heroes Modeling Character Traits to Become Leaders is a student-based project
in which students read biographies about famous Americans and learn about their
contributions to America and the character traits the famous American showed. The
students will use technology (laptops) to read and write about famous Americans, locate
specific facts, print pictures, and make posters. Each month, the teacher will introduce the
Character Trait from Broward County and read biographies of famous Americans who
exhibit the same Character Trait of the month. The students will complete a research
project intergrating the character trait of the month and a famous American who exhibits
similar character traits.
Social Studies
Students will identify famous Americans from the past who have shown character ideals
and principles including honesty, courage and responsibility.
Students will understand that history tells the story of people and events of other times
and places.
Language Arts
Students will know the main idea or theme supporting details from an informational
Students will use specific details and information from a text to answer literal questions.
Students will select short biographies to read for pleasure.
Students will use complete sentences in writing.
Students will write stories about people and events.
Students will use the internet to research famous Americans and character traits.
Sunshine State Standards
I want my students to see how famous Americans faced negative situations but overcame
the circumstances with success using good character traits.
For the social studies objectives I want students to:
SS.1.A.24 Identify people from the past who have shown character ideals and principles
including honesty, courage, and responsibility
SS.1.A.2.1 Understand that history tell the story of people and events of other times and
Course Outline
The Project: Teachers will learn how to teach the character traits from Broward County
curriculum using Famous American Biographies. Each month we teach a character trait
so we can include famous Americans who depict these character traits. The teacher will
discuss the Character Trait of the Month and read the book(s) about famous Americans.
The teacher will model how to do research using biographies.
I want to study famous Americans who have showed the character traits of Cooperation,
Responsibility, Citizenship, Kindness, Respect, Honesty, Self-Control, and Tolerance.
In September, the character trait is Cooperation. The students will read the biography of
Besty Ross. For October, the character trait is Responsibility and the students will read
Johnny Appleseed. In November, the character trait is Citizenship, the students will read
George Washington Carver. In December, the character trait is Kindness, the students
will read Oprah Winfred. In January, the character trait is Respect, the students will read
Dr. Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, and Rosa Parks. In February. the character
trait is Honesty and the students will read George Washington. In March, the character
trait is Self-Control, the students will read Colin Powell. In April, for the character trait of
Tolerance, the students will read Harriet Tubman. In May, the character trait is
Determination, the students will read Helen Keller.
Teachers will implement this project by having the students read first biographies,
complete a graphic organizer about the person’s birth, family, early life, major
accomplishments, world changing accomplishment, and death. The students will print a
picture from the internet. The students will read additional books and answer the
questions in complete sentences on the graphic organizer to improve on writing and
reading using informational text.
I want to integrate reading about famous Americans by reading biographies, doing
research projects on famous Americans, reading short plays about their lives, finding
artifacts to depict the famous American personality and writing three clues about the
person, listening to songs and stories of unity, and learning how the United States
monuments, money, and streets relate to their lives. My students will use the computers
and internet sites to see the monuments, sculptures, and webquests on famous Americans
to learn about the history of Americans and symbols of the United States. I want my
students to read about famous Americans who have made a difference in society.
The Students:
Approximately thirty-six first graders participated in this project. This project can be used
with a small or large group of students. The project can be easily adapted to any grade
level by adopting the curriculum and expectations.
Disseminator: Andria Ammons has 25 consecutive years teaching at McNab
Elementary. She was named the Teacher of the Year of the 2006-07 school year. She
achieved National Board Certification as an Early Childhood Generalist in November of
2004. She is on the District Reading Cadre for Common Core Standards for Primary
Teachers in June of 2011. She was published in the Grade 2-3 Aug./Sept. 2011 The Idea
Magazine for Teachers MAILBOX on pages 14-15. The theme was Whooooo’s Ready
for Open House You Are! Her article was Unique Invitation. She is a member of
Broward Guild of Teachers and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated. Ms. Ammons
is the Team Leader of her first grade team. She has mentored many teachers. She earned
her Master’s of Science Degree in Educational Leadership from Nova Southeastern
University. She has been a Disseminator for Impact for the past three years, presenting
the workshop Modeling Instruction Using My Web Page. In addition, she will present
the another workshop about Heroes Modeling Character Traits.
She was featured on the Human Resource Development website for being Web Savy, for
http://web.mac.com/missammonswebpage1 the months of May, June, and July of 2008.
She currently a first grade teacher. She has taught pre-kindergarten, first, second, and
third grade students. She was featured on the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) video
shown on BECON television advertised in May, June and July of 2007. She is a grant
writer and has been awarded over thirty-one grants from different sponsors such as
Impact, Teacher Directed Improvement Fund, Mary Turner Foundation, Citibank,
Teaching Tolerance, American Institute of Aeronautics, and Camp T. Louis.
Materials and Facilities:
The project is mostly completed in class. The students read biographies, use the desktop
computers and the laptops from the laptop cart to conduct research. The following
materials are needed to successfully complete this project: Rookie biographies for young
readers in the primary grades, children books on diversity or self-esteem, short plays of
famous Americans, songs or poems of unity, art work or pictures that show the character
traits, sample lesson plans and assignments, Clip and Zip Kits for organization of famous
Americans, and internet sites.
Resources used for this project may include the school’s library, the laptop cart, desktop
computers, children’s books, songs, short plays, artifacts, and Rookie biographies.
Parents can also help his or her child with the research report that will be sent home after
the instruction and research is completed in class.
Teaching children about character traits and famous Americans builds self-esteem and
awareness that All People Can Make a Difference. America is a melting pot of all kinds
of cultures. Children can identify that diverse Americans in all cultures can be successful.
You need a variety of good character traits in your life. The students will learn about
“Famous American Who Have Positive Character Traits That Have Changed Our World
for A Better Tomorrow.” They will read biographies about a variety of leaders of the
past and present. Teachers may want to adapt this grant to incorporate teaching Social
Studies with the Arts of music and drama. We want to continue the “Legacy of a Literate
Betsy Ross Shows Cooperation
Objectives: 1). Students will read a short biography about Besty Ross.
2). Students will answer questions using the graphic organizer
of a person’s life using the biography and internet page:
3). Students will find a picture of the person from the internet.
4). Students will make up a poem about the character trait,
Grades: 1-3
Social Studies
SS.1.A.24 The student will identify people from the past who have shown character
ideals and principles including honesty, courage, and responsibility.
SS.1.A.2.1 The student will understand that history tells the story of people and events
of other times and places.
Language Arts
RL.1.1 The student will ask and answer questions about key details in the text
The student will use specific details and information from a text to answer literal
Speaking and Listening
SL.1.1 The student will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about grade 1 topics and text with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
L.1.2. The student will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English,
capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
The students will use complete sentences in writing.
Students will use the internet to locate, evaluate, and collect information and research
about famous Americans and character traits.
Vocabulary Words:
Time; 45 minutes
Materials: Graphic Organizer Poem Sheet Laptop Biography
1. Get the graphic organizer and biography for Betsy Ross.
2. Read the book and answer the questions on the graphic organizer.
3. Use the laptop and internet sites to answer any other questions needed.
4. Find a picture of the famous American from the internet.
5. Create your own poem about the famous American and character trait.
Trait is
Cooperation .
The Hero of
the Month is
Besty Ross.
Betsy Ross shows the Character Trait of Cooperation.
Cooperati on is working with others to accomplish a common purp ose.
Biography Book:
Book _____________________________________________________
Birth (time, place)
____ ___________________
Ear ly L ife
E d uca tion
tio n
___ __________________
Adult Life
Major Accomplishments
_____ __________________
___________ ____________
Betsy Ross showed Cooperation when
Cooperation is like a ______________________________________
Cooperation looks like______________________________________
Cooperation sounds like ___________________________________
It can be ______________________________________________,
But cooperation is always
Draw a picture of your poem.
Johnny Appleseed Shows Responsibility
Objectives: 1). Students will read a short biography about Johnny Appleseed.
2). Students will answer questions using the graphic organizer
of a person’s life using the biography and internet page:
3). Students will find a picture of the person from the internet.
4). Students will make up a poem about the character trait,
Grades: 1-3
Social Studies
SS.1.A.24 The student will identify people from the past who have shown character
ideals and principles including honesty, courage, and responsibility.
SS.1.A.2.1 The student will understand that history tells the story of people and events
of other times and places.
Language Arts
RL.1.1 The student will ask and answer questions about key details in the text
The student will use specific details and information from a text to answer literal
Speaking and Listening
SL.1.1 The student will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about grade 1 topics and text with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
L.1.2. The student will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English,
capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
The students will use complete sentences in writing.
Students will use the internet to locate, evaluate, and collect information and research
about famous Americans and character traits.
Vocabulary Words:
45 minutes
Materials: Graphic Organizer Poem Sheet Laptop Biography
1. Get the graphic organizer and biography for Johnny Appleseed.
2. Read the book and answer the questions on the graphic organizer.
3. Use the laptop and internet sites to answer any other questions needed.
4. Find a picture of the famous American from the internet.
5. Create your own poem about the famous American and character trait.
Trait is
The Hero of
the Month is
Johnny Appleseed.
Johnny Appl eseed shows the Character Trait of Responsibility.
Responsibility means meeting obligatio ns by being reliabl e, accountabl e
and dependabl e to self and others.
Biography Book:
Book _____________________________________________________
Birth (time, place)
_________ ______________
Ear ly L ife
E d uca tio n
__ ___________________
Adult Life
________ _____________
Major Accomplishments
__________ _____________
Johnny Appleseed showed Responsibility when
Responsibility is like a _____________________________________
Responsibility looks like ____________________________________
Responsibility sounds like ___________________________________
It can be ______________________________________________,
But responsibility is always _________________________________.
Draw a picture of your poem.
George Washington Carver Shows Citizenship
Objectives: 1). Students will read a short biography about Dr. Washington Carver.
2). Students will answer questions using the graphic organizer
of a person’s life using the biography and internet page:
3). Students will find a picture of the person from the internet.
4). Students will make up a poem about the character trait,
Grades: 1-3
Social Studies
SS.1.A.24 The student will identify people from the past who have shown character
ideals and principles including honesty, courage, and responsibility.
SS.1.A.2.1 The student will understand that history tells the story of people and events
of other times and places.
Language Arts
RL.1.1 The student will ask and answer questions about key details in the text
The student will use specific details and information from a text to answer literal
Speaking and Listening
SL.1.1 The student will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about grade 1 topics and text with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
L.1.2. The student will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English,
capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
The students will use complete sentences in writing.
Students will use the internet to locate, evaluate, and collect information and research
about famous Americans and character traits.
Vocabulary Words:
45 minutes
Materials: Graphic Organizer Poem Sheet Laptop Biography
1. Get the graphic organizer and biography for Dr. George Washington Carver.
2. Read the book and answer the questions on the graphic organizer.
3. Use the laptop and internet sites to answer any other questions needed.
4. Find a picture of the famous American from the internet.
5. Create your own poem about the famous American and character trait.
Trait is
The Hero of
the Month is
George Washington Carver.
George Washington Carver shows the Charact er Trait of Citizenship.
Citizenship knowin g, understanding and display a high regard for rules
laws, government, he ritage and for those who have served and sacrified
for community and county.
Biography Book:
Book _____________________________________________________
Birth (time, place)
______ _______________
____________ _________
Ear ly L ife
E d uca tio n
___________ ____________
Adult Life
Major A ccomplishments
_____________ ________
George Washington Carver showed Citizenship when
Citizenship is like a _____________________________________
Citizenship looks like ______________________________________
Citizenship sounds like ___________________________________
It can be ______________________________________________,
But citizenship is always _________________________________.
Draw a picture of your poem.
Oprah Winfred Shows Kindness
Objectives: 1). Students will read a short biography about Oprah Winfred.
2). Students will answer questions using the graphic organizer
of a person’s life using the biography and internet page:
3). Students will find a picture of the person from the internet.
4). Students will make up a poem about the character trait,
Grades: 1-3
Social Studies
SS.1.A.24 The student will identify people from the past who have shown character
ideals and principles including honesty, courage, and responsibility.
SS.1.A.2.1 The student will understand that history tells the story of people and events
of other times and places.
Language Arts
RL.1.1 The student will ask and answer questions about key details in the text
The student will use specific details and information from a text to answer literal
Speaking and Listening
SL.1.1 The student will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about grade 1 topics and text with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
L.1.2. The student will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English,
capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
The students will use complete sentences in writing.
Students will use the internet to locate, evaluate, and collect information and research
about famous Americans and character traits.
Vocabulary Words:
45 minutes
Materials: Graphic Organizer Poem Sheet Laptop Biography
1. Get the graphic organizer and biography for Oprah Winfred.
2. Read the book and answer the questions on the graphic organizer.
3. Use the laptop and internet sites to answer any other questions needed.
4. Find a picture of the famous American from the internet.
5. Create your own poem about the famous American and character trait.
Trait is
The Hero of
the Month is
Oprah Winfred.
Oprah Winfred shows the Charact er Trait of Kindness.
Kindness is being helpful, thoughtful, caring, compassionate and
considerat e.
Biography Book:
Book _____________________________________________________
Birth (time, place)
______ _______________
Ear ly L ife
E d uca tio n
_____ __________________
Adult Life
Major Accomplishments
_______ ______________
Oprah Winfred showed Ki ndness when
Kindness is like a _________________________________________
Kindness looks like _______________________________________
Kindness sounds like ______________________________________
It can be ______________________________________________,
But Kindness is always ____________________________________.
Draw a picture of your poem.
Dr. Martin Luther King Shows Respect and Courage
Objectives: 1). Students will read a short biography about Dr. Martin Luther King.
2). Students will answer questions using the graphic organizer
of a person’s life using the biography and internet page:
3). Students will find a picture of the person from the internet.
4). Students will make up a poem about the character trait,
Respect and Courage.
Grades: 1-3
Social Studies
SS.1.A.24 The student will identify people from the past who have shown character
ideals and principles including honesty, courage, and responsibility.
SS.1.A.2.1 The student will understand that history tells the story of people and events
of other times and places.
Language Arts
RL.1.1 The student will ask and answer questions about key details in the text
The students will use specific details and information from a text to answer literal
Speaking and Listening
SL.1.1 The student will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about grade 1 topics and text with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
L.1.2. The student will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English,
capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
The students will use complete sentences in writing.
Students will use the internet to locate, evaluate, and collect information and research
famous Americans and character traits.
Vocabulary Words:
Time; 45 minutes
Materials: Graphic Organizer Poem Sheet Laptop Biography
1. Get the graphic organizer and biography for Dr Martin Luther King.
2. Read the book and answer the questions on the graphic organizer.
3. Use the laptop and internet sites to answer any other questions needed.
4. Find a picture of the famous American from the internet.
5. Create your own poem about the famous American and character trait.
6. Use the internet site
0and%20Biographies.htm to answer the questions about Dr. King.
Trait is
The Hero of
the Month is
Dr. Martin Luther King .
D r. Martin show s the Character Trait of Re spect .
Respect means showing consideration, understanding and regard for people,
places, and things.
Biography Book:
Book _____________________________________________________
Birth (time, place)
______ _________________
Ear ly L ife
E d uca tion
tio n
_____ ________________
Adult Life
Major Accomplishments
_______ ________________
_____________ __________
Dr. Martin Luther King showed Respect and Courage when
Respect is like a _________________________________________
Respect looks like________________________________________
Respect sounds like ______________________________________
It can be ______________________________________________,
But respect is always _____________________________________.
Draw a picture of your poem.
Answering Questions about Martin Luther King from Biography Central
1. How many times did Martin Luther King go to jail?
2. What values did Dr. King exhibit? ________________________
3. What ultimate price did Dr. King receive? __________________
4. What did his family do to keep his legacy alive? _________________
5. How do you keep the legacy of Dr. King alive? ________________
Rosa Parks Shows Fairness
Objectives: 1). Students will read a short biography about Rosa Parks.
2). Students will answer questions using the graphic organizer
of a person’s life using the biography and internet page:
3). Students will find a picture of the person from the internet.
4). Students will make up a poem about the character trait,
Grades: 1-3
Social Studies
SS.1.A.24 The student will identify people from the past who have shown character
ideals and principles including honesty, courage, and responsibility.
SS.1.A.2.1 The student will understand that history tells the story of people and events
of other times and places.
Language Arts
RL.1.1 The student will ask and answer questions about key details in the text
The student will use specific details and information from a text to answer literal
Speaking and Listening
SL.1.1 The student will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about grade 1 topics and text with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
L.1.2. The student will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English,
capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
The students will use complete sentences in writing.
Students will use the internet to locate, evaluate, and collect information and research
about famous Americans and character traits.
Vocabulary Words:
45 minutes
Materials: Graphic Organizer Poem Sheet Laptop Biography
1. Get the graphic organizer and biography for Rosa Parks.
2. Read the book and answer the questions on the graphic organizer.
6. Use the laptop and internet sites to answer any other questions needed.
7. Find a picture of the famous American from the internet.
8. Create your own poem about the famous American and character trait.
Trait is
Fairness .
The Hero of
the Month is
Rosa Parks.
Rosa Parks shows the Character Trait of Fairness .
Fairness means to share, take turn s, and play fairly and by the
Biography Book:
Book _____________________________________________________
Birth (time, place)
Ear ly L ife
E d uca t io n
__ _____________________
Adult Life
Major Accomplishments
____ _________________
Rosa Parks showed Fairness when
Answering Questions about Rosa Parks on Biography Central
1. What was Rosa Parks famous for? _____________________________
2. What is the NAACP? _______________________________________
3. When year did Rosa Parks win the Presidential Award? _____
How was the amount of the fine that Rosa had to pay?
What did the Supreme Court rule? ____________________
Colin Powell Shows Self-Control
Objectives: 1). Students will read a short biography about Colin Powell.
2). Students will answer questions using the graphic organizer
of a person’s life using the biography and internet page:
3). Students will find a picture of the person from the internet.
4). Students will make up a poem about the character trait,
Grades: 1-3
Social Studies
SS.1.A.24 The student will identify people from the past who have shown character
ideals and principles including honesty, courage, and responsibility.
SS.1.A.2.1 The student will understand that history tells the story of people and events
of other times and places.
Language Arts
RL.1.1 The student will ask and answer questions about key details in the text
The student will use specific details and information from a text to answer literal
Speaking and Listening
SL.1.1 The student will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about grade 1 topics and text with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
L.1.2. The student will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English,
capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
The students will use complete sentences in writing.
Students will use the internet to locate, evaluate, and collect information and research
about famous Americans and character traits.
Vocabulary Words:
45 minutes
Materials: Graphic Organizer Poem Sheet Laptop Biography
1. Get the graphic organizer and biography for Colin Powell.
2. Read the book and answer the questions on the graphic organizer.
3. Use the laptop and internet sites to answer any other questions needed.
4. Find a picture of the famous American from the internet.
5. Create your own poem about the famous American and character trait.
Trait is
Self - Con trol .
The Hero of
the Month is
Colin Powell.
Colin Powell show s the Character Trait of Self - Control .
Self-Control means having discipline over one’s behavior or actions.
Biography Book:
Book _____________________________________________________
Birth (time, place)
___ __________________
Ear ly L ife
E d uca tio n
__ _____________________
________ _______________
Adult Life
Major Accomplishments
____ _________________
__________ ___________
Colin Powell showed Self - Control when
Self- Control
Harriet Tubman Shows Trustworthiness
Objectives: 1). Students will read a short biography about Harriet Tubman.
2). Students will answer questions using the graphic organizer
of a person’s life using the biography and internet page:
3). Students will find a picture of the person from the internet.
4). Students will make up a poem about the character trait,
Grades: 1-3
Social Studies
SS.1.A.24 The student will identify people from the past who have shown character
ideals and principles including honesty, courage, and responsibility.
SS.1.A.2.1 The student will understand that history tells the story of people and events
of other times and places.
Language Arts
RL.1.1 The student will ask and answer questions about key details in the text
The student will use specific details and information from a text to answer literal
Speaking and Listening
SL.1.1 The student will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about grade 1 topics and text with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
L.1.2. The student will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English,
capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
The students will use complete sentences in writing.
Students will use the internet to locate, evaluate, and collect information and research
about famous Americans and character traits.
Vocabulary Words:
45 minutes
Materials: Graphic Organizer Poem Sheet Laptop Biography
1. Get the graphic organizer and biography for Harriet Tubman.
2. Read the book and answer the questions on the graphic organizer.
3. Use the laptop and internet sites to answer any other questions needed.
4. Find a picture of the famous American from the internet.
5. Create your own poem about the famous American and character trait.
Trait is
Harriet Tubman.
The Hero of
the Month is
Harriet Tubman shows the Character Trait of Trustwo rthiness .
Trustworthiness means being reliable, loyal, do the right thing, and
developing a good reputation.
Biography Book:
Book _____________________________________________________
Birth (time, place)
________ _______________
______________ _________
Ear ly L ife
E d uca tio n
_______ ______________
Adult Life
Major Accomplishments
_________ ______________
_______________ ________
Harriet Tubman showed Trustworthiness when
George Washington Shows Honesty
Objectives: 1). Students will read a short biography about George Washington.
2). Students will answer questions using the graphic organizer
of a person’s life using the biography and internet page:
3). Students will find a picture of the person from the internet.
4). Students will make up a poem about the character trait,
Grades: 1-3
Social Studies
SS.1.A.24 The student will identify people from the past who have shown character
ideals and principles including honesty, courage, and responsibility.
SS.1.A.2.1 The student will understand that history tells the story of people and events
of other times and places.
Language Arts
RL.1.1 The student will ask and answer questions about key details in the text
The student will use specific details and information from a text to answer literal
Speaking and Listening
SL.1.1 The student will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about grade 1 topics and text with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
L.1.2. The student will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English,
capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
The students will use complete sentences in writing.
Students will use the internet to locate, evaluate, and collect information and research
about famous Americans and character traits.
Vocabulary Words:
45 minutes
Materials: Graphic Organizer Poem Sheet Laptop Biography
1. Get the graphic organizer and biography for George Washington.
2. Read the book and answer the questions on the graphic organizer.
6. Use the laptop and internet sites to answer any other questions needed.
7. Find a picture of the famous American from the internet.
8. Create your own poem about the famous American and character trait.
Trait is
The Hero of
the Month is
George Washington.
George Washington shows the Character Trait of Hone sty .
Honesty means being truthful, trustworthy, ad sincere.
Biography Book:
Book _____________________________________________________
Birth (time, place)
________ _______________
Ear ly L ife
E d uca tion
tio n
_______ ______________
Adult Life
Major Accomplishments
_________ ______________
_______________ ________
George Washington showed Honesty when
For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people’s love and
concern for each other.” Millard Fuller
The Famous American is ___________________________________.
The Character Trait is ______________________________________.
The Artifact is a __________________________________________.
Early Life:
Adult Life:
Major Accomplishments:
Characters Ross
Responsibility Carver
Dr. Martin
Luther King
Respect and
Trustworthiness Honesty
Determination Trustworthiness Honesty
Famous American Webquest
Who is the famous
When was he or she born?
Where did he or she grow
How old is/was he/she?
Is he/she alive?
Does/Did he/she have
What awards has this famous
American earned?
Does he/she have/had any
What kind, and the names?
Why did he/she become
Where did he or she go to
What character traits does
this famous American have?
List the Character Traits.
Do you posses this/these
character trait(s)?
What resources did you find
your information from?
List them.
Of these ten famous people, who indicates one person you
would have liked to meet and why? What character trait
did he/she posses? What questions would you have asked
him/her? What do you think he/she would say? Explain.
This program will benefit my students because it focuses on reading Informational Text
and the integration of reading biographies for social studies and character traits.
On standard tests, students must be able to read Informational Text like charts, diagrams,
and timelines. Using biographies to help students read and learn how to complete
research gives children important research knowledge. It also helps build students’ selfesteem and awareness of learning about diverse people who have been successful in
America’s society of struggles and challenges.
I will help other teachers adapt this curriculum by making a thematic unit of teachermade resources that teaches the character traits and important facts about Famous
Americans from the past and present. The teacher can use my unit to teach his students.
The estimated cost can be from $600.00 to $400.00.
Rookie Biographies
Really Good Stuff
First Biographies
Really Good Stuff
Clip and Zip Kit
Primary Concepts
Scholastic Teacher Resource Books 1 Scholastic News
Shipping and Handling for all companies
For $600.00 add the materials listed above with: Children’s Books
Character Traits Poster
I have taught this project in my class with my first grade students. I am helping nine first
grade teachers implement this project in their classroom. I am their team leader and we
share ideas and thematic units with each other. I shared with them the importance of
using a variety of informational text with students. Only nine teachers were in attendance
with this project.
Resource List
Rookie Biographies
Really Good Stuff
First Biographies
Really Good Stuff
Clip and Zip Kit
Primary Concepts
Scholastic Teacher Resource Books
Scholastic News
1 $50.00
1). Cover:
Ammons, Andria. Pictured with a Picture of Diverse Hands, 2011
Ammons, Andria. Bullentin Board Quilt of Famous Americans, 2010
2). Lesson Plans
Ammons, Andria. Monthly Famous Americans and Character Traits
Ammons, Andria. Lesson Plans of Famous Americans and Character Traits
Ammons, Andria. Graphic Organizers for Famous Americans
Ammons, Andria. Poems for Character Traits
Ammons, Andria. Colorful Famous Americans and Character Traits
Ammons, Andria. Web Page
Ammons, Andria. Famous Americans Webquest using my Website
Ammons, Andria. Summary of your Famous American and Character Trait
Lesson Plans
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and Common Core Standards July of
2010. Florida Department of Education. http://www.corestandards.org