Summer 2013 Newsletter - Ragin Cajun Catholics
Summer 2013 Newsletter - Ragin Cajun Catholics
The Ragin’ Cajun Serving the community at The University of Louisiana at Lafayette Catholic Summer 2013 Geaux UL and viva il PAPA! T BY FATHER BRYCE SIBLEY, S.T.L. PASTOR & CHAPLAIN “To evangelize, then, we must be open to the action of the Spirit of God, without fear of what He asks us or where He leads us. Let us entrust ourselves to Him! He enables us to live and bear witness to our faith, and enlighten the hearts of those we meet.” --Pope Francis he spring semester at Our Lady of Wisdom is always filled with a sense of excitement - a new slate of classes, the festivity of Mardi Gras, the journey of Lent, the drama of the Living Stations of the Cross, the joy of Easter, and of course, the anticipation of graduation. However, this spring is one the Ragin’ Cajun Catholics will not soon forget for it was highlighted by the surprise abdication of Pope Benedict and the fervor leading up the the conclave and the election of Pope Francis. I personally will never forget the vivacity and exuberance in the Student Center after the white smoke was spotted. The students on campus heard the chapel bell peal and soon began pouring in to watch the proclamation of Habemus Papam, and with the rest of the Church, welcome the new Pope. During this ongoing Year of Faith, it was a powerful reminder to me of how important their Catholic faith is to our students. They know how important the Holy Father is to their identity as Catholics, and they wanted to be with their friends in the Ragin’ Cajun Catholics community to witness the monumental event in the life of the universal Church and in their faith life here on campus. Along with all of the other retreats, conferences, Bible studies, and meetings this semester - this gathering serves as a testimony to our alumni and benefactors of how your support of our ministry here at UL is making an impact on a new generation of Catholics. As we begin the hot and humid summer months, I want to assure you of my prayer, and the prayer of the students, for you and your families. Thank you for all you do to make what we do here at Our Lady of Wisdom possible. Geaux UL and Viva il Papa! Living Stations of the Cross 10 th Anniversary BY MARY HERNANDEZ, DIRECTOR OF ADVANCEMENT This year, Good Friday marked the 10th year in which students from Our Lady of Wisdom Church and Catholic Student Center have carried out their devotion to Christ’s suffering and passion through the Living Stations of the Cross, performed in neighboring Girard Park. In 2003, Brandt Broussard was a senior at UL Lafayette when he took on the role as the first Jesus Christ. He recalls collaborating with other students and the ministry team from Our Lady of Wisdom “to raise awareness of Jesus’ true sacrifice and to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus by conceptualizing his passion.” Treville Belcher, a UL Junior from Lake Charles, assumed the solemn role in front of a record crowd of approximately 1,200 participants! Father Sibley remarked “This year’s record-setting participation was an incredible example of why the Living Stations of the Cross is not only a powerful devotion, but it is also a remarkable tool for evangelization. Over the years, thousands of hearts have been touched by the passion and piety of our students.” For 10 Years, young men have carried on tradition by portraying the suffering and passion of Jesus Christ in Our Lady of Wisdom’s Living Stations of the Cross. The following men who portrayed Jesus have since dedicated themselves to full time service in spreading the Gospel message. Joseph Summers (20042005) serves as Director of Family Missions Company; Alex Albert (2009) is a Seminarian at Notre Dame in New Orleans; and Drew Lege (2011) is a full time FOCUS Missionary (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). Role of Jesus Christ 2003-2013 2013 Treville Belcher, Lake Charles 2012 Andrew Chauvin, Franklin 2011 Drew Lege, Erath 2010 Tyrone Bufkin, New Orleans 2009 Alex Albert, Kenner 2008 Sean Comiskey, La Place 2007 Saul Hernandez, Lafayette 2006 Chris Waguespack, Erath 2005 Joseph Summers, Abbeville 2004 Joseph Summers, Abbeville 2003 Brandt Broussard, Lafayette STUDENT Gabriella Barlabé Senior in Business Management Guatemala During the fall and spring semesters, Wednesday mornings are devoted to a unique outreach effort on UL’s campus. Rather than wait for students to cross the threshold of the Church, Fr. Sibley sets up shop at the “Ask a Catholic Priest a Question” booth at the prime intersection of St. Mary Boulevard and Rex Street, where thousands of students catch the University transit shuttle. The goal is that his regular presence will be both a reminder of the Church’s presence on campus and an invitation to students and faculty to think and inquire about matters of faith. In that sea of students was Gabriella Barlabé, who traveled from her home country of Guatemala to attend UL Lafayette. While she grew up in the faith, Gabby quickly fell into the 85% of Catholic college students nationwide, who do not attend Sunday Mass. College students face many barriers when they seek to balance their spiritual life with their life on campus. But one thing is true for most: the longer one is away from the Sacraments, the easier it is to stay away from them. Gabby returned to Mass nearly a year later at an offcampus church. Although she was grateful to find her way back to the Eucharist, she missed worshiping with a community where she felt at home. Already so far away from family, her yearning was understandable. God is truly faithful to hearing our deepest desires. And on one particular Wednesday in 2012, His response to Gabby was an open invitation from a priest, sitting at the corner of the most traveled intersection on campus, inviting her to ask a question. She asked: “How can I get involved in my faith?” Fr. Sibley responded by inviting her to 501 Student Night that very night at the Catholic Student Center. More importantly, he and several students were waiting there to greet her and introduce her to others when she arrived. In that instant, a vital connection between college students on a journey of faith was established. SPOTLIGHT SPOT Gabby nurtured her spiritual life by worshiping at the student Mass at Our Lady of Wisdom, attending bible studies, 501 Student Nights, and the Lenten retreat. Soon, she felt compelled to give the greatest gift of faith, that is - to share it. Here, our outreach story comes full circle! In the upcoming fall semester, Gabby will be a part of the Catholic Student Center’s discipleship team and lead another unique outreach effort: a bible study for the Hispanic community. Overjoyed by the new path her college life had taken, she called her mom and said, “This is the best day of my life!” To the benefactors who support Ragin’ Cajun Catholic Student Ministry, Gabby beamed with gratitude when she said, “Thanks to everyone for helping us to build the faith and spread God’s Kingdom here on Earth!” Gabriella is one among 16,000 students at UL Lafayette. Because Ragin’ Cajun Catholics Student Ministry is fervently dedicated to our mission to Geaux Therefore and Make Disciples of All Cajuns, we joyfully continue until all 16,000 students come to know the person of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Greek Retreat O ver 160 Men and women from ten Greek houses came together to worship, reflect, and pray as a Greek community at the first annual Greek Retreat. The Greek retreat was born out of the enthusiasm of a small group of Greek students who attended last fall’s Encounter Retreat. Excited by the possibility of offering a powerful retreat weekend focused particularly on issues facing Greeks, this small group of students rallied together a group of thirty-seven Greek leaders who collaborated with FOCUS missionaries and our Ragin’ Cajun Catholics Student Ministry team to spread the Gospel of Christ to parts of campus previously unreached. Megan Rhodes, Senior in Delta Delta BY KATIE AUSTIN, PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR & CHI OMEGA ALUMNA Delta, said her favorite part of this year’s Greek retreat was “coming together as a Greek community to take a break from our busy lives to grow closer to God. I enjoyed getting to know people from the other houses and growing closer to my sisters.” The retreat included music, talks, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and a special catechetical Mass by Father Bryce Sibley. “Overall 17 of my fraternity brothers attended. Not all of them were Catholic, but they loved it and said they were definitely coming back next year,” said Braxton Callen, Junior, member of Kappa Sigma. “One fraternity brother said ‘When did they change the words in the Mass?’ He hadn’t been to Mass in five years. Almost all of my brothers went to Confession at the retreat – most of them said they haven’t been since they started college.” Megan added, “The retreat impacted my semester by helping me to realize that when I put God first all things are possible. It was a great reminder that no matter how hectic life gets taking time to spend in the Lord’s presence is very important to any and all success.” In fact, the lessons Megan learned at the Greek Retreat will be put to good use as she leaves Lafayette to serve as a Missionary for the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) the next two years! RAGIN’ CAJUN CATHOLICS GREEK LIFE PROGRAM LAUNCHED GREEK BIBLE STUDIES FLOURISH As a result of the Spirit-filled Greek Retreat, weekly Bible studies within the Greek community flourished. “Since the retreat, Kappa Sigma has started Brotherhood Night (bible study) in the house. We’ve had around 20 people attend every week,” said Braxton Callen, Junior, member of Kappa Sigma. Also representing the men’s interfraternity council were Kappa Alpha and Lambda Chi fraternities. Approximately 45 men participated in Bible studies this spring compared to 20 one year ago! Each of the 5 PanHellenic sororities held weekly Bible studies, including Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu and Sigma Sigma Sigma. Approximately 65 women participated this spring, compared to 20 women one year ago! Stemming off of the success of the first annual Greek Retreat, evangelization and outreach efforts in the Greek community continue through the launch of the Ragin’ Cajun Catholics’ Greek Life Program. Monthly Greek Life nights and activities are centered in prayer for and within the Greek community, and include Bible studies, social gatherings, and other outreach opportunities. Gatherings are held at the Catholic Student Center and are planned by student leaders on the Ragin’ Cajun Catholics Greek Life Team. Thanks to the generosity of Greek alumni and benefactors like you, and the movement of the Holy Spirit, the second annual Greek Retreat is scheduled for January 2014! Like our fall Enounter retreat, Students are asked to pay $35 to attend the retreat although the actual cost per student is $150. Greek alumni who are interested in getting involved with our Greek Life Program or supporting it by sponsoring a student to attend the retreat are encouraged to contact our Programming Director, Katie Austin, Braxton Callen, who will be one of the leaders of the 2013-2014 Greek Life Team added, “I would love to thank all the benefactors who have helped fund these Greek events. Know that they are working! Know that the people you are investing in are leaders! And if we get them to lead people down the right path many will follow. Thank you for all that you do.” Vocation Update WHAT’S IN A NAME? 501 Students have gathered at the Catholic Student Center on Wednesday nights for years. This year, the format of the night evolved into 501. The name 501 comes from our physical address, 501 E. St. Mary Blvd., which is the “center” of faith on UL Lafayette’s campus. It was also inspired by the Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraph 501, which states, “Jesus is Mary’s only son, but her spiritual motherhood extends to all men whom indeed He came to save,” which is very fitting for our mission here at Our Lady of Wisdom! Over the 2012-2013 school year, our 501 student night of teaching, prayer and adoration maxed out at over 200 students for some nights and averaged over 100 students attending each week throughout the whole year. It is encouraging to see our students nourish their spiritual and community life through 501. Mat Ardoin St. Ben’s Seminary Sponsored by St. Peter’s in Carencro Entered Spring 2013 Ben Bernard St. Ben’s Seminary Sponsored by Our Lady of Wisdom Entering Fall 2013 Jacob Falgout St. Ben’s Seminary Sponsored by Our Lady of Wisdom Entering Fall 2013 Josh Wilson St. Ben’s Seminary Sponsored by St. Mary Magdalene in Abbeville Entering Fall 2013 Mary Didier Bethlehem Monastery of the Poor Clares in Barhamsville, VA Entered December 2012 Keli Jo Conner Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, MI Entering Fall 2013 RAGIN’ CAJUN CATHOLIC GRADUATES Faculty, graduates and their families recently joined together for the Baccalaureate Mass in honor of the Spring 2013 graduating class. A reception was also held to celebrate the accomplishment of these graduates who have been nurtured by Ragin’ Cajun Catholics Student Ministry throughout their college careers. Heather Sikes Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows Entering Fall 2013 Demi Varuso Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows Entering Fall 2013 Joanna Casabadan Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows Entering Fall 2013 RAGIN’ CAJUN CATHOLICS EVANGELIZATION & MEDIA BY PAUL GEORGE, CAMPUS MINISTER M ost people “live life” today with the help of computers, internet, tablets, smartphones, apps and much more. The generation of students on campus today are the most technologically advanced generation ever, making advances in communication a blessing, and at times a curse. Yet each advancement in technology gives us an opportunity and a great means for spreading the Gospel. Over the course of the last few years, Our Lady of Wisdom has sought to use technology to help reach students with the Gospel message. We have a great website and a very active Facebook page. This past year we launched our Ragin’ Cajun Catholics App! All three platforms give students and Ragin’ Cajun Catholics world wide access to Sunday homilies and 501 audio talks at the touch of a button. This semester, our media evangelization hit the airwaves with the launch of “The Padre and Paul Show.” The weekly radio show features a dynamic duo, Fr. Bryce Sibley and myself, talking on relevant topics of faith and culture on campus and in the world. The show airs on KLFT, 90.5 FM on Fridays at 4:00 PM Central Time LIFE ON THE ROCK and re-airs on Saturday. It is available through live streaming at and it can also be heard on our Ragin’ Cajun Catholics media platforms (web, Facebook, and app). The show has been a huge hit for our students as well as listeners throughout the Acadiana area and beyond. It is our hope and goal to continue to spread the Gospel and reach more students through media evangelization because they are enmeshed in a social media world. If you are interested in supporting our media evangelization efforts, please contact me. Thank you, in advance, for your prayers and support of this important outreach effort. Father Sibley and two Ragin’ Cajun Catholics appeared on EWTN’s Life on the Rock at the peak of the spring semester. Philip Young, representing UL Fellowship of Catholic University Students, shared that he was “grateful for the opportunity to tell others about all of the awesome things happening at Our Lady of Wisdom. For incoming freshmen, it is critical to keep faith as the center of life. If Christ is first, then all other priorities will follow.” Ali Zeik, a Ragin’ Cajun Catholics Leadership Team Member and Spring 2013 Magna Cum Laude graduate in Biology, said “The opportunity to promote our college ministry on national television was an incredible gift from the Holy Spirit. I believe the promotion will bring many new faces to our student center and college students to the Church as a whole. Staying close to the Church in college is pivotal to becoming a Christ-like person for the rest of our lives!” Download the Ragin’ Cajun Catholics App Ragin’ Cajun Catholics Parents’ Weekend Friday Oct. 4 Noon Mass, followed by Lunch with the Lord Saturday, Oct. 5 Tailgating and Ragin’ Cajuns Home Football Game Sunday, Oct. 6 11AM Mass, followed by Students’ and Parents’ Luncheon Cardinal Newman Lecture Tuesday, Sept. 24 George Weigel, Authorized Biographer of Blessed Pope John Paul II Encounter Retreat The 2013-2014 academic year marks 90 years of Catholic student ministry at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Celebrate with us all year long during these 90th anniversary edition events. Friday, Sept. 27 – Sunday, Sept. 29 Tall Timbers Retreat Center Register at Homecoming Sunday, Oct. 27 11 AM Homecoming Mass & UL Newman Alumni Chapter Luncheon Saturday, Nov. 1 Homecoming Parade and Game Boilin’ Bash & UL Newman Alumni Reunion Saturday. March 29, 2014 6:00 PM at Blackham Coliseum Do you know a soon-to-be graduate? Baccalaureate Mass Schedule: Fall 2013 Thursday, December 19, 2013 5:30 PM Mass Reception following. Spring 2014 Friday, May 16, 2014 5:30 PM Mass Reception following.
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