ni K it ATHAK rar - Dancing Nikita Company


ni K it ATHAK rar - Dancing Nikita Company
n i K i t A
T H A K r a r
Solo Kathak Dance Recital
Wednesday 24th June 2015
Nehru Centre, London
In celebration of Nikita’s 30th Birthday…
A very warm welcome to my dance performance and a heartfelt
Thank you for joining me on this special occasion.
I am very fortunate to have found Kathak dance in my early
teens, when I was just being introduced to the glamour of Indian
culture! From various local dance classes to long trips to India of
soul searching, I was blessed to find my Guruma Shila Mehta, with
whom I studied with for ten years. After completing my Rangmanch
Pravesh in 2013, I further developed my training with Padmashree
Pratap Pawar, who still guides and mentors me.
Kathak dance has been as been a key part of my growth and
self-development as a person. It has molded me into who I am
Dance is what developed my eye to see,
today. The way I naturally think and view life is always through the
I was trapped before but dance set me free.
artistic, philosophical and logical mind that Kathak has given me.
Since I began this fascinating journey, it had always been a
strong desire of mine to share. Thus I was pulled towards teaching
Dance gave me beauty, it enhanced my smile,
It lights up my eyes and makes me feel worthwhile.
at an early age. I set up the Dancing Nikita Company as a platform
to do so at the age of 20, which this year celebrates its 10th
Dance allows me to listen; it gives me the ability to feel,
The illusion of a dream, yet everything is so real.
Today it brings me great joy to see my students flourish and
take a both an academic approach towards ISTD Examinations and
Dance taught me values; it showed me how to give,
a holistic approach towards the art form. I continue to learn and
It is through dance that I learnt how to truly live.
explore alongside them, still holding the same curiosity for the
form, as when I first started.
This evenings’ performance is a humble attempt to present
Dance is a journey that takes a lifetime,
There is so much to explore, like a big mountain to climb.
myself as a solo artist, having conceputalised the show together
with a wonderful and supportive team of musicians! I seek both of
Once I explored my body, I focussed on my mind,
my Guru’s blessings, and most of all good wishes from my family,
Then incorporated emotions and then came the time…
friends, students and well-wishers. On this timely occasion, I pray
for the good health to continue to explore the richness and depth
For my mind, body and spirit to all co-ordinate,
of Kathak dance as I go into the next decade…
To produce a beautiful magic, a mindless state.
Itineary of show
Technical dance:
Dua is an Arabic word for invocation. In this piece I
A series of compositions, including Thaat, Amad, Tora,
explore the bridge between the Hindu & Islamic approach
Tihais and Paran.
towards the act of worship. The soft vocals of the sargam
Raag: Basant
compliment the subtle movements, with intense focus
Taal: Dhamar Taal [14 beat cycle]
and concentration of the mind. This spiritual piece acts as
a devotional prayer to embrace the divine and to warmly
Expressional dance:
welcome the audience.
A romantic concept of a heroine sending a letter to her
Taal: Jabhtaal [10 beat cycle]
lover via a crow. She anxiously waits in hope throughout
Raag: Malkauns
the night, for the crow to deliver her message.
“Ja ja re kagawa”, sung by Parveen Sultana
Technical dance:
A sequence of musical patterns, accompanied by the
Taal: Keheva Taal [8 beat cycle]
Raag: Pahadi
melodious Sarangi and electrifying Tabla. In this piece I
attempt to demonstrate the contrast between speed and
stillness, through various rhythmic compositions.
A joyful and expressive dance to conclude the performance.
Taal: Teen Taal Vilumbat & Madhya Laya [16 beat cycle]
A Tarana is a musical piece where sounds and syllables are
Raag: Basant
sang, rather than recited. In this piece the beauty of rhythm
is shown through movements, compsotiions, rhythmic
Expressional dance:
A playful and sweet story about the pranks of Lord Krishna
as a child. In this light hearted and amusing piece, the
little toddler tries several attempts to eat butter whilst his
mother is out. On her return, she finds the pot broken and
butter all over his face! To which Krishna convincingly gives
several excuses that it was not him…!
“Maiya more mein nahin makhan kayo”, by Lata
phrases, and stances, accompanied by vocals.
Taal: Ek Taal
Raag: Bhimplasi
Tabla & Vocals
Musician’s biographies:
Sri Surjeet Singh was initiated into music by Sri Satguru
Jagjit Singh Ji at a very early age. At Sri Bhaini Sahib he received
training in playing the dillruba from Ustad Gurdev Singh and
Ustad Harbhajan Singh. He later received training in vocal
classical music but his passion for the sarangi eventually led
him to become the disciple of Pandit Ram Narayan settled for
the sarangi in 1977. He spent the next 15 years of his life in
Nafiz Irfan is a London based artist, who hails from a
family of musicians and vocalists. He has learnt classical music,
under Shika Gunguly (Kerana Gharana), particularly focusing
on Khyal, Dhrupad & semi-classical styles of singing (Ghazals,
Bhajans, Dadra, Kafi & Thumri). Nafiz performs regularly in the
UK and Europe, with inspiration from the legendary late singer
Ustad Fathe Ali Khan and Rahat Ali Khan. Nafiz also plays the
Harmonium, Surmandil and Tabla, which he studied under
Ustad Shaukat Hussain in Pakistan. Nafiz sings comfortably in
Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi.
training and now is an outstanding sarangi player in his own
right. In recent years Surjeet Singh has also received guidance
from Pandit Hanuman Prasad Mishra (Banaras Gharana).
Surjeet Singh’s technical mastery, along with the richness of
his musical ideas and his traditional approach has won him
admiration throughout the world.His large repertoire of
Saqib Qureshi was first introduced to Tabla by Pandit
Khayal, Thumris with an artistry, which makes a deep impact
Popatkar. Having had a background of playing bass drums
on the adept and uninitiated listener alike. Surjeet Singh has
and guitar in a band, got motivated by the classical percussion
played extensively in India at various important festivals giving
of North India. He is particularly drawn to the Punjab Gharana
solo recitals. He has accompanied leading musicians - Ustad
and looks to Ustaad Tari Khan’s style of playing for inspiration.
Salamat Ali Khan, Ustad Fateh Ali Khan , Pandit Rajan-Sajan
After Pandit Ji’s passing, Saqib took the opportunity to tour
Mishra and Shri L K Pandit amongst others. He is a graded
with various artists, playing ghazals and light classical. Today
artist of All India Radio.
Saqib is under the tutelage of Nafiz Irfan, and has recently
started accompanying Kathak dance with the Dancing Nikita
Company. Saqib is enjoying this new challenge and looks
forward to presenting solo Tabla in the near future.
Special thanks:
When I was first asked what I wanted to do for my 30th Birthday, I had to
think long and hard. Did I want to throw a lavish party? Did I want a nice holiday,
perhaps a cruise? Or even a quiet meal with those closest to me. It soon came to
mind that the ideal way mark the occasion would be through my most natural
form of communication and celebration, dance.
A warm thank you to all the people who have been a part of and encouraged
my dance journey to date. Firstly I appreciate my parents for their selfless support,
along with my Nani who has been a guardian angel in my life. My senior students
and close friends, Shivani and Deepa for being a soundboard! All the musicians,
particularly Saqib who has been a key motivator in this show. Not to mention all
members of my dance company, especially the kids and parents who continue to
believe in me.
Thank you to Asavari Pawar for her contribution in assessing the show and
choreography of the Makhan Chori dance.
Thank you to Carla Delaney for her ongoing PR and media support.
Nikita Thakrar
Celebrate DNC’s
10th Anniversary Summer Production
Saturday 25th July 2015, Beck Theatre, Hayes
Nikita Thakrar – 01628 298582 / 07904 075 144
Kathak and Bollywood dance production, with live music
Email: /
Tickets: £20 / £15 /
In celebration of Nikita’s 30th Birthday…