June 2016 web_alt
June 2016 web_alt
Worship in June The Banner First United Methodist Church of Berthoud June 2016 Mission Nurturing Sharing Serving Through God’s Love Contact Us Phone: 970-532-2142 Church email: secretary@berthoudumc.org Pastor email: pastoremily@qwestoffice.net We’re on the Web! http://berthoudumc.org Sunday, June 5 Third Sunday after Pentecost Holy Communion Galatians 1:11-24 “Direct Revelation” Pastor Emily Hagan Sunday, June 12 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Galatians 2:15-21 “Christ Lives in Me” Janie Patterson Sunday, June 19 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Father’s Day Galatians 3:23-29 “One in Christ Jesus” Pastor Emily Hagan Sunday, June 26 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Galatians 5:1,13-25 “Freedom!” Pastor Emily Hagan Small Group Study Planned for Summer Pastor Emily will lead a small-group study called Companions in Christ to begin as soon as four or more participants have signed up. The group will meet Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to noon. (A sign-up sheet is in Van Amburg Hall.) ing on the past week’s exercises, moving deeper into learnings from readings, group prayer, and considering ways to share what you have learned and experienced with the congregation. Companions in Christ has How does Companions five units: in Christ help you grow 1. A basic exploration of spiritually? It enables spiritual formation as a you to immerse yourself journey toward wholeness in “streams of living waand holiness, individually ters: through the spirituand in community, through al disciplines of prayer, the grace of God. scripture, ministry, wor2. An introduction to sevship, study, and Chriseral ways of meditating on tian conversation. and praying with scripture. 3. A guided experience of various Companions in Christ has two primaforms and styles of prayer. ry components: individual reading 4. A presentation of vocation or call: and daily exercises throughout the giving ourselves to God in willing week and a weekly two-hour meetobedience and receiving the fruits ing. On day 1 you will read a chapter; and gifts of the Holy Spirit. on days 2-6 you will complete five 5. An overview of different ways of daily exercises designed to help you giving and receiving spiritual move from information to experience. guidance, from one-on-one relaOn day 7, you will meet with your tionships, to spiritual growth group. Keeping a personal journal is a groups, to guidance in congregabig part of the process. tional life as a whole. Time commitment for daily exercises For more information, talk to Pastor is about 30 minutes. The weekly Emily. meeting will include time for reflect- 2 Children’s Sunday School K-5 Summer Schedule Children’s Sunday School is on Summer Break until September. The nursery will be available for children under 5 through the summer. Sunday School Ministry Children’s Sunday School Coordinator Needed Middle School and High School On Summer Break Vacation Bible School Is June 20-24 Cave Quest : Following Jesus, the Light of the World through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes with a Cave Quest Closing that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned. Family members and friends are encouraged to join in daily for this special time at 3:35 p.m. Kids at Cave Quest VBS will join a mission effort to support families in need with our local House of Neighborly Service. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them Children’s Classes Children’s Sunday School On Summer Break We are in need of a coordinator for Children’s Sunday School for the school year 2016-2017. Please contact Pastor Emily if you could help out. Berthoud United Methodist Church will host a summer kids’ event called Cave Quest VBS from June 20th to June 24th. At Cave Quest, kids explore what it means to follow Jesus through dark times. Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, make and dig into yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of Jesus’ love, and test out Sciency-Fun Gizmos they’ll take home and play with all summer long. First United Methodist of Berthoud Sunday School Cave Quest is for kids entering Kindergarten to entering 5th Grade and will run from 1:00-4:00 p.m. each day. For more information, call 5322142. Please register online at https:// www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/ berthoudumc, once registered a music CD of the songs will be mailed to you. Adult Classes Faith and Fellowship, 9:00-9:45 a.m. Meets in Library Led by Ric Haskins Exploring the Bible, 8:45-9:45 a.m. Led by Keith Henderson Meets in Builders Room Explorers, On Summer Break 3 From Pastor Emily Dear Participants and Friends of Worship in June brings us the beBerthoud United Methodist Church, ginning of a summer series on Galatians. How do people of faith June is an active time in the middle who hold different ideas work and of the year. There are gardens to pray and live together? We will regrow, people to love, moments to ly on some of the lessons people cherish, and life feels full. If you from long ago learned as they beare doing summer activities that in- came more faithful followers of clude camping or nature, be sure to Christ. If you are interested in a take time to appreciate the Creator small group experience to go along of it all. We live in one of the most with the worship series please conbeautiful places on earth. Lately I sider joining the newly formed have been trying to savor every as- Companions in Christ small group pect of the gifts we have around us. experience in Spiritual formation. No matter if it is mistaking a pelican We will begin this study as soon as for a swan, or determining a bird of we have four or more people signed prey, there are lots of animals up. It will be held on Monday around us, all created by God. mornings from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 These beautiful and sometimes fun- noon. If you are interested please ny creatures remind us that they are email not only created by God, but also pastoremily@qwestoffice.net, or provided for by God. sign up in Van Amburg Hall. During this month we have Vacation Bible School, Cave Quest, a fun adventure for our kids going into K-5th grade. Youth are welcome to help as crew leaders for the small groups we have going through the various game, story time, science, and creative snack sessions. It will be in the afternoons June 20th24th, from 1:00-4:00 in the afternoon. Our activities will be primarily downstairs where it is cool. Caves are cool too; places of natural air conditioning are pretty amazing in themselves. We invite you to share this opportunity with kids you know so that they can learn more about God through this wonderful experiential life-changing week. Pastor Emily’s Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (most likely) And by Appointment Finally, I hope that you are experiencing a close relationship to the Trinity: Holy Spirit, Christ, God. As we celebrate the wonder and awe of God’s love in our lives may we learn to offer love toward one another as well. It is an honor and joy to serve in ministry with you all, Grace and peace, Emily Hagan Summer Ushers Needed Summer is s a usher for a Sunday or two in the time for vaca- summer, please contact tions and out-of-town visits, so our Pati Haworth. Thanks! usual usher teams may not be available. If you can pinch hit as an 4 Serve Day—Our Opportunity to Serve Our Community Our community service day (make a difference day) this year will be part of a larger, Northern Colorado effort called “Serve Day on July 16.” We are in need of a volunteer to coordinate BUMC’s version. If you can serve in this way, please contact Pastor Emily. your community. Firefighters, police officers, school resource officers, nursing homes or assisted living homes, and local business owners are all great people to contact to find a way to serve. Spend time determining the scope of your project and plan work based on your group size and commitment level. Contact the What is Serve Day? person or agency you wish to serve Churches sharing the love of Christ and explain the desire of your group in a tangible way—on the same day. to serve them on July 16. Make sure Serve Day is an outreach event dethe day and type of service will work signed to be a blessing by serving on their calendar. various church communities in Northern Colorado. The goal is to Begin working on the logistics and have a visual presence in the city communicate with your group any with groups from various churches materials needed (ask inf anyone has showing the love of Christ in practi- connections or is willing to approach cal, tangible ways. It starts with eve- business who may be willing to dory church (or small group/home nate materials), estimated work group within the church) choosing a hours providing start and end times, project of their own, contacting the what will be provided, what to bring, person or agency who will benefit when/where the group will meet, from the project, and taking cre of and anything else that applies to the logistics to make it happen on your project. If every participant July 16, 2016. from each church were to wear the same red t-shirt while serving that How Do We Get Started? day, can you imagine the impact it Pray for God’s direction and get crewould have on our communities? ative! Assess people and their needs in your neighborhood and around We need a person to coordinate Serve Day for our church. Would you like to be the one? Hawley Vining Is Conference Quiet Disciple Hawley Vining was named Quiet Disciple in the Young Adult category for the Rocky Mountain Conference. She was unanimously chosen as the Young Adult nominee to represent the conference, which includes Colorado, Utah, and half of Wyoming. From Hawley’s nomination: “Hawley brings energy and creativity to the church. She is a young mother of three small boys and keeps them active in everything in which she participates. Hawley led flood relief efforts on behalf of our church in September of 2013. She started a MOPS program from the ground up in Berthoud. She sings in the choir. She heads up the hospitality events in our church. Hawley quietly works with others, relieving them when they need child care, providing fundraising efforts for Berthoud schools, and working with others to showcase their talents. She is a leader with her faith evident in everything that she does; Hawley does not step into any formal leadership role but works tirelessly from behind the scenes. She is truly a quiet disciple.” Congratulations, Hawley! 5 Attend Rockies Faith Day The 12th annual Colorado Rockies Faith Day is Sunday August 7th, 2016. The Colorado Rockies will take on the Miami Marlins. Berthoud United Methodist Men United Methodist Men shall be a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily his will. Our primary purpose is to declare the centrality of Christ in the lives of men and in all their relationships. Breakfast Meetings at 8:00 a.m. on the Third Saturday of the month in the Fellowship Hall from October-May. On Summer Break June-September If you would like to be involved with the Berthoud United Methodist Men please e-mail Mark Patterson at mjpat1006@msn.com. opportunity to enjoy a day of worship at the ballpark. The United Methodist Men have 30 tickets for this game purchased at discounted prices. When: August 7, @ 2:10 pm After the game Rockies players and Where: Coors Field coaches will share their faith and Price: $20 then Crowder will be this year’s Musical Guest: Crowder musical guest. This is a churchA sign-up sheet will be available at wide event that offers a chance to the back of the church. Payment come together for a time of fellowmust be received by July 17. ship at Coors Field. Don’t miss this Queen’s Tea to Benefit Mission Trip BUMC will honor the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom with an afternoon tea on the afternoon of June 26, 2016, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. in the church Fellowship Hall. Ellarby. Cost of tickets: $20/adults, $10/children 12 years and under. Proceeds from the tea will be donated to the July, 10-16 Mission Trip to The event is being McCurdy Ministries (formerly organized by MuCurdy School) in Española, New member Jane Mexico. Mission Trip Pancake Breakfast Earns $434 for Española Mission Trip A pre-worship service pancake breakfast on Sunday, May 22 , earned $434 toward BUMC’s mission trip to McCurdy Ministries (formerly McCurdy School) in Española, New Mexico, set for July 10 -16. A group of BUMC members will spend a week helping to maintain, repair, and refurbish the mission school, which has been a vital ministry for more than 100 years. McCurdy School was started in 1912, when United Brethren Deaconness Mellie Perkins came to Velarde, New Mexico. The school opened on October 21, 1912, with four students. At that time the mission was the only school of any kind in the Española Valley. For more than 100 years McCurdy has shared the love of Christ in the Española area. Current plans indicate the belief that these ministries will continue to be the hands of Christ for the next 100 years! We at BUMC are proud to be a small part of this ministry. 6 Donate Cleaning Supplies Donate cleaning supplies for distri- items listed below to the church bution by UMCOR. We have 10 for assembling into cleaning buckets we can fill from the flood buckets by June 5, 2016. bucket effort in 2014. Please bring Cleaning Bucket These supplies enable people to begin the overwhelming job of cleaning up after a flood or hurricane. Cleaning Bucket Value: $65 per bucket Assembly & Shipping Instructions Cleaning Bucket Materials 5-gallon bucket with resealable lid Buckets from fast-food restaurants or bakeries can be used if washed and cleaned; Do not use buckets that have stored chemicals such as paint or pool cleaner; Advertisements on the outside are acceptable. Liquid laundry detergent One 50-oz. or two 25-oz. bottle(s) only. Liquid household cleaner 12-16 oz. liquid cleaner that can be mixed with water; No spray cleaners. Dish soap 16-28 oz. bottle any brand. 1 can air freshener Aerosol or pump. 1 insect repellant spray 6-14 oz. aerosol or spray pump with protective cover. 1 scrub brush Plastic or wooden handle. 18 cleaning wipes Handi Wipes or reusable wipes; No terry cleaning towels; Remove from packaging. 7 sponges No cellulose sponges due to mold issues; Remove from wrapper. 5 scouring pads Remove from wrapper; No stainless steel, Brillo pads, or SOS pads (nothing with soap built in). 50 clothespins Clothesline One 100-ft. or two 50-ft. lines; Cotton or plastic. 24-roll heavy-duty trash bags 33 to 45-gallon sizes; Remove from the box. 5 dust masks 2 pairs kitchen dishwashing gloves Should be durable enough for multiple uses; Remove from packaging. 1 pair work gloves Cotton with leather palm or all leather. Assembly Directions Place all liquid items in the bucket first. Place remaining items in the bucket, fitting them around and between the liquid items. Sponges, scouring pads, clothespins, and trash bags can be separated in order to fit all of the items in the bucket. Ensure the lid is closed securely. Important Notes All items must be new except for the actual bucket and lid. All cleaning agents must be liquid and in plastic containers. No powders, please. If you cannot find the requested size of a liquid item, use a smaller size. Including larger sizes of any item will prevent the lid from sealing. If all of the items on the list are not included, please put a label on the bucket indicating what has been omitted. Cleaning buckets are only used within the United States. They are not opened to verify the contents unless there is indication that some items have been omitted. Packing & Shipping Instructions Box Weight: Each packed box cannot exceed 66 pounds. Complete 2 packing lists: one for your records and one to put on the shipping box. Paste the shipping label / packing list on the outside of each box you send. The shipping list helps the depot to quickly process kits. Processing & Shipping Costs Please enclose an envelope containing at least $1 for each kit you send. This donation enables kits to be sent to areas in need. For Cleaning Buckets, please enclose $1.50. Follow this link for more information: http://www.umcor.org/UMCOR/Relief-Supplies/Relief-Supply-Kits/Cleaning Annual Conference News Cultivating the Tree of Life: Ministry on the Margins June 9-12, 2016 Westin Hotel in Westminster, CO Cleaning Bucket Items Being Collected for Donation to UMCOR at Annual Conference 7 Summer Highlights Annual Conference June 9-12, 2016 Denver Rainy May Day Morris Dancers Two troupes of Morris Dancers— Maroon Bells and Breathless in Berthoud—stopped at First United Methodist Church of Berthoud on a cloudy, wet May Day to celebrate the spring and summer seasons with their dances. They performed in Van Amburg Hall (the lawn was too wet). Vacation Bible School June 20-24, 2016 Here are some photos: Serve Day July 16, 2016 RV Marriage Encounter Retreat Planned for July Mission Trip to McCurdy Ministries, Española, NM July 10-16 Rockies Faith Day August 7, 2016, 2:10 p.m. July 29-31, 2016, at the Circle J Ranch in Ten Sleep, Wyoming! Bring your RV, tent camper, or tent, and enjoy three days of growing closer to your spouse in this beautiful canyon setting. Situated 6.4 miles east of Ten Sleep, Wyoming on Highway 16, Circle J Retreat Camp is 200 acres of forest, hiking trails, dashing waters and the retreat of Ten Sleep Canyon. There is limited space so register early! We have 8 full hook-up sites and 8 sites with limited availability of electricity. There is a dump site on the grounds. For more information contact Ross & Janna Kershaw, 307-921-9399 or rnj2inlove@gmail.com Apply to reserve your spot on this life-changing weekend at www.encounter.org. 8 House of Neighborly Service Food Pantry The HNS food pantry located at Berthoud Presbyterian Church and open on Tuesdays, is an ongoing ministry. Donations of cereal, peanut butter, boxed mac and cheese, baking mixes, tissues, and paper towels (most needed items) and other nonperishable foods are col- lected in the box at the bottom of the West stairs. Always welcome are peanut butter, tomato products and breakfast cereal. Thanks for all your support! Your help is needed and welcomed if you can spare a few hours on Tuesdays to help in distribution of food. Thanks to Stu and Barbara Boyd for delivering our donations to the food pantry. Putting Events on the Church Calendar BUMC is a busy place, used for community as well as churchrelated events. We keep a facility use calendar online to help organize events and prevent conflicts. Here’s a short list of directions for getting an event, church-related or personal, on the church facility use calendar: 1. Check the calendar on the website (www.berthoudumc.org) to see if the date and time you want are free. 2. Fill out a Calendar Request Form (on the website, or available in hard copy in Van Amburg Hall) to provide all the information necessary. 3. Email or deliver the form to the church office. After the trustees or pastor approve your request, the secretary will enter your event on the calendar. 4. Check the website calendar after a few days to make sure you’re on it. Even events that occur on or about the same time every year need to be re-entered into the facility use calendar each year, so make it part of your regular planning to get date, time, duration, and any needed prep time calendared well in advance. Competition for space and time on the calendar are signs that BUMC is growing and serving the community. Thank God for that, and thank you for your kindness and consideration. “Painless” Ways to Contribute to Our Church 1 Get a King Soopers, Safeway, or Albertson’s gift card from the church office (preloaded with $5). Reload your card at the supermarket and use it to buy groceries and gas. Church gets 5% of your purchase. 2 Save your Hays Market receipts and turn them in to the church collection box. Hays Market will remit a portion of your purchase to the church. 3 Use UMCmarket to do your online shopping Go to www.umcmarket.net. Register and choose Berthoud First as your church. Then log in whenever you shop online. Gift Card Purchases Yield Results Purchasing groceries and other items by using supermarket gift cards or through UMCMarket brings in cash for our church! Recently we received a check for $517.95 from King Soopers and another from Hays Market for $150. A small effort on your part while you are buying things you need anyway yields good financial results for the church. These checks go into a contingency fund which helps us emergencies. 4 Save your quarters Weigh in with your loose change to help pay down our mortgage. The coin box is in Van Amburg Hall. 9 United Methodist Women UMW News June Circle Meeting Schedule Evening Circle will meet Monday, June 20, at 11:30 a. .m. at the United Methodist Women is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice. Members raise up to $20 million each year for programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world. UMW international mission initiatives include: Providing opportunities to grow spiritually Equipping women & girls to be leaders Providing transformative educational experiences Organizing for growth & flexibility home of Dolores Robb for “Downton Abbey Tea.” For those who like to wear a hat, this is an ideal occasion. Morning Glory Circle will not have a regular meeting in June. Special event to be announced. Faith Circle meets on Wednesday, June 15 at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Shirley French. Early Bird Circle. Time and place of June meeting to be announced. All women of the church are welcome to attend any meetings or special UMW events. Circle membership is not a requirement. Mission u events in July and August Mission u will be held at Heart of Longmont UMC from 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. on August 13th. The study entitled "The Bible and Human Sexuality" will be taught by Mary Ann Watson (720-684-6546). Participants must purchase their own study books. A Mission u event will also be held at Highlands Ranch UMC July 21- 23. A Day Apart Set for Saturday, July 30 A Day Apart" will be Saturday, July 30th at Lafayette UMC from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Rev. Nancy Boswell is the guest speaker. The topic is "Growing in Blessedness : Growing in Mercy". The cost is $10. Registrations must be received no later than July 20th. Museum Pavers Trace History of BUMC Three inscribed paving stones that trace the history of our church will soon grace the Pioneer Courtyard of the Little Thompson Valley Pioneer Museum in Berthoud. The pavers can be credited to Skip Devoe, who set the wheels in motion to donate two flag stands that blacksmith A.G. Bimson forged for the United Brethren Church to the Berthoud Historical Society. In exchange, Mark French, member of BUMC and the Society, arranged to inscribe three pavers that honor the United Brethren (UB), Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) and the Berthoud United Methodist (BUMC) churches. The pavers will be finished by the Pioneer Museum Courtyard afternoon of Berthoud Day (June 4) when there is an open house at the Little Thompson Valley Pioneer Museum. 10 Walking in Jesus’ Footsteps: Community Service Caring Connections Caring Connections helps to care for the needs of our local congregation. If you are interested in joining, please call or email the church office: 970-532-2142 or secretary@berthoudumc.org. Please Report In-Kind Gifts The generosity of this congregation is amazing. So many needs of the church are fulfilled before they are even known! When you donate services or items on behalf of the church, we ask that you report the service or item(s), the ministry area receiving the gift, and the value of the gift. This will ensure the operating expenses of the church are recorded accurately. Just submit a copy of the receipt or bill to the office finance box with an explanation of what it is for and that it is a gift in kind. Thanks so much for your generosity and help! Blessings, Debbie Bunker, Treasurer Special Music for Summer Music enhances our worship, but our choir will be on break from May 29-August 28. Providing special music allows those who are musically gifted to share their gift without the difficulty of a long-term commitment. Please consider using your gift in this way. If you are able to offer special music for worship during the summer months, please contact our choir director, Sharon Darland. Coordinator for Alzheimer’s Walk BUMC may join the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s” sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association of Colorado on September 24, 2016 at Chapungu Sculpture Gardens at Centerra. If we get someone to coordinate with the Alzheimer’s Association and help to organize our part of the effort we will go forward with this. If you can help, please contact Pastor Emily at pastoremily@qwestoffice.net. June Book Club The book club selection for at Night by Lucy Clarke. June’s meeting on Thursday, Contact Barbara Boyd for June 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the information about copies. church library is Swimming Our Mission The mission of the First United Methodist Church of Berthoud embodies nurturing, sharing and serving through God’s love . . . NURTURING mind, body, and spirit through our worship, music, fellowship, study, and prayer SHARING the good news of Jesus Christ through our witness in the local community and throughout the world SERVING others by extending the grace, peace, and compassion of Jesus Christ through our ministry and outreach 9 June Youth Schedule Announcing . . . Our new Youth Coordinator is Robert W. (Robby) Kleber of Berthoud. Robby began his ministry to our youth in late May, 2016. Sunday, June 5 Youth Group 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sunday, June 12 Youth Group 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sunday, June 19 Youth Group 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sunday, June 26 Youth Group 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Youth Group Poses for Photo on Easter Sunday 2016 I moved to Colorado with my parents about 20 years ago and went to Berthoud Elementary, Turner Middle School, Berthoud High, and UNC in Greeley, where I received my Bachelors of Music with an emphasis in Classical Guitar. After that I went to Germany to learn to speak, read, and write German. I lived there for about 8 months and loved every minute. Now I have the wonderful opportunity to work here at BUMC as Youth Coordinator. Photos from A P R I L My earliest memory of church was seeing my peers in the first grade wearing Vacation Bible School shirts. I was perplexed as to why anyone would go to church on Sunday and then choose to go the next morning for five more days. But as I grew older I’ve grown more curious about life and its meaning and the person of Jesus Christ. I was baptized at 13, and since then I’ve felt the need to learn about God. I attended Youth Group at Grace Place and was an active member for years. In college, I did a personal pursuit of understanding the Bible. The more I learned about the book, the more I learned about its focus: Jesus. I’ve become a committed follower of Jesus Christ, and it is my hope to serve the needs of this church well.—Robby Kleber Photo Scavenger Hunt Confirmation Class Planned for Fall Youth Confirmation will be held in the fall of 2016. Any youth who is in Middle School or above and has not yet been confirmed is welcome to participate. If you would like to go through confirmation contact Pastor Emily at PastorEmily@qwestoffice.net. 10 February Birthdays June Birthdays June Anniversaries Bob & Leeanne Bauer Rob and Barbara Howell Robert Towles & Sue Radway Mike & Corina Camire Ross & Linda Armour Maris & Gisele Berzins Tim & Joyce Patterson Tim & Vicky Ettleman Ken & Lynne Fossey Erik & Emily Hagan Peter & Barbara Bridgman Sean & Kristi Hensley Craig & Marcy Greenslit Skip & Helen DeVoe 6/3 6/5 6/8 6/11 6/17 6/20 6/20 6/21 6/21 6/23 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 BUMC Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Anna D’Amico Jessica Lott Maris Berzins Trevor Fossey Trina Bridgman Connie Mechem Leon Taylor Kristine Obendorf RuthAnn Lott Sam Waldo Margaret Schleiger Cathleen Craviotto 6/1 6/3 6/4 6/4 6/7 6/7 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/11 6/12 6/13 Jesse Bercaw Kevin Obendorf Chad Pickert Britini Taylor Tharel Conrad Ellis Anne Smith Carrie Davis Meredeth Neitenbach Dolores Robb Talia Becker Kenna Caudill Cameron Denning 6/14 6/16 6/16 6/16 6/18 6/18 6/20 6/21 6/21 6/23 6/23 6/28 Participate in Our Military Display If you served in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time, please contact Laurel Downer. Let her know your name, the branch of the services in which you served, and whether you are active or a veteran, and she will add your name to the display. Thanks for helping us honor those who protected and protect our country. Pastor Emily Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. And by Appointment Wednesday, June 1Saturday, June 4 Thursday, June 9Sunday, June 12 Wednesday, June 15 Sunday, June 19Sunday, June 26 Monday, June 20Friday, June 24 Thursday, June 23 Monday, July 4 Please keep us informed about your joys and sorrows. Many are in need of prayer (both public & private). Call Pastor Emily on break Annual Conference, Denver July Newsletter Deadline Faith Hospitality Week (IHN). 1:00-4:00 p.m. Vacation Bible School 11:00 a.m. Staff Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Book Club. Independence Day. Church Office Closed. the office (970-532-2142) and we will notify the appropriate contact and add your note to the Prayer Corner of the Sunday bulletin. We are here to serve God and we want to share your burdens and joys. Phone: 970-532-2142 Email: secretary@berthoudumc.org or pastoremily@qwestoffice.net
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