ב - Shluchim.org


ב - Shluchim.org
Volume 3 - Issue 4
Parshas Tazria
‫ רביצין חיה מושקא‬was born in
Babinovitch, near the
Russian city of Lubavitch, on
Shabbos – .‫ תרס''א‬,‫כ''ה אדר‬
‫ ב' ניסן‬is the ‫ הסתלקות‬of
the Rebbe Rashab
Parsha Says ...
Parshas Tazria
Everyone was shaking Uncle Shmuel's hand and wishing him: "Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov!"
Avromie was also excited about his new cousin's bris, but he kept thinking about the tiny baby's
"Don't worry about little Meir," Avromie's father calmed him. "He's fine. Just look at him, he's
sleeping peacefully now. He even looks like he's smiling in his sleep!"
"I'm not worried, Tatti," replied Avromie. "I was just wondering why HaShem commanded us to
have a bris when we're so tiny - only eight days old."
"There is something very special about the number eight...," his father began to explain.
"I know!" interrupted Avromie. "We learned about eight last week in Parshas Shemini. The number
seven is a symbol of natural things - like the seven days in a week. The number eight is a symbol of
things which are higher than nature."
"Good for you, my little Talmid Chochom," his father complimented him. "And by the way,
speaking about the parshah, isn't it interesting that your cousin Meir's bris is taking place during
the week in which we read: 'And on the eighth day you shall circumcise....' "
"But still, Tatti, why do we have to have the bris when the baby is so tiny? He doesn't even
understand anything. Couldn't we have it when he's eight years old? It would still be connected
with the special number eight."
"Actually, Avromie, being eight days old and not understanding much is exactly what the bris is all
"What do you mean, Tatti?"
"The bris between HaShem and the Jewish people involves a very deep connection. Our link to
HaShem does not depend on what we understand or feel. It comes from our neshamah, which is far
above our understanding. Even though there are many things about HaShem that we don't
understand, we trust in Him and follow His laws.
"And our connection to HaShem is not just something spiritual; it is a real part of our everyday
lives. And so we make a bris with HaShem in our actual flesh. Do you know who was the first Jew
to have a bris when he was eight days old?"
"Yitzchak," Avromie answered.
"Good," his father replied. "But Yishmael claimed that he was greater than Yitzchak because he had
a bris when he was 13 years old. 'I understood what I was doing and I still agreed to have a bris,
while you were only a baby,' Yishmael bragged to Yitzchak.
"Yishmael was wrong. Our connection with HaShem is far above understanding, and that is why
Yitzchak's bris - and little Meir's and every Jew's - should be performed when he's eight days
(Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. I, p. 19ff - Please Tell Me What the Rebbe Said)
5. What is the name of the
Rebbe Rashab's son?
6. Who was the
Rebbe Rashab's father?
7. Who was the
Rebbe Rashab's wife?
1. Where was the
Rebbe Rashab born?
2. Who was the
Rebbe Rashab's mother?
3. How many children did the
Rebbe Rashab have?
Email your answers to: CYH@shluchim.org or
Fax them to: 718-221-0985
And receive 15 points in the CYH Point System
* Starting on ‫ ראש חודש ניסן‬and continuing
until ‫י“ג ניסן‬, every day after Davening, we read
about the gifts that each of the ‫נשיאים‬brought
for the ‫משכן‬. On ‫ א‘ ניסן‬we read about the
presents of ‫נחשון בן אמינדב‬, the ‫ נשיא‬of ‫שבט‬
‫יהודה‬. On ‫ב‘ ניסן‬, we read about the presents of
‫נתנאל בן צואר‬, the ‫ נשיא‬of ‫שבט יששכר‬.
* The ‫ מזל‬for the month of ‫ ניסן‬is a lamb. It
reminds us of the lamb which each household
would bring for the ‫קרבן פסח‬.
*If we see a fruit tree blossoming during ‫חודש‬
‫ ניסן‬there is a special ‫ ברכה‬to say.
* In the days of the ‫בית המקדש‬,
on ‫ראש חודש ניסן‬, messengers were
sent to all the nearby cities and villages
telling people who had flocks of sheep
to bring them to ‫ירושלים‬. This way all
the ‫ אידן‬who were ‫ עולה לרגל‬would
have sheep to use for ‫ קרבנות‬and
The Rebbe Rashab
The fifth Rebbe, ‫רבי רש“ב‬
‫ר‘ שלום דובער‬, was born on
)1860( ‫כ‘ חשון תרכ“א‬.
After his father, the ‫רבי מהר“ש‬, was
Nistalek, in 1882, ‫תרמ“ג‬, he became
The ‫ רבי רש“ב‬was famous for his
exceptional mind and the organized way
in which he explained ‫חסידות‬. The ‫רבי‬
‫רש“ב‬wrote and gave over about
2,000 ‫ מאמרים‬over the 38 years of his ‫נשיאות‬. In ,1897, ‫תרנ“ז‬,
he established‫ישיבת תומכי תמימים‬, the first ‫ ישיבה‬in which
the Bochurim learned both ‫ נגלה‬and ‫חסידות‬. It was a
special ‫ ישיבה‬that produced the ‫חסידים‬, who in later years,
would literally give their up lives to keep ‫ אידישקייט‬alive
under Soviet rule. In )1915( ‫תרע“ו‬
the ‫ רבי רש“ב‬was forced to flee
Lubavitch because of the WWI.
He moved to the Russian city of
Rostov-on-Don. In his final years,
he began the battle against the
new Communist regime's efforts
to destroy ‫ אידישקייט‬throughout
the Soviet Union.
‫ ר‘ שלום דובער‬was Nistalek in Rostov on ‫( ב‘ ניסן תר“פ‬1920).
His last words were:
“‫”איך גיי אין הימל און די כתבים לאז איך אייך‬
“I'm going to heaven and I leave you the writings"
Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka
‫ מנהגי יום הולדת‬- Minhagim of a birthday
On Chof Hey Adar, 5748, in connection with
Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka’s 87th birthday
(about a month after Chof Beis Shevat),
the Rebbe said a Sicha about the significance of birthdays and
the importance of celebrating them
by gathering together with friends and relatives.
The Rebbe also gave a guideline of things to do.
1. Give extra Tzeddakah before Shacharis and Mincha
2. Daven with extra Kavana
3. Say your new Kapital of Tehillim
4. In addition to saying Chitas,
add in learning Nigleh and Chassidus
5. Have extra Ahavas Yisroel
6. Make a Cheshbon Nefesh
7. Make a new Hachlata
8. Celebrate your birthday and make a Shehecheyonu
9. Review a Maamer of the Rebbe
10. Boys - should have an Aliya on the Shabbos
before their birthday
Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka led a life which was remarkable in many ways, especially her Mesiras Nefesh and Tznius in every aspect
of her life.
She was born in 5661 (1901), the daughter of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok the Frierdiker Rebbe. Because of
her remarkable abilities and cleverness, her father trusted her with great responsibilities. In fact, she was actively involved in
many of his activities to keep Yiddishkeit alive during the terrible years following the Russian Revolution and establishment of
the Soviet state.
In 1927, when her father, the Frierdiker Rebbe was arrested, it was Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka who made sure that any documents
that might show what he did were destroyed. Indeed, during his imprisonment, she was very involved in trying to change the
death sentence to one of exile, and then, finally to release.
A special relationship existed between Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka and her father, and he wrote many deep, philosophical letters to
her, in which he explained Chassidus and Avodas Hashem. Those who were privileged to know the Rebbetzin described her as a
refined, knowledgeable woman with great intelligence and wit.
On Yud-Daled Kislev 1929, Warsaw was at the peak of its glory, the "Jerusalem of Poland." On that day, many Chassidishe Rebbes,
world-renowned rabbis and Roshei Yeshiva and many other important Yidden gathered to celebrate the wedding of the daughter
of the Lubavitcher Rebbe and the son of the brilliant scholar and kabbalist, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok. The marriage of Rebbetzin Chaya
Mushka to the Rebbe started a new part in her life. Twenty-five years later, the Rebbe described that day as the day that
connected him to the Chasidim.
The early days of their marriage were ones of hardship and great danger. First settling in Berlin, they were forced to flee to Paris
after the Nazis came to power. They fled Paris in 1940 and through the efforts of the Frierdiker Rebbe they boarded the last ship
to leave Europe. From the day they arrived in the United States, for the next 47 years, the Rebbetzin’s life was dedicated to only
one thing - taking care of her husband and making sure he was able to fulfill his mission.
It was Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka who urged the Rebbe to take on the Nesius of Chabad after the passing of her father in 1950.
From that moment on, the Rebbetzin spent the next 40 years supporting every action and move the Rebbe took on behalf of the
Jewish people.
Although in general, people never saw her, she was very interested in the work of the many thousands of shluchim, keeping informed of their activities. The Rebbetzin was proud of their successes, and felt for them when they had hardships.
For the Rebbetzin, her husband's will became her own. She was his greatest Chassid. And yet, as his wife she looked out for his
health. Knowing that the Rebbe usually refused to see a doctor, she would only agree to have a check-up if the Rebbe also did.
In order to make sure that she was well, the Rebbe would, of course, agree.
In her last years, when the Rebbetzin was ill, she suffered in silence, and to her last day, she did not complain. Even to her
husband she did not reveal all her suffering, in order not to upset him. Several doctors all agreed that the Rebbetzin should be
taken to the hospital. Soon after she arrived at the hospital she suddenly asked for a glass of water. Shortly after midnight of
Wednesday, Chof-Beis Shevat, the pure Neshama of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka left this world. The Rebbetzin’s great-grandmother
and grandmother, Rebbetzin Rivka and Rebbetzin Shterna Sorah, had also asked for a glass of water minutes before their
passing. It is recorded in many Sefarim that Tzaddikim often ask for water before their passing. One explanation that is given is
that their Neshamos will then leave this world after saying the proper Bracha before drinking water, "… SheHakol Nihiye
Bidvaro" and the blessing afterward "Borei Nefashos … " This same Bracha will be said at the time of Techiyas Hameisim in the
times of Moshiach.
In the Zechus of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, may we follow the Rebbe's instruction of “Vehachai Yitein El Libo”, and with our many
deeds of goodness and kindness, may we see the coming of Moshiach now.
(Adapted from L’chaim Weekly)
Purim here was a lot of fun.
The theme this Purim was
We had black lights, music, Megilah reading with a
slideshow, a space bar, Hamentashen and more.
A lot of people came and some for the 1st time!
How was your Purim?
* Chof Hey – Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka’s birthday
* Chof Zayin (Shabbos) - 1) ‫ פרשת החודש‬- The last of the 4 special Parshiyos
2) ‫שבת מברכים חודש ניסן‬
* '‫ א‬- 1) Rosh Chodesh Nissan
2) We begin saying the Nassi
* '‫ ב‬- The Histalkus of the Rebbe Rashab
1. Who can judge if someone has ‫? צרעת‬
2. Where does a Jew go if he has ‫? צרעת‬
Email your answers to: CYH@shluchim.org or
Fax them to: 718-221-0985
And receive 20 points in the CYH Point System
In ‫ פרשת מצורע‬we are taught about how if a person spoke ‫ לשון הרע‬they would get
‫צרעת‬. The ‫ מדרש‬tells us that once ‫ ר‘ שמעון בן גמליאל‬sent his servant to the market
and said, "Bring me the best thing you can find." The servant came back with a
tongue. Another time, ‫ ר‘ שמעון בן גמליאל‬said to his servant, "Go to the market and
bring me the worst thing you can find." Again, the servant returned with a tongue.
‫ ר‘ שמעון בן גמליאל‬was surprised and asked his servant, "How come you brought me a
tongue as the best thing you could find, and again a tongue as the worst?"
The servant replied, "There is nothing better than a tongue that speaks good and
nothing worse than a tongue that speaks evil."
(Adapted from ‘Vedibarta Bam)