Managing My Access Card(s)
Managing My Access Card(s)
Managing My Access Card(s) Contents Introduction 1 Access cards 2 Using your access card on Event Day 3 Manage My Cards 4 Accessing Manage My Cards 4 My Account 6 Overview Selecting Seat(s) / Card(s) My Details Card Details My Events Event Details 6 6 7 7 8 9 All Events 10 My Attendance 10 Transferring a Ticket 12 Ticket Transfer Requirements 12 Transfer Window 12 Transferring a Ticket 12 Accepting a Transferred Ticket 16 Printing your Transferred Ticket 16 Recalling a Transferred Ticket 20 Using a Transferred Ticket on Event Day 24 Checking your Attendance History 25 Confirming which events are loaded onto your Card 27 Appendix A Frequently Asked Questions 28 Access cards 28 Ticket Transfer – Letting other people use your tickets 28 Lost and Stolen 29 Help 30 Appendix B Glossary 31 Introduction Wembley Stadium has introduced access cards for Bobby Moore Club and Club Wembley members for all core events. Access cards offer increased flexibility and allow you to manage your membership by providing the facility to print tickets at home or to transfer tickets to your guests. Access cards will replace paper tickets for core events only. One card will be issued per licensed seat that you hold and each card is pre-loaded with your event entitlement. If you cannot attend a core event, your card(s) can be distributed to your guest(s). If it is not practical to give your access card(s) to your guests for use at an event, you can transfer the event entitlement to them using Ticket Transfer. Your guest(s) will receive an electronic ticket which they should print and use for the specified event only. If you transfer an event entitlement your access card(s) will be deactivated for the event. Ticket transfers are available via the Club Wembley Portal. The user guide shows how you can manage your cards and transfer tickets using the members’ website. Note: You will need Internet Explorer 7 or better to view your access card information. Click here to download. 1 Access cards Bobby Moore Club and Club Wembley members will receive an access card for every licensed seat they hold. Access cards will display the membership category you are entitled to. The following information is displayed on each card • Company name (if applicable) • Seat Licence holder’s name • FAN • Card Number Each card has a unique card number. If you are issued with a new card, please use the latest card number when managing your cards on the members’ website. • Block, Row, Seat details 2 Using your Cards on Event Day You should hold your access card close to the reader next to the turnstile. The cards do not have to be placed into the slot or under the scanner like a paper ticket. Your card operates in a similar way to the Oyster system used on London Underground. When access is granted the turnstile will open and you can enter the Stadium. You can view your attendance history for your card(s) using the Club Wembley members’ website. 3 Manage My Cards You can manage your access card(s) using the Club Wembley members’ website. Accessing Manage My Cards 1. Launch the Club Wembley members’ website: 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter your FAN number and Password Click Login The Club Wembley home page will now display From the left hand navigation, select access cards 6. This will expand the selection 7. Select Manage My Cards. The Manage My Cards page will display 4 8. Click Manage My Cards 9. You will now be transferred to the Ticket Transfer site, which will open in a new browser window / tab 10. The My Account page will display Block-Row-Seat Card Number Menu Options Next Event Details 5 My Account Overview When the Ticket Transfer site opens you will see the Overview page. From this section of the site you can access options to manage your access cards and see the next event for the currently selected seat / card. Block-Row-Seat Card Number Menu Options Next Event Details Selecting Seat(s) / Card(s) Access cards are issued per licensed seat that you hold. On the right side of the page you will see the My Seats(s) dropdown list. This dropdown list only contains selections for active card(s) associated with your seat(s) and is displayed sorted by Block, Row, Seat and Card Number. Highlight the Block Row Seat, Card Number for the seat / card you wish to manage. Block-Row-Seat Card Number All details in the centre of the page will refresh and display information relevant to the selected seat / card. *Please Note: If the card number you want to manage is not displayed in the dropdown list, please select the selection associated with the same Block, Row, Seat. 6 My Details The My Details section displays details we currently hold for you associated with your card(s). Please contact the Account Management Team on 0845 676 2007 if any details are incorrect or need updating. • • • • • FAN Number Full Name Phone Number Mobile Number Email Address Card Details Click Card Details to view all cards issued for the currently selected seat. *Please Note: You will need to select the relevant seat details from My seat(s) menu to view card details for another seat. If a new card is issued, the previous card will automatically become inactive and cannot be used for entry. All information and event entitlements will be transferred to the new card. The Active card will always be displayed in green. Cannot be used 7 My Events Within My Events, you will be able to view the next upcoming event that you can attend using your access card. *Please note: You will need to select the relevant seat details from My seat(s) dropdown to view event information for another seat. 8 Event Details Within the Event Details screen, you will be able to view details for the next upcoming event and whether Ticket Transfer is available. This is based on the seat(s) you have selected. Ticket Transfer is not available 9 All Events This section lists all the events uploaded onto your card. Within this screen you can manage your events – whether a ticket you have transferred has been accepted by your guest (P). If no key is displayed, the event is not available for transfer yet or the event has already taken place. Ticket Transfer is not available My Attendance Within this screen you will be able to view attendance information for each seat for each event attended. Select the seat using the My Seat(s) dropdown Select the Card Number from the dropdown Select seat first, then card number Attendance information for the card will be shown. 10 You can click View Details to see actual entry times and access attempts for each event. Unsuccessful entry attempts are also recorded. Note: If you have a new card issued during the season, attendance information for events prior to the card being replaced, will be displayed on the old card number. All cards associated with your seat should appear in the dropdown list. 11 Transferring a Ticket Ticket Transfer Requirements You will need to know: • The name(s) and email address(es) of your guest(s) • The event you want to transfer • When the events transfer window is open • The seat(s) you want to transfer To action ticket transfers, you will need: • Access to the Club Wembley members’ website • E-mail access Transfer Window The transfer window will normally open four weeks prior to the event and close on the event day. Please refer to the Club Wembley members’ website for transfer window opening and closing details. Transferring a Ticket 1. Follow the process to access Manage My Cards (see page 4) 2. Select the relevant seat from the My Seat(s) dropdown list the right hand side of the page Block-Row-Seat Card Number 3. Click on the All Events option. • All events uploaded onto this card will display • All events which have a ‘T’ are available for Ticket Transfer. 4. Click Manage next to the event you wish to transfer. 12 Ticket Transfer available 5. The My Event Details page for the event will display. 6. Select Click to Transfer Ticket. This option will not be available for events which cannot be transferred. 7. You also cannot transfer tickets if • the transfer window is not open 13 • you have already entered the Stadium using your card. • In this instance you can only transfer the entitlment after calling back the original transfer (see section on recalling a transferred ticket on page 20). 8. If the ticket has not already been transferred you will be prompted to enter details of the guest you would like to transfer your tickets to. You can transfer the entitlement to yourself if you wish to use paper tickets for an event. Complete the ‘Full Name’, ‘E-mail Address’ and ‘Confirm E-mail Address’ fields. 9. Click Transfer 10. You will receive confirmation that the e-mail request has been sent to your guest. 10. Click OK 14 11. Within the all events screen, the status will change to Pending for that particular event. 15 Accepting a Transferred Ticket 1. Once a ticket has been transferred, the recipient will receive an e-mail from, confirming your ticket offer. 2. A case sensitive unique key will be included in the e-mail 3. To collect the ticket the recipient should click Accept my ticket 4. The recipient should enter their e-mail address and the unique key sent to them within the offer email. The recipient should click Accept 16 5. The recipient will then receive confirmation that the ticket has been transferred successfully. The recipient will also receive an email with a ticket attached in a PDF format. The ticket attachment can be opened and printed. 6. Confirmation of the successful transfer of your event entitlement to your guest will also be emailed to you. 17 7. The recipient should open the attachment and print the ticket. The ticket should be printed on white paper only at 100% and should be checked to ensure that the barcodes have been printed clearly. Once the recipient is happy with the print quality of their ticket, it should be folded along the lines indicated. Please follow the guidelines on the following pages to ensure your ticket is printed and folded correctly. Once printed and folded, the ticket should be safely stored, ready for scanning at the turnstile. NOTE: If the barcodes are not printed properly your guest(s) may have to seek assistance at the turnstile to gain entry to the event. 18 Printing And Folding Your Transferred Ticket Open the email containing your ticket. Open the attachment ETICKET.PDF. Acrobat Reader will automatically open. 19 From the File Menu Select Print, or Click the Printer Icon. The Print dialog will appear. Ensure the Page Scaling option is set to None. Ensure your printer is loaded with Plain White Paper. Click OK to print the ticket. 20 Fold your ticket where indicated below, then store safely, ready for scanning at the turnstile. 8. The recipient should bring the printed ticket with them to the Stadium on event day. If your guest(s) fails to accept your ticket offer, your event entitlement will be restored to your access card. 21 Recalling A Transferred Ticket Once a ticket has been transferred and accepted, the recipient will be able to print a paper ticket and access the event. Your event entitlement for the transfer will be inactive on your card. Provided the ticket has not been used, you can revoke the transfer from the Club Wembley members’ website. This will cancel the paper ticket and re-activate the event entitlement on your card. You can then use your access card or may choose to initiate another transfer. 1. Follow the process to access Manage My Cards (see page 4 ) 2. Select the relevant seat from the My Seat(s) dropdown list the right hand side of the page Block-Row-Seat Card Number 3. Click on the All Events option. • All events uploaded onto this card will display 4. Click Callback next to the event entitlement you wish to restore to your access card. 5. A window asking for confirmation of the callback will pop up. Click Yes to confirm, or No to cancel the callback 22 6. If the ticket has already been used you will not be able to reverse the transfer. The following message will appear. 7. If the ticket hasn’t been used, the event entitlement will be restored to your card and the transferred ticket cancelled. Any attempt to use the transferred ticket for entry will be blocked. Ticket Transfer available An e-mail will be sent to the recipient to confirm the accepted offer / any printed ticket has been cancelled. 23 Using a Transferred Ticket on Event Day You should print your transferred ticket and use it like a standard paper ticket. You should fold your ticket along the fold lines indicated. Fold along the lines to leave the barcodes facing out, event details and terms of conditions facing each other. Once folded the ticket should be similar size to a standard paper ticket. Place the barcode into the slot or under the scanner next to the turnstile. When the barcode is successfully scanned, the turnstile will open and you can enter the Stadium. 24 Checking your Attendance History 1. Follow the process to access Manage My Cards (see page 4) 2. Select the relevant seat from the My Seat(s) dropdown list the right hand side of the page Block-Row-Seat Card Number 3. Click on the My Attendance option on the right hand side of the page Select the Card Number from the dropdown list Select seat first, then card number Attendance information for the card will be shown. You can click View Details to see actual entry times and access attempts for each event. 25 Unsuccessful entry attempts are also recorded. 2nd unsuccessful entry attempt made Note: If you have a new card issued during the season, attendance information for events prior to the card being replaced, will be displayed on the old card number. All cards associated with your seat should appear in the dropdown list. 26 Confirming which events are loaded onto your Card 1. Follow the process to access Manage My Cards (see page 4) 2. Select the relevant seat from the My Seat(s) dropdown list on the right hand side of the page Block-Row-Seat Card Number 3. Click on the All Events option. • All events uploaded onto this card will display 27 Appendix A - Frequently Asked Questions Access cards Q A Q A Q A Q A What is an access card and why don’t I have a ticket? Your new access card will provide entry to all your Club Wembley events without the need for a separate ticket. Why is my access card is not working? Try moving your card nearer to the reader at the turnstile. If the turnstile still does not open, then please seek assistance from a steward. If your card is damaged or faulty please go to the East Ticket Collection booth where the details for the card you have will be verified. A paper ticket will be issued to you for the event. If necessary a replacement access card will be issued soon after the event. I’ve resold my event. Will I be able to use my access card? If you sell your event entitlement for that particular event, your card will be deactivated and cannot be used for entry on the event day. I’ve transferred my event. Will I be able to use my access card? If your transfer has not been accepted by your guest, your card will remain active and can be used for entry to the event. However, if the ticket has been accepted, your card will be deactivated and cannot be used for entry to that particular event. Log in to the Club Wembley members’ website to confirm the status of your card for the event. Ticket Transfer - Letting other people use your tickets Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A What is a transferred ticket? A transferred ticket is the process to make it easy to transfer an event entitlement to a guest(s) when you are unable to attend an event at Wembley Stadium. Note that the event entitlement will be removed from your access card for that particular event. Can I give my access card to my guests to use? Yes, you can. Remember your access card is valuable and is preloaded with event access. You may find it better to use the Ticket Transfer option which is available from the Club Wembley members’ website. I am not attending an event and want to give my ticket(s) to a friend/guest to use but I don’t want them to have my access card(s). How do I do this? You can send your guest(s) your ticket(s) using Ticket Transfer available from the Club Wembley members’ website. Transferred tickets will be sent via e-mail to then be printed at home and brought to the stadium on the event day. This will automatically de-activate your card for the event selected. What is the difference between Print at Home and Ticket Transfer? There is no difference. Print at Home and Ticket Transfer are terms used to refer to the process of transferring your event entitlement from your access card(s) to tickets(s) sent via e-mail for you or your guests to print using your own printer at home or at the office. When can I transfer tickets? The ticket transfer window will open at the same time as the resale window. Tickets can be transferred up to noon of the day prior to the actual day of the event. What is the latest time that I can transfer my tickets? The ticket transfer window opening and closing dates will be specified on the members’ website. How many times can I accept a ticket transfer? A ticket transfer can only be accepted once. How many times can I make a ticket transfer? Only once if a transfer has been requested, but if your recipient of the transfer chooses to not take up the ticket transfer offer then you may send it to someone else as many times as you wish. How many times can I print a ticket for the same seat? A ticket can be printed many times for the same seat. However, on the event day, only the first ticket presented at the turnstiles will be allowed access. Any further attempts to present the same ticket (original or copy) will be blocked and no entry will be permitted. 28 Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A You should avoid printing multiple copies of tickets for the same seat and shred any unwanted copies of tickets before disposing of them. What if the transferred ticket is unreadable? The same barcode will be printed twice on each paper ticket. Try presenting both barcodes at the turnstiles. If the ticket still fails to read, please go to the East Ticket Collection booth where the details for the ticket you have will be verified. If appropriate, a replacement paper ticket will be issued to you. What if my guest can’t print a transferred ticket? You can recall the ticket and issue a new transfer to your own e-mail address. Print out the ticket on your guests behalf and send it to them. All transferred tickets should be printed on A4 paper. No other form of ticket will be issued to you. I have four Club Wembley seats. What happens if I only want to transfer one seat? You can transfer a single seat for a selected event by selecting the relevant block-row-seat details in the ticket transfer screen. Once the transfer is accepted, you will be notified by e-mail which seat you have transferred. This will deactivate the event on the relevant access card. Please ensure that you bring the correct cards for the seats you haven’t transferred on the event day. I have four Club Wembley seats and I want to transfer all of them to my guests for one event only. You can transfer all your seats to your nominated guests. However, these will have to be done individually for the selected event. You will be required to complete your guest’s name and e-mail address for each transfer. Your guests will receive an e-mail with a unique key and they will be required to enter the e-mail address you sent the transfer to and the unique key. This validates that the correct person has received the tickets you have transferred. I have four Club Wembley seats. What happens if I want to transfer all four seats for four different events? You can transfer your entitlement to any event to your nominated guests. However, this will have to be done individually for each card and event you want to transfer. Each seat that you wish you transfer for each event will have to be accepted by your nominated guest(s), which in turn will deactivate your relevant access card for that event. I am a Gold member, will the transferred ticket give my guest access to the Gold bars? Yes, your membership category will be printed onto the ticket and allow your guest to access your event entitlements. Lost and Stolen Q A Q A Q A What should I do if my access card is lost or stolen? If it is close to the event day we suggest you log on to the Club Wembley members’ website and transfer the event access to your own email. Print the ticket and go to the event. However, please contact the Account Management Team on 0845 676 2007 as soon as possible so we can get you a new access card. What should I do if a transferred ticket is lost or stolen? Prior to Event If your guest advises you that their ticket has been lost or stolen, you should re-call the ticket as soon as possible, this will cancel the lost ticket. You should action a new transfer to your guest for the same seat. This will allow them to accept, and print a replacement ticket with a new barcode. Event Day If your guest advises you that their ticket has been lost or stolen on event day, you should ask them to report the loss to the East Ticket Collection Booth as soon as possible. The transferred ticket will be cancelled. If the ticket has not been used a replacement paper ticket will be issued. If your ticket has already been used, your guest will not be permitted entry, as only one entry is allowed per seat. What happens if a ticket reported lost /stolen or cancelled is scanned at the entrance? Entry will not be permitted 29 Help Q A What should I do if I need further assistance? Prior to the event Check the members’ website for the latest information relating to your cards, ticket transfers or contact the Account Management Team on 0845 676 2007. On Event day Speak to stewards at the Club Wembley entrances or please seek assistance from the East Ticket Collection Booth. 30 Appendix B – Glossary Access Card A seat specific card which allows entry into Wembley Stadium. Block-Row-Seat An area within the Stadium where a specific seat is located. Card Number The unique number allocated to your Access Card. This will be printed on the front of your card. Club Wembley members’ website The member’s website Event Entitlement Your entry and membership benefits for the football match, concert and other events. FAN Your membership ID. Guest/Recipient The person you are transferring your event entitlement to. Print at home The process of transferring event entitlements from an access card to a guest. Print at Home ticket A bar-coded ticket which has been e-mailed to a guest with your event entitlement to print using their own equipment. Recipient The person you are transferring your event entitlement to. Resale The process of selling event entitlements to another member. Start Time This is the time at which the turnstiles open for entry. Ticket Transfer The process of transferring event entitlements from an Access Card to a guest. Transfer Actions Manage - You may manage your event entitlement. Pending - Your event entitlement has been offered to your guest. Callback - Your event entitlement has been accepted by your guest. Transferred Ticket A bar-coded ticket which has been e-mailed to a guest with your event entitlement to print using their own equipment. 31