OTC_Safety_Security_.. - Ogeechee Technical College!
OTC_Safety_Security_.. - Ogeechee Technical College!
FY 2010 OGEECHEE TECHNICAL COLLEGE SAFETY AND SECURITY MANUAL APPROVED AUGUST 2007 REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008, SEPTEMBER 2009 ii iii SAFETY AND SECURITY INTRODUCTION Ogeechee Technical College is committed to providing students and employees a safe and healthy working and learning environment that is free from hazards. The purpose of this manual is to provide information that is intended to help protect the safety and security of Ogeechee Technical College students and employees in the event of campus emergencies. This manual will be used as a guide in the development of safe working conditions and prevention of accidents which may result in injury to individuals or damage to buildings, facilities, and equipment. Ogeechee Technical College will strive for the elimination of accident and health hazards by the establishment of a safety program administered by the Director for Campus Safety and Security. Two responsibilities of the safety program are the establishment of emergency procedures to diminish the effects of catastrophic events and the prevention of accidents, whether they involve student injuries, employee injuries, or property damage. Therefore, all employees will provide full support for all safety procedures, training, and hazard elimination practices necessary to achieve these goals. The Director for Campus Safety and Security, as well as supervisory personnel, are responsible for the instruction of all employees under their jurisdiction in regard to proper procedures and safe methods to be utilized in performing duties in the working and instructional environment for taking immediate corrective measures to eliminate hazardous conditions and for implementing practices for the prevention of all accidents. Employees must follow recognized safe work practices as a condition of employment with Ogeechee Technical College. Students must abide by safe practices and procedures established for the classroom, labs, or other non-instructional environments. iv Each employee (full-time or part-time) will cooperate with this program. In order to facilitate the College’s quick and appropriate reaction to threatening events, all employees are required to do the following: 1. Read this manual carefully and become familiar with assigned roles. 2. Prepare to assume responsibility for your assigned duties. 3. Store copies of this guide in classrooms, labs, and offices for quick and easy access. 4. Attend staff development (training sessions) dedicated to emergency response training. 5. Report hazardous conditions or other safety concerns to the responsible supervisor immediately, as well as to the Director for Campus Safety and Security. The Director for Campus Safety and Security will take appropriate action to initiate corrective measures. 6. Individual instructors play an important role in the safety program and management of emergency situations which occur on College property. These individuals have the professional knowledge of the safety issues, rules, and procedures which apply to their areas of responsibility. They have the immediate responsibility to ensure written rules and procedures are disseminated and followed in their work and classroom environments. 7. To the extent each situation permits, the administration and management of emergency response decisions shall be made by the President of the College or a designated Vice President, along with the Director for Campus Safety and Security. A copy of this manual will be distributed to all employees who will receive training in emergency procedures. The employee will then be required to sign a document stating they have received a copy of this manual, have read the material presented, have received training, and agree to update the plan as amendments are provided. Copies of this manual will also be provided to TCSG, GEMA, the local Sheriff’s Department, and the local Fire Department. Thank you for your cooperation with emergency planning for Ogeechee Technical College. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction........................................................................................................................ i i Preparing For A Campus Emergency................................................................................ 1 Automated External Defibrillator Locations..................................................................... 2 Emergency Contact Information....................................................................................... 3 Designated Areas and Evacuation Routes......................................................................... 4 Joseph E. Kennedy Building I Evacuation Map................................................................ 5 Joseph E. Kennedy Building II Evacuation Map............................................................... 6 Health Sciences Building I Evacuation Map..................................................................... 7 Health Sciences Building II Evacuation Map.................................................................... 8 Occupational Studies Building I Evacuation Map............................................................ 9 Occupational Studies Building II Evacuation Map........................................................... 10 Joe Kennedy Annex Evacuation Map................................................................................ 11 Assessment Center Evacuation Map................................................................................. 12 Natural Resources Building I Evacuation Map................................................................. 13 Natural Resources Building II Evacuation Map................................................................ 14 Bulloch County Workforce Development Center Evacuation Map............................... 15 Evans County Workforce Development Center Evacuation Map.................................. 16 Screven County Workforce Development Center Evacuation Map............................... 17 Logistics and Public Safety Building Evacuation Map..................................................... 18 General Responsibilities..................................................................................................... 19 Reporting An Emergency................................................................................................... 20 Catastrophic Incidents........................................................................................................ 21 Accidents and Medical Emergencies................................................................................. 22 Aircraft Disaster.................................................................................................................. 23 Firearms, Weapons, and Explosives Evacuation Map...................................................... 24 Armed Intrusion/Hostage-Taking/Gunfire....................................................................... 25 Managing A Hostage Situation In Your Area................................................................... 26 Biological Agents/Anthrax................................................................................................. 27 Bomb Threat....................................................................................................................... 28 Bomb Threat Report Form................................................................................................. 29 Earthquake.......................................................................................................................... 30 Emergency Closing............................................................................................................. 31 Fire and Smoke................................................................................................................... 32 Hazardous Materials Incident............................................................................................ 33 Tornado or Severe Weather............................................................................................... 34 Water Line Break/Flood/Heavy Rain/Wind Storm.......................................................... 35 Notes.................................................................................................................................... 36 1 PREPARING FOR A CAMPUS EMERGENCY The American Red Cross identifies an emergency as any “unplanned event that can cause deaths or significant injuries to students, employees, or the public (visitors); or that can shut down your institution, disrupt operations, cause physical or environmental damage, or threaten the facility’s financial standing or public image.” With the large number of employees and students on campus, safety is always a top priority. In the event that the need to render assistance in an emergency arises, Ogeechee Technical College has developed systems for effectively managing emergency situations. Some of those systems are integral to some department operations, such as Campus Safety and Security’s response to an on-campus injury or Plant Operations’ response to a power outage. Other situations require a higher level of coordination between departments. The College has prepared this Safety and Security Manual to guide response actions that require a high level of coordination. Ogeechee Technical College practices various parts of its emergency plan with exercises, evacuation drills, and unit response drills. The most crucial element during an emergency is the need to act quickly and appropriately. Employees should become familiar with this Safety and Security Manual. This manual describes many emergency situations, such as bomb threats, fires, civil disturbances, hostage situations, and inclement weather and describes the action that should be taken in each situation. Keep this manual in a convenient location for future reference. Employees should also become familiar with their specific responsibility as a faculty member, staff, or student. Additionally, all employees must become knowledgeable about the following: Evacuation routes. (See pages 5 – 18). Locations of designated areas. (See page 4). Locations of fire alarms. Locations of fire extinguishers. Locations of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). (See page 2 for marked locations). 2 AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR LOCATIONS The locations of the Automated External Defibrillators are as follows: BUILDING Joseph E. Kennedy Building Health Sciences Building Occupational Studies Building AED LOCATIONS Beside entrance to Reception in front foyer. Beside Student Center next to main lobby. Beside reception area in front foyer. 3 EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION All emergencies should first be reported to the receptionist at (912) 681-5664 (dial only 5664 from an internal telephone). The receptionist will notify the proper campus authorities, the Ogeechee Technical College Emergency Response Team, and 911. This guide describes in detail exactly what steps are to be taken in the event of an emergency. These guidelines are specifically designed to enable appointed and trained OTC personnel to effectively respond to any emergency situation that may arise, and every effort should be made by all employees to follow the guidelines. DEPARTMENT NAME Director for Campus Safety and Security Director for Plant Operations Executive Director for Operations Director for Human Resources Vice President for Economic Development Vice President for Student Affairs Vice President for Fiscal Operations President Jeff Smith Buddy Sapp Jeff Davis Steve Miller Ben Thompson Charlene Lamar Eyvonne Hart Dawn Cartee OFFICE 681-5667 871-1634 871-1640 871-1801 486-7607 688-6061 486-7784 871-1638 HOME 839-3681 764-4675 852-5006 587-7725 842-5127 764-2537 764-1100 764-6474 CELL 682-7231 536-6191 682-1835 682-7687 536-9348 536-2991 682-1084 536-3725 UTILITIES POWER Statesboro: Main Campus Mobile Unit(s) Bulloch County Workforce Dev Center Evans County Workforce Dev Center Logistics and Public Safety Building Screven County Workforce Dev Center GAS AND WATER Georgia Power (888) 660-5890 EEMC (912) 685-2115 Georgia Power (888) 660-5890 City of Statesboro (912) 764-0693 – M-F 8am-5pm (912) 764-6055 – After Hours Georgia Power (888) 660-5890 Georgia Power (888) 660-5890 City of Sylvania (912) 564-7491 City of Claxton (912) 739-1712 City of Hagan (912) 739-3801 City of Sylvania (912) 564-7491 City of Statesboro (912) 764-0693 – M-F 8am-5pm (912) 764-6055 – After Hours 4 DESIGNATED AREAS AND EVACUATION ROUTES Designated areas are locations where faculty, staff, and students will gather in the event of a campus evacuation. BUILDING DESIGNATED AREA Joseph E. Kennedy Building Health Sciences Building Occupational Studies Building Pecan orchard in front of main campus. Far side of Health Sciences building parking lot. North end of campus next to Langston Chapel Road or retention pond area. The south parking lot between Joe Kennedy Building and Joe Kennedy Blvd. Grassy area between Health Sciences building and Occupational Studies building. Joe Kennedy Annex Assessment Center Natural Resources Building I and II Bulloch County Workforce Development Center Evans County Workforce Development Center Screven County Workforce Development Center Logistics and Public Safety Bldg Vacant lot across Hal Averitt Blvd. Statesboro Herald parking lot. Bank parking lot next to Center. Screven County Library parking lot. Grassy area near the driver’s shelter Evacuation maps for each of these buildings are on the pages that follow. These evacuation maps are also posted in each classroom, lab, and office in each building. Faculty and staff should direct students and visitors at the time an evacuation is ordered to the designated area for their assigned space. 5 JOSEPH E. KENNEDY BUILDING I Legend: Designated Area For This Building: Escape Route Shelter Area Pecan Orchard in front of main campus. 6 JOSEPH E. KENNEDY BUILDING II AED Legend: Designated Area For This Building: Escape Route Shelter Area Pecan Orchard in front of main campus. HEALTH SCIENCES BUILDING I Legend: Designated Area For This Building: Escape Route Shelter Area Far side of Health Sciences building parking lot. 7 HEALTH SCIENCES BUILDING II AED Legend: Designated Area For This Building: Escape Route Shelter Area Far side of Health Sciences building parking lot. 8 OCCUPATIONAL STUDIES BUILDING I Legend: Escape Route Shelter Area Designated Area For This Building: North end of campus next to Langston Chapel Road or retention pond area. 9 OCCUPATIONAL STUDIES BUILDING II CHILD ENRICHMENT CENTER AED Legend: Escape Route Shelter Area Designated Area For This Building: North end of campus next to Langston Chapel Road or retention pond area. 10 JOE KENNEDY ANNEX BUILDING Legend: Escape Route Shelter Area 11 Designated Area For This Building: The south parking lot between Joe Kennedy Building and Joe Kennedy Blvd. 12 ASSESSMENT CENTER Legend: Escape Route Shelter Area Designated Area For This Building: Grassy area between Health Sciences building and Occupational Studies building. NATURAL RESOURCES BUILDING I Legend: Designated Area For This Building: Escape Route Shelter Area Vacant lot across Hal Averitt Blvd. 13 NATURAL RESOURCES BUILDING II Legend: Designated Area For This Building: Escape Route Shelter Area Vacant lot across Hal Averitt Blvd. 14 BULLOCH COUNTY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CENTER Legend: Designated Area For This Building: Escape Route Shelter Area Statesboro Herald parking lot. 15 16 EVANS CENTER EVANS COUNTY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CENTER Legend: Designated Area For This Building: Escape Route Shelter Area Bank parking lot next to Center. SCREVEN COUNTY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CENTER Legend: Escape Route Shelter Area Designated Area For This Building: Screven County Library parking lot. 17 18 LOGISTICS AND PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Legend: Designated Area For This Building: Escape Route Shelter Area Grassy area near the driver’s shelter 19 GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES During an emergency, the following groups will adhere to procedures as listed below: Receptionist Upon receiving report of emergency, contact 911 immediately. Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security. Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Notify President. Report to designated staging area immediately. Contact Public Safety officials, if necessary. Oversee and coordinate emergency procedures as needed. Complete Incident Report form. President Report to designated area immediately. Emergency Response Team Report to designated area immediately. Faculty and Staff with medical/first aid training Inform Director for Campus Safety and Security or supervisor of your training and certifications. Offer to assist persons with injuries. Faculty/Staff Inform students, employees, and visitors of crisis procedures, evacuation routes, and designated areas. Assist disabled students. Everyone Use your best judgment in situations that threaten your safety or the safety of those around you. Inform and assist visitors with crisis procedures, evacuation routes, shelter areas, and designated areas. Assist with evacuations by clearing areas near your classroom, lab, conference room, or office. Remain calm. The President will designate an official spokesperson to speak on behalf of the College during an emergency. If you are approached by the media, please refer them to: Barry Turner Executive Director for Public Relations JEK Building, Office #140 (912) 688-6958 20 REPORTING AN EMERGENCY Actions 1. If you encounter an emergency situation, contact the receptionist at (912) 6815664 (Internal, dial 5664 only) and report the emergency giving as many details about the emergency as you can. In order for the emergency response system to be successful, all employees must adhere to the guidelines and procedures set in place. 2. The receptionist will then alert the Director for Campus Safety and Security who will notify the Emergency Response Team, College administrators, and public officials as necessary. Roles and Responsibilities Receptionist Dial 9-911 and report emergency immediately. Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security. Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Issue an immediate report to the President’s Office and Public Relations, if the situation warrants. Move to the site of the incident immediately. Contact and communicate with Public Safety officials, if necessary. Arrange for a security officer or an administrator to meet Public Safety officials who have been called to the campus. Oversee and coordinate emergency procedures as needed. Coordinate evacuation or shelter-in-place directives. Complete an Incident Report form. President Report to designated area immediately. Emergency Response Team Report to designated area immediately. Faculty Remain with your class until immediate danger has subsided. Instruct your class on evacuation/shelter-in-place procedures. Assist students with disabilities as necessary. Staff Supervisors will instruct you to shelter-in-place or evacuate the area. Assist other co-workers as necessary. Assist visitors as necessary. 21 CATASTROPHIC INCIDENTS (large-scale emergencies) Actions Use your best judgment in this situation. All communication lines could be down. Exercise extreme caution. Stay together in groups, if possible. 2. Evacuate to designated areas, if possible (see page 4 or shelter-in-place as directed.) 3. If evacuation is ordered, move to the nearest designated area (see page 4) and check in with the OTC Emergency Coordinator on location. Each coordinator will be wearing an orange vest for easy recognition. 1. Roles and Responsibilities Receptionist Dial 9-911 and report emergency immediately. Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security. Faculty/Staff SHELTER-IN-PLACE EVACUATE Close/lock doors to secure area. Lead students, employees, and visitors Close and pull blinds. to the nearest designated area (see page Take logical steps to ensure the 4 for locations). safety of students, employees, and Check in with Emergency Coordinator visitors. wearing an orange vest. Shelter-in-place until you receive Assist disabled students and employees. directions from Campus Safety or Follow directions issued by Campus Public Safety officials. Safety or Public Safety officials. If you are off campus, check the OTC website for updates on the situation. Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Issue an immediate report to the President’s Office and Public Relations, if the situation warrants. Move to the site of the incident immediately. Contact and communicate with Public Safety officials, if necessary. Arrange for a security officer or an administrator to meet Public Safety officials who have been called to the campus. Oversee and coordinate emergency procedures as needed. Coordinate evacuation or shelter-in-place directives. Complete an Incident Report form. Emergency Response Team Report to designated area immediately. 22 ACCIDENTS AND MEDICAL EMERGENCIES Actions If you encounter an accident or medical emergency, contact the receptionist at (912) 681-5664 and report the emergency giving as many details about the emergency as you can. 2. Stay with the injured or ill person(s) until help arrives. 1. CAUTION: Do NOT move an injured person unless the site is unsafe. Roles and Responsibilities Receptionist Dial 9-911 and report emergency immediately. Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security. Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Issue an immediate report to the President’s Office if the situation warrants. Move to the site of the incident immediately. Call for medical assistance or first aid, if necessary. Arrange for a security officer or an administrator to meet Public Safety officials who have been called to the campus. Complete an Incident Report form. Faculty/Staff Ask students or employees who do not need assistance/attention to leave the scene. Remain with the injured or ill person(s) until help arrives. 23 AIRCRAFT DISASTER ON OR NEAR CAMPUS Actions Contact the receptionist at (912) 681-5664 and report the emergency. 2. Listen for directives from the Director for Campus Safety and Security, Public Safety officials, or administrators to evacuate or shelter-in-place. 1. The safest areas will be far from the crash scene uphill and upwind from the downed aircraft and away from damaged buildings, trees, and power lines. If evacuation is issued, move to a designated area unless otherwise directed. (See page 4). 4. Check in with the OTC Emergency Coordinator wearing an orange vest. 3. Roles and Responsibilities Receptionist Dial 9-911 and report emergency immediately. Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security. Faculty/Staff SHELTER-IN-PLACE Close/lock doors to secure area. Take logical steps to ensure the safety of students, employees, and visitors. Listen and follow directives from Campus Safety or Public Safety officials. EVACUATE Lead students, employees, and visitors to the nearest designated area (see page 4 for locations). Check in with Emergency Coordinator wearing an orange vest. Assist disabled students and employees. Follow directions issued by Campus Safety or Public Safety officials. If you are off campus, check the OTC website for updates on the situation. Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Issue an immediate report to the President’s Office. Move to the site of the incident immediately. Assist with evacuations or shelter-in-place and traffic control. Assist Public Safety officials as they arrive at the site of the incident. Follow directions from the President’s Office. Complete an Incident Report form. Emergency Response Team Report to designated areas immediately. President Report to designated area immediately. 24 FIREARMS, WEAPONS, AND EXPLOSIVES ACTIONS If you observe any violation of the Firearms, Weapons, and Explosives policy or procedure, you should: Contact the receptionist (5664) and report the offender. Provide as much detail as possible regarding the offender and the weapon. Remain calm and attempt to move to a safe area away from the offender. Signal others to stay clear. If in contact with them, DO NOT challenge the offender verbally or physically. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Appropriate law enforcement agencies will be notified of a potential violation of the weapons policy. Students will: Report any weapons possession to any faculty or staff. Faculty/Staff will: Report any weapons possession to Receptionist and/or Director for Campus Safety and Security Remain Calm. Do not confront the offender. Provide accurate descriptions of offender and weapon, if possible. File an incident report with the Director for Campus Safety and Security The Receptionist will: Dial 9-911 and report the incident to Law Enforcement Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security The Director for Campus Safety and Security will: Notify Emergency Response Team Locate the offender and secure area immediately surrounding them Determine the nature of the weapon and confront the offender to determine the intent of carrying said weapon on campus. Attempt to confiscate said weapon. If necessary, contact Bulloch Co. Sheriff’s Dept. for assistance Issue a report to the President and/or the VPSS if student involved Complete an Incident Report form. 25 ARMED INTRUSION/HOSTAGE-TAKING/GUNFIRE Intruders may pose a substantial risk to the safety and well being of all students and employees. Any disruption caused by unauthorized visitors to the College campus should be reported to the receptionist at (912) 681-5664 immediately. Actions Contact the receptionist at (912) 681-5664 and report the emergency. 2. Signal others to stay clear of the area. 3. Seek safety. 1. Roles and Responsibilities Receptionist Dial 9-911 and report emergency immediately. Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security. Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Secure the area. Cooperate with Public Safety officials. Issue an immediate report to the President’s Office. Arrange for a security officer or an administrator to meet Public Safety officials who have been called to the campus. Offer assistance and directives as appropriate. Complete an Incident Report form. Faculty/Staff Instruct students/employees to enter the closest classroom/lab/office. Close windows and blinds. Lock doors. Move students/employees away from windows and take necessary shelter. Turn off the lights where you are located. 26 MANAGING A HOSTAGE SITUATION IN YOUR AREA If you encounter a hostage situation in your classroom, lab, or office area remember the following: This first 15-45 minutes are the most dangerous. Evaluate the situation. Can this person be approached or controlled without the use of force? How many individuals are involved? What kinds of weapons do they have? Is negotiation an option? Isolate the perpetrator from other innocent bystanders or potential victims, if possible. Remain calm. Negotiate, if possible. Keep talking. If you are still talking, most likely you will have an opportunity to buy some time. Find out what the individual wants. DO NOT make promises you can’t deliver. Be prepared to talk to the police on the telephone. Tell the perpetrator that you will see what can be done and then work towards that end. Avoid heroics. Don’t threaten or intimidate. Be thinking about a potential escape plan for yourself and others. 27 BIOLOGICAL AGENTS/ANTHRAX Actions If you receive a suspicious letter or package marked with a threatening message: 1. Contact the receptionist at (912) 681-5664 and report the emergency. 2. Wait for Campus Security to arrive and turn the situation over to them. 3. Do NOT open, shake, or empty contents of any suspicious envelope or package. Do NOT try to clean up powder or spillage. Cover spillage with anything available. Move to a safer location. Follow safe handling procedures: a. Leave the room and close the door to keep others from entering the area. , if possible, place a sign on the door that states, DO NOT ENTER. b. Wash hands with soap and water to prevent spreading the substance. c. Prepare a list of all people who were in the area when the suspicious letter/package arrived and give to Director for Campus Safety and Security or Public Safety official. Roles and Responsibilities Receptionist Dial 9-911 and report emergency immediately. Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security. Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Move to the site of the incident, offer assistance and directives as appropriate. Place envelope/package in a plastic bag or air-tight container. Seal or cover bag or container to prevent leakage. Issue an immediate report to the President’s Office. Arrange for a security officer or an administrator to meet Public Safety officials who have been called to the campus. Complete an Incident Report form. DO NOT PANIC To cause infection, anthrax organisms must be rubbed into open areas of the skin, swallowed, or inhaled as a fine, aerosolized mist. Early treatment with appropriate antibiotics can prevent disease. 28 BOMB THREAT Continue normal activities unless evacuation is ordered. If you receive a bomb threat by phone: 1. Stay calm. 2. Try to keep the caller talking to collect as much information as possible. 3. Signal someone close by to call the receptionist at (912) 681-5664. If you are the receptionist, signal someone to call the Director for Campus Safety and Security at (912) 681-5667. 4. Complete the Bomb Threat Report Form (see page 29) and file with the Office of Campus Safety and Security. SIGNAL TO EVACUATE Pulse Tone Alarm SIGNAL FOR SAFE RETURN A Single Long Ring Alarm Actions 1. Evacuate the building according to posted evacuation routes/nearest safe exit. Evacuation charts are located on the wall in classrooms, labs, and office areas. (See page 4 for designated areas and pages 5 – 18 for evacuation maps). Remain at least 1000 feet away from building until signal sounds for safe return. Turn off all cell phones, radios, pagers, and other electronic devices. Roles and Responsibilities Receptionist Dial 9-911 or ask someone nearby to call the Director for Campus Safety and Security if you are the person on the phone with the caller. Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security. Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Issue an immediate report to the President’s Office. Move to the site of the threat and assist with evacuation. Follow instructions given by Public Safety officials. Designate staff to check restrooms, hallways, and remote areas of the building. Arrange for a security officer or an administrator to meet Public Safety officials who have been called to the campus. Complete an Incident Report form. Faculty/Staff Clear classrooms and hallways to help ensure total evacuation. Assist disabled students/employees with evacuation as necessary. 29 BOMB THREAT REPORT FORM OTC Site/ Building: Person Receiving Threat: Method: (Circle One): Date of Threat: Telephone Written Note Time of Threat: Length of Call: U. S. Mail Number Where Call Rec’d: Exact Wording of Threat: QUESTIONS TO ASK: Where is the bomb? What does the bomb look like? What kind of bomb is it? What will cause it to explode? When is the bomb going to explode? Did you place the bomb? If not, who did place the bomb? Why was the bomb placed? Where are you calling from? What is your name? CALLER’S VOICE (Circle All That Apply): Calm Rapid Crying Nasal Raspy Familiar Deep Breathing Angry Soft Normal Stutter Deep Whispered Excited Loud Distinct Lisp Ragged Cracking Slow Clearing Throat Laughter Slurred Disguised Accent Male Female BACKGROUND NOISE (Circle All That Apply): Street Noises Factory Machinery Crockery Voices PA System Music Static House noises Office Machinery Animal Noises Long Distance Cellular Phone Clear Other ACTIONS: 1. Complete this form. 2. Contact Campus Safety. Office #: (912) 681-5667 3. Submit this form to the Office of Campus Safety and Security. Cell #: (912) 682-7231 30 EARTHQUAKE Actions Contact the receptionist at (912) 681-5664 and report the emergency. 2. Check others for injuries and assist as appropriate. 3. Depending on the damage: a. Evacuate the building if you can determine a safe path. b. Assume duck-and-cover position in structurally sound areas of the building. 4. Move students/employees away from damaged buildings, trees, and power lines to designated areas, if possible (see page 4). Check in with the OTC Emergency Coordinator wearing an orange vest. 1. Roles and Responsibilities Receptionist Dial 9-911 and report emergency immediately. Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security. Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Issue a report to the President’s Office. Cut off gas and water lines immediately in cooperation with Plant Operations. Assign staff to check the building(s) for visible structural damage. Assist with evacuations and traffic control. Assist Public Safety officials as they arrive at the site of the incident. Complete an Incident Report form. Faculty/Staff Instruct students/employees regarding safest exit routes. (See pages 5 - 18). Turn off electrical equipment, water faucets, etc., in your area, if possible. 31 EMERGENCY CLOSING Weather conditions or other weather-related emergencies sometimes make it necessary to close one or more campuses. Conditions may necessitate day and/or night closing, delayed opening, or early dismissal. Actions Listen to radio and/or television announcements when weather conditions make closings imminent. TELEVISION Northland Cable, 2 WSAV TV 3, 3.1 WTOC TV 11, 11.1 WJCL TV 22, 2.1 WTGS TV 28 FM RADIO WIXV 95.5 WJCL 96.5 WQBT 94.1 WMCD 107.3 WHKN 94.9 WPMX 102.9 WAEV 97.3 WZBX 106.5 AM RADIO WPTB 850 WSOK 1230 WWNS 1240 WTKS 1290 WSYL 1490 Once the decision is made to close the campus due to a weather-related emergency, the President will notify other Executive Council members and the Director for Campus Safety and Security. The Executive Director for Public Relations will notify the local television and radio stations. Executive Council members will notify the directors/supervisors in their departments, who will be responsible for notifying the employees in their division. Anytime there is potential for inclement weather, OTC employees are encouraged to tune in to local television or radio stations for information regarding emergency closings. Roles and Responsibilities Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Follow directions from the President’s Office. Cooperate with Plant Operations as necessary. Executive Council Make closing decisions as early as feasible. Notify directors/supervisors in their division. Executive Director for Public Relations Notify media of the decision. Directors/Supervisors Stay informed via local media. Notify employees in division. Faculty/Staff Stay informed via local media. Assist in notifying fellow employees as needed. 32 FIRE AND SMOKE FOR SMALL FIRES Direct the charge of the nearest fire extinguisher toward the base of the flame. Report the incident to Campus Safety and Security. FOR LARGE FIRES Actions Contact the receptionist at (912) 681-5664 and report the emergency. 2. Activate the nearest building alarm. 3. Evacuate the building according to posted evacuation routes/nearest safe exit. Evacuation charts are located on the walls in classrooms, labs, and offices. (See pages 5 – 18 for evacuation maps). 4. Remain at least 1000 feet away from building until signal sounds for safe return. 1. SIGNAL TO EVACUATE Variable tone alarm with white strobe light SIGNAL FOR SAFE RETURN A Single Long Ring Alarm Roles and Responsibilities Receptionist Dial 9-911 and report emergency immediately. Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security. Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Move to the site of the incident and assist as appropriate. Call for medical assistance or first aid, if necessary. Issue a report to the President’s Office, if warranted. Designate staff to check restrooms, hallways, and remote areas of the building. Arrange for a security officer or an administrator to meet Public Safety officials who have been called to the College. Complete an Incident Report form. 33 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENT (Leaks/Spills) Any campus could be at risk of a hazardous or toxic materials accident. Depending on the accident’s proximity to the campus, the wind velocity and direction, and the weather, the local Emergency Management Agency/Fire Department may order an evacuation. DANGER Electrical sparks could be highly dangerous. Do NOT pull fire alarms. Do NOT activate/deactivate electrical appliances, cell phones, or pagers. Actions Contact the receptionist at (912) 681-5664 and report the emergency. 2. Extinguish any open flames in the area,, if possible. 3. Evacuate or shelter-in-place as directed (See table below). 4. Gather in a designated area (See page 4). Check in with the OTC Emergency Coordinator wearing an orange vest. 1. Roles and Responsibilities Receptionist Dial 9-911 and report emergency immediately. Notify Director for Campus Safety and Security. Director for Campus Safety and Security Notify Emergency Response Team. Move to the site of the incident and assist as appropriate. Call for medical assistance or first aid, if necessary. Issue a report to the President’s Office. Issue directives as necessary. Designate staff to check restrooms, hallways, and remote areas of the building if it is safe to do so. Arrange for a security officer or an administrator to meet Public Safety officials who have been called to the College. Complete an Incident Report form. Faculty/Staff SHELTER-IN-PLACE Seal windows and doors and shut off air handling ducts. Take logical steps to ensure the safety of students, employees, and visitors. Wait for directives from Campus Safety or Public Safety officials. EVACUATE Lead students, employees, and visitors to nearest designated area (See page 4). Leave all doors open. Check with Emergency Coordinator wearing an orange vest. Assist disabled students and employees. Follow directions issued by Campus Safety 34 or Public Safety officials. 35 TORNADO OR SEVERE WEATHER SEVERE WEATHER WATCH During a severe weather watch, continue normal activities. The Director for Campus Safety and Security and administrators will monitor conditions via weather radio/television. SEVERE WEATHER WARNING During a severe weather warning, the alarm system will be activated. SIGNAL TO TAKE COVER Variable tone alarm (Community sirens should also sound) SIGNAL FOR SAFE RETURN A Single Long Ring Alarm Actions Close blinds and move away from windows if time permits. 2. Move to the hallway or pre-determined shelter area (interior hallway, basement, or space away from windows). Refer to the charts on wall in classrooms, labs, and office areas for weather safety information. 3. Return to normal activities when signaled to do so. 1. In the event of severe damage from weather-related conditions, Follow procedures for Catastrophic Incidents. Roles and Responsibilities Director for Campus Safety and Security Monitor weather radios and television stations. Notify Emergency Response Team. Assist faculty/staff with crowd control. Direct persons outside of building to shelter areas as appropriate. 36 WATER LINE BREAK/FLOOD/HEAVY RAIN/WIND STORM Flood/Water Line Break If there is a threat of water entering any building: Contact Plant Operations. During evening or weekend hours, contact Campus Safety and Security. Take appropriate action to prevent damage to property and equipment. Wait for further instructions from Plant Operations or Campus Safety and Security personnel. Severe Rain/Lightening/Wind Storm In the event an unexpected severe storm hits the campus, stay indoors with the door closed. Do not try to leave building/campus during the storm. Move away from windows and glass. Do not use phones, computers, or other electrical equipment. If power goes out during a storm, remain indoors until the storm subsides. Wait for instructions from Campus Safety or authorized personnel. If outdoors, seek shelter immediately. 37 NOTES 38 NOTES For more information regarding the OTC Safety and Security Manual Visit the OTC website at www.ogeecheetech.edu Or contact The Office of Safety and Security Ogeechee Technical College Office #503 - Health Sciences Building One Joe Kennedy Boulevard Statesboro, Georgia 30458 (912) 681-5667
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