North Region - WWF


North Region - WWF
Welcome Note
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Pakistan) has had a wonderful time
working with educational institutions nationwide for successful 25 years. With
a sole aim of conserving wildlife, flora & fauna, and natural resources of
Pakistan, we have a 42 years old history of operating in natural fields-out into
the wild, in both urban and rural areas; spreading essential environmental
awareness to general public especially youth of this nation, since they are the
flag bearers of Pakistan‟s Environment on this Planet.
Green School Programme started in 2009 as an active student campaign with
a purpose of forming a league of students who are environmentally conscious
and are ambassadors of WWF-Pakistan all over the country. Besides giving
students WWF membership benefits, Green School Programme introduced
various interactive activities, both in-school and out-door, for environmental
education on one hand, making them responsible citizens of the future; and
recreation on the other hand to polish their aesthetic sense about nature and
enjoy it in a true sense without deteriorating it. Apart from this, students have
had a chance of meeting celebrities on our annual events.
We thank all Green Schools and Green Students to join hands with WWFPakistan in this holy cause of „paying back‟ to our planet and keeping alive its
beautiful environment, with an eventual target of making it sustainable for our
future generations.
Green School Team
Green School Programme
WWF – Pakistan
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
WWF-Pakistan’s registered Green Schools
North Region
WWF – Pakistan greatly appreciates the efforts taken by the following
schools for believing in the cause, and being the pioneer Green Schools all
across the nation for our Green School Programme:
(Alphabetically order)
1. ACE International Academy, Islamabad
2. Beaconhouse School System - Abbottabad
3. Beaconhouse Educational Complex, Rawalpindi
4. Beaconhouse School System - Frontier Campus, Peshawar
5. Beaconhouse School System - Senior Gulraiz Branch, Rawalpindi
6. Beaconhouse Margalla Campus, Islamabad
7. Beaconhouse School System - Primary F-7/3, Islamabad
8. Beaconhouse School System - Primary II F-7/2, Islamabad
9. Centre for Integrated Education and Reading Achievement, Islamabad
10. Froebel's International School, Islamabad
11. Froebel's International School, Rawalpindi
12. Roots International Schools
13. Roots Millennium Schools – Exclusive Partner
14. Roots School System - DHA I
15. Sheikh Zayed International Academy, Islamabad
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
WWF - Pakistan
WWF is one of the world‟s largest conservation organisation. WWF - Pakistan has been
working in Pakistan for over 40 years to conserve nature and ecological processes by
conserving world‟s biological diversity; ensuring the use of renewable natural resources is
sustainable; and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.
Essentially, to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.
Green School Certification Programme
The Green School Programme plays an important role in ensuring the future sustainability
of environmental resources of Pakistan by bringing a positive change in the attitude of
Pakistan‟s young people and will help to promote a more mature environmentally
conscious generation.
The Programme is planned for the whole year to give students regular insight into the eco
dynamics and the overall environmental challenges faced at global and regional level, to
broaden students‟ scope as responsible custodians of valuable natural resources and to
consequently inculcate civic responsibility in them.
Benefits to the Green School
 Register as WWF - Pakistan Green School
 The additional income by including Rs.100 will be exempted from the Income Tax as
WWF - Pakistan will provide Tax exemption certificate to the Green School
 The Green School will get full coverage in WWF Pakistan‟s Website under the Green
School Section
 The Green School will get full promotional space in WWF - Pakistan Annual Report as
a Green School
 WWF - Pakistan will award a Green School Certificate to the registered School
 WWF - Pakistan will give registered Green School a right to use Deodar Tree (National
Tree) which will distinguish it as a Green School
 WWF - Pakistan will give complementary Individual Membership of WWF - Pakistan
for one year to all the participating students of the Green School
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Benefits to the Green Student
 One year Individual Membership of WWF - Pakistan
 Green Student Membership Card, Certificate and Badge
 Free access to WWF - Pakistan's events
 Earth Hour
 Opportunity to meet the WWF – Celebrity Ambassador
 Free entry to Nature Carnival
 Free Spellathon
 Discount at Partner Retail Outlets
 Discount on Panda Products
 Opportunity to be on Radio and Television
 Opportunity to get affiliated with a global organisation and a chance to explore future
career options
Welcome Pack
WWF - Pakistan honours the registered Green Schools with a Green School Shield, which
is displayed at a central or obvious location of the school.
Once the school signs an agreement with WWF – Pakistan; students enrol to become
Green Students, official Ambassadors of WWF - Pakistan. Registered Green Students are
entitled to receive: a Green Student Badge, Pioneer Green Student Certificate and a
Green School Membership Card.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Tree Plantation Drive
August 12, 2012: The Green Year kicked off very refreshingly with a self organised Tree
Plantation Activity by American Lycetuff School System - Junior Branch F-10/1, Islamabad.
Two sapling trees of Elestonia plant, bought from a contribution of Green Students and
Teachers were planted near the school premises. Students dug the plant pits themselves
and actively took part in this activity of giving back to nature.
Green Consumer’s Day
September 28, 2012: Celebrated worldwide in the month of September, Green
Consumer‟s Day highlights the problems of consumerism and its eventual impact on the
This is an area of special concern in today‟s „market oriented world‟ and the celebration
lays a main emphasis on people over switching to „renewable‟ energy resources which
exist naturally in the environment, can be harvested at any time without getting depleted
by human activity and without causing any toxic pollution.
A green consumer is someone who is „environment conscious‟ and prefers using the
products from renewable material or „Environment friendly‟ products.
WWF-Pakistan‟s Green School Programme aims to highlight these issues of consumerism
to its green students; hence calls them to observe the day with the rest of the world. On
September 28; we celebrated the day enthusiastically with our partner schools.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Renewable is Do-able!
Roots International Schools - 77-A Satellite Town, Rawalpindi celebrated the Green
Consumer‟s Day. The day started with the morning assembly in which students presented
a play which depicted Green Consumer practices. The reporter in the role play asked the
participants various questions, "How can we save the earth?", "How can we promote
green environment?" etc. Later, the students were involved in a general discussion about
ways of saving the Earth.
During Art Classes students made collages using their lunch wrappers. Throughout the
day students gathered at the Green Corner and collected recyclable material. At the end of
the day, pupils along with the teachers made a pledge to be Green Consumers, Save
Conserve Natural Resources and save Mother Earth.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Environmental Bag Art – taking the message beyond schools
To celebrate the Green Consumer‟s Day, Froebel‟s International School, Islamabad – a
proactive Green School – undertook a special eco-project „Environmental Bag Art‟ to make
people eco-conscious when they buy items and reduce the use of plastic bags.
Students from class one to eight decorated paper bags with environmental messages.
These bags were donated by the school to different outlets in Islamabad to be utilised for
packing their sold items.
The students have pledged to carry on this project to increase awareness and make
consumers more ecologically aware. This initiative taken up by the students should be
encouraged as it helps individual to contribute and become part of eco-friendly purchases.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Parent Teacher Meeting - Go Green
October 18, 2012: Roots International Schools - E-11/4 conducted a Parent Teacher
Meeting incorporated with the theme „Go Green.‟ This was a different activity than a
routine PTM in which various projects of students on various environmental themes were
exhibited including T-shirt printing, post-card and paper bags making. Parents were briefed
by teachers about their children art work and efforts they are putting to make their campus
and environment clean and green.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
WWF-Pakistan’s Green School Programme
implemented Green Parliamentarians
November: WWF-Pakistan‟s Green School Programme implemented Green
Parliamentarians in its Green Schools. Green Parliamentarians is a platform that enables
the students to become an integral part of the Green School Programme (GSP). This
empowers the students to take decisions and participate proactively in environmental
awareness-raising activities of the GSP.
Elections were conducted on October 22, 2012 for the post
of President and Vice President from each level, i.e. primary,
secondary and higher secondary in all the Green Schools.
Nominated Green Students stood for the positions of
President and Vice Present. During morning Assembly, each
student cast a vote for the two positions in Ballot boxes
placed at the Green Corner in their schools.
Green Students from American Lycetuff School System,
Beaconhouse School System (BSS) – Peshawar, BSS Senior Gulrez Branch-Rawalpindi, Beaconhouse Educational
Complex, Froebel‟s International School – Islamabad and
Rawalpindi, Roots Millennium School - Capital Campus G11/3, Roots School System (RSS) – DHA 1, RSS - GT Road
Campus, Sheikh Zayed International Academy and all the
branches of Roots International Schools participated in the Green Parliamentarians.
WWF - Pakistan‟s Green School Programme team congratulates the Green President and
Vice President! We hope the newly elected Green Council will be able to shine and show
their leadership capabilities and encourage students at their Green Schools to incorporate
Green practices in their daily lives and help save the environment.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Green School 'President' and 'Vice President' for 2012-13
School Name
Student Name
Roots School System - DHA-1
Raees Bin Mahroof
Ushna Saqib
Roots International Schools - E-11
Areesha Ehsan
M.Awwab Khan
M.Taha Waqar
Shameer Ali
Haniya Ayaz
Adan Rabi
Haroon Safdar
Fatima Gohar
Maleeha Imran
Sardar M.Qayyum
Zara Kazmi
Jehanzeb Mateen
Hamza Kiani
Saad Munawar
Mohd Fateh Bin Amir
Hamza Ayaaz
Saaim Sikander
Janjua Mahnoor Amir
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Dua Qamar
Emaan Asif
Meerub Sultan
Safa Irfan
Abdullah Nadeem
Ibrahim Khan
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Mahnoor Khanzada
Vice President
Roots International Schools - 77-A
Roots International Schools - 77-A
Roots International Schools - Wah Cantt
Roots International Schools – Sialkot
Roots International Schools - Muzaffarabad
Froebel's International School, Islamabad
Roots Ivy International - GT Road Campus
Roots School System - DHA-1
Sheikh Zayed International Academy
Vice President
American Lycetuff School System
Beaconhouse School System - SBGR
Roots Millennium Schools - G-11/3
Beaconhouse School System - FC, Peshawar
Froebel's International School, Islamabad
Roots Ivy International - GT Road Campus
Roots School System - DHA-1
Zainab Tahir
Zainab Tahir
Aizaz Ali Haider
Wahiba Azhar
Sharukh Khan
Najia Sarfraz
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
School Name
Student Name
Alia Khalid
Faryal Shams
Shimaeel Abdullah Shahid
M.Mehmood Mazhar
Vice President
Vice President
Roots International Schools - Gulzaar-e-Quaid
Ehtesham Maqsood
Roots International Schools - DHA-Sector D
Laiba Zia
Roots International Schools - DHA-Sector C
Ali Rafi
Sheikh Zayed International Academy
Roots International Schools - Kharian
Jaraar Haider
Ali Usman
Fatima Batool
Alishba Iftikhaar
Abiha Hussain
Alishba Zia
Abdullah Zameer
Roots International Schools - Westridge
Roots International Schools - Lahore
Roots International Schools - Muzaffarabad
Roots International Schools - 82-A
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Higher Secondary
Beaconhouse School System - FC, Peshawar
Froebel's International School, Islamabad
Beaconhouse Educational Complex
Sheikh Zayed International Academy
Roots International Schools - G-8
Spogmay Riaz
Shahrukh Khan
Rizwan Syed
Maznah Farooq
Menahil Zaheer
Noor Saeed
Taha Malik
Noor Bakali
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
October 1, 2012: WWF-Pakistan arranged a Hi-tea at Islamabad Club for the partner
Green Schools as a token of appreciation of their active involvement with their students in
the campaign. Faculty of the entire Green School Family and other institutes was cordially
invited on this occasion. A representative of Radio FM91 – Green School Radio Media
Partner also attended the hi-tea.
The event started with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by WWF‟s introduction and
Green School Programme Overview. Promo of the Green School was played showcasing
various activities conducted throughout the year. The session was then followed by
discussions over Green School matters which led to some new innovative ideas.
At the end, Souvenirs were presented to the representative of the Green Schools. Green
School Programme itself was highly appreciated by the Green School Management.
Recycle Week
November 2012: Beaconhouse School System – Primary II F-7/2, Islamabad celebrated
Recycle Week on second week of November. The Green Students recycled used
materials like bottles, boxes, paper, etc and made new things with the help of Art Teacher.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
ECO Adventure Activity 2012
December 1 – 21, 2012: WWF – Pakistan‟s Green School
Programme, in collaboration with the Capital Development
Authority (CDA), launched the Eco-Adventure Activity at Trail 5,
Darra Jangla, Margalla Hills National Park.
The one-day activity was designed for students from Grade one
to A-Levels, with the objective of creating awareness about our
natural environment and providing students with an opportunity
to experience healthy outdoor activities. It aimed to develop a
sense of respect and love for nature among the Green Students.
Over 1,200 students from Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar and
Abbottabad participated in the ECO Adventure activity.
The activities in the ECO Adventure incorporated a blend of skills including physical
training, self reliance and the spirit of team work.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Green Students were taught different skills, which included camping, tent pitching, knots
techniques, lashing, directions, navigation, compass reading, GPS, hiking and many
other outdoor activities.
National and International print and electronic media on air special reports and coverage
which include BBC, Dawn, ARY News, Radio1FM91 and other leading news channels.
WWF - Pakistan believes that a strong message about environmental conservation can be
instilled in the young minds through activities like The Green School Programme‟s ECO
Adventure Activity.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Nature Walk
December 2012: Centre for Integrated Education and Reading Achievement (CIERA) is
one of the active Green School partners of WWF-Pakistan, participating in all WWF‟s
events and carrying out their own activities for their students.
The school takes out groups of students in first week of every month to a „close to nature
experience‟ on a Nature Walk, planning very interactive activities for the group like botany,
entomology, bird watching, animal watching, archaeology, microbiology and cartography.
Students collect specimens of their subject and record their observations in field. The
specimens are then taken for experimentation to the school where the school has provided
them with a microscope.
The plants study was carried out in F-9 Park. During the activity, all students were
provided with notebooks and colour pencils to draw and catalogue the plants they found
interesting. They also collected the plant specimens.
During this activity on Trail 5 Dara Jangla, students were given away various gadgets to
handle and study the insects including magnifying glass, small vials and containers.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Bird Watching
This was yet an amazing experience at the same place. Students collected amazing
pictures of a variety of birds. Chirping sounds of birds were recorded and later mixed
together to create songs.
For the archaeology trip, students were taken to Taxila and Pakistan Museum of Natural
History, Islamabad.
Animal Watching
This was yet an amazing experience for the students at Trail 5 and Marghazar Zoo,
Islamabad. Students and teachers really enjoyed the vigorous searching for variety of
creatures like pigeons, chipmunks, squirrels, mice, birds and much more. Students also
took pictures with drawings, and created their own log books defining the physical
appearance and characteristics of those animals.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Microorganisms were explored in habitats like tide pools, streams, ponds or other water
systems like marshes in the areas of Rawal Lake and Lok Virsa. A field microscope was
used to study these organisms and the data collected was used to create a guide with
drawings of these various microscopic lives.
This activity was carried out at Shakar Parian and Trail 5. With the help of teachers,
students created their own maps of the landscape they explored. The walk was an
adventurous tenure for them. Other than terrain features and landscape, students added
many more things to the maps like landmarks, interesting trees, big stone outcroppings,
the locations of animals and nests.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Spellathon is WWF - Pakistan‟s nation-wide spelling
competition directed at awareness-raising. Since its
inception, the activity has received an enormous response
from students. Over 125,000 students from all over Pakistan
now take part in Spellathon and it has become an integral
part of Green Schools‟ yearly activity calendar.
As always, Green Students from: Beaconhouse Margalla
Campus, Froebel‟s International School - Islamabad, Roots
International Schools, Roots Millennium Schools, and
Beaconhouse School System - Primary F-7/2 and F-7/3
benefited substantially in terms of enhancing their
comprehension and vocabulary skills by participating in the
Spellathon 2012-13.
Designed to take a student on a developmental voyage of scientific discovery the booklets
ease a child into understanding various segments of the environment and make them
realise their individual roles to mitigate impact on the earth. Most of the booklets aim to
explain that environments are integrated, overlapping and co-dependent.
Booklets were distributed among the registered students of grade one to nine who then
prepare for a spelling competition while at the same time learning about the environment.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Green Corner
The Green Corner is a platform for students to share Green Views. It consists of a board at
a frequently visited spot in the Green School where students regularly display news,
articles, fun facts and pictures of the events. Activity sheets and information are also
provided to the students at the corner.
Beaconhouse School System – Primary F-7/2, F-7/3, Senior Gulrez Branch and all
branches of Roots International Schools have integrated this interactive space in their
respective branches.
Students of Roots International Schools - Wah Cantt conduct a weekly recycling activity at
their Green Corner.
This innovative activity has added fun to the routine activities and introduced sense of
freedom of speech about Green challenges in the country.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Nature Carnival 2013
February 24, 2013: World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Pakistan) and Indus Motor
Company (IMC) Toyota organised the Travelling Nature Carnival at F-9 Park Islamabad.
The Carnival was sponsored and supported by IMC-Toyota.
The Nature Carnival serves as a mega environment awareness campaign. Participation of
teachers, students, parents, families and individuals from the various sectors helps spread
awareness in various strata of society.
Themes for the 3D Model Making Competition included: „Solid Waste Management:
‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle,‟ „Marine Conservation,‟ „Save Forests... Save Water,‟
„Converting Waste to Energy,‟ „Reducing Water, Energy & Carbon Footprint‟ and „Water &
Sanitation’ and ‘Green Economy.‟
Several interactive and educational activities were designed for individuals of all ages who
are attending the Carnival. These included Environment-Oriented Games, Puppet Shows,
Musical Performances and various other competitions including Art and Quiz
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Over 70 Green and Non-Green Schools from Government and Private Sector participated
in 3-D Model Making Competition on various environmental themes.
Winning Schools were awarded WWF branded shields, trophies and certificates at the
awards ceremony.
Solid Waste Management
1st Roots School System - CS 3
2nd The City School, Satellite Town
3rd International Grammar School
Consolation Prize: International Islamic University School
Marine Conservation
1st Roots School System - 76/3
2nd Headway Escula
3rd St. Mary‟s Academy
Consolation Prize: Sheikh Zayed International Academy
Save Forests, Save Water, Save Nature
1st Bahria Foundation, Westridge, Rawalpindi
2nd Bahria Foundation, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
Consolation Prize: Roots Millennium Schools - Emaar Campus
Converting Waste into Energy
1st Elite International School
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
2nd JS Public School
3rd Beaconhouse School System – 400 Peshawar Road, Girls
Consolation Prize: Islamabad Model College for Boys - G-9/4
Reducing Water, Energy and Carbon Footprint
1st Roots International Schools - DHA
2nd Beaconhouse School System - Frontier Campus, Peshawar
3rd Bahria Foundation, Westridge
Consolation Prize: Dar-e- Arqam
Water and Sanitation
1st Roots International Schools - G-8, Islamabad
Green Economy
1st Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad
2nd Islamabad College for Girls - F-6/2
3rd Islamic International Medical College
Consolation Prize: International Islamic University
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Earth Hour 2013
Hour is the largest global volunteer movement for the environment. It started from
Sydney, Australia in 2007 in response to the alarming situation of our mother earth with
respect to Global Warming and Climate Change.
The main purpose of this event is to make general public comprehend the value of our
environment and its protection from the globally changing climate. Specifically Climate
change which is the result of various human activities mainly deforestation and
industrialisation, and over use of our resources without any proper check and balance
and conservation measures; leading to environment‟s deterioration.
In this one hour, participants switch off unnecessary lights and electrical appliances of
their homes and offices in due respect of „Mother Earth‟; to pledge in future that they are
going to utilise their resources as per requirement and lower their carbon footprint and
lessen the impact of global warming. WWF-Pakistan started Earth Hour in 2010 and
since then, celebrating it nationwide.
WWF-Pakistan‟s Green School Programme celebrates Earth Hour with Green Students
in their school premises. An Earth Hour Celebrity is invited to the Green School as a
guest of honour to celebrate it with Green Students. School with the maximum students‟
registration gets the chance to host the event!
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Earth Hour Inauguration at Roots Millennium Schools Wahid Campus
Tuesday 19, 2013, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm: WWF-Pakistan‟s organised an Earth Hour
Inauguration Ceremony with their Official Ambassador for EH 2013, Faakhir Mehmood a renowned singer - at Roots Millennium Schools – Wahid Campus, Islamabad.
Around 800 Green Students from Roots Millennium Schools and Froebel‟s International
Schools, dressed in black, united for the symbolic candle lighting ceremony and pledged
to go beyond the hour for Earth Hour 2013 on March 23 at 8:30pm to save the planet.
Faakhir Mehmood raised the spirits of students by his inspirational words. He motivated
the participants to make changes in their lifestyle beyond the hour for a sustainable
future. He also acknowledged the efforts of WWF-Pakistan for generating awareness
and offered his services for future activities.
The students enjoyed the festive event by singing songs and lighting candles. Five lucky
students also got a chance to take photographs with the Earth Hour 2013 Ambassador –
Faakhir Mehmood, via a lucky draw.
Representative from EH 2013 Sponsor, Lucky Cement Limited - with inspirational and
influential personality, motivated students and teachers to incorporate changes in order
to save the planet.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
The success of the ceremony was covered and promoted by the Earth Hour Media
partners, Geo TV and radio partner, RadioFm91.
The ceremony closed with all the individuals from stage including: Roots Millennium
System‟s CEO: Faisal Mushtaq, Froebel‟s International School‟s Principal: Umber Tariq,
WWF-Pakistan‟s Senior Director Programmes: Dr. Ghulam Akbar, Official Earth Hour
Ambassador: Faakhir Mehmood led a march around the Green School campus followed
by Green Students present at the Inauguration Ceremony.
One simple act. One huge message, this lively action of Green students inspired others
around them to take charge, save the natural resources of planet, and make way for a
more sustainable future through Earth Hour.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
These participants proved that no one is too young or old to participate in Earth Hour. If
there is will there‟s always a way.
In five short years, Earth Hour has grown into the largest campaign in history for the
planet – and it is just the beginning!
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Earth Day 2013
April 22, 2013: More than one billion people around the globe will participate in 43
Anniversary of the Earth Day and help Mobilize the Earth™. People of all nationalities
and backgrounds will voice their appreciation for the planet and demand its protection.
WWF-Pakistan, in collaboration with Pharmevo, joined 192 countries in celebrating
Earth Day 2013 by planting 100,000 trees all across Pakistan as a gesture to combat
deforestation, climate change and other environmental issues that we face today. The
Support for this unique initiative in Pakistan came from all quarters, from media,
corporate sector, civil society, and academia and from the Government of Pakistan.
WWF-Pakistan‟s Green Schools enthusiastically participated in Earth Day, involving in
both in-campus and outdoor activities.
Beaconhouse School System - Frontier Campus, Peshawar
Earth Day was celebrated in Girls‟ Branch - Beaconhouse School System, Peshawar in
morning assembly. Green Students from Class 6 - 8 sang poems about „every day is the
Earth Day‟ followed by the presentation on Earth Day by Green Students. A small quiz
on interesting facts about earth also took place. Later Green students planted 50
saplings of indigenous plants around the campus.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Beaconhouse School System – Primary F-7/3, Islamabad
To raise awareness about Earth‟s condition, Green Students of Beaconhouse School
System – F-7/3, Islamabad teamed up with a variety of activities to celebrate Earth Day.
The day started with assembly with students holding the placards and wearing badges
to highlight the importance of the life on Earth. Students also presented speeches
emphasising on various points to make the Earth a better place to live.
In order to inculcate biodiversity, each class participated in tree plantation under the
supervision of teachers and Headmistress. Students had discussions in classrooms
regarding 3R‟s and ensured to conserve energy for the rest of the day.
Beaconhouse School System – Primary II F-7/2, Islamabad
To save natural environment, various activities were arranged on Earth Day by
Beaconhouse School System – F-7/2, Islamabad. The Green Students took part in an
on-campus Arts Competition to illustrate their ideas through paint brush.
Mr. Khayyam - Regional Coordinator Art (North), Beaconhouse School System also
visited the branch to boost the morale of young artists. In the end students, teachers and
supportive staff took part in tree plantation campaign. Morning Assembly was arranged
by school to raise awareness about energy conservation.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Beaconhouse Educational Complex, Rawalpindi
On Earth Day, Beaconhouse Educational Complex (BEC) organised a Plantation Drive
under the slogan "Plant for Pakistan". Being an environment friendly Institution BEC
responded positively and got 200 saplings from the WWF- Pakistan.
In the morning assembly students talked on the importance of Earth Day and the
benefits of plantation for today and future generations.
At 10 a.m. Dr. Shagufta Minhaj, Senior Head Mistress inaugurated plantation campaign
by planting a tree in the campus. She was accompanied by Dr. Majida Hassan, Senior
Mistress O-Level Boys and Mr. Raja Umar, Plantation Focal Person and Geography
Teacher O-Level Boys.
Green Students enthusiastically participated in this activity.They pledged to look after
the saplings they planted and promised not to damage plants and trees not only at BEC
but elsewhere on this planet. It was a great honour for Beaconhouse Educational
Complex that WWF selected the institution for Earth Day Plantation campaign.
Roots International Schools - G-8, Islamabad
Roots International Schools (RIS) celebrated the Earth Day through a Plant Cultivation
Ceremony to motivate and educate the students about the importance of plantation for
making the environment green and beautiful.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Mr. Malik Ata - Director of Sports and Culture from Capital Development Authority was
invited as the Chief Guest of the event addressing students about the sensitivity of the
environment to the hazards, human activities are causing; also addressing them about
the necessary measures to be taken to protect it. RIS CEO Mr. Walid Mushtaq also
addressed the students and appreciated them for taking part in the cultivation drive.
Roots Millennium Schools
Roots Millennium Schools celebrated the day by planting over 1,300 various species of
indigenous plants at Wahid Campus. Green Students bring their own seeds and then
were involved in the plantation drive inside the Campus. S.M. Mustafain Kazmi Member Planning, Capital Development Authority was invited as the Chief Guest.
Similar Plantation drivers were conducted at Capital Campus-G-11, Islamabad and
Abbottabad. Green Students of all ages actively participated. They got random trips
around in school premises to learn about different seasonal and ornamental plants and
trees! Many of the students brought their Birthday plants as a gift to the Mother Earth.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
National Arts Competition 2013
April 22, 2013: On Earth Day 2013, WWF – Pakistan‟s Green School Programme in
support of Capital Development Authority organised a National Art Competition' titled:
“Humans... Nature: You make the connection” at Fatima Jinnah Park, Islamabad.
Hundreds of students from more than 20 Registered Green Schools and Government
Schools participated in the competition. Students stimulated their minds, making
connections between nature and humans, and depicted the ones closest to their hearts.
S.M. Mustafain Kazmi - Member Planning, Capital Development Authority was the Guest
of Honour at the event. He gave a few words about the importance of valuable natural
resources found in Pakistan. He also highlighted ways in which students can play a
critical role in conserving these resources. He also appreciated students' effort at the art
competition with special focus on their unique approaches in terms of materials used.
Shahsons provided non-toxic colour pencils for all participants at the event.
Print and electronic media covered the event, Radio1FM91, the official media partner for
WWF - Pakistan's Green School Programme took online interview from participants.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
At the event, 2,000 saplings of indigenous trees were distributed amongst students,
teachers and parents as a souvenir to appreciate their support for nature conservation
on Earth Day 2013.
Participants also received certificates of participation and winner from each level were
awarded prizes from WWF - Pakistan‟s Green School Programme.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
Primary Category:
1. Umair Ahmed Khan, Class 2 F, Froebel‟s International School, Rawalpindi - PKR
2. Usman Samad, Class 4 M, Beaconhouse School System – F-7/2 - PKR 5,000
3. Abdullah Khuram, Class 4 Tulip, Roots International Schools – Wah Cantt. - PKR
Secondary Category:
1. Ibrahim Khan, Class 6 A, Roots Millennium Schools – Capital Campus - PKR 7,000
2. Maaneha Khan, Class 7 Red, Beaconhouse School System – SBGR - PKR 5,000
3. Kiran Arshad, Class 6 Blue, Beaconhouse School System – Cantt. Campus - PKR
Higher Secondary Category:
1. Emaan Imtiaz, Class 9, Islamabad Model College for Girls F-7/4 - PKR 7,000
2. Shizza Khalid, Class 9 CA, Beaconhouse School System – FC, Peshawar - PKR
3. Hira Adnan, Class 9 B, Islamabad College for Girls - F-6/2 - PKR 3,000
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
ECO Internship Programme 2013
WWF - Pakistan organised ECO Internship Programme for the Green students of class
7 and above. Motivating, interactive and technical sessions give students the opportunity
to be affiliated with a global organisation and create a genuine sense of civic
Beaconhouse Margalla Campus, Roots Schools System - DHA-I and Roots Millennium
Schools - Capital Campus, I-9 and 38-NDR have so far benefited from this workshop.
Around 200 Green Students participated in the programme, all of whom graduated and
awarded certificates. Alternate Energy, Biodiversity, Disaster Management, Water
Conservation, Environmental Journalism, Nature Photography and Solid Waste
Management were topics discussed. Nature Art, Global Yarn and Paper making, T-shirt
Making and Nature Graffiti were some of the hands-on activities along with discussions,
group work and presentations on various subject areas.
Activities were oriented towards skill and interpersonal development. To enhance their
connection and consciousness about nature and an eco-friendly adventure, students
were taken outdoor to Trail-5, Dara-Jangla and were given briefing about knotting, tent
pitching, navigation and troubleshooting. Interesting activities like treasure hunt was also
carried out.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
The Students also managed to make a total of 50 Individual Members for
WWF – Pakistan as a part of their ECO Internship assignment. The students were
pro-active and innovative throughout the programme, putting forward their ideas, and
questioning without hesitation.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
The workshop was conducted in the schools during June - July 2013 and is still
planned to be carried out in the rest of Green Schools after summer vacations.
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006
WWF- Pakistan & Roots Millennium Schools
Make All Students Green
Exclusive Green School Partnership
February 7, 2013: Roots Millennium Schools (RMS) is the pioneer School System to
register all their students as Green Students under the year-round Green School
After two years of students‟ engagement in the Green School Programme on voluntary
basis, Roots Millennium Schools have taken a remarkable initiative towards developing
responsible and eco-conscious generation by making Green Activities compulsory for all
students enrolling in the school in any of its 17 branches.
RMS is the first School System in Pakistan with all its campuses Green and 100 per cent
student registrations.
WWF - Pakistan signed an exclusive partnership agreement with Roots Millennium
Schools to implement the “Green School Certification Programme”, to promote
awareness about nature conservation, in more than 4,600 students.
Roots Millennium Schools has also officially adopted the endangered Snow Leopard
which is a priority species of WWF - Pakistan.
The Green School Membership Card is co-branded with RMS students‟ school data as
well as WWF - Pakistan‟s Snow Leopard branding. This is the first time a partnership of
such magnitude has taken place in Pakistan with a school or any other institution.
We hope this partnership serves as a model to the Corporate Sector and other
educational institutes for future collaborations and partnerships to endorse environment
as a priority not only for the youth, but for the country as a whole.
WWF-Pakistan – Way forward
WWF-Pakistan has made significant contribution towards nature conservation via close
interaction with local communities.
To ensure a sustainable future, we hope to continue our efforts on the ground with
support from individuals and institutions in creating awareness thus changing mindsets
and attitudes towards a sustainable tomorrow for our future generations.
For more information about WWF-Pakistan and its conservation efforts, visit us on and
WWF - Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan.
Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar.
Islamabad: Ground Floor - Pakistan Academy of Sciences Building, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2.
Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,
Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006