Things to do in Ankara
Things to do in Ankara
Ankara Expat Guide Compiled by Douglas E Morris ( – Thank you to everyone who submitted information for this collaborative effort. If, in the frenzy of compiling the guide I neglected to mention your name after the listings you sent in, please forgive the omission. Without you all, none of this would have been impossible. Thank You! Grazie! Merci! Gracias! Tak! Table of Contents Museums & Sights.................................................................................................................................................1 Ankara’s Main Sights..........................................................................................................................................1 Anitkabir..........................................................................................................................................................1 Citadel..............................................................................................................................................................1 Ulus..................................................................................................................................................................2 Roman Ruins in Ulus.......................................................................................................................................2 Less Frequented Sights........................................................................................................................................2 Opera & Ballet.......................................................................................................................................................4 Symphony...............................................................................................................................................................4 Professional Soccer ...............................................................................................................................................4 SuperLig...............................................................................................................................................................5 Other Professional Soccer Teams........................................................................................................................5 Professional Basketball .........................................................................................................................................6 Professional Women’s Volleyball.........................................................................................................................6 Other Activities......................................................................................................................................................7 Amusement Park..................................................................................................................................................7 Bowling................................................................................................................................................................7 Cooking Classes...................................................................................................................................................7 Dance Classes......................................................................................................................................................7 Darts.....................................................................................................................................................................8 Golf Driving Range..............................................................................................................................................8 Gymnastics...........................................................................................................................................................8 Hiking & Biking In Ankara.................................................................................................................................8 Horseback Riding.................................................................................................................................................9 Ice Skating...........................................................................................................................................................9 Kid Stuff...............................................................................................................................................................9 Mosaic Classes.....................................................................................................................................................9 Movies..................................................................................................................................................................9 Painting Classes...................................................................................................................................................9 Pottery Classes...................................................................................................................................................10 Tennis.................................................................................................................................................................10 Health & Beauty Services....................................................................................................................................10 Beauty Salon......................................................................................................................................................10 GlutenFree Food...............................................................................................................................................10 Hairdressers (men and women).........................................................................................................................11 Hamams – Traditional........................................................................................................................................11 Health Clubs.......................................................................................................................................................12 Laser Eye Surgery..............................................................................................................................................13 Laser Hair Removal...........................................................................................................................................13 Massage..............................................................................................................................................................13 Optometrist........................................................................................................................................................13 Veterinarians......................................................................................................................................................13 Yoga in English..................................................................................................................................................14 Personal & Professional Services.......................................................................................................................14 Automobile Service...........................................................................................................................................14 Catering..............................................................................................................................................................14 Graphic Design..................................................................................................................................................14 Language Classes...............................................................................................................................................15 Language – Private Tutor...................................................................................................................................15 Painting..............................................................................................................................................................15 Printing, Copying, Digital Services...................................................................................................................15 Shopping...............................................................................................................................................................16 Antique Markets.................................................................................................................................................16 Antique Shops....................................................................................................................................................16 Art Supplies.......................................................................................................................................................17 Beads..................................................................................................................................................................17 Books – Foreign Language Titles – New..........................................................................................................18 Books – Foreign Language Titles – Used..........................................................................................................18 Bread Stores.......................................................................................................................................................18 Candy Store........................................................................................................................................................18 Carpet Shops .....................................................................................................................................................18 Charity Shops.....................................................................................................................................................19 Cigars & Spirits..................................................................................................................................................19 Clothing..............................................................................................................................................................19 Computers & Technology..................................................................................................................................19 Copper & Brass Shop.........................................................................................................................................20 Darts Supply Shop.............................................................................................................................................20 Fabric Stores......................................................................................................................................................20 Flea Market........................................................................................................................................................21 Florists................................................................................................................................................................21 Food Stores – Specialty.....................................................................................................................................21 Frame Shops.......................................................................................................................................................21 Furniture.............................................................................................................................................................22 Furniture Makers............................................................................................................................................23 Furniture Store...............................................................................................................................................23 Handbags............................................................................................................................................................23 Hardware Stores.................................................................................................................................................24 Hobby.................................................................................................................................................................24 Honey Stores......................................................................................................................................................24 Houseware & Kitchenware................................................................................................................................24 Jewelry & Precious Stones.................................................................................................................................25 Leather Goods....................................................................................................................................................26 Local Fairs.........................................................................................................................................................26 Medical Supplies................................................................................................................................................26 Office Supply Stores..........................................................................................................................................26 Olive Oil.............................................................................................................................................................26 Party Shop..........................................................................................................................................................27 Pets Supplies......................................................................................................................................................27 Pianos.................................................................................................................................................................27 Plants..................................................................................................................................................................27 Prints & Maps....................................................................................................................................................27 Produce Markets................................................................................................................................................27 Shoe Stores for Men...........................................................................................................................................28 Shoes – Handmade.............................................................................................................................................28 Shopping Malls..................................................................................................................................................28 Soccer Gear........................................................................................................................................................29 Sports Shop........................................................................................................................................................29 Tailors................................................................................................................................................................29 Turkish Handicrafts...........................................................................................................................................30 Watch & Clock Repair.......................................................................................................................................31 Wrought Iron......................................................................................................................................................31 Eateries..................................................................................................................................................................32 Bagels.................................................................................................................................................................32 Cafe at the Lake.................................................................................................................................................32 Cafes..................................................................................................................................................................32 Central Asian Food............................................................................................................................................33 Chinese Food.....................................................................................................................................................33 Curry Restaurant................................................................................................................................................33 Food Delivery....................................................................................................................................................33 International.......................................................................................................................................................34 Italian Food........................................................................................................................................................34 Mexican Food....................................................................................................................................................35 Pastry Shops/Bakeries........................................................................................................................................35 Pizza Delivery....................................................................................................................................................36 Simits.................................................................................................................................................................36 Sunday Brunch...................................................................................................................................................36 Sushi...................................................................................................................................................................36 Tapas..................................................................................................................................................................36 TexMex.............................................................................................................................................................36 Turkish Restaurants...........................................................................................................................................36 24 Hour Eatery...................................................................................................................................................40 Nightlife.................................................................................................................................................................40 Jazz.....................................................................................................................................................................40 Nightclubs..........................................................................................................................................................40 Pubs....................................................................................................................................................................40 Rock Clubs.........................................................................................................................................................41 Organizations.......................................................................................................................................................41 Universities...........................................................................................................................................................43 Websites for Ankara and Turkey.......................................................................................................................43 Guides................................................................................................................................................................43 Newspapers........................................................................................................................................................43 Books About Turkey............................................................................................................................................44 Ankara Expat Guide Museums & Sights Ankara’s Main Sights Anitkabir Primarily the mausoleum of Atatürk, but underneath in the museum is everything you could imagine wanting to know about the modern Turkish state. Comprehensive and moving, the displays featuring battle scenes really give you an insight into the Turkish soul. Highly recommended. Make this the first place you visit when in Ankara. Akdeniz Caddesi, 312/231 7975, Citadel A true local experience. This is one of the first things you need to visit in Ankara. Head under the main archway, down narrow streets, through the inner walls, passing Gypsies trying to sell you stuff, then up to main remnants of the ancient Citadel for an incredible view. Come on a clear day, bring your camera, and get some amazing photos with Ankara in foreground and Atakule tower as a backdrop. In the other direction is a large Turkish flag which marks the edge of the old citadel, quite a distance away. The Guide Ankara Before you read any further, go out and buy The Guide – Ankara. Published every March and generally sold out before the end of the summer, this comprehensive guide contains most of what you need to know to enjoy your time in Ankara. Complete with the most uptodate listings of restaurants, cafes, shopping malls, markets, and more, let this guide be your foundation for living in Ankara. (And let what you are reading here supplement that.) The Guide – Ankara can be bought at bookstores (Remzi, D&R, and other smaller local bookstore chains) and larger newsstands after March 20th. The D&R bookstore on Tunali Hilmi across from the Kuğulu Park (Swan Park) is probably the best place to pick one up. If you cannot locate the guide in a store or newsstand, try contacting the publishing company at Copies of this guide can º Page 1 º be bought in bulk by contacting the General Manager at The foundations of the citadel were laid by the Galatians on a prominent lava outcrop, and the rest were completed by the Romans. The Byzantines and Seljuks made further restorations and additions. The area around and inside the citadel, being the oldest part of Ankara, contains fine examples of traditional architecture. Many restored old Turkish houses inside the citadel area have found new life as restaurants and hotels. A great place to explore. Note the amalgamation of stones from different eras used in the construction of the inner walls. Ulus Around the Citadel is by far the best place to shop in Ankara. Beads, fabrics, baskets, jewelry, furniture, antiaues and much much more are in the shops on the tiny streets cascading down from the Citadel. A few parking spots are available just outside the citadel near the taxi stand. An attendant may charge you 4 YTL for the privilege. Once there, extend your exploration further down into Ulus, where you will find the hardware district, the housewares district, the paint district, the plumbing district, which only sell those products and nothing else. Ulus is a true cultural experience whether around the Citadel or beyond. Roman Ruins in Ulus Roman Baths Contatins all the typical features of a classical Roman bath: a frigidarium (cold room), tepidarium (cool room) and caldarium (hot room). The bath was built during the reign of Emperor Caracalla in the 3rd century AD to honour Asclepios, the God of Medicine. Today, only the basement and first floors remain. Located just off the Cankiri Caddesi and on most maps is called Roma Hammi. Column of Julian Erected in 362 to commemorate a visit by the Roman Emperor Julian. It stands fifteen meters high and has a typical leaf decoration on the capital. Located in the rabbit arren of streets between the Roman baths and the Haci Bayram mosque where the temple of Augustus and Rome is situated. Temple of Augustus and Rome The temple was built between 25 BC 20 BC following the conquest of Central Anatolia by the Roman Empire and the formation of the Roman province of Galatia, with Ancyra (modern Ankara) as its administrative capital. The temple, on the ancient Acropolis of Ancyra, was enlarged by the Romans in the 2nd century. In the 5th century it was converted into a church by the Byzantines. Parts of it are now incorporated into the Haci Baryam mosque. Roman Amphitheater The remains of a typical Roman theater of the 2nd century CE were first found as the result of excavations in 1982. Located off Hisiparki Caddesi. Though it is off limit to visitors you can gaze at the ruins through the fence. If this theater was to be excavated fully, an entire road would have to be removed. And I do not think that will happen. (D. Morris, US Embassy) Less Frequented Sights Ankara Hava Müzes, Hava Lojistik Komutanlýðý Hava Müzesi, Istanbul Yolu, Etimesgut, 312 244 85 50, Open WednesdaySunday 09:0016:30, The aviation museum is worth a look (Ayça Çakirsoy Relex/Ankara) º Page 2 º Atakule Tower, Çankaya, The best place for incredible views over Ankara. The observation terrace can be reached from elevators (2 YTL) located by the arcade section at the bottom part of the mall near the Burger King. From inside, take the escalators all the way down and walk straight out the exit in front of you then around the base of the tower. At the very top is a revolving restaurant that makes a complete 360degrees rotation every 60 minutes. It can be reached from the same bank of elevators used to access the observation terrace. There is also a cafe just above the observation terrace. (D. Morris, US Embassy) Atatürk Statue, Bilkent University main campus entrance Especially nice on May 19, October 29 and November 10 when the torches are lit. (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Çengel Han Rahmi M Koç Museum Located in a former caravanserai just the main Citadel gate. Built in 1522, the musseum displays include artifacts from 19th and earlyt 20th century Engineering, Road Transport, Scientific Instruments, Maritime, Everyday Life, and others. Inside there are two places to eat, the Divan Café (with a delightful outdoor terrace), and the high end Divan Brasserie in the courtyard. The museum is open daily except Monday from 10:00 am to 17:00, until 19:00 on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Admission costs 3 YTL, plus 5 YTL if you want to take pictures. (D. Morris, US Embassy) Dikmen Park If you want to get away from the hectic urbanity that is Ankara, a convenient respite is Dikmen Park. Located in the valley between Hosdere Caddesi on one side and Dikmen Cadessi on the other, down here in the space between two hills it feels as if you are far away from the cars, energy and noise of the city. Looking like something out of the movie, Blade Runner, with the futuristic overpass spanning the bottom part of the park, here you can find walking trails, an amphitheater, benches, waterfalls, fountains, and more. Dotting the path there are cafes where you can grab a bite to eat or something to drink. Underneath the aforementioned overpass is Yörük Sofrasi (312/4413424) with relaxing, rustic ambiance where you can enjoy a Nargile (Turkish waterpipe), grab a çay, and sample typical local dishes. (D. Morris, US Embassy) “Kazakh Girl” Statue, 4th Street (Kazakh Street) near the National Library in Bahçelievler (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) The National Library, Milli Kütüphane Başkanlığı Bahçelievler Son Durak, 312/212 62 00 A large uptodate facility, situated in the heart of Ankara, on one of the main boulevards, it is very close to a Metro station and is easy to reach from all parts of the city. (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Pembe Köşk, İnönü Foundation, Şehit Ersan Caddesi 14, Çankaya, 312/428 18 41 (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Presidential Atatürk Museum, Cumhurbaşkanlığı, Çankaya, 312/470 24 85, Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 P.M. º Page 3 º (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) State Cemetery, Atatürk Orman Çiftliği, 312/221 0627 Commemorative Wall, Black Sea Reflecting Pool, and Museum (open every day, except Mondays, between 10.0017.00 hours) near the Atatürk Forestry Area. Served by the city bus 365 from Kızılay, or public bus 339 from Sıhhiye Bridge. (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Opera & Ballet With the highest ticket price only 12 YTL, there are no excuses not to go see a professional opera or ballet. The Ankara State Opera and Ballet generally opens their season in October and offer performances at three different locations. For more information visit their website: Opera Sahnesi (Büyük Sahne),Atatürk Bulvarı, 50 Opera, 312/324 22 10, Box office: 312/324 22 11/2010. Ticket prices: 12, 9 and 7 YTL. Box is 44 YTL.Web: Operet Sahnesi (Resim Heykel MüzesiPainting and Sculpture Museum),Next to Ethnography Museum. Ticket prices: 7 and 6 YTL, children's play 3 YTL. 312/310 20 94 Leyla Gencer Sahnesi, Bağlar Caddesi, 16, Macunköy, 312/354 60 46, Ticket prices: 7 and 4 YTL, children's play 3 YTL Symphony Bilkent Symphony Orchestra (Bilkent Senfoni Orkestrası),Bilkent Konser Salonu, 312/290 22 84, 290 17 75,, Concerts are mainly performed at the Bilkent Concert Hall. As regular tickets are only 10 and 15 YTL there is no excuse not to attend this high quality musical experience. There are also discounted ticket for teachers, students and retirees. All can be purchased from Bilkent Concert Hall, Beymen (Arjantin Avenue) Dost Bookstores (Kavaklıdere, Kızılay, Ankuva), and Diapason (Kavaklıdere). The concerts begin at 20:00 and free transportation is provided from Tunus Caddesi, Sıhhiye Bridge and Milli Kütüphane one hour prior to the concert. CSO (Cumhurriyet Senfoni Orkestrası (Presidency Symphony Orchestra),, Talat Pasa Bulvari 38 – Ulus, 312/3091343 Buying Tickets for Events The place to buy tickets for most live performances, cultural activities, and sporting events in Ankara is through Biletix. You can call (02165569800) weekdays from 8:30am – 9:00pm and weekends from 10:00am – 9:00pm, visit their website and place your order (, or visit one of Biletix’s sales points in Ankara. Professional Soccer In the 2007/2008 season, four teams in Ankara played in the Turkcell SuperLig, Turkey’s top league. Those teams are listed below. For current teams and standings refer to the leagues websites below. Ticket information, stadium location, and contact information should all be included on each team’s website. As a result of the º Page 4 º promotion/relegation system in the soccer leagues in Turkey (and in the rest of the world except for the US of A) teams may no longer be in the league indicated in this guide. Games are generally not that crowded and are totally safe. There generally is no fan violence in Turkey so bring your family and have some fun. You should be able to buy tickets the day of the game, except when the big three teams — Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray, and Beşiktaş — are playing. If you would like to attend a Gençlerbirligi or Ankaragucu match check out “The round ball in Ankara”, a blog written by two expats that follows the ups and downs of Ankara football. SuperLig Turkcell SuperLig AnkaraGucu, 19 Mayis Stadyumu, Jim Chalmers is the head of the expat supporters of AnkaraCucu. The blog he shares with the expat supporters of Genclerbirligi is Jim can help you get tickets, meet up with other fans before the game, and generally have as authentic a Turkish football experience as possible. He can be reached at and 05324953247. The 19 of May Stadium where AnkaraGucu play is convenient to the Ulus Metro stop. AnkaraSpor, Yenikent Asaş Stadyumu, As their stadium is way out of the city just off of the Ayaş Yolu, this is probably the least accessible stadium to come and watch a game. Try one of the others unless you live out this way. Genclerbirligi, 19 Mayis Stadyumu, If you would like to attend a Genclerbirligi or Ankaragucu match check out “The round ball in Ankara”, a blog written by two expats that follows the ups and downs of Ankara football. The 19 of May Stadium where Genclerbirligi play is easily accessible from the Ulus Metro stop. Genclerbirligi Oftas, 19 Mayis Stadyumu, The 19 of May Stadium where they play is easily accessible from the Ulus Metro stop.. Other Professional Soccer Teams There are also other professional teams in Ankara in lower divisions. Information about all these teams can be found at the Turkish Football Federation website. As a result of the promotion/relegation system in the soccer leagues in Turkey (and in the rest of the world except for the US of A) teams may have moved up or down a league based on the previous season’s results. So refer to the Turkcell SuperLig website ( if all you want to watch is top level soccer. Turkish Football Federation The teams, the leagues they play in, and contact information are as follows: Bugsa Spor, 2. League B, (312)2071729/8 Etimsgut Sekerspor, 2. League B, (312)2456201 or (312)2456212 º Page 5 º Turk TelecomSpor, 2. League B, (312)3970909 or (312)3971616, Ankara Demirspor, 3. League, (312)3090515 or (312)3105063 Baglum BLDSpor, 3. League, (312)3291610/1 Keciorengucu, 3. League, (312)3812811 or (312)3808606 Tarim Kredispor, 3. League, (312)2126630 or (312)2139218 Professional Basketball Believe it or not, but Turkish professional basketball is actually played at a rather hgh level. There are even two Turkish players in the NBA right now. And Turk Telecom has 3 Americans on their squad (2007/2008). So if you have a “jones” to watch some serious hoops, head over to the Atatürk Spor Salonu at the Ulus Metro stop. And at only around 5YTL per ticket, you cannot beat the price. The Turkish League website is below, as is the website for Turk Telecom, though neither are as user friendly as may be desired. As the website does not indicate the date or time of the next game until a few days before the contest, it is diffult to plan to see them play. To get a full seasons schedule (which is naturally subject to change) call their office and inquire. Turkish Basketball League Turk Telecom, Atatürk Spor Salonu, Istiklal Caddessi, 312/318 34 46 or 318 82 32, Convenient to the Ulus Metro stop, the Atatürk Spor Salonu seats only 4818 people so you are right on top of the action. Professional Women’s Volleyball Professional women’s volleyball is like nothing you have ever experienced. These women rock! Forget high school or even college volleyball. This is the real thing! Come to a game and I guarantee you will be back for more. And ticket prices are negligible. As the website does not indicate the date or time of the next game until a few days before the contest, it is diffult to plan to see them play. To get a full seasons schedule (which is naturally subject to change) call their office and inquire. Turkish Volleyball Federation Turk Telecom, Atatürk Spor Salonu, Istiklal Caddessi, 312/318 34 46 or 318 82 32, The stadium they used is normally the same as the basketball team, Atatürk Spor Salonu, but sometimes it changes. Find Out What’s Happening in Ankara A great way to find out what events are scheduled for the upcoming days is to go to Biletix (, select the English option then follow the directions to display a list of what’s º Page 6 º happening in town. Not all events will be displayed, but this will get your started. Other Activities Amusement Park Altınpark, İrfan Baştuğ Caddesi, Aydınlıkevler 312/317 96 70. This place has an enormous playground for children, a science museum and wide pavements for toddlers on tricycles and bikes. Also includes botanical gardens, rides, exhibits, expo center, kiddie train, pool, fountains, and opening in the summer of 2008 is a cable car that will take you from here to the Kecioren Beliyedesi. The place to come with your kids and have a true local Turkish experience. (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Bowling Ankara Open Bowling Tournament, Open to anyone. Bowling 88, Uğur Mumcu Caddesi No:88 Gaziosmanpaşa (GOP), Tel. 312/446 17 27 Dedeman Park Bowling, Akay Caddesi Büklüm Sokak No 1/c Küçükesat,Ankara, Turkey Tel:312/419 97 4647, Rollhouse Bowling Billkent, Bilkent Ankuva İş Merkezi, No:1, 312/266 12 40, Open weekdays 10:30ammidnight, Open weekends 10:30am – 2am. Rollhouse Eryaman, Optimum Outlet Center D:301, Eryaman Ayaş Yolu No:93, 312/281 0800, Cooking Classes Gift & Gourmet House, JF Kennedy Caddesi 151/1, GOP, 312/4661232, Superb gourmet cooking lessons located in a great kitchen supply store. (I. Siebeutritt, US Embassy) Unity in Diversity Cooking Classes, Dr. Susan Merter, 312/441 43 06, mobil 0532 / 386 49 76, Offered by the catering company of the same name. (German Embassy) Dance Classes Dunya Dans, Portakal Çiçeği Vadisi Ansera Alışveriş Merkezi 1.Kat No:89, 312/440 40 51,, Dance studio in the Migros building on Portakal Cicegi in Çankaya. Some of their ballet teachers are performers at the Ankara ballet. The cream of the crop in Ankara. They also offer classes in Pilates, Yoga, Modern Dance, and Latin Dance. Though the website is in Turkish, most of the instructors speak English, Frence, German and other languages. (Norwegian Embassy) º Page 7 º Sanat Akademi, Tunali Hilmi Cad. Bestekar Sok. No. 100/115 (across from TOMER, 1st floor of Spor Med building), Tel. 4269606 A performing arts school offering courses in ballet, modern/jazz and latin dance, pilates, singing, sight reading/music theory, violin, piano, guitar and drama. Top quality instructors from the Ankara State Ballet and Opera. (S. Drisdelle Guven, Canadian) Darts There are darts bars galore all over Ankara. With the ancient tradition of archery running through their veins, is it any wonder that Turks love darts? Newcastle Pub (see Best Pubs) and Knight and Flight (Çevre Sokak 7/A Çankaya, 312/466 39 30) next door to each other are two of the best, but the one that draws all the top players in Ankara is The House at the corner of Kuskondu Sokak and Burumcek Sokak. Golf Driving Range TGIF Golf, Driving Range, Ahlatlibel, 312/4912121, 4912119, TGIF Golf Sports Club is a multinational Sports Club, established in 1997 and based in Ankara, which includes both Turkish and foreign diplomats including some ambassadors as well as Turkish and foreign members of the business community. (D. Wesselingh, Netherlands Embassy) Gymnastics Hasan Kavak, Ovecler 2. Cad no:151 Dikmen, Hasan Kavak hosts classes for children from 49 years of age at his own small gym. He also teaches at 19 Mayis Cemal Alpman Stadium in Ulus. (B. Guerrero) Hiking & Biking In Ankara Yes, believe it or not, there is a place to go hiking and biking in Ankara … without having to worry about becoming road kill. There is a nearby lake (Eymir Gölü) with a road circling it, trails heading off into the sparse wood for hiking or mountain biking, and cafes dotted around the shore, the best of which is ODTÜ Eymir Gölü Bagevi (, 312/4909899). Best of all, the lake is only 15 minutes from the center of town. To get here, head out Cinnah Caddesi, go past Atakule, and turn right on Turan Gunes Bulvarı. Follow this road for a couple of kilometers, up a hill, past one small roundabout, then turn left at the following roundabout, the one next to the power plant (TRT Genel Mudurulugu). (If you go past the Panora Mall on the right hand side of Turan Gunes Bulvarı you have gone too far.) Follow the small road next to the TRT all the way to the bottom of the hill. You will see the lake on the right hand side as you descend. Once you reach the bottom you will go past an entry gate on the right hand side. That’s how you get into the lake area. You can only enter with your car if you have a permit, so drive a little further to a dirt parking lot, park, walk back, enter the gate, and begin your trek or bike around the lake. Walking it takes about 2 hours. Eymir Gölü is the most easily accessible respite from the intense urbanity of Ankara. Doğa Araştırmaları Sporları Kurtarma Derneği DASK (Nature Sports Association), 312/3433343 ext. 375 and 0532/4765562. Organizes trekking tours. The aim of the tours is to let people love nature. You can call Mr. Selami Kalay for further information and for trekking tours. (S. Tayla, US Embassy) º Page 8 º Horseback Riding Club Hippo, The Pony Club, , Ankara Atli Spor Kulubu, Ciftlik Caddessi No 22, Bestepe, 312/215 67 58, cep 05322969441, Tolga Koksal Aydin speaks English. Decent place for English riding lessons. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Horseback Riding Club of the German Embassy, Mr. Ayhan Omer, Riding Teacher, 0532/7034628; Ms. Ira Omer, 0535/2282865, Ms. Behforus SemtnerBahadori, President, 0538/793911. Contact any of the people mentioned above for information on rates, times, and other incidentals. (Norwegian Embassy) Ice Skating Ankara Ice Palace (G.S.İ.M. Buz Pateni Sarayı, formerly Belpa Buz Pateni Sarayı), Buz Pateni Sarayı, Akdeniz Caddesi 57, Bahçelievler, Tel: 312/2129061, Open weekdays 9:30am7pm, Saturday 12:15pm7:30pm, Sunday 12:154pm. Located near Eskasehir Yolu, this is an indoor ice skating and ice hockey arena in the Bahçelievler neighborhood of Ankara. You can rent skates, take lessons, join ice hockey teams, and more. The rink is only a tenminute walk downhill from Anıtkabir. There is a funky cafe inside serving pizza, pasta, sandwiches, and hot and cold drinks (312/ 2127100). Kid Stuff Olala, Birlik Mahallesi 7 Caddessi no 111/11 (Zirvekent Karşisi), 312/4951004, Great party place for kids. (German Embassy) Mosaic Classes Mosaicci, Kibris Sokak 13/A, Çankaya, 312/4662617, Learn how to make mosaic tile tables, lamps and more; as well as glass fusion (melted glass) creations; and your own glass beads as well. Classes taught in English and Turkish. Some German is understood. The place to come for the artist in you. The owners of this workshop also own a hotel near Antalya ( Movies Ankara AFM IMAX®, 2/242 AkkopruIskitlerAnkara, 06060 Turkey (90) 3125411333. If you crave that big screen, IMAX experience, this is the place to come in Ankara. Complete Movie Listings Check out this website for a listing of what’s playing in Ankara. Though it's in Turkish, if you click on the blue "sinemalari goster" link near the top of the screen, you get a listing of the movies/times at all Ankara theaters. (M. Berry, US Embassy) Painting Classes Firca Sanatevi & Galeri,, Hilal, Mah. Hollanda Cad. 77 Sok. 7/A Çankaya (73. Sokak Sonu), 312/438 60 08438 60 09,, For the English language art teacher, contact Mev Stolzman at 312/4473731. º Page 9 º (Norwegian Embassy) Pottery Classes ABRA Sanat Tasarim, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi, Büklüm Sokak 44/1, Kavaklidere, 312/4262674. Arts & crafts classes and pottery classes given. English spoken. (German Embassy) Tennis Ankara 19 Mayıs Tennis Club (Ankara 19 Mayıs Tenis Klübü), 19 Stadyum Yanı, Ulus, 312/3124651 This is the oldest tennis club in Ankara. They have 4 indoor and 9 outdoor tennis courts and a restaurant. Their membership is yearly. The club is open everyday between 08.0024.00, the courts from 09.00 22.00. Sports International Bilkent, Bilkent 1. Cadde, 312/266 71 00, Approx info: 8 indoor and 12 outdoor tennis courts. Fitness. Swimming pool. Restaurant. Cafe. Membership: yearly (A.D. Georgescu, Romanian, Kavaklidere Tennis Club, 312/427 50 92 situated at the center of Ankara, opposite Karum shopping center. One of the oldest tennis clubs in Ankara. 2 outdoor tennis courts. Restaurant. (A.D. Georgescu, Romanian, Health & Beauty Services Beauty Salon Diva, Kulei Sok. 28/B GOP, 312/447 62 60 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) KliniKUR, Birlik Mahallesi 21 Sok, 2/A, Çankaya, 312/495 37 20 New generation, very hygienic, beauty salon. Ladies may have a SPA pedicure or manicure, professional eyebrow design, professional makeup, waxing, or a full body massage for very special prices. The owners speak some English, located near Zirve Kent, parking available but most importantly it is very very clean. (Serpil Taskin, US Embassy) Milagros Güzellik Salonu, Tunalı Hilmi Cad. 68/15, 3., Kavaklıdere, 312/426 19 16 Outstanding service, quality hygiene standards, only Turkish spoken. (German Embassy) GlutenFree Food For people who have the celiac disease or an intolerance to gluten (wheat, oat, rye and barley), finding glutenfree products in Turkey can be challenging. It is best to bring a good supply of glutenfree products from home, however, some supermarkets have glutenfree products though the selection is rather small. Another option is the Celiac Foundation in Turkey ( that an office in Ankara. They can provide information on where to find glutenfree products and they also sell glutenfree food. (M. Bélair, Canadian Embassy) º Page 10 º Hairdressers (men and women) We all know how difficult it can be to communicate in a foreign language the subtleties associated with color, shape, size, and length. To take some of the guess work out of the process, in many embassy communities there is generally someone who is a trained hairdresser catering to the expat community. Currently (20082009) in the US Embassy community Rochelle Day fits that bill. Her number is 312/4420465, but the best way to reach her is via email However, she only takes an exclusive number of clients. Call to see if she has openings. If she cannot fit you into her schecule or has left Turkey, contact your relevant embassy’s Community Liaison Office or equivalent to see if there is someone who is an expat hairdresser currently in residence in Ankara. Altin Kuaför, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi 107/4, 301/4662907 Located in an alley just off Tunali Hilmi I've tried many hairdressers in Ankara, it's not easy finding a place that makes you feel comfortable, does a great job and doesn't charge a fortune. Hasan Bey and Ali Bey are friendly, I'm always happy with the result. They do manicures and pedicures too. (E. Schneider, US Embassy; S. Drisdelle Guven, Canadian; and P. Ulku) Karum Kuaför, Ercan Karademir, Iran Caddesi Karum Is Merkezi, 3. Kat C. Asansörü No. 371386, 312/468 52 82, www.karumkuafö (D. Wesselingh, Netherlands Embassy) MOS, Ankara Migros Ankamall A.V.M. B03, Iskitler, 312/541 15 17 Men’s barber and women’s hairdresser. (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Red and White, Renewa Club – Ayranci, 312/441 26 93 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Trend Coiffure, Galipdede Sok No 9/B (Pembe Kosk, Alti) Kavaklidere 466 4298 or cell 05462657000 Small unpretentious shop with a super colorist at unbelievable prices. English not spoken much here but someone coming in normally helps translate. Tucked away but worth the effort finding for excellent cuts and coloring. (S. Dempsey, US EmbassyODC) Trio, Kuleli Sok no 85/1, GOP, 31244828 16/448 25 39 (E. Schneider, US Embassy) VAB, Guzellik Salonu, Halit Ziya Sok. No 30/B, Cankaya, 31244283 99 Owned by two brothers. Older one speaks English. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Hamams – Traditional CAUTION: Please think carefully about getting a massage while at a Hammam, as the people giving them are not licensed massage therapists. Case in point: I had my right knee cartilage torn by an overzealous masseuse at a hammam. The 10 YTL massage ended up costing me $4,000 in surgery and rehabilition. Other people have come away with pulled muscles in their backs, º Page 11 º necks, and shoulders. So when at a hammam, get soaped up and scrubbed, take a sauna, relax, but be careful if you decide to get a massage. (D. Morris, US Embassy) Karacabey Hamamı, Talatpaşa Buvarı 101, Hamamönü, 312/310 21 55, Karacabey Hamam was built in 1444 in memory of Karacabey, the commander of Sultan Murat II. There are sections for both women and men. Each dressing room has a pool in the middle ornamented with a fountain. Unfortunately, they do not provide soap, shampoo, or towels so be sure to bring your own. Open everyday: 06:3023:00 (For Men) 07:3020:00 (For Women) (German Embassy) Şengül Hamamı, Denizciler Caddesi, Acıçeşme Sokak 3, Ulus 312/311 03 63 Built in the 18th century and restored in the 19th century. It has separate sections for men and women. There is a dome covering the top of the coldwater section. Be sure to pay for all your services up front ... otherwise you may find you will be charged extra. Open everyday: 05:3022:00 (for men) 06:3019:30 (for women). (D. Morris, US Embassy) Health Clubs Health Club at the Sheraton, Noktalı Sok, Kavaklıdere, 312/457 60 00, Fitness room, swimming pool, Whirlpool, Sauna, Squash, Tennis; and much more. High end. Expensive. (German Embassy) Sports International, 1. Caddesi, Bilkent, 312/266 71 00 Swimming pool, Sauna, Whirlpool, Fitness, Squash, Tennis, Basketball and Volleyball. High End. Expensive. (German Embassy) Renewa, Reşat Nuri Sokak 52/E, Çankaya, 312/4410202, Full service fitness centre, swimming pool (indoor and out) and spa, with squash courts, fitness classes, hamam, steam and saunas. Renewa has the very latest in gym equipment & trainers give each member a personalised programme, handily stored on an electronic key. It’s not cheap, and the array of membership options, discounts and packages seems almost designed to obfuscate. Rules on guests also seem to change without notice. But if you like your workouts with LCD TVs, music and hot and cold running staff, this is the place. High end. Expensive. (P. Miller, British Embassy) Flex Gym, Esat Caddesi 96/F, 312/4475373 Kick boxing, other martial arts, basic equipment. A real gym. Inexpensive. (J, Tynte Irvine, British Embassy) K Centrum, Esat Caddesi 110/21, 312/4470601 Another inexpensive health club option. Basic equipment, but still everything you need for a complete work out. (J. TynteIrvine, British Embassy) º Page 12 º Laser Eye Surgery Laser Line, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi 82/B, Blok No. 4, Kavaklidere, 312/468 4838, For laser eye surgery evaluation and to get your eyes checked contact Dr. M. Koray Budak at LaserLine. Excellent eye doctor with Stateside training in the Tunali area. Latest equipment and the doctor is fluent in English although the receptionist is not. Prices for laser eye surgery are much less than in the U.S. (S. Dempsey – US Embassy, ODC) Laser Hair Removal EsteLazer, Arjentin Caddesi 17/8, 4672644, Right next door (to the left) of Starbucks. The facilities are spotless, the equipment is modern, and the technicians are US or UK trained. The prices are very low, especially compared to the States! (C. Grimste, US Embassy) Helena, Lazer Guzellik Merkezi, Tunali Hilmi Cad No 82A/6, Kavaklidere, 312/467 60 71 Complete personal service including laser, manicures and pedicures. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Venera, Ugur Mumcu Cad. 96/B, GOP,, Turkish 312/4361337, English 0535/3805109 Burak Akkopci. Come here for laser hair removal, facials, manicures, pedicures, massages, varicose vein removal and most of your health and beauty needs Massage Sevgi Doud, 0535/3914258 (M. Berry & E. Schneider, US Embassy & D. Wesselingh, Netherlands Embassy) Optometrist Levent Optik, Meşrutiyet Cad. 26 / B und 21/B, Kızılay, 312/417 78 79, 312/425 80 44, Outstanding service. Speak basic English. (German Embassy) Veterinarians Ankara Veteriner Tip Merkezi, Koza Sok. No: 97, GOP, 312/43706 06, A great place to bring your pet. Superb service though a little expensive. Dr. Seda Sadak and Dr. Zeynep Güleryüzlü speak English. (German Embassy, US Embassy, and M. Bélair, Canadian Embassy) Hosdere Veteriner Klinigi, Hosdere Cad No 41/7, Y. Ayranci, 312/426 1779. Lovely vet clinic. Main vet, Suleyman Bey speaks some English. Small but eryv clean and caring. They also act as a cattery and accept pets while you go on holiday, with room for up to 2 cats. (M. Suphi) NOTE: During the process of getting your cats back home be aware that three weeks before departure, you º Page 13 º must go to the municipality (Cankaya Belediyesi if you live in Ankara) and obtain a document called Mensei Sehadetnamesi. As this document is valid for only 21 days don’t go more than three weeks in advance. You don’t have to bring your pet to get this paper, but you will need to show your pet’s health book showing that all vaccines are uptodate (vaccinated within the last 12 months). 48 hours before departure, you must bring your pet (and his health book) to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Animal Health Branch Office in Yenimahalle (if you live in Ankara) to get another document that will be valid for a maximum of 48 hours. (M. Bélair, Canadian Embassy) Yoga in English Yoga Şala, Kader Sokak 9/4 • near the corner of Filistin Caddesi • 312/4663320, Gentle Yoga, Ashtanga, Power Yoga, Vinyasa, Prenatal Yoga, Yoga for Kids, Yoga Therapy, Pilates, and more. We currently have one class totally in English, noon on Thursdays, but call to let us know the best times for you to practice yoga so we can create an Englishlanguage class catering to your needs. First Class Free (D. Morris, US Embassy) Personal & Professional Services Automobile Service Dinler Oto Servis, Oto Sanatkarlari Sitesi 2 Cad. 36, Sok. 1, Sasmaz, 312/2781162. Great car service. They will come pick up the car at your house, fix it, and return it. (I. Siebeutritt, US Embassy) Catering Unity in Diversity Catering, Dr. Susan Merter, 312/441 43 06, mobil 0532 / 386 49 76, Turkish and Persian cuisines featured, but eastern and western cuisine also tastily combined; Buffets and menu catering for up to 50 persons, with serving personnel, tableware, silver etc. on request. Dr. Merter speaks English. (German Embassy) Spice Restaurant, Duncan Scudamore, 312/446 68 85, The tastiest curry (and more) in Ankara. (D. Wesselingh, Netherlands Embassy) Mehment Ayan, 312/439 04 81 or 0532 223 32 96. For Turkish food. Speaks English. (D. Wesselingh, Netherlands Embassy) Saifon van Linthout, 312/490 13 24 or 0533 930 47 75. Thai Food. (D. Wesselingh, Netherlands Embassy) Graphic Design eastsideGRAPHICS,, For all your graphic design needs. Whether logos, brochures, web design, or any high quality print layouts, º Page 14 º eastsideGraphics is THE choice in Ankara. Contact Dan Georgescu, a Romanian expat living in Ankara who speaks many languages, at the email above for more information. Language Classes Tomer, The most well know and intensive set of classes available in Ankara. They offer classes on Tunali Hilmi and in Kisilay. TurkishAmerican Association, Cinnah Caddesi 20, 312/4262644, eng.php. Less intensive than Tomer, less expensive as well, but some say, just as effective. ESertifika Anadolu University, On line classes, a little pricey, but something you can do from the comfort of your home. Language – Private Tutor Sema Lightfoot,, 0535/4997985 (c), 312/4414473 (h) If you want to pick up just the basics to get by, start laying a foundation to really learn the language, or delve more deeply into what you already know, Sema is the best teacher around. Having successfully worked with diplomats, businesspeople, nonworking spouses, and other expats for over a decade, if you want to learn Turkish at any level, Sema is the woman to contact. And her prices are excellent for the quality of service she offers. (D. Morris, K. Degnan, A. Renzulli, US Embassy and many others from different embassies) Painting Okcu Dekorasyon, 0532/4434519, 312/3286537 If you need your apartment painted, these are the guys to call. (I. Siebeutritt, US Embassy) Printing, Copying, Digital Services Arzu Matbaasi, GMK Bulvarı No 40/15, 3122320198, Fax 3122292669, Maltepe,, Owner Volkan Zeyrek speaks Turkish only (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Konak Digital Kopyalama Merkezi, 2. Selanik Cad. 31 /AB, Kizilay, 312/417 24 67, Fax 312/419 52 17, www. Digital services, photo calendars made, color copies (oversized as well), and more. (German Embassy) Oncu, Gunes Sokak 13/12, 312/4266466, Cankaya,, Turkish only. Printed the 2006 yearbooks for the American School at Balgat. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) º Page 15 º Shopping Starred listings () are not to be missed. Antique Markets Antika Pazarı, Elçi Sokak, Yukarı Ayrancı On the first Sunday of every month the shopkeepers of Çıkrıkçılar Yokuşu and Gaziosmanpaşa (GOP), as well as antique sellers and tradesmen from Anatolia exhibit their goods in this newly renovated (2008) space that is also used as a Wednesday food and dry goods market. Antika Pazarı, Ulus Also on the the first Sunday of every month the streets around the castle, such as At Pazarı Sokak, Can Sokak, Pirinç Sokak, Pirinç Han and Salman Sokak, host antique bazaars, auctions, live music, exhibitions and other programs. Antique Shops Ankara Antikacilik, Cinnah Caddesi 66/1, 312/4423891 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Antika Sanat Galerisi, Tunali Hilmi 96/3233, 312/4274124 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Around the Citadel, Ulus For antiques buffs the best places to visit are the antique shops around the Citadel. Located around the Ankara Castle, about 75 shops ranging from well organized to rundown ones, offer antiques from carpets and kilims to copper goods. The Koyun Pazarı Yokuşu (the oldest trade center of Ankara) basically encompasses much of the area beneath the Citadel and contains Bakırcılar Carşısı (Copper Alley on Salman Sokak) with a wide variety of gift and copper & brass goods stores, Baharatçılar Carşısı an open air spice market just outside the main entry of the Castle, and the awesome Pirinç Han a restored Ottoman inn on Pirinç Sokak, with its 3 stories of 25 shops specializing in different types of antiquities. Uğurlu Antik Pasaj, in basement of building between Atatürk Bulvarı and Tunali Hilmi Caddesi Located in the basement of a building between Atatürk Bulvarı and Tunali Hilmi Caddesi, next to Kuğulu Park (Swan Park). If you access the basement entrance from Tunali, the park is on your left, from Atatürk the park is on your right. This basement antique center has five stores, four of which are your regular, run of the mill antique shoppes, the other, Dekor Antik is a must visit destination while in Ankara (see listing below). Dekor Antik, in basement of building between Atatürk Bulvarı and Tunali Hilmi Caddesi, 312/4282658, This place is filled to the brim with totally unique antiques. Located in the Uğurlu Antik Pasaj mentioned above is one of Ankara’s best kept secrets. Crammed with all manner of military, medical, scientific, and technology related antiques as well as delicate baubles, this is an antique store for both men and women. Here you can find bayonets from the Ottoman Empire, tank shells from WWI and WWII, old medical bottles, scale models of old tanks and ships, actual airplane propellors, personal medical kits from the US Army in Vietnam, surveying tools from the last century, early telegraph equipment, hood ornaments from old cars, and much much more. You will have to spend time squeezing through the narrow passages and º Page 16 º sifting through the piles of stuff the owner Çağlar Tosunçiğir (who speaks fluent English) has collected. Make sure you call before you come to ensure that the owner will be at the store. Art Supplies Tamer Ticaret, Posta Cad. Susam Sokak No:22/613, Ulus, 312/3116666/6500/6700 Sells art related supplies, like ceramic, fabric and glass paints. They also have various unfinished wood pieces, marble and some glass and do demonstrations on various painting and decorating techniques. Very good prices. (German Embassy and I. Siebeutritt, US Embassy) Beads As Bikuteri, Izmir Caddesi, Efes Psaji 16/8, 312/4185724 An entrance also at Menekşe Sokak 1, here you can find all sorts of beads. Boncuk Dunyasi, Posta Caddesi, Vakif Suluhan Çarşısı 148, 312/324 13 99, Ulus Beading supplies. Located in bead market. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Dogruluk Pazari, Koyunpazari Yokusu No 87, Samanpazari/Ankara, 312/324 06 11 Beading supplies. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Hobbyland & Uc Yildiz, Izmir Caddesi, Moda Çarşısı No 21/58, Kizilay, 312/417 08 69 Shop with beads and hobby items, Very inexpensive. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Import & Export, Posta Caddesi, Vakif Suluhan Çarşısı 38/105, 312/312/29 71, Ulus Bead shop. Has different items from all over this part of the world. They also have another shop in Kizilay Izmir Caddesi, Sumer 1 Sokak 8/1, Kizilay, 312/229 11 52. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Ipekyolu, Salman Sk Ahiler El Sanatlari Is Mrk No 23/21, 312/309 15 74 , Samanpazari Beading supplies. Semiprecious beads available. Silver clasps. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Moda Boncuk Bijuteri, Posta Caddesi, Vakif Suluhan Çarşısı, Ust Kat Merkez 109, Ulus Beading supplies. Located in bead market. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Nazar Bancuk, Posta Caddesi, Vakif Suluhan Çarşısı, Ust Kat Merkez 140, Ulus, 312/310 23 08 Beading supplies. Located in the bead market. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Sik Dugme ve Ecisi Dunyasi, Atatürk Bulvarı No 151, Asma Kat (Bati Sinamesi Ustu), 312/419 75 76, Bakanliklar, Hobby Craft Store (E. Schneider, US Embassy) º Page 17 º Sulu Bujiteri, Posta Caddesi, Vakif Suluhan Çarşısı No 103, 312/311 57 01, Ulus Beading supplies. Located in bead market. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Books – Foreign Language Titles – New ABC, Selanik Caddesi, 1A Kızılay, Tel: 312/431 21 14 D&R, Tunali Hilmi across from Kuğulu Park, Tel: 312/426 5006 Diapason, Tunalı Hilmi Caddesi 114/17 Kavaklıdere, Tel: 312/426 26 93 Dost, Karanfil Sokak, 11 Kızılay, AnkaraTel: 312/425 22 46 Dünya Aktüel, Tunalı Hilmi Caddesi, 82, Kavaklıdere, Tel: 312/467 16 33 Megavizyon, Tunali Hilmi, 312/4684873 – 4684875; also at Ankamall AVM & Ankuva Bilkent Remzi Kitabevi, Armada AVM, Tel : 312/219 11 1213, Books – Foreign Language Titles – Used Kitapçilar Çarşısı / Adilhan Iş Merkezi, Atatürk Bulvarı In the piazza with the large clothing bazaar, Giyim Dunyasi, on the right hand side of Atatürk Bulvarı as you are walking from the Guven Park intersection in Kizilay towards the large antlered deer statue near A Ipekci Parki, tucked into the far right corner in building #6 is a used and new bookstore emporium. Filled with small vendors all specializing in different types of tomes, you can unearth some ancient English, French, German and other foreign language language titles as well as newer foreign language magazines. Be an intrepid urban archeologist and unearth the reading material from former expats while experiencing this unique location. Nearby, on Atatürk Bulvarı between this square and Guven Park is a great jewelry bazaar, Buyuk Çarşısı. And in the square itself with the book emporium is the aforementioned Giyim Duyasi, clothing emporium, and below that the Zafer Çarşısı with leather and other vendors to explore. (D. Morris & A. Bobrow, US Embassy) Bread Stores There are bread stores all over the place in Ankara, but listed below are some of the best. Nimet, Guvenlik Caddesi 79/A, 312//4262106 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Esat, Bağlar Caddesi 224, 312/4379980 (German Embassy) Candy Store Ali Uzun, Selanik Caddesi, Kizilay. The oldest candy store in Ankara. Excellent helva and Turkish delight. The halfkilo boxes of mixed candy are a great gift for friends back home. (S. Merrill, George C. Marshall School) Carpet Shops Hilmi’s Carpet and Kilim, Osmanli Caddesi 33/13, Balgat, 312/2865804. The owner speaks perfect English and has a wonderful selection of many different carpets from Turkey, Persia, Afghanistan and beyond. Also a great place to get your carpets cleaned. º Page 18 º (D. Morris & K. Degnan, US Embassy) Gökkuşağı Halı Yıkama, Eskişehir Yolu MTA Karşısı, Söğütözü, 312/285 09 51 (German Embassy) Kolleksiyon, Türkocağı Caddesi No: 54, Balgat 312/285 53 50 Proprietors: Kadir and Neslihan Ersoy, Closing in late 2008/early 2009. (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Usta Halı Yıkama Merkezi, Çayhane Sok 51 / C, GOP, 312/436 8 436 (German Embassy) Turkuaz, Turan Güneş Blv. 91. Sokak No: 9/E, Yıldız, Çankaya. 312/4426373, Proprietor: Halit KAYA Turkuaz is located on a side street just off Turan Gunes, across from a large Adana Resturant. The shop is spilt in two, one side holds shelves of absolutely beautiful and lovely quality Turkish ceramics and the other side is the frame shop. The owner Halit does a good job framing and also offers already framed pieces of art. He has many other items upstairs including carpets and kilims. (M. Huddleston, Boeing) Mutlu Carpet and Kilim, Simon Bolivar Cad. No.15/B Cankaya, 312/4429291 This shop offers all kinds of rugs, kilims, and pillows for sale. Nice selection of both old and new carpets. They offer rug cleaning services as well. Family owned and operated for many years. Mustafa Ozel, the owner speaks English and he is extremely knowledgeable about his merchandise. Nomadic Art Gallery Ltd. Co., Koyaunpazari Can Sk. No.27/B Samanpazari (Old BazaarUlus), 312/3116482. Located at the top of the street across from the Mosque and Otopark in Ulus, this small shop is packed with stacks of colorful piles of carpets of every make and color. Owner, Suleyman Dinler will be happy to show you his wide assortment of Nomadic carpets. Charity Shops Unicef, Hoşdere Caddesi, 189A, Çankaya AnkaraTel: (0312) 438 17 45. A wide range of postcards, puzzles and gifts. (D. Morris, US Embassy) Cigars & Spirits Ansera, (Migros) Alisveris Merkezi, Portakal Cicegi Sok 17/1, 312/4409131. (I. Siebeutritt, US Embassy) Clothing Kathmandu, Atatürk Bulvarı, Kök Çarşısı 312/4180591, Across from Guven Park, down in Kizilay, in a bazaar off of Atatürk Bulvarı is this great store filled with all sorts of clothing and accessories from the Far East. Check out their website to see all the funky stuff they sell. Computers & Technology H@cim Bilgisayar Elektronick, Cihangir Temel, Bardacik Sokak 83/B, 312/437 30 41, 0533/7147062 º Page 19 º Computers and computer supplies. Great customer service. Call before going to the shop. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) ProMac, Yildizevler Mah., 4 Caddesi, 82 Sokak no 16/1, Çankaya, 312/4416233, The place to get Mac stuff and get your Mac computer fixed. (J. Collins, US Embassy) Tilsim Computer, JF Kennedy Caddesi 38/1, Kavaklidere, 312/4264722/3, English spoken fluently. This place can sell you an ADSL modem, come and help you install it properly, and liase with Turk Telecom to make sure it all works the way it is supposed. Use Tilsim as your computer, telecom, technology store in Ankara and you will be happy. Contact: Yesim Atasev ( (US Embassy) Copper & Brass Shop Kervan Bakir, Salman Sokak 35/B, Ulus, 312/3242976. Located in copper alley on the hill below the citadel, this is one shop among many that you can find high quality copper and brass products. The owner, Orhan speaks English, and is inclined to bargain, as are most vendors of traditional handicrafts. (US Embassy & S. Lightfoot, Canadian Embassy) Darts Supply Shop Bora, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi 91/36, 312/4277384. In the basement of a shopping arcade off of Tunali Hilmi is this tiny little store with boards, darts, flights, shafts, and everything else you could need to play darts. (D. Farrington, US Embassy) Fabric Stores Ayhan, Ziya Gokalp Caddesi No. 14/A (across from Mado ice cream shop in Kizilay), Tel. 4305599/ 4305616 The best material supply store I've seen in Ankara, they have wonderful fabrics, Turkishmade and imported, including high quality silks, lace, wool, you name it. Professional service, they've been in business for many years. (S. Drisdelle Guven, Canadian) Burda Kumaş, Atatürk Bulvarı And Çarşısı 69 / 99, Kızılay, 0312/433 09 15, Large selection of silk, wool, and cotton for dresses, evening gowns, suits. Speak some English. Favorable prices. (German Embassy) Bursa, Izmir Caddesi, 29/1, 312/4188631 Super extensive selection of all types of fabrics. Huge store. (K. Zabriskie & E. Schneider, US Embassy) Ulus Tekstil, Saraclar Çarşısı 76 in Ulus 312/3235 or 0532/4267530, mobil 0532 / 591 80 20, The place to get curtains, table cloths, furniture covers and more made to order. They will come out to your apartment, do the measurements, then deliver the finished product. All at reasonable prices. º Page 20 º (German Embassy & many people at the US Embassy) Flea Market Inönü Stadium Flea Market, Cebeci A great flea market is each second Sunday of the month in Inönü Stadium,. (Ayça Çakirsoy – Relex/Ankara) Florists Ankara Florist, Birlik Mahallesi, Nilkent Sitesi, Çankaya, 312/441 78 51, If you need, flowers, balloons, or plants fast, contact Ankara Florist. They deliver. Begonya, Uluslararasi Cicekcilik, Portakal Cicegi Sok No 4/D, 312/440 93 01, A. Ayranci Great flowers and house plants (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Golden Cicek, Cinnah Caddesi, 312/427 31 61 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Kelebek Cicekcilik, JF Kennedy Caddesi 37/1, Kavaklidere, 312/417 8010 A well stocked flower shop near Tunali Hilmi. (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Yosun Sera Cicek, Farabi Sok. 19/C, 312/427 05 57 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Food Stores – Specialty Erezincan Mandira, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi 90/B, 312/4664617. This is the place to find a wide variety of Turkish cheeses, meats, olives, and more. With stores around the city, in the pedestrian walking area of Kizilay (Sakarya Cad. 7/A), on Turan Gunes (38/C) up in Oran, and in other locations around Ankara, these stores are the source of Turkish alimentary delights (D. Morris & A. Bobrow, US Embassy) Karadeniz SuUrunleri, Guvenlik Cad. 41/B, Ayranci, 312/4261090 A really good place to buy fish. (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Frame Shops Berk Art, Resim ve Cerceve Galerisi, GalleriaMall, Ümitköy, 312/236 11 49 (German Embassy) Bestekar Cerceve, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi, Bulten Sok. No. 15A (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Çeşni Cerceve, Nenehatun Caddesi, 38 GOP (S. Tayla, US Embassy) º Page 21 º Çeşni Turkish Handicraft, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi, Ertug Pasaji 88/44, Kavaklidere, 0312/426 57 87,, Small store on Tunali that does custom framing and has superb framed pieces of old Ottoman embroidery for sale. (German Embassy & M. Berry, US Embassy) Dam Cerceve, Bulten Sok. No 10 – Kavaklidere (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Ulaş Battaci Karaca Tela Sanat Resim ve Cerceve Galerisi, Çetin Emeç Bulvarı 52A, 312/2879708 Wonderful and inexpensive frame shop near Balgat. Workers do not speak English, however, very easy to communicate. They are quick also. (M. Berry, I. Siebeutritt, E. Schneider, & D. Wampler, US Embassy) Turkuaz, Turan Güneş Blv. 91. Sokak No: 9/E, Yıldız, Çankaya. 312/4426373, Proprietor: Halit KAYA Located on a side street just off Turan Gunes, across from a large Adana Resturant. The shop is spilt in two, one side holds shelves of absolutely beautiful and lovely quality Turkish ceramics and the other side is the frame shop. The owner Halit does a good job framing and also offers already framed pieces of art. He has many other items upstairs including carpets and kilims. (M. Huddleston, Boeing) Furniture Siteler Ankara, By far the BEST place to find furniture makers as well as furniture stores is in the Ankara Furniture Center, north beyond Ulus just off of the Turgut Özal Bulvarı (also known as Samsun Yolu), where an entire neighborhood is dedicated to the manufacture and sale of furniture. Past expats have had their dream furniture made here for pennies on the pound, cents on the euro. Check out the incredibly user friendly website to generate a list of stores catering to the specific types of furniture you are looking for. º Page 22 º Furniture Makers Antik Dekorasyon, Koyunpazari Can Sok No 18/A, Ulus, 312/3108706. A great small shop to get furniture made. Bring a photo of what you want and they will be able to recreate it. Or stop in the showroom and check out what they have to offer. (M. Berry, C. Grimste & E. Schneider, US Embassy) Antik Tasarım, Pilavoğlu İş Hanı, Samanpazarı, 0312/312/58 93, mobil 0536 / 552 64 25 Able to find and restore rare antique unique pieces. Also creates furniture from spec. Relatively favourable prices. (German Embassy) Dükkan ArtHome, Pirinç Han 26, Koyunpazarı, Ulus, 312/309 43 10, mobil 0532 / 433 86 68 Restoring of antiques and new production according to desire. (German Embassy) Saritas Mobiliya, Osman Aga Konaklari, Adalar Arasi Sokak 10, Ümitköy, 0312/236 30 19 Furniture restoration and new production according to desire. (German Embassy) Furniture Store Casa, Ugur Mumcu Cad. 34. 312/447 41 61, (A.D. Georgescu, Romanian, Handbags Desire Çanta, Bayindir 2 Sok. Mehter Işhani, No. 37/5, Kat: 2, Kizilay, 312/433 12 65, Bags, belts and handbags all made to order based on your taste. Patterns available from the best brands as º Page 23 º well. Located between Yüksel Caddesi and Ziya Gökalp Caddesi, both running off of Atatürk Bulvarı. (German Embassy and D. Wesselingh, Netherlands Embassy) Valente, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi, Gumussoy Pasaji 79/41, 312/466 34 96 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Hardware Stores Praktiker, Bilkent Center, Eskişehir Yolu, 8. Km. Bilkent, 312/2660303, Koctas, Konya Devlet Yolu üzeri, Gazi Mah. No:2 Migros Alışveriş Merkezi yanı, Akköprü, 312/3034500,, Store Hours 08:00 22:00 Bauhaus, Cepa Shopping Center, Eskişehir Yolu, Söğütözü Hobby Ankara Model Uçak Kulübü (Ankara Model Plane Club), Büyüksanayi 1. Cadde, 54/78, İskitler, Ankara, 312/384 37 59, (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Honey Stores Fer, Bulten Sokak 26/B (off of Tunali Hilmi), 312/4689298 Come here for the best selection of honey in Ankara. (D. Morris & S. Tayla, US Embassy) Houseware & Kitchenware Çelikay, Plevne Caddesi No. 88, Gülveren, 312/362 97 62 – 562 17 00, (D. Wesselingh, Netherlands Embassy) Gift & Gourmet House, JF Kennedy Caddesi 151/1, GOP, 312/4661232, Great kitchen supplies and superb cooking lessons. (I. Siebeutritt, US Embassy) Grande Porselen, Hısarparkı Cad. 8 / B, Ulus, 0312/310 45 85 Utensils and housewares at wholesale prices (German Embassy) Parlak Billuriye, Posta Caddesi, Sederciler Sokak No 1/Ab, 312/311 67 16, Ulus Housewares, glassware and kitchen items. Near bead market. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Ulucanlar Caddesi, Ulus On this street around the corner from the base of the Citadel hill where the antique stores and copper workshops are located you can find a series of housewares stores on both sides of the street, with plates, glasses, utensils, pots, pans, and more, all at great local prices. (D. Morris & A. Bobrow, US Embassy) º Page 24 º Jewelry & Precious Stones Antik Tugra, Tunali Hilmi in Ertug Pasaji 88/14, 4689101, Great selection of jewelry. (M. Berry, E. Schneider, S. Tayla, US Embassy) Armagan Saray, Saray Mucevherat Building, 0312/433 2394 This Armenian Jeweler has been in business for 47 years. His store is in the Saray Mucevherat Building in Kizalay at the intersection of Guven Park going towards Ulus. Integrity and honesty is his middle name. Treat yourself to original designs and a huge selection of pearls and local gemstones. He will also repair jewelry. (S. Dempsey, US EmbassyODC) Berk Kapadokya, Sutepe Mah. Pirinc Sk Pirinchan No 4/B, 312/312/27 72, Samanpazari Nice antique pieces from various areas around Turkey. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Ekina, Izmir Caddesi, Sümer 1. Sokak, Moda Çarşisi 3/E, Kizilay, 312/4188310, Lovely precious stones, gold and silver, beads, pearls, and more. All at good prices. (German Embassy; S. Tayla, US Embassy) Has Gumus, Tunali Hilmi Cad, Kugulu Pasaji 123/124125, 312/427 23 91, Silver jewelry and other types. Also in Beypazari (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Has Opal, Suluhan Vakif Çarşisi 120, Ulus, 312/3854 Semiprecious and precious stones galore. (German Embassy) ModaModa, Iran Cadessi, Karum Iş Merkezi, 21/59, 312/4676391 Silver Jewelry. (German Embassy) Oktay, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi, Kuğulu Pasaji 18/46, 312/4666145 The place to go for jewelry repair. (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Orhan, Anafartalar Caddesi 51/A, 312/3116633 A great jewelry store in a distinctive area of Ulus. Great selection, excellent prices, English spoken. Near the wonderful local covered market, Hal, on Tegmen Kalmaz Caddesi. (US Embassy) Sem’s Collection, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi, Kugulu Pasaji, Giris Kat No 12318/92&93, 31242734 77 Semih & Semra Tanar both speak English. Semra designs all the items and Semih makes them. Very unique and affordable. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Zeynep, Cengelhan, Depo Sok. 1/H KaleUlus, 312/3101062 º Page 25 º (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Leather Goods Aysun Tutuncu, Resat Nuri Sok 122/9, Ayranci, 312/4399922, (I. Siebeutritt, US Embassy) Local Fairs The best fairs featuring a multiplicity of products are organized by REM. These are events not to be missed while in Ankara. Access their website to find the times, dates, and locations – A sampling of the fairs they organize are below with approximate dates. The location for these events is generally the Atatürk Kultur Merkezi off Kazim Bulvarı and near the Atatürk Kultur Merkezi Metro stop. The times are usually 10am – 8pm. The dates shown below are approximations. Check websites for more details. The food booths outside are an ideal place to sample local cuisine in a distinctly local environment. (M. Farrington & D. Morris, US Embassy; and others) International Handicrafts and Gifts Fair, Nov 30 – Dec 9, or Definitely an event not to be missed. A great place to do all your Christmas shopping. One vendor is Dedem Osmanlu Cariklari, the Turkish shoemaker who crafted the footwear for the Lord of the Rings movies. Truly unique stuff. (Dedem Osmanlu Cariklari, www.osmanliçvarikçisi, 0344/2210091). Gifts & Souvenir Fair, 08 14 February (also known as Valentine’s Day Fair), 03 07 May (also known as the Mother’s Day Fair), or Book Expo Ankara, 22 March – 01 April, International Footwear and Accessories Exhibition, 0205 March & 0205 August, Medical Supplies Erdem, Marmara Sokak No 20/B, Sihheye, 312/431 31 38 Bought surgical clothing (what doctors’ wear) for my daughter here. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Office Supply Stores Office 1 Superstore, Ankuva Bilkent, Armada AVM, 312/219 16 30, Also located in Ankamall AVM (312/541 20 30) and just of Tunali Hilmi (Bülten Sok.No:7/A, 312/466 57 80) (A.D. Georgescu, Romanian,; E. Schneider & D. Morris, US Embassy) Olive Oil Laleli Olivenöle, Ugur Mumcu Cad. 60 / B, GOP, Tel./Fax 0312/446 23 16 Outstanding olive oil and products from the gulf of Edremit. As well as small, pretty gifts. (German Embassy; S. Tayla, US Embassy) Edremit Korfezi Zeytin ve Urunleri, Abay Kunanbay Cad. No. 15 – Kavaklidere º Page 26 º (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Party Shop Balon Dunyasi, Talatpasa Bulvarı No 67/B, Samanpazari, 312309 6568, Party shop where you can purchase balloons of all colors and fireworks. Located near the “grave” that’s in the middle of the intersection. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Pets Supplies Pet’s World, Bilkent Center Alt Kat No 52, 312/266 15 05, Bilkent Full array of pet supplies but you will pay more than stateside prices. Good for an emergency. Located under Real. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Pianos Emsel Dis Ticarety Ltd, 298.Sok. 4, Ilkbahar Mah., Oran, 312/4918333, Antique, new and used pianos for sale. (I. Siebeutritt, US Embassy) Plants Ayvali Çicekcisi, Kayas Yesiloz 1, Kayas, 312/3722856 Wholesale nursery with lots of indoor and outdoor plants. (I. Siebeutritt & E. Schneider, US Embassy) Prints & Maps D & K, Doruk and Kerem’s House of Art, Salman Sokak, Ahilier El Sanatlar Is, Merkeize Antikacilar Çarşısı(Antiques Bazaar) No 23/19, 312/310 23 21, Samanpazari Wonderful antique prints and maps. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Produce Markets Atakule Market, off of Simon Bolivar Caddesi North of Atakule off of Simon Bolivar Caddesi, across from a large gate that leads to the Presidential palace, is a small alley that leads to an open space that on Saturdays is filled with vendors selling all sorts of fruits, veggies, and more. If you want the true flavor of a local Turkish market, this is the place to come. Open 10am – 1pm Saturdays. (M. Farrington & S. Tayla, US Embassy) Aşağı Ayrancı Market, behind the post office station on Dikmen Caddesi Allday Saturday produce market. Go late in the afternoon/early evening to get discounted produce. (S. Merrill, George C. Marshall School; S. Tayla, US Embassy) Hal, Tegmen Kalmaz Caddesi, Ulus Ankara’s most distinctive local food market. Come here for a true taste and feel of old Ankara. Don’t miss the vendors with their dried goats head and feet. Start at the entrance on Tegmen Kalmaz Caddesi and walk through the entire block long covered market and exit on the other side. Across the street from which is a º Page 27 º small alley of plant, seed and spice vendors. Enter here for an even more distinctive feel for Ulus and old Ankara. Shoe Stores for Men Ayakkabi Dunyasi, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi 72/A, 312/4682740 This store also has an extensive selection of women’s shoes, but for men, this is the place to come for dress shoes, sneakers, boots, and more. (D. Morris, US Embassy) Shoes – Handmade Şanel, Bayindir Sokak 39/2, Kizilay, 312/4321251 Made to order based on your specific taste. (German Embassy) Shopping Malls Ankamall, Emniyet Müdürlüğü Yanı, İskitker, 312/5411212, This is one of the largest shopping malls in Ankara, and one of the most convenient too, as it the Akkopru stop of the red subway line. 300+ shops, and an IMAX theater. Armada, Eskişehir Yolu, Söğütözü, Tel. Tel: 312/219 1112 / 290 1113, Atakule, Çankaya, Very Turkish. Few brand shops. Movie Theater. Main plus is that is has a 125m observation tower. Bilkent Center, Bilkent Center İşletme Müdürlüğü, 312/266 0516, Located off the Eskesehir Yolu, near Bilkent University, this place has a Praktiker hardware store and a Real, a SuperCenter type store but not quite as big. (Patty Pettet, US Embassy) Cepa, Eskişehir Yolu, Söğütözü Just past Armada on the Eskişehir Yolu this place is great you could be in a shopping mall in any city in the world. There’s a food court and 10 screen cinema as well as a large Bauhaus (home hardware type shop) at the rear of the complex and a large toy shop with carousel for the kiddies. (J. Lee, Australian Embassy) Karum, Located near the south end of Tunali Hilmi this mall is one of the oldest, but carries lots of quality stuff. It is within the architectural compound of Sheraton Hotel. Kocatepe Mosque Shopping Center Located underneath the Kocatepe Mosque, this is a two level shopping center with a huge supermarket, overflowing plant store, and savory pastry shop on the bottom floor; and above that all manner of hardware, tools, office supplies, kitchen supplies, IKEA style desks, rugs, linens, toys, housewares, clothes, shoes, and much much more. (D. Morris, US Embassy) º Page 28 º Minasera, 716 Cadde, Cayyolu, The restaurant in this shopping center I can recommend is Big Chef. (D. Wesselingh, Netherlands Embassy) Panora, Turan Gunes Bulvarı, Oran, Tel. 312/490 58 56, Web: The new shopping mall in Oran. Another great shopping experience with a huge cinema at one end of level 2 and a pinball/bumper car “Play Planet” at the other end. (J. Lee, Australian Embassy) Soccer Gear Esse Spor, Menekse Sokak, Balkanoglu Carsısı, No 7/32 Enter the Pasaj from either Menekse 1 Sokak or Izmir Caddesi. Mention Jim Chalmers name, head of AnkarGucu expat fan club, and the owner will give you a discount. (J. Chalmers, Red Lion Club) Sports Shop AVPAR 2 Adventure Diving Club, Tunali Hilmi Cad 88/3, 312/467 23 21 Purchased snow pants but say they also have diving equipment, backpacking equipment, etc. Pasaji across from Pasabace. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Tailors Butik Arzu, Sumer Sokak No. 9/11, Kizilay, 312/2293994 The owner, Ali Yilmaz, is a very competent tailor, I’ve had him make pants, twopiece suits, blouses and even my wedding dress! He doesn't need a pattern and can create great clothes from a photo or handdrawn design. Highly recommended and not expensive. (S. Drisdelle Guven, Canadian) Class Terzi, Tunali Hilmi Cad Demirdogen Pasaji No 98/49, 31246622 70, Kavaklidere Great place for simple tailoring. Ozgur Keklikci made a formal dress for my daughter from a picture that she loves. Located diagonally across from McDonalds. Turkish speaking only. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Hazer 1, Faruk Aslan, Izmir Cad Moda Çarşısı No 21/77, 312/425 02 40 Kizilay Bayan Terzisi is wonderful tailor. Can be expensive. Turkish speaking only. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Lotis, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi 73/6 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Non Stop, Karum Is Merkezi 2 Kat no 21/278, Kavaklidere, 312/428 17 97 Takilat Evi made pants for my husband that he really liked; also a simple formal for me. Turkish speaking only. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Örücü, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi, Kuğulu Pasaji, Üst Çarşi 12318/105, 312/4267479 º Page 29 º The place to get rips and tears in expensive clothing repaired, almost without a trace. They use threads from the hem to weave the rip or tear back together. (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Sevgul Terzihanesi, Yesilyurt Sok. 25/C, 312/427 46 18 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Tuccar Terzi, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi, Bulten Sok. No 20/B Kavaklidere (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Turkish Handicrafts Ayhan Gumus, Tunali Hilmi Cad, Kugulu Pasaji 123/1827, 3124661387 Silver: jewelry, mirrors, etc (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Best Kolleksiyon, Abdulkadir Ersoy, Turkocagi Caddesi 54, Balgat, 312/285 53 50 Kilims and carpets. Special orders of mini carpets on looms, and Kutuya porcelain. Arranges and conducts special tours and presentations on Turkish cultures. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Cheap Charlies, Turkocagi Caddesi 52, 312/2873917 A staple in the expat community for years. Come here for the best selection and prices. Located across from the entrance to the Balgat base. English spoken. (many many many people recommending) Çeşni Turkish Handicraft, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi, Ertug Pasaji 88/44, Kavaklidere, 0312/426 57 87,, Small store on Tunali that has a decent selection of pottery and other handicrafts. They also have superb framed pieces of old Ottoman embroidery. Also do framing. (M. Berry & E. Schneider, US Embassy & German Embassy) Erciyes Antique Shop, At Pazari Sokak No 2, 31232405 67, Kale RugKilim, Silver and jewelry (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Galeri M, Cini, 4 Cadde, S. Mustafa Dogan Sk: No:41/A YildizCankaya, 312/4391211. Galeri M is located just down the street from Turkuaz … almost to the end of the street (opposite the intersection with Turan Gunes) and on the right. The owner Meral Oner has created a light and wonderful ceramics gallery. The ceramics and jewelry on display are all hand made and most pieces are created right there at the gallery. Meral also offers classes in ceramic jewlery and pottery for all ages. It is a wonderful place to spend a day with friends, drinking chai and learning an age old methods of Turkish ceramic painting. The pieces you can create there will be life long treasures. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Galeri Z, Atpazari Sokak 23, Ulus, 3095807, The place to has painted plates as well as carpets and kilims. The owners speak English º Page 30 º (M. Berry & E. Schneider, US Embassy) Guzel Is El Sanatlari, Koyun Pazari Salman ve Princ Sk No 12, 312/324 14 36, Samanpazari Copper and silver trays and other items. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Han Handicrafts, Bülbülderesi Caddesi 48, 312/4256575, This is the company that provides Turkish handicrafts for the BX on Balgat as well as the base down in Adana. This store is located somewhat near the US embassy on a nondescript street. English spoken. (D. Morris, US Embassy) K & B, Kale Bakir Ltd. Sti, Koyunpazari Can Sok No 18, 312/311 78 19, Ulus Wonderful hanging glass lamps (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Nomadic Art Gallery Ltd., Koyunpazari Can Sok No 27/B, Samanpazari, 3123116482 Across the street from Torun Ticaret. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Torun Ticaret, Atpazari Can Sokak No 36, 3123111058 Carpets, Kilims, Santa rugs. Best selection of silk scarves with the sultan symbol and pashiminas. Next to the old mosque near the Kale; across the street from Nomadic Art Gallery Ltd. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Turkuaz, Turan Güneş Blv. 91. Sokak No: 9/E, Yıldız, Çankaya. 312/4426373, Proprietor: Halit Kaya (, Turkuaz is located on a side street just off Turan Gunes, across from a large Adana Resturant. The shop is spilt in two, one side holds shelves of absolutely beautiful and lovely quality Turkish ceramics and the other side is the frame shop. The owner Halit does a good job framing and also offers already framed pieces of art. He has many other items upstairs including carpets and kilims. (M. Huddleston, Boeing; E. Schneider, US Embassy) Yore, Koyun Pazari Can Sokak No 3/A5, 312/310 91 44, Samanpazari,, A bit more expensive than famous Cheap Charlies. They have a nice selection of fabrics. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Watch & Clock Repair Hobby Saat, Atatürk Bulvarı No:127/12 06640, Bakanliklar, 312/4257129, 4178387 I had them work on my dad's 50 yearold Russian Antlantic watch and they did a great job. (I. Siebeutritt, US Embassy) Wrought Iron Yucel –Is, Atpazari Aslanhane Camii Uzeri, Ankara Kalesi Cikisi Can Sokak No 4, 312/310 08 25, Samanpazari Owner Mehmet Devecioglu will make anything you want. Has “catalog” of items from Longerberger catalog and other pictures. Or bring your own measurements and pictures. Very reasonable. º Page 31 º (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Klasik Dekorasyon Ltd. Sti., Koyunpazari Pirinc Sokak No 11, 312/324 11 76, Samanpazari Some wrought iron and glass items in shop. Owner Nihat Gokce will do custom gates, and other projects. Turkish speaking only. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Eateries Starred listings () are not to be missed. Bagels Tribeca, Bestekar Sokak 86/A, 312/427 09 53 The best bagels in Ankara, as well as tasty sandwiches, a yummy brunch menu, and more. They also have a place out at the new mall Panora. (many many many people recommending) Cafe at the Lake ODTÜ Eymir Gölü Bagevi, www., 312/4909899. See listing under Hiking & Biking for directions to the nearby Eymir Lake (Gölü). The closest place to gain some respite from Ankara’s intense urbanity. And this cafe is the place to come and grab a bite to eat while doing that. (I. Siebeutritt, US Embassy) Cafes Cafe des Cafes, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi 83/A, 312/4280176 Imagine a wood paneled, laid back European cafe transplanted into the center of Ankara. An extensive menu of tasty offerings served up in a wonderful atmosphere. (many many many people recommending) CafeMiz, Arjantin Caddesi 19, 312/4677921 A comfortable, relaxing atmosphere for tea or meals. One interesting feature is that you make your own salads! Filled with gentile, oldworld charm, plus their own wifi. (K. Kroke & S. Collins, US Embassy; D. Morris, US Embassy) Misir, Bulten Sok. 4, People have been coming here for years. It’s a nice quiet atmosphere (except on days when there are football matches) where you can smoke your nargile, drink cay, and enjoy some good food. It is right off of Bestekar Sok, near Tunali. (K. Kroke, US Embassy) Sade Cafe & Bistro, Arjantin Cad/Kirlangic Sok 3, 312/4280035, International cuisine in a lively atmosphere. (M. Berry, US Embassy) Turta Home Café, Mutluköy Sitesi2.Caddesi, 4.Sokak, No.15(Galleria Arkası), Ümitköy, 312/235 95 35 or 235 57 35 º Page 32 º Cakes, Cobblers, Muffins, Quiches all home made by UStrained boss Nilsun and his ladies. Birthday cakes of all sorts made to order. Cosy ambiance, nice garden, superb food. Central Asian Food Özbek Sofrası, Fatih Caddesi (next to Estergon Kalesi up on the hill) Keçiören, 312/361 29 16 (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Chinese Food China Master, Bilkent 2 Ufuk Sitesi İş Merkezi No: 11/18 Bilkent, 312/266 34 32 (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Cengizkaan, Ugur Mumcu Caddesi 37A, 312/4375101 Authentic Taiwanese food. I believe the name means Chinese food in Turkish. Very friendly service by the mamasan and very reasonably priced for Chinese food in Turkey. (A. Fukuoka, Embassy of Japan; K. Kroke, US Embassy) Guangzhou Wuyang, Bestekar Sokak 88, 312/4276150. On a street running parallel to Tunali is this tasty Chinese restaurant (H. Applegate, US Embassy) Panda Chinese, Mahatma Gandhi Caddesi 84, Gaziosmanpaşa (GOP), 312/4370929 The best Chinese food and most authentic atmosphere in Ankara. (US Embassy Spouse Network) Quick China, Ugur Mumcu Sokak (not Caddesi) 64, 312/437 03 03 or 437 04 03 Don’t let the name fool you, expect elegant food and service. Best Chinese in town. Some say the sushi here is better here than at Sushico, although Thai food, though good, is not. Wonderful atmosphere, especially in summer. (A. Fukuoka, Embassy of Japan & K. Kroke, US Embassy) WOK, Ugur Mumcu Cad 8/2, 312/ 446 19 92 Some sushi. Cheesy decorations, although its garden terrace is nice in summer. Above the BMW store in GOP. (A. Fukuoka, Embassy of Japan & K. Kroke, US Embassy) Curry Restaurant Spice, Çayhane Sokak 30/A, Gaziosmanpaşa, 312/446 68 85, This is the place to come and spice up a night on the town in Ankara. Spice specializes in Indian cuisine but also features curries commonly found in Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Indonesian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Thai, and other South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines. Absolutely delicious! Opened in September of 2006 by an Australian expat, Duncan Scudamore and his business partner and friend Amirouche Hamiti, who served as a chef at the Algerian Embassy. (many many many people recommending) Food Delivery Almost every restaurant in the city uses this service. Delivers everything from McDonald’s to Chinese. º Page 33 º (K. Kroke & E. Schneider, US Embassy) International Cafe Rosso, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi 66, 4682600 (A. Fukuoka, Embassy of Japan) Cafe de Paris, Abdullah Cevdet Sokak 30/A, 312/4405123, Cozy place with live music. (German Embassy) Canka, Nene Hatun Caddesi 122, 312/436 16 46 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Elizinn, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi No 81, 312/427 40 44, A patisserie restaurant. Menus in English. Nice place to take an out of town guest for lunch. Extensive bakery selections (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Kuki House, Arjantin Caddesi No 18, 3124271400 Great place for lunch. Near the Sheriton. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Ivy Terrace, 312/444 04 89 Nice café located at the top of Arjantin near the taxi stand. Described as a Californian Brasserie. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) NiCCi, Iran Caddesi No 27/1, 312/426 54 90 Nice restaurant for a business lunch. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Minna’s Bistro, Attar Sok. 11, 312/4688814 Located right off Arjantin by the Dolce and Gabbana Store. Relaxing atmosphere, karaoke some nights. (Kaia Kroke, US Embassy) Pineapple, Ugur Mumcu Cad 64/B, 312/446 53 27 International restaurant, great appetizers, and varied menu. (A. Fukuoka, Embassy of Japan & K. Kroke, US Embassy) Satsuma, Resit Galip Cad. 57/A, GOP, 312/4463311 International Food, Great DJ Friday nights. (K. Kroke, US Embassy) Schnitzel, Tahran Caddesi 5, 312/468 54 00 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Italian Food Mezzaluna, İran Caddesi/Turan Emeksiz Sokak No: 1 Kavaklıdere, 312/467 58 18 º Page 34 º “Without a doubt the best Italian food in Ankara.” – D. Morris, author Best of Italy ( To give you an idea as to how good this place is, it is the favorite of the Italian embassy. (many many many people recommending) Makkarna, Resit Galip Cad No89/2 GOP, 312/4368088 Another good Italian eatery. Nice outside eating area. (A. Fukuoka, Embassy of Japan & E. Schneider, US Embassy) Paper Moon, Tahran Caddesi 2, 312/4287474 Good high end, but expensive Italian restaurant and cafe. Nice views and atmosphere. (German Embassy) Sicily’s Bistro, Mesnevi Sok 27/9, Çankaya,, 312/4429343 Pizza, salads, pastas and more. Not really a traditional Italian eatery, as they serve all sorts of different dishes, but what I have had has been good. The also have places in Bahçelievier (7 Caddesi 62, 312/2159420) and in the shopping center Karum by the Sheraton (312/4685238). (D. Morris, US Embassy) Verre Angelo, Kizzulesi Sokak No 28/2, 312/446 46 20, Food was ok. Good for ladies lunch. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Mexican Food Las Chicas, Arjantin Caddesi 17A, 312/466 43 26 If you are looking for some south of the border flavor, stop in here. (K. Kroke, US Embassy) Pastry Shops/Bakeries There are tons of tasty pastry shops all over Ankara. Listed below are some of the best. Biscotti Mia, Filistin Sokak 10, 312/4365101, Great muffins, Italian biscotti, tarts, and even French style baguettes. And the best cheesecake J. Collins (US Embassy) has found in Ankara. More of take out place. (German Embassy) Coccinella, Pasta Evi, Kisinev Cad No: 5, 4383424 Around the corner from Swiss Hotel. French Bakery. Great Croissants. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Qrabiye, Mesa Koru Ticaret Merkezi 2, Çayyolu, Calls itself a boutique patisserie, they have brownies, cheesecake, crepes, waffles, and more. (German Embassy) Silay Café, Ugurmumcu Cad. 96 / A, GOP, 0312/447 14 06 Ovenfresh Simits! And also Baklava, Börek, cookies and more. (German Embassy) º Page 35 º Pizza Delivery Domino’s, 4443322, Bilkent # 312/2660050; Cankaya # 312/4426611 Simits Simit Center, Abay Kunanbay Caddesi 7, 312/4272118 While regular simits (Turkish bagellike edibles smovered in sesame seeds) can be found at any number of different vendors on the street, at this café simits are served long and narrow (instead of round) and stuffed with cheese, vegetables, and meat. This is a great place to sample one of these unique and savory simit delights, and relax at at their outdoor cafe. They also serve tasty sweet pastries. (S. Lighfoot, Canadian Embassy) Simitcii, 4.Cadde 89. Sokak 17/A, Yildiz – Cankaya, 312/441 21 91 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Sunday Brunch Çalgan, Alacaatli Köyü Girişi No: 2 Çayyolu, 312/239 1271 (especially in the spring/summer) (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Swiss Hotel, Jose Martı Caddesi No: 2 YıldızevlerÇankaya, 312/409 3000, %20Home/Hotel%20Home.htm (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Çirağan Et Lokantası, Konya Yolu, Fen Lisesi Kavşağı 196, Balgat, 312/284 11 11, Turkish speciality Brunch at reasonable prices, nice terrace (German Embassy) Sushi SushiCo, Attar Sokkak 10 (just off Arjantin Caddesi), 0392/8224262 Many people say this is the best place for sushi, as well as Chinese and Thai. (many many many people recommending) Tapas Tapa Tapa Tapas, Tunali Hilmi Caddesi 87, 312/4283562 (A. Fukuoka, Embassy of Japan) TexMex Amarillo Grill, Kizkulesi Sokak No 20/56, 312/445 04 46 Texas style bar/restaurant. Great fries and the band is great. A smaller version of the band plays on Wednesday evenings. Good place to have you friends join you for a very casual evening. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Turkish Restaurants 01 Sıfır Bır, Sancak Mahallesi 249. Sokak No: 52/A Çankaya, 312/4919776 Known for their Adana cuisine. º Page 36 º (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) A.yayla, Birlik Mah. 8 Cad. No 20/B, 312/495 68 78 A pide and kebap place. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Adana Sofrasi, 91 Sokak #6, Yildiz, 4422900 A great kebap place to eat with indoor/outdoor kids play area. (M. Berry & S. Tayla, US Embassy) Altınşiş Kebapçısı, Turan Güneş Bulvarı 19. Caddesi 1/B, Oran, 312/492 07 07 Known for their Gaziantep cuisine. (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Arzu Cafe, Pirinç Sokak 7, Ulus, 312/3112860 A hole in wall traditional guzleme place up a set of stairs with great views overlooking Ankara. Just down the hill from the citadel, this is in the heart of the antiques, brass, copper, shopping district in Ulus. Very low end but with a unique ambiance and tasty nibbles. (S. Adesso & S. Collins US Embassy) Aspava, Esat Caddesi 110/B, 312/4363823 Authentic midrange local eatery on a completely local street. Not another foreigner in sight. (J. TynteIrvine, British Embassy) Budak Altı, Budak Sokak No. 6, 312/4288545, High end Turkish fusion. Has upstairs area for private dinner parties. Garden seating downstairs (K. Kroke & E. Schneider, US Embassy) Café Z, Atpazari Sok. (just below the kale in Ulus), 312/3090918 Small place with excellent homemade Turkish food. In a beautiful old wooden house right down the street from the Kale in Ulus. Must call in advance to arrange the number and time for your party. Has a room upstairs that can be booked for private parties. (K. Kroke & E. Schneider, US Embassy) Ceritoglu Konagi, Kale Kapisi Sokak 19, Dishisar Kale, 312/3243622. Set just inside the old Citadel Walls on the left hand side, this houserestaurant comfortably blends the old with the new and is an elegant but cozy place where you can lunch on traditional Turkish foods. (Norwegian Embassy) Corbacim, Hosdere Cad. No 220/A Delivers. Great place for lunch. You make your selections at the counter; although they also have a menu. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Çirağan, Konya Yolu, Fen Lisesi Kavşaği 196, Balgat, Good food and terrance. (German Embassy) º Page 37 º Dafne, Karyagdi Sokak 20, 312/4402520, Superb atmosphere, incredible cuisine, and wonderful service, this place has it all, even a relaxing patio space open in good weather. Known for their excellent Antakyan food. One of the best restaurants in Ankara. (M. Elwell, Bilkent University; K. Degnan, US Embassy & D. Morris, US Embassy) Fige, Abdullah Cevdet Sok 15, Çankaya, 4380721 Great ambiance and food. This restaurant was Zsa Zsa Gabor’s first home in Turkey. Has a nice view of Atakule Tower. Service can be slow; but the food is decent. Would recommend for lunch – Turkish food buffet. Wednesday nights are reserved only to jazz performers. On Friday and Saturday the program begins with jazz performances and continues with Latin and nostalgic Turkish songs. The performances begin at 21:00. until 02:00 (M. Berry, E. Schneider, S. Tayla, US Embassy) Gar Lokantası, Filistin Sokak #35, Gaziosmanpaşa, 312/447 2996, Authentic Turkish restaurant/grill. Pleasant patio, great service, tasty food. (O. Konu, Bilkent University) Haci Arif Bey, Guniz Sokak 48, 312/4675767, Great family atmosphere, pictures of everything on the menu. A little light on the mezes but great kebaps and super service. There are open pools with live turtles in the restaurant—kids love it! Located near the Hilton hotel, just off of Tunali. (S. Merrill, George C. Marshall School) Hatipoglu Konagi, Sevinç Sok. 3, Ulus312/3113696 High on the Citadel walls this old Turkish mansion has numerous dining rooms and an openair terrace with spectacular views all the way to the Atakule Tower in the Çankaya hills to the south. The traditional food is tasty and moderatelypriced though the portions are rather small. Enter from the plaza outside the Citadel just passed the spice market outside the walls. (Norwegian Embassy, German Embassy, US Embassy) Jale Ev Yemekleri, Cinnah Caddesi No 21/B, 30 Noterin Alti, 312/467 56 33 Only open for lunch. Select food from the counter. Nice and different. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Kalbur, Oran Şehri Çarşı Merkezi C3 Blok, 312/490 5001, Small, familyowned restaurant with an authentic selection of mezes and seafood. (O. Konu, Bilkent University; S. Tayla, US Embassy) Kale Washington Restaurant, Doyran Sokak 507, Ulus (in the Citadel), 312/3114344 Turkish cuisine, beautiful views, wonderful atmosphere, located in the Citadel. (Kaia Kroke, US Embassy) Kebabistan, Reşit Galip Cad. 58, 312/4482990 Traditional turkish kebab restaurant. Great atmsophere, typical food, what a name! (K. Kroke, US Embassy) Kösebasi, Kuleli Sokak 32, Gaziosmanpaşa, 312/446 59 59, º Page 38 º The Kosebasi in Istanbul was voted as one of the “World's 50 Best Restaurants” by the 14,000 members of Conde Nast Traveler magazine. The Kosebasi chain captures the traditional taste of southern Anatolia and is committed to continue to offer not only a cultural event but also an introduction to Anatolian lifestyle. The one we have in Ankara is just as good. Come here for some world class dining, Turkish style. (Norwegian Embassy) Kukla Kebap, Dr. Sadik Ahmet Cad. 21/S, Balgat, 312/2853030 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Kumsal Lokantasi, Inkilap Sokak 9/A, Kizilay, 312/4345361 Located in the pedestrian walking area of Kizilay, this restaurant has been in business for generations. Come here for the best seafood around, as well authentic modern Turkish atmosphere. They also serve savory lamb and chicken dishes for those not into seafood. (K. Degnan, US Embassy & D. Morris, US Embassy) Merkez Lokantası, Filistin Sokak #35, Gaziosmanpaşa, 312/211 0220, Historic Ankara restaurant. Turkish cuisine and atmosphere. Located within Atatürk Orman Çifliği (AOÇ). Diverse selection of appetizers and entrees, enjoyable atmosphere, somewhat expensive. (O. Konu, Bilkent University; S. Tayla, US Embassy) Natural Döner, Bilkent Center Food Court,, 312/266 74 91 Known for their lowfat doner and other Turkish specialties. (M. Elwell, Bilkent University) N.E.T. Piknik, Inkilap Sokak No 7, 312/435 06 41 Sidewalk café style place in Kizilay serving fish and other tasty edibles. (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Recep Usta, Resit Galip Caddessi 3, KÜÇÜKESAT, 312/ 436 30 60 Very good kebaps, no alcohol served though. (A. Fukuoka, Embassy of Japan) Rumeli İşkembeci, Bestekar Sokak 86/B, Kavaklıdere , 312/4671362 Traditional Turkish food, great spot for a delicious and quick bite to eat near the US embassy. (Kaia Kroke, US Embassy) Sedir, Cinnah Caddesi 21A, 312/4678225 Known for their gozleme and manti. (M. Berry, US Embassy) Subasi, Cevre Sokak 11/A, Çankaya, 312/4681411, Authentic middle to high end Turkish atmosphere all at superb prices. A great place to bring visitors from out of town for a taste of Turkish cuisine. (K. Degnan, US Embassy & D. Morris, US Embassy) Trilye, Resit Galip Caddesi, Hafta Sok. 11/B GOP, 312/447 12 00 A great fish restaurant. (S. Tayla, US Embassy) º Page 39 º Yelken Balik Evi, Ahmet Mithat Efendi Sokak No 7/A, 312/441 56 46/ 438 46 46 (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Zenger, Doyran Sokak 13, Ulus, 312/3117070, Like a museum. Great view especially at sunset. Wonderful traditional Turkish food. (German Embassy) 24 Hour Eatery Big Chefs, Filistin Sokak 5, GOP,, 312/426 88 14. 3 locations in Ankara. This one is the best. (German Embassy and M. Elwell, Bilkent University) Nightlife Jazz Fige, Abdullah Cevdet Sok 15, Çankaya, 4380721 Wednesday nights are reserved only to jazz performers. On Friday and Saturday the program begins with jazz performances and continues with Latin and nostalgic Turkish songs. The performances begin at 21:00. until 02:00 (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Beyaz Ev, Hacettepe University, Beytepe Campus, 312/297 8110 (manager) Rezervation – 312/2976495 and 2992072 This jazz bar is located in the social club of Hacettepe University. The bar section opens only on Saturdays at 21:00 and only has a capacity of 130 people and reservation is required. Jazz performances begin at 22:00. (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Nightclubs Overall, Guvenlik Cad. 97. 0468/57 8586 One of the post popular nightclubs in Ankara, no entry for male customers without dates (A. Fukuoka, Embassy of Japan) Pubs Golden, Tunali Hilmi Cad. 112D, 312/4271525 In the basement of a building on Tunali with a nice outdoor seating area this is a great place for a night out. And if you like dart, boards line one wall. (S. Roy, France & Embassy of Sweden) Newcastle Pub, Çevre Sok. 7/C, Çankaya, 312/466 05 75 – 76, Located just down the road from November Pub on Cevre Sokak, this place is wilder. They have other renditions of the same place all over Ankara, one of the most popular of which is in Oran (Turan Gunes Blv. 48 Sokak No 7, 312/4919966). (many many many people recommending) º Page 40 º November, Çevre Sok. No:24/2, Çankaya 312/467 67 06 Great atmosphere, live music. Filled with expats and Turks alike. (many many many people recommending) The Old Mariner, Bestekar Sokak. No 78/B, 31242869 06 Good place for a cold beer and decent food. Between the US Embassy and Tunali Hilmi. A North Shield Pub (E. Schneider, US Embassy) Random, Tunali Hilmi Cad. 114/J1, 312/468 34 20 Good bar, great location right next to Swan Park (Kuğulu Park) off of Tunali, nice outside patio, moderate prices. (A. Fukuoka, Embassy of Japan; S. Roy, France & Embassy of Sweden) Rock Clubs Gölge Bar Tunali Hilmi, Bugday Sokak 6/1 (across Kuğulu Park), 312/426 45 91, Another great venue for rock concerts (A.D. Georgescu, Romanian, Manhattan, Çevre Sok. No: 7, Çankaya, Tel. 312/427 62 63 THE place for live rock music. Located on the same street as November Pub, Newcastle Pub, and the great Turkish restaurant Subasi. You can come to Cevre Sokak for an entire night out and not have to wander far. Saklıkent, Akay Caddesi 25/ A, 312/418 38 10 / 11, Great venue for rock concerts (A.D. Georgescu, Romanian, Organizations These are but a few of the expat and local orgnanizations in Ankara that have events, cultural and social activities, and more. A great way to connect with other expats as well as locals. Alcoholics Anonymous,, 312/4475880 American Research Association in Turkey (ARIT),, 312/427 34 25, Organize amazing historical trips all over Turkey. American Studies Association of Turkey (ASAT),, President Gülriz Büken 312/266 43 78 Ankara Business Centre, Ankara Hilton, Tahran Caddesi 12, Kavaklıdere 312/4286177, – the place in Ankara for translation services, secretarial services and much much more. They also have an excellent online guide. Ankara International Charities Committee, 312/4403020 Josje Hunnisett — The AICC is an international group of foreigners wishing to contribute to the well being of Turkey during their stay here. Members visit schools, orphanages and hospitals, then purchase equipment or items needed. The AICC's main fund raising effort is an annual DinnerDance and Grand Tombola, in October or November. A º Page 41 º number of smaller events are also held throughout the year. Ankara Women’s Club (AWC),, Carolyn Ozcan 312/240 44 83, Linda Adcock Ankara Youth Sports League, Andrew Hudson, British Council, – Anglo focused arts, events and activities organization. Doga Dernegi, Kennedy Caddessi No 50/19, 312/448 05 37, Kavaklidere,, This is an environmental organization working on building a nature center being built in Beypazari. Girl Scouts Ankara, Elizabeth Schneider,, Girl Scouts, USAGSONorth Atlantic, Carol Rhan, Dir. Of Membership & Marketing, 49 (0) 6214877025, International Interaction Society, Birlik Mahallesi, 18. Sokak, No: 14/1 Çankaya, 312/4961146,, This nonprofit organization is dedicated to addressing the social, cultural and exchange matters and needs of international citizens in Turkey and contributing to the exchange environment between Turkey and other countries. Italian Cultural Institute, Mahatma Handhi Caddesi 32, GOP, – Superb events, featuring all manner of performing arts. Open to all. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spouses Association, – Cultural and Social organization for the spouses of Turkish Foreign Ministers who have served abroad. Spouses of foreign diplomats and businesspeople in Turkey can also become members. Quilting Group, Laurence Bridges, Refugee Volunteer Services Bridget Guerrero ( at 0538 784 7947, or Erin Maloney ( at 266 48 31 Asylum seekers / refugees living in Turkey are one of the most vulnerable demographic groups in the country. All programs are organized by the Meryem Ana Catholic Church, but all are welcome as volunteers for these interfaith projects. Stage on the Run, – For the actor in you. Contact them about auditions. Turco British Association (TBA), Turkish American Association,, 312/426 26 44 – all manner of actitivies, events, and workshops including language classes. Turkish American International Women’s Cultural and Charitable Society (TAIWCCS), Meliha Akbay – 312/468 39 48 Cell: 0532 300 11 37, Margo Squire; Laurence Bridges – a great charitable organization for those who want to get involved in cultural º Page 42 º activities while also helping give something back to the local Ankara community. US Embassy Spouse Network, – Social, cultural, and charitable organization. All spouses welcome not just with the US Embassy. Universities Universities listed below offer periodic events. Check the websites for listings. Many also offer classes in English (ODTÜ and Bilkent I know for sure) for degree purposes or for audit. Contact the schools to see what is available. (“When I was in Ankara, I took an archery course at ODTÜ and it was great” – D. Morris, US Embassy) Atılım University Ankara University Başkent University Bilkent University Çankaya University Gazi University Hacettepe University ODTÜ (Middle East Technical UniversityMETU) TOBB (Economics and Technology University) Ufuk University Websites for Ankara and Turkey Guides For events, activities, restaurants, cafes, and more all over Turkey visit ... My Merhaba Definitely the best source for online information about what to do in Ankara and in Turkey. Ankara City Guide A comprehensive online guide of information. Expats in Turkey Turkey Travel Planner All About Turkey Expat Focus Newspapers For daily news, events, and activities all over Turkey visit ... Turkish Daily News Written in English by local and international staff. Today’s Zaman An English translation of a Turkish daily. º Page 43 º New Anatolian Turkey’s only independent English language daily. Books About Turkey Classical Turkish Cooking: Traditional Turkish Food for the American Kitchen, by Ayla Esen Algar, (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Cooking the Turkish Way, by Kari A. Cornell and Nurcay Turkoglu, (S. Tayla, US Embassy) A Handbook for Living in Turkey, by Pat Yale, ISBN 9944424064 From opening a bank account to applying for residency status, a wealth of practical information about living in Turkey. Order in Turkey:; Order in USA: (D. Wesselingh, Netherlands Embassy) Olives, Anchovies and Capers, by Georgeanne Brennan, (S. Tayla, US Embassy) On the Path of the Immortal Olive, by Professor Dr. Artun Unsal, Galatasaray University The definitive book about Turkish Cheeses. Available in all major Turkish bookstores. (S. Tayla, US Embassy) The Ottoman Kitchen: Modern Recipes from Turkey, Greece, the Balkans, Lebanon, Syria and Beyond, by Sarah Woodward, The Sultan’s Kitchen, by Ozcan Ozan, (S. Tayla, US Embassy) The Treasury of Turkish Cheeses, by Suzanne Swan, (S. Tayla, US Embassy) Turkish Cooking, by Tess Mallos, (S. Tayla, US Embassy) The Turkish Dining Table, H. Güler Vural, (S. Tayla, US Embassy) When Milk Sleeps It Becomes Cheese, by Professor Dr. Artun Unsal, Galatasaray University A great book about Turkish Cheeses. Available in all major Turkish bookstores. (S. Tayla, US Embassy) º Page 44 º