Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science Toyo University
Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science Toyo University
Global Excellence in Action Graduate S chool of Interdisciplinary N ew S cience Toyo University Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science Toyo U niversity 2100, Kujirai, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-‐8585, Japan Tel: +81 49 239 1313 Fax: +81 49 231 5117 E-‐mail: URL: Bio-‐Nano S cience Fusion C ourse Graduate S chool of Interdisciplinary N ew S cience Toyo University Foreword Following the great success of the Doctoral Course, which was opened in April 2007, the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science, Toyo University, started the Bio-‐Nano Science Fusion M aster C ourse i n A pril 2 011. Its aim i s to surge ahead i n bio and nanotechnology research, creating new interdisciplinary realms. We provide a unique curriculum such as Workshops on advanced equipment and Web educational programmes as well as l ectures. The Graduate School also organises i nternational symposia and seminars for young researchers. The students c arry out advanced research on nanoscience/nanotechnology, bioscience/biotechnology and bio-‐nano fusion i n c ollaboration with the Bio-‐Nano Electronics Research C entre, Toyo University. Supervisors Tatsuro Hanajiri Design and fabrication of Hisao Morimoto Self-‐organisation/nonlinear dynamics of nano/micro materials nanoscale e lectron devices I a m c urrently s tudying the p hysics of n anoscale electron devices and am interested in its application to nanoelectronics. I have studied the electric properties of thin SOI films and the structures of SOI MOSFETs with decanano scale gates. I propose fully inverted (FI) SOI MOSFETs with ultra-‐thin SOI films and novel fully depleted ( FD) SOI MOSFETs. Sakthi Kumar Bio-‐nano fusion/nanotechnology/ biomaterials I am interested in the research work based on fusion of different science fields, namely physics, chemistry and biotechnology. I focus on research themes s uch a s (a) Nano drug delivery, aptamer (DNA and RNA based) sensors a nd bio/chemical s ensors. (b) Carbon nanotubes, nano particles and quantum dots for solar cell applications and plasma processing thin films. Visiting Professors I a m interested in s elf-‐organisations, p hase transitions, and non-‐linear dynamics of nano/micro materials disperse systems such as suspensions, in which nano/micro particles, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes or biological cells are dispersed. I am also interested in bio-‐nano fusion technologies utilising the above phenomena induced in nano/micro materials disperse systems. Yoshikata Nakajima Nanotechnology/Nanomaterials Bio-‐nano fusion I am interested in advanced materials for future electron devices such as silicon-‐on-‐insulator (SOI) wafers, silicon-‐on-‐quartz (SOQ) and silicon nano dots, and micro-‐particles and biological cells dispersed in solution. My study also focuses on the design and fabrication of high-‐resolution bio-‐nano analytical systems by utilising the advanced materials. Toru M izuki Bio-‐nano fusion/Biotechnology I am interested in the interactions between biomolecules such as protein, peptide and DNA, and nano/micro materials such as CNTs, fullerenes and magnetic materials. I am currently focusing on bio-‐nano fusion research such as analysis of the function of proteins immobilised on nano/micro materials and acceleration of the enzyme activity using a rotational magnetic field. Sir Harry Kroto Florida State U niversity Daniel Morse UCSB Sir John W alker Régine Perzynski University of Cambridge Université Paris 6 Raymond W hitby Nicole Grobert University of Oxford University of Brighton Global Excellence in Action Graduate S chool of Interdisciplinary N ew S cience Toyo University Admission policy The Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science, Toyo University, accepts motivated Master and Doctor Course students from all over the world and creates internationally advanced researchers in the fields of bioscience, nanotechnology and bio-‐nano fusion science and technology, the latter b eing o ne o f the m ost i mportant s ubjects i n the 21st Century. Supervisors Takashi Uchida Akira Inoue Growth and application of carbon-‐based nanostructures Extremophiles Fusion of biomolecules/nanoparticles I am interested in the research work related to carbon-‐based nanostructures such as carbon nanotubes, carbon nanowalls and endohedral fullerenes. I focus on research themes such as (a) Equipment development-‐chemical vapour deposition systems, electron cyclotron resonance ion source. (b) Growth-‐carbon nanotubes, carbon nanowalls, endohedral fullerenes. I am interested in microorganisms (extremophiles) living under extreme environments such as high temperature, alkaline pH, organic solvents etc. These microorganisms have high potential activities producing new enzymes and decomposing chemical substances. I am also focusing on the fusion of biotechnology and nanotechnology. Ron Usami Screening and application of Toru Maekawa Extremophiles are microorganisms which grow in extreme environments where other organisms are difficult to survive. A great attention has recently been extremophiles paid to extremophiles. I am developing several new methodologies for isolating valuable microorganisms and carrying out a nalysis of their functions a nd genes. Self-‐organisation/self-‐assembly in nano/micro systems I am very much interested in pattern formations, synchronisation and chaos created via self-‐organisation/self-‐assembly, which are induced in nano/micro systems. Fluctuations, surface effects and quantum effects, in particular, become significant on nanometre scales, which makes nano systems completely d ifferent f rom o ur macroscopic world. Noriyuki D oukyu Applied research of e xtremophiles Fusion of biomolecules/nanoparticles I a m interested in microorganisms ( extremophiles) which can grow under extreme environments. These microorganisms and their enzymes can become efficient and useful biocatalysts which possess catalytic activities and stabilities under extreme conditions. I am also focusing on the fusion of biotechnology and nanotechnology. Visiting Professors Leonid Kalachev P.V. Mohanan University of Montana Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciencesand Technology Yoshio Bando NIMS Toru Kobayashi JAMSTEC Shigeru Deguchi JAMSTEC Bio-‐Nano S cience Fusion C ourse Graduate S chool of Interdisciplinary N ew S cience Toyo University Curriculum (Master Course) Year Type Lectures 1 Workshops Web p rogramme Research Web p rogramme 2 Research Title Units Introduction to b io-‐nano s cience fusion 2 English for s cience and technology 2 Fundamental mathematics 2 Fundamental p hysics 2 Fundamental chemistry 2 Fundamental b iotechnology 2 Extremophiles 2 Nano electronics 2 Nano materials 2 Bio materials and nanotechnology 2 Microbiology 2 Workshop o n advanced equipment I 2 Workshop o n advanced equipment II 2 Web education I 2 Bio-‐nano s cience fusion s eminar I and II 4 Bio-‐nano s cience fusion research I and II 4 Web education II 2 Bio-‐nano s cience fusion s eminar III and IV 4 Bio-‐nano s cience fusion research III and IV 4 Web educational programmes: G EOSET TOYO We p roduce i n collaboration with Sir Harry Kroto web educational p rogrammes named “Global Educational O utreach for Science, Engineering and Technology, Toyo University” abbreviated to “GEOSET TOYO”. Students also p articipate i n the p roduction o f GEOSET TOYO p rogrammes. Some typical p rogrammes are listed b elow; Type Programmes Level Lecture + p pt + video Lecture + p pt + video Lecture + p pt Lecture + p pt + video Lecture + p pt Experiment + p pt + video Experiment + p pt + video Seminar + p pt + video Seminar + p pt + video Seminar + p pt + video Video Video Video Fundamental s cience: Classical mechanics (Outline, p hilosophy, h istory) Fundamental s cience: Classical mechanics (Experimental verification) Fundamental s cience: Classical mechanics (Lagrangian a nd Hamiltonian mechanics) Fundamental s cience: E lectromagnetism (Outline, p hilosophy, h istory) Fundamental s cience: E lectromagnetism (Maxwell equation) Observation of n anostructures by electron microscopes Observation of n anostructures by s canning p robe microscopes Room temperature growth of c ompound semiconductors learning from s ea c reatures Professor Daniel Morse Sir Harry Kroto’s International Seminar for Young Scientists Bio motors Professor Sir John W alker Introduction to California NanoSystems Facilities a nd equipment Visit to the Royal Society Great s cientists Sir Harry Kroto’s Seminar for Junior Students Undergraduate ( UG) Graduate ( Grad) UG, Grad UG, Grad, Post-‐doctoral researchers ( PD) UG, Grad UG, Grad, PD UG, Grad, PD UG, Grad, PD UG, Grad, PD, Researchers ( R) UG, Grad, PD, R UG, Grad, PD, R UG, Grad, PD, R UG, Grad, PD, R Primary, Junior-‐high a nd High School Global Excellence in Action Graduate S chool of Interdisciplinary N ew S cience Toyo University Facilities a nd Equipment State-‐of-‐the-‐art facilities and equipment are installed at the Bio-‐Nano E lectronics Research Centre, which Master and Doctor Course students can use for their research. A unique course such as “Workshops on advanced equipment” is included in the curriculum for Master Course students. Nanostructures Processing Room Lithography Room Nanoelectronics Super Clean Rooms Incubation Laboratory Transmission Electron Microscope Biotechnology Clean Rooms DNA Sequencer Scanning Electron Microscopes Scanning Probe Microscopes Bio-‐Nano S cience Fusion C ourse Graduate S chool of Interdisciplinary N ew S cience Toyo University Events The Graduate School organises and holds international symposia, seminars, workshops, etc. for the students. The students also participate in the events; e.g., they present their latest results at international symposia and seminars. International Symposia on Bioscience and Nanotechnology International Seminars for Young Scientists (overseas) International Seminars for Young Scientists (Kawagoe Campus) Global Excellence in Action Graduate S chool of Interdisciplinary N ew S cience Toyo University Sir Harry Kroto’s Seminars for Young Scientists (Kawagoe Campus) Recent publications Nanoscience/nanotechnology A. Baliyan, Y. Hayasaki, T. Fukuda, T. Uchida, Y. Nakajima, T. Hanajiri and T. Maekawa, Precise control of the number of walls of CNTs of a uniform internal diameter, J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 683-‐686 (2013). T. Yamada, Y. Nakajima, T. Hanajiri and T. Sugano, Suppression of drain-‐Induced barrier lowering in silicon-‐on-‐insulator MOSFETs through source/drain engineering for low-‐operating-‐power system-‐on-‐chip applications, IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 60, 260-‐267 (2013). O. Aschenbrenner, T. Fukuda, T. Hasumura, T. Maekawa, A.B. Cundy and R.L.D. Whitby, Creation of spherical carbon nanoparticles and clusters from carbon dioxide via UV dissociation at the critical point, Green Chem. 14, 1196-‐1201 (2012). A. Baliyan, T. Uchida, T. Fukuda, Y. Nakajima, T. Hanajiri and T. Maekawa, Synthesis of a forest of double/triple walled CNTs of uniform diameters by plasma enhanced CVD using monodisperse iron oxide nanoparticles, J. Mater. Chem. 22, 5277-‐5280 (2012). A.C. Poulose, S. Veeranarayanan, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa and D.S. Kumar, Rapid synthesis of triangular CdS nanocrystals without any trap emission, J. Nanopart. Res. 14, 789 (2012). Bioscience/biotechnology H. Shimoshige, T. Yamada, H. Minegishi, A. Echigo, Y. Shimane, M. Kamekura, T. Itoh and R. Usami, Halobaculum magnesiiphilum sp. nov., a magnesium dependent haloarchaeon, capable of growth in 1 % (w/v) NaCl, isolated from commercial salt, Int. J. Syst. Evol. Micr. 63, 861-‐866 (2013). N. Doukyu, K. Ishikawa, R. Watanabe and H. Ogino, Improvement in organic solvent-‐tolerance by double disruptions of proV and marR genes in Escherichia coli, J. Appl. Microbiol. 112, 464-‐474 (2012). A. Echigo, H. Minegishi, Y. Shimane, M. Kamekura and R. Usami, Natribacillus halophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a moderately halophilic and alkalitolerant bacterium isolated from soil, Int. J. Syst. Evol. Micr. 62, 289-‐294 (2012). R Watanabe and Doukyu, N. Contributions of mutations in acrR and marR genes to organic solvent tolerance in Escherichia coli, AMB Express 2, 58 (2012). A. Echigo, H. Minegishi, Y. Shimane, M. Kamekura and R. Usami, Natribacillus halophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a moderately halophilic and alkalitolerant bacterium isolated from soil, Int. J. Syst. Evol. Micr. 62, 289-‐294 (2012). Bio-‐nano fusion science/technology S. Balasubramanian, A.R. Girija, Y. Nagaoka, M. Suzuki, T. Fukuda, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa and D.S. Kumar, Multifunctional Carboxymethyl cellulose based magnetic nanovector as theragnostic system for folate receptor targeted chemotherapy, imaging and hyperthermia against cancer, Langmuir 29, 3453-‐3466 (2013). S. Raveendran, B. Dhandayuthapani, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa and D.S. Kumar, Biocompatible nanofibers based on extremophilic bacterial polysaccharide from Halomonoas maura, Carbohydr. Polym. 92, 1225-‐1233 (2013) S. Veeranarayanan, A.C. Poulose, M.S. Mohamed, S.H. Varghese, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa and D.S. Kumar, Synergistic targeting of cancer and associated angiogenesis exercising triple targeted-‐dual drug silica nanoformulations for theragnostics, Small 8, 3476-‐3489 (2012). A. Aravind, A. Prashanti, R.D. Nair, S. Veeranarayanan, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa and D.S. Kumar, AS1411 aptamer tagged PLGA-‐lecithin-‐PEG nanoparticles for tumor cell targeting and drug delivery, Biotechnol. Bioeng. 109, 2920-‐2931 (2012). A. Mathew, T. Fukuda, Y. Nagaoka, T. Hasumura, H. Morimoto, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, K. Venugopal and D.S. Kumar, Curcumin loaded-‐PLGA nanoparticles conjugated with Tet-‐1 peptide for potential use in Alzheimer’s disease, PloS One 7, e32616 (2012). Bio-‐Nano S cience Fusion C ourse Graduate S chool of Interdisciplinary N ew S cience Toyo University Awards and prizes ✓ Tasilo Prnka Prize (2012) S. Veeranarayanan, A.C. Poulose, M.S. Mohamed, Y. Nagaoka, S. Kashiwada, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa and D.S. Kumar, Nanoformulation facilitated disruption of vasculogenesis: Approach towards neo-‐angiogenic treatment, Nanocon 2012, C13 (2012), Brno, Czech Republic. ✓ Asian Allergy Asthma Foundation Best Poster Award (2012) M.S. Mohamad, S. Veeranarayanan, A. Baliyan, A.C. Poulose, Y. Nagaoka, H. Minegishi, Y. Shimane, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa and D.S. Kumar, Trafficking and superior therapeutic proficiency of hybrid lipid nanoparticles encapsulating the ribosome inactivating ptotein-‐curcin across in vitro blood brain barrier (2012), Tokyo, Japan ✓ Best Poster Award (2011) S. Kurosu, T. Fukuda, T. Hasumura and T. Maekawa, Aligned clusters formed by C60 molecules and sulphur in benzene, NanoteC11: International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2011), Nantes, France. ✓ Best Poster Award (2011) B.G. Nair, Y. Nagaoka, T. Fukuda, H. Morimoto, T. Mizuki, D.S. Kumar and T. Maekawa, Application of biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles for cell manipulation studies, Nanocon2011 (2011), Brno, Czech Republic. ✓ Student Travel Award (2011) A. Aravind, S. Veeranarayanan, A. Mathew, S.H. Varghese, T. Fukuda, T. Hasumura, S. Nagoaka. T. Maekawa, Y. Yoshida and D.S. Kumar Aptamer-‐labeled PLGA nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery in breast cancer, Proc. 2nd Nano Today (2011), Hawaii, USA. Highlighted papers ✓ Nano Werk (2012) M. Sheikh, A. Baliyan, S. Veeranarayanan, A.C. Poulose, Y. Nagaoka, H. Minegishi, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa and D.S. Kumar, Non-‐destrucitve harvesting of biogenic gold nanoparticles from japtropha curcas seed meal and shell extracts and their application as bio-‐diagnostic photothermal ablaters-‐lending shine to bio diesel byproducts, Nanomater. Environ. 1, 3–17 (2012). ✓ Institute of Physics (2012) S. Veeranarayanan, A.C. Poulose, S. Mohamed, A. Aravind, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa and D.S. Kumar, FITC labeled silica nanoparticles as efficient cell tags: Uptake and photostability study in endothelial cells, J. Fluoresc. 22, 537–548 (2012). ✓ Brain Research (2011) A. Mathew, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa and D.S. Kumar, Alzheimer's disease: Cholesterol a menace, Brain Res. Bull. 86, 1-‐12 (2011). Secretariat o f the Graduate School o f Interdisciplinary N ew Science, Toyo University Natsue Takahashi Yuko Tsuburaya Fumiko Suda Yoshiko Wakui Secretariat o f the B io-‐Nano Electronics R esearch Centre, Toyo University Hiroshi Akasu Naoko Tomita Akiko Tanaka Natsue Takahashi Yuko Tsuburaya Enquiries concerning the g raduate s chool Graduate School o f Interdisciplinary New Science Academic and Student Affairs Section, Kawagoe Campus, Toyo University 2100, Kujirai, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-‐8585, Japan Tel: + 81-‐49-‐239-‐1313, Fax: + 81-‐49-‐231-‐5117, E-‐mail: URL: Enquiries concerning research p rojects Bio-‐Nano Electronics Research Centre, Toyo University Research Support Office 2100, Kujirai, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-‐8585, Japan Tel: + 81-‐49-‐239-‐1375, Fax: + 81-‐49-‐234-‐2502, E -‐mail: URL: h ttp:// Mikiko Koizumi Natsumi Setojima
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