Wüsthof Coloured Kitchen Knives
Wüsthof Coloured Kitchen Knives
Press Release Spring 2015 The new range of kitchen knives from WÜSTHOF Focussing on the major blade designs, the new kitchen knives will be available individually and in sets of 2 or 3 in four different handle colours (black, bright orange, bright red and apple green). There are five indispensable helpers to choose from - a peeling knife, two different trimming knives, a universal knife and a pizza and steak knife - all of which are handy, hygienic, dishwasher-safe and therefore ideally suited to long-term, everyday use in the kitchen. Thanks to the various blade designs, with or without serrated edge, they are ideally suited to all kinds of cutting task in the kitchen. All knives are made from special stainless blade steel. The dynamically shaped (kinetic) handle has a clever ergonomic and functional design, making it great to work with. Made in Solingen, the "City of Blades", more than 200 years of experience goes into these new kitchen knives. The traditional company has invested in a new, purpose-built factory featuring the latest production technology, which is situated very near to the existing production site in Solingen-Gräfrath. The result is a completely new WÜSTHOF "Made in Germany / Solingen" product & production line, which is available at extremely attractive prices. For high-res images, product samples and information Contact Pam Ballone, PBM, Marketing & Public Relations Telephone: 01905 429343 - Email: pam@ballone.co.uk WÜSTHOF Kitchen knife assortment 24 Minimum Order CDU 24 pcs. Available from April 2015 Art.‐Nr. Item No. Bezeichnung / Inhalt 3033/ 6cm Schälmesser 3013/ 8 cm Gemüsemesser 3043/ 8 cm Gemüsemesser 3003/10 cm Universalmesser 3041/10 cm Pizza / Steakmesser Description Peeling Knife Couteau à éplucher Cuchillo hoja curva Spelucchino Paring Knife Couteau à légumes Cuchillo carrado Spelucchino Paring Knife Couteau d'office Cuchillo pelador Spelucchino Serrated Paring Knife Couteau universel Cuchillo universal dentado Coltello universale Pizza/Steak Knife Couteau à steak Cuchillo chuletero Coltello pizza/bistecca EAN RRP 3033 black 4002293 3033r red 303307 303314 3013 black 4002293 3013r red 301303 4002293 3043r red 304304 4002293 3003r red 300306 4002293 301327 3043g 304325 3003g green 300313 3041 black 3013g green 304311 3003 black 303321 green 301310 3043 black 3033g green 300320 3033o orange £4.95 303338 3013o orange £4.95 301334 3043o orange £4.95 304335 3003o orange £5.95 300337 3041r £5.95 red 304106 304113 SETS, CDU 10 pcs 9313 9343 9303 9341 9332 9333 Schäl‐ + Gemüsemesser Set , 2 tlg. 3013/08 3033/06 2 pc. Paring Knife Set Ensemble 2 couteaux légumes Gemüsemesser Set, 2 tlg. 3043/08 3043/08 2 pc. Paring Knife Set Ensemble 2 couteaux légumes Universalmesser Set, 2 tlg. 3003/10 3003/10 2 pc. Serrated Paring Knife Set Ensemble 2 couteaux pour brunch Pizza‐ / Steakmesser Set, 2 tlg. 3041/10 3041/10 2 pc. Pizza/Steak Knife Set Ensemble 2 couteaux à pizza /steak Gemüsemesser Set, 3 tlg. 3043/08 3013/08 3033/06 3 pc. Paring Knife Set Ensemble 3 couteaux legumes Küchenmesser Set, 3 tlg. 3003/10 3013/08 3033/06 3 pc. Paring Knife Set Ensemble 3 couteaux de cuisine 9313 black 4002293 9313r red 931307 931319 9343 black 4002293 9313g 931326 9343r £9.95 red 934303 934310 9303 9303o black 4002293 orange 930305 9332 black 4002293 £11.95 934112 9332g £14.95 green 933207 9333 black 4002293 9341r red 934105 933306 £11.95 930336 9341 black 4002293 £9.95 green 933221 9333o orange 933337 £15.95
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