March 31, 2015 - City of Del Rio
March 31, 2015 - City of Del Rio
CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS - CITY HALL 109 WEST BROADWAY TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2015 - 6:30 P.M. ITEM NO. 1. AGENDA DESCRIPTION CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. INVOCATION - Pastor Martin Seca, Living Stone Worship Center 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. CITIZEN COMMENTS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor take any action on any issue. A sign-up sheet is available for citizens who wish to address the Council. Please limit remarks to three minutes. Topics of operational concerns shall be directed to the City Manager. Comments should not personally attack other speakers, Council or staff. 6. MAYOR'S COMMENTS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) 7. INFORMATION ITEMS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) a. Presentation on International Trade and Cross-border Statistics at the Federal, State and Local Level Jesse Hereford, Director of Government Relations and Business Development - S and B Infrastructure, Ltd. b. Discuss Interim Financial Reports- Manuel B. Chavez 8. CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) This is a procedure to help facilitate the meeting with a CONSENT AGENDA. One motion will approve all action items, noted as consent. These are routine matters which are repeated on the agenda. Approval means they will be implemented as recommended by the administration. Prior to acting on the consent agenda, any Councilmember may have a consent item withdrawn from this portion of the agenda so that agenda, any Councilmember may have a consent item withdrawn from this portion of the agenda so that it may be discussed prior to action. 0. Request Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes for March 10, 2015 and March 19, 2015 - Susan Corp, City Secretary 9. ORDINANCES (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. O: 2015 - 019 - An Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing City Manager Henry Arredondo to Execute and Attest to, Respectively, a Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement with Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez, Leasing a Parcel of Land Containing Approximately 1035 square feet Located Beneath Hangar C-12, to Conduct Storage of and Minor Maintenance of Aircraft - Juan Carlos Onofre-Saavedra, Airport Manager b. O: 2015 - 020 - An Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas, Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo, to Purchase One (1) Ferrara Fire Apparatus RP1003 Rescue Pumper for the Fire Department of the City of Del Rio, from Hall Motors/Ferrara Fire Apparatus Inc., via the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) BuyBoard Cooperative - Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent c. O: 2015 - 021 - An Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas, Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo, to purchase One (1) Case 586H Rough Terrain Forklift from ASCO Equipment via the Houston-Galveston Association Cooperative (H-GACBuy) for the City of Del Rio Central Purchasing Division - Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent 10. RESOLUTIONS (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. R: 2015 - 027 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager, Henry Arredondo to give Notice to Advertise the Invitation for Bids for the purchase of four (4) 3/4 ton diesel pick up trucks with utility service bodies for various City Departments - Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent b. R: 2015 - 028 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo to Give Notice and to Advertise the Invitation for Bids for the Purchase and installation of a Stair Step Screen and Washing Press for City of Del Rio San Felipe Wastewater Plant - Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent c. R: 2015 - 029 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo to Give Notice to advertise the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the investment broker services for all City of Del Rio funds. - Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent. d. R: 2015 - 030 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and d. R: 2015 - 030 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing City Manager Henry Arredondo, to Negotiate and Award a Contract with the Firm of AZ&B for the Designs, Plans and Specifications for the Repairs, Repaving or Re-Construction of the City Streets Affected by the Recent Infrastructures Installations - Alejandro Garcia, Interim Public Works Director e. R: 2015 - 031 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo, to Give Notice to Advertise for Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a Firm to be Retained to Perform Architectural Evaluation of the Condition of the Roof on Several City Buildings that are Currently Leaking During Rain Events - Bob Parker, City Engineer f. R: 2015 - 032 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing City Manager Henry Arredondo, to Give Notice and Advertise for Bids for the Construction of Seven (7) Streets Affected by the Infrastructure Installations - Alejandro Garcia, Interim Public Works Director g. R: 2015 - 033 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Reaffirming its Unwavering Support for the Creation of a Dedicated Texas Border Infrastructure Fund to Assist Border Communities with Binational Mobility Projects - Henry Arredondo, City Manager h. R: 2015 - 034 - A Resolution by the Del Rio City Council Expressing its Support of the Grant Application by United Medical Centers to Obtain Funding for the Proposed Renovation and Expansion of its South Main Clinic - Robert Garza, Mayor 11. OTHER BUSINESS (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. Submitted for review to the City Of Del Rio City Council the 2nd Quarter Report of Surplus Auction Mario Garcia, Purchasing Agent b. Discussion on Water-Secondary Water Source. CIP Plan Details for FY 2013-2014. City has funding in the Amount of $500,000.00 for Best Value at either new City property or at the Hackberry Well location - Alejandro Garcia, Interim Public Works Director c. Discussion to Extend 8-Inch Water Services as Approved by Utilities Commission on March 26, 2015 - Rowland Garza, Councilman 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. Attorney/Client Consultation to Discuss Data Retention b. Attorney/Client Consultation to Discuss Legal Options/Remedies with Respect to Transportation Fund 13. ADJOURNMENT City Council Regular Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 7. a. Information Subject Presentation on International Trade and Cross-border Statistics at the Federal, State and Local Level - Jesse Hereford, Director of Government Relations and Business Development - S and B Infrastructure, Ltd. Attachments No file(s) attached. City Council Regular Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 7. b. Information Subject Discuss Interim Financial Reports- Manuel B. Chavez Attachments MonthlyRev_ExpRprtFeb2015 City of Del Rio Revenue & Expense Report As of February 2015 GENERAL FUND Original Budget Monthly Budget City Attorney Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 335,455.00 27,954.58 City Manager Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 698,784.00 58,232.00 City Secretary Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 175,992.00 Municipal Court Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures Code Compliance Current Period Current YTD Encumbrance Budget Balance % of Budget 125,474.46 2,267.25 207,713.29 38.08 48,083.51 274,030.58 8,948.60 418,051.61 40.17 14,666.00 11,855.86 68,454.73 898.47 106,887.88 39.27 599,608.00 49,967.33 30,017.20 257,841.50 1,233.33 361,473.04 39.72 Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 568,611.00 47,384.25 30,151.47 162,221.20 564.86 406,912.51 28.44 Engineering Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 299,593.00 24,966.08 15,658.77 107,157.45 2,097.86 191,916.09 35.94 Human Resources Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 252,256.00 21,021.33 15,349.11 115,906.10 8,978.15 139,041.75 44.88 Finance Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 1,427,443.00 118,953.58 118,990.17 555,813.24 51,162.18 821,311.59 42.46 Parks, Facilities & Recreation Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 2,849,361.00 237,446.75 90,948.88 501,458.10 4,082.52 2,343,946.38 17.74 Police Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 6,307,771.00 525,647.58 454,046.32 2,427,375.66 38,799.08 3,848,385.06 38.99 Fire Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 6,187,049.00 515,587.42 549,922.11 2,455,604.24 128,626.88 3,602,849.88 41.77 Community Health Services Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 530,522.00 44,210.17 24,422.44 156,315.01 3,410.36 378,296.63 28.69 Streets & Drainage Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 2,516,477.00 209,706.42 128,119.34 638,930.75 113,056.23 1,766,718.80 29.79 General Fund Total 22,748,922.00 1,895,743.50 Page 1 - Current Year Adjusted YTD 1,517,565.18 7,846,583.02 364,125.77 14,593,504.51 35.85% OTHER FUNDS Original Budget Monthly Budget Current Period Current Year Adjusted YTD Current YTD Encumbrance Budget Balance % of Budget Transportation 5311 Grant Fund Total Revenues Fund Total Expenditures Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 1,186,351.00 1,184,716.00 1,635.00 98,862.58 98,726.33 136.25 7,653.50 69,493.53 (61,840.03) 305,752.30 411,033.85 (105,281.55) 821.12 (821.12) 880,598.70 773,011.03 107,587.67 25.77 34.75 - WIC Fund Total Revenues Fund Total Expenditures Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 535,413.00 535,413.00 - 44,617.75 44,617.75 - 36,808.73 (36,808.73) 177,166.47 209,368.93 (32,202.46) 9,792.50 (9,792.50) 358,246.53 317,942.53 40,304.00 33.09 40.62 - Nutrition/Social Services Fund Total Revenues Fund Total Expenditures Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 533,358.00 533,358.00 - 44,446.50 44,446.50 - 468.54 33,242.77 (33,711.31) 131,554.48 190,862.45 (59,307.97) 1,221.10 (1,221.10) 401,803.52 341,274.45 60,529.07 24.67 36.01 - Gas Fund Total Revenues Fund Total Expenditures Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 4,198,722.00 4,184,481.00 14,241.00 349,893.50 348,706.75 1,186.75 573,334.92 236,043.58 (337,291.34) 2,028,272.41 1,700,841.76 (327,430.65) 51,384.69 (51,384.69) 2,170,449.59 2,534,001.78 363,552.19 48.31 39.44 - Water Fund Total Revenues Fund Total Expenditures Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 9,582,018.00 9,569,668.00 12,350.00 798,501.50 797,472.33 1,029.17 537,289.34 714,979.25 (177,689.91) 3,103,532.00 3,725,902.53 (622,370.53) 174,246.95 (174,246.95) 6,478,486.00 5,704,216.20 774,269.80 32.39 40.39 - International Bridge Fund Total Revenues Fund Total Expenditures Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 6,051,825.00 6,027,345.00 24,480.00 504,318.75 502,278.75 2,040.00 545,804.75 47,613.71 (498,191.04) 2,658,368.70 477,223.44 (2,181,145.26) 10,706.92 (10,706.92) 3,393,456.30 5,540,444.64 2,146,988.34 43.93 8.08 - International Airport Fund Total Revenues Fund Total Expenditures Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 1,753,779.00 1,753,779.00 - 146,148.25 146,148.25 - 15,620.07 20,782.33 (5,162.26) 205,050.56 151,513.05 (53,537.51) 3,912.81 (3,912.81) 1,548,728.44 1,599,674.54 50,946.10 11.69 8.79 - Refuse Fund Total Revenues Fund Total Expenditures Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 5,421,853.00 5,490,582.00 68,729.00 451,821.08 457,548.50 5,727.42 416,431.88 65,289.00 (351,142.88) 2,105,257.23 1,689,687.99 (415,569.24) 10,541.95 (10,541.95) 3,316,595.77 3,792,974.56 476,378.79 38.88 30.92 - Utility Billing Fund Total Revenues Fund Total Expenditures Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 769,753.00 769,753.00 - 64,146.08 64,146.08 - 39,930.98 (39,930.98) 245,502.04 281,756.53 (36,254.49) 32,264.54 (32,264.54) 524,250.96 455,731.93 68,519.03 31.89 40.80 - MIS/Computer Services Fund Total Revenues Fund Total Expenditures Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 600,295.00 600,295.00 - 50,024.58 50,024.58 - 29,570.75 26,349.80 (3,220.95) 223,003.94 282,776.58 (59,772.64) 5,728.34 (5,728.34) 377,291.06 311,790.08 65,500.98 37.15 48.06 - Fleet Services Fund Total Revenues Fund Total Expenditures Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 812,920.00 873,041.00 60,121.00 67,743.33 72,753.42 5,010.08 54,058.84 62,142.50 (8,083.66) 258,621.81 298,438.02 (39,816.21) 22,846.55 (22,846.55) 554,298.19 555,581.54 1,283.35 31.81 36.36 - Other Funds Total Revenues Other Funds Total Expenditures Other Funds Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 30,141,121.00 31,522,431.00 181,556.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $54,271,353.00 2,511,760.08 2,626,869.25 15,129.67 2,180,232.59 1,352,676.18 (1,553,073.09) 11,019,413.43 9,419,405.13 (3,932,688.51) 0.00 323,467.47 (323,467.47) 19,121,707.57 21,926,643.28 4,155,859.32 30.44% $4,522,612.75 $2,870,241.36 $17,265,988.15 $687,593.24 $36,520,147.79 32.71% Page 2 City Council Regular 8. 0. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Amelia Moreno, Executive Secretary Information SUBJECT: Request Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes for March 10, 2015 and March 19, 2015 Susan Corp, City Secretary Attachments 03-10-15 03-19-15 CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS - CITY HALL 109 WEST BROADWAY TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2015 - 6:30 P.M. AGENDA ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Robert Garza called the meeting to order on the above date at 6:33 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Mayor Robert Garza stated that Councilperson Contreras would not be able to attend tonight's meeting because he had to work. Present: Mayor Robert Garza; Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza; Councilperson Elizabeth Elizalde; Councilperson John Sheedy IV; Councilperson Mike Wrob; Councilperson Rene Luna Absent: Councilperson Fred Contreras Staff Present: Henry Arredondo; Suzanne West; Ryan Rapelye; Bob Parker; Manuel Chavez Attendees: Alex Garcia, Gilbert Sanchez, Chief Waylon Bullard, Fred Knoll Jr., Apolonio Hernandez, Manuel Herrera, Eva Escobar, Mary Canales, Janice Pokrant, Frances Dominguez, Susan Corp, Or 3. INVOCATION - Pastor Samuel Garcia, Trinity House of Worship Dr. Samuel Garcia, Trinity House of Worship, gave the Invocation. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE All of those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. CITIZEN COMMENTS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor take any action on any issue. A sign-up sheet is available for citizens who wish to address the Council. Please limit remarks to three minutes. Topics of operational concerns shall be directed to the City Manager. Comments should not personally attack other speakers, Council or staff. There were no Citizen Comments. 6. MAYOR'S COMMENTS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) Mayor Robert Garza stated that he went to Austin Monday, along with Councilpersons Garza and Wrob. They met with lawmakers and the land owners. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) a. Update on the Texas Ranger Investigation - Waylon Bullard, Police Chief Chief Waylon Bullard stated that Texas Ranger Dixon contacted him. Ranger Dixon reported that he spoke to all officers involved (in the shooting). Ranger Dixon is waiting for the report from the Medical Examiner and status on the weapons from The Department of Public Safety. All of the officers are on administrative leave with pay. The Police Department will be reviewing the department's policy and procedures. Chief Bullard will then advise the City Manager and City Attorney. Councilperson Wrob stated that he would like an outside/independent person to review. There was a discussion on this matter. It was agreed that Ms. Suzanne West, City Attorney, would look for an independent person or firm. 8. CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) This is a procedure to help facilitate the meeting with a CONSENT AGENDA. One motion will approve all action items, noted as consent. These are routine matters which are repeated on the agenda. Approval means they will be implemented as recommended by the administration. Prior to acting on the consent agenda, any Councilmember may have a consent item withdrawn from this portion of the agenda so that it may be discussed prior to action. a. Approval of City Council meeting minutes for March 3, 2015 - Susan Corp, City Secretary Councilperson Wrob moved to approve the above Consent Agenda Item. Councilperson Garza seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson Elizabeth Elizalde, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna b. Request Travel Authorization to Attend City of Del Rio and Val Verde County Day in Austin, Texas, March 24, 2015 - Rowland Garza, Mayor Pro-Tem Councilperson Wrob moved to approve the above Consent Agenda Item. Councilperson Garza seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson Elizabeth Elizalde, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna c. Request Travel Authorization to Attend City of Del Rio and Val Verde County Day in Austin, Texas, March 24, 2015 - Fred Contreras, Councilperson Councilperson Wrob moved to approve the above Consent Agenda Item. Councilperson Garza seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson Elizabeth Elizalde, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna d. Request Travel Authorization to Attend City of Del Rio and Val Verde County Day in Austin, Texas, March 24, 2015 - Reno Luna, Councilperson Councilperson Wrob moved to approve the above Consent Agenda Item. Councilperson Garza seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson Elizabeth Elizalde, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna e. Request Travel Authorization to Attend City of Del Rio and Val Verde County Day in Austin, Texas, March 24, 2015 - John Sheedy, Councilperson Councilperson Wrob moved to approve the above Consent Agenda Item. Councilperson Garza seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson Elizabeth Elizalde, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna f. Request Travel Authorization to Attend City of Del Rio and Val Verde County Day in Austin, Texas, March 24, 2015 - Elizabeth Elizalde, Councilperson Councilperson Wrob moved to approve the above Consent Agenda Item. Councilperson Garza seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson Elizabeth Elizalde, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna 9. ORDINANCES (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. O: 2015 – 015 An Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing City Manager Henry Arredondo to execute and award the contract in the amount of $226,806.21 for the construction of the City of Del Rio San Felipe Creek Hike and Bike Trail Improvements Project, Revision 1, to the firm of 90 West Contractor, Ltd. – Alejandro A. Garcia, Interim Public Works Director Councilperson Luna moved to approve Ordinance No. O: 2015-015. Councilperson Wrob seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson Elizabeth Elizalde, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna b. O: 2015-016 An Ordinance by City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas authorizing and directing City Manager Henry Arredondo to sign and issue a work order in the amount not to exceed $50,256.00 to the firm of Bain Medina Bain for the design of various streets in the City of Del Rio, Texas - Alejandro A. Garcia, Interim Public Works Director Councilperson Wrob moved to approve Ordinance No. O: 2015-016. Councilperson Luna seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson Elizabeth Elizalde, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna c. O: 2015 - 017 An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing in Entirety the Current Cross-Connection Control Section 8-42 of the Del Rio Code of Ordinances Chapter 8 and Providing for a Penalty, Publication, and an Effective Date - Mark Roberson, Chief Building Official Mr. Mark Roberson, Chief Building Inspector stated that this Ordinance is to replace cross connecting control and to bring the Ordinance into compliance with TCEQ. Backflow devices will be inspected. There was a discussion as to the need for this Ordinance and enforcement. Mayor Robert Garza stated that he would like a Public Hearing on this matter. Councilperson Elizalde moved to table Ordinance No. O: 2015-017. Councilperson Sheedy seconded the motion. (Nay - Councilperson Wrob) After the vote, at 8:14 p.m. the Council convened to Executive Session. The Council re-convened into Open Session at 9:37 p.m. and moved on to Agenda Item 10a. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson Elizabeth Elizalde, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Rene Luna NAY: Councilperson Mike Wrob d. O: 2015 - 018 An Ordinance by The City Council of The City of Del Rio Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo to Enter into a Contract with SC Tracking Solutions for a 3rd Party Web Based Information System for the Recordation of Texas Commission on Environmental Quality,(TCEQ), Mandated Cross Connection Prevention Devices Annual Inspections, with an Effective Date of April 1, 2015 - Mark Roberson, Chief Building Official Councilperson Elizalde moved to table Ordinance No. O: 2015-018. Councilperson Sheedy seconded the motion. (Nay - Councilperson Wrob) After the vote, at 8:14 p.m. the Council convened to Executive Session. The Council re-convened into Open Session at 9:37 p.m. and moved on to Agenda Item 10a. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson Elizabeth Elizalde, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Rene Luna NAY: Councilperson Mike Wrob 10. RESOLUTIONS (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. R: 2015 - 019 A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas authorizing the City Manager to reject all previous proposals and re-advertise for a. R: 2015 - 019 A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas authorizing the City Manager to reject all previous proposals and re-advertise for competitive sealed proposals for the construction of approximately 400 feet of security fencing for the U. S. Attorney's parking lot located behind the City's Municipal Court building - Bob Parker, City Engineer Councilperson Elizalde left the meeting before this Agenda Item was acted upon, at 9:38 p.m. Councilperson Luna moved to approve Resolution No. R: 2015-019. Councilperson Wrob seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna b. R: 2015 - 020 A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing the City Manager Henry Arredondo to Reject All Bids for the Toll Plaza Project and to Re-advertise for Bids with a Much Larger Area of Advertisement for the Project and also to remove the prequalification by TxDot - Bob Parker, City Engineer Councilperson Luna moved to approve Resolution No. R: 2015-020. Councilperson Garza seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna c. R: 2015 - 021 A Resolution in Accordance with the City Charter to Formally Accept the Letter of Intent for the Donation of 30.54 Acres of Parkland from Buena Vista Development Co. to the City of Del Rio Located Near Kingsway - Janice Pokrant, City Planner Councilperson Wrob moved to approve Resolution No. R: 2015-021. Councilperson Sheedy seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna d. R: 2015 - 022 A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo to Give Notice and reject all bids submitted on bid number R:2014-081, and to Re-Advertise the Invitation for Bids for the Purchase of Four (4) Horizontal Chopper RAS/WAS Pump Motors for San Felipe Wastewater Plant - Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent Councilperson Luna moved to approve Resolution No. R: 2015-022. Councilperson Wrob seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna e. R: 2015 - 023 A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager, Henry Arredondo to give Notice to Advertise the Invitation for Bids for the purchase of eight (8) 3/4 ton pick up trucks with utility service bodies for various City Departments - Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent Councilperson Luna moved to approve Resolution No. R: 2015-023 amending it to reduce the number of trucks to four (4). Councilperson Wrob seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna f. R: 2015 - 024 A Resolution of the City Council of the City Of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manger Henry Arredondo to Execute a Renewal Agreement Between the City of Del Rio and the National Museum of the United States Air Force (NMUSAF) to Maintain and Keep on Display a Model T-33 Aircraft at the City of Del Rio Civic Center - Eva Escobar, Civic Center Director Councilperson Garza moved to approve Resolution No. R: 2015-024. Councilperson Luna seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna g. R: 2015-025 A resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo to give Notice to Advertise for Bids for the Construction of the Qualia Relief Route - Bob Parker, City Engineer Councilperson Luna moved to approve Resolution No. R: 2015-025. Councilperson Garza seconded the motion. AYE: Mayor Robert Garza, Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza, Councilperson John Sheedy IV, Councilperson Mike Wrob, Councilperson Rene Luna 11. OTHER BUSINESS (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. Status of Hiring of the Economic Development Director - Mary Canales, Human Resources Director Ms. Mary Canales, Human Resources Director, reported on when the position was opened and closed. They received three resumes. They were asked to re-advertise and for it to remain open until filled. They now have four resumes, making a total of seven. Three qualify and one opted out. There was a discussion as to salary and qualifications. b. Status of Water Rates for Val Verde Park Estates - Manuel B. Chavez, Finance Director Councilperson Sheedy asked that our Consultant look at the county water rates. Mr. Henry Arredondo, City Manager, stated that they should look at the rates for next year and to add that classification to the study. Councilperson Sheedy asked for a study. Mr. Manuel Chavez, Finance Director, stated he would look into it. c. Discussion on the Development of a Legislative Agenda for the 84th Legislature Session - Henry Arredondo, City Mananger Mr. Ryan Rapelye, Assistant City Manager, showed a draft of initiatives. He asked the Council to let him know of any changes they would like. Councilperson Garza suggested giving our legislative representatives a copy. d. Discussion and Possible Action on the Request for Staff to Issue an RFQ for a Consultant to Evaluate the Potential Contamination of the City's Drinking Water Supplies/Resources - Alejandro A. Garcia, Interim Public Works Director Mr. Alejandro Garcia, Interim Public Works Director, stated that a representative with Region J contacted him and stated the City could wait for the study and TCEQ would conduct it at no charge. He recommended not issuing for RGQ's. The Council was in unanomous consent. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. Personnel Matters Pertaining to the City Manager Henry Arredondo No Action was taken on this matter. b. Attorney/Client Consultation to Discuss Pending Litigation styled City of Del Rio vs. C. Pat Ellis, Trustee filed in the 83rd Judicial District Court of Val Verde County, Texas in Cause No. 31121 No Action was taken on this matter. 13. ADJOURNMENT There was no further business to come before the Council, therefore, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 11:26 p.m. CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS - CITY HALL 109 WEST BROADWAY TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. AGENDA ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Robert Garza called the meeting to order on the above date at 6:26 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Councilperson arrived at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Robert Garza; Councilperson-at-Large Rowland Garza; Councilperson; Councilperson John Sheedy IV; Councilperson Mike Wrob; Councilperson Fred Contreras; Councilperson Rene Luna Absent: Elizabeth Elizalde Staff Henry Arredondo; Suzanne West; Ryan Rapelye; Bob Parker; Manuel Chavez Present: Attendees: Alex Garcia, Chief Waylon Bullard, Fred Knoll Jr., William Rattay, Apolonio Hernandez, Susan Corp, Orlando Castillo, news media and visitors 3. INVOCATION Mr. Bob Parker gave the Invocation. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE All of those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. CONSENT ITEMS: 6. RESOLUTIONS (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. R: 2015 - 026 A Resolution by the Del Rio City Council Reaffirming its Unwavering Support for the Creation of a Groundwater Conservation District for Val Verde County, Texas - Suzanne West, City Attorney Ms. Suzanne West, City Attorney, stated that the legislators asked that the City go on record reaffirming support of the bill. Councilperson Garza suggested that the City reach out to our neighbors south and east of Del Rio. The City would need their support before the bill goes to the Committee. Mayor Robert Garza stated that he would attend their meetings and asked Ms. West to draft the letter and attach it to the Resolution. Councilperson Garza went over the procedures for having a bill heard, etc. County Commissioner stated that he was recently in Austin. He was persistently being asked how the City and County came up with the numbers for the City's allotment. Science needs to be behind the formula. He stated that the Texas Water Development Board projected that the State would need 22% more water for use. He stated that the City and County need to attend the hearings. He stated that he was told that bill would not pass as presently written. Concessions need to be made. There was further discussion as to these issues and the City's allotment. All agreed to use 22% growth and to exclude surface water. Commissioner Owens re-iterated that the City and County need to attend the meetings and testify. Councilperson Wrob moved to offer support in the current form with 15,000 gallons and 22% growth and to support agriculture, if not in conflict with Chapter 36. Councilperson Garza seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0 (Councilperson Contreras was not present for the vote) There was a discussion as to leaving the Resolution and bill "as is", but also to pursue changes. It was agreed the City and County leaders should meet next Thursday. At this time, the Mayor asked that they convene into Executive Sessions. He stated that he had some questions. Councilperson Wrob agreed. 7. OTHER BUSINESS (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. Discussion and Possible Action on Proposal for Police Department Internal Review by Public Sector Solutions--Suzanne West 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) At 7:46 p.m., the City Council convened into Executive Session Pursuant to the Previsions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, in Accordance with the Authority Contained in Section 551.071 - Attorney/Client Consultation. At 8:48 p.m., the City Council re-convened into Open Session. a. Attorney/Client Consultation regarding the Proposal for a Police Department Internal Review by Public Sector Solutions--Suzanne West Councilperson Wrob moved to accept the proposal from Public Sector Solutions. Councilperson Contreras seconded the motion. Mayor Robert Garza stated that there is no implication that anything wrong happened. The goal is to improve. Ms. Suzanne West stated that this company is well versed in Civil Service procedures. This is just to take the place of Internal Affairs. Vote: 6 - 0 9. ADJOURNMENT There was no further business to come before the Council, therefore, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:54 p.m. City Council Regular 9. a. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Juan Onofre, Airport Manager, Engineering Department Information SUBJECT: O: 2015 - 019 - An Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing City Manager Henry Arredondo to Execute and Attest to, Respectively, a Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement with Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez, Leasing a Parcel of Land Containing Approximately 1035 square feet Located Beneath Hangar C-12, to Conduct Storage of and Minor Maintenance of Aircraft - Juan Carlos Onofre-Saavedra, Airport Manager SUMMARY: Discuss and recommend the City Manager to execute and attest to respectively, a Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement with Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez for an approximate 1035 square foot parcel of land located beneath Hangar C-12 at the Del Rio International Airport. Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: Mr. Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Mrs. Peggy F. Rodriguez have indicated interest in purchasing Hangar C-12 from Mr. William D. White. DISCUSSION: Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez desire to enter into a hangar keepers lease agreement with the City of Del Rio and have remained current in all payments in accordance with their current lease agreement over hangar C-10. Additionally Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez have complied with all applicable rules and regulations imposed at the Del Rio International Airport. PROS: If this Resolution is passed the City of Del Rio will realize revenue of $403.65 annually for this lease agreement as well as continue to encourage the general aviation environment at Del Rio International Airport. CONS: None. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact is the annual rent of $403.65 Attachments Ord Hanger Keepers Lease Lease_HangarC12 ORDINANCE NO. O: 2015 - 019 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CITY MANAGER HENRY ARREDONDO TO EXECUTE AND ATTEST TO, RESPECTIVELY, A HANGAR KEEPERS LEASE AGREEMENT WITH RODOLFO P. RODRIGUEZ AND PEGGY F. RODRIGUEZ, LEASING A PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1035 SQUARE FEET LOCATED BENEATH HANGAR C-12, TO CONDUCT STORAGE OF AND MINOR MAINTENANCE OF AIRCRAFT WHEREAS, Mr. Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Mrs. Peggy F. Rodriguez of 222 Fox Drive, Del Rio, Texas 78840 indicated interest in purchasing Hangar C-12 from Mr. William D. White of 253 Packsaddle Circle, Del Rio, Texas 78840: and WHEREAS, Mr. Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Mrs. Peggy F. Rodriguez approached the airport indicating their desire to enter into a ground lease agreement with the City of Del Rio for approximately 1035 square feet of land located beneath hangar C-12 with an effective date of March 31st: and WHEREAS, Mr. Rodriguez currently has a ground lease agreement with the City of Del Rio for Hangar C-10 and has remained a tenant in good standing: and WHEREAS, it is in the City of Del Rio’s best interest to enter into this ground lease agreement with Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS THAT: The City Council of the City of Del Rio does here by authorize and direct City Manager Henry Arredondo to execute and attest to respectively, a Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement between the City of Del Rio and Mr. Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Mrs. Peggy F. Rodriguez for approximately 1035 square feet of land located beneath Hangar C-12 and as indicated on Attachment 1. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 31st day of March 2015. ___________________________________ ROBERT GARZA Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ SUSAN CORP City Secretary REVIEWED FOR ADMINISTRATION: REVIEWED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: _______________________________ HENRY ARREDONDO City Manager _________________________________ SUZANNE WEST City Attorney CITY OF DEL RIO HANGAR KEEPERS LEASE AGREEMENT DEL RIO INTERNATIONA INTERNATIONAL L AIRPORT HANGAR C-12 Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement Hangar C-12 – Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez Attachment 1 Table of Contents Page Section 1 Leased Area 1 Section 2 Lease Term 1 Section 3 Consideration 1 Section 4 Permitted Use 3 Section 5 Restricted Use 3 Section 6 Sublease, Assignment or Sale 4 Section 7 Termination 4 Section 8 Hold Harmless 6 Section 9 Maintenance of Landing Area 6 Section 10 Miscellaneous 6 Attachment 1 Leased Premises 8 i Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement Hangar C-12 – Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez HANGAR KEEPER LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS AND RODOLFO P. RODRIGUEZ AND PEGGY F. RODRIGUEZ 222 FOX DRIVE DEL RIO, TEXAS 78840 * * * * KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE, PRESENTS: This lease is entered into this 31st day of March, 2015, between the City of Del Rio, 109 West Broadway Del Rio, Texas 78840 hereinafter referred to as “Lessor”, the owner of the Del Rio International Airport, hereinafter referred to as “Airport” and Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez of 222 Fox Drive Trail Del Rio, Texas 78840, hereinafter referred to as “Lessee” who covenant and agree as follows: WHEREAS, Lessor and Lessee are committed to the proper operation, improvement and continued development of the Airport; and WHEREAS, Lessor deems it advantageous to itself and to the operation of the Airport to lease to Lessee certain land for the purpose and upon the terms and provisions stated herein; NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance of the terms, considerations and privileges listed herein, Lessor and Lessee covenant and agree as follows: Section 1. Leased Area Land – Lessor does hereby lease to Lessee approximately 1035 square feet of land, more particularly described as follows: Hangar C-12 That land beneath that building detailed on Attachment 1 and identified as Hangar C-12 for a total of approximately 1035 square feet and hereinafter referred to as the “Land” and located on the Airport. Lessee hereby leases the said Land from Lessor subject to the terms, considerations and privileges stated herein. Section 2. Lease Term This lease shall be for a term of twenty (20) years, beginning on the 31st day of March, 2015 and ending and terminating on the 30th day of March, 2035. Section 3. A. Consideration In consideration for the lease of the Land referenced herein, Lessee hereby agrees to pay the sum of $ 331.20 which sum is based upon the 1035 square feet at the 1 Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement Hangar C-12 – Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez annual rate of $0.32 per square foot for the land beneath Hangar C-12. This amount is hereinafter referred to as the “Minimum Yearly Rent”. Lessee agrees to pay this yearly in advance. B. Lessee agrees that the annual rent shall be subject to review and adjustment every five (5) years throughout the term of this lease, as hereinafter provided, to reflect any increase in the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) during the twenty (20) year term of this lease. After each adjustment in the rent, Lessee shall pay the adjusted yearly rent until the time of the next rental adjustment called for in this section. Adjustments in the yearly rent shall be determined by multiplying the Minimum Yearly Rent set forth above by a fraction, the numerator of which is the index number for the last month of the calendar year that ended immediately before the date on which the adjustment is to be made and the denominator of which is the index number for the first month of the first year of the lease term. If the product is greater than the Minimum Yearly Rent specified above, Lessee will pay this greater amount as the yearly rent until the time of the next rental adjustment called for in this section. If the product is less than the Minimum Yearly Rent as set for above, the annual rent will not be adjusted at that time and the Lessee will pay the minimum yearly rent set forth above until the time of the next rental adjustment as called for in this section. In no event may any rental adjustments called for in this section result in an annual rent less than the minimum yearly rent set forth above. C. All rental fees shall be paid as the same become due, without demand, in lawful currency of the United States of America, made payable to the City of Del Rio, Texas, by mail or hand delivery to the Municipal Building Billing Department located at 109 West Broadway Street Del Rio, Texas 78840. D. In the event Lessee fails to remit any rental payments when the same are due, interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per year shall be charged by Lessor beginning on the tenth day after the date the payment is due and such interest shall continue to accrue against such delinquent payment until the payment plus interest is received by Lessor. In the event Lessee shall become delinquent for more than thirty (30) days, this lease may be terminated by Lessor as provided in Section 7, Termination. E. Taxes and Fees Lessee shall be liable for all taxes and fees owed in connection with the use and operation of its business on the Land. Under no circumstances shall Lessor be liable for or be required to pay any taxes or fees owed by Lessee. F. Insurance i. The Lessor shall not be held liable for any loss or damages to personal property. 2 Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement Hangar C-12 – Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez ii. Lessee shall provide its own general liability insurance policy coverage for any personal property located in or on the Land with a with a policy limit of $1,000,000.00. iii. In the event of sublease the Lessee shall provide a business liability insurance with a policy limit of $1,000,000.00. iv. The Lessor shall be named on the liability insurance policies as additional insured. Certificates of required insurance shall be furnished by Lessee to Lessor and certificates presently then in effect shall be maintained on file at the Del Rio International Airport 1104 West 10th Street Del Rio, Texas 78840 at all times. Any changes in those certificates must have the prior written approval of Lessor. v. Lessor shall provide insurance for all Lessor owned real property located at the Airport under Lessor’s policy which shall be for the sole benefit and protection of Lessor. Section 4. A. Permitted Use The land is being leased by Lessor to Lessee for its activities as a Hangar Keeper. Lessee may perform the following activities on the Land at its discretion: aircraft storage and minor maintenance. Lessee represents that the use of the building situated on the Land is as follows: Building/Hangar Current Use Future Use _____C-12___ Storage of Aircraft Storage and Minor Maintenance of Aircraft Section 5. Restricted Use A. Lessee shall abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the City of Del Rio, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Texas Department of Transportation, and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. B. Lessee agrees that it will at all times keep the premises of the Land clean and free of trash, litter, tall grass, weeds, junked automobiles and scrap aircraft parts. Lessee shall abide by all applicable rules and recommendations of the City of Del Rio, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission, the Texas Department of Agriculture, and any other public agency concerning the use, storage and disposal of hazardous chemical, fuel and/or oil. C. Should Lessee fail to keep the Land clean as above provided, Lessor may after ten (10) days written notice, arrange for the cleanup of the area. Such clean up shall 3 Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement Hangar C-12 – Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez be charged to Lessee and shall be payable upon demand. Failure to render proper payment for such cleanup and/or general disregard of the considerations and restrictions listed in this lease agreement are grounds for Lessor to terminate this lease after thirty (30) days written notice by Lessor to Lessee, and upon failure of Lessee to cure his default within such thirty (30) day period of time. D. All construction, remodeling and installation of facilities and improvements shall be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. Lessee agrees and understands that any services provided will be in accordance with accepted standards; local, state and federal laws; to include Federal Aviation Administration regulations. E. Lessee agrees to have a sufficient number of fire extinguishers of acceptable size as determined by the local fire marshal at the location. Such fire extinguishers shall be readily accessible in the event of a fire. E. Lessee agrees that it will not operate a non-aviation related business or activity on the Land without the expressed written consent of Lessor. Any such non-aviation related business or activity must be so established by a separate contract. F. The Land shall not be used for the storage of vehicles, non-aeronautical activities or for any other purposes other than as authorize in Section 4. Section 6. Sublease, Assignment or Sale A. Lessee shall not sublease, assign or transfer this contract agreement or any right hereunder to any person, corporation, or association without proof of financial responsibility i.e. certificate business liability insurance policy as referred to in Section 3 Paragraph; F iii. B. Lessee shall not sublease, assign or transfer without prior written approval from Lessor. C. Lessee’s sub lessee shall be held to all of the terms of Lessee’s agreement with Lessor. D. Any sublease, assignment, or transfer, at the option of Lessor, shall be grounds for Lessor to immediately terminate this contract agreement. Section 7. A. Termination This contract may be prematurely terminated by Lessor or Lessee if either fails to abide by the terms and conditions expressed herein and due the complainant and so decreed by a court of competent jurisdiction. Should Lessee be declared bankrupt or insolvent, this contract shall immediately terminate. In the event Lessee fails to make timely payments of all taxes or fees, fails to provide proof of 4 Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement Hangar C-12 – Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez required insurance, uses the Airport property for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, files bankruptcy, abandons or leaves the leased property vacant or unoccupied for thirty (30) consecutive days, or violates any of the terms and conditions of this contract and fails to cure the default after thirty (30) days notice, Lessor has the right to terminate this contract and retake possession of any Airport property leased to or under the control of Lessee. Lessor shall not have the right to terminate this contract except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice of Lessee’s default hereunder, and then only if Lessee fails to cure his default within such thirty (30) day period. B. Lessee agrees and understands that Lessor reserves the right to further expand, develop or improve the Airport, including the termination of this lease agreement, in such instance that the continued leasing of the Land would have a negative impact on any proposed development or improvements at the Airport. This contract may be terminated regardless of the desires, wishes or views of Lessee and without interference or hindrance from Lessee, but only so long as such expansion, development or improvements are shown on Federal Aviation Administration approved Airport Layout Plan or Master Plan and/or Texas Department of Transportation Plan. In the event that Lessor terminates this lease agreement as herein provided, then Lessor shall either (i) pay Lessee for all improvements placed by Lessee upon the ground, based upon the fair market value of his improvements as of the date of termination; or (ii) require the removal of the Lessees improvements at Lessees expense, or,(iii) permit Lessee to relocate the improvements and other facilities pertaining to Lessee’s business to another location on the airport acceptable to the parties under a lease agreement whose provisions are acceptable to the parties or substantially the same as the terms and provisions of this agreement. In the event that Lessor elects to relocate Lessee as above provided, then Lessor shall pay Lessee 100% of the cost of moving his improvements to the new location. C. This contract may be prematurely terminated by mutual agreement and consent of both parties in writing. Such termination by mutual agreement shall cause both Lessor and Lessee to be free of any and all requirements of this contract, except as contained in Section 7 Paragraph D hereunder, and neither Lessor nor Lessee shall have any derogatory remarks or entries made upon their resumes or upon any public or private records which would indicate failure to successfully fulfill the conditions of this contract. D. At the termination of this contract, either by normal expiration, premature termination or mutual agreement, Lessee shall peaceably vacate the premises. Should Lessee be in default of any rental or fuel flowage fees owed to Lessor, Lessor may take possession of any personal property owned by Lessee and located at the Airport and hold such until the monetary default is settled. In such case that Lessee cannot or will not settle any claims against him owed to Lessor, Lessor may liquidate any personal property seized, subject to the disposition of a 5 Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement Hangar C-12 – Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez court of competent jurisdiction. Lessee shall be liable for any and all expenses incurred by Lessor in such action. At the termination of this contract for any reason other than a termination by Lessor because of a default by Lessee and failure of Lessee to cure his default within the thirty (30) day period herein provided, Lessee shall have the right to remove all of the improvements constructed or installed and owned by Lessee upon the Land. If required by Lessor, Lessee shall remove any such improvements. Section 8. Hold Harmless Lessee agrees to save and hold harmless Lessor and its agents, servants and employees of and from any and all liabilities, expenses, causes of action, damages and/or attorney’s fees resulting from or as a result of any of Lessee’s businesses, operation, occupancy or use of the Airport or from any act or omission of Lessee’s agents, servants, or employees. Section 9. Maintenance of Landing Area Lessee understands and agrees that Lessor reserves the right, but not the obligation, to maintain the Airport to at least the minimum standards as recommended by the Federal Aviation Administration, the Transportation Security Administration and/or the Texas Department of Transportation. Such right includes the right to maintain and keep in repair all public use areas at the Airport and the right to direct and control all activities as necessary at the Airport. Lessee also understands that Lessor is not obligated by this lease to continue operating the Airport as an airport and may close the Airport at any time and at its own discretion. Such closure shall immediately void this contract and no damages or monies or other compensation will be owed to Lessee by Lessor. Section 10. Miscellaneous A. This contract embraces the entire lease agreement of the parties mentioned herein pertaining to the Land and no statement, remark, agreement or understanding, either oral or written, not contained herein shall be recognized or enforced as it pertains to the lease of the Land, except that this contract may be modified by written addendum agreed to and signed by all pertinent parties and attached hereto. B. For the purpose of this contract, the singular number shall include the plural and the masculine shall include the feminine and vice versa, whenever the context so admits or requires. 6 Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement Hangar C-12 – Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez C. The “Section” captions and headings are inserted solely for the convenience of reference and are not part of nor intended to govern, limit or aid in the construction of any provision hereof. D. The parties to this contract hereby acknowledge and agree that they are the principals to this contract and have the power, right and authority to enter into this contract and are not acting as an agent for the benefit of any third party; except that Lessor is acting on behalf of the City of Del Rio, Texas. E. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas and construed there under and venue of any action brought under this contract shall be in Val Verde County, Texas. F. If any section, paragraph, sentence or phrase entered in this contract is held to be illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such illegality or un-enforceability shall not affect the remainder of this contract and, to this end, the provisions of this contract are declared to be severable. EXECUTED this 31st day of March, 2015. ___________________________________ HENRY ARREDONDO City Manager RODOLFO P. RODRIGUEZ AND PEGGY F. RODRIGUEZ C-12 Hangar Owner. ATTEST: ___________________________________ SUSAN CORP City Secretary 7 Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement Hangar C-12 – Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez 8 Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement Hangar C-12 – Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez ATTACHMENT 1 Hangar C-12 8 Hangar Keepers Lease Agreement Hangar C-12 – Rodolfo P. Rodriguez and Peggy F. Rodriguez City Council Regular 9. b. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Mario Garcia, Purchasing Agent, Finance Information SUBJECT: O: 2015 - 020 - An Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas, Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo, to Purchase One (1) Ferrara Fire Apparatus RP1003 Rescue Pumper for the Fire Department of the City of Del Rio, from Hall Motors/Ferrara Fire Apparatus Inc., via the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) BuyBoard Cooperative Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent SUMMARY: Discussion and possible action on a resolution to authorize and direct City Manager Henry Arredondo, to purchase one (1) Ferrara Fire Apparatus RP1003 Rescue Pumper for the Fire Department of the City of Del Rio, from Hall Motors/Ferrara Fire Apparatus Inc. via the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) BuyBoard Cooperative BACKGROUND: This fire fighting/rescue vehicle equipment is vital to Fire Department operations. This equipment is necessary to replace aging equipment that have exceeded their useful effective life. This equipment is for rescue or fire fighting first response. DISCUSSION: The equipment to be purchased is One (1) Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. RP1003 Rescue Pumper mounted on a Ferrara Cinder chassis per the attached specifications and proposal purchased off Buy Board Contract 399-12: $588,199. The pricing provided is exclusive of all Federal, State and Local taxes and any other fees, which may apply unless specifically noted herein. Payment Terms: Payment is due upon delivery and acceptance of completed apparatus. The apparatus and equipment shall be supplied and shipped in accordance with the specifications and approvals by the City of Del Rio Fire Department. Delays due to strikes, war or other causes beyond our control not preventing, within 240-270 calendar days after receipt of order, and will be delivered at: City of Del Rio Fire Department Del Rio, Texas The specifications herein contained shall form a part of the final contract, and are subject to changes desired by the City of Del Rio Fire Department. The proposal specifications are supplied for construction purposes. Any additions and/or changes to the enclosed specifications shall be generated and/or approved by the City of Del Rio Fire Department, and accepted by Hall Motors/Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. with delivery to Del Rio included. The City of Del Rio is a participant in several government procurement cooperatives. Though these means, the City was able to utilize the Texas Association of School Boards Cooperative (TASB) to obtain the reduced cost from the vendor, Hall Motors/Ferrara Fire Apparatus Inc. PROS: This purchase will provide much needed rescue pumper equipment in the Fire Department to assist them in their daily operations. This will be purchased at a reduced cost through the cooperative in order to provide a better purchasing leverage, and provide better cost for the City. CONS: The initial capital cost of the heavy equipment of $ 588,199. Regular maintenance and repairs will be contingent on the Department's budgets. RECOMMENDATION: The Purchasing Agent for the City of Del Rio recommends to the City Council that they discuss and consider the approval of the ordinance to authorizing and directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo, to Purchase One (1) Ferrara Fire Apparatus RP1003 Rescue Pumper for the Fire Department of the City of Del Rio, from Hall Motors/Ferrara Fire Apparatus Inc. via the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) BuyBoard Cooperative Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to purchase (1) Ferrara Fire Apparatus RP1003 Rescue Pumper for the Fire Department of the City of Del Rio, from Hall Motors/Ferrara Fire Apparatus Inc. via the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) BuyBoard Cooperative is $ 588,199 and is funded by Certificates of Obligation Series 2013-2014. Attachments Ord to Auth Resuce Pumper apparatus quote appartus spec appartus order ORDINANCE NO. O: 2015- 020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CITY MANAGER, HENRY ARREDONDO, TO PURCHASE ONE (1) FERRARA FIRE APPARATUS RP1003 RESCUE PUMPER FOR THE CITY OF DEL RIO FIRE DEPARTMENT FROM HALL MOTORS/FERRARA FIRE APPARATUS, INC., VIA THE TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS (TASB) BUYBOARD COOPERATIVE. WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio has the opportunity to purchase and acquire goods and services through the TASB BuyBoard Cooperative, which has already been competitively bid and awarded in accordance with the State of Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 271, Section 102; and WHEREAS, the use of firefighting pumper vehicles are critical to the continued daily operation and for the protection of property by the City of Del Rio Fire Department; and WHEREAS, the total cost for the purchase one (1) Ferrara Fire Apparatus RP1003 Rescue Pumper is $ 588,199.00; and WHEREAS, this purchase is funded by series 2013-14 Certificates of Obligations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS THAT: The City Manager, Henry Arredondo, is authorized and directed to purchase one (1) Ferrara Fire Apparatus RP1003 Rescue Pumper for the City of Del Rio Fire Department from: PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 31st of March, 2015. ROBERT GARZA Mayor ATTEST: SUSAN CORP City Secretary REVIEWED FOR ADMINISTRATION: REVIEWED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: HENRY ARREDONDO City Manager SUZANNE WEST City Attorney 5721 Highway 31 West Tyler, Texas 75709 FIRE APPARATUS PROPOSAL March 24, 2015 City of Del Rio Fire Department 109 West Broadway Del Rio, Texas 78840 We are pleased to submit our proposal for your consideration on the following complete apparatus in strict accordance with the attached proposal for: One (1) Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. RP1003 Rescue Pumper mounted on a Ferrara Cinder chassis per the attached specifications and proposal purchased off Buy Board Contract 399-12: $588,199.00 The pricing provided is exclusive of all Federal, State and Local taxes and any other fees, which may apply unless specifically noted herein. Payment Terms: Payment is due upon delivery and acceptance of completed apparatus. The apparatus and equipment shall be supplied and shipped in accordance with the specifications and approvals by the City of Del Rio Fire Department. Delays due to strikes, war or other causes beyond our control not preventing, within 240-270 calendar days after receipt of order, and will be delivered to you at: City of Del Rio Fire Department Del Rio, Texas The specifications herein contained shall form a part of the final contract, and are subject to changes desired by the City of Del Rio Fire Department. The proposal specifications are supplied for construction purposes. Any additions and/or changes to the enclosed specifications shall be generated and/or approved by the City of Del Rio Fire Department, and accepted by Hall Motors/Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. Unless accepted within 30 days from this date, Hall Motors/Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. reserves the right to withdraw this proposal. Sincerely, Hall Motors A Ferrara Fire Apparatus Dealer 5721 Highway 31 West • Tyler, Texas 75709 E-mail: Phone 903-266-7880 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper APPARATUS PURCHASE The specified apparatus will be purchased off the Buy Board contract. VIRTUAL MANUFACTURING The manufacturer shall have a web site available for the customers to 'watch' their unit being produced. The "Trucks in Production" shall be updated a minimum of three-(3) times per week. The web site shall also include documentation of cab and body crash tests, take a virtual tour of the production facility, videos of both current and new innovative products, updates on trade shows, photos of new deliveries and the opportunity to include customer 'Action Photo's'. Customer shall be able to access the web site without the requirement of a password. CERTIFIED WELDERS The manufacturer shall employ individuals that are certified aluminum and stainless steel welders. The welders shall be certified by an outside testing laboratory. The certifications shall be available for viewing through the Human Resources office upon request. BODY WEIGHT DOCUMENTATION The manufacturer shall body weigh each body prior to mounting on the chassis. The information shall be included in the documentation of the finished vehicle. Each body produced by the manufacturer shall be weighed, not just one body per model. APPROVAL DRAWING Prior to construction, the successful bidder shall provide three approval drawings of the apparatus for the fire department's review. The drawings shall show such items as the chassis being utilized, lights, horns, sirens, pump panels, and all compartment locations and dimensions. The blueprint shall be a visual interpretation of the unit as it is to be constructed. The buying authority shall sign all drawings. One print shall be retained by the Fire Department, the dealer shall retain one print, and one print, shall be returned to the manufacturer. PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A pre-construction conference will be held at the factory prior to the actual construction of the vehicle(s). The conference will be held in the manufactures facility with Two (2) representatives of the Fire Department and appropriate representatives of the manufacture. Transportation, lodging and meals will be the responsibility of the manufacture. FINAL INSPECTION TRIP There will be a final inspection for Two (2) representatives of the buying authority at the facility where the apparatus is being constructed. The inspection trip will be completed when the chassis is complete. Factory and Sales representatives 03/24/15 1 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper will be available at the time of inspection. Transportation, lodging and meals will be the responsibility of the manufacturer. TRANSPORTATION To insure proper break-in of all components while still under warranty, the apparatus shall be delivered over the road under its own power (Rail and/or truck freight shall not be acceptable). MANUFACTURER SERVICE CONTACTS The manufacturer must have a 24 hour/ 7 day a week, toll-free emergency hot line. The manufacturer must be capable of providing both in-house and on-site service for the apparatus. The service technicians shall be EVT certified in compliance with NFPA 1071 classifications F2 through F6. On-site service and maintenance shall be the primary function, to eliminate the vehicle having to leave the fire department jurisdiction. Copies of the certifications shall be made available through the Human Resources office. SERVICE VEHICLES The manufacturer shall have a minimum of 10 full time, company owned, service vehicles. The vehicles shall be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to customer needs. The Service Vehicles shall be operated by full time EVT Certified Technicians. REPLACEMENT PARTS Replacement parts shall be available directly from the manufacturer, as well as the dealer and or service centers. CUSTOM CHASSIS It is the intent of the technical specifications contained herein to ensure the custom cab and chassis specified shall be engineered, designed, and manufactured exclusively for heavy-duty continuous use in extreme environments and rigorous adverse conditions. Each custom cab and chassis shall be manufactured in strict compliance with all applicable requirements as set forth in the current edition of the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) pamphlet 1901 with maximum safety as the key focus throughout the design and development phase of each fire and rescue chassis. CHASSIS WHEELBASE The chassis wheelbase shall be 221 inches. CHASSIS FRAME RAILS The chassis frame rails shall be constructed of 110,000-PSI minimum yield steel that has been formed into a "C" channel shape with dimension of 10.50" x 3.50" x .375 inches. 03/24/15 2 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper An inner frame liner of 110,000 Pound minimum yield with dimension of 9.69" x 3.13" x .313" shall be provided for additional strength and to reduce deflection. The frame liner shall run from centerline of front axle to rear of the mainframe rail. This liner shall be mitered at 45 degrees at the front axle. The resulting frame system shall have a minimum section modulus of 30.38 cubic inches with a resisting bending moment of 3,342,000-inch pounds per rail. The frame rails shall be powder coated in order to insure superior paint adhesion. Frame cutouts for the engine shall be made with a plasma torch in order to minimize the heat-affected zone caused by the cut. All frame-mounted components shall be secured with grade eight bolts with hardened washers and distorted thread locknuts. Flanged head bolts with nylon locking nuts, or huck bolts shall not be acceptable. PAINT, FRAME RAIL The chassis frame rails, cross members, fuel tank and air reservoirs shall be completely encapsulated in a ruggedized, protective coating. The air reservoirs, reservoir hanger straps and fuel tank shall all be treated separately prior to assembly. The frame, cross members, bumper backing reinforcement plate, radiator skid plate, spring hangers, cab lock mounts and required bolts shall all be in place prior to treatment to ensure complete coverage. F-Shield, a 100% solids, state-of-the art, VOC-free, plural-component, pure polyuria elastomeric membrane. This seamless system exhibits extraordinary performance characteristics. F-Shield is based on amine-terminated polyether resins, amine chain extenders and MDI pre-polymers. This membrane achieves an extremely tough, flexible, chemical and abuse resistant finish. F-Shield shall be used in specified areas for maximum protection. This corrosion prevention system is designed to repel deicing agents commonly used on winter roadways. Moving parts, such as steering linkages, cab locks, spring suspensions, axles, etc., shall not be coated with this material, but shall be painted with high quality gloss black paint. The color of the F-Shield shall be black. FRONT TOW EYES Two-(2) chrome plated tow hooks shall be mounted to the bottom of the front bumper frame extension rails. The tow hooks shall be attached with Grade 8 bolts. FRONT BUMPER EXTENSION There shall be a twenty-four inch (24”) frame extension provided. The extension shall be made from heavy-duty steel in both C-channel and tubular shapes. The frame rail extension material shall measure 7” high x 3-1/2” wide x .375” wall thickness. Extension shall be bolted to the chassis frame rails through reinforcement plates, backed by the engine mounting crossmember. Fasteners utilized shall be Grade 8 bolts. INDEPENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION 03/24/15 3 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper A Reyco Granning Independent Front Suspension in 20,000-pound capacity, developed for heavy-duty fire and rescue vehicles. IFS suspensions combine high axle capacities with responsive handling that provides superior maneuverability, increasing safety for firefighters and reducing response time in the most demanding conditions. Low un-sprung mass gives a low natural frequency which translates into a smoother ride for the crew and for emergency equipment. • • • • • • • Bendix twin bridge SN7 Calipers with Type 24 Chambers. SLA suspension design with integrated twin TRW steering gears and Bilstein 60 mm shock absorbers delivers responsive handling and excellent roll stability. Air springs are outboard mounted reducing vehicle sway and improved handling when cornering. The fully independent suspension action of each wheel reduces bump steer compared to current I-beams suspensions. Rugged components make this suspension family rated for both on-road and off-road use. Lower maintenance costs result from components shared across the IFS family. 60 mm shock absorbers mounted at a near one-to-one ratio for extended shock life, better tire performance, and a comfortable ride. STEERING SYSTEM Dual TRW TAS85 / RCS85 steering gears, with integral heavy-duty power steering, shall be provided. The steering system shall be a package certified by TRW for the application. All components from the steering column to the drag link shall be manufactured by TRW. The steering system shall use a TAS-85 steering gear with an RCS-85 slave gear, which has the capacity to static steer the chassis loaded to 20,000 pounds with 385-size tires. The use of two-(2) equal size gears or a single gear with an assist cylinder shall not be acceptable. FRONT BRAKES The Independent Front Suspension shall be equipped with Bendix ADB 22X disc brakes for up to 20,000-pounds and Bendix SN7 disc brakes above 20,000-pounds. CRAMP ANGLE The cramp angle of the front axle shall be 52 degrees. CHASSIS ALIGNMENT The chassis frame rails shall be measured to insure the length is correct and cross checked to make sure they run parallel and are square to each other. The front and rear axles shall be laser aligned. The front tires and wheels shall be aligned and toe-in set on the front tires by the chassis manufacturer. Cramp angle is set to achieve the greatest turning radius possible with the selected components of the vehicle. Each front wheel is set to zero degrees. The wheel is then turned until it reaches the steering stops. This measurement is the cramp angle. FRONT TIRES 03/24/15 4 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The front tires shall be Michelin 385/65R22.5 Load Range "L" XFE all-weather treads with a capacity of 20,000 pounds. FRONT WHEELS The front axle wheels shall be Alcoa Polished Aluminum for 385 tires with a rating of 20,000-pounds. FRONT WHEEL TRIM The front axle wheels shall be trimmed with stainless steel hub and lug nut covers. The axle’s hub covers shall be equipped with holes for oil level viewing. MUD FLAPS, FRONT The front axle mud flaps shall be constructed from hard black rubber and installed behind the front axle. REAR AXLE The rear axle shall be a Meritor RS-25-160 with a 27,000-pound service rating. The axle shall be equipped with oil seals. REAR SUSPENSION The rear axle suspension shall leaf spring type rated at 27,000 pounds capacity. The main spring pack shall have fourteen (14) leaves with a four (4) leaf auxiliary pack. The suspension shall be a torque leaf, variable rate, self-leveling slipper type. REAR AXLE DIFFERENTIAL The Meritor RS series rear axle shall have a standard differential. VEHICLE TOP SPEED The rear axle shall be geared for a top speed of 65-68 MPH at governed engine speed. REAR BRAKES The rear axle shall be equipped with 16-1/2" x 7" S-Cam air operated brakes with automatic slack adjusters. REAR TIRES The rear tires shall be Michelin 12R22.5 Load Range "H" XDS severe winter traction treads with a rated capacity of 27,000 pounds. REAR WHEELS The rear wheels shall be Alcoa Polished aluminum, 8.25" X 22.5"10-bolt, hub-piloted. The outside wheels shall have polished outer surface. The ground rating shall be a minimum of 27,000 pounds. 03/24/15 5 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper REAR WHEEL TRIM The rear axle wheels shall be trimmed with stainless steel "Lincoln Hat" hub and lug nut covers. TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM Each tire installed on the apparatus shall be equipped with a tire pressure monitoring device. The device shall consist of a valve stem cap to with an LED tire alert to indicate tire pressure conditions. The LED shall flash when the tire drops 8 psi below the factory setting. HOSE AND HARNESS ROUTING Battery cables, hydraulic hoses and air lines shall be routed through the vertical face of the chassis frame rails using bulkhead connectors. The use of grommets through frame rails, as well as running hoses or cables under, over or ahead of the chassis frame rails to achieve positive connections shall not be acceptable. For ease of maintenance, the wiring harnesses, hydraulic hoses and air hoses shall be divided down each frame rail. The hydraulic and air hoses shall be run, primarily, down the inside of the right side frame rail, while the electrical harnesses shall be run, primarily, down the left side frame rail. Harnesses and hoses shall be mounted using rubber coated, stainless steel holders and, where necessary, heat resistant zip loom. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM The air brake system shall meet the requirements of FMVSS-121. The system shall consist of three-(3) reservoirs with a total capacity of 5100 cubic inches. The system shall be of dual circuit and quick build up design powered by an engine mounted gear driven air compressor. The system shall be protected by a heated air dryer with heated automatic moisture ejector on the wet tank and quarter turn brass drain valves on the other tanks. The system shall be plumbed using color-coded nylon airlines with brass push-lock fittings. ANTI-LOCK BRAKES W/ATC & ELECTRONIC STABILITY CONTROL The apparatus shall have a Wabco ABS-based Electronic Stability Control (ESC), which offers another level of vehicle control. This automatic braking management system reduces the possibility of a side rollover and assists in the directional stability of apparatus. Upon reaching critical lateral acceleration thresholds, the system intervenes to regulate the vehicles deceleration and braking functions. Reducing the engine’s RPM by overriding the foot throttle input and applying the engine retarder (if equipped) to slow the apparatus giving the driver added control and maneuverability. The ESC shall also apply braking power to selective wheel of the front and rear axles to assist in stabilizing the apparatus to its intended direction. This selective braking application and reduction of speed and torque reduces the possibility of spinouts and side rollovers even in adverse conditions. The system includes a Wabco 4-channel Anti-Lock Braking System shall be installed which includes four-(4) wheel sensors and four-(4) modulators to control and compensate braking force at each wheel. This system shall monitor all wheel ends regardless of suspension type, and which axle it sees braking forces first. An ABS warning light shall be installed on the driver's dash that remains illuminated until the vehicle is moving at least four-(4) miles per hour. An ABS test switch shall be installed in the "Diagnostic Information Panel" that when pressed, 03/24/15 6 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper sends the system into diagnostic mode causing the ABS light to blink (I/O) indicating a flash code. A listing of flash code definitions is listed in the Wabco Owner's Manual. Automatic Traction Control (ATC) shall be installed to sense wheel slip, apply air pressure to brakes, and reduce engine torque to provide improved traction. An ATC indicator light shall illuminate when the system is active. A mud and snow switch shall be provided. When the switch is in the "ON" position, it shall allow momentary wheel slip to obtain traction under extreme mud and snow conditions. The system also includes a Steering Angle Sensor (SAS), which informs the system of the degree in which the steering is turned to one side or the other. Along with the SAS, an ESC module is mounted mid frame at the rear of the chassis cab to detect roll, pitch, and yaw angles and computes which wheel(s) brake(s) shall be acted upon. AIR DRYER The air system shall include a Bendix AD-9 air dryer with integral 12-volt heated moisture ejector. The air dryer shall have a desiccant cartridge and incorporate an integral turbo cutoff valve. The turbo cutoff allows the air dryer to purge water and contaminants without any loss of turbo boost or engine horsepower. ENGINE The vehicle shall be equipped with a Cummins ISL 450 turbocharged diesel engine. Standard features include an electronic governor, electronically controlled unit injectors, Farr air cleaner, a 12-volt starter Delco 39 MT, and an 18.7 CFM compressor. The oil filter shall be a full flow and bypass design. This engine conforms to the US 2013 EPA regulations for heavy-duty diesel engines. ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS • • • • • • • Model: ISL Number of Cylinders: Six (6) Bore and Stroke: 4.49" X 5.69" Displacement: of 8.9 L Rated Horsepower: 450 @ 2100 RPM Peak Torque: 1250 @ 1400 RPM Governed Speed: 2200 RPM ENGINE COMPRESSION BRAKE The engine shall come equipped with a Jacobs “C-Brake” compression brake controlled by two-(2) switches located in the cab, an on/off and low/medium/high. The compression brake shall interface with the anti-lock brake controller to prevent engine brake operation during adverse braking conditions. A pump shift, interlock circuit shall be provided to prevent the engine brake from activating during pumping operation. ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM 03/24/15 7 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The engine cooling system shall have the capacity to cool the engine according to the engine manufacture’s requirements. RADIATOR The engine radiator shall be of a bolted design and have a minimum core area of 1400 square inches. The top and bottom tanks shall be stamped 16-gauge steel. The tanks shall be attached to the header assemblies with a minimum of fifty-(50), 5/16" bolts. The spacing between fasteners shall not exceed 2.00 inches in order to minimize the possibility of leaks. The header plates shall be made of 16-gauge brass while the tubes shall be .0068-inch thick brass and .076 by .625 inches in size. The tubes shall have a smooth bore with welded seems which allows for cleaning of the radiator. The radiator shall contain three rows of tubes with a minimum of 87 tubes per row for a total of not less than 261 tubes. The tubes shall be arranged in an inline profile across the core. Louvered serpentine fins constructed of copper with a density not greater than 16 fins per inch shall be used in the construction of the radiator. The radiator tubes shall be attached to the header plates with a dual bonding process. The coolant side connection shall be welded, while the air side shall be soldered. The top tank shall include an integral de-aeration tank, which removes air from the engine water. A low coolant warning shall be incorporated to alert the driver. The bottom tank of the radiator shall incorporate an oil to water plate-type cooler for the transmission. The cooler is designed to cause a turbulent flow of the transmission oil through the core to force heat transfer. The cooler shall be sufficient to cool Allison Transmission without output retarders. A high efficiency fan shall be direct driven by the engine and surrounded by a fan shroud. The sweep of the fan shall not exceed the width of the radiator core. CHARGE AIR COOLER The charge air cooler shall be constructed of aluminum with cast, aluminum side tanks. The cooler shall have a frontal core area of not less than 888 square inches. The exterior fins shall be louvered serpentine design constructed of .006-inch thick aluminum and have a density no greater than seven-(7) fins per inch. The internal fins shall be designed to create air turbulence in order to increase heat transfer efficiency. The charge air cooler shall be mounted directly ahead of the radiator and to the radiator headers. Rubber isolators shall be used at the mounting points to reduce transmission of vibrations. The piping between the charge air cooler and engine shall use four-(4) ply silicone woven Nomex hoses with stainless steel bands. The bands are used to maintain the shape of the hose during changing turbo boost pressures. The hoses shall be attached with stainless steel constant tension hose clamps. COOLING SYSTEM FAN 03/24/15 8 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The engine cooling system shall incorporate a thermostatically controlled fan clutch. When the fan clutch is disengaged, the vehicle shall have improved vehicle performance, cab heating in cold climates, and fuel economy, while eliminating the potential dangers associated with a fan going from non-rotating to rotating as found with other style fan clutches. The fan shall automatically lock-up when the vehicle is placed in pumping mode. A shroud and recirculation shields system shall be used to ensure that once air has passed through the radiator, the same air is not drawn through again. RADIATOR COOLANT, LONG LIFE The coolant system shall contain a mixture to keep the coolant from freezing to a temperature of -34 degrees F. The coolant supplied shall be Long Life Coolant compatible with the engine manufacturer's requirement. COOLANT HOSES The entire chassis cooling system shall have premium rubber hoses. COOLANT HOSE CLAMPS Gates PowerGrip clamps shall be provided for all coolant and heater hoses. The maintenance-free clamps retain dynamic tension and never need retightening. These clamps stop leaks, even on out-of-round applications. The clamps are made from a heat sensitive thermoplastic with memory to prevent over or under tightening. The clamps shall have a temperature range of -40 degrees F to -302 degrees F. AUXILIARY ENGINE COOLER The cooling system shall have a tube and bundle engine cooler mounted in the upper radiator water pipe. Water from the fire pump shall be circulated through 1/2" tubing to the cooler. A valve located on the pump panel shall control the cooling circuit. ALTERNATOR The alternator shall be a Delco Remy model 55SI 430 amp. The alternator shall be engine driven via a poly-groove power belt with an automatic tensioner. The alternator shall be a brushless design. The alternator shall meet all current applicable NFPA 1901 Edition requirements for performance. BATTERY SYSTEM The battery system shall be a single system consisting of six-(6) Group 31, 12-volt DC, heavy-duty, high cycle automotive batteries. The battery bank shall have a group rating of 3750 cold cranking amperes (CCA) and a reserve of 1,080 minutes at 80 degrees Fahrenheit. All battery wiring shall be "GXL" battery cable capable of handling 125% of the actual load. It shall be run through a heat resistant flexible nylon "HTZL" loom rated at a minimum of 300 degrees Fahrenheit. All cable connections shall be machine crimped and soldered. 03/24/15 9 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper BATTERY BOXES The chassis batteries shall be mounted in welded and bolted stainless steel battery box. The battery hold-downs shall be made of structural, stainless steel angle. Painted carbon steel battery boxes shall not be acceptable. SWITCH, MASTER BATTERY DISCONNECT The chassis batteries shall be wired in parallel to a single 12-volt electrical system, controlled through a heavy-duty, Guest brand rotary type, master disconnect switch. The master disconnect switch shall be located within easy access of the driver upon entering or exiting the cab. All electrical circuits shall be disconnected when the switch is in the "OFF" position. ON-BOARD ELECTRICAL AIR COMPRESSOR PUMP PLUS CHARGER A system shall be installed that automatically charges the chassis air and electrical system. AIR COMPRESSOR The small on-board air compressor shall be mounted on the vehicle to maintain the air pressure in the air brake system while the vehicle is not in use. A pressure switch shall sense the system pressure and operate the compressor whenever the pressure drops below a predetermined level. SPECIFICATIONS Input: Output: Motor Type: Pressure Switch: 12 volts @ 11 amps maximum .30 SCFM @ 80 PSI, .35 SCFM @ 60 PSI Permanent Magnet .10HP Adjustable set-Point (Factory set to 75 PSI cut in, 95 PSI cut out) BATTERY CHARGER The on-board automatic battery charger shall be mounted in the vehicle to maintain the chassis electrical system. The Pump Plus 1200 charger senses battery voltage drop and recharges the batteries to full capacity. The state of charge is indicated on a remotely located bar graph display whenever power is applied to the vehicle. The battery saver contained in the Pump Plus 1200 charger is a three-(3) amp power supply with a relay to remove the accessory loads from the battery and connect them to the power supply when the charger is energized with AC power. This shall permit the charger to recharge the batteries without supplying the accessory load. A selector switch shall be provided on the charger to operate the compressor either as a DC compressor or as an AC compressor. In either switch position, the compressor shall operate from the vehicle battery. When the DC position is selected, the compressor shall operate whenever the pressure switch senses low system pressure so that the vehicles air system can be charged when the vehicle is away from a 120 volt AC source. When the department wishes to limit compressor operation only when the vehicle is connected to the 120-volt AC source, the switch should be place in the AC position. 03/24/15 10 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper SPECIFICATIONS Input: Output: Battery Charger: Battery Saver: Voltage Sense: 120 volts, 60 Hz, 10 amps 12V DC, @ 15 amps 12 volts DC @ 40 amps 12 volts DC @ 3 amps Remote Electronic Indicators: • Power - Indicates input power applied • Battery Saver - Indicates Battery Saver load exceed 3 amps • Bar Graph - Remotely located indicates state of charge of batteries 20 AMP SUPER AUTO-EJECT(S) There shall be provided one (1) super auto-eject type receptacle(s) model 091-55-20. A solenoid wired to the vehicle starter is energized when the engine is started. This instantaneously drives the plug from the receptacle. The receptacle shall be provided with a weatherproof cover. The cover shall be spring loaded to close, preventing water from entering when the shoreline is not connected. The super auto eject receptacle shall be mounted in a location specified by the department and is designed to accept a 120V AC from a shoreline plug. The UL maximum allowable amperage draw on receptacles is generally 80% of their listed rating, for example, the 20amp receptacle should not carry more than 16-amp continuous load. When adding the different amperage draws of the components being installed on the chassis, be sure to figure in whether the components shall draw a continuous load or intermittent load. Location: Driver's side cab wheel well area The Air Eject cover(s) shall be a Kussmaul 091-55YW, yellow in color. SHORE POWER INLET PLATE A shore-power "Inlet Plate" shall be permanently affixed at or near the power inlet. The plate shall indicate the following: • • • Type of Line Voltage Current Rating in Amps Power Inlet Type (DC or AC) TRANSMISSION The chassis shall be equipped with an Allison 3000 EVS automatic transmission. It shall have 4th gear operating controls and programmed for Fire Apparatus vocation. An electronic oil level indicator shall be provided as well as a diagnostic reader port connection. The transmission shall be geared to provide one-to-one ratio in fourth gear for fire pump 03/24/15 11 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper applications. This dedicated "lockup" circuit is provided for pump operation. The transmission fifth gear shall be an overdrive ratio, permitting the vehicle to reach its top speed at the governed engine speed. The transmission shall be equipped with an automatic neutral feature. Applying the parking brake shall command the transmission to neutral, regardless of drive range requested on the shift selector which shall require re-selecting the drive range to shift out of neutral. The transmission shall be equipped with dual PTO ports with engine speed capabilities. The transmission shall be cooled by the radiator-mounted heat exchanger. The transmission fluid shall meet Allison specification TES-295. TRANSMISSION SHIFTER, PUSH BUTTON The transmission shall be controlled by an Allison push button shifter internally illuminated for night operation. The shifter shall be mounted on the dash to the right of the steering column. The transmission shall be capable of five-(5) speed operation. The transmission shall be equipped with the oil level sensor (OLS); this sensor shall allow the operator to obtain an indication of the fluid level the shift selector. The sensor display shall provide the following checks, correct fluid level, low fluid level and high fluid level. DRIVELINES The chassis shall be equipped with Neapco 1710 series driveshaft with full round yokes and universal joints. The driveshaft tubing shall be a minimum of 4.00" diameter with .134" wall thickness. The drivelines shall be balanced at a minimum of 3000 RPM. FUEL TANK The chassis shall be equipped with a 65-gallon rear mounted fuel tank. The tank shall be constructed of 12-gauge steel with stainless steel mounting straps and rubber isolators secured to the bottom flange of the chassis framerails. The tank shall be baffled to prevent sloshing, vented, and have a drain plug installed on the bottom. A 240-33 ohm fuel-sending unit shall be provided and broadcast across the SAE J1939 data link. The tank shall be certified to meet FMCSR 393.65 and 393.67. FUEL LINES The fuel lines shall be wire braid reinforced fuel grade hose. They shall have reusable fittings and be routed along the inside of the frame rails. Fuel lines shall be protected against chaffing by non-conductive, frame mounted standoff fasteners and, where necessary, with heavy-duty plastic zip loom. FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE(S) One (1) fuel shutoff valve(s) shall be installed in the suction side of the fuel lines near the fuel filters to prevent the loss of prime during fuel filter maintenance. FUEL FILTER 03/24/15 12 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The Cummins engine shall be supplied with a fuel water separator with a bottom drain valve. UREA STORAGE TANK There shall be a 5-gallon urea tank located under the extended portion on the cab. A urea level gauge shall be provided in the cab on the main instrument panel. There shall be a DEF fuel fill assembly mounted in the left crew cab extension. The fill assembly shall be equipped with a 14-gauge 304 brushed stainless steel door and fuel fill cap with retention ring. The assembly shall be properly labeled "DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID ONLY". EXHAUST SYSTEM The apparatus shall contain a particulate filter and SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) device downstream of the engine's turbo. This filter and SCR device are required to maintain US 2010 EPA Emissions. This filter and SCR device replaces the conventional style filter. The location has been engineered, tested, and set to allow for proper regeneration. Therefore, this filter cannot be removed, altered, or relocated. An indicator light panel for this system shall be located in the cab informing the driver of the systems status. At times a forced regeneration may be required, which would be indicated by a combination of illuminating and/or flashing lights depending on the engine model. A momentary switch labeled "Regen" shall be located within reach of the driver's seated position. The regeneration switch initiates the forced regeneration. A momentary DPF inhibit switch prevents the vehicle from having the ability to regenerate. Once the inhibit feature has been activated the ignition switch must be cycled off/on to return the vehicle to normal regen. All vehicles equipped with pumping applications shall allow for passive regeneration whenever the system requires and the engine is at its proper parameters unless inhibited by the DPF inhibit switch. In no way shall this feature affect the RPM of the engine being controlled by the pump operator. The engine exhaust system shall be horizontal in design using stainless steel tubing mounted under the frame rail right side extending forward of the rear wheels. An exhaust temperature mitigation device shall be installed. The temperature mitigation device shall lower the temperature of the exhaust by combining ambient air with the exhaust gasses at the exhaust outlet. CUSTOM CAB The cab shall be an engine forward extended, medium four-door, (raised roof) full tilt. The cab shall be an "Open Interior" roll cage design requiring no inner walls or vertical interior supports. The cab roof shall be raised 8 inches providing additional headroom above the crew area. The raised portion shall start midway over the driver and officer seats. The cabs seating capacity for emergency personnel shall be six. All storage areas inside the cab shall fully comply with NFPA 1901 restraint requirements of 9G’s. CRASH TEST 03/24/15 13 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The cab shall exceed the strict and detailed requirements of the Economic Commission for Europe Structural Standard, ECE-29R. The test shall consist of an impact load test and a vertical load test to the cab. The cab shall have a frontal impact tests via pendulum, with an impact load in excess of 127% of the ECE-29R Standard. The estimated speed of the 3736-lb (1698-kg) pendulum shall be a minimum of 18.2 mph. The cab doors shall be closed during the impact test but be able to open after impact. There shall be no passenger intrusions or any structural component failures. The cab shall meet or exceed all criteria of this portion of the test. In conjunction with the frontal impact test, a vertical load test shall be implemented to the cab. The cab roof shall be loaded with a minimum of 65,979 lbs. (29.53 metric tons). There shall be no failure to the cab structure or mountings, any passenger compartment intrusion or degradation of occupant survival space, or any other structural failure. The cab shall meet or exceed all criteria of this portion of the test. A complete photographic, video, data, and dimensional record of these tests shall be available and placed on record for customer evaluations. CAB MATERIALS The cab shall be constructed entirely of aluminum alloy extrusions and 3/16" (.188) thick, 5052-H32 alloy, marine grade aluminum sheets. The corner posts, door slam posts, roof rails and doorframes shall be made of custom extrusions designed specifically for this cab with slots for inserting the skin. The rear wall and roof shall be reinforced with a grid of rectangular extrusions, which are welded to the overall cab extrusion framework. The front corner caps shall consist of castings designed specifically for this cab with relief areas cast in place for attachment of roof skin and intersecting structural extrusions. Overlapping formed corner caps are not acceptable. CAB DIMENSIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Overall width skin to skin: 96 inches Overall vehicle width: 116 inches (w/standard mirrors) Overall length: 136 inches Cab Height Front: 87 inches Cab Height Rear: 95 inches Center of front axle to back of cab: 62 inches Windshield area: 4100 square inches Front grill opening: 430 square inches Side grill opening: 105 square inches Cab full tilt angle: 45 degrees Cab full tilt height: 187 inches Floor to ceiling in front: 60 inches Floor to ceiling in rear: 66 inches Engine cover height: not to exceed 27-1/2" front-to-back and side-to-side The Driver shall have no less than 24-1/4" of hip room The Officer shall have no less than 23-1/4" of hip room DOUBLE WALL CAB FACE 03/24/15 14 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The cab front shall be of double wall construction resulting in a sealed firewall. The inner and outer shall both be formed from 3/16" thick, 5052 H32 alloy aluminum with structural aluminum reinforcements. This design provides for increased structural integrity, crew safety, and reduced road noise in the passenger area. The outer wall is used for mounting forward lighting, grill and windshield wipers. The inner portion shall be treated with a heavy black undercoating material for corrosion prevention. SEALED ENGINE TUNNEL The engine tunnel shall be a structural part of the passenger cab, constructed from welded 3/16” aluminum plate and reinforced with aluminum extrusions. The rear of the engine tunnel shall be no less than 57” inches from the rear wall of the cab, allowing maximum legroom for forward facing passenger. After welding, the seams shall be completely sealed with silicone caulking. Engine enclosures that are not an integral part of the cab structure are not acceptable. The interior of the engine tunnel shall be insulated with 1” thick foil backed insulating foam, attached with stud and button method. A cross-section analysis of the insulation shall reveal a 1/8” thick barrier material for additional noise and heat insulation. CAB FLOORS Cab floors shall be constructed from an aluminum extruded frame and 3/16” thick aluminum plate. Floor mats and insulation are detailed later in this specification. The forward cab floor shall be as large as possible for both the driver and officer. Floorboards shall extend in width from the side of the engine tunnel, all the way to the cab door inner panel. They shall extend forward from the seat riser to the inner portion of the double wall cab face. The officer shall have approximately 28” of foot room. The entire rear floor of the cab, to reduce trip and fall hazards, shall be a single plane. In applications requiring the use of a top-mounted PTO, a raised area in the floor may be required. For maximum crew comfort and eliminate leg fatigue during emergency responses, the floor beneath the rear facing jump seats shall be large enough for a seated firefighter to rest both feet side-by-side. Cab floor designs that are wide enough for only one foot shall not be accepted. CAB CORROSION PROTECTION A corrosion preventative material shall be applied during cab construction. A ten-(10) year warranty against corrosion perforation shall be provided for the cab. WHEEL WELL LINERS Full wheel well liners shall be installed beneath the cab to protect the bottom of the cab from road splash. The liners shall be constructed of aluminum and be full width. The wheel well liners shall be attached with threaded fasteners and be easily removable for service. 03/24/15 15 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper FENDERETTES Bright polished stainless steel fenderettes shall be installed at the wheel well openings. A rubber gasket shall be installed between the fenderette and cab to eliminate contact of dissimilar metals. WINDSHIELD The windshield shall have approximately 4100 square inches of unobstructed viewing area. It shall be a two-(2) piece design with tinted automotive safety glass, with a wraparound design. A .030-inch thick vinyl layer shall separate the laminated glass. All other cab glass shall be tinted and tempered. INTERMITTENT WINDSHIELD WIPERS Two electric "Pantograph" style windshield wipers shall be installed on the front face of the cab. The motors shall operate through a 72-degree sweep and include 24-inch blades to give superior wiper coverage. A washer reservoir of not less than 70 ounces shall be mounted a latched door recessed in the officer's step. A switch located on the turn signal control arm shall operate the intermittent wipers. EXTERIOR GRAB HANDLES Stainless steel handrails with a knurled, slip-resistant finish shall be positioned behind each cab door. Grab rails shall be minimum 24” in length. Molded rubber gasket shall be mounted between the grab handles and the cab in order to prevent corrosion due to dissimilar metals being in contract. EXTREME DUTY CAB INTERIOR Cab floors shall be covered with a pebble grain rubber matting with barrier type insulation. Edges of the insulation shall be trimmed with extruded aluminum angle for a pleasing appearance. An insulated covering shall be fitted over the engine tunnel. Made from the same material as the cab floor insulation, this covering shall insulate the cab from engine heat and noise. A Cast Products aluminum door on top of the engine tunnel shall provide access for fluid checks. The back side of the engine cover, as well as a 2” to 3” return on the top side, shall be covered with a sprayed aluminum panel and be of sufficient strength to allow for 9G resistant mounting of any optional hand lights, entry tools, or other fire rescue equipment specified by the customer. The cab shall have a custom built, smooth aluminum plate dashboard, overhead console, glove box, instrumentation panel and switch panel. The front overhead shall include room for the three sun visors and the door open indicator light. The front door posts shall be trimmed with styled aluminum covers that conceal any wiring, as well as including a mounting area for rubberized grab handles. The center windshield post shall be covered F-Shield paint finish. 03/24/15 16 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Prior to installing the headliner and rear wall panel, minimum R-7 insulation, shall be installed between the interlocking extrusions. These covers serve to finish the interior, cover wiring harnesses and insulate the interior from sound and heat. SUN VISORS The cab shall be equipped with a minimum of three (3) sun visors. The visors shall be installed on the overhead panel and provide approximately 90 per cent coverage across the width of the cab. The visors shall be approximately 26 inches wide and six (6) inches tall. GLOVE BOX The glove box shall be an integral part of the welded aluminum dashboard assembly and located on the officer side of the cab. The storage area of the glove box shall bolt in place for easy service access. The door shall be drop down style and constructed from brushed stainless steel with a recessed latch. The area above the glove box shall be flat for a work surface or optional MDT mounting. CAB STEPS All cab steps shall be of a stationary, fixed design that use no moving parts and requires no periodic maintenance other than cleaning. There shall be an open-grip, bright finish step at each cab door opening. The area under the step shall be enclosed to prevent road dirt from entering the cab. There shall be provisions made at the front of the step for easily flushing out any dirt accumulation. At each door, opening there shall also be an intermediate cab step. Intermediate steps shall be full width of the doorstep area and constructed from embossed aluminum tread plate. CAB STEP HEIGHTS The distance from level ground to the first cab step shall be 19-21 inches (24” with Independent Front Suspension), without using swing-down style or under-cab “stirrup” auxiliary steps. The distance from first cab step to intermediate step shall be approximately 12.5 inches front and rear. The distance from intermediate step to cab floor shall be approximately 9.5 inches in the front and 12 inches in the rear. CAB DOORS All cab doors shall be full length, designed to cover the step well area. Each cab door shall be flush type with a minimum opening of 85 degrees. The front doors shall be approximately 40" inches wide by 78.5" inches tall. The doors shall have a two-piece window, one operational and one fixed. The combined viewing area shall be no less than 796 square inches. For added safety, the front door windows shall slant down for maximum visibility. 03/24/15 17 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The rear doors shall be approximately 34" inches wide by 86.5" inches tall. The doors shall have a two-piece window, one operational and one fixed. The combined viewing area shall be no less than 867 square inches. There crew area windows shall have a dark tint applied. The doors shall include a bulb style rubber seal around the perimeter of each door frame ensuring a weather tight fit. The cab doors shall use internal and external paddle latches with a rubber gasket isolating the latch from the painted outside surface. The external latch shall have a chrome plated finish and the interior stainless steel. Both latches shall be oversized for easy access with a gloved hand. Dovetail catch assemblies shall be installed in the doorjamb. The dovetail catch shall be V-shaped providing a positive catch and release system. DOOR HINGES Each cab door shall be attached to the cab with two concealed automotive style hinges with restraining strap. CAB DOOR LOCKS There shall be individual manual twist type door locks at each door handle. In accordance with FMVSS 206, all exterior door locks shall be keyed alike. WINDOW REGULATORS All cab door windows shall be electrically operated. The driver's door shall contain four-(4) switches to control the operation at each door. All remaining doors shall contain one-(1) heavy-duty switch to control the window operation at that door. FIXED CAB WINDOW, LEFT SIDE A window of not less than 16-1/2" wide by 33-1/2" high shall be installed in the left sidewall of the cab between the front and rear door. The glass shall be tempered and retained with one-piece triple locking rubber lacing dark tint. FIXED CAB WINDOW, RIGHT SIDE A window of not less than 16-1/2" wide by 33-1/2" high shall be installed in the right sidewall of the cab between the front and rear door. The glass shall be tempered and retained with one-piece triple locking rubber lacing dark tint. CAB TILT LOCK The cab shall be supported at four points. At the front, there shall be two center bonded bronze bushings. At the rear, there shall be two hydraulic locking latches. The cab shall tilt 45 degrees by means of a pair of hydraulic cylinders driven by the electric pump. The tilt system geometry shall be designed in such a way that the maximum hydraulic pressure in the system does not exceed one-half the 03/24/15 18 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper pressure rating of the cylinders or pump when the cab is empty. This allows the Fire Department to leave some equipment in the cab when maintenance is required (although this equipment must be secured). Once the cab is fully tilted, a safety latch shall automatically engage and act as a positive lock. The lock is released by a pull cable. The hydraulic cylinders shall be equipped with velocity fuses to prevent the cab from falling, should the hydraulic system fail. The front of the cab pivots and rides on the center bonded bushings by means of lubricated pivot pins that retain the cab yoke in the bushings. The bushings allow limited movement of the cab, and isolate the cab from noise and vibration. The rear mounts consist of a pair of hydraulic cab latches mounted on rubber cushioned mounting brackets. Latches release when the pressure in the tilt system exceeds 500 PSI. An ignition interlock system shall be installed for cab tilt operation. Cab tilt operation requires the master battery switch to be in the on position with the parking brake applied. CAB TILT PUMP W/MANUAL BACKUP An electric over hydraulic cab lifting pump shall be provided to tilt the cab for engine and transmission service. The pump shall be operated by a remotely wired control box with coiled cord, weather resistant plug, and receptacle. An interlock shall be provided preventing the cab from inadvertently rising until the transmission is placed in the neutral position and the parking brake is set. In the event of electrical failure, a hydraulic manual backup shall be provided to tilt the cab. CAB PAINT FINISH, TWO TONE The custom cab shall have a two-tone paint finish. The paint colors shall be furnished by the customer. The break in the color shall be at the bottom of the chassis window, unless otherwise specified by the department. All cab exterior components including doors and glass, shall be removed. The complete cab exterior shall be thoroughly sanded, solvent cleaned and finished with high luster polyurethane paint before mounting of body to assure full coverage of paint to all surfaces. UPPER CAB PAINT COLOR/CODE The upper cab paint code shall be White, 854064. UPPER CAB PAINT FINISH The upper cab exterior shall have no mounted components prior to painting to assure full coverage of metal treatments. These steps are followed as recommended by the paint manufacturer to provide a lasting and high quality gloss finish. All paint products shall be provided by DuPont. PRIMARY/LOWER CAB PAINT FINISH 03/24/15 19 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The primary/lower cab exterior shall have no mounted components prior to painting to assure full coverage of metal treatments. These steps are followed as recommended by the paint manufacturer to provide a lasting and high quality gloss finish. All paint products shall be provided by DuPont. PRIMARY/LOWER CAB PAINT COLOR/CODE The primary/lower cab paint code shall be Red, 854008. CAB PAINT BREAK LINE STRIPE A 1/2" wide Spun Gold paint pin stripe with black shade shall be added to the cab, two tone paint scheme. This stripe shall be applied at the break line. FRONT GRILLE The front grille shall be a mirror polished stainless steel box style assembly with 448 square inches of open area. The grille shall measure 48" wide x 23.13" high x 1.56" deep. The front grille shall be personalized that reads DEL RIO with backlit LED lights activated by the battery on/off switch. SIDE INTAKE GRILLES W/EMBER SEPARATOR Bright stainless steel grilles shall be installed approximately 70" above ground level one-(1) each side cab between the front and rear cab doors. The grilles shall have a minimum open area of not less than 119 square inches serving as an air intake and warm air dispersant system. An Ember Separator shall be installed between the stainless steel grill and the air filter system allowing fresh air to pass through to the engine while preventing particles of .039 inches (1.0 mm) or larger from entering the system in accordance with the latest version of NFPA easily accessible through the exterior stainless steel grille. HEATED/REMOTE CAB MIRRORS Two cab mounted Ramco heated/ remote single lens mirrors, with bus style arms shall be installed on the cab front corners. The convex mirror shall be mounted above the flat lens assembly. EXTERIOR TRIM, REAR CAB STEP WELL The rear cab door stepping surfaces shall be trimmed with aluminum tread plate. There shall be tread plate covers that provide access to the chassis battery system. TREAD PLATE BACK OF CAB The entire back wall of the cab shall be covered with 1/8" (.125") thick aluminum tread plate. The tread plate shall be coated with a rust inhibitor and fastened to the cab with stainless steel fasteners. A bead of caulking shall be applied to the perimeter of the tread plate. 03/24/15 20 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper INTERIOR CAB FINISH The interior of the cab shall be painted with a dark gray “F-Shield”. The cab metal finish shall be covered with a coat of adhesion promoting primer. “F-Shield” is a 100% solids, state-of-the art, VOC-free, plural-component, pure polyuria elastomeric membrane. This seamless system exhibits extraordinary performance characteristics. F-Shield is based on amine-terminated polyether resins, amine chain extenders and MDI pre-polymers. This membrane achieves an extremely tough, flexible, chemical and abuse resistant finish. F-Shield shall be used in specified areas for maximum protection. The headliner (front and rear) and rear wall (if applicable) shall be covered with heavy-duty gray vinyl. FLOOR MATS/ENGINE TUNNEL COVERING The floor mats and engine tunnel shall be covered with gray pebble grain vinyl with 1/4" (.250") foam backing. The edges of the floor mats shall be trimmed with bright aluminum angle. INTERIOR TRIM, REAR WALL ALUMINUM PANAL The entire interior rear wall of the cab shall be covered with 3/16" (.1875") smooth aluminum plate coated with “FShield”. “F-Shield” is a 100% solids, state-of-the art, VOC-free, plural-component, pure polyuria elastomeric membrane. This seamless system exhibits extraordinary performance characteristics. F-Shield is based on amine-terminated polyether resins, amine chain extenders and MDI pre-polymers. This membrane achieves an extremely tough, flexible, chemical and abuse resistant finish. F-Shield shall be used in specified areas for maximum protection. The color of the rear wall panel shall match the interior of the cab unless otherwise specified. CAB GRAB HANDLES, INTERIOR Two-(2) interior grab handles installed in the cab on the "A" posts, one-(1) each side. The grab handles shall be constructed of rubberized steel. Four-(4) interior grab handles installed in the cab, one-(1) each side on top of the front door panels adjacent to fixed window and one-(1) each side on the rear door panels. The grab handles shall be constructed of 1-1/4" knurled stainless steel. The gab rails shall be mounted with chrome plated end stanchions. There shall be one-(1) interior grab handle installed on the inside of each rear cab door. The handles shall extend horizontally with width of the window just above the window sill. The grab handles shall be constructed of bright stainless steel. UPPER DOOR PANELS There shall be four-(4) interior upper front and rear door panels installed constructed of brushed stainless steel extending from the bottom of the window to the top of the lower kick plate. 03/24/15 21 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper LOWER DOOR PANELS There shall be four-(4) interior lower front and rear door panels installed constructed of brushed stainless steel extending from the bottom of the upper door panel to the bottom of the door. REFLECTIVE STOP SIGNS There shall be four-(4) "STOP" signs installed in the cab, one-(1) on the lower door panel of each cab door. INSTRUMENTATION For easy viewing, gauges shall be white faced with black lettering and adjustable intensity, green LED backlighting. In order to reduce replacement and maintenance costs, the gauges provided shall be separate from one another and not in a cluster or arrangement. The gauges shall meet SAE J-1939 protocol to eliminate redundant sending units. Gauges must be fully sealed to 6 psi. Gauges shall have an operating temperature range of -40F to 185F. The gauge crystal shall be polycarbonate, anti-fog, and anti-scratch coated. The panels shall be divided into groups of instruments that make identification sensible and easy to view. The following panels shall be included: • • • • • • • • One driver side hinged gauge panel One driver side message center and indicator light panel Driver side pump shift panel (if required) Driver side park brake panel Driver side diagnostic connector Driver side ignition/climate control panel Center mounted rocker switch and siren panel, with a maximum capacity of 20 switches Officer side information panel The following instruments shall be included: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dial Type speedometer with digital odometer and trip odometer that is active when pumping Dial Type tachometer with digital hour meter and trip hour meter along with a digital, four-line diagnostic display Dial Type engine oil pressure gauge with warning light and alarm Dial Type water temperature with warning light and alarm Dial Type transmission temperature with warning light and alarm Dial Type front air pressure gauges with warning light and alarm Dial Type rear air pressure gauge with warning light Dial Type voltmeter Dial Type fuel level gauge with low fuel indicator level Dial Type Diesel Exhaust Fluid gauge with low level indicator Air cleaner restriction light High beam indicator Parking brake indicator Turn signal indicators 03/24/15 22 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper • Diagnostic indicators for airbag, engine, transmission, and ABS An anti-lock braking system (ABS) test switch and parking brake control valve shall be located to the right of the steering column. SERVICE ACCESS The driver's instrumentation area shall be made of textured black non-glare panels affixed to the aluminum dash. There shall be a single gauge panel, secured with a bottom hinge and four (4) quarter-turn fasteners. Access to the gauge clusters shall be accomplished simply by releasing the latches and pulling the panel outward. Other gauge access designs are not acceptable. The chassis electrical panel shall be located in the center of the aluminum dash, between the switch panel and the windshield. There shall be a lift up cover, with two (2) recessed lift-and-turn latches for quick access to the panel. The underside of the panel shall have a pre-printed diagram that clearly depicts the function of each circuit breaker and relay. The vehicle load manager shall be located in this panel. The opening to the electrical shall measure approximately 19” wide near the switch panel and 37” wide toward the windshield. Electronic diagnostic connections for the engine, transmission, and ABS brakes shall be located in the lower-left panel on the cab dash. DRIVER’S INFORMATION DISPLAY There shall be a 10.8" x 2.44" display panel on the driver’s gauge cluster that will illuminate various caution and warning indicator lamps. This display also contains a 340 x 90 monochrome LCD for display of specific and user selectable data. The display unit reads data from the J1939-11 powertrain communications network. Display will be capable of but not limited to the following features: • • • • • • • • • Auto Self-Test Viewing the state of each digital or analog input to the unit Viewing the state of each output Allows users ability to set service reminders by distance or hours of operation Allows users ability to set data screens in various formats i.e. bar graph / text Viewable active and stored powertrain ECU fault data. Diagnostics screen allows user to select and view a specific source such as engine / transmission Display is selectable between English and metric readings. Messages and Icons will pop up in display when a condition exists such as: Transmission oil life, filter or other service needed as reported by the Allison Transmission ECU Engine conditions: Low oil pressure, high coolant temperature, low coolant level, water in fuel, check / stop engine, regeneration needed, high exhaust temp Indicator lights may also accompany pop up messages: • Door ajar indicator will also pop up a "Do Not Move Vehicle, Check all doors and Items that Raise or extend beyond apparatus cab or body" message 03/24/15 23 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper CHASSIS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The chassis shall include a single starting electrical system which shall include a 12 volt direct current system, suppressed per SAE J551. The wiring shall be appropriate gauge cross link with 311 degree Fahrenheit insulation. All SAE wires in the chassis shall be color coded and shall include the circuit number and function where possible. The wiring shall be protected by 275 degree Fahrenheit minimum high temperature flame retardant loom. CHASSIS COLOR CODED WIRING All chassis wiring shall be type "GXL" in accordance with S.A.E. J1128 and NFPA-1901. ALL wiring shall be COLOR CODED and continuously marked with the circuit number and function. A battery "loop back" ground circuit shall be supplied for the EDS system to reduce the possible effects of Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Interference. The chassis cab, engine and transmission shall be electrically bonded to the chassis frame rails with braided ground straps. MAIN CENTER DASH The main center dash area shall include three (3) removable panel’s located one (1) to the right of the driver position, one (1) in the center of the dash and one (1) to the left of the officer position. The center panel shall be within comfortable reach of both the driver and officer. The panel shall be constructed of 5052-H32 Marine Grade, 1/8 inch thick aluminum plate. The left dash panel shall include ten (10) switches. There shall be eight (8) switches across the top of the panel and two (2) staggered on the lower portion of the panel. The transmission shifter and instrument lamp dimmer control shall be provided on the right side of the panel. The center dash panel shall include lighted rocker switches with a legend. The non-specified switches shall be twoposition, black switches with an indicator light. All switch legends shall have backlighting provided. The center portion shall be used for electronic siren mounting. The right dash panel shall be blank. VEHICLE DATA RECORDER Apparatus shall be equipped with a Class1 “Vehicle Data Recorder and Seat Belt Warning System” (VDR/SBW) that is connected to the power train CAN (Controller Area Network) bus consisting of transmission (TCM), engine control (ECM) and antilock brake (ABS) modules mounted on the apparatus. The VDR/SBW will function per NFPA 1901-2009 sections 4.11 (Vehicle Data Recorder) utilizing the power train’s J1939 data and (Seat Belt Warning) using the Class1 “Seat Belt Input Module” for seat occupied and belt status information. The VDR data shall be downloadable by USB cable to a computer using either Microsoft™ or Apple™ Operating Systems using Class 1/ O.E.M. supplied reporting software. There shall be a seat belt indicator system supplied in the cab. The indicator system shall indicate seat belt use for each individual seating position when the seat is occupied, the seat belt remains unfastened and the parking brake is released. 03/24/15 24 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper A display panel shall be supplied in the dash area. The panel shall have an audible indicators and a red light display to indicate that a seat belt has not been fastened. SEAT BELT WARNING SYSTEM Mounted in the overhead console in the driver's area the indicator system shall indicate seat belt use for each individual seating position when the seat is occupied, the seat belt remains unfastened and the parking brake is released. STEERING COLUMN The steering column shall be a Douglas Autotec tilt and telescope. A lever mounted on the side of the column shall control the tilt and telescope features. A Signal-Stat (self-canceling) turn signal switch shall be mounted to the column. The steering shaft from the column to the meter box shall have a rubber boot to cover the shaft slip and a second rubber boot to seal the passage hole in the floor. The steering wheel shall be 18 inches in diameter. The Signal-Stat turn signal switch shall include the following functions: • • • • • Left and right turn signals High beam dimmer control Hazard warning switch Two speed with intermittent windshield wiper control Windshield washer control HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM The climate control system shall use three-(3) heater-air conditioner units. The front circuits shall use two-(2) heater-air conditioning units, mounted under the dash on the driver's side and under the officer's side. These units are each rated at 14,700 BTU heating and 19,200 BTU cooling. The units shall blow up toward the windshield through adjustable vents in the dash. Additionally, there shall be two-(2) adjustable vents each side to direct air at the lower portion of the driver and officer seating areas. Two switches, including low/med/high and heat/off/ ac, shall control the front system. A blend air switch shall be installed to operate both the front heating and cooling systems. This provides hot and dry air for defogging purposes. The rear circuit shall use one large heater-air conditioner unit with a rating of 34,150 BTU cooling and 36,000 BTU heating. It shall be mounted under the forward facing rear seats. Ducting shall run up the rear wall to adjustable vents (minimum of six) running along the center of the ceiling toward the front of the cab. Two-(2) switches including high/med/low and heat/off/AC shall control the unit. In addition to the rear control switches, there shall be an ON/OFF switch located near the driver to disable the rear unit if needed. The entire roof and back wall shall be heavily insulated with 1" foam to enhance the cooling system. 03/24/15 25 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Both heaters shall be plumbed with a shut off valve at the engine. The air conditioning system shall be powered through two (2) engine driven 9.5 cubic inch compressors. Two (2) roof top condensers, each rated at 38,700 Btu, shall be provided. The two-(2) roof top condenser housings shall be black in color. C.A.P.S. COMPLETE AIR BAG PROTECTION SYSTEM C.A.P.S. Complete Airbag Protection - All Outboard Seating Positions There shall be inflatable side roll protection system for outer seating positions inner seating positions shall receive IBP's. The C.A.P.S. ® roll protection system shall activate and deploy when the side roll sensor detects an imminent rollover. The system shall deploy inflatable tubular structures (ITS) for the front of cab occupants or inflatable head curtains (IHC) for all occupants in the outboard seating positions of the cab. All protected static seating locations shall be equipped with integrated buckle pretensioners (IBP) which removes excess slack from the seat belt. All tubular protected seating positions shall automatically be repositioned to a lower seating position by use of a "Suspension Seat Safety System" (S4S) when an imminent rollover is detected. SYSTEM COMPONENTS & FUNCTIONALITY Roll Sensor The C.A.P.S. ® System Roll Sensor is an electronic module used to deploy advanced occupant restraint systems in the event of a vehicle roll over. In response to a roll event, the Roll Sensor activates safety devices in a pre-programmed sequence. An event recorder tracks onboard data before and after a roll event. Real time diagnostics monitor all critical subsystems. The roll sensor is designed to meet the environmental and electrical conditions of the apparatus. The roll sensor shall have a minimum of eight pyrotechnic safety device outputs with full diagnostics. It shall be programmable sequencing for left and right rolls. The roll sensor shall have a power reserve for one second in case of power loss during a roll event. A (10-second) roll event data recorder shall record the angle and rate of roll eight seconds before and two seconds after a roll event and shall record fault status and switch status at the time of the roll. The sensor shall be capable of SAE J1708/J1587 diagnostics using proprietary communication protocol for roll event "reconstruction data" and shall be SAE J1939 capable. In addition, the roll sensor shall also have five non-firing outputs rated for 250 mA. These outputs can drive lamps, relays, or signal data logging devices. One output is reserved for the dash-warning lamp, which illuminates for 10 seconds on power-up to indicate proper operation. Faults and roll events shall illuminate the lamp continuously. There are four switch closure-sensing inputs to record switch status in the event data recorder. SEAT MATERIAL The seats shall be covered with Durawear material. SEAT COLOR 03/24/15 26 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The cab seats shall be gray in color. INFLATABLE TUBULAR STRUCTURE (ITS), DRIVER'S SEAT There shall be one-(1) Inflatable Tubular Structure (ITS) designed to protect the occupant's head in the event of a rollover. The tubular side airbag shall be installed outboard of the driver's seated position above the side window secured to the vehicle at each end. The system uses a stored-gas powered inflator to inflate the airbag. The diameter of the airbag increases during inflation when deployed and decreases in length. The deployed airbag; generates tension between attachment points and is positioned to protect the specified range of occupants. While in the stowed position, the airbag is contained behind a trim cover, which releases the airbag during deployment. The trim components are elastomeric extrusions that are integrated into the vehicles interior to meet styling and functional requirements. DRIVER'S SEAT The driver's seat shall be a Bostrom Model Sierra high-back with air ride suspension. The seat shall have 4-way adjustability by the driver in accordance with SAE J1517. The seat shall be equipped with an integrated 3-point seat belt with an automatic retractor. The belt shall be red in color to meet current NFPA requirements. OFFICER'S SEAT The officer's seat shall be a Bostrom Tanker 450 SCBA with air suspension seat. Seat back shall include a spring-loaded flip-up headrest. The seat shall be equipped with a 3-point shoulder harness with lap belt and an automatic retractor built into the seat assembly. The belt shall be red in color to meet current NFPA requirements. INFLATABLE TUBULAR STRUCTURE (ITS), OFFICER'S SEAT There shall be one-(1) Inflatable Tubular Structure (ITS) designed to protect the occupant's head in the event of a rollover. The tubular side airbag shall be installed outboard of the officer's seated position above the side window secured to the vehicle at each end. The system uses a stored-gas powered inflator to inflate the airbag. The diameter of the airbag increases during inflation when deployed and decreases in length. The deployed airbag; generates tension between attachment points and is positioned to protect the specified range of occupants. While in the stowed position, the airbag is contained behind a trim cover, which releases the airbag during deployment. The trim components are elastomeric extrusions that are integrated into the vehicles interior to meet styling and functional requirements. There shall one-(1) SCBA seat cavity removable panel provided for a smooth back when the breathing air apparatus is not in use. There shall be a SmartDock Gen II hands-free SCBA holder provided with the seat. The SCBA holder shall be a strap-free docking station with single motion insertion and hands-free release when the occupant rises out of the seat. CREW SEAT, DRIVER'S SIDE REAR FACING One-(1) outboard, rear facing, seat shall be installed behind the driver. The seat shall be Bostrom Tanker 450 SCBA nonsuspension seat. The seat back shall include spring-loaded flip-up headrest. The seat shall be equipped with 3-point seat belt with automatic retractor. The belt shall be red in color to meet current NFPA requirements. INFLATABLE HEAD CURTAIN (IHC), DRIVER'S SIDE OUTBOARD REAR FACING SEAT 03/24/15 27 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The Inflatable Head Curtain shall be a state-of-the-art, pyrotechnic device designed to be compact concealed outboard of the rear facing seat driver's side. The Inflatable Head Curtain protects the head and neck during a crash event. It uses an inflator to achieve its inflated state within the specified designed parameters. The IHC is designed to provide adequate head coverage for a range of occupants from 5th percentile female to the 95th percentile male. The curtain typically deploys and inflates in less than 50 milliseconds after the firing current is applied. In its deployed state, the curtain covers approximately 0.17 sq. meters (1.8 sq. ft.) and occupies a volume of approximately 20 liters (1220 cubic inches). Due to its unique construction and specialized coating, the airbag is capable of maintaining adequate pressure for a minimum of 5 seconds. INTEGRATED BUCKLE PRETENSIONER (IBP), DRIVER'S SIDE OUTBARD REAR FACING SEAT There shall be one-(1) Integrated Buckle Pretensioner (IBP) provided for the outboard rear facing seat, driver's side. The Buckle Pretensioner is designed using a micro gas generator applying tension to the occupant's seatbelt in the event of a roll over. Upon receiving a signal from the rollover sensors, the Buckle Pretensioner is deployed retracting the cable and buckle removing slack from the belt. The Integrated Buckle Pretensioner system is only effective when the occupant's seatbelt is in the locked position. There shall be a SmartDock Gen II hands-free SCBA holder provided with the seat. The SCBA holder shall be a strap-free docking station with single motion insertion and hands-free release when the occupant rises out of the seat. CREW SEAT, OFFICER'S SIDE REAR FACING One-(1) outboard, rear facing, seat shall be installed behind the officer. The seat shall be Bostrom Tanker 450 SCBA nonsuspension seat. The seat shall include a spring-loaded flip-up headrest. The seat shall be equipped with a 3-point seat belt. The belt shall be red in color to meet current NFPA requirements. There shall be one-(1) SCBA seat cavity removable panel provided for a smooth back when the breathing air apparatus is not in use. INFLATABLE HEAD CURTAIN (IHC), OFFICER'S SIDE OUTBOARD REAR FACING SEAT The Inflatable Head Curtain shall be a state-of-the-art, pyrotechnic device designed to be compact concealed outboard of the rear facing seat officer's side. The Inflatable Head Curtain protects the head and neck during a crash event. It uses an inflator to achieve its inflated state within the specified designed parameters. The IHC is designed to provide adequate head coverage for a range of occupants from 5th percentile female to the 95th percentile male. The curtain typically deploys and inflates in less than 50 milliseconds after the firing current is applied. In its deployed state, the curtain covers approximately 0.17 sq. meters (1.8 sq. ft.) and occupies a volume of approximately 20 liters (1220 cubic inches). Due to its unique construction and specialized coating, the airbag is capable of maintaining adequate pressure for a minimum of 5 seconds. INTEGRATED BUCKLE PRETENSIONER (IBP), OFFICER'S SIDE OUTBARD REAR FACING SEAT There shall be one-(1) Integrated Buckle Pretensioner (IBP) provided for the outboard rear facing seat, officer's side. The Buckle Pretensioner is designed using a micro gas generator applying tension to the occupant's seatbelt in the event of a 03/24/15 28 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper roll over. Upon receiving a signal from the rollover sensors, the Buckle Pretensioner is deployed retracting the cable and buckle removing slack from the belt. The Integrated Buckle Pretensioner system is only effective when the occupant's seatbelt is in the locked position. There shall be a SmartDock Gen II hands-free SCBA holder provided with the seat. The SCBA holder shall be a strap-free docking station with single motion insertion and hands-free release when the occupant rises out of the seat. There shall one-(1) SCBA seat cavity removable panel provided for a smooth back when the breathing air apparatus is not in use. CREW SEATS, INBOARD FORWARD FACING Two-(2) inboard, forward facing seats shall be installed in the crew area. The seats shall be Bostrom Tanker 450 SCBA non-suspension seats. Seat backs shall include spring-loaded flip-up headrest. The seat shall be equipped with a 3-point seat belt. The belts shall be red in color to meet current NFPA requirements. INTEGRATED BUCKLE PRETENSIONER (IBP), INBOARD FORWARD FACING SEATS There shall be two-(2) Integrated Buckle Pretensioners (IBP) provided for the inboard forward facing seats. The Buckle Pretensioners are designed using a micro gas generator applying tension to the occupant's seatbelt in the event of a roll over. Upon receiving a signal from the rollover sensors, the Buckle Pretensioners are deployed retracting the cable and buckle removing slack from the belt. The Integrated Buckle Pretensioner system is only effective when the occupant's seatbelt is in the locked position. There shall be a SmartDock Gen II hands-free SCBA holder provided with each seat. The SCBA holders shall be a strapfree docking station with single motion insertion and hands-free release when the occupant rises out of the seat. There shall be two-(2) SCBA seat cavity removable panels provided for a smooth back when the breathing air apparatus are not in use. CHARGING PORT(S), 12-VOLT DUAL USB There shall be one (1) Kussmaul model 019-219, 12-volt USB dual charging port(s) provided in the cab. The charging port(s) shall be equipped with one-(1) 1.0 amp connection and one-(1) 2.1 amp connection with built in LED indicator that indicates when the device(s) are powered. The charging port(s) shall be wired to direct battery power with the appropriate wire size and fuse. The charging port(s) shall be located in the emergency switch panel. 12-VOLT POWER OUTLET(S) There shall be two (2) 12-volt power outlets provided in the cab. The power outlet(s) shall be wired to direct battery power with the appropriate wire size and fuse. 03/24/15 29 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper ELECTRONIC SIREN There shall be one-(1) Whelen model WS-295HFS2 hands free siren control head mounted in the center switch panel. The siren button shall be activated when the siren is in hands free mode. The siren shall incorporate a rotary selector. There shall be an on/off power switch, a push button switch for manual siren or air horn tones, and a noise-canceling microphone with volume control. BACK-UP ALARM There shall be one-(1) electronic back-up alarm installed at the rear of the apparatus. The alarm shall be wired to the transmissions output signal and is automatically activated when the transmission is shifted into reverse. LIGHTS, CAB DOME Four-(4) combination clear/red LED dome lights with one-(1) piece bezels shall be installed in the cabs headliner. The push on / push off switches for the clear and red dome lights are integrally mounted in the dome lights lens. The white LED lights shall be activated when any cab door is in the open position automatically switching off all red lights currently on and reactivated when the door is closed. LIGHT, DOOR AJAR A red door ajar flashing light, Whelen OS Series LED shall be mounted on the driver's side face of the overhead panel. A chrome flange is to be supplied with the light. This light is wired with a flasher to the power panel for completion to circuit on the body. The light circuit shall be wired so that the light circuit is deactivated when the parking brakes of the apparatus are applied. A label shall be applied adjacent to the light 'DOOR OPEN'. LIGHTS, STEP WELL Four-(4) Whelen OS Series LED model 0SC0EDCR shall be provided, one-(1) in each cab step well. All step well lights shall be illuminated when any door is opened. The steady burn illumination light shall incorporate three clear LED and a clear non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated assembly shall provide protection against environmental elements. The solid state illumination light shall be vibration resistant. An installation kit including mounting hardware, neoprene gasket and 45 degree angle chrome housing shall be provided for surface mounting. The 0AC0EDCR will contain a 12” nonterminated pigtail. The illumination light meets SAE J592 requirements and is covered by a five year factory warranty. LIGHTS, ENGINE MAINTENANCE Two-(2) white 4" LED round lights shall be mounted under the cab. The lights shall automatically activate when the cab is tilted. 03/24/15 30 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper STANDARD FRONT LIGHTING The headlamps, turn signals, front warning, and intersection lights shall be located within chrome warning light modules. HEADLIGHTS Four-(4) halogen rectangular headlights shall be installed in the warning light modules, two-(2) each side. The headlights shall be mounted in the lower positions of the module. TURN SIGNALS Whelen model M6T amber LED turn signal lamps shall be installed above warning light modules directly below the windshield. TURN SIGNAL/MARKER LIGHTS Whelen model 400 amber LED lamps shall be mounted outboard of the turn signal at a 45-degree angle off the front of the cab. The lamps are part of the warning light module, and are visible from both the front and side of the vehicle. LED CORNERING LIGHTS Whelen model 400 flashing LED-cornering lamps shall be mounted below the marker light in the warning light module. The lamps are mounted at a 45-degree angle off the front of the cab and are visible from the side and front of the vehicle. DOT LIGHTS There shall be five-(5) LED marker lights installed on the cabs roof located as high as practical and spaced per DOT guidelines. INBOARD LOWER FRONT WARNING LIGHTS There shall be two-(2) Whelen model M6RC red LED lights installed inboard of the turn signal in the warning light modules. The lights shall be red with clear lens. OUTBOARD LOWER FRONT WARNING LIGHTS There shall be two-(2) Whelen model M6RC red LED lights installed outboard of the inner LED light in the warning light modules. The lights shall be red with clear lens. CAB GROUND LIGHTS There shall be one-(1) Whelen model T0CACCCR 2" (5mm) LED light mounted under each cab door illuminating the area below providing a safe entrance and exit for cab occupants. All cab ground lights shall automatically activate when any cab door is opened and by a switch located on the dash. FRONT BUMPER 03/24/15 31 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper There shall be an 80,000 psi high tensile strength painted steel bumper provided fabricated from 10-1/2” x 3-1/2” x .375 steel channel bolted to the chassis frame rails utilizing grade 8 hardware protecting the front of the apparatus during headon or angled collisions. The bumper shall be painted job color. BUMPER GUIDE POLES Two-(2) chrome guide poles shall be installed, one-(1) each side of the front bumper wired to the chassis running lights. MODIFICATION, FRONT BUMPER EXTENSION The front bumper extension shall be extended to twenty-eight (28) inches to accommodate the booster reel. GRAVELSHIELD A gravelshield constructed of 1/8" (.125") embossed aluminum tread plate shall be installed above the frame extension between the bumper and the front face of the cab. SPEAKER, PASSENGER'S SIDE There shall be one-(1) speaker shall be installed thru the front face of the bumper, passenger side, outboard. The speaker shall be a Cast Products, 100-watts wired to the electronic siren. AIR HORN, PASSENGER'S SIDE There shall be one-(1) 24" long Grover air horn installed in compliance with NFPA thru the front bumper, passenger's side, outboard of the frame rail. The air horn shall be plumbed to the chassis, air supply system thru an air protection valve, and manufactured from spun brass material with an easily separated die cast sounding unit for serviceability. AIR HORN, DRIVER'S SIDE There shall be one-(1) 24" long Grover air horn installed in compliance with NFPA thru the front bumper, driver's side, ouboard of the frame rail. The air horn shall be plumbed to the chassis, air supply system thru an air protection valve, and manufactured from spun brass material with an easily separated die cast sounding unit for serviceability. AIR HORN FOOT SWITCHES Two-(2) foot operated switches shall be installed, one (1) on each side on the driver and officer's side wired to the air horn(s). SWITCH, HORN/AIR HORN SELECTOR A driver controlled horn/air horn selector switch shall be installed in the cab and operate either air horn(s) or chassis electric horn through the horn ring button. 03/24/15 32 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper SPEAKER, DRIVER'S SIDE There shall be one-(1) speaker shall be installed thru the front face of the bumper, driver's side, outboard. The speaker shall be a Cast Products, 100-watts wired to the electronic siren. MECHANICAL SIREN One (1) Federal Signal Q2B siren model #Q2B-012PSD electro-mechanical siren shall be mounted on the extended front bumper, driver's side outboard. The Q2B siren shall be a streamlined, chrome plated siren designed to provide reliable and long-life operation. The electro-mechanical siren shall produce the distinctive Q2B sound that is a registered trademark of Federal Signal, and shall be provided with a heavy duty clutch and an electric brake. The Q2B siren shall measure 10.5” high x 14” long x 10” deep and shall produce 123 decibels at ten feet. The siren shall operate off the vehicles 12V system. The Q2B siren shall be pedestal mounted in the front of emergency vehicles. The siren brake switch shall be located within reach of the driver. SIREN WIRING The siren activation switch shall be wired thru the chassis park brake and operate in the "Response Mode" only. SIREN FOOT SWITCH A foot operated switch shall be installed on the officer's side wired to the mechanical siren. SWITCH, HORN/SIREN SELECTOR A driver controlled horn/siren selector switch shall be installed in the cab and operate either the mechanical siren or chassis electric horn through the horn ring button. {Bidder Comply} CHROME BELL A chrome bell shall be supplied and mounted on the extended front bumper as directed by the Fire Department. Location: Officer's side of the extended front bumper STAINLESS STEEL WHEEL TRIM The front and rear axle wheels shall be trimmed with stainless steel hub and lug nut covers. The front axle’s hub cover shall be equipped with holes for oil level viewing. FIRE PUMP MOUNTING 03/24/15 33 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Extra heavy-duty mounting brackets shall be bolted to the chassis frame rails for the installation of the fire pump. The mounting brackets shall be positioned aligning the pump insuring the angular velocity of the driveline joints are the same at each end allowing for full capacity performance with minimal vibration. COMPARTMENT, OXYGEN BOTTLE There shall be a compartment fabricated to store two-(2) D size oxygen bottles. The bottles shall be stacked one on top of each other. The compartment shall be located in the lower side cab extensions on the officer’s side. The compartment door shall be brushed stainless steel with thumb latch, hinged toward the forward side. The door shall have a stop mechanism to not allow the door to open in the cab door area or no more than 90-degrees. PAC-TRAC TOOL BOARD(S) Two (2) Pac-Trac tool board(s) shall be installed in the cab for the mounting of additional equipment. The tool board slats shall be provided with Trac Lock inserts and fasteners. Locations: One-(1) each side on the back wall of the cab, outboard of the center forward facing seats above the EMS compartments COMPARTMENT, OUTBOARD FORWARD FACING Two-(2) forward facing EMS compartments constructed of 1/8" smooth aluminum shall be mounted in the cab, one-(1) each side outboard on the rear wall. The compartments shall be sprayed with "F-Shied" to match the interior of the cab. Each compartment shall be 24" wide x 10". The compartments shall be accessed from the top only. A black cargo net shall be installed over each opening to secure the contents. 12-VOLT FUSE BLOCK(S) There shall be one (1) Blue Sea fuse block(s) 5025 installed in a location determined by the customer. The unit shall include a six-(6) 12 volt constant power supply ports and grounding buss with easily changeable fuses. The unit shall have a 100 amp total operating range. Location: Officer's side of the engine tunnel MAP BOOK HOLDER A map book holder shall be installed in the cab as directed by the Fire Department. The map book holder shall be constructed of smooth aluminum with a Velcro retaining strap. The map book holder shall be painted to match the interior color of the cab. STORAGE BINS, EMS BAGS 03/24/15 34 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper There shall be a storage bin fabricated from smooth aluminum installed one-(1) each side of the forward facing seats. Each bin shall be wedge shaped and hold an EMS gear bag. A Velcro strap shall be provided over each bin to secure the contents. RADIO A Jensen radio with weather band, AM/FM stereo receiver, compact disc (CD) player, and rear iPod input pigtail connector, satellite radio capability, a front panel mini stereo input jack, and four (4) speakers shall be installed in the cab. The CD player shall be compatible with CD-R, CD-RW and MP3 format discs. The radio shall be installed in the left hand overhead position. The speakers shall be installed inside the cab with two (2) speakers recessed within the headliner of the front of the cab just behind the windshield and two (2) speakers on the upper rear wall of the cab. A small antenna shall be located on the left hand side of the cab roof for AM/FM and weather ban reception. RADIO INSTALLATION There shall be two (2) radio(s) supplied by the Fire Department shall be installed in the cab by the apparatus body builder. Location: TBD The items must be sent to the manufacturer in advance, and marked with name and shop order number for identification. RADIO ANTENNA MOUNT(S) There shall be one (1) standard antenna-mounting base(s), model MNO, with 17 feet of coax cable and weatherproof cap provided for a two (2)-way radio installation. The mount(s) shall be located on the cab roof, just to the rear of the light bar. The cable(s) shall be routed under the officer's seat. RADIO POWER CIRCUIT A 50 amp switched battery power circuit with manual reset shall be installed centered in the dash to activate the radio. POWER AND GROUND STUDS The electrical distribution panel shall include two (2) power studs. The studs shall be size #10 and each of the power studs shall be circuit protected with a fuse of the specified amperage. One (1) power stud shall be capable of carrying up to a 40 amp battery direct load and one (1) power stud shall be capable of carrying up to a 20 amp ignition switched load. The two (2) power studs shall share one (1) #10 ground stud. SIREN, LOW FREQUENCY A Whelen Low Frequency Siren and Speaker System model HOWLER shall be provided. The siren and speaker system shall incorporate a 12V/200W amplifier and two injection molded Howler speakers. The amplifier assembly shall have the ability for either 100 or 200 watt output. The amplifier PC board shall have input polarity protection and output short circuit protection. The amplifier shall have a built-in timer to limit excessive reverberation. The amplifier shall include a 20A/32V fuse. The amplifier shall have a Scan-Lock™ button located in the front. Three LEDs located in the rear of the amplifier provide a visual indication of the selected tone duration. There shall be eight tone duration selections from 7.5 to 03/24/15 35 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper 60 seconds. The speaker is conformal coated to protect against elements. The Howler shall be used as an additional warning system in conjunction with existing separate siren systems. The Howler shall have the ability for Scan-Lock programming of both the siren tone style and duration. The Howler shall function with any sweeping tone, Hi/Low, and electronic mechanical tone generated by the primary siren. The Howler low frequency tones shall be synchronized with the primary siren tones to penetrate high noise and traffic situations. The Howler siren module, with aid of the primary siren speaker output wires, shall divide the frequency to one of three frequency bands with the aid of the dip switch; the selections are 1/4 tone and 1/2 tone, or a composite of 1/4 tone and 1/2 tone. The Howler shall have two external cancel controls that will allow a positive or negative activation to cancel the tone. Mounting brackets are included and designed for specific vehicle chassis and end user must select proper bracket kit. The Howler is covered by a two year factory warranty. Location: TBD CARRYING CAPACITY PLATE A permanently attached carrying capacity plate in accordance with NFPA 1901 Standards shall be installed in plain view of the driver. The tag shall include the following: • • • • Overall height Overall length GVWR Seating capacity SEATING CAPACITY PLATE A permanently attached Seating Capacity Plate shall be mounted in the cab in plain view that reads “Seating Capacity – 6 People”. Each seating position that is not, intended to be used during transit shall be individually labeled as follows: "WARNING THIS SEAT IS NOT TO BE OCCUPIED WHILE VEHICLE IS IN MOTION" OCCUPANCY/SEAT BELT PLATE Occupancy / Seat Belt plates shall be provided and installed visible from each seated position, which reads: "OCCUPANTS MUST BE SEATED AND BELTED WHEN THE APPARATUS IN MOTION" "DO NOT WEAR HELMET" PLATE A plate shall be installed visible from each seating position that states: "DO NOT WEAR HELMET WHILE SEATED" 03/24/15 36 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper OVERALL HEIGHT/LENGTH/WEIGHT PLATE An Overall Height/Length/Weight information plate shall be installed that can be clearly identified and visible to the driver while in the seated position showing the apparatus completed overall height, length, (in feet and inches) and gross vehicle weight (in tons) current to the apparatus manufactured date. If changes to the vehicle occur while in service, the department must revise the overall height-length-weight plate. FLUID CAPACITY PLATE A permanently affixed fluid date plate shall be installed in the driving compartment to indicate the type and quantities of the following fluid used in the vehicle. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Engine Oil Engine Coolant Chassis Transmission Fluid Pump Transmission Lubrication Fluid (if applicable) Pump Primer Fluid (if applicable) Drive Axle Lubrication Fluid Air Conditioning Refrigerant Air Conditioning Lubrication Oil Power Steering Fluid Cab Tilt Mechanism Fluid Transfer Case Fluid Equipment Rack Fluid Air Compressor System Lubricant Generator System Lubricant Front Tire Pressure - Cold Rear Tire Pressure - Cold The following information shall also be supplied on the Fluid Data Plate: • • • • • • Chassis Manufacturer Production Number Paint Number Year Built Date Shipped Vehicle Identification Number MOVEMENT WARNING PLATE A permanently affixed Movement Warning plate shall be installed near the door ajar light that reads: “DO NOT MOVE APPARATUS WHEN LIGHT IS ON". "DO NOT RIDE" PLATE 03/24/15 37 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper A permanently affixed "DO NOT RIDE" warning plate shall be installed located on the stepping areas of the vehicle warning personnel that riding on or in these areas while the vehicle in motion is prohibited. PUMP ENCLOSURE, TOP MOUNT The pump enclosure superstructure shall be constructed of aluminum tubing, channel, angle, and break-formed components. All break formed components shall be constructed from 3/16" (.1875) aluminum. The crossmembers support the substructure and the exterior panels independently from the cab and body. The front of the pump module shall be covered with aluminum tread plate to keep road debris from the front of the pump. The crossmembers shall be isolated from the frame rails using torsion mounts. The pump enclosure shall be supported at the top of the frame rails, in a minimum of four-(4) places. The module shall be secured with angle brackets bolted to both the pump enclosure support cross rails and the side of the chassis frame rails. This design is required to eliminate shifting and stress on the pump enclosure, pump panels, and running boards. The pump enclosure shall provide an area for the installation of crosslays or a dunnage area. Any pump enclosure constructed using any material other than aluminum or utilizing any other mounting method is not acceptable. SEPARATE PUMP MODULE The pump module will be a self-supported structure mounted independently from the body and chassis cab. The pump module will be constructed entirely of extrusions and aluminum plate and shall be bolted to the chassis frame rails. The framework will be formed from beveled aluminum alloy extrusions and electrically seam welded both internally and externally at each joint using 5356 aluminum alloy welding wire. The main framework shall be 3.00 x 3.50, 6063-T6 aluminum extrusion. Aluminum angle will be welded such that a recessed pump panel can be mounted inside the extrusion perimeter. The module shall be mounted to the chassis frame rails utilizing a "U" bolt spring mounting system. The pump module design must allow normal frame deflection without imposing stress on the pump module stucture or side running boards. PUMP PANELS The operator's controls and gauges shall be mounted on pump panels constructed of 1/8" (.125) black anodized, non-glare aluminum. No vinyl coverings shall be acceptable as these surfaces are subjected to rough service and vinyl is susceptible to tearing. The pump controls shall be located at the top of the enclosure. This panel shall be removable for access to gauges and auxiliary controls. The top mount Master gauge panel shall be hinged with quarter-turn latches at each end. All gauges and controls shall be properly identified with color-coded metal tags. The tags shall be affixed with 3M brand industrial adhesive. The gauges shall be functionally grouped above each control. Two-(2) access doors shall be provided below the operator's panel for inspection or service of the pump. The doors shall be constructed of 3/16" (.1875") aluminum tread plate with D-ring handles on each panel. 03/24/15 38 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The upper portion of the right side pump panel shall have hinged double doors for access to the pump compartment and primer reservoir. The doors shall be constructed of .125" aluminum tread plate. All instruments and controls shall be provided and installed as a group at the pump panel. The central midpoint or centerline of any valve control shall be no more than 72" vertically above the platform that is designed to serve as the operator's standing position. The instruments shall be placed to keep the pump operator as far as practical from all discharge and intake connections and in a location where they are readily visible and operationally functional while the operator remains stationary. FULLY HINGED PUMP PANEL, RIGHT SIDE One-(1) vertically hinged pump panel with push style latch shall be installed and constructed of the same material as stated in the pump module specifications. The hinged panel replaces the current right hand lower removable panel for ease of access to the pump compartment during routine maintenance. LIGHT SHIELD, TOP CONSOLE A polished aluminum extruded light shield shall be provided above the pump operators control panel. LIGHT SHIELD, LEFT SIDE A polished aluminum extruded light shield shall be provided above the left side pump panel. LIGHT SHIELD, RIGHT SIDE A polished aluminum light shield extrusion shall be provided above the right side pump panel. PUMP PANEL LIGHT, TOP CONSOLE One-(1) individual OnScene Access LED pump panel light shall be mounted with on/off switch under the light shield above the operator's control panel. For optimum visibility during nighttime operations, the light shall be mounted as high as possible. PUMP PANEL LIGHT, LEFT SIDE One-(1) individual OnScene Access LED pump panel light with on/off switch shall be mounted under the light shield left side. For optimum visibility during nighttime operations, the light shall be mounted as high as possible. PUMP PANEL LIGHT, RIGHT SIDE One-(1) individual OnScene Access LED pump panel light with on/off switch shall be mounted under the light shield right side. For optimum visibility during nighttime operations, the light shall be mounted as high as possible. LIGHTS, PUMP COMPARTMENT One-(1) compartment light shall be installed in the pump compartment for inspection or routine maintenance wired to the pump panel light switch. 03/24/15 39 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper TOP MOUNT WALKWAY W/TOOL COMPARTMENTS A 20" wide walkway shall be provided for the pump operator. The walking surface shall be manufactured from 3/16" nonskid aluminum tread plate. The walkway shall be accessible from either side of the apparatus utilizing running board steps. The distance from the top surface of the running boards to the top surface of the walkway shall not exceed NFPA standards. A crosswalk warning sign shall be installed centered on the exterior wall of the cab per NFPA standards Tool compartments shall be installed one-(1) each side of the walkway. The compartments shall be constructed from 3/16" (.1875") smooth aluminum plate and be as large as possible. Each compartment shall have a door constructed from aluminum tread plate, with stainless steel (piano) hinges and D-Ring latches. STEPS BETWEEN WALKWAY AND RUNNING BOARD There shall be a wide Cast Product lighted step installed one-(1) each side of the body between the top mount walkway and the running boards. These steps shall meet all NFPA 1901 requirements. LIGHTS, TOP MOUNT WALKWAY Two-(2) clear lens LED lights shall be installed to illuminate the top mount walkway area. The lights shall be activated by a switch in the cab. RUNNING BOARD W/HOSE TRAY, LEFT SIDE A running board shall be provided on the left side of pump module constructed of “Embossed” 3/16” (.1875) aluminum tread plate flanged down and in 2.50” x 1.00” for maximum rigidity then bolted to the modules substructure to facilitate removal. A hose tray shall be installed in the running board constructed from 1/8” smooth aluminum plate approximately 9” wide x 32” long x 10” deep with drain holes provided in each corner to promote drainage. A restraining strap shall be provided securing the contents of the hose well. The running board stepping surface shall comply with the latest version of NFPA 1901. The hose tray shall be drop in "Floating" style. RUNNING BOARD W/HOSE TRAY, RIGHT SIDE A running board shall be provided on the right side of pump module constructed of “Embossed” 3/16” (.1875) aluminum tread plate flanged down and in 2.50” x 1.00” for maximum rigidity then bolted to the modules substructure to facilitate removal. 03/24/15 40 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper A hose tray shall be installed in the running board constructed from 1/8” smooth aluminum plate approximately 9” wide x 32” long x 10” deep with drain holes provided in each corner to promote drainage. A restraining straps shall be provided securing the contents of the hose well. The running board stepping surface shall comply with the latest version of NFPA 1901. The hose tray shall be drop in "Floating" style. HANDRAILS, TOP MOUNT WALKWAY One-(1) pair of 30" handrails shall be installed at the front of the pump module. The handrails shall be mounted vertically one-(1) each side near the top mount walkway. The handrails shall be constructed from 1-1/4" knurled aluminum. The handrails shall be mounted with chrome plated end stanchions. The handrails shall meet or exceed NFPA 1901 requirements. HANDRAILS, ABOVE DUNNAGE AREA One-(1) pair of 12" handrails shall be installed at the top of the pump enclosure. The handrails shall be mounted centered one-(1) each side of the dunnage area. The handrails shall be constructed from 1-1/4" knurled aluminum. The handrails shall be mounted with chrome plated end stanchions. The handrails shall meet or exceed NFPA 1901 requirements. AIR OUTLET(S), PUMP PANEL One (1) air outlet(s) complete with shutoff valve, shall be mounted on the pump panel. This shall be plumbed to the chassis air system. AIR HORN SWITCH, PUMP PANEL A push button momentary switch mounted on the pump panel shall activate the chassis air horn(s). PRESSURE GOVERNOR and ENGINE MONITORING DISPLAY Fire Research PumpBoss series PBA400-A00 pressure governor and monitoring display kit shall be installed. The kit shall include a control module, intake pressure sensor, discharge pressure sensor, and cables. The control module case shall be waterproof and have dimensions not to exceed 6 3/4" high by 4 5/8". The control knob shall be 2" in diameter with no mechanical stops, have a serrated grip, and a red idle push button in the center. It shall not extend more than 1 3/4" from the front of the control module. Inputs for monitored engine information shall be from a J1939 databus or independent sensors. Outputs for engine control shall be on the J1939 databus or engine specific wiring. Inputs from the pump discharge and intake pressure sensors shall be electrical. The following continuous displays shall be provided: Engine RPM; shown with four daylight bright LED digits more than 1/2" high 03/24/15 41 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Check engine and stop engine warning LEDs Engine oil pressure; shown on a dual color (green/red) LED bar graph display Engine coolant temperature; shown on a dual color (green/red) LED bar graph display Transmission Temperature: shown on a dual color (green/red) LED bar graph display Battery voltage; shown on a dual color (green/red) LED bar graph display Pressure and RPM operating mode LEDs Pressure / RPM setting; shown on a dot matrix message display Throttle ready LED. A dot-matrix message display shall show diagnostic and warning messages as they occur. It shall show monitored apparatus information, stored data, and program options when selected by the operator. All LED intensity shall be automatically adjusted for day and night time operation. The program shall store the accumulated operating hours for the pump and engine to be displayed with the push of a button. It shall monitor inputs and support audible and visual warning alarms for the following conditions: High Battery Voltage Low Battery Voltage (Engine Off) Low Battery Voltage (Engine Running) High Transmission Temperature Low Engine Oil Pressure High Engine Coolant Temperature Out of Water (visual alarm only) No Engine Response (visual alarm only). The program features shall be accessed via push buttons located on the front of the control module. There shall be a USB port located at the rear of the control module to upload future firmware enhancements. The governor shall operate in two control modes, pressure and RPM. No discharge pressure or engine RPM variation shall occur when switching between modes. A throttle ready LED shall light when the interlock signal is recognized. The governor shall start in pressure mode and set the engine RPM to idle. In pressure mode the governor shall automatically regulate the discharge pressure at the level set by the operator. In RPM mode the governor shall maintain the engine RPM at the level set by the operator except in the event of a discharge pressure increase. The governor shall limit a discharge pressure increase in RPM mode to a maximum of 30 psi. Other safety features shall include recognition of no water conditions with an automatic programmed response and a push button to return the engine to idle. The pressure governor and monitoring pressure display shall be programmed at installation for a specific engine. FILL SUBSURFACE/RETURN LINE There shall be one-(1) subsurface/return line installed in the booster tank. The subsurface/return line shall prevent aeration of the water in the booster tank under low water conditions. The subsurface/return line piping shall be of the same size as the “Tank Fill”. MASTER GAUGES, 6" 03/24/15 42 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Two compound 6" master gauges shall be provided and installed on the pump operator's panel. The intake and discharge gauges shall be liquid filled with a silicon solution to assure visual readings and reduce inner lens condensation. The body of the gauges shall be constructed of Zytel nylon with chrome-plated bezels. The face of the gauges shall be white with black markings reading from -30 to 600 PSI and accurate within 1%. PRESSURE GAUGES, 2-1/2" The discharges shall be provided with 2-1/2" pressure gauges. The discharge gauges shall be liquid filled with a solution to assure visual readings and reduce inner lens condensation. The body of the gauges shall be constructed of Zytel nylon with chrome-plated bezels. The face of the gauges shall be Spun Metal with black background and white markings reading from zero to 400 PSI. The gauges shall be installed at each discharge control on the pump operator's panel. On side mount pump applications with push pull handles each gauge shall incorporate a Thuemling Instrument Group 1-piece module assembly consisting of the gauge, push-pull and trim bezel. The pressure gauges shall maintain performance of all features and be free from defects in material and workmanship which includes fluid fill leakage and discoloration for seven years. GAUGE BEZELS, COLOR CODED The pump panel master and pressure gauge bezels shall be color coded. PUMP PANEL TAGS All discharges, gauges, and controls will be properly identified by color-coded metal tags. The metal tags will be affixed with 3M industrial adhesive. PUMP SYSTEM, WATEROUS CS SINGLE STAGE PUMP ASSEMBLY The pump shall be of single stage construction and comply with all applicable requirements of the latest standards for automotive fire apparatus of the National Fire Protection Association. The pump shall be free from objectionable pulsation and vibration under all normal operating conditions. The pump body shall be closed-grained gray iron and must be horizontally split in two sections for easy removal of the entire impeller shaft assembly, and designed for complete servicing from the bottom of the truck without disturbing setting of the pump in the chassis or apparatus piping, which is connected to the pump. Pump body halves shall be bolted together on a single horizontal face to minimize leakage and facilitate reassembly. The discharge manifold shall be cast as an integral part of the pump body assembly and provide at least three full 3-1/2" openings located one outlet on the right side of the pump body, one outlet on the left side of the pump body, and one outlet directly on top of the pump discharge manifold. 03/24/15 43 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The impeller shall be bronze with double suction inlets, accurately balanced (mechanically and hydraulically), of mixed flow design with reverse-flow, labyrinth-type, and utilize wear rings that resist water bypass and loss of efficiency due to wear. The wear rings are to be bronze, and shall be easily replaceable to restore original pump efficiency and eliminate the need for replacing the entire pump casing due to wear. The impeller shaft shall be stainless steel, accurately ground to size, and supported at each end by oil or grease-lubricated anti-friction ball bearings for rigid and precise support. Bearings shall be protected from water and sediment by suitable stuffing boxes, flinger rings, and oil seals. The impeller shaft shall be of two-piece construction separable between the pump and pump transmission to allow true separation of the transmission from the pump without disassembly of either component. No! Sleeve type bearings shall be used. The pump transmission shall be rigidly attached to the pump body assembly and be of the latest design incorporating a high strength, involuted, tooth-form Hy-Vo chain drive and driven sprockets capable of operating at high speeds to provide smooth, quite transfer of power. The shift engagement is accomplished by a free sliding collar and shall incorporate an internal locking mechanism to insure that collar shall be maintained in ROAD or PUMP position. For chassis equipped with automatic transmissions, the pump transmission driveline shall have a torque-rating equal to or greater than the maximum net engine torque multiplied times the first gear ratio and torque converter ratio. The suction fittings shall include removable, die cast, zinc screens that are designed to provide cathodic protection for the pump, thus reducing corrosion in the pump. A 3" clapper check valve shall be installed between the suction side of the pump and the tank-to-pump valve. This 3" clapper valve shall eliminate the possibility of a pressure surge expanding the water tank. Pump system shall utilize an integral discharge manifold system that allows a direct flow of water to all discharge valves. PACKING GLANDS The stuffing boxes shall be integral with the pump body and be equipped with two-piece glands to permit adjustment or replacement of packing without disturbing the pump. Lantern rings shall be located at inner ends of stuffing boxes so that all rings of packing can be removed without removal of the lantern rings. Water shall be fed into stuffing box lantern rings for proper lubrication and cooling when the pump is operating. PUMP SHIFT W/MANUAL OVERRIDE An air operated pump shift shall be installed in the chassis cab to engage the fire pump. Provisions shall be made for placing the pump drive system in operation using controls and switches that are clearly identified and within convenient reach of the operator while in the cab. A green indicator light shall be installed on the cab dash and labeled "Pump Engaged". Where an automatic chassis transmission is provided, a green indicator light in the driving compartment and a green indicator light located at the pump operator's position shall be provided and shall be energized when both the pump shift has been completed and the chassis transmission is engaged in pump gear. 03/24/15 44 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The light in the driving compartment shall be labeled "OK TO PUMP". The light on the pump operator shall be positioned adjacent to and preferably above the throttle control and shall be labeled "Warning: DO NOT OPEN THROTTLE UNLESS LIGHT IS ON". The green light on the pump operator's panel shall be energized when the pump is engaged, the transmission is in drive, and the parking brake is set. A pump shift manual override installed on the lower left pump panel providing a method of engaging the pump in the event of a failure of the powered pump shift. PUMP PRIMING SYSTEM A 12-volt positive displacement vane primer shall be installed, electrically driven conforming to the standards outlined in the current edition of NFPA. The system is an oil-less system and environmentally safe. It contains an electric rotary vane type positive displacement primer that operates off 12V or 24V power. The primer motor is totally enclosed to prevent dust, dirt and water from penetrating. The unit is constructed of corrosion resistant anodized aluminum, stainless steel, and composite materials, for wear and corrosion resistance. The control shall be pump panel mounted to operate the priming valve and start the priming motor. VALVE, MASTER DRAIN There shall be a master drain valve recessed mounted below the pump module under the side running board, connecting all drain lines, with the capacity to discharge water simultaneously from all locations to below the chassis frame rails. U.L. TEST POINTS Two-(2) U.L. test plugs shall be pump panel mounted for testing of vacuum and pressures. U.L. CERTIFICATION, 1250 GPM The vehicle shall be third party tested and certified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. UL testing is recognized as a leading, third party, product safety certification organization for over 100 years. UL has served on the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) technical committee for over thirty-(30) years. The testing organization must meet the following minimum requirements: • Must be nationally recognized testing laboratory recognized by OSHA • Must comply with the ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) standard E543 "Determining the qualifications for nondestructive testing agencies" • Must have more than forty (40) years of Automotive Fire Apparatus safety testing experience and more than fifteen (15) years of factory aerial device testing and Certification experience • Must not represent, be associated with, or in the manufacture or repair of automotive fire apparatus • Must provide proof of ten-(10) million dollars in excess liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage combined 03/24/15 45 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The pump shall meet and perform the following test to receive a U.L. Certification. • 100% of rated capacity at 150 PSI net pump pressure • 100% of rated capacity at 165 PSI net pump pressure • 70% of rated capacity at 200 PSI net pump pressure • 50% of rated capacity at 250 PSI net pump pressure PUMP TEST CERTIFICATION PLATE A permanently affixed plate shall be installed at the pump operator's panel. It shall provide the rated discharge and pressures together with the speed of the engine as determined by the certification test for each unit. It shall also provide the position of the parallel/series pump used and the no load governed speed of the engine as stated by the engine manufacturer on a certified brake horsepower curve. A label shall be provided on the pump operator's panel that states the following: "Warning: Death or serious injury might occur if proper operating procedures are not followed". The pump operator as well as individuals connecting supply or discharge hoses to the apparatus must be familiar with water hydraulics hazards and component limitations. SUCTION HEADERS A 6" NST non-gated suction header with removable screen, and long handled cap shall be provided on the left side of the pump. A 6" NST non-gated suction header with removable screen, and long handled cap shall be provided on the right side of the pump. INTAKE RELIEF VALVE There shall be an Akron model 59 suction side relief valve provided in the pump system. The relief valve is adjustable from 50-175 psi and set at the factory at 125 psi. TANK TO PUMP One (1) 3” ball valve shall be installed between the pump and the water tank. The tank to pump valve shall be a quarter turn fixed pivot design constructed from bronze. The valve shall be a (twist lock) lever controlled from the pump operator's control panel. TANK FILL There shall be a 1-1/2" pump to tank fill line installed, with a 1-1/2" inline bronze valve and high-pressure flexible hose tested to 1200 PSI. The valve shall be (twist lock) lever controlled from the pump operator's panel. ENGINE COOLER 03/24/15 46 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The engine cooler shall be installed in-line from the discharge side of the pump, and installed in the engine cooling system. There shall be a 1/2", quarter turn valve installed thru the pump panel and shall be clearly labeled. PUMP COOLER The pump shall have a 3/8" line installed from the pump discharge, to the water tank to cool the pump during long periods of pumping when water is not being discharged. The pump cooler shall be controlled from the pump operators panel by a 3/8" valve consisting of a cast bronze body with 1/4 turn chrome plated bronze ball, reinforced Teflon seals, and blowout-proof stem rated to 600 PSI. The valve shall be installed thru the pump panel and clearly labeled. PLUMBING SYSTEM All suction and discharge lines up to 3" shall be constructed of a minimum of Schedule 10 stainless steel pipe, where vibration or chassis flexing may damage or loosen threaded pipes, Victaulic or Roustabout couplings shall be used. All suction and discharge outlets shall have National Standard Threads (NST) and designed for 500 PSIG including, valves, drain cocks, lines, intake, and outlet closures, excluding the tank fill and tank to pump lines (tank side of the valves). PUMP/PLUMBING PAINTING The pump shall be painted black. This includes all intakes, discharges, manifolds, and associated valves. AKRON / WATEROUS LEVER CONTROL VALVE PACKAGE All specified discharge valves shall be Waterous bronze chromium plated with Stainless Steel internal parts lever controlled from the pump operator's panel. All other valves shall be Akron. Waterous Chromium plated bronze ball valves • • • • • • Modular design with interchangeable ends for mounting flexibility Floating self-adjusting seal assembly Complies with NFPA requirements Variety of valve ends Design for fast servicing Full flow construction The Akron Swing-Out Heavy-Duty valves are designed for operating pressures to 250 psi (17 bars) • • • • • • • 10-year warranty against manufacturer's defects Available in 1"to 4" sizes 90° handle travel 316 stainless steel ball with Hydromax technology Improved sealing & increased gating ability Flow optimization reduces turbulence while in the gated position and requires lower operating forces No lubrication or regular maintenance required Simple two seated design (no O-Rings to cut or lose during assembly or maintenance) 03/24/15 47 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper • • • Wide range of available adapters Designed and tested to exceed NFPA requirements Cast, machined and assembled at our facilities in Wooster, Ohio All valve packages shall meet current NFPA 1901 Standards for valve operating speeds when controlled by gear, electric actuator, or slow close device. SUCTION, 2-1/2" LEFT REAR PANEL One-(1) 2-1/2” lever operated ball valve shall be installed at the pump panel, left rear plumbed to the suction side of the pump with 2-1/2” piping, 2-1/2" FNST chrome inlet swivel, brass inlet strainer, chrome plug with chain, and 3/4” drain valve. The valve shall be controlled at the top mount operator’s panel. A warning plate permanently affixed in close proximity of the suction inlet shall be installed stating: "WARNING - SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH COULD OCCUR IF INLET IS SUPPLIED BY A PRESSURIZED SOURCE WHEN THE VALVE IS CLOSED". SUCTION, 2-1/2" RIGHT REAR PANEL One-(1) 2-1/2” ball valve shall be installed at the pump panel, right rear plumbed to the suction side of the pump with 21/2” piping, 2-1/2" FNST chrome inlet swivel, brass inlet strainer, chrome plug with chain, and 3/4” drain valve. A control handle shall be provided at the valve. A warning plate permanently affixed in close proximity of the suction inlet shall be installed stating: "WARNING - SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH COULD OCCUR IF INLET IS SUPPLIED BY A PRESSURIZED SOURCE WHEN THE VALVE IS CLOSED". DISCHARGE ELBOWS All 2-1/2" side discharge outlets shall terminate with chrome-plated 30-Degree elbows with 2-1/2" MNST threads, chrome vented cap and chain. BOOSTER REEL An Akron Brass, Cord Reel item ERWB-16-28 low profile electric rewind booster reel shall be installed in the center of the front bumper. All metal parts, except for the electric motor, chain and sprocket teeth, shall be powder painted red or silver at no additional charge. All hardware shall be stainless steel. Each booster reel shall have disks with rolled edges to prevent sharp edges. Each booster reel shall include a 1” NPT 90˚ swivel with female threads on the inlet and 1” NH male threads on the outlet. It shall also come standard with a chain guard, hand crank and tensioner. The reel shall have a capacity of holding 250’ of 3/4" or 150’ of 1” booster hose. The reel shall be rated at 1000 psi with a 2:1 safety factor. The booster reel shall be shipped completely assembled and ready to install and include mounting instructions. The booster reel shall come with the solenoid, switch and circuit breaker as standard at no additional charge and be covered by a 5 year warranty, including the motor. 03/24/15 48 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper A rewind switch shall be provided near the reel. All electric switch connections shall be coated to protect against moisture. Chrome rollers and guides shall be provided. The booster reel shall be controlled from the pump operator's panel. COVER, BOOSTER REEL There shall be an aluminum diamond plate cover installed over the booster reel, constructed of 1/8" aluminum tread plate material. The cover shall be designed to enclose and protect the booster reel. NO. 1 SPEEDLAY, 1-3/4" DOUBLE LAY One-(1) pre-connected speedlay compartment shall be provided below the top mount operator's panel accommodating 200' of 1-3/4" double jacket hose, with stainless steel nylon guided rollers installed at each end, and stainless steel scuff plates around the perimeter of the speedlay protecting the painted surfaces. One-(1) 2" ball valve with 3/4” drain and Chicksan swivel shall be provided plumbed to the speedlay with 2" highpressure flexible hose stainless steel couplings tested to 1200 PSI, the valve shall be lever controlled at the pump operator's panel. Each discharge is equipped with a quarter-turn drain valve. NO. 2 SPEEDLAY, 1-3/4" DOUBLE LAY One-(1) pre-connected speedlay compartment shall be provided below the top mount operator's panel accommodating 200' of 1-3/4" double jacket hose, with stainless steel nylon guided rollers installed at each end, and stainless steel scuff plates around the perimeter of the speedlay protecting the painted surfaces. One-(1) 2" ball valve with 3/4” drain and Chicksan swivel shall be provided plumbed to the speedlay with 2" highpressure flexible hose stainless steel couplings tested to 1200 PSI, the valve shall be lever controlled at the pump operator's panel. Each discharge is equipped with a quarter-turn drain valve. NO. 3 SPEEDLAY, 2-1/2" DOUBLE LAY One-(1) pre-connected speedlay compartment shall be provided below the top mount operator's panel accommodating 200' of 2-1/2" double jacket hose, with stainless steel nylon guided rollers installed at each end, and stainless steel scuff plates around the perimeter of the speedlay protecting the painted surfaces. One-(1) 2-1/2" ball valve with 3/4” drain and Chicksan swivel shall be provided plumbed to the speedlay with 2-1/2" high-pressure flexible hose stainless steel couplings tested to 1200 PSI, the valve shall be lever controlled at the pump operator's panel. Each discharge is equipped with a quarter-turn drain valve. 03/24/15 49 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper REMOVABLE SPEEDLAY HOSE TRAYS There shall be three-(3) removable, speed lay hose trays provided with the apparatus constructed of 3/16" smooth aluminum with handles at each end held in place by horizontal bulkheads at each end of the compartments. SPEEDLAY COVERS Two-(2) Hypalon speedlay covers shall be provided one each side of the apparatus secured with Velcro sides and stainless steel bottom pushpins preventing hose from inadvertently deploying during normal operations meeting the current NFPA requirements. The end flaps shall be red in color. DISCHARGES, 2-1/2" LEFT FRONT PANEL Two-(2) Akron 2-1/2" Heavy-Duty ball valves with 3/4” drains shall be installed at the pump panel, left front, plumbed to the discharge side of the pump lever controlled from the pump operator's panel. DISCHARGE, 2-1/2" RIGHT FRONT UPPER PANEL One-(1) Akron 2-1/2" Heavy-Duty ball valve with 3/4” drain shall be installed at the pump panel, right front upper, plumbed to the discharge side of the pump lever controlled from the pump operator's panel. DISCHARGE, 4" RIGHT FRONT LOWER PANEL One-(1) Akron 4" Heavy-Duty (Slo-Close) ball valve with 3/4” drain shall be installed at the pump panel, right front lower, plumbed to the discharge side of the pump equipped with 4" NST threads chrome cap and chain handwheel controlled at the pump operator's panel. DECK GUN PLUMBING, 3" One-(1) Akron 3" Heavy-Duty (Slo-Close) inline valve with 3/4” drain shall be plumbed to the Deck Gun discharge outlet with 3” pipe terminating 3" FNPT x four-(4) bolt flange lever controlled at the pump operator's panel. DISCHARGE, 2-1/2" LEFT REAR One-(1) Akron 2-1/2" Heavy-Duty ball valve with 3/4” drain shall be plumbed to the left rear of the apparatus terminating 2-1/2" FNPT x 2-1/2"MNST with chrome cap and chain lever controlled at the pump operator's panel. WATER TANK The tank shall have a capacity of 750 U.S. gallons and shall be constructed of PT3™ polypropylene material. This material shall be a non-corrosive stress relieved thermoplastic and UV stabilized for maximum protection. Tank shell thickness may vary depending on the application and may range from ½ to 1” as required. Internal baffles are generally 3/8” in thickness. 03/24/15 50 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper ISO CERTIFICATION The tank must be an inverted "L" shape in design and fabricated by a tank manufacturer that is ISO 9001:2008 certified in each of its locations. The ISO certification must be to the current standard in effect at the time of the design and fabrication of the tank. DESIGN Each tank is designed to the customer’s specification and/or drawing submittal. An approval drawing is sent to the customer prior to commencing manufacturing. Upon receipt of the signed approval drawing, the tank is scheduled for production. CONSTRUCTION The booster and/or foam tank shall be of a specific configuration and is so designed to be completely independent of the body and compartments. Joints and seams shall be fused using nitrogen gas as required and tested for maximum strength and integrity. The tank construction shall include PolyProSeal™ technology wherein a sealant shall be installed between the plastic components prior to being fusion welded. This sealing method shall provide a liquid barrier offering leak protection in the event of a weld compromise. The top of the booster tank is fitted with removable lifting assembly designed to facilitate tank removal. The transverse and longitudinal swash partitions shall be manufactured of a minimum of 3/8" PT3™ polypropylene. All partitions shall be equipped with vent and air holes to permit movement of air and water between compartments. The partitions shall be designed to provide maximum water flow. All swash partitions interlock with one another and are completely fused to each other as well as to the walls of the tank. All partitions and spacing shall comply with NFPA 1901. The walls shall be welded to the floor of the tank providing maximum strength as part of the tank’s unique Full Floor Design™. Tolerances in design allow for a maximum variation of 1/8” on all dimensions. WATER FILL TOWER AND COVER The tank shall have a combination vent and manual fill tower. The fill tower shall be constructed of 1/2" PT3™ polypropylene and shall be a minimum dimension of 8" x 8" outer perimeter. The fill tower shall be blue in color indicating that it is a water-only fill tower. The tower shall be located in the left front corner of the tank unless otherwise specified by the tank manufacturer to the purchaser. The tower shall have a 1/4" thick removable polypropylene screen and a PT3™ polypropylene hinged cover. The capacity of the tank shall be engraved on the top of the fill tower lid. Inside the fill tower there shall be a combination vent/overflow pipe. The vent overflow shall be a minimum of schedule 40 polypropylene pipe with a minimum I.D. of 4" that is designed to run through the tank, and shall be piped to discharge water behind the rear wheels as required in NFPA 1901 so as to not interfere with rear tire traction. The tank cover shall be constructed of 1/2" thick PT3™ polypropylene and UV stabilized, to incorporate a multi-piece locking design, which allows for individual removal and inspection if necessary. The tank cover(s) shall be flush or recessed 3/8" from the top of the tank and shall be fused to the tank walls and longitudinal partitions for maximum integrity. Each one of the covers shall have hold downs consisting of 2" minimum polypropylene dowels spaced a maximum of 40” apart. These dowels shall extend through the covers and shall assist in keeping the covers rigid under fast filling conditions. A minimum of two lifting dowels shall accommodate the necessary lifting hardware. SUMP 03/24/15 51 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper There shall be one (1) sump standard per tank. The sump shall be constructed of a minimum of 1/2" PT3™ polypropylene and be located in the left front quarter of the tank, unless specified otherwise. On all tanks that require a front suction, a 3" schedule 40 polypropylene pipe shall be installed that shall incorporate a dip tube from the front of the tank to the sump location. The sump shall have a minimum 3" NPT threaded outlet on the bottom for a drain plug per NFPA. This shall be used as a combination clean-out and drain. All tanks shall have an anti-swirl plate located approximately 3” above the inside floor. OUTLETS There shall be two (2) standard tank outlets: one for the tank-to-pump suction line, which shall be sized to provide adequate water flow to the pump; and, one for tank fill line, which shall be sized according to the NFPA minimum size chart for booster tanks. All tank fill couplings shall be backed with flow deflectors to break up the stream of water entering the tank, and be capable of withstanding sustained fill rates of up to 1000 GPM. The addition of rear suction fittings, nurse valve fittings, dump valve fittings, and through-the-tank sleeves to accommodate rear discharge piping must be specified. All auxiliary outlets and inlets must meet all NFPA guidelines in effect at the time of manufacture. MOUNTING The UPF Poly-Tank® III shall rest on the body cross members in conjunction with such additional cross members, spaced at a distance that would not allow for more than 530 square inches of unsupported area under the tank floor. In cases where overall height of the tank exceeds 40 inches, cross member spacing must be decreased to allow for not more than 400 square inches of unsupported area. The tank must be isolated from the cross members through the use of hard rubber strips with a minimum thickness and width dimension of 1/4” x 1” and a Shore A Hardness of approximately 60 durometer. The rubber must be installed so it shall not become dislodged during normal operation of the vehicle. Additionally, the tank must be supported around the entire bottom outside perimeter and captured both in the front and rear as well as side to side to prevent tank from shifting during vehicle operation. A picture frame type cradle mount with a minimum of 2" x 2" x 1/4” mild steel, stainless steel, or aluminum angle shall be provided or the use of corner angles having a minimum dimension of 4" x 4" x 1/4” by 6” high are permitted for the purpose of capturing the tank. Although the tank is designed on a free floating suspension principle, it is required that the tank have adequate vertical hold down restraints to minimize movement during vehicle operation. If proper retention has not been incorporated into the apparatus hose floor structure, an optional mounting restraint system shall be located on top of the tank, half way between the front and the rear on each side of the tank. These stops can be constructed of steel, stainless steel or aluminum angle having minimum dimensions of 3" x 3" x 1/4” and shall be approximately 6” to 12” long. These brackets must incorporate rubber isolating pads with a minimum thickness of 1/4” inch and a hardness of 60 durometer affixed on the underside of the angle. The angle should then be bolted to the body side walls of the vehicle while extending down to rest on the top outside edge of the upper side wall of the tank. Hose beds floors must be so designed that the floor slat supports extend full width from side wall to side wall and are not permitted to drop off the edge of the tank or in any way come in contact with the individual covers where a puncture could occur. Tank top must be capable of supporting loads up to 200 lbs. per sq. foot when evenly distributed. Other equipment such as generators, portable pumps, etc. must not be mounted directly to the tank top unless provisions have been designed into the Poly-Tank® III for that purpose. The tank shall be completely removable without disturbing or dismantling the apparatus structure. CAPACITY CERTIFICATION All water and foam tanks shall be tested and certified as to capacity on a calibrated and certified tilting scale. Each tank shall be weighed empty and full to provide precise fluid capacity. Each Poly-Tank® III is delivered with a Certificate of 03/24/15 52 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Capacity delineating the weight empty and full and the resultant capacity based on weight. Engineering estimates for capacity calculations shall not be permitted for capacity certification. TANKNOLOGY™ TAG A tag shall be installed on the apparatus in a convenient location and contain pertinent information including a QR code readable by commercially available smart phones. The information contained on the tag shall include the capacity of the water and foam (s), the maximum fill and pressure rates, the serial number of the tank, the date of manufacture, the tank manufacturer, and contact information. The QR code shall allow the user to connect with the tank manufacturer for additional information and assistance. WATER TANK SIZE CERTIFICATION The manufacturer shall certify the capacity of the water tank prior to the delivery of the apparatus. This capacity shall be recorded on the manufacturer's record of construction and the certification shall be provided when the apparatus is delivered. GAUGE, WATER LEVEL A Fire Research TankVision model WLA200-A00 tank indicator kit shall be installed. The kit shall include an electronic indicator module, a pressure sensor, and a 10' sensor cable. The indicator shall show the volume of water in the tank on nine (9) super bright LED’s. A wide view lens over the LED’s shall provide for a viewing angle of 180 degrees. The indicator case shall be waterproof, manufactured of aluminum, and have a distinctive blue label. The program features shall be accessed from the front of the indicator module. The program shall support self-diagnostics capabilities, self-calibration, and a data link to connect remote indicators. Low water warnings shall include flashing LED’s at 1/4 tank, down chasing LED’s when the tank is almost empty, and an output for an audio alarm. The indicator shall receive an input signal from an electronic pressure sensor. The sensor shall be mounted from the outside of the water tank near the bottom. No probe shall place on the interior of the tank. Wiring shall be weather resistant and have automotive type plug-in connectors. GAUGE, AUXILAIRY WATER LEVEL There shall be a pair of Whelen "PS Tank" water level status lights, with 96 steady burn green, blue, amber, and red LED’s. The light shall provide bright, easy indication of water status. The unit is surface mounted, has low current consumption, fully encapsulated, and carries a five (5) year warranty from Whelen. The lights shall be mounted per customer requirements, typically one each side on or near the cab. The units shall activate with the application of the park brake. APPARATUS BODY The apparatus body and subframe shall be constructed entirely of marine grade aluminum plate and extrusions. SUBFRAME 03/24/15 53 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The main body support crossmember extrusions shall be 3" x 4" 6061T6 aluminum alloy, double "I" beam with a wall thickness of 7/16" (.438"). These crossmembers shall extend the full width of the body to support the compartment framing. The crossmembers shall be welded to a 3/4" (.750") x 3" solid aluminum, 6061T6 aluminum (alloy frame rail) extrusion. The frame rail extrusion shall be shaped in contour with the chassis frame rails. The frame rail extrusion shall be mounted over a 1/2" (.5") thickness, reinforced rubber cushion to isolate the aluminum subframe from the chassis steel frame rails. The apparatus body structure shall be securely fastened to the chassis frame rails with a minimum of six (6) 5/8" (.625") crossmember OD, steel U-bolts. The main body support crossmember shall have a gusset above and below each crossmember. The gussets shall be constructed of 2.0" x 4.0" 6063T6 aluminum alloy extrusion with a .190" wall thickness. The gussets shall be continuously welded with 5356 aluminum alloy welding wire to add support to the body sidewalls. The main body supports and the longitudinal double "I" beam supports shall have a "C" shaped rubber tank cushion installed on the top of each member. This rubber extrusion shall conform to the shape of the double "I" beam extrusion to keep the tank cushion in place. This method is used to prevent damage to the tank. Absolutely no pop-rivets, screws or any other hardware shall be used to hold the rubber tank cushion in place. BODY CONSTRUCTION - FLAT BACK DESIGN The complete apparatus body structure shall be an all welded construction and be free from nuts, bolts and other fasteners. Upon completion of the weldments, the body shall be completely sanded and deburred for removal of all sharp edges. The body framework shall be formed from beveled aluminum alloy extrusions and electrically seam welded at each joint using 5356 aluminum alloy welding wire. Body sides shall be formed from 5052 H-32 (marine grade) smooth aluminum plates. The horizontal surfaces above the compartment tops shall be constructed from aluminum tread plate. The horizontal and vertical frame member extrusions shall be 2.0" x 4.0" with a .190" wall thickness. The extrusion shall be made from 6063T6 aluminum alloy. This extrusion shall have .190" outside radius corners. The longitudinal frame member, below the lower compartments shall be a 2.0" x 4.0" 6063T6 aluminum alloy extrusion with .190" radius corners. Each body corner shall be a 3.5" x 9.75" 6063T6 extruded aluminum section with .210" wall thickness, and shall be welded as an integral part of the body. This extrusion shall have a 1" corner radius. The wheel well shall be constructed from 2" x 4" x .190" wall thickness. The extrusion shall be made from 6063T6 aluminum alloy and have .190" outside radius corners. The extrusion shall be slotted the full length to permit an internal fit of 1/8" (.125") aluminum tread plate panels. The wheel well liners shall be constructed of 3003 H-14 smooth aluminum plates. They shall be bolted in place for ease of maintenance. The wheel well fenderettes shall be constructed of a #304 Stainless steel with a #7 polished finish. A deflection shield shall be mounted to the body subframe to keep road debris from entering the water tank area. The hosebed sides shall be constructed of 3/16" (.1875") 5052 H-32 (marine grade) smooth aluminum plate welded to the extruded framework. There shall be a 3" x 3.5" 6063T6 aluminum extrusion with .190" wall thickness running the entire length of the hosebed at the top for structural rigidity. The hosebed decking shall be constructed from anodized aluminum extrusions. The extrusions shall be 3/4" (.750") x 8.125" and have 3/4" (.750") x 3.00" hat channel attached to the underside to form a one-piece grid. The entire deck shall be removable, in one piece, to allow ease of serviceability to the tank. The hosebed shall include an extrusion across the front and rear of the compartment for the installation of adjustable hosebed dividers. COMPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION 03/24/15 54 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The compartment sidewalls shall be of one-piece construction. The walls shall be formed from 3/16"(.1875") 5052 H-32 (marine grade) smooth aluminum plate. All compartment floors shall be formed from 3/16"(.1875") aluminum tread plate. The floors shall be welded in place with a continuous weld all around the perimeter to insure maximum strength. The external compartment tops shall be constructed of 1/8" (.125") aluminum tread plate. The tops shall have a formed edge, which serves as a drip rail for the compartments below. The compartment tops shall be secured with stainless steel screws to allow for ease of removal for access to the bodies wiring harnesses. The compartment seams shall be sealed with permanent pliable silicone caulking. Each compartment shall be vented through a 3"W x 15"H louver that is machined stamped in a panel located in each body corner extrusion. The panel shall be removable to provide access to service wiring and other mounted components. COMPARTMENTATION LEFT SIDE L1 There shall be one (1) left front compartment installed ahead of the rear axle. This compartment shall have one (1) roll-up door. The interior compartment dimensions shall be approximately 34"W x 71"H x 28"D in the lower and 15"D in the upper. The compartment shall have a useable door opening of approximately 31"W x 58"H. L2 There shall be one (1) compartment installed over the wheel well. This compartment shall have one (1) roll-up door. The compartment shall be approximately 58"W x 39"H x 15"D. The compartment shall have a useable door opening of approximately 55"W x 26"H. L3 There shall be one (1) left rear compartment installed behind the rear axle. This compartment shall have one (1) roll-up door. The interior dimensions shall be approximately 44"W x 71"H x 15"D in the upper and transverse in the lower. The compartment shall have a useable door opening of approximately 41"W x 58"H. RIGHT SIDE R1 There shall be one (1) right front compartment installed ahead of the rear axle. This compartment shall have one (1) rollup door. The interior compartment dimensions shall be approximately 34"W x 71"H x 28"D in the lower and 15"D in the upper. The compartment shall have a useable door opening of approximately 31"W x 58"H. R2 There shall be one (1) compartment installed over the wheel well. This compartment shall have one (1) roll-up door. The compartment shall be approximately 58"W x 39"H x 15"D. The compartment shall have a useable door opening of approximately 55"W x 26"H. R3 There shall be one (1) right rear compartment installed behind the rear axle. This compartment shall have one (1) roll-up door. The interior dimensions shall be approximately 44"W x 71"H x 15"D in the upper and transverse in the lower. The compartment shall have a useable door opening of approximately 41"W x 58"H. 03/24/15 55 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper CENTER REAR B1 There shall be one (1) compartment installed at the center rear of the apparatus. This compartment shall have a roll up door. The compartment shall have a useable door opening of approximately 43"W x 21"H. COMPARTMENTS, ROOF TOP STORAGE Four-(4) roof top compartments shall be installed, two-(2) each side of the upper body. The compartments shall be constructed from 3/16" smooth aluminum plate and shall be integral with the body. Each compartment shall have a door constructed from aluminum tread plate. The doors shall have a stainless steel piano type hinge and chest style latch. The interior compartment dimensions shall be determined by customer requirements for equipment storage and engineering. Compartments shall have a 1/2" flange around the opening to prevent water from entering the compartment when the door is closed. The doors shall be held open with gas shocks. VERTICAL LOAD TEST, APPARATUS BODY The fire body shall exceed a vertical load testing. The vertical load test to the fire body shall follow the same strict and detailed requirements of the Economic Commission for Europe Structural Standard, ECE-29R as applied to the cab. The fire body shall be placed under a vertical load test to show structural integrity. There shall be 65,979 lbs. (29.53 metric tons) applied to the fire body. There shall be no structure failures to the body and body compartments. A complete photographic, video, data, and dimensional record of these tests shall be available and placed on record for customer evaluations. BODY MODIFICATION, COMPARTMENT HEIGHT RAISE The side compartment heights shall be raised seven (7) inches from standard. BODY MODIFICATION, 102" WIDE BODY The apparatus body shall be 102" wide in place of the standard 96" wide body. COMPARTMENT DOORS, REAR ROLL UP A ROM roll-up door shall be installed on the rear compartment of the apparatus. Slats are to double-wall (box frame) aluminum extrusion. Exterior surfaces are to be flat. Interior surfaces are to be concave to prevent loose equipment from jamming doors. The slats must be anodized to eliminate oxidation. The slats are to have inner-locking end shoes on every slat secured by a Punch-Dimple process. The slats are to have interlocking joints with a folding locking flange. Between each slat shall be a PVC/vinyl inner seal to prevent any metal-to-metal contact. The track shall be one-piece aluminum, which has an attaching flange and finishing flange incorporated into its design, which provides a finish look to installation without additional trim or caulking. The track is to have a replaceable side seal. The side seal shall prevent water and dust intrusion into the compartment. 03/24/15 56 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper There shall be an aluminum drip rail above each compartment door with a built in replaceable wiper seal. Each roll up door shall have a counter balance to assist in lifting and eliminate the risk of accidental closing. A full width lift bar, operable by one hand, shall be used as a positive latch device for securing each individual compartment door in the closed position. The outside door shall have a natural finish. There shall be an anodized aluminum sill plate installed over the compartment door. COMPARTMENT DOORS, SIDE ROLL UP ROM roll-up doors shall be installed on the side compartments of the apparatus as specified. Slats are to double-wall (box frame) aluminum extrusion. Exterior surfaces are to be flat. Interior surfaces are to be concave to prevent loose equipment from jamming doors. The slats must be anodized to eliminate oxidation. The slats are to have inner-locking end shoes on every slat secured by a Punch-Dimple process. The slats are to have interlocking joints with a folding locking flange. Between each slat shall be a PVC/vinyl inner seal to prevent any metal-to-metal contact. The track shall be one-piece aluminum, which has an attaching flange and finishing flange incorporated into its design, which provides a finish look to installation without additional trim or caulking. The track is to have a replaceable side seal. The side seal shall prevent water and dust intrusion into the compartment. There shall be an aluminum drip rail above each compartment door with a built in replaceable wiper seal. Each roll up door shall have a counter balance to assist in lifting and eliminate the risk of accidental closing. A full width lift bar, operable by one hand, shall be used as a positive latch device for securing each individual compartment door in the closed position. The outside door shall have a natural finish. There shall be an anodized aluminum sill plate installed over the compartment door. KEYED LOCK, ROLL UP DOOR There shall be seven (7) stainless steel lock(s) with keys installed on the specified compartment roll-up door(s). COMPARTMENT, LADDER STORAGE There shall be one-(1) equipment storage compartment installed beside the tank on the right side constructed of 1/8" (.125) smooth aluminum plate for the storing of NFPA required equipment. Individual internal compartments shall house one-(1) 24' extension ladder, one-(1) 14' roof ladder, one-(1) 10' folding ladder, and two-(2) pike poles with silencing pads made from Polypropylene installed on each compartment floor to assist in the loading and unloading of the required equipment. 03/24/15 57 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The compartment shall have vertically hinged door constructed from 1/8" (.125) smooth aluminum plate with stainless steel piano hinge and paddle latch door open mechanism. The door shall be installed utilizing stainless steel nuts and bolts, other fastening device such as self-tapping screws or pop rivets shall not be acceptable. The door shall be wired to the door ajar system. STORAGE TUBES, PIKE POLE Two-(2) aluminum tubes shall be installed on the apparatus for pike pole storage. One-(1) end shall be notched to allow the poles to be locked in place. Locations: Ladder compartment STORAGE SLOT, LITTLE GIANT LADDER There shall be one-(1) storage slot with the capacity to hold one-(1) Little Giant ladder. Location: Transverse in the compartment L3/R3, mounted to the ceiling STORAGE SLOT, BACKBOARD There shall be one-(1) compartment with the capacity to hold one-(1) long style backboard. The location of this compartment shall be determined by the Fire Department. The department must supply make and model of backboard. Location: Ladder compartment BODY WHEEL WELL PANELS, PAINTED The body wheel well panels shall be painted job color in place of aluminum tread plate. WHEEL WELL AIR BOTTLE COMPARTMENT, LEFT FRONT There shall be an air bottle compartment located in the rear wheel well left front to house two-(2) spare SCBA cylinders. The bottom of the tubes shall be supported to eliminate breakage. The tubes are vented to facilitate moisture drainage. The compartment door shall be a stainless steel with a positive mechanical latch. The door shall be wired to the door ajar system. WHEEL WELL AIR BOTTLE COMPARTMENT, LEFT REAR There shall be an air bottle compartment located in the rear wheel well left rear to house two-(2) spare SCBA cylinders. The bottom of the tubes shall be supported to eliminate breakage. The tubes are vented to facilitate moisture drainage. The compartment door shall be a stainless steel with a positive mechanical latch. 03/24/15 58 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The door shall be wired to the door ajar system. WHEEL WELL AIR BOTTLE COMPARTMENT, RIGHT FRONT There shall be an air bottle compartment located in the rear wheel well right front to house two-(2) spare SCBA cylinders. The bottom of the tubes shall be supported to eliminate breakage. The tubes are vented to facilitate moisture drainage. The compartment door shall be a stainless steel with a positive mechanical latch. The door shall be wired to the door ajar system. WHEEL WELL EXTINGUISHER COMPARTMENT, RIGHT REAR There shall be an extinguisher compartment located in the rear wheel well right rear to house two-(2) extinguishers (21/2" water or 20-pound ABC). The bottom of the compartment shall also be supported to eliminate breakage. The compartment shall be vented to facilitate moisture drainage. The compartment door shall be stainless steel with a positive mechanical latch. The door shall be wired to the door ajar system. BODY TRIM The standard body trim shall include the following: There shall be drip rail installed over the compartment door openings. A drip rail shall be located over each compartment door. This drip rail shall form a lip over the exterior door pans to prevent water from running into a compartment. The vertical rear face of the body shall be covered with smooth aluminum plate. Two-(2) handrails shall be located on the rear of the apparatus, one-(1) handrail per side. Each handrail shall be constructed of 1-1/4" knurled aluminum. The handrails shall be mounted with chrome plated end stanchions. Each handrail shall be sufficient in length to meet all standard requirements. No rear stanchions shall be provided on this unit. FUEL FILL, RECESSED WITH DOOR There shall be a cast aluminum recessed fuel fill assembly with a non-locking door mounted on the left side of the apparatus body. The fuel fill assembly shall be equipped with a fuel fill cap, retention ring and hinged door. The assembly shall be properly labeled "DIESEL FUEL ONLY". 03/24/15 59 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper MUD FLAPS, REAR The rear axle mud flaps shall be constructed from hard black rubber and installed at the rear of the body fenders. RUBRAIL There shall be an aluminum rubrail installed on both sides of the lower body compartments. The rubrail shall be constructed from "C" channel extrusion. The aluminum rubrail shall be bolted in place with stainless steel bolts, and spaced from the fire body to provide body protection. The solid rubrail shall serve as protection to the side doors when encountering close objects. Tread plate rubrails or welded on shall not be acceptable. REAR STEP The 10" rear step shall be constructed of 3/16" (.1875") aluminum tread plate. The rear step shall be flanged down 2.50" and in 1.00" to maximize strength and rigidity. The rear step shall be bolted on for removal or replacement. All running board and step surfaces shall comply with NFPA 1901. CHROME FOLDING STEP(S), FRONT OF BODY There shall be six (6) large chrome-folding step(s) with a minimum surface area of thirty-five (35) square inches. The step(s) shall be mounted on the front face of the forward compartment as directed by the customer. Locations: Three-(3) each side on the front compartment face STEP(S), REAR FIXED W/LED LIGHT There shall be two (2) rear lighted step(s) installed on the apparatus. The step(s) shall be Cast Products and have a minimum of thirty-five (35) square inches of surface area to conform to the NFPA 1901 standards. The step(s) shall include a 12-volt LED light to illuminate the area below. TOW EYES, REAR Two-(2) 3/4" thick rear tow eyes constructed of A-36 steel shall be mounted below the frame at the rear of the vehicle. The tow eyes shall be attached to steel weldments that are mounted to the apparatus. The eyes shall have a minimum dimension of three-(3) inches. The tow eyes shall be used for towing, not lifting the vehicle. HANDRAIL, BELOW HOSE BED There shall be an intermediate handrail installed on the apparatus below the hose bed. The handrail shall be constructed of 1-1/4" knurled aluminum. The handrail shall be mounted with chrome plated end stanchions. HOSE BED DIVIDER(S) 03/24/15 60 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Two (2) hose bed divider(s) shall be manufactured from 1/4" (.250") smooth aluminum plate with an extruded aluminum base welded to the bottom. The divider shall have an extruded track to slide in to allow the hose bed to adjust for different hose capacities. One end of the divider shall have a 3" radius corner. The divider shall be sanded to prevent damage to hose. Location: Above ladder compartment and center of hose bed The center divider shall be notched to connected hose load. HOSE BED COVER A 1/8" (.125") aluminum tread plate hose bed cover shall be provided. The cover shall be two (2) door types with continuous stainless steel hinge along each side. The hosebed cover shall have aluminum assist handles and door hold open springs. An open door indicator switch shall be provided and wired the open door indicator system in the cab. Two (2) Hypalon end flaps shall be provided at the rear of the apparatus. The flaps shall be constructed of 16 oz. heavyduty, fire retardant Hypalon. The covers shall be wired the door ajar system. The end flaps shall be secured using footman loops. The cover(s) shall completely protect the hose and prevent the hose from inadvertently deploying during normal operation. The cover shall meet the TIA 03-1 NFPA requirement. The covers shall be red in color. HOSE BED CAPACITY The hosebed shall have the capacity to hold the following: 1500' of 5" large diameter supply hose 400' of 2-1/2" double jacket fire hose (over ladder compartment) SHELF, ADJUSTABLE There shall be one (1) adjustable shelf (shelves) constructed from 3/16" (.1875) smooth aluminum. The shelf shall be approximately 0-28"W x 12-15"D. The adjustable track shall be made from aluminum extrusions. Each shelf shall have a 2" lip on all sides for additional strength. Location: Compartment L1 The shelf shall be mounted right of the compartment divider in the upper section of the compartment. 03/24/15 61 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper SHELF, ADJUSTABLE There shall be one (1) adjustable shelf (shelves) constructed from 3/16" (.1875) smooth aluminum. The shelf shall be approximately 29-36"W x 24-28"D. The adjustable track shall be made from aluminum extrusions. Each shelf shall have a 2" lip on all sides for additional strength. Location: Compartment R1 The shelf shall be mounted in the upper section of the compartment. SHELF, ADJUSTABLE There shall be two (2) adjustable shelf (shelves) constructed from 3/16" (.1875) smooth aluminum. The shelf shall be approximately 37-48"W x 12-15"D. The adjustable track shall be made from aluminum extrusions. Each shelf shall have a 2" lip on all sides for additional strength. Locations: Compartment L3 and compartment R3 The shelves shall be mounted in the upper section of the compartments. SHELF, ADJUSTABLE There shall be one (1) adjustable shelf (shelves) constructed from 3/16" (.1875) smooth aluminum. The shelf shall be approximately 49-60"W x 12-15"D. The adjustable track shall be made from aluminum extrusions. Each shelf shall have a 2" lip on all sides for additional strength. Locations: Compartment R2 TRAY(S), 500 POUND ROLL OUT There shall be two (2) roll-out tray(s) supplied, constructed from 3/16" (.1875") smooth aluminum plate. The tray shall be approximately 19-36"W x 24-28"D. The tray(s) shall have a 3" lip on all sides for additional strength. The tray(s) shall be mounted on Slide Master Slides with a combined capacity of 500 pounds. Locations: Compartment L1 and compartment R1 The trays shall be floor mounted in the compartments. TRAY(S), 500 POUND ROLL OUT There shall be two (2) roll-out tray(s) supplied, constructed from 3/16" (.1875") smooth aluminum plate. The tray shall be approximately 37-48"W x 24-28"D. The tray(s) shall have a 3" lip on all sides for additional strength. The tray(s) shall be mounted on Slide Master Slides with a combined capacity of 500 pounds. 03/24/15 62 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Locations: Compartment L3 and compartment R3 The trays shall be floor mounted in the compartments. PAC-TRAC TOOL BOARD(S) Two (2) Pac-Trac tool board(s) shall be installed in the specified compartment(s) for the mounting of additional equipment. The tool board slats shall be provided with Trac Lock inserts and fasteners. Locations: One-(1) each side on back of the cab, outboard of the forward facing crew seats TOOL BOARD(S), HINGED ALUMINUM One (1) 3/16” thick aluminum tool board(s) shall be installed in the specified compartment(s) for the mounting of additional equipment. The board(s) shall be welded to a 2” x 2” perimeter mounted aluminum extrusion for strength to form a hinged tool board. The tool board shall be secured to a stainless steel piano style hinge bolted to a reinforcing extrusion welded to the front wall of the compartment left side. The resulting hinge mounting shall space the tool board away from the compartment wall sufficiently so that tools may be mounted on both sides of the board. The door shall be held in the open position by a gas shock. The door shall be held in the closed position by a non-locking lever latch with 2-point catch. Location: Compartment L2 COMPARTMENT DIVIDER(S) Two (2) compartment divider(s) shall be mounted in the specified compartment. The divider shall be constructed of 3/16" (.1875") smooth aluminum plate. Locations: Compartment L1, compartment L3 and compartment R3 The L1 divider shall be located in the upper section to seperate the air pack bracket from the rest of the compartment. The L3/R3 dividers shall be located in the lower section of the compartments to isolate compartment B1. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BODY ELECTRICAL The body electrical system shall be designed as an integrated electrical package specifically engineered for fire apparatus application. The integrated electrical system shall be comprised of power distribution panels, which interface to the body and chassis through an engineered harnessing system. 03/24/15 63 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper All chassis wiring shall be type "GXL" in accordance with S.A.E. J1128 and NFPA-1901. Wiring shall be color coded and include function codes every three (3) inches on both sides. The electrical wiring harness shall be covered by a black split convoluted loom, rated at a minimum of 275º F. DISTRIBUTION PANELS The electrical distribution panels and circuits must be housed in each rear corner compartment or extrusion. The distribution panel shall incorporate a power and ground stud for connection to the internal circuits. All internal wire end terminals, including locking bulkhead connectors, shall be mechanically affixed to the wire ends by machine terminal crimping presses. No hand-crimped terminals shall be acceptable. All internal splices shall be ultrasonically welded connections - no butt style connections shall be acceptable. All internal wiring shall be of the high temperature GXL type wire and shall be protected by wiring duct wherever possible. Each side electrical distribution panel shall consist of fifteen - (15) power distribution relays. The power distribution relays shall be replaceable, SPDT automotive style, rated at a minimum of 30 amperes. The power distribution relays shall incorporate separate inputs, which are able to accept outputs from a load management system. The load management inputs must allow for the addition of a load management system before, during or after the time of delivery without requiring a rewiring of the existing distribution panel circuits. Connections to the distribution panel shall utilize Deutsch style bulkhead connectors. Screw clamp type connections are not acceptable. The distribution panel shall also contain circuit's ancillary to the required DOT signals and other body functions. The complete body electrical system shall be 100% documented and contain independent circuit diagrams with point to point wiring information, as shall as a general component diagram included in the apparatus manual. The body electrical panel shall be capable of being completely disconnected and fully tested by a computerized circuit analyzer. All electrical equipment switches shall be mounted on a switch panel mounted in the cab convenient to the driver. Light switches shall be of the marine grade rocker type with integral indicator light to show when lights are energized. All switches shall be appropriately identified. 12-VOLT TESTING The apparatus low voltage system shall be tested and certified. A copy of certification shall be provided to the purchaser with the apparatus. Reserve Capacity Test 03/24/15 64 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The unit shall be run until all engines, engine compartment temperatures are stabilized and the battery system is fully charged. The engine shall be shut off and the minimum continuous electrical load be activated for ten-(10) minutes. All electrical loads shall be shutoff after ten-(10) minutes and the battery system shall then be capable of restarting the engine. Alternator Performance Test at Idle Minimum continuous electrical loads shall be activated while the unit is at idle speed. Alternator Performance Test at Full Load The total continuous electrical load shall be activated with the engine running up to the manufacturer's governed speed. The test duration shall be a minimum of two-(2) hours. Activation of the load management system shall be permitted during the test. If however, an alarm is sounded by excessive battery discharge as detected by the system or a system voltage of less than 11.8 volts DC for a 12-volt nominal system for more than 120 seconds, shall be considered a test failure. Low Voltage Alarm Test The engine shall be shut off and the total continuous electrical load shall be activated and continue to be applied until the excessive battery discharge alarm activates. The test shall be considered a failure if the alarm has not sounded within 140 seconds after the voltage drops to 11.8 volts. EMI/RFI PROTECTION The apparatus shall be manufactured to incorporate the latest designs in the electrical system with components that are state of the art to insure electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI) emissions are suppressed at the source. The apparatus shall have the ability to operate in typical fire and rescue situations with no adverse effects from EMI and/or RFI. The apparatus shall utilize components that are fully protected and wiring that utilizes shielding and loop backgrounds where required to control EMI/RFI susceptibility. The apparatus shall be bonded through ground straps. Relays and solenoids that are suspect to generating spurious electromagnetic radiation are diode and/or resistor protected to prevent transient voltage spikes. In order to prevent the radio frequency interference completely the purchaser shall be requested to provide a listing of the type, power output, and frequencies of all radio and bio medical equipment that is proposed to be used on the apparatus. LIGHT(S), 8" LED COMPARTMENT One (1) On Scene Solutions “Access Series” 8" LED light(s) shall be provided with 15 HB, surface mount LED’s per 10” light section and produce a minimum of 200 lumens per 10” length. Each "Access Series" shall be capable of operating at a voltage of 9VDC to 14VDC. Each “Access Series” shall be cuttable in 2” increments and feature a high quality, impact resistant Lexan™ enclosure. The light stick shall be waterproof and rated at 100,000 hours of service. Each light stick shall be provided with a 5 year free replacement warranty. Location: Ladder compartment 03/24/15 65 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper LIGHT(S), 24" LED COMPARTMENT Two (2) On Scene Solutions “Access Series” 24" LED light(s) shall be provided with 15 HB, surface mount LED’s per 10” light section and produce a minimum of 200 lumens per 10” length. Each "Access Series" shall be capable of operating at a voltage of 9VDC to 14VDC. Each “Access Series” shall be cuttable in 2” increments and feature a high quality, impact resistant Lexan™ enclosure. The light stick shall be waterproof and rated at 100,000 hours of service. Each light stick shall be provided with a 5 year free replacement warranty. Locations: Compartment L2 and compartment R2 LIGHT(S), 36" LED COMPARTMENT One (1) On Scene Solutions “Access Series” 36" LED light(s) shall be provided with 15 HB, surface mount LED’s per 10” light section and produce a minimum of 200 lumens per 10” length. Each "Access Series" shall be capable of operating at a voltage of 9VDC to 14VDC. Each “Access Series” shall be cuttable in 2” increments and feature a high quality, impact resistant Lexan™ enclosure. The light stick shall be waterproof and rated at 100,000 hours of service. Each light stick shall be provided with a 5 year free replacement warranty. Location: Compartment B1 LIGHT(S), 56" LED COMPARTMENT Four (4) On Scene Solutions “Access Series” 56" LED light(s) shall be provided with 15 HB, surface mount LED’s per 10” light section and produce a minimum of 200 lumens per 10” length. Each "Access Series" shall be capable of operating at a voltage of 9VDC to 14VDC. Each “Access Series” shall be cuttable in 2” increments and feature a high quality, impact resistant Lexan™ enclosure. The light stick shall be waterproof and rated at 100,000 hours of service. Each light stick shall be provided with a 5 year free replacement warranty. Locations: Compartment L1, compartment L3, compartment R1 and compartment R3 DOOR AJAR SWITCHES All apparatus body doors shall be provided with an auto door switch. These switches shall operate the compartment interior lights and activate the door ajar indicator on each side of apparatus body when the door is opened. There shall be a red door ajar light mounted in the cab, in view of the driver to indicate an unsecured door. There shall be a buzzer mounted in the cab that shall alert the driver. 03/24/15 66 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper LIGHTBAR, 72" WHELEN FN72QLED 2FLDRR A Whelen Edge Ultra Freedom Super-LED Series lightbar model FN72QLED 2FLDRR shall be provided. The Edge Ultra Freedom lightbar shall incorporate an anodized extruded aluminum “I” beam chassis with two red Linear-LED corner modules , two red 400 Series Linear-LED endcap lights, six red 400 Series Linear-LED lights, and two white 400 Series Linear-LED lights with clear optic lenses. The Linear-LED corner modules shall incorporate 12 red Super-LEDs, two clear optic collimators, and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The red 400 Series Linear-LED lights shall incorporate 12 red Super-LEDs, two clear optic collimators, and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The white 400 Series Linear-LED lights shall incorporate 12 white Super-LEDs, two clear optic collimators, and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. All Linear-LED lights conformal coated PC boards shall provide additional protection against environmental elements. The hard coated lenses shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The FN72QLED shall include rubber endcap gaskets, lens divider gaskets, and cord seal to help prevent water and other elements from entering the lightbar The lightbar shallbe controlled in the following manner: Calling for Right of Way - All Positions Blocking Right of Way - Clear shallnot be Active The lights shallbe activated by a single emergency light switch located on the master light switch panel in the cab. The lightbar shallmeet NFPA 1901 edition as configured. OPTICOM There shall be one-(1) GTT Opticom 2100 series with GPS installed on the apparatus and controlled by a switch in the cab. The unit shall operate in accordance with the current NFPA requirements. LIGHTS, ZONE B/D UPPER CAB RAISED ROOF One (1) Whelen M6 Series Super-LED model M6RC shall be installed each side of the raised roof portion of the cab. The warning light shall incorporate red Super-LEDs, a clear non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens, clear optic collimator and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated lens/reflector assembly and conformal coated PC board shall provide additional protection against environmental elements. The solid state warning lights shall be vibration resistant. The selfcontained flashing light shall have 164 Scan-Lock flash patterns including synchronize feature and steady burn. The warning light is covered by a five year factory warranty. The surface mount module includes a M6FC chrome flange and hardware for horizontal mounting. Locations: Upper cab extension area above the water level lights. LIGHTS, ZONE B/D UPPER FRONT BODY Two-(2) Whelen M9 Series Super-LED model M9R shall be installed, one-(1) each side of the upper front corner of the body. The warning light shall incorporate red Super-LEDs, a red non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens, clear optic 03/24/15 67 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper collimator and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated lens/reflector assembly and conformal coated PC board shall provide additional protection against environmental elements. The solid state warning lights shall be vibration resistant. The self-contained flashing light shall have 164 Scan-Lock flash patterns including synchronize feature and steady burn. The warning light is covered by a five year factory warranty. The surface mount module includes a M9FC chrome flange and hardware for horizontal mounting. LIGHTS, ZONE B/D UPPER REAR BODY Two-(2) Whelen M9 Series Super-LED model M9R shall be installed, one-(1) each side of the upper rear corner of the body. The warning light shall incorporate red Super-LEDs, a red non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens, clear optic collimator and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated lens/reflector assembly and conformal coated PC board shall provide additional protection against environmental elements. The solid state warning lights shall be vibration resistant. The self-contained flashing light shall have 164 Scan-Lock flash patterns including synchronize feature and steady burn. The warning light is covered by a five year factory warranty. The surface mount module includes a M9FC chrome flange and hardware for horizontal mounting. LIGHTS, ZONE C MIDDLE OUTBOARD Two-(2) Whelen M6 Series Super-LED model M6R shall be installed, one-(1) each side on the middle rear of the apparatus in the outboard position. The warning light shall incorporate red Super-LEDs, a red non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens, clear optic collimator and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated lens/reflector assembly and conformal coated PC board shall provide additional protection against environmental elements. The solid state warning lights shall be vibration resistant. The self-contained flashing light shall have 164 Scan-Lock flash patterns including synchronize feature and steady burn. The warning light is covered by a five year factory warranty. The surface mount module includes a M6FC chrome flange and hardware for horizontal mounting. LIGHTS, ZONE C UPPER OUTBOARD Two-(2) Whelen M9 Series Super-LED model M9R shall be installed, one-(1) each side on the upper rear of the apparatus in the outboard position. The warning light shall incorporate red Super-LEDs, a red non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens, clear optic collimator and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated lens/reflector assembly and conformal coated PC board shall provide additional protection against environmental elements. The solid state warning lights shall be vibration resistant. The self-contained flashing light shall have 164 Scan-Lock flash patterns including synchronize feature and steady burn. The warning light is covered by a five year factory warranty. The surface mount module includes a M9FC chrome flange and hardware for horizontal mounting. LIGHTS, ZONE A LOWER Two-(2) Whelen M6 Series Super-LED model M6RC lights shall be installed, one-(1) each side front of the apparatus. The warning light shall incorporate red Super-LEDs, a clear non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens, clear optic collimator and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated lens/reflector assembly and conformal coated PC board shall provide additional protection against environmental elements. The solid state warning lights shall be vibration 03/24/15 68 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper resistant. The self-contained flashing light shall have 164 Scan-Lock flash patterns including synchronize feature and steady burn. The warning light is covered by a five year factory warranty. The surface mount module includes a M6FC chrome flange and hardware for horizontal mounting. LIGHTS, ZONE B/D FRONT LOWER Two-(2) Whelen M6 Series Super-LED model M6RC lights shall be installed, one-(1) each side forward portion of the apparatus. The warning light shall incorporate red Super-LEDs, a clear non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens, clear optic collimator and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated lens/reflector assembly and conformal coated PC board shall provide additional protection against environmental elements. The solid state warning lights shall be vibration resistant. The self-contained flashing light shall have 164 Scan-Lock flash patterns including synchronize feature and steady burn. The warning light is covered by a five year factory warranty. The surface mount module includes a M6FC chrome flange and hardware for horizontal mounting. Locations: One-(1) each side on the bumper extension ends LIGHTS, ZONE B/D MIDSHIP LOWER Four-(4) Whelen M6 Series Super-LED model M6RC lights shall be installed, two-(2) each side midship of the apparatus. The warning light shall incorporate red Super-LEDs, a clear non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens, clear optic collimator and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated lens/reflector assembly and conformal coated PC board shall provide additional protection against environmental elements. The solid state warning lights shall be vibration resistant. The self-contained flashing light shall have 164 Scan-Lock flash patterns including synchronize feature and steady burn. The warning light is covered by a five year factory warranty. The surface mount module includes a M6FC chrome flange and hardware for horizontal mounting. Locations: One-(1) each side in the cab extension and one-(1) each side in the body wheel well area LIGHTS, ZONE B/D REAR LOWER Two-(2) Whelen LINZ6 Series Super-LED model LINZ6R lights shall be installed, one-(1) each side rearward portion of the apparatus. The warning light shall incorporate six red Super-LEDs, a clear non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens, clear optic collimator and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated lens/reflector assembly and conformal coated PC board shall provide additional protection against environmental elements. The solid state warning lights shall be vibration resistant. The self-contained flashing light shall have 69 Scan-Lock flash patterns including synchronize feature and steady burn. The warning light is covered by a five year factory warranty. The surface mount module includes a black flange and hardware for horizontal mounting. Locations: One-(1) each side below compartment L3 and R3 03/24/15 69 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper LIGHTS, ZONE C LOWER Two-(2) Whelen M6 Series Super-LED model M6RC shall be installed, one-(1) each side on the lower rear of the apparatus. The warning light shall incorporate red Super-LEDs, a clear non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens, clear optic collimator and utilize a metalized reflector for maximum output. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated lens/reflector assembly and conformal coated PC board shall provide additional protection against environmental elements. The solid state warning lights shall be vibration resistant. The self-contained flashing light shall have 164 Scan-Lock flash patterns including synchronize feature and steady burn. The warning light is covered by a five year factory warranty. STOP, TURN AND BACK-UP LIGHTS Stop, turn and backup lights shall be Whelen M6 Series, individual fixtures. Fixtures shall be mounted on each rear face of the body recessed in model M6FCV3, highly polished, aluminum trim ring. The red stop (LED) light shall be model M6BTT, the turn light shall be a model M6T amber (LED) type with directional arrow, and the backup light shall be a white (LED) model M6BUW. LIGHTS, UPPER REAR SCENE OUTBOARD BODY CORNERS There shall two-(2) scene lights shall be installed, one-(1) each side on the upper rear outboard corners of the body. The upper rear body scene lights shall be Whelen Model M9LZC scene lights. Each scene light Each scene light shall have a linear designed LED light head with a two screw mounting assembly and chrome plated trim ring flange. The upper rear body mounted scene lights shall be controlled by a scene light switch located in the cab labeled REAR SCENE and when the transmission is placed into reverse. CLEARANCE LIGHTS AND REFLECTORS Clearance lights and reflectors shall be LED lights, which include (2) red marker lights, (4) red rectangular reflectors, (2) amber rectangular reflectors and (1) red three light cluster recessed in the rear step. DIRECTIONAL LIGHTS, BODY WHEEL WELL Two-(2) Britax 428.111.12V auxiliary side directional/marker lights shall be provided, one-(1) each side in the body wheel well area and wired to the running lights & turn signals. LIGHT(S), UNDERBODY Four (4) Whelen model T0CACCCR 2" (5mm) LED underbody "Ground Effect" light(s) shall be installed at a location to be determined during the pre-construction conference. The underbody light(s) shall illuminate the ground beneath the fire apparatus. The light(s) shall have a clear lens. Locations: One-(1) under each side pump panel running board and one-(1) each side under the rear step 03/24/15 70 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper LIGHT, LICENSE PLATE A Whelen OS Series LED model 0SC0EDCR shall be provided at the rear of the apparatus to illuminate the license plate. The steady burn illumination light shall incorporate three clear LED and a clear non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated assembly shall provide protection against environmental elements. The solid state illumination light shall be vibration resistant. An installation kit including mounting hardware, neoprene gasket and 45 degree angle chrome housing shall be provided for surface mounting. The 0AC0EDCR will contain a 12” non-terminated pigtail. The illumination light meets SAE J592 requirements and is covered by a five year factory warranty. LIGHT(S), LED PERIMETER ILLUMINATION Ten (10) Whelen OS Series LED model 0SC0EDCR perimeter illumination light(s) shall be provided as specified. The steady burn illumination light shall incorporate three clear LED and a clear non-optic hard coated polycarbonate lens. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The encapsulated assembly shall provide protection against environmental elements. The solid state illumination light shall be vibration resistant. An installation kit including mounting hardware, neoprene gasket and 45 degree angle chrome housing shall be provided for surface mounting. The 0AC0EDCR will contain a 12” non-terminated pigtail. The illumination light meets SAE J592 requirements and is covered by a five year factory warranty. Locations: Three-(3) on each front compartment face to illuminate the folding steps and four-(4) on the rear of the apparatus LIGHT, CENTER BROW One-(1) brow light shall be installed on the front cab roof, centered. The mounting bracket shall be attached to the bottom of the lamp head and be machined to conform to the roof radius. Wiring shall extend from a weatherproof strain relief at the rear of the lamp head. One (1) Whelen Pioneer Plus Model PCP2 light head(s) shall be provided. The 150 watt +12v DC Pioneer lighthead shall incorporate Super-LED combination flood/spot light installed in a die-cast white powder coated aluminum housing. The PCP2 configuration shall consist of 30 white Super-LEDs for the spot light with an eight degree TIR reflector on the left side, 30 white Super-LEDs in the flood light with a clear optic collimator/metalized reflector assembly on the right side, and a clear non-optic polycarbonate lens. The Pioneer flood/spot light shall have 16,000 usable lumens. The PCP2 shall have independent control of the flood and spot optics. The metalized lens/reflector assembly shall utilize a liquid injected molded silicone gasket to be resistant to water, moisture, dust, and other environmental conditions. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The PCP2 shall be shall be vibration resistant. The Pioneer PC boards shall be conformal coated for additional protection. Two breathable membrane patches shall be installed to the bottom of the housing to maintain a consistent internal pressure. The PCP2 shall have extended LED operation with low current consumption and low operating temperature. The Pioneer shall be SAE 1113-42 compliant and Class 5 testing for EMI. The PCP2 is covered by a five year factory warranty. The cab mounted brow light(s) shall be controlled by a light switch located in the cab labeled BROW LIGHT. 03/24/15 71 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper LIGHTS, RECESSED SIDE OF CAB There shall be a recessed light shall be installed on the side of the cab between the front and rear doors. Two (2) Whelen Pioneer Plus Model PFP1 light head(s) shall be provided. The light(s) shall be installed in a PBA103 semi recessed chrome 15° housing. The wiring shall extend from a weatherproof strain relief at the rear of the lamp head. The 75 watt +12v DC Pioneer lighthead(s) shall incorporate Super-LED single flood light installed in a die-cast white powder coated aluminum housing. The PFP1 configuration shall consist of 30 white Super-LEDs, a clear optic collimator/metalized reflector assembly and a clear non-optic polycarbonate lens. The Pioneer flood light shall have 8,100 usable lumens. The lens/reflector assembly shall utilize a liquid injected molded silicone gasket to be resistant to water, moisture, dust, and other environmental conditions. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The PFP1 shall be shall be vibration resistant. The Pioneer PC boards shall be conformal coated for additional protection. Two breathable membrane patches shall be installed to the bottom of the housing to maintain a consistent internal pressure. The PFP1 shall have extended LED operation with low current consumption and low operating temperature. The Pioneer light shall be SAE 1113-42 compliant and Class 5 testing for EMI. The PFP2 is covered by a five year factory warranty. The cab mounted recessed scene lights shall be controlled by individual scene light switches located in the cab labeled LEFT SCENE and RIGHT SCENE and when the respective side cab door(s) are opened. LIGHTS, RECESSED FRONT BODY CORNERS There shall be a recessed light shall be installed on the side of the body in the upper front corners. Two (2) Whelen Pioneer Plus Model PFP1 light head(s) shall be provided. The light(s) shall be installed in a PBA103 semi recessed chrome 15° housing. The wiring shall extend from a weatherproof strain relief at the rear of the lamp head. The 75 watt +12v DC Pioneer lighthead(s) shall incorporate Super-LED single flood light installed in a die-cast white powder coated aluminum housing. The PFP1 configuration shall consist of 30 white Super-LEDs, a clear optic collimator/metalized reflector assembly and a clear non-optic polycarbonate lens. The Pioneer flood light shall have 8,100 usable lumens. The lens/reflector assembly shall utilize a liquid injected molded silicone gasket to be resistant to water, moisture, dust, and other environmental conditions. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The PFP1 shall be shall be vibration resistant. The Pioneer PC boards shall be conformal coated for additional protection. Two breathable membrane patches shall be installed to the bottom of the housing to maintain a consistent internal pressure. The PFP1 shall have extended LED operation with low current consumption and low operating temperature. The Pioneer light shall be SAE 1113-42 compliant and Class 5 testing for EMI. The PFP2 is covered by a five year factory warranty. The front body side mounted recessed light(s) shall be controlled by a switch located in the cab. LIGHTS, RECESSED REAR BODY CORNERS There shall be a recessed light shall be installed on the side of the body in the upper rear corners. 03/24/15 72 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Two (2) Whelen Pioneer Plus Model PFP1 light head(s) shall be provided. The light(s) shall be installed in a PBA103 semi recessed chrome 15° housing. The wiring shall extend from a weatherproof strain relief at the rear of the lamp head. The 75 watt +12v DC Pioneer lighthead(s) shall incorporate Super-LED single flood light installed in a die-cast white powder coated aluminum housing. The PFP1 configuration shall consist of 30 white Super-LEDs, a clear optic collimator/metalized reflector assembly and a clear non-optic polycarbonate lens. The Pioneer flood light shall have 8,100 usable lumens. The lens/reflector assembly shall utilize a liquid injected molded silicone gasket to be resistant to water, moisture, dust, and other environmental conditions. The hard coated lens shall provide extended life/luster protection against UV and chemical stresses. The PFP1 shall be shall be vibration resistant. The Pioneer PC boards shall be conformal coated for additional protection. Two breathable membrane patches shall be installed to the bottom of the housing to maintain a consistent internal pressure. The PFP1 shall have extended LED operation with low current consumption and low operating temperature. The Pioneer light shall be SAE 1113-42 compliant and Class 5 testing for EMI. The PFP2 is covered by a five year factory warranty. The rear body side mounted recessed light(s) shall be controlled by a switch located in the cab. BODY PAINT FINISH, SINGLE COLOR The body exterior shall have no mounted components prior to painting to assure full coverage of metal treatments. Box pan compartment doors shall be painted separately to assure proper paint coverage on body, doorjambs, and door edges. All painted surfaces shall follow the following procedure to insure a lasting finish: • • • • • Metal surfaces shall be sanded to remove all burrs and imperfections, before etching and treatment. A wax & grease solvent shall be used to clean and prep the aluminum surface. The surface shall then be rinsed with fresh water. This step removes wax, grease and other surface contaminants, thus leaving a bright, clean, and conditioned surface. A self-etching, metal primer shall be applied next. The self-etching primer shall fill all of the minor imperfections, scratches, etc. in the metal. This step produces a corrosion resisting conversion coating that prevents off oxidation and other surface contaminants leaving a surface that gives excellent paint adhesion. A sandable primer shall be sprayed on the metal that seals the surface for the polyurethane paint. A minimum coating thickness of 2 MIL shall be applied. Primer is then sanded smooth leaving the best surface for topcoat. The apparatus body shall then be painted with a minimum of three-(3) coats of color. These steps are followed as recommended by the paint manufacturer to provide a lasting and high quality gloss finish. DuPont shall provide all paint products. BODY PAINT COLOR/CODE The apparatus body paint code shall be White, 854064. PAINT, INTERIOR COMPARTMENT The interior of the body compartments shall be painted with “F-Shield”. 03/24/15 73 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper “F-Shield” is a 100% solids, state-of-the art, VOC-free, plural-component, pure polyuria elastomeric membrane. This seamless system exhibits extraordinary performance characteristics. F-Shield is based on amine-terminated polyether resins, amine chain extenders and MDI pre-polymers. This membrane achieves an extremely tough, flexible, chemical and abuse resistant finish. F-Shield shall be used in specified areas for maximum protection. SCOTCHLITE STRIPE There shall be a 6" wide Scotchlite stripe, with an additional 1" wide stripe located above and below. The stripes shall be located no higher than 60" from the ground installed on the apparatus cab and body. The stripes shall cover a minimum of sixty percent (60%) of each side of the apparatus and forty percent (40%) of the front and rear of the apparatus. The stripe shall be installed to meet the current NFPA requirements. The striping shall be white in color. The pin/secondary stripe shall be white in color. The reflective stripe shall run straight from the headlights to the front body compartments with a hockey stick design and run to the rear of the body on each side of the apparatus. STRIPE, REAR CHEVERON A minimum of fifty percent of the rear vertical surface of the unit shall be overlaid with a reflective material, installed in an alternating "Chevron" pattern (sloping down and away from the centerline) at a 45-degree angle. Each stripe shall be 6” wide and the colors of stripping shall be in compliance, with the current edition of NFPA 1901. CHEVRON REFLECTIVE STRIPE, FRONT BUMPER The front bumper shall be overlaid with a reflective material, installed in an alternating "Chevron" pattern (sloping down and away from the centerline) at a 45 degree angle colors of the striping shall be of the discretion of the purchaser. The Chevron striping shall be 3M red and lime green. LETTERING There shall be a maximum of sixty (60) 3" tall Spun Gold letters applied to the apparatus. The lettering shall also have a one color shade applied. The lettering shall be gold in color. The shade shall be black in color. EXTRA LETTER(S), 12" There shall be twelve (12) 12" tall Scotchlite letters applied to the apparatus. Lettering color and shading to match original letters. The lettering shall read DEL RIO and located on each side of the upper body. 03/24/15 74 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Letter Color: Red with black outline NUMBER PLACARDS A total of four-(4) aluminum number placards will be provided and mounted at the front, rear and sides of the vehicle. The placards shall be painted red in color. The number placards will be 10" high x 10" wide with drop in plates, appropriately numbered to Fire Department requirements. The numbers on the drop in plates will be white reflective material. FIRE DEPARTMENT DECALS There shall be one (1) pair Fire Department decals/Maltese Crosses installed on the apparatus. The decals shall match the Fire Department requirements. WARRANTY, BODY PARTS & LABOR There shall be a two-(2) year extended body mechanical parts and labor warranty provided with the apparatus. The apparatus shall be free of defects in material and workmanship for a warranty period of two-(2) year after the date on which the apparatus is first delivered to the original purchaser. WARRANTY, CAB/CHASSIS PARTS & LABOR The manufacturer shall provide a limited parts and labor warranty to the purchaser of the cab and chassis for a period of two-(2) year, or the first 24,000 miles, whichever occurs first. The warranty period shall commence on the date the vehicle is delivered to the end user. WARRANTY, CAB STRUCTURAL The cab structure shall be warranted for a period of ten-(10) years or one hundred thousand (100,000) miles which ever may occur first. The warranty period shall commence on the date the vehicle is delivered to the end user. WARRANTY, BODY STRUCTURAL There shall be a ten-(10) year body warranty on each new fire body/heavy-duty rescue apparatus. The bodies are to be free of structural failures caused by defective design or workmanship for a warranty period of ten-(10) years after the date on which the vehicle is first delivered to the original purchaser or 100,000 miles, whichever occurs first. WARRANTY, CAB PAINT The cab and chassis shall be covered by a limited manufacturer paint warranty which shall be in effect for ten-(10) years from the first owner’s date of purchase or in service or the first 100,000 actual miles, whichever occurs first.The warranty period shall commence on the date the vehicle is delivered to the end user. 03/24/15 75 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper WARRANTY, BODY PAINT/CORROSION There shall be a four-(4) year paint/corrosion warranty provided. This warranty shall cover perforation, blistering, peeling, or any other adhesion defects caused by defective manufacturing methods, or material selections, for a warranty period of four-(4) years or 100,000 miles which occurs first, after the date of which the vehicle is first delivered to the original purchaser. WARRANTY, FRAME RAIL The chassis frame and crossmembers shall be provided with a lifetime material and workmanship limited warranty to the original purchaser. The warranty shall cover the chassis frame and crossmembers as being free from defects in material and workmanship that would arise under normal use and service. Proposals offering warranties for frames not including cross members shall not be considered. WARRANTY, MERITOR AXLE FRONT AXLE The front axle shall be warranted by Meritor for two-(2) years with unlimited miles under the general service application. REAR AXLE The rear axle shall be warranted by Meritor for two-(2) years with unlimited miles under the general service application. WARRANTY, DEISEL ENGINE The Cummins engine shall be warranted for a period of five-(5) years or 100,000 miles, whichever occurs first. WARRANTY, TRANSMISSION The Allison EVS series transmission shall be warranted for a period of five-(5) years with unlimited mileage. Parts and labor shall be included in the warranty. WARRANTY, ANTI LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM The ABS brake system shall be warranted for a period of three-(3) years/300,000 miles. WARRANTY, WATEROUS FIRE PUMP Waterous warrants, to the original Buyer only, that products manufactured by Waterous will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of five-(5) years from the date the product is first placed in service, or five and one-half-(5 1/2) years from the date of shipment by Waterous, whichever period shall be the first to expire; provided the buyer notifies Waterous, in writing, of the defect in said product within the warranty period, and said product is found by Waterous to be nonconforming with the aforesaid warranty. WARRANTY, PLUMBING SYSTEM 03/24/15 76 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper There shall be a ten-(10) year pump plumbing warranty provided. The warranty covers all plumbing components used in construction of the fire apparatus water/foam plumbing system against defects and workmanship, provided the apparatus is used in a normal and reasonable manner. The warranty is extended only to the original user-purchaser for a period of 10 years from the date of delivery. WARRANTY, WATER TANK The poly tank manufacturer warrants each tank to be free from manufacturing defects in material and workmanship for the service life of the original vehicle (vehicle must be actively used in fire suppression). The warrant is transferable, with written approval of the manufacturer. Each tank is inspected and tested for leaks prior to leaving the manufacturing facility. The tank shall be installed in the vehicle in accordance to the manufacture's guidelines. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, which extend beyond the description of the face hereof. There is no expressed or implied warranty of merchantability or a warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Additional, this warranty is in lieu of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of the Manufacturer. MANUAL, CHASSIS OPERATION There shall be two-(2) digital copies of the chassis operation manual provided with the chassis. The digital data shall include a parts list specific to the chassis model. MANUALS, ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION OPERATION There shall be two-(2) printed hard copy sets of the engine operation manual and two-(2) printed hard copy sets of the transmission operation manual specific to the model ordered included with the chassis. MANUALS, APPARATUS BODY The contractor shall supply, at time of delivery, at two-(2) sets of complete operation and service documentation covering the completed apparatus as delivered and accepted. The documentation shall address at least the inspection, service, and operations of the fire apparatus and all major components thereof. The manuals shall be digital. MANUALS, FIRE PUMP There shall be two-(2) copies of pump manuals provided to the department. WIRING DIAGRAMS, CAB/CHASSIS There will be a complete digital set of electrical schematics provided at the time of delivery. These schematics will have each circuit properly numbered and in color. 03/24/15 77 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper The schematic will show each connector in the circuitry and the position in which each circuit enters, exits, or terminates. The schematic will be drawn in such a manner as to allow individual circuitry to be followed throughout the apparatus. These schematics will not have the circuitry condensed into a single line or sets of lines. Multiple sheets will be acceptable so long as each of the harnesses is properly identified to the connecting sheet and harness. There will be a border around the paper(s), which contain alpha and numeric characters for indexing coordinate reference. There will be an indexing or part reference document for quick location of items shown on the schematics. WIRING DIAGRAMS, APPARATUS BODY There will be a complete set of generic electrical schematics provided at the time of delivery. These schematics will have each circuit properly numbered and in color. The schematic will show each connector in the circuitry and the position in which each circuit enters, exits, or terminates. The schematic will be drawn in such a manner as to allow individual circuitry to be followed throughout the apparatus. These schematics will not have the circuitry condensed into a single line or sets of lines. Multiple sheets will be acceptable so long as each of the harnesses is properly identified to the connecting sheet and harness. There will be a border around the paper(s), which contain alpha and numeric characters for indexing coordinate reference. There will be an indexing or part reference document for quick location of items shown on the schematics. This document will refer the user to the appropriate drawing and page number and to sections of the drawing(s) by the means of letter and number coordinates. The schematic will show all harnesses used in the apparatus cab, chassis and body that is supplied by the chassis and body manufacturer. Modifications to the manufactured standard harnesses are to be documented and properly indexed for quick identification. A complete wire number, color, and function listing will accompany the schematics. LADDER(S), 10' FOLDING There shall be one (1) Duo-Safety Model 585-A, 10' folding ladder(s) provided with the apparatus. The ladder(s) shall be aluminum, single-section with rubber feet. The ladder(s) shall meet or exceed the latest NFPA standards. LADDER(S), 14' ROOF There shall be one (1) Duo-Safety model 775-A, 14' roof ladder(s) supplied with the apparatus. The ladder(s) shall be aluminum, single-section with folding steel roof hooks on one end and steel spikes at the other. The ladder(s) shall meet or exceed the latest NFPA standards. LADDER(S), 24' 2-SECTON EXTENSION There shall be one (1) Duo-Safety model 900-A, 24' two-section ladder(s) supplied with the apparatus. The extension ladder(s) shall be aluminum with steel spurs on one end. The ladder(s) shall meet or exceed the latest NFPA standards. LADDER(S), LITTLE GIANT 03/24/15 78 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper There shall be one (1) Little Giant multi-purpose folding ladder(s) supplied with the apparatus. 3' FIBERGLASS PIKE POLE(S) There shall be two (2) Akron model UL-3-D, 3' fiberglass pike pole(s) supplied with the apparatus. It shall consist of a 3' hollow fiberglass pole, 1-1/4" OD with standard steel pike and D-handle. 30" HOOLIGAN TOOL(S) There shall be one (1) Paratech 30" hooligan tool(s) supplied with the apparatus. The hooligan tool shall have a separate claw and head section. The claw and head shall be press-fitted and welded to a 30" stress-proof bar. The hooligan tool shall be chrome plated. FLAT HEAD AXE Two (2) Akron model FHY-6, 6 pound steel flat head axe with 36" yellow fiberglass handle shall be supplied with the apparatus. AXE MOUNTING BRACKETS One (1) set(s) of Pac Trac model 1004 tool mounting bracket(s) to mount the axe(s) shall be installed on the apparatus as directed by the Fire Department. PICK HEAD AXE One (1) Akron model PHY-6, 6 pound steel pick head axe with 36" yellow fiberglass handle shall be supplied with the apparatus. AXE MOUNTING BRACKETS One (1) set(s) of Pac Trac model 1004 tool mounting bracket(s) to mount the axe(s) shall be installed on the apparatus as directed by the Fire Department. HOSE, 100' x 1" BOOSTER There shall be one (1) 100' length(s) of 1" synthetic rubber booster hose with an 800 PSI rating provided with the apparatus. HOSE, 50' x 1-3/4" DOUBLE JACKET There shall be ten (10) length(s) of 50' x 1-3/4" Key double jacket hose supplied with the apparatus. The hose shall be constructed in the following manner: jacket construction eliminates moisture absorption and problems that make handling difficult in freezing weather. Prior to the jackets and liners being combined, each outside jacket must be completely Nfused by a mechanical process to provide complete coverage of a Hypalon compound. The heat applied shall be a minimum of 400 degrees F. The lining shall have a thickness of not less than .015". Shore hardness shall not exceed 40 03/24/15 79 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper durometer on the "D" scale. The tinsel strength of the lining shall not be less than 45 PSI. The hose shall be tested to 800 lbs. The hose shall be yelow in color. HOSE, 50' x 2-1/2" DOUBLE JACKET There shall be ten (10) length(s) of 50' x 2-1/2" Key double jacket hose supplied with the apparatus. The hose shall be constructed in the following manner: jacket construction eliminates moisture absorption and problems that make handling difficult in freezing weather. Prior to the jackets and liners being combined, each outside jacket must be completely Nfused by a mechanical process to provide complete coverage of a Hypalon compound. The heat applied shall be a minimum of 400 degrees F. The lining shall have a thickness of not less than .015". Shore hardness shall not exceed 40 durometer on the "D" scale. The tinsel strength of the lining shall not be less than 45 PSI. The hose shall be tested to 800 lbs. The hose shall be yellow in color. HOSE, 100' x 5" RUBBER LDH There shall be fifteen (15) length(s) of 100' x 5" Key Pro-Flow LDH hose supplied with the apparatus. The hose shall be made from 100 percent high tenacity synthetic polyester yarn, circularly woven and completely protected by a throughthe-weave extruded PVC/Nitrile rubber, forming a single homogeneous construction without the use of glues or adhesives of any type. Pro-Flow features a thin rib construction to aid abrasion resistance. Pro-Flow exceeds all requirements of NFPA 1961 for supply hose. Pro-Flow shall carry a 10 year written warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. HOSE CLAMP One (1) Akron Brass item 05880001 Hose Clamp(s) shall be provided. It shall be constructed of Pyrolite, have dual rubber jaws, built-in carrying handle, spring loaded lock, mounting bracket, and shall not exceed 30” in length, or 16 lbs. in weight. SPANNER - WRENCH There shall be two (2) Red Head model 103 booster hose spanner wrench (wrenches) supplied with the apparatus. ANGUS SPANNER WRENCH SET There shall be one (1) Angus Model SW114 spanner set with four (4) wrenches mounted on the apparatus. SPANNER WRENCH SET(2) There shall be three (3) Kochek USS Model K46-2, spanner wrench and holder set with two-(2) spanner wrenches shall be mounted on the apparatus as specified. SPANNER/HYDRANT SET(S) 03/24/15 80 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper There shall be three (3) Kochek HSS Model K48-3, spanner/hydrant wrench set with mounting bracket installed on the apparatus. Each set shall have two (2) spanner wrenches and one (1) hydrant wrench. ADAPTER(S) - 2-1/2" DOUBLE MALE There shall be two (2) Kochek model 36R2525, 2-1/2" NST double male adapter(s) supplied with the completed apparatus. ADAPTER(S) - 2-1/2" DOUBLE FEMALE There shall be one (1) Kochek model 35R2525, 2-1/2" NST double female adapter(s) supplied with the completed apparatus. ADAPTER - 4.5" FNST X 5" STORZ There shall be one (1) Storz Model S37S, 4.5"FNST x 5" Storz adapter supplied with the apparatus. 30 DEGREE ELBOW(S) - 4" FNST X 5" STORZ There shall be one (1) Kochek model SKE45R, 4" FNST rocker lug x 5" Storz, adapter supplied with the apparatus. The elbow(s) shall have a 30-degree turn down. Location: 4" right side discharge ADAPTER - 6" FNST X 5" STORZ There shall be one (1) Kochek Model S37S56, 6" FNST X 5" Storz supplied with the apparatus. REDUCER(S), 2-1/2" FNST X 1-1/2" MNST There shall be two (2) Kochek model 37R2515, 2-1/2" FNST x 1-1/2" MNST reducer(s) supplied with the apparatus. CAP(S), 5" STORZ There shall be four (4) Kochek model CC507, 5" Storz cap(s) with chain provided with the apparatus. Locations: 4" right side discharge elbow, one-(1) for the 6" x 5" adater and one-(1) for each piston intake valve VALVE(S), PISTON INTAKE Two (2) Akron Brass Style 7980 Black Max Piston Intake Valve(s) shall be provided. The Piston Intake Valve shall be constructed of lightweight, corrosion-resistant, hard-anodized and poly-impregnated aluminum and stainless steel. The valve shall have an adjustable (50-250 psi) relief valve, ¾” air bleeder, a built-in 53° down angle, a stainless steel drive screw and piston nut, a hand wheel with fold-away knob, a polymer piston, a durable non-stick seat, and a minimum 4 ¾” 03/24/15 81 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper diameter waterway with cast-in turning vane. The valve shall not exceed 7 psi friction loss at 2000 gpm and 11 15/16” depth. Must specify inlet and out let. Product must carry a 10 year warranty. Configuration shall be: Inlet: 5” STORZ Outlet: 6” NH, LONG HANDLE FEMALE FOAM NOZZLE There shall be one (1) Akron model 777, foam nozzle (aspirating device) supplied with the apparatus. This nozzle is compatible with Mid-Range TurboJet Wide-Range Assault nozzles and has a bumper diameter of 3-7/8". NOZZLE(S), MASTER STREAM One (1) Akron Brass Akromatic 1250 combination fog and straight stream master stream nozzle(s) item 51600004 with automatic flow mechanism that provides a flow range of 250 to 1250 gpm at 80 psi shall be provided. The nozzle shall be constructed of durable, lightweight Pyrolite and shall have manual pattern selection from straight stream to wide fog with a large, rubber-like pattern control ring for easier pattern change and extra protection, built-in stream shaper, and a 2.5” NH swivel base. PORTABLE ATTACK MONITOR PACKAGE A Task Force Tips Blitzfire model XXC-52 portable lightweight attack monitor package comprising of monitor, stack tip nozzles, Max Series nozzle tip, and bracket shall be supplied. The package shall be configured as follows: Task Force Tips Blitzfire model AX111A portable lightweight attack monitor shall be supplied. The monitor shall include an integral safety shut off valve that will automatically shut down the water flow in the event control of the monitor is lost. The water flow is controlled by a six position detent, turbulence free slide valve. The detent flow control shall also function as the reset for the safety shut off valve to resume water flow. The water inlet shall pivot up and down to allow for stability on uneven surfaces. The discharge has vertical elevation travel between 10 and 50 degrees above horizontal with a ball and socket joint. The same ball and socket joint shall allow for horizontal adjustment of 20 degrees left and right of center. The discharge outlet shall have a removable stream straightener. The monitor shall have folding stabilization legs with carbide tips, which are concealed in the carry and stow positions. An integral carrying handle that also functions as a attachment point for the included anchor strap shall be provided. For corrosion resistance, the monitor shall be constructed from hardcoat anodized aluminum alloy and have a blue powder coat interior and exterior finish. The monitor shall be configured with a 2-1/2" female NH swivel rocker lug coupling and 2-1/2" male NH rigid outlet with a flow rating of 500 GPM. The unit shall be covered by a five-year warranty. 03/24/15 82 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Task Force Tips model XX-B storage bracket shall be installed. The bracket shall be constructed from stainless steel and hardcoat aluminum and be designed for horizontal or vertical installation. The bracket shall include an adjustable strap assembly for elimination of nozzle movement. The bracket is designed for storage of the Blitzfire and Blitzfire OSC series portable monitors. The unit shall be covered by a five-year warranty. Task Force Tips model MST-3NJ smooth bore stacked tip set shall be provided. For corrosion resistance the tip set shall be constructed from hardcoat anodized aluminum alloy. The set shall consist of three (3) tips with the base tip having a 21/2" female NH swivel inlet and 1-1/2" outlet. The other tip sizes shall be 1-1/4" and 1". Each tip shall be laser engraved with a flow/pressure chart, orifice size, and thread size. Task Force Tips Max-Force, model MD12A dual pressure automatic nozzle tip shall be provided. A knob located at the front of the nozzle shall allow for pressure rating adjustments of 100 or 55 PSI. The nozzle design shall allow for straight stream through dense wide fog patterns and be able to be flushed without shutting down. The ribbed rubber bumper shall allow for stream shape adjustment. For corrosion resistance and durability the nozzle shall be constructed from hardcoat anodized aluminum alloy, a protective rubber bumper with fog teeth, laser engraved serial number, reflective labeling and five year warranty. The nozzle shall comply with the current NFPA 1964 standard. The nozzle shall be suitable for foam solution application and designed to accept the Task Force Tips FJ-LX-MD low expansion air aspirating attachment. The nozzle shall have a 2-1/2" female NH swivel rocker lug coupling and a flow range of 100-500 GPM at 100 or 55 PSI. EXTINGUISHER(S), 20-POUND ABC There shall be one (1) Buckeye Fire Equipment model 12120, 20-pound ABC stored pressure dry chemical extinguisher(s) supplied with the apparatus. The extinguisher(s) shall have a heavy steel wall shell with corrosion resistant aluminum handles. Extinguisher(s) shall have a gauge and come pressurized with a Triplex dry chemical. EXTINGUISHER(S), 15-POUND CO2 There shall be one (1) Buckeye Fire Equipment model 46100, 15-pound CO2 fire extinguisher(s) supplied with the apparatus. The extinguisher(s) shall have a heavy wall construction and come pressurized with CO2. EXTINGUISHER(S), 2-1/2 GALLON PRESSURIZED WATER There shall be one (1) Buckeye Fire Equipment model 50000, 2-1/2 gallon pressure water extinguisher(s) supplied with the apparatus. BRACKET(S), FIRE EXTINGUISHER There shall be three (3) Brooks Equipment fire extinguisher bracket(s) installed on the apparatus as directed by the Fire Department. COVER(S), SALVAGE There shall be two (2) 12' x 14', 10 ounce vinyl-nylon fire resistant salvage cover(s) supplied with the apparatus. 03/24/15 83 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper POSITIVE PRESSURE FAN, 18" There shall be one (1) Ferrara model PGB-18-4HLP 18" Low Profile Positive Pressure Fan supplied with the apparatus. This unit is equipped with pneumatic tires and dual purpose easy grip "T" handle. It shall utilize a tilt and lock device for adjustment up to 20 degrees. The unit shall be powered by a 5.5Hp Honda Motor and produce a minimum of 15,000 CFM. The operational weight of the unit shall not exceed 82lbs. The dimensions shall be 21.25" x 21" x 20". Color of unit shall be blue. HANDLIGHT(S), STREAMLIGHT LITEBOX Two (2) waterproof Streamlight LiteBox series light(s), part number 45107, shall be provided. The light(s) shall have a orange high-impact ABS thermoplastic housing, rubberized impact bumper, lens ring, shoulder strap and cushioned-grip handle. The 8-watt spot bulb shall be provide up to 80,000 peak beam candlepower rated at 150 lumens. The battery shall operate up to nine-(9) hours per charge and shall be provided with Red & green LEDs give charge status feedback. The vehicle-mounted direct-wire charging rack(s) shall be wired direct to the batteries of the 12-volt DC system on the apparatus. HANDLIGHT(S), STREAMLIGHT SURVIVOR Six (6) waterproof Streamlight Survivor series light(s), part number 90528, shall be provided. The light(s) shall have a orange high impact super tough nylon housing, a spring loaded clip with built in attachment ring for belts and harnesses and serialized for positive identification. The light(s) shall contain C4 LED technology impervious to shock with a 50,000 hour lifetime. The C4 LED shall be provide up to 21,000 peak beam candlepower rated at 100 lumens. The fast charge vehicle-mounted charger(s) shall be wired direct to the batteries of the 12-volt DC system on the apparatus. The light comes equipped with a spring loaded clip with built in attachment ring for belts and harnesses, serialized for positive identification and in high-visibility orange. WHEEL CHOCKS WITH BRACKETS There shall be one (1) pair of Ziamatic model SAC-44 folding wheel chocks with SQCH-44-H horizontal chock holder(s) mounted on the apparatus body as directed by the fire department. ROAD SAFTEY CONES Five-(5) 28” tall EZ-Stor Road Safety Cones shall be provided on the apparatus, internally lit, with a cluster of LED warning lights eliminating the need for road flares. MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE One (1) bag of chrome, stainless steel, or cadmium plated screws, nuts, bolts, and washers, as used in the construction of the unit shall be provided with the vehicle. TOOL MOUNTING BRACKET(S), PAC TRAC 1004 03/24/15 84 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Four (4) Pac Trac model 1004 tool mounting bracket(s) shall be provided and installed on the apparatus as directed by the Fire Department. The Handlelok brackets provides an adjustable positive locking method to secure axes, hammers, bars and many other tools and equipment. The STRETCHLOK strap allows instant release and is rated at 5400 PSI tensile strength. The Handlelok grip range shall be 1/8" to 1-3/4". The Handlelok features includes soft textured pad for extra grip, weather/UV resistant and non-conductive. TOOL MOUNTING PLATE(S), 2-1/2" TRI-LOCK Four (4) South Park model QL48Z25C, 2-1/2" tri-lock mounting plate(s) shall be provided and installed on the apparatus as directed by the Fire Department. The mounting plate shall be made of die cast zinc with chrome finish. Locations: Compartment L1 The holders shall be mounted at final inspection. BRACKETS, RESCUE TOOLS Locations: Compartment R3 BRACKET(S), AIR PACK There shall be one (1) Ziamatic Model UN-6-30 air pack bracket(s) installed on the apparatus as specified by the Fire Department. Location: Compartment L1 The bracket shall be mounted on the upper wall towards the front of the compartment. RESCUE TOOLS The following rescue tools shall be provided with the completed apparatus: One-(1) Holmatro RE 5002 power unit One-(1) Holmatro R32 4202392 spreader unit One-(1) Holmatro R30 40NCT00298, cutter unit One-(1) Holmatro R33 2101504, single ram One-(1) Holmatro R33 2201675, single ram One-(1) Holmatro HR 2015 double portable hydraulic reel with 50' of hose each side 03/24/15 85 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT The following additional equipment shall be provided with the apparatus: One-(1) Denver forcible entry tool One-(1) Fire Hooks Unlimited 6' pike pole with NY style hook and RAM knob at the end One-(1) Fire Hooks Unlimited 10' pike pole with NY style hook and RAM knob at the end One-(1) R&B Fabrications, Inc. high rise pack, model 423RD One-(1) Akron 95 GPM portable inline educator, model 3095 One-(1) Lock Technology automotive lockout kit, model LT140 One-(1) Akron 2-1/2" play pipe, model 4830 One-(1) Akron 2-1/2" nozzle. model 4825 Three-(3) Akron 1-1/2" pistol grip nozzles model 4820 One-(1) Akron 1" pistol grip nozzle model 4802 Six-(6) Scott, 4500 PSI air pack, model AirPak 75 X3214021000202 Six-(6) Scott medium face piece, model AV-3000HT 201215-02 Twelve-(12) 4500 PSI/45 minute carbon cylinder & valve, model 804722-01 One-(1) Pac Trac K5003 Irons mounting set One-(1) Hebert LDH hose clamp with bracket One-(1) Honda EU2000IA, 2000-watt portable generator Two-(2) Whelen PFP1AC LED portable tripod lights One-(1) Echo CS-400 chainsaw with case One-(1) DeWalt SW304PK reciprocating saw with case One-(1) Bullard Eclipse thermal imaging camera with truck charger and spare battery One-(1) 1-gallon metal safety fuel can One-(1) 2-gallon metal safety fuel can One-(1) 50' x 12/3 extension cord (yellow in color) One-(1) 100' x 12/3 extension cord (yellow in color) One-(1) round point shovel with D-ring wood handle One-(1) 27" aluminum scoop shovel One-(1) 8-pound sledge hammer One-(1) Dixie Plastic 540091, 72" x 18" backboard with pins (orange in color) Eight-(8) Dixie Pastic 139557 Morrison nylon 5' backboard straps with side release buckles Two-(2) Stearns Rescue Mate water rescue throw bags, 50' Tool box with minimum tools listed below: 1 Tool box able to hold the following items 1 ¼” - ⅜” socket set, SAE and metric 1 Combination wrench set, SAE, ¼” - ⅞” 1 Combination wrench set, metric, 9mm - 19mm 1 Screwdriver set 1 Hack saw, aluminum with blades 1 Claw hammer, 16 oz. 1 Ball peen hammer 1 Rubber mallet, 32 oz. 03/24/15 86 City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pipe wrench, 14” Pipe wrench, 18” Wrench, adjustable, 10” Wrench, adjustable, 12” Pliers, groove-joint, 10” Pliers, slip-joint, 6” Pliers, needlenose, 6.5” Pliers, linemans, 7” Pliers, diagonal cutter, 7” Cable cutters, 7” Locking pliers, curved jaw, 7” Locking pliers, curved jaw, 10” Locking pliers, needlenose, 9” Locking pliers, straight jaw, 7” Locking pliers, straight jaw, 10” Hex wrench set, folding, SAE Hex wrench set, folding, metric Torx wrench set, folding Handheld trigger type infrared thermometer 03/24/15 87 QUOTATION City of Del Rio Fire Department Cinder Custom Pumper Exp. Date: Quote No: 03/24/2015 PART NO 00-04-0220 00-12-0420 00-12-0820 00-12-1020 00-14-0620 00-16-0220 00-16-6220 00-18-0820 00-22-0220 00-22-0620 00-22-0820 00-D2-0220 02-A2-0220 02-A4-0420 02-A4-2420 02-A4-2620 02-A6-1420 02-C4-2220 04-A2-2420 04-A6-2020 04-C2-0820 04-C4-1020 04-A8-0220 04-D4-0620 04-E2-2420 04-E4-0220 04-E4-2020 04-G2-0420 04-K2-8020 04-M2-0220 04-M6-0820 04-P2-0220 04-R4-0820 04-S2-2020 04-T2-0220 04-S6-1220 08/07/2014 10914-0017 DESCRIPTION == Legals - Pumpers - 1403.002 03/17/14 == Apparatus Purchase - Buy Board Contract Manufacturer - Virtual Certified Welders Body Weight Drawings - Approval Pre-Construction Conference - Factory, Airfare/Lodging/Meals Per Person Final Inspection - Factory (Airfare/Lodging/Meals) Per Person Vehicle Transportation - Over the Road (Per Mile) Service Contacts Company Service Vehicles Replacement Parts == CHASSIS - Custom Tilt Cab - FFA - 1403.002 03/17/14 == Custom XD Full Tilt Cab - CINDER WHEELBASE / FRAMERAILS / COMPONENTS / ACCESSORIES Wheelbase: 221" Framerail - Double Paint - Frame Rail, "F-Shield" "F-Shield" Color: Black Tow Hooks - Chrome, Below the Bumper FRONT BUMPERS / COMPONENTS / ACCESSORIES Front Bumper Extension - 24" FRONT AXLES / COMPONENTS / ACCESSORIES Front Axle - 20,000 Pounds, Reyco Granning IFS Steering System - TRW 20,000 Pounds (IFS) Front Brakes - Disc, IFS Axle Cramp Angle - 52 Degrees Chassis Alignment Front Tires - Michelin 385/65R 22.5 "L" XFE 20,000 Pounds Front Wheels - Aluminum (385 Tires) Wheel Trim - Front, Baby Moons/Lug Nut Covers Mud Flaps - Front SINGLE REAR AXLES / COMPONENTS / ACCESSORIES Rear Axle - 27,000 Pounds, Meritor RS-25-160 Rear Suspension - 27,000 Pounds, Spring Standard Differential - Single Axle Vehicle Top Speed: 65-68 MPH Rear Brakes - S-Cam 16-1/2" x 7" Rear Tires - Michelin 12R22.5 "H" XDS 27,000 Pounds Rear Wheels - Aluminum (11R/12R Tires) Wheel Trim - Rear, Lincoln Hats Tire Pressure Monitor (2 Axles) - LED Alert QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 674 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 1 ID FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE 03/24/2015 PART NO 06-A2-0220 06-A2-0420 06-A2-4020 06-A4-4020 06-B4-2020 08-A2-1020 08-B2-0620 08-C2-0420 08-C2-1420 08-C2-2620 08-C2-4220 08-C2-4420 08-C2-6020 08-D2-2220 08-E2-0620 08-E4-0220 08-E6-0220 08-E8-4420 08-G4-2020 DESCRIPTION AIR BRAKE SYSTEM / COMPONENTS Harness and Hose Routing System Air Brake System - Color Coded Nylon w/1/4 Turn Drain Valves Chassis Air System Fittings - Push-Lock Type ABS/ATC/ESC System - SINGLE AXLE Air Dryer - Bendix AD-9 ENGINES / COMPONENTS / ACCESSORIES Engine - 450 HP, Cummins ISL9 (EPA 2013) Engine Brake - Cummins ISL Engine ENGINE / COMPONENTS / COOLING SYSTEM - ISL Cooling System - 1400 Square Inch Radiator Cooling System Fan - Cummins ISL Radiator Coolant - Extended Life Coolant Hoses - Premium Rubber Coolant Hose Clamps - Gates PowerGrip Auxiliary Engine Cooler Alternator - 430 AMP, Delco Remy 55SI Battery System - 6 Group 31 Battery Boxes - Stainless Steel Battery Master Load Disconnect Battery / Air Charger - Kussmaul Pump Plus 1200 091-193-12 Receptacle - Kussmaul 20 AMP Super Auto-Eject 091-55-20-120 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 2 ID FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE Location: Driver's side cab wheel well area 08-G6-0220 Cover - Super Auto Eject Yellow, Kussmaul 091-55YW 08-G8-8220 Plate - Shore Power Inlet TRANSMISSION / COMPONENTS / ACCESSORIES 10-A2-0220 Transmission - Allison 3000 EVS 10-A4-0620 Transmission Push Button Shifter - 5 Speed 10-H2-0220 Driveline - 1710 Series FUEL SYSTEM / COMPONENTS 10-J2-0620 Fuel Tank - 65 Gallon 10-J4-0220 Fuel Lines - Reinforced Wire Braided 10-J4-0420 Valve - Fuel Shutoff 10-J4-0820 Fuel Filter - Cummins 10-J6-0820 DEF System w/5 Gallon Tank - Left Rear Under Cab 10-J8-2020 DEF Fill w/Door - Left Crew Cab Extension 10-M2-0820 Exhaust System - EPA 13 Particulate Filer/SCR CAB CONFIGURATIONS - CINDER XD - SMFD thru LFD 12-H6-1420 Custom XD 96" XMFD Cab w/8" Raised Roof 12-P2-1020 Cab Doors - Full Length, 4 Door Raised Roof Cab 12-P4-0220 Cab Door Hinges - Concealed 12-P6-0820 Cab Door Locks - Manual Paddle Type (4 Door Cab) 12-P8-1020 Window Regulators - Electric (4 Door Cab) 12-R2-0620 Window - Left Side Fixed, 16-1/2"W x 33-1/2"H 12-R2-0820 Window - Right Side Fixed, 16-1/2"W x 33-1/2"H 12-R4-0420 Cab Tilt Lock Suspension (Full Tilt Cab) 12-R4-2220 Cab Tilt Electric Pump w/Manual Back-Up (Standard Location) CUSTOM CAB - EXTERIOR PAINT FINISH 12-T2-0420 Paint - Custom Cab, Two Tone 12-T4-1020 Upper Cab Paint Color/Code: White 854064 12-T2-0620 Upper Cab Paint Finish 12-T6-0220 Primary/Lower Cab Paint Finish 12-T6-0620 Primary/Lower Paint Color/Code: Red 854008 12-T8-0420 Two-Tone Cab Break Line Stripe: Spun Gold CUSTOM CAB - EXTERIOR TRIM COMPONENTS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE 03/24/2015 PART NO 14-A2-0830 14-A2-1020 14-A4-0820 14-A6-2020 14-A6-8220 14-G4-0220 14-G4-2220 14-G4-6420 14-G6-0420 14-H2-2620 14-H2-6220 14-H4-1220 14-K2-0220 14-K2-0620 14-K2-0820 14-K2-2020 14-K2-8220 14-K4-0420 14-K4-4020 14-P2-1620 14-P2-2420 16-A4-1020 16-A8-0620 16-A8-1220 16-A6-0220 16-B4-0220 16-B4-1420 16-A6-1020 16-B6-4020 16-B6-2220 16-C4-0420 16-A6-2020 16-A6-2220 16-C6-4220 16-D4-0420 16-C8-6020 16-A6-2420 16-A6-2620 16-D6-4220 16-D8-6020 16-E4-1020 16-A6-4020 16-E6-4220 16-E8-6020 16-M2-1420 16-M2-6420 16-M2-6620 16-M4-2620 16-M6-2020 16-P2-0220 16-P2-6020 DESCRIPTION Custom Front Grille - Stainless Steel, Lighted Side Grilles w/Ember Separator Cab Mirrors - Heated/Remote, Ramco Cowl Mounted Exterior Trim - Rear Step Well w/Removable Battery Access Covers Exterior Trim - Tread Plate, Back of Cab CUSTOM CAB - INTERIOR TRIM COMPONENTS Interior Cab Finish - "F-Shield" Dark Gray Interior Trim - Gray Floor Mats/Engine Tunnel Covering Interior Trim - Sprayed Aluminum, Rear Wall Interior Trim - Grab Handles (4 Door Cab) Interior Trim - Upper Door Panels Brushed Stainless (4 Door Cab) Interior Trim - Lower Door Panels Brushed Stainless (4 Door Cab) Interior Trim - Lower Door Panels Reflective Stop Sign (4 Door Cab) CUSTOM CAB - INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Cab Instrumentation & Controls - Standard Gauges Driver's Information Display Panel Chassis Electrical System - Standard Wiring Doghouse Mounted Switch Panel Vehicle Data Recorder (VDR) w/Seat Belt Warning - Class 1 Seat Belt Warning System Panel - Class 1 Steering Column w/Self Canceling Turn Signals - Douglas Heat/Air Conditioning - Under Dash and Rear Crew Area A/C Condenser Housings: Black CUSTOM CAB / SEATING / AIR BAG PROTECTION / EMS COMPARTMENTS Seating / C.A.P. System/EMS Compartments - Bostrom Seat Material - Durawear Seat Color - Gray Tube Air Bag Protection - Driver's Seat Seat - Driver, Bostrom Sierra Air-100 Hi Back Air Ride Seat - Officer, Bostrom Tanker 450 Air SCBA Tube Air Bag Protection - Officer's Seat Filler Panel For SCBA Seat Bracket - Cab Seat SCBA, IMMI SmartDock Gen II Seat - DS Rear Facing Crew, Bostrom Tanker 450 Fixed SCBA Curtain Air Bag Protection - Driver's Side Outboard Rear Facing Seat Seatbelt Buckle Pretensioner - Driver's Side Outboard Rear Facing Seat Bracket - Cab Seat SCBA, IMMI SmartDock Gen II Seat - OF Rear Facing Crew, Bostrom Tanker 450 Fixed SCBA Filler Panel For SCBA Seat Curtain Air Bag Protection - Officer's Side Outboard Rear Facing Seat Seatbelt Buckle Pretensioner - Officer's Side Outboard Rear Facing Seat Bracket - Cab Seat SCBA, IMMI SmartDock Gen II Filler Panel For SCBA Seat Seats (2) - Inboard Forward Facing Crew, Bostrom Tanker 450 Fixed Bottom SCBA Seatbelt Buckle Pretensioners (2) - Inboard Forward Facing Seats Brackets (2) - Cab Seat SCBA, IMMI SmartDock Gen II Filler Panels For SCBA Seat (2) CUSTOM CAB - ACCESSORIES 12-Volt Dual USB Charging Port - Cab Mounted, Kussmaul 091-219 12-Volt Power Outlet - Cab Mounted 12-Volt Outlet Wiring - Battery Direct Electronic Siren - Whelen 295HFS2 Back-Up Alarm CUSTOM CAB - INTERIOR LIGHTING Lights (4) - LED Cab Dome, Red/Clear Light - Open Door, Whelen OS LED QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Page 3 ID FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE 03/24/2015 PART NO 16-P4-0220 16-R4-0420 18-A2-0620 18-A4-0220 18-A6-1020 18-A6-1220 18-A6-6020 18-A6-6220 18-B4-1420 18-B4-1820 18-D2-0820 02-B2-1020 02-B4-0420 02-C6-1220 02-D2-0220 02-R2-0220 02-R4-0420 02-P2-0420 02-P2-1020 02-P6-0620 02-P8-0820 02-R2-1420 02-R4-0420 02-M6-4020 02-M8-0220 02-M8-0820 02-M8-2220 02-S2-0220 DESCRIPTION Lights (4) - Step Well, LED Lights (2) - Engine Maintenance, LED CUSTOM CAB - EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION Front Cab Lighting - "M" Series LED Headlights - Halogen Lights - Turn Signal, "M" Series LED (Above Module Mounted) Lights - Turn Signal/Marker, LED Lights - Corning, LED Lights - DOT, LED Lights - Inboard Lower Front Warning, Whelen M6 LED M6 (Red w/Clear Lens) Lights - Outboard Lower Front Warning, Whelen M6 LED M6 (Red w/Clear Lens) Lights - Cab Ground, LED (4 Door Cab) == Chassis Mods - STOCK/CINDER - 1403.002 03/17/14 == Front Bumper - 10-1/2" High, HD Frame Rail Style Bumper Guide Poles (2) - Lighted Front Bumper Modification - 28" Extension Gravelshield - Front Bumper Extension Speaker - PS Thru Bumper (P1) Siren Speaker - Cast Product 100 Air Horn - PS Thru Bumper (P2) Air Horn - DS Thru Bumper (P6) Switch - Air Horn, (2) Driver/Officer Side Floor Switch - Horn/Horn Selector Speaker - DS Thru Bumper (P7) Siren Speaker - Cast Product 100 Mechanical Siren - DS Pedestal Mount (P7), Federal Q2B Siren Wiring - Active in Response Mode Only Switch - Siren, Officer's Side Floor Switch - Horn Ring Siren, Mechanical Siren Bell - Manual Chrome QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 4 ID FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE Location: Officer's side of the extended front bumper 04-T4-2220 10-H4-1820 12-R6-0220 14-H4-4020 Wheel Trim - Baby Moons/Lincoln Hats Fire Pump Installation Cab Exterior Storage Compartment - Officer's Side Interior Trim - Tool Mount Board, Pac Trac 1 FE 1 FE 1 2 FE Locations: One-(1) each side on the back wall of the cab, outboard of the center forward facing seats above the EMS compartments 16-J2-0220 Compartment - Outboard Forward Facing EMS 16-M2-0820 Fuse Block - 12-Volt 6-Place, Blue Sea 5025 2 1 FE Location: Officer's side of the engine tunnel 16-M2-2020 16-M2-2420 16-M2-2220 16-M2-2420 16-M2-2920 16-M2-4220 16-M2-6020 16-P2-0220 18-P2-0220 18-P2-2820 18-P4-0220 18-P4-0420 Map Book Holder Storage Bin - EMS Bags, Outboard Forward Facing Radio - WB/AM/FM/CD/iPod/Sat w/Speakers, Jensen Radio Installation - Customer Supplied Radio Antenna Mount - MNO Radio 12-Volt Power Circuit (Center Dash) 12-Volt Power and Ground Studs (2) Siren - Low Frequency, Whelen HOWLER CAB INFORMATION PLATES Plate - Carrying Capacity NFPA Plate - Seating Capacity 6 People Plate - Occupancy/Seat Belt Plate - "Do Not Wear Helmet While Seated" 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE 03/24/2015 PART NO 18-P4-0620 18-P4-0820 18-P4-1020 18-P4-1220 20-A2-4020 20-A4-2220 20-C4-0420 20-C6-1020 20-D2-0220 20-D2-0420 20-D2-0620 20-D4-0220 20-D6-0220 20-D6-1220 20-D8-0220 20-F2-0620 20-F2-1020 20-F2-2420 20-F4-0420 DESCRIPTION Plate - Overall Height/Length/Weight Plate - Fluid Capacity Plate - Apparatus Movement Warning Plate - "Do Not Ride" == Pump Enclosure - TM Extruded - 1403.002 03/17/14 == PUMP MODULE - TOP MOUNT EXTRUDED ALUMINUM Separate Pump Module - Extruded Pump Panels - Black Anodized Aluminum Pump Panel - Fully Hinged, Right Side Light Shield - Extruded, Top Console Light Shield - Extruded, Left Side Light Shield - Extruded, Right Side Light - Top Pump Panel, OnScene LED Access Light - Left Side Pump Panel, OnScene LED Access Light - Right Side Pump Panel, OnScene LED Access Light - Pump Compartment, Halogen Walkway - 20" Top Mount w/Tool Compartments Steps - Top Mount, Between Walkway & Running Board (Pair) Lights (2) - Top Mount Walkway Illumination, LED Running Board w/Hose Tray - Aluminum Tread Plate, Left Side QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 5 ID FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE The hose tray shall be drop in "Floating" style. 20-F4-1220 Running Board w/Hose Tray - Aluminum Tread Plate, Right Side 1 FE The hose tray shall be drop in "Floating" style. Handrails (2) - Top Mount Walkway, 30" Knurled Aluminum Handrails (2) - Above Dunnage Area, 12" Knurled Aluminum Air Outlet - Pump Panel Switch - Air Horn, Pump Panel Pressure Governor - FRC Pump Boss PBA400-A00 Return Line - Fill Subsurface Gauges - Master Suction/Pressure, 6" Gauges - 2-1/2" Pressure, Metal Face Gauge Bezels - Color Coded Tags - Pump Panel, Color Coded (Metal) Pump System - 750-1250 GPM Single Stage, Waterous CS Packing Glands - Waterous Pump Shift w/Manual Override Primer - Pump, Waterous VPO (Oil Less) Valve - Master Pump Drain U.L. Test Points Certification - U.L. 1250 GPM Pump Plate - Pump Test Certification Suction Header - 6" w/Long Handle Cap, Left Side Suction Header - 6" w/Long Handle Cap, Right Side Valve - Intake Relief, Akron 59 Tank-To-Pump - 3" Valve w/Lever Control Tank Fill - 1-1/2" Valve w/Lever Control Cooler - Engine, 1/2" Line w/ 1/4 Turn Valve Cooler - Pump, 3/8" Line w/ 1/4 Turn Valve Plumbing - Stainless Steel Paint - Pump and Plumbing, Black VALVE PACKAGE - AKRON / WATEROUS - Controls Lever 26-C2-0000 SUCTION INLETS 26-F2-0620 Suction - LPR, 2-1/2" Valve w/Lever Control at Top Mount Panel 26-H2-0820 Suction - RPF, 2-1/2" Valve w/Swing Control at Valve 20-G4-0220 20-G4-2220 20-H4-0220 20-H4-0820 20-J4-1620 32-E2-2020 20-J2-0820 20-J6-0220 20-J6-6220 20-M4-0220 22-A4-0620 22-F4-0220 22-G2-0420 22-J4-0220 22-P2-0620 22-R2-0420 22-R2-1620 22-R4-0420 24-A4-4020 24-B4-4020 24-J8-0420 24-R2-0620 24-S6-0620 24-T2-0420 24-T2-0620 24-W2-0420 24-W4-0220 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE 03/24/2015 PART NO 28-00-0000 28-00-0220 28-B6-0620 28-B8-0620 28-F4-0820 28-F4-2020 28-F4-6420 28-F6-0620 28-F8-0220 28-F8-2020 28-H2-4020 28-K8-4220 28-L6-2220 28-Q6-1020 28-V6-1020 32-D2-0420 32-D8-0420 34-A2-1220 34-B2-0620 52-A8-1640 58-E2-0620 60-A2-4820 60-A2-6220 60-A2-6420 60-B2-4440 60-B2-4020 60-B2-6020 62-A2-6020 DESCRIPTION DISCHARGE OUTLETS All 2-1/2" Side Discharge Outlets Terminate 30-Degree Elbows Booster Reel - Front Bumper, Akron ERWB-16-28 Cover - Booster Reel, Aluminum Tread Plate Speedlay No. 1 - Double Lay, 2" Valve w/Lever Control Speedlay No. 2 - Double Lay, 2" Valve w/Lever Control Speedlay No. 3 - Double Lay, 2-1/2" Valve w/Lever Control Trays - Removable Speedlay (3) Cover - End Flaps w/Snaps, Speedlays (2) Cover Color: Red Discharges - LPFU/L (2), 2-1/2" Akron Valve w/Lever Control Discharge - RPFU, 2-1/2" Akron Valve w/Lever Control Discharge - RPFL, 4" Akron Valve w/Handwheel Control Discharge - Deck Gun, 3" Akron Valve w/Lever Control Discharge - Left Rear, 2-1/2" Akron Valve w/Lever Control == Bodies - Pumper LBT Top Mount Extruded - 1403.002 03/17/14 == Water Tank - Polypropylene, 750 Gallons (L) Certification - NFPA Water Tank Size Gauge - Water Level, Tank Vision WLA200-A00 Lights (2) - Water Level, Whelen PSTANK (FRC Driver) Body - Extruded Aluminum, Rescue Style Left/Right w/Roll Up Doors (34/58/44) Compartments (4) - Roof Top Storage Vertical Load Test - Body Body Modification - Compartment Height Raise (Per Inch) Body Modification - 102" Wide Body Compartment Doors - Rear Roll Up, ROM Satin Finish Compartment Doors - Side Roll Up, ROM Satin Finish Keyed Lock - Roll-Up Doors Compartment - Pike Pole/Ladder Storage, Right Side Beside Tank QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 6 7 1 Page 6 ID FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE The door shall be wired to the door ajar system. 62-B2-1220 Tubes (2) - Pike Pole Storage 1 FE Locations: Ladder compartment 62-I2-0220 62-I2-1020 Storage Slot - Little Giant Ladder Storage Slot - Backboard Storage 1 1 FE Location: Ladder compartment 64-A2-2020 Wheel Well Panels - Body, Painted Aluminum ILO Treadplate 64-B2-0420 Compartment - Wheel Well Double Air Bottle, Left Front 1 FE 1 FE The door shall be wired to the door ajar system. 64-B2-2220 Compartment - Wheel Well Double Air Bottle, Left Rear 1 FE The door shall be wired to the door ajar system. 64-B2-4220 Compartment - Wheel Well Double Air Bottle, Right Front 1 FE The door shall be wired to the door ajar system. 64-B6-6420 Compartment - Wheel Well Double Extinguisher, Right Rear 1 FE The door shall be wired to the door ajar system. 66-A2-0220 66-A2-1020 66-A2-2220 66-A2-4620 66-A2-6420 Body Trim Package Body Trim - Vertical Handrails (2), Knurled Aluminum Body Trim - NO Rear Stanchions Fuel Fill - Recessed w/Door, Left Side Mud Flaps - Rear 1 1 1 1 1 FE FE FE FE FE 03/24/2015 PART NO DESCRIPTION 66-A2-6620 Rubrail - Extruded Aluminum 66-A4-0820 Step - 10" Rear, Aluminum Tread Plate 66-A4-6020 Step - Chrome Folding, Front of Body Page 7 QTY ID 1 FE 1 FE 6 FE Locations: Three-(3) each side on the front compartment face 66-A4-6620 66-A4-8820 66-A6-1420 66-A8-1620 Step - LED Lighted, Rear Tow Eyes (2) - Rear, Below Body Handrail - Below Hose Bed, Knurled Aluminum Divider - Hose Bed, Pumper 2 1 1 2 FE FE FE FE Location: Above ladder compartment and center of hose bed The center divider shall be notched to connected hose load. 66-A8-6220 Cover - Aluminum w/End Flaps, Pumper 1 FE The covers shall be wired the door ajar system. 66-A8-6620 Cover - End Flaps w/Footman's Loop, Hose Bed 66-A8-8020 Cover Color: Red 66-A8-8820 Hose Bed Capacity == Body Components - Pumpers - 1403.002 03/17/14 == 66-B2-1020 Shelf - Adjustable, 0-28"W x 12-15"D 1 1 1 1 1 FE FE FE FE Location: Compartment L1 The shelf shall be mounted right of the compartment divider in the upper section of the compartment. 66-B2-1420 Shelf - Adjustable, 29-36"W x 12-15"D 1 FE Location: Compartment R1 The shelf shall be mounted in the upper section of the compartment. 66-B2-1820 Shelf - Adjustable, 37-48"W x 12-15"D 2 FE Locations: Compartment L3 and compartment R3 The shelves shall be mounted in the upper section of the compartments. 66-B2-2220 Shelf - Adjustable, 49-60"W x 12-15"D 1 FE Locations: Compartment R2 66-C2-1820 Tray - 500 Pound Roll-Out, 19-36"W x 24-28"D 2 FE Locations: Compartment L1 and compartment R1 The trays shall be floor mounted in the compartments. 66-C2-2020 Tray - 500 Pound Roll-Out, 37-48"W x 24-28"D 2 FE Locations: Compartment L3 and compartment R3 The trays shall be floor mounted in the compartments. 66-D4-1220 Tool Board - Pac Trac 2 FE Locations: One-(1) each side on back of the cab, outboard of the forward facing crew seats 66-D4-1820 Tool Board - Hinged Aluminum 1 FE Location: Compartment L2 66-F4-0420 Divider - Compartment Locations: Compartment L1, compartment L3 and compartment R3 2 FE 03/24/2015 PART NO DESCRIPTION QTY Page 8 ID The L1 divider shall be located in the upper section to seperate the air pack bracket from the rest of the compartment. The L3/R3 dividers shall be located in the lower section of the compartments to isolate compartment B1. 70-B2-8220 70-B4-2020 70-B4-4420 70-E2-2220 Electrical System - Apparatus Body Electrical System - 12 Volt Testing EMI/RFI Protection INTERIOR COMPARTMENT LIGHTING Light - 8" LED Compartment, On Scene Access 73008 1 1 1 1 1 FE FE FE FE FE Location: Ladder compartment 70-E2-6220 Light - 24" LED Compartment, On Scene Access 73024 2 FE Locations: Compartment L2 and compartment R2 70-E2-8620 Light - 36" LED Compartment, On Scene Access 73036 1 FE Location: Compartment B1 70-E4-2220 Light - 56" LED Compartment, On Scene Access 73056 4 FE Locations: Compartment L1, compartment L3, compartment R1 and compartment R3 70-H2-0220 72-G8-6220 72-G9-0420 72-K8-4020 Switch - Compartment Door Ajar Indicator Zone A Upper Light Bar - 72" LED, Whelen FN72QLED 2FLDRR Opticom Emitter - Exterior Mounted, GTT 2100 Series w/GPS Zone B/D Upper RR of Cab Lights (2) - Red w/Clear Lens M6 LED, Whelen M6RC 1 FE 1 FE 1 1 FE Locations: Upper cab extension area above the water level lights. 72-M8-4820 72-P8-6020 72-S6-6020 72-S6-6820 74-B8-4820 74-C8-9220 Zone B/D Upper Body Side Front Lights (2) - Red M9 LED, Whelen M9R Zone B/D Upper Body Side Rear Lights (2) - Red M9 LED, Whelen M9R Zone C Middle Outboard Lights (2) - Red Lens M6 LED, Whelen M6R Zone C Upper Outboard Lights (2) - Red M9 LED, Whelen M9R Zone A Lower Lights (2) - Red w/Clear Lens M6 LED, Whelen M6RC Zone B & D Lower Front (2) - Red w/Clear Lens M6 LED, Whelen M6RC 1 1 1 1 1 1 FE FE FE FE FE Locations: One-(1) each side on the bumper extension ends 74-D8-8220 Zone B & D Lower Midship (3) - Red w/Clear Lens M6 LED, Whelen M6RC 1 Locations: One-(1) each side in the cab extension and one-(1) each side in the body wheel well area 74-G8-1020 Zone B & D Lower Rear (2) - Red w/Clear Lens LINZ6 LED, Whelen LINZ6R 1 FE Locations: One-(1) each side below compartment L3 and R3 74-H8-2020 74-J8-4220 74-P8-0420 74-P8-2820 74-R2-4420 74-S6-0820 74-S8-0620 74-T2-0220 Zone C Lower Lights (2) - Red w/Clear Lens M6 LED, Whelen M6RC Stop/Turn/Reverse Lights - LED, Whelen M6 Scene Light Locations - Upper Rear of Body, Outboard Lights (2) - M9 LED Scene, Whelen M9LZC Switches - Upper Rear Scene Light Activation, Cab Mounted & Reverse Circuit Lights - LED Clearance and Maker, Whelen OS Lights (2) - Body Wheel Well Turn Signal/Marker, Britax 428.111.12V LED Light - LED Underbody, Whelen 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE Locations: One-(1) under each side pump panel running board and one-(1) each side under the rear step 74-W2-0420 Light - LED License, Whelen OSC0EDCR 74-W4-0620 Light - LED Perimeter Illumination, Whelen OS Series 0SC0EDCR Locations: Three-(3) on each front compartment face to illuminate the folding steps and four-(4) on the rear of the apparatus 1 FE 10 FE 03/24/2015 PART NO 76-J2-0420 76-J6-1820 76-J8-0220 76-K0-0220 76-K0-4420 76-K0-8220 76-K2-0220 76-K2-4420 76-K2-8020 76-K6-0220 76-K6-4420 76-K6-8020 80-C2-0220 80-C4-1020 80-D2-0620 80-E2-1820 80-E4-0420 80-E4-4220 80-E4-9920 80-E8-0220 80-E8-0420 80-E8-0620 80-G2-0220 80-G4-0820 80-G6-0820 80-G8-1620 DESCRIPTION Brow Light Location - Front of Cab, Centered Light - 12 Volt 150 Watt LED Brow, Whelen Pioneer Plus PCP2 Switch - Brow Light Activation, Cab Mounted RECESSED LIGHTS Recessed Light Locations - Side of Cab, Between Crew Doors Light - 12 Volt 75 Watt LED Semi Recessed, Whelen Pioneer Plus PFP1-PBA103 Switches - Cab Recessed Light Activation, Cab Mounted & Respective Cab Door Recessed Light Locations - Side of Body, Upper Front Light - 12 Volt 75 Watt LED Semi Recessed, Whelen Pioneer Plus PFP1-PBA103 Switch - Front Body Recessed Light Activation, Cab Mounted Recessed Light Locations - Side of Body, Upper Rear Light - 12 Volt 75 Watt LED Semi Recessed, Whelen Pioneer Plus PFP1-PBA103 Switch - Rear Body Recessed Light Activation, Cab Mounted TELESCOPING LIGHTS TRIPOD LIGHTS Paint - Body, Single Color Body Paint Color/Code: White 854064 Paint - Interior Compartment, "F-Shield" Extruded Bodies Stripe - Scotchlite, 1-6-1 Triple Striping Color: White Pin Stripe/Secondary Stripe Color: White Striping Layout: Hockey Stick Design, Body Compartment Doors Striping - Rear Body, Reflective Chevron Striping - Front Bumper, Reflective Chevron Chevron Striping Colors: 3M Red & Lime Green Lettering - 3" Spun Gold w/Shade Lettering Color: Gold Shade Color: Black Extra Letters - 12" Scotchlite QTY 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Page 9 ID FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE The lettering shall read DEL RIO and located on each side of the upper body. Letter Color: Red with black outline 80-H2-0420 80-H2-0620 98-A2-0420 98-A2-1020 98-A4-0210 98-A4-0420 98-A6-0210 98-A6-0220 98-A8-0220 98-A8-0420 98-A8-0820 98-A8-1020 98-A8-1220 98-A8-6220 98-A8-8020 98-A8-8420 98-B2-0220 98-B2-1220 98-B2-1820 Placards - Aluminum Decals/Maltese Cross (2) Warranty - Body Parts & Labor, 2-Year Warranty - Cab/Chassis Parts & Labor, 2-Year Warranty - Cab Structural, 10-Year/100,000 Miles Warranty - Body Structure, 10-Year Warranty - Cab Paint, 10-Year/100,000 Miles Warranty - Body Paint, 4-Year/100,000 Miles Warranty - Frame Rails Warranty - Meritor Axle Warranty - Cummins Engine, 5-Year/100,000 Miles Warranty - Allision Automatic Transmission, 5-Year/Unlimited Miles Warranty - Anti Lock Brake System, 3-Year/300,000 Miles Warranty - Waterous Pumps Warranty - Plumbing System, 10-Year Warranty - Poly Water Tank, Lifetime Manuals (2) - Chassis Operation, Digital Manuals (2) - Engine/Transmission Operations Manuals - Apparatus Body & Components 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE The manuals shall be digital. 98-B2-2020 98-B2-6020 Manuals - Pump Wiring Diagrams - Cab/Chassis, Standard 1 FE 1 FE 03/24/2015 PART NO 98-B2-6620 90-C4-0420 90-C8-0420 90-D8-1020 90-F2-0220 90-L6-1220 90-P2-0220 90-R4-0220 90-R6-2030 90-R4-0420 90-R6-2030 92-A2-0820 92-A2-4020 92-A2-6420 92-A4-1420 92-A8-0620 92-B2-0220 92-B2-0420 92-B2-0820 92-B2-1420 92-C2-0820 92-C2-1020 92-C2-5620 92-C4-6220 DESCRIPTION Wiring Diagrams - Apparatus Body, Standard Ladder - 10' Folding Attic, Duo-Safety 585-A Ladder - 14' Roof, Duo-Safety 775-A Ladder - 24' 2-Section Extension, Duo-Safety 900-A Ladder - Multipurpose Folding Ladder, Little Giant Pike Pole - 3' Fiberglass w/D-Handle, Akron UL-3-D Tool - 30" Hooligan, Paratech 22-000600 Axe - 6 Pound Flat Head w/Fiberglass Handle, Akron FHY-6 Brackets - Axe Tool, Pac Trac 1004 Axe - 6 Pound Pick Head w/Fiberglass Handle, Akron PHY-6 Brackets - Axe Tool, Pac Trac 1004 Hose - 100' x 1" Booster Hose - 50' x 1-3/4" Double Jacket, KEY Yellow Hose - 50' x 2-1/2" Double Jacket, KEY Yellow Hose - 100' x 5" Large Diameter Hose, KEY Pro-Flow RC50-450 Hose Clamp - w/Bracket, Akron 588 Wrench - Spanner - Booster Hose - Red Head - 103 Wrenches (4) - LDH Spanner w/Bracket, Harrington HSSW-401 Wrench - Spanner w/Bracket, Kochek USS K46-2 Wrenches - Hydrant / Spanner Set, Kocheck HSS K48-3 Adapter - 2-1/2" Double Male, Kochek 36R2525 Adapter - 2-1/2" Double Female, Kochek 35R2525 Adapter - 4-1/2" Female LH, x 5" Storz, Kochek S54L545 Elbow - 4" FNST x 5" Storz 30 Degree, Kochek SKE45R QTY 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 10 15 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 Page 10 ID FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE Location: 4" right side discharge 92-C2-8020 92-E2-0220 92-F4-0820 Adapter - Kochek - 6" FNST x 5" Storz - S37S56 Reducer - 2-1/2" FNST x 1-1/2" MNST, Kochek 37R2515 Cap w/Chain - 5" Storz, Kochek CC507 1 FE 2 FE 4 FE Locations: 4" right side discharge elbow, one-(1) for the 6" x 5" adater and one-(1) for each piston intake valve 92-G7-0820 92-H2-2020 92-H2-2420 92-I4-0420 92-I4-2220 92-I4-2420 92-I4-4020 92-M2-0420 92-M2-0620 92-M4-0220 92-M6-0220 92-R2-0220 94-F6-0220 94-G2-0220 94-G2-1020 96-C2-0220 96-C6-0420 96-J2-0220 96-M2-1020 96-M4-0620 Valve - 6" FNST x 5" Storz Piston Intake, Akron Black Max Nozzle - Foam Aeration Tube, Akron 777 Nozzle - Master Stream, Akron Akronmatic 5160 Monitor - Portable w/Nozzle, Tips & Mounting Bracket, TFT Blitzfire XXC-52 Bracket - Portable Monitor, TFT XX-B Stacked Tips - TFT MST-3NJ Nozzle Tip - Portable Monitor, TFT Max-Force MD12A Extinguisher - 20-Pound ABC, Buckeye Fire Equipment 12120 Extinguisher - 15-Pound CO2, Buckeye Fire Equipment 46100 Extinguisher - 2-1/2 Gallon Pressurized Water, Buckeye Fire Equipment 50000 Bracket - Heavy Duty Extinguisher, Brooks Equipment Cover - 10 Ounce Salvage, 12' x 14' Salvage Fan - 18" Positive Pressue, Ferrara PGB-18-4HLP Light - w/Charging Base, Streamlight LiteBox Orange 45107 Light - w/Charging Base, Streamlight Survivor LED Orange 90528 Wheel Chocks (2) - Folding, Ziamatic SAC-44-E w/Mounting Bracket Safety Cones - (5) Led Lights EZ-Stor (1-pack) Miscellaneous Hardware Bag Tool Mounting Bracket - Pac Trac 1004 Tool Mounting Plate - 2-1/2" Tri-Lock, South Park QL48Z25C Locations: Compartment L1 The holders shall be mounted at final inspection. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 6 1 1 1 4 4 FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE 03/24/2015 PART NO 96-M2-1220 Brackets - Rescue Tools 96-M6-1020 Bracket - Air Pack, Ziamatic UN-6-30 DESCRIPTION Page 11 QTY ID 1 1 FE Location: Compartment L1 The bracket shall be mounted on the upper wall towards the front of the compartment. 96-Y2-0220 Rescue Tools - Hydraulic, Homatro 96-Z2-0220 Additional Equipment 1 1 City Council Regular 9. c. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Mario Garcia, Purchasing Agent, Finance Information SUBJECT: O: 2015 - 021 - An Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas, Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo, to purchase One (1) Case 586H Rough Terrain Forklift from ASCO Equipment via the Houston-Galveston Association Cooperative (H-GACBuy) for the City of Del Rio Central Purchasing Division - Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent SUMMARY: Discussion and possible action on a ordinance to authorize and direct City Manager Henry Arredondo, to purchase One (1) Case 586H Rough Terrain Forklift from ASCO Equipment via the Houston-Galveston Association Cooperative (H-GACBuy) for the City of Del Rio Central Purchasing Division.- Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent BACKGROUND: The rough terrain forklift equipment is a critical and necessary equipment vital to the continued daily operation of the central receiving warehouse of the City of Del Rio and all other City Divisions on as needed basis. This equipment is capable to traveling longer distances to parts of the City to assist in loading or unloading in areas that typical forklifts could not. DISCUSSION: The equipment to be purchased is a Case 586H Rough Terrain Forklift, 2wheel drive, 74hp, Tier 4 engine, with a 6,000 lb capacity. Includes 22' mast w/60" carriage, standard light kit, pre cleaner, 48" pallet forks, 60" backrest, console locking cover, and slow moving vehicle emblem. The total cost of $60,445.00 include delivery to Del Rio. PROS: This purchase will provide much needed equipment replacement of the current forklift which is 25 years old. This will be purchased at a reduced cost through the cooperative in order to provide a better purchasing leverage, and provide better cost for the City. CONS: The initial capital cost of the heavy equipment of $ 60,455.00. Regular maintenance and repairs will be contingent on the Department's budgets. RECOMMENDATION: The Purchasing Agent for the City of Del Rio recommends to the City Council that they discuss The Purchasing Agent for the City of Del Rio recommends to the City Council that they discuss and consider the approval of the ordinance to authorize and direct the City Manager, Henry Arredondo, to purchase One (1) Case 586H Rough Terrain Forklift from ASCO Equipment via the Houston-Galveston Association Cooperative (H-GACBuy) for the City of Del Rio Central Purchasing Division Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost to purchase the One (1) Case 586H Rough Terrain Forklift from ASCO Equipment is $60,455.00 and is funded by the Division's operating budget for FY2014-15. Attachments Ord to Purchase Forklift quote for forklift ORDINANCE NO. O: 2015-021 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CITY MANAGER, HENRY ARREDONDO, TO PURCHASE ONE (1) CASE 586H ROUGH TERRAIN FORKLIFT FROM ASCO EQUIPMENT, VIA THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON ASSOCIATION COOPERATIVE (HGACBuy) FOR THE CITY OF DEL RIO CENTRAL PURCHASING DIVISION. WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio has the opportunity to purchase and acquire goods and services through the H-GACBuy Cooperative, which has already been competitively bid and awarded in accordance with the State of Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 271, Section 102; and WHEREAS, the use of a rough terrain forklift is a critical and necessary equipment vital to the continued daily operation of the central receiving warehouse of the City of Del Rio and all other City Divisions on as needed basis; and WHEREAS, the total cost for the purchase one (1) Case 586H Rough Terrain Forklift is $60,455.00; and WHEREAS, the purchase is funded by the Central Purchasing Division’s operating budget for FY 201415. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS THAT: The City Manager, Henry Arredondo, is authorized and directed to purchase one (1) Case 586H Rough Terrain Forklift from: ASCO EQUIPMENT VIA HOUSTON-GALVESTON ASSOCIATION COOPERATIVE PO BOX 1363 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78296 TOTAL COST $ 60,455.00 PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 31st of March, 2015. ROBERT GARZA Mayor ATTEST: SUSAN CORP City Secretary REVIEWED FOR ADMINISTRATION: REVIEWED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: HENRY ARREDONDO City Manager SUZANNE WEST City Attorney City Council Regular 10. a. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Mario Garcia, Purchasing Agent, Finance Information SUBJECT: R: 2015 - 027 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager, Henry Arredondo to give Notice to Advertise the Invitation for Bids for the purchase of four (4) 3/4 ton diesel pick up trucks with utility service bodies for various City Departments - Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent SUMMARY: Discussion and possible action on a resolution to authorize and direct City Manager, Henry Arredondo, to give notice to advertise for the invitation for bids for the purchase of four(4) 3/4 ton diesel pick up trucks with utility service bodies for various City Departments BACKGROUND: The City of Del Rio has multiple departments that utilize 3/4 ton utility trucks in the daily operation of providing services to the community. Utility bodies are necessary to enable the crews to carry the necessary equipment and materials to work sites. Smaller capacity pick up trucks are not an option as most times, the crew also requires towing equipment for digging, trenching, or materials that are too long and heavy for a smaller truck. The departments currently have a fleet of vehicles that have long past the effective life expectancy and are in need of replacement. DISCUSSION: The City of Del Rio will be requesting from interested vendors, to submit to this invitation for bids in part of the requirement for open competition for the purchase of the said vehicles. Additionally, as part of this process, the City will attempt to obtain the best possible product at the most reasonable cost, from the most reliable and responsible bidder. PROS: The replacement of the aging vehicles will reduce the down time for repairs and provide equipment that is more reliable. CONS: *The initial capital costs for the purchase expected to be approximately $ 144,000. *The additional cost incurred by the Fleet Dept. in preparing the vehicles for use after delivery. *Regular maintenance costs after delivery. RECOMMENDATION: The Purchasing Agent recommends that the City Council discuss and consider the approval of a The Purchasing Agent recommends that the City Council discuss and consider the approval of a resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo to give Notice to Advertise the Invitation for Bids for the purchase of four (4) 3/4 ton diesel pick up trucks with utility service bodies for various City Departments Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost of $144,000 to purchase the replacement vehicles for the Water Fund Departments is from vehicle replacement funds allocated to those departments. Attachments Reso 027 to Auth Ton PIckups spec 3/4 ton diesel PU w box replacement list RESOLUTION NO. R: 2015 - 027 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER, HENRY ARREDONDO, TO GIVE NOTICE TO ADVERTISE THE INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF FOUR (4) ¾ TON DIESEL PICK UP TRUCKS WITH UTILITY SERVICE BODIES FOR VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS. WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio is required to procure services, goods, and materials that are competitively bid and awarded in accordance with State of Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 271; and WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio has the need to replace the vehicles that have exceeded the effective life expectancy of such equipment; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost for the procurement of the four (4) ¾ ton diesel pick-up trucks with utility service bodies is approximately $144,000, with the funding for this project being from the departments budgeted vehicle replacement funds; and WHEREAS, the initial cost requires the solicitation of bids through an open procurement process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS THAT: It hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager, Henry Arredondo, to give notice and advertise the request for bids for four (4) ¾ ton pick-up trucks with utility service bodies PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 31st day of March, 2015. ___________________________________ ROBERT GARZA Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________________ SUSAN CORP City Secretary REVIEWED FOR ADMINISTRATION: REVIEWED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: _______________________________ HENRY ARREDONDO Acting City Manager ____________________________________ SUSANNE WEST City Attorney Vehicle Specifications 2015 (or newer) Regular Cab 8' box 137" WB SRW – Diesel Engine with 6 compartment Utility Service Body – (Knapheide, Reading, or Stahl) Specifications and Description (minimum requirements) Engine: Diesel Transmission- Heavy Duty 6-Speed Automatic: 3.77 Axle Ratio or less GVWR: 10,000lb Payload Package; or as appropriate to the manufacturer Wheels: 17" Painted Steel Heavy Duty Vinyl 40/20/40 Split Bench Seat: Rubber Floor – no carpeting Radio: AM/FM w/Digital Clock: Air Conditioning Brakes: Power with 4 Wheel ABS Extra coolant capacity radiator/fully charged Heavy duty alternator, not less than 160amps Heavy duty battery, minimum 550 cranking amps Standard equipment not mentioned is to be included. Equipment other than new, unless specified, will not meet specifications. Other Options 137" Wheelbase, minimum Driver and passenger truck step / steel. Pick-Up Box Rear Bumper Delete; Spare Wheel, Tire, Carrier & Jack Delete. Deletes tie-down hooks, tailgate, body side moldings and 7/4 pin connector. Include 17.5K trailer hitch receiver Install a 6 compartment Utility Service Body – will accept Knapheide, Reading, or Stahl; no others Include Step Bumper, Lights, flaps, reflectors Service box doors to include seals and locks. Solid top, no flip tops. Monotone Paint Application Interior Colors For: Primary w/XL (Reg) – prefer Gray, darker colors acceptable Exterior Colors For: Primary w/XL (Reg) - Oxford White Warranty Basic .................................. 36 month/36,000 miles Corrosion Perforation ...... 60 month/unlimited mileage Powertrain ........................... 60 month/60,000 miles Roadside Assistance ............ 60 month/60,000 miles Accessories and Aftermarket Options 30 DAYS FLOOR PLAN FROM TIME OF DELIVERY Delivery of truck to City of Del Rio Terms 30 day net on delivery of vehicle, title documents, and invoice. The City reserves the right to revert to the State of Texas TxMAS Contract if the bid price is higher than the contracted amount through the State. City Council Regular 10. b. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Mario Garcia, Purchasing Agent, Finance Information SUBJECT: R: 2015 - 028 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo to Give Notice and to Advertise the Invitation for Bids for the Purchase and installation of a Stair Step Screen and Washing Press for City of Del Rio San Felipe Wastewater Plant - Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent SUMMARY: Discussion and possible action on a resolution to authorize and direct City Manager Henry Arredondo to give notice to advertise for the invitation for bids for purchase and installation of a Stair Step Screen and Washing Press for City of Del Rio San Felipe Wastewater Plant. BACKGROUND: The City of Del Rio Wastewater Department operates and maintains the San Felipe Wastewater Treatment Plant. In this plant, there is a need for the mechanical bar screen is for the head works of San Felipe Waste water Treatment Plant. The equipment mentioned will be installed at the head works of the plant, where it has encountered many problems with influent waste entering the Wastewater plant. This is due to all of the debris coming in to the plant, having a major impact with treatment. With the installation of the mechanical bar screen, it will eliminate this problem, and cause less disruption in treatment. The incoming debris ( rags, trash etc.) makes it's way in to the RAS (RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE) and WAS(WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE) Pumps that continue to damage and cause failure to are pumps, and the cost associated with repairs. In addition with the installation of the bar screen it works as grit removal. All the grit that is received with the influent also makes its way into the pump volute and impellers causing severe damage. DISCUSSION: The City of Del Rio Wastewater Department is seeking interested vendors to submit to this invitation for bids in part of the requirement for open competition for the purchase of the pumps and materials. Additionally, as part of this process, the City will attempt to obtain the best possible product at the most reasonable cost. The Utility Commission approved this item on October 21, 2014. PROS: The replacement of a manual bar screen with a mechanical stair screen and washing press, will improve the waste removal capablities of the Wastewater system. Replacement will improve the working life of the RAS/WAS pumps. CONS: Regulatory agency fines and fees will continue to be a possible issue and blockages of flow will increase the possiblity of contamination. RECOMMENDATION: The Purchasing Agent recommends to the City Council that they discuss and consider the approval of a resolution authorizing and directing City Manager Henry Arredondo to Give Notice and to Advertise the Invitation for Bids for the Purchase and installation of a Stair Step Screen and Washing Press for City of Del Rio San Felipe Wastewater Plant. Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: Funds to purchase of the Stair Step Screen and Washing Press will be from available funds from the Certificates of Obligation series 2013. The estimated cost for this approximately $ 80,000 . Attachments Reso 028 Auth Screen and Press rfp screen and press stair screen spec washing press spec RESOLUTION NO. R: 2015-028 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER, HENRY ARREDONDO, TO GIVE NOTICE AND TO ADVERTISE THE INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF A STAIR STEP SCREEN AND WASHING PRESS FOR THE CITY OF DEL RIO SAN FELIPE WASTEWATER PLANT. WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio is required to procure services, goods, and materials that are competitively bid and awarded in accordance with State of Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 271; and WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio has the need to purchase and install a stair step screen and washing press in the influent head works of the San Felipe Wastewater Treatment Plant for removal of debris and prevent damage to the RAS/WAS pumps; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost for the procurement of the stair step screen and washing press is estimated approximately $ 80,000, with the funding for this project being from Certificates of Obligation Series 2013; and WHEREAS, the initial cost requires the solicitation of bids through an open procurement process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS THAT: It hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager, Henry Arredondo, to give notice and advertise the request for proposal for the purchase and installation of a stair step screen and washing press for the City of Del Rio San Felipe Wastewater Treatment plant. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 31ST day of March, 2015. ___________________________________ ROBERT GARZA Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________________ SUSAN CORP City Secretary REVIEWED FOR ADMINISTRATION: REVIEWED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: _______________________________ HENRY ARREDONDO Acting City Manager ____________________________________ SUSANNE WEST City Attorney REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP #R: 2015PURCHASE and INSTALLATION OF STAIR SCREEN AND WASH PRESS 1.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Intent and Scope of Work: It is the intent of this "RFP" to secure proposals for the purchase and installation of a Stair (Step) Screen (Influent Screening System) and Washing Press, as specified on Sections 101 and 102 on the following pages and to be installed at the Waste Water Plant, located at Guyler Lane, San Felipe Wastewater Treatment Plant, Del Rio, Texas. Unit should meet the following design criteria as a minimum: Design Flow 8.0 MGD; Peak Flow 20.0 MGD. Influent to San Felipe Wastewater Plant permitted not to exceed 2 hour pick flow of 13.30 MGD and annual average not to exceed 3.8 MGD. The unit should be stainless steel. The unit accepted should include a washing compacting system for the screenings to pass thru prior to disposal. Debris collected from the stair screen will be washed pressed and collected in a dumpster for disposal to the land fill. The accepted equipment should be able to operate on a 24/7 basis, either in an automatic (controlled by flow sensors), or manual (controlled by operator actuated control) mode. The Contractor will remove any old and install the new screen and wash press. In place now all we have are manual bar screens. Manual screens can be removed by hand. The City does require the successful vendor to provide start up supervision. Installation inspection, commissioning of equipment, and training should be furnished with factory trained service personnel. The new screen should fit in the current facility in place. The successful vendor must verify all measurements in person before ordering the equipment. The new screen should remove the screenings from a system with approx. 60% unscreened and 40% has been through grinders is what the Influent of San Felipe consist of some of the flow coming in has been through grinder pumps and some is gravity flow to the plant.. The San Felipe Wastewater Plant currently has a manual bar screen. The new screen system should replace this equipment. The screenings will be dewatered. The new screen should remove enough screenings so that the plate press operations will not be impaired by screenings. The unit should run with minimum maintenance and handle peak flows without backing up the channel causing unnecessary by-passes. All shipping must be F.O.B. Del Rio, Texas. Freight prepaid and allowed. The City will take ownership of this equipment only as it arrives at our dock. Title for such equipment shall pass to the City of Del Rio upon receipt and acceptance thereof at the City Waste Water Plant. The screening system shall be appropriately crated and delivered to protect against damage during shipment. All prices are for equipment delivered F.O.B. the facility set forth on the purchase order and shall represent the entire cost to the City of Del Rio. The following information is also required: 1. Describe the equipment proposed, in detail, including the step screen, wash press, controls, electric motors and speed reducers, spares and accessories. More than one proposal can be submitted. 2. Describe Warranty information. 3. Describe what is NOT included. 4. Describe your Terms. 5. Provide drawings and literature of this equipment. 6. Describe the system design and parameters. The City of Del Rio, Texas is tax exempt and will supply a tax exempt form upon request. All equipment specified should be supplied by a single manufacturer involved in the manufacture of fine screening equipment. If equipment is not manufactured by supplier, including welding and machining, the name and contact information of manufacturing facility should be supplied. If more than one manufacturer is used, all companies and facilities should be provided. If patents protecting equipment are not owned by supplier then affidavit should be supplied stating owner of design and expiration of licensing agreement. EVALUATION PROCEDURE The proposal process begins with the issuing of this RFP on or about , and will continue until , (the “Proposal Due Date”) for the submission of proposals. The City of Del Rio will accept proposals from any supplier and installer of screening equipment. Proposals will be evaluated based on 1) Price, 2) Ability to perform and meet intent and scope of services, 3) Expected quality and design 4). Delivery schedule; 5) Terms 6) Warranty; 7) References 8) Meeting requirements; 9) Service and Parts availability. Respondents may send questions by e-mail as indicated in part 1.3, which may be answered by City staff. A selection committee, consisting of representatives from the City’s staff shall review the proposals submitted. After each proposal has been evaluated on the basis of the Vendor's approach to meeting the City’s needs, short-listing procedures will narrow the list of candidates to the two or more best qualified firms. City of Del Rio expects to ask for references related to quality of service and ability to deliver, after choosing the top contenders. Each of these firms may then be invited to an interview at which time each firm will be given an opportunity to present its proposal and to answer questions of the selection committee. Faxes and emails are not acceptable. This is a sealed proposal. There will not be a formal opening. Only the names of those submitting proposals will be revealed. 1.2 Deadline Sealed proposals shall be submitted no later than : Proposals also may be hand delivered or sent by UPS or FedEx to: City of Del Rio City Secretary, Susan Corp 109 W Broadway Street Del Rio, Texas 78840 1.3 Questions Any questions concerning this Request for Proposal or Technical questions should be directed to Mario A .Garcia, Purchasing Agent, by email at 1.4 Code Compliance This procurement process is governed by the "CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS". 1.5 Proposals Binding Sixty (60) Days Unless otherwise specified all formal proposals submitted shall be binding for sixty (60) calendar days following closing date unless extended by mutual consent of both parties. 2.0 CODES & STANDARDS 2.1 The Vendor, its officers, agents, employees, and any subcontractors, in the performance of this Agreement shall comply with all applicable statutes and laws of the United States and the State of Texas, the Charter and ordinances of the City of Del Rio, Texas, and the applicable rules and regulations of the agencies of each. 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services requested is described in the Specifications, Intent, and Scope of Services 4.0 VENDOR'S RELATIONSHIP TO THE CITY a. Novation The Vendor shall not assign or transfer, whether by as Assignment or Novation, any of its rights, duties, benefits, obligations, liabilities, or responsibilities under this Contract without the written consent of the City; provided, however, that assignments to banks, trust companies or other financial institutions for the purpose of securing bond may be made without the consent of the City. Assignment or Novation of this Contract shall not be valid unless the Assignment or Novation expressly provides that the assignment of any of the Vendor's rights or benefits under the Contract is subject to a prior lien for labor performed, services rendered and materials, tools and equipment supplied for the performance of the work under this Contract in favor of all persons, firms, or corporations rendering such labor or services or supplying such materials, tools and equipment. 5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY a. The City designates Roger Sanchez and Mitch Lomas to act as its representatives with respect to the services to be rendered under any subsequent Agreements. Such persons shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define City's policies and decisions with respect to the Vendor's services for the Project. b. Shall assist the Vendor by placing at his disposal all available information pertinent to the Project. c. Guarantee access to and make all provisions for the Vendor to enter upon public and private property as required for the Vendor to perform his services under this Agreement. d. Give prompt written notice to the Vendor whenever the City observes or otherwise becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of Vendor's services. 6.0 AWARD PROCEDURES The selection committee will make a recommendation of the top-ranked respondent to the City Manager, who is authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the City of Del Rio. The City may elect to make award without conducting formal interviews. 7.0 PROPOSALS (3) COPIES REQUIRED) Proposals should also include the following information in the order detailed. a. Letter of Transmittal Limit two (2) pages. Make a positive commitment to perform the required work within the time period requested. Also, give the name(s) of the person(s) who will be authorized to make representation for your firm, their title, and telephone number. b. Firm Experience Provide a short summary indicating your experience and ability to perform. Indicate prior experience of your firm in performing work of this nature especially for public agencies (include references). c. Cost Indicate total fees or prices required to provide scope of services as detailed in the attached including expectations of payment terms. Indicate any deviations from the scope of services and requirements. d. Required Forms Complete are required forms provided in the proposal packet. 8.0 Guaranty A. the Contractor shall guarantee that all the materials used under the contract shall fully comply with the requirements of the scope of services and the instructions of the City of Del Rio. B. All expenses covering return or replacement of defective or improper equipment or merchandise will be assumed by the Contractor. If the Contractor shall fail to replace or repair any defective or improper equipment or merchandise within thirty (30) days from date of notice, the City may make the necessary corrective arrangements and charge the cost to money due the Contractor or bill the Contractor. The Contractor agrees to reimburse the City in such instances. 9.0 Work Changes A. The City of Del Rio without invalidating the contract, and without notice to any surety, may order changes in the work within the general scope of the contract consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions, providing the total amount added or eliminated does not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the total contract price. All such changes in the work shall be authorized by change order, and shall be executed under the applicable conditions of the contract documents. B. The cost to the City resulting from a change in the work shall be determined by unit prices subsequently agreed upon or by mutual acceptance of a lump sum properly itemized, 10.0 Addenda to the RFP A. the City of Del Rio reserves the right to amend this solicitation at any time prior to the deadline for submitting proposals. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, notice of the revision will be given in the form of an Addendum that will be provided to all prospective Bidders who are on record with the City of Del Rio as having received this solicitation. If, in the opinion of the City, the deadline for the submission of proposals does not provide sufficient time for consideration of any Addendum, then such deadline may be extended at the discretion of the City. B. It shall be the responsibility of each Bidder to contact the Purchasing Department identified in this solicitation prior to submission of a proposal hereunder in order to determine whether any Addenda have been issued in connection with this procurement. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the failure of any Bidder to receive any Addenda shall neither constitute grounds for withdrawal of its proposal, nor relieve such Bidder from any responsibility for incorporating the provisions of any Addenda in its proposal. 11.0 Receipt of Addenda Acknowledge receipt of each addendum by signing it and submitting with the proposal. 12.0 Late Bids Proposals or unsolicited amendments to proposals arriving after the proposal submission deadline will not be considered. 13.0 Contract Award A contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder by issuance of a written contract. 14.0 Debarment Status By submitting a proposal in response to this solicitation, each Bidder certifies that it is not currently debarred by the federal government, the State of Texas, or any agency or department thereof from submitting a proposal in connection with any procurement project and that it is not an agent of any person or entity that currently is so debarred REFERENCES 1. COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TELEPHONE: (________) - _________ - __________________________ FAX: (________) - _________ - __________________________ E-MAIL: 2. COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TELEPHONE: (________) - _________ - __________________________ FAX: (________) - _________ - __________________________ E-MAIL: 3. COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TELEPHONE: (________) - _________ - __________________________ FAX: (________) - _________ - __________________________ E-MAIL: SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 101 STAIR SCREEN PART 1 GENERAL 1. DESCRIPTION a. Furnish and install one (1) fully automatic stair screen for collecting and removing debris from the incoming wastewater flow. b. The stair screen shall be provided complete with all accessories, spare parts, mounting, anchor bolts and other appurtenances as specified and as may be required for a complete and operating installation. c. Related Sections: Washing Press Section 102 2. REFERENCES a. American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) b. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) c. American Federation of Bearing Manufacturers Association (AFBMA) d. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) e. American Welding Society (AWS) f. Steel Structures Painting Council, American National Standards Institute (SSPC) g. Underwriters Laboratory (UL) 3. SUBMITTALS a. Shop Drawing Submittals shall include at least the following: i. Certified shop and erection drawings showing important details of construction dimensions, anchor bolt locations, and field connections. ii. Descriptive literature, bulletins, and catalogs of the equipment, including details of the motor, gear reducer and lubrication points. iii. Installation, operation, and start-up procedures including lubrication requirements. iv. Complete motor data. v. Total weight of the equipment including the weight of the single largest item. vi. A list of spare parts that are supplied with the project. 4. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS a. Submit operations and maintenance manuals in three ring binders for the equipment in compliance with the Contract documents, 30 days prior to shipment. Manuals shall include: i. Contact name, address, and telephone number of the equipment manufacturer’s Service Department and Parts Department. ii. Descriptive literature, including illustrations, covering the operational features of the equipment, specific for the particular installation, with all inapplicable information omitted or marked out. iii. Operating, maintenance and troubleshooting information. iv. Complete maintenance parts list v. Complete connection, interconnecting and assembly diagrams. vi. Approved shop drawings including complete electrical information. 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE a. The materials covered by these specifications are intended to be standard equipment of proven reliability and as manufactured by a reputable manufacturer having experience in the production of screening equipment. The equipment furnished shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the best practices and methods and shall operate satisfactorily when installed as shown on the Contract Drawings and operated per the manufacturer’s recommendations. 6. 7. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS a. Number of Units b. Peak Flow Rate c. Flow Channel Width d. Flow Channel Depth e. Discharge Height EL. f. Channel Top EL. g. Invert EL. h. Slot Width / Spacing i. Setting Inclination * Reference elevations only One (1) 9.6 MGD 2’- 11-1/2” 6’- 2” *109.08’ *106.17’ *100.00 1/8-inch (3 mm) 57 degrees from horizontal (maximum) STORAGE AND HANDLING OF EQUIPMENT a. The CONTRACTOR shall store and temporarily support equipment prior to installation in strict accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions. Protect all exposed surfaces. Keep records of the storage parameters and the dates that storage procedures were performed. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for work, equipment, and materials until inspected, tested and finally accepted. b. Protect the equipment from being contaminated by dust, dirt, vibration and moisture. c. Temporarily connect equipment with built in motor space heaters to a power source and keep heaters in operation. Rotate all shafts that have bearings on at least a monthly basis. d. The stair screen shall be shipped complete including the motor and excluding the support arms and discharge chute. The local control station shall be pre-wired to the screen and shall be attached via a bolted connection to one of the support arms. The unit shall be erected and lubricated in strict accordance with the instructions of the Manufacturer's field engineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 8. GENERAL a. The stair screen furnished shall positively remove debris from the incoming wastewater by means of fixed and movable lamellas. The lamellas shall be secured within a framework that is installed in the concrete channels as shown on the Contract Drawings. During each cleaning cycle, the movable lamellas shall rotate one complete revolution (or one step), which will transport the screenings material up to the next set of fixed lamellas. The movable lamellas will then finish their rotation and return to their original position. A positive means of stopping the movable lamellas at the original position shall be incorporated into the design. Multiple revolutions during normal flow are not acceptable. This intermittent cycling will raise the screenings upward and subsequently out of the channel at the point of discharge into the appropriate receiving device. b. Designs employing the use of endless moving media, cables and hydraulic cylinders or raking mechanisms to remove debris from the channel are not acceptable. The use of two or more motors to complete a screen cleaning cycle is not acceptable. c. The design shall be such to ensure that all maintenance can be accomplished at the operating floor level. No part of the drive system including bearings, linkage, bushings or shafts shall be located below the water surface at maximum design flow. Designs that utilize drive systems that rely on gravity or otherwise do not provide a forceful mechanical action in the downward stroke of the movable lamella package are specifically not acceptable. The drive output shaft rotation shall be constant and in one direction in order to reduce maintenance requirements. 9. FRAME ASSEMBLY a. The frame assembly shall be of a one piece, formed structural design and shall provide a rigid, secure unit capable of withstanding all operating forces when installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction. The frame assembly shall consist of two side frames, a base plate, two drive plates, fixed lamella support members, movable lamella support members and two frame support legs with pivot pins. The drive plates shall be mounted within the side frame and shall be connected to the movable lamella support members. b. c. The frame assembly shall be designed to mount into the channel without the need for recesses in the channel walls or channel floor. Neoprene side seals shall be attached to the side frames with 304 stainless steel retainers and hardware to seal between the screen and channel walls. The side frames shall extend fully from the channel invert to the top of the unit and shall be arranged to pivot out of the channel for maintenance. The frame shall be designed to clear all fixed screenings receiving devices when the screen is pivoted out of the channel for maintenance. The side frames shall be manufactured from 304 stainless steel with a minimum thickness of 0.24-inch (6 mm). 10. LAMELLAS a. The screening surface of the stair screen shall consist of alternating fixed and movable step-shaped lamellas. The steps on the lamellas shall be of the same size, nominally 2-3/8-inch deep by 4-1/4-inch tall, except for the lowest step, which shall be of a low profile design. The distance from the bottom of the channel to the top of the bottom step shall not exceed 2-1/2-inches. The downstream side of the lower moveable lamellas shall be provided with half-moon shaped teeth to slice through any debris that may accumulate on the fixed lamella support members. All lamellas shall be attached to either the fixed or movable lamella support members. b. The lamellas in the screening area shall have a slot width (or spacing) of 1/4-inch (6mm). Fixed lamellas shall be provided with replaceable plastic spacers on each side to maintain the proper spacing and prevent metal-to-metal contact between the lamellas. c. The lower portion of the fixed lamellas shall be furnished with thick polypropylene sleeves to ensure proper spacing and prevent metal-to-metal contact between the lamellas. The lower portion of the movable lamellas shall be provided with half-moon shaped teeth to penetrate through fine grit and sand during operation. The lower lamellas shall be manufactured from 304 stainless steel with a thickness of 2 mm. d. The upper portion of the fixed lamellas and movable lamellas shall be constructed of U.V. stabilized polypropylene with a nominal thickness of 5 mm. The bar spacing between the fixed and movable lamellas in the transport zone shall be 0.5 mm or less. The thick lamellas shall help to ensure that stringy material does not fall through the screen prior to discharge. 11. DIRECTING PLATE a. The stair screen shall be provided with a directing plate at the base of the machine perpendicular to the flow and level with the lowest step on the lamellas. The directing plate shall direct heavier material, such as grit and gravel, onto the top shelf of the bottom row of steps on the lamellas to prevent a build-up of material in front of the screen. b. The directing plate shall be manufactured from 3/16-inch thick 304 stainless steel and shall be provided with a replaceable nylon brush to seal between the downstream edge of the plate and the upstream edge of the bottom row of steps. 12. ENCLOSURE PANELS a. The portion of the stair screen located above the top of the channel on both the upstream and downstream sides shall be shrouded in removable enclosure panels. The drive compartment shall be shrouded separately. The drive shall be fully enclosed to protect it from the atmosphere in the channel. Panels shall be secured in place with ¼ turn keyed latches. b. The enclosure panels shall be manufactured of 304 stainless steel with a minimum thickness of 20-gauge. The panels shall be formed with engineered bends to help prevent deflection. Flat plate covers are not acceptable. 13. DRIVE ASSEMBLY a. The stair screen shall be furnished with an integrated drive assembly consisting of a TEFC electric motor with a bevel type gear reducer, drive shaft, bearings, sprockets and dual drive chains. b. The motor shall be a minimum 2.0 horsepower, 230/460 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hertz with a service factor of 1.15. The motors shall be rated at 40°C ambient with Class F insulation and shall have a Class B temperature rise at full load. The nominal motor speed shall be 1800 rpm. c. Gear reducers shall be bevel gear type with ball or roller bearings throughout with all moving parts immersed in oil. Shafts shall be of high strength alloy steel ground to required tolerances. All ball d. e. f. or roller bearings shall be rated and manufactured by a member of the Antifriction Bearing Manufacturer’s Association. At least one bearing on each shaft shall be of the combined radial and thrust type. Gear reducer units shall meet the standards of the American Gear Manufacturers Association. The drive assembly shall be capable of elevating the weight of the movable lamellas plus the maximum debris load. The chain and sprocket transmission system shall consist of endless dual chain, an upper sprocket connected to a bearing in a fixed housing and a lower sprocket connected to a bearing in a pivoting housing. The drive system shall be identical on each side of the screen. i. The drive system shall be designed so that the lower sprocket, lower bearing assembly and associated chain are located above the maximum water level. Designs that utilize sprockets, bearings, linkage or bushings located below the maximum water level are not acceptable. ii. The lower bearing assembly shall be designed to pivot or slip to automatically accommodate uneven chain stretch. iii. The chain shall be arranged in the same plane as the fixed lamella package and the same plane as the movable lamella package when in the parked position to ensure maximum efficiency in the drive system. iv. Automatic shock absorber type chain tensioning devices shall be provided to ensure that the drive chains maintain proper tension and to eliminate the need for adjustment. v. Automatic, adjustable, oil drip-type chain lubricators shall be provided to lubricate the screen drive chains. Lubricators shall be equipped with replaceable oil canisters. 14. DISCHARGE CHUTE a. A fully shrouded and easily removable discharge chute shall be provided at the point of discharge to interface with and direct screenings into the inlet hopper on the washing press. The discharge chute shall be manufactured from 304 stainless steel. 15. CONTROLS a. The stair screen shall be cycled on and off by remote control signals from the main control panel. The screen shall be cycled by a demand signal generated from a differential level controller. The controller shall be located within the main control panel and shall measure the head loss across the screen. Once a preset level has been reached, a signal in the form of a dry contact closure is generated for starting the screen. Once directed to start, the screen will be cycled on and off by a repeat cycle timer until the head loss is reduced to a preset operating level. Differential level shall be measured by ultrasonic transducers mounted upstream and downstream of the screen. Two (2) Echomax (or equivalent) transducers, fabricated stainless steel brackets and anchor bolts and a sufficient length of cable shall be provided as part of the differential level system. b. The control system, both local and main, shall be designed and manufactured by the same company that furnishes the mechanical screen. c. Local controls shall consist of a NEMA 4 local junction box with a mushroom head EMERGENCY STOP push-button. The local controls and motor shall be pre-wired to a terminal strip located inside the local junction box. The local junction box shall be mounted on one of the screen support legs. d. One (1) NEMA 4 home position proximity switch to stop the movable lamella package at a predetermined position after each cleaning cycle. Proximity switch shall be single pole, double throw (SPDT) and rated not less than 10 amps at 120 volt AC. e. Furnish one (1) main control panel for the stair screen. The main control panel shall be totally enclosed, front access type with top/side/bottom entry. The panel shall be manufactured by a U.L. listed control panel facility and shall bear a U.L. label. Construction of the control panel enclosure shall be NEMA 4X, 304 stainless steel with indicating devices and switches mounted on the front door. The controls for the screen may be included in the control panel for the press if the same manufacturer provides the screen and the press. f. Main control panel wiring shall be color-coded, labeled, neatly cabled and supported in nonflammable wiring raceways. Wiring shall be minimum 16-gauge MTW stranded wire. g. h. The control panel wiring shall contain all power and control devices shown on the Contract Drawings (wiring diagrams), which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: i. One (1) control power ON-OFF selector switch. ii. One (1) HAND-OFF-AUTO selector switch for operation of the stair screen drive. iii. One (1) red pilot light for “Screen Run” indication. iv. One (1) amber pilot light for “Over Current” indication. v. One (1) white pilot light for control power. vi. One (1) momentary “reset” push-button for over current reset. vii. Spare contact for remote indication of “Over Current” status. viii. Control relays, wiring and circuitry required to implement the control logic ix. One (1) full voltage NEMA rated starter. The magnetic starter shall be of the heater less design and provide phase loss protection, short circuit self-protection and thermal memory. The solid-state overload shall be self-powered. x. One (1) circuit breaker xi. One (1) 120 VAC step down control transformer. xii. One (1) adjustable interval timer mounted on DIN rail to automatically initiate operation of the stair screen. xiii. One (1) Milltronics HydroRanger 200 (or equivalent) differential level controller to sense the differential in water level upstream and downstream of the stair screen. xiv. One (1) adjustable repeat cycle timer mounted on DIN rail that shall be activated by a signal from the differential level controller. xv. One (1) current sensing relay. The current sensing relay shall continuously monitor the motor current to prevent damage due to a jam obstruction or a unit malfunction. An over current condition that causes motor shutdown shall cause an alarm to sound. The alarm shall be manually reset prior to the unit returning to normal operation. xvi. One (1) elapsed time meter. All switches, pushbuttons and pilot lights shall be NEMA rated components. IEC rated components are not acceptable. 16. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION a. The stair screen shall be manually operable from the main control panel. b. The screen shall be cycled by a demand signal generated from a differential level controller. The differential level controller located within the remote control panel shall measure the head loss across the screen. Once a preset level differential has been reached, a signal in the form of a dry contact closure is generated for starting the screen. Once directed to start, the screen will be cycled on and off by a repeat cycle timer until the head loss is reduced to a preset operating differential level. Ultrasonic transducers mounted upstream and downstream of the screen shall measure differential level. 17. FASTENERS a. All fasteners and anchor bolts shall be 304 stainless steel unless otherwise indicated in this specification. Anchor bolts shall be provided for mounting support arms. All threaded fasteners shall be coated with a nickel based anti-seize thread lubricant prior to assembly. 18. LUBRICATION a. The manufacturer shall state in the operating manual the amount of and specification for any lubricant required. 19. PROTECTIVE COATINGS a. Stainless steel and plastic components shall not be painted. The stainless steel structural components and enclosure panels shall be bead blasted or passivated after fabrication to remove embedded iron, surface rust and weld burn. All other surfaces shall be blast cleaned to an SSPC-SP6 finish, removing all dirt, rust, scale and foreign materials. b. Cleaned surfaces shall be shop primed with one (1) coat of TNEMEC 69-1212 primer, or equal, to attain a minimum dry film thickness of 2.5 mils. The motor and gear reducer shall be finish coated and shall be painted the same color. The drive chain shall be coated with a suitable lubricant. 20. SPARE PARTS a. The Contractor shall furnish the following spare parts for each screen i. Three (3) movable stainless steel lamella ii. Three (3) fixed stainless steel lamella iii. Twenty-five (25) plastic spacers b. All spare parts shall be properly packed, labeled and stored where directed by staff PART 3 EXECUTION 21. TESTING a. The stair screen shall be factory assembled and factory run tested in the United States prior to shipment. The main control panel shall also be factory tested with the equipment prior to shipment. b. The screen shall also be field tested after erection in the presence of the Owner and Engineer to confirm and verify the structural and mechanical compliance to the specification. The field acceptance test shall include demonstrating that the screen operates without vibration, jamming or overheating and perform its specified function satisfactorily. 22. INITIAL START-UP AND TRAINING a. The Contractor shall provide the services of a factory-employed service technician who shall adequately inspect the installation, test the equipment furnished under this Contract and instruct the Owner’s operating personnel in its maintenance and operation. Factory personnel are required. Manufacturer’s sales representatives are not deemed acceptable to provide the start-up service. The services of the technician shall be provided as follows: i. One (1) trip and two (2) days of service to inspect and certify the installation prior to startup and instruct Owner's personnel in proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. Start-up service can be combined with the start-up service for the press if the same manufacturer provides both pieces of equipment. 23. WARRANTY a. The equipment supplier shall warrant that its equipment shall be free from defects in material and workmanship; and that it will replace or repair, F.O.B. its factory, any part or parts returned to it, which examination shall show to have failed under normal use and service by the user within eighteen (18) months following initial shipment or twelve (12) months following operation start-up, whichever occurs first. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 102 WASHING PRESS PART 1 GENERAL 1. DESCRIPTION a. Furnish and install one (1) automatic washing press for the reduction of organic content, moisture and volume from screenings material removed from the incoming wastewater flow by a stair screen. b. The washing press shall be designed to accommodate screenings taken from the flow stream from a municipal wastewater treatment plant. A wedge wire drain and a screw mounted nylon brush shall be required to help protect against blinding of the drain. c. The washing press shall be provided to the jobsite complete with the drive assembly, local wiring, valves, controls, spare parts, anchor bolts and other appurtenances as specified and as required for a complete operating installation. d. Related Sections: Stair Screen Section 101 2. REFERENCES a. American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) b. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) c. American Federation of Bearing Manufacturers Association (AFBMA) d. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) e. American Welding Society (AWS) f. Steel Structures Painting Council, American National Standards Institute (SSPC) g. Underwriters Laboratory (UL) 3. SUBMITTALS a. Shop Drawing Submittals shall include at least the following: i. Certified shop and erection drawings showing important details of construction dimensions, anchor bolt locations, and field connections. ii. Descriptive literature, bulletins, and catalogs of the equipment, including details of the motor, gear reducer and lubrication points. iii. Installation, operation, and start-up procedures including lubrication requirements. iv. Complete motor data. v. Total weight of the equipment including the weight of the single largest item. vi. A list of spare parts that are supplied with the project. 4. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS a. Submit operations and maintenance manuals in three ring binders for the equipment in compliance with the Contract documents, prior to shipment. Manuals shall include: i. Name, address, and telephone number of the nearest competent service representative who can furnish parts and technical service. ii. Descriptive literature, including illustrations, covering the operational features of the equipment, specific for the particular installation, with all inapplicable information omitted or marked out. iii. Operating, maintenance and troubleshooting information. iv. Complete maintenance parts list. v. Complete connection, interconnecting and assembly diagrams. vi. Approved shop drawings complete with electrical information. 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE a. The materials covered by these specifications are intended to be standard equipment of proven reliability and as manufactured by a reputable manufacturer having experience in the production of screenings washing equipment. The equipment furnished shall be designed and constructed in b. 6. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS a. Number of Units: b. Screenings Capacity: c. d. e. 7. PART 2 accordance with the best practices and methods and shall operate satisfactorily when installed as shown on the Contract Drawings and operated per the manufacturer’s recommendations. The manufacturer shall have a minimum of fifty (50) washing presses with hollow shaft screws, internal washing feature, axial thrust bearing and wedge wire drain installed in the United States. Organic Removal: Min. Volume Reduction: Wash Water Requirements: One (1) Up to 33 cubic ft./hr. (batch service) Up to 99 cubic ft. /hr. (continuous service) Up to 90% (excludes fats, oils, & grease) 50% 19 gpm at 35-psi minimum (intermittent usage) STORAGE AND HANDLING OF EQUIPMENT a. The CONTRACTOR shall store and temporarily support equipment prior to installation in strict accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions. Protect all exposed surfaces. Keep records of the storage parameters and the dates that storage procedures were performed. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for work, equipment, and materials until inspected, tested and finally accepted. b. Protect the equipment from being contaminated by dust, dirt, vibration and moisture. c. Temporarily connect equipment with built in motor space heaters to a power source and keep heaters in operation. Rotate all shafts that have bearings on at least a monthly basis. d. The washing press shall be shipped as a complete unit including the motor and inlet hopper. The discharge piping shall be shipped separate. The local control station shall be an integral part of the solenoid valve manifold and four (4) solenoid valves shall be pre-wired to the terminal strip inside the local control station. The unit shall be erected and lubricated in strict accordance with the instructions of the Manufacturer's field engineer. PRODUCTS 8. GENERAL a. The washing press shall be provided to reduce the organic content, moisture content and volume of screenings material from the stair screen. Screenings material shall enter the inlet hopper and be transported by the rotating screw into the washing zone. In the washing zone, wash water is sprayed through the hollow shaft screw and into the screenings material to help dissolve and remove organic material. b. During normal flow conditions, the washing press shall be operated in a forward and reverse sequence via a programmable logic controller (PLC). The screenings will be transported into the washing zone where the screw shall stop rotation. Wash water will then be injected through the hollow shaft screw and into the screenings. The screw will then reverse, bring the screenings out of the washing zone and stop rotation to allow the washing zone to be flushed. The screw then once again operates in the forward direction and repeats the washing sequence. This adjustable washing process shall be repeated a minimum of six (6) times to ensure thorough cleaning of the screenings material. c. During peak loading conditions, the washing process shall automatically switch to operate in the forward direction to handle the larger amount of screenings with only short intervals of reversing to ensure that material does not accumulate on the shaft of the screw. d. Four (4) manual ball valves shall be provided, one (1) for each solenoid valve, to allow personnel to isolate the solenoid valves or throttle the amount of wash water. 9. INLET HOPPER a. The inlet hopper shall be designed to direct screenings material from the bar screen discharge chute into the screw housing. The inlet hopper shall be constructed of 304 stainless steel. All attachment hardware shall be of 304 stainless steel. 10. SCREW HOUSING a. The screw housing and associated components shall be constructed of 304 stainless steel. The inlet flange shall have a minimum thickness of 9/16-inch and the outlet flange shall have a minimum thickness of 7/16-inch. The outlet flange shall incorporate a 10-inch pipe bolt pattern for connection to the discharge pipe. b. The dewatering section shall incorporate anti-rotation bars around the complete circumference to contain the screenings material and prevent rotation of the screenings during the dewatering process. Counter sunk perforations shall be provided in the dewatering zone to allow the removal of the filtrate during compaction. Wash water inlets shall be provided on the top of the washing zone and on the top of the dewatering zone for automatic periodically flushing. c. A hinged cover for the dewatering section shall be held in place by a latching system to allow easy inspection. A resilient seal shall be mounted to the cover to form a watertight seal with the screw housing. Designs that utilize covers that rely on tools for removal or designs where the cover is not removable are not acceptable. d. The bottom of the housing shall contain a 1/2-inch thick, 304 stainless steel wedge wire section for drainage. The wedge wire section shall be constructed of individual profiled bars and shall have 2 mm linear openings. Round or slotted perforated holes in the drainage area are specifically excluded. 11. HOLLOW SHAFT SCREW a. The hollow-shaft screw shall be constructed of alloy steel and it shall have a nominal outside diameter of 8-1/2 inches. The shaft shall be a minimum of 2-1/2 inches in diameter. The shaft shall be hollow with perforations located in the washing zone to allow wash water to be injected into the screenings from the inside out. Designs incorporating only radial or external spraying from the outside of the screw housing are not acceptable. b. The outer flights shall be cold formed from continuous lengths of steel bar with a minimum thickness of 3/4-inch. After fabrication the screw shall be precision machined to ensure that it is concentric along its length. The distance between the flights shall be arranged to allow transportation into the washing zone and compaction in the dewatering zone. c. The screw shall have a minimum Brinell hardness of 200 and hard facing shall be applied to the end of the screw to extend the useful service life. d. A stainless steel reinforced nylon brush shall be attached to the hollow shaft screw with setscrews in the drainage area to help prevent debris from blinding the drain. To reduce wear on the brush, the design shall be such that the screw shall not be allowed to rest in the press housing. The screw shall be fully supported and cantilevered off of the thrust bearing. 12. THRUST BEARING a. An independent, stainless steel axial thrust bearing shall be flange mounted to the drive and flange mounted to the press body. The thrust bearing shall fully support the screw and handle the load created during compaction and reversal of the screw. The thrust bearing shall have a fabricated stainless steel housing and shall utilize self-aligning double tapered roller bearings located between two sets of double lip seals. The flanges on the housing shall have a 9/16-inch minimum thickness. Designs that utilize the bearing inside the gear reducer are not acceptable. b. An O-ring seal shall be mounted in a machined groove on the face of the bearing to seal against the press body. The screw shall be cantilevered off the thrust bearing to prevent the screw from resting inside the screw housing. 13. DRIVE ASSEMBLY a. The washing press shall be complete with an integrated drive assembly consisting of a TEFC electric reversing motor close-coupled to a gear reducer b. The motor shall be a 5.0 horsepower, 230/460 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hertz with a service factor of 1.15. The motors shall be rated at 40°C ambient with Class F insulation and shall have a Class B temperature rise at full load. The nominal motor speed shall be 1800 rpm. c. The gear reducer shall be a parallel shaft helical bevel gear reducer having a minimum 105:1 gear ratio. The gear reducer shall have a minimum output torque rating of 18,500 in/lbs at 15 rpm. d. Gear reducers shall have ball or roller bearings throughout with all moving parts immersed in oil. Gears shall be of alloy steel with threads precision ground and polished after casehardening. Shafts shall be of high strength alloy steel ground to required tolerances. All ball or roller bearings shall be rated and manufactured by a member of the Antifriction Bearing Manufacturer’s Association. At least one bearing on each shaft shall be of the combined radial and thrust type. 14. DRAIN PAN a. A drain pan shall be mounted to the bottom of the screw housing along the full length of the housing. The pan shall be sloped towards the drain and it shall be provided with a flushing nozzle on the dewatering end and a minimum 4-inch diameter drainpipe on the drive end. The pan shall be held in place by a latching system to allow fast and easy removal. Designs that utilize drain pans that rely on tools for removal or designs where the drain pan is not removable are not acceptable. b. The drain pan shall incorporate a resilient seal along its top edge to form a watertight seal with the screw housing. The drain pan shall be constructed of a minimum 14-gauge 304 stainless steel. 15. DISCHARGE PIPE a. The discharge pipe shall be mounted to the pipe flange on the press body and designed to transport the washed, dewatered and compacted screenings to the appropriate receiving device. The discharge pipe shall be constructed of 3__ stainless steel pipe and shall be of the configuration as shown on the Contract Drawings. 16. SCREENINGS BAGGER DEVICE a. A screenings-bagger device shall be provided to mount to the end of the discharge pipe to contain the screenings. The bagger shall be fitted with a replaceable magazine of continuous clear plastic. Continuous clear plastic bags shall be nominally 295-feet long. 17. CONTROLS a. The washing press shall be cycled on and off by remote control signals from the main control panel. The washing press shall be capable of being cycled by a screen cycle counter. b. The control system, both local and main, shall be designed and manufactured by the same company that furnishes the washing press. c. Local controls shall consist of a NEMA 4 local junction box with a mushroom head EMERGENCY STOP push-button. d. The local controls and solenoid valves shall be factory wired to a terminal strip located inside the local control station. Four (4) brass body solenoid valves, four (4) manual 316 stainless steel ball valves and a pressure gauge shall be provided as part of a valve wash water manifold. The solenoid valves shall be activated by the PLC in the main control panel to provide wash water intermittently during cleaning and flushing cycles. The local control station and valve manifold shall be mounted on a common floor mounted 304 stainless steel support stand. e. Furnish one (1) main control panel for the washing press and associated stair screen. The main control panel shall be totally enclosed, front access type with top/side/bottom entry. The panel shall be manufactured by a U.L. listed control panel facility and shall bear a U.L. label. Construction of the control panel enclosure shall be NEMA 4X, 304 stainless steel with indicating devices and switches mounted on the front door. f. Main control panel wiring shall be color-coded, labeled, neatly cabled and supported in nonflammable wiring raceways. Wiring shall be minimum 16-gauge MTW stranded wire. g. The control panel wiring shall contain all power and control devices shown on the Contract Drawings (wiring diagrams), which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: i. One (1) control power On-Off selector switch. ii. One (1) red pilot light for “Running” indication. iii. One (1) amber pilot light for “Over Current” indication. iv. One (1) amber pilot light for “Motor Overload” indication v. One (1) white pilot light for control power. vi. One (1) momentary “common reset” push-button for over current/overload reset. vii. One (1) programmable logic controller (PLC). The PLC shall be an Allen Bradley MicroLogix 1100 with on-board Ethernet port. viii. One (1) operator interface terminal (OIT) located on the exterior of the control panel. The OIT shall be a Red Lion G307K200. ix. One (1) surge arrestor to protect the PLC. x. One (1) line filter to control line-to-ground noise to the PLC. xi. One (1) interposing relay on each PLC output. xii. One (1) surge suppressor on each interposing relay on the PLC outputs. xiii. One (1) five port Ethernet switch. xiv. One (1) 24VDC power supply for the Ethernet switch and OIT. xv. One (1) elapsed time meter. xvi. One (1) 480 VAC to 120 VAC control power transformer. xvii. One (1) Full voltage NEMA rated reversing starter. The magnetic starter shall be of the heater-less design and provide phase loss protection, short circuit self-protection and thermal memory. The solid-state overload shall be self-powered. xviii. One (1) current sensing relay (CSR). The CSR shall continuously monitor the motor current to prevent damage due to a jam obstruction or a unit malfunction. If the preset/adjustable current setting is reached, the equipment will be shut down and an alarm signal generated. The cause of the alarm should be investigated and corrected. The alarm shall be manually reset prior to the unit returning to normal operation. xix. Spare contact for remote indication of “Over Current” alarm. xx. Spare contact for remote indication of “Motor Overload” alarm. xxi. Spare contact for remote indication of “Running” xxii. Control logic shall be PLC based with timers and counters written in ladder logic. Timers and counters shall be adjustable via an operator interface on the exterior of the control panel. xxiii. One (1) HAND-OFF-AUTO switch. xxiv. One (1) FORWARD-OFF-REVERSE switch. xxv. One (1) INITIATE push-button. xxvi. One (1) circuit breaker. h. All selector switches, pushbuttons and pilot lights shall be NEMA rated components. IEC rated components are not acceptable. 18. FASTENERS a. All fasteners and anchor bolts shall be 304 stainless steel unless otherwise indicated in this specification. Anchor bolts shall be provided by the manufacturer for mounting the washing press and the solenoid valve manifold/local control station support stand. All threaded fasteners shall be coated with a nickel based anti-seize thread lubricant prior to assembly. 19. LUBRICATION a. The manufacturer shall state in the operating manual the amount of and specification for any lubricant required 20. PROTECTIVE COATINGS a. Stainless steel and plastic components shall not be painted. The stainless steel structural components and enclosure panels shall be bead blasted and passivated as required after fabrication to remove embedded iron, surface rust and weld burn. All other surfaces shall be blast cleaned to an SSPC-SP6 finish, removing all dirt, rust, scale and foreign materials. b. Cleaned surfaces shall be shop primed with one (1) coat of TNEMEC 69-1212 primer, or equal, to attain a minimum dry film thickness of 2.5 mils. The motor and gear reducer shall be finish coated and shall be painted the same color. 21. SPARE PARTS a. The Manufacturer shall furnish the following spare parts for the press. i. One (1) solenoid valve ii. Two (2) sets of wear bars and attachment hardware (if applicable) iii. Three (3) 295-foot long clear plastic screenings bags All spare parts shall be properly packed, labeled and stored where directed by the Owner or Engineer. PART 3 EXECUTION 22. TESTING a. The washing press shall be factory assembled and factory run tested in the United States prior to shipment. The main control panel shall also be factory tested prior to shipment. b. The washing press shall also be field tested after erection in the presence of the Owner and Engineer to confirm and verify the structural and mechanical compliance to the specification. As a minimum, field testing shall include demonstration that the washing press can pass four (4) 12-inch long oak 2x4’s, four (4) red bricks and four (4) 12-inch long pieces of 4-inch diameter Schedule 80 PVC pipe. The field acceptance test shall include demonstrating that the washing press operates without vibration, jamming or overheating and perform its specified function satisfactorily. 23. INITIAL START-UP AND TRAINING a. The Contractor shall provide the services of a factory-employed service technician who shall adequately inspect the installation, test the equipment furnished under this Contract and instruct the Owner’s operating personnel in its maintenance and operation. Sales representatives are not deemed acceptable service technicians. The services of the technician shall be provided as follows: i. One (1) trip and two (2) days of service to inspect and certify the installation prior to startup and instruct Owner's personnel in proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. Start-up service can be combined with the start-up service for the stair screen (SECTION 101). 24. WARRANTY a. The equipment supplier shall warrant that its equipment shall be free from defects in material and workmanship; and that it will replace or repair, F.O.B. its factory, any part or parts returned to it which examination shall show to have failed under normal use and service by the user within eighteen (18) months following initial shipment or twelve (12) months following operation start-up, whichever occurs first. City Council Regular 10. c. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Mario Garcia, Purchasing Agent, Finance Information SUBJECT: R: 2015 - 029 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo to Give Notice to advertise the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the investment broker services for all City of Del Rio funds. - Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent. SUMMARY: Discussion and possible action on a Resolution to authorize City Manager Henry Arredondo to advertise the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the investment broker services for all City of Del Rio funds. BACKGROUND: The City of Del Rio is in process of qualifying investment broker/dealers to represent investment products to the City. The goals of the City in requesting information from broker/dealers are: • to ensure that the broker/dealers selected to represent investment products to the City are qualified professionals with experience in public funds investing. • to provide a competitive process for the selection of broker/dealers for the City. • to limit the need to represent investment products that may not be appropriate for the City's investment goals. • to limit the number of approved broker/dealers to no more than six. • to ensure that the broker/dealers representing investment products to the City completely understand the City's investment policies, goals, and objectives. In order to reach these goals, the City is seeking broker/dealers that: • Have good reputations as broker/dealers and are working with firms that also have good reputations. • Are able to work within the constraints of the City's Investment Policy and Strategy. • Offer competitive pricing and quick response time to requests for offers & bids. • Provide an overall good service to the City. • clearly understand state statutes and local policy regarding public funds investment DISCUSSION: The City of Del Rio is soliciting qualifications from firms interested in providing the professional services necessary to provide the financial investment brokerage services that best serve the City. The City of Del Rio reserves the right to reject any and all statements of qualifications if it deems in the best interest of the City. PROS: By approving this resolution the City can best take advantage of investment opportunities. CONS: No cons can be seen. RECOMMENDATION: The Purchasing Agent recommends to the City Council of the City of Del Rio to discuss and consider Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo to advertised the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the investment broker services for all City of Del Rio funds. Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: Obtaining the services of an investment brokerage firm will most likely provide an increase in interest revenues. Exact amounts would be impossible to determine, but through a sound and secure investment strategy, a positive outcome is possible. Attachments Reso to Auth Investiment RFQ doc investment svs investment policy RESOLUTION NO. R: 2015-029 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER, HENRY ARREDONDO, TO GIVE NOTICE TO ADVERTISE THE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR INVESTMENT BROKER SERVICES FOR ALL CITY OF DEL RIO FUNDS. WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio is required to procure services, goods, and materials that are competitively bid and awarded in accordance with State of Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 271; and WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio wishes to seek the opportunities to best provide a sound investment financial strategy utilizing all available City of Del Rio funds; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost for the procurement will be determined through a negotiated rate to be presented to the City Council for approval and paid from the same available funds; and WHEREAS, the procurement of said services requires the solicitation through an open procurement process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS THAT: It hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager, Henry Arredondo, to give notice and advertise the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the investment brokerage services for all City of Del Rio available funds. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 31ST day of March, 2015. ___________________________________ ROBERT GARZA Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________________ SUSAN CORP City Secretary REVIEWED FOR ADMINISTRATION: REVIEWED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: _______________________________ HENRY ARREDONDO Acting City Manager ____________________________________ SUSANNE WEST City Attorney City of Del Rio Central Purchasing REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) INVESTMENT BROKER DEALER SERVICES RFQ NO. R2015I. DEFINITIONS. Respondent means the person or entity that submits a Submittal in response to this RFQ. Submittal means the documents required to be submitted under Section II (a). II. SUBMITTAL. Documents must be submitted as follows: (a) At least one (1) original and three (3) copies of the following documents must be submitted: (1) Qualification Statement including: Respondent Certification and Addenda Acknowledgment Respondent Information Respondent Customer/Client References Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (CIQ Form) Certificate Regarding Debarment (b) The Submittal must be completed in ink or be typewritten. (c) The Respondent Customer/Client References Form must include three references for which the Respondent has performed like services. The references must include the name of the business, a contact person, and telephone number and mailing address. (d) The Submittal must be submitted in a sealed envelope or container that is marked on the outside of the envelope or container with the Name of the Project and Project No. shown above, the Respondent’s name and mailing address, and the date of the submittal deadline. (e) The Submittal may be mailed or hand-delivered to the City of Del Rio, City Secretary Office, c/o Susan Corp, 109 W Broadway Street, Del Rio, Texas 7884. FACSIMILE AND E-MAIL TRANSMITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. (f) Submittals will be received on or before after the submittal date and time will not be considered. . Submittals received III. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION. (a) If a Respondent finds a discrepancy in our omission from, or has a question about the meaning of, this RFQ or other related document, the Respondent should immediately notify the Purchasing Office at the E-mail address listed below. Questions regarding this bid must be received by the Purchasing Office on or . After the Purchasing Office has been notified of a before 3:00 (p.m.) on discrepancy or omission, or has been asked a question, the Purchasing Office will post an amendment or addendum on for all Respondents to view. (b) A Respondent may withdraw a Submittal by giving the Purchasing Office written notice of the withdrawal before the submittal deadline. If a Respondent submits written notice of the withdrawal after the submittal deadline, a Respondent must receive the City’s written consent to withdraw a Submittal. (c) Submittals received in response to this RFQ will be reviewed and evaluated by City staff. (d) Additional documents, amendments, and addendums relating to this RFQ are available at the City of Del Rio Purchasing Office and at (e) If you have any questions, please contact: Mario A. Garcia, Purchasing Agent 830-774-8508 IV. MANDATORY CONTRACT PROVISIONS The City of Del Rio is soliciting proposals for professional services in compliance with Chapter 2254 of the Texas Government Code. Since the City must comply with certain State laws and City policies, the City uses a Standard Form of Agreement that incorporates require contract provisions that cannot be modified. Submitting a written proposal in response to the City’s solicitation is your offer to enter into the City’s Standard Form of Agreement without modification of the required contract provisions. (a). Payment. The City’s payments under the Contract, including the time of payment and the payment of interest on overdue amounts, are subject to Chapter 2251, Texas Government Code. (b). Liability and Indemnity. Any provision of the Contract is void and unenforceable if it: (1) limits or releases either party from liability that would exist by law in the absence of the provision; (2) creates liability for either party that would not exist by law in the absence of the provision; or (3) waives or limits either party’s rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities that would exist by law in the absence of the provision. (Section 5, Article XI, Texas Constitution). (c). Confidentiality. Any provision in the Contract that attempts to prevent the City’s disclosure of information subject to public disclosure under federal or Texas law or regulation, or court or administrative decision or ruling, is invalid. Chapter 552, Texas Government Code (d). Contractual Limitations Period. Any provision of the Contract that establishes a limitations period that does not run against the City by law or that is shorter than two years is void. (Sections 16.061 and 16.070 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code) (e). Governing Law and Venue. Texas law governs this Contract and any lawsuit on this Contract must be filed in a court that has jurisdiction in Fort Bend County, Texas. V. STATEMENT OF WORK. INTRODUCTION The City of Del Rio (the "City") is in the process of qualifying investment broker/dealers to represent investment products to the City. The goals of the City in requesting information from broker/dealers are: to ensure that the broker/dealers selected to represent investment products to the City are qualified professionals with experience in public funds investing. to provide a competitive process for the selection of broker/dealers for the City. to limit the need to represent investment products that may not be appropriate for the City's investment goals. to limit the number of approved broker/dealers to no more than six. to ensure that the broker/dealers representing investment products to the City completely understand the City's investment policies, goals, and objectives. In order to reach these goals, the City is seeking broker/dealers that: Have good reputations as broker/dealers and are working with firms that also have good reputations. Are able to work within the constraints of the City's Investment Policy and Strategy. Offer competitive pricing and quick response time to requests for offers & bids. Provide an overall good service to the City. clearly understand state statutes and local policy regarding public funds investment. PROCEDURES You are invited to fill out the attached Request for Qualifications and return it to the City Secretary Office . City staff will evaluate responses and recommendations will be on or before . made to the City Council in Note that respondents should mark the envelope RFQ R2015-___ Investment Broker/Dealer Services. The following will be required with the Request for Qualifications: latest audited financial statement, copy of National Association of Security Dealers certificate, proof of state registration, completed broker/dealer questionnaire, local government references and statements of qualifications. Also attached is a form to be used by your firm to make certain representations to the City. Our investment policy and state law require these representations. To be considered in our selection process, you must sign and return the form to us with your responses. BROKER/DEALER REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Statement of Position and General Requirements The City of Del Rio is a home rule municipality operating under the laws of the State of Texas. The City million and is largely comprised of U.S. maintains a portfolio that ranges from Treasury and Agency obligations and a Local Government Investment Pool. The City has adopted a written Investment Policy, which regulates the standards and procedures used in its cash management activities. A copy of the most recent Investment Policy is attached as an appendix to this document. The City requires broker/dealers to acknowledge, in writing, that they have received and read the City's investment policy. A qualified representative of the firm must make this acknowledgment. The City has provided a form to supply the required acknowledgment as an appendix to this document. The City will maintain relationships with qualified members of the broker/dealer community who, in their opinion, understand the needs, constraints, and goals of the City. Criteria used in the selecting authorized broker / dealers will include but are not limited to material litigation against the firm, regulatory status of the dealer, completed packet, overall reputation, background and expertise with public funds, overall financial condition of firm, and failure rate for transactions. Preference may be given to broker/dealers with a physical presence in Texas. The City will notify broker/dealers of their approval in writing. No transactions will be conducted with a non-approved broker/dealer, and no broker/dealer is approved until all paperwork required by both parties has been executed. The City solicits competitive bids and offers on most transactions. All securities will be delivered against payment to the third-party custodian named by the City. City staff will review and verify all information and references requested in the document; therefore, please answer all questions as completely as possible. Responses will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 10% Completed Packet w/certification 20% Public Fund Client Base 10% Broker Office Location 10% Trade Failure Rate 15% Trade in Securities used by City 20% Clients Similar to City 15% References Part I - Request for General Qualifications I-a. Firm Information: Name of Firm_________________________________________________________________ Address-Local___________________________________________________________________ Headquarters _________________________________________________________________ Provide both street address and/or P.O. Box, if applicable I-b. Telephone Number: Local___________________ Headquarters: ______________________ I-c. Contact personnel: (Please list the primary representative/partner-in-charge first. Provide an attachment if more space is required) Name __________________________________________ Title __________________________________________ Telephone ____________________ Name __________________________________________ Title __________________________________________ Telephone ____________________ In addition to the information requested, please provide background information concerning account representatives listed above. Include information about each individual's employment history as it relates to the securities industry, official licenses and certificates, the history and details of any disciplinary actions or complaints and the disposition of each as well as the history of any arbitration or litigation, the nature of the case and status or disposition. This can be attached in resume format. 1-d. Provide a list of references of public sector clients with whom your representative listed in Ic has established a business relationship. (Houston/Galveston area preferred) Client Name______________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ Person to contact__________________________________________ Telephone_____________________ Length of relationship____________________ Client Name______________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ Person to contact__________________________________________ Telephone_____________________ Length of relationship____________________ Client Name______________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ Person to contact__________________________________________ Telephone_____________________ Length of relationship____________________ Client Name______________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ Person to contact__________________________________________ Telephone_____________________ Length of relationship____________________ I-e. Who has authorized the representative(s) listed in (I-c) to be account representative(s) for the City of Del Rio? Name __________________________________________ Title __________________________________________ Telephone ____________________ Who is the immediate supervisor of the representative(s) named in your response to I-c? Name __________________________________________ Title __________________________________________ Telephone ____________________ I-f. Is your firm a member of NASD? Yes__________ No__________ If not, why? ___________________________________________________________________ I-g. Please indicate which regulatory agencies your firm is examined by and/or subject to its rules and regulations. FDIC__________ SEC__________ NYSE__________ Comptroller of Currency__________ Federal Reserve System__________ Other Regulatory Agencies: (Multi-state firms please note: It is not necessary to include regulatory agencies that do not have jurisdiction over your firm's activities in Texas.) I-h. Have you obtained all required licenses to operate as a broker/dealer in the state of Texas? Yes______ No______ Date received ________________________ I-i. If your firm is not a Bank, please provide the following information regarding your principal banking relationship. Bank Name_________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ Person to contact____________________________________________________________ Telephone number___________________________________________________________ Length of relationship________________________________________________________ I-j. Please indicate with which instruments in which you are active in the market (both buy and sell). T-Notes/Bills______ BAs_____ CP______ CD’s______ Agencies______ Other Federal Agencies (Please Specify)___________________________________________ Instrumentalities (Please Specify)_________________________________________________ I-k. Do you specialize in any of the instruments listed above? If so, please specify which ones. I-l. What was your firm's total volume in U.S. Government and Agency securities trading last year? $ Millions Number of Transactions Firm-wide __________ __________ Local Office __________ __________ I-m. Indicate your failure rate for transactions: (Failures/Total # of Transactions) Firm-wide Local Office Last Month _____/____ ______/____ Last Year (calendar) _____/____ ______/____ I-n. Explain your normal custody and delivery process. I-o. What percent of your clients and percent/volume of trades are public funds investors? I-p. Why do you want to represent the City of Del Rio as a Broker/Dealer? I-q. What other services does your firm offer? Would these services include the entire portfolio, even though not all investments were purchased through your firm? (Yes/no- below) (Offering the service does not bind the City to utilize the services through your firm.) _____ Month-end Market Values of Investments Yes______ No _____ _____ Month-end Calculations Yes ______ No_____ (Accrued Interest & Premium/Discount Amortization) Other_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Part II - Request for Broker/Dealer Candidate Disclosure II-a. To the best of your knowledge, has there been any "material" litigations, arbitration, or regulatory proceedings, either pending, adjudicated or settled, that your firm has been subject to within the last five years that involved issues concerning the suitability of the sale or purchase of securities to institutional clients or fraudulent or unfair practices related to the sale of securities to an institutional client? If so, please describe each such matter briefly. For purposes of this section, proceedings are "material" if your independent accountant applying generally accepted accounting principles determines that such proceedings required disclosure in your financial statements. II-b. Have the representatives assigned to the City account read and understood the City's investment policy? Each broker selected will be required to sign and return the attached certification form before conducting any investment transactions with the City. The investment policy and certification form are attached to this packet. Yes__________ No__________ II-c. Please disclose any personal business relationships that your organization may have with any City of Del Rio investment officer or elected official. For purposes of this subsection, an investment officer or elected official has a personal business relationship with a business organization if: (1) The official owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock or shares of the business organization or owns $5,000 or more of the fair market value of the business organization; (2) Funds received by the official from the business organization exceed 10 percent of the official’s gross income for the previous year; or (3) An investment officer has acquired from the business organization during the previous year investments with a book value of $2,500 or more for the personal account of the investment officer Current Investment Officer Names for the City for which #3 applies: Manuel Chavez Gilbert Sanchez Official_____________________ Description of Relationship_______________________________________ (# ___above) Official______________________ Description of Relationship________________________________________ (# ___above) Section III - Certification I hereby certify that the above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am authorized to execute this request for information on behalf of: Name of Firm: ______________________________________________________________ Signed By*:_______________________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ * Note: a qualified representative of your firm must sign this form in order for the firm to be considered in the selection process. CERTIFICATION BY BUSINESS ORGANIZATION This certification is executed on behalf of City of Del Rio (the Investor) and _____________________________ (the Business Organization) pursuant to the Public Funds Investment Act, Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code (the Act) in connection with investment transactions conducted between the Investor and the Business Organization. The undersigned Qualified Representative of the Business Organization hereby certifies on behalf of the Business Organization that: 1. The undersigned is a Qualified Representative of the Business Organization offering to enter into an investment transaction with the Investor as such terms are used in the Public Funds Investment Act, Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code and 2. The Qualified Representative of the Business Organization has received and reviewed the Investment Policy furnished by the Investor and 3. The Qualified Representative of the Business Organization has implemented reasonable procedures and controls in an effort to preclude imprudent investment transactions conducted between the Entity and the Organization that are not authorized by the entity’s investment policy, except to the extent that this authorization is dependent on an analysis of the makeup of the entity’s entire portfolio or requires an interpretation of subjective investment standards. 4. The Business Organization will rely upon instructions from only the persons authorized on behalf of the City of Del Rio as stated in the Investment Policy and City's resolution designating investment officers. Qualified Representative of the Business Organization _________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________ Title: ____________________________________ Date: _____________ REQUIRED FORMS (attached) The following forms must be filled out and turned in with the Submittal in order for Respondent to be considered responsive. Failure to include the following forms, signed and dated, may result the Submittal being rejected. 1. Respondent Certification and Addenda Acknowledgment 2. Respondent Information 3. Respondent Customer/Client References 4. Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (CIQ Form) 5. Certification Regarding Debarment CITY OF DEL RIO, TX INVESTMENT POLICY Revised September 24, 2013 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to set forth specific investment policy and strategy guidelines for the City of Del Rio, TX (the “City”) in order to achieve the goals of safety, liquidity, public trust, and yield for all investment activity. The City Council of the City shall review and adopt, by resolution, its investment strategies and policy not less than annually. The resolution shall include a record of changes made to either the Investment Policy or Strategy. This Policy serves to satisfy the statutory requirement (specifically the Public Funds Investment Act (the “Act”)) to define, adopt and review a formal investment strategy and policy. INVESTMENT STRATEGY The City’s basic investment strategy is to utilize investment options that represent suitable risk/return alternatives based on the overall objectives of safety of principal and maintenance of liquidity. Therefore, all financial assets shall seek to preserve principal by restricting the authorized investment instruments to those with suitable and limited credit and market risk. The objective of liquidity stems from the need of the City to maintain available cash balances sufficient to cover financial outlays. Since the timing and amount of some financial disbursements are not predictable, fund-type strategies shall adjust for the certainty of projected cash flows. Security marketability will be maintained based on the fund-type strategies to sufficiently and reasonably assure that investments could be liquidated prior to the maturity, if cash needs dictate. It is the also the Policy of the City to diversify its investment portfolio. Whenever practical, assets held in the investment portfolio shall be diversified to minimize the risk of loss resulting from concentration of assets in a specific maturity, a specific issuer, or a specific class of investment. The City will group investment instruments into “fund-type investment groups.” These groups will reflect similar needs as to maturity limits, diversity, and liquidity. City funds shall seek to achieve a competitive yield appropriate for each strategy. structured treasury security portfolio shall represent the minimum yield objective. A comparably Yield objectives shall at all times be subordinate to the objectives of safety and liquidity. Tax-exempt debt proceeds shall be invested to maximize the interest earnings retained by the City, while at the same time fully complying with all applicable State laws and federal regulations, including the arbitrage rebate regulations. All Policy restrictions or requirements shall be measured at the time of purchase and based on portfolio book value. 2 The City maintains portfolios which utilize four specific investment strategy considerations designed to address the unique characteristics of the fund groups represented in the portfolios: A. Investment strategies for operating funds and commingled pools containing operating funds have as their primary objective to assure that anticipated cash flows are matched with adequate investment liquidity. The secondary objective is to create a portfolio structure that will experience minimal volatility during economic cycles. This may be accomplished by purchasing high quality, short to medium-term investments that will complement each other in a laddered or barbell maturity structure. The dollar weighted average maturity of 365 days or less will be calculated using the stated final maturity date of each investment. B. Investment strategies for debt service funds shall have as the primary objective assurance of investment liquidity adequate to cover the debt service obligation on the required payment date. Investments purchased shall not have a stated final maturity date which exceeds the next unfunded debt service payment date. C. Investment strategies for debt service reserve funds shall have as the primary objective the ability to generate a dependable revenue stream to the appropriate debt service fund from investments with a low degree of volatility. Investments should be of high quality and, except as may be required by the bond ordinance specific to an individual issue, of short-to-intermediate term maturities. D. Investment strategies for special projects or special purpose fund portfolios will have as their primary objective to assure that anticipated cash flows are matched with adequate investment liquidity. These portfolios should include at least 10% in cash equivalent investments to allow for flexibility and unanticipated project outlays. The stated final maturity date of investments held should not exceed the estimated project completion date. INVESTMENT POLICY I. SCOPE This Investment Policy applies to all financial assets of the City. These funds are accounted for in the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and include: General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Capital Projects Funds Proprietary Funds All Other Funds 3 II. OBJECTIVES The City shall manage and invest its cash with four objectives, listed in order of priority: Safety, Liquidity, Public Trust, and Yield. The safety of the principal invested always remains the primary objective. All investments shall be designed and managed in a manner responsive to the public trust and consistent with State and Local law. The City shall maintain a comprehensive cash management program which includes collection of accounts receivable, vendor payment in accordance with invoice terms, and prudent investment of available cash. Cash management is defined as the process of managing monies in order to insure maximum cash availability and maximum interest earnings on short-term investment of pooled idle cash. Safety The primary objective of the City’s investment activity is the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. Each investment transaction shall be conducted in a manner to avoid capital losses, whether from defaults or erosion of market value. Liquidity The City’s investment portfolio shall be structured such that the City is able to meet all obligations in a timely manner. This shall be achieved by matching investment maturities with forecasted cash flow requirements, by investing in securities with active secondary markets, and by utilizing cash equivalent investments. Public Trust All participants in the City’s investment process shall act responsibly as custodians of the public trust. Investment Officers shall avoid any transaction which might impair public confidence in the City’s ability to govern effectively. Yield The City’s investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of regularly exceeding the average rate of return on U.S. Treasury Bills at a maturity level comparable to the City’s weighted average maturity in days. The investment program shall seek to augment returns above this threshold consistent with risk limitations identified herein and prudent investment policies. III. RESPONSIBILITY AND CONTROL Investment Committee An Investment Committee, consisting of the City Manager, an Assistant City Manager, the Director of Finance, the Assistant Director of Finance, and the Chief Accountant shall meet periodically to determine operational strategies and to monitor results. The Investment Committee shall include in its deliberation 4 such topics as: performance reports, economic outlook, portfolio diversification, maturity structure, potential risk to the City’s funds, authorized brokers and dealers, independent training sources, and the target rate of return on the investment portfolio. Delegation of Authority and Training The Director of Finance and Assistant Director of Finance are designated as Investment Officer(s) of the City and are responsible for investment decisions and activities. The Director of Finance shall establish written procedures for the operation of the investment program, consistent with this Investment Policy. In order to ensure qualified and capable investment management the Investment Officer(s) shall attend periodic training in investments through courses and seminars offered by professional organizations and associations as required by the Act. The training shall be conducted by independent training sources approved by the Investment Committee at least annually. Internal Controls The Director of Finance is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure designed to ensure that the assets of the City are protected from loss, theft or misuse. The Internal Control Structure shall be designed to provide reasonable assurance that these objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that (1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. Accordingly, the Director of Finance shall establish a process for annual independent review by an external auditor to assure compliance with policies and procedures. The results of this review shall be reported to the City Council. The internal controls shall address the following points: A. Control of collusion B. Separation of transaction authority from accounting and record keeping. C. Custodial safekeeping. D. Avoidance of physical delivery securities. E. Clear delegation of authority to subordinate staff members. F. Written confirmation for telephone (voice) transactions for investments. Prudence The standard of prudence to be applied by the Investment Officer(s) shall be the “prudent person” rule, which states, “Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived.” In determining whether an Investment Officer has exercised prudence with respect to an investment decision, the determination shall be made taking into consideration: 5 A. The investment of all funds, or funds under the City’s control, over which the Officer had responsibility rather than a consideration as to the prudence of a single investment. B. Whether the investment decision was consistent with the written Investment Policy. An Investment Officer, acting in accordance with written procedures and exercising due diligence, shall not be personally responsible for a specific investment’s credit risk or market price changes, provided that these deviations are reported immediately and that appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. Ethics and Conflicts of Interest City staff involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair the ability to make impartial investment decisions. City staff shall disclose to the City Manager any material financial interests in financial institutions that conduct business with the City and they shall further disclose positions that could be related to the performance of the City’s portfolio. City staff shall subordinate their personal financial transactions to those of the City, particularly with regard to timing of purchases and sales. An Investment Officer who has a personal business relationship with an organization seeking to sell an investment to the City shall file a statement disclosing that personal business interest. An Investment Officer who is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity to an individual seeking to sell an investment to the City shall file a statement disclosing that relationship. A statement required under this subsection must be filed with the Texas Ethics Commission and the City Council. IV. REPORTING Quarterly Reporting The Director of Finance shall submit a quarterly investment report signed by all Investment Officers that complies with the requirements of the Act, summarizes current market conditions, economic developments, and anticipated investment conditions. The report shall summarize investment strategies employed in the most recent quarter, and describe the portfolio in terms of investments, maturities, risk characteristics, and shall explain the total interest income for the quarter. This Investment Policy establishes “weighted average yield to maturity” as the standard portfolio performance measurement. Annual Report The Director of Finance shall present an annual report on the investment program and investment activity. This report may be presented as a component of the fourth quarter investment report to the Assistant City Manager, City Manager and City Council. At least annually and in conjunction with the annual audit, the City’s independent auditor shall formally review each quarterly investment report and report the results of that review to the City Council. 6 Methods The quarterly investment report shall include a succinct management summary that provides a clear picture of the status of the current investment portfolio and transactions made over the last quarter. This management summary will be prepared in a manner that will allow the City to ascertain whether investment activities during the reporting period have conformed to the Investment Policy. The report will be provided to the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and City Council. The report will include the following: A. A listing of individual investments held at the end of the reporting period. This list will include the name of the fund or pooled fund group for which each individual investment was acquired. B. Unrealized gains or losses resulting from appreciation or depreciation by listing the beginning and ending book and market value of investments for the period. Market values shall be obtained from independent sources. C. Fully accrued interest for the reporting period. D. Average weighted yield to maturity of portfolio as compared to applicable benchmarks. E. Listing of investments by maturity date. F. The percentage of the total portfolio which each type of investment represents. G. Statement of compliance of the City’s investment portfolio with State Law and the Investment Strategy and Policy approved by the City Council. V. INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO Active Portfolio Management The City shall pursue an active versus a passive portfolio management philosophy. That is, investments may be sold or redeemed before they mature if market conditions present an opportunity for the City to benefit from the trade. The Investment Officer(s) will routinely monitor the contents of the portfolio, the available markets, and the relative value of competing instruments, and will adjust the portfolio accordingly. Investments Assets of the City may be invested in the following instruments, provided, however, that at no time shall assets of the City be invested in any instrument or security not authorized for investment under the Act, as the Act may from time to time be amended. The City is not required to liquidate investments that were authorized investments at the time of purchase. Investment ratings of investments shall be monitored on a routine basis from independent sources. All prudent measures will be taken to liquidate an investment that is downgraded to less than the required minimum rating. 7 I. Authorized A. Obligations of the United States of America, its agencies and instrumentalities, which have a liquid market with a readily determinable market value. B. Direct obligations of the State of Texas and agencies thereof. C. Other obligations, the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by the State of Texas or United States of America or their respective agencies and instrumentalities, including obligations that are fully guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or by the explicit full faith and credit of the United States. D. Obligations of the states, agencies, counties, cities, and other political subdivisions of any state having been rated as investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm, and having received a rating of not less than “A” or its equivalent. E. Certificates of Deposit, and other forms of deposit, placed with a depository institution that: a) has its main office or branch office in this State and is guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or its successor, b) secured by obligations described in Section VII SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY, or c) is executed through a broker or depository institution that has its main office or a branch office in this State and meets the requirements of the Act. F. Fully collateralized direct repurchase agreements with a defined termination date secured by cash or obligations of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities deposited at the time of investment with a third party, selected by the Director of Finance, other than the pledgor. Repurchase agreements must be purchased through a primary government securities dealer, as defined by the Federal Reserve, or a financial institution doing business in Texas. A Master Repurchase Agreement, or similar agreement, must be signed by the bank/dealer prior to investment in a repurchase agreement transaction. G. Joint local government investment pools of political subdivisions in the State of Texas which invest in instruments and follow practices allowed by the Act. A pool must be continuously rated no lower than AAA or AAAm or at an equivalent rating by a least one nationally recognized rating service. H. A no-load government money market mutual fund registered with and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission with a stated objective of a stable net asset value of $1.00 for each share and a rating no lower than AAA or AAAm or at an equivalent rating by a least one nationally recognized rating service. II. Not authorized The City’s authorized investments options are more restrictive than those allowed by State law. State law specifically prohibits investment in the following investment securities. A. Obligations whose payment represents the coupon payments on the outstanding principal balance of the underlying mortgage-backed security collateral and pays no principal. B. Obligations whose payment represents the principal stream of cash flow from the underlying mortgage-backed security collateral and bears no interest. C. Collateralized mortgage obligations that have a stated final maturity date of greater than 10 years. 8 D. Collateralized mortgage obligations the interest rate of which is determined by an index that adjusts opposite to the changes in a market index. Maturity The City intends to match the maturity of invested funds with liquidity needs of the City. In no case will the average maturity of investments of the City’s operating funds exceed one year. The maximum final stated maturity of any investment shall not exceed three years. Investments in all funds shall be managed in such a way that the market price losses resulting from interest rate volatility would be offset by coupon income and current income received from the volume of the portfolio during a twelve month period. Risk and Diversification The City recognizes that investment risks can result from issuer defaults, market price changes, or various technical complications leading to temporary illiquidity. Risk is controlled through portfolio diversification which shall be achieved by the following general guidelines: A. Risk of issuer default is controlled by limiting investments to those instruments allowed by the Act, which are described herein. B. Risk of market price changes shall be controlled by avoiding over-concentration of assets in a specific maturity sector, limitation of average maturity, and avoidance of overconcentration of assets in specific instruments, where and when appropriate. C. Risk of illiquidity due to technical complications shall be controlled by the selection of securities dealers as described herein. VI. SELECTION OF BANKS AND DEALERS Primary Depository The Primary Depository shall be selected through the City’s banking services procurement process, which shall include a formal Request for Application (RFA) issued in compliance with applicable State law. This contract can be extended as per the RFA specifications. In selecting a primary depository, the credit worthiness of institutions shall be considered. All primary and non-primary depository deposits shall be insured or collateralized in compliance with applicable State law. The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to accept or reject any form of insurance or collateralization pledged towards depository deposits. Financial institutions serving as City depositories will be required to sign a depository agreement with the City. The collateralized deposit portion of the agreement shall define the City’s rights to the collateral in case of default, bankruptcy, or closing and shall establish a perfected security interest in compliance with federal and State regulations, specifically: 9 The agreement must be in writing; The agreement has to be executed by the depository and the City contemporaneously with the acquisition of the asset; The agreement must be approved by the Board of Directors or authorized committee of the depository and a copy of the meeting minutes must be delivered to the City; and The agreement must be part of the depository’s “official record” continuously since its execution. Certificates of Deposit Banks seeking to establish eligibility for the City’s competitive certificate of deposit purchase program shall submit for review annual financial statements, evidence of federal insurance and other information as required by the Director of Finance. Securities Dealers For brokers and dealers of government securities, the City shall select only those dealers reporting to the Market Reports Division of the Federal Reserve Board of New York, also known as the “Primary Government Security Dealers”, unless analysis reveals that other firms are adequately positioned to conduct public business. Only brokers and dealers with a Texas office shall be selected. All securities dealers shall provide the City with references from public entities which they are currently serving. The Investment Committee shall adopt and annually review a list of qualified brokers authorized to engage in investment transactions with the City. All investment providers who desire to become qualified for investment transactions may be required to supply the following, as appropriate: Audited financial statements Proof of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) certification Proof of state registration Completed broker/dealer questionnaire Certification of having read the City’s Investment Policy signed by a qualified representative of the organization Acknowledgement that the organization has implemented reasonable procedures and controls in an effort to prelude impudent investment activities arising out of investment transactions conducted between the City and the organization Qualified representative means a person who holds a position with a business organization, who is authorized to act on behalf of the business organization, and who is one of the following: 10 A. For a business organization doing business that is regulated by or registered with a securities commission, a person who is registered under the rules of FINRA; B. For a state or federal bank, a savings bank, or a state or federal credit union, a member of the loan committee for the bank or branch of the bank or a person authorized by corporate resolution to act on behalf of and bind the banking institution; or C. For an investment pool, the person authorized by the elected official or board with authority to administer the activities of the investment pool to sign the certification on behalf of the investment pool. Investment Pools A thorough investigation of the pool is required prior to investing, and on a periodic basis. All investment pools must supply, at a minimum, the information required by the Act in order to be eligible to receive funds. VII. SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY Insurance or Collateral With the exception of deposits secured with irrevocable letters of credit at 100% of principal and interest, all deposits of City funds with eligible depositories shall be secured by pledged collateral with a market value equal to or greater than 102% of the deposits, less any amount insured by the FDIC. Repurchase agreements shall be documented by a specific agreement noting the “purchased securities” in each agreement. Collateral pledged and purchased securities shall be held at an independent custodian or safekeeping agent approved by the City. The Director of Finance shall maintain evidence of the held securities. The market value of said securities shall be reviewed at least monthly to assure their value equals or exceeds the related City investment. Custodial Agreement Collateral pledged to secure deposits of the City shall be held by an independent custodian institution in accordance with a Custodial Agreement which clearly defines the procedural steps for gaining access to the collateral should the City determine that the City’s funds are in jeopardy. The custodian shall be the Federal Reserve Bank or an institution not affiliated with the firm pledging the collateral. Collateral Defined The City shall accept only the following securities as pledged collateral: A. U.S. Treasury securities; B. Obligations of U.S. Government Agencies and Instrumentalities, including letters of credit, but excluding principal-only and interest-only mortgage backed securities; C. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) coverage; D. Direct or unconditionally guaranteed obligations of the State of Texas and its agencies; 11 E. Obligations of states, state agencies, counties, cities, or political subdivisions naturally rated “A” or higher and have a final maturity less than or equal to ten years. Subject to Audit All collateral shall be subject to inspection and audit by the Director of Finance and the City’s independent auditors. Delivery vs. Payment All securities shall be purchased using the delivery versus payment method. That is, funds shall not be wired or paid until verification has been made that the correct security was received by the City’s safekeeping agent. The security shall be held in the name of the City or held on behalf of the City. The safekeeping agent’s records shall assure the notation of the City’s ownership of or explicit claim on the securities. The original copy of all safekeeping receipts shall be delivered to the City. VIII. INVESTMENT POLICY ADOPTION The Investment Policy shall be adopted by resolution of the City Council. The Policy shall be reviewed for effectiveness on an annual basis by the Investment Committee and any modifications will be recommended for approval to the City Council. The City Council shall review the Investment Policy (including the incorporated Strategies) not less than annually and shall adopt a written instrument stating that it has reviewed and adopted the Policy. 12 City Council Regular 10. d. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Alejandro Garcia, Public Works Director, Public Works Information SUBJECT: R: 2015 - 030 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing City Manager Henry Arredondo, to Negotiate and Award a Contract with the Firm of AZ&B for the Designs, Plans and Specifications for the Repairs, Repaving or Re-Construction of the City Streets Affected by the Recent Infrastructures Installations - Alejandro Garcia, Interim Public Works Director SUMMARY: The City of Del Rio issued a Request for Qualifications with a deadline for submittals of March 6, 2015. Submittals were received from nine firms by the deadline date and time. a Team comprised of representatives from the Engineering Department, Public Works Department, and the Streets Department met and completed the evaluations. The team independently reviewed and evaluated the proposals to determine the highest ranked firm. After all submittals were evaluated, the firm of AZ&B was found to be the highest rated firm to provide the designs, plans and specifications for this project. BACKGROUND: The City of Del Rio, Texas is installing waterlines and wastewater (sewer) lines in areas of the City under two separate contracts which are both funded by the TWBD. The wastewater lines project is funded by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and the water lines project is funded by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). Both projects started work approximately the same time of year, around summer time, of 2014. Both projects are proceeding well but under the contract only patching can be done using TWDB funds. Many streets are in need of wholesale paving to replace existing pavements that have deteriorated with time. Repair or reclaiming streets needs to be done using other funds and it is necessary due to the condition of many streets to repave. Award of this contract to AZ&B will allow for completion of designs and plans and specifications for subsequent advertisements and issuance of the invitations for bids (IFB) for the Streets Paving Projects. DISCUSSION: There were many firms that submitted qualifications. Using the criteria in the RFQ, Team believes this firm of AZ&B will provide the designs in a timely manner and at a reasonable rate. The City will be able to provide some assistance as the ROWs are already existing and any surveys will be used and provided to the firm of AZ&B. It is necessary for the City Manager to negotiate and award the contract timely since good weather is almost here that will allow paving works almost into December if weather and temperature holds. Further, after negotiations, Contract can be brought to City Council for final award, as necessary. After approval of this resolution by City Council, the firm will be requested to submit a proposal for the costs of the preparations of designs, plans, and specifications. Since there was no follow on contract for paving after installations of the infrastructure, City of Del Rio is now trying to expedite the process for the paving works. PROS: Negotiations and award of a contract to the selected firm will eliminate more lost time and enable advertisements and invitations for bids in a timely manner. If designs are started soon, based on the timelines, City of Del Rio, TX could have the project for the paving advertised by approximately four months. After a few weeks to receive the bids, paving could start sometime in summer 2015 or early fall. Hopefully with good weather can pave up to possibly December 2015 CONS: Non award of this contract and negotiations will ultimately delay any proposed paving works into next year, causing streets to continue to be in need of repair and to continue to deteriorate. RECOMMENDATION: Consider allowing City Manager to negotiate and award a contract to the Firm of AZ&B for the completion of designs, plans and specifications, for the paving works follow-on project. Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: The City of Del Rio, Texas will be impacted fiscally by the cost of this contract and the follow-on paving contracts. Cost is not determined for either until after submittal of cost proposal from AZ&B and the costs for follow-on paving is not known also until design firm finishes the designs. Funds to be provided for the designs and later the construction will have to be from any CO'S such as from CO's of 2011 and 2012 that still have unused funds and from the current 2014 CO's recently approved by City Council under the 2014 CIP Attachments Reso 030 Award RESOLUTION NO. R: 2015-030 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CITY MANAGER HENRY ARREDONDO, TO NEGOTIATE AND AWARD A CONTRACT WITH THE FIRM OF AZ&B FOR THE DESIGNS, PLANS, AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE REPAIRS, REPAVING OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THE CITY STREETS AFFECTED BY THE RECENT INFRASTRUCTURES INSTALLATIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio received statements of qualifications from nine firms for the designs, plans, and specification for the city streets affected by the installations of water, wastewater and gas lines infrastructures in many areas of the city; and WHEREAS, a board consisting of representatives from Public Works Department, Engineering Department, and Streets Department have evaluated and recommended the firm of AZ&B; and WHEREAS, the designs for the streets reconstruction, reclaiming or repairs affected by these installations must be completed by the by the Consultant Engineer, AZ&B; and WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio, Texas can have the designs, plans and specifications for this work completed more quickly and more efficiently by contracting with this consultant. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS, THAT: City Manager Henry Arredondo is hereby authorized and directed to negotiate and award a contract with the firm of AZ & B for designs, plans and specifications for the construction of City of Del Rio Streets affected by the recent infrastructures installations. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 31th day of March 2015. Robert Garza Mayor ATTEST: Susan Corp City Secretary REVIEWED FOR ADMINISTRATION: REVIEWED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Henry Arredondo City Manager Suzanne West City Attorney City Council Regular 10. e. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Bob Parker, City Engineer, Engineering Department Information SUBJECT: R: 2015 - 031 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Henry Arredondo, to Give Notice to Advertise for Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a Firm to be Retained to Perform Architectural Evaluation of the Condition of the Roof on Several City Buildings that are Currently Leaking During Rain Events Bob Parker, City Engineer SUMMARY: The City owns a large number of buildings that for the most part have a flat roof. This style of roof is the most difficult to keep from leaking. Over time, the number of leaking roofs has increased to what is in place today and these roofs are in dire need of repair. BACKGROUND: For years, this area has been in a severe drought. During this time, the roofs of the various city buildings have continued to deteriorate. Now that there is more rain falling, these deteriorated roofs are showing their condition by allowing troublesome leaks to show themselves on the ceilings of these buildings. In some cases in City Hall, large trash cans are placed to catch the water as it makes its way through the roof and ceiling. DISCUSSION: In order to repair these roofs in an appropriate manner, it is necessary to evaluate these various roofs on an individual basis, as not all of the buildings have the same type of roofing material on them. Since this is a very highly specialized field which is constantly changing due to the development of new products and roofing systems, it is necessary to have the advice of a professional in the field to evaluate and advise the best fixes for the roofs that are in a distressed condition. PROS: Passage of this Resolution will allow the City the opportunity to obtain the services of a highly knowledgeable person to evaluate the current condition of each roof and then determine the best method to fix these roofs. CONS: The only known negative associated with the passage of this Resolution is the cost of the advertising of the RFQ. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Resolution. Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: The only fiscal impact associated with the passage of this resolution is the cost of the advertising. It will probably be in the range of $400. Project cost to be funded from 2015 CO's. Attachments RFQ Roofs RESOLUTION NO. R: 2015-031 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER HENRY ARREDONDO, TO GIVE NOTICE TO ADVERTISE FOR REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR A FIRM TO BE RETAINED TO PERFORM ARCHITECTURAL EVALUATION OF THE CONDITION OF THE ROOF ON SEVERAL CITY BUILDINGS THAT ARE CURRENTLY LEAKING DURING RAIN EVENTS. WHEREAS, The City of Del Rio currently experiences leaking roofs on many of its municipal buildings during rain events; and WHEREAS, The City Council, during its budget meetings, elected to set aside a large sum of money to use to address these leaking roofs; and WHEREAS, The best way to use this money to obtain the greatest benefit for the community is to hire a reputable firm to evaluate the current condition of the roofs and to provide plans and specifications to let to contract to construct the best repairs for the existing condition; and WHEREAS, The City of Del Rio follows the correct procedures for the procurement of professional services; and WHEREAS, It is necessary and in the best interest of the City of Del Rio to advertise for these needed professional services as soon as possible; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS THAT; 1. It hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager to advertise for a request for qualifications (RFQ) from firms that have the required expertise to perform the duties required to evaluate and then design the needed fixes along with providing the documents required to let the work out to bid for the construction of the roof repairs. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 31st day of March 2015 ROBERT GARZA MAYOR ATTEST: SUSAN CORP CITY SECRETARY REVIEWED FOR ADMINISTRATION: REVIEWED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: HENRY ARREDONDO CITY MANAGER SUZANNE WEST CITY ATTORNEY City Council Regular 10. f. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Alejandro Garcia, Public Works Director, Public Works Information SUBJECT: R: 2015 - 032 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Authorizing and Directing City Manager Henry Arredondo, to Give Notice and Advertise for Bids for the Construction of Seven (7) Streets Affected by the Infrastructure Installations - Alejandro Garcia, Interim Public Works Director SUMMARY: Many streets are affected by the installations of water lines and wastewater lines under two separate contracts. Many streets are in need of repair, replacement, reconstruction, or reclamation and after infrastructure work are found to be lacking in base or good wear course and many are just deteriorated due to age or previous inadequate satisfactory construction. A contract work order was issued to Bain, Medina, Bain to design and prepare plans and specifications for at least seven streets in four areas of the Ciy to start the much needed paving plan by contract. BACKGROUND: The CIty of Del Rio has a contract with Bain, Medina, Barin (BMB) for professional services upon demand. City Council issued a work order to the firm to start designs, plans, and specification for various streets which are substantially completed with infrastructures installations and streets which are well traveled, necessitating improvements. BMB is working on the designs and CIty has provided information on the waterline and wastewater line installations to facilitate the designs. BMB informed that 60% drawings could be finished in about 3-4 weeks and since work order was issued on March 10, 2015, preliminary plans could be in hand for City review by approximately early April 2015. Staff at CIty is ready to perform quick reviews and have comments back to BMB within days. Thus final plans could be finished as early as mid April 2015, optimistically DISCUSSION: Authority to award now helps process and not wait until exactly when designs, plans and specifications are completed. Next regularly scheduled City Council meeting will be April 14, 2015. If approval waits until this date, first advertisement would be on April 26, 2015. If plans are finished mid April, first ads could appear in newspapers April 19, 2015 or sooner. PROS: Authority now help the bid process. CONS: Plans could take longer to complete, nullifying any gains in time for advertisements RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval be given to City Manager to be able to advertise timely. Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: Fiscal impact will be approximately $300 for the newspaper adds and then for the construction, funded by 2015 CO's. Attachments RESO IFB RESOLUTION NO. R: 2015-032 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CITY MANAGER HENRY ARREDONDO, TO GIVE NOTICE AND ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEVEN (7) STREETS AFFECTED BY INFRASTRUCTURES INSTALLATIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio by contract work and by staff work has installed infrastructures for water, wastewater and gas lines in many areas of the city; and WHEREAS, the designs for the seven (7) streets by reconstruction, reclaiming or repairs affected by these installations is being completed by the Consultant Engineer, Bain Medina Bain; and WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio, Texas needs to receive bids for this work by contract and it is necessary to advertise as this is the quickest and most cost efficient method to perform the work. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS, THAT: City Manager Henry Arredondo is hereby authorized and directed to advertise and to receive bids for the Construction of Seven Streets (7) Affected by Infrastructures Installations. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 31th day of March 2015. Robert Garza Mayor ATTEST: Susan Corp City Secretary REVIEWED FOR ADMINISTRATION: REVIEWED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Henry Arredondo City Manager Suzanne West City Attorney City Council Regular 10. g. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Amelia Moreno, Executive Secretary, Administration Information SUBJECT: R: 2015 - 033 - A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas Reaffirming its Unwavering Support for the Creation of a Dedicated Texas Border Infrastructure Fund to Assist Border Communities with Binational Mobility Projects - Henry Arredondo, City Manager SUMMARY: n/a BACKGROUND: n/a DISCUSSION: n/a PROS: n/a CONS: n/a RECOMMENDATION: n/a Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: The City of Del Rio will support the effort and join the other border communities and contribute $5,000.00 to establish the fund. Attachments Reso 033 Texas Border Infrastructure Fund RESOLUTION NO. R: 2015-033 A RESOLUTION BY THE DEL RIO CITY COUNCIL REAFFIRMING ITS UNWAVERING SUPPORT FOR THE CREATION OF A DEDICATED TEXAS BORDER INFRASTRUCTURE FUND TO ASSIST BORDER COMMUNITIES WITH BINATIONAL MOBILITY PROJECTS. WHEREAS, international trade is vital to the entire State of Texas including the City of Del Rio and Val Verde County; and WHEREAS, international trade and commerce bind bi-national communities including the City of Del Rio and Ciudad Acuna; and WHEREAS, the Coordinated Border Infrastructure Fund was consolidated without funding assigned in the last federal highway reauthorization bill, MAP-21; and WHEREAS, the border communities are requesting that the State Legislature address this need as freight from Mexico is expected to triple in the next 25 years; and WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio will support the effort and join the other border communities to contribute $5k to the lobbyists who are shepherding the legislation that will establish the fund. WHEREAS, the dedicated border infrastructure may fund improvements related the movement of goods and people along the border. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. City Attorney Suzanne West is hereby authorized to forward this resolution to legislative staff in Austin, Texas. Section 2. The City Council reiterates its support for the creation of a dedicated border infrastructure fund to focus on improving the movement of goods and people along the Texas-Mexico border. PASSED AND APPROVED on this 31st day of March, 2015. _______________________ ROBERT GARZA Mayor ATTEST: ___________________ SUSAN CORP City Secretary REVIEWED FOR ADMINISTRATION: REVIEWED AS TO FORM: ____________________ HENRY ARREDONDO City Manager ___________________ SUZANNE WEST City Attorney City Council Regular 10. h. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Amelia Moreno, Executive Secretary, Administration Information SUBJECT: R: 2015 - 034 - A Resolution by the Del Rio City Council Expressing its Support of the Grant Application by United Medical Centers to Obtain Funding for the Proposed Renovation and Expansion of its South Main Clinic - Robert Garza, Mayor SUMMARY: n/a BACKGROUND: n/a DISCUSSION: n/a PROS: n/a CONS: n/a RECOMMENDATION: n/a Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: n/a Attachments Reso 034 UMC RESOLUTION NO. R: 2015-034 A RESOLUTION BY THE DEL RIO CITY COUNCIL EXPRESSING ITS SUPPORT OF THE GRANT APPLICATION BY UNITED MEDICAL CENTERS TO OBTAIN FUNDING FOR THE PROPOSED RENOVATION AND EXPANSION OF ITS SOUTH MAIN CLINIC WHEREAS, the City of Del Rio recognizes the importance of having comprehensive, affordable, and quality health care accessible to all local residents; and WHEREAS, the United Medical Centers is designated as a federally qualified health center and has been rendering such services for the past 40 years within its tri-county service area; and WHEREAS, the United Medical Centers is a private, non-profit healthcare organization that serves the Val Verde health care community with primary health care services; and WHEREAS, the United Medical Centers renders health care services in the areas of pediatric care, OB/GYN, family medicine, internal medicine, podiatry and dental services and offers in-house services such as laboratory, pharmacy, radiology, social services, and family planning; WHEREAS, the United Medical Centers offers their services to the entire Val Verde County community, including, the low income and uninsured residents of Val Verde County, and WHEREAS, the United Medical Centers offers a discount based on a sliding fee scale to residents who are indigent and uninsured in order to ensure accessibility; and WHEREAS, the United Medical Centers employs over 115 individuals, including, doctors, dentists, nurses, technical support and other administrative and clinical support staff in Val Verde county; and WHEREAS, the United Medical Centers is in the process of preparing a federal funding application under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Infrastructure Investment Program to renovate and expand its United Medical Centers #3 clinic site located at 913 S. Main St. in downtown Del Rio; and WHEREAS, the proposed renovation and expansion of this clinic site will greatly enhance access to care for hundreds of additional residents of Val Verde County; WHEREAS, the United Medical Centers is seeking community support to enhance and strengthen its grant application and increase the chances of getting this grant approved; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS THAT: 1. The City of Del Rio fully supports and endorses the efforts of the United Medical Centers to renovate and expand its offices located at 913 South Main Street, Del Rio, Texas. 2. The City of Del Rio concurs that the renovation and expansion project will significantly increase access to health care services for thousands of residents who reside in the City of Del Rio and Val Verde County, Texas. 3. The City of Del Rio concurs that a definite need exists to renovate and expand the South Main Clinic to address the critical shortage of health care providers in the community. PASSED AND APPROVED on this day of March, 2015. ROBERT GARZA, Mayor ATTEST: SUSAN CORP, City Secretary REVIEWED FOR ADMINISTRATION: REVIEWED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: HENRY ARREDONDO, City Manager SUZANNE WEST, City Attorney City Council Regular 11. a. Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Mario Garcia, Purchasing Agent, Finance Information SUBJECT: Submitted for review to the City Of Del Rio City Council the 2nd Quarter Report of Surplus Auction - Mario Garcia, Purchasing Agent SUMMARY: As provided for by the Del Rio City Council Resolution R: 2012-059, dated April 24, 2012, all City of Del Rio surplus auctions are disposed of at auction, through In addition to City of Del Rio rolling stock, various and miscellaneous other surplus items, such as furniture, fixtures, equipment or materials are auctioned through this website method as well. BACKGROUND: The City of Del Rio Charter Section 75 provides for open competition under the rules and regulations as the City Council may prescribe. Also, depending on the estimated value of the property that the City of Del Rio auctions, be advertised on the official newspaper for sales and bids. At the current time, the Central Purchasing Department provides for these requirements by submitting all items to auction through an agreement with for online auctions. Additionally, auctions are advertised on a regular basis through the Del Rio News Herald and other marketing methods. DISCUSSION: The City Of Del Rio Retains The Right To Refuse Any And All Bids On Any Surplus Property Placed At Auction. No expenses, other than advertising costs and the fixed 7% fee paid to by the City, are incurred in the sale of surplus items. PROS: Revenues obtained from surplus auction items will continue to improve, while providing for more open competition. CONS: Prepping vehicles and equipment ready for auction will incur time from Fleet and Purchasing Staff from daily activities. RECOMMENDATION: The City of Del Rio Purchasing Agent recommends that the City Council discuss and approve the submitted items as listed to surplus auction. Fiscal Impact FISCAL IMPACT: Prepping vehicles and equipment ready for auction will incur labor time from Fleet and Purchasing Staff. No other significant impacts are anticipated. Attachments q2 sold asset report surplus veh to auction1 surplus veh to auction2 Sold Asset Report- General Items Del Rio, City of, TX Date range: 01/01/2015 - 03/31/2015 ID 225 226 227 228 229 230 Inventory ID 225 226 227 228 229 230 Description Buyer 1 EATON FERRUPS FE/QFE UPS AND BATTERY CABINET 1 LOT of USED DOORS AND WINDOWS SKID MOUNTED FIRE FIGHTING APPARATUS 1 LOT of USED WORK CLOTHES 1 HP COLOR PRINTER LOT OF USED POLICE DUTY GEAR Ted Smith enrique rodriguez scott waldorff enrique rodriguez Raul Castillo Alex Coleman Starting Bid Sold Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 25.00 10.00 250.00 6.00 15.00 10.00 316.00 100.00 27.00 5,521.01 17.00 15.00 26.00 5,706.01 Sold Asset Report - Rolling Stock Del Rio Fleet, TX Date range: 01/01/2015 - 03/31/2015 ID 45 46 47 Inventory ID 45 Asset 1226 Unit 0075 Asset 1239 Unit 0233 Description Buyer Starting Bid Sold Amount $ 8,010.00 25.00 $ 705.00 1995 FORD 575D BACKHOE Raul Castillo $ 1994 GMC Sierra C2500 V8, 5.0L (305 CID) Ted Smith $ 1996 Ford Ranger XL Reg. Cab 2WD Bryan valenzuela $ $ 100.00 25.00 150.00 $ 1,655.00 $ 10,370.00 Bids 17 3 57 3 1 8 Bids Auction Ended 2/19/2015 15:00 2/17/2015 15:30 2/24/2015 14:51 2/20/2015 15:00 2/23/2015 15:00 3/6/2015 15:00 Auction Ended Status PU PU PU PU PU PU Status 76 2/4/2015 9:03 PU 28 2/19/2015 15:00 PU 49 2/19/2015 15:36 PU City Council Regular Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 11. b. Information Subject Discussion on Water-Secondary Water Source. CIP Plan Details for FY 2013-2014. City has funding in the Amount of $500,000.00 for Best Value at either new City property or at the Hackberry Well location - Alejandro Garcia, Interim Public Works Director Attachments No file(s) attached. City Council Regular Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 11. c. Information Subject Discussion to Extend 8-Inch Water Services as Approved by Utilities Commission on March 26, 2015 - Rowland Garza, Councilman Attachments map City Council Regular Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Aida Garcia, Administrative Assistant 12. a. Information Subject Attorney/Client Consultation to Discuss Data Retention Attachments No file(s) attached. City Council Regular Meeting Date: 03/31/2015 Submitted By: Manuel Chavez, Finance Director 12. b. Information Subject Attorney/Client Consultation to Discuss Legal Options/Remedies with Respect to Transportation Fund Attachments No file(s) attached.