California Hatchery Review Project Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish
California Hatchery Review Project Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish
California Hatchery Review Project Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program Report June 2012 Introductory Statement from the California HSRG This program report was developed by contractor staff tasked with providing background information to the California HSRG on hatchery programs, natural population status and fisheries goals in California. The resulting report is one of many sources of information used by the California HSRG in their review process. Information provided in this program report was developed through interviews with hatchery staff, regional, state and tribal biologists working in the basins and a review and summarization of the pertinent scientific literature. The draft program report was then provided to interview participants for review and comment on multiple occasions. Comments received were incorporated into the report and the report finalized. Because of the review process, it is believed the report represents an accurate snapshot in time of hatchery operations, natural salmon population status and fisheries goals in California as of 2012. This program report may or may not be consistent with the consensus positions of the California HSRG expressed in the main report, as their primary involvement was in the preparation of Section 4.3, “Programmatic Strategies”, which compares existing program practices to the statewide Standards and Guidelines developed by the California HSRG. Table of Contents 1 Description of Current Hatchery Program ...............................................................................1 1.1 Programmatic Components ...............................................................................................1 1.2 Operational Components ...................................................................................................2 1.2.1 Facilities .....................................................................................................................2 1.2.2 Broodstock .................................................................................................................4 1.2.3 Spawning....................................................................................................................7 1.2.4 Incubation ..................................................................................................................7 1.2.5 Rearing .......................................................................................................................8 1.2.6 Release .......................................................................................................................9 2 Populations Affected by the Hatchery Program ....................................................................11 2.1 Current Conditions of Affected Natural Populations ......................................................13 2.1.1 American River Steelhead .......................................................................................14 2.1.2 Other Central Valley Steelhead Populations............................................................15 2.2 Long–term Goals for Natural Populations ......................................................................17 3 Fisheries Affected by the Hatchery Program .........................................................................18 3.1 Current Status of Fisheries ..............................................................................................18 3.2 Long-term Goals for Affected Fisheries .........................................................................18 4 Programmatic and Operational Strategies to Address Issues Affecting Achievement of Goals .....................................................................................................................................18 4.1 Issues Affecting Achievement of Goals ..........................................................................18 4.1.1 Natural Production Issues ........................................................................................18 4.1.2 Ecological Interaction Issues ...................................................................................19 4.2 Operational Issues ...........................................................................................................19 4.3 Programmatic Strategies .................................................................................................19 4.3.1 Broodstock ...............................................................................................................20 4.3.2 Program Size and Release Strategies .......................................................................23 4.3.3 Incubation, Rearing and Fish Health .......................................................................25 4.3.4 Monitoring and Evaluation ......................................................................................32 4.3.5 Direct Effects of Hatchery Operations on Local Habitats, Aquatic or Terrestrial Organisms. ...............................................................................................................36 5 Literature Cited ......................................................................................................................37 List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Number of female and male steelhead trapped at Nimbus Hatchery, 1955 to 2010. ..........................................................................................................................6 Number of fingerling and yearling size steelhead released from Nimbus Fish Hatchery, 1956-1957 to 2007-2008.........................................................................10 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page i List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 13. Table 14. Table 15. Table 16. Table 17. Table 18. Table 19. Table 20. Table 21. Table 22. Table 23. Table 24. Table 25. Table 26. Number and percentage of unmarked steelhead trapped at the Nimbus Fish Hatchery, 2000-2001 through 2009-2010 seasons. ...................................................6 Number of female steelhead spawned and number of eggs taken 2000-2001 through 2009-2010 seasons. ......................................................................................7 Adipose clip status of adult steelhead entering Nimbus Hatchery. .........................15 Steelhead status, abundance and habitat availability in the Central Valley (NMFS 2009). .......................................................................................................................15 Broodstock Source. .................................................................................................20 Broodstock Collection. ............................................................................................20 Broodstock Composition. ........................................................................................21 Mating Protocols. ....................................................................................................22 Steelhead Spawner Disposition. ..............................................................................22 Program Size. ..........................................................................................................23 Release Strategy. .....................................................................................................24 Fish Health Policy. ..................................................................................................25 Hatchery Monitoring by Fish Health Specialists. ...................................................26 Facility Requirements..............................................................................................27 Fish Health Management Plans. ..............................................................................29 Water Quality. .........................................................................................................29 Best Management Practices.....................................................................................30 Hatchery and Genetic Management Plans...............................................................32 Hatchery Evaluation Programs. ...............................................................................32 Hatchery Coordination Teams.................................................................................32 In-Hatchery Monitoring and Record Keeping.........................................................33 Marking and Tagging Programs. .............................................................................34 Post-Release Emigration Monitoring. .....................................................................34 Adult Monitoring Programs. ...................................................................................35 Evaluation Programs. ..............................................................................................35 Direct Effects of Hatchery Operations. ...................................................................36 Appendices Appendix A-1 Hatchery Program Review Questions Appendix A-2 Nimbus Steelhead Program Data Tables Appendix A-3 Hatchery Program Review Analysis Benefit-Risk Statements Appendix B Page ii Central Valley Steelhead Watershed Reports California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 b Yu ut I- 9 80 Hwy 9 nc Ho Feather River Bear River I5 nC Coo ve Ri r ek Dr yC re e o nt Nimbus Fish Hatchery (CDFG) # Am e R an ric iv US Hwy 50 Folsom Lake er Nimbus Dam W X ) " Howe Avenue Bridge mn e s Cosu Rive r 80 r Mokelumne River FishiveHatchery R e n (CDFG) lum I- Putah Diversion Dam W X Sacramento vine k e am cr Sa rn Ra Aubu Jibboom Street Bridge Putah Cre reek ke Mo Camanche Dam W X ) " Vallejo X# W Lodi # Sacramento River Woodbridge Dam #Stockton Ri ras e v a Cal ver us R isla n a t S # San Francisco #Modesto iver Tuolumne River nJ Sa Turlock in qu oa # M ed erc Riv ve Ri ) " W X Merced r San Jose # er # St at e Nimbus Hatchery Steelhead Program I5 Lakes and Other Waterbodies Rivers # " ) Hatcheries Juvenile Release Sites Roads Adult Collection Sites Cities Dams W X 1 in = 18 miles 0 C:\04GISData\ProjectData\CaliHSRG\MapProjects\CentralValley1\ProgramByProgram\NimbSteelhead.mxd 4 8 16 24 H w y 99 t Miles 32 Published Date : 12/8/2011 1 Description of Current Hatchery Program The Central Valley Project (CVP) was originally conceived as a state project to protect the Central Valley from water shortages and floods. The CVP priorities are flood control, improving navigation on Central Valley rivers, developing hydroelectric power, irrigation, and municipal and industrial water supply, protecting the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta from seawater encroachment, and protecting and enhancing fish and wildlife. The American River Basin Development Act of 1949 created the American River Division (Division) of the CVP that consists of the Folsom and Auburn-Folsom South Units. Construction of Folsom Dam was completed in May 1956 and Nimbus Dam and power plant, located 6.8 river miles (RM) downstream from Folsom Dam, were completed in 1955. Nimbus Dam re-regulates water released from Folsom Dam and diverts water into the Folsom South Canal. Prior to construction of Folsom and Nimbus dams, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) prepared “a plan of action for the conservation of salmon and steelhead affected by the construction of Nimbus Dam on the American River” (USFWS and CDFG 1953). Based on the recommendations contained in this plan, Nimbus Fish Hatchery (NFH) was constructed and placed into operation in 1955 on the American River approximately 15 miles east of Sacramento, approximately one mile downstream from Nimbus Dam, at RM 22. The Nimbus winter steelhead program traps and artificially spawns adipose fin-marked adult steelhead that seasonally enter the trapping facilities. Broodstock was originally derived from several different founding populations and appears to cluster genetically with Eel River steelhead. Nielson et al. (2005) reported that genetic analysis of the fish sampled for the American River and NFH indicated genetic similarity in microsatellite allelic frequencies. Garza and Pearse (2008) reported similar results for fish sampled from the lower American River and NFH. The purpose of the program is to replace lost adult production above Nimbus Dam and below Folsom Dam. To achieve this purpose, the program has a juvenile release goal of 430,000 yearling steelhead (4 fish per pound). It is operated as a segregated program in that no naturalorigin steelhead are used as broodstock. Steelhead in the Central Valley were identified as a Distinct Population Segment (DPS) and listed in 1998 as a threatened species under the US Endangered Species Act (1973). In 2006, NMFS reaffirmed the threatened status of the Central Valley steelhead because the resident and anadromous life forms of steelhead remain “markedly separated” as a consequence of physical, ecological and behavioral factors (NMFS 2009). The DPS includes all naturally spawned anadromous O. mykiss (steelhead) populations below natural and manmade impassable barriers in the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and their tributaries, as well as hatchery produced steelhead at the Coleman National Fish Hatchery and the Feather River Fish Hatchery. Naturally spawned steelhead in the American River are included in the DPS; steelhead spawned and reared at Nimbus Fish Hatchery are excluded (NMFS 2009). 1.1 Programmatic Components Construction of Folsom and Nimbus dams eliminated anadromous fish access to all historical habitats in the American River. NFH helps to fulfill mitigation requirements for construction of Nimbus Dam as described in “Contract between the United States and the State of California for the Operation of the Nimbus Fish Hatchery” (Reclamation 1956). Steelhead produced at Nimbus California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 1 are not intended to enhance or benefit survival of listed steelhead populations, and program operations are conducted to minimize adverse effects on listed fish. This is an isolated-harvest program (i.e., does not include natural-origin steelhead in the broodstock) that propagates fish for recreational fishing opportunities and harvest. Steelhead are not produced to spawn in the wild or to be genetically integrated with any specific natural population. The program has no established goals for the number of hatchery-origin fish allowed to spawn naturally. On average, the program has released approximately 422,000 yearling steelhead since brood year 1999. The total estimated steelhead return to the river (spawning naturally and in the hatchery) has ranged from 946 to 3,426 fish, averaging 2,184 fish from 2002 to 2010. The number of fish harvested since the 2002-03 spawning year has averaged 474 (see Appendix A-3). Yearling to adult survival rates have averaged 0.54% since 2002 (Appendix A-3). The proportion of the naturally spawning population consisting of hatchery fish has been estimated to be greater than 90% from 2002 to 2010 (Appendix A-3). 1.2 Operational Components Water for NFH comes from the American River watershed. Specifically, flows are released from Folsom Lake into Lake Natoma, from when the hatchery is supplied by a 1,415-foot-long, primary 60-inch concrete pipe and a secondary 42-inch-diameter parallel concrete pipe that runs from the south abutment of Nimbus Dam. The secondary 42-inch pipeline is an emergency backup supply if the primary supply pipeline becomes unavailable. Both lines are connected through a series of gate valves that allow water to be directed into three areas as needed, a water head box collection structure, the American River Trout Hatchery, or directly to NFH. The volume of water used at NFH ranges between 20 and 50 cfs. Water supplied to either hatchery is not recirculated or exchanged. In most years, the temperature of water delivered to NFH is suitable for salmonid rearing. However, when inflow to Folsom Lake is low or reduced, the supply of cold water in the reservoir may be limited, resulting in marginal water temperatures to the hatchery and the American River. This has the greatest affect on summer juvenile fish rearing (steelhead) and results in a later fish ladder opening date. To minimize the effects of water level fluctuations on flow in the supply line, the CDFG installed an electronically operated gate at the head box collection structure. A series of manually operated valves control flow from the head box to pipes leading to the rearing ponds, hatchery buildings, and the domestic water supply. 1.2.1 Facilities NFH facilities include a fish weir, fish ladder, gathering and holding tanks, hatchery buildings, rearing ponds, various office, shop, and storage buildings, fish transportation equipment, and miscellaneous equipment and supplies. A 1,600-square-foot metal building supports the NFH office, employee break room, and public restrooms. Weir: A weir was included as part of the original design of the hatchery (Romero et al. 1996). Currently, the weir is installed to direct Chinook salmon into the fish ladder and is removed at the end of the salmon run and before large rain events occur in late fall. Ladder: A 260-foot-long concrete fish ladder provides access from the river to the NFH spawning building. Approximately 40 cfs is directed into the fish ladder. Page 2 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 The fish ladder is opened after the weir is installed and river temperatures are at or below 60° F in early November, and remains open through late March. Once fish ascend the ladder they enter the 60-foot-long by 12-foot-wide gathering tank at the top of the ladder. After entering the gathering tank, a hanging bar trap prevents downstream return. Gathering Tank and Holding Ponds: A mechanical fish crowder can be moved to the far end of the gathering tank to push the fish through a hatch into a lift basket. Adjacent to the fish ladder are four concrete holding ponds. Each pond is 100 feet long, 14 feet wide and 6 feet deep and is capable of holding approximately 800 adult salmon or steelhead. The current practice is to return sexually immature steelhead to the river after sorting, so the holding ponds are not used for steelhead. Sorting Area and Spawning Deck: The spawning deck provides facilities for handling, inspecting, sorting, and spawning adult salmon and steelhead. Trapped fish are lifted from the gathering tank to the spawning deck by a hydraulic fish lift. After the fish are electrically narcotized, they are lifted from the gathering tank to a stainless steel sorting table where they are inspected for marks, tags, and sorted based on sexual maturity. Fish not retained for spawning can be returned to the holding ponds or river via one of five 15-inch-diameter stainless steel tubes. Chinook salmon are not typically returned to the river but retained in one of the holding ponds. Rearing Facilities: NFH rearing facilities include two hatchery buildings and six outdoor raceways. Hatchery building 2 is an 8,000-square-foot metal building with a concrete floor, constructed in 1992. The building includes a small laboratory and the spawning deck for inspecting, sorting, and spawning fish. A separate area is used for processing eggs, and egg incubation facilities. The egg incubation facilities in hatchery building 2 include 12 fiberglass deep tanks, each 20 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 30 inches deep, and capable of holding 16 modified commercial Eagar hatching jars or 16 constructed PVC egg hatching jars. Each hatching jar is capable of holding approximately 800 ounces of eggs. The egg hatching facilities also include thirty-six 16-tray vertical incubators with a capacity of approximately 10,000 eggs per tray. Water for the jars and incubators is supplied through overhead PVC plumbing. Hatchery building 1 is a 13,000-square-foot metal building. It is the original hatchery building constructed in 1955 and houses 68 fiberglass deep tanks similar to those described in NFH Building 2. Water is supplied to the deep tanks via overhead PVC plumbing and directed into 4foot-long by 18-inch-diameter vertically hung PVC filled with plastic Bio Barrels to remove gases (nitrogen) and aerate the water. Three pairs (6) of concrete rearing ponds (or raceways) are located on the east side of the hatchery grounds. Each raceway is 400 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 42 inches deep (water depth), and is capable of holding approximately 90,000 gallons. A flow of approximately 1.5 to 3.5 cfs of water (depending upon the size and number of fish) is typically released from the rearing pond head tank. Each raceway can be divided into seven individual rearing areas. Water enters the head tank from an underground distribution conduit where the rate of flow is adjusted with a 24-inch gate valve. Water is passed over a perforated metal plate to capture unwanted debris prior to entering the raceway. After passing through the raceway, water enters a collection area and is transported via an underground 10-inch diameter steel pipe to a pair of California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 3 settling ponds located approximately 1,700 feet downstream from NFH grounds on the south side (left bank) of the river. Water from the settling ponds percolates through a gravel and rock substrate into the river. A 20-foot tall chain link fence with wire mesh covering surrounds the raceways and functions as a bird exclosure. 1.2.2 Broodstock Broodstock for NFH has come from fish trapped in the American River as well as non-indigenous sources. Due to the small number of eggs collected and fish reared in the early years of operation, broodstock was subsequently collected from numerous non-indigenous sources. From 1958 through 1993, steelhead eggs were transferred from sources that included the Eel River, Coleman Hatchery, Battle Creek, Warm Springs Hatchery, Dry Creek, Russian River; and Mad River Hatchery. All of these stocks were described as summer, winter or late-run steelhead. The genetic makeup of the present NFH winter steelhead has been examined. Cramer et al. (1995) suggested that based on the transfers of eggs from the Eel River and run timing, the NFH winter steelhead stock is similar to Eel River winter steelhead. Nielsen et al. (2005) concurred that NFH winter steelhead were genetically most similar to Eel River stock. They examined genetic variations at 11 microsatellite loci to describe the population genetic structure of Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Central Valley and also indicated that the clustering of rainbow trout populations from the upper portions of the Tuolumne, Stanislaus, American, and Yuba rivers. These genetic similarities could be due to two factors: (1) shared ancestry among native, ancestral populations not influenced by hatchery steelhead or other anadromous populations downstream from the four dams found on these rivers; or (2) the influence of introduced rainbow trout from hatchery populations that have been stocked extensively in reservoirs throughout California. Garza and Pearse (2008) reported that in general, although structure was found, all naturally spawned populations within the Central Valley were closely related, regardless of whether they were sampled above or below a known barrier to anadromy. Steelhead have been trapped at NFH as early as the first week of October; however, since 2000, the ladder has been opened in early November. The peak of the steelhead run at NFH is generally the later part of December, but may vary by several weeks. Steelhead have been trapped as late as the second week of March. During the past 10 years, in an effort to ensure steelhead are represented from throughout the run, the trap has been kept open longer and fish spawned later during the season. Adult steelhead are artificially spawned at NFH slightly earlier than steelhead that spawn naturally in the river. This is due to the practice of artificially spawning the fish rather than an actual difference in spawning timing. Earlier spawning results in earlier hatching steelhead eggs and ultimately slightly larger fry compared to fish that spawn naturally. Prior to 2001, the percentage of naturally spawned steelhead in NFH broodstock is unknown. Since 1999, all hatchery-origin juveniles have been marked. Information on the number of unmarked steelhead included in the broodstock is not available prior to the 2008-2009 season; however, since then, only marked hatchery-origin steelhead have been used as broodstock. During the past 10 years, the majority of adult steelhead trapped at NFH appeared to be three years of age (personal communication, T. West, CDFG, Hatchery Manager II). A small number of half-pounder size fish are trapped each year at NFH. Half-pounders are sexually immature steelhead that return to freshwater after only a few months in the ocean. In the 2000-2001 to 2009-2010 trapping seasons, 1,442 (annual mean of 68) half-pounder size fish were reportedly Page 4 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 trapped. Many may be hatchery-origin juveniles that did not migrate to the ocean and have taken on resident rainbow trout coloration and life history characteristics. From 1955 to 2009, the percentage of male steelhead trapped varied from 33 to 71% (mean of all years 54%); but only during 15 years (28% of the 53 years) has the number of females exceeded the number of males (Figure 1). The weir is generally installed in September and the fish ladder opened after river water temperatures are sustained at or below 60° F. This occurs prior to the fall Chinook salmon run and prior to steelhead entering the American River. The weir is removed in December at the conclusion of the fall Chinook run. Some steelhead may be trapped prior to weir removal but they are returned to the river. The Nimbus fish ladder and trap remain open until the end of the steelhead run, typically around the end of March. The ladder is accessible to any upstream migrating fish. All steelhead that enter the adult gathering tank are sorted a minimum of once each week during the run, examined for marks, and the degree of sexual maturity determined. Only marked fish greater than 16 inches are retained for broodstock. All fish less than 16 inches are immediately returned to the river. Steelhead adults are not held at the hatchery. All unmarked fish are returned to the river with a caudal fin notch. All marked sexually mature adult steelhead are retained for artificial spawning and typically are spawned a minimum of once a week. Sexually immature marked adult steelhead are immediately returned to the river after receiving a caudal fin notch. If recaptured, these steelhead receive a second mark and are processed as before. Experience has demonstrated that sexually immature adult steelhead held at NFH are subject to disease, injury, and high mortality (greater than 40% in some years). Only sexually mature adipose fin-marked steelhead are selected for spawning. All mating and pairing of adult fish is done randomly and no attempt is made to select fish for any morphological characteristic. After spawning, all live adult steelhead receive a caudal fin mark and are returned immediately to the river. In some years, fish length, scales and tissue samples are collected on natural-origin adults prior to release; however, results are not supplied to the hatchery. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 5 3,000 Males Females Number of steelhead 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 19 55 19 195 58 6 19 195 61 9 19 196 64 2 19 196 67 5 19 196 70 8 19 197 73 1 19 197 76 4 19 197 79 7 19 198 82 0 19 198 85 3 19 198 88 6 19 198 91 9 19 199 94 2 19 199 97 5 20 199 00 8 20 200 03 1 20 200 06 4 20 200 09 7 -2 01 0 0 Season Figure 1. Number of female and male steelhead trapped at Nimbus Hatchery, 1955 to 2010. Adipose fin-marked fish less than 16 inches may be non-migrant hatchery-origin fish and unmarked sexually mature fish less than 16 inches are most likely resident trout. Since the 20002001 trapping season when all the returning hatchery-origin steelhead would have been adipose fin-marked, 514 unmarked steelhead (2.9%) were reported trapped (Table 1). Table 1. Page 6 Number and percentage of unmarked steelhead trapped at the Nimbus Fish Hatchery, 2000-2001 through 2009-2010 seasons. Season Number of Steelhead Trapped Number of Marked Steelhead Number of Unmarked Steelhead 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total Mean 2,877 1,742 887 1,862 2,772 2,308 2,684 758 1,095 987 17,972 1,797 2,813 1,692 818 1,835 2,755 2,218 2,626 711 1,037 953 17,458 1,746 64 50 69 27 17 90 58 47 58 34 514 51 Percent of Marked Steelhead (2.2%) (2.9%) (7.8%) (1.5%) (0.6%) (3.9%) (2.2%) (6.2%) (5.3%) (3.4%) (2.9%) (2.8%) California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 A steelhead broodstock goal has not been established for NFH; however, an annual release of 430,000 yearling steelhead has been the accepted mitigation for construction of Nimbus Dam. Based on historical survival rates from green egg to juvenile fish released, hatchery personnel take approximately 2 million green eggs. Based on a 10-year average of approximately 5,500 eggs per female, approximately 365 females and a similar number of males are required for broodstock. During the past 10 years, NFH has trapped an annual average of 1,797 steelhead and egg collection has met the 2 million green egg goal. Additional steelhead have been spawned throughout the season to ensure that sufficient eggs are taken throughout the run to meet both the mitigation goal and to represent the entire run timing. 1.2.3 Spawning Only sexually mature adipose fin-marked adult male steelhead (≥ 16 inches) are spawned. Selection is done randomly (e.g., all sexually mature male fish have an equal chance of being selected). Air spawning described by Leitritz and Lewis (1976) is used to collect steelhead eggs. A single male fish is randomly selected from the trapped fish and sperm expressed in to the pan with eggs. A 1:1 male to female mating scheme is used; back-up males are not used. After eggs are fertilized, they are washed in fresh water, drained in a colander, placed in a bucket with fresh water and transferred to hatching jars or incubators. All eggs taken and fertilized on a single day are identified as an egg lot and assigned a lot number. An attempt is made to retain representative egg lots to mimic the natural spawning period of winter steelhead from the American River. No surplus eggs are intentionally taken at NFH; however, as part of efforts to mimic the natural run and spawning period, some eggs may become surplus to the mitigation requirements. No chemicals or therapeutics are used during the spawning process. Once the eggs have been fertilized and washed, eggs are immersed for 20 minutes in a solution with PVP Iodine to help eliminate pathogens. PVP-Iodine is effective against a broad spectrum of disease-causing microorganisms and is used to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and yeasts on contact. PVP iodine is also applied to eggs during incubation to control fungus. 1.2.4 Incubation During the 2000-2002 through 2009-2010 seasons, an average of 1,729,633 steelhead eggs were taken from 320 females for an average of 5,913 eggs per female (Table 2). These eggs resulted in an average of 1,416,061 eyed eggs with a 10-year average survival rate to the eyed stage of 82.1%. Table 2. Season 2000 - 2001 2001 - 2002 2002 - 2003 Number of female steelhead spawned and number of eggs taken 2000-2001 through 2009-2010 seasons. Number of Total Mean Number of Female Number of Number of Eyed Eggs Percent Steelhead Eggs Eggs per Produced Spawned Collected Female 431 2,043,545 4,741 1,696,142 83.0% 190 1,168,244 6,149 946,278 81.0% 170 1,060,490 6,238 943,836 89.0% California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 7 Season 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 Total/Mean Number of Female Steelhead Spawned 163 578 422 630 145 218 248 320 Total Number of Eggs Collected 1,000,120 2,580,366 2,154,768 2,891,666 1,063,649 1,680,002 1,653,479 1,729,633 Mean Number of Eggs per Female 6,136 4,464 5,106 4,590 7,336 7,706 6,667 5,913 Number of Eyed Eggs Produced 770,092 2,327,490 1,943,601 1,937,416 811,564 1,554,002 1,230,188 1,416,061 Percent 77.0% 90.2% 90.2% 67.0% 76.3% 92.5% 74.4% 82.1% All steelhead eggs are placed in modified hatching jars with a maximum loading density of 300 ounces of eggs per jar. Hatching jars are not used for smaller egg lots or for egg lots that would not fill the hatching jars to a minimum of 50%. In these instances, vertical stacked tray incubators may be used. The maximum loading density for each vertical tray is 150 ounces. All eggs incubated in the vertical trays and hatching jars remain until 90% of the alevins have absorbed their yolk sacks (buttoned-up). When the majority of eggs have hatched, all the remaining eggs and alevins are carefully poured into the deep tanks. During incubation, fresh water is circulated through the hatching jars through a hose attached to the bottom, allowing water to travel up through the eggs and overflow out the top. Water temperature during steelhead egg incubation can range from 46°to 55° F. Hatched fry are allowed to escape from the hatching jars into the deep tanks. Eggs may be culled in any given year to achieve juvenile release targets. Once the total egg take is known, the same percentage of eggs from each lot are removed and discarded. 1.2.5 Rearing At NFH, deep tanks are capable of holding approximately 1,500 gallons of water, although the depth is varied from egg hatching through rearing. At maximum depth, each tank can hold approximately 70,000-75,000 steelhead fry at a density of about 50 fish per gallon. After hatching, steelhead alevins remain in deep tanks until they reach a weight of 30 to 80 fish per pound at which time they are move to the concrete raceways. Fish density in the tanks varies based on water temperature and size of fish, but due to the number of ponds and number of juvenile steelhead, is not a limiting factor at NFH. Once the steelhead fry are free swimming and feeding, the depth of the water in each of the deep tank is slowly increased from 10 inches to 27 inches to prevent overcrowding. Fry remain in the deep tanks for approximately 6 months until they reach 250-300 to the pound, at which time they are moved to raceways for the remainder of their rearing period. Each raceway is capable of holding approximately 85,000 steelhead fry (0.95 fish per gallon) and approximately 75,000 yearling-sized juvenile steelhead (0.8 fish per gallon). Final rearing loadings (FI) are estimated to be 1.0 lbs/gpm/inch at 4 fpp and 3.5 cfs. Juvenile steelhead remain in the raceways until they are released. Page 8 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 After the steelhead alevins have absorbed their yolk sac, they are placed on a diet of semi-moist fish food for five months. For the remaining 9 months, they are fed a dry, floating pellet food with a packet of Vitamin A added. Fry are fed up to 12 times per day. Juvenile fish in the hatchery buildings are hand fed while juvenile fish in the raceways are fed using a blowermounted feeder that is driven past the raceway. Juvenile steelhead are inventoried to determine number and weight at least every two weeks but may be inventoried weekly, particularly if the water is over 55° F and the fish are growing rapidly. The feed schedule is adjusted each time the weight counts are made to minimize food waste and solid accumulation. In general, fish growth is slowed in the summer months to prevent fish from getting too large. Fish routinely are not fed prior to handling (i.e., moving them to another pond, loading them onto trucks for release and tagging) to minimize stress, mortality, and expulsion of excess solids. To help improve the health of juvenile steelhead reared in raceways, 50% (200 feet) of each raceway was experimentally covered with shade cloth in 2007. Observations suggested that the incidence of dorsal fin erosion and sunburn in juvenile steelhead was reduced (personal communication, T. West, Hatchery Manager II, April 2011). Fish health is routinely monitored by the CDFG’s Fish Health Laboratory personnel and biosecurtiy procedures followed by NFH personnel. Disease treatments are recommended by a fish pathologists and a veterinarian assigned to the Fish Health Laboratory. 1.2.6 Release Presently, all juvenile steelhead are released in the American River approximately one mile upstream from the confluence with the Sacramento River (at Jibboom Street). Since 1955, NFH has released approximately 16 million fingerling and 17 million yearling steelhead in anadromous waters within the Central Valley. With the exception of 2008, fingerling-size fish have not been released since 1994 (Figure 2). Fingerling releases occurred in 2008 to reduce the number of juvenile steelhead reared at NFH in anticipation of high hatchery water temperatures. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 9 1,400,000 1,200,000 Fingerling Yearling Number of fish 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 7 0 3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7 0 3 6 9 2 5 8 95 196 196 196 196 197 197 197 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 200 200 200 1 56 959 962 965 968 971 974 977 980 983 986 989 992 995 998 001 004 007 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Season Figure 2. Number of fingerling and yearling size steelhead released from Nimbus Fish Hatchery, 1956-1957 to 2007-2008. Yearling-size steelhead are released at approximately four fpp (Appendix A-3) from January through March at Jibboom Street below most of the fall Chinook spawning habitat. Specific release dates depend on fish size, and equipment and personnel availability. Regardless of size, juvenile steelhead are not held past March 30th due to increasing hatchery water temperatures and to encourage springtime outmigration. If releases occur during periods of low flow in the Sacramento River and possibly the American River, some juveniles migrate back to NFH. These fish may take up residency and contribute to a resident trout population. Anglers often report catching smaller half-pounder adipose fin-marked steelhead in the lower American River in the fall and spring. Additionally, juvenile fish are released in February and early March to coincide with closures of the Delta Cross Channel Gates from February 1 through May 20. Releasing fish when the gates are closed reduces straying into the Delta. When possible, releases of NFH-produced steelhead coincide with higher flow releases (>30,000 cfs) in the Sacramento River to encourage outmigration and increase survival. All juvenile steelhead are certified disease-free by CDFG fish pathologists prior to release. Certification procedures are described in the CDFG’s operation manual. Diagnostic procedures for pathogen detection follow American Fisheries Society standards as described in Thoesen (1994). No acclimation procedures are conducted prior to fish release. Page 10 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 2 Populations Affected by the Hatchery Program The potential effects of the Central Valley steelhead hatchery programs, including the NFH program, on natural populations of salmon and steelhead in the Central Valley are reviewed below. The following summarizes the major programmatic issues, with emphasis on the NFH steelhead program. The California Central Valley steelhead Distinct Population Segment (DPS) is listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act and includes all naturally spawned populations of steelhead and their progeny in the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and their tributaries, excluding steelhead from San Francisco and San Pablo bays and their tributaries. Existing naturally-produced stocks are mostly confined to the upper Sacramento River and its tributaries. Recent monitoring in the San Joaquin River subbasin has detected steelhead presence in the Stanislaus, Mokelumne, and Calaveras rivers at low levels (Good et al. 2005). Steelhead can be divided into two life history types, summer run and winter run, based on their state of sexual maturity at the time of river entry and the duration of their spawning migration. Only winter steelhead are currently found in Central Valley rivers and streams (McEwan and Jackson 1996), although there are indications that summer steelhead were present in the Sacramento River system prior to large-scale dam construction in the 1940s (Interagency Ecological Program [IEP] Steelhead Project Work Team 1999). Central Valley steelhead exhibit flexible reproductive strategies that allow for persistence in spite of variable flow conditions (McEwan 2001). Peak adult migration into the river historically occurred from late September to late October (Hallock 1989 in Moyle et al. 2008). Emergent fry migrate into shallow water areas; by late summer and fall, juveniles move into higher velocity, deeper, mid‐channel areas (Everest and Chapman 1972, Fontaine 1988, and Hartman 1965, all in Moyle et al. 2008). Age data from a sample of 100 fish taken in 1954 indicated that steelhead spent one (29%), two (70%), or three (1%) years in freshwater before migrating to the ocean as smolts (Hallock et al. 1961). This migration generally occurs from late December through the beginning of May, with a peak in mid‐March (Moyle et al. 2008). Central Valley steelhead habitat requirements during the freshwater residence time include cool, clear, and well oxygenated water (Moyle 2002). Juveniles (ages 1+ and 2+) occupy deeper water than fry and show a stronger preference for pool habitats with ample cover, as well as for rapids and cascade habitats (Dambacher 1991). Preferred habitat for juveniles generally includes large structures that provide feeding opportunities, segregation of territories, refuge from high water velocities, and cover from fish and bird predators (Moyle et al. 2008). The Central Valley steelhead DPS also includes artificially propagated steelhead stocks from Coleman National Fish Hatchery on Battle Creek and from the Feather River Hatchery. The Nimbus Hatchery (American River) and Mokelumne River Hatchery steelhead stocks were excluded from the DPS. These stocks represent highly introgressed mixtures of various stocks (McEwan and Jackson 1996). Over the period 1957 to 1993, nearly three million eggs and juveniles were transferred to Nimbus Fish Hatchery from the Snow Mountain Egg Collection Station and Cedar Creek Hatchery, Eel River, CA; the Coleman National Fish Hatchery, Battle Creek, Sacramento River tributary; Warm Springs Hatchery, Dry Creek, Russian River, CA; and Mad River Hatchery, Mad River, CA, as well as summer‐run fish from the Washougal River (Skamania stock) in Washington and the Siletz River in Oregon (Lee and Chilton 2007; U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 2008). California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 11 Coleman National Fish Hatchery, Feather River Hatchery, Nimbus Hatchery, and Mokelumne River Hatchery produce about 1.5 million yearling steelhead annually based on current production goals (CDFG 2008). All four hatcheries were originally constructed to mitigate for habitat lost to dam construction. In 1998, Coleman National Fish Hatchery modified its operations to emphasize conservation (USFWS 2001). All of these hatcheries release yearling smolts (approximately 4 fish per pound) at downstream locations in January and February during the natural outmigration period. In the NMFS 2005 status update for the Central Valley Steelhead DPS, the biological review team considered the DPS in danger of extinction or likely to become endangered. Abundance, productivity, and spatial structure were of greatest concern, although genetic and life history diversity was also considered a risk factor (Good et al. 2005). Although abundance data for steelhead are scarce, Central Valley steelhead have shown a negative growth rate pattern since the late 1960s, and limited evidence suggests that this pattern has continued (Lindley et al. 2007). Hallock et al. (1961) estimated the average population in the 1960s to be 20,540 adult steelhead in reaches upstream of the Feather River. Steelhead counts at the Red Bluff Diversion Dam (RBDD) declined from an average of about 8,000 in 1967 to 1977, to an average of about 2,000 in the early 1990s. The estimated total annual run size for the entire Sacramento-San Joaquin system, based on RBDD counts, was no more than 10,000 adults (McEwan and Jackson 1996, McEwan 2001). All of the abundance numbers above include hatchery-origin adult escapement. A major cause of historic declines in steelhead abundance and their present status has been the loss of access to much of their historical spawning and rearing habitat above impassable dams, which have blocked access to more than 80% of historic steelhead spawning and rearing habitat (Lindley et al. 2007). Other major threats include degradation of remaining habitat and threats to the genetic integrity of wild populations from hatchery steelhead production (Moyle et al. 2008). The genetic integrity of Central Valley steelhead is affected by past and present hatchery practices, habitat fragmentation, and population declines that have resulted in small, isolated populations that are subject to inbreeding, loss of rare alleles, and genetic drift (NMFS 2009). Naturally spawning populations occur in the Feather, Yuba, American, and Mokelumne rivers, but these populations have had substantial hatchery influence and their ancestry is unclear (Busby et al. 1996). Steelhead runs in the American and Feather rivers are largely sustained by Nimbus and Feather River hatcheries. Overall, hatchery-origin fish appear to comprise the majority of the DPS (Lindley et al. 2007). Nobriga and Cadrett (2003) used Delta fish monitoring data to estimate that the overall Central Valley spawning escapement currently is comprised of 63% to 77% hatchery‐origin fish. There is evidence that the proportion of hatchery‐origin steelhead in the spawning escapement of the four rivers with hatchery programs is comparable (Battle Creek, Feather River, American River, and Mokelumne River). There may, however, be a number of populations with only minor hatchery influence. For example, no adipose‐clipped steelhead were observed during 2003 to 2007 kayak and snorkel surveys in Clear Creek, for which mean escapement during those five years was estimated to be 290 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2007b). Of 12 steelhead observed in a counting weir on the Stanislaus River in the 2006‐07 counting season, only one was observed to be adipose‐clipped (Anderson et al. 2007). NMFS and CDFG (2001) concluded that the genetic integrity and population viability of natural stocks of Central Valley steelhead have been diminished by increases in the proportion of hatchery fish relative to naturally produced fish, the use of out-of-basin stocks for hatchery production, and straying of hatchery produced fish. However, an accurate assessment of the viability of the DPS is not possible with available data and is confounded by the unknown effect of resident fish on the viability and persistence of steelhead populations (Lindley et al. 2007). Page 12 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 There is still evidence of local genetic structure, but recent analyses of the genetic structure of O. mykiss populations in the Central Valley indicate that steelhead propagation has had a significant effect on natural stocks (Garza and Pearse 2008). Clustering of below-barrier populations with northern California coastal stocks suggest that out-of-basin transfers of Eel River steelhead to Nimbus Hatchery, and subsequent transfers and straying in the Central Valley, has resulted in widespread introgression of this stock. Clustering of above-barrier populations with one another, and their position relative to other California stocks, indicate that these populations may most closely represent the ancestral population genetic structure of Central Valley steelhead (Garza and Pearse 2008). The principal mechanisms by which the hatchery stocks may affect the genetic integrity of wild fish include the capture of native fish that might otherwise spawn in natural waters, the rearing of fish in artificial channels and ponds that cause a preferential selection for traits beneficial in the hatchery environment but that reduce their ability to survive in natural conditions in their streams of origin, and the interbreeding of fish exhibiting hatchery‐selected genetic traits with the wild fish population. These mechanisms may result in two types of genetic hazards to wild salmon and steelhead populations: loss of genetic diversity within and among populations, and reduced fitness of a population affecting productivity and abundance. Araki et al. (2008) summarized a number of studies that reported a loss of reproductive success (fitness) of hatchery fish in nature. For example, Araki et al. estimated that fitness of steelhead decreases almost 40% per generation of hatchery culture. Some populations may be more affected than others due to a variety of factors such as the length of exposure to the hatchery environment, the use of non‐local stocks in the hatchery brood stock, the degree of habitat fragmentation, the degree of interbreeding, and the reproductive success of hatchery fish in the wild population. The potential for predation and competition between hatchery‐reared and naturally produced salmonids depends on the degree of spatial and temporal overlap, differences in size and feeding habitats, migration rate and duration of freshwater residence, and the distribution, habitat use, and densities of hatchery and natural juveniles (Mobrand et al. 2005). Recently, concern has been expressed about the potential for hatchery‐reared salmon and steelhead to prey on or compete with wild juvenile salmonids and the impact this may have on threatened or endangered salmonid populations (Williams 2006). Hatchery steelhead present a greater risk to natural populations because they are relatively large at release and a relatively high portion can residualize, providing more opportunities for them to compete for resources and prey on naturally produced salmon and steelhead throughout the year (Kostow 2009). All Central Valley hatcheries release yearling smolts (approximately 4 fish per pound) at downstream locations in January and February during the natural outmigration period. The potential for these hatchery fish to prey on juvenile fall and spring Chinook salmon exists because this period coincides with peak emergence and downstream dispersal of salmon fry (January–March) from upstream spawning areas. The potential for competitive interactions between hatchery steelhead produced by Feather River, Nimbus, and Mokelumne River hatcheries and naturally produced steelhead is considered low because all hatchery releases are made below the primary steelhead rearing areas in these tributaries. 2.1 Current Conditions of Affected Natural Populations The Nimbus Hatchery steelhead program has the greatest potential to affect natural reproduction of steelhead has the greatest potential to affect natural steelhead reproduction in the American River watershed. Steelhead occurrence in the American River is described below, followed by a summary of other Central Valley watersheds that may support steelhead. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 13 2.1.1 American River Steelhead The lower American River watershed begins at Folsom Dam and flows approximately 30 miles to its confluence with the Sacramento River near downtown Sacramento. Folsom Dam creates Folsom Lake, which provides flood protection for the Sacramento area; irrigation, domestic, municipal, and industrial water supply; hydropower; recreational opportunities; and flows stipulated to protect fish and wildlife. Folsom Lake out-flow is re-regulated by Nimbus Dam before passing through the floodplain and urbanized Sacramento area. The reach runs through the highly urbanized Sacramento area, it is buffered by the 30-mile-long American River Parkway, which extends from Folsom to the Sacramento River confluence near Old Sacramento. Water quality in the lower American River is considered to be very good and it has been designated a “Recreational River” under both the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. 1 Historically, the lower American River supported summer- and winter-run steelhead. Summer steelhead typically entered the river between May and July, and winter-run between December and April. Both of these populations had access to approximately 125 miles of spawning and rearing habitat in the upper reaches of the American River. Since the early 1900s, access has been impeded by dams constructed for mining debris containment, flood control, and water supply diversions. Many of these dams had inadequate or no fish ladders. Construction of Folsom and Nimbus dams in 1955 permanently blocked upstream passage at RM 23, and reportedly blocked all of the historic steelhead spawning habitat. By 1955, it is believed that summer-run steelhead were extirpated from the American River and only a remnant population of the winter-run steelhead remained. Fall-run steelhead may be present in the American River, but are likely strays from the Sacramento River. From 1956 through the late 1980s, the Nimbus Hatchery has propagated eggs of steelhead strains from other locations in California and Washington, planting the fry into the lower American River. Phenotypic expression of steelhead in the lower American River most closely resembles that of the historic winter-run strain of American River steelhead and the winter-run strain of Eel River steelhead. Natural production of steelhead in the American River will continue to be limited due to inaccessibility of the headwaters. The majority of observed spawning occurs within five miles of Folsom Dam. The proportion of hatchery-origin fish spawning in the river remains uncertain. It is known, however, that the majority of the steelhead returning to the hatchery and river are of hatchery origin. The hatchery sees returns of both mature hatchery and natural-origin half-pound steelhead. The prevalence of this life history in the natural environment is not known. From 2001to 2007, one to eight percent of the adult steelhead entering Nimbus Hatchery were natural-origin (unclipped) fish (Table 3). Surveys showed around 300 steelhead spawning in the river each year compared to hatchery returns during the same years of 1,200 to 2,700 fish (Hannon and Deason 2005, as cited in Bureau of Reclamation 2008). Many of the in-river spawners were hatchery produced fish. Spawning density is higher in the upper seven miles of accessible habitat, but spawning also occurs downstream in the lowest riffle in the river at Paradise Beach (Bureau of Reclamation 2008). 1 Page 14 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Table 3. Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 Adipose clip status of adult steelhead entering Nimbus Hatchery. Number of Number Percent Steelhead Entering Unclipped Unclipped Nimbus Hatchery 2,877 64 2.2% 1,742 50 2.9% 887 69 7.8% 1,862 27 1.5% 2,772 17 0.6% 2,308 90 3.9% Source: Bureau of Reclamation (2008) The American River does not have a robust resident trout population. The steelhead model indicates that the river should produce primarily steelhead smolts due to high growth rates (fish can get to 300 mm in one year) (Satterthwaite et al. 2010). 2.1.2 Other Central Valley Steelhead Populations There is evidence that Nimbus Hatchery steelhead may stray throughout the Central Valley and spawn naturally in other streams where hatcheries are not present. Both juvenile releases and hatchery strays from Nimbus have the potential to affect naturally spawning steelhead in other watersheds. The status (viability), distribution, and abundance of steelhead in the Central Valley were compiled by the NMFS (2009) in the draft Chinook and Steelhead Recovery Plan, which is summarized in Table 4 in geographic order from north to south. In summary, steelhead distribution and abundance data is generally lacking in the Central Valley. Out of the 25 Central Valley watersheds ranked for their current viability potential to support local naturally reproducing populations, only Clear, Battle, Antelope, Mill, and Deer creeks scored “High”. Each of these streams is a tributary to the Upper Sacramento River, although steelhead adults and progeny recently have been documented sporadically throughout the Central Valley. Overall watershed habitat conditions and steelhead abundance and distribution are described further in Appendix B by each major watershed where substantial recent steelhead abundance data exists or where data are lacking, but general consensus is that significant natural steelhead production currently occurs. Table 4. Steelhead status, abundance and habitat availability in the Central Valley (NMFS 2009). Viability Potential1 Known Steelhead Distribution Upper Sacramento River LowModerate Mainstem Sacramento River and accessible minor tributaries downstream of Keswick Dam (RM 302) to its confluence with the Feather River. Clear Creek High 18.1 miles of accessible habitat downstream of Whiskeytown Dam (RM 18.1) Cow Creek Moderate Several accessible tributaries, but distribution unknown Watershed California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Abundance Abundance unknown. Steelhead spawning and rearing is known to occur and is influenced by Coleman NFH returns, but abundance data has not been collected since counting at Red Bluff Diversion Dam was discontinued. Recent otolith analysis documented that less than 50% of age 1 and 2 O. mykiss sampled were steelhead progenyz Abundance unknown. Spawner abundance has been inferred from redd counts, which varied from about 100 to 700 between 2003 and 2009. Abundance unknown. Surveys conducted in South Cow Creek in 2002 documented 7 adult steelhead and 2 possible redds Page 15 Viability Potential1 Known Steelhead Distribution Cottonwood /Beegum creeks Moderate Several accessible tributaries, but distribution unknown Battle Creek High Dry Creek Low Watershed 50 miles of accessible habitat after planned restoration projects completed Spawning/rearing is possible in Secret and Miners ravines, but distribution is unknown. Antelope Creek High 20 miles of suitable spawning habitat Mill Creek High 25 miles of suitable spawning habitat Moderate Flashy flows and high gradient limit distribution, which is largely unknown. Deer Creek High Accessible reaches downstream of Deer Cr. Falls, with 25 miles of suitable spawning habitat. Stony Creek Low Accessible reaches downstream of Black Butte Dam (RM 24) Thomes Creek Big Chico Creek LowModerate Butte Creek Moderate Lowermost 24 miles of Big Chico Creek are accessible Accessible reaches downstream of Quartz Bowl Falls provide 53 miles of accessible habitat Abundance Abundance unknown. Small steelhead runs are known to occur, but no abundance data is available. There is widespread distribution of O. mykiss in watershed. Coleman NFH steelhead program present; natural-origin adult escapement above the hatchery weir averaged 398 adults/year from 2001-2007 (min = 225, max = 593). No steelhead conclusively documented, although O. mykiss are present. Abundance unknown. Observations of 47 adults and 52 redds in 2001 in 53% of accessible habitat; 140 adults counted in 2007 at new fish ladder at Edwards Diversion. There is reported to be a high density of O. mykiss throughout watershed. Abundance unknown. Observations of 280 adults 1980, 34 adults in 1993 (Clough Dam counts), 15 adults and 31 redds in 2001 in 3-4% of the accessible habitat. Abundance unknown. Steelhead use has not been documented; however, O. mykiss were reported as abundant in 1982. Abundance unknown. Reportedly high O. mykiss density. Recent otolith analysis documented over 75% O. mykiss sampled were steelhead progenyz Abundance unknown. Spawning not been documented, although some rearing use of the lower river may occur sporadically. No steelhead conclusively documented, although O. mykiss are present. Abundance unknown. Steelhead reported by CDFG wardens in angler catches. Abundance unknown. A minimum of 108 adults and 75 redds counted in 2003. Hatchery fish are present from the Feather River Hatchery program. Abundance unknown. Recent O. mykiss otolith analysis in lower Yuba R. show most are residents, but steelhead progeny were detected (~40% of age 2 fish)z Feather River Moderate Accessible reaches downstream of Oroville Project – Fish Barrier Dam (RM 67) Yuba River Moderate Accessible reaches downstream of Englebright Dam (RM 24) Bear River Low Accessible reaches downstream of South Sutter Irrigation District diversion dam (RM 15) Steelhead may spawn in high flow years. They likely originate from the Feather River Hatchery program. Auburn Ravine/ Coon Creek Low Distribution unknown No steelhead conclusively documented, although O. mykiss are present. American River Low Accessible reaches downstream of Nimbus/Folsom Dam complex (RM 23) Nimbus Hatchery steelhead program present; 1-6% of adult returns to Nimbus Hatchery were natural-origin and ̴300 spawners/year (2001-2007). Page 16 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Watershed Viability Potential1 Known Steelhead Distribution Abundance Putah Creek Moderate Accessible reaches downstream of Putah Diversion Dam (RM 23) Mokelumne River Low Accessible reaches downstream of Camanche Dam (RM 29.6) Calaveras River Moderate Accessible reaches downstream of New Hogan Dam (RM 42) when flows allow Stanislaus River LowModerate Accessible reaches downstream of Goodwin Dam (RM 58) Tuolumne River LowModerate Accessible reaches downstream of La Grange Dam (RM 54) Merced River LowModerate Accessible reaches downstream of Crocker-Huffman Dam (RM 52) Low Distribution unknown Abundance unknown. Steelhead were sporadically reported to occur downstream of Putah Diversion Dam, but these reports are unconfirmed. An average of 36 redds/year reported from 2001-2010 (max= 61, min = 3). Hatchery fish present from Mokelumne Hatchery program, but excluded from upper river by hatchery weir. Abundance unknown. A few steelhead carcasses and redds have been documented, but abundance is unknown and may be hatchery strays. O. mykiss are reportedly abundant. Recent otolith analysis documented over 30% O. mykiss sampled were steelhead progenyz. Abundance unknown. 12 steelhead documented at a counting weir in 2007. Recent otolith analysis documented about 10% O. mykiss sampled were steelhead progenyz. Abundance unknown. Generally low abundance of O. mykiss downstream of La Grange Dam. No documentation of steelhead spawning. Recent otolith analysis documented less than 10% O. mykiss sampled were steelhead progenyz. Abundance unknown. O. mykiss present, recent otolith analysis documented about 1 of 23 O. mykiss sampled was steelhead progenyz Abundance unknown. Steelhead use not documented or suspected. Upper San Joaquin Source: NMFS (2009) Draft Recovery Plan, Appendix A – Central Valley Watershed Profiles Table Notes: 1 = Ranking from NMFS (2009) of potential to support self sustaining local population in watershed. Z = Zimmerman et al. (2009) 2.2 Long–term Goals for Natural Populations The draft recovery plan for Central Valley steelhead has a goal of maintaining a natural spawning population of steelhead in the reach extending from approximately the Nimbus Fish Hatchery Weir downstream to approximately Watt Avenue (NMFS 2009). NMFS has classified American River steelhead as a Core 2 population. Core 2 populations must meet the following moderate risk extinction criteria: Census population size is 250 to 2,500 adults, or the effective population size is 50 to 500 adults Productivity: Run size may have dropped below 500, but is stable No catastrophic events occurring or apparent within the past 10 years Hatchery influence is moderate or hatchery operates as a conservation hatchery using best management practices California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 17 3 Fisheries Affected by the Hatchery Program 3.1 Current Status of Fisheries American River steelhead are primarily caught in freshwater fisheries. Data from sport catch records indicate that from 2003 to 2005, sport fishers kept 31 wild steelhead and released 1,809, while they kept 359 hatchery steelhead and released 1,440 (CDFG 2007). As can be seen from these data, sport fishers tend to practice a catch-and-release strategy when fishing for steelhead. Additionally, O. mykiss over 16 inches in length are reported as steelhead when in fact they may be large resident rainbow trout- a size common in the American River. An angler survey conducted in 2009-2010 reported that approximately 80,000 steelhead were caught and released in the American River (Titus 2010). For reporting purposes, O. mykiss in the American River were considered to be juvenile steelhead (i.e., no distinctions were made between the anadromous or resident form). 3.2 Long-term Goals for Affected Fisheries Long-term harvest goals for the fisheries affected by the program have not been established. 4 Programmatic and Operational Strategies to Address Issues Affecting Achievement of Goals This section describes programmatic and operational hatchery strategies that could be used in the American River basin to address issues that potentially affect achieving the goals for the fish populations. 4.1 Issues Affecting Achievement of Goals A host of issues exist that might affect fishery, fish production, and conservation goals for the Sacramento and San Joaquin basins. Many of these issues are habitat-related and are outside the control of what can be done in the hatcheries. Patterns and magnitude of flow releases from dams or water diversions, for example, are beyond the control of hatchery management. But some issues can be addressed by specific programmatic and operational strategies employed at the hatcheries. A list of issues that can be addressed, at least in part, by the hatchery programs and their operations is given below. Important questions associated with the issues are also identified. 4.1.1 Natural Production Issues Status of viable salmonid population (VSP) parameters for American River steelhead populations: What are the expected effects of the Nimbus steelhead hatchery program on VSP parameters of natural steelhead populations? Can hatchery strategies be updated to enhance the VSP parameters for the natural populations? Hatchery stock genetic management: What is the affect of current management on the genetic diversity of the hatchery stock and the possible affect of strays on natural-origin fish? Can hatchery strategies be updated to improve hatchery stock genetic diversity and adaptation to the natural environment (when fish leave the hatchery), both for fish that return to the hatchery and for those that spawn in nature? Natural population genetics: Is the hatchery program affecting the genetic integrity and productivity of the natural populations and, if so, can the program be modified to reduce, or even reverse, effects? Page 18 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Performance of the hatchery stock unrelated to genetic composition: Do hatchery fish released into nature exhibit behavioral traits that adversely affect their performance, unrelated to domestication effects on genetics, prior to returning to the hatchery or if they spawn in nature, and if so, can hatchery strategies be modified to ameliorate effects? 4.1.2 Ecological Interaction Issues Predation effects: What are the predation effects of the hatchery fish released as part of this program on sensitive natural populations? What are the predation effects of other hatchery programs on fish released as part of this program? Can the hatchery strategies for this program be updated to ameliorate these effects? Competition: What are the competition effects of the hatchery fish released as part of this program on sensitive natural populations? What are the competition effects of other hatchery programs on fish released as part of this program? Can the hatchery strategies for this program be modified to ameliorate these issues? Disease: Does this program exacerbate effects of disease in the basin on other species or programs (including this program), and, if so, how can the hatchery strategies be updated to ameliorate effects? 4.2 Operational Issues Operational issues at the hatchery were identified from answers to a set of questions dealing with all phases of hatchery operations. This questionnaire were initially developed as part the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s Artificial Production Review and Evaluation (APRE) project for Columbia River hatcheries, and the scientific review of Northwest salmon hatcheries. The California HSRG reviewed and updated the questions for the purpose of this review, and introduced a number of additional questions (see Appendix A-1). The questions were answered by the hatchery manager, M&E biologists and the regional manager(s) in workshops held in February 2011. Responses provided in the workshops (plus clarifying notes) can be found in Appendix A-1. Most of the questions required simple “yes”, “no” or “NA” replies. They are generally framed such that a “yes” answer implies consistency with Best Management Practices (BMPs) and a “no” answer implies a potential risk. The CA HSRG requested five-year disease histories from resource managers as part of this questionnaire, but summaries were not provided for all years. This limited the California HSRG’s ability to assess current disease status of the program, or to quantitatively assess the effectiveness of fish health management efforts. Data tables that were provided as follow up to the set of question answers are presented in Appendix A-2, and a benefit-risk analysis of the Appendix A-1 information is provided in Appendix A-3. 4.3 Programmatic Strategies The California HSRG identified a suite of issues that are applicable to hatchery programs statewide. These issues were organized under five topics (1) broodstock management; (2) program size and release strategies; (3) incubation, rearing and fish health management; (4) monitoring and evaluation; and (5) direct effects of hatchery operation on local habitat and aquatic or terrestrial organisms. For each topic, hatchery standards to be achieved were defined and in many cases, suggested implementation guidelines to meet the standard were developed. All standards and guidelines are listed in Chapter 4 of the California Hatchery Review Report. Standards that the California HSRG determined apply to this program are presented below. Where their evaluation determined that this program complies with a standard, this is noted. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 19 Where their evaluation determined that this program does not comply with a standard, “standard not met” is noted, and recommended guidelines to resolve the issue are identified. In many cases, the California HSRG provided program-specific comments as well. 4.3.1 Broodstock Table 5. Broodstock Source. Standard Standard 1.1: Broodstock is appropriate to the basin and the program goals and should encourage local adaptation. Standard NOT met. Comment: Out-of-basin broodstock has a potential to impact the DPS. Table 6. Broodstock Collection. Standard Standard 1.2: Trapping is done in such a way as to minimize physical harm to both broodstock and non-broodstock fish. Guideline Comment: The current broodstock for this program should be replaced with an alternative broodstock that is appropriate for the American River. Guideline Standard met. Standard 1.3: Collection methods are appropriate for the program goals. Standard met. Standard 1.4: Trapping is designed to collect sufficient fish as potential broodstock to be representative of the entire run timing and life history distribution of the population or population component with which it is integrated. Standard met. Standard 1.5: Hatcheries have effective facilities for the extended holding of unripe fish and males that will be used for multiple spawning. Standard NOT met. Comment: Unripe steelhead are not held at this facility. Page 20 Guideline 1.5.1. Holding facilities in hatcheries should provide adequate space, water flows and temperature requirements to hold the expected number of unripe adult fish for extended periods of time with minimal hatchery-caused mortality (refer to Senn et al. 1984 for specific water quality, flow and temperature parameters). Guideline 1.5.2. Holding facilities in hatcheries should permit appropriate antibiotic and/or chemical treatments when deemed necessary to control adult mortality or prevent vertical transmission of diseases to progeny. Comment: With the current broodstock, all hatcheryorigin adult steelhead returns to the hatchery, whether spawned or unspawned, should be removed from the system. With a native broodstock, hatchery-origin California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Standard Table 7. Broodstock Composition. Standard Standard 1.6: Broodstock is primarily comprised of fish native to the hatchery location, with incorporation of fish from other locations not exceeding the rate of straying of natural-origin fish. Guideline adult steelhead returns to the hatchery should be treated as follows: (1) unspawned males should be extended reconditioned and released; (2) unspawned females should be stripped of eggs, extended reconditioned and released; and (3) spawned fish should be removed from the system, or extended reconditioned and released. Natural-origin adult steelhead returns to the hatchery, whether spawned or unspawned, should be released. Fish may be reconditioned prior to release. Adult holding facilities should be upgraded and/or expanded to provide adequate space, water flows and temperature regimes to hold the number of adults required for broodstock at high rates of survival (> 90 percent). Guideline Consistency with Standard Unknown. Standard 1.7: The levels of natural-origin broodstock are appropriate for program goals. Standard met. Comment: Although this is intended to be a segregated program, genetic evidence confirms that Eel River genes are throughout the Sacramento System. Standard 1.8: Fish from different runs are not crossed. Consistency with Standard Unknown. Comment: All hatchery steelhead receive an adipose finclip. No hatchery specific marks are applied, so it is not known if fish from other hatcheries are incorporated into the broodstock. Standard 1.9: Steelhead broodstock collection focuses on the anadromous life history. Integrated steelhead programs incorporate non-anadromous fish in a proportion not greater than their natural (pre-disturbance) abundance in the local California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Comment: Managers should investigate the feasibility of collecting natural-origin adult fish at alternate locations. The existing trapping location is very limited in its ability to capture fish representing the entire spectrum of life history diversity. Only fish that migrate to the furthest upstream reaches are susceptible to capture. Guideline 1.8.1. Hatcheries should employ effective methods to identify fish from different runs and avoid crossing them. Eggs produced by unintentionally crossing types should be culled. Page 21 Standard population and commensurate with their reproductive contribution in the naturally spawning population when known. For segregated programs, only anadromous broodstock are used. Standard met. Table 8. Mating Protocols. Standard Standard 1.11: The program uses genetically conscious mating protocols to control or reduce inbreeding and genetic drift (random loss of alleles), to retain existing genetic variability and avoid domestication, while promoting local adaptation for integrated stocks. Standard NOT met. Comment: In many years the number of females spawned is less than 250. Guideline Comment: Non-anadromous (resident) or unmarked fish should not be used as broodstock and the current 16-inch minimum length for broodstock should be continued. This recommendation to not use unmarked fish will no longer apply once the current broodstock is replaced. Guideline Guideline 1.11.1. For broodstock numbers greater than or equal to 250 females, matings should be 1 male x 1 female, with each 1:1 spawn in a single spawning pan. Limit the reuse of males to unavoidable situations (e.g., where loss of eggs might result if males are not reused and loss of eggs threatens program goals). Guideline 1.11.2. For broodstock number between 50 and 250 females, female’s eggs should be split into 2 egg lots and each lot should be fertilized with a different male in a separate pan. Limit the reuse of males to two egg lots (or the equivalent of one female), except for unavoidable situations (e.g., where loss of eggs might result if males are not reused and loss of eggs threatens program goals). Comment: Recommend an attempt to spawn greater than 250 females or split egg lots according to guidelines. Standard 1.12: Inbreeding is avoided. Standard met. Table 9. Steelhead Spawner Disposition. Standard Standard 1.14: For steelhead hatchery programs, the postspawning disposition of mature fish that are collected as potential broodstock are appropriate to program goals. Standard NOT met. Page 22 Guideline Guideline 1.14.1. Natural-origin fish from integrated programs will be reconditioned and released if spawned. Guideline 1.14.2. Hatchery-origin fish will be disposed of in a manner consistent with identified program goals and using methods that result in no or minimal effects to natural-origin fish. Comment: With the current broodstock, all hatcheryorigin adult steelhead returns to the hatchery, whether spawned or unspawned, should be removed from the system. With a native broodstock, hatchery-origin adult steelhead returns to the hatchery should be treated as follows: (1) unspawned males should be extended reconditioned and released; (2) unspawned California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Standard 4.3.2 Guideline females should be stripped of eggs, extended reconditioned and released; and (3) spawned fish should be removed from the system, or extended reconditioned and released. Natural-origin adult steelhead returns to the hatchery, whether spawned or unspawned, should be released. Fish may be reconditioned prior to release. Program Size and Release Strategies Table 10. Program Size. Standard Standard 2.1: Program size is established by a number of factors including mitigation responsibilities, societal benefits, and effects on natural fish populations. Standard NOT met. Standard 2.2: Program size is measured as adult production. Standard NOT met. Guideline Guideline 2.1.1. Program purpose should be identified and expressed in terms of measurable values such as harvest, conservation, hatchery broodstock, education, or research. Guideline 2.2.1. Production goals (program size) should be expressed in terms of number of adult recruits just prior to harvest (age-3 ocean recruits for Chinook salmon in California) or at freshwater entry (age-3 adults returning to freshwater for coho; anadromous adults returning to freshwater for steelhead). Standard 2.3: Annual assessments are made to determine if adult production goals are being met. Standard NOT met. Comment: No adult production goals have been identified. Comment: Clear goals should be established for the program. Program production goals should be expressed in terms of the number of age-3 ocean recruits just prior to harvest (Chinook salmon), and the number of adults returning to fresh water (steelhead). Standard 2.4: Program size is based on consideration of ecological and genetic effects on naturally spawning populations, in addition to harvest goals or other community values. Consistency with Standard Unknown. Comment: Consideration of deleterious ecological effects on other species is unclear. Few data available for assessing ecological effects. Non-native broodstock should not be propagated because of the potential for deleterious genetic effects. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Guideline 2.4.1. If deleterious ecological or genetic effects result in substantial reduction of productivity for high-priority naturally spawning populations, and these effects cannot be alleviated by other changes, program size should be reduced. Under certain circumstances, conservation-oriented programs might increase program size to eliminate deleterious effects, for example to reduce inbreeding. Page 23 Standard Standard 2.5: Natural spawning populations not integrated with a hatchery program should have less than five percent total hatchery-origin spawners (i.e., pHOS less than five percent). Spawners from segregated hatchery programs should be absent from all natural spawning populations (i.e., pHOS from segregated programs should be zero). Guideline Comment: Populations have not been identified and population boundaries have not been delineated. This has been identified as an area of needed research (Chapter 6.2 of the California Hatchery Review Report). Consistency with standard unknown Table 11. Release Strategy. Standard Standard 2.6: Size, age, and date at release for hatcheryorigin fish produce adult returns that mimic adult attributes (size at age and age composition) of the natural population from which the hatchery broodstock originated (integrated program) or achieve some other desired size or condition at adult return (segregated programs). Standard NOT met. Standard 2.7: Juveniles are released at or in the near vicinity of the hatchery. Standard NOT met. Page 24 Guideline Guideline 2.6.1. Size and date at release should generally mimic size and period of emigration of naturally migrating smolts in the river system on which a hatchery is located. Deviations from this guideline require substantial justification that addresses both the ecological and genetic consequences of such a strategy, particularly when extended rearing is proposed. Consider retaining some flexibility in release date to take advantage of beneficial flow, turbidity, or temperature conditions without increasing deleterious ecological effects on natural populations. Guideline 2.6.4. For steelhead, size (mean and frequency distribution) and date at release should be managed to limit residualization or extended rearing near the release site prior to emigration. Comment: Investigate release timing to take advantage of good environmental conditions (flow, temperature, turbidity, etc.). Comment: Investigate straying rates for Jibboom release site. We do not consider a release site 21 miles downstream of the hatchery to be an on-station release. Transporting and releasing juveniles to areas outside of the American River or to the lower American River should be discontinued. Juvenile fish should be released at the hatchery, or if not possible, as far upstream in the American River from the confluence of the Sacramento River as possible to reduce adult straying and increase the number of adults returning to the hatchery. Consider necessary facility modifications or equipment purchases that will facilitate on-site releases. Release locations for steelhead may take into consideration ecological and predation effects on other fish populations but should not compromise homing of adults to the hatchery. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 4.3.3 Incubation, Rearing and Fish Health Table 12. Fish Health Policy. Standard Standard 3.1: Fishery resources are protected, including hatchery and natural fish populations, from the importation, dissemination, and amplification of fish pathogens and disease conditions by a statewide fish health policy. The fish health policy clearly defines roles and responsibilities, and what actions are required of fish health specialists, hatchery managers, and fish culture personnel to promote and maintain optimum health and survival of fishery resources under their care. The Fish Health Policy includes the California HSRG’s Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) management strategy (see Appendix V). Standard NOT met. Comment: Current “working” CDFG fish health policy is inadequate. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Guideline Guideline 3.1.1. Develop and promulgate a formal, written fish health policy for operation of DFG anadromous fish hatcheries through the Fish and Game Commission policy review process. Such a policy may be formally identified in regulatory code, Fish and Game Commission policy, or in the Department of Fish and Game Operations Manual. Comment: CDFG should develop and promulgate a formal, written fish health policy for operation of its anadromous hatcheries through the Fish and Game Commission policy review process. Hatchery compliance with this policy should be documented annually as part of a Fish Health Management Plan. The current CDFG fish health policy is inadequate to protect native stocks. CDFG should develop an updated Hatchery Procedure Manual which includes performance criteria and culture techniques presented in IHOT (1995), Fish Hatchery Management (Wedemeyer 2001) or comparable publications. The fish culture manual (Leitritz and Lewis 1976) is outdated and does not reflect current research and advancements in fish culture. Page 25 Table 13. Hatchery Monitoring by Fish Health Specialists. Standard Guideline Standard 3.2: Fish health inspections are conducted annually on all broodstocks to prevent the transmission, dissemination or amplification of fish pathogens in the hatchery facility and the natural environment, as follows: a) Inspections are conducted by or under the supervision of an AFS certified fish health specialist or qualified equivalent. For state-operated anadromous fishery programs, specific standards and qualifications are to be defined during development of a fish health policy. b) Annual inspections follow AFS ‘Fish Health Bluebook’ guidelines for hatchery inspections. c) Broodstocks are examined annually for the presence of BKD and where the causative bacterium Renibacterium salmoninarum recurs, the California HSRG’s control strategy will be implemented. Standard met. Standard 3.3: Frequent routine fish health monitoring is performed to provide early detection of fish culture, nutrition, or environmental problems, and diagnosis of fish pathogens, as follows: a) Monitoring is conducted by or under the supervision of an AFS certified fish health specialist or qualified equivalent. b) Monitoring is conducted on a monthly, or at least bimonthly basis, for all anadromous species at each hatchery facility. c) A representative sample of healthy and moribund fish from each lot is examined. Results of fish necropsies and laboratory findings are reported on a standard fish health monitoring form. Standard NOT met. Comment: Diagnostic exams alone do not meet the standard. Standard 3.4: All antibiotic or other treatments are preapproved by the appropriate fish health specialist for each facility. If antibiotic therapy is advised, fish health personnel will culture bacterial pathogens to verify drug sensitivity. Post-treatment examinations of treated units are conducted to evaluate and document efficacy of antibiotic or chemical treatments. Consistency with Standard Unknown. Comment: Unknown due to lack of fish health documentation. Standard 3.5: Examinations of fish are conducted prior to release or transfer to ensure fish are in optimum health Page 26 Guideline 3.3.1. The frequency of monitoring should depend on the disease history of the facility, the importance of the species being reared, and the variable environmental conditions that occur in a particular rearing cycle (e.g., elevated water temperatures in spring and summer months). Guideline 3.3.2. Review fish culture practices with manager including nutrition, water flow and chemistry, loading and density indices, handling methods, disinfection procedures, and preventative treatments. Guideline 3.3.3. The number of fish examined is at the discretion of the fish health specialist. Guideline 3.4.1. Re-occurring mortality, or repeated use of antibiotics or chemicals to control mortality, generally indicates that underlying fish culture, nutritional or environmental problems are not being fully remediated and should be further investigated. Guideline 3.5.1. Review transportation protocols with appropriate hatchery staff to ensure fish are handled California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Standard condition, can tolerate the stress associated with handling and hauling during release, and can be expected to perform well in the natural environment after release. Consistency with Standard Unknown. Comment: Unknown due to lack of fish health documentation. Standard 3.6: Annual reporting standards and guidelines will be followed for fish health reports, including results of adult inspections, juvenile monitoring and treatments administered, and pre-liberation examinations for each hatchery program. A cumulative five year disease history will be maintained for each program and reported in annual or other appropriate facility reports. Standard NOT met. Comment: Current annual report information is inadequate. Standard 3.7: Fish health status of stock is summarized prior to release or transfer to another facility. Consistency with Standard Unknown. Comment: Unknown due to lack of fish health documentation. Table 14. Facility Requirements. Standard Standard 3.8: Physical facilities and equipment are adequate, and operated in a manner that promotes quality fish production and optimum survival throughout the rearing period. If facilities are determined to be inadequate to meet all program needs, and improvements are not feasible, then the hatchery program(s) must be re-evaluated within the context of what the facility can support without compromising fish culture and/or fish health, or causing adverse interactions between hatchery and natural fish populations. Standard NOT met. Comment: In some years, elevated summertime water temperatures limit production capabilities due to limited California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Guideline and hauled in a manner that minimizes stress and provides the best opportunity for survival. Comment: For state hatcheries, a more thorough assessment of smoltification is recommended prior to release. Guideline 3.6.1. Include an annual fish disease assessment for each program in the hatchery annual report (see Standard 3.14). Guideline 3.7.1. Written reports should include findings of monitoring and laboratory results. For fish transfers, feeding regime and current growth rate, and any other information necessary to assist fish culturists at the receiving station, should be provided. Comment: For state hatcheries a more thorough assessment of smoltification is recommended prior to release. Guideline Guideline 3.8.1. Facilities and equipment should allow: effective capture and holding of adults, appropriate incubation and rearing units with adequate capacity to meet program size, equipment and/or methods for effective predator control, and release of fish without undue stress or harm. (see Section 4.1.1, Broodstock Management for additional adult holding requirements). Guideline 3.8.2. Hatchery managers, fish health specialists, biologists and fish culturists should identify facility/equipment deficiencies that constrain hatchery operations and/or prevent the facility from meeting program goals. Such facility deficiencies or constraints should be communicated to resource managers for remedy or redress. Guideline 3.8.3. When physical facility and/or equipment needs exist, resource managers and appropriate funding source(s) should actively pursue facility maintenance, upgrades or equipment needs Page 27 Standard rearing facilities. Standard 3.9: Distinct separation of spawning operations, egg incubation, and rearing facilities is maintained through appropriate sanitation procedures and biosecurity measures at critical control points to prevent potential pathogen introduction and disease transmission to hatchery or natural fish populations, as follows: a) Disinfect/water harden eggs in iodophor prior to entering “clean” incubation areas. In high risk situations, disinfect eggs again after shocking and picking, or movement to another area of the hatchery. b) Foot baths containing appropriate disinfectant will be maintained at the incubation facility’s entrance and exit. Foot baths will be properly maintained (disinfectant concentration and volume) to ensure continual effectiveness. c) Sanitize equipment and rain gear utilized in broodstock handling or spawning after leaving adult area. d) Sanitize all rearing vessels after eggs or fish are removed and prior to introducing a new group. e) Disinfect equipment, including vehicles used to transfer eggs or fish between facilities, prior to use with any other fish lot or at any other location. Disinfecting water should be disposed of in properly designated areas. f) Sanitize equipment used to collect dead fish prior to use in another pond and/or fish lot. g) Properly dispose of dead adult or juvenile fish, ensuring carcasses do not come in contact with water supplies or pose a risk to hatchery or natural populations. Standard NOT met. Comment: Fish spawning, egg incubation, and early rearing areas are not adequately separated. Standard 3.10: All hatchery water intake systems follow federal and state fish screening policies. Guideline through a prioritized budget process. In the interim, modifications should be made to program goals to minimize adverse impacts to fish culture and/or fish health. Comment: An alternative cold-water source should be developed to reduce summer rearing water temperatures. Guideline 3.9.1. Use dedicated equipment and rain gear that is not moved between adult spawning, incubation and rearing areas of the hatchery; otherwise, thoroughly scrub and disinfect gear when moving between these areas. Guideline 3.9.2. A critical control point is defined as the physical location where pathogen containment occurs from a "dirty" to a "clean" area (i.e., between functional areas such as spawning and incubation). In addition to egg disinfection, ensure that spawning buckets/trays are surface-disinfected before entering incubation area. Comment: Develop the hatchery operational plan (specific Fish Culture Procedures), a Fish Health Management Plan, the hatchery coordination team process, and/or in annual written reports. Install physical barriers and follow biosecurity measures. Guideline 3.10.1. Follow existing statutes, including NEPA, CEQA, ESA, CESA, and current court decisions. Standard NOT met. Comment: CDFG statewide fish screening policy provides that under the provisions of the USFWS Coordination Act, the CDFG shall require the installation of fish screens on all Page 28 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Standard unscreened diversions where fish are present (i.e., hatchery intake). Table 15. Fish Health Management Plans. Standard Standard 3.11: Fish Health Management Plans (FHMP) similar to or incorporated within an HGMP have been developed. The FHMP will: a) Describe the disease problem in adequate detail, including assumptions and areas of uncertainty about contributing risk factors. b) Provide detailed remedial steps, or alternative approaches and expected outcomes. c) Define performance criteria to assess if remediation steps are successful and to quantify results when possible. d) Include scientific rationale, study design, and statistical analysis for proposed studies aimed at addressing disease problems or areas of uncertainty pertaining to disease risks. Guideline Guideline Guideline 3.11.1. Compliance with the FHMP should be reviewed annually, through the hatchery coordination team, and include any new data or information that may inform actions or decisions to address disease concerns. Standard NOT met. Comment: New standard to be initiated. Table 16. Water Quality. Standard Standard 3.13: Existing facilities strive for suggested water chemistry and characteristics (IHOT 1995, Wedemeyer 2001) which may require water filtration and disinfection, additional heating or cooling, degassing and/or aeration, or other modifications to the quantity and quality of an existing water supply, as follows: a) Pathogen-free water supplies will be explored for each facility, particularly for egg incubation and early rearing. b) Water supplies must provide acceptable temperature regimes for egg incubation, juvenile rearing and adult holding. c) Water supplies will have appropriate water chemistry profiles, including dissolved gases: near saturation for oxygen, and less than saturation for nitrogen. d) Water supplies for egg incubation must not contain excessive organic debris, unsettleable solids or other characteristics that negatively affect egg quality and survival. Standard NOT met. Comment: Elevated summer temperatures constrain production and lead to early fish release. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Guideline Guideline 3.13.1. When surface water is used, a biosecurity evaluation should be performed, and water supplies protected to the extent feasible, to avoid direct contamination of hatchery water supply by potential disease vectors (i.e. live fish, amphibians, birds, or mammals). Guideline 3.13.2. Cooling and/or heating of water supplies may be necessary to meet water quality standards and program goals, for example, when egg incubation and early rearing water temperatures are too low in fall and winter months to consistently achieve desired fish size-at-release. Guideline 3.13.3. Degassing columns or aeration devices may be necessary to meet water quality standards throughout the rearing cycle. Guideline 3.13.4. If unable to remediate siltation problems for egg incubation, alternative incubation sites, water supplies, or incubation methods should be considered. Comment: Explore options for reducing summertime water temperatures instead of addressing through reduced rearing densities. Page 29 Table 17. Best Management Practices. Standard Standard 3.14: The rationale, benefits, risks, and expected outcomes of any deviations from established best management practices 2 for fish culture and fish health management are clearly articulated in the hatchery operational plan (including specific fish culture procedures), Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan (HGMP), Fish Health Management Plan, the hatchery coordination team process, and/or in annual written reports. Standard NOT met. Standard 3.15: Information on hatchery operations is collected, reviewed, and reported in a timely, consistent and scientifically rigorous manner (see requirements and list of reporting parameters in Section 4.4, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)). Standard NOT met. Standard 3.16: Eggs are incubated using best management practices and in a manner that ensures the highest survival rate and genetic contribution to the hatchery population, as follows: a) Eggs are incubated at established temperatures, egg densities, and water flows for specific species. Appropriate egg incubation parameters are identified in Hatchery Performance Standards (IHOT 1995, Chapter 4) or Fish Hatchery Management (Wedemeyer 2001). b) Incubation techniques should allow for discrimination of individual parents/families where required for program goals (e.g., for conservation-oriented programs and steelhead programs, or to exclude families for genetic (hybridization) or disease culling purposes). c) Eggs in excess of program needs are discarded in a manner that is consistent with agency policies and does not pose disease risks to hatchery or natural populations. Standard NOT met. Guideline Guideline 3.14.1. Develop required plans. Comment: Develop the hatchery operational plan (specific Fish Culture Procedures), a Fish Health Management Plan, the hatchery coordination team process, and/or in annual reports. Guideline 3.15.1. An annual report containing monitoring and evaluation information (see M&E standards), including pathogen prevalence, fish disease prevalence, and treatment efficacies, should be produced in a time such that the information can be used to inform hatchery actions during the following brood cycle. Guideline 3.16.1. Culling should be done to minimize unintentional selection. Guideline 3.16.2. Excess eggs are culled in a manner that does not eliminate representative families or any temporal segment of the run; and culled in portions that are representative of the entire run. Culling may be done to change the variance in family size. Guideline 3.16.3. Non-representative culling may occur to achieve specific program goals, but must be justified based on genetic considerations of maintaining or rebuilding desired characteristics of the spawning stock. Guideline 3.16.4. Eggs, fry, or juvenile fish in excess of production needs are disposed of in a manner that is consistent with agency policies on egg culling and fish disposal and will not be released, and should have no effects on natural populations. Guideline 3.16.5. For conservation-oriented programs, individual reproductive output should be as close to equivalent as possible, while avoiding selection for egg size and age at maturity, and not unduly reducing overall production. These stipulations generally require that families are kept separate until staff can move eyed eggs for separate rearing for specific program types. Avoid loss of within population 2 Best management practices are procedures for operating hatchery programs in a defensible scientific manner to: 1) utilize well established and accepted fish culture techniques and fish health methodologies to ensure hatchery populations have the greatest potential to achieve program goals and, 2) minimize adverse ecological interactions between hatchery and natural-origin fish. Page 30 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Standard Comment: The lack of an egg inventory prevents assessment of survival by life stage. Standard 3.17: Fish are reared using best management practices and in a manner that promotes optimum fish health to ensure a high survival rate to the time of release, and provides a level of survival after-release appropriate to achieve program goals, while minimizing adverse impacts to natural fish populations, as follows: a) Fish performance standards (i.e., species-specific metrics for size, weight, condition factor, and health status) will be established for all life stages (fry, fingerling, and yearling) at each facility. b) Fish nutrition and growth rates are maintained through the proper storage and use of high quality feeds. Appropriate feeding rates will be closely monitored and adjusted as needed to accommodate fish growth/biomass in rearing units. c) Juvenile fish will be reared at density and flow indices and temperature that promote optimum health. Appropriate density and flow requirements for anadromous fish are identified in Hatchery Performance Standards Policy (IHOT 1995, Chapter 4) or in a comparable reference such as Fish Hatchery Management (Wedemeyer 2001). d) Appropriate growth strategies will be developed, with particular attention to photoperiod, temperature units and feeding rates to optimize parr-to-smolt transformation, to ensure juvenile fish reach target size-at-release and are physiologically ready to out-migrate and survive salt-water entry. Standard NOT met. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Guideline diversity resulting from reduced effective population size in the hatchery stock. Comment: Guideline 3.16.2 not always followed. The cause of the low egg-to-juvenile release survival rate (24.5 percent) should be determined. It is suspected that the low value is a result of egg-culling practices; however, this cannot be confirmed because of the way data are collected and reported. Guideline 3.17.1. Feeding practices should supply feed at a rate that is quickly consumed by juvenile fish, and does not permit excess feed to accumulate in rearing units. Excess or uneaten food has a high potential to increase organic loads in the rearing unit that can lead to fish pathogen amplification and disease outbreaks. Guideline 3.17.2. Fish Health specialists should be promptly contacted when fish feeding behavior appears abnormal or when fish stop feeding. Guideline 3.17.3. Stress induced infections or diseases, related to crowding or high rearing densities, should be minimized to promote optimal growth, and to avoid excessive use of therapeutics (antibiotic medicated feed or chemical treatments). Guideline 3.17.4. Rearing strategies will optimize the physical layout and use of rearing units at the facility to minimize handling of juvenile fish for inventory, transfer between rearing units, or tagging purposes. Preferably, fish are placed in units that allow adequate space and flows to permit extended periods of growth with no handling. Guideline 3.17.5. Steelhead size at release should follow guidelines established in IHOT 1995 (Table 16, Chapter 4-Hatchery Performance Standards Policy), or guidelines established through program-specific experimental management strategies, but should not substantially alter the natural maturation schedule of the population from which broodstock originate. Comment: Guideline 3.17.4 is not always followed. Feeding strategy should not include maintenance feeding rates. It is desirable to have an accelerated growth strategy prior to release to promote smoltification. Performance standards for each phase of the fish culture process should be established and tracked annually. Summaries of data collected with comparisons to established targets must be included in annual hatchery reports. Page 31 4.3.4 Monitoring and Evaluation Table 18. Hatchery and Genetic Management Plans. Standard Guideline Standard 4.1: Each hatchery program is thoroughly described in a detailed operational plan such as an HGMP or Biological Assessment. Operational plans are regularly updated to reflect updated data, changes to goals and objectives, infrastructure modifications, and changing operational strategies. Standard met. Comment: There is a completed older draft. An updated HGMP is under development. Table 19. Hatchery Evaluation Programs. Standard Standard 4.2: For each hatchery, a Monitoring and Evaluation program dedicated to reviewing the hatchery’s achievement of program goals and assessing impacts to naturally produced fishes must be established. Each M&E program will describe and implement a transparent, efficient, and timely process to respond to requests for experimental fishes, samples, and data. Standard NOT met. Comment: Hatchery lacks a Monitoring and Evaluation Program. Table 20. Hatchery Coordination Teams. Standard Standard 4.3. A Hatchery Coordination Team has been created for each hatchery. Standard NOT met. Comment: Hatchery lacks a Hatchery Coordination Team. Page 32 Guideline Guideline 4.2.1. Hatchery Monitoring and Evaluation programs should be outside the direct hatchery line-ofcommand so they have a large degree of independence and autonomy from decisions made at the hatchery level. Program member expertise should include fish biology, population ecology, genetics, field sampling methods, experimental design and survey sampling strategies, database creation and management, and statistical analysis. Descriptions of specific monitoring and evaluation programs may be included as part of HGMPs. Comment: A Monitoring and Evaluation Program should be developed and implemented and a Hatchery Coordination Team formed for the program. Implementation of these processes will inform hatchery decisions and document compliance with best management practices defined in this report. Guideline Guideline 4.3.1. Hatchery Coordination Teams should be comprised of hatchery managers, hatchery biologists/fish culturists, monitoring and evaluation biologists, fish health specialists, regional fish biologists, and fishery managers. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Table 21. In-Hatchery Monitoring and Record Keeping. Standard Guideline Standard 4.4: The monitoring and record keeping responsibilities listed below are carried out on an annual basis in-hatchery for each anadromous salmonid program. Summaries of data collected, with comparisons to established targets, are included in annual hatchery program reports, and individual measurements (unless otherwise indicated) are store in electronic data files. Sample sizes indicated are provisional pending further consideration (see Section 6.2). A complete list of required and recommended data collection and reporting is provided in Appendix IV. a) Record date, number, size, age (if available), gender, and origin (natural or hatchery; hatchery- and basin-specific when available) of (a) all hatchery returns and (b) fish actually used in spawning. (Summaries in annual reports; individual measurements in electronic files.) b) Record age composition of hatchery returns, as determined by reading scales and/or tags, from a systematic sample of the hatchery returns (n>550, or all returns for programs with less than 550 returns). c) Record sex-specific age composition of the fish spawned, as determined by reading scales and/or tags, from a systematic sample of the fish spawned (n>550, or all spawned fish for programs with less than 550 spawned fish). d) Describe in detail the spawning protocols used for each program (by family group for conservation-oriented programs), including the number of times individual males were used. e) Describe in detail the culling protocols used for each program, including purpose. f) Calculate and record effective population size (in conservation-oriented programs). g) Measure and record mean egg size, fecundity, and fish length for each individual in a systematic sample of spawned females (n>50), to establish and monitor the relation between fecundity, egg size, and length in the broodstock. (Include a table of all measurements in annual report.) h) Record survival through the following life stages: green egg to eyed egg, eyed egg to hatch, hatch to ponding, ponding to marking/tagging, and marking/tagging to release. i) Record mean, standard deviation, and frequency distribution based on n>100 measurements of fish length, by raceway, at periodic intervals (no less than monthly) prior to release and at time of release for all release types, to assess trends and variability in size throughout the rearing process. (Report means and standard deviations in annual reports; individual measurements and frequency distributions in electronic files.) j) Maintain records of disease incidence and treatment, California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 33 Standard including monitoring of treatment efficacy. k) Report CWT releases and recoveries to relevant databases (i.e., RMIS) on a timely annual basis. Standard NOT met. Comment: In-hatchery data are generally lacking for a number of important biological criteria. Program does not assess rate of anadromy used in steelhead broodstock. Table 22. Marking and Tagging Programs. Standard Standard 4.7: Steelhead marking and tagging programs allow for: a) Estimation of freshwater fishery impacts and natural area and hatchery escapements, b) Estimation of the proportion of hatchery-origin fish in natural spawning areas, c) Real-time visual identification of hatchery-origin juveniles and adults (i.e., hatchery vs. non-hatchery origin), d) Real-time identification of Nimbus hatchery-origin adults from other hatchery-origin steelhead as long as broodstock derived from out-of-basin sources is used, e) Identification of stock of origin for hatchery fish. Guideline Comment: Performance standards for each phase of the fish culture process should be established and tracked annually. Summaries of data collected with comparisons to established targets must be included in annual hatchery reports. Guideline Guideline 4.7.1. All broodstock should be genotyped as part of a parentage-based tagging (PBT) program. Guideline 4.7.3. All Nimbus Hatchery juvenile fish released should receive an additional distinguishing external mark (non-adipose fin clip) or CWT until a native broodstock is established. Standard NOT met. Comment: There is no genetic monitoring program and no coded wire tag data to identify stock of origin for hatcheryorigin returns. Comment: Because Nimbus steelhead currently are not part of the Central Valley steelhead Distinct Population Segment, all fish should be uniquely identifiable through application of a unique external mark (in addition to an adipose fin clip) or tag, until a native broodstock is established. This additional mark will ensure that if these fish return to another hatchery, they can be excluded from its broodstock. Table 23. Post-Release Emigration Monitoring. Standard Guideline Standard 4.9: The quantities listed below are monitored in the freshwater environment following release of juvenile steelhead. Summaries of collected data and associated estimates, along with comparisons to established targets, are included in periodic (every 5 to 10 years) reports produced by the monitoring agencies/entities. Page 34 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Standard a) Assess residualization (permanent freshwater residence). b) Assess extended rearing (following release) prior to ocean entrance. Guideline Standard NOT met. Comment: Information on juvenile NORs and HORs, post release, is unavailable. Table 24. Adult Monitoring Programs. Standard Standard 4.12: Monitoring programs for steelhead allow estimation of the following on an annual or periodic (every 5 to 10 years) basis: a) Annual: Freshwater recreational and tribal catch, ideally by hatchery and brood year, b) Annual: Hatchery returns by age and stock, c) Annual: Total escapement to individual tributaries important for natural production, d) Annual: Proportion of hatchery-origin fish among natural area spawners (pHOS), at the stock-specific level, in individual tributaries important for natural production, e) Periodic: Proportion of adult hatchery returns that have exhibited an anadromous life history. Guideline Standard NOT met. Comment: An estimated percent of first generation hatchery and natural fish on the spawning grounds is not known. Catch in the Sacramento River cannot be separated between other Central Valley steelhead programs. Table 25. Evaluation Programs. Standard Standard 4.15: Evaluation programs for steelhead estimate the following attributes on an annual basis: a) Age-specific freshwater adult returns (and half-pounders in the Klamath/Trinity Basin), in order of the following preference: • River catch and catch-and-release adult mortality plus tributary returns of adults plus hatchery returns of adults, • Tributary returns of adults plus hatchery returns of adults, • River catch and catch-and-release adult mortality plus hatchery returns of adults, • Hatchery returns of adults. b) At facilities where kelts are reconditioned and released, determine the survival (return for subsequent spawning) of California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Guideline Page 35 Standard Guideline reconditioned and released kelts. Evaluation programs for steelhead assess the following fundamental issues on a periodic basis (i.e., every 5 to 10 years): c) The relationship of life history patterns (age at return, tendency to exhibit half-pounder life history pattern in the Klamath/Trinity Basin, residualization) to hatchery rearing and release practices with a focus on size and age at release. d) Long-term trends in phenotypic traits (age, maturity, fecundity at size, run/spawn timing, size distribution) and genetic traits (divergence among year classes, effective population size, divergence from natural populations) of hatchery populations. e) Spatial and temporal overlap and relative sizes of emigrating juvenile hatchery and natural-origin fish (including juvenile salmon) and total (hatchery- plus natural-origin) spawner distribution and densities to assess the likelihood or magnitude of deleterious effects of hatchery-origin fish on naturally spawning fish due to competition, predation, or behavioral effects. Standard NOT met. 4.3.5 Direct Effects of Hatchery Operations on Local Habitats, Aquatic or Terrestrial Organisms. Table 26. Direct Effects of Hatchery Operations. Standard Guideline Standard 5.1: Hatchery operations/infrastructure is integrated into local watershed restoration efforts to support local habitat restoration activities. Consistency with Standard Unknown. Comment: The relationship between the hatchery and restoration efforts in the American River is unknown. Standard 5.2: Hatchery infrastructure is operated in a manner that facilitates program needs while reducing impacts to aquatic species, particularly listed anadromous salmonids. Standard NOT met. Page 36 Guideline 5.2.2. Consider screening needs of facility water supply intakes in non-anadromous waters to protect other ESA or CESA listed organisms. Design and operation of facility water diversion/supply structures also needs to consider operational flexibility to avoid catastrophic facility water loss due to debris loading or other failure. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Standard Guideline Guideline 5.2.3. Barrier weirs should effectively block adult passage either for broodstock congregation/collection or as required for in-river fishery management. Comment: The requirements for screening of the water supply for the protection of species in the reservoir is unknown. Standard 5.3: Effluent treatment facilities are secure and operated to meet NPDES requirements. Standard met. Standard 5.4: Current facility infrastructure and construction of new facilities avoid creating an unsafe environment for the visiting public and staff and provide adequate precautions (e.g., fencing and signage) where unsafe conditions are noted. Standard NOT met. Comment: Working conditions during weir installation, operations, and removal are dangerous. 5 Literature Cited Anderson, J., C. Watry, and A. Gray. 2007. Upstream Fish Passage at a Resistance Board Weir Using Infrared and Digital Technology in the Lower Stanislaus River, California 2006−2007 Annual Data Report. Cramer Fish Sciences. Prepared for: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Anadromous Fish Restoration Program Grant No. 813326G004. Araki, H., B. Cooper, and M. S. Blouin. 2007. Genetic Effects of Captive Breeding Cause a Rapid, Cumulative Fitness Decline in the Wild. Science 318(5847): 100. California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 2007. California Steelhead Fishing ReportRestoration Card. A Report to the Legislature. Cramer, S.P., D.W. Alley, K. Baldridge, D.B. Demko, B. Farrell, J. Hagar, T.P. Keegan, A. Laird, W.T. Mitchell, R.C. Nuzum, R. Orton, J.J. Smith, T.L. Taylor, P.A. Unger, and E.S. Van Dyke. 1995. The status of steelhead populations in California in regards to the Endangered Species Act. Final report submitted for the Association of California water agencies, submitted to the National Marine Fisheries Service on behalf. Portland, OR. 190 p. Garza, J.C. and D. E. Pearse. 2008. Population genetic structure of Oncorhynchus mykiss in the California Central Valley. Final report for California Department of Fish and Game Contract # PO485303. University of California, Santa Cruz and NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento CA. 54 p. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 37 Good, T.P., R.S. Waples, and P. Adams (editors). 2005. Updated status of federally listed ESUs of West Coast salmon and steelhead. U.S. Dept. Commerce, NOAA Tech Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-66, 598 p. Hatchery Scientific Review Group (HSRG). 2010. Columbia River Hatchery Reform System-Wide Report. Prepared by the Hatchery Scientific Review Group. Kostow, K. 2008. Factors that contribute to the ecological risks of salmon and steelhead hatchery programs and some mitigating strategies. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fisheries. 2008. Lee, D.P. and J. Chilton. 2007. Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan for Nimbus Fish Hatchery Winter-Run Steelhead Program. California Department of Fish and Game. Leitritz, E. and E. Lewis. 1976. Trout and Salmon Culture (Hatchery Methods). California Department of Fish and Game Fish Bulleting 164. 197 p. Lindley, S., A. Low, D. McEwan, B. MacFarlane, T. Swanson, J. Anderson, B. May, J. Williams, S. Greene, C. Hanson (Central Valley Technical Recovery Team). 2007. Framework for Assessing Viability of Threatened and Endangered Chinook Salmon and Steelhead in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Basin. San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science 5(1) February 2007. 26 pages. McElhany, P., M. H. Ruckelshaus, M. J. Ford, T. C. Wainwright, and E. P. Bjorkstedt. 2000. Viable Salmonid Populations and the Recovery of Evolutionarily Significant Units. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-42. U.S. Dept. of Commerce. NOAA-National Marine Fisheries Service.156 p. McEwan, D., and T.A. Jackson. 1996. Steelhead restoration and management plan for California. Report of the California Department of Fish and Game. Mobrand, L.E., J. Barr, L. Blankenship, D.E. Campton, T.T.P. Evelyn, T.A. Flagg, C.V.W. Mahnken, L.W. Seeb, P.R. Seidel, and W.W. Smoker. 2005. Hatchery reform in Washington state: principles and emerging issues. Fisheries 30(6): 11-23. Moyle, P. B. 2002. Inland Fishes of California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Moyle, P.B., J.A. Israel, and S.E. Purdy. 2008. Salmon, Steelhead and Trout in California: Status of an Emblematic Fauna. University of California, Davis, Center for Watershed Sciences. National Marine Fisheries Service. 2009. Public draft recovery plan for the evolutionarily significant units of Sacramento River winter‐run Chinook salmon and Central Valley spring‐run Chinook salmon and the distinct population segment of Central Valley steelhead. Nielsen, J.L., S.A. Pavey, T. Wiacek, and I. Williams. 2005. Genetics of Central Valley O. mykiss populations: drainage and watershed scale analyses. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 3(2): 31 p. Nobriga and Cadrett. 2003. Differences among hatchery and wild steelhead: evidence from Delta fish monitoring programs. Interagency Ecological Program for the San Francisco Estuary Newsletter 14:3:30-38. Page 38 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Romero, J., A. Glickman, and R. Christensen. 1996. Nimbus Fish Hatchery fish rack structure – modifications. Concept study prepared for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Folsom, California.65 p. Satterthwaite, W.H., M.P. Beakes, E.M. Collins, D.R. Swank, J.E. Merz, R.G. Titus, S.M. Sogard and M. Mangel. 2010. State-dependent life history models in a changing (and regulated) environment: steelhead in the California Central Valley. Evolutionary Applications ISSN 1752-4571. Thoesen, J.C. 1994. Bluebook: Suggested Procedures for the Detection and Identification of Certain Finfish and Shellfish Pathogens, Fourth Edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda. Titus, R. 2010. F-119-R, Central Valley Angler Survey. July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. US Bureau of Reclamation. 1956. Contract between the United States and the State of California for operation of the Nimbus Fish Hatchery. 3 pages. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 2008. Biological Assessment on the Continued Long-term Operations of the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project. U.S. Department of the interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region, Sacramento, California. August 2008. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and California Department of Fish and Game (DFG). 1953. A plan for the protection and maintenance of salmon and steelhead in the American River, California, together with recommendations for action. Prepared jointly by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game, June 30, 1953. 47 p. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2007. Central Valley steelhead and late fall-run Chinook salmon redd surveys on Clear Creek, California. Prepared by Sarah Giovannetti and Matt Brown, Red Bluff, California. Williams, J.C. 2006. Central Valley salmon: a perspective on Chinook and steelhead in the Central Valley of California. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science. 4(3). 416 p. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program / June 2012 Page 39 California Hatchery Review Project Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program Report Appendix A-1 June 2012 APPENDIX A-1 HATCHERY PROGRAM REVIEW QUESTIONS NIMBUS FISH HATCHERY STEELHEAD BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1 Name of Hatchery and Program Hatchery: Nimbus Hatchery Program: Steelhead 2 Species and Population (or stock) under Propagation and ESA Status Species: Winter Steelhead ESA Status: Not listed 3 Responsible Organization and Individuals Lead Contact: David B. Robinson, Environmental Specialist Bureau of Reclamation Central California Area Office 7794 Folsom Dam Road (CC-413) Folsom, CA 95630-1799, (916) 989-7179 FAX (916) 989-7208 Kent Smith, Regional Manager 1701 Nimbus Road Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 358-2900 FAX: (916) 358-2912 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 1 Hatchery Manager: Paula Hoover, Hatchery Manager II 2001 Nimbus Road Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 358-2820 FAX: (916) 358-1466 Bob Burks, Hatchery Manager I 2001 Nimbus Road Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 358-2820 FAX: (916) 358-1466 Other Contacts: 4 Funding Source, Staffing Level, and Annual Hatchery Program Operational Costs Nimbus Fish Hatchery (NFH) is operated by the CDFG and funding is provided by the US Bureau of Reclamation to meet mitigation goals for the American River downstream from Folsom Dam (mitigation requirements as part of the American River Basin Development Act of October 14, 1949). NFH staff includes 11.5 permanent employees and the annual operating costs are approximately $1.4 million. Staff and operating costs are for both the winter steelhead and fall-run Chinook salmon programs at NFH. 5 Location(s) of Hatchery and Associated Facilities (weirs, etc.) NFH is located adjacent to the American River approximately 15 miles east of the town of Sacramento, California, approximately 1 mile downstream from Nimbus Dam, at river kilometer 35.4 (mile 22). Longitude 121.225.4000 W, Latitude 38.633.6000 N. 6 Type of Program Segregated Harvest Program. 7 Purpose (Goal) of Program Replace lost adult production above Nimbus Dam (and below Folsom Dam). To do that, the Nimbus Hatchery produces 430,000 yearling steelhead (4 fpp). Page A-1 2 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 8 Justification for the Program Prior to construction of Folsom and Nimbus dams, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) had the responsibility of “preparing a plan of action for the conservation of salmon and steelhead affected by the construction of Nimbus Dam on the American River” (USFWS and DFG 1953). The plan concluded, “The need for a hatchery to mitigate for the construction of Folsom and Nimbus dams has been recognized for a long time” and the following eight recommendations were made: 1. A hatchery site be acquired, 2. A permanent fish rack be constructed, 3. Suitable initial water supply be developed, 4. A permanent water supply be provided, 5. An initial hatchery to handle fish eggs is constructed, 6. Consideration be given to testing an artificial spawning channel and stream improvements, 7. Reclamation construct a permanent hatchery, and 8. Reclamation and DFG enter into an agreement whereby DFG will operate the hatchery and Reclamation will pay for annual operating costs. Based on these recommendations, NFH was constructed and placed into operation in 1955. HATCHERY OPERATION PHASE: BROODSTOCK CHOICE 1 Do the broodstocks represent natural populations native to the watersheds in which hatchery fish will be released? Clarification: The watershed populations are those that will be evaluated by the Review Panel. Does broodstock represent a) one native population, b) a mixture of local native populations, or c) one or more nonnative populations? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: This program uses a broodstock representing populations native to the watershed, which increases the likelihood of long-term survival of the stock, helps avoid loss of population diversity, and reduces the likelihood of unexpected ecological interactions. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 3 Answer: No. C. The broodstock is a mixture of several stocks of which the Eel River winter steelhead genome is predominate. 2 Was the best available broodstock selected for this program? Clarification: This question applies to situations where the native populations are extirpated. The concern is that the best possible broodstock may not be the one selected. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Choice of a broodstock with a similar life history and evolutionary history to the extirpated stock improves the likelihood of successful reintroduction. Answer: Yes, the stock used was the best available to survive in the re-engineered system. There is question from NMFS about changing the stock for conservation reasons. 3 Does the broodstock display morphological and life history traits similar to the natural population? Clarification: The Review Panel will need to distinguish lineage of a population (that may be connected to an environment that no longer exists) from current environment and current fish performance. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Choice of a broodstock with similar morphological and life history traits improves the likelihood of the stock's adaptation to the natural environment. Answer: No. There is little to no self sustaining population spawning below the dam. However, TRT determined American River to have an extant population of steelhead. 4 Does the broodstock have a pathogen history that indicates no threat to other populations in the watershed? Clarification: Request a 5-year pathogen history. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: The broodstock chosen poses no threat to other populations in the watershed from pathogen transmission. Page A-1 4 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Answer: Yes. A history of pathogen incidence is available in Appendix A-3. 5 Does the broodstock have the desired life history traits to meet harvest goals (e.g., timing and migration patterns that result in full recruitment to target fisheries)? Clarification: This question applies only to segregated programs with the sole purpose of providing fish for harvest. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: The broodstock chosen is likely to have the life history traits to meet harvest goals for the target stock without adversely affecting other stocks. Answer: Yes. 10 Is the percent natural-origin fish used as broodstock for this program estimated? Clarification: [This question is out of order based on ID number, but should go before the next question.] Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Estimating the proportion of natural fish used for broodstock makes it possible to determine whether composition targets have been met and prevents masking of the status of both the hatchery and natural populations. Answer: Yes, they are enumerated, but natural origin fish are not used in the broodstock. 6 What is the percent natural-origin fish in the hatchery broodstock? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Estimating the proportion of natural fish used for broodstock makes it possible to determine whether composition targets have been met and prevents masking of the status of both the hatchery and natural populations. Answer: 0. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 5 7 Do natural-origin fish make up less than 5% of the broodstock for this program? Clarification: This question does not apply to integrated programs. [It it may be relevant in the Central Valley.] Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Maintaining a segregated hatchery population composed of less than 5% natural fish reduces the risk of loss of population diversity. Answer: N/A. (Dropped due to answer to number 6.) HATCHERY OPERATION PHASE: BROODSTOCK COLLECTION 11 Are adults returned to the river? Clarification: If the answer is YES, then describe the purpose of returning fish to the river. For example, fish returned to river may be subject to additional harvest. Alternatively, fish may be returned to river to supplement the natural population (a conservation purpose). Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Not returning adults to the lower river to provide additional harvest reduces the likelihood of straying and unintended contribution to natural spawning. Answer: Yes. Steelhead are not held at the hatchery. All NORs are returned to the river with a caudal fin notch. Unripe hatchery origin steelhead are given a notch and returned to the river. All post spawn steelhead are returned to the river with a caudal notch. 12 Are representative samples of natural and hatchery population components collected with respect to size, age, sex ratio, run and spawn timing, and other traits important to long-term fitness? Clarification: For integrated populations, consider both natural and hatchery components. For segregated populations, consider only the hatchery component. Ask the following questions twice: first about hatchery fish; second about wild fish being incorporated into hatchery stock: Page A-1 6 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 How many males and females are collected for broodstock? Are adults collected over entire migration/spawn period? How many females and males are collected, and does the hatchery program attempt to equalize the number of males and females? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Collecting representative samples of both the natural and hatchery populations reduces the risk of domestication and loss of within-population diversity. Answer: Hatchery Fish: Yes, number used, m/f ratio, every ripe steelhead that arrives at the hatchery is spawned. Run time from late November, peak in January, tends to fall off in late February (winter run). Wild Fish: Lengths, scales, and tissue samples are taken from natural origin fish (Rob Titus – Central Valley Surveying) but results are not returned to the hatchery. No fish less than 16 inches are used as broodstock. 13 Does the proportion of the spawners brought into the hatchery follow a “spread-the-risk” strategy that attempts to improve the probability of survival for the entire population (hatchery and natural components)? Clarification: The Review Panel will also consider timing of run and collection over all components of the run. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: The proportion of spawners brought into the hatchery improves the likelihood that the population will survive a catastrophic loss from natural events or hatchery failure. Answer: N/A. 14 Is the effective population size being estimated each year? Clarification: How many fish are mated each year? What is the age of fish mated, the family size variation, and how many total parents were used to produce offspring released? The Review Panel will use this information to evaluate program’s effective population size. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Sufficient broodstock are collected to maintain genetic variation in the population. Answer: No, but numbers are collected for number trapped, number spawned, and eggs produced. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 7 15 Within the last 10 years, has the program used only eggs or fish from within the watershed? Clarification: If YES, is there a fish health policy that is in place for egg/fish transfers? If so, please provide a copy. If the answer is NO, how many years and how many fish? Have fish been exported from this program in the last 10 years? If the answer is NO, were transfers into this population extensive in the more distant past? (This question may be especially important in a segregated program where few natural fish are included in broodstock but large number of hatchery fish stray and spawn naturally.) Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Avoiding stock transfers from outside of the watershed promotes local adaptation and reduces the risk of pathogen transmission. Answer: Yes. Eggs have been shipped out, but none brought in. Transplants out go to Mokelumne River Fish Hatchery. 16 Is the broodstock collected and held in a manner that results in less than 10% pre-spawning mortality? Clarification: If NO, ask questions to help the Review Panel evaluate the cause and consequences of prespawning mortality. What is the pre-spawning mortality in the program? Why does it exceed 10%? Are there any issues with bias in pre-spawning mortality? Are there facility needs that would reduce mortality? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Maintaining pre-spawning survival higher than 90% maintains an effective population size and reduces domestication selection. Answer: No. Historically, holding broodstock has resulted in approximately 40% broodstock loss, so all green fish are returned to the river with a caudal notch. If adult holding is required in the future, it will likely require facility upgrades. 17 Does the program have guidelines for acceptable contribution of hatchery-origin fish to natural spawning? Clarification: If YES, describe your guidelines. Page A-1 8 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Having established guidelines for acceptable contribution of hatchery-origin fish to natural spawning provides a clear performance standard for evaluating the program. Answer: No. 18 Are guidelines for the hatchery contribution to natural spawning met for all affected naturally spawning populations? Clarification: Request a table of the estimated hatchery contribution to the spawning population. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: The rate of hatchery contribution to natural spawning populations maintains population diversity and promotes adaptation to the natural environment. Answer: N/a. HATCHERY OPERATION PHASE: ADULT HOLDING 19 Is the water source [for adult holding] pathogen free? Clarification: If NO, what specific pathogens are in the water supply? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Fish health is promoted by the absence of specific pathogens during adult holding. Answer: No. There are two pipelines from Nimbus Dam that run to the hatchery. Ambient river water. Most common pathogens are ectobacteria. See pathogen reports and annual health certifications. 20 Does the water used [for adult holding] result in natural water temperature profiles that provide optimum maturation and gamete development? Clarification: Are there any issues with egg quality (fertilization, soft-shell, coagulated yolk, etc.) at the facility? California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 9 Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Use of water resulting in natural water temperature profiles for adult holding ensures maturation and gamete development synchronous with natural stocks. Answer: Yes, ambient water. Hatchery water is similar to re-engineered river water. Nimbus does not provide opportunity for temperature control. 21 Is the water supply [for adult holding] protected by flow alarms? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Broodstock security is maintained by flow and/or level alarms at the holding ponds. Answer: No. There are alarms on the intake pipe that feeds the hatchery, but no alarm specific to adult holding. 22 Is the water supply [for adult holding] protected by back-up power generation or a fail-safe back-up water supply? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Broodstock security is maintained by back-up power generation for the pumped water supply. Answer: Yes. There is a second 46 inch pipeline that can be used as a backup. HATCHERY OPERATION PHASE: SPAWNING 23 Does the program have a protocol for mating? Clarification: If yes, what is the protocol? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Random mating maintains within-population diversity. Page A-1 10 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Answer: Yes, 1:1 mating. There is no selection process. No fish under 16 inches are spawned. Unmarked steelhead are not used in broodstock. 24 Does the program conduct single-family pairing prior to fertilization? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Single family pairing increases the effective population size of the hatchery stock. Answer: Yes. 25 Are multiple males used in the spawning protocol? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Use of back-up males in the spawning protocol increases the likelihood of fertilization of eggs from each female. Answer: No. 26 Are precocious fish (jacks and jills) used for spawning according to a set protocol? Clarification: Is the rate of juvenile male precocity tracked near release time? If so, provide the rate for the past 5 years (if available). Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Use of precocious males for spawning as a set percentage or in proportion to their contribution to the adult run promotes within population diversity. Answer: N/A. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 11 26A Additional Question: Does the program have guidelines or policies for ensuring long-term phenotypic and genetic distinctions between populations/runs/species? Clarification: For example, is more than one run of a given species produced at your hatchery (e.g., spring and fall Chinook; fall and late fall Chinook; summer and winter steelhead)? If YES, what are these guidelines or policies? If NO, please explain. Answer: N/A. HATCHERY OPERATION PHASE: INCUBATION 27 Is the water source for incubation pathogen-free? Clarification: If NO, what specific pathogens are in the water supply? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Fish health is promoted by the use of pathogen-free water during incubation. Answer: No. See pathogen reports. 29 Does the water used for incubation provide natural water temperature profiles that result in hatching/emergence timing similar to that of the naturally produced stock? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Use of water resulting in natural water temperature profiles for incubation ensures hatching and emergence timing similar to naturally produced stocks with attendant survival benefits. Answer: Yes. Page A-1 12 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 30 Can incubation water temperature be modified? Clarification: If YES, why is the temperature manipulated? This question will be asked for all programs to provide information about the facility use (e.g., otolith marking). Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: The ability to heat or chill incubation water to approximate natural water temperature profiles ensures hatching and emergence timing similar to naturally produced stocks with attendant survival benefits. Answer: No. 31 Is the incubation water supply protected by flow alarms? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Security during incubation is maintained by flow alarms at the incubation units. Answer: No. There is an alarm on the hatchery intake, but no alarm specific to incubation flow. 32 Is the water supply for incubation protected by back-up power generation or a fail-safe back-up water supply? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Security during incubation is maintained by back-up power generation for the pumped water supply. Answer: Yes. 33 Are eggs incubated under conditions that result in equal survival of all segments of the population to ponding? Clarification: The Review Panel wants to know if any portion of the eggs derives a survival advantage or disadvantage from incubation procedures. Respond NO if there is a survival advantage. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 13 Please describe the survival profile during incubation. How does the program go about ensuring representation throughout the run? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Incubation conditions that result in equal survival of all segments of the population reduce the likelihood of domestication selection and loss of genetic variability. Answer: Yes. 34 Are families incubated individually? (Include both eyeing and hatching) Clarification: Request information about when families are combined and what protocols are used. This question will be asked for all programs. Are progeny from R. salmoninarum (BKD+) adult segregation? If so, for how long? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Incubating families individually maintains genetic variability during incubation. Answer: No. Families are combined after water hardening. No culling for BKD due to rarity of occurrence, but would occur if BKD became a problem. 36 Are agency or tribal species-specific incubation recommendations followed for flow rates? Clarification: Request information about these incubation recommendations or protocols. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Use of flow recommendations/protocols during incubation promote survival of eggs and alevin and allow for optimum fry development. Answer: Yes. Upwelling jars are used, not Heath trays. Flow rates to jars are based on site-specific successes and best professional judgment. Page A-1 14 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 37 Are agency or tribal species-specific incubation recommendations followed for substrate? Clarification: Request information about substrate recommendations or protocols. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Use of substrate during incubation limits excess alevin movement and promotes energetic efficiency. Answer: No – jars are used, not Heath trays. 38 Are agency or tribal species-specific incubation recommendations followed for density parameters? Clarification: Request information about density recommendations or protocols. What density index is targeted? Is the facility able to maintain the prescribed Density Index throughout the entire rearing period? Are there facility needs that would assist in meeting optimum rearing conditions? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Use of density recommendations/protocols during incubation promote survival of eggs and alevin and allow for optimum fry development. Answer: Yes, site-specific successes and best professional judgment are used. Jars are 6 inch diameter. Approximately 40,000 eggs per jar, 20,000-30,000 steelhead/tank. 39 Are disinfection procedures implemented during spawning and/or incubation that prevent pathogen transmission within or between stocks of fish on site? Clarification: Are there written protocols for egg disinfection following spawning and during incubation for the program? If so, what are they? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Proper disinfection procedures increase the likelihood of preventing dissemination and amplification of pathogens in the hatchery. Answer: Yes, iodophor at water hardening. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 15 40 Are eggs culled and if so, how is culling done? Clarification: Are eggs from Reni bacterium salmoninarum (BKD +) adults culled? If YES, what are the criteria for initial egg culling? How are progeny segregated (what disease levels), and for how long (what determines when segregated rearing can be discontinued)? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Random culling of eggs over all segments of the egg-take maintains genetic variability during incubation. Answer: Yes, eggs are culled to decrease the number of eggs to exactly what is needed (615,000). All fish that enter the hatchery are spawned, regardless of egg take target. The total number of eggs is calculated and the reduction to 615,000 is taken with the same percentage from each jar (if a general reduction of 48% is needed, 48% is taken from each jar). 40A Additional Question: Would the program benefit by having an ability to chill or heat incubation water supply? Answer: No. HATCHERY OPERATION PHASE: REARING 41 Is the water source [for rearing] pathogen free? Clarification: If NO, what specific pathogens are in the water supply? Are standards in place for “acceptable mortality rates” for each component of the production cycle (eggs, fry, fingerlings)? What mortality level initiates fish health intervention? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Fish health is promoted by the absence of specific pathogens during rearing. Answer: No, see pathogen reports. Page A-1 16 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 42 Does the water used [for rearing] provide natural water temperature profiles that result in fish similar in size to naturally produced fish of the same species? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Use of natural water temperature profiles for rearing promotes growth of fish and smoltification synchronous with naturally produced stocks. Answer: Yes, ambient river water. 43 Does the hatchery operate to allow all migrating species of all ages to bypass or pass through hatchery related structures? Clarification: If NO, explain the reason(s) why not all species or ages are passed. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Providing upstream and downstream passage for juveniles and adults of the naturally produced stocks supports natural distribution and productivity. Answer: N/A. There is a small amount (1200 ft) of habitat between the weir and the dam. 44 Is the water supply [for rearing] protected by flow alarms? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Security during rearing is maintained by flow and/or level alarms at the rearing ponds. Answer: No. There is an alarm on the hatchery intake, but no alarm specific to rearing. 45 Is the water supply [for rearing] protected by back-up power generation or a fail-safe back-up water supply? Clarification: California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 17 Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Security during rearing is maintained by back-up power generation for the pumped water supply. Answer: Yes, the 46 inch pipeline. 46 Are fish reared under conditions that result in equal survival of all segments of the population to release? (In other words, does any portion of the population derive a survival advantage or disadvantage from rearing procedures? If so, then mark NO.) Clarification: Request the survival profile during rearing. What are the juvenile mortality rates for the past five years? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Rearing conditions that result in equal survival of all segments of the population reduce the likelihood of domestication selection and loss of genetic variability. Answer: Yes. 47 Does this program avoid culling of juvenile fish? If fish are culled, how are they selected to be culled? In the response, make sure to capture the number culled, and the rational for culling. Clarification: Are Rs clinical juveniles culled? If so, what are the criteria for culling? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Avoiding culling of juveniles maintains genetic variability during rearing. Answer: Yes. Eggs are culled, no juveniles. 48 Is there a growth rate pattern that this program is trying to achieve? Clarification: If YES, what is the pattern? If NO, what are the constraints to achieving this pattern? Page A-1 18 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Following proper feeding rates to achieve the desired growth rate improves the likelihood of producing fish that are physiologically fit, properly smolted, and that maintain the age structure of natural populations. Answer: Yes, target size is 4 fpp by February 1. This target changed recently from January to February due to the Delta CC opening/closing dates. 49 Is there a specified condition factor that this program is trying to achieve? Clarification: If YES, what is this condition factor? If NO, what are the constraints to achieving this condition factor? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Feeding to achieve the desired condition factor is an indicator of proper fish health and physiological smolt quality. Answer: No, there is a condition factor calculated during pre-release exam to document, but there is no standard to be met. 50 Does the program use a diet and growth regime that mimics natural seasonal growth patterns? Clarification: If NO, describe the diet and growth regime used in the program and how it may differ from more natural patterns. Are there any problems with male precocity rates in juveniles? If known, please provide rates. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Use of diet and growth regimes that mimic natural seasonal growth patterns promote proper smoltification and should produce adults that maintain the age structure of the natural population. Answer: No. Steelhead are slowed down in the summer compared to natural growth patterns. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 19 51 Does the program employ any NATURES-type rearing measures, e.g., by providing natural or artificial cover, feeding, structures in raceways, predator training, etc? Clarification: Is bird/wildlife predation a problem at this facility? If so, what proportion of juvenile production do you estimate may be lost to predation in a given production period? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Providing artificial cover increases the development of appropriate body camouflage and may improve behavioral fitness. Answer: No. Predation is managed by bird wire. 52 Are fish reared in multiple facilities or with redundant systems to reduce the risk of catastrophic loss? Clarification: This question applies to conservation programs. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Maintaining the stock in multiple facilities or with redundant systems reduces the risk of catastrophic loss from facility failure. Answer: No. 53 Are agency or tribal juvenile rearing standards followed for flow rates? Clarification: Request information about these standards. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Following standards for juvenile loading maintains proper dissolved oxygen levels. This promotes fish health, growth and survival, and increases the likelihood of preventing dissemination and amplification of fish pathogens. Answer: Yes, based on site-specific successes and best professional judgment. Page A-1 20 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 54 Are agency or tribal juvenile rearing standards followed for density? Clarification/Input: Request information about density standards for juveniles. Are there prescribed Density Indices for juvenile rearing? If so, please provide. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Following standards for juvenile density maintain fish health, growth, and survival, and increases the likelihood of preventing dissemination and amplification of fish pathogens. Answer: Yes, based on site-specific successes and best professional judgment. 54A Additional Question How are fish selected for programming and release as subyearlings vs. yearlings? Clarification: Request information about how subyearling and yearling fish are selected. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Answer: N/A. Only one release type, only one release location – Jibboom Street, below most of fall Chinook spawning area. HATCHERY OPERATION PHASE: RELEASE 59 Is there a protocol to produce fish to a set size at release (fpp and length)? Clarification: If so, what is the protocol? What is the basis for the set size at release? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Producing fish that are qualitatively similar to natural fish in size may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 21 Answer: Yes, 4 fpp. Yes, based on site-specific successes and best professional judgment. Historical research was used to set release size. 60 Are there protocols for fish morphology at release? Clarification: If so, what is the protocol? Are standards in place for functional morphology characteristics at release (general fish health condition such as minimal fin and/or opercular erosion, degree of silver coloration scale loss, or any noted gross abnormalities)? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Producing fish that are qualitatively similar to natural fish in morphology may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. Answer: No. There is a qualitative snapshot done with the pre-release assessment, but no defined standard. 61 Are there protocols for fish behavior characteristics at release? Clarification: If so, what is the protocol? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Producing fish that are qualitatively similar to natural fish in behavior may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. Answer: No, size at time and operational constraints (i.e. water temperature) are the controlling factors in release timing. The on station release must be released prior to Delta Cross Canal project opening. There is a qualitative snapshot done with the pre-release assessment, but no defined standard. 62 Are there protocols for fish growth rates up to release? Clarification: If so, what is the protocol? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Producing fish that are qualitatively similar to natural fish in behavior may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. Page A-1 22 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Answer: Yes, manage growth to reach size at release. Growth is decreased in the summer to meet 4 fpp in February. 63 Are there protocols for physiological status of fish at release? Clarification: If so, what is the protocol? Are gill ATPase and blood chemistry tested prior to smolt releases? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Producing fish that are qualitatively similar to natural fish in behavior may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. Answer: No. There is a qualitative snapshot done with the pre-release assessment, but no defined standard. 64 Are there protocols for fish size and life history stage at release? Clarification: If so, what is the protocol? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Releasing fish at sizes and life history stages similar to those of natural fish of the same species may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. Answer: Yes, 4 fpp yearling smolt. American River natural production is most likely a 1 year old smolt due to accelerated growth rate. 65 Are volitional releases during natural out-migration practiced? Clarification: The Review Panel noted that in some cases, a non-volitional release may be the best practice. Follow up with implementation questions (how long is the volitional release period, what occurs if fish remain, etc.). Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Volitionally releasing smolts during the natural outmigration timing may improve homing, survival, and reduce adverse ecological interactions. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 23 Answer: No. Fish are trucked to release location (Jibboom Street). There is no way to direct release fish to river except fish ladder, which would still be forced/pumped. 66 Are there protocols for fish release timing? Clarification: If so, what are the protocols? When are fish released? What are the natural out-migration characteristics? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Releasing fish in a manner that simulates natural seasonal migratory patterns improves the likelihood that harvest and conservation goals will be met and may reduce potential adverse ecological impacts. Answer: Yes. Fish size, water temperature, and water diversions regulate release timing. 67 Are all hatchery fish released at or adjacent to the hatchery facility (on-site)? Clarification: If NO, describe off-site release locations. Describe the extent to which off-site release locations are used, and explain why they are used. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Answer: No. No releases adjacent to the hatchery. In river plants are released approximately 22 miles downstream (Jibboom Street). 68 Are data routinely collected for released fish? Clarification: If YES, provide a table describing all releases for the last 10 years (including date, size, type, release method, location, number, purpose, and mark groups). The Review Panel has asked that the table include fish released for experimental purposes. Are pre-release exams done? If so, are results provided to the hatchery manager or appropriate staff prior to release? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Page A-1 24 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Answer: Yes, size, type, release methods, number, purpose, and mark groups, but no length frequency is collected. Data is collected by truck load. Pre-release pathology samples are done on a raceway basis. 69 Has the current carrying capacity of the watershed used by migrating fish (i.e., lower river or estuary) been taken into consideration in sizing the number of releases from this program? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Considering the carrying capacity of the watershed when sizing the hatchery program increases the likelihood that stock productivity will be high and may limit the risk of adverse ecological and harvest interactions. Answer: No. But impacts to naturally produced fish are considered through selection of appropriate release sites. Release sites are below the natural spawning areas. 69A Additional Question: Are fish trucked to alternative release sites? Clarification/Input: If YES, what proportion of the release is trucked? Where are fish released and how are fish released? Answer: Yes. All fish are trucked. 69B Additional Question: Is more than one release type (e.g., June and October releases) released from a typical brood year? Clarification: If YES, are all the fish used for each release type representative from throughout the hatchery’s production (i.e., the same fraction of fish originating from each week’s spawning are used for each release type so that releases originated from parents spawned throughout the spawning run)? If YES, what is the basis for this allocation among release types? If NO, please describe how fish used for each release type are selected. Answer: No. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 25 69B Additional Question: Does the hatchery have a method to estimate the number of fish released? Clarification: If YES, what are these inventory procedures? If NO, does the hatchery estimate the numbers of fish released and how? Answer: Yes, 100% of steelhead are clipped. Half are hand clipped, half are clipped in trailer (with hand clip for those that are rejected at the trailer). No QA/QC on the hand clipping. Counts are done at clipping, mortalities are subtracted between clipping and release. HATCHERY OPERATION PHASE: FACILITIES 71 Does hatchery intake screening comply with California State, National Marine Fisheries Service, and/or other agency facility standards? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Compliance with these standards reduces the likelihood that intake structures cause entrapment in hatchery facilities and impingement of migrating or rearing juveniles. Answer: Yes. There are no standards for this area. No standards for non-anadromous fish. 72 Does the facility operate within the limitations established in its National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Compliance with NPDES discharge limitations is designed to maintain water quality in downstream receiving habitat. Answer: Yes. Page A-1 26 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 73 If the production from this facility falls below the minimum production requirement for an NPDES permit, does the facility operate in compliance with state and/or federal regulations for discharge? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Compliance with NPDES discharge limitations maintains water quality in downstream receiving habitat. Answer: N/A. 74 Is the facility sited so as to minimize the risk of catastrophic fish loss from flooding or other disasters? Clarification: Clarify the disposition of fish if the program manager anticipates a catastrophic loss. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Locating the facility where it is not susceptible to flooding decreases the likelihood of catastrophic loss. Answer: Yes. 75 Is staff notified of emergency situations at the facility through the use of alarms, autodialer, and/or pagers? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Notification to staff of emergency situations using alarms, autodialers, and/or pagers reduces the likelihood of catastrophic loss. Answer: Yes. Autodialers in the intake structure at the dam. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 27 76 Is the facility continuously staffed to ensure the security of fish stocks on-site? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Continuous facility staffing reduces the likelihood of catastrophic fish loss. Answer: Yes. Some staff live on site. 76A Additional Question: procedures manual? Does the hatchery have an emergency Clarification: How are fish handled under emergency scenarios? Answer: Yes. 76B Additional Question: Does the hatchery have an emergency procedures plan in case of loss of water? Clarification: How are fish handled under emergency scenarios (addressed in the program HGMP)? Answer: Yes. 76C Additional Question: Does the hatchery have the ability/procedures to protect fish on station from excessive predation/predators? Clarification: Is predator loss excessive (estimated loss)? Are there ANS issues at this facility (snails, macrophytes, or other organisms in the water supply)? If so, what problems result and how do you address them? Relationship to Outcome: Limiting predator loss promotes accurate accounting of fish numbers. Limiting predator contact with fish and rearing units also reduces the risk of introducing predator-transmitted pathogens. Page A-1 28 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Answer: Yes, complete covering with bird wire. HATCHERY OPERATION PHASE: MONITORING & EVALUATION M&E1 Additional Question: program? Is there a formal fish health monitoring Clarification: Please provide information about the disease status of juveniles and returning adults. If NO, does the facility have any of the following components of a fish health program: • • • • Fish health policy or guidelines Biosecurity plan Pathogen segregation program (BKD): prescribed prophylactic treatments/vaccination protocols for adults and/or juveniles? Juvenile monitoring program (prior to release) Please provide guidance and protocols for each of above. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Answer Yes. The hatchery manager will call pathologists when there is a problem. There is also annual certification of production and broodstock monitoring to assess presence or absence of pathogens. M&E2 Additional Question: Does the program monitor stock characteristics in relation to the population traits of the ESU? Clarification: Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Answer: No. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 29 M&E3 Additional Question: developing an HGMP? Does this program have or is it Clarification: If YES, at what stage of the HGMP process is the program? When did this process start and is the program in compliance? If the program is not in compliance - why? Answer: Yes, the HGMP is draft completed, currently being updated. There is an administrative draft. By June 2011 HGMP should be complete. M&E4 Additional Question: Is there an ongoing genetic monitoring program? If so, please describe. Clarification: Answer: Yes. Genetic samples are taken on unmarked fish, but have not been analyzed. Data is not collected on marked fish or fish used in the hatchery broodstock. M&E5 Additional Question: Does the agency and/or hatchery program have staff dedicated to monitoring and evaluation of this program? Clarification: If YES, what data is collected? Answer: No, no biologist dedicated to M&E. Central Valley Angler Program monitors catch in the Central Valley. M&E6 Additional Question: Does the program have a consistent long-term marking or tagging program? Clarification: If YES, please describe the program and its recent 10-year history. Is continued funding reasonably secure for this program? Answer: Yes, 100% adipose fin clip. Funded by BOR since 1999. Page A-1 30 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 M&E7 Additional Question: Are the fish selected for marking or tagging representative of all hatchery release and production groups? Clarification: Please provide information about how fish are selected for marking and/or tagging. Answer: Yes, all fish are marked. M&E8 Additional Question: Are routine protocols followed annually to characterize attributes (e.g., run timing, age, size, sex structure, etc.) of hatchery fish trapped and fish actually used in broodstock? Clarification: If YES, what are the protocols and attributes? Answer: No, 100% of ripe fish are spawned. Run timing is collected at hatchery, as well as scales and size from unmarked fish. M&E9 Additional Question: Is there coordination in tagging and recovery of marks/tags among watersheds, hatcheries and/or other programs? Answer: Marked fish are recorded in the Central Valley Angler Survey. Anecdotal information on high stray rate. HATCHERY OPERATION PHASE: EFFECTIVENESS 81 What is the percent of hatchery-origin fish (first generation) in the natural spawning areas (for the same species/race) and how does this percent vary geographically within the watershed (e.g., reaches or tributaries adjacent to the hatchery often experience much greater straying than do more remote areas)? Clarification: If YES, please provide this information for the last 10 years. If available, ask for the distribution of natural spawners within the watershed to see if it matches or contrasts with the distribution of naturally spawning hatchery fish, even if only a qualitative comparison. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 31 Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: This question is used to evaluate the level of hatchery influence on the population. Answer: Unknown, no attempt to collect HOR data on spawning grounds. 85 Is the percent hatchery-origin fish (first generation) in natural spawning areas estimated? Clarification: If YES, provide information about how the contribution to spawning is estimated (via weir counts, live counts, carcass recovery, etc.). Provide information on the relative reproductive success of hatchery fish on the spawning grounds. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Estimating the proportion of hatchery fish spawning in the wild allows evaluation of composition targets and prevents hatchery returns from masking the status of the natural population. Answer: No – no information. HATCHERY OPERATION PHASE: ACCOUNTABILITY 86 Are standards specified for in-culture performance of hatchery fish? Clarification: If YES, please describe these standards. If NO, are there standards for some in-culture performance? These might include standards for overall health (free of clinical disease signs/behavior, free of gross abnormalities [i.e., gills and fins]); feed conversion and growth rates; or size and condition factor at release. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Explicit standards for survival, size, condition, etc., make it easier to detect culture problems before they become impossible to rectify. Answer: Yes, goals for broodstock collections, egg take and smolt release. Other in hatchery goals are based site specific past performance. Page A-1 32 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 87 Are in-culture performance standards met? How often? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Meeting these standards is assumed to be the best management practice. Answer: Yes, more often than not. 88 Are standards specified for pre-release characteristics to meet postrelease performance standards of hatchery fish and their offspring? Clarification: If YES, please describe these standards. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: Explicit standards for post-release survival make it easier to detect culture problems before they become impossible to rectify. Answer: Yes, historical size at release survival studies showed that 4 fpp was more successful than larger or smaller. 89 Are post-release performance standards met? Clarification: How are myxozoan disease impacts on juveniles post release being addressed (Ceratomyxa shasta and Parvicapsula minibicornis)? Are there alternative strategies for post-release performance when adverse disease or environmental conditions (e.g., elevated temperatures) occur at the scheduled time of release? Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: How often are standards met? Answer: Yes. The only post release performance standard specified is adult return to hatchery to achieve egg take. Using this standard, Nimbus has never not met the standard in the last 10 years. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 33 90 Are hatchery programming and operational decisions based on an Adaptive Management Plan? For example, is an annual report produced describing hatchery operations, results of studies, program changes, etc.? If a written plan does not exist, then the answer is No. Relationship to Outcomes/Goals: An Annual Report or review process that presents results of studies and that specifies responses to be taken ensures that the program managers can respond to adverse or unforeseen developments in a timely manner. Answer: No. Page A-1 34 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 HATCHERY PROGRAM REVIEW ANSWERS The Hatchery Program Review Questions were answered by regional managers, hatchery managers, and the M&E biologist associated with the hatchery program during meetings held at Nimbus Fish Hatchery, April 11-12, 2011. Attendee Affiliation Dave Robinson Paula M Hoover Bob Burks William Smith Donovan Ward Dennis P. Lee Robyn Redekopp Andy Appleby Kevin Malone USBOR CDFG CDFG CDFG CDFG California HSRG/CDFG Meridian Environmental, Inc. DJ Warren & Associates Malone Environmental California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-1 / June 2012 Page A-1 35 California Hatchery Review Project Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program Report Appendix A-2 June 2012 Appendix A‐2 Nimbus Hatchery Steelhead Program Data Tables Table 1. Results of fish pathologist reports for Nimbus Hatchery steelhead, 2007-2010. Date Purpose 3/1/2007 Annual Disease Certification Weight Length (g) (mm) 6/23/2008 6/23/2008 Condition Hematocrit Mesenteric Factor (%) Fat Score (average) Fingerlings 100/lb 7/1/2008 7/18/2008 Internal Assessment 44/lb 8/13/2008 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-2 / June 2012 External Assessment Pathogens Flavobacterium columnare Aeromonad/ Pseudomonad Flavobacterium columnare Aeromonad/ Pseudomonad/ Flavobacterium columnare Flavobacterium columnare Aeromonad/ Pseudomonad/ Flavobacterium columnare Treatment All tests negativebacteriology, WD, BKD, virology, ectoparasites tetramycin feed/KMnO4 treatments tetramycin feed tetramycin feed tetramycin feed tetramycin feed Page A-2 1 Date Purpose 8/28/2008 Weight Length (g) (mm) Condition Hematocrit Mesenteric Factor (%) Fat Score (average) Internal Assessment External Assessment 34/lb Flavobacterium columnare 9/15/2008 6/26/2009 Aeromonad/ Pseudomonad/ Flavobacterium columnare pre-release 21.23 6/29/2009 46.2 1.9 Fingerlings 7/20/2009 ulceration due to sunburn 4-5 in 8/31/2009 2/16/2010 pre-release 123.3 240.2 0.90 48.7 1.1 6/12/2010 Fingerlings 6/29/2010 unremarkable 6/22/2010 Page A-2 2 Pathogens Fingerlings black tail mortalities Treatment tetramycin feed/KMnO4 treatments tetramycin feed/KMnO4 treatments approved for release Flavobacterium tetramycin columnare/Costia feed/KMnO4 treatments tetramycin Flavobacterium feed/screen psychrophilum covers Flavobacterium psychrophilum Approved for release oxytetracycline Flavobacterium bath w/ pre salt psychrophilum treatments Aeromonad/ Pseudomonad KMnO4 Flavobacterium 100 ppm columnare oxytetracycline California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-2 / June 2012 Table 2. Egg to release survival of steelhead reared at Nimbus Hatchery. 2000 - 2009. Brood Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Average Females Spawned 431 190 170 163 578 422 630 145 218 248 3,195 320 Egg Take 2,043,545 1,168,244 1,060,490 1,000,120 2,580,366 2,154,768 2,891,666 1,063,649 1,680,002 1,653,479 17,296,329 1,729,633 Average Fecundity Eyed Eggs Juveniles Released1 4,741 6,149 6,238 6,136 4,464 5,106 4,590 7,336 7,706 6,667 59,133 5,913 1,696,142 946,278 943,836 770,092 2,327,490 1,943,601 1,937,416 811,564 1,554,002 1,230,188 14,160,610 1,416,061 599,114 281,705 419,160 455,140 410,330 454,570 394,292 483,290 483,357 439,490 3,821,334 424,593 Egg to Release Survival2 29.3% 24.1% 39.5% 45.5% 15.9% 21.1% 13.6% 45.4% 28.8% 26.6% 24.5% 1 Eggs may have been culled before hatch. Number of eggs culled annually is not available. 2 This percentage includes mortality from culling eggs, and may be lower than hatchery survival in years when culling occurs. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-2 / June 2012 Page A-2 3 Table 3. Actual number, release location and average size of steelhead releases from the Nimbus Hatchery, 2000-2009. Brood Year Date Location1 Size 2000 Jan, Feb, and Mar 2001 Sacramento River yearling 2001 Jun-01 Sacramento River 2001 Jun-01 2002 Fish Released Weight (fpp) 147,500 466,00 3.2 yearling 89,584 281,705 3.1 Sacramento River fingerlings 3,102 133,114 42.9 Jan and Feb 2003 Sacramento River yearling 419,160 419,160 4.1 2003 Jan and Feb 2004 Sacramento River yearling 95,497 455,140 4.8 2004 Jan and Feb 2005 Sacramento River yearling 97,650 410,330 4.2 2005 Jan, Feb, and Mar 2006 Sacramento River yearling 96,300 454,570 4.2 2006 Feb and Mar 2007 Sacramento River yearling 69,230 394,292 5.7 2007 Feb and Mar 2008 Sacramento River yearling 73,500 483,290 6.6 2008 Jul 2008 and Feb 2009 Sacramento River yearling 73,392 250,240 3.4 2008 Jul-08 Sacramento River fingerling 7,193 233,117 32.4 2009 Feb-10 Sacramento/American Rivers yearling 119,300 439,490 3.7 yearling 964,653 4,054,217 yearling 96,465 405,422 fingerling 10,295 366,231 fingerling 5,148 183,116 Total yearling Average yearling Total fingerling Average fingerling 1 Total Pounds Marks Applied Ad clip Ad clip Ad clip Ad clip Ad clip Ad clip Ad clip Ad clip Ad clip Ad clip Ad clip Ad clip 4.2 38 All fish are trucked to release sites. There are no releases (volitional or forced) at the hatchery. Page A-2 4 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-2 / June 2012 Table 4. Number of steelhead returns to Nimbus Hatchery by sex and age, 2000-2010. Season 2000 - 2001 2001 - 2002 2002 - 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 Total Mean Male 1,412 982 488 999 1,444 1,243 1,396 432 597 514 41,894 762 Female 1,465 760 399 863 1,328 1,065 1,277 326 498 473 37,905 689 Adult 2,877 1,742 887 1,862 2,772 2,308 2,684 758 1,095 987 79,810 1,451 Half Pounder 17 10 0 25 101 115 11 248 96 9 1,442 69 Half Pounder Criteria <22" <22" <22" <22" <22" <16" <16" <16" <16" <16" Total Fish Trapped 2,894 1,752 887 1,887 2,873 2,423 2,695 1,006 1,191 996 81,252 1,477 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-2 / June 2012 Page A-2 5 Table 5. Annual return of steelhead to the American River, 2002-2010. Adult Spawning Year 1 Yearling Brood Year 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-2010 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Average Yearlings Released Estimated In-river Spawning Population2 402,300 599,114 281,705 419,160 455,140 410,330 454,570 394,292 427,076 300 343 330 266 300 150 47 46 223 Estimated Number of NORs in Inriver Spawning Population3 Estimated Number of HORs in In-river Spawning Population 25 5 2 14 7 10 3 2 8 275 338 328 252 293 140 45 44 214 Total HORs Trapped 818 1,835 2,755 2,190 2,626 711 1,037 953 1,616 Total NORs Trapped 69 27 17 118 58 47 58 34 54 Total Spawning Escapement 1,093 2,173 3,083 2,442 2,919 851 1,082 997 1,830 Total Total Estimated Estimated In-river Harvest 4 Run 122 241 343 271 324 95 731 706 354 1,215 2,414 3,426 2,713 3,243 946 1,813 1,703 2,184 Percent Return5 0.30% 0.40% 1.22% 0.65% 0.71% 0.23% 0.40% 0.43% 0.54% Assumes all fish return as 3-year old adult fish. 2 USBR unpublished data. 3 Assumes same ratio of hatchery and naturally produced steelhead in river as trapped at NFH. 4 Assumes 10% harvest rate (Jackson 2007) and steelhead harvest from Titus (2008 and 2009). 5 Number of marked adult/number of yearling fish released 2 years prior. 1 Page A-2 6 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-2 / June 2012 Table 6. Number of steelhead returns to Nimbus Hatchery by mark, 2000-2010. Season 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total Mean Number of Steelhead Trapped 2,877 1,742 887 1,862 2,772 2,308 2,684 758 1,095 987 17,972 1,797 Number of Marked Steelhead (HOR) 2,813 1,692 818 1,835 2,755 2,218 2,626 711 1,037 953 17,458 1,746 Number of Unmarked Steelhead (NOR) 64 50 69 27 17 90 58 47 58 34 514 51 Percentage of Marked Steelhead 97.8% 97.1% 92.2% 98.5% 99.4% 96.1% 97.8% 93.8% 94.7% 96.6% 97.2% California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-2 / June 2012 Page A-2 7 California Hatchery Review Project Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program Report Appendix A-3 June 2012 Appendix A‐3 Hatchery Program Review Analysis Nimbus Hatchery Winter Steelhead Benefit‐Risk Statements Question ID 1 Category Broodstock Choice Question Does the broodstock chosen represent natural populations native or adapted to the watersheds in which hatchery fish will be released? 2 Broodstock Choice Was the best available broodstock selected for this program? 3 Broodstock Choice Does the broodstock chosen display morphological and life history traits similar to the natural population? 4 Broodstock Choice Does the broodstock chosen have a pathogen history that indicates no threat to other populations in the watershed? Correct Answer Y Y Y Y California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Answer Provided by Managers Benefit Risk N This program uses a broodstock representing populations native or adapted to the watershed, which increases the likelihood of long term survival of the stock, helps avoid loss of among population diversity, and reduces the likelihood of unexpected ecological interactions. Selection of a broodstock not representing populations native or adapted to the watershed poses a risk of loss of among population diversity and may pose additional risks of adverse ecological interactions with non-target stocks. Y Choice of a broodstock with a similar life history and evolutionary history to the extirpated stock improves the likelihood of successful reintroduction. N Choice of a broodstock with similar morphological and life history traits improves the likelihood of the stock's adaptation to the natural environment. Y The broodstock chosen poses no threat to other populations in the watershed from pathogen transmission Choice of a broodstock with a dissimilar life history and evolutionary history to the extirpated stock reduces the likelihood of successful reintroduction. Choice of a broodstock with dissimilar morphological and life history traits poses a risk that the stock will not adapt well to the natural environment. The broodstock chosen poses a risk to other populations in the watershed from pathogen transmission Page A-3 1 Question ID Correct Answer Answer Provided by Managers Category Question 5 Broodstock Choice Does the broodstock chosen have the desired life history traits to meet harvest goals? (e.g. timing and migration patterns that result in full recruitment to target fisheries)? Y Y 7 Broodstock Choice Do natural origin fish make up less than 5% of the broodstock for this program? NA Y 10 11 12 Page A-3 2 Broodstock Choice Is the percent natural origin fish used as broodstock for this program estimated? Broodstock Collection Are adults returned to the river? Broodstock Collection Are representative samples of natural and hatchery population components collected with respect to size, age, sex ratio, run and spawn timing, and other traits important to long-term fitness? Y N Y Benefit Risk The broodstock chosen is likely to have the life history traits to meet harvest goals for the target stocks without adversely impacting other stocks. Maintaining a hatchery population composed of less than 5% natural fish reduces the risk of loss of among population diversity. The broodstock chosen is unlikely to have the life history traits to successfully meet harvest goals and may contribute to overharvest of comingled stocks. Maintaining a hatchery population composed of more than 5% natural fish increases the risk of loss of among population diversity. Percent wild fish used as broodstock for this program is not accurately estimated. Not estimating of the proportion of natural fish used for broodstock makes it impossible to determine whether composition targets have been met and it masks the status of both the hatchery and natural populations. Recycling adults to provide additional harvest benefits can increase the likelihood of straying and increase the contribution of hatchery fish on the spawning grounds Y Estimating the proportion of natural fish used for broodstock makes it possible to determine whether composition targets have been met and prevents masking of the status of both the hatchery and natural populations. Y Not recycling adults to the lower river to provide additional harvest reduces the likelihood of straying and unintended contribution to natural spawning Y Collection of representative samples of both the natural and hatchery populations reduces the risk of domestication and loss of within population diversity. Failure to collect representative samples of both the natural and hatchery populations poses a risk of loss of within population diversity and viability. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Question ID Correct Answer Answer Provided by Managers Category Question 13 Broodstock Collection Does the proportion of the spawners brought into the hatchery follow a “spread-the-risk” strategy that attempts to improve the probability of survival for the entire population (hatchery and natural components)? Y NA 14 Broodstock Collection Is the effective population size being estimated each year? Y N 15 Broodstock Collection Within the last 10 years, has the program used only eggs or fish from within the watershed? Y Y 16 Broodstock Collection Is the broodstock collected and held in a manner that results in less than 10% prespawning mortality? Y N 17 Broodstock Collection Do you have guidelines for acceptable contribution of hatchery origin fish to natural spawning? 18 Broodstock Collection Are guidelines for hatchery contribution to natural spawning met for all affected naturally spawning populations? Y NA 19 Adult Holding Is the water source [for adult holding] pathogen free? Y N Adult Holding Does the water used [for adult holding] result in natural water temperature profiles that provide optimum maturation and gamete development? 20 Y Y California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 N Y Benefit Risk The proportion of spawners brought into the hatchery improves the likelihood that the population will survive a catastrophic loss from natural events or hatchery failure. The proportion of spawners brought into the hatchery increases the risk that the population not will survive a catastrophic loss from natural events or hatchery failure. Sufficient broodstock are collected to maintain genetic variation in the population Avoidance of stock transfers from outside the watershed promotes local adaptation and reduces the risk of pathogen transmission. Maintaining pre-spawning survival higher than 90% maintains effective population size and reduces domestication selection. Having established guidelines for acceptable contribution of hatchery origin fish to natural spawning provides a clear performance standard for evaluating the program. The rate of hatchery contribution to natural spawning populations maintains among population diversity and promotes adaptation to the natural environment. Fish health is promoted by the absence of specific pathogens during adult holding. Use of water resulting in natural water temperature profiles for adult holding ensures maturation and gamete development synchronous with natural stocks. Sufficient broodstock are not collected to maintain genetic variation in the population Stock transfers from outside the watershed pose a risk to local adaptation and increases the risk of pathogen transmission. Pre-spawning mortality greater than 10% poses a risk to maintaining effective population size and a risk of domestication selection Lack of established guidelines for acceptable contribution of hatchery origin fish to natural spawning makes program evaluation difficult. The rate of hatchery contribution to natural spawning populations poses a risk of loss of among population diversity and domestication selection. There is a risk to fish health due to the lack of specific-pathogen free water for adult holding. Lack of natural water temperature profiles may lead to domestication selection for adult maturation and gamete development. Page A-3 3 Question ID Category Question Correct Answer Answer Provided by Managers Benefit Risk Absence of flow and/or level alarms at the holding pond may pose a risk to broodstock security. Lack of back-up power generation for the pumped water supply may pose a risk to broodstock security. Adult Holding Is the water supply [for adult holding] protected by flow alarms? Y N Broodstock security is maintained by flow and/or level alarms at the holding ponds. 22 Adult Holding Is the water supply [for adult holding] protected by back-up power generation or a fail-safe back-up water supply? Y Y Broodstock security is maintained by back-up power generation for the pumped water supply. 23 Spawning Does the program have a protocol for mating? Y Y Random mating maintains within population diversity. 24 Spawning Does the program conduct singlefamily pairing prior to fertilization? Y Y Single family pairing increases the effective population size of the hatchery stock. 25 Spawning Are multiple males used in the spawning protocol? Y N Use of back-up males in the spawning protocol increases the likelihood of fertilization of eggs from each female. 26 Spawning Are precocious fish (jacks and jills) used for spawning according to a set protocol? Y NA Use of precocious males for spawning as a set percentage or in proportion to their contribution to the adult run promotes within population diversity. 27 Incubation Is the water source [for incubation] pathogen-free? Y N Fish health is promoted by the use of pathogen-free water during incubation. 28 Incubation Y NA Fish health is promoted by the absence of specific pathogens during incubation. Y Use of water resulting in natural water temperature profiles for incubation ensures hatching and emergence timing similar to naturally produced stocks with attendant survival benefits. 21 29 Page A-3 4 Incubation This question is dropped - Is the water source [for incubation] specific-pathogen free? Does the water used [for incubation] provide natural water temperature profiles that result in hatching/emergence timing similar to that of the naturally produced population? Y Non-random mating increases the risk of loss of within population diversity. Pooling of gametes poses a risk to maintaining genetic diversity in the hatchery population. Not using of back-up males in the spawning protocol increases the risk of unfertilized eggs and loss of genetic diversity in the broodstock. Not using precocious males for spawning as a set percentage or in proportion to their contribution to the adult run increases the risk of loss of within population diversity. There is a risk to fish health due to the lack of pathogen-free water for incubation. There is a risk to fish health due to the lack of specific-pathogen free water for incubation. Lack of natural water temperature profiles may contribute to domestication selection during incubation. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Question ID Category Question Correct Answer Answer Provided by Managers N N Security during incubation is maintained by flow alarms at the incubation units. Y Security during incubation is maintained by back-up power generation for the pumped water supply. Incubation Can incubation water temperature be modified? Incubation Is the water supply [for incubation] protected by flow alarms? Incubation Is the water supply [for incubation] protected by back-up power generation or a fail-safe back-up water supply? 33 Incubation Are eggs incubated under conditions that result in equal survival of all segments of the population to ponding? Y Y 34 Incubation Are families incubated individually? (Includes both eying and hatching.) Y N Incubation Are agency or tribal species-specific incubation recommendations followed for flow rates? Incubation Are agency or tribal species-specific incubation recommendations followed for substrate? 30 31 32 36 37 Y Y Y Y Y California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Benefit The ability to heat or chill incubation water to approximate natural water temperature profiles ensures hatching and emergence timing similar to naturally produced stocks with attendant survival benefits. Incubation conditions that result in equal survival of all segments of the population reduce the likelihood of domestication selection and loss of genetic variability. Incubating families individually maintains genetic variability during incubation. Y Use of IHOT flow recommendations during incubation promote survival of eggs and alevin and allow for optimum fry development. N Use of IHOT recommendations for use of substrate during incubation limits excess alevin movement and promotes energetic efficiency. Risk The inability to heat or chill incubation water to approximate natural water temperature profiles may contribute to domestication selection during incubation. Absence of flow alarms at the incubation units may pose a risk to the security of incubating eggs and alevin. Absence of back-up power generation for the pumped water supply may pose a risk to the security of incubating eggs and alevin. Incubation conditions that result in unequal survival of all segments of the population pose a risk of domestication selection and loss of genetic variability. Not incubating families individually poses a risk of loss of genetic variability. Failing to meet IHOT flow recommendations during incubation poses a risk to the survival of eggs and alevin and may not allow for optimum fry development. Failing to meet IHOT recommendations for using substrate during incubation may allow excess alevin movement and reduces energetic efficiency. Page A-3 5 Question ID Category Question Correct Answer Answer Provided by Managers Y Proper disinfection procedures increase the likelihood of preventing dissemination and amplification of pathogens in the hatchery. Lack of proper disinfection procedures increase the risk of dissemination and amplification of pathogens in the hatchery. Random culling of eggs over all segments of the egg-take maintains genetic variability during incubation. Fish health is promoted by the absence of specific pathogens during rearing. Use of water resulting in natural water temperature profiles for rearing promotes growth of fish and smoltification synchronous with naturally produced stocks. Providing upstream and downstream passage of juveniles and adults supports natural distribution and productivity of naturally produced stocks. Security during rearing is maintained by flow and/or level alarms at the rearing ponds. Non-random culling of eggs increases the risk of loss of genetic variability during incubation. There is a risk to fish health due to the lack of specific-pathogen free water for rearing. Are agency or tribal species-specific incubation recommendations followed for density parameters? 39 Incubation Are disinfection procedures implemented during spawning and/or incubation that prevent pathogen transmission within or between stocks of fish on site? Y Y 40 Incubation Are eggs culled and if so, how is culling done? Y Y 41 Rearing Is the water source [for rearing] pathogen free? Y N Rearing Does the water used [for rearing] provide natural water temperature profiles that result in fish similar in size to naturally produced fish of the same species? Y Y 43 Rearing Does the hatchery operate to allow all migrating species of all ages to by-pass or pass through hatchery related structures? Y NA 44 Rearing Is the water supply [for rearing] protected by flow alarms? Y N Rearing Is the water supply [for rearing] protected by back-up power generation or a fail-safe back-up water supply? Y Y 42 45 Page A-3 6 Y Risk Failing to meet IHOT density recommendations during incubation poses a risk to the survival of eggs and alevin and may not allow for optimum fry development. Incubation 38 Benefit Use of IHOT density recommendations during incubation promote survival of eggs and alevin and allow for optimum fry development. Security during rearing is maintained by back-up power generation for the pumped water supply. Lack of natural water temperature profiles may lead to domestication selection during rearing. Inhibiting upstream and downstream passage of juveniles and adults poses a risk to distribution and productivity of naturally produced stocks. Absence of flow and/or level alarms at rearing ponds may pose a risk to the security of the cultured fish. Absence of back-up power generation for the pumped water supply may pose a risk to the security of the cultured fish. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Question ID Category 46 Rearing 47 Rearing Question Are fish reared under conditions that result in equal survival of all segments of the population to release? (In other words, does any portion of the population derive a survival advantage or disadvantage from rearing procedures? If yes, then mark NO in box.) Does this program avoid culling of juvenile fish? If fish are culled, how are they selected to be culled? In the response, make sure to capture the number culled, and the rational for culling. Correct Answer Answer Provided by Managers Risk Rearing conditions that result in unequal survival of all segments of the population pose a risk of domestication selection and loss of genetic variability. Non-random culling of juveniles increases the risk of loss of genetic variability during rearing. Y Y Rearing conditions that result in equal survival of all segments of the population reduce the likelihood of domestication selection and loss of genetic variability. Y Y Random culling of juveniles over all segments of the population maintains genetic variability during rearing. Y Following proper feeding rates to achieve the desired growth rate improves the likelihood of producing fish that are physiologically fit, properly smolted, and that maintain the age structure of natural populations. Rearing Is there a growth rate pattern that this program is trying to achieve? 49 Rearing Is there a specified condition factor that this program is trying to achieve? Y N 50 Rearing Does the program use a diet and growth regime that mimics natural seasonal growth patterns? Y N 48 Benefit Y California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Feeding to achieve the desired condition factor is an indicator of proper fish health and physiological smolt quality. Use of diet and growth regimes that mimic natural seasonal growth patterns promote proper smolitification and should produce adults that maintain the age structure of the natural population. Improper feeding that does not achieve desired growth rate increases the risk of producing fish that are not physiologically fit, that are not properly smolted, and that exhibit an age structure not representative of natural populations. Feeding that does not achieve the desired condition factor may be an indicator of poor fish health and physiological smolt quality. Use of diet and growth regimes that do not mimic natural seasonal growth patterns pose a risk to proper smolitification and may alter the age structure of the hatchery population. Page A-3 7 Question ID 51 52 53 Category Question Rearing Does the program employ any NATURES-type rearing measures, e.g., by providing natural or artificial cover, feeding, structures in raceways, predator training, etc? Rearing Are fish reared in multiple facilities or with redundant systems to reduce the risk of catastrophic loss? Rearing 54 Rearing 55 Rearing 56 Rearing 57 Rearing Page A-3 8 Are agency or tribal juvenile rearing standards followed for flow rates? Are agency or tribal juvenile rearing standards followed for density? For captive broodstocks, are fish maintained on natural photoperiod to ensure normal maturation? For captive broodstocks, are fish maintained reared at 12C to minimize disease? For captive broodstocks, are diets and growth regimes selected that produce potent, fertile gametes and reduce excessive early maturation of fish? Correct Answer Answer Provided by Managers Benefit N Providing artificial cover increases the development of appropriate body camouflage and may improve behavioral fitness. N Maintaining the stock in multiple facilities or with redundant systems reduces the risk of catastrophic loss from facility failure. Y Following IHOT standards for juvenile loading maintains proper dissolved oxygen levels promoting fish health, growth and survival, and increases the likelihood of preventing dissemination and amplification of fish pathogens. Y Y Following IHOT standards for juvenile density maintain fish health, growth, and survival, and increases the likelihood of preventing dissemination and amplification of fish pathogens. Y NA Y NA Y NA Y Y Y Maintaining captive broodstock on natural photoperiods ensures normal maturation. Maintaining captive broodstock on rearing water below 12oC reduces the risk of loss from disease. Producing viable gametes and maintaining age structure of the population in captive breeding increases the likelihood of meeting conservation goals. Risk Lack of overhead and in-pond structure does not produce fish with the same cryptic coloration or behavior as do using enhanced environments. Not maintaining the stock in multiple facilities or with redundant systems increases the risk of catastrophic loss from facility failure. Not following IHOT standards for juvenile loading poses a risk to maintaining proper dissolved oxygen levels, compromising fish health and growth and increases the likelihood of dissemination and amplification of fish pathogens. Not following IHOT standards for juvenile density poses a risk to maintaining fish health, growth, and survival, and increases the likelihood of dissemination and amplification of fish pathogens. Maintaining captive broodstock on unnatural photoperiods poses a risk to normal maturation. Maintaining captive broodstock on rearing water above 12oC increases the risk of loss from disease. Failure to produce viable gametes and maintain age structure of the population in captive breeding reduces the likelihood of meeting conservation goals. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Question ID 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Category Question Rearing For captive broodstocks, are families reared individually to maintain pedigrees? Release Is there a protocol to produce fish to a set size at release (fpp and length)? Release Are there protocols for fish morphology at release? Release Are there protocols for fish behavior characteristics at release? Release Are there protocols for fish growth rates up to release? Release Release Are there protocols for physiological status of fish at release? Are there protocols for fish size and life history stage at release? Correct Answer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Answer Provided by Managers Benefit Risk NA Rearing families separately for captive broodstock programs maintains pedigrees to reduce the risk of inbreeding depression. Y Producing fish that are qualitatively similar to natural fish in size may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. N Producing fish that are qualitatively similar to natural fish in morphology may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. N Producing fish that are qualitatively similar to natural fish in behavior may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. Y Producing fish that are qualitatively similar to natural fish in growth rate may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. N Producing fish that are qualitatively similar to natural fish in physiological status may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. Y Releasing fish at sizes and life history stages similar to those of natural fish of the same species may improve performance and reduce adverse ecological interactions. Inability to rear families separately for captive broodstock programs increases the risk of inbreeding depression. Producing fish that are not qualitatively similar to natural fish in size may adversely affect performance and increase adverse ecological interactions. Producing fish that are not qualitatively similar to natural fish in morphology may adversely affect performance. Producing fish that are not qualitatively similar to natural fish in behavior may adversely affect performance and increase adverse ecological interactions. Producing fish that are not qualitatively similar to natural fish in growth rate may adversely affect performance and increase adverse ecological interactions. Producing fish that are not qualitatively similar to natural fish in physiological status may adversely affect performance and increase adverse ecological interactions. Releasing fish at sizes and life history stages dissimilar to those of natural fish of the same species may reduce performance and increase the risk of adverse ecological interaction. Page A-3 9 Question ID 65 66 67 68 69 Page A-3 10 Category Release Release Question Are volitional releases during natural out-migration timing practiced? Are there protocols for fish release timing? Release Are all hatchery fish released at or adjacent to the hatchery facility (onsite)? Release Are data routinely collected for released fish? Release Has the carrying capacity of the subbasin been taken into consideration in sizing this program in regards to determining the number of fish released? Correct Answer Y Y Y Y Y Answer Provided by Managers Benefit N Volitionally releasing smolts during the natural outmigration timing may improve homing, survival, and reduce adverse ecological interactions. Y Releasing fish in a manner that simulates natural seasonal migratory patterns improves the likelihood that harvest and conservation goals will be met and may reduce potential adverse ecological impacts. N Releasing fish within the historic range of that stock increases the likelihood that habitat conditions will support the type of fish being released and does not pose new risks of adverse ecological interactions with other stocks. Y Releasing fish in the same subbasin as the rearing facility reduces the risk of dissemination of fish pathogens to the receiving watershed. N Taking the carrying capacity of the subbasin into consideration when sizing the hatchery program increases the likelihood that stock productivity will be high and may limit the limit the risk of adverse ecological and harvest interactions. Risk Failure to volitionally release smolts during the natural outmigration timing may adversely affect homing, survival, and increase risk of adverse ecological interactions. Failing to release fish in a manner that simulates natural seasonal migratory patterns decreases the likelihood that harvest and conservation goals will be met and may increase the potential for adverse ecological impacts. Releasing fish outside the historic range of that stock poses a risk that habitat conditions will not support the type of fish being released and poses new risks of adverse ecological interactions with other stocks. Not releasing fish in the same subbasin as the rearing facility increases the risk of dissemination of fish pathogens to the receiving watershed. Failing to take the carrying capacity of the subbasin into consideration when sizing the hatchery program poses a risk to the productivity of the stock and may increase the risk of adverse ecological and harvest interactions. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Question ID 70 71 72 Category Question Correct Answer Answer Provided by Managers Release Are 100% of the hatchery fish marked so that they can be distinguished from the natural populations? Y Y Facilities Does hatchery intake screening comply with California State, National Marine Fisheries Service, and/or other agency facility standards? Y NA Y Y Facilities 73 Facilities 74 Facilities 75 Facilities 76 Facilities Does the facility operate within the limitations established in its National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit? If the production from this facility falls below the minimum production requirement for an NPDES permit, does the facility operate in compliance with state or federal regulations for discharge? Is the facility sited so as to minimize the risk of catastrophic fish loss from flooding or other disasters? Is staff notified of emergency situations at the facility through the use of alarms, autodialer, and pagers? Is the facility continuously staffed to ensure the security of fish stocks onsite? Y NA Y Y Y Y Y Y California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Benefit Risk Marking 100% of the hatchery population allows them to be distinguished from the natural population and prevents the masking of the status of that population and prevent overharvest of weaker stocks. Compliance with IHOT or National Marine Fisheries Service standards reduces the likelihood that intake structures cause entrapment in hatchery facilities and impingement of migrating or rearing juveniles. Not marking 100% of the hatchery population prevents them from being distinguished from the natural population and may the mask the status of that population and cause over harvest of weaker stocks. Failure to comply with IHOT or National Marine Fisheries Service standards increases the risk of entrapment in hatchery facilities and impingement of migrating or rearing juveniles Compliance with NDPES discharge limitations maintain water quality in downstream receiving habitat Hatchery discharge may pose a risk to water quality in downstream receiving habitat For facilities that fall below the minimum production requirement for an NPDES permit, compliance with these discharge limitations maintain water quality in downstream receiving habitat Siting the facility where it is not susceptible to flooding decreases the likelihood of catastrophic loss. Notification to staff of emergency situations using alarms, autodialers, and pagers reduces the likelihood of catastrophic loss. For facilities that fall below the minimum production requirement for an NPDES permit, hatchery discharge may pose a risk to water quality in downstream receiving habitat Siting the facility where it is susceptible to flooding increases the likelihood of catastrophic loss. Inability to notify staff of emergency situations using alarms, autodialers, and pagers increases the likelihood of catastrophic loss. Lack of continuous facility staffing increases the likelihood of catastrophic loss. Continuous facility staffing reduces the likelihood of catastrophic loss. Page A-3 11 Question ID 77 78 79 80 82 85 Page A-3 12 Category Question Correct Answer Answer Provided by Managers M&E Question was dropped - Do you have a numerical goal for total catch in all fisheries? M&E Question was dropped - Do you have a goal for broodstock composition (hatchery vs. natural) in the hatchery? Y NA M&E Question was dropped - Do you have a goal for spawning escapement composition (hatchery vs. natural) in the wild? Y NA M&E Question was dropped - Do you have a goal for smolt-to-adult return survival? Effectiveness Question Dropped - Do adults from this program make up less than 5% of the natural spawning escapement (for the species/race) in the subbasin? Effectiveness Is the percent hatchery-origin fish (first generation) in natural spawning areas estimated? Y Y Y Y NA NA Benefit This program has a numerical goal for total catch in all fisheries, which makes it possible to evaluate its success and implement information responsive management. This program has a specific policy for hatchery broodstock composition (hatchery vs natural), which makes it possible to monitor and evaluate its effectiveness and to test the validity of the policy. This program has a specific policy for natural spawning composition (hatchery vs natural), which makes it possible to monitor and evaluate its effectiveness and to test the validity of the policy. This program has an explicit goal smolt to adult survival, which makes it possible to evaluate success and implement information responsive management. NA Maintaining a natural spawning population composed of less than 5% hatchery fish reduces the risk of loss of among population diversity. N Estimating the proportion of hatchery fish spawning in the wild allows evaluation of composition targets and prevents hatchery returns from masking the status of the natural population. Risk Lack of numerical goals for fishery contributions from this program makes it impossible to define and evaluate its success and difficult to implement information responsive management. This program lacks a specific policy for hatchery broodstock composition (hatchery vs natural), which makes it difficult to monitor and evaluate its effectiveness and to test the validity of the policy. This program lacks a specific policy for natural spawning composition (hatchery vs natural), which makes it difficult to monitor and evaluate its effectiveness and to test the validity of the policy. This program does not have a specified smolt to adult survival goal making it difficult to define success and evaluate effectiveness. Maintaining a natural spawning population composed of greater than 5% hatchery fish increases the risk of loss of among population diversity. Percent hatchery fish spawning in the wild is not estimated! Not estimating the proportion of hatchery fish spawning in the wild prevents evaluation of composition targets and allows hatchery returns to mask the status of the natural population. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Question ID Category Question Correct Answer Answer Provided by Managers 86 Accountability Are standards specified for in-culture performance of hatchery fish? Y Y 87 Accountability Are in-culture performance standards met? How often? Y Y 88 Accountability Are standards specified for prerelease characteristics to meet postrelease performance standards of hatchery fish and their offspring? 89 Accountability 90 Accountability Are post-release performance standards met? Are hatchery programming and operational decisions based on an Adaptive Management Plan? For example, is an annual report produced describing hatchery operations, results of studies, program changes, etc.? If a written plan does not exist, then the answer is No. Y Y Y Y Y N Benefit Risk Having in-culture performance goals provides clear performance standards for evaluating the program. The program lacks standards for inculture performance. Of hatchery fish, making it difficult to determine causes for program successes and failures. Having post release performance goals provides clear performance standards for evaluating the program. The program lacks specified standards for post release performance of hatchery fish and their offspring, making it difficult to determine success and failures and their causes. This program has an annually updated written adaptive management plan describing program goals, operations, and results. This makes it possible to base hatchery operations on adaptive management principles. This program lacks an annually updated, written plan describing program goals, operations, and results. This makes it difficult to base hatchery programming and operations on adaptive management principles. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix A-3 / June 2012 Page A-3 13 California Hatchery Review Project Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program Report Appendix B June 2012 Nimbus Hatchery Steelhead Program Appendix B Central Valley Steelhead Watershed Reports This appendix summarizes relevant available information on steelhead distribution and abundance in the Central Valley by major watershed, and provides brief overviews of the conditions of the watersheds to support natural steelhead production. Information is summarized from the NMFS Draft Recovery Plan (2009), Appendix A – Central Valley Watershed Profiles. While it is recognized that there is a general scarcity of long-term abundance data for Central Valley streams, there is no doubt that run sizes have declined sharply over time. Still, it is believed that significant natural production of steelhead remains in some streams. The summaries are presented in geographic order from north to south. 1 Upper Sacramento River The Sacramento River is approximately 384 miles long from its headwaters near Mount Shasta to its mouth at the Delta. The watershed covers approximately 27,000 square miles and has an annual runoff of 22,000,000 acre-feet; approximately one-third of the total runoff in the state. The upper watershed of the Sacramento River region includes the drainages above Lake Shasta and Lake Oroville. The valley drainages include the upper Colusa and Cache Creek watershed on the west side of the valley, and the Feather River and American River watersheds on the east side of the valley. It is geographically continuous with the San Joaquin Valley to the south, but is defined by its distinct drainage basin. Land use in the mountainous regions of the basin is principally forest with largely mixed forest and rangeland at lower elevations upslope from the Central Valley. One of the world’s most productive agricultural regions is spread through the Central Valle, but the region also supports urban centers and diverse land uses.. Beginning near the town of Red Bluff at its northern terminus, the Sacramento Valley stretches about 150 miles to the southeast where it merges into the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta south of the Sacramento metropolitan area. Like the larger Central Valley, the Sacramento Valley supports a diverse agricultural economy, much of which depends on the availability of irrigation water. Water is collected in reservoirs at several locations within the mountains surrounding the Sacramento Valley and is released according to allocations for agricultural, urban, and environmental needs. The reservoirs also are managed for flood control 1 . The current limit of potential steelhead migration is at Keswick Dam (RM 302), which is an upstream migration barrier. According to Hallock (1989) adult steelhead migrate into the Upper Sacramento River system (upstream of the Feather River confluence) from July through the middle of March. The peak of the run passes the mouth of the Feather River near the end of September. Steelhead spawn in most tributaries to the Upper Sacramento and appear to do so in proportion to creek size as measured by the amount of runoff (Hallock 1989). Actual numbers of steelhead that spawn in the mainstem of the Sacramento (if any) and in each tributary are unknown. Based on Chinook monitoring data collected by CDFG and USFWS, steelhead natural production is still found in several Upper Sacramento tributaries, including Clear, Cottonwood/Beegum, Antelope, Deer, Mill, and Battle creeks, and possibly other streams to a lesser degree. Of the 25 Central Valley 1 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 Page B 1 watersheds ranked for current viability potential to support local naturally reproducing populations, only Clear, Battle, Antelope, Mill, and Deer creeks scored “High”. Each of these is a tributary to the Upper Sacramento River. Steelhead use of these principal major tributaries of the Upper Sacramento River system is discussed in the sections that follow. Recent steelhead monitoring data is scare for the Upper Sacramento River system. Hallock (1989) reported that steelhead have declined drastically above the mouth of the Feather River. In the 1950s, the average estimated spawning population size above the mouth of the Feather River was 20,540 fish (SAIC 2007). In 1991-1992, the annual run size for the total Sacramento River system was likely less than 10,000 adult fish (SAIC 2007). From 1967 to 1993, the estimated number of steelhead passing Red Bluff Diversion Dam ranged from a low of 470 to a high of 19,615. Recent otolith sampling of O. mykiss in the Upper Sacramento River system documented that less than 50% of age 0 to 4 fish sampled were progeny of an anadromous (steelhead) mother (Zimmerman et al. 2009). All of these abundance data are likely influenced by hatchery fish presence. Coleman National Fish Hatchery (CNFH), located on Battle Creek, a tributary to the Upper Sacramento River, has been producing steelhead since 1947. The current CNFH long-term goal is to release 600,000 steelhead in the Sacramento River system annually, which may contribute substantially to the abundance of natural spawners in the Upper Sacramento River system. 2 Clear Creek The Clear Creek Watershed begins in the Trinity Mountains east of Trinity Lake and flows approximately 50 miles to its confluence with the Sacramento River just south of Redding. The watershed is divided into upper Clear Creek and lower Clear Creek, with Whiskeytown Reservoir forming the boundary between them. Lower Clear Creek flows southeast from Whiskeytown Reservoir approximately 18.1 river miles to the Sacramento River. Whiskeytown Dam is a complete barrier to fish passage and is the uppermost boundary of habitat available to steelhead. The lower Clear Creek watershed is approximately 48.9 square miles and receives supplemental water from a cross-basin transfer between Lewiston Lake in the Trinity River watershed and Whiskeytown Reservoir in the Sacramento watershed. Most of the lower Clear Creek watershed is undeveloped, with scattered private residences, gravel mining operations, light industrial and commercial uses. Historically, steelhead probably ascended Clear Creek past the French Gulch area, but access to the upper basin was blocked by Whiskeytown Dam in 1964. Removal of McCormick‐ Saeltzer Dam in 2000 provided access to an additional 12 miles of habitat; steelhead may have recolonized this area and taken advantage of newly added spawning gravels. Redd surveys conducted since 2001 indicate an increasing trend of natural spawning in Clear Creek (Figure B-1), with the highest density in the first mile below Whiskeytown Dam. A recent review of habitat potential on Clear Creek indicates carrying capacity estimates of 7,292 steelhead 2 . 2 Whether the carrying capacity refers to adult spawners or juveniles was not reported in NMFS (2009). Page B 2 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 Source: NMFS (2009) Figure B-1. 3 Estimated abundance of steelhead spawners in Clear Creek based on annual redd counts 2003‐2009. Cottonwood/Beegum Creek Cottonwood Creek is the third largest watershed (938 square miles) tributary west of the Sacramento River and the largest undammed tributary in the Upper Sacramento River Basin. The lower two-thirds of the watershed is in Central Valley uplands, and the upstream portion includes the slopes of several mountain ranges. Cottonwood Creek flows eastward for 68 miles to the Sacramento River and has three main tributaries: North Fork, Middle Fork, and South Fork. With an annual runoff of 586,000 acre-feet, Cottonwood Creek has a natural pattern of high flows and peak runoff events in winter and low flows in the summer and fall. Beegum Creek is a major tributary to the Middle Fork Cottonwood Creek. The North, Middle, and South forks of Beegum Creek originate in the easternmost portion of the Shasta‐Trinity National Forests and converge to form the mainstem of Beegum Creek before entering a remote, steep‐sided canyon known as Beegum Gorge. Beegum Creek is thought to contain the majority of steelhead spawning habitat in the Cottonwood Creek watershed. The Cottonwood Creek watershed remains relatively undeveloped, and is generally characterized by tracts of harvestable timber in the upper reaches, irrigated pastureland in the middle reaches, and ranches, residential housing, and gravel mining operations in the lower reaches. Approximately 70% of land within the watershed is privately owned. The Beegum Creek watershed is generally forest covered and has not been significantly modified. Cottonwood Creek has moderate potential to support viable steelhead reproduction. Although comprehensive population abundance data are not available, there is a widespread presence of O. mykiss throughout the watershed. Small runs of adult steelhead have been observed to migrate in the mainstem and lower reaches of the North, Middle, and South forks of Cottonwood Creek. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 Page B 3 4 Battle Creek Battle Creek drains the southern Cascade Range in the northern Central Valley and enters the Sacramento River at river mile 272. The watershed is about 360 square miles and includes two main branches, North Fork Battle Creek (about 29.5 miles long), South Fork Battle Creek (about 28 miles long), the mainstem valley reach (about 15.2 miles long), and numerous tributaries. The upper 16 miles of the North Fork and the upper 10 miles of the South Fork are not accessible to anadromous salmonids due to natural barriers. The geology and hydrology of Battle Creek are unique among the tributaries to the upper Sacramento River downstream of Shasta Dam but quite similar to tributaries upstream of Shasta Dam. Battle Creek has the largest base flow (approximately 225 cfs) of any of the tributaries to the Sacramento River between the Feather River and Keswick Dam on the Sacramento River. Land use in Battle Creek ranges from rural residential development to undeveloped wilderness in Lassen National Park, and is predominated by industrial timber harvesting, livestock ranching, grape growing, and other agricultural development. Above the valley reach, Battle Creek has been extensively developed to produce hydroelectric power. Currently, the Battle Creek watershed has five dams blocking upstream migration of salmonids to much of the suitable and historic habitat; however, there is a major restoration project planned. The Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project (Restoration Project), was scheduled to begin implementation in 2009. The Restoration Project, once complete, will open 21 miles of historical habitat and will restore and enhance nearly 50 miles of habitat. CNFH is located in the valley reach of Battle Creek. The abundance and distribution of salmon and steelhead in Battle Creek has been artificially managed by the operation of a permanent fish barrier dam at CNFH since 1952. Prior to that time, adult salmon were collected from Battle Creek at seasonally installed racks at the hatchery. The existing dam has a fish ladder that is closed to create a migration barrier during certain seasons, except during high runoff events. Propagation of steelhead at the CNFH was initiated in 1947 using natural-origin steelhead adults collected at the Keswick Dam fish trap. In 1953, hatchery-origin adults began to return to Battle Creek and steelhead broodstock were collected from Battle Creek for the first time. During the 1990s, an average of 1,836 steelhead were trapped. Escapement estimates of Battle Creek clipped and unclipped rainbow trout/steelhead passing upstream through the CNFH barrier weir between March and August from 1995 through 2007 is presented in Table B-1. Table B-1. Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Page B 4 Escapement of adult steelhead upstream of CNFH barrier weir, 1995-2007. Hatchery Origin (marked) ------1,382 1,442 Natural Origin (unmarked) ------225 593 Total 161a 317a 344a 469a 1,263a 1,520a 1,607 2,035 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Hatchery Origin (marked) 772 329 0 1 3 Natural Origin (unmarked) 534 304 344 438 346 Total 1,306 633 344 439 349 Source: NMFS (2009) a Marking was not used to differentiate hatchery- and natural-origin adult steelhead returns until 2001 (marking started in 1998). 5 Antelope Creek Antelope Creek originates in the Lassen National Forest and flows southwest from the foothills of the Cascade Range to RM 235 of the Sacramento River near Red Bluff. The Antelope Creek watershed encompasses approximately 123 square miles that are in various ownerships, with agriculture and ranchettes dominating the valley floor. Most of the canyon reach is managed by the CDFG (Tehama Wildlife Area) and the Lassen National Forest. Corporate timber lands surround the Antelope Creek headwaters. The Antelope Creek watershed produces an average of 110,800 acre feet of water per year. In wettest years, average winter flows range from 200 to 1,200 cfs. In the driest years, winter flows average 50 cfs. In all but the wettest years, summer and early fall flows average from 20 to 50 cfs. There are two diversions on Antelope Creek, both located at the canyon mouth. Natural flows are often less than the combined water rights of the two diverters, resulting in a total dewatering of Antelope Creek during critical migration periods. Historically, Antelope Creek was reported to support a few hundred adult steelhead. Currently the stream is estimated to contain about 20 miles of suitable steelhead spawning habitat. No annual monitoring is conducted on Antelope Creek for steelhead, although recently some monitoring was performed. Pedestrian and snorkel surveys in 2001 from March through May counted adult steelhead and steelhead redds in Antelope Creek. These surveys observed 47 steelhead and 52 redds in about 53% of the accessible anadromous habitat. These numbers do not represent a population estimate because the entire amount of habitat was not surveyed and surveys may have missed the peak spawning period. In 2007/2008, CDFG installed a video camera and observed 140 adult steelhead moving through the newly constructed fish ladder at the Edwards Diversion (USFWS 2011). 6 Mill Creek Mill Creek is an eastside tributary to the Sacramento River that flows in a southwesterly direction for approximately 60 miles and drains 134 square miles. The creek originates near a thermal spring area in Lassen Volcanic National Park, flows through meadows and dense forests before descending rapidly through a steep rock canyon into the Sacramento Valley. The creek then flows eight miles across the Sacramento Valley floor, entering the Sacramento River north of Tehama. There are three diversions on Mill Creek and during low flows, their allowable water rights are sufficient to dewater the stream. Late spring and early summer withdrawals have resulted in flows low enough to block access for late‐migrating adult salmonids. Low flows may also prevent outmigrating smolts from reaching the Sacramento River (McEwan and Jackson 1996). Evaluations of Central Valley anadromous fishery resources (Reynolds et. al. 1993; McEwan and California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 Page B 5 Jackson 1996) have consistently identified insufficient instream flows as one factor limiting anadromous fish production in the Mill Creek watershed. This has led to cooperative programs between agencies and water users to develop and operate wells, or to obtain water rights (lease or purchase) to provide flows for spring Chinook and steelhead. Steelhead are reported to begin migrating into Mill Creek in the late‐fall and winter, primarily when storms increase flows. Ladder counts at Clough Dam, on Mill Creek, between 1953 and 1963 showed that adult steelhead migrate upstream from September through June. Two distinct migration peaks were observed in this monitoring data. The largest peak occurred from late‐October to mid‐November, and accounted for 30% of the run. A smaller peak occurred in the first two weeks of February, accounting for 11% of the run. Based on observations using a video weir in Mill Creek from March 6 through June 18, 2007, peak upstream and downstream steelhead passage occurred from May 8‐10, 2007. This may represent the presence of two runs of steelhead in Mill Creek, with one run exiting the system while another is entering the system. Steelhead counts in Mill Creek are available from 1953 to 1963, 1980, 1993, and 1994, for adult fish that passed Clough Dam (which was removed in 2003). From 1953 to 1963, between 417 and 2,269 steelhead (annual average of 911 steelhead) were counted at Clough Dam. In 1980, 280 steelhead were counted, and in the 1993 to 1994 migration season, 34 steelhead were estimated. Surveys conducted in 2001 used snorkel and foot methods in January, March, and April to count adult steelhead and steelhead redds in Mill Creek. These surveys observed 15 adult steelhead and 31 redds in about 3 to 4% of the accessible anadromous habitat. Mill Creek is estimated to currently contain about 25 miles of suitable steelhead spawning habitat. 7 Deer Creek Deer Creek is an eastside tributary to the Sacramento River that flows in a southwesterly direction for approximately 60 miles and drains 134 square miles. Deer Creek flows through meadows and dense forests and then descends rapidly through a steep rock canyon into the Sacramento Valley. The creek flows 11 miles across the Sacramento Valley floor before joining the Sacramento River. Timber production, cattle ranching, and orchards are the dominant agricultural land uses. Except for three small diversions, the watershed is undammed and provides important habitat for both salmon and steelhead. Land ownership is divided equally between public (upper watershed) and private (middle and lower watersheds). 3 There are three diversion dams and four diversion ditches on the 10 miles of stream between the canyon mouth of Deer Creek and the Sacramento River. During low flows, the existing water rights are sufficient to dewater the stream. Late spring and early summer diversions have resulted in flows low enough to block fish migration (NMFS 2009). It is thought that relatively few actions would be needed to restore ecosystem function to support steelhead freshwater life stages in Deer Creek (NMFS 2009). With the exception of impaired stream flows and fish passage conditions on the valley floor below the agricultural diversions, habitat in the upper watershed in good condition (NMFS 2009). Although comprehensive population abundance data are not available, Deer Creek is believed to support a population of steelhead. Steelhead have access to about 25 miles of suitable spawning habitat downstream of Deer Creek Falls. With the exception of some limited data on juvenile outmigration, steelhead population monitoring data in Deer Creek are lacking. Recent otolith sampling of O. mykiss in the Deer Creek watershed documented that over 75% of age 0 to 2, and 3 Page B 6 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 100% of age 3 fish sampled were progeny of an anadromous (steelhead) mother (Zimmerman et al. 2009). 8 Feather River The tributaries of the Upper Feather River flow from the northern Sierra Nevadas, eventually into Lake Oroville, a major reservoir of the California State Water Project. 4 The lower Feather River watershed (downstream of Lake Oroville) encompasses about 803 square miles. Steelhead distribution is limited to accessible reaches below the Oroville Project Fish Barrier Dam at RM 67. Flows are regulated for water supply and flood control at Oroville Dam. Under normal operations, the majority of water released is directed into the Thermalito Complex. Except for local water diversions, the rest is returned to the Feather River through the Thermalito Afterbay Outlet. The river then flows southward through the valley to the confluence with the Sacramento River at Verona. The remainder of releases from Lake Oroville, typically 600 cfs, runs through the historic river channel locally known as the Low Flow Channel. The river is almost entirely contained within a series of levees as it flows through the fertile agricultural lands of the Sacramento Valley. There are approximately 190 miles of major creeks and rivers, 695 miles of minor streams, and 1,266 miles of agricultural water delivery canals in the lower Feather River watershed. Significant management issues include concerns over growth (farmland conversion to urbanization), demands on water supply, preservation of water quality and aquatic habitat, and potential risks from fire and floods. 5 Historically, the Feather River supported a large steelhead population. Today the run is supported almost entirely by the Feather River Hatchery, which produces about 400,000 yearling steelhead annually to mitigate for Oroville Dam and losses at the State Water Project Delta facilities. Steelhead passage to the upper watershed has been blocked since 1967 after the completion of Oroville Dam. The Feather River Hatchery was built by the California Department of Water Resources to mitigate for the loss of salmon and steelhead spawning habitat from Oroville Dam. CDFG operates the hatchery. In recent decades, most steelhead returning to the Feather River are thought to be hatchery returns, although abundance of natural-origin returns as well as the abundance of natural spawners is uncertain (Mills et al. 2003). Hatchery returns have averaged 1,019, with a minimum of 78 in 1971 and a maximum of 2,999 in 2003 (Table B-2). Table B-2. Feather River Hatchery adult steelhead returns, 1990 to 2003. Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Adult Steelhead Count 1,193 1,025 1,028 297 1,594 877 4 The Oroville Reservoir is the principal water storage facility of the State Water Project, which conserves and delivers water to over two-thirds of California’s population. 5 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 Page B 7 Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Adult Steelhead Count 1,058 2,113 1,023 633 1,742 2,161 1,431 2,999 Source: Mills et al. (2003) Little information is known about natural steelhead spawning in the Feather River, as limited surveys have been completed. Based on surveys conducted in 2003, most natural steelhead spawning is thought to occur in the Low Flow Channel, particularly between RM 66 and 67 (FERC 2007). Adult steelhead peak immigration probably occurs from September through January. Spawning surveys conducted in 2003 indicated that redd formation probably began in late December, peaked in late January, and was essentially complete by the end of March. Surveys counted 75 steelhead redds and 108 steelhead, and revealed that 48% of all redds were in the upper mile of the accessible reach of the Feather River (Mills et al. 2003). No attempt was made to estimate the total number of adult steelhead spawning. Weir counts of adult steelhead have occurred since 2007, but reports are not readily available ( Juvenile steelhead are thought to primarily emigrate at Age 1 or younger based on studies conducted from 1999 to 2001; Age 1 and Age 2 steelhead were relatively rare during surveys (Cavallo et al. 2003). Most juveniles were found in side/secondary channels to the Low Flow Channel, habitat that makes up less than one percent of the available habitat (FERC 2007). The lack of side/secondary channels may be an important limitation on natural production (Cavallo et al. 2003). 9 Yuba River The Yuba River watershed drains approximately 1,340 square miles and extends from the crest of the Sierra Nevadas to the confluence with the Feather River near Marysville and Yuba City. The principal tributaries include the North Yuba River (490 square mile watershed), the Middle Yuba River (210 square mile watershed), and the South Yuba River (350 square mile watershed). The North and Middle Yuba rivers converge below New Bullards Bar Reservoir to form the Yuba River. Farther downstream, the South Yuba River flows into Englebright Lake. Englebright Dam, completed in 1941, is at RM 24 and marks the division between the upper and lower Yuba River. Anadromous fish access to the North, South and Middle Yuba rivers is completely blocked by Englebright Dam. An additional influence on both the hydraulics of the lower Yuba River and fish passage is Daguerre Point Dam. Located approximately 11.4 miles upstream from the confluence with the Feather River, the dam stores sediment and creates head for irrigation diversions, but is also an impediment to the movement of anadromous fish. The Daguerre Point Dam Fish Passage Improvement Project was initiated to improve fish passage at the dam. Although there are no available data describing the historical or current abundance of steelhead/rainbow trout in the lower Yuba River, the reach downstream of Englebright Dam is Page B 8 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 known to support a relatively large population of O. mykiss. CDFG estimated that only about 200 steelhead spawned in the lower Yuba River annually before New Bullards Bar Reservoir was completed in 1969. From 1970 to 1979, CDFG annually stocked between 27,270 and 217,378 fingerlings, yearlings, and sub‐catchables from Coleman National Fish Hatchery into the lower Yuba River. Based on angling data, CDFG estimated a run size of 2,000 steelhead in the lower Yuba River in 1975. The current status of this population is unknown, but it appears to be stable and able to support a significant sport fishery. The immigration of adult O. mykiss into the lower Yuba River has been reported from August through March, with peak immigration occurring from October through February. Steelhead spawning is thought to generally extend from January through April. The majority of steelhead spawning and juvenile rearing has been documented between Daguerre Point Dam and Englebright Dam. Recent otolith sampling of O. mykiss in the Yuba River system shows that over 10% of 0-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year-olds, and nearly 50% of 1-yearold fish sampled were progeny of an anadromous (steelhead) mother (Zimmerman et al. 2009). 10 American River The American River watershed is approximately 1,895 square miles and is a major tributary entering the Sacramento River at RM 60. Historically, the American River provided over 125 miles of riverine habitat to anadromous and resident fishes. Presently, anadromous salmonid use is limited to the 23 miles of river below Nimbus Dam (i.e., the lower American River), which was finished in 1955. The lower American River flow is highly regulated by Folsom Dam. Folsom Lake outflows are re-regulated by Nimbus Dam before passing through the floodplain and urbanized Sacramento area. The reach through the highly urbanized Sacramento area is buffered by the 30-mile-long American River Parkway, which extends from Folsom to the Sacramento River confluence near Old Sacramento. Water quality in the lower American River is considered to be very good and it has been designated a “Recreational River” under both the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. Completion and operation of Folsom and Nimbus dams resulted in higher flows during fall, significantly lower flows during winter and spring, and significantly higher flows during summer. Historically, the lower American River may have supported summer-, fall-, and winter-run steelhead. Summer steelhead typically entered the river between May and July, fall-run between September and November, and winter-run between December and April. Each of these populations had access to approximately 125 miles of spawning and rearing habitat in the upper reaches of the American River. Since the early 1900s, access has been impeded to varying degrees by mining debris containment, flood control, and water supply diversions. By 1955, it is believed that summer-run steelhead were extirpated from the American River and only remnant populations of the fall and winter-run steelhead remained. From 1956 through the late 1980s, Nimbus Hatchery propagated eggs of steelhead strains from other locations in California and Washington, planting the fry into the lower American River. Phenotypic expression of steelhead in the lower American River most closely resembles that of the historic winter-run strain of American River steelhead and the winter-run strain of Eel River steelhead. Natural production of steelhead in the American River will continue to be limited by inaccessibility of the headwaters. The proportion of hatchery-origin fish spawning in the river remains uncertain. It is known, however, that the majority of the steelhead returning to the hatchery are of hatchery origin. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 Page B 9 From 2001to 2007, one to six percent of the adult steelhead entering Nimbus Hatchery were natural-origin (unclipped) fish (Table B-3). Surveys showed around 300 steelhead spawning in the river each year compared to hatchery returns during the same years of 1,200 to 2,700 fish (Hannon and Deason 2005, as cited in Bureau of Reclamation 2008). Many of the in-river spawners were hatchery produced fish. Spawning density is higher in the upper seven miles of accessible habitat, but spawning also occurs downstream in the lowest riffle in the river at Paradise Beach (Bureau of Reclamation 2008). Table B-3. Adipose clip status of adult steelhead entering Nimbus Hatchery. Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 Number of Steelhead Entering Nimbus Hatchery 2,877 1,742 887 1,862 2,772 2,308 Number Unclipped 64 50 69 27 17 90 Percent Unclipped 2.2% 2.9% 7.8% 1.5% 0.6% 3.9% Source: Bureau of Reclamation (2008) The American River does not have a robust resident trout population. The steelhead model indicates that the river should produce primarily steelhead smolts due to high growth rates (fish can get to 300 mm in one year) (Satterthwaite et al. 2010). 11 Mokelumne River The Mokelumne River originates in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and has a watershed area of 661 square miles that contains a number of dams and reservoirs. It is a major tributary to the Sacramento‐San Joaquin Delta, entering the lower San Joaquin River northwest of Stockton. Almost 90% of precipitation occurs as rainfall from November through April; snowfall within the watershed is rare. The landscape of the Mokelumne River watershed is typical of the lower Sierra foothills, with rolling terrain interrupted by scattered rock outcrops and moderate to steep hillsides. The vegetation is predominantly grasslands and oak woodlands. The Mokelumne River watershed is a significant source of water for both consumption and energy production. The major land use in the upper watershed, owned both privately and publicly, is timber management. Much of the privately held land is undeveloped open space or is used for grazing. Additionally, the Mokelumne River has a long history of water development. East Bay Municipal Utility District owns about 44% of the watershed. Existing developments on the Mokelumne River upstream of Camanche Reservoir include facilities for hydroelectric, irrigation, and municipal use. Downstream of Camanche Reservoir, developments include both hydroelectric and irrigation facilities. No information exists on the size of historic runs of steelhead in the Mokelumne. The river once produced a significant number of natural steelhead, although there is debate about whether there was an indigenous steelhead stock prior to releases of out-of-basin hatchery stocks. The Mokelumne River Fish Hatchery, operating since 1964, has a steelhead production goal of 250,000 yearlings annually. According to creel census data, steelhead were the most sought after fish in the lower Mokelumne River prior to the completion of Camanche Dam in 1963, after which the steelhead run declined significantly. Page B 10 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 According to NMFS (2009), Camanche Dam, the Woodbridge diversion, and other structures caused a loss of over 85% of the historical habitat. Currently, steelhead distribution is limited to accessible reaches downstream of Camanche Dam (RM 29.6). Dams, sedimentation from gold mining and loss of habitat access are the primary reasons that steelhead and Chinook runs have severely declined since the early 1900s. Current efforts to improve conditions for fish passage and flows include the recent improvement of passage at the Woodbridge diversion structure. Currently the O. mykiss population in the Mokelumne River likely consists of both resident and anadromous life histories, with the resident form likely dominating. Natural-origin juveniles tagged with acoustic tags in 2007 and 2008 showed little migrational movement out of the system. In these two years, only 5% (6 of 119) of the natural-origin tagged fish migrated to the ocean. Since 2002, annual winter steelhead escapement to the Mokelumne River Hatchery has averaged 99 fish. During this same period, approximately 32% of the total return was unmarked naturalorigin steelhead (Table B-4). Table B-4. Return Season 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Average Number and percent of adipose fin-marked steelhead trapped at the Mokelumne River Fish Hatchery, 2002-2010. Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Unmarked Adults 27 22 14 26 47 27 Marked Adults 25 36 33 114 198 81 Total Adults 52 58 47 140 245 51 99 Percent Adults Unmarked 52% 38% 30% 19% 19% 32% The annual number of adult steelhead/rainbow trout redds observed in the lower Mokelumne River since 2001 has ranged from 3 to 61 fish and averaged 36 fish (Table B-5). Data describing the percent natural verses hatchery-origin fish on the spawning grounds are not available. Table B-5. The number of steelhead redds observed in the Mokelumne River, 2001-2010. Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2007 2008 Number of Steelhead Redds 36 26 50 18 3 41 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 Page B 11 Year 2009 2010 Average 12 Number of Steelhead Redds 55 61 36 Calaveras River The Calaveras River, a tributary to the San Joaquin River, is a relatively small, low elevation Central Valley drainage that receives runoff mainly from winter rainfall (Stillwater Sciences 2004). The Calaveras River is not a direct tributary to the mainstem San Joaquin River, rather it enters a network of sloughs and channels in the Delta east of the mainstem of the San Joaquin River. The watershed of the Calaveras River is about 400 square miles with headwater elevations of about 5,000 feet. The watershed has changed from an uncontrolled floodplain of sloughs and oak groves of the 1860s to today’s system of controlled channels, dams, and levees. Flow in the Calaveras River is regulated by New Hogan Dam (a fish passage barrier), at approximately RM 42. New Hogan Reservoir is operated by the Corps of Engineers for flood control, water supply, and recreation. The Lower Calaveras River system consists of two constructed channels, Mormon Slough and the Old Calaveras River Channel, that separate flow below the Bellota Weir. Mormon Slough is a flood control channel that carries most floodwater. The Old River Channel carries local runoff and some irrigation flow. The Bellota Weir complex on the Lower Calaveras River is approximately 25 miles from the mouth on the San Joaquin River and 20 miles below New Hogan Dam. The flow regime of the Calaveras River has been fundamentally altered since the 1930s, first by construction of Hogan Dam and subsequently by New Hogan Dam. Historically, the river’s hydrology was characterized as highly variable during winter months, with rapid flow attenuation in the summer. Under current flow management, the variability and magnitude of winter flows is strongly reduced, while the magnitude and consistency of summer flows has increased dramatically. Water supplies stored in New Hogan Reservoir are transferred, via the Calaveras River, to downstream locations as far as Bellota. The effect has been to transform the lower river from a system with high intra-year variability, to one that behaves like a typical snowmelt system, with fall and winter precipitation stored and released gradually in the summer months (Stillwater Sciences 2004). Because of highly variable seasonal stream flow patterns and elevated stream temperatures, it is thought that this river was historically marginal for anadromous fish production (Stillwater Sciences 2004). Steelhead were known to be present historically, but it is unknown to what degree and whether annual production occurred. While little is known of the historical anadromous runs in the Calaveras River, currently steelhead enter the river when suitable fall flows occur. The Calaveras River also supports a popular resident rainbow trout fishery (Stillwater Sciences 2004). Recent otolith sampling of O. mykiss in the Calaveras River system documented that over 30% of fish sampled were progeny of an anadromous (steelhead) mother (Zimmerman et al. 2009). Currently, adult steelhead have two potential migration routes into the Calaveras River upstream of Bellota Weir: 1) the Old Calaveras River channel downstream of the town of Bellota, and 2) Page B 12 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 Mormon Slough via the Stockton Diverting Canal). Most steelhead are thought to migrate through the Stockton Diverting Canal and Mormon Slough to access the mainstem Calaveras River, because this route typically has higher flows than the Old Calaveras River channel (Stillwater Sciences 2004). However, in many years, the timing and magnitude of flows below Bellota Weir are not sufficient for steelhead to migrate upstream into the high quality spawning and rearing habitat between Bellota and New Hogan Dam (Stillwater Sciences 2004). Additionally, numerous in-channel structures, natural hydraulic barriers, and dry reaches along these migration routes create partial or complete migration barriers to steelhead. Only winter steelhead are believed to have occurred in the San Joaquin River Basin and Calaveras River (Marsh 2006). Winter run enter spawning streams in fall or winter, spawning a few months later in winter or late spring. While very few studies of the fishery resources in the Calaveras River have been conducted, recent monitoring indicates that steelhead opportunistically use the watershed when sufficient rainfall produces passage flows in the system (Stillwater Sciences 2004). In April 2002, the Fishery Foundation of California (FFC) found a spawned-out female steelhead downstream of Bellota Weir, several live and dead adult steelhead in Mormon Slough, and steelhead redds in riffles downstream of Bellota Weir. FFC snorkel surveys of the lower river downstream of New Hogan Dam in 2002 indicate a large population of rainbow trout exists and naturally reproduces in the reach (Stillwater Sciences 2004). While conducting passage surveys in Mormon Slough from November 2003 to March 2004, FFC documented live outmigrating O. mykiss smolts (smolt index 3 to 5) in the pool downstream of Bellota Weir and further downstream. Biologists have documented smolt-size fish (smolt index size ≥5) for several years, with 146 smolts in 2002, 103 in 2003, 194 in 2004, and 34 in 2005 (data are numbers of captured fish, not expanded data) (Marsh 2006). 13 Stanislaus River The Stanislaus River watershed, located between the Mokelumne River and the Tuolumne River watersheds, extends 96 miles with north, middle and south forks. The headwaters of the Stanislaus River is in the Emigrant Wilderness from where it flows in a general southwesterly direction to its confluence with the San Joaquin River, 23 miles above Stockton. The heavily dammed and diverted watershed currently contains 13 large reservoirs that have highly modified the hydrograph. Spring and summer flows are capped at 1,500 cfs (barring flood releases), while summer flows are increased to maintain downstream water quality. Goodwin Dam, located at RM 52, is the lowermost barrier to anadromous fish migration. The lower Stanislaus River has been extensively developed to provide water, hydropower, gravel, and habitat for agricultural and residential uses. The river floodplain below Knights Ferry (with the exception of a narrow riparian border) has been converted to urban and rural uses. By 1994, it was estimated that about 50% of the riparian corridor along the lower Stanislaus River had been converted for agricultural, mining, and urban uses. Historically, steelhead distribution was thought to have extended into the headwaters of the Stanislaus River. Dams and water diversion for mining and irrigation began in the Gold Rush era. The original Melones Dam, completed in 1926, permanently blocked anadromous salmonid access to the upper watershed. Today steelhead can ascend over 58 miles up the Stanislaus River to Goodwin Dam (RM 52). Although steelhead spawning locations are unknown in the Stanislaus, most are thought to be upstream of the City of Oakdale where gradients are slightly higher and more riffle habitat is available. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 Page B 13 The FFC has monitored habitat use by juvenile steelhead/rainbow trout since 2000 by snorkeling seven sites in the Stanislaus River from Oakdale to Goodwin Dam. Data collected during these surveys documented of the presence of steelhead fry in late March and April at the upstream sites, with densities increasing into June and distribution becoming more even between upstream and downstream sites through July. Beginning in August and continuing through the winter months, densities appeared highest at upstream sites (Goodwin to Knights Ferry). Age 1-plus fish were observed throughout the year, with densities generally higher at upstream sites (Goodwin to Knights Ferry). Low densities were observed from late December until April (Bureau of Reclamation 2008). Since 1993, juvenile steelhead/rainbow trout catches in rotary screw traps indicate a small percentage of the Stanislaus River steelhead/rainbow trout population displays downstream migratory characteristics at a time that is typical of steelhead migrants. The advanced smolt-like characteristics exhibited by many of these fish indicate that some juveniles may migrate to the ocean during the spring. It is not known whether the parents of these fish were anadromous or fluvial; however, recent otolith sampling of O. mykiss in the Stanislaus system documented that about 10% of Age 1 to 4 fish sampled were progeny of an anadromous (steelhead) mother (Zimmerman et al. 2009). A weir has been operated annually at RM 31.4 since 2003. The primary purpose of the weir is to monitor the escapement of fall-run Chinook salmon, so it is installed from September through June each year. From 2003 through 2007, O. mykiss have been observed passing the weir a total of 16 times. Scale analysis of one individual indicated that it was a steelhead. Genetic analysis of rainbow trout captured below Goodwin Dam shows that this population has closest genetic affinities to upper Sacramento River steelhead. Page B 14 California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 14 References Cavallo, B., R. Kurth, J. Kindopp, A. Seesholtz, and M. Perrone. 2003. SP-F10, Task 3a Interim Report, Distribution and habitat use of steelhead and other fishes in the Lower Feather River. Oroville Facilities Relicensing, FERC Project No. 2100, California Department of Water Resources. FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission). 2007. Final environmental impact statement for hydropower license, Oroville Facilities, FERC Project No. 2100-052, California. Washington, D.C. May 2007. Hallock, R.J. 1989. Upper Sacramento River steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss, 1952-1988, a Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Marsh, G.D. 2006. Historical presence of Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Calaveras River. Prepared for the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Anadromous Fish Restoration Program. June 2006. Mills, T.J., B. Cavallo, J. Kindopp, R. Kurth, and D. Gonzales. 2003. SP F10, TASK 2B Report, 2003 Lower Feather River steelhead (Oncorynchus mykiss) red survey. Oroville Facilities Relicensing, FERC Project No. 2100, California Department of Water Resources. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). 2009. Public Draft Recovery Plan for the Evolutionarily Significant Units of Sacramento River Winter‐run Chinook salmon and Central Valley Spring‐run Chinook Salmon and the Distinct Population Segment of Central Valley Steelhead. Sacramento Protected Resources Division. October 2009. Satterthwaite, W.H., M.P. Beakes, E.M. Collins, D.R. Swank, J.E. Merz, R.G. Titus, S.M. Sogard and M. Mangel. 2010. State-dependent life history models in a changing (and regulated) environment: steelhead in the California Central Valley. Evolutionary Applications ISSN 1752-4571. Stillwater Sciences. 2004. Lower Calaveras River Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Limiting Factors Analysis First Year Report (Revised. Prepared for the Fishery Foundation of California, Oak Grove, CA. September 2004. Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). 2007. Draft Ecological Baseline Report for the Butte Regional Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan. Prepared for Butte County Association of Governments, Chico, California. May 2007. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 2008. Biological Assessment on the Continued Long-term Operations of the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project. U.S. Department of the interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region, Sacramento, California. August 2008. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2011. Biological Assessment for Threatened, Endangered, and Proposed Species That May be Affected by the Tehama Wildlife Area Crossing Repair Project, Antelope Creek Watershed, Tehama County, California. USFWS, Red Bluff Fish and Wildlife Office, CA. January 2011. Zimmerman, C. E., G.W. Edwards, and K. Perry. 2009. Maternal origin and migratory history of steelhead and rainbow trout captured in rivers of the Central Valley, California. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138: 280-291. California Hatchery Review Project – Appendix VIII Nimbus Fish Hatchery Steelhead Program /Appendix B / June 2012 Page B 15