curriculum vitae - Facultatea de Fizică
curriculum vitae - Facultatea de Fizică
CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCURESTI SELECTAREA SI PROMOVAREA PERSONALULUI DIDACTIC Anexa 1. CURRICULUM VITAE Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA, Instituţia la care lucrează: UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCUREŞTI, Facultatea de Fizică, Departamentul de Fizică Teoretică şi Matematici, Optică, Plasmă şi Laseri 1. INFORMAŢII DESPRE STUDIILE EFECTUATE ŞI DIPLOMELE OBŢINUTE Data şi locul naşterii: 15 Mai 1960, Aninoasa, Gorj, România Studii preuniversitare: 1975 - 1977 - Liceul nr. 14, Bucureşti, 1977 - 1979 - Liceul “D. Bolintineanu”, Bucureşti – am obţinut Diploma de Bacalaureat Studii universitare: 1980 - 1985 – Universitatea din Bucureşti - Facultatea de Fizică – secţia Fizică Tehnologică, specializarea Aparate de măsură şi control. În Iunie 1085 am obţinut Diploma de Inginer, în profilul Fizică, specializarea Fizică Tehnologică, cu proiectul de diplomă „Transmiterea optică a informaţiei”. Studii postuniversitare: 1990 – 1998 - Universitatea din Bucureşti – am obţinut DIPLOMĂ DE DOCTOR în domeniul FIZICĂ, specializarea OPTICĂ, SPECTROSCOPIE SI LASERI cu lucrarea „Sisteme de studiu ale radiaţiilor luminoase în pulsuri de scurtă durată”. Menţionez că, în cadrul studiilor de doctorat, am susţinut 3 examene de doctorat şi 3 referate: Examene: 1. „Optică cuantică” –ianuarie 1991; 2. „Spectroscopie atomică” –mai 1991; 3. „Radiometrie optică” –septembrie 1991. Referate: 1. „Tehnici de măsură a pulsurilor luminoase de scurtă durată”; 2. „Spectroscopia proceselor rapid variabile”; 3. „Receptori de radiaţii”. Alte specializări şi stagii de pregătire: 1995 – Program de perfecţionare: „Radioprotecţie în Unităţi Nucleare din Economie”, Septembrie, CSEN, Romania. 2007 – „COMSOL Multiphysics intensive training course”, Iunie, Zoetermeer, Olanda. 2008 – „COMSOL Multiphysics advanced training course”, Februarie, Leuven, Belgia. Limbi străine cunoscute: franceză; vorbit – bine, scris – bine engleză; vorbit – bine, scris – bine 1/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 2. INFORMAŢII DESPRE EXPERIENŢA PROFESIONALĂ ŞI LOCURILE DE MUNCĂ RELEVANTE FUNCŢII DIDACTICE/PROFESIONALE ŞI LOCURI DE MUNCĂ 26 August 1985 ÷ 30 Septembrie 1988 – inginer fizician la Secţia a II-a în Laboratorul de Experimentare Post Iradiere, Institutul de Reactori Nucleari Energetici - Piteşti. 01 Octombrie 1988 ÷ 30 Septembrie 1998 – asistent universitar la Catedra de Optică, Spectroscopie, Plasmă şi Laseri, Universitatea din Bucureşti. 01 Octombrie 1998 ÷ prezent – lector universitar la Departamentul de Fizică Teoretică şi Matematici, Optică, Plasmă şi Laseri; Facultatea de Fizică; Universitatea din Bucureşti. În perioada: 1996 – 2000 am lucrat cu cumul de funcţii în Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării: Referent de specialitate, iar apoi ca inspector de specialitate la Direcţia Generală de Învăţământ Superior şi Cercetare Ştiinţifică Universitară: Serviciul Acte de Studiu (18 ianuarie1996 ÷ 30 Aprilie, 1996); Serviciul de Atestare (1 Mai 1996 ÷ 30 Iunie 1996); Serviciul Sinteza Informatizare şi Cercetare (1 Iulie 1996 ÷ 17 Februarie 1997); Expert gradul II la Direcţia Generală Resurse Umane şi Financiare, cu responsabilităţi la Controlul Ministrului (17 Februarie 1997 ÷ Mai 1997) Expert gradul I la Direcţia Generală Relaţii Internaţionale: - Oficiul Naţional Burse de Studiu în Străinătate (Mai 1997 ÷ Decembrie 2000). EXPERIENŢA PROFESIONALĂ Activitatea didactică Începând cu 1 octombrie 1988, în urma concursului organizat de Facultatea de Fizică, mi-am desfăşurat activitatea profesională ca asistent, apoi ca lector în cadrul Universităţii din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Fizică. În această perioadă, pe linie didactică m-am ocupat cu susţinerea de cursuri, seminarii şi laboratoare specifice postului la Catedra de Optica, Spectroscopie, Plasma, Laseri şi anume: Curs şi lucrări de laborator de „Radiometrie”- licenţă an V-preBologna; Curs şi lucrări de laborator de „Metrologia mărimilor optice”- licenţă an V F.T. preBologna; Curs şi lucrări de laborator de „Metrologia radiaţiei laser”- master I -OLA; Curs şi lucrări de laborator de de „Spectroscopie şi laseri”- licenţă an II; Curs şi lucrări de laborator de „Fizica laserilor”- licenţă an III; Curs şi lucrări de laborator de „Optică coerentă şi Fizica laserilor”- licenţă an IV; Curs şi seminarii de „Fizică”- an pregătitor; Curs şi lucrări de laborator de „Tehnici şi metode optice, spectrale şi laser în fizică”- master I FSPL; Curs şi lucrări de laborator de „Fotonica, Optotehnica, Aplicații laseri”- master I -FAA; Curs şi seminarii de „Metode şi coduri de simulare în fizică”- master I Bologna; Seminarii şi lucrări de laborator de „Optică neliniară”- master I; Seminarii şi lucrări de laborator de „Biofotonică”- master I; Seminarii şi lucrări de laborator de „Tehnici laser şi aplicaţii”- licenţă an IV F.T.; Seminarii şi lucrări de laborator de „Generatori cuantici şi aplicaţii”- licenţă an IV F. preBologna; Seminarii şi lucrări de laborator de „Fizica şi tehnica laserilor”- licenţă an IV preBologna; Seminarii şi lucrări de laborator de „Laseri – utilizare medicală”- licenţă an IV preBologna; Seminarii şi lucrări de laborator de „Optică coerentă”- licenţă an III preBologna; 2/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Seminarii şi lucrări de laborator de „Tehnici spectrale şi Tehnici cu plasmă”- licenţă an IV; Seminarii şi lucrări de laborator de „Optică”- licenţă an II; Coordonarea de lucrări şi proiecte de diplomă, precum şi lucrări de dizertaţie. Pentru toate orele de laborator am realizat referate scrise cu exemple, îndrumări şi exerciţii. Am amenajat, întreţinut şi modernizat lucrările de laborator, precum şi realizarea de lucrări experimentale noi, aferente programelor analitice ale cursurilor. Calitatea activităţilor didactice se reflectă şi în aprecierea studenţilor, la evaluarea cursurilor de către studenţi. Activitatea de elaborare şi publicare lucrări Lucrări cu caracter didactic • „FIZICA ŞI TEHNICA LASERILOR – Lucrări practice de laborator”, S. Levai, I. Gruia, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti 1999, ISBN-973-575-359-1, 204 pag. • „SPECTROSCOPIE ŞI LASERI. APLICAŢII”, I. Iova, M. Bulinski, F. Iova, M. Bazavan, Gh. Ilie, C. Biloiu, I. Gruia, I. Vinkler, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti 1999, ISBN-973-575-490-8, 280 pag. • „FIZICA ŞI TEHNICA LASERILOR – Aplicaţii”, S. Levai, I. Gruia, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti 2002, ISBN-973-575-693-5, 152 pag. • „PROGRAME CLIENT DE UTILIZARE A REŢELEI INTERNET”, O. I. Sandru, I. Sandru, I. Gruia, M. Sandru, S. Georgescu, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti 2003, ISBN-973-575-754-0, 128 pag. • „METROLOGIA MĂRIMILOR OPTICE”, S. Levai, I. Gruia, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti 2004, ISBN-973-575-881-4, 205 pag. • „NOŢIUNI FUNDAMENTALE DE OPTICĂ NELINIARĂ ŞI LUCRĂRI DE LABORATOR”, R. Dabu, I. Gruia, A. Stratan, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti 2005, ISBN-973737044-9, 210 pag. • „Metodologie de analiză, interpretare și raportare a rezultatelor de cercetare”, C. C. Surdu-Bob, I. Gruia, Editura Universității din București, 2011, ISBN 978-606-16-0059-5, 150 pag. • „Metode şi coduri de simulare în fizică”, C. Gavrilă, I. Gruia, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN: 978-606-16-0266-7, 262 pag. • „Lucrări practice de optică geometrică”,D. Bejan, M. Bazavan, I. Ionita, O. Toma, M. Bulinski, I. Gruia, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2013, ISBN-978-606-16-0285-8, 92 pag. Lucrări ştiinţifice Teză doctorat: SISTEME DE STUDIU ALE RADIAŢIILOR LUMINOASE ÎN PULSURI DE SCURTĂ DURATĂ. Brevete: “Liquid cooling system for portable solid laser |has centrifugal pump which circulates cooling liquid through laser head and heat exchanger with evaporating liquid”; Patent Number(s): RO101718-A; Patent Assignee: INST FIZICA TEHNOLOGIA APAR CU RADIATII; Inventor(s): JURBA M E; GRUIA I; MINCU N. 3/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Articole ştiinţifice publicate în reviste de specialitate din străinătate indexate ISI Thomson Reuters, în volume indexate ISI Proceedings şi în reviste de specialitate ale Academiei Române “The influence of gamma rays and protons affected optical media on a real Gaussian laser beam parameters”, M-R.Ioan, I.Gruia, G-V.Ioan, L.Rusen, C.D.Negut, P.Ioan, Romanian Reports in Physics, Volume: 16 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 167-174 Published: January-February 2015 Factor de impact ISI: 1.137 “Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of polarization degree of chromatic lines in H2-Kr gas mixture”, C. Gavrila, I. Gruia, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, Volume: 8, Issue: 11-12, Pages: 1250-1255, Published: Nov.-Dec. 2014 – Factor de impact ISI: 0,449. “Analysis of polarization degree of monochromatic line in H2-Ne gas mixture”, C. Gavrila, I. Gruia, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Volume: 16 Issue: 11-12, Pages: 1374-1381, Published: November - December 2014, - Factor de impact ISI: 0.516. Optical pre-clinical diagnostics of the cervical tissues malignant changing, Sergey B. Yermolenko, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine); Dmytro Voloshynskyi, Olexander Fedoruk, Bukovinian State Medical University (Ukraine); Ion Gruia, University of Bucharest (Romania); Dmitry Zimnyakov, Yury Gagarin State Technical University (Russian Federation), Published in Proceedings Volume 9166: Biosensing and Nanomedicine VII, September 2014 • View Abstract, Available on the SPIE Digital Library „Mechanisms of action of some new complexes of ruthenium with quinolones as potential antitumoral agents”, MI Gruia, V Negoita, M Vasilescu, M Panait, I Gruia, ANTICANCER RESEARCH, Volume: 34, Issue: 10, 5931, Published: 2014/10/1 - Factor de impact ISI: 1,479 „Optical pre-clinical diagnostics of the cervical tissues malignant changing”, Sergey Yermolenko, Dmytro Voloshynskyi, Olexander Fedoruk, Ion Gruia, Dmitry Zimnyakov, - SPIE NanoScience+ Engineering, 2014, Pages: 91661C-91661C-7, 2014//8/27 Simulation of propagation of radiation in epithelial tissues, P. V. Ivashko, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine); D. A. Zymnyakov, M. V. Alonova, Saratov State Technical Univ. (Russian Federation); I. Gruia, Univ. of Bucharest (Romania); M. I. Gruia, Oncologic Institute "Al. Trestioreanu" (Romania), Published in Proceedings Volume 9066: Eleventh International Conference on Correlation Optics, January 2014 • View Abstract, Available on the SPIE Digital Library Laser polarimetry in determining of anisotropic structure of the heart valves, T. O. Semenyuk, О. I. Petryshen, Bukovinian State Medical Univ. (Ukraine); О. G. Prydij, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine); I. Gruia, Univ. of Bucharest (Romania); C. Gavrila, Technical Univ. of Civil Engineering Bucharest (Romania), Published in Proceedings Volume 9066: Eleventh International Conference on Correlation Optics, January 2014 • View Abstract, Available on the SPIE Digital Library “Laser beam used to measure and highlight the transparency changes in gamma irradiated borosilicate glass”, Ioan, M. -R.; Gruia, I.; Ioan, G–V.; Rusen, L.; Ioan, P.; Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Volume: 16, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 167-174, Published: January-February 2014, - Factor de impact ISI: 0.563. “3 MeV protons to simulate the effects caused by neutrons in optical materials with low metal impurities”, Ioan, M. -R.; Gruia, I.; Ioan, P.; Bacalaum, M.; Ioan, G–V.; Gavrila, C., Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Volume: 15, Issue: 5-6, Pages: 523-529, Published: May-Jun. 2013 , - Factor de impact ISI: 0.563. 4/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 “Effects of quercetin on experimental cancer in rats following oxidant/antioxidant balance”, Gruia, M. I.; Uivarosi, V.; Negoita, V.; Panait, M.; Vasilescu, M.; Gruia, I., Febs Journal Volume: 280 Published: JUL 2013 - Factor de impact ISI:3,986 “Bayesian modelling for water loss management decisions”, C Gavrila, N Teodorescu, I Gruia; Water Science & Technology: Water Supply 13 (4), 2013 , - Factor de impact ISI: 1,102. “Investigation of optical effects induced by gamma radiation in refractory elements”; Ioan, MR.; Gruia, I.; Ioan, P.; Cazan, I. L.; Gavrila, C.; Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Volume: 15, Issue: 3-4 , Pages: 254-263 Published: Mar.-Apr. 2013 , - - Factor de impact ISI: 0.563. Modeling of the polarized light scattering in biotissues by Monte Carlo and photon tracing methods, Sergey Yermolenko, Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine); Ion Gruia, Univ. of Bucharest (Romania); Pavlo Ivashko, Olexander Prydij, Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine), Published in Proceedings Volume 8411: Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies VI, December 2012 • View Abstract, Available on the SPIE Digital Library “Laser beam evaluation methods to study changes in 12 MeV energetic protons irradiated glasses”; Ioan, M-R; Gruia, I.; Ioan, G-V.; Rusen, L.; Ioan, P.; Zorila, A.; Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Volume: 15 Issue: 11-12 Pages: 1403-1411 Published: Nov.- Dec. 2013 - - Factor de impact ISI: 0.563. „Manifestations of linear dichroism changes in cancer biotissues”; Angelskaya, A.; Gruia, I.; Yermolenko, S.; Ivashko, P.; Gruia, M.; Romanian Reports in Physics Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 1052-1062 Published: 2013; Times Cited: 12 - Factor de impact ISI: 1.137 Spectropolarimetry and fluorescence in biotissue's cancer diagnostics, Sergey Yermolenko, Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine); Ion Gruia, Univ. of Bucharest (Romania); Camelia Gavrila, Technical Univ. of Civil Engineering (Romania); Maria Gruia, Institute of Oncology (Romania); Pavlo Ivashko, Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine), Published in Proceedings Volume 8411: Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies VI, December 2012 • View Abstract, Available on the SPIE Digital Library „Therapeutic potential evaluation of complex combination of oxovanadium with quercetin”, M. I. Gruia, V. Uivarosi, V. Negoita, M. Vasilescu, M. Panait, I. Gruia1, Institute of Oncology – Bucharest –Romania, 1 University of Bucharest – Faculty of Physics, Congress 22ndIUBMB & 37ndFEBS, Sevilla. Spain September 4th - 9th, 2012; FEBS Journal Volume 279 Supliment 1 Pages:217-218 September 2012. ISSN 1742-4658- Factor de impact ISI: 4,258 „Implication of the Reactive Oxygen Species in the Signaling Pathway of Angiogenesis and Their Role in the Monitorisation of the Antiangiogenic Treatment Efficiency”, M. I. Gruia, M. Vasilescu, V. Negoita, R. Anghel, I. Gruia1, Institute of Oncology – Bucharest –Romania, 1 University of Bucharest – Faculty of Physics, Romania; 22ndBiennial Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research, Barcelona. Spain, 7-10 July, 2012.”, ISSN 0959-8049, European Journal of Cancer Volume: 48 Pages: S232-S233 Published: JUL 2012- Factor de impact ISI:5,061 “Pure, smooth and dense W films obtained by an anodic arc plasma”, Surdu-Bob, C. C.; Racolta, P. M.; Badulescu, M.; Chiojdeanu, C.; Arsene, N.; Logofatu, C.; Ionescu, C.; Sporea, D.; Gruia, I., Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications Volume: 5 Issue: 12 Pages: 1336-1340 Published: Dec. 2011 – Factor de impact ISI: 0,384. „Measurements in dynamics of cells membrane modifications induced by free radicals of oxygen attacks by spectropolarimetry and biochemical techniques”, I. Gruia; S. B. Yermolenko; C. Gavrila; P. V. Ivashko; M. I. Gruia, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8338, DOI: 10.1117/12.920185, ISSN: 9780819489951, 30 nov. 2011. Times Cited: 1 5/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 „Optical Emission Phenomena Modeling in TVA Carbon Plasma”, C. Gavrila, I.Gruia, C.P.Lungu, Advances in Applied Plasma Science, Vol. 8, ISBN 978-4-9900642-7-3, Pages: 9192, 2011, Times Cited: 2. A numerical simulation of the phenomena in Be plasma, Camelia Gavrila, Technical Univ. of Civil Engineering Bucharest (Romania); Cristian P. Lungu, National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (Romania); Ion Gruia, Univ. of Bucharest (Romania), Published in Proceedings Volume 8001: International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, July 2011 • View Abstract, Available on the SPIE Digital Library “Spectropolarimetry features of biotissue's malignant changes”, I. Gruia, S.B. Yermolenko, C. Gavrila, P.V. Ivashko, M. I. Gruia, The XII International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences, June 9-11, 2010, Oulu, Finland, , Proceedings of SPIE, Laser Applications in Life Sciences, Vol. 7376, 24 Nov. 2010, ISBN: 9780819476524, DOI: 10.1117/12.882514 “Correlation of optical methods and biochemical measurements for investigation membrane changes of normal and malign tissues”, Stefanescu, Teodora; Gruia, Ion; Gruia, Iuliana-Maria; Motoc, Cornelia.; University Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin-Series a-Applied Mathematics and Physics Volume: 72 Issue: 1 Pages: 67-74 Published: 2010 - Factor de impact ISI:0,253 “Statistical analysis of biotissues Mueller matrix images in cancer diagnostics”; Yermolenko, Sergey; Ivashko, Pavlo; Goudail, Francois; Gruia, Ion.; Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies V Volume: 7821 Published: November 2010; DOI: 10.1117/12.881812 “The oxygen reactive species implications in the efficiency of antitumoral treatment with complex combinations of ruthenium”; Gruia, M. I.; Uivarosi, V.; Negoita, V.; Vasilescu, M.; Gruia, I..; Febs Journal Volume: 277 Pages: 192 Published: Jun. 2010; Times Cited: 1 - Factor de impact ISI: 3,129 “Spectral and biochemical methods for identification of cellular and tissues malignant changes;”, Gruia, I.; Yermolenko, S. B.; Gruia, M. I.; Ivashko, P. V.; Stefanescu, T.; Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Pages: 523-526 Published: Apr. 2010 Times Cited: 9– Factor de impact ISI: 0,477. “Statistical analysis of polarized images of biotissues for diagnose of their pathological changes”; Yermolenko, S.; Ivashko, P.; Prydiy, A.; Gruia, I.; Optoelectronics and Advanced MaterialsRapid Communications, Volume: 4, Issue: 4 , Pages: 527-530 Published: Apr. 2010; Times Cited: 9- Factor de impact ISI: 0,477. “Retarding field ion energy analysis of an anodic arc carbon plasma”; Badulescu, M.; Gruia, I.; Surdu-Bob, C.; Iacob, C.; Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications Volume: 3 Issue: 12 Pages: 1269-1272 Published: Dec. 2009; Times Cited: 1 – Factor de impact ISI: 0,451. “Spectropolarimetry of cancer change of biotissues”, S Yermolenko, A Ushenko, P Ivashko, F Goudail, I Gruia, C Gavrilă, Correlation Optics 2009, 73881D-73881D-7l Published in Proceedings Volume 7388: Ninth International Conference on Correlation Optics, December 2009 • View Abstract, Available on the SPIE Digital Library ISSN: 0277-786X, Times Cited: 36“Image reconstruction in optical tomography using Radon transform and its inverse”, V. Petrehus, C. Gavrila, I.Gruia, , Proceeding of SPIE, New applications of correlation optics in biology and medicine, Vol. 7388, Dec. 2009, ISSN: 0277-786X, (ISI). Correlation Optics 2009, Pages: 738818-738818-6. Optical and biochemical methods for the identification of cellular modifications during malignant transformations, Sergey B. Yermolenko, Olexander G. Prydij, Stefan G. Guminetsky, 6/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Artem V. Motrich, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine); Ion Gruia, Univ. of Bucharest (Romania); Maria Iuliana Gruia, Institute of Oncology Bucharest (Romania); Teodora Stefanescu, C.A. Rosetti High School (Romania), Published in Proceedings Volume 7388: Ninth International Conference on Correlation Optics, December 2009 • View Abstract, Available on the SPIE Digital Library “Arc plasma tailoring for the synthesis of compact Tungsten films”; Badulescu, M.; Gruia, I.; Surdu-Bob, C.; Iacob, C.; Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications Volume: 3 Issue: 11 Pages: 1231-1234 Published: Nov. 2009; Times Cited: 1 (1) – Factor de impact ISI: 0,451. “Diamond film nano-abrasives obtained by anodic arc”; Badulescu, M.; Gruia, I.; Micheli, V.; Calliari, L.; Surdu-Bob, C.; Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications Volume: 3 Issue: 11 Pages: 1207-1209 Published: Nov. 2009, Times Cited: 1 - Factor de impact ISI: 0,451. “Determining the radial distribution of the emission coefficient from a plasma source”; Gavrila, C.; Gruia, I.; Lungu, C. P.; Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications Volume: 3 Issue: 8 Pages: 835-838 Published: Aug. 2009; Times Cited: 2, - Factor de impact ISI: 0,451. Spectropolarimetry in singular structure biotissue images for diagnostics of their pathological changes, Sergey Yermolenko, Yurij Ushenko, Alexander Prydiy, Stepan Guminetski, Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine); Ion Gruia, Univ. of Bucharest (Romania), Published in Proceedings Volume 7371: Novel Optical Instrumentation for Biomedical Applications IV, July 2009 • View Abstract, Available on the SPIE Digital Library “The monitorisation of the oxidative status of the patients with uveal melanoma in the dynamic of the oncological treatment”, M.I. Gruia, D. Glavan, G. Murgoi, I. Gruia, 34th FEBS Congress. Life's Molecular Interactions. July 4 - 9, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, ISSN 1742-464X(Print), ISSN 1742-4658(Online), The FEBS Journal, Volume 276, Supliment 1, July 2009- Factor de impact ISI: 3,042 “Study of the Reliability of a Water Distribution System Using Stochastic Sum-of-Fractional Programming Problem” C. Gavrilă, I. Gruia, Water Loss 2009, Proceedings of the 5th IWA Water Loss 2009, pag. 583-588, ISBN 978-1-920017-38-5, Cape Town, South Africa, April 2630, 2009 “Numerical method solved in the Scilab program, for the analysis of a nonlinear mirror”; Gavrila, C.; Gruia, I.; Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications Volume: 3 Issue: 3, Pages: 241-244, Published: Mar. 2009; Times Cited: 1 , – Factor de impact ISI: 0,451. “Radioactive Waste Water Depollution by Adsorbtion. beta-ray Attenuation Study Through Materials on the Basis of Natural Zeolites”; Mocanu, Bogdan-Ion; Naum, Nicolae; Gruia, Ion; Bombos, Dorin; Zaharia, Emil.; Revista De Chimie Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 193196 Published: FEB 2009; Times Cited: 1 - Factor de impact ISI: 0,552 “The Antioxidant Response Induced by Lonicera caerulaea Berry Extracts in Animals Bearing Experimental Solid Tumors”. (vol 13, pg 1195, 2008); Gruia, Maria Iuliana; Oprea, Eliza; Gruia, Ion; Negoita, Valentina; Farcasanu, Ileana Cornelia.; Molecules Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Pages: 893 Published: Feb. 2009 ; Times Cited: 2; DOI: 10.3390/molecules 14020893 - Factor de impact ISI:1,738 “Heat and mass transfer in convective drying processes”,, Gavrila C., Ghiaus A., Gruia I., Proceedings CD - COMSOL Multiphysics Hannover 2008, 4 – 6 November 2008, ISBN 978-09766792-3-3; Transport Phenomena 2, 18; Times Cited: 5 7/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Statistical and fractal approaches in laser polarimetry diagnostics of the cancer prostate tissues, Alexander Ushenko, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine); Sergej Yermolenko, Alexander Prydij, Stepan Guminetsky, Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine); Ion Gruia, Ovidiu Toma, Univ. of Bucharest (Romania); Konstantin Vladychenko, Bucovinian State Medical Univ. (Ukraine), Published in Proceedings Volume 7008: Eighth International Conference on Correlation Optics, May 2008 • View Abstract, Available on the SPIE Digital Library Times Cited: 57 DOI: 10.1117/12.797383 “The antioxidant response induced by Lonicera caerulaea berry extracts in animals bearing experimental solid tumors”; Gruia, Maria Iuliana; Oprea, Eliza; Gruia, Ion; Negoita, Valentina; Farcasanu, Ileana Cornelia.; Molecules Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Pages: 1195-1206 Published: MAY 2008; Times Cited: 21; DOI: 10.3390/molecules13051195 - Factor de impact ISI: 1,738 “Simulated Suspended Solids Concentrations of Secondary Clarifiers in the Activated Sludge Process Using Comsol Multiphysics Program”, C. Gavrila, I. Gruia; COMSOL Conference 2007 Grenoble, World Trade Center Grenoble France, Octomber 23-24, 2007, Proceeding of the European COMSOL Conference 2007, Vol. II, Pg. 851-853. “Estimation of the influence of the shape and size of nonspherical particles in polarized light”; Arkhelyuk, A. D.; Podkamen, L. I.; Gruia, Ion.; Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies III, Volume: 6635 Pages : U353-U355 Published: 2007; DOI: 10.1117/12.742266; Times Cited: 1 “Experimental diagnostics of white-light vortices”; Angelsky, O. V.; Maksimyak, O. P.; Maksimyak, P. P.; Gruia, Ion.; Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies Iii, Volume: 6635 Published: 2007; DOI: 10.1117/12.741821 “Determination of some biochemical effects associated with boron neutron capture therapy in experimental hepatomas”; Gruia, M.; Lungu, V.; Paslaru, L.; Minea, L.; Oprea, L.; Gruia, I.; Anghel, R.; EJC Supplements Volume: 5, Issue: 4, Pages: 82, Published: SEP 2007; DOI: 10.1016/S1359-6349(07)70411-1 „Monochromatic He-Ne red light influence on callus tissue and buds explants”; C. Danila, E. Ristici, M. Ristici, A. Cosma, I. Gruia; PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTOOPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE), 5581, 682, (8 pages) (2004), ISSN: 0277-786X, ISBN: 0-8194-5534-2; Romopto 2003: Seventh Conference on Optics Volume: 5581 Pages: 682-689 Published: October 2004; DOI: 10.1117/12.583037 “Evaluation of antioxidants role in diminution of lipid peroxidation at tumor bearer mice”, M. I. Gruia, R. Olinescu, R. Marinescu, I. Gruia, Romanian Journal of Comparative Oncology, Nr. 4/p.268-273, 2001; Times Cited: 6 “Production and characterization of oxide enriched materials for ceramic varistors. 1. General aspects regarding the production, structure and characteristics of the ceramic varistors”; Sandu, I; Popescu-Ciocarlie, I; Gruia, I; Calancia, O; Limisca, G; Sandu, IG.; Source: Revista De Chimie Volume: 49 Issue: 10 Pages: 673-681 Published: OCT 1998; Times Cited: 4 Factor de impact ISI: 0,552 “Production and characterization of the oxide enriched materials for ceramic varistors II. Synthesis, chemical and physico-structural analysis, conductive grains doping influence upon the current-voltage characteristics”; Sandu, I; Popescu-Ciocirlie, I; Gruia, I; Calancia, O; Cosma, DG; Sandu, IG; Cozma, DG.; Revista De Chimie Volume: 49 Issue: 11 Pages: 756-768 Published: NOV 1998; Times Cited: 3 - Factor de impact ISI: 0,552 Competitive processes in a nonisothermal plasma by deconvolution of low-intensity spectral lines, Iancu Iova, Gheorghe Ilie, M. Bazavan, Costel Biloiu, Ion Gruia, Ionel Chera, Univ. of Bucharest (Romania); M. Cristea, T. Constantinescu, Politehnica Univ. of Bucharest (Romania), 8/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Published in Proceedings Volume 3405: ROMOPTO '97: Fifth Conference on Optics, July 1998, Available on the SPIE Digital Library ”Correlation of some radiative processes resulting from electronic and vibrational spectra of CN”, Iova I., M.Băzăvan, I. Gruia, C. Biloiu, Gh.Ilie, SPIE, vol. 3405, Pages: 636-639 (1998) ``Deconvolution of low intensity spectral lines`` I. Iova, Gh. Ilie, M. Băzăvan, I. Gruia, C. Biloiu, Balkan Physics Letters 5, (suppl.), Pages: 1275-1279 (1997) ``Competitive processes in a CN plasma of an interrupt arc discharge`` I. Iova, M. Băzăvan, I. Gruia, Gh. Ilie, C. Biloiu, Balkan Physics Letters 5, (suppl.), Pages: 1520-1524 (1997) “Selective excitation of atoms and ions in hollow cathode discharges”, Iova I., I. Chera, I. Gruia, Gh.Ilie, M.Băzăvan, Romanian Reports în Physics, Volume 46, No.7-8, Pages: 619626, 1994- Factor de impact ISI: 0,458 “On the excitation mecanism of metal vapor spectral lines in a hollow cathode discharge in noble gases”, Iova I., I. Chera, I. Gruia, M. Ganciu, C.Diplaşu, Revue Roumaine de Physique, Tome 37, No.1, Pages: 31-37, Bucharest 1992 Times Cited: 1 “Some resolution problems of the stereophotographical laser illuminated streamer chamber”, Shcherbakov Yu.A., Iova I., T.Tudor, I. Gruia, I.Chera, M.Bulinski, Revue Roumaine de Physique, Tome 36, No. 3-4, Pages: 227-230, Bucharest 1991 Publicaţii in reviste indexate BDI „Information optics approach in diagnostics of malignant changes of biological tissues”, P. V. Ivashko S. B. Yermolenko, O. P. Peresunko, I. Gruia, Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics), Volume: 23, Issue: 3, Pages: 191-199, Editor © Allerton Press, Inc., ISSN 1060 992X, 2014 “The Laser Polarimetry Based on Both Statistical and Fractal Analysis of Polarizationally Inhomogeneous Object Fields”, S. Yermolenko, I. Gruia, C. Gavrilă, P. Ivashko, Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering – Scientific Journal of the Thechnical University of Civil Engineering, No. 3, Pages: 17-23, Published: September 2011, ISSN: 2066-6926 “Modeling spectral emission phenomena in carbon plasma“, C. Gavrilă, C.P. Lungu, I. Gruia, Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering – Scientific Journal of the Technical University of Civil Engineering, No. 3, Pages: 24-29 Published: September 2011, ISSN: 2066-6926 “Environment Protection-A COMSOL Simulation of Secondary Clarifiers in the Activated Sludge Process.”, C. Gavrila, I. Gruia; International Review of Chemical Engineering (I.RE.CH.E.), Vol. 2, N.4, p.503-507, July 2010; ISSN 2035-1755(BDI).. (factor de impact 6,2) , 2010. “Using Radon Transform in Image Reconstruction”, C. Gavrila, V. Petrehus, I. Gruia, Mathematical Modeling in Civil Engineering – Scientific Journal of the Thechnical University of Civil Engineering, No. 3, ISSN 1842 – 6131, Pages: 31-36, 2010 “Solving the integral equation of the inverse Abel transform using cubic spline interpolation– application to plasma spectroscopy”, C. Gavrilă, I. Gruia; ESCAMPIG XIX, 19th Europhysics Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Granada, Spain, 15-19 July 2008, Proceedings CD Vol nr. 32 A, ISBN 2-914771-04-5l Times Cited: 1 ``Determination of biological response at photodynamic therapy applied of experimental tumors``, M.I. Gruia, V. Moraru, I.Ţerbea, M. Calin, T. Coman, I. Gruia, T. Ştefănescu, Romanian Journal of Comparative Oncology and Technology Transfer, Nr. 8 /p.523-529, 2003 ISSN: 1584-6547 “A numeric investigation of passively Q-switching the laser operation regime”, C. Gavrilă, I. Lăcrănjan, I. Gruia, Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering – Scientific Journal of the Thechnical University of Civil Engineering, No. 2, pages 66-70; June 2009, ISSN: 2066-6926, 9/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 “Numericaly interpolations for inverse Abel Transform Integral Application to Plasma Spectroscopy”, C. Gavrila, I. Gruia, C. Lungu, Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering – Scientific Journal of the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Published: 2009 „Anatomical characterization of experimental malignant melanoma induced from genetically transformed cells lines”; Maria Iuliana Gruia, Valentina Negoiţă, Livia Zdrenţiu, Gabriela Negroiu, Ştefana Petrescu, I. Gruia, Romanian Journal of Comparative Oncology, Nr. 13 , Pages: 864-870, 2007, ISSN: 1584-6547 “Cubic Spline Interpolations for an Inverse Abel Transform Integral plication to Plasma Spectroscopy Equation-Application to Plasma Spectroscopy”, C. Gavrilă, I. Gruia; Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest – Scientific Bulletin, Series: Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering, Year L No 4, December 2007 “Amplification of the Fundamental Radiation in the Presence of the Generated Second Harmonic Radiation”; C. Gavrilă, I. Gruia; Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest – Scientific Bulletin, Series: Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering, Year XLIX No 2, pages 58-61, June 2006, ISSN 1841-5555 “Numerical Method for the Mirror with an Intensity-Dependent Reflection Coefficient”; C. Gavrilă, I. Gruia; Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest – Scientific Bulletin, Nr. 2, pages 50-55, 2006, ISSN 1224-628X ` Mechanisms and clinical use of photodynamic therapy in oncology `` M.I. Gruia, I. Mogoş, M. Şerban, I. Gruia, M. Călin, Romanian Journal of Oncology, Nr.1, Pages: 43-49, Aug.1999 ``Kinetics variation study in vitro of aqueous solutions of 5-aminolevulinic acid induced by temperature, concentration and hydrogen ions``, Călin M., M.I.Gruia, I. Gruia, Romanian Journal of Biophysics, Vol.8, No. 4, Bucharest, 1998 ``The in vitro influence of ascorbic acid on human plasma and the effects of gamma irradiation``, M.I.Gruia, I. Gruia, D.O.Crocnan, R.Olinescu, Romanian Journal of Biophysics, Vol.8, No. 2, pp.56-64, Bucharest, 1998 “Study of the competitive processes in a non isothermal plasma by deconvolution of low intensity spectral lines”; Iova, I; Ilie, G; Bazavan, M; Biloiu, C; Gruia, I; Chera, I; Cristea, M; Constantinescu, T.; Source: Fifth Conference on Optics (Romopto '97), Pts 1 and 2 Volume: 3405 Pages: 524-532 Published: 1998; DOI: 10.1117/12.312803l Times Cited: 1 ``Data acuisition and numerical processing of spectra from glow electric discharges``, Iova I., S.Levai, I. Gruia, Gh.Ilie, M.Băzăvan, M.Braşoveanu, M.Vlaicu, Optoelectronica, vol.4, No.1, Pages:. 69-72, April-June 1996 Conferinţe : “Laser polarimetry in determining of anisotropic structure of the heart valves” TO Semenyuk, ОI Petryshen, ОG Prydij, I Gruia, C Gavrila; Eleventh International Conference on Correlation Optics, 90661S-90661S-7; 2013 , “Simulation of propagation of radiation in epithelial tissues”, Ivashko, DA Zymnyakov, MV Alonova, I Gruia, MI Gruia; Eleventh International Conference on Correlation Optics, 90661P-90661P-10; 2013 , “Determining the emission coefficient radial distribution from a plasma source using mathcad program”; C. Gavrila, M. Lungu, I Gruia; Proceeding of WSEAS International Conference of the Institute for Environment, Engineering, Economics and Applied Mathematics (IEEEAM), Paris, France, Dember; Pages 65-69; 2012 „Scattering modeling of the polarized light in epithelium cancer tissu”, I. Gruia a, S. B. Yermolenkob, P. V. Ivashko b; aUniversity of Bucharest, Optics-Spectroscopy-Plasma-Lasers Dept., 10/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Bucharest, Romania, b Chernivtsi National University, 2 Kotsyubinsky Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine; „International Conference on Optics "Micro- to Nano-Photonics III- ROMOPTO 2012", Bucharest, Romania, September 3-6, 2012 „Linear dichroism of biological tissues in cancer diagnostics”, I. Gruia a, M. G. Gruia b, S. B. Yermolenkoc, P. V. Ivashkoc; aUniversity of Bucharest, Optics-Spectroscopy-Plasma-Lasers Dept., Bucharest, Romania, bOncologic Institute "Al. Trestioreanu", Bucharest, Romania, c Chernivtsi National University, 2 Kotsyubinsky Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine; „International Conference on Optics "Micro- to Nano-Photonics III- ROMOPTO 2012", Bucharest, Romania, September 3-6, 2012 „Spectropolarimetry and fluorescence in biotissue's cancer diagnostics”, ”, S. B. Yermolenko a, I. Gruia b, C. Gavrilac M. Gruiad, P. V. Ivashko a; a Chernivtsi National University, 2 Kotsyubinsky Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine, bUniversity of Bucharest, Optics-Spectroscopy-Plasma-Lasers Dept., Bucharest, Romania, cTechnical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, d Institute of Oncology – Bucharest –Romania; The 6th edition of the International Conference "Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies" ATOM-N 2012, Constanta, Romania 23 - 26 August 2012, Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies Vi Volume: 8411 Published: 2012, DOI: 10.1117/12.965873 „Modeling of the polarized light scattering in biotissues by Monte Carlo and photon tracing methods ”, S. B. Yermolenko a, I. Gruia b, P. V. Ivashko a O. Prydija; a Chernivtsi National University, 2 Kotsyubinsky Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine, bUniversity of Bucharest, OpticsSpectroscopy-Plasma-Lasers Dept., Bucharest, Romania;The 6th edition of the International Conference "Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies" ATOM-N 2012, Constanta, Romania 23 - 26 August 2012, Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies Vi Volume: 8411 Published: 2012, DOI: 10.1117/12.965874 „Bayesian Modelling to the Water Loss Management Decisions” C. Gavrila*, N. Teodorescu* and I. Gruia**; * Technical University of civil Engineering,, Bucharest, Romania; ** University of Bucharest, Romania; IWA Water Loss European Conference, Ferrara, Italy, 23-23 May 2012 „Modeling Spectral Emission Phenomena in Beryllium Plasma, Using Comsol Multiphysics”, C. Gavrila, C.P. Lungu I. Gruia, Proceedings of COMSOL Conference Stuttgart, 26-28 oct. 2011, “Optical Emission Phenomena Modeling in TVA Carbon Plasma”, C. Gavrila, I. Gruia, C. P. Lungu, , Proceedings of “The 8tth Internationally Symposiums on Applied Plasma Science”, Hakone, Japan, September 26-30, 2011, “Polarization microscopy of cancer changes of the prostate tissue “, I. Gruia (Romania), C. Gavrilă, M.I. Gruia, S. Yermolenko, and P. Ivashko, III International Symposium TOPICAL PROBLEMS OF BIOPHOTONICS – 2011, 16-22 July 2011, St.Petersburg – Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, “Image reconstruction using the inverse radon transform “,C. Gavrila (Romania), V. Petrehus, and I. Gruia, III International Symposium TOPICAL PROBLEMS OF BIOPHOTONICS – 2011, 16-22 July 2011, St.Petersburg – Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, “Polarization spectrometry in diagnostics of malignant transformation of biotissues”, I. Gruia (Romania) and S. Yermolenko, III International Symposium TOPICAL PROBLEMS OF BIOPHOTONICS – 2011, 16-22 July 2011, St.Petersburg – Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 11/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 „Determining the Emission Coefficient Radial Distribution from a Plasma Source Using MathCad Program”, C. Gavrila, I. Gruia, C. P. Lungu, , Proceedings of 12th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, Constanta, Romania,July, 2011. “Experimental point-out of 632,8 nm and 1,15 μm laser radiations competition in He-Ne plasma”. M. Ristici, I. Gruia, Esofina Ristici, 2011 Anual Scientific Conference – University of Bucharest – Faculty of Physics, 17 June, 2011 "A Numerical Simulation of the Phenomena in Be Plasma.", C. Gavrila, C. Lungu, I. Gruia, The International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, 3-7 May 2011, Braga, Portugal., International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics Volume: 8001 Pages: 80013D-80013D-7, Published: 2011/5/21, DOI: 10.1117/12.892176 „Determining the Emission Coefficient Radial Distribution from a Plasma Source Using COMSOL Multiphysics”, C. Gavrila, I. Gruia, and C. Lungu, Proceedings of the COMSOL Conference Paris, France, November 17-19, 2010, ISSN: 978-0-9825697-6-4 “Identification of Some Radio-Biochemical Effects Consecutive Boron Neutron Capture Therapy of Experimental Hepatoma Cells”, M. I. Gruia, V. Negoita, M. Panait , L. Minea, D. Barbos,. I.Gruia, R. Anghel; The 14th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy – 14thICNCT, October 25-29, 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina; ISBN 978-987-1323-19-7 „Spectral identification of tissue’s malignant changes”, I.Gruia, S.Yermolenko, M.I.Gruia, C.Gavrila, Proceedings of the 31 st European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter, September 6-10, 2010 Budapest, Hungary “ Determining the emission coefficient radial distribution from a plasma source”, C. Gavrila, I. Gruia, THE 24th SYMPOSIUM ON PLASMA PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY, PRAGUE, June 14-17, 2010 “Mueller Matrix Images Analisys in Prostate Cancer Diagnostics”, O.V. Angelsky, S.B.Yermolenko, P.V. Ivashko, I. Gruia, The XII International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences, June 9-11, 2010, Oulu, Finland . “A methodology for reliability - analysis of water distribution networks” C. Gavrila, M. Sandu, I. Gruia, 5th IWA Specialist Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Urban Water, Sydney Convention and Exibition Centre, Sydney, Australia, Octomber 25-28, 2009 ABN: 78 096 035 773. “Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems”, C Gavrila, A Vartires, I. Gruia, F Ardelean, Recent Advances in Energy, Environment, Economics and Technological Innovation ISBN: 978960-474-343-8 “Correlations between the oxygen reactive species production and celular cycle modifications for consecutive neutrón radiations of experimental tumoral cells”, M. Gruia,D. Barbos, V. Negoita, M. Vasilescu, I. Gruia, R. Anghel, 11th Neutron and Ion Dosimetry Symposium: NEUDOS-11, Ithemba LABS in Cape Town, South Africa from 11-16 Octomber 2009 “Optical and biochemical methods for the identification of cellular modifications during malignant transformations”, S.B. Yermolenko, O.G. Prydij, I. Gruia, M. I. Gruia, T. Ştefănescu, The 9th International Conference on Correlation Optics -Corropt-2009-SPIE,, 20–24 September 2009, Chernivtsi, Ukraine “Spectropolarimetry in singular structure biotissue images for diagnostics of their pathological changes”, Sergey Yermolenko, Yurij Ushenko, Alexander Prydiy, Stepan Guminetski, Ion Gruia, European Conferences on Biomedical Optics (ECBO). ECBO, which is collocated with the 19th International Congress on Photonics in Europe, LASER World of PHOTONICS 2009, and the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO Europe-EQEC 2009), will be held 14-18 June 2009 at ICM-International Congress Centre Munich, in Munich, Germany 73711M-73711M-7 12/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 “The oxygen reactive species implication in the efficiency of molecular targeted antiangiogenic treatment” Gruia M.I., Vasilescu M., Negoita V., I. Gruia, 20th ICACT - International Congress on Anti Cancer Treatment, # IC/AB372, Palais des Congres, Paris, France, from February 3rd to 6th, 2009 Free radicals mediated citotoxicity induced by radiolabelled biomolecules in targeted oncological therapy”, M. I. Gruia, V. Negoita, M. Vasilescu, M. Panait, D. Niculae, V. Lungu, I. Gruia, Workshop “Radioisotopes & Biomolecules: A Partnership for the Early Diagnosis and Targeted Radiotherapy of Cancer”,Bucharest, Romania, 26-28 November 2008 “Modelling of Secondary Clarifiers in the Activated Sludge Process”; C. Gavrilă, I. Gruia; IWA World Water Congress 2008Vienna, Austria, 7-12 september Austria Center Vienna, 2008 “Cubic spline interpolation for inverse Abel transform integral equation-application to plasma spectroscopy”, C.D. Gavrila, I. Gruia; ICOPS 2008, The 35th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, June 15–19, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2008 „On the optimization of a 3meters active length He-Ne laser”; M. Ristici, I. Gruia; 2008 Annual Scientific Conference Anniversary Conference dedicated to the Centenary of the birth of Professor Şerban Ţiţeica, June 6, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 2008 “Raman spectroscopy studies of C -(Ag, Sn, Al, Cu) films”; I.D. Feraru1, C. Mic1, C. Lungu2, C. Porosnicu2, A. Lungu2, I. Jepu2, O. G. Pompilian2, D. Savastru1, I.C. Vasiliu1, M. Elisa1. I. Gruia3, C.E.A. Grigorescu1, 2008 Annual Scientific Conference Anniversary Conference dedicated to the Centenary of the birth of Professor Şerban Ţiţeica, June 6, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 2008 „On the evolution of laser power and frequency from the start till the stady regime for a He-Ne laser”; I. Gruia, M. Ristici, B. Ioniţă, M. Roşu, 2008 Annual Scientific Conference Anniversary Conference dedicated to the Centenary of the birth of Professor Şerban Ţiţeica, June 6, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 2008 “Study of Laser Passively Q-Switching Regimey”; C. Gavrilă, I. Gruia; International Conference MODERN LASER APPLICATIONS – INDLAS 2008, May 20-23, Bran, Romania, 2008 “Numerical method for the analysis of a nonlinear mirror”; C. Gavrilă, I. Gruia; International Conference MODERN LASER APPLICATIONS – INDLAS 2008, May 20-23, Bran, Romania, 2008 “Resonator Matrix Analysis of Passively Q-Switched Solid State Laser”; I. Lancranjan, I. Gruia, M. Udrea, C. Gavrila; International Conference MODERN LASER APPLICATIONS – INDLAS 2008, May 20-23, Bran, Romania, 2008 “Cubic Spline Interpolations for an Inverse Abel Transform Integral Equation – Application to Plasma Spectroscopy”; C. Gavrilă, I. Gruia; International Conference MODERN LASER APPLICATIONS – INDLAS 2008, May 20-23, Bran, Romania, 2008 “Clinical perspectives: Does the molecular anit-anginogenetic treatment enhance the BNCT efficiency?”; M. I. Gruia, R. Anghel, V. Negoita, I. Gruia, V. Fugaru, M. Vasilescu, V. Lungu; European Workshop: Boron Analysis & Boron Imaging in Biological Materials for BNCT; Scientific Organisers: Ray Moss, Institute for Energy, JRC Petten, The Netherlands; Wolfgang Sauerwein, Project Co-ordinator of the European BNCT Project, University Hospital Essen Germany;Hotel Residence, Bucharest, Rommania, November 23-25, 2007 „Optical and biochemical measurements of mode in the grouwth and development of experimental solid tumors”; I. Gruia, O. V. Angelsky, M. I. Gruia, A.G.Ushenko, S. B. Yermolenko, A. D. Arkhelyuk, A. Pridy, T. Stefanescu; poster: The 8th International Conference on Correlation Optics -Corropt-2007-SPIE, Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine September 11-14, 2007 “Experimental diagnostics of white-light vortices (Invited Paper)[6635-01]”, OV Angelsky, OP Maksimyak, PP Maksimyak, I Gruia. PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Volume: 6635, Pages: 663502, 2007 13/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 “Tribological characteristics of nanostructured carbon-tungsten film prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method”, C.P. Lungu, C.C. Surdu Bob, I.Mustata, A. Anghel, A. M. Lungu, O. Pompilian, A.Tudor, T. Laurian, G. Prodan, V. Ciupina, I. Gruia, 17th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-17), Stockholm, Sweden, oral presentation, July 2-6, 2007 „Mechanism of apoptosis induced after BNCT treatment in experimental hepatoms model”; M. Gruia, R. Anghel, V. Negoita, V. Fugaru, I. Gruia; Protons, Ions and Neutrons in Radiation Oncology – International Symposium 6-7 July, Technische Universität München, Arcisstrasse 21, Theresianum, Germany 2007 „Diferential operators that divide the wawe operator applications in the Mathematical Physics”, O.I. Sandru, I. Bacalu, I. Gruia; 6th Congress of Romanian Mathematicins; Buchrest, Romania, June 28-July 4, 2007 “Laser beam parameters measurement”, A. Florean, I. Gruia, M. Ristici, Annual Scientific Conference, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Bucharest-Magurele, May 25, 2001 “Study of the competitive processes in a non isothermal plasma by deconvolution of low intensity spectral lines”, Iova I., Gh.Ilie, I. Gruia, M.Băzăvan, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Washington, USA, Proc. SPIE 3405, 524-532 (9 pages), (1998) ISSN: 0277-786X “The study of influence of laser short pulses on oxidative – antioxidativ system`s spectral characteristics”, I. Gruia, M.I. Gruia, M. Călin, I. Iova, National Conference of Optoelectronics – SIOEL`98, Bucureşti, septembrie 1998 “The behaviour of temporal profile of intensity of the electronic and vibrational bands of the CN in transient plasma of an interrupt arc discharge ”, Iova I., Gh.Ilie, M.Băzăvan, I. Gruia, C.Biloiu, The XXth Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, paper abstracts – PD2, Iassy, June 4-7 (1998) ``Study of the competitive processes in a non isothermal plasma by deconvolution of low intensity spectral lines``, Iova I., Gh.Ilie, I. Gruia, M.Băzăvan, 5th Conference on Optics ROMPOTO`97, Bucharest-Măgurele, Romania, September 9-12, 1997 ``Variation of photons distribution in chemiluminescent reaction of polymorphonuclear leucocytes activation in growing and development of carcinoma cells``, I. Gruia, I.Iova, I. Vinkler, M.I.Gruia, 5th Conference on Optics ROMPOTO`97, Bucharest-Măgurele, Romania, September 9-12, 1997 ``Correlation of some radiative processes resulting from electronic and vibrational spectra of on molecule excited in an electric arc discharge``,Iova I., I. Gruia, Gh.Ilie, M.Băzăvan, C.Biloiu, 5th Conference on Optics ROMPOTO`97, Bucharest-Măgurele, Romania, paper abstracts – pg. 29, September 9-12, 1997 “The role of digital filtering in numerical processing of spectral data”`, Iova I., S.Levai, I. Gruia, Gh.Ilie, M. Băzăvan, M.Braşoveanu, M.Vlaicu, National Conference of Physics, Baia Mare, 30 November -2 December 1995 “DC plasma excitation selective laser-induced fluorescence and collisions especially of second”`, Iova I., I. Chera, I. Gruia, Gh.Ilie, M.Băzăvan, First Symposium of Optoelectronics, Bucharest, September 1993 “The study of plasma processes colizionale spectral sources hollow cathode effect”, Iova I., I. Chera, I. Gruia, Gh.Ilie, M.Băzăvan, National Conference of Optoelectronics, Bucharest, 25-26 November 1993 “The selective excitation of atomic system in hollow cathode plasma with copper vapours and helium, krypton, helium + krypton buffer gases”, Iova I., I. Chera, I. Gruia, M.Băzăvan, XX International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, 1991,Pisa, Italy 14/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 “Selective excitation of some Neon and Kripton spectral lines in a Hollov Cathode electric discharge, under laser irradiation”, Iova I., I. Chera, I. Gruia, V.Covlea, T.Tudor, XIX International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, p.380, 1989, Belgrade, Yugoslavia “Study selective excitation processes in continuous DC and pulsed, mixed binary noble gas”, Iova I., I. Chera, I. Gruia, V.Covlea, C.Biloiu, Progress in Physics, Oradea 1989 “Study selective excitation processes in hollow cathode electric discharge effect in continuous and pulsed, mixed binary noble gas”, Iova I., I. Chera, I. Gruia, V.Covlea, T.Tudor, M.Ganciu, National Conference on Plasma Physics and Technology, Iaşi, 1989 “Problems with streamer holographic resolution to the room from IUCN Dubna”, Shcherbakov Yu.A., Iova I., T.Tudor, I. Gruia, M.Bulinski, I.Vinkler, Progress in Physics, Cluj-Napoca, Octombrie 1989 “Thermaly induced focal length in Nd-YAG laser rods, in repetitively pulsed laser sistems, at low input powers”, Mocofănescu A., I. Gruia, S.Micloş, `` The Thtrd International Conference Trends in Quantum Electronics, Bucharest 29 aug.- 3 sept., pp.147, 1988 “Method to reduce the response time of PIN photodiode”, Ganciu M., I. Gruia, C-tin Păunoiu, The Thtrd International Conference Trends in Quantum Electronics, Bucharest 29 aug.- 3 sept., 1988 “YAG-Nd laser triggered with repetition frequency of 10 Hz”, Dinu V., A.Mocofănescu, D.Savastru, I. Gruia, N.Mincu, N. Iftimia, National Meeting: Achievements and perspectives in the field of lasers and their applications in the national economy, 20 to 21 October 1987 “Optimization of pumping in laser cavities with solid active medium”, I. Gruia, V. Florea, N. Mincu, National Meeting: Achievements and perspectives in the field of lasers and their applications in the national economy, 20 to 21 October 1987 “Optoelectronic interface holographic method for photon radiation metrology”, Nicolau S., D. Sporea, I. Gruia, St. Levai, National Meeting: Achievements and perspectives in the field of lasers and their applications in the national economy, 20 to 21 October 1987 “Spatial fitering of track recordings from a laser illuminated streamer chamber”, Budziak A.(Krakov). I. Gruia, I.Iova, D.Sporea, T.Tudor, I.Vinkler (Bucharest), I.Ts.Ivanov, Yu.A.Shcherbakov (Dubna), Second International Conference Trends in Quantum Electronics, Bucharest, Romania,2-6 september, pp.262, 1985 “Improve the signal / noise in the images obtained at room Streamer”, Folomkin I.V., I. Gruia, I.Iova, I.Ts.Ivanov, D.Sporea, Yu.A.Shcherbakov, T.Tudor, I.Vinkler, National Colloquium Optics Third Edition Bucharest, 14 to 15 June, 1984 3. INFORMAŢII DESPRE PROIECTELE DE CERCETARE – DEZVOLTARE PE CARE LE-AM CONDUS ŞI GRANTURILE OBŢINUTE Funcţia Perioada Programul/Proiectul Approved projects financing Romania-JINR-Dubna 2014: No.70 Theme: “The isomeric ratios in photofission reactions”; Protocol No.: 4049-3-11/13; Responsabil 2014Topic no.: 03-4-1104-2011/2016; Leader from Romania: Gruia Ion, Institute: de proiect 2016 UB-FF; Leader from JINR- Dubna: Oprea C., Laboratory: FLNP; PN II (2008-2011) Contractul de finanţare Nr 72-223/2008, Programul PARTENERIATE ÎN DOMENIILE PRIORITARE, titlul proiectului: “ Responsabil 2008Cercetari avansate pentru producerea acoperirilor combinatoriale de interes de proiect 2011 pentru fuziune” acronim: CAPACIF PN II (2008-2011) Contractul de finanţare Nr 32-139/2008, Programul PARTENERIATE ÎN DOMENIILE PRIORITARE, titlul proiectului: Responsabil 2008“DEPOLUAREA APELOR REZIDUALE CU GRAD RIDICAT DE de proiect 2011 PERICULOZITATE SI RETINEREA IN SIGURANTA A IONILOR 15/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA CURRICULUM VITAE METALICI PE TUFURI ZEOLITICE MODIFICATE” acronim: DEPOREZ PN II (2007-2010) Contractul de finanţare Nr 71-037/18.09.2007, Programul PARTENERIATE ÎN DOMENIILE PRIORITARE, titlul proiectului: “Metode optice/spectroscopice de sesizare şi măsurare a schimbării /poluării /deteriorării structurii şi compoziţiei mediului ambiant normal” acronim: MODSPECTRA Contractului de finanţare CEEX (2005-2008) nr. 05 D11-27 din 05.10.2005, titlul proiectului: “Principii de extindere şi optimizare a performanţelor laserilor cu mediu activ solid” acronim: LASEXT P-CD Cod MEC 10328 CEEX 2006-2008 RELANSIN, contract nr. 237 din data: 20.07.2006, titlul proiectului: „Tehnologii avansate pentru dezvoltarea structurilor antifrictiune ecologice de tip metal-carbon” acronim:TEHMEC CEEX (2005-2008), titlul proiectului: “Metode laser, optice si spectrale pentru detectia precoce a modificarilor patologice in bio-tesuturi” acronim:LASOPMED CNCSIS A(2005-2008), titlul proiectului: “Analiza teoretica si experimentala a continutului informational al operatorilor dispozitivelor de polarizare statice” CEEX (2005-2008) MAHNATECH nr. 5594 din 06.10.2005, titlul proiectului: Sisteme laser pulsate cu durate de picosecunde şi femtosecunde pentru aplicaţii în nanotehnologii” acronim: NANOLAS Scientific and Technical Cooperation Joint Project for Romania and Ukraine for 2006-2007, Titlul proiectului: “Laser Polarization Fractolometry in PreClinical Diagnostics of Human Biotissue Pathological and DegenerativeDystrophyc Appearance Changes” CEEX (2005-2008) RELANSIN PC-D04-PT04-440/2005 nr. 33 din 06.10.2005, Titlul proiectului: „Metodă experimentală pentru studiul materialelor magnetice prin efect magneto-optic Kerr” acronim: MAGNE-KERR Programul CERES, proiectul C2 nr. 72 din data de 13.11.2002 cu titlul: ‚Soluţii de creştere a eficienţei şi de extindere a domeniului de putere pentru laserii Nd:YAG cu emisie continuă”, Programul CERES, proiectul nr. CE 6/P9 din data de 13.11.2002, cu titlul: „Reţeaua centrelor de excelenţă pentru Tehnici avansate de Restaurare – Conservare – Prezervare” CNCSIS:Excitări selective în izvoare spectrale şi medii active laser cu gaze şi vapori metalici cu emisie de radiaţie în vizibil şi UV – studiul emisiei radiante prin ciocniri electronice şi transfer de energie în plasme tranziente; CNCSIS Analiza operatorială a dispozitivelor statice compuse, CNCSIS Elaborare unei teorii pur operatoriale a dispozitivelor optice de polarizaţie, CNCSIS Realizarea unui lanţ de măsurare automatizată a spectrelor vaporilor metalici şi gazelor nobile în regimul pulsurilor mari de curent; CNCSIS Teoria coerenţei mutuale a spinorilor şi aplicaţii, CNCSIS Excitări selective în izvoare spectrale şi medii active laser cu gaze şi vapori metalici cu emisie de radiaţie în vizibil şi UV; CNCSIS Cercetări în transmiterea şi prelucrarea optică a informaţiei; CNCSIS Proiectarea şi realizarea de dispozitive cu plasmă şi studiul caracteristicilor lor electrice şi spectrale; CNCSIS Cercetări în lumină coerentă. Coerenţa fazelor diferite – unde de 16/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA 2014 Participant la proiect 20072010 Responsabil de proiect 20052008 Responsabil de proiect 20062008 Participant la proiect 20052008 Participant la proiect 20052008 Participant la proiect 20052008 Participant la proiect 20062007 Participant la proiect 20052008 Responsabil de proiect 20022005 Responsabil de proiect 20022005 Participant la proiecte 2002 Participant la proiecte 2002 Participant la proiecte 2001 Participant la proiecte 2001 Participant la proiecte 2000 Participant la proiecte 2000 Participant la proiecte 1999 Participant la proiecte 1999 Participant la 1998 CURRICULUM VITAE intensitate. Câmpuri optice multifrecvenţă; CNCSIS Procese competitive la intensificarea liniilor spectrale ale vaporilor metalici în plasme cu amestec ternar; CNCSIS Excitarea selectivă în gaze şi vapori metalici – aplicabilitate: medii active laser cu gaze şi vapori metalici; CNCSIS Perfecţionarea unei metodologii de excitare prin descărcări electrice în regim continuu şi prin pulsuri de scurtă durată în gaze şi vapori metalici; FF.UB - I.N. Metrologie, Contract nr.29/1989, „Elaborarea unui studiu pentru decelarea radiatiilor laser in durate scurte de ordinul nanosecundelor”, 2014 proiecte Participant la proiecte 1998 Participant la proiecte 1997 Participant la proiecte 1996 Responsabil de proiect Responsabil CSEN_DSL ÷ IRNE Contract nr.1229, Raport intern nr. 2662 / 15 dec. 1988 de proiect CSEN_DSL ÷ IRNE Contract nr.1229, Raport intern nr. 2312 / 30 septembrie Responsabil de proiect 1988, Raport intern nr. 2507 / 15 iunie 1988 Responsabil CSEN_DSL ÷ IRNE Contract nr.1229, Raport intern nr. 2141 / 15 dec. 1986 de proiect 19881989 1988 1987 1986 4. INFORMAŢII DESPRE PREMII SAU ALTE ELEMENTE DE RECUNOAŞTERE A CONTRIBUŢIILOR ŞTIINŢIFICE Premii “The antioxidant response induced by Lonicera caerulaea berry extracts in animals bearing experimental solid tumors”; Gruia, Maria Iuliana; Oprea, Eliza; Gruia, Ion; Negoita, Valentina; Farcasanu, Ileana Cornelia.; Molecules Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Pages: 1195-1206 Published: MAY 2008; Times Cited: 21; DOI: 10.3390/molecules13051195 - Factor de impact ISI: 1,738. - Articol premiat, de CNCSIS, în cadrul programului “Premierea Rezultatelor Cercetării - Etapa a II-a din 2008”. “Determining the radial distribution of the emission coefficient from a plasma source”; Gavrila, C.; Gruia, I.; Lungu, C. P.; Source: Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications Volume: 3 Issue: 8 Pages: 835-838, Published: AUG 2009; Times Cited: 2, Factor de impact ISI: 0,451. - Articol premiat, de CNCSIS, în cadrul programului “Premierea Rezultatelor Cercetării - Etapa a II-a din 2009”. Îndrumare ştiinţifică Coordonarea de lucrări şi proiecte de diplomă, precum şi lucrări de dizertaţie. 19.12.2014 (Semnătura candidatului) 17/17 | Candidat: Lector univ. dr. Ion GRUIA
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