Portfolio tidningar


Portfolio tidningar
Strömberg: iBit
SL: SLdirekt Special
SL: prenumerationsfolder
SL: Konsten i tunnelbanan
Nordic Financial Systems: ”the Hub”, företagstidning
Reklambyrån t-a-n-k: företagspresentation
Ångpanneföreningen: PX-Control, produktfolder
Raster: nyheter om grafiska branschen
LRF: Svenskt Sigill, miljöcertifierat jordbruk, presentationsbroschyr
Svenska Målareförbundet: informationstidning
Svenska Målareförbundet: rekryteringsbroschyr
Telia Mobitel: konstbok
WM-data Caran: presentationsfolder
Jonas Sahlström
Art Director
0732-55 61 46
08-714 53 81
Folkungagatan 86 A
116 22 Stockholm
Broschyr 16 sidor: tjänsten iBit
Lite smått revolutionerande
En webblänk. Det är vad som krävs för att du
ska revolutionera din tillvaro – och erbjuda ditt
företags intressenter bättre tillgänglighet till
För tio år sedan revolutionerade Strömberg
hanteringen av utskick till de nuvarande investerarna genom Aktieägartjänst.
Nu tar vi ett logiskt steg framåt och utökar
Aktieägartjänst med en mängd nya funktioner
för att göra livet lättare för dig. Vi kallar det iBit
– Interaktiv Beställnings- och Investerartjänst.
iBit är webbplatsen där du enkelt och effektivt hanterar det rutinartade IR-arbetet. Det är
också en automatiserad beställningsfunktion
för ditt företags aktieägare och intressenter
som innebär bättre informationsutbud för
dem – men lägre kostnader och bättre kontroll för dig.
Om iBit är lika revolutionerande som Aktieägartjänst lämnar vi upp till dig att bedöma.
En sak är vi dock säkra på: iBit spar både
tid och pengar åt dig.
Vi vill bara berätta
om en IR-tjänst som
effektiviserar ditt jobb,
sänker dina kostnader och
ökar din informationstillgänglighet.
iBit-broschyr.indd 2
04-11-21 22.26.54
iBit-broschyr.indd 3
04-11-21 22.27.48
Interaktiv beställning av tryckta och elektroniska dokument
Beställning av tryckta dokument via telefon och e-post
Ändra adressuppgifter
Beställa nyheter via e-post
Beställa nyheter via SMS
Vi har utvecklat iBit för att kunna erbjuda dig
en heltäckande service för både aktieägare
och andra intressenter.
Vi har också skapat iBit för att du ska kunna
ägna dig åt din kärnkompetens medan vi ägnar
oss åt vår – att hantera och distribuera information bättre och billigare än vad ditt företag
kan. Det tjänar båda parter på.
Har den här presentationen gjort dig nyfiken
på att veta mer om iBit?
Kontakta då oss för en personlig demonstration där vi visar vad iBit rent konkret kan göra
för dig och ditt företag, och hur den fungerar
iBit-broschyr.indd 1
tillsammans med andra tjänster du kanske
redan utnyttjar hos oss.
Boka tid med Helena Kjellström på telefon
08-449 88 02, helena.kjellstrom@strd.se, eller
med Jan Bäckman, telefon 08-449 88 09,
Vi hoppas att du vill utnyttja vår kärnkompetens för att göra livet enklare, billigare och
bättre för dig och dina intressenter.
Massutskick till aktieägare
Urval av aktieägare som vill ha ekonomisk information
Administrera interaktivt beställningsformulär
Lagersaldo av trycksaker
Sätta utskicksstopp för efterbeställningar
Administrera förbeställningar internt
Administrera utskickslistor till intressenter
Skapa utskick för brev
Skapa utskick för e-post
Skapa utskick för SMS
Administrera och skapa pressutskick
Pressutskick direkt till TT
Enkätundersökningar av beställare
Automatisk beställarstatistik
Print on demand
04-11-21 22.26.35
** Vissa typer av utskick genom manuell hantering.
Strömberg erbjuder bl.a. tjänsten iBit: digital distribution av trycksaker.
iBit-broschyr.indd 14
04-11-21 22.29.40
iBit-broschyr.indd 15
04-11-21 22.30.48
SL Direkt special
Under en längre tid producerade jag SLs
tidning ”SL direkt special”. Den distribuerades kvartalsvis i Metro i Stockholms tunnelbana. Med tanke på den breda målgruppen var det viktigt att tidningen var
lättläst och tydlig i sin utformning.
Broschyr som ger en vägledning om konsten i Stockholms tunnelbana.
Framställdes också på engelska. Total upplaga 800.000 ex. 32 sidor, A5.
Nordic Financial Systems, NFS
Comment from the CEO
Welcome to the first edition of ‘the Hub’ the
newsletter from Nordic
Financial Systems (NFS).
NFS is the provider of
guaranteed support services and specialised systems
and business consultancy
to treasuries worldwide,
and like ‘the Hub’ we are
the focal point of information exchange for
our customers and partners. In this edition we
introduce you to NFS and give you an insight
into our business philosophy, how we are
changing, and some examples of the latest
developments with our clients.
NFS’ mission is to support and develop
treasury operations and our objective is to be
the best provider of systems and business
process consultancy in the world. NFS was
founded in 1995 on the belief that there was a
need for an independent expert supplier on systems’ implementation, integration and support
for corporate treasuries and asset managers.
Having spent the last eight years supplying the
technical and business expertise our clients
need to enable their businesses to succeed, we
believe that this need is stronger now than ever.
NFS continues to expand and develop and
this newsletter is an indication of that growth.
We are now supporting clients all over the
globe and have offices across Europe and Singapore. Within a few years we are on target to
be fully established in the United States, achieving our vision of developing bases in all three
financial time zones of the world. NFS is on its
way to becoming the local supplier that offers
global support and development for treasuries.
In this issue you will find an article on
recent trends in IT strategy and a case study on
Citrix, the advanced distribution tool that
improves the flexibility of working in a technical environement. There is also a Q&A plus a
case study on NFS’ Treasury Support Center™, the function for treasury operations that
provides guaranteed IT management and business operations support for multinationals and
their subsidiaries.
We hope you find this first edition of ‘the
Hub’ interesting and useful. If you would like
to receive future copies of the newsletter feel
free to contact us at thehub@nfs.se. In the
meantime, if you would like to know more
about NFS, visit our website at:
NFS internal
NFS – Newsletter
Spring 2003
HR: Developing Competence
At NFS each employee is a vital link in the
chain – each team member’s continual career
development and commitment to the company ethos are essential for the chain to remain
intact and for our business to prosper…
the right people is the key to a successful
business. NFS’ customers demand a very
high level of expertise and professionalism
and it is the NFS people providing it.
Although education and background are
important, finding candidates with the
right attitude, commitment and work ethic
is essential. To ensure continual career
development and intellectual stimulation,
NFS has instilled a progressive and structured competence development programme.
SSCs and Treasury Alternatives
AS TREASURY OPERATIONS continue to develop globally and their needs become
more demanding, there are only a few
treasuries in the world that possess
the level of resources needed to maintain all the areas of their operations
internally. The areas for which
this is most commonly the case
are information technology
and business administration.
Many different solutions
have arisen to cater to these
needs and in response to this
growing market, Nordic
Financial Systems is conducting
a global survey on shared service
centers (SSC) and the treasury
alternatives available to treasurers today. Findings from this survey will be presented at Trema
World Forum in Monaco on 45th June 2003. They will thereafter be presented at different
venues around the globe and
will be available for free on
the NFS website
The three most significant
solutions the report will be
examining are centralisation, outsourcing and shared
service centers.
The report will discuss how some treasuries are transforming to cost centers with
decreasing levels of proprietary trading.
The report will also focus on the principle
drivers behind centralised treasury and the
factors that can affect a treasury’s location.
Outsourcing as an alternative to centralised
treasury will be another solution discussed in the report. The report
will discuss the concerns surrounding outsourcing and
the perception that complete outsourcing is not
refined enough to work
seamlessly within a corporations integrated
Finally, the report will look
extensively into the growth of
shared service centers, used for
group accounting, collections,
disbursements and payments.
The principal drivers behind the
growing move towards SSC
such as cost efficiency, higher
control, improved competence
and uniformity will also be discussed. The report will examine how the increased
demands for corporate governance are pressing for uniform and transparent financial
processes and how the
SSC looks set to streamline legal organisation,
routines, processes, and agreements.
In this seminal study, Nordic Financial
Systems will present an in depth discussion
of these three solutions as well as ideas on
how to benefit from the growing synergies
between treasuries around the world. If
you want to receive the final study please
send an email to ssc@nfs.se.
Inside this issue:
– Global Survey: SSCs and Treasury
– HR: Developing Competence
– Adjusting to Improve Client Communications
Magnus Lind
CEO, Nordic Financial Systems
the Hub, företagstidning
– Support Business Growth: Developing an
IT strategy to support the demands of the
– Electrolux – Using Citrix for Global Outreach
– Treasury Support Center™: Q&A
– SEB Improves Client Trading Process with
NFS e-Deal Router
– Ringing its Way to the Top: Ericsson Discovers Competitive Advantage with TSC
– Breaking the Ice: NFS Hosts its First Industry
Hiring the Best
Through a series of interviews and tests,
we carefully assess each candidate for a
position to ascertain whether they have the
the Hub
Nordic Financial Systems kundtidning. Skapades samtidigt som jag
producerade NFS’ nya grafiska
profil. Layouten var problematisk
då textmängden var stor och sidantalet p.g.a tekniska förutsättningar
inte kunde hållas högre än åtta.
Fun, Fairness & Integrity
There is a very special spirit at NFS that all
of our employees share. We’ve established
some fundamental guidelines for working
at NFS to ensure this spirit flourishes.
Firstly, we want work to be fun – we want
to enjoy both learning and performing.
Secondly, we want our consultants to
always be fair – trust themselves and
always act in the best interest of our
clients, our team and our partners. Lastly,
we want our consultants to always show
integrity – respecting clients, colleagues
and partners.
NFS believes in its people, their ability
and their professional approach to client
relations. The NFS spirit has been fundamental to our success thus far and will
continue to set us apart as we grow going
An inpenetratable chain – the NFS team
is reliable, complete and continually working harder to deliver ever increasing value
contribution to our customers.
Adjusting to Improve Client Communications
Customer relationship management is one of
the most important and challenging aspects
of consultancy. There is a delicate balance
that must be maintained between providing
an invaluable resource to the customer, yet
isolating the customer from the complex
operations you’ve been hired to manage.
added services, we have realigned our communication
process to create new development forums.
The new forums allow NFS
to deliver strategic efficent dialogue and services through:
customers’ time is precious, we tried to
limit the amount of contact we had with
them over the course of the day. We provided a constant resource when our consultancy was required and worked to isolate our
customer from the challenges we face in
managing their IT and business processes.
In practise this has been effective, but as
more and more customers want to discuss
terms, project work and NFS’ extensive
services, the account management function
has had to adjust to ensure the higher level
discussions continue to transpire.
Customers see value in having an
interface to quickly secure offers, services
and negotiations, but they also want to
have higher-level development discussions
about market dynamics, new technologies,
trends and strategy. With this in mind and
with the backing of a client group that
continues to assist NFS in providing value
Development Meetings:
These are bi-annual (or quarterly in some cases) client
information exchanges. NFS’
most experienced employees
will participate in a challenging
meeting with clients – discussing
emerging demands and market
trends, creating development plans,
and sharing critical treasury and
technology knowledge.
seamlessly integrate the solution into
their own environments.
Client Workshops:
These are bi-annual client workshops. Groups of clients with similar needs discuss treasury strategy
and technologies based on an agenda created by them and moderated by NFS. The
workshops will identify specific group
demands where solutions can be developed
by NFS and shared between different companies with customisations locally to
NFS Focus Groups:
As some discussions may
require further development to reach core
groups will be created with customers to
facilitate phone conferences (or meetings if
time permits) on single
subjects to advance development and meet dynamic
user requirements.
NFS’ customers want to
push the pace of development,
hold stride with new and
emerging technologies and
benefit from information
exchanges with the experts and
their peers facing similar challenges. Our new approach
through account management will extend
this development environment – lending
competitive advantage by creating an open
forum for discussion, debate, and ultimately optimal operational environments.
Treasury Support Center™
1. What is Nordic Financial Systems’ Treasury
Support Center™ (TSC)?
Nordic Financial Systems’ TSC is the
world’s first dedicated support center for
treasuries, providing comprehensive business, operational and IT support. TSC
enables treasurers to focus their energies
on strategically driving the business forward, safe in the knowledge that TSC is
managing the IT and business processes in
line with overall group objectives.
TSC is an independent advisor and a
trusted partner – working with treasurers
to leverage proprietary system functionality, take advantage of the latest solutions
on the market and provide a stable, operationally efficient systems environment.
TSC provides guaranteed support – both
development and operational – extending
highly specialised treasury knowledge, a
familiarity with proprietary systems environments and awareness of the most
advanced solutions on the market.
TSC offers an affordable solution for
treasurers who need IT management and
business process support – delivering optimal efficiency, a stable technology environment and critical strategic advantage.
3. What benefits does TSC extend to
• Access to the best treasury technology
and operations experts in the world
2. Why was Treasury Support Center™ created?
TSC was developed to cater for the growing
demands of treasurers to support their systems environment more efficiently. With the
treasuries needing to solely focus on their
own daily business activities, much time
was being spent trying to find and retain
technical/financial competence in-house to
manage the IT operations. The competence
pool internally was not available and with
employee knowledge in this area constantly
‘on the move’, many felt that the wheel was
continuously being re-invented. One of
many aims has been reached. TSC offers the
competence required and guarantees the
highest level of support enabling the treasurer to concentrate on their core business
and not be dependant on single individuals
for knowledge.
5. How do TSC consultants address gaps in
existing treasury operations?
TSC extends a platform for developing
treasury operations according to business needs and gaps in current market offerings. For the treasury
resources, TSC acts as an independent advisor, informing
how to best develop and
create the most suitable business and
system environment
for the treasury’s core
industry’s most experienced treasury systems consultants. TSC is offered as a scalable service, which means the treasurer can
choose the level of support necessary to
meet his needs. TSC enables treasurers to
achieve a predictable cost horizon together
with state-of-the art operations.
• Trouble free support for all treasury
• A single point of communication for all
technology and business challenges
7. What types of organisations are using TSC?
Multinational corporations and asset manages can all benefit from TSC – due to its
scalability in terms of size, capabilities and
of course price. TSC can offer the same
level of support for both large and smaller
oranisations to ensure the systems environment is managed as optimally as possible.
• An optimised systems environment
• Rapid response times for all support
• Tailormade services
• An expert service to assist in positioning
the corporate treasury as a benchmark
• The ability to focus on core business and
maximise return on system and business
process investment
8. Where can I find out more information about
whether TSC is right for my business?
To find out more about Treasury Support
Center™ please contact Ms Kjerstin
Hande at Nordic Financial Systems on
4. When are TSC consultants available?
Twenty-four hours a day. A comprehensive
Internet-based system, www.treasurysupport.com, offers TSC customers a single
portal for round the clock access to TSC
domain expertise, experience and technology know-how.
6. What type of agreement will I have to
engage in with Nordic Financial Systems?
A service level agreement ensures the treasurer has twenty-four hour access to the
the Hub – Spring 2003
the Hub – Spring 2003
NFS case study
Ringing its Way
to the Top
Support Business Growth
Ericsson Discovers
Competitive Advantage
Through TSC IT Competence
Magnus Hacker
Ericsson, the world’s largest supplier of mobile systems, recently took the strategic decision to
adopt Treasury Support Center™ (TSC) to manage its risk management system’s support at
Ericsson Treasury. NFS has been providing consultancy to Ericsson Treasury since 1999 and the
recent adoption of TSC is confirmation that the partnership has been entirely successful in
achieving the agreed goals. As Ericsson Treasury continues to enhance its treasury operations,
TSC will manage the Risk system’s processes and support, enabling Ericsson Treasury to focus
on core activities and business development.
AS THE ROLE of the internal bank continues
to expand to incorporate new roles and
responsibilities, internal resources are
stretched dangerously thin. As the competence required to effectively manage IT
and business processes continues to
increase, corporate treasuries are faced
with a significant resource gap. Bridging
this gap with internal qualified, specialist
staff is often a formidable task and proves
a poor business case. Subsequently, many
of the world’s most advanced and proactive treasuries are exploring IT and system
process support solutions.
Ericsson Treasury, managing a highly
sophisticated treasury operation, faced this
critical resource challenge prior to adopting NFS’ TSC. TSC immediately assumed
responsibility for the support of Ericsson
Treasury’s treasury and risk management
system, enabling the Treasury to focus on
core treasury operations. Tomas Lourié,
Manager Business Solutions/Middle
Office, Ericsson Treasury, comments, “We
could not maintain the competence inhouse to manage both the IT of the treasury operations together with the business
development and we found it difficult to
find and retain these specialised resources.
With TSC we can build on the competence
pool and share experiences and costs with
other NFS clients.”
A Trusted Partner
TSC provides the first line of support for
Ericsson Treasury’s core system, applying
its domain expertise and experience to
the treasury’s IT and system process
challenges. The NFS resources
provide 24-hour support – working closely with Ericsson
Treasury to ensure its
risk systems environment matches
the treasury’s overall objectives and
Adopting TSC
enabled Ericsson
Treasury to involve
NFS in more of the
daily operations of the
treasury support. Fredrik
Wikner, Managing Director Ericsson Treasury
Services AB, comments
“predominately this means that my
people can focus on core activities while
NFS is responsible for making sure the risk
system runs smoothly”.
With a new structure in place and
the lines of responsibility
clearly drawn, Ericsson Treasury and
NFS are forging
remarkably sophisticated IT structure.
NFS supports Ericsson Treasury’s TMS on
all IT levels – functionality, technical structure,
interfaces, etc. TSC has gradually acquired
more responsibilities and as the partnership develops, TSC will continue to
expand its role.
A web-based issue handling system
ensures consistent communication and
reporting between TSC and Ericsson Treasury, and stores the information related to
any queries or problems. Ericsson
Treasury has access to the system
twenty-four hours a day to
report problems and trace
problem solving activities.
The Road Ahead
Ericsson Treasury
will continue to benefit from having a
single point of communication, an independent advisor and a
trusted partner. Tomas
Lourié comments, “TSC
is an excellent resource
for us. NFS people have
the right balance of
technical expertise
and treasury knowledge. It is a partnership that has
been very effective for us and
one that we
look to maintain well into
the future.”
Magnus Hacker,
Senior Technical Consultant, NFS, examines
why, as a means of
achieving the treasury’s objectives, it is
essential to develop an
IT strategy to support
the demands and the
growth of the business,
and how this can be
THE TREASURY’S SYSTEM platform forms the
backbone of its operations and includes
several hardware and software components, which are either company-wide
standard or treasury specific. The platform
is developed in line with the treasury’s IT
strategy in accordance with modern
methodologies and designed, implemented
and managed to enable a harmonious and
flexible environment with the necessary
level of security and availability.
The treasury IT strategy is a documented vision of how information technology
will be strategically managed in an organisation. A strategy is a means of measuring
the effectiveness of plans, visions and targets. It is also key for cost control and a
foundation for investment and organisational decision-making. The strategy
enables an organisation to create a clear
structure and is a means of internal and
external communications. Basically it
serves as a framework to capitalise on previous investments as well as to facilitate
necessary developments, i.e. IAS 39 and to
enable cost control.
The Overall Picture
The treasury’s strategy and targets usually
aim to satisfy Group management expectations of having flexible, reliable and low
cost funding, financial risk control and
efficient processing with minimised operational risk. From these targets the goals for
the supporting organisation and systems
platform can be derived and defined to
achieve synergies and higher process efficiency (including STP). The treasury then
benefits from economies of scale, reduced
vulnerability by decreasing the dependence
on key personnel and higher availability
and performance.
Developing the Building Blocks to Define the
The IT strategy is developed using five
principal building blocks:
1. Business Requirements
2. System Platform
3. Components
4. IT Organisation
5. Support Organisation
Mapping the Business Requirements
Mapping of the present set-up, expectations
and demands is essential. Not only those
within the treasury but also those units with
business interfaces to the treasury, for
example, subsidiaries and corporate units.
Often it is also advisable to make use of
‘know-how’ from outside the group, from
banks and other information providers on
possible solutions. A clear overview of the
present set-up will also prove helpful when
deciding how to implement the new platform.
System Platform Alternatives
Once you have determined what the business requirements are, it is then necessary
to develop a system platform or infra structural solution, which will best achieve these
requirements. Questions to ask include:
What alternatives are available? What is
the Group’s IT policy on system platforms?
What factors will influence the choice?
Figure 1. The Treasury
IT Strategy is derived
from the overall group
strategy and targets and
is divided into five
building blocks.
There are a number of factors that will
determine the final decision. The geographical location of the treasury will
determine the required IT capabilities as
will the financial markets that need to be
covered. How the organisation is set-up,
both legally and with regard to the decision making hierarchy, will also influence
the end solution. It is essential to bear in
mind any specific reporting requirements
when making a decision. Internal reporting issues and statutory demands should
be considered, for example, compliance
with IAS 39 / FAS 133. Other influencing
factors include: application types, the
group technical infrastructure and overall
integration requirements and the business
and technical support alternatives available.
To determine the platform alternatives
demands high technical skills and a thorough understanding of the trends in both
the IT and financial areas. The new platform should be sustainable and scalable in
order to cater for future changes in the
treasury business operations and technological progress.
Choosing Components
Components are the treasury management
system(s), the information system(s) and
other applications, as well as network
solutions, workstations, middleware, data-
Group Strategy and Targets
Treasury Strategy and Targets
Business Processes and Organisation
Treasury IT Strategy
Group IT-strategy
the Hub – Spring 2003
the Hub – Spring 2003
education, background and attitude that is
right for our team. We look for individuals
with very strong client relationship skills –
focused on delivering quality services to
meet specialised client needs.
At NFS, new employees undergo an
introductory period lasting six months. In
this time they supplement their skills with
specialised training, work closely with a
mentor to absorb the NFS ethos and enter
the role they have been hired to fill. Following the initial period, our consultants
are continually assessed and required to
attend several training sessions throughout
the year.
The projects these consultants work on
also form a part of the competence development programme. Since NFS is focused
exclusively on the treasury market, all of
our consultants receive a deep competence
in financial operations. NFS people, therefore, have a solid understanding of the
business and technical aspects of the treasury function.
the Hub – Spring 2003
I början av 90-talet skapade jag tillsammans med Sten Hedman, Richard Flinck
och Anders Norman månadstidningen
Gazette, en av Sveriges första helt digitala
desktopproducerade tidningar. Tidningen blev även tämligen känd under en tid
på grund av en i tidningen tryckt (framoch baksida) tusenlapp.
Reklambyrån t-a-n-k
Ångpanneföreningen PX-Control
Nyhetstidning om den grafiska branschen
Målet var att skapa en tidning med en
mjukare och lite annorlunda framtoning än vad som var brukligt då inom
den grafiska branschen.
LRF: Svenskt Sigill. Miljöcertifierat jordbruk.
Ur broschyren om Svenskt Sigill. Broschyren var
från början tänkt att vara den första i en serie på
tio böcker, men tyvärr blev det bara den här.
Duplex: svart/grön och svart/brun, tjockt krämfärgat grängat papper, 16 sidor, 210 x 210 mm
Svenska Målareförbundet
Målareförbundet gav ut en halvårstidning, som med humoristisk layout och
språkbruk skulle uppmärksamma på
arbetsmiljörisker målningstekniker etc.
Förutom utseende och produktion illustrerade jag också själv, något som numera sällan inträffar.
Svenska Målareförbundet
”En för alla, alla för en”.
Rekryteringsbroschyr för Svenska Målareförbundet.
Vänder sig till ungdomar på målarlinjen i gymnasiet.
A4, 16 sidor.
Telia Mobitel
Exempelsidor ur boken.
Konst & Kommunikation (Art & Communication)
I detta projekt hade jag mer rollen av formgivare än AD. Men boken blev fin och får därför vara med.
Vid invigningen av Telia Mobitels nya lokaler i Nacka Strand togs en presentbok fram som visade i urval de svenska konstnärer vars verk finns representerade i det nya huset. Projektet var egentligen i den storleksgraden att det inte platsar under
”mindre projekt”, eftersom vi var tvungna att åka land och rike runt för att träffa konstnärerna. Boken blev tvåspråkig (engelska och svenska). Boken sattes med Berling för att ytterligare framhäva det svenska ursprunget.
297 x 210, 16 sidor.
WM-data Caran
En teknikinformatör måste vara hemtam i två helt
skilda miljöer; produktens utvecklingsmiljö och
användarmiljö. Utmaningen är att få utgöra den
bärande länken mellan konstruktören och användaren av produkten. Här ligger en del av förklaringen
till att teknisk information kräver specialkompetens. Vetskapen om att bra teknisk information ofta
är avgörande för hur produkten tas emot ger stöd
och motivation.
En teknikinformatör är av naturen nyfiken på
kunder och användare och vill lära känna och förstå
deras behov. Ett sätt är att lyfta fram användarens
behov och förutsättningar redan från skisstadiet.
Vi på Caran vill göra teknisk information tillgänglig, begriplig och användbar. För att lyckas tror
vi att det krävs specifik kompetens när det gäller
målgruppsanpassningar, tekniskt kunnande, förmåga att anpassa text och bild så att komplicerade sammanhang blir begripliga. Det är också viktigt att
säkerställa att informationen fungerar i en kommande, ”skarp” miljö.
Om du vill ge våra teknikinformatörer bäst förutsättningar ska du låta dem delta i projektet redan
från start. Låta oss vara med och diskutera presumtiva kunder, skisser, prototyper och andra förutsättningar. Det ger oss specifik teknisk kunskap och
kontakter för att kunna diskutera vidare med rätt
del av projektet.
Vi tillämpar egenutvecklade modeller både för
projektledning och för framtagning av målgruppsanpassad information. Modellerna har vuxit fram
ur mångårig erfarenhet från kundsamarbeten i projektform. De täcker därmed in alla faser inom
respektive område, och säkerställer ett effektivt
arbetssätt och kvalitet i det vi levererar.
våra områden
grafisk form
Vi förmedlar och förhöjer kundens grafiska profil
vid framtagning av trycksaker, gränssnitt och förpackningar. Våra copywriters och art directors ser
till att form och funktion harmonierar inbördes, allt
efter typen av produkt. Vi säkerställer också att det
visuella uttrycket ligger i linje med kundens övriga
kommunikation. Sammantaget verkar detta i riktning mot en förstärkning av varumärket.
Vi hanterar allt från den lilla produktionen som
en mindre hemsida eller broschyr, till en total kommunikativ lösning inkluderande varumärkesplattform, grafisk profil, webbsidor, trycksaker, mässmonter etc.
Vi erbjuder kvalitetsöversättningar från svenska till
engelska och vice versa inom alla våra informationsområden.
Vid större projekt, där översättningar till flera
språk kan vara aktuellt, erbjuder vi även samordningstjänster och projektledning för själva översättningsarbetet. Detta gäller även marknadsspecifik
lokalanpassning av mjukvara.
För kunder med internationell verksamhet, som
t ex Volvo och Saab Automobiles, finns ett återkommande behov att våra lösningar översätts till en
mängd olika språk. Vi har därför inarbetade kontakter med större översättningsbyråer som har kunskap och kapacitet för denna typ av åtaganden.
teknisk information
Klarhet och stringens är våra ledstjärnor i allt informationsarbete. Väl avvägd information med avseende på mottagare, syfte och kontext borgar för
effektiv kommunikation. Inte för mycket och inte
för litet. Rätt ord med rätt innebörd i rätt mängd.
Våra tjänster inom teknisk information omfattar
bland annat teknisk dokumentation, monteringsanvisningar, processbeskrivningar, användarmanualer, utbildningsmaterial, samt service- och underhållsinformation.
Förutom traditionell pappersbunden information erbjuder vi även andra presentationsformer,
som t ex interaktiva lösningar.
Bäst resultat når vi under samverkan. Vi ser till att
allt som hör till produkten fungerar tillsammans.
Helhetssyn när det gäller utseende och känsla för
produktens yttre är lika viktigt som ett relevant och
konsekvent angreppssätt avseende beskrivningar,
benämningar och begrepp. För oss ett logiskt sätt
att arbeta. För kunden en garanti för att kunna
säkra kvalitén totalt.
Och när allt stämmer överens ökar chansen att
nå ända fram.
vi hjälper dig med den
lilla obetydliga del som
gör att din kund förstår nyttan av och kan
använda din produkt
För mer information kontakta:
Stefan Wilhelmsson: stwih@wmdata.com
Erik Wallin: erwal@wmdata.com
Content supplement
teknisk information,
grafisk form och översättning
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