June 1-30 - First Community Church
June 1-30 - First Community Church
Community Forums Financial Report Page 7 Page 2 The Art of Goodwill Page 8 firstnews Monthly 614 488.0681 FCchurch.com June 1 - 30, 2014 Vol. 60 No. 6 Three couples have signed on as co-chairs for the Capital Projects Campaign. Pictured from left, Don and Karen Gardiner, H.R. "Buss" and Lou Ann Ransom and Diana and Bill Arthur. The Endorsers Ransoms, Gardiners and Arthurs Step Up To Support Capital Campaign Occasionally, the feeling that one is experiencing a critical time in history becomes intensely profound. For three couples whose personal history with First Community Church reaches as far back as childhood, that time is now. journey toward a successful Capital Projects Campaign. Their efforts, along with countless others who believe strongly in the ministries of the church, will result in the construction of a sanctuary at North Campus while making much-needed improvements to South Campus and Camp Akita. Don and Karen Gardiner, H.R. “Buss” and Lou Ann Ransom and Bill and Diana Arthur are helping to lead a The couples have accepted their role as co-chairs of the Campaign, a responsibility they take seriously and Story and Photo by Michael Barber personally. Their primary goal is to rally support for the projects they believe to be critical to the church’s future. The Capital Projects were born from a report given by Dr. Richard Wing at the February, 2013 Annual Meeting titled Our 20/20 Vision. The report included a plan for a sanctuary at North Campus and reiterated the desire to keep South Campus and Camp Akita vibrant. (Continued, Page 2) The Endorsers (Continued from Page 1) “ This is a vision for the church’s future that we can’t achieve unless we do it now. The time has come. This is the time.” — Diana Arthur, Campaign co-chair, member Former Governing Board Chair Buss Ransom is confident in the direction of the proposed plan. “What brought us here is the fact that 20 years ago the congregation had several votes on whether to create another facility,” Buss said. “Since that time, the congregation has endorsed not only support of the new facility, but 1320 and Akita. As a result, we are becoming stewards of those projects as well as lots of other things the church does. We’re going to help make that happen!” Current Governing Board member Don Gardiner reflects on past efforts that paved the way to the current North Campus facility and lessons learned along the way. “We came awfully close to not having a North Campus,” Don said. “Buss and I were on the committee to evaluate whether we should relocate the church north - not have two campuses, but move the church. We recommended that we do so. That went to a vote of the members and it was voted down rather handily. Rev. Barry Johnson had the vision to plow forward with that and build an auxiliary facility at that time. If he hadn’t done that, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” Buss recognizes the value of keeping South Campus open. “The reason we thought the move to North Campus was important was because that’s where the growth was,” Buss said. “What’s happened since that time is there’s also a growth happening of young people in the Grandview, Marble Cliff and Upper Arlington areas, reaching to downtown Columbus. In retrospect, saving 1320 was a really good thing to have happened. We have 3 facilities to maintain and for good reason.” Each member of the team has a deep, personal connection to the church; 2 however, Diana Arthur holds more church history than the other co-chairs having attended Sunday School in the fifth-grade. Her parents built a house in Marble Cliff, making it easy for her to enjoy her church family. “My parents joined after I did,” she said. “The church has been there for me through all the bumps in my life.” Diana believes as strongly in the need for a North Campus Sanctuary as she does the preservation of South Campus and Akita. “North Campus does need a sanctuary, it needs a sanctuary badly,” Diana said. “Akita needs to be kept in tip top shape all the time, safe for kids and South Campus, where my heart is, needs to be well maintained.” Moving forward, the co-chairs will lend full support to the Capital Projects Campaign with their time, talents and treasure. “This is a vision for the church’s future that we can’t achieve unless we do it now,” Diana said. “When approached, Bill and I realized this is too important for something that’s meant so much to our lives. The time has come. This is the time.” Community Forums June 4, 7 pm, North Campus June 8, 11:15 am, South Campus The Capital Projects Committee will be providing updates on all Capital Projects, focusing on details related to the South Campus and Camp Akita Master Plans. firstnews Articles Karen Gardiner said she and husband Don explored many churches 40 years ago before settling on First Community. “My goodness, we just couldn’t stay away,” She said. “Rev. Robert Raines was there at the time. We loved it. Looking ahead, these projects aren’t just pipe dreams. They are absolute brick and mortar needs.” Include the date, contact person’s name, phone number and/or e-mail address with all submissions. Submit to: email -news@FCchurch.com fax - 614 488.2763 phone - 614 488.0681 Karen is inspired by recent growth at North Campus. “It’s fun to go up there and see the place is jammed,” she said. “I think, ‘Who are all those people with all those kids?’ The energy is really fabulous.” firstnews is a communications mission of First Community Church, published for church members and the community to share insights, educate and inform. Don Gardiner has experienced slight opposition to the idea of building a North Campus Sanctuary from a relatively small segment of the congregation who believe money is better spent on missions and outreach. “We need a growing base of people to do that,” Don said. “It’s very hard to attract people if we don’t have a sacred space that meets their emotional needs. We’re not going to raise this kind of money for a mission. It can’t be done.” We reserve the right to edit all submissions. The deadline for all submissions is 12 pm on the 15th of each month. Editor: Michael Barber Graphic Design: Tabitha McCleery Admin. Assistant: Emily Rogers First Community Church firstnews (USPS 196300) is published monthly by First Community Church, 1320 Cambridge Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43212-3200. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio. Subscription rates — U.S. First Community members - $1/ year; non-members - $25/year. Canadian or foreign subscriptions must be paid in U.S. dollars. For non-U.S. rates, call the firstnews office. Postmaster: Send address changes to First Community Church, 1320 Cambridge Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43212-3200. June 1 - 30, 2014 South Campus Summer Closings As a part of our commitment to reduce expenses in 2014, we are closing South Campus located at 1320 Cambridge Blvd. 43212, each Friday beginning June 6 through Friday, August 29. North Campus will be open on Fridays except for July 4. The church telephone line will remain open 9 am - 5 pm at 614 488.0681 By closing a location we will lower expenses through reduced power and energy consumption and reduced wage expenditures. South Campus will open on Fridays for limited hours to cover rehearsals, weddings, ceremonies and special scheduled events. Soundings Bobby Eddie –– The Reverend Dr. Richard A. Wing, Senior Minister Robert Edward Meehan died on April 29 after a battle with acute leukemia since last August. Bob was a husband, father, grandfather, friend, tireless worker and two-time high school cross country champion in the state of Wisconsin. Family referred to him affectionately as Bobby Eddie. He called me “Pal.” I miss him. When Shirley and I were neighbors with the Meehans in Northern California in 1982, Bob would daily come home from work and go out running through our hilly neighborhood. I’m not talking about slow jogging. I’m talking about a real hard cross country run up and down hills. I’m talking fast! One day I said to Bob, “You make me feel like a wimp! Cross country looks hard.” He said: “Dick, you are a wimp, but we love you anyway.” “Uh, thanks Bob, I think.” He said, “Cross country is not hard for me. Every time I see a trail, I have to run. To run is life; everything else is simply waiting.” Then, after serving our church for 14-plus years and returning to California, Bob ran out of our lives and into a truth he knows which, for now, we cannot. I met with his family in California where we shed tears in a small chapel. His many relatives will gather in Wisconsin in June. Then, on his birthday in 2015, I will go with the family to Eugene, Oregon and spread his ashes along the path that his hero, Steve Prefontaine, ran. That’s what Bob wanted. Ken Wilbur said, “The fact that life and death are not two is extremely difficult to grasp, not because it is so complex, but because it is so simple.” One day we will all jog with Bobby Eddie toward a light where we discover that “life and death are one” and nothing of value is finally lost and where laughter has the last word and we discover that death is nothing but a lie about eternal life. Until we meet again, my brother Bob, thanks for moments where you offered to this world the best in love, work, play and kindness. Peace to you, Dr. Wing will spend much of the summer on sabbatical with time divided among sermon preparation for 2014-15, writing a new book and further education. Dr. Wing’s new book, tentatively titled Simplicity, is inspired by the life of his late friend, Paul Stearns. He will also attend the Living School for Action and Contemplation in New Mexico. This two-year course is comprised of online and in-person classes. Due to the many important tasks facing the congregation, Dr. Wing will attend the July Governing Board Meeting in person and will be present by phone in June and August. June 1 - 30, 2014 3 Foundation Corner Foundation Takes Flight — Lauri Speight Sullivan, Director of First Community Foundation While everyone in OH-IO was enduring a pretty miserable winter, Tabitha Kidwell spent over two months in India at Deep Griha in Puné, India, thanks to her own initiative and a grant from the Foundation. The Foundation is not in the business of supporting just anyone who wants to experience a mission trip. The criteria for approving Tabitha’s request came down to three things. • Would her work improve the mission where she would be working? • Would her efforts continue the mission of First Community Church? • Would she share her experiences with the congregation? Deep Griha has been a ministry that First Community has supported since 1975. Tabitha grew up in the church, attended Akita and cut her travel teeth on mission trips to Mexico. She graduated in 2009 with a teaching degree. Like many young people she quickly got her master’s in foreign and second language education. While she taught school for the last two years, her passion is current teaching techniques. During this time she realized she would like to teach at the university level and has been accepted at the University of Maryland to begin her doctorate. In October 2013, she approached the Foundation to get a grant to teach at Deep Griha Academy, to try out some of her theories and bring relevant language curriculum to Deep Griha’s teachers. This was not a trip of luxury, but service. She arrived in Puné and was assigned a room in the boy’s dormitory high in the mountains, away from Puné. She rode the bus with the kids to school. She lived just as any other staff member, eating a spicy dal and vegetables with naan at night, (which, as she said, was great the first few times, but got a little boring). Her stint was much longer than most of the volunteers, allowing her to develop deep rapport with both the students and the staff. While it was her intent to bring current language techniques to the teachers, she also immersed herself in the day to day teaching of the children. Her skills were valued and her world truly broadened. Tabitha took the time to update us on her journey as she travelled so we could pray for her safety and mission. Upon her return to First Community Church she shared her experiences at a reception for the congregation and the high school Crossroads members. For FCC, keeping up with the activities of Deep Griha is part of our mission, integrating it into our cares and concerns for the world at large. Demonstrating to the community in India that we can support them with volunteers is equally important and continues the relationship. For the Foundation, it was an investment in Tabitha, the church community and Deep Griha. And that is pretty good bang for our buck! Donice Wooster Fund Donice Wooster, Director of Early Childhood Ministry, is retiring after 30 years. Between the Preschool, Mary Evans Center and parent support programs, Donice has influenced well over a thousand families. The Donice Wooster Child Development Fund is being initiated in her honor. A named fund requires $5,000 in donations. The fund will graduate to a permanent endowment if $25,000 is raised. Contributions can be made online or with a check to the First Community Foundation. Foundation Gifts In Memory of: Amy Sutton J. Thomas & Kathleen Jones Caroline Pryce Walker Deborah Pryce Carolyn Rudy Jensen Daniel Jensen Dan Minor Bob Elder Donald Faehnle John & Ann Rarey Dorothy Durham Guild Group 7 Edwin Johnston Harold & Jo Ann Stevens Eloise Mizer Guild Group 7 Elsie Albrecht Guild Group 7 Frank E. Lanaman Tommie Lanaman Frank Kennard Betty Hardesty Perinatal Resources, Inc. Helen Reid Guild Group 7 Herman Nack Mary Lou Nack Jan Shelby BillMorris Guild Group X Jim & Shirley Mason John & Ann Rarey Tom & Emily Chidester Thomas & Bette Frye Jason Nemire Brandee Nemire Jeffery J. Rick and Kia Graham & Sharryn Webb Jennings Hockman Judy Ross Joanna Dorff Dodge Guild Group 7 Mollie Gail Smith Jeanne Johnston Nancy Masters BillJudy Sue Wilson Paul Stearns Guild Group 7 Robert Meehan Jeanne Blair Dennis & Peggy Concilla Roy Burkhart CarolBaker Ruth W. Riegal John & Ann Rarey Sandra Lee Sawyer Harp JanSawyer Steve B. Bob Burns William Rhodes Kathleen Chambers (Continued, Page 5) 4 June 1 - 30, 2014 Foundation Gifts (Continued from previous page) In Memory of: William Rhodes Charles Baxley Tom & Emily Chidester Sherri Whetzel On We Go Cinco de Mayo Pentecost –– The Reverend Mr. Paul E. Baumer, Minister to the Staff In Honor of: Lauri Sullivan Annita Meyer Muriel Tice Guild Group X Paula Russell Guild Group Q Merry Hamilton Guild Group 7 Rosemary Crego Tom & Emily Chidester First Community Foundation Tim Feltes Jerry & Mercedes Katz Bruce & Cathie Hickin Doug & Darian Torrance Brian & Connie Johnston Dale Crawford Jean Brandt Barbara Jaros Charles Stuart Dave & Tracy Hoag Greg & Eleanor Trapp Rick & Tamara Willimott Charles & Sara Haag Mitchell & Carol Berg Lee & Raleigh Burges Bill & Lori Covert John & Lisa Diemer Marcia Early Elizabeth Haines Nancy Heath Dana & Hillary Holman Marilyn Jennings Carolyn Patterson Sybil Pierman Dick & Kitty Rohrer Tom & Julie Stoltz Cathy Tilling Richard Wharton & Rose Konrath Joanie B. Anonymous Church Gifts Friends of Akita In Celebration of: Camp Akita Kathleen & Craig Cottingham Thomas Crawford Peggy Johnson Betsy Miller In Memory of: Megan Patrick Fedorko Holly & Sam Linzell Friends of Music In Memory of: George and Lilyan Haddad Diane Haddad, Connie Frecker & Carolyn Dougherty Betts Hamwi Tanny Gustafson Frank Kennard Tanny Gustafson Nancy McDowell Masters Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Markwood Paul Van Cleef Rick and Karen Greene Mark Flugge Lee Burges Habitat for Humanity Dave & Mona Barber Jack & Sherry Barger Carol Berg Joy Converse Terry & Barb Davis Carol Deshler Scott & Donna Doellinger Pat Donovan Paul & Claudia Dusseau Adam Emery James Evans Susan Forbes Brian Gillespie I may be tried for heresy on this one, but a very random thought while enjoying Cinco de Mayo has stayed with me. So here goes. To make a long story short, Pentecost is coming and most of us in Christendom will cheerfully pretty much ignore it. Or at least won’t understand or enjoy celebrating it. Sort of sounds like Cinco de Mayo in Mexico. Cinco de Mayo celebrates the defeat of Napoleon’s army, the best in the world at that time, by the sort of rag-tag Mexican army. The two armies had been at it for about six months and the Mexicans were losing. Then came the Battle of Puebla, May 5, 1862, in which the Mexican army, nearly half the size of the French army, decisively defeated the French. Historians note that the French later successfully defeated and occupied Mexico. So the Battle of Puebla took a backseat in Mexican history. But a side-effect of the battle was that the French did not keep going north. Scholars believe Napoleon wanted to join with the southern forces in the U. S. Civil War and thus defeat the north and take over the United States. Mexicans living in the United States believed that, celebrated the victory and kept on celebrating throughout the years. It’s sort of like Pentecost. Pentecost was a Jewish holiday ending the Festival of Weeks, celebration of the spring harvest. Pentecost was the fiftieth day of that celebration. Maybe by sheer coincidence, and who knows, God works in mysterious ways, on that holiday is when Peter and his fellow apostles started preaching in Jerusalem, declaring their joy in Jesus’ resurrection and telling the good news of God’s love for everyone. Some accused them of being drunk on cheap wine. Too much spring celebration! Peter and company said they were actually drunk on the Holy Spirit, celebrating Jesus and their good company and now we want to tell this good news to all of you! I don’t know who counted, but Luke notes that they signed up 3,000 converts that first Pentecost. The day is celebrated as the birthday of the Christian Church. This is when it really all began. Little noted by the world around them. Seeming to end up in defeat too many times to count. But the Christians kept on celebrating. Never finally defeated. And here we come, 2,000 years later, still celebrating. Happy Birthday, Church! Happy Pentecost! Good Call Using the Browser on your smartphone, go to FCchurch.com/minute to give an offering to First Community Church. (Continued, Page 9) June 1 - 30, 2014 5 Take Heart Making Fear Your Friend –– The Reverend Dr. Deborah Lindsay, Minister of Spiritual Care Thirty years ago, psychologist Harriet Lerner wrote an important book called The Dance of Anger. She gifted us with new and life-affirming perspectives on this most basic and primal of human emotions, saying “Anger is a signal and one worth listening to.” There are people who wrongly believe that to be angry is somehow “not Christian” or not loving, yet we have numerous examples in the Gospel stories of Jesus being angry. Jesus got angry about injustice, practices of the religious elites and just the thick headedness of his beloved disciples. Of course we’re not talking about anger expressed in abusive or damaging ways, but anger as a signal that a healthy boundary has been violated. Harriet Lerner believes that anger frequently grows out of our fears, “It is not fear that stops you from doing the brave and true thing in your daily life. Rather, the problem is avoidance. You want to feel comfortable so you avoid doing or saying the thing that will evoke fear and other difficult emotions. Avoidance will make you feel less vulnerable in the short run, but it will never make you less afraid.” “Everyone freaks out. Sometimes the best we can do with fear is befriend it. Expect it and understand that fear will always reappear. Eventually it subsides. It will return. The real culprits are our knee jerk responses to fear and the way we try to avoid feeling fear, anxiety and shame. Don’t get me wrong, wanting to feel better fast is a perfectly natural human impulse. It is healthy to seek relief when you feel hopelessly mired in the emotional soup. Calming down is an essential first step to accurately perceiving a problem and deciding what to do about it, but the last thing you need to do is shut yourself off from fear and pain – either your own or the world’s. If there is one overriding reason why our world and relationships are in such a mess, it is that we try to get rid of our anxiety, fear and shame as fast as possible, regardless of the long-term consequences. In doing so, we blame and shame others and in countless ways, we unwittingly act against ourselves. We confuse our fear-driven thoughts with what is right, best, necessary or true.” The Bible speaks often on this subject; one of my favorite verses comes from the book of Isaiah: “Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you.” (Isaiah 41:10) Notice the text does not have God promising that hard and scary stuff won’t happen or that God will make it all go away; instead our God promises support, presence and strength, even when the circumstances of life make us fearful or angry. Even when we are unclear about what is right, best or true. At these times, what is most needed is for us to get quiet and listen for the still, small voice within that is our still speaking God. Blessings, 6 Book Group "The deepest satisfactions of life beget the deepest longings. Hearing a great symphony, or looking at a breath-takingly beautiful sunset, or feeling the impact of a wonderfully balanced life, gives us joy and some sense of peace; but it also awakens infinite outreaches calling us above and beyond our petty concerns, and shining on us some glimmer of the far-off lights of home.” If It Were Not So, By Roy Burkhart In the beginning of this short gem of a book written in 1950, Dr. Burkhart acknowledges the spiritual richness of his time spent with the individuals and families of our congregation. It was written to help its readers to allow faith to overshadow fear of death and to invite us to a deeper grasp of the mystery in which we have life. There are many among us today who had the honor and blessing of firsthand experience with Dr. Burkhart. If you are one who has that fortune, please strongly consider joining us to add to the depth and richness of our discussion of this book. Whether you read this book long ago or are just picking it up now, you are welcome to join our discussion. If you plan to attend, please consider taking notes as you read or re-read so that you can bring your full experience of the book to our gathering. ElderWisdom is a book discussion group that meets every other month to discuss books that focus on the spiritual aspects of aging. Missy Obergefell, Director of Older Adult Ministry, facilitates the group as participants share insights gained and inspiring excerpts. Copies of this book are available for $5 in the bookstore. The next gathering will take place Thursday, June 26 at 1 pm in the Older Adult meeting space on the second floor of the South Campus. Even if you have attended in the past, please RSVP to Kathy Weatherby, Older Adult Ministry administrative assistant, 614 488.0681 ext 239. We want to be sure to have a seat for you. June 1 - 30, 2014 2014 April - Operational and Financial Report –– Cindy Harsany, Director of Finance and Operations There is so much happening at First Community Church. I hope everyone is seeing who we are and the difference we make together. FCC has always been a happening place, but with all the “pockets of passion”, some may not be able to see the big picture. Our 20/20 Vision was presented by Dr. Wing at our Annual Meeting in 2013. It is all about you. The leadership is sitting next to you, looking at the church through your eyes, moving forward with stimulating engagement within our church in 2014 and beyond. This year, we provided an Annual Report for 2013. The report was meant to give you a look at the many exciting ministries, how wide we reach and how much is available to you. If you have not seen the report yet, I encourage you to visit FCchurch.com/report to download your copy. Our financial statement continues to show that we are reaching for greatness as the church moves forward with Our 20/20 Vision. We appreciate all of the personal and financial support received; taking the responsibility seriously to make sure your contributions continue to make a difference. First Community Church Budgeted Financial Statement for April 30, 2014 Budgeted Financial Statement for April 30, Summary Statement of Activity Summary Statement of Activity 33.33% ANNUAL BUDGET DESCRIPTION YTD BUDGET YTD ACTUAL 2014 VAR$ Budget% REVENUE Gross Regular Pledges Less: Unpaid Regular Pledges $ 2,218,000 $ 749,153 $ 741,758 $ (7,395) (66,000) - Net Regular Pledges 2,152,000 Prior Year Payments 749,153 741,758 (7,395) 16,000 10,000 6,339 (3,661) Total Pledge Revenue 2,168,000 759,153 748,097 (11,056) Sanctuary Offerings Fee Supported Ministries Education Ministries Facilities & Administration Other Ministries Foundation Annual Gift Supplemental Gift Other Revenue 110,000 1,831,129 30,709 2,300 207,216 53,000 227,479 70,400 20,731 646,653 5,283 763 52,920 2,358 5,363 32,222 683,145 6,144 832 41,240 3,490 8,000 11,491 36,492 861 69 (11,680) 1,132 2,638 Grand Total Revenue 4,700,233 1,493,223 1,523,169 Fee Supported Ministries Education Ministries Facilities & Administration Other Ministries Program Salaries & Benefits 1,637,055 58,624 860,498 576,662 1,567,394 430,867 22,063 334,520 204,773 520,253 454,847 18,783 357,138 187,597 523,326 Grant Total Expenses 4,700,233 1,512,475 1,541,691 EXPENSES Net Revenue & Expenses $ - 29,945 23,980 (3,280) 22,618 (17,176) 3,073 $ (19,252) $ (18,522) $ 29,215 33% 0% 34% 40% 35% 29% 37% 20% 36% 20% 0% 2% 11% 32% 28% 32% 42% 33% 33% 33% 730 Art Shepard’s $1 Million Gift By Michael Barber Art Shepard has given new meaning to the words ‘gracious generosity’ with his gift of $1 million to the Capital Projects Campaign. The donation is unrestricted and will be used as part of the campaign to build a North Campus Sanctuary while making improvements to South Campus and Camp Akita. At 103 years of age, Art remains an active member and supporter of First Community Church, challenging others to answer the call to action. “I’m delighted to help the church in any way I can,” he said. “We’ll need others to do the same to make this project a reality.” Paul Anderson, Capital Projects Committee Chair, is grateful for the gift. "With inspiration and leadership such as Art's, we are confident the Projects will indeed become reality soon.” June 1 - 30, 2014 7 The Art of Goodwill Red Cross Blood Drive By Missy Obergefell June 17, 1 – 7 pm Brownlee Hall, South Campus This month only, our Brownlee Hall art gallery is featuring a marvelous exhibit of original and expressive works from the artists of the Goodwill Art Studio and Gallery. The Worship and Arts Council is proud to highlight this innovative fine arts program that serves over 80 artists with disabilities and other barriers. The program offers the opportunity for creative selfexpression, improved self-esteem, increased life-satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment through encouragement and collaboration with professional artists. Make sure to take a few extra minutes of these June days to visit the Brownlee Gallery so that these creations can touch and inspire you. Sales of the artwork provide income for the artists and help the Goodwill Studio continue to offer its programming. Women’s Guild By Jill Eliot George M. Cohan wrote, “For it was Mary, Mary” and he might have been writing about Mary Miller Young. The City of Upper Arlington and the Upper Arlington Historical Society are pleased to announce that Mary Egerton Miller (1909-2009) has been selected as the 2014 inductee for the Wall of Honor. Mary Egerton Miller Young was the President of the Women’s Guild from 195859, in addition to being the first woman to chair the First Community Church Governing Board. From Cohan, “She was a grand old dame!” Newly-elected Women’s Guild Group chairs will meet with current Women’s Guild chairs on June 2 at 4:30 pm, South Campus Guild Room. This meeting is to begin planning for next year. You don’t need a special reason to give blood. You just need your own reason. By Paula Russell There are two main reasons I donate blood. Following the birth of my son, I was the recipient of several units, including whole blood. Perhaps those donations saved my life, giving me the gift of being at that son’s recent wedding. Secondly, Clara Barton, founder of the Red Cross, is a distant cousin on my husband’s side of the family. How can I not continue the support of their good work of saving lives? With 40 minutes of my time and a slight prick of my arm, I may be saving 8 lives. Whatever your reason, the need is constant and your contribution is important for a healthy and reliable blood supply. We have 28 appointments to fill for our June 17 blood drive. If each of those slots are filled, we have the potential of saving 84 lives. That's reason enough to donate. Register online by going to redcrossblood.org and entering our sponsor code: FCCSC in the blue box. Or, contact me, Paula Russell, at 614 488.0481 ext 228 or prussell@FCchurch.com The Women’s Guild Installation/Potluck Dinner will be held August 27, North Campus, from 6-8 pm. All ladies are requested to bring layettes (new or gently used) to the event. We give the layettes to Church Women United for distribution to mothers in need. Our garden is complete. All the daffodils and the bright blue squills are lining the garden path. Our Women’s Guild year 2013-2014 has been successful and rewarding. Friendships have grown, philanthropies have expanded and our work and projects continue. The Women’s Guild will provide lunch for 1,2,3… Akita! counselors, gather layettes together for the Installation/Potluck Dinner, help make fruit cobblers for the Shrimp Boil. Have a joyous summer everyone! 8 June 1 - 30, 2014 Church Gifts (Continued from Page 5) Heart to Heart Doug & Cheryl Godard Charles & Sara Haag Elizabeth Haines Bruce & Cathie Hickin Bill & Becky Hinga Jessica Hinton Molly Hood Gavin & April Howe Barb Hoyt Coughlin John & Sally Hughes Darrel & Barb Irwin Daniel Jensen Peggy Johnson Brian & Connie Johnston Bill Judy & Sue Wilson Jerry Katz Robin Kelley Rollie & Anne King Deborah Lindsay Jim & Clare Long Jeremy Main Tony & Angie Matessa Bill and Vicki McGovern Mary McMurray Ryan Miller Jeanne Morrow Mary Munsell Ted & Kathy Munsell Carolyn Patterson Maureen Penman James Peppe Sandy Pfening Terry & Cydney Philbin Sybil Pierman Elaine Ragan Bobbie Reynolds Linda Ritter Keith Schneider John Scurlock Trey & Jennifer Setterlin Dave Shelby Barbara Sipp Tracy Stuck Brian & Krista Thatcher Doug & Darian Torrance Maggie Tressler Tom & Rita Trimble Gregory Wilmer George & Cory Wilson Christine Baker Pat Boyd Richard & Peggy Ford Mary Helen Hopkins Janet McCutcheon Mary Olson Dick & Kitty Rohrer Upper Arlington Rotary Margaret Schorr Bill & Dottie Seibert Anne Sheline Jack & Patricia Shuter Angela Van Fossen In Celebration of: Levi Murry Doug & Stacy Carlson Baptism of Zahven Mdivanian Van & Shirley Wade In Honor of: Kathy Cleveland Bull Joe Bull & Kathy Cleveland Bull Lucy Caskie Jared & Amy Caskie All Habitat Volunteers Doug & Eileen Covell Joan Betz John & Judy Hoberg Carol Baker & Her Good Works Lindsey Margaroli Ned Timmons & FCC Habitat Volunteers Bill & Susan Napier Ned Timmons Dave & Loretta Heigle Carole Montgomery Brian Supplee & Kelly Montgomery June 1 - 30, 2014 Dan Carter Charlie Vachris & Judy Long Linda Ritter Susan E Forbes In Memory of: Mary Burns Bob Burns Stephanie Jaros Higgins Barbara Jaros Eugene Fouse Marilyn Jennings Frank E. Lanaman Tommie Lanaman Sandra Lee Sawyer Jan Sawyer Helen Talmage & Mary Jane Swineheart Ralph & Joan Talmage Putnam Pierman Paige Schlembach Virginia H Pickens Rita M and G Donald Pierman William E and Frances A Plyler Martha Thomas Paige Schlembach Linda Potts Gretchen Potts June Davis Ruth A Gingrich & Susan Gingrich Miller Rafiki and Refugee Task Force Angie Andujar Lynne Ayres Jacintha Balch Charles & Linda Baldeck Marshall & Ginny Barney Jane Barry Linda Barry Amy Becker Jane Belt Carol Berg Joe Berger Martin Berisford Jeanne Blair David & Amy Boyd Dave & Jeanne Busch Nancy Campbell Burton Cantrell Patrick Carle & Kevin Flora Peg Carmany David Carnevale Jared & Amy Caskie Ted & Bobbie Celeste Erik & Shelli Clark Sue Coady Dennis & Peggy Concilla John Connor Joy Converse Joanne Cooper Dave & Dawn Costin Sara Cotter Doug & Eileen Covell Dave & Ginny Culver Chuck Curry Ralph Daehn Terry & Barb Davis Stephanie Dean Nancy Demuch Carol Deshler Gene Dew Andy DiBlasi & Jennifer Crawford DiBlasi Mr & Mrs Ray DiDonato Jeff & Kris Dilley Pat Donovan Wanda Dunbar Paul & Claudia Dusseau Robin & German Dziebel Marcia Early Julie Edmonds Jeff Eisenman Joan Everett Bill & Nancy Ewing Jamey Fauque & Brandi Lust Laura Garish Colleen Garland Ron Glaser & Jan Kiecolt-Glaser Doug & Cheryl Godard Gretchen Goffe Lynn Gutches-Snowden Gene & Carol Hagemeier Dan & Sharon Harris John & Krista Hartman Dick & Julie Helland Margo Heskett Tim Hickin Lynne Hokanson Bev Houseman Gavin & April Howe Tom & Cindy Hudson Carol Hydinger Ann Jacob Bell Jacob Chris & Susan Jagers Nikole James Marilyn Jennings Daniel Jensen Peggy Johnson Steve & Betsy Johnson Brian & Connie Johnston Herb & Jeanne Johnston C G Jones Jenny Jones Dennis & Jill Karem Robin Kelley Bill & Anne Kientz Rollie & Anne King John & Cathy Klamar Mary Ann Krauss Jeff Kuntz Tommie Lanaman Gerald & Kimberly Lane Jim & Jane Ledman Kathleen Lennon Deb Linville Jim & Clare Long Lindsey Margaroli Mary Mars Tony & Angie Matessa Sharon McGraw Christine McKiterick Richard & Carol Meyer Alice Miller Ryan Miller Joan Moore Kay Moore Rick & Mary Moore Mary Morrison Amanda Moses Mary Munsell Steve Murray & Jamie Rhein Steve & Rachel Mushrush Hilda Neff Branson & Marisa Nye Kevin & Heidi Orsini Carolyn Patterson Sally Patton Michael Pera Christopher & Jennifer Peterson Richard & Cindy Peyton Geraldine Pfeil Sandy Pfening Terry & Cydney Philbin Sybil Pierman Pat Poe Elaine Ragan Jim & Linda Readey Bobbie Reynolds Linda Ritter Dick & Kitty Rohrer Bill & Lindsay Rumple Dennis Russo Becky Ryan Eric & Anne Sandstrom Les & Sharon Sauer Jennifer Schaaf Todd & Beth Scherer Keith Schneider Ralph & Jane Setterlin Trey & Jennifer Setterlin Steve & Kate Shaner Jack & Patricia Shuter Barbara Sipp Peter and Jody Spalding Julie Stoltz Steve & Mary Stover Charles & Rachel Stuart Tracy Stuck Ralph & Joan Talmage Brian & Krista Thatcher Sheryl Tibbetts Cathy Tilling Jerry Todaro & Barbara Waters Doug & Darian Torrance Brian Towns Maggie Tressler Tom & Rita Trimble Sheri Van Cleef David & Kelly Vaziri Tim Veach & Chris Kirk Jamie & Kristen Waby Dick & Meg Wagner Scott & Kelsey Walker Bob & Sally Wandel Joan Weiser Marilyn Wenrick Rich Wharton & Rosemarie Konrath MaryBrett Whitfield Brian & Felicia Wilson Sandy & Barbara Wood Jay & DeAnn Young Clint Younkin John & Cheryl Zeiger In Celebration of: Dorothy Deems Charles & Laura Deems Jesus Dave & Tracy Hoag A beautiful Easter song, sound and message Connie Kristoff Betty Angela Van Fossen Sarah Taylor Anonymous Stephanie Jaros Higgins Barbara Jaros Paul Knies Norb & Joan Knies Harmon Ervine & Harold Shiflet Boyce Lancaster & Beverley Ervine Susie Leno, Lee Enckler, Cheryl Alkire, John & Mildred Leno, MaryBell Allen Deb Leno Gale Wiesman Corey Liepelt Ernest Mazzaferri, Sr. Ernie & Laura Mazzaferri William Morrow Jeanne Morrow Jeff Keeler Brent & Julie Osborn Dean W Palmer, father and William & Leila Palmer, grandparents Amy Palmer Sandra Lee Sawyer Harp Jan Sawyer Jerry & Jinny Sutermaster Jean Sickles H Myron & Wyn Shimer Sandie Southern William Lawyer Sheryl Tibbetts Faye & Jack Nimmer Jim & Joy Tredway Cheryl’s mother, Susan Pearson Loren & Cheryl Van Deusen Mr & Mrs Robert Whitely, Mr & Mrs Roger Nelson Glenn Whitely Nana & Papa Hawthorne Elena, Constance and John Helen & Borden Hively Kit Hively Schmauch Mom, Kathy Selsor Allie Selsor Father, C Michael Downey, MD Suzanne & Jon Lucas In Honor of: Joan Bryden Barbara Bradley Bob & Joy Meehan Dana & Janet Ciccone Rick & Janet Studer Hudson C Groff John Goff & Jenny Fountain Kagai & Rafiki Kids Connie Hieatt Chet Hawley Anonymous Rafiki In Memory of: Radolph Balch Jacintha Balch Joanne V Cooper Jacob & Sallie Davis Scott J & Donna J Doellinger Marcia B Early Bryan E Holbrook Joseph T & Bonnie D Reilly Carol & Timothy Whetstone In Memory of: LCPL Andrew W Nowaki, KIA Feb 26, 2003 Graham & Sharryn Webb Eleni Gust Yaghooti Todd & Beth Collis John Mount Sonya Albery Margaret Phillips Chad & Jenny Boyer Karen Cleveland Joe Bull & Kathy Cleveland Bull Ted Clark Ned & Nicole Clark Theodore DiSantis Patty DiSantis Joanna Dorff Dodge Linda Dorff Frank Gusich Don Drabant Harold & Esther Ablery, Thelma Haworth Mr & Mrs Haworth Parents Dan & Jan Hendrickson Daniela Hendrickson Rev Larry Hard Bruce & Cathie Hickin Missions In Honor of: Sally Kriska Women’s Guild Group Q Roger & Patti Post Jacqueline D Thompson Youth Choir Programs In Honor of: Sally Beske Becki Harr Adult Education In Honor of: Walter Watkins Marilee Lowery Bush Media Ministries In Memory of: Mrs Edna Laver Christian & Donnalynn Laver 1320 Improvements In Memory of: Mary Virginia Ambrose Melody and Matt Smiley 9 Care and Spirit Parish Register What Me Worry? We share the joys and sorrows of our church family in our prayers. –– The Reverend Mr. James M. Long, Minister of Pastoral Care Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God’s peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NCV) I have always been a bit of a worrier, although I may hide it well. I remember when I was in sixthgrade at Barrington Elementary School, I thought I had not done well on a fractions test. I remember crying about it to my teacher, June Hale. She was a wonderful person and she assured me that I had not done badly, but that I was a “worry wart.” That stayed with me in later years when I thought I had a lot bigger things to worry about. In those years, there was a publication called Mad Magazine with a fictional character called Alfred E. Newman. He was a kind of zany “ne’er do well” who would say: “What, Me Worry?” There was a bit of pathology in that statement because he seemed oblivious to the consequences of his behavior, and maybe false bravado, but perhaps there was some good advice as well. What good does worry do? A time which seems to bring greater worry for many of us is when we wake up in the middle of the night. Our thoughts can get exaggerated as we run through different situations and concerns. My friend and colleague, the late Bob Meehan, used to call this “scenario stress.” You play a situation over and over in your mind, but it does not get resolved. It simply increases the fear and anxiety. I think this is what is meant by the saying that “a coward dies a thousand deaths.” Most of the things we worry about never happen, but they make us anxious and fearful in the present. We can joke that our worry is what protected us from those things, but we somehow know that we paid a price for the worry. My friend Dick Wood, Sr. has led workshops on the mind/body connection and how stress has real health consequences. Thus, worry can do real harm. Worry is really a spiritual problem. If we have remorse and regret about the past, or fear and anxiety about the future, these thoughts and feelings invade and can destroy our present. Thus, many mystics and spiritual teachers speak of “mindfulness” and living in the present moment. The past is past, and the future is yet to be. The present moment is all we have. It is a gift of God. Many times it is the thing we do not worry about that comes into our lives unbidden and there really is no way to prepare other than to live each day in faith and gratitude. This is really what Paul was saying in Philippians, perhaps the first book on “positive thinking.” When difficult times come, it may be next to impossible to drive fearful or negative thoughts out of our minds with our own willpower, but we can turn to God in the present moment. By turning to God and filling our hearts and minds with the spirit and mind of Christ, we break the power of worry. This is the peace that passes all understanding. Peace and blessings, 10 RECENT HOSPITALIZATIONS Miriam Clark Rod Ebright Laura Lee Hickfang Kathleen Jones James Kennedy Mary Ann Krauss Bill Ress BAPTISMS June Davis Franklin 4/20/2014 Daughter of Lesley & Chip Franklin III Annalise Zibners Naprawa 5/4/2014 Daughter of Amanda & James Naprawa Parker James Stair 5/10/2014 Son of Anne & Jim Stair Aaron William Abraham 5/11/2014 Son of Annie & Adam Abraham Suzanne Louise Carlson 5/11/2014 Daughter of Erica & Tim Carlson Cooper David Lee 5/11/2014 Son of Whitney & John Lee Benjamin Russell Leonard 5/11/2014 Son of Heather & Mark Leonard Lauren Nicole Levell 5/11/2014 Daughter of Amanda & Keith Levell Zahven Neal Mdivanian 5/11/2014 Son of Rebecca & Tigran Mdivanian Levi Samuel Murry 5/11/2014 Son of Abbey & Tony Murry Carson David James Post 5/11/2014 Son of Marti & Steve Post Claire Rosalyn Marie Williams 5/11/2014 Daughter of Emily & Graham Williams WEDDINGS Heidi Wertenberger & Marcus Griffin 5/3/2014 Daughter of Kathie Wertenberger Sarah Link & Ryan LeVan 5/10/2014 Daughter of Patti & Jeff Link DEATHS Frank Kennard 4/19/2014 Father of Beth Kennard & Katherine Tucker Janet Shelby 4/21/2014 Wife of Dave Shelby Robert Meehan 4/29/2014 Husband of Joy Meehan Marsha Keefer 5/2/14 Mother of Tony Keefer Paul Van Cleef 5/3/14 Father of Sheri Van Cleef Carol Gillespie 5/7/2014 Rev. Jeb S. Magruder 5/11/2014 Norbert Knies 5/14/2014 Husband of Joan Knies June 1 - 30, 2014 Words For Wooster In typical Donice Wooster fashion, when asked what she might like as a parting gift after 30 years of service to First Community Church, she asked for words. Donice has served as teacher and Director of Early Childhood Ministry and will retire in June. Her contribution to families of all ages and demographics is immeasurable. In exchange, we are asking those whose lives have been deepened by Donice’s touch take a moment to write her a letter - a reflection, a poem, a thank you or favorite advice. Please submit by June 20 to Patti Link at plink@FCchurch.com or a handwritten note to First Community Church, 1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, Ohio 43212, c/o Patti Link. We are hoping to shower Donice with a box full of these expressions of love and gratitude at her retirement celebration. June Daily Readings These Bible readings are from the Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings. In general, readings on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are selected to prepare for the Sunday reading; readings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are selected to reflect the Sunday lectionary. 1 (Sunday) Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 2 Leviticus 9:1-11, 22-24 3 Numbers 16:41-50 4 1 Kings 8:54-65 5 Exodus 19:1-9a 6 Exodus 19:16-25 7 Exodus 20:1-21 8 (Pentecost Sunday) Psalm 104:24-34, 35b 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13 9 Joel 2:18-29 10 Ezekiel 39:7-8, 21-29 11 Numbers 11:24-30 12 Job 38:1-11 13 Job 38:12-31 14 Job 38:22-38 15 (Trinity Sunday) Genesis 1:1—2:4a 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 16 Job 38:39—39:12 17 Job 39:13-25 18 Job 39:26—40:5 19 Exodus 12:43-49 20 Genesis 35:1-4 21 Ezekiel 29:3-7 22 (Sunday) Genesis 21:8-21 Romans 6:1b-11 23 Genesis 16:1-15 24 Genesis 25:12-18 25 Jeremiah 42:18-22 26 Micah 7:18-20 27 2 Chronicles 20:5-12 28 Genesis 26:23-25 29 (Sunday) Genesis 22:1-14 Romans 6:12-23 30 Genesis 22:15-18 June 1 - 30, 2014 Acts 1:6-14 John 17:1-11 1 Peter 4:1-6 1 Peter 4:7-11 John 3:31-36 Acts 2:1-11 Romans 8:14-17 Matthew 5:1-12 Acts 2:1-21 John 20:19-23 Romans 8:18-24 Romans 8:26-27 John 7:37-39 2 Timothy 1:8-12a 2 Timothy 1:12b-14 John 14:15-17 Psalm 8 Matthew 28:16-20 1 Corinthians 12:1-3 1 Corinthians 12:4-13 John 14:25-26 Hebrews 2:5-9 Acts 5:17-26 Luke 11:53—12:3 Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17 Matthew10:24-39 Revelation 2:1-7 Revelation 2:8-11 Matthew 10:5-23 Galatians 5:2-6 Galatians 5:7-12 Luke 17:1-4 Psalm 13 Matthew 10:40-42 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 Shrimp Boil Fellowship & Fun with a Purpose The annual summer Shrimp Boil sponsored by the Mission Council provides our congregation with the opportunity to share a delicious all-youcan-eat, family-style meal with each other and enjoy outstanding musical entertainment in a festive atmosphere. Make plans now to join us on Friday, July 25, from 6 – 8:30 pm to share an evening of great food and fellowship, as well as to learn more about the Back Bay Mission and contribute to its ministry. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children under 12. Tickets will be sold after worship services, online and at the North Campus reception desk beginning June 29. This popular social event is also the primary fundraiser for the Back Bay Mission, a community of the United Church of Christ and one strongly supported by our church through both funding and volunteerism. Back Bay Mission began by serving poor families of seafood workers in Biloxi, Mississippi in 1922. Since then, it has evolved into a comprehensive program serving the poor and marginalized along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Their mission provides services in the areas of poverty, housing, health care and food security, as well as advocating for social justice. First Community Church sends a contingent of workers to Biloxi each year to help the Back Bay Mission in a variety of ways. 11 The Infinite Quest Windows for the Universe –– The Reverend Mr. David S. Hett, Minister of Religious Life and Learning While on vacation to see, for the first time, the Grand Canyon and the Red Rocks of Sedona, I took along John Green’s novel, The Fault in Our Stars. Green’s novel was wonderful for a number of reasons, not the least of which was the character he created in Hazel Grace’s father. If you haven’t read the book, or seen the omnipresent movie trailers, Hazel is a teenager with terminal cancer who falls in love with a young man from a “Cancer Kids Support Group.” Her father is one of those fictional characters who could become a role model for compassionate men. A basically normal guy, Hazel’s dad is portrayed as breaking into tears whenever the subject of Hazel’s terminal condition comes up, but his compassion is more extensive. His reflective nature provides a deep truth in a scene where Hazel is asking for her father’s beliefs about the meaning of life and death. He is at first ambivalent, and yet willing to be open to the questions: “I don’t know what I believe, Hazel,” he responds. “I thought being an adult meant knowing what you believe, but that has not been my experience.” Hazel and her dad are watching TV, but you know her questions are gnawing at him, when he turns to her and shares the memory of the time a college math teacher stopped in midsentence while talking about “fast Fourier transforms” and said, “Sometimes it seems the universe wants to be noticed.” “That’s what I believe,” says her dad. “I believe the universe wants to be noticed. I think the universe is improbably biased toward consciousness, that it rewards intelligence in part because the universe enjoys its elegance being observed. And who am I, living in the middle of history, to tell the universe that it—or my observation of it—is temporary?” Like Hazel Grace’s dad, my spiritual teacher A. H. Almaas says that the individual person is “an organ of experience for the whole universe: Experientially, the sense is that the whole universe is behind you, and you are like a window through which it sees.” I found it very easy to grasp this experientially staring across and down into the magnificence of the Grand Canyon or looking across the expanse of Red Rock formations from the top of a Sedona “vortex.” Venturing to sacred sites like this remind us of the possibility of seeing such beauty in each moment, even the most mundane. Becoming in a sense a clear portal for God is then the motivation for the “Work” of spiritual transformation, writes Almaas. “From this vantage point, we see that it is not to free ourselves from our suffering, but to become a clear window for the universe. … Doing the Work in order to become a clearer and clearer window for the universe is selfless; then you do the Work out of humility, out of love, and out of putting your self (your ego) aside.” Shalom, 12 Summer Sundays Coffee with Clergy & Others Sundays, June 8 – July 27 8:45 – 9:45 am Wicker Room, South Campus (June 8 session in Burkhart Chapel) Share a cup of coffee and informal conversations with “persons of interest,” including some of our own clergy staff on Sundays in June and July at 8:45 am. Our clergy will bring a personal topic of interest to share along with informal discussions. Spiritual Searcher Mirabai Starr June 8, Burkhart Chapel Our schedule begins with a special session with our June 6 - 8 Spiritual Searcher, Mirabai Starr. Mirabai is a new and loving voice in “interspirituality,” the understanding and use of spiritual practices from various traditions to facilitate our relationship with God. She is a translator of Christian mystics and author of God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Tentative Schedule: June 15: Rev. James Long June 22: Rev. David Hett June 29: Special Guest Joseph Gentilini, author of Hounded by God: A Gay Man’s Journey to Self-Acceptance, Love, and Relationship. Joe, brother of church member (and Adult Learning Council member) Anne Cooper completed this profound and reflective memoir in 2013, and will share his journey of acceptance, faith and love. July 6: No session this morning. July 13: Rev. Dr. Deborah Lindsay July 20: Rev. Paul Baumer July 27: Rev. Kate Shaner This series, sponsored by the Adult Learning Council, is free and open to the public. For more information contact Adult Education Coordinator Walter Watkins at wwatkins@FCchurch.com or 614 488.0681 ext 113. June 1 - 30, 2014 Enhance Your Meditation Summertime might be a good time to engage in another opportunity to expand your personal spiritual practice with others (church members and members of other faith communities are part of both contemplative groups) who are practicing “beginner’s mind” on Thursdays at noontime and Saturday mornings at 10 am. 30-minute group meditation and time for reflection to close. A small free-will offering is requested when possible at the door each session, supporting the church’s Psychological-Spiritual Development Fund. The two groups are: Our church’s Center for Spiritual Search offers two ongoing “Contemplative Way Groups” during the summer months that are both open to new participants who wish to share in an experience of sacred reading, group meditation and time of reflection. Both groups follow a similar practice of readings from a contemplative mystic, Rev. David Hett and other spiritual directors facilitate this time of sacred reading from Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle. At 12:15 pm we begin a 30-minute silent meditation. If you can only come in by 12:15 for the meditation time, you are welcome. Then from 12:45 – 1 pm, there is time for final comments and reflection. Contemplative Way Group 1: Thursdays, 11:45 am – 1 pm Wicker Room, South Campus Saturday Morning Contemplative Way Group: Saturdays, 10-11:15 am Spiritual Guidance Room, South Campus Annex Building (between parking lot and Lincoln Road Chapel) Sacred reading, 30-minute silent group meditation and closing minutes of reflection and discussion based on Mirabai Starr’s book, a translation of The Showing of Julian of Norwich. Facilitated by Rose Konrath, Spiritual Searcher committee, and Vickie Murphy, Spiritual Director. Group will not meet on June 7, due to the Mirabai Starr event. For more information, contact Rev. David Hett at hettds@FCchurch.com, or call 614 488.0681, ext. 113. Weekly Adult Learning Groups Classes are free except where noted and open to the public. Books used for classes are available in the church bookstore. For more information on books, registration or financial aid, contact Bobbi at Bobbi@FCchurch.com or call 614 488.0681 ext. 101. For more details on specific classes, go to FCchurch.com, search: Adult Learning. Sunday Morning Seminars: Coffee with Clergy & Others Share a cup of coffee and informal conversations with “persons of interest,” including some of our own clergy staff who will bring a personal topic of interest to share along with informal discussions. (See schedule on Page 12.) Sundays, 8:45 – 9:45am Wicker Room, South Campus Men’s Study Group Men are welcome to join our current study: Paul's Letter to the Romans. Contact Price Finley at 614 488.7978 or pfinley@bricker.com, or Craig Sturtz at 614 481.9060 or craig.sturtz@squiresanders.com Wednesdays, 7 – 8 am Wicker Room, South Campus Wednesday Morning Fellowship Presentations and discussion of leading-edge topics. Ends promptly at 8 am. Wednesdays, 7 – 8 am Brownlee Hall, South Campus Women Living the Questions This on-going women’s group will continue reading for discussion A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle. Composed of progressive, theologically-open women who are engaged in the full range of spiritual exploration, Women Living the Questions might be the answer to those looking for a smaller faith community within the church. Contact Linda Baldeck at lkrbaldeck@yahoo.com or 614 459.0722. Wednesdays, 9:30 – 11 am Wicker Room, South Campus Contemplative Way Group 1 A time of sacred reading, meditation and discussion. 11:45 am Sacred Reading: Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle; 12:15 pm Group Silent Meditation; 12:45 pm Comments & Reflections. You are welcome to join just for the 30-minute meditation time. Free-will offering supports Psychological-Spiritual Fund. New participants welcome. Thursdays, 11:45 am – 1 pm Wicker Room, South Campus Saturday Morning Contemplative Way Group Our newest opportunity for spiritual practice: sacred reading, meditation and discussion based on Mirabai Starr’s newest book, a translation of The Showing of Julian of Norwich. Facilitated by Rose Konrath, Spiritual Searcher committee, and Vickie Murphy, Spiritual Director. Free-will offering. New participants welcome. Saturdays, 10 – 11:15 am Spiritual Guidance Room, South Campus Annex (No meeting June 7) 2nd Saturday: Heart to Heart Community Room, Annex June 1 - 30, 2014 June 8 in Burkhart Chapel 13 Conversations on Mind-Soul-Brain Noted neurobiologist Dr. Daniel Siegel and spiritual teacher A.H. Almaas, creator of the breakthrough spiritual practice called the Diamond Approach, joined last year in conversations about the nature of the mind, the soul, the brain and personal transformation. These conversations, moderated by Tami Simon of Sounds True form the basis of this Wednesday evening series, June 11, 18 and 25, 7 – 9 pm in the Wicker Room, South Campus. Rev. David Hett, a long-time student of the Diamond Approach, will host the series and facilitate discussion as an event to support the Psychological-Spiritual Development Fund. A free-will offering will be taken at the door each evening. A $5 donation is suggested for each session, but any donation accepted. Both speakers are noted authors and leading voices in mindfulness, the understanding of the brain, and psychological and spiritual transformation. The series schedule includes: June 11, Part One: The Mind and the Soul • How the soul and the mind are understood by both spiritual traditions and the latest neuroscience. • The relationship between Being (God), Essence, brain and consciousness. • How the mind relates to the brain and the ability of the mind to change our neural tissue. • Why the soul is no longer off-limits to scientific inquiry. June 18, Part Two: Self, Relationships and Well-Being • What is the self and how does it develop? • How a sense of self emerges, and how relational and psychological trauma impairs the development of wellbeing and the unfoldment of inner knowing across the lifespan. • The role of interpersonal and close, intimate relationships in the development of our identity. • How the models of therapist-patient and student-teacher relationships overlap and inform each other as modes of wisdom transmission. June 25, Part Three: The Mystery of Transformation • What science and spiritual traditions say about the need for and nature of spiritual growth. • The nature of meditation and how spiritual practices and scientific studies perceive the process of inner reflection. • How fixed personality traits like narcissism or greed influence personal well-being and spiritual growth. Register online at http://FCchurch.com/2014/05/mind-soulbrain, or by calling 614 488.0681 ext. 113, or at the door. You may also make donations online at the same time while you register or at the door each evening. Congratulations to our 2014 Block of Wood recipients. A Month of Sundays 1 MORNINGSONG A 9:15 am • Grace Hall, NC - Dr. Wing preaching Chancel Choir & Orchestra 11 am • Grace Hall, NC - Dr. Wing preaching Chancel Choir & Orchestra 2 pm • Camp Akita - 65th Anniversary Celebration 8 SUMMER SCHEDULE BEGINS B 10 am • Sanctuary, SC - Dr. Lindsay preaching 15 C FATHER'S DAY 10 am • Sanctuary, SC - Rev. Baumer preaching 22 A 10 am • Sanctuary, SC - Dr. Lindsay preaching 29 B MEMBERSHIP SUNDAY 10 am • Sanctuary, SC - Dr. Lindsay preaching Check the website for the most up-to-date information. For additional information: Click: FCchurch.com Email: info@FCchurch.com Call: 614 488.0681 Visit: The Welcome Center at North or South Campus A indicates Usher assignments. 14 June 1 - 30, 2014 Herlihy Moving & Storage Portable Storage Containers Full service to do-it-yourself moving & storage since 1920 614 871-4040 herlihymoving.com Celebrate a life event in firstnews Monthly! Sponsorships begin at $19 Call 614 488.0681 ext. 227 Thank You Jones Middle School CARLISLE L AWN & L ANDSCAPE 614.595.0423 For registration information go to FCchurch.com or call 614 777.4099 Let’s talk about right-sizing in the right community. “ We have an apartment here but feel that the whole facility is home.” - Karen Jesko, Resident since 2011 Preserve your independence in a safe and caring environment. 1-888-461-7579 www.fcvlife.org TM Place your sponsored message here. Call 614 488.0681 ext. 227 June 1 - 30, 2014 15 firstnews Periodical Postage PAID at Columbus, Ohio First Community Church 1320 Cambridge Boulevard Columbus, OH 43212 13K Raised In Akita 5K By Scot Nicoll We wish to thank everyone who participated in this year's Akita 5K. We had beautiful weather and were able to raise almost $13,000 for Camp Akita scholarships. There was a bounce house and slide, balloon art and live reptiles. We would also like to send a very special thank you to all our sponsors who helped make this event a success including: IGS Energy, The Daniel Sa Mortgage Team, Sudden Impact Marketing, E.P. Ferris, Cam Taylor Realtors, Bradley Frick & Associates, David C. Mueller, DDS, Jason’s Deli, and Circles 28, 70, and 84, as well as a number of Outpost sponsors. Camp Akita is such an important ministry of First Community Church, and we are so blessed to be able to offer scholarships to campers in need. We could not do it without your support. Dated Material: Do Not Delay First Community Church South Campus 1320 Cambridge Boulevard Columbus, OH 43212 614 488.0681 FAX 488.2763 , FCchurch.com Mail Delivery Issues In recent months, mail delivery of firstnews Monthly has been unpredictable. Our production remains unchanged. If you experience mail delays of firstnews Monthly, contact: CONSUMER AFFAIRS, U.S. POSTAL SERVICE 1591 DALTON AVE CINCINNATI OH 45234-9631 Phone : 1-800-ASK-USPS firstnews Monthly News articles and photos for firstnews Monthly must be submitted to news@FCchurch.com by the 15th of each month. Direct questions to Editor Michael Barber at mbarber@FCchurch.com North Campus 3777 Dublin Road Columbus, OH 43221 614 488.0681 FAX 777.4098 info@FCchurch.com THE PROGRAM STAFF OF FIRST COMMUNITY CHURCH Richard A. Wing, Senior Minister; Paul E. Baumer, Minister to the Staff; David S. Hett, Minister of Religious Life and Learning; Ronald J. Jenkins, Minister of Music and Liturgy; Deborah Countiss Lindsay, Minister of Spiritual Care; James M. Long, Minister of Pastoral Care; Katherine H. Shaner, Minister of Mission; Michael Barber, Director of Marketing and Communications, Sally R. Beske, Assistant Organist/ Director of Youth Choirs; Tim Carlson, Director of Camp Akita Ministries and Youth Programming; Dawn J. Costin, Director of K-12 Ministry; Cynthia Harsany, Director of Finance and Operations; Pam Jameson, Director of Facilities Ministry; Scot Nicoll, Executive Director of Camp Akita; Missy Obergefell, Director of Older Adult Ministry; Paula L. Russell, Director of Member and Visitor Services; Lauri Speight Sullivan, Director of First Community Foundation, M. Donice Wooster, Director of Early Childhood Ministry. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. Affiliated with The United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
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March 1-31 - First Community Church
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