Guidebook - Kulturalna Warszawa
Guidebook - Kulturalna Warszawa
Dear Varsovians, This year’s Long Night of Museums will be already the 12th edition of this extraordinary celebration of culture, art and science in the Capital City. The form of this event has not changed since the very beginning: invariably, over the course of several nighttime hours, various institutions and venues wish to present the most interesting aspects of their activity, and Varsovians invariably visit them in great numbers. This year, there are 237 museums, galleries, studios, foundations, schools, embassies, state institutions and many, many others awaiting guests. Each of them attracts visitors with an interesting programme, available in many cases on this one night exclusively. Traditionally, there will be special bus lines created, transporting Varsovians and tourists from one venue to another. I wish to encourage you to make use of Veturilo bicycles as well. I invite you to get acquainted with this guidebook, which will help you make your own sightseeing plans. Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz The Mayor of the City of Warsaw 8 / Białołęka Historyczna / Historic Białołęka 8 / Białołęka Magiczna / Magical Białołęka 10 / Biblioteka Publiczna im. Stanisława Staszica / Public Library in Bielany 10 / Bielański Ośrodek Kultury / Bielany Cultural Centre 10 / Kotarba Design Studio 10 / Pracownia Filmu i Animacji Jarnuszkiewiczów / Film and Animation Studio in Bielany 11 / Urząd Dzielnicy Bielany Warszawy / Bielany Town Hall 11 / Zespół Szkół nr 55 im. gen. S. Maczka / Public Schools no. 55 12 / Muzeum – Miejsce Pamięci Palmiry / Palmiry Memorial Site Museum 13 / Konstanciński Dom Kultury / Konstancin Cultural Centre 13 / Villa la Fleur 15 / Centrum Weterana Działań Poza Granicami Państwa / Veteran Centre 15 / Dom Kultury Kadr / Kadr Cultural Centre 15 / Galeria Wydziału Architektury Wyższej Szkoły Ekologii i Zarządzania w Warszawie / University of Ecology and Management 15 / Komenda Główna Policji / Polish Police Headquarters 16 / Kościół Zielonoświątkowy Zbór Stołeczny / Pentecostal Church 16 / Królikarnia 16 / Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych / Ministry of the Interior 17 / Muzeum Geologiczne / Geological Museum of the State Geological Institute 17 / Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego / Museum of the History of Polish Peasant Movement 17 / Muzeum Kowalstwa / Smithery Museum 18 / Muzeum Łowiectwa i Jeździectwa / The Museum of Hunting and Horsemanship 18 / Pracownia Grafiki Artystycznej Wolno / Wolno Studio of Graphic Techniques 18 / Służewski Dom Kultury / Służew Community Centre 19 / Spectra Art Space 19 / Teatr Guliwer / Guliwer Theatre 20 / Tramwaje Warszawskie / Warsaw Trams 20 / Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych / Documentary and Feature Film Production Company 20 / Wyższa Szkoła Ekologii i Zarządzania / University of Ecology and Management 22 / Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej / Academy of Special Education / Galeria APS / APS Gallery 22 / Galeria Obserwacja / Obserwacja Gallery 22 / Instytut Edukacji Artystycznej Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej / Institute of Artistic Education of the Academy of Special Education 23 / Magazyn Sztuk – filia Ośrodka Kultury Ochoty / Magazyn Sztuk – branch of the Ochota Cultural Centre 23 / Muzeum Historii Medycyny WUM / Medical History Museum of the Medical University of Warsaw 23 / Muzeum Ikon / Museum of Icons 23 / Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych / Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology 24 / Zespół Stacji Filtrów Williama Lindleya / Warsaw Water Filters 26 / Centrum Promocji Kultury Praga Południe / Praga Południe Centre for Culture Promotion 26 / Fabryka Perun / Perun Factory 26 / Fabryka Wedla / E. Wedel Chocolate Factory 26 / Galeria Autograf / Autograf Gallery 27 / Galeria Milano / Milano Gallery 27 / Galeria van Golik / van Golik Gallery 27 / Instytut 116 / 116 Institute 28 / Muzeum Czar PRL / Communist Life Museum 28 / Neon Muzeum / The Neon Museum 28 / Polska Agencja Prasowa / Polish Press Agency 28 / Pracownia Artystyczna Farbą Umazane / Farbą Umazane Studio 29 / Prom Kultury Saska Kępa / Cultural Centre 29 / Skarby Warszawy Biuro Przewodników / Guided strolls 29 / Stowarzyszenie Pracownie Twórcze Lubelska 30/32 / Artists’ Studios in Lubelska Street 30 / Teatr Powszechny im. Zygmunta Hübnera / Powszechny Theatre 32 / Atelier Klitka / Klitka Atelier 32 / Centrum Zarządzania Światem / Club 32 / Fabryka Trzciny / Art Center 33 / Galeria 81 Stopni / 81 Stopni Gallery 33 / Galeria Blok / Blok Gallery 33 / Galeria Klatka / Klatka Gallery 33 / Galeria Po Prawej Stronie Wisły / Po Prawej Stronie Wisły Gallery 34 / Galeria Stalowa / Stalowa Art Gallery 34 / Graże Galeria Projektantów / Garaże Designers’ Gallery 34 / Klubokawiarnia To się wytnie / Cafe-club 34 / Mucha nie siada / Cafe-club 34 / Muzeum Drukarstwa Warszawskiego / Museum of Warsaw Printing 35 / Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi / Museum of Warsaw Praga 35 / Pracownia 23 / 23 Art Studio 36 / Pracownia Omnimodo. Dorota i Leszek Gęsiorscy / Omnimodo Art Studio 36 / Pracownia oTWArta / oTWArta Art Studio 36 / Pracownia Twórcza Światowa Akademia Sztuki / Światowa Akademia Sztuki Creative Studio 36 / Praska Biblioteka Sąsiedzka / Neighbours’ Library of Praga 37 / Stan Rzeczywisty / Actual Condition 37 / Tramwaje Warszawskie / Warsaw Trams 38 / Warszawskie Muzeum Chleba / Warsaw Bread Museum 39 / Muzeum Modniarstwa i Naparstków Porthos / Portos Museum of Thimbles and Millinery 40 / Muzeum Józefa Piłsudskiego / Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek 42 / Akademia Sztuk Pięknych / The Academy of Fine Arts 43 / Akademickie Radio Kampus / Kampus Radio 43 / Ambasada Włoch / Italian Embassy 44 / Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych / Central Archives of Historical Records 44 / Barbakan / Barbican 44 / Bazylika św. Krzyża / Holy Cross Church 44 / Belweder / Belvedere 45 / Biblioteka Publiczna Warszawy – Biblioteka Główna Województwa Mazowieckiego / Public Library in Koszykowa Street 45 / Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie / The University of Warsaw Library 46 / Budynek PAST-y / PAST Building 46 / Bułgarski Instytut Kultury / Bulgarian Cultural Institute 47 / Centrum Interpretacji Zabytku / Centre for Interpretation of Historic Buildings 47 / Centrum Kultury Ambasady Republiki Korei / Korean Cultural Centre 47 / Centrum Myśli Jana Pawła II / Centre for Thought of JP II 48 / Centrum Nauki Kopernik / The Copernicus Science Centre 48 / Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski / Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle 48 / Centrum Ukraiński Świat / Ukrainian World 49 / Dom Artysty Plastyka / Graphic Artist’s House 49 / Dom Aukcyjny Artissima / Artissima Auction House 49 / Dom Książki MDM / Bookshop 50 / Dom Kultury Śródmieście / Śródmieście Community Centre 51 / Dom Literatury / House of Literature 51 / Dom Spotkań z Historią / History Meeting House 51 / Dom Ukraiński / Ukrainian House 51 / Dowództwo Garnizonu Warszawa / Warsaw Garrison Headquarters 52 / Elizeum 52 / Fotoplastikon Warszawski / Warsaw Fotoplastikon 52 / Fundacja Atelier / Atelier Foundation 53 / Fundacja Epoki Warszawy / Warsaw’s Epochs Foundation 53 / Fundacja Ocalenie / Ocalenie Foundation 53 / Fundacja Orimari / Orimari Foundation 53 / Fundacja Schorra / The Prof. Moses Schorr Foundation 54 / Fundacja Świat bez Wandalizmów / Świat bez Wandalizmów Foundation 54 / Gabinet Prezydenta Warszawa / Office of the Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw 54 / Galeria 101 Projekt / 101 Projekt Gallery 55 / Galeria 8 Plus & Idkart / 8 Plus & Idkart Gallery 55 / Galeria Apteka Sztuki / Apteka Sztuki Gallery 55 / Galeria aTak / aTAK Gallery 56 / Galeria Bardzo Biała / Bardzo Biała Gallery 56 / Galeria Delfiny / Delfina Gallery 56 / Galeria Fibak / Fibak Gallery 56 / Galeria Foksal / Foksal Gallery 57 / Galeria Freta 22 / Freta 22 Gallery 57 / Galeria Grafiki i Plakatu / Graphic Art and Poster Gallery 57 / Galeria Jabłkowskich / Jabłkowskich Gallery 57 / Galeria Kordegarda / Kordegarda Gallery 58 / Galeria Le Guern / Le Guern Gallery 58 / Galeria Nieformalna / Nieformalna Gallery 58 / Galeria Nowolipki Państwowe Ognisko Artystyczne / Nowolipki Gallery 59 / Galeria Obok ZPAF / Obok Gallery 59 / Galeria Porczyńskich, Muzeum Kolekcji im. Jana Pawła II / Porczyńskich Gallery 59 / Galeria Propaganda / Propaganda Gallery 60 / Galeria Schody / Schody Gallery 60 / Galeria Test / Test Gallery 60 / Galeria Wyjście Awaryjne, Staromiejski Dom Kultury / Wyjście Awaryjne Galery 61 / Galeria XX1 / XX1 Gallery 61 / Główna Biblioteka Lekarska, Dział Starej Książki Medycznej / Old Medical Book Department of the Main Medical Library 62 / Goethe-Institut 62 / Historyczny Rejs po Wiśle / History-themed Vistula River boat trips 62 / Instytut Słowacki / The Slovak Institute 62 / Izba Pamięci Pułkownika Kuklińskiego / Colonel Kukliński Intelligence Museum 63 / JCC Warszawa / Jewish Community Center 63 / Kancelaria Premiera / Chancellery of the Prime Minister 64 / Kawiarnia Kafka / Kafka Cafe 64 / Kino Kultura / Kultura Cinema 64 / Kino Luna / Luna Cinema 65 / Klubokawiarnia Jaś & Małgosia / Cafe-club 65 / Kościół Adwentystów Dnia Siódmego / Seventh-day Adventist Church 65 / Kościół Ewangelicko-Reformowany / Evangelical Reformed Church 66 / Księgarnia Historyczna / Historic Bookshop 66 / Mazowiecki Urząd Wojewódzki / The Mazovia Voivodship Office 66 / Miejsce Projektów Zachęty / Zachęta Project Room 66 / Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej / The Ministry of National Education 67 / Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości / Ministry of Justice 67 / Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury im. Wł. Broniewskiego / MDK Łazienkowska Gallery 67 / Multimedialny Park Fontann / Multimedia Fountain Park 67 / Muzeum Azji i Pacyfiku / The Asia and Pacific Museum 68 / Muzeum Ewolucji Instytutu Paleobiologii PAN / Museum of Evolution 68 / Muzeum Farmacji im. mgr Antoniny Leśniewskiej / Museum of Pharmaceutics 68 / Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina / The Fryderyk Chopin Museum 69 / Muzeum Geodezyjne Warszawskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Geodezyjnego S.A. / Museum of Geodesy of the Warsaw Geodesy Company 69 / Muzeum Harcerstwa / Museum of Scouting 69 / Muzeum Historii Polski / Museum of Polish History 70 / Muzeum Historii Spółdzielczości w Polsce / Museum of the History of Cooperative Movement 70 / Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN / POLIN Museum 71 / Muzeum Jana Pawła II i Prymasa Wyszyńskiego / Museum of John Paul II and Primate Wyszyński 71 / Muzeum Jazzu / Jazz Museum 72 / Muzeum Karykatury im. Eryka Lipińskiego / Eryk Lipiński Museum of Caricature 72 / Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza / The Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature 72 / Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie / Royal Łazienki Museum 73 / Muzeum Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie / Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum of the Polish Chemical Society 74 / Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie / The National Museum 74 / Muzeum Niepodległości / The Museum of Independence 75 / Muzeum Ordynariatu Polowego / Museum of the Military Ordinariate 75 / Muzeum Rzemiosł Artystycznych i Precyzyjnych / Museum of Artistic and Precise Craftsmanship 75 / Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej / Museum of Modern Art 76 / Muzeum Techniki i Przemysłu NOT / NOT Museum of Engineering and Industry 77 / Muzeum Więzienia Pawiak Mauzoleum Walki i Męczeństwa / Museum of Pawiak Prison Mausoleum of Battle and Martyrdom 77 / Muzeum Wojska Polskiego / Museum of the Polish Army 77 / Muzeum Ziemi PAN / Museum of The Earth of The Polish Academy of Sciences 78 / Nowe Miejsce / New Space 78 / Ogród Botaniczny UW / Botanic Garden of the University of Warsaw 78 / Ogród Saski / Saxon Garden 79 / Pałac Branickich / Branickich Palace 79 / Pałac Kultury i Nauki / Palace of Culture and Science 80 / Pałac Prezydencki / Presidential Palace 80 / Pałac Staszica / Staszic Palace 81 / Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne / State Archaeological Museum 82 / Państwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne w Warszawie / State Ethnographic Museum 82 / Polski Czerwony Krzyż / Polish Red Cross 82 / Polskie Radio / Polish Radio 83 / Polskie Stowarzyszenie Jazzowe / Polish Jazz Association 83 / Przystanek Historia. Centrum Edukacyjne IPN im. Janusza Kurtyki 84 / Reduta Banku Polskiego, ob. Wojskowe Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe / Military Trade Company 84 / Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / Sejm 84 / Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / The Senate of The Republic of Poland 85 / Skwer – Filia Centrum Artystycznego Fabryka Trzciny / Skwer 85 / Spacery po Warszawie / Guided strolls 85 / Stacja Muranów 86 / Stara Galeria ZPAF / ZPAF Stara Gallery 86 / Stara Prochownia Stołecznego Centrum Edukacji Kulturalnej / Stara Prochownia Gallery 86 / Stare Miasto wieczorową porą / The Old Town at Nighttime 87 / Stołeczne Centrum Edukacji Kulturalnej im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej / Warsaw Cultural Education Center 87 / Studium Europy Wschodniej / Centre for East European Studies 87 / Synagoga im. Nożyków / The Nożyk Synagogue 88 / Teatr Kamienica / Kamienica Theatre 88 / Teatr WARSawy / Teatr WARSawy Theatre 89 / Teatr Wielki – Opera Narodowa / Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera 89 / Uniwersytet Muzyczny Fryderyka Chopina / The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music 89 / Uniwersytet Warszawski / University of Warsaw 90 / Warszawa socrealistyczna / Socialist Realism in Warsaw 90 / Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii i Grafiki Projektowej / Warsaw School of Photography and Graphic Design 90 / Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej / Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture 91 / Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki / Zachęta National Gallery of Art 91 / Zamek Królewski / The Royal Castle 92 / Żydowski Instytut Historyczny / Jewish Historical Institute 94 / Dom Kultury Świt / Świt Community Centre 94 / Dom Kultury Zacisze / Zacisze Community Centre 94 / Park Rzeźby na Targówku / Sculpture Park in Targówek 96 / Biuro Udostępniania i Archiwizacji Dokumentów Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej / The Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance 96 / Galeria Blue-S / Blue-S Gallery 96 / Urząd Dzielnicy Ursynów Warszawy / Ursynów Town Hall 98 / Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie / The Museum of King John III Palace in Wilanów 99 / Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie / Poster Museum in Wilanów 100 / Fundacja Willa Jasny Dom / Willa Jasny Dom Foundation 102 / Biblioteka Publiczna w Dzielnicy Wola Warszawy / Public Library of Wola 102 / Gabinet Numizmatyczny Mennicy Polskiej / Mint of Poland’s Numismatic Cabinet 103 / Galeria Fundacji Ars Artium / Arsartium Foundation Gallery 103 / Miód Malina Studio 103 / Muzeum Gazownictwa / The Museum of Gas Industry 104 / Muzeum Kolejnictwa / Railway Museum 104 / Muzeum Nurkowania / Diving Museum 104 / Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego / Warsaw Rising Museum 105 / Muzeum Woli / Museum of Wola District 105 / NEY Gallery&Prints 105 / Ośrodek Dokumentacji i Badań Korczakianum / Korczakianum Centre for Documentation and Research 106 / Pracownia Jaga Hupało Born to Create / Jaga Hupało Born to Create Studio 108 / Bulwary Wiślane 108 / Muzeum Sportu i Turystyki / Museum of Sports and Tourism 108 / Studio Formy Graficzne / Formy Graficzne Studio 109 / Warsztat Artystyczny / Komeda’s Żoliborz Artistic Workshop 111 / Program Muzeum Warszawy (oddziały) / Branches of the Museum of Warsaw 111 / Warszawski Festiwal Fotografii Artystycznej 2015 / Warsaw Festival of Art Photography 2015 [WFFA 2015] Historic Białołęka Magical Białołęka Kanał Żerański start/finish: 197 Modlińska St., Białołęka Town Hall HOURS: 7:30 pm – 0:30 am 4 nighttime canoe trips on Żerań Channel, complete with storytelling related with the history of the Channel and the Battle of Białołęka. Route: Żerań Port – bridge by Białołęcka Street (a group of 40 will go from the Port to the bridge, another group will go from the bridge to the Port; then another round starts). Groups will be transported to and from the bridge by buses provided by the organizer. Trips start at 7:30 pm, 9:00 pm, 10:30 pm and midnight. To sign up, please contact the organizers at: Participation free of charge. HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am AVE Foundation invites for 3 two-hour historic bus tours, complete with a historic storytelling dedicated to magical spots in Białołęka. Your raconteur will be Bartłomiej Włodkowski, who is a varsavianist, custodian of the Virtual Museum of Białołęka. The meeting will include stories, riddles and activities for children. Tours start at 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm. Tours take ca. 2h, including stops. The project is organized by AVE Foundation, in collaboration with Department of Culture of The Capital City of Warsaw and Białołęka Cultural Centre. To reserve a seat on the bus in advance, please contact the organizers at: Participation free of charge. Biblioteka Publiczna im. Stanisława Staszica / Public Library in Bielany 19 Duracza St. / Słodowiec metro station / Żeromskiego HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am On the Long Night of Museums, the Public Library in Bielany will turn into the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Participants will be invited to enter the magical world of the little wizard, and feel like heroes of the most popular book in the world! We encourage our guests to wear costumes. There will be numerous competitions, games and quizzes with prizes organized. Bielański Ośrodek Kultury / Bielany Cultural Centre 1 Goldoniego St. / / Wawrzyszew metro station HOURS: 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm In the programme: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Exhibition opening: drawings and paintings by participants of workshops entitled “Nature Studies”, taught by artist Jacek Barszcz. The exhibition wraps up the year-long action and participants’ work in different sections. 9:00 pm – 11:00 pm – Concert: “Youth Scene” – vocal and instrumental presentations by young artists. Kotarba Design Studio 15A Gwiaździsta St. (no. 406, staircase IV, level A) / Potocka (in front of the swimming pool) / Tylżycka HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: • Ehxibition opening: “Meetings” Works by: Maria Żytomirska, Magdalena Magrzyk, Marek Kotarba. • Presentation of Marek Kotarba’s Studio: – auteur gallery, – ceramics studio, – painting studio, – conversation with the artist. There will be an exhibition of ceramic sculptures made of porcelain presented at Kotarba Design Studio, along with oil paintings and acrylic paintings, drawings, hybrid works (painting combined with porcelain reliefs) and painted glazed ceramics. Pracownia Filmu i Animacji Jarnuszkiewiczów / Film and Animation Studio in Bielany 30/1 Magiera St. / Broniewskiego / Perzyńskiego / Piaski HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight The organizer invites to screenings of films about the neighbourhood, animation workshops and meetings with creators. Urząd Dzielnicy Bielany Warszawy / Bielany Town Hall Zespół Szkół nr 55 im. gen. S. Maczka / Public Schools no. 55 29 Żeromskiego St. 35 Gwiaździsta St. / Ratusz Dzielnicy Bielany / Bielany – Ratusz HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight There will be two exhibitions presented in the building: • “Town-forming Steelworks. How was post-war Bielany district created?” The exhibition was organized in relation with Steelworker’s Day. The project expands the issue of urbanization of Bielany, touched on in a book titled “Warsaw Steelworks. City. Community. Culture”, published recently by Bielany Town Hall. The exhibition was prepared by Warsaw in Europe Social and Cultural Association, in collaboration with the Association of Warsaw Steelworks’ Friends. •“Stop Forest Litter” Exhibition presents the outcome of a satirical drawing competition, organized by the Association of Polish Caricature Artists, under the patronage of the Director-General of the State Forests National Forest Holding. The basic idea behind the competition was to provide support for foresters, in their struggle against forest litter – by means of humour, jest and satire. The drawings show how much importance artists attach to eradicating pathological attitudes, harmful for nature. We will watch works by, inter alia, Witold Mysyrowicz, Edward Lutczyn and Henryk Sawka. On the Long Night of Museums, Bielany Town Hall will be visited by representatives of Warsaw in Europe Social and Cultural Association, as well as members of the Association of Polish Caricature Artists. / Gwiaździsta HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight The school owns a rich collection of exhibits dedicated to WW II and the 1st Polish Armoured Division. The showpieces are presented in the form of a permanent exhibition and held in the school’s archive. The organizer invites visitors to spend time actively at the school. Guests will be given the chance to watch the permanent exhibition, take part in family art classes, participate in a board game tournament and build a model of the M4 Sherman tank. A stylish, historical café will be one of the evening’s highlights. Muzeum – Miejsce Pamięci Palmiry / Palmiry Memorial Site Museum 05-152 Czosnów / Palmiry – Muzeum HOURS: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm “Memory 24 h” / Affection Stories and anecdotes from the life of the deceased. What kind of people were they? What inspired them? What interested them? How did they influence their reality? The memory of particular stories of those who passed – just like Warsaw disappeared. Our memory. Show you care – come, listen and light a candle. Konstanciński Dom Kultury / Konstancin Cultural Centre 15 Mostowa St. HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Villa la Fleur 14 Szpitalna St. / Piłsudskiego Sq. / Sienkiewicza / Sienkiewicza HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight In the programme: • Exhibition: “Cultural and Natural Heritage of Konstancin-Jeziorna”. Exhibitions of contemporary art photography, within the 8th Warsaw Art Photography Festival [WFFA 2015]: • “Afar” [from. Icelandic far] – Icelandic landscape through the eyes of several Polish photographers. Artists: Marcin Jastrzębski, Jolanta Rycerska, Wiktoria Wojciechowska. • “About The Landscape” – Edyta Dufaj Photographs from series: “Like a Tree”, “Daisies” and “Carwash” (2012–2015). • Workshops: pinhole photography. Cafe Hugonówka will be open for guests. Villa la Fleur invites guests for a special presentation of oil paintings and drawings by Maurycy Mędrzycki, from a collection owned by Marek Roefler. One of the most interesting portraits of Kiki from Monparnasse and charming Provençal landscapes excellently reflect both the ambiance of mid-war Paris and the natural beauty of the south of France. Visitors will also be given the chance to admire works by outstanding artists-emigrants, such as Alicja Halicka and Mela Muter. The collection is completed by Jan Lambert-Rudnicki’s Art déco sculpture. Exhibition of drawings and lithographies by Amedeo Modigliani, André Salmon and Moise Kisling. The building is partially suitable for people with disabilities (ground level). Centrum Weterana Działań Poza Granicami Państwa / Veteran Centre 6A Puławska St. / Unii Lubelskiej Sq. / Unii Lubelskiej Sq. / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am For the first time, within The Long Night of Museums, the Centre of Veteran Actions Outside Polish Borders invites guests for night-time tours. Visitors will be given the chance to get acquainted with, inter alia, the history of Polish Army’s actions outside Polish borders, pay homage to the fallen, as well as watch souvenirs gathered in the Tradition Room. Moreover, guests will also learn about the structure and work of the new institution. The event will be also a good time to talk to Veterans in person. Tours of 30, guided by employees of the Centre. Dom Kultury Kadr / Kadr Cultural Centre 16 Gotarda St. / Gotarda HOURS: 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm In the programme: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm – “Dance in Paintings” – finissage. The exhibition showcases works created within workshops for professional creators, organized in 2014 by prima ballerina Bożena Kociołkowska. 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Screening of photographs, drawings and paintings created within the project titled “Dance in Paintings”. The project included integrative meetings, lectures, panel discussions, dance shows, screenings of selected films on ballet, and live performances (allowing spectators the unique chance to take photographs and make sketches during contemporary and classical ballet lessons, and at costume rehearsals at Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera), as well as exhibitions in Warsaw: at Freta Gallery, Lufcik Gallery and Inna Gallery. Galeria Wydziału Architektury Wyższej Szkoły Ekologii i Zarządzania w Warszawie / University of Ecology and Management 16 Rejtana St. / Puławska / Madalińskiego / Dworkowa / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am “Module as Part of Greater Whole”, within a project titled “Art of Architecture – Imagination in a Process” – exhibiton prepared by Krzysztof Łyżnin, in collaboration with students of the Faculty of Interior Design, within Basic Furniture Design course. Komenda Główna Policji / Polish Police Headquarters 148/150 Puławska St. / Wierzbno metro station / Królikarnia / Line B, M HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am The event will include tours of the Headquarters, which on a daily basis remain unavailable for the public. Apart from being given the chance to see the premises, visitors will also watch exhibitions dedicated to the history and present-day duties of the Police. Visitors will be taken back to the last century by officers clad in uniforms worn by National Police of the Second Polish Republic. Guests will watch film screenings and The Representative Orchestra of Polish Police will perform specially for music lovers. Moreover, on the parking lot in front of the Polish Police Headquarters, there will be old-time and contemporary transport vehicles presented. The programme includes a presentation of selected gear used by Anti-terrorist Operations Bureau. In addition to the above, supervised by officers from Criminal Laboratory, visitors will be given the chance to capture and secure their own fingerprints. The organizers have not forgotten about the youngest ones either! Visiting the Polish Police Headquarters during The Long Night of Museums 2015, every child will receive a certificate confirming their participation in the event. There will be many gadgets with the logo of the Police available. Organizers guarantee surprises, competitions and the chance to get a real booking photograph taken (with visitors’ own cameras), sat in an antique chair used for this purpose in the last century! Kościół Zielonoświątkowy Zbór Stołeczny / Pentecostal Church 68/70 Sienna St. • “Church and Youth. Oxymoron?” – exhibition of photographs. Is there any space for youth left in contemporary church? 9:00 pm – Sienna Gospel Choir – concert. 10:00 pm – “History of the Pentecostal Church” – presentation. 10:30 pm – Guided tour of the chapel (information on the practices and principles of faith of the Pentecostal Church; meeting with the Pastor. 11:00 pm – Tour of the Church’s seat. Królikarnia 113A Puławska St. / Wierzbno metro station / Królikarnia / Line B, M HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight Within this year’s Long Night of Museums, the Xawery Dunikowski Museum of Sculpture will present a project titled Cooperation, by Alicja Łukasiak and Grzegorz Drozd (Fundacja Zmiany Organizacji Ruchu, ZOR). It will be four sculpture projects, to become a fixture in Królikarnia’s park. The forms will resemble traditional see-saws, two of which will be designed for adults, and two for children. The event will be accompanied by an open-air concert in the evening, and a vege farmers market. Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych / Ministry of the Interior 5 Batorego St. / rondo ONZ / Prosta / Żelazna / rondo ONZ HOURS: 8:00 pm – midnight In the programme: • “Gospel” – exhibition of photographs by Anna Wolska. / Unii Lubelskiej Sq. / Unii Lubelskiej Sq. / Line B HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight / last entrance at 11:30 pm Do you know how much the equipment of an Anti-Terrorism Officer weighs? Would you like to see for yourself, by wearing it? Or maybe you would prefer to take the wheel of a pyrotechnic ambulance owned by the Polish Police Headquarters? On this one night only, we let guests in on secrets of specialist units of services supervised by the Ministry of the Interior. We invite you to visit us on The Long Night of Museums! Have you ever thought about trying your hand at steering a pyrotechnic robot? Or maybe you would like to watch a police dog searching for dangerous explosives? Soon, you will be given the chance to take a closer look at all this. The event will also include, inter alia, a presentation of the work of fire service’s chemistry laboratory, and a police car used for post-explosion investigations. In order to take part in the event, visitors will have to present a valid ID/Student Identity Card, which will be required for verifying visitors’ identity and for safety measures at the of beginning tours. Muzeum Geologiczne / Geological Museum of the State Geological Institute 4 Rakowiecka St. (entrance: Wiśniowa St.) / Pole Mokotowskie metro station / Wiśniowa / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight In the programme: 7:00 pm – midnight – Tours of the Museum’s permanent exhibition. 8:00 pm – Prelection (in Polish): “Plants: Land Colonization” by Dr. Piotr Szrek. 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm – Hare and hounds in Museum – game; participants will be provided with hints, which will help them find riddles, hidden in various spots in the exhibition hall. There will be prizes awaiting winners. Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego / Museum of the History of Polish Peasant Movement 204 Wilanowska Av. / Wilanowska metro station / Dominikańska / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am The Kurpie Night of Museums will take place within celebrations of the 130th birth anniversary of Adam Chętnik. Guests will be given the chance to watch an exhibition titled “Adam Chętnik (1885–1967) – scientist, social activist, patriot, politician”. In the garden, folk artists from Kurpie will present hand-made folk art pieces, such as various kinds of lace, cut-outs and tissue paper flowers. Mr. Andrzej Staśkiewicz from Kadzidło will present his sculptures, as well as hand-made folk music instruments: violins, ligawkas, flutes and percussion instruments. Visitors will get the chance to watch a blacksmith and a sculptor at work, as well as purchase folk handicraft products. At Żółta Karczma, there will be an exhibition presented, titled “Divisional General Franciszek Kamiński and His Soldiers”, along with film screenings (in Polish): “Our General” and “The General’s Last Journey”. On a stage in the garden, Paula Kinaszewska’s Band and Ryszard Maniurski’s Band from Kadzidło will play live music. Muzeum Kowalstwa / Smithery Museum 84 Przy Grobli St. / Stegny bus terminus / Dolina Służewiecka / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 3:00 am Just like every year, we will give the chance to all those eager to try their hand at hammering metals on an anvil, to forge out of red hot iron a small part of what a blacksmith does on a daily basis. Moreover, our guests will be invited to watch master blacksmith at work, listen to blacksmith stories, taste home-made cakes and have a cup of coffee, and – most importantly – feel the atmosphere of a forge at the beginning of the 20th century. Muzeum Łowiectwa i Jeździectwa / The Museum of Hunting and Horsemanship 9 Szwoleżerów St. (Łazienki Królewskie) / Agrykola / Line J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Kantonists’ Barracks will offer visitors the chance to watch: – exotic animals, – examples of Polish fauna, – wild birds living in various environments, – 19th-century Hunting Room, showcasing souvenirs related with Polish landed gentry, and works of art, – temporary exhibition: “Horses in Warsaw in the 19th and 20th century”. The exhibition will present the history of horses in Warsaw, from the times of the Duchy of Warsaw till the outbreak of WW II. It will showcase utilitarian types of saddle horses and dobbins, images of riders and teamsters. It will also present a rich body of iconography: works of art, photographs, illustrations and publications, handicraft products, documentary films. Kubicki’s Stable: – The Zbigniew Prus-Niewiadomski Carriage House, with historic horse-drawn vehicles, harnesses, vehicle accessories and accessories used by riders. It is the only such exhibition presented to the public in the region of Warsaw. All of the above will be available for our guests who present special, free entrance passes. Passes will be available at the Museum’s box office until 00:30 am. Pracownia Grafiki Artystycznej Wolno / Wolno Studio of Graphic Techniques 21 Chełmska St. (WFDiF, budynek 16) / Belwederska / Chełmska / Zakrzewska HOURS: 9:00 pm – 2:00 am Graphic techniques studio is a space within which we experiment in the field of graphic art, and work with the use of traditional graphic techniques. Artists who create their works in the studio make use of such techniques as linocut, drypoint, mezzotint, lithography, monotyping and others. In the programme: • Exhibition of works on paper by Agata Budny and Magdalena Cybulska, • Tour of the graphic arts studio, • Stand selling eco bags (hand-printed graphic art). The event will be hosted by Agata Budny and Magdalena Cybulska. Służewski Dom Kultury / Służew Community Centre 15 J.S. Bacha St. / / Służew metro station HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight In the programme: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Workshops. We invite our youngest guests to build cosmodromes and spaceships. The programme will also include hip hop classes, filled with sounds of astral music (on an hourly basis: 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm), lightsaber fencing classes (after dark), and a Star Wars fan meeting. • “Open-air Good Film Cinema” (in Polish) – Documentaries related with the universe: from the creation of the galaxy to landing on the Moon to exploring other worlds and planets. • The event will also give visitors the chance to watch “The First Exhibition of Artistic Dolls” at Przy Kozach Gallery. There will be workshops organized, dedicated to creating dolls – guests will make their own dolls, with some help from participants and co-organizers of the exhibition, Pola group. a quest which resulted both in some of his more popularly known abstract op-art compositions, and experimental spatial structures known to attract attention of critics. 8:00 pm – Curatorial guided tour. Starak Collection: The collection includes works by the most important Polish artists of the second half of the 20th century, such as, i.a.: Magdalena Abakanowicz, Tadeusz Kantor, Jerzy Nowosielski, Roman Opałka, Ryszard Winiarski and Andrzej Wróblewski. Teatr Guliwer / Guliwer Theatre 16 Różana St. / Puławska / Madalińskiego / Dworkowa / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Spectra Art Space 6 Bobrowiecka St. / Czerniakowska / Kierbedzia HOURS: 11:00 am – 11:00 pm Wojciech Fangor | Spectra Art Space Masters The exhibition is dedicated to the creative output of Wojciech Fangor; it continues an issue touched on by Spectra Art Centre in a series titled Masters. Wojciech Fangor is one of the most important contemporary classical artists in the world and – importantly – he is still creatively active. The exhibition will present the master’s most recent project. It refers to an issue of serious importance with reference to the whole of Wojciech Fangor’s oeuvre, namely space. Influenced by outstanding architect and art theorist, Stanisław Zamecznik, who was also his friend, Wojciech Fangor embarked on What goes on in the theatre when the curtain falls, spot-lights are off and the buzz of children’s voices fades away? How does a moonlit foyer look like? Do theatre dolls sleep nicely in their spots? Whose steps may be heard in empty rooms of the theatre, when the last employee locks the door behind them? On this extraordinary night, Guliwer Theatre unveils its new, unknown face for visitors. A few weeks before a premiere, actors will dare to check if one is allowed to cut into the silence of a nighttime theatre. They will invite spectators for a rehearsal of a new play, the hero of which is Ugly Duckling. Will they get away with it? Rumour has it, the theatre is guarded at night by Lemuel Guliwer, the great traveller himself... Groups of max. 15 will be admitted every 15 minutes. Tramwaje Warszawskie / Warsaw Trams Mokotów Tram Depot HOURS: 5:00 pm – 1:00 am WFDiF presents a unique educational space, created in the magical world of film set. Exhibition titled “Film Set”, located in one of WFDiF’s halls, gives visitors an extraordinary chance to visit spaces which on a daily basis only the staff are allowed to enter. On The Long Night of Museums, the exhibition will showcase, inter alia, fragments of set design for “Miasto 44”. Tours are not guided. 5:00 pm – 1:00 am – R3 Mokotów Tram Depot: – exhibition of historic and modern stock, as well as specialized vehicles, – presentation of tram operating parts, – pit tours (visitors will be given the chance to take a look at tram’s undercarriage), – lifting a tram on a ramp, – games and competitions for children and adults, – exhibition of tram models, – concerts in Warsaw Promotional Tram, – on-stage artistic programme. 11:00 pm – Nighttime show by Roma Musical Theatre. – removing graffiti from a real tram, in collaboration with World Without Vandalisms Foundation. 5:00 pm – 1:00 am – Special M line (from Mokotów Tram Depot to Wyścigi) – trams every 15 minutes, convenient changes by Wierzbno and Wilanowska underground stations. Organizers: Warsaw Trams and Association of Public Transport Fans in Warsaw. Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych / Documentary and Feature Film Production Company 21 Chełmska St. / Belwederska / Chełmska / Zakrzewska HOURS: 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Wyższa Szkoła Ekologii i Zarządzania / University of Ecology and Management 12 Olszewska St. / Puławska / Madalińskiego / Dworkowa / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: – 3D mapping and interactive animations on the façade of the University’s seat Presentation of Faculties. The event is organized by students of the Faculty of Architecture and members of Kreatywa Architectonic Students Circle. Presentations will be screened every 30 minutes, 10:00 pm through 1:00 am. – “Contemporary Architecture of Work Spaces Surrounded by Inner-city Architecture” – multimedia exhibition of works by students of the Faculty of Architecture and members of Kreatywa Architectonic Students Circle. – Exhibition of furniture designed and made by Marcin Skubisz, who graduated from the Faculty of Interior Design of the University of Ecology and Management. Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej / Academy of Special Education Galeria APS / APS Gallery 40 Szczęśliwicka St. HOURS: 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm “Ideal City” / “Cité idéale” – photographs by Thomas Lewandowski. Series of black-and-white analogue photographs taken between 2013 and 2014. The works present partially-executed projects of utopian, totalitarian urban planning guidelines, introduced in the last decades of the 20th century on the outskirts of Paris (inter alia: Les Espaces d’Abraxas in Noisy le Grand, arch. Ricardo Bofill; Les Arènes de Picasso in Noisy le Grand, arch. Manolo Nuñez Yanowsky; Le Temple du lac and Les Arcades du lac in Montigny le Bretonneux, arch. Ricardo Bofill). Nowadays – derelict and unfinished – their emptiness deters. Open Programme within the 8th Warsaw Art Photography Festival 2015 [WFFA 2015]. Galeria Obserwacja / Obserwacja Gallery 3 Tarczyńska St. / Zawiszy Sq. / Zawiszy Sq. / Line F HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am “Checkpoint” – exhibition of works by Polish documentary doyen, Tadeusz Rolke. Part of the exhibition is composed of a reproduction of Tadeusz Rolke’s passport, which he received thanks to liberal immigration policy of the Federal Republic of Germany during the Cold War. Passport stamps play a crucial role here, and one of them especially, namely the stamp from the Federal Republic of Germany – lending dramaturgy to this topic. In the maze of stamps, an original photo of Tadeusz Rolke, with his eyes closed, is a certain curio... but it bares the value of an individual in relation with democracy and stamps. Another part of the exhibition are photographs taken in present times at those same spots, that is ports of entry where the stamps were put in Tadeusz Rolke’s passport. The exhibition is of utmost historic importance. It presents times which have already passed. Poland is a part of Europe, the wall came down, stamps are not needed any longer for crossing borders. The project carries a message about the legitimacy of transformations which have already taken place. Instytut Edukacji Artystycznej Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej / Institute of Artistic Education of the Academy of Special Education 16 Spiska St. / Zawiszy Sq. / Zawiszy Sq. / Line F HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: workshops dedicated to art, relaxation techniques and art therapy, taught by pedagogues and students of the Institute of Artistic Education of the Academy of Special Education, as well as a series of workshops: Graphic Techniques Studio: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm – ”Houses, Cottages, Towns” – graphic workshops for families (collagraphy with elements of structural printing). 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm – “Ornaments” – graphic workshops (linocut). 10:00 pm – 1:00 am – “On the Other Side of the Mirror” – graphic workshops (drypoint). Sculpture Studio: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – “Masks – Positive/ Negative” – sculpture workshops. Drawing Studio: 7:00 pm – 1:00 pm – “Still Nature” – drawing study. Individual and joint exhibitions. Works by IoAE students (paintings, graphic art, sculptures, drawings and new media). Magazyn Sztuk – filia Ośrodka Kultury Ochoty / Magazyn Sztuk – branch of the Ochota Cultural Centre 13/21 Radomska St. / Kopińska / Białobrzeska / Hala Kopińska HOURS: 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm “Magical materials” – exhibition and workshops dedicated to batik. Exhibition showcases works by the following artists: Marta Staszczyk, Edyta Zając, Celina Chorąży, Marta Pędzieszczak, Magda Rybak, Katarzyna Lis-Lachowicz, Małgorzata Olejniczak, Mariola Gołda and Liliana Chwistek. Muzeum Historii Medycyny WUM / Medical History Museum of the Medical University of Warsaw 63 Żwirki i Wigury St. • “Ex Libris from the Collection of the Medical History Museum”. • “In an Ambulance: the Hardest Part. Wartime Surgery at the Beginning of the 19th Century”. 8:00 pm and 9:30 pm – Film screenings: “Polish Wartime Surgery in the 19th Century”, with Dr Maria Turos’ auteur commentary (in Polish). Muzeum Ikon / Museum of Icons 5 Lelechowska St. / Kopińska / Białobrzeska / Hala Kopińska HOURS: 8:00 pm – 2:00 am In the programme: • 8:00 pm – Choir concert at St. Gregory Peradze Chapel. • Tours of the museum, including basements. • Art workshops (iconography) for children. • Cafe (refreshments are not free of charge). • Shop carrying a rich selection of merchandise. Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych / Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology 86 Koszykowa St. / Uniwersytet Medyczny HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Exhibitions: • “70 years of the reactivated Faculty of Medicine at the University of Warsaw” • “When Human Memory Fades, Stones Continue to Speak – Historical Traces of the Medical University of Warsaw in Plaques and Sculptures” / Starynkiewicza Sq. / Lindleya / Line F HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am This year, the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology invites guests to visit the world of Alice in Wonderland. The school’s faculty, in collaboration with students, prepared numerous attractions. • IT Students will present a multi-platform mobile game, with visuals screened on a glass brick surface. An application created by students allows users to play the cult Snake on the mentioned glass brick panels. Participants will be given the chance to play all kinds of games, created by students who specialize in computer games. • Faculty of New Media Arts has prepared a special 3D video mapping for this night, combined with a selection of animations created by students. In addition to this, there will be a computer game screened on the façade of the building, controlled with Kinect. • Moreover, the organizer will invite visitors to watch a graphic art exhibition titled “Inhabitants”, prepared by one of lecturers. • Interior Design students will present a project titled “Through the Looking-Glass”, which will make participants feel as if they are standing upside down. The space will be arranged in a special way, in order to create the feeling of the surroundings being reversed. • Faculty of Information Management has prepared a game titled “Alice in Economics-land”, as well as another one, entitled “Save Alice”. The interdisciplinary board game will be addressed both to children and youth, and will also attract their parents. Participants will be taken into a magical world, where they will have to help Alice fight the Evil Queen. It will not be an easy task, however, as the road will be full of dangers and pitfalls. In addition to the above, visitors will be invited to play a game of enormous chess, go through “the” tunnel Alice fell into, spend time in a room similar to the one where Alice went through the tiny door, and watch a show composed of dance and lights, titled “Alice in the Land of Lights”. To make the time even more pleasant, there will be live music accompanying guests throughout the night, performed by Bricks. The Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology has prepared screenings of Japanese anime, courtesy of the Embassy of Japan. Zespół Stacji Filtrów Williama Lindleya / Warsaw Water Filters 81 Koszykowa St. / Starynkiewicza Sq. / Lindleya / Line F HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Nighttime tour: water tower, Museum of Waterworks and Sewerage System in a 19th-century pump station, slow sand water filter from 1886, Rapid Filters Institute from 1933. The visitors will leave the premises via the gate in Krzywickiego Street. Visitors will be asked to present an ID with a photo (buildings are located within the premises of Warsaw Water Filters). Guided tours of 30 will start every 30 minutes. Centrum Promocji Kultury Praga Południe / Praga Południe Centre for Culture Promotion 2 Podskarbińska St. / Ratusz Dzielnicy Praga Południe / Podskarbińska HOURS: 7:00 pm – 2:00 am In the programme: • “Rust in Peace” – exhibition by Monstfur street art group. “Rust in Peace” is, first of all, a homage paid to machines. Their mechanics, comparable to the functioning of a living organism, became the starting point for the preparation of the concept of this exhibition. The watershed moment, which encouraged us finally to take up this issue, was the downfall of Fablok factory (Polish Locomotive Factory). The world of iron oxide, rusty plates and industrial machines slowly gives way to modern rolling stock. We do not appraise this fact but only start a dialogue with it. • Exhibition “What Is Left of Those Years? Polish Utilitarian Art 1956–1975”. The exhibition will present show-pieces from Tomasz Dziewicki’s collection (1957–1975) – a wide array of design characteristic for those times. 9:00 pm – Concert: Atmasfera. Fabryka Perun / Perun Factory 301/305 Grochowska St. / Ratusz Dzielnicy Praga Południe / Gocławska / Line G HOURS: 10:00 pm – midnight The artist is active in the field of installations, performance, spatial installations, installations made of photographs, video art, performances with the use of computer animation and film set design. Educator – she runs the Studio of Intermedia Activities (Faculty of Interior Architecture) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Corpora, Ennio Calabria, Vico Calabrò, Umberto Mastroianni, Augusto Murer, Ernesto Treccani, Severio Barbero, Virgilio Guidi. Ninni Verga, Bruno de Pellegrin, Remo Brindisi and Tono Zancanaro. The presented works are held in private collections or come from the famous Stamperia d’arte Busato, which has been active in the field of artistic printing since 1946. Curators: Alina Picazio and Sylwester Piędziejewski. Fabryka Wedla / E. Wedel Chocolate Factory • At the same time, Open Studio will showcase paintings by Sylwester Piędziejewski, who will present his buon fresco and sgrafitto works. “Projections” – exhibition of works by Zuzanna Sadowa. 24/26 Zamoyskiego St. / Zamoyskiego / Zieleniecka Av. / Lubelska / Line G / Zieleniecka Av. / Line D, G HOURS: noon – midnight For many Varsovians (and not only!) The Long Night of Museums is a magical experience. The space in Warsaw Praga will be opened specially for all lovers of the brand who have been dreaming of taking a behind-the-scenes look at the process of creation of their favourite chocolate. Each group will be led by a dedicated guide. The tour will offer the chance to visit, inter alia, the factory’s production line, Delicacy Atelier, Memory Hall and a gallery showcasing chocolate sculptures. All of our guests may expect sweet surprises. Galeria Autograf / Autograf Gallery 342 Grochowska St. / Lubelska / Line G HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Exhibition in the main hall presents graphic art by famous Italian creators, such as Antonio 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm – Presentation of fresco and sgrafitto techniques by Sylwester Piędziejewski. emotions in everyday life. The form and technique of her works, light, tasteful colours and their specific lightness of reception are conducive to achieving this goal. Galeria van Golik / van Golik Gallery 27/6 Berezyńska St. / rondo Waszyngtona / rondo Waszyngtona / Line D HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am The event is organized under the patronage of the Italian Cultural Institute. Exhibition of works by Beata Bigaj. Galeria Milano / Milano Gallery Instytut 116 / 116 Institute 2A rondo Waszyngtona 116 Grochowska St. / rondo Waszyngtona / rondo Waszyngtona / Line D HOURS: 7:15 pm – midnight In paintings by Marta Kochanek-Zbroja, colours and lines play an important role; they are used by the artist in a way which resembles colouring books we know from when we were children. Each colour has a number assigned (legends describe individual works). Nets of lines and colour patches, filling white backgrounds, create the works’ individual ambiance and composition. In her creative activity, the artist draws inspiration mostly from everyday situations. Marta Kochanek makes use of photographs she takes herself, as well as press photos, old advertisements and stills from old films. Reality of the 1950s and 1960s intertwines with contemporary times. Marta does not want to exclude difficult issues from her creative activity; however, it seems to be more important for her to look for positive 7:00 pm – Exhibition opening. / Grochowska / Zamieniecka / Szembeka Sq. HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Extraordinary exhibition of works from the collection owned by Instytut 116. It will be a rare chance for visitors to watch photographs by outstanding artists – all within the space of Instytut 116, all on one night! The showcase will present works by the following authors: Jan Berdak, Bogdan Dziworski, Stanisław Ekier, Edward Hartwig, Jacek Jędrzejczak, Ewa Kuryluk, Zbigniew Łagocki, Marian Schmidt, Wojciech Plewiński, Romualdas Pożerskis, Sergiusz Sachno, Andrzej Świetlik, Antanas Sutkus, Andrzej Tyszko and others. Muzeum Czar PRL / Communist Life Museum The Neon Museum and its Patron, RWE Polska, heartily invite! 316/320 Grochowska St. (one-time PZL seat, entrance at 25 Mińska St., Soho Factory premises) Polska Agencja Prasowa / Polish Press Agency / Ratusz Dzielnicy Praga Południe / Gocławska / Line G HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight 65 Mińska St. / Ratusz Dzielnicy Praga Południe / Drukarnia PAP / Line G HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Amazing Technologies! – exhibition. On The Long Night of Museums, the Communist Life Museum will take visitors into the world of fairy tales of the past decade. It turns out that long lines may be attractive! While queueing, guests will be invited to play Chinese jump rope, bottle caps and Hopscotch, eat some candyfloss and have their picture taken with Bolek and Lolek. There will be cartoons screened at the Museum, with the use of an Ania projector, and some of the characters visit the venue, so that partakers can get to know them personally! Neon Muzeum / The Neon Museum 25 Mińska St. (Soho Factory) / Neon Muzeum / Line G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Celebrate the International Year of Light at The Neon Museum! Never before have so many neons been lit in one place! We invite everybody for the premiere of Syrena – a historic, fanciful neon from Elbląg, restored by Capital Park Group. You will be entertained throughout the night by DJ Rafał Rejowski. This year, we are presenting an exhibition titled Amazing Technologies! This night, if spent with us, will be extraordinary. We have invited companies, institutions and inventors, who will present their achievements and technological development over the years. Visitors will take an active part in the event. They will be given a chance to touch and play with show-pieces, as well as talk to experts. We will present a wide array of – inter alia, robot cars from Transformers, the most cutting-edge devices, vehicles used by uniformed services, inventions by school children. We wish to allow our guests a closer look at scientific and technological solutions, as well as successes achieved internationally by Polish inventors. Pracownia Artystyczna Farbą Umazane / Farbą Umazane Studio 55A Boremlowska St. / Garwolińska HOURS: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Farbą Umazane Art Studio offers pottery workshops for whole families. We will get acquainted with traditional methods of clay modelling, such as hand building (shaping pieces or rolls of clay by hand). We will also learn about ways in which interesting decorations may be created from clay. Works made by participants of the class will be fired in a kiln in the Studio and given back to authors. 5 PLN – for firing a piece of pottery in a kiln. Prom Kultury Saska Kępa / Cultural Centre Skarby Warszawy – Biuro Przewodników / Guided strolls rondo Waszyngtona (meet-up by the National Stadium) HOURS: 7:00 pm – 0:30 am 23 Brukselska St. Saska Kępa – guided strolls. / Wersalska HOURS: 7:30 pm – 0:30 am “All That Jazz!” – poster exhibition (vernissage) plus a series of mini-concerts, by artists depicted in showcased works. Throughout the night, three strolls will take place, starting at 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm. The strolls take about 1,5 h. Guide: Rafał Zelman. Stowarzyszenie Pracownie Twórcze Lubelska 30/32 / Artists’ Studios in Lubelska Street 30/32 Lubelska St. Concerts start every 30 minutes; duration: ca. 10–15 min. For the second time at Prom Kultury Saska Kępa, there will be nighttime events taking place within The Long Night of Museums. This year, it will be an artistic happening, combining Agnieszka Sobczyńska’s poster exhibition and mini-concerts by jazz musicians depicted by the artist in her works. / Zamoyskiego / Zieleniecka Av. / Lubelska / Line G HOURS: 8:00 pm – 4:00 am These two events will take place within a series of concerts titled All That Jazz! (Cały ten jazz!), organized by Jerzy Szczerbakow. The series was inaugurated two years ago; during this edition of The Long Night of Museums, all 37 posters created specially for the project will be presented all together for the first time. Presentations of works by artists and their friends: Every half an hour, a solo mini-concert will start. Because we will not unveil any more details concerning the line-up, the event will be truly unique and surprising. Just like it was last year, there may be some totally new and unexpected musical constellations coming to life on stage! • In tractum – exhibition of works by Dorota Łacek Gorczyca, Jarosław Sadkowski, Maja Nowak, Marta Bystroń (studio no. 3). Organizers: PROM Kultury Saska Kępa, Spółdzielnia Państwo Będą Zadowoleni. • Anna Alicja Trochim, painting and Delfina Krasicka, fabrics (studio no. 1). • Marek Ruff “Tapir’s Dreams – Decentrism”: new paintings; Małgorzata Ruff: artistic jewellery, ceramic art (studio no. 2). • Tomek Kopcewicz: paintings (studio no. 5). • Dariusz Kunowski will present a photographic installation by Kasia Wrońska, Preserved Remembrance: Warsaw. In an original way, the artist will showcase forgotten stills depicting old-time Warsaw. The installation will be accompanied by two live concerts: Marek Papaj (of Slav Music) and Cup Of Time (Plays Namysłowski) (studio no. 7). • “Two-Man Congress* of collage creators (Modzelewski, Sobczyk) – within “Museum” in quotes (“Cartoonists’ Congress” in quotes, studio no. 10). • Ach Studio invites for an exhibition titled “The Advent of the New” – works by Anna Lea Chojnacka (paintings), Małgorzata Koma (paintings and drawings), Katarzyna Kamińska Wójcik (photography) (studio no. 11). • “Masks and Faces” – exhibition of works by Teresa, Dariusz and Filip Kowalski (studio no. 17). Teatr Powszechny im. Zygmunta Hübnera / Powszechny Theatre 20 Jana Zamoyskiego St. / Zamoyskiego / Zieleniecka Av. / Zieleniecka Av. / Line D, G HOURS: 8:30 pm – 11:30 pm In the programme: 9:00 pm – Open rehearsal: Juliusz Słowacki’s “Fantazy” (dir. Michał Zadara). Cast: Paulina Holtz, Barbara Wysocka, Mariusz Benoit, Michał Czachor, Grzegorz Falkowski, Mateusz Łasowski, Michał Sitarski. Please reserve a seat in advance – obligatory. 10:00 pm – Evening with improvised music in Mózg Powszechny club. Artists: Jerzy Mazzoll, Sławek Janicki, Qba Janicki,Tomasz Sroczyński, Rafał Gorzycki, Natan Kryszk. 8:30 pm – 11:30 pm – Archival poster and programme sale (main hall). For more information or to reserve a seat, please contact the organizer at: +48 22 818 48 19, +48 22 818 25 16, e-mail:, Atelier Klitka / Klitka Atelier 12 Ząbkowska St. / Ząbkowska / Markowska / Ząbkowska / Line D, G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am scratchy pieces from vinyl records, some of which were produced 50 years ago. It may sound like we are going back in space and time by centuries, yet in fact it was not very long ago – everybody recalls Elvis and The Beatles. Old-school sounds from the 1970s, 1980s and the beginning of the 21st century will also rule our dance floor. Fabryka Trzciny In the programme: • Exhibition of paintings by Mirosław Wolański: “Christ from Abu Ghraib”. • Digital show of photographs by Julita Delbar: “Human Portrait”. Centrum Zarządzania Światem 26 Okrzei St. / “Solidarności” Av. / Jagiellońska / Ząbkowska / Line D, G HOURS: 8:00 pm – midnight We will begin our travel with an exhibition of sculptures by Zofia and Jan Kubicki, titled “Shape and Music”. Zofia Kubicka is an artist interested in the human being, the gesture and the form of gesture. She creates images which fill the space. In Jan Kubicki’s works, one may find motion as a peculiar converter of a recreated world. He reaches for worn out materials and objects, creating imbalanced kinetic sculptures within which movement, light and space are all equally important. They have worked in Praga for 20 years. They have presented their creations within numerous exhibitions in Poland and abroad, and their works are held in collections in the United States, England, Spain and Switzerland. Currently, they are co-creating – together with other artists – events within a series titled “Actual Condition – Nighttime Meetings with Creators”. On this Night, we will also discover the magic of record players. We will play characteristic 14 Otwocka St. / Fabryka Trzciny / Line D HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: • “Relations” – Anna Carpenter, Dorota Cieślińska-Brodowska (exhibition). Relation is an ambiguous word. It means a seemingly objective narrative about something that does not concern us; however, it describes also a reciprocal connection, existence in a mutual context. The exhibition titled Relations, by two authors: Anna Carpented and Dorota Cieślińska-Brodowska, refers to both meanings of the title. These two creative individualities – despite their similar age and experience – spin totally different, deeply subjective stories about the world that surrounds them. Apart from this presentation of painting works, The Long Night of Museums will also feature sneak previews of auteur multimedia projects titled “Colour Energy” and “Forgetting”. • Smart Management Showcase. Within this year’s Long Night of Museums, Fabryka Trzciny invites to a concert showcasing young artists from Smart Management’s roster. Smart is a relatively new concert agency but they have already collaborated successfully with popular Polish artists (e.g. Oliver Heim of Tres B and Olivia Anna Livki) as well as debuting musicians (e.g. Hanimal, Maja Olenderek Ensemble, Endy Yden). The concert will feature several artists collaborating with Smart Management, such as: Wrocław-based Endy Yden and several groups from Warsaw, namely Maja Olenderek Ensemble, Igor Spolski & The Dudes and Olivier Heim. Galeria Blok / Blok Gallery Galeria 81 Stopni / 81 Stopni Gallery Exhibition of sculpture by Waldemar Mazurek and paintings by Sylwia Caban. 38 Kłopotowskiego St. (no. 5) / “Solidarności” Av. / Jagiellońska / Ząbkowska / Line D, G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am “Cyan – Colonel Vorotincev’s Album” – exhibition of works by Eric Pawlitzky (finissage). The album became an inspiration for works created with the use of cyanotype techniques, widely popular among photographers a hundred years ago. Eric Pawlitzky about the exhibition: “St. Petersburg, 2008. It’s raining. There is an antiquarian bookshop right by our hotel. I ask the owner about old cameras. She hands me in a wooden daguerreotype camera from 1895, complete with a stack of negatives and a photo album.” “The album contains photos of a landscape, which at first glance I was unable to relate with any definite place or time. On the inside cover, there was a photograph inserted, depicting a young man wearing a uniform. Hand-written caption read »Leningrad, 1931«. On the cover of the album, there was a title in Russian: »Great War in Poland 1914–1915, Colonel Alexandr N. Vorotincev«, and a map.” “Who was Colonel Vorotincev? Deciphered captions under photographs, along with the images themselves, create a jigsaw puzzle I have managed to recreate bit by bit.” • For this night, studios of artists connected with the gallery will also be opened for the public. 3 Inżynierska St. (no. 10, V floor) / Inżynierska / 11 Listopada / Inżynierska HOURS: 8:00 pm – 0:30 am Galeria Klatka / Klatka Gallery 22 11 Listopada St. (no. 34) / Inżynierska / 11 Listopada / Inżynierska HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Retrospective exhibition showcasing works by Professor Piotr Smolnicki and his students at Studio no. 7 of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Galeria Po Prawej Stronie Wisły / Po Prawej Stronie Wisły Gallery 15/1A Konopacka St. / Inżynierska / 11 Listopada / Inżynierska HOURS: 8:00 pm – midnight “Seen from a Catafalque” – exhibition of photographs by Maciej Smogorzewski. Maciej Smogorzewski, who is an architect by profession, combined in his works his interests related with architecture and the art of photography. “Vaults of monumental sacred buildings are one of the main elements of their construction, critical for the overall shape of churches and their visual appeal. In the Middle Ages, symbolism of vaults – located above naves, like sky above the earth – had an important role to play. Raising their eyes from the floor to the ceiling (from Earth up to Heavens), worshippers saw caissons in the vault – symbolizing stars – and a visible source of light, through which sun rays came in, symbolizing God’s wisdom or God himself.” “The whole construction of a church had a symbolical dimension to it in the Middle Ages as well. It symbolized The House of God or The City of God, it was »New Jerusalem«. The word ecclesia, which in its original meaning referred to the spiritual aspect of Church, became later the name of a building perceived as a representation, earthly realisation of God’s state. Vaults had the most important symbolical meaning of all elements of a church. They were a depiction of Heavens. They were built »ut simulacro colei imaginem reddat«”. [W. Tatarkiewicz, “Historia estetyki”, t. 2, Warsaw 1989, p. 136–137] On The Long Night of Museums, visitors will be invited to take part in candle-lit guided tours of the exhibition. The project will be presented by the author of the photographs, Maciej Smorzewski himself. Galeria Stalowa / Stalowa Art Gallery 26 Stalowa St. / Czynszowa HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Stalowa Gallery invites to a night filled with surprises: • Exhibition of works by Agnieszka Żak-Biełowa: Multi-culti (Multi-kulti). • Exhibition of photographs by Czesław Czapliński: “Tadeusz Kantor In Memoriam”. • Film screening. Graże Galeria Projektantów / Garaże Designers’ Gallery 84 Targowa St. / Inżynierska / 11 Listopada / Dw. Wileński / Line G HOURS: 8:00 pm – midnight “Gentleman with a Little Dog” – works by Hanna Pyrzyńska. Exhibition opening. Klubokawiarnia To się wytnie / Cafe-club 46 Stalowa St. / Czynszowa HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight In the programme: – Exhibition of works by Jarek Radel: figurative painting. – 6:00 pm: stories from Nowa Praga district – stroll along the paths of people whose lot was connected in some way with Nowa Praga. Guide: Martyna Górska, Duration: 1,5 h. – 8:30 pm – Live music. Mucha nie siada / Cafe-club 38 Ząbkowska St. In the old days, sirens used to lure lonely sailors. Seductive, sensuous, disturbing. At times rebellious, vague. Not everybody is able to resist their allure. Femininity has many faces, and each of them is real. Somewhere from beneath a thick layer of make-up and glitter, its true form emerges. The exhibition of photographs by Patrycja Toczyńska is dedicated to women. The artist presents them as beautiful, mysterious and fascinating. Guests may order food and drinks from the venue’s regular menu. Muzeum Drukarstwa Warszawskiego / Museum of Warsaw Printing 23/25 Ząbkowska St. / Ząbkowska / Markowska / Markowska / Line D HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am www.muzeumdrukarstwa. “Printed Warsaw” / Action Craftsmanship – trend for hand-made objects, the art of printing, old-time printing techniques, Warsaw typography. On The Long Night of Museums, the Museum of Warsaw wishes to present its Printing House – to affirm the noble art of typography and, together with visitors, create specially designed prints, with the use of a historic proofreading press. Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi / Museum of Warsaw Praga 50/52 Targowa St. / Ząbkowska / Markowska / Markowska / Line D, G HOURS: 6:00 pm till the last guest leaves “Sirens” – exhibition of photographs by Patrycja Toczyńska. HOURS: 7:00 pm – 3:00 am “All Roads Lead to Praga” / Character 7:00 pm – Meeting: “What Jazzmen Looked for in Praga?” (Marek Karewicz, Krzysztof Sadowski, Paweł Brodowski). 9:00 pm – Meeting: “Tyrmand’s Praga Inspirations” – book premiere (Sylwia Chutnik, Małgorzata Litwinowicz-Droździel, Włodzimierz Pessel). 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm – 3D film screenings (run time – several minutes, looped): “Third Dimension of Praga” – virtual stroll through Praga Północ district and “Moving Mural Presenting Treasures of Praga”. 11:00 pm – Dance party to the rhythm of the 1950s (DJ Bigos – Piotr Wierzbicki). People would always go to Praga – for food, illegal documents, clothes from the West, foreign currency, records. Today, vanishing craftsmanship may be found here... local flavours, time that goes slower and fragments of extant Warsaw. Authenticity, locality, entrepreneurship, creativity, peculiar fashion, language and style have always been here. What can residents of Praga be proud of? What do Varsovians look for in Praga? Partner of the event: Jazz Museum. Pracownia 23 / 23 Art Studio 12/23 Foriańska St. / “Solidarności” Av. / Sierakowskiego / Park Praski / Line G HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Exhibition of paintings by Edyta Dzierż and Jacek Mirczak + guest: Miłosz Płonka (painting/sculpture). Pracownia 23 has been active in Praga Północ for ten years. The venue offers 68 m2 of creative space. From time to time, Pracownia 23 invites other artists to collaborate. Currently, they are hosting Jacek Mirczak. At present, Pracownia 23 co-creates a regular event called Actual Condition, within which nighttime meetings with creators take place. Pracownia Omnimodo Dorota i Leszek Gęsiorscy / Omnimodo Art Studio 10 Nieporęcka St. (no. 26) oTWArta Art Studio. In line with tradition, it will have the form of a presentation of works by contemporary artists. This year’s edition will feature works by four painters. Pracownia Twórcza Światowa Akademia Sztuki / Światowa Akademia Sztuki Creative Studio 6 Brzeska St. (no. 21 i 26A) / Ząbkowska / Markowska / Markowska / Line G HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight “Faces of the Earth. This Earth” – exhibition of graphic art by Dorota and Leszek Gęsiorski. Presented works are an attempt at an artistic/ philosophical approach to two anniversaries: the 10th death anniversary of St. John Paul II and the 600th birth anniversary of chronicler Jan Długosz. The exhibition will take place within weekly nighttime meetings with creators, titled Actual Condition. Artists who participate in the project open their studios for visitors, unveil secrets of their activity, and sell their works. The organizer invites for coffee, tea and discussion in an artistic circle. Pracownia oTWArta / oTWArta Art Studio 5 Folwarczna St. (no. 35, backyard) / Ząbkowska / Markowska / Korsaka / Line D HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight “Four Walls, Four Paintings” Artists: Magdalena Hajnosz, Anna Forycka-Putiatycka, Jan Brodziak, Marcin Sutryk. Exhibition at Magdalena Hajnosz’s painting studio, located in an atmospheric tenement house in Szmulki. It is already the fifth Long Night of Museums with the participation of / Ząbkowska / Markowska / Kijowska / Line D, G HOURS: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Exhibition “Birth, Love..” – presentation of 20 paintings created by the owner of this creative studio, Professor Eugeniusz “Geno” Małkowski, during two Saturday sessions in a Parisian Gallery. The sessions took place within an exhibition of his works.. Moreover, all those eager to participate (after a hiatus of one year) in an action titled “Warsaw Paints”, will be invited to leave their mark. There will be paints and brushes provided. This rather extraordinary painting (not quite finished yet), fits into the recently popular street art trend; it is also a continuation of Prof. Małkowski’s actions titled “Common Painting”, organized in Paris in the 1990s. Each person participating in the façade painting will take part in an extraordinary rehearsal, which will be the opening for new artistic solutions, to be introduced on an enormous scale. The Artist will try to present the idea to his guests during The Long Night of Museums. Praska Biblioteka Sąsiedzka / Neighbours’ Library of Praga 63 Targowa St. / Kłopotowskiego / Sierakowskiego / Ząbkowska / Line D, G HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight “Anniversary” – meeting within a series of events dedicated to the popularization of reading, titled “Reading in Public Spaces is the Thinking Person’s Crumpet”. Rituals bond people within societies, and they build group identity. Celebrating anniversaries – of certain events or biographic facts – solidifies within a group what be believe is valuable for its functioning; it allows to convey values we hold important. With the use of the written word and audio-visual aids, we will think about the role of anniversaries and rituals in social life, and their meaning in constructing one’s individual function in the society. Stan Rzeczywisty / Actual Condition various venues – exhibition of graphic art by Dorota and Leszek Gęsiorski. • Magdalena Hajnosz’s oTWArta Art Studio (5/35–36 Folwarczna St.): “Four Walls, Four Paintings” – presentation of paintings by four artists. • Pracownia Szuflada Gallery (4 Kawęczyńska St.). • Po Prawej Stronie Wisły Gallery (15/1A Konopacka Street): “Seen from a Catafalque” – exhibition of photographs by Maciej Smogorzewski. Vernissage: 8:00 pm. 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm – World Academy of Art (6 Brzeska St.): Exhibition of paintings by Eugeniusz “Geno” Małkowski. • M4 Gallery (Galeria M4, 68/3 Targowa St.): Exhibition of paintings and photographs. Tramwaje Warszawskie / Warsaw Trams Praga Tram Depot HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Actual Condition creates an artistic zone on the cultural map of Warsaw, dedicated to a direct dialogue between artists and art consumers. Their meetings take place within authentic spaces of art studios and galleries. Studios and galleries participating in the event: • 12m/kw in Praga (11/9 Ząbkowska St., entrance via a gate to the left): Joanna Świerczyńska – oil paintings, drawings, monotypes. • Klitka, Photographic Atelier (12 Ząbkowska St.): “Christ from Abu Ghraib” – exhibition of paintings by Mirosław Wolański and “Human Portrait” – digital presentation of photographs by Julita Delbar. • Kubiccy Sculpture Studio (53/40 Radzymińska St.): Exhibition of sculptures by Zofia and Jan Kubicki. • 23 Art Studio (12/23 Floriańska St., entryphone no. 23): Exhibition of paintings by Edyta Dzierż & Jacek Mirczak. • Omnimodo Studio (10/26 Nieporęcka St., 5th floor): “Faces of the Earth. This Earth” HOURS: noon – 4:00 pm Noon – 4:00 pm – Listed Historic Tram Depot (R2 Praga): – exhibition of historic and modern stock, – presentation of tram operating parts, – pit tours (visitors will be given the chance to take a look at a tram’s undercarriage), – lifting a tram on a ramp, – bus parade (start by the City Hall), – games and competitions for children and adults, 4:00 pm – Tram parade (finish at Mokotów Tram Depot, where another part of the event starts). Organizers: Warsaw Trams and Association of Public Transport Fans in Warsaw. Warszawskie Muzeum Chleba / Warsaw Bread Museum 2 Jadowska St. / Fabryka Trzciny / Line D HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am The organizer invites visitors to take part in tours of the museum, free of charge. There will also be refreshments provided for guests (butter crescent rolls). The museum’s rich collection includes diplomas, photographs, machines, devices, thematic studies and books related with a baker’s profession. There will also be an exhibition presented, titled “From Grain to Loaf”. Moreover, the night will also include many stories about bakery throughout the years, told by the owner, Marian Pozorek. Muzeum Modniarstwa i Naparstków Porthos / Portos Museum of Thimbles and Millinery 24 Emilii Gierczak St. / Rembertów-AON HOURS: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm In the programme: 4:00 pm – Exhibitions: • “Thimbles from All over the World” and “Hats for the Poor and the Rich” – 66 years of Porthos. • “Richard Porthos: Ireland – Photo-notebook”. Paintings and graphic art by artists from van Golik Gallery: Baker bakes, doctor heals, murderer murders, painter paints, graphic artist graphicizes. 5:00 pm – Fashion-related theatre play titled “Comments of the Indecent Tom” – starring Caphats, inspired by Rafael’ Akopdzhanian ‘s drama of the same title. In addition to the above: • Guests will be invited to make purchases at Porthos Salon, at special prices, • Irish Coffee at Restauracja Carska, • Live music (until 8:00 pm). Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek / Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek 5 Oleandrów St. / Piłsudskiego Sq. / Line E Programme of this year’s edition: • Presentation of Marshal Piłsudski’s original furniture and art-pieces recovered after the 1970s. • Tours of Milusin Manor House. • Premiere of a documentary on the history of furniture and works of art from Milusin Manor House. • Society for Pleasant and Not-Necessarily-Useful Things – for the youngest visitors. • Premiere of a film titled “Present Contemporary Sulejówek to the Marshal”. Akademia Sztuk Pięknych / The Academy of Fine Arts and staircase). Presentation of video art works by students from Studio 55. 5 Krakowskie Przedmieście •“Drawings from Studio 64” – exhibition of works by students from Prof. Ryszard Sekuła and Dr. Łukasz Rudnicki’s studio (2nd floor). / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Traugutta / Zachęta / Line E 37/39 Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie (Academy’s building) / Centrum Nauki Kopernik / Zajęcza / Line K 2 Małachowskiego Sq. (The Holy Trinity Church, basements) / Małachowskiego Sq. / Zachęta / Line E 6:00 pm – midnight – Facultuy of Graphic Arts: • Exhibition and fair: works by students (graphics, paintings, drawings, illustrations). • Exhibition of works by Aleksandra Tubielewicz at Studio 6. • Workshops for children (ages 5 and older), taught by Illustration Studio students (two groups: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm and 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm). • Film screenings and meetings at Studio 11 and Studio 19 (premiere screening: 7:00 pm). HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight In the programme: 9:00 pm – midnight – Courtyard: • Light mapping: Roch Forowicz and students. • Sculpture exhibition: “Amnesia” – Sophie Masłowska. • Picturesque Hungarian kiln will be built by Dr. Stanisław Brach and students from the Faculty of Sculpture, Ceramics Studio. • Exhibition of works created in Sculpture Studio of the Faculty of Interior Design; adjunct professor Antoni Grabowski, adjunct professor Krzysztof Franciszek and students. • Poster Exhibition. 7:00 pm – midnight – Faculty of Painting: • Exhibition of works by students from the Faculty of Painting, Dr. Jakub Łęcki’s Sculpture Studio (entrance via courtyard). • “Borderline” – exhibition of works by students from Prof. Czesław Radzki’s Drawing Studio (staircase). •“Body” – exhibition of works by students from Prof. Paweł Bołtryk’s Drawing Studio (1st floor 7:00 pm – midnight – Salon Akademii Gallery (entrance in Traugutta St.): • “What Sense Does Fashion Department Make in Warsaw? What Sense Does Warsaw Fashion Department Make in Fashion?” – exhibition of works by students from the Faculty of Design. The exhibition will be dedicated to the newest Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. It will pose a question about the presence of fashion within institutional art circulation market. On The Long Night of Museums, we invite everybody to participate in projects prepared specially for this occasion. Within the exhibition space, there will be a pop-up photo studio located, to be overtaken for the night by editors of one of the most famous fashion magazines in the world, “Harper’s Bazaar”. Photographers, stylists, models, artists, designers and editors will all work together to create a new cover of the commercial magazine, reflecting the context of questions mentioned above, and with the use of objects showcased within the exhibition. Visitors will be invited to participate in special journalistic workshops taught throughout the night by the best Polish journalists and publicists from the world of fashion. Moreover, we also invite guests to enjoy special guided tours of the exhibition, with the participation of its authors an guests from the world of art and fashion. 4:00 pm – midnight – Turbo Gallery (entrance via courtyard; basements of the Faculty of Graphic Arts): Turbo is a common space for actions and exhibitions. On this evening, the Academy of Fine Arts invites students and friends to bring their works which they have never shown to anybody, but also to create new pieces, within this open students’ space.Curators of the project: Marta Kachniarz, Julia Golachowska. 7:00 pm – midnight – Eufemia CLUB (The Czapski – Raczyński Palace, basements) • “This Is Not The Right Way” – exhibition of works by students of the Faculty of Painting. Opening at 8:00 pm. Courtyard by Pasaż Niżyńskiego: • “Rapprochement” – multimedia presentation Justyna Bielecka, Karolina Mikołajczuk, Filip Kowalski. 7:00 pm – midnight – 37/39 Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie St.: • New, modern building... and inside – art and art history, theory and praxis. New inspirations and attractions. Space where things happen, beautifully overlooking the River Vistula. Organizers: Faculty of Visual Culture Management, Faculty of Sculpture and Faculty of Stage Design. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm – Lutheranum – The Holy Trinity Church, basements (2 Małachowskiego Sq.): • “Timbre – Three Voices – One Place” – exhibition of works by doctoral candidates from the Faculty of Painting: Karolina Lizurej, Anna Krzemińska, Agnieszka Żak. Opening at 7:00 pm. Events held in the courtyard (Krakowskie Przedmieście) and in Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie St. are available for people with disabilities. Akademickie Radio Kampus / Kampus Radio 2/4 Bednarska St. and 3 Krakowskie Przedmieście (mobile studio) / Rynek Mariensztacki / Mariensztat / Line E HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Hello, Warsaw! Come by our studio in Powiśle, where a special programme and live music will be awaiting you. With our help, you will record a radio announcement; you will also be given the chance to take a tour of the studio and learn about techniques of creating radio shows. Do keep your eyes peeled for our mobile studio at 3 Krakowskie Przedmieście, vis-à-vis the main gate of the University of Warsaw. We will report, invite and dance. There will also be several noble DJ collectives playing live, such as, e.g., Green Jesus. Come to our studio and look for us in Krakowskie Przedmieście. Ambasada Włoch / Italian Embassy 6 Dąbrowskiego Sq. / Świętokrzyska metro station / Świętokrzyska metro station / Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K HOURS: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm The Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute invite Varsovians to visit The Szlenkier Palace, which has been its seat since 1919. Guests will be given the chance to see ceremonial halls, The Ambassador’s office and the Embassy’s internal courtyard. Guided tours of 20, every 20 minutes. At 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm the tours will be conducted in English. Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych / Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw 7 Długa St. / Krasińskich Sq. / Krasińskich Sq. / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight “Social Consequences of the Great War 1914–1918” Exhibition of wall charts and original documents covering various dimensions of wartime social life; multimedia presentation (photographs, postcards); reconstructors. Barbakan / Barbican Nowomiejska St. / Krasińskich Sq. / Krasińskich Sq. / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am “Walls in Defence” / Metamorphoses Have you ever, even one time, sat with a girl on the Barbican wall at night? Maybe (even worse) you played the guitar for her? It is a short story of what Varsovians really use historic objects for. The organizer will show how the role of Warsaw’s ramparts changed in relation with their practical use. Bazylika św. Krzyża / Holy Cross Church 3 Krakowskie Przedmieście / Krakowskie Przedmieście (Kopernik statue) / Nowy Świat / Line K HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Biblioteka Publiczna Warszawy – Biblioteka Główna Województwa Mazowieckiego / Public Library in Koszykowa Street • “Big Blue” – sapphire, azure, cornflower blue, aerugo, ultramarine, lapis lazuli, royal blue, Parisian blue, Prussian blue... – Presentation of original prints and drawings (Prints Cabinet). 26/28 Koszykowa St. • “Between Fact and Fantasy” – historic books from the 15th to 18th century – presentation commemorating the 600th birth anniversary of Jan Długosz (Old Prints Cabinet), / Konstytucji Sq. / Konstytucji Sq. / Line B HOURS: 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm In the programme: 7:00 pm – “Cello and its secrets” – concert, addressed most of all to children and their parents. Music performed by Anna Kuczok’s students – children and adults playing the cello for pleasure. On 16th May, we will listen to cello ensembles who will present an international repertoire and make-up. Duration: ca. 45 minutes. 10:00 pm – Organ and chamber music concert. Music performed by students of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music. Belweder / Belvedere 54/56 Belwederska St. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Łazienki Królewskie / Line J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Visitors to Belweder will be given the chance to enter The Pompeian Hall, The Marble Hall, The Mirror Hall, Marshal Józef Piłsudski’s Cabinet, The War Order of Virtuti Militari Cabinet. Please note: visitors will be asked to present an ID with a photo. No dangerous objects, large bags, backpacks allowed inside the building. The Long Night of Museums will be the first chance to visit freshly redecorated and redesigned interiors of the Main Library of the Capital City of Warsaw in Koszykowa Street. 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm – New reading rooms, under a glass roof, will be presented by guides on an hourly basis, from. There will be a Fairy Tale Evening organized specially for the youngest night owls. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie (BUW) / The University of Warsaw Library 56/66 Dobra St. • “Imago Terrae Sanctae – Presentations of the Holy Land; Historic Narratives and Symbolism in Maps from the 16th – 18th Century” (Cartographic Collection Cabinet), • “Iconography of Musical Instruments (and Automatic Machines) in Old Prints From the 16th – 18th Century” (Music Collection Cabinet). Exhibitions: •“Borderland, Borderland” in the collection of the Social Life Documentation Cabinet – exhibition on the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Social Life Documentation Cabinet at The University of Warsaw Library (beneath the great skylight, 2nd floor), • “City-Library” – exhibition of drawings, graphic art and artistic books by Professor Joanna Wiszniewska-Domańska. Guided tours of the exhibition (led by the artist) at 7:30 pm and 8:30 (foyer in front of the Manuscript Cabinet, 3rd floor). Tours: / Lipowa / Dobra / Biblioteka Uniwersytecka / Line K HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: Presentations: • “Maria Dąbrowska – In Memoriam”: diaries, manuscripts and photographs from the legacy of Maria Dąbrowska, representing her life and creative activity; the exhibition was created for the 50th anniversary of the writer’s death (Manuscript Cabinet), • Tours of the Japanese Traditional Tea Pavilion, Chashitsu Kaian (2nd floor). Groups of 10, start at 7:30 pm, 8:30 pm, 9:30 pm, 10:30 pm and 11:30 pm. Please sign up by the main entrance, starting 7:00 pm. Budynek PAST-y / PAST Building 39 Zielna St. SPOTKANIE / Świętokrzyska metro station / Świętokrzyska metro station / Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K The Polish Underground State Foundation invites for a meeting with cavalry captain Henryk Leliwa-Roycewicz, who was the commander of Kliński battalion during the Warsaw Rising. Together with other insurgent groups, Kiliński achieved the impossible: they seized a stronghold in the centre of Warsaw! Budynek PAST-y / PAST Building 39 Zielna St. (11th floor, BOOM rooms, Heba Berba restaurant, Viewing Terrace) / Świętokrzyska metro station / Świętokrzyska metro station / Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight Exhibition “Blues Crossroads” – presentation of photographs by Zbyszek Jędrzejczyk, founder of Blues Time group. Exhibition has accompanied numerous prestigious blues festivals, such as “Jesień z Bluesem” in Białystok, “Lep Na Bluesa” in Józefów and “Bluestracje” in Chorzów. • Blues Time + guests – live at Heba Berba restaurant. Blues Time are: Jacek Karpowicz – harmonica, Włodek Tyl – keyboards, Zbyszek Jędrzejczyk – acoustic guitar, vocals, Piotr Głudkowski – bass, Jacek Alka – percussion. Blues Time continue traditions of a group founded years ago by Tomek Bielecki, Blues 66. The current line-up was formed in 2010. They are a group of friends, regulars at the legendary Fregata restaurant/club/bar in Saska Kępa; one day, they brought their music instruments along and started to play live there. Bułgarski Instytut Kultury / Bulgarian Cultural Institute 33/35 Ujazdowskie Av. / Trzech Krzyży Sq. / Piękna / Line J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: • “Bulgarian Icons and Renaissance Graphic Art” – exhibition of works owned by Maslarski Gallery in Samokov. • “Bulgarian Comic Art” – national exhibition. This unique exhibition showcases Bulgarian comic art, little-known in Poland (small hall of the). Centrum Interpretacji Zabytku / Centre for Interpretation of Historic Buildings 11/13 Brzozowa St. / Krasińskich Sq. / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am “Pride and Prejudice – the Paradox of The Old Town” / Emotions What should we be proud of? What don’t we value enough in ourselves? The answer is hidden in the story of the reconstruction of The Old Town. Come and find out why exactly it was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. • Ethno-Jazz at the Gallery of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute. Centrum Kultury Ambasady Republiki Korei / Korean Cultural Centre Music from Theodosii Spassov’s album titled “Balkan Horses Band”, as well as ethno-jazz festival in Bansko, 2006. 8 Kruczkowskiego St. Theodosii Spassov is a European star of ethnic music and ethno-jazz; musician, composer and instrumentalist, who has achieved an extraordinary standard of mastery in terms of playing the kavala – archaic wind instrument resembling the flute. Hailing from Bulgaria, Theodosii Spassov has created his own music style, which blends traditional Balkan music with elements of jazz improvisation. / Kruczkowskiego (przy PKP Powiśle) / PKP Powiśle HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:30 am Programme: 6:00 pm – Beginning of The Long Night of Museums at the Centre. • “Pauline Viardot – L’ésprit de la diva” – pre-recorded theatre play about the life of Pauline Viadrot – talented opera singer and composer, well-known in Poland. 6:05 pm – Lecture on Korean literature. Dir. Mariy Rossen; With: Ina Kancheva, Elena Atanassova, Ludmil Angelov. Workshops: 7:00 pm – Traditional Korean music – concert. 8:00 pm – Calligraphy show by a Byungoh Monk. – mask painting (participants will paint traditional Korean masks by themselves), – xylography (guests will be given the chance to create a traditional Korean xylograph), – calligraphy (participants will get their names written in Korean (Hangul alphabet), – Hanbok (guests will be invited to try traditional Korean Hanbok on; children’s and adult sizes available). 11:30 pm – 1:30 am – Screening of a Korean film. Centrum Myśli Jana Pawła II / Centre for Thought of JP II 11 Foksal St. (III floor, no. 30) / Nowy Świat / Foksal / Muzeum Narodowe / Line D HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight Karol’s Birthday: Hiking with Wojtyła The time of The Long Night of Museums is for us most of all about celebrating the birthday of Karol Wojtyła, our Patron. This year, just like in previous years, we invite everybody to celebrate this joyful event together. It has become a tradition that every year we choose a different theme for the event. Last year, we turned to folk traditions, while this time, we will be celebrating like tourists on a trail in the Beskid Mountains. For the day, 1Piętro (meeting place for the Centre for Thought of JP II) will turn into a mountain hostel. All those who join us at 1Piętro this evening will be given the chance to, e.g., learn from our guest about how trekking looked like back in the day, watch black-and-white slides presented with the use of a projector, watch a film titled In Uncle’s Footsteps (in Polish), sing songs from Połoninas and the Beskid Mountains, and participate in workshops, to get acquainted with the ins and outs of topography. There will also be something prepared the the youngest tourists. And we won’t do without apple pie and a cup of hot cocoa. Centrum Nauki Kopernik / The Copernicus Science Centre 20 Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie St. HOURS: 8:00 pm – 2:00 am / last addmision at 1 am Flying fish, elusive moments captured in the lens of a quick-fire camera and chemiluminescence – The Long Night of Museums at the Copernicus Science Centre will be winged and bright. Guests will be invited to visit all of the Centre’s galleries, watch a temporary exhibition titled “Microworld”, spend time in an experimental space, in laboratories and at the Heavens of Copernicus Planetarium. There will also be attractions awaiting visitors in front of the Centre. The Heavens of Copernicus Planetarium will be available from 8:30 pm to 0:30 am. Presentations will take place every half an hour. Free entrance tickets will be distributed at the Planetarium’s box office on the day of the event, from 10:00 am. Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski / Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle 2 Jazdów St. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Line J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Exhibitions: • Piotr Bosacki: “The Issue Is Being Dealt With”. • “What is Social? Ujazdowski Castle’s activity in Public Space” (1988–2014)”. • Bank Pekao PROJECT ROOM. • Museum of the Castle and Military Hospital in Ujazdów. 8:00 pm – Special programme: • Active guided tours of Piotr Bosacki’s exhibition titled The Issue Is Being Dealt With, prepared by animators from the Educational Division of the Centre. Meet-up in the main lobby. 9:30 pm – MonofypeFest 2 Zone: After Party. (Courtyard of the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle). Centrum Ukraiński Świat / Ukrainian World 63 Nowy Świat St. Dom Artysty Plastyka / Graphic Artist’s House Dom Książki MDM / Dom Książki MDM Bookshop 11a Mazowiecka St. 34/50 Koszykowa St. / Powstańców Warszawy Sq. / Zachęta / Line E HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: • DAP Gallery: “Personalities” – exhibition of works by members of Painting Section. • Lufcik Gallery: “Siekierezada” – Bogusław Lustyk, Jan Kucz, Stanisław Wieczorek. • 022 Gallery: “The Anatomy of Change ” – Kama Jackowska. • Meeting with Alina and Jacek Łęski, authors of the book “To Fall in Love with Ukraine”. • Marta Dobosz’s “Songs with the Guitar” – concert. • Exhibition dedicated to the events in Maidan 2013/2014. • Presentation of Cossack martial art: “Combat Hopak”. • Live performance by Kayna choir. 4:00 pm – 11:00 pm – In the programme: • Architectonic Heritage of Socialist Realism in Warsaw and Berlin MDM/KMA. – open studio, • Creative workshops for big and small with Dom Książki MDM. – workshops: woven jewellery, In the programme: This year, Dom Książki MDM bookshop takes part in The Long Night of Museums for the first time. The reactivated bookshop in Koszykowa Street invites visitors, with relation to the 65th anniversary of Dom Książki’s activity. • Pracownia Doświadczalna Tkactwa Artystycznego: – exhibition: artistic fabrics, / Nowy Świat-Uniwersytet metro station / Nowy Świat / Line K HOURS: 7:00 pm till the last guest leaves / Konstytucji Sq. / Konstytucji Sq. / Line B HOURS: 4:00 pm – 11:00 pm – for children: paper cross-weaves, – weaving lesson. Dom Aukcyjny Artissima / Artissima Auction House 39 Zielna St. (PAST building) / Świętokrzyska metro station / Świętokrzyska metro station / Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight “Art déco and more” – exhibition of mid-war paintings and artistic craftsmanship from private collections. • Exhibition of books on popular science and professional business; competition with prizes (1 book on popular science and 1 book on professional business). • In search of MDM – location-based game and an MDM-related quiz (with a surprise prize). 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Meeting with preservationist Maria Wojtysiak: history of MDM – architecture and historic buildings, presentation of the bookshop and tour of the premises; trivia related with the 65th anniversary of MDM Dom Książki. 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm – Meeting with historian/ varsavianist, Krzysztof Mordyński. Discussion and story of the first post-war bookshops in the vicinity of MDM. In addition to the above, there will be photographs, films and film chronicles presented. There will also be exhibitions and competitions organized, along with other attractions and numerous surprises for visitors. Please note that only the ground floor is available for people with disabilities (no lift). Dom Kultury Śródmieście / Śródmieście Community Centre Dom Literatury / House of Literature Dom Spotkań z Historią / History Meeting House 87/89 Krakowskie Przedmieście 20 Karowa St. 9 Smolna St. / Rondo de Gaulle’a / Muzeum Narodowe / Line D HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 6:00 till the break of dawn In the programme: In the programme: • Exhibition “War in Colour” – how to depict the history of photography in a faithful way. • One Poem Competition. Dom Kultury Śródmieście will present an exhibition of photographs by Wiktor / Korsun duo, who talk about wartime historic episodes from various epochs. The photographs’ quality and high energy level were possible to achieve thanks to a close collaboration with professional historical reenactment groups. Thanks to their truthful recreation of clothing, equipment and various details from different epochs, the history depicted in these photographs seems more relatable and tangible in viewers’ perception. • Prelections. • Presentation of archives of the one-time Association of Polish Men of Letters (ZLP). • Room in which Hanna Ożogowska used to live in. • Showcase presenting the most interesting souvenirs of members of the Association of Polish Writers (SPP). • Exhibition of books autographed by authors, donated to the library of the House of Literature. • Presentation of a cabinet used by one-time Presidents of the Association, e.g. Jan Józef Szczepański, Janusz Krasiński, Janusz Odrowąż-Pieniążek, in which years ago Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz used to work as well. During the exhibition, there will be special prelections taking place, which will allow visitors to get acquainted with, inter alia, ways in which an idea and a simple sketch may turn into a final cover of a magazine or photographs showcased at an exhibition. • Literature Reading Marathon (great room, 1st floor). Supervision: Anna Nasiłowska, Magdalena Wleklik. • Presentation. 6:00 pm – Slides GRF Bemowo historical reenactment group will add splendour to the event by presenting uniforms and weapon used by various military formations. 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Reading. • “Locale: Warsaw” – portraits by Katarzyna Betlińska. 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Slides. 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Reading of works by Creative Writing Course participants, organized by the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Trębacka / Piłsudskiego Sq. / Line E HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am “Spiritual Spaces” – exhibition within the 8th Warsaw Festival of Art Photography [WFFA 2015]. The Long Night of Museums is a journey through wasteland places hidden from the world, and forgotten by the world. Poland is a country located in the very heart of Europe, between the Catholic-Evangelical west and the Orthodox east. The country’s changing borders made people of various ethnic and religious backgrounds become its inhabitants. Their descendants still live among us, let us get to know them! By means of photography, authors invited to participate in the exhibition analyze the lasting of what previous generations established as a moral canon, and set of rules which bound them and formed their community. They also note, however, how adherents of various religions react to importunate materiality. The photographs present lives of Catholics, members of the Orthodox Church, Jews, Old Believers and Muslims. Authors of photographs: Mateusz Baj, Mirosława Gmaj, Alicja Ignaciuk, Monika Krzyszkowska, Jakub Ochnio, Katarzyna Pawlica, Tadeusz Żaczek. Dom Ukraiński / Ukrainian House 1 Zamenhofa St. / Andersa / Anielewicza / Nalewki – Muzeum / Line A, F HOURS: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm New venue on the map of Warsaw. Our Choice Foundation invites to a meeting with Ukrainian culture at the Ukrainian House in Warsaw! The organizer offers workshops dedicated to creating motankas – traditional Ukrainian dolls made of straw and fabric. There will be also an exhibition organized, showcasing traditional Ukrainian handicraft. Ukrainian cuisine will be presented by members of the Ukrainian Women’s Club. The organizers will keep the youngest ones in mind, too; on The Long Night of Museums, they will be invited to take part in a project titled “Get to Know Your Neighbour”. The programme will include educational games, dance/singing presentation and art workshops. Dowództwo Garnizonu Warszawa / Warsaw Garrison Headquarters 4 Piłsudskiego Sq. / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Trębacka / Piłsudskiego Sq. / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: 7:00 pm – Tours of Hall of Traditions at the Headquarters. Military band concerts: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm – Concert and military parade by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 8:00 pm – 8:40 pm and 9:00 pm – 9:40 pm – Concerts on a stage by the Warsaw Garrison Headquarters. 7:30 pm – Honour Guard of the Polish Army – military parade. • Presentations prepared by a historical reenactment group from Citadel Historic Association. • Historic vehicles – exhibition. • Promotional stands presenting units of the Warsaw Garrison Headquarters and upper-secondary uniformed vocational schools; presentation of Polish Post’s philatelic collection. Elizeum (Rydz-Śmigły Park, Książęca St./Krucza St.) / Książęca / Rozbrat / Książęca HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Elizeum is an underground brick rotunda located inside the slope of Skarpa Wiślana. It was built 1776–1778 for Kazimierz Poniatowski, brother of King Stanisław August, according to a project by Szymon Bogumił Zug. The object was a unique, internationally famous, underground reception room of the Prince. After its short-lasting heyday, Elizeum fell into oblivion. At present, the object is semi-ruined and is not available for visitors. The Long Night of Museums is one of few chances there are for people to visit this object. Organizers: Zarząd Terenów Publicznych, Biuro Stołecznego Konserwatora Zabytków. Fotoplastikon Warszawski / Warsaw Fotoplastikon 51 Jerozolimskie Av. ”Warsaw – as seen by Gentlemen S. Stereoscopic Portrait of the Capital City in the 1950s, in Photographs by Z.Szczypla, Z.Siemaszko and L.Sempoliński” Moving exhibition presenting Warsaw in the 1950s – the hard post-war years. Fundacja Atelier / Atelier Foundation 11 Foksal St. / Nowy Świat / Foksal / Muzeum Narodowe HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Zamkowy Sq. / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Warsaw’s Epochs The exhibition is a photographic-costume project presenting 15 epochs from the history of the city (from Baroque to the 1980s), through the prism of the history of fashion. Patrons: President of the Capital City of Warsaw, Royal Łazienki, The Royal Castle In the programme: • Exhibition of graphic works by Karolina Urbańska, Atelier Foundation’s student 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Eco-designer workshops for children and youth. • “Kantor Forever Alive” – artistic action. • Screenings of animated films. • Exhibition of stage design projects. • “Mountains” – exhibition of works by Teresa Starzec. • Presentation of art pieces from Atelier Foundation’s collection. • Exhibition of works by artists collaborating with Atelier Foundation. • Exhibition of works by Atelier Foundation’s students. • Open workshops (sculpture, graphic, drawing). • Tours of art studios. • Exhibition of works by Maryla Weiss. / Jerozolimskie Av. / Marszałkowska / Centrum HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight Fundacja Epoki Warszawy / Warsaw’s Epochs Foundation • Presentation of a collection titled “Number”. Fundacja Ocalenie / Ocalenie Foundation 24/1 Koszykowa St. / Konstytucji Sq. / Konstytucji Sq. / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm During The Long Night of Museums at Ocalenie Foundation, guests will be given the chance to participate in language classes introducing them to languages spoken by employees of the foundation (Arabic, Ukrainian, Uzbek), try traditional outfits on, taste oriental dishes and participate in dance classes. Moreover, throughout the evening, Multicultural Living Library will be open, with Living books from 4 different cultural circles. All those who don’t speak Polish and/or wish to practice their English, will be invited to play Mafia in English. Fundacja Orimari / Orimari Foundation Aleje Jerozolimskie 51 / Al. Jerozolimskie / Marszałkowska / Centrum / Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Orimari Foundation invites to a permanent exhibition of works by Bolesław Biegas. Show-pieces come from a private collection and will be presented to the public throughout The Long Night of Museums 2015. In the programme: – exhibition – paintings and sculptures by the artist, – cold drinks and sweet surprises for children, – themed gadgets. The venue is suitable for people with disabilities, but please note that if such assistance is needed, you are kindly asked to contact Orimari Foundation in advance. Fundacja Schorra / The Prof. Moses Schorr Foundation Grzybowski Sq. (in front of the Jewish Theater) / Grzybowski Sq. / Grzybowski Sq. / Line E, G / Świętokrzyska metro station / Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Film screening: “Res Sacra Miser – History of the Warsaw Charitable Society”. The film presents the 200 years of the organization’s activity. The Warsaw Charitable Society became a role model for other institutions, in terms of bringing help to those in need, regardless of their religion. Fundacja Świat bez Wandalizmów / Świat bez Wandalizmów Foundation Defilad Sq. and 27 Woronicza St. / Defilad Sq. / Defilad Sq. / Line A, B, D, E, F, G, J, K / Woronicza / Line M HOURS: 6:00 pm – 2:00 am Building a World without Vandalism – creative and educational workshops. We work towards lowering tolerance for vandalism. Education through fun and personal experience. We invite visitors to take a creative attempt at leaving their mark on a wall, as long as they agree to make the effort and erase the damage they do. We provide a practical presentation of just how fast façades of buildings and public transport vehicles may be ruined, and how difficult it is to restore them. With the use of a construction presenting typically urban surfaces, and available tools and equipment, we will present methods of erasing scribble from spots most prone to devastation. Moreover, we also wish to make people realize that it is not only a time-consuming process but also a very costly one. Participants will learn how much we all pay for mindless actions of perpetrators and social passivity in the face of such actions as urban vandalisms. Gabinet Prezydenta Warszawa / Office of the Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw 3/5 Bankowy Sq. / Bankowy Sq. / Bankowy Sq. / Line F, G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Visit the office of the Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw and learn interesting details at the very place where the most important decisions regarding our city are made. Sit behind the Mayor’s desk. Galeria 101 Projekt / 101 Projekt Gallery 53 Nowy Świat St. (no. 119–120) / Nowy Świat / Warecka / Nowy Świat / Line K HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am “Discovering Wonderland” – Czesław Czapliński (photographer), Alicja Domańska (painter). “I decided to collaborate with painter Alicja Domańska from the very beginning. I created a series of her nudes, which I then printed out on canvas and sent to her studio. She spent several months thinking, and finally started to paint on those. Extraordinary effect produced by interpenetrations of real and abstract images, black-and-white vs. colourful, delicate vs. fierce... leaving much to the viewer’s imagination”. Czesław Czapliński, New York, February 2015 “In my art, I refer to the theory of emotions, I am fascinated by the brain; emotional processes are closely related with the functioning of the nervous system. (…) Ecstatic function of jazz stems from the religious character of West African ritual dances, all this is based on emotions and improvisation, energy is created – and energy is the essence, the universe. It is us who decide what kind of energy goes around, we ourselves programme our ego, and – paradoxically – the most difficult thing is to stop, be here and now, experience paintings or other forms of art”. Alicja Domańska, Warsaw, February 2015 Galeria 8 Plus & Idkart / 8 Plus & Idkart Gallery 8 Sapieżyńska St. (entryphone no. 106) / Muranowska / Andersa / Muranowska / Konwiktorska / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am 8 Plus & Idkart Gallery invite to an interactive event titled “I too can create!” – creating paintings by children and adults together. During the meeting, participants will paint two canvases, 120x120 cm each, while getting acquainted with various artistic techniques. Throughout the evening, each of the partakers will be invited to paint a fragment of a canvas, thus becoming one of its creators. The paintings will then be donated to charity – of the Gallery’s choice. Galeria Apteka Sztuki / Apteka Sztuki Gallery 3/5 Wyzwolenia Av. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Line J HOURS: 3:00 pm – 1:00 am “Topos – Sources of Meanings” – Exhibition of paintings by Marcin Szymielewicz. Marcin Szymielewicz creates sensational drawings, brimming with spiritual aura. Fascinated by the unique structure of paper, he subjects its tissue to multiple processes, with masterful virtuosity. By doing so, he creates projects filled with mystical light and space. The exhibition titled “Topos – Sources of Meanings”, presented at Apteka Sztuki Gallery, refers to the artist’s inspirations drawn from the (broadly defined) world of architecture. This time, the creator approaches the subject in a slightly different way than it has been the case with his hitherto works. Galeria aTak / aTAK Gallery 16/18 Krakowskie Przedmieście / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Traugutta / Zachęta / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am “Please Do Not Shoot” – exhibition of works by Bogusław Bachorczyk (2009–2014). Bogusław Bachorczyk (b. 1969) – painter, bricoleur, sculptor, photographer, filmmaker – he created an excellent series of paintings titled “Heroes”, inspired by war. Each of the paintings is dedicated to an outstanding individual, forced to face the hostile world. These dedications are encrypted in the titles. As the subject of war and militaria (reworked in a peculiar way) has fascinated the artist for a long time, the presentation of his most recent paintings will be expanded, with some of his carefully selected earlier paintings and photographs added to the list of showcased works (many of those have never been publicly shown before). The title of the exhibition is a citation from the period of “strange war” (“drôle de guerre”), at the beginning of WW II. “Please do not shoot – We are not shooting” was a slogan French soldiers were known for, unwilling to take part in the war. By repeating “Please Do Not Shoot” in the title of the exhibition, we emphasize the value of anti-war, pacifist and individualist beliefs, which oftentimes put an individual in conflict with socially accepted norms and goals. “Three Colours” – exhibition of works by Delfina Krasicka (fabrics), Zbigniew Nowosadzki (paintings) and Anna Alicja Trochim (paintings). Along with painting works and sketchbook drawings, the exhibition will also feature dramatic, expressive photographs from a series titled “Nothing New in the West”, documenting a project created by the artist in his studio, as well as photographs from a series entitled “Morning in Entrenchments”, which presents the way in which the artist plays with a historic issue. 5 Krakowskie Przedmieście Galeria Bardzo Biała / Bardzo Biała Gallery Retrospective exhibition of works by Stefan Gierowski, on the 90th anniversary of the artist’s birth. Presented works come from Wojciech Fibak’s collection and private collections. 61 Wspólna St. (no. 107) / Al. Jerozolimskie / Emilii Plater / Hoża / Line B HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight Paintings / Installations – Ewa Prończuk-Kuziak and Katarzyna Artymowska The artists will showcase works which represent their interpenetration of various fields of art, from painting to spatial collages and fashion. They maintain balance between abstraction and reality, order and vibrations. Their creative output is characterized by a composition of multiple matters and the spacious feel of colour. They aim to express themselves in the world of mysterious gardens, poetry and emotions. Galeria Delfiny / Delfina Gallery 10/2 Smulikowskiego St. / Tamka / Kruczkowskiego / Topiel / Line K HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am Galeria Fibak / Fibak Gallery / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Traugutta / Zachęta / Line E HOURS: 8:00 pm – 2:00 am Galeria Foksal / Foksal Gallery 1/4 Foksal St. / Nowy Świat / Foksal / Muzeum Narodowe / Line D HOUR: 9:00 pm Foksal Gallery invites to a screening of a film directed by Antoni Bohodziewicz, titled “Lucky Wellingtons” (1958). It is a fantastical comedy based on a fairy-tale by Hans Christian Andersen. The story is embedded in the reality of Cracow of the 1950s. Among the highlights of the film, we may mention dialogues by Sławomir Mrożek and an excellent cast. The film features also several cameos by excellent Polish creators, such as Jerzy Grotowski, Piotr Skrzynecki and Tadeusz Kantor. And since 2015 was announced The Year of Tadeusz Kantor, the organizer invites visitors to the screening, which is an interesting way of presenting the artist. Beginning: 9:00 pm, run time: 1h 44min. Partner of the screening: TOR Film Studio. Limited seating. Galeria Freta 22 / Freta 22 Gallery 20/24 Freta St. / Rynek Nowego Miasta / Krasińskich Sq. / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Exhibition “Fairylike Spaces and Their Inhabitants”. Galeria Grafiki i Plakatu / Graphic Art and Poster Gallery 40 Hoża St. / Krucza / Wspólna / Hoża / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm “Return of Deities” – exhibition of drawings and silk-screen prints by Jonasz Koperkiewicz. “Primal hunter-gatherer cultures perceived animals as deities and forefathers of the human kind. Their strength, agility and cunning evoked fear and admiration. In my works, I try to refer to that prehistoric cult. Portraits of animals, combined with human hands, create a new value – they may evoke distant associations with the culture of ancient Egypt or Babylon, but they are based in contemporary times. To these primeval idols, human emotions are attributed. Currently, the mass culture promotes the cult of the body and, propelling the circle of consumption, creates false idols and erects shrines for vanity. By creating these drawings, I am trying to emphasize the way in which our civilisation has turned its back at mysticism and mystery, divesting life of depth.” Jonasz Koperkiewicz Galeria Jabłkowskich / Jabłkowskich Gallery 21 Chmielna St. / Krucza / Bracka / Krucza / Line D, J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Warsaw Local Dialect Association and Jabłkowski Brothers Department Store invite to The Long Night of Museums: “Warsaw Is Cool!”. In the programme: 8:00 pm – “Gangsters and Philanthropists” – film screening (in Polish), within an open-air cinema project Kino pod Minogą. 9:30 pm – Workshops: Warsaw dialect. 10:30 pm – Concert “Koncert w klymacie” and exhibition opening: “Warsaw is cool!”, within Fotomiastikon. Galeria Kordegarda / Kordegarda Gallery 15/17 Krakowskie Przedmieście / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Trębacka / Piłsudskiego Sq. / Line E HOURS: 8:30 pm 8:30 pm and 10:00 pm – Film screenings. “Suite” – documentary presenting never-before-published photographs portraying everyday life of John Paul II. Please note: to reserve a free entrance pass (obligatory), please contact the organizer at: Galeria Le Guern / Le Guern Gallery 8 Widok St. / Krucza / Bracka / Krucza / Line D, J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am The exhibition presents a study of the space of Tomasz Ciecierski’s artistic universe. Painting studies refer to selected examples of works created since the 1970s, as well as the painter’s most recent works, including oil on canvas, drawings and collages. In his analysis of the phenomenon of an artist’s studio’s aura, Andrzej Pieńkos notices that “the increasing importance of a creator’s biography seems concurrent with an increasing meaning of a studio. An artist’s life becomes more and more important, and the space of living – creating has also been gaining in significance”. The newest exhibition of works by Tomasz Ciecierski at Galeria Le Guern – in line with the quotation above – combines in an organic way the topic of a biography and a studio, including works created within a given time and space frame. Galeria Nieformalna / Nieformalna Gallery themselves wondering about it throughout the night. In one of the rooms, there will be painting works by extraordinary artists of the older generation presented, including show-pieces by Henryk Musiałowicz, Maria Anto, Henryk Cześnik, Ewa Bekier, Józef Wilkoń, Jan Pruski, Joanna Milewicz, Ewa Dzwonkowska, Stanisław Fijałkowski, Jerzy Czerniawski and Andrzej Pietsch. The second section of the exhibition will be available in the other room, and it will give visitors the chance to watch works by representatives of the younger artistic generation, who graduated from the Academy between 2000 and 2014: Piotr Cios, Marcin Dzwonkowski, Kamila Makaruk, Urszula Niemirska, Magda Dukiewicz, Piotr Dąbrowski, Matylda Kutrzyk, Aleksandra Stępień, Agnieszka Skopińska, Viola Tycz, Dorota Stefaniak and Zuzanna Marczyńska-Maliszewska. Galeria Nowolipki, Państwowe Ognisko Artystyczne / Nowolipki Gallery 9B Nowolipki St. / “Solidarności” Av. / Andersa / Bankowy Sq. / Line F HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am 11/13 Litewska St. / Zbawiciela Sq. / Litewska / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Nieformalna Gallery offers two events over the course of one evening. The Gallery will present a clash of various forms of expression and artistic techniques, as well as ways in which artists, representatives of different generations, convey their individual style in their works. However, will spectators be able to grasp generational differences marking the works? They may find “PodświadoMOSTwo” – works by Waldek Borowski and Krzysztof Linnike. “PodswiadoMOSTwo” is an epilogue of an unexpected and fascinating exhibition by creators-representatives of the young generation, who in an ambitious and original way unveil what is hidden deep in us, humans. They portray what remains unseen by the eye, and they amaze with compositions and their accuracy. “PodświadoMOSTwo” is also an improvised project by harp player Ilina Sawicka, who will perform on this night in a duet with her brother, viola player Jurek Sawicki. Their musical illustration of the presented graphic works will reveal and research into subconscious internal conflicts, motivations and – most of all – it will unveil the meaning of illustrations and graphic works by Krzysztof Linnike and Waldek Borowski. “PodświadoMOSTwo” is also a party, presentation of power encompassed in ambient, dark ambient and industrial music, delivered by Nahtis. We provide free, absurd but tasty refreshments. Galeria Obok ZPAF / Obok Gallery 8 Zamkowy Sq. / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Exhibitions of Icelandic photography within the 8th Warsaw Festival of Art Photography [WFFA 2015]: • Hallgerður Hallgrímsdóttrz – works from a series titled “Reykiavik Nightlife”, • Valdimar Thorlaciuscykl – series of photographs documenting solitary life in Iceland. • Sigríður Ella Frímansdóttir – portraits of people with Down syndrome. Galeria Porczyńskich (Muzeum Kolekcji im. Jana Pawła II) / Porczyńskich Gallery Bankowy 1 Sq. / Bankowy Sq. / Bankowy Sq. / Line F, G HOURS: 7:00 pm –1:00 am In the programme: • Old Warsaw songs performed by Artos Choir. • Concert: Stasiek Wielanek and Kapela Warszawska. • Presentation of old cars from the collection of the Museum of Automotive and Technology in Otrębusy. • Numerous competitions related with old-time Warsaw; winners will be invited for a ride on an old Warszawa, from Bankowy Sq. to St. Florian Cathedral in Praga and back. • Promotional, gastronomical and merchandise-selling stands. • Tours of the Museum, including John Paul II’s collection of European painting, owned by Janina and Zbigniew Karol Porczyński. Exhibitions organized by the Main Medical Library: • “Habit-wearing Nurses”. The exhibition presents the history of selected female religious orders dedicated to providing help for the ill and those in need. • “Henryk Sienkiewicz and the Influence of His Creative Output on Patriotic Conducts of Youth in Times of WW II“. The exhibition brings back the memory of Henryk Sienkiewicz – man, writer, social worker and patriot, whose creative output strengthens hearts of new and new generations. • “The Trilogy. Strange Confusion of Matter”. The exhibition presents the history of “Trylogia” and its presence in social consciousness, from the books’ creation to contemporary times. Works by i.a.: Julisz Kossak, Piotr Stachiewicz, Jan Marcin Szancer, Stanisław Kaczor-Batowski, Marian Adamczewski and Waldemar Świerzy. Galeria Propaganda / Propaganda Gallery 11/1 Foksal St. / Nowy Świat / Foksal / Muzeum Narodowe / Line D HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am “Ceci n’est pas cette pipe” The exhibition presents a critical take on the limits of quotations in the field of contemporary art. “Stealing from an artist is a sign of respect” Georges Braque Art is not a free-floating peak; quotation, borrowing and plagiarism are permanently rooted in its language and structure. What some call appropriation may just as well be considered the basic tool of culture’s activity – no matter if it happens on the conscious or subconscious level. The exhibition titled Ceci n’est pas cette pipe is a juxtaposition, through which creators directly refer to artistic activities of others – by making use of fragments of their works, copying or basing on somebody else’s ideas. And so, new, auteur works are constructed here from art history, quotations (oftentimes too literal... not to voice plagiarism accusations or indignation-marked awe – sparked by these appropriations). Participants: Krzysztof M. Bednarski, Bartosz Kokosiński, Kamil Kuskowski, Łódź Kaliska, Paweł Łubowski, Jan Mioduszewski, Jarosław Modzelewski, Włodzimierz Pawlak, Mariusz Tarkawian, Włodzimierz Zakrzewski, Zawa & Worpus (duet). Galeria Schody / Schody Gallery Nowy Świat 39 St. / Nowy Świat / Foksal / Muzeum Narodowe / Line D HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme exhibitions within the 8th Warsaw Festival of Art Photography [WFFA 2015]: • Spessi “Food, People and Post Office”. • Katrin Elvarsdottir “Equivocal” – multimedia presentation. The project presents recordings of excerpts from life, devoid of any natural narratives. Peculiar portraits and interiors – marked with traces of human presence – showcased in new arrangements and constellations, become equivocal and mysterious. Galeria Test / Test Gallery 34/50 Marszałkowska St. / Konstytucji Sq. / Konstytucji Sq. / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: • “Like Maps, Like the World II” – exhibition. Tomasz Dominik. Painter, graphic artist and author of video works. Born in 1955 in Warsaw, in 1980 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (Faculty of Painting, J. Siennicki’s Studio; minor in ceramics and lithography). The exhibition refers to the artist’s first individual exhibition, 30 years ago, at Gallery 102 in Warsaw. Accompanying events: • Promotion of two albums published by Galeria Test in 2014: “Artists’ Homage to Józef Chełmoński” and “20 Years of Grafika Warszawska Competition”. 8:00 pm – Meeting with creators, critics and artists involved in these publications. Galeria Wyjście Awaryjne / Wyjście Awaryjne Galery 2 Old Town Sq. / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Paweł Czarnecki ”A Room with a View”. The project was inspired by billboards, through the prism of which images of a metropolis are captured. It concentrates on the appropriation of shared space, the essence of wild and primitive capitalism, which places the weal of corporations over the well-being of societies. The series is an attempt at presenting this unpropitious phenomenon from the other side, where re-scaled designs – seen from the inside of buildings – fit in with the landscape of a city, creating a medley which is hard to define. We can see two interwoven worlds; between layers of everyday life and striking artificiality of advertisements, an individual is lost. Open Programme within the 8th Warsaw Festival of Art Photography [WFFA 2015]. Galeria XX1 / XX1 Gallery 36 Jana Pawła II Av. / “Solidarności” Av. / Jana Pawła II Av. / Kino Femina / Line F HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: • Exhibition of monumental batik works by Dorota Wilekosielec. Since 2001, the author has run Batik Studio at the Warsaw Cultural Education Centre. She is curator at Stara Prochownia gallery in Warsaw (Large Hall). • “MetaMemory”, fragments; “RoadToBlackSquare” – multimedia exhibition of works by Józef Żuk Piwkowski – film maker, author of documentaries, film producer, author of numerous experimental projects: films, installations, video stage design (Kitchen). Programme of the evening: From 8:00 pm – meeting with artist Dorota Wielkosielec, who will talk about the technique of batik and show guests, how works created with the use of this technique are made. 9:27 pm – audio-video travel titled “RoadToBlackSquare” – experimental performance on the Internet and in real life, at Galeria XX1 in Warsaw, Artistic Book Museum in Łódź and MCSW Elektrownia in Radom. Project by: Tadeusz Sudnik, Józef Żuk Piwkowski & friends. Główna Biblioteka Lekarska. Dział Starej Książki Medycznej / Old Medical Book Department of the Main Medical Library 1A Jazdów St. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Line J HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight On The Long Night of Museums 2015, Stanisław Konopka Main Medical Library in Warsaw invites to its Old Medical Book Department (1A Jazdów Street), where two exhibitions will be presented: • “Vilnian Medicine in the Second Polish Republic”. The goal of the exhibition is to present Professor Aleksander Januszkiewicz and the history of the Faculty of Medicine of the Stephen Bathory University of Vilnius. • “Commander-in-Chief of the Union of Armed Struggle/Home Army, General Stefan Rowecki – Documents: 1940 – 1943”. The building does not meet the needs of people with disabilities. The organizer invites also to Galeria Porczyńskich gallery (1 Bankowy Sq.), where three other exhibitions prepared by the Main Medical Library will be presented. Goethe-Institut 13A Chmielna St. / Krucza / Bracka / Krucza / Line D, J HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight Through the Looking-Glass – exhibition of works by Tomek Sikora. The exhibition has been prepared in the form of a large-scale installation, accompanied by a screening of photographs by Tomek Sikora. Author about the exhibition: “We – Europeans – live in two realities: the real one, where democracy allows us to make our dreams come true, and the virtual one – distant, captivating, conveyed by the media”. Historyczny Rejs po Wiśle / History-themed Vistula River boat trips from Atalanta narrow boat to Grota-Roweckiego Bridge HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight The route of this historic cruise on a boat called Loewentin starts just by the Copernicus Science Centre (ca. 200 metres from the building), between Poniatowskiego Bridge and Śląsko-Dąbrowski Bridge. The boat sails away from where Atalanta narrow boat is anchored, vis a vis the National Stadium. It will sail towards Grota Bridge, passing by The Old Town and Fountain Park. Then, it will turn back and head towards Atalanta, where the trip ends. Far from Warsaw’s turmoil, participants will be given the chance to feast their eyes on the Capital City’s extraordinarily beautiful panorama, and learn a thing or two about Warsaw at the same time. While on the boat, passengers will be accompanied by a tour guide, who will touch on the following issues: the history of the Warsaw Rising, Warsaw in the times of the Polish People’s Republic, Warsaw’s historic buildings as seen from the surface of the River Vistula, Vistula in 1939 and 1944 – its role in Warsaw’s defence and during the Warsaw Rising. 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – first cruise, 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm – second cruise, 11:00 pm – midnight – third cruise. A cruise takes about one hour. There is a bar and a barbecue available on the boat. Instytut Słowacki / The Slovak Institute 12/14A Krzywe Koło St. / Krasińskich Sq. / Krasińskich Sq. / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the pogramme: 7:00 pm – Concert (classical music); in the programme, pieces by Slovak composers, performed by students of State Music Schools No. 1 (22 Miodowa St.) 7:30 pm – Exhibition opening: “Contemporary Slovak Art” – screenings of Pavel Barabaš’s films about mountains. Izba Pamięci Pułkownika Kuklińskiego / Colonel Kukliński Intelligence Museum 20/22 Kanonia St. / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: 8:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Presentation of Soviet Russia’s plans concerning its attack on Western Europe – plans of WW III. Colonel Ryszard Kukliński’s contribution to maintaining peace and the fall of Communism. 9:00 pm – 11:00 pm – “How were conspirational forged documents produced” – presentation by The Central Archives of Modern Records. After the presentation, “fake papers” will be printed. Bring an ID photo and your papers will be created, with the use of old-time machines... exactly the way you used to dream about it as a kid, when you pretended to be a secret agent serving Poland. 11:00 pm – 01:00 am – Tours of the Colonel Kukliński Intelligence Museum and presentation of previously unpublished photographs and recordings featuring Colonel Ryszard Kukliński. JCC Warszawa / Jewish Community Center 9A Chmielna St. / Krucza / Bracka / Krucza / Line D, J HOURS: 9:30 pm – 1:00 am We invite everybody to visit the Jewish Community Center. Jewish Community Center in Warsaw is an institution dedicated to informal Jewish education, as well as to supporting and co-creating contemporary Jewish life and culture. If you are not familiar with us, you will get the chance to ask questions and get acquainted with everything we do. If you have visited us before, then you know that you definitely need to be here on this night, too! We are open for all guests – those interested in contemporary Jewish life and those attracted solely by the culinary offer of our city. We will start the evening with “Havdalah”, marking the end of the Sabbath, which finishes after sunset on Saturday. Later, all guests interested in learning more will be given the chance to find answers to all their questions, and get acquainted with our day-to-day activity, and how it all looks like. We will also invite visitors to take part in several exemplary classes and events which we organize at the Jewish Community Center. The venue is partially available for people with disabilities (information on the ground floor, no lift). Kancelaria Premiera / Chancellery of the Prime Minister 1/3 Ujazdowskie Av. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Łazienki Królewskie / Line J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am / last entrance at midnight In the progrmme: • Guided tours of the historic building, visit to Prime Minister’s office, behind-the-scenes glimpse at preparing Prime Minister’s press conferences. • “Etiquette in the world of diplomacy” – workshops dedicated to protocol (ceremonial halls). • “How laws are created?” – egislation basis (plenary chamber). The event will also include attractions for children, such as a picture map of Poland (“What can one do with a map?”), presentation of photographs taken at Prime Minister’s meetings in Poland and abroad, photographic competition and numerous surprises. Guided tours, groups of max. 30, ca. 50 min. (Entrance A). Please bring your ID. Please do not bring dangerous objects. Kawiarnia Kafka/ Kafka Cafe 3 Oboźna St. / Krakowskie Przedmieście (Kopernik statue) / Topiel / Line K HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am be an extraordinary chance for the cinema to present a selection of films from its unique collection to film lovers, attract people’s attention with interesting artistic initiatives and spread film passion around. All presented films were created a Munka Studio, member of the Association of Polish Filmmakers. Participants will compete and the best work will be selected. There will also be an exhibition of created works organized; authors may expect prizes. Programme: 8:00 pm – “The Little Finger”, Tomasz Cichoń, feature film, 24’ 8:24 pm – “Games”, Maciej Marczewski, feature film, 27’ 8:53 pm – “From Grunwald Village”, Artur Wierzbicki, documentary, 21’ 9:15 pm – “Whole Lotta Love”, Bartek Kaczmarek, feature film, 30’ 9:46 pm – “Natural Ones”, Kristoffer Rus, feature film, 23’ 10:10 pm – “Starting Point”, Michał Szcześniak, documentary, 26’ 10:37 pm – “Vermint”, Maria Zbąska, feature film, 35’ 11:13 pm – “House at the End of the Road”, Wojciech Kasperski, feature film, 25’ 11:39 pm – “21 Days”, Damian Kocur, documentary, 22’ 00:02 am – “Strongwoman”, Kacper Czubak, Iwona Kaliszewska, documentary, 16’ 00:19 am – “Tunnel to Heaven”, Maciej Lorenc animation, 7’ 00:27 am – “Have It Father”, Kacper Lisowski, feature film, 33’ Kino Kultura / Kultura Cinema Kino Luna / Luna Cinema Artistic Journey Through the World of Literature During The Long Night of Museums at Kafka Cafe, literature lovers will be given the chance to have a non-verbal say with reference to quotations from great writers and important literary works. There will be texts presented on specially prepared boards, along with art supplies provided for visitors. Kafka’s guests will create illustrations spontaneously / express the spirit of a given story via colour / interpret texts by the means of art. The participants will thus marry two elements: writing and graphic art, and classical writers will be subject to free interpretation. 21/23 Krakowskie Przedmieście / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Trębacka / Piłsudskiego Sq. / Line E HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Spectators will be invited to watch short feature films, documentaries and animations. It will 28 Marszałkowska St. / Zbawiciela Sq. / Litewska / Line B HOURS: 10:00 pm – midnight Luna Cinema invites to special, free screenings of “Warsaw 1935”. After each screening, spectators – led by tour guides (collaborating with the Department of Culture and Promotion of Śródmieście district) – will be given the chance to take a stroll through the northern part of Śródmieście district, especially the stretch of Marszałkowska Street between Jerozolimskie Avenue and The Saxon Garden, as presented in the film. In other words, the organizer invites lovers of nighttime sightseeing to enjoy a stroll following the route outlined in the film... 80 years later. Cinema cafe open till 11:00 pm. The screenings will take place every half an hour, starting at 10:00 pm. The last screening will start at midnight. Klubokawiarnia Jaś & Małgosia / Cafe-club 57 Jana Pawła II Av. / Jana Pawła II Av. / Anielewicza / Anielewicza / Line F HOURS: 9:00 pm – 0:30 am Musical Best Wishes at Jaś & Małgosia Cafe On The Long Night of Museums at Jaś & Małgosia Club&Cafe, the organizer wishes to refer to the venue’s excellent past. In times of the Polish People’s Republic, Jaś & Małgosia Cafe, with its beautiful neon light, pulsated with social life. The 1970s and 1980s were its heyday. At present, the cafe refers to that tradition. On The Long Night of Museums, the organizer wishes to to bring back the 1970s and 1980s in an original way. The space of the cafe will be turned into a TV studio, in which Musical Best Wishes will be organized, referring to a TV show which used to air on Sundays in times of the Polish People’s Republic. Everything will be just the way it was back then, with a host reading out best wishes, flower bouquets and music. Young people, who are not familiar with this cult format, will be given the chance to have an unforgettable night; those who in those times were young, will reminisce, listen to the greatest hits of that era and relive those moments... Kościół Adwentystów Dnia Siódmego / Seventh-day Adventist Church 8 Foksal St. / Nowy Świat / Foksal / Muzeum Narodowe / Line D HOURS: 6:55 pm – midnight Bible Exhibition in Foksal Street Extraordinary chance for the public to take a look at numerous editions of the Holy Bible, including parchment scrolls, centuries-old printed issues and ultimately modern digital editions. Among the showpieces, there will be one of the smallest Bibles in the world, as well as a special multi-lingual edition of the Holy Scriptures. All visitors will be invited to participate in a Bible copying marathon. Everybody will get the chance to copy an excerpt from the text by hand, thus contributing to the creation of a truly unique edition of the Bible. Kościół Ewangelicko-Reformowany / Evangelical Reformed Church 74 Solidarności Av. / “Solidarności” Av. / Andersa / Bankowy Sq. / Line F, G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: • DobroCzynny bookshop will be selling second-hand books, to support charity. • Children’s zone. 7:00 pm – Modo Maiorum Choir (conductor: Michał Straszewski) – concert. 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 10:00 pm, 11:00 pm – 30-minute-long organ concerts and presentations of the instrument (by Michał Markuszewski). At midnight – prayer. Księgarnia Historyczna / Historic Bookshop 26 Dobra St. / Tamka / Kruczkowskiego / Zajęcza / Line K HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: • Presentation by a historical reenactment group. • Exhibition – motorisation relics. • Meetings with authors. • Special offer for selected publications. Mazowiecki Urząd Wojewódzki / The Mazovia Voivodship Office 3/5 Bankowy Sq. / Bankowy Sq. / Bankowy Sq. / Line F, G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am The event will give guests the chance to visit the office of the President of the Capital City of Warsaw, as well as Voivode of Mazovia’s office. Along with many other attractions, visitors will be able to admire the capital city from viewing terraces, which on a regular basis are not available for inhabitants of Warsaw. Interestingly, architect Antonio Corazzi, who designed the building complex in Bankowy Square, placed sculptures presenting Minerva and Mercury above one of the terraces (tympanum over the main entrance). It should also be mentioned that in 1939, some of the buildings were damaged in fire; however, when WW II ended, they were rebuilt – and with so much attention paid to details, that they nowadays are one of the most valuable public utility building complexes in Poland. Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości / Ministry of Justice Miejsce Projektów Zachęty / Zachęta Project Room In the programme: • Multimedia mappings on the façade of the building. • Presentation: Intervention Group of the Central Board of Prison Service. • Presentation of the work of the Institute of Forensic Research • Tour of the Ministry of Justice (Cabinet of the Minister of Justice, new exhibition (currently being created) by the Warsaw Rising Museum (basements)). • Open-air exhibition titled “Today, Tomorrow, The Day after Tomorrow. Brotherhood. Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts in the Service of the Polish Underground State” 3 Gałczyńskiego St. / Nowy Świat / Foksal / Muzeum Narodowe / Line D HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am I “Recline” – exhibition of works by Natalia Bażowska. Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej / The Ministry of National Education 25 Szucha Av. 11 Ujazdowskie Av. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Line J HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Visitors will be required to present their ID. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Line J HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am No large backpacks/bags allowed. Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury im. Wł. Broniewskiego / MDK Łazienkowska Gallery 7 Łazienkowska St. In the programme: • Tours of the Ministry’s historic, listed building. To a great extent, the interiors have been preserved the way they were originally designed in the 1930s. • Show by historical reenactment groups dedicated to the times of WW II, when the building of the Ministry of National Education was the seat of the Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Guided tours of no more than 30. / Rozbrat / Myśliwiecka / Rozbrat / Line J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 9:45 pm Damian Chrobak “Everywhere I look, I’m Being Looked At”. The exhibition revolves around all-embracing consumerism – especially our desire to own things and spend money – both of which limit our lives. Themes of the photographs were drawn from the prose of everyday life. Many of these images have a humorous feel to them; they are inspired by the world of advertisements, especially those which have the power to isolate. Open Programme within the 8th Warsaw Art Photography Festival 2015 [WFFA 2015]. Multimedialny Park Fontann / Multimedia Fountain Park Skwer I Dywizji Pancernej (Podzamcze) / Wybrzeże Gdańskie / Sanguszki / Konwiktorska / Line E HOUR: 9:00 pm On The Long Night of Museums at the Multimedia Fountain Park in Podzamcze, at 9:00 pm, a new, spectacular show will be inaugurated, prepared specially for the new 2015 season. The multimedia presentation will last about 25 minutes. Muzeum Azji i Pacyfiku / The Asia and Pacific Museum 24 Solec St. / Solec (Poniatowskiego bridge) / Poniatowskiego bridge / Line D HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am The Asia and Pacific Museum invites visitors to its new seat. The leitmotif of the night will be the culture of Vietnam, with which visitors will get acquainted thanks to representatives of the Vietnamese community in Poland. Guests will be introduced to the culture by watching a presentation of a dance with war fans, which combines the subtle aspect of contemporary dance with energy and precision characteristic for Eastern wushu martial arts, and the rhythm and harmony of t’ai chi ch’uan. There will also be a discussion panel organized, dedicated to the situation of Vietnamese people living in Poland. Visitors will listen to individual biographies within a project titled “Living Library”, as well as watch an exhibition of works by Vietnamese artists. Screenings of Vietnamese documentaries will be the culmination of the event. Exhibitions: The events are organized in a series, with short intervals. Muzeum Farmacji im. mgr Antoniny Leśniewskiej / Museum of Pharmaceutics 31/33 Piwna St. / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am To reserve tickets, please contact the organizer: +48 22 44 16 251, 252, (Tue-Sun: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm), e-mail: Muzeum Geodezyjne Warszawskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Geodezyjnego S.A. / Museum of Geodesy of the Warsaw Geodesy Company 2 Nowy Świat St. / Rondo de Gaulle’a / Trzech Krzyży Sq. / Line J / Muzeum Narodowe / Line D HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight • “Shinzen Shiki: Japanese Weddings” – photographs by Andrzej Kotonowski. “Ailments of the Soul, Body and Mind of the Contemporary Varsovian” / Body • Works by by Alphonse Kauage – contemporary paintings from Papua New Guinea (from the Museum’s collection). • “CARGO/(im)materiality” – exhibition wrapping up a students’ museum research project (Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Warsaw). For one night, the Museum of Pharmaceutics will turn into a diagnostic centre for Varsovians. There will be a specialist waiting for guests, with a detailed questionnaire they will be invited to fill in. No matter what Warsaw-related illness it is that you are suffering from, you will undoubtedly find a cure for it here. Exhibitions presenting show-pieces from the Museum’s collection: Muzeum Ewolucji Instytutu Paleobiologii PAN / Museum of Evolution Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina / The Fryderyk Chopin Museum – geodetic Instruments, Plac Defilad 1 (Palace of Culture and Science, Świętokrzyska Street entrance) / Marszałkowska / Złota / Defilad Sq. / Line A, B, D, E, F, G, J, K HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight In the programme: • “Micro-world of Fossils” – presentation of micro-fossils, under a microscope. This event gives visitors the chance to watch structures and organisms which cannot be seen with the naked eye. • “Dino Colouring Books” – colour a dinosaur from the Museum. • Themed educational games: evolution of Equidae, Dinosaurs and Ichthyosaurs. • “Dinosaurs from the Gobi Dessert” – multimedia presentation. Okólnik 1 St. (Ostrogskich Palace) / Nowy Świat / Warecka / Nowy Świat / Line K HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme – newest Chopin Memorabilia: 6:00 pm – exhibition opening: “Seen/Unseen”. Memorabilia recently acquired by the Museum – personal objects owned once by Chopin. From 7:30 pm (on an hourly basis) – guided tours of the permanent exhibition. 6:30 pm, 8:30 pm and 10:30 pm – piano recitals presenting music by Fryderyk Chopin, at the Museum’s Concert Hall. Limited number of visitors at a time (80 people per hour). – exhibits subdivided into sections: maps, mechanical calculators, drawing instruments, accessories, textbooks, teaching aids, – exhibits from all over the world (the oldest date back to the end of the 19th century and were made in the USA), The Museum of Scouting invites visitors to watch a permanent exhibition dedicated to the largest Scouting Jamboree of the Second Polish Republic. The exhibition will take visitors to Spała forests, and allow them to experience the ambiance of the Jubilee Scouting Jamboree held in 1935. Moreover, guests will be given the chance to take a look at results of the Museum’s conservatory actions, including unique pieces, such as the oldest scout flags. There will also be camp song shows organized at the Museum of Scouting, and visitors will be invited to join in and sing along. 6:00 pm – midnight – Guests are also invited to visit Kolorowa Community Centre in Ursus (under the patronage of the Museum of Scouting), and watch its Scouting Souvenirs Collection. The collection includes flags, pennants, uniforms, selvages, neckerchiefs, etc., pre-war books on scouting and books about our territory, various documents dating back to 1945, scout chronicles from 1957 and animated slides presenting the life of Ursus scouts. Guests will be also given the chance to participate in educational activities: board games and plays testing their perceptiveness. – temporary exhibition of selected showpieces from Dr. T Niewodniczański’s collection, Muzeum Historii Polski / Museum of Polish History – temporary exhibition of the collection owned by The Museum of Surveying Instruments in Dortmund. 35 Senatorska St. Muzeum Harcerstwa / Museum of Scouting 6 Konopnickiej St. / Trzech Krzyży Sq. / Trzech Krzyży Sq. / Line J HOURS: 6:00 pm – 0:30 am / Senatorska / Canaletta / Bankowy Sq. / Line F, G HOURS: 4:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Play (in Polish) for children, within a series titled “History of the Piast Dynasty”, combined with art classes. Plays start on the hour (4:00 pm, 5:00 pm, 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm). 6:00 pm – midnight – “Free Election” play for older guests; participants (playing the role of gentry) will select the future king. Plays on an hourly basis, starting 6:30 pm (6:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 8:30 pm, 9:30 pm, 10:30 pm, 11:30 pm). Before the king is elected, the organizer invites visitors to Jagiellonian Dynasty Avenue, which will offer various history-related tasks. Moreover, there will also be a multimedia kiosk open, carrying selected films produced by the Museum, along with a presentation of the Museum’s newest historic publications. Muzeum Historii Spółdzielczości w Polsce / Museum of the History of Cooperative Movement 1 Jasna St. (Dom pod Orłami) / Marszałkowska / Złota / Defilad Sq. / Line A, B, D, E, F, G, J, K HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight In the programme – 1st floor: 7:00 pm – Formal opening of the new seat of the Museum of the History of Cooperative Movement. 8:00 pm – First guided tour of the Museum (tours begin every hour). • Prelections (in Polish) – 2nd floor: 8:00 pm – “Great Ladies of Polish Cooperative Movement” – Prof. Zofia Chyra-Rolicz. 9:00 pm – “Cooperative Movement in Times of Occupation” – Dariusz Gierycz. 10:00 pm – “Cooperative Movements of National Minorities” – Dr. Marcin Kwiecień. • Starting 7:00 pm – tours of the Museum’s basements. In addition to the above: • Stands hosted by co-ops and guests of the project, • Competitions, • Workshops, • Attractions for adults and children. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN / POLIN Museum 6 Anielewicza St. 7:30 pm – 1:00 am – Photo-films: 8:00 pm – “Berlin. Big City Symphony”, dir. Walter Ruttmann, 1927, 65’ 9:30 pm – “Man with a Video Camera”, dir. Dżiga Wiertow, 1929, 68’ 11:00 pm – “New York Street through a Lens”, dir. Cheryl Dunn, 2013, 83’ • “Other” through a lens – meetings with photographers (7:30 pm – 8:30 pm, 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm, 10:30 pm – 11:30 pm). 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm – Luxography: workshops for families. / Andersa / Anielewicza / Nalewki-Muzeum / Line A HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Permanent exhibition. The core exhibition showcased at POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews presents a fascinating story which began in the Middle Ages and has continued since. Go on a travel in time with us! The exhibition titled 1000 Years of the History of Polish Jews provides answers to questions regarding where from and when Jews first came to Poland, how this country became (and then ceased to be) the home of the largest Jewish community in the world, and how Jewish life is now being revived. POLIN museum was created in a symbolic spot in Warsaw: in the very centre of a district inhabited once by Jews mostly, which during the war was turned into a ghetto by the German occupier. POLIN invites children ages 5–10 accompanied by carers. Free admission, please apply online (limited number of participants: 50). 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm – Family Album – Consultations with Experts. 7:00 pm – 01:00 am – Informational Centre – POLIN Museum. 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm – Family museum game. POLIN invites children ages 5–10 accompanied by carers. Free admission, please apply online. 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm – Family workshops: photography colouring. Midnight – Goodnight Museum – concert. Muzeum Jana Pawła II i Prymasa Wyszyńskiego / Museum of John Paul II and Primate Wyszyński 34 Krakowskie Przedmieście (in front of the Church of the Sisters of the Visitation) 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Temporary exhibitions: • Roman Vishniac: Photography, 1920 – 1975. • “My Jewish Parents, My Polish Parents” – exhibition. • Multimedia installation: presentation and workshops. 7:00 pm – midnight – Negative/Positive – Photographic Atelier. / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Traugutta / Piłsudskiego Sq. / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am The Museum will set up a stall in Krakowskie Przedmieście (in front of the Church of the Sisters of the Visitation). On The Long Night of Museums, visitors will be invited to a virtual tour of the Museum of John Paul II and Primate Wyszyński. Employees of the Museum will present and talk about show-pieces, photographs and films to be included in the Museum’s main exhibition. Guests will be given the chance to participate in a quiz related with St. John Paul II, with attractive prizes awaiting winners. There will be also other attractions organized, tailor-made for the youngest visitors. Muzeum Jazzu / Jazz Museum 4 Zamkowy Sq. (Kubicki Arcades) / Rynek Mariensztacki / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Jazz concert and an exhibition presenting show-pieces from the collection owned by the Jazz Museum. Artists: Wanda Warska – vocals, Włodzimierz Nahorny – piano, Jerzy Stępień – saxophone, Krzysztof Karpiński – piano, Krzysztof Sadowski – piano, Agnieszka Wilczyńska – vocals, Wojtek Pulcyn – double bass, Sebastian Frankiewicz – percussion, Aga Zaryan – vocals, Michał Tokaj – piano, Michał Kulenty – saxophone, Piotr Rodowicz – double bass, Wawrzyniec Prasek – piano, Olga Boczar – vocals, piano, Joanna Morea – saxophones: alto, soprano, flute, Agnieszka Derlak TRIO – piano, Bartosz Szabłowski – percussion, Tymon Trąbczyński – double bass, Anna Osmakowicz – vocals, Patrycja Ciska – vocals, Chris Malinski – saxophone, Zbigniew Konopczyński – trombone, Jerzy Kuszakiewicz – trumpet, Jerzy Galiński – clarinet, Paweł Tartanus – vocals, banjo, Andrzej Zielak – double bass, Bogdan Kulik – percussion, Wojciech Kamiński – piano, Kinga Kołodziej – vocals, Aleksandra Łodzińska – vocals, Monika Malczak – vocals, Julia Komorowska – vocals, Katarzyna Góras – vocals. The exhibition will show posters, photographs, intruments, records and souvenirs of outstanding jazz musicians. The Museum will present excerpts from its collection, dedicated to Leopold Tyrmand, Andrzej Kurylewicz and Jarek Śmietana. Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza / The Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature 20 Old Town Sq. / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Muzeum Karykatury im. Eryka Lipińskiego / Eryk Lipiński Museum of Caricature In the programme: 11 Kozia St. • “Art and Nation” (temporary exhibition). HAPPening / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Trębacka / Piłsudskiego Sq. / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme, two exhibitions: • “The Best of The Best. Best Drawings of 2014” – surprising works by caricature artists and satire cartoonists, laureates of a competition organized by the Museum (“Drawing of the Month: 2014”). The exhibition showcases drawings by such artists as, inter alia, Marcin Bondarowicz, Robert Kempisty, Maciej Trzepałka, Jacek Frąckiewicz and Henryk Cebula. • “Zbigniew Woźniak. The World of Satire” – creative output of the renowned Polish illustrator and graphic artist, who excellently unites the meaning of a painting with the form thereof. By applying irony and humour, he is able to create illustrations which convey original and apt punch lines. The artist creates both colourful painting compositions and black-and-white works, filled with symbolism and mysteriousness. • Happening by Defekt Uboczny improvised group, who will invite guests to participate in short, interactive, improvised games. • “Adam Mickiewicz 1798–1855” (permanent exhibition). • “My Nights, My Days. On the 50th Death Anniversary of Maria Dąbrowska” (temporary exhibition). • Presentation of a manuscript leaf from Adam Mickiewicz’s “Pan Tadeusz”, from the collection owned by the Museum of Literature. 8:00 pm – Meeting with custodian Katarzyna Jakimiak, author of the exhibition titled “My Nights, My Days”. Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie / Royal Łazienki Museum 1 Agrykoli St. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Rozbrat / Myśliwiecka / Łazienki Królewskie / Agrykola / Line J HOUR:7:00 pm (Palace on the Isle – till 2:00 am, The Old Guardhouse – till midnight, Łazienki Gardens – till the break of dawn) During this year’s Night of the Museums, visitors to the Palace on the Isle at the Royal Łazienki will be given the chance to get acquainted with an extraordinary research project, namely a digital recreation of lost paintings by Marcello Bacciarelli, who was court painter to King Stanisław August. On a plafond in Solomon Room in the Palace on the Isle, a fully reconstructed painting titled “Solomon’s Dream” will be projected. Dream will be the leitmotif of tours of the Palace’s interiors. Educators will explain symbols and allegorical representations of authority, time, arts and virtues, embedded in interior design. Leaving the Palace, every visitor will be presented with a copy of “Royal Dream Book” – a list of symbols, complete with their meanings. At The Old Guardhouse, an action titled “Dream Drawers” will be organized; visitors will be invited to tell their dreams to a professional graphic artist, who will translate them into images. Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie / Royal Łazienki Museum 1 Agrykoli St. (stage on Southern Pond, by the Amphitheatre) / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Łazienki Królewskie / Line J HOURS: 9:30 pm – 11:00 pm During this year’s Long Night of Museums, on a stage on Southern Pond, Adam Strug and Wojciech Waglewski will present their joint project. The artists will promote their new album, to be released in the spring of 2015. The LP will bring Adam Strug’s 10 auteur compositions about love. Wojciech Waglewski is the producer and guitarist on the album. Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie / Royal Łazienki Museum 1 Agrykoli St. (meet-up by the monument to Józef Piłsudski, by Belvedere) HOURS: 7:00 pm – 0:30 am Royal Łazienki After Dark – guided strolls. Throughout the night, three strolls will take place, starting at 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm. Each stroll takes about 1.5 h. Guide: Sarah Skelton. Muzeum Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie / Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum of the Polish Chemical Society 5 Freta St. / Krasińskich Sq. / Krasińskich Sq. / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am The programme will be divided into several parts. The first part will be dedicated to radiation. Participants will be given the chance to observe trajectories of elementary particles, in a device called Cloud Chamber (also known as Wilson Chamber), as well as gather information on, inter alia, natural radioactivity. They will learn that this phenomenon accompanies us at all times and is nothing to be afraid of. Visitors will be given the chance to measure the level of radiation of selected materials (even their own hands!) by themselves, with the use of the Geiger counter and a dosimetric gate. The second part will concentrate on chemistry. Here, via simple experiments, and with the use of groceries, basic chemical reactions will be illustrated. Moreover, in the programme – competitions related with the life of Maria Skłodowska-Curie. Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie / The National Museum the Museum’s bookshop, will organize a book fair specially for the night. 3 Jerozolimskie Av. There is a restaurant (Aleje 3) and a cafe (Cafe Lorentz) in the building. / Rondo de Gaulle’a / Muzeum Narodowe / Line D HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am / last entrance at midnight In both of the Museum’s courtyards, there will be activities taking place, dedicated to selected artistic motives and trends – such as, inter alia, “Conversations About Art” – short meetings at permanent galleries, which have already become a tradition. Before the doors of the Museum open for all guests, at 6:00 pm, the organizer invites children ages 5–12 and their carers for “Bedtime Stories at the Museum”. There will be also a special attraction organized for visitors, namely open-air film screenings in the Lorentz Courtyard. Just like every year, the door between the space of the Museum and the premises of the Polish Army Museum will be opened. Permanent exhibitions will be available for guests, including Faras Gallery, which has just recently been opened again, after a total rearrangement. There will also be a part of the Gallery of the 19th Century unveiled anew for the first time. Within the space of hitherto Gallery of Old Polish and European Portraiture, a selection of paintings will be displayed, presenting the oeuvre of painters of the Age of Enlightenment; the narrative of the presentation will be altered. Guests waiting to get into the building will be invited to participate in art-related activities, as well as take pictures to keep as a souvenir, inspired by a work of art from the collection owned by the National Museum. Serenissima, Muzeum Niepodległości / The Museum of Independence 62 Solidarności Av. / “Solidarności” Av. / Andersa / Bankowy Sq. / Line F, G HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am / last entrance at 0:30 am In the programme: 6:00 pm – Exhibition opening “With God for Motherland and Freedom” – about Francis Rákóczi – Hungarian hero, lecture by one-time Ambassador of Hungary, Akos Engelmayer: “Polish-Hungarian Relations in the 20th Century”, host: Dr. Janosz Tischler (Balassi Institute – Hungarian Institute of Culture in Warsaw). 7:00 pm – Fencing show – Hungarian-Polish Sabre Fencing School (Director Aleksandra Karp). 7:30 pm – Film screenings; Hungarian shorts awarded at European festivals: – “Wind” (“Szél”), dir. Marcell Iványi, 1996, Golden Palm laureate, Cannes 1996, 11:15 pm – Film screening. “Life of an Agent” (“Az ügynök élete”), Hungary 2004, dir. Gábor Zsigmond Papp, 82’ Hungarian secret police were known as one of the most effective. There was a multitude of instructional films found in their archives, which taught officers how to recruit collaborators, search apartments, wiretap and follow suspects. The way in which these materials were edited tells us more about the nature of Totalitarianism than hundreds of scientific dissertations. The event will be accompanied by Nasze Przysmaki restaurant. Muzeum Ordynariatu Polowego / Museum of the Military Ordinariate 13/15 Długa St. (Katedra Polowa) / Krasińskich Sq. / Krasińskich Sq. / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm – Virtuoso Emanuel Bączkowski – organ concert. Warsaw has always been a space where patriotic feelings were demonstrated. How does the contemporary Varsovian express their patriotism? With guns in their hands or/and in daily grind? Heart vs./and mind. Check where your patriotism hides. Muzeum Rzemiosł Artystycznych i Precyzyjnych / Museum of Artistic and Precise Craftsmanship – “Before Dawn” (“Prije zore”), dir. Bálint Kenyeres, 2004, Best European Short Film 2005, 20 Piekarska St. – “Loser” (“Csicska”), dir. Attila Till, 2011, laureate of numerous awards (i.a. Golden Dragon at Krakow Film Festival, main prizes at festivals in Stockholm and Vilnius). Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej / Museum of Modern Art 51 Emilii Plater St. and 3 Pańska St. and Bródno Sculpture Park “Patriotism of the Capital City” / Heart / Mind – “Maestro”, dir. Géza M. Tóth, 2005, Oscar nominee 2007, laureate of the main prize at Kecskeméti Animációs Filmfesztivál in Hungary, – “I Am Here” (“Itt vagyok”), dir. Bálint Szimler, 2010, Best Short at Hungarian Film Review 2010, In the programme exhibition: – tall-case clocks, wall clocks, mantel clocks, fob watches, – mechanical music players (polyphons, hurdy-gurdies), – apprentice and master exam projects: gold smithery, engraving, bronze working, – watchmaker tools, – bronze sculptures and plaques, – hollow-ware, – medal-making, – optics. In addition to the above, visitors will be given the chance to meet artisans active in the field of gold smithery, engraving and watch-making. We invite our visitors to enjoy a meal at Pod Zegarem pub (meals are not complimentary). / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am / Świętokrzyska / Emilii Plater / Emilii Plater / Line B, D, E, G, J, K HOURS: 1:00 pm – midnight In the programme: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Performance by Australian artist Adam Linder, titled Some Proximity/ Choreographic Services. Over the course of several hours, performers will “embody” short reflections on art, exhibitions currently on show, and the seat of the Museum (51 Emilii Plater St.). Tours of current exhibitions start at 2:00 pm (in English) and at 4:00 pm (in Polish). 8:00 pm – midnight – guided tour of currently showcased exhibitions (tours start every half an hour). In collaboration with Targówek district, the Museum has prepared a selection of events to take place at Bródno Sculpture Park. Visitors coming from the centre of Warsaw will be able to get to the park by bus – there will be a special artistic Golden Bus available, called Dreamer, created by Paweł Althamer. Guests participating in the tours will be accompanied by a guide from the Museum. Attractions at the park include guided tours and Golden Gondola rides. Throughout this year’s Long Night of Museums, the Museum invites guests to watch currently showcased exhibitions: – “Andrzej Wróblewski: Recto / Verso. 1948–1949, 1956–195” The project concentrates on two moments in the artist’s creative activity, namely the very beginning of it, when he is still just creating his painting language (1948–1949), and the final stage, when – after a period of faith in them, and his voluntary submission to the realities of Stalinist Socialist Realism – he tries to redefine himself (1956–1957). – “Lest The Two Seas Meet” Muzeum Techniki i Przemysłu NOT / NOT Museum of Engineering and Industry Plac Defilad 1 / Al. Jerozolimskie / Emilii Plater / Defilad Sq. / Line A, B, D, E, F, G, J, K / Dw. Centralny / Line B, D, E, G, J, K HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am / last admission at 0:30 am In the programme: • “Transport” – exhibition showcasing, inter alia, Otto Lilienthal’s original hang glider and Adler car from 1901. • Printing machines. • “Mining” – exhibition; one overground gallery, • “Metallurgy” – exhibition, offering visitors the chance to coin a souvenir token, with the use of Medieval methods. The exhibition presents creative output of artists from the Middle East, most of all, but also from Europe and Asia – from places where in the recent years protests broke out, where artists helped to express social anger and social hopes. It proposes a new language for describing social reality, beyond the discourse of existing politics, trying to get closer to the internal dynamics of those events and looking for their existential and individual dimension. • Exhibition dedicated to household ruled by Frania washing machines, shoetrees and hand-cranked mangles. • Moreover, the Museum of Modern Art will host an exhibition of works by finalists of the “Hesita’s Artistic Journey” competition (3 Pańska St.). The underlying idea of the competition was to create educational possibilities for young artists who are still studying. Year by year, the jury (artists, journalists, university professors) selects the most talented student at the Academy of Fine Arts, whose prize is a month-long stay in New York. • “Polish Motorbikes in the Collection of the Museum of Engineering and Industry” – new permanent exhibition. • “Ecology” – exhibition dedicated to alternative energy sources. • Historic radio sets. • Exhibition dedicated to computers, with worldwide unique K-202 and AKAT, as well as numerous other Polish productions. Muzeum Więzienia Pawiak / Museum of Pawiak Prison 24/26 Dzielna St. / Jana Pawła II Av. / Anielewicza / Anielewicza / Line F and Mauzoleum Walk i Męczeństwa / Mausoleum of Battle and Martyrdom 25 Szucha Av. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Line J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am / last admission at 0:30 am Bombings at night and raids at daytime... Everyday life in occupied Warsaw. In collaboration with historical reenactment groups: Enthusiasts of Warsaw 1939–1945 and Bulwark, the Museum of Pawiak Prison organizes a series of historic-artistic presentations addressed to the Museum’s guests. In the Museum’s courtyard, short scenes from the life of resistance organisations will be presented, such as Underground Education, First Aid Training, Military Training, Arrest at an Underground Organisation, Minor Subversion in Pawiak, Raid, Curfew. There will also be four symbolic drives organized – of a prison van escorted by motorbikes. Route: Museum of Pawiak Prison – Mausoleum of Battle and Martyrdom (Pawiak’s branch), Mausoleum of Battle and Martyrdom – Museum of Pawiak Prison. Just like every year, the Museum has prepared special attractions for The Long Night of Museums, namely astronomical shows of the sky over Warsaw, with the use of state-of-the-art and historic telescopes. In this special way, in the form of historic scenes, with the use of original vehicles from the times of WW II, the organizers wish to remind inhabitants of Warsaw about times of German occupation and about museums – memorial sites, in order to encourage people to visit these institutions not only on The Long Night of Museums. Moreover, in the Museum, the ticket office will be selling publications and souvenirs. The symbolic drives mentioned above will take place at: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm: Pawiak – Szucha, 8:00 pm – 8:30 pm: Szucha – Pawiak, 9:00 pm – 9:30 pm: Pawiak – Szucha, 10:00 pm – 10:30 pm: Szucha – Pawiak. Route: Dzielna St., Jana Pawła II Av., Anielewicza St., Świętojerska St., Krasińskich Sq., Miodowa St., Krakowskie Przedmieście, Nowy Świat St., Trzech Krzyży Sq., Ujazdowskie Av., Na Rozdrożu Sq., Szucha Av. Due to a subsidy we have received, supporting the revitalisation of the premises of the Museum of Pawiak Prison and Mausoleum of Battle and Martyrdom, we may be forced – for reasons beyond our control – to close the museum for The Long Night of Museums, and cancel events we have planned. Nonetheless, the symbolic drives from Pawiak to Szucha Avenue will take place. We apologise for any inconvenience this situation may cause. Muzeum Wojska Polskiego / Museum of the Polish Army 3 Jerozolimskie Av. / Rondo de Gaulle’a / Muzeum Narodowe / Line D HOURS: 7:00 pm – 2:00 am At the Museum of the Polish Army, all permanent exhibitions, as well as the most recent temporary exhibitions will be open. Muzeum Ziemi PAN / Museum of The Earth of The Polish Academy of Sciences 20/26 i 27 Na Skarpie Av. / Trzech Krzyży Sq. / Trzech Krzyży Sq. / Line J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am For the first time after the institution’s revitalization and rearrangement, guests will be given the chance to watch an exhibition titled “From the Earth’s Geological Past”, which presents the evolution of the animal kingdom. Moreover, the Museum offers guided tours of exceptionally interesting permanent exhibitions. In addition to the above: • “Tibet On The Way to KumBum” – temporary exhibition of photographs by Elżbieta Sęczykowska. • Promotion of Barbara Sęczykowska’ book about Tibet, published by Burda International National Geographic Polska. 8:00 pm – Meeting with the author. There are bicycle racks available by the Museum of The Earth of the Polish Academy of Sciences). The building at 20/26 Na Skarpie Av. is available for people with disabilities. The building at 27 Na Skarpie Avenue is not suitable for visitors in wheelchairs (exhibitions on several floors, no lift). Nowe Miejsce / New Space Ogród Botaniczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego / Botanic Garden of the University of Warsaw 4 Ujazdowskie Av. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Na Rozdrożu Sq. / Line J HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am This year, it is inhabitants of the botanic garden – plants themselves – who invite guests for The Long Night of Museums. Ivy, magnolias, et al. from the Garden will tell you all their secrets, their joys and sorrows, cravings and tastes. Surrounded by nighttime illumination at the garden, you will learn about e.g. whether “Pinus nigra” is a sociable tree, if ivy gets along well with flies and what rumours are brought to the garden by blackcaps. The whole stroll takes about 30-40 minutes. Ogród Saski / Saxon Garden Marszałkowska St. / Królewska St. 51 Jerozolimskie Av. (no. 2) / Al. Jerozolimskie / Marszałkowska / Centrum / Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Painters’ Night – in the programme: • “To Preserve an Image” – exhibition of paintings by Michał Chojecki, Mikołaj Chylak, Paweł Kałużyński, Jędrek Owsiński, Błażej Worsztynowicz and Marek Zając. 8:30 pm – Concert and visuals. Music: Žimne Krwi. Alek Żurowski – keyboards, electronica, Teo Olter – drums, Miłosz Cirocki – guitar. Visuals: Painters. / Marszałkowska / Królewska / Małachowskiego Sq. / Zachęta / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm “Judge Mauersberg’s Cases” – stroll through 19th-century Warsaw with the book’s author. Stroll through old-time Warsaw, as presented in the book titled “Judge Mauersberg’s Cases”. Participants will follow author Paweł Łoś, who will talk about The Saxon Garden – the way it used to look like years ago. Your tour guide will take you into the world depicted in his book, back to the times of corsets and bowlers... The Saxon Garden is where the first story in the book takes place. Along with detective/fantastic threads, the book has a strong feel of old-time Warsaw to it. From the greyness of everyday life, five mysteries suddenly emerge, to challenge the eponymous officer and his intellect, hidden underneath his pomaded hair... Author: Paweł Łoś – born 134 years later than Judge Mauersberg; lawyer, historian and varsavianist; author of detective stories and game scripts; graphic artist. Tour guide, member of Golden Duck Tour Guide Association. Pałac Branickich / Branickich Palace 6 Miodowa St. / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: borders, alienation and isolation from the shared, general, overall. • “Gravity Forest” – Sylwia Krędzel. Gravity Forest is a photographic installation of exceptionally ephemeral and elusive character, both in terms of the presentation itself, technical aspects thereof and the author’s interpretations. The installation is dedicated to lonesome trees, which here play the role of a link between the sky and the earth, perceived respectively as lightness and heaviness (Open Programme). • “This is the Way I Am” – Maciej Urlich. Documentary series of photographic portraits, presenting random women – contemporary discotheque regulars. Their outfits, make-up and the way they carry themselves are their own choice (Open Programme). • “Johanna” – Bjargey Ólafsdóttir. 20:00 – Ehxibition opening. Icelandic Photography within the 8th Warsaw Festival of Art Photography [WFFA 2015]. Pałac Kultury i Nauki / Palace of Culture and Science 1 Defilad Sq. • “Common Space / Own Space” Young Polish photography, within the 8th Warsaw Festival of Art Photography [WFFA 2015]. Artists: Joanna Chudy, Michał Grochowiak, Jacek Kołodziejski, Wojtek Kostrzewa, Monika Masłoń, Michał Przeździk, Sonia Szóstak, Ula Tarasiewicz, Konrad Pustola, Magda Hueckel. Joint exhibition of works by selected representatives of the young generation of Polish photographers. They approached the leitmotif of the project in very different ways, both in terms of their perception of common space, exchanging artistic experiences, dialogue, collaboration, tolerance and openness to new experiences, close and distant traditions, cultural heritage, etc., but also as one’s inner space – intimate, used when expressing one’s distinctness, individuality, identity, outlining / Defilad Sq. / Defilad Sq. / Line A, B, D, E, F, G, J, K HOURS: 7:00 pm – 0:30 am / last group entry at 0:30 am On this year’s Long Night of Museums, the organizer invites to nighttime tours of the Palace’s basements, as part of celebrations related with the 60th anniversary of the building’s existence. For this one night in the year only, underground levels of the Palace will be open to public. It will be a unique chance for visitors to check if there are mysterious nuclear-bomb shelters located underneath the Palace, if there exists a tunnel linking the building with one-time seat of the Central Committee (Komitet Centralny, KC), if there is a river flowing underground... Guided tours of 15, every 30 minutes. Tours start at 7:00 pm, in the main hall, by the clock (Marszałkowska Street entrance). Tours finish in lift hall. Pałac Prezydencki / Presidential Palace 46/48 Krakowskie Przedmieście / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Trębacka / Piłsudskiego Sq. / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Visitors to the Presidential Palace will be given the chance to enter, inter alia, The Column Hall (housing paintings by Jacek Malczewski), The Banner Hall, The White Hall, The Painting Hall (with works by Gierymski, Witkiewicz and Fałat), The Antechamber (with I.J. Paderewski’s grand piano and paintings by Józef Chełmoński), Nowosielski Hall (where ten works by the artist may be viewed), as well as The Main Hall and The Chapel. Please note: visitors will be asked to present an ID with a photo. “Lost Museum” (2015) – film screening. The film is another project dedicated to works of art lost during WW II. Albeit the chances are slim that this Polish culture heritage, lost over the centuries, will be recovered, it is worth to present these art pieces, so as to bring them back at least ”mentally”, and secure them a place in social consciousness. The film will be presented on two large screens placed at both sides of the monument to Prince Józef Poniatowski; it will be accompanied by large-scale graphic works screened on the Palace’s walls. The film concentrates on various locations where Polish works of art were stored, e.g. Fischhorn castle in Austria. The film will be modern – illustrated; graphic work will be authored by, inter alia, Marta Ignerska (illustrator, awarded the world over). All those who walk by the Palace will be given the chance to watch the film. Pałac Staszica / Staszic Palace 72 Nowy Świat St. 46/48 Krakowskie Przedmieście (courtyard) / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Trębacka / Piłsudskiego Sq. / Line E HOURS: 9:00 pm – 2:00 am Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences: 10:00 pm – Night with lookalikes, presented by Hanna Krajewska. 8:00 pm – Jadwiga Iwaszczuk – “Temple of Thutmose I in Western Thebes” (room 103). 11:00 pm – Dance class taught by Bodymovement Dance Studio: Magdalena Wieteszka, Paweł Nassalski. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Room 022: • Exhibition by Steel Forest gallery; autographs by, inter alia, artists from old-time Warsaw. Presented by Jolanta Janda. Opening at 8:00 pm. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Maria Skłodowska-Curie’s Room: • History of the Staszic Palace, presented by Joanna Arvaniti. • Exhibition by the Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences: “Roads to Independence”. • 8:15 pm: “National anthems”, presented by Hanna Krajewska. • 9:00 pm: “Cantares” – Spanish concert (Maryla Ochimowska-Teper – sopran koloraturowy, Magdalena Biała-Gołędowska – guitar). / Krakowskie Przedmieście (Kopernik statue) / Nowy Świat / Line K HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am No dangerous objects, large bags, backpacks allowed inside the building. Pałac Prezydencki / Presidential Palace 7:30 pm – “Copernicus – musical journey through celestial bodies” – performed by Piotr Iwicki, multi-instrumentalist / Warsaw Chamber Opera. In the programme: Events organized by the Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Room 05: • Presentation of an original letter by Albert Einstein. • Your portrait, drawn by Paulina Kopestyńska. • “Only Photographs Disregard Time” – exhibition by the Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences. 7:00 pm – Jadwiga Iwaszczuk – “Lesson in Hieroglyph Writing” (room 103). 9:00 pm – Malwina Bakalarska – “Oriental Lottery” (room 103). 10:00 pm – Małgorzata Radomska – “On the Way to Immortality: Egyptian Mummy Creation” (room 103). 7:00 pm – Wiesław Szamocki – exhibition of graphic works: “Among Trees” (room 104). Event organized by the Polish Radio Archives: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – “On (Historic) Air. 90 Years of Polish Radio” (Mirror Hall / Sala Lustrzana no. 101). There will be a cafe set up in front of the Staszic Palace. Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne / State Archaeological Museum 52 Długa St. (Arsenał) 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Round Table Room: • Igor Strojecki’s exhibitions: – Leon Barszczewski: “Globetrotter’s Possessions”, – Matchboxes, i.a. some depicting Leon Barszczewski. Events organized by the Institute of Ancillary Activities of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences: 7:00 pm – Łukasz Ossowski, “Theatre in Poland in the times of the Enlightenment” (in Polish, room 002). 11:00 pm – Aleksandra Wójtowicz, “Staszic Palace: Ideological Meaninga Inscribed in the Place” (in Polish) – lecture and tour of mysterious places (room 002). / “Solidarności” Av. / Andersa / Bankowy Sq. / Line F, G HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am The Museum invites guests to watch permanent exhibitions: “Prehistory of Polish Lands”, “Biskupin”, “The Alphabet of Romanesque Architecture”, “The ABC’s of Gothic Architecture”, as well as a temporary exhibition titled “Bilcze Złote: Europe’s Most Beautiful Ceramic Dishes”. 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm – All guests will be given the chance to take part in free classes for families; the workshops will include pottery and painting (china and cult figures). Historic art pieces presented within the temporary exhibition will serve as a source of inspiration for participants, who will be encouraged to take their creations home. Państwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne w Warszawie / State Ethnographic Museum 1 Kredytowa St. theme of this year’s Long Night of Museums, namely dance. It presents a priceless collection of folk dance maquettes, created for World Expo in Paris (1937). Polski Czerwony Krzyż (PCK) / Polish Red Cross 14 Mokotowska St. Please apply on-line, by contacting the organizer at Your e-mail should determine how many guests wish to participate in the event, as well as your preferred time of visit (organizers plan tours to start on an hourly basis; the first group of 15 enters at 7:00 pm, the last one at 10:00 pm). Polskie Stowarzyszenie Jazzowe / Polish Jazz Association 20 Chmielna St. / Krucza / Bracka / Krucza / Line D, J HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Polskie Radio / Polish Radio / Małachowskiego Sq. / Zachęta / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Wedding party at the Museum. On this night, the space of the Museum will turn into a great dance hall. Our guests will be invited to take part in a Polish Dance class and an Exotic Dance class, taught by experienced teachers from Warsaw dance schools. The Museum will present dances and dance choreographies which accompany wedding ceremonies in various parts of the world. There will also be film screenings organized, related with the night’s theme. An impressive interactive installation, prepared by Columbian musician and artist Alejandro Olarte, will be another highlight of The Long Night of Museums at The State Ethnographic Museum. Moreover, visitors will be given the chance to watch, inter alia, a newly opened temporary exhibition titled “Around the Table”, within which sacred corners in village houses from several regions of Poland will be presented, as well as an exhibition created within a project titled “Dowry”, and a collection of Easter eggs from the collection owned by Aleksandra and Arkadiusz Belica. Another great attraction will be the newest exhibition, organized in relation with the 125th anniversary of the Museum’s founding, titled “Celebration Time”. This project is the more relevant that one of its annexes regards the / Piękna / Krucza / Konstytucji Sq. / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Polish Red Cross invites visitors to participate in history lessons at the archives of PCK’s National Information and Search Office. It is a rare, yearly chance for people to see the backstage of the Office’s (established in 1919) activity, as well as an extraordinary occasion to get acquainted with original, unique documents. Visitors will be guided by Katarzyna Kubicius, Director of PCK’s Information and Search Office. Tours will include a presentation of, inter alia, original files of prisoners detained in concentration camps and prisons organised by Hitler, patient record books from hospitals active during the Warsaw Rising and other documents on the uprising, as well as death certificates of Poles who died during WW II in camps and prisons in Germany and Poland. Additional attractions: • Participants of The Long Night of Museums will be given the chance to fill in special search forms, which will then be used to check if the Office has any information on their relatives – and in case it does not, to take measures to determine their wartime lot. 72 Nowy Świat St. (Staszica Palace) • Ceramics in Chmielna. / Krakowskie Przedmieście (Kopernik statue) / Nowy Świat / Line K HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am On (Historic) Air. 90 Years of Polish Radio Great radio artists and their everlasting creations, against the background of everyday events, registered on air. Multimedia programme, with live commentary. Host: Waldemar Listowski, Director of the Polish Radio Archive. Authors: Małgorzata Barucka, Teresa Barucka. Collaboration: Joanna Mitko. Presentation with the use of archival recordings from the collection owned by the Polish Radio, complete with illustrations. Old-time artists related with Polish Radio (pre-war and post-war); individualities, whose renderings and hits lasted decades. The programme will be divided into 2 sessions (start: 7:30 pm): 8:00 pm – Beginnings of Polish radio. • Presentation of pre-medical first aid. 9:00 pm – Radio in post-war reality. • Exhibition of archival posters and photographs presenting PCK’s work. 10:00 pm – The role of a radio announcer over the years (guest: Andrzej Krusiewicz); mini-workshop for guests. Meeting for visitors ages 12 and older; groups of 15. In the programme: Famous Warsaw-based artist, Zofia Kosiorek (of Keramos Association/Stowarzyszenie Keramos) will present her works inspired by Indian ceramics. • Painting – exhibition-surprise. • Fortune-teller Verbena will make this night even more magical. Concerts: • Krzysztof Sadowski: pianist and composer, jazzman, sonic improviser (keyboard instruments), organizer of intentional music workshops in Puławy – accompanied by a guest... whose identity shall remain a surprise. • Rodnik (Spring): group who incessantly prove that Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians should sing together... The organizer encourages all guests to sing along with the artists. There will be various kinds of wine from different parts of the world waiting for guests. Przystanek Historia. Centrum Edukacyjne IPN im. Janusza Kurtyki 21/25 Marszałkowska St. / Zbawiciela Sq. / Zbawiciela Sq. / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am During the festival, the organizer will present history-themed board and card games – and not only those published by The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN). There will be something for everyone here: families with children, beginners who wish to spend a pleasant evening with their friends, and old-hands looking for the newest news. Along with best-selling games from the world over, there will also be some lesser-known games available for our guests. Apart from complex strategy games, IPN will also present titles recommended for players who are just starting their adventure with board games. Instructors will provide help in terms of selecting games and learning how to play. The evening will also include competitions with prizes for guests, tournaments, large-scale games and a rich array of board games for children. In order to convey the climate of insurgent Warsaw to guests, there will be a diorama presented in Bielańska Street by SHG Radosław Group, along with an exhibition of objects related with the history of the Group and the Uprising Redoubt. Visitors will be given the chance to taste dishes prepared by insurgent cooks, sew a white-and-red armband, sit on a barricade and take a close look at vehicles used during WW II. In the programme, inter alia: location-based game related with the Uprising, exhibition by Szymon Kobusiński (“Save from Oblivion”), exhibition dedicated to soldiers of Zośka Battalion and their heirs, JWK Lubliniec, screening of a documentary about a legendary Polish machine gun, “Lightning”, as well as an array of attractions for the youngest visitors. Reduta Banku Polskiego, ob. Wojskowe Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe / Military Trade Company 4/6/8 Wiejska St. 18B Daniłowiczowska St. / Senatorska / Canaletta / Bankowy Sq. / Line F, G / Teatralny Sq. / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / Sejm / Wiejska / Matejki / Piękna / Wiejska / Line J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Open Day at The Sejm. Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / The Senate of The Republic of Poland 4/6/8 Wiejska St. Learn about the history of fights in Bielańska Street in August 1944. For the first time, Military Trade Company and SGH Radosław Group invite everybody to visit the pre-war seat of Bank Polski in Bielańska/Daniwołiczowska Street. Nowadays, there is the Uniform Centre of the Military Trade Company located here. During the Warsaw Rising, fierce fights took place here, in the famous redoubt of Bank Polski. On The Long Night of Museums, the building will open its doors for the public, allowing visitors the chance to visit historic spaces which on a daily basis remain beyond their reach. / Wiejska / Matejki / Piękna / Wiejska / Line J HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Guests will be given the chance to take a look at the Plenary Chamber of the Senate, lobby, Committees’ session rooms (where photographs and souvenirs will be displayed, received from families of deceased Marshals of the Senate of The Republic of Poland (Andrzej Stelmachowski and August Chełkowski) and Vice-Marshal Zbigniew Romaszewski. Guests will be given the chance to watch an exhibition as well, titled “80th Death Anniversary of Józef Piłsudski”, prepared by the Military Centre for Education, along with another one, titled “Silesian Uprisings”, organized by the Museum of Silesian Uprisings. 10:00 pm – Maciejewski Variations: Maciej Fortuna – trumpet, Krzysztof Dys – grand piano. Spacery po Warszawie / Guided strolls meeting point: Mikołaj Kopernik statue, Krakowskie Przedmieście HOURS: 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm All visitors will be verified regarding pyrotechnic materials possession. Skwer – Filia Centrum Artystycznego Fabryka Trzciny / Skwer 60A Krakowskie Przedmieście HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am “Mon Chéri Paris” – exhibition of photographs by Justyna Radzymińska. When it seemed that Paris had been presented in every possible way already, this exhibition may turn out surprising. The author openly warns, that those who expect another showcase of historic buildings may feel disappointed. Justyna Radzymińska – master of black-and-white portrait. In love with Paris, French language and culture. Laureate of numerous photography awards. Founder and owner of Camera Work Studio artistic atelier in Warsaw. Author of five individual exhibitions. • Concert within “Dux Brzmi w Trzcinie” – specially for The Long Night of Museums! The concert will present three albums issued by DUX: 7:00 pm – Trumpet Song. Sławomir Cichor – trumpet. 8:30 pm – “Seven Stairs to Hell” Walarowski Trio: Marek Walarowski – grand piano, Jędrzej Łaciak – acoustic bass guitar, Michał Dziewiński – percussion. Strolls will be guided by city tour guides from the Polish Tourism and Sightseeing Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Turystyczno – Krajoznawcze, PTTK). They will allow participants to get acquainted with people who have created the history and climate of our city, as well as present how Warsaw has changed over centuries. The route includes Krakowskie Przedmieście Street, The Old Town and The New Town. Stacja Muranów 13 Andersa St. (Skwer Tekli Bądarzewskiej) / Andersa / Anielewicza / Nalewki-Muzeum / Line A, F HOURS: 6:00 pm – 2:00 am “See the Invisible” by Bartosz Bobkowski – exhibition opening. Stacja Muranów invites to the opening of a photo exhibition showcasing works by the famous photographer Bartosz Bobkowski. The works were created within a social campaign titled “See the Invisible”, organized by The Institute of Public Affairs. The exhibition showcases photos of women hailing from various cultural backgrounds, for whom Poland became their second home. The heroines are women of different ages, with different experiences and different professions. However, each and every one of them is extraordinary. The evening will also include a live concert of ethnic music. Guests will be invited to taste delicious cuisine characteristic for various regions of the world. The exhibition is part of a social campaign supporting female immigrants in Poland, entitled “See the Invisible”. The project is dedicated to bringing attention of the public to the situation of female immigrants working and living in Poland. The photographs were taken by Bartosz Bobkowski, who has collaborated with Gazeta Wyborcza daily for fourteen years now. He is the author of numerous photo shoots and photo reportages. Dozens of his works have been published on covers of Polish magazines and newspapers, such as Newsweek, Polityka and Gazeta Wyborcza, to name but a few. He is a multiple laureate of prestigious press photography competitions (e.g. Grand Press Photo, BZWBK Press Photo). Stara Galeria ZPAF / ZPAF Stara Gallery 8 Zamkowy Sq. / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Icelandic photographs, within the 8th Warsaw Art Photography Festival 2015 [WFFA 2015]: • “Re-looking of Icelanandic Landscape” Artists: Ivar Brynjolfsson, Katrin Elvarsdottir, Pétur Thomsen, Haraldur Johnsson, Inga Sólveig Fridjonsdottir, Spessi, Ingvar Högni, Einar Falur, Bjargey Ólafsdóttir. Joint exhibition touching on issues related with Icelandic landscape, at which photographers of the middle and mature generations took another look. The Icelandic creators ponder on a cosmic landscape, with framed, Scandinavian architectural structures and achievements of contemporary civilisation. Posing questions regarding the limits of transformation imposed by the man on nature, in landscapes oftentimes devoid of beauty, they unveil views from which solitude, desertion and detachment emanate. • Petur Thompsen “Imported Landscape” The series titled Imported Landscape is a touching and disturbing testimony of changes taking place in relation with man’s interventions in nature, attempts at “taming” it, adapting it to our own needs, demonstrating domination over nature or separating ourselves from it. Stara Prochownia Stołecznego Centrum Edukacji Kulturalnej / Stara Prochownia Gallery 2 Boleść St. / Wybrzeże Gdańskie / Sanguszki / Krasińskich Sq. / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am “Portraits” by Łukasz Zbroja. The exhibition will present portraits, which are what I’ve been dedicating most of my time to, recently. Among them, self-portraits stand out, as they allow for more in-depth observations of the model I find closest to me. All works are oil paintings. Stare Miasto wieczorową porą / The Old Town at Nighttime meeting point: Kolumna Zygmunta III Wazy HOURS: 7:00 pm – 0:30 am The Old Town at Nighttime – guided strolls. Throughout the night, three strolls will take place, starting at 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm. The strolls take about 1,5 h. Guide: Marcin Strachota. Stołeczne Centrum Edukacji Kulturalnej im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej / Warsaw Cultural Education Center 4 Jezuicka St. / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: Exhibition finissage: “With a Live Blade in Hand” – works by Michał Piotrkowicz at Abakus Gallery. 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Vocal music – concert (Conference Hall). 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Marta Schwaizer’s vocal recital (Conference Hall). 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm – Samurai fencing show (Conference Hall). Studium Europy Wschodniej / Centre for East European Studies University of Warsaw, 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Traugutta / Zachęta / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight This year, The Long Night of Museums at the Centre for East European Studies will be related with the 25th anniversary of its creation. Therefore, an exhibition of photographs has been prepared, presenting the most important events organized by the Centre over the course of the last quarter of a century. The exhibition will be showcased in an alley leading to the Old Library of the University, within the Main Campus. The Centre for East European Studies will present itself as a scientific unit, in two tents. In one of them, there will be a stand set up, providing promotional materials (roll-ups, leaflets, banners, folders, etc.). There will also be a presentation screened and special materials presented, related with the Centre. The other tent will belong to the Centre’s School of Eastern Languages. The School will present promotional materials, and there will be also calligraphy lessons organized for children and adults, taught by the staff, as well as demonstration lessons and individual conversations. The highlight of the evening will be dance workshops and a Georgian dance show, to take place at Auditorium Maximum. Synagoga im. Nożyków / The Nożyk Synagogue 6 Twarda St. / Grzybowski Sq. / Grzybowski Sq. / Line E, G / Świętokrzyska metro station / Line B, D, E, F, G, J, K HOURS: 10:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: 10:14 pm – Havdalah (prayer concluding the Sabbath). 10:30 pm – Short concert by Szir Awiw Jewish choir. 10:40 pm – Lecture by a guide. midnight – Lecture by a guide (second round). Due to the Sabbath, the doors will be opened at 10:00 pm. Visitors are kindly asked to observe safety measures and not bring large backpacks into the Synagogue. • Berliner – historic tram – Open for visitors, who will be invited to rest inside for a while, and go back in time. Men are asked to bring their own headgear. Our Warsaw restaurant will serve traditional Warsaw tasty dishes, at very attractive prices. Teatr Kamienica / Kamienica Theatre 93 Solidarności Av. / “Solidarności” Av. / Andersa / Bankowy Sq. / Line F, G HOURS: 10:00 pm till the last guest leaves In the programme: 11:00 pm – “At Fat Josek’s – ball in Gnojna Street“ (Oficyna Stage). “Lucky 60” are a dance-vocal group from Warsaw, created by friends who date back to their student times. Now, many years later, they decided to return to their passions, play, sing, dance and entertain the public together. On The Long Night of Museums, they will present a comedy show titled At Fat Josek’s – ball in Gnojna Street, which will convey the specific ambiance of pre-war Warsaw, the environment of Warsaw wanglers, shady characters and members of upper classes. Midnight – 1:00 am – Screenings of films about the Warsaw Rising, directed by Andrzej Kałuszko. Teatr WARSawy (d. kino Wars) / Teatr WARSawy Theatre 5/7 Rynek Nowego Miasta / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 8:30 pm – midnight On The Long Night of Museums in Warsaw, 16th May, we will celebrate the second birthday of Teatr WARSawy. On this occasion, we are opening our theatre’s door widely, and inviting you inside! We invite you to traditional tours of the theatre and chilling out on loungers. See you at the New Thinking Market! Teatr Wielki – Opera Narodowa / Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera 1 Teatralny Sq. / Senatorska / Canaletta / Teatralny Sq. / Line E HOURS: 9:00 pm – 1:00 am It is a series of images portraying popular theatre, film and revue actresses and actors, photographed by the artist between 1929 and 1939. The exhibition will give guests the chance to get acquainted with canons of beauty observed in the 1930s, as well as learn about fashion in those times. The greatest asset of this exhibition is the selection of photographs, many of which were chosen by the artist (laureate of numerous awards in Poland and abroad, i.a. the international Honoraire Excellence F.I.A.P., 1968) more than forty years ago, for an exhibition documenting his creative oeuvre in the field of artistic portrait photography (ZPAF Gallery, 1974). The Theatre Museum purchased this valuable collection thanks to financial support from Włada Majewska, who was a singer, member of Lviv Joyful Wave, emigrant actress, close collaborator of Marian Hemar; she was also announcer on Radio Free Europe. • The exhibition will be accompanied by a concert by Uphill Theatre Association, titled “Włada, it befits!”. Pre-war hits will be presented by Stanisław Górka, Monika Świtaj and Wojciech Machnicki. Accompaniment: Zbigniew Rymarz. The concerts will take place at 10:00 pm, 11:00 pm and at midnight. Uniwersytet Muzyczny Fryderyka Chopina / The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music 2 Okólnik St. • Exhibition (Column Hall and Bottle Hall). • Presentation of a mock-up, depicting pre-war Warsaw (Mock-Up Hall). • There will be a printing press available for visitors in Warszaw Basement, allowing them to design their own t-shirt. Every guest visiting Kamienica Theatre on The Long Night of Museums will receive a commemorative t-shirt. The t-shirts will be distributed for free, thanks to PZU’s support (Golden Patron of the Theatre). In the programme: • “The World of Stars and Fashion of Pre-war Warsaw, through B.J Dorys’s Lens” The Theatre Museum at Teatr Wielki-Polish National Opera invites visitors on The Long Night of Museums to Redutowe Rooms of the Theatre, where an exceptionally interesting collection of photographic portraits and advertisement photos by Benedykt Jerzy Dorys will be presented. / Nowy Świat / Warecka / Nowy Świat / Line K HOURS: 6:00 pm – 2:00 am Yearly Student Carnival Night at The University of Music combines these student celebrations with The Long Night of Museums. Students will invite visitors to take an inside look at their school, and it will be one of few chances for guests to visit this extraordinary university at nighttime. Choir, orchestra and soloists performing during this night will present the most famous film music pieces composed by Krzesimir Dębski (UMFC Doctor), and the whole school will be available for visitors. Guests will be invited to get acquainted with installations created by students of the Inter-University Multimedia Programme. Uniwersytet Warszawski / University of Warsaw 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście / Krakowskie Przedmieście / Traugutta / Zachęta / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am On The Long Night of Museums at the University of Warsaw, an illumination of the central campus is planned. The evening will also include music and artistic programmes performed by University bands. Live radio transmission will be broadcast from the campus, visitors will be given the chance to take a photo – to keep as a souvenir, the youngest ones will be invited to play in a specially designed kids zone. Guests will be encouraged to send a commemorative postcard, to addresses even as far away as the other end of the world. There will also be an eating space at the campus, where guests will be invited to take a break for a moment. And even more additional attractionssurprises are planned! Warszawa socrealistyczna w Noc Muzeów / Socialist Realism in Warsaw by the monument to General de Gaulle (Rondo de Gaulle’a) HOURS: 7:00 pm – 0:30 am Socialist Realism in Warsaw – guided strolls. Throughout the night, three strolls will take place, starting at 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm. Each stroll will take about 1,5 h. Guide: Monika Rybarczyk. Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii i Grafiki Projektowej / Warsaw School of Photography and Graphic Design 14 Łazienkowska St. / Rozbrat / Myśliwiecka / Rozbrat / Line J HOURS: 6:00 pm – 0:30 am In the programme: 6:30 pm – 00:30 am – Exhibition: “11:15 to Amsterdam”. The project presents 38 photographs, and wraps up open-air workshops attended by students and graduates; works depict everyday life of people living in The Netherlands. 6:30 pm – 0:30 am – Exhibition of graphic art and posters by students of the Warsaw School of Photography and Graphic Design. 6:30 pm – 0:30 am – “Art” – project-exhibition. Works by foreign students, with the use of newspapers, stencils with typography elements and symbols characteristic for their culture, combined with free-flow spray painting. 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Lecture by Prof. Marian Schmidt, Director of the Warsaw School of Photography and Graphic Design: “Ways of Looking at Works of Art”. 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm – Workshops: professional photo scanning. Participants will learn how to get the highest quality of graphic files created by means of scanning photographs, films and negatives. Workshops will be taught by Karol Bagiński. 9:30 pm – 0:30 am – Film screening: “Super Unit“ – documentary, dir. Teresa Czepiec, produced in Poland Run time: 20 min. The film will be screened throughout the night, alternately with another documentary. 9:30 pm – 0:30 am – “When I Am a Bird” – documentary, dir. Monika Pawluczuk, produced in Poland. Run time: 30 min. The film will be screened throughout the night, alternately with another documentary. problems waiting for visitors, the experience will definitely be one they will remember for a long time. The event will allow guests a closer look at an architect’s work. They will learn about how a proper organization of elements of a building and its interiors makes them more user-friendly, and just how many factors architects must take into consideration when designing a building. Guests are invited to visit the seat of the Faculty of Architecture, get acquainted with all of its nooks and crannies, and spend time in a garden, isolated from traffic noise. Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki / Zachęta National Gallery of Art 3 Małachowskiego Sq. 55 Koszykowa St. / Konstytucji Sq. / Konstytucji Sq. / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 3:00 am In 2015, the Faculty of Architecture celebrates the 100th anniversary of its activity. The Long Night of Museums will give visitors the chance to get acquainted with less serious aspects of architects’ work. Guests will see for themselves just how great fun it is to shape space. Thanks to an array of installations, exhibits and ergonomic • Exhibition: “Truth Beauty Goodness. From the Zachęta Collection”. Venue: Count Raczyński Tenement House, 2 Małachowskiego Square. 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Workshops: “Enlighten Me! Lightrecycling”. Limited number of participants (18+ or accompanied by an adult carer), workshop hall. 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Małachowskiego Square will be illuminated by Organic Lighting. Concert: Warsaw Laptop Orchestra. Zamek Królewski / The Royal Castle 4 Zamkowy Sq. / Małachowskiego Sq. / Zachęta / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am We will watch the documentaries courtesy of Wajda Studio. Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej / Warsaw University of Technology (Faculty of Architecture) • Exhibition: “Tamy Ben-Tor Miki Carmi. Young Emerging Artists Eating and Fucking”. In the programme: • Exhibition: “Cannibalism? On Appropriation in Art”. The exhibition touches on such issues as appropriations, borrowing, processing, remixing and sampling of culture; in English, all of these actions are most often referred to as “appropriation art”. This creative strategy has been used by artists since the avant-garde times of the beginning of the 20th century. Works presented at Zachęta are showcased in a historic context – starting with the most famous pieces dating back to the late 1970s, and ending with contemporary creative practices. The exhibition poses questions related with the problem of originality, copies and reproduction, appropriation of works in the light of copyright; finally, it also touches on the issue of utmost importance, namely artistic freedom. / Miodowa / Kapucyńska / Kapitulna / Line E / Stare Miasto / Line G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: In the Castle The Great Apartment, King’s Apartment (Great Assembly Hall, Knights’ Hall, Throne Room, King’s Bedchamber, Canaletto Room), The Parliamentary Chambers – including the Senators’ Chamber, where on 3rd May 1791 the Constitution was enacted. Temporary exhibitions: • “St. Stanisław’s (1765–1831) Order. On the 250th Anniversary of the Order’s Establishment”. • Documents from the Polish Library of Paris. • “Castle Archaeological Discoveries. The Castle: The Unknown Story” – outdoor stand board exhibition (Great Courtyard). At the Copper-Roof Palace • Apartment of Prince Joseph Poniatowski. • Exhibition: “Oriental Carpets from Teresa Sahakian’s Collection” (Apartment of Prince Joseph Poniatowski). The Kubicki Arcades 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm – Special guided tours of The Great Apartment and King’s Apartment for groups, in sign language. The Royal Castle invites visitors to take part in numerous, specially prepared attractions, to be held at The Royal Castle, the Copper-Roof Palace, and at The Kubicki Arcades. Invite only. 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Tours of the Gardens of the Royal Castle (provided it is not raining). 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm – Special guided tours of the exhibition “The Unpainted Jew in the Land of Canaan” – visitors accompanied by the curator of the exhibition. 9:00 pm – “Freemansonry and Popular Culture. How the 19th and 20th Century Perceived Freemasonry” – lecture by Professor Tadeusz Cegielski, Masonic Lodge. 7:00 pm – “Ghosts of Swedish Soldiers: Archaeologist and Anthropologist on the Trail of Castle Skeletons” – lecture by custodian Rafał Mroczek, Masonic Lodge. 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm – “Scary Fairy Tale: About A Princess Who Could Not Cry, based on Bolesław Leśmian’s Works” – activities for children ages 3–6. 8:00 pm – “Heroines, Leading Ladies, Trollops, Dragons: Women of Polish Theatre” – literary meetings. 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm – “Old Chest’s Stories: About Past Things” – activities for children ages 8–12. Stage of the Museum of JazZ Jazz concerts + exhibition of the collection owned by the Museum of Jazz (instruments, outfit elements, photographs, posters, records, record covers). Organizer: Museum of Jazz. • Exhibition of artistic calendars by Gedeon Richter. • PZU Zone (official Insurance Company of The Royal Castle in Warsaw). Żydowski Instytut Historyczny / Jewish Historical Institute 3/5 Tłomackie St. / “Solidarności” Av. / Andersa / Bankowy Sq. / Line F, G HOURS: 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm 8:15 pm – “The Great Absent” – light-and-music installation commemorating The Great Synagogue of Warsaw in Tłomackie Street. Exactly 72 years ago, at the end of the uprising in Warsaw ghetto, the Germans blew up the most imposing shul of Jewish Warsaw, The Great Synagogue in Tłomackie Street. In order to honour the memory of this place, and the community related with it – world-famous cantors and rabbis from Tłomackie Street – a 10-minute-long presentation of a light-and-music installation will begin. The event will take place in the seat of the Jewish Historical Institute, which – pre-war – used to be the Synagogue Library. For 10 minutes – just for a moment – the project will visualize the great history of The Great Synagogue. Author: Marcin Lenarczyk, visualisation: Kolektyw Malarze. Throughout the evening, two exhibitions will be on show: “Salvaged. Collection of Painting, Drawing, Sculpture from the Collections of the Jewish Historical Institute (1890–1939)” and “After the Holocaust. The Central Committee of Polish Jews in Poland (1944–1950)”. Guided tours of the exhibition will start at 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm and 10:00 pm. Dom Kultury Świt / Świt Community Centre Park Rzeźby na Targówku / Sculpture Park in Targówek 11 Wysockiego St. Park Bródnowski / Bartnicza HOURS: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm The night will offer a selection of events related with the history and culture of Bródno. On The Long Night of Museums at Świt Community Centre, guests will watch photographs of Bródno dating back to various historical periods, as well as a multimedia presentation titled “Multicultural Bródno”, which is a stroll through pre-war streets of Bródno. They will also meet the originators of an album titled “Bródno. Generation of the Polish People’s Republic”. It will be the first official presentation of the album. Dom Kultury Zacisze / Zacisze Community Centre 1 Blokowa St. / Radzymińska / Tużycka / Tużycka HOURS: 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm “Sea, Land and Air. Battles: from Ramses’ chariots to General Maczek’s tanks” Historic board games, with the use of DIY models. Try your hand at battle strategies in various historic periods. Workshops: model-making and DIY figures for board games. Jacek Bajer – experienced (30+ years) teacher of children and youth. Passionate about military micro-model making, creating and painting figures, and mock-up battles. At Zacisze Community Centre, Jacek Bajer runs the Uhlan Micro-modelling and Strategic Games Studio. / Ratusz Dzielnicy Targówek / Targówek – Ratusz HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight Targówek District and the Museum of Modern Art invite everybody to participate in an extraordinary tour of the Sculpture Park in Bródno. Visitors coming from the centre of Warsaw will be able to get to the park by bus – there will be a special artistic Golden Bus available, called “Dreamer”, created by Paweł Althamer. The bus will go from the Museum of Modern Art to the Sculpture Park twice. The evening will feature additional artistic events: concerts, workshops, guided tours and Golden Gondola rides. Biuro Udostępniania i Archiwizacji Dokumentów Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej / The Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance 21 Kłobucka St. / Central Park Ursynów (Kłobucka St.) / Taborowa HOURS: 5:30 pm – 1:00 am Tours of the Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance (inter alia: file storage room, file reading room, conservation studio, audiovisual studio). Visitors will be given the chance to take a look at exemplary archive materials and watch a photography exhibition. The event includes elements of a happening. The evening is themed, dedicated to traditional celebrations of the 1st May in the Polish People’s Republic, and the anniversary of the passage of the 3rd of May Constitution. Galeria Blue-S / Blue-S Gallery 28 Bociania St. / Puławska / Pileckiego / Poleczki HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight Blue-S Gallery invites inhabitants of Ursynów (but not only) to visit the gallery on The Long Night of Museums. It will be an ethereal journey through the richness of various styles and compositions. Among presented works by Polish and Ukrainian masters, there will be pieces by Tomasz Sętowski, Alexander Dobrodiy, Zdzisław Majrowski-Meyro, Gennadiy Tishchenko and Jaroslav Kachmar. The exhibition presents a variety of styles applied by artists from our region of Europe. From hyper-realistic Dutch-style still life works, to impressionism to surrealism to magic realism and most emotional abstractions. Urząd Dzielnicy Ursynów Warszawy / Ursynów Town Hall 61 Komisji Edukacji Narodowej Av. / / Imielin metro station HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Our project fits into the international project named The Long Night of Museums, which creates extraordinary possibilities for meetings of inhabitants of particular cities with activities of various cultural institutions. On this one night in the year, these institutions offer their collections to visitors for free, and late into the night. Throughout this evening, people – oftentimes overly busy and having no time to go to a museum – visit venues they are not familiar with, ones they have forgotten about, or some which are unavailable for them on other days of the year. In many cases, whole families participate in the event. Apart from museums, also other institutions join in, eager to present their activity and offer an array of attractions to their guests. On The Long Night of Museums in Ursynów, we wish to not only proudly present our parks, libraries, community centres, galleries and cultural activities undertaken by parishes of Ursynów district, but also showcase the creative oeuvre of our inhabitants. Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie / The Museum of King John III Palace in Wilanów 10/16 Stanisława Kostki Potockiego St. of secrets hidden in paintings from Stanisław Kostka Potocki’s collection, discovered by employees during conservatory works, as well as about technical aspects of marquetry. The employees will share practical tips for taking care of wooden furniture at home. 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – “Fairy tales at the Palace”. / Przyczółkowa / Wilanowska Av. / Wilanów / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am The Long Night of Museums in Wilanów is not only a chance for guests to visit the Palace for free and to admire rich art collections but also to take part in numerous workshops and shows. This year, the organizer encourages guests to get acquainted with the collections’ history, and learn about their creators, individual show-pieces and ways in which they are shared with the society. We will be transported to the times of great collectors, thanks to a culinary show dedicated to flavours of Polish cuisine at the turn of the 18th and 19th century, as well as a fashion show titled “Stylish collections”. In the programme: Palace 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Nighttime tours of the Palace. Last visitors admitted at 0:30 am. Ground floor available for people with disabilities. 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – “Palace Raconteurs”. In several of the palace’s chambers, employees of the museum and volunteers will talk to guests about collectors and the collection of priceless works of art gathered in the museum. The Wilanów Raconteurs invite guests for a discussion about historic pieces which usually escape visitors’ attention, when they take a tour of the museum. On The Long Night of Museums, they will be given the chance to listen to stories Employees of the Museum will read two fairy tales for the youngest visitors (in Polish): “Pieniek Opens a Museum” and “Where Is the Otter?”. The youngsters will learn about what is needed when opening one’s own museum, and what a custodian’s work involve. Together with Papusieńka, Fanfanik or Minionek, the children will go and look for the missing otter, Robak. 7:00 pm – midnight – “Lost Museum” multimedia presentation (White Hall). 7:00 pm – midnight – Book Fair. Wilanów books. The Museum invites guests to get acquainted with publications issued by the Museum of King John III Palace in Wilanów. On this special day, the organizer offers attractive discounts. Without a doubt, everybody will find an interesting book for themselves. 9:00 pm – “Stylish Collections” (fashion show). Girls from Wilanów Debutante Boarding School will present outfits from the times of The Duchy of Warsaw, as well as contemporary designs, inspired by flowers of Wilanów. Carriage House 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm – All kinds of information on roses. “In the King’s flowerbed” – workshops for families with children ages 3 and older. With the use of ultra-modern technologies, the Museum will present cultural treasures which used to be held within Polish collections once, but have been irrevocably lost as a result of historic turmoil. What do York Family and Lancaster Family have in common with the King’s residence and where in the garden one may find references to these feuding families? Main Courtyard 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm – “Calligraphic Herbarium” – workshops for youth, adults and children ages 7 and older. 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm – Culinary Grand Tour: Polish cuisine in the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. During this year’s Long Night of Museums at The Museum of King John III Palace in Wilanów, we will talk about cuisine back in times when Wilanów was owned by Stanisław Kostka Potocki, and about the ways in which culinary habits of those times differed from the famous Sarmarian traditions. Chef Maciej Nowicki invites visitors for short culinary show (7:30 pm, 8:30 pm, 9:30 pm). 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm – Łukasz Biczyński’s Extraordinary Collection (presentation). This presentation of an armament collection from the turn of the 18th and 19th century will allow guests to trace the development of weaponry and military formations over the course of centuries. Pergola (by the entrance to the park) 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm – “Greetings from Wilanów!” Collectors postcards (workshops for families with children ages 3 and over). Participants will be given the chance to learn about the history of selected objects from the collection of the Museum of King John III Place in Wilanów. They will play the role of art collectors, who have an extraordinary chance to choose out of provided photographs the ones which they believe depict the most valuable pieces owned by the Museum, and create a unique collectors postcard. It will also be a nice chance for visitors to learn about scrapbooking, and to calligraph greetings from Wilanów with the use of a quill. Educational games at the Carriage House and Pergola will be translated into sign language, and there will also be educators present, providing audio description. Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie / Poster Museum in Wilanów 10/16 Stanisława Kostki Potockiego St. / Przyczółkowa / Wilanowska Av. / Wilanów / Line B HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am In the programme: • “123... Polish contemporary posters worth remembering” - exhibition (Main Gallery). • “Andrzej Krajewski: posters, covers, illustrations” – exhibition (New Gallery). Fundacja Willa Jasny Dom / Willa Jasny Dom Foundation 2 Świerszcza St. / / PKP Włochy HOURS: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm / last entrance at 8:30 pm Bright House – one-time prison of the Main Directorate of Information of the Polish Army. From February 1945 to October 1945, Bright House (Jasny Dom) was the first Warsaw seat of the Main Directorate of Information of the Polish Army. In its basements, prison cells were located; interrogation rooms and offices were set up on other floors. Do come and see remnants of the past, still present in these one-time torture chambers. Biblioteka Publiczna w Dzielnicy Wola Warszawy / Public Library of Wola Gabinet Numizmatyczny Mennicy Polskiej / Mint of Poland’s Numismatic Cabinet 90 Solidarności Av. 11 Waliców St. (Aurum building) guests with physical disabilities are invited to use the Pereca St. entrance / „Solidarności” Av. / Żelazna / Wola-Ratusz HOURS: 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm Pippi Longstocking – Everybody’s Friend. On the 70th anniversary of the publication of the first book about Pippi, the Public Library of Wola district has prepared numerous themed attractions. The organizer wishes to make young Readers acquainted with the extraordinary heroine, and invite them to get lost in the story. Whole families are invited to join in on the fun. Among numerous attractions prepared specially for this night, there will be family games and competitions, as well as book readings. Participants will be invited to mini theatre workshops; after reading an excerpt from a book about Pippi, children will use spoons to create the characters and then, together with parents, they will create a short play. Pippi’s adventures will be also read by invited guests, as well as the Library’s employees. Moreover, visitors will be encouraged to take part in extraordinary competitions and circus tricks. Everybody who decides to participate in workshops will be given the chance to create Mr. Nilsson – Pippi’s Monkey. There will be also a special spot set up, where children will be given the chance to turn into Pippi – thanks to costumes and make up. And the most interesting outfit will be selected. Programme: 4:00 pm – Happening on the Library’s terrace. 5:30 pm – Edyta Jungowska reads books. 8:00 pm – Concert. / Grzybowska / Żelazna / Mennica / Line F HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight Numismatic Cabinet invites visitors to watch its permanent exhibition and take part in the opening of a temporary exhibition dedicated to the creative output of Józef Markiewicz-Nieszcz. The organizer invites to the first showcase of the artist’s works in thirty years. The project was prepared in collaboration with his family. Józef Markiewicz-Nieszcz – Medallist, sculptor and poet, one of the most prominent Polish artists of the second half of the 20th century. Laureate of numerous awards in Poland and abroad. His works are held in collections owned by museums and private collectors the world over. His work titled “First Food” became world-famous when the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome selected it as the symbol of its XXX Conference; it was placed, i.a., on a dedicated medal. Traditionally, every visitor will receive a commemorative token minted on a 19th-century coin press. This year, the design of the token is related with the creative oeuvre of J.Markiewicz-Nieszcz. Information for collectors: the Mint will be giving away a limited amount of themed tokens (70th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino). Just like every year, interesting merchandise produced by the Mint will be offered at special prices. Galeria Fundacji Ars Artium / Arsartium Foundation Gallery 16 Burakowska St. / C.H. Arkadia / rondo Zgrupowania „Radosław” HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight “Discovered/Undiscovered” – exhibition. The exhibition at BETA 16 Gallery will present a selection of works from its collection, including pieces by Andrzej Nowacki, Bronisław Kierzkowski, Jerzy Grochocki, Aleksander Roszkowski, Kajetan Sosnowski, Stefan Krygier and Teresa Panasiuk. of Media Art of the Academy of Fine Arts and Ney Gallery, will host ten artists; ten creative personalities. The result of our meeting will come in the form of a variety of visual ideas and media, from oil paintings, acrylic paintings, watercolours, drawings and photographs to silicate techniques and mosaics. Muzeum Gazownictwa / The Museum of Gas Industry 25 Kasprzaka St. / Szpital Wolski HOUR: 7:00 pm / next entrance at: 8:30 pm, 10:00 pm, 11:30 pm Miód Malina Studio 7/3 Spokojna St. / Jana Pawła II Av. / Stawki / Powązkowska HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight “Outcome” – confrontation of painters ten years post graduation. Round anniversaries are good for recaps; 2015 marks the 10th anniversary of our graduation from the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. It is for us a pretext for an artistic reunion, confrontation of our artistic paths – both with one another and of our current artistic interests with what we used to concentrate on while still studying. Within The Long Night of Museums, spacious interiors of Miód Malina Photographic Studio will be transformed into an exhibition room, and Spokojna Street will be pulsating with life. The historic tenement house (dating back to 1903) in which the studio is located, near the Faculty In the programme: • Stroll around the Museum’s historic premises (ca. 25 minutes): “Industrial architecture from the turn of the 19th century”, Memorial site. • Film Screening (ca. 20 minutes): “The history of gas industry in Warsaw”. • Tour of the museum’s exhibition (ca. 25 minutes): “Beauty and charm of gaslights”, “Technological equipment and museum’s collection”, “Oil lamp collection: a source of light and interior decoration”. • Tour of temporary exhibitions (mezzanine; ca. 25 minutes): Aanniversary exhibition of paintings by Maria Wollenberg-Kluza, “Searching and Extracting Shale Gas in Poland”, Distinctions and prizes won by PGNiG S.A. • Photographic competition: “Museum of Gas Industry through Your Lens by Night”. The competition is addressed to everybody interested in the topic, no matter their age. In order to take part, please send in one or more photographs related with this year’s edition. The deadline for submissions is 30th June 2015. The works will be presented in the form of an exhibition showcased at The Museum of Gas Industry; authors of selected works will be awarded with books. Opening of the exhibition to be announced by the organizer. Muzeum Kolejnictwa / Railway Museum 1 Towarowa St. (one-time Warszawa Główna train station) / Zawiszy Sq. / Zawiszy Sq. / Line F HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Main attractions of this year’s Long Night of Museums at the Railway Museum include: Bierut’s saloon-carriage, armour-plated carriage, SN52 railcar and other units which on a daily basis are unavailable to visitors. The evening will feature live music by City Brass Orchestra of the Volunteer Fire Department in Ełk. Moreover, specially for this night, a railbus will arrive at the Museum, delivered by Mazowieckie Railways, which our visitors will be invited to take a close look at, from the inside. There will also be a canteen available, where our guests will be able to buy a meal. Muzeum Nurkowania / Diving Museum 88 Grzybowska St. / Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego / Line A, F HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight In the programme: • Exhibition in the courtyard: “Women Wearing Classical Diving Suits, 1863–1960”. • In the courtyard: replica of a metal diving suit from the 18th century (usable). Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego / Warsaw Rising Museum Ministry of Public Security, located at the seat of the Ministry of Justice (11 Ujazdowskie Av.). “Niemen” – exhibition and meeting with Dominik Śmiałowski. 79 Grzybowska St. There will be a special moving exhibition presenting Warsaw in the 1950s – the hard post-war years: ”Warsaw – as seen by Gentlemen S. Stereoscopic Portrait of the Capital City in the 1950s, in Photographs by Z.Szczypka, Z.Siemaszko and L.Sempoliński”. Visitors will be given the chance to watch an exhibition dedicated to the outstanding composer and vocalist, Czesław Niemen. The exhibition will showcase about 30 photographs by extraordinary Polish creators, who had the pleasure of meeting and photographing Czesław Niemen. Ney Gallery&Prints will present photographs by the artist’s wife, Małgorzata Niemen, as well as works by Ryszard Horowitz, Krzysztof Gierałtowski, Chris Niedenthal, Lidia Popiel and Marek Karewicz. Each of the artists will present Czesław Niemen in their own, characteristic way. The photographs were taken, inter alia, in New York and Warsaw, both at organized photo shoots, during the artist’s professional projects and at private meetings of the photographers with the musician. Guests visiting the exhibition will be accompanied by music. / Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego / Line A, F HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight The event will be accompanied by a book fair, allowing guests to purchase the Museum’s publications. Partner of the event: Jazz Museum. “Youth of Stalinist Poland: Cursed Soldiers – Beatniks – Members of Union of Polish Youth” This year’s edition of The Long Night of Museums will be dedicated to various aspects of fighting for freedom in post-war Poland, in the most dreadful period of Stalin’s regime, that is 1945–1956. Organizers wish to present various attitudes towards the authorities of the Polish People’s Republic – presented by the youth of those times, and reflecting the stance of the society on the whole. In the 1950s, Poland was slowly rising from the wartime conflagration; Socialist reality was starting to shape – reconstruction of the country and fight for exerting power over people’s minds and souls were at full stretch. Socialist Realism was seeping into architecture, painting and art, and enemies of the system were sentenced to death, following trumped-up charges. Soldiers of the Polish Home Army and armed one-time Warsaw Insurgents fought the Sovietisation of the country, while in the cities the fight against Soviet propaganda was conducted with the use of music – jazz became a weapon in the fight for minds of the whole generation of the 1950s. The Warsaw Rising Museum has prepared a rich programme of events, including, i.a., a jazz concert, location-based game for children, meetings with jazzmen, lectures, culinary classes and film screenings. Visitors will be given a unique chance to take a tour of a one-time remand prison of the Muzeum Woli / Museum of Wola District 12 Srebrna St. / Żelazna / Złota / Zawiszy Sq. / Line F HOURS: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am “Warsaw – Home” / Bond The Museum of Wola District is located in a 19th-century building, once owned by the Sikorski family. The building endured and nowadays stands alone among blocks of flats. On The Long Night of Museums, it will once again turn into a family house. The family will be created by contemporary residents – migrants and trueborn Varsovians. How do we share responsibilities and privileges? Who holds the purse strings and pays the bills? Who makes preserves for the winter? Who is the householder? Come live with us. See what your role in the Varsovian family is. 7:00 pm – Ney Gallery&Prints invites for a meeting with Dominik Śmiałowski. The author will talk about his series of works titled “Scraps”, which will be presented at Ney Gallery&Prints starting 22nd May 2015. Ośrodek Dokumentacji i Badań Korczakianum / Korczakianum Centre for Documentation and Research 6 Jaktorowska St. / Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego / Line A, F HOURS: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm NEY Gallery&Prints 5 Spokojna St. / Jana Pawła II Av. / Stawki / Powązkowska HOURS: 6:00 pm – midnight “Micro-stories from Children’s House” / Soul It is an evening of stories about the life of pre-war Warsaw and Korczak’s Orphan House, which operated back then. Participants will be invited to take a tour, guided by the House’s main residents – children. Through their eyes, we will see the world of little, everyday things, out of which an authentic, living image of this extraordinary institution will emerge. Mosaic of memory, flashes of past Warsaw, contained in micro-stories... for the youngest ones and those slightly older alike. Pracownia Jaga Hupało Born to Create / Jaga Hupało Born to Create Studio 5/7 Burakowska St. / przed C.H. Arkadia / rondo Zgrupowania „Radosław” HOURS: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Year of Light 2015 In Jaga Hupało’s Born to Create Studio, in the Old Lace Factory at 5/7 Burakowska Street, a meeting with multidimensional art will take place. Within The Long Night of Museums, the organizer will present sixteen extraordinary, inspiring Artists, representing various forms of expression. Array of Artists: • Jaga Hupało – “-+-” (visual art). •Teatr Trans-Atlantyk – „Rose De Luxe”, dir. Paul Bargetto (live theatre). • Michał Fidecki & Jaga Hupało Create Team – “Neo.Cinderella” (live performance). • Sebastian Kobielski / Rascal Room Blog – “Chimera” (installation). • Ramona Rey – “Reymix Night Show”, feat. Tel Arana, Kama Giergoń (koncert). • Tomasz TJFK Kuczma – “Live visuals” (installation). • Peperski – “00:59 Performanz“ (live performance). • Ismena Dąbrowska, Kinga Nowicka / – „The Multiple Faces of Beauty – Is the Fashion Business Ready for Changes?” (presentation/lecture). • Bartek Szmigulski – „Shadows of fashion” (fashion photography). • Patryk Bułhak – „Untitled” (photography). • Piotr Serafin – „XY – urban attraction” (fashion photography). • Mateusz Suda – „Deconstruction of fashion” (illustrations). • TinBoy by Łukasz Majewski – „5+” (graphics). • Jarosław Filipczak – „Pikczersy” (drawings). • Antonia Wolff – „Spóźnieni” (album premiere). • Paweł Juzwuk – Mixtura, DJ SET. Bulwary Wiślane In the programme: 2 Wybrzeże Gdyńskie St. (between Gdański Bridge and Spójna St.) Presentations: HOURS: 7:00 pm – midnight “Associations” – sculpture & installation unveiling by the River Vistula. Unveiling of Maurycy Gomulicki’s sculpture – “Glide” and Jakub Woynarowski’s installation entitled “Splendor Solis”. Associations is a series of six concrete installations, sculptures and small architectural objects, which in May and June 2015 will be unveiled on the left bank of the River Vistula in Warsaw. Thanks to the projects’ experimental form and their location amidst trees and by the water, concrete will gain new meanings and, instead of dominating, it will start a dialogue with its surroundings. 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm – Contemporary fencing. 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm – Kendo – Samurai martial art. 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm – Judo (feat. Paweł Nastula). 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Safety town in front of the Olympic Centre. Meetings: 8:30 pm – 11:00 pm – Meeting with Olympic athlete Aleksandra Socha (ground floor). 9:30 pm – 10:00 pm – Meeting with participants of Selma Expedition cruise (cinema auditorium). 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Meeting with Wojciech Pasieczny – Road Safety Expert (in front of the building). 7:00 pm – 2:00 am – exhibitions: • “The History of Polish Sport and Olympism” – permanent exhibition. • “Railwaymen: On Your Marks” – temporary exhibition. Following Maurycy Gomulicki’s and Jakub Woynarowski’s works, there will be also creations by Jan Sukiennik, Jakub Szczęsny, Rafał Dominik and Łukasz Jastrubczak presented within the series. • Exhibition of sailing photography. Muzeum Sportu i Turystyki / Museum of Sports and Tourism 54 Mickiewicza St. 4 Wybrzeże Gdyńskie St. / Wybrzeże Gdyńskie (Cytadela) / Centrum Olimpijskie / Line E HOURS: 7:00 pm – 2:00 am / last entrance at 1:30 am 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm – Exhibition of historic race cars – in front of the building. Studio Formy Graficzne / Formy Graficzne Studio / Potocka (in front of the swimming pool) / Marymont-Potok HOURS: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Exhibition of photographs by Jakub Sandecki: “Portraits of Morocco” – colourful portraits of Moroccan people, created during the author’s Moroccan journey. Works created in 2010, traditional 6 x 7 slide film. Never before exhibited. Formy Graficzne Studio in Żoliborz opened in June 2013. This year’s exhibition is the venue’s first project within The Long Night of Museums. Warsztat Artystyczny / Komeda’s Żoliborz Artistic Workshop 18 Krasińskiego St. / Słowackiego / Filarecka / Suzina HOURS: 6:00 pm – 1:00 am On The Long Night of Museums, there will be a mural created, inspired by the life and creative activity of Krzysztof Komeda. The artist lived and worked in Żoliborz district. The action will initiate a series of events related with graffiti at the Workshop, aiming to liven up the one-time “artistic” Żoliborz. The organizers wish to show how many important artists and creators used to live in this district, and how many live here nowadays, working actively to make Żoliborz “artistic” not by name merely. It is also the organizer’s desire to invite guests to take part in a discussion on what we need art in urban space for, as well as touch on an issue which street artists consider sensitive, namely “what is the difference between mural and street art?”. Graphic art will be created by the Artistic Workshop crew and invited guests – Ad manum group. The event will be accompanied by renderings of Krzysztof Komeda’s compositions. There will be also a screen printing table prepared for guests to use. Visitors will also be given the chance to print a design we will have prepared – on their own t-shirts and bags (please note that we do not provide any). The cost of printing will be symbolical 10 PLN (to cover the cost of paints). Oddziały Muzeum Warszawy / Branches of the Museum of Warsaw Barbican, Centre for Interpretation of Historic Buildings, Korczakianum Centre for Documentation and Research, Museum of Pharmaceutics, Museum of Warsaw Printing, Palmiry Memorial Site Museum, Museum of the Military Ordinariate, Museum of Warsaw Praga, Museum of Wola District Palmiry – 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Korczakianum – till 10:00 pm, Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi – till 3:00 am Please note that the Museum of Warsaw is modernizing its main seat (Old Town Square); therefore, the organizer invites visitors to other branches. Branches: 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Barbican: “Walls in Defence/Metamorphoses”. 7:00 pm – 3:00 am – Museum of Warsaw Praga: ”All Roads Lead to Praga” / Character. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Centre for Interpretation of Historic Buildings: “Pride and Prejudice – the Paradox of The Old Town” / Emotions. 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Korczakianum Centre for Documentation and Research: “Micro-stories from Children’s House” / Soul. “Warsaw Anatomy” – nighttime stroll through branches of the Museum of Warsaw. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Museum of Wola District: “Warsaw – Home” / Bond. It is a nighttime journey through branches of the Museum of Warsaw, which will give participants the chance to investigate into their Warsaw identity, look for answers to questions regarding mind, soul and body, emotions and memory of a “true Varsovian”. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Museum of the Military Ordinariate: “Patriotism of the Capital City” / Heart / Mind. 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Museum of Pharmaceutics: “Ailments of the Soul, Body and Mind of the Contemporary Varsovian” / Body. Thanks to the diversity of the Museum’s branches, it makes an excellent platform for investigating the issue of identity. Each individual institution – different and extraordinary in its own way – presents various fragments of the history of Warsaw. Thanks to this fact, for one night, it may become a peculiar laboratory of Warsaw, inviting Varsovians to take a closer look at themselves. The Long Night of Museums is an excellent occasion to inspect this quest and present its various aspects in a humorous, sometimes ironic way. While looking into the “anatomy” of a Varsovian, one will have to answer a series of questions: “What do I love?”, “What am I ashamed of?”, “What my dreams are?”, “What disease do I suffer from?”, “If I was not born in Warsaw, can I still find a home here?” 7:00 pm – 1:00 am – Museum of Warsaw Printing: “Printed Warsaw” / Action. Author of the script of The Long Night of Museums at the Museum of Warsaw: Monika Grochowska. 8th edition of Warsaw Festival of Art Photography 2015 [WFFA 2015], with a guest of honour: Iceland. The goal of the Festival is to promote photography as a language of expression for 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Palmiry Memorial Site Museum: “Memory 24 h” / Affection. Warszawski Festiwal Fotografii Artystycznej 2015 / Warsaw Festival of Art Photography 2015 [WFFA 2015] DSH, APS Gallery, Wyjście Awaryjne Gallery, Łazienkowska Gallery, Obok Gallery, Schody Gallery, Branickich Palace, ZPAF Stara Gallery and Konstancin Cultural Centre in Konstancin-Jeziorna contemporary creators. The leitmotif of this year’s edition is Common Space. Within the main programme, 12 exhibitions of works by Icelandic and Polish artists – representatives of various generations – will be presented. Another part of WFFA 2015 will be Open Programme, which is an open competition, addressed to artists active in the field of visual arts, both Polish and foreign. The goal of the Programme is to select the most interesting photographic projects and/or multimedia projects which employ the art of photography or video. The works will be presented throughout the Festival at Warsaw galleries.