Structure of Mangrove Forests in Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and
Structure of Mangrove Forests in Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and
Structureof Mangrove Forests in Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Costa Rica Douglas J. Pool of PuertoRico, Departmentof NaturalResources, Commonwealth P.O. Box 5887, Puertade Tierra,San Juan,PuertoRico 00906 Samuel C. Snedakerl Resource ManagementSystemsProgram,School of Forest Resources and Conservation, IFAS-BIdg. 737, University of Florida,Gainesville,Florida32611 U.S.A. and ArielE. Lugo of PuertoRico, P.O. Box 5887, Puertade Tierra, Departmentof NaturalResources, Commonwealth San Juan,PuertoRico 00906, and Departmentof Botany,University of Florida,Gainesville,Florida32611 U.S.A. ABSTRACT Structuralparametersof mangrove forestswere measured at seven geographical locations in Florida (U.S.A.), Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Costa Rica. One-tenthhectare plots were subdividedinto twenty5 x 10 m plots where all individuals greaterthan 2.5 cm DBH were measured and recorded. Height of the tallesttree in each plot was measured. The complexityindex developed by Holdridge (1967) as an integrativemeasure that combines floral characteristics(number of species) (s), stand density (d), basal area (b), and height (h) was computed as follows: (s) (d) (b) (h) 10-3. The riverineand basin mangrove forestsof the southwesterncoast of Florida had considerablytaller trees (6-9 m) and largerbasal areas (20.3-38.5 m2/ha) than did scrubmangrovegrowingon the southeasternCoast of Florida where a low canopy (1.0 m), a low basal area (6.0 m2/ha), and a correspondingly low complexityindex (1.5) were measured.The riverineforestsof the MarismasNacionales locatedon the Pacific coast of Mexico had high complexityindices (49.7-73.2) due to the large basal areas (57.8-60.8 m2/ha), tall canopies (16-17 m) and a large numberof treesgreaterthan 10 cm diameter (103-145/ha). The entireestuarinesystemof the MarismasNacionales acts as a receivingbasin forlarge quantities of freshwaterrunoffand nutrient-rich sedimentsfrom surroundingupland watersheds.Except for local sportfishing,the commercialfishingindustryof Florida, Puerto Rico, and Costa Rican mangrovewatersis not nearlyas active as thatobserved near Teacap'an, Mexico. The structuralcharacteristics of the north-and south-coastmangrovesof Puerto Rico are probably best describedby the directand indirectinfluencesof the climate at each coastline. The basin mangroveforeston the humid northcoast (annual rainfallof 1631 mm) has a basal area of 17.8 m2/ha,canopyheightof 13.6 m, and a complexityindex of 16.7. The driestsite (rainfall of 860 mm/year) on the south coast of Puerto Rico was a red mangrove fringeforestwhich had a complexityindex of 0.9, low canopy height (7 m), and low basal area (6.9 m2/ha). Here upland runoff,draining into the mangrovesthroughporous limestoneoutcrops,only occurs 1-2 monthsannually. In Costa Rica, the riverinemangroves near Puerto Limon on the Caribbean coast (annual rainfall-of 3306 mm) are more structurallydeveloped than either the riverineor fringemangrovesof the drier (1800 mm annual rainfall) Pacific coast sites. A basal area of 96.4 m2/ha (primarilyPterocarpusofficinalisJacq.) and a tall canopy (16 m) gave this forestthe largestcomplexityindex (84.5) of all forestsinventoried.The Pacific coast mangrovesof Costa Rica are exposed to seasonal rainfall (six months dry season), and this drierenvironmentwas reflectedin a shortercanopy (9.510.0 m) and a lower basal area (23.2-32.9 m2/ha). RESUMEN El proposito de este papel es presentare interpretarresultadospreliminaresde los estudios de la estructurade los manglares en siete lugares en Florida, EE.UU., Puerto Rico, Mexico y Costa Rica. Las areas de muestreode 0.1 ha. se subdividieronen veinteareas de 5 x 10 m, y se registrarontodos los individuosmayores de 2.5 cm de diametromedidos a altura del pecho. Luego se calculo el indice de complejidad desarrolladopor Holdridge (1967). Este es un medio integradoque combina las caracteristicas floristicas(nuimerode especies) (s), densidad de individuos (d), area basal (b), y la altura (h). Se calcula el indice de complejidad asi: (s) (d) (b) (h) 10-3. Los manglares del suroeste de Florida, EE.UU. (clasificados como cuenca y ribefio) tenian 'arbolesmas altos (6.59.0 m), mayor 'area basal (20.3-38.5 m2/ha.) e indice de complejidad m'as alto (23.4-27.7) que los manglaresenanos que crecen en la costa surestede Florida con una copa baja (1.0 m), area basal de 6.0 m2/ha y un indice de complejidad bajo (1.5) Los manglares (clasificados como ribeniosy de borde) de las MarismasNacionales de la costa del Pacifico de Mexico tenian un alto indice de complejidad (49.7-73.2) debido a su area basal grande (57.8-60.8 m2/ha), alta copa (16-17 m) y abundancia de arboles mayores de 10 cm de diametro (103-145/ha). El estuario de Marismas Nacionales sirve como un almacen de grandes cantidadesde escorrentiay sedimentoscon nutrientesde las cuencas en el area. Este estuario sirve ademas como una base de la industriapesquera de Teacapan, Mexico y la actividad pesquera es impresionante en comparacion con los sitios estudiados en Florida, Puerto Rico y Costa Rica. Las caracteristicasestructuralesde los manglares en la costa nortey sur de Puerto Rico se explican mejor por las influenciasdirectase indirectasdel clima contrastanteen cada costa. En la huimedacosta norte (1631 mm precipitacion/ BIOTROPICA9(3): 195-212 1977 195 afio), los manglarestienen un aireabasal de 17.8 m/2ha,altura de copa de 13.6 m y un indice de complejidad de 16.7. El sitio m'as airidoestudiado en la costa sur de Puerto Rico fue un manglarde Rhizophora (clasificadocomo tipo borde) el cual tenia un indice de complejidad de 0.9 debido a la copa baja (7 m), un area basal baja (6.9 m2/ha) y pocos arboles mayoresde 10 cm de diaimetro(26/ha). La escorrentiaprovenientede un aireade afloramientocalizo y ocurre solo uno o dos meses al afio. En Costa Rica, los manglarescerca de Puerto Lim6n (clasificado como ribefio) en la costa del Caribe (3300 mm precipitacionanual) estainma's desarrolladosestructuralmente que los manglares (clasificado como ribefioy de borde) de la costa del Pacifico; la cual es mas seca (1800 mm precipitacionanual). El 'area basal de (96.4 m2/ha) (predominantementede Pterocarpus officinalisJacq.) y una altura de copa de 16 m resultanen un indice de complejidad de 84.5, siendo el mas alto en el estudio. Los manglaresde la costa del Pacifico de Costa Rica reciben lluvias estacionalmente (seis meses de sequia) y el ambientearido resultaen una copa mas baja (9.5-10.0 m) y un area basal de 23.232.9 m2/ha. Estos manglaresfueronclasificadoscomo ribeiio y de borde. MANGROVE FORESTS area ubiquitousfeature of trop- in mangrovestructure and function, and variations ical and subtropical low-energy coastlines.Compara- resulting fromman-induced perturbations. tive studieshave emphasizedsuch characteristics as To date,we have evaluatedtechniquesformeaspeciesassemblages, geographical distribution of spe- suringstructural parameters in thefieldat sitelocacies, probablesuccessionalpatterns,and otherde- tionsin Florida,PuertoRico,Mexico,and CostaRica scriptivenotes (Walsh 1974). Althoughnumerous (fig. 1). Althoughthetechniqueand parameter sesemi-quantitative studieshavebeen made worldwide, lectionprocessis still underway, much usefuldata theircomparative valueis diminished as theresultof have been assembled.The purposeof thispaper is differing researchobjectivesand techniques.Quan- to presentand interpretthese preliminary data. titativestructural studiesof mangroves suggestthe Hopefully, thesecomparative data and techniquereexistenceof a large variationin survivalstrategies viewswill be of use to othersparticipating in simiwhichare probablyrelatedto such forcingfunctions lar fieldresearchon mangroveecosystems. as tidaldynamics, waterquality,hurricane frequency and intensity, geomorphological processes, soil salin- METHODS ity,etc. These strategies, or structural and functional adaptations, if betterunderstood, could providea INDICES OF STRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT basis fordefiningthe commonprinciplesgoverning COMPLEXITY INDEX, as an expressionof the diand abundancewithinvarioustypesof forest thebehaviorof mangroves and othercoastalecosys- versity has been testedfor Costa Rica and communities, tems. elsewhere(Holdridgeet al. 1971). This index is In 1973 a researcheffortwas initiatedto select one integrative measurethatcombinesfloralcharacthemostmeaningful ecosystem parameters forrapid, teristics(numberof species) (s), numberof indiquantitative characterizations of numerousdifferent vidualswithDBH > 10 cm (stand density) (d), mangrove systems overwidegeographical areas (e.g., basal area (b), and height(h). The index results circum-Caribbean) duringtime-limited studyperiods. in a quantitative description of the structural comPossible correlations betweenthese structural and plexityof tropicalvegetation.This methodhas not functional indicesand ourown intensive research rebeen used previously to comparemangroveecosyssultson severalof theseecosystem variantshave po- tems. Field studieswere conductedin mangrove tentialcomparative valueparticularly in thedevelopnaturalstandsnot disturbed plots thatrepresented mentof testablehypotheses. Of specificinterestis recently by man or by hurricanes. Site descriptions, thequantitative relationship betweenthemagnitudes including uniquetopographical features, typeof subof themajorforcingfunctions and thevariationsin of strate,linkageto upland watersheds, frequency the structure and function of distinctmangrove ecofloodingare explainedbelow. systemsunder "natural"conditions.FurtherinterOne-tenthhectareplots were subdividedinto of the structure and function pretation variationsin twenty5 x 10 m plotswhereall individualsgreater termsof thesystems to maximizeenergy adaptations than2.5 cm DBH (diameterat breastheight)were flow will continueto be developed.The time-cost measured and recorded. Where red mangroves constraint for logistic emphasizedthe requirement (RhizophoramangleL.) were well developed,disimplicity and universalapplicability of techniques. ameterwas measuredon themaintrunk(sometimes Anotherlong-term objective,of whichthisstudy intersection of theprop 3-5m) abovetheuppermost is a part,is to distinguish betweennaturalvariations roots.Heightof thetallesttreein eachplotwas meaor a Haga altimeter. suredwithan inclinometer 1 Present address: School of Marive and AtmosphericSciwas index The complexity computedfora 0.1 ha ence, 4600 RickenbackerCauseway,Miami, Florida 33149 plotas theproductof s, d, b, h,and 10-3. U.S.A. 196 Pool, Snedaker,and Lugo 900 1050 140 T I N U E S D T A 600 750 T E S i A < < S X < a > k a t ) GUL f % | P A C I F I C o C < ~ A N ~ tUTURKEY C E ACAPAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~GUA1-EMAv C B 8AY CUBA HAIT DOMINICAN REP. Izz~-JAAI~PUERTO BRHONDURAS JAAICA ,AONDURAH TI POINT TEN THOUSAND ISLANDS PHOSDUR ~ N tFLO~~~~~~~~~~~~FLRIDA ROOKERY OF A C E A N O~~~~~~~~~~~~ t M\ IU \ E X I CoO \ T L A R ~~~~~~~~C TA PUNT MONAISLAN E' A N RICO PIfRONES EISA AGUIRRE JOIOS BAY S E A - E L SALVAfNCRA;J MiOlN ? 0 FIGURE 120L 120' COSTA RICA ~~~S I PANAMA G C A L E 200 400 600 320 640 960 m o o VEzNEZUELA e0oo1090 1200 1600 s los'~~105 COLOMBIA MILES KILOMETERS 90, 7r50 601 FIGURE 1. Location of mangrovesampling sites in Florida, Puerto Rico, Me'xlco,and Costa Rica. SPECIES IMPORTANCE VALUE, whichwas developedperaturesforall sitesrangedfromhigh of 28.1?C byCurtisand McIntosh(1951), is an indexof strucof a treespecieswithina standof turalimportance a mixedspecies.This is a relativevalue integrating to stand species influencethroughits contribution This indexis calbasal area,and frequency. density, of basal culatedby summingtherelativepercentages each weightedequally, and frequency, area,density, foreach speciesrelativeto the samedimensionsfor theentirestand. on thePacificCoastofCostaRica to a low of 23.5?C at TurkeyPoint,Florida. FLORIDA:The rainyseason (monthswith greater than 100 mm precipitation)occursfromMay to October(5-6 months)withNovemberand December as the only monthswhen evaporationmay be Florida,there In southern greaterthanprecipitation. in meanannualtemperais littlespatialdifference althoughthe dry tureand totalannualprecipitation, longeron theGulfof Mexseasonmaybe somewhat CLIMATE Climaticdata foreach site weretakenfromnearby ico coast. officialweatherstations.Samplingdates,seasonality PUERTORICO: Theseasonal is approximately rainfall of wet and dryperiods,and thedate of themostre- the same for the north-and east-coast sites with a cent hurricaneare presentedin table 1. Climatic shortdryseasonin Februaryto April. Rainfallon foreachsamplingsitearefoundin figure2. the southcoastis aboutone-third diagrams to one-halflower The studysitesare locatedfromlatitude90 to thanrainfallon thenorthcoastand fallsmostlydurand October. 260 northof the equatorand thussituatedin what ing the monthsof May, September, is commonlycalled a tropicaland subtropicalen- Nearly50 percentof the totalannualprecipitation vironment.The mixed Pterocarpusofficinalisand fallsin thesethreemonths. Rainfall(809 mm) on Mona Islandis moreunired mangroveriverineforestof the Caribbeancoast the yearthanon the throughout of Costa Rica receivedthe highestannual rainfall formlydistributed 3336 mm) and theMarismasNacionalesin western island of Puerto Rico. Octoberis the monthof peak Mexico the lowest (775 mm). Mean annualtem- greatestrainfall(100 mm), witha secondary Structure of Mangrove Forests 197 is the driestmonth of (80 mm) in May; February (25 mm). MEXICO: In the mangroveforestof the westcoast of Mexico onlythreemonths(July-September) are HOMESTEAD, ELEV.Im FLA 1643 mm 23.5 C o 't W SAN JUAN, P.R. ELEV. 4m 200_ r 100 80 80, 60- 30 60- 30 60- 30 40 20 40 20 40 20 tO1 20- (a0t 20- J F M A M J 20 (b) 20- S O J A N D J { 1384 mm P.R. CEIBA, ELEV. 26.3 m *C E 200- F M A M J J SO A N D ENSENADA,P.R. 861 mm ELEV. 25.1 C 8 m 80- 80 80- W CL 30 60 40 20 40 I0 10 (d) 20 I I J F I i . I M A M J MAZATLAN,MEX. 18 m ELEV. I i J I A 30 . 40.-. -20 I J N D 775 mm 24.5 C A S O N D 809mm 26.5 C _1 F _ ---1 M A M J . Ai J 1 A PUNTARENAS,C.R. ELEV. 60 30 20 40 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 I (e) 20 . S O J 200 200 60_ M J MONA ISLAND,P.R. 56 m 00- u 0- M A ELEV. 00- o C Ic) J F 100- z 1631mm 25.8 C 200_ 100- 80 P 1346 mm 23.6C FT.MYERS,FLA. ELEV. 2m E 200_ E 100- z consideredwet (over 80% of annualprecipitation falls duringthis period), whereasthe rest of the year(9 months)is excessively dry.The annualprecipitation is 775 mm. 4 m 1 _ SO 1 20 (f-) ). ' N D 2150mm 28.1 0 *C J 700 ' F ' 0 I M A M J J 600 LIMON, 500 ELEV. ?C C.R. 3 m A S O N D 3336mm 25.9C 400 300 200 100 u 300E 200100 - z 300 200 I100 0 30 60Ov w 40 O .......:.... 0 60 40 ....30 ---------- 60- 30 4 .. FIGURE 2. Temperature-rainfall diagrams for mangrove study sites. Diagrams represent (a) 29-year average values for Homestead, Florida; (b) 80 years for Ft. Myers,Florida, (c) 25 years for San Juan, Puerto Rico; (d) 21 years for Ceiba, Puerto Rico (e) 29 years for Ensenada, Puerto Rico; (f) 34 years for Mona Island, Puerto Rico; (g) 10 years for Mazatlan Mexico; and the year 1967 for both (h) Puntarenasand (i) Limn, Costa Rica. Solid areas represent the rainyseason, verticallines the period when rainfallexceeds evaporation,and the dotted area the period when evaporationexceeds rainfall. 198 Pool, Snedaker, and Lugo 0 0 - 0 '.4-4 00 I 0\ :: * 0 .s~~~~~~~~~~ r40 '4 Oe ? :: :u :::1: = ?: . '.'-4 O'- 1 -- -e - - - ?* ==: =0 2 t o t < o X JeHu'. | '--4 > o O > \4)N *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-4 0C\I - 0 1 4 I'4C 0 -4 4)II 'Z C> C-' (N '4 C N NC o?O ' -N C z$4N\0VI 00 14 O w 4) trX F (N (N (N -8 \rE trE \rOe4 -4 QO 00 00 - (N N 00 00 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0. (N(N '(NO N 4 '.'10\ sG?O\ G ?-O \0 G 000 V \01:1\0 '(N. 4) -4 - r''r\'' ((N(N (N(N (N 04 | 0 o (N O G'- O \ NO 0\0\0 O CNO O C 0 0 0 0 O r-C 'N (~V-1N. O O 0OO '-40V\C oor-NC -l C- .>o = OON - C0 0 0 000 0 C 0 -4 0 0 ., O'( \\ 0v'O Q ^ au SG~-~o (N(N(N(N(N *E ~~~~~c-4~~~~4 ~~~~~~~~4 ^ 0 VI O 0, NI 0 o 0 )?t O 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 4 0 t C 0 CT :J (N(N(N~~~> (N(N(N(N"1~~~ ~~1'"1'"1''W - \ 0 -N(0'4( 00 (-0 C- 0 - 0 0 0 0 Nt 0)4 Z %.A-C o ~ ~ 0 0'4 - 0 0 cd 4-4 cn 4) 0C S0i- 0< P > U -0 ( =0 S 8 ON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CZ 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 ' - ) .4 - N (U '4 4) 0 1'ON G-N r- 4) '-4 4) 0 0 * 0 4)*d 0 ~~-'.. -~~~ '4.4 .0 C) O &-R&-&-&-C c(00 4 4 O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4) ~400~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 -~~~~~~~~~~ ~~O O -~~~~.0( L~~~~~~~~4r~~~to-cl.C Cd ~ ~~ N e4NcNe - Q~~~~~~~~~~~.. C -: 0 0 CN(NcOc,e(N '-00 4) O O -~~ I' ((NN- 0 ( '-'0'-4 A-4 '-('4(0 a. 01 - 0 4- 0 C 4) -~~ '4 - 0 O00r "I O VI0 X (N G( S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%1 4-0 (N '4 Uo, 00- U) 9~~~~~~~~ 4 ON Z 04) V '4"):: ,0 ')0 Structure of Mangrove Forests )- 199 COSTA RICA: On the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, there are only two months (September-October) when monthlyrainfallis less than 100 mm. There is no definitedry season. On the Pacific coast there is a distinctsix-month(December-May) dry season and a six-monthrainyseason. Besides the difference in precipitationbetween the Pacific and Caribbean coasts (1800 vs 3300 mm), the drainagearea of the Caribbean coastal plain is several times larger (allowing for greaterfreshwaterflow) than is the area of drycoastal hills borderingthe Pacific. port occursprimarily in the formof labile materials,products of decomposition. ROOKERY BAY: The mangrove forest evaluated at Rookery Bay consistsof a fringezone of red mangroves facing the bay and a landward basin forest with a stand of black mangroves (Avicennia germinans L. Stearn) interspersedwith individual red and white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa L. Gaertn. f.). The buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus L.) mangrovesoccupy the higher ridges above the zone of normal tidal influence. Areas of regeneration occur where hurricanedamage has created opMANGROVE SITE DESCRIPTION2 enings in the otherwiseclosed canopy. The regenerFlorida, U.S.A. ation under these openings is exclusivelyred manTEN THOUSAND ISLANDS: Overwash mangrovefor- grove, whereas red mangroveseedlings are not present beneath the closed canopy. Results of intensive est of the Ten Thousand Islands (plots 3-7, 3-8) occurs on small linear islands of fingerlikeprojec- ecological studies in this site are reportedby Lugo tions that protrudeinto bays (fig. 3). This particu- et al. (1975) and Lugo and Snedaker (1974). They lar site is situatedalmost perpendicularto the major recognize the fringeand basin types in this forest. tidal flow patternand is overwashedwith each high We evaluatedthe basin forest. tide. The velocities of the tidal waters are fast enough to carryall loose surfacedebris into the in- TURKEY POINT: This site is characterizedby dwarf ner bays on an incoming tide. As these materials or scrub mangrovesgrowingon the flat coastal plain are not redeposited by retreatingtides, there is an of the southeasterntip of Florida (fig. 6). Red manobservable paucity of detritusin these foresttypes groves only 1.0 m tall dominate this forest,but black, white, and buttonwood mangroves are also and an inferredaccumulationin the inner bays. in the dwarf form. Hammock forestson present Fringe forest (plots 5-11, 5-12, 5-13) is located on one of the larger islands in the Ten Thousand slightlyelevated topographyare scatteredthroughout Islands area. Since this fringe forest is exposed to the dwarf mangroves. Daily, tidal-inducedfluctuaan open bay (Fahka Union), it receives slight wave tions of surfacewaters influencethose fringestands action. Fringe mangrove forest is best defined on growingalong the shorelineand the dwarf foreston the larger island and shorelines whose elevations the topographic flats landward of it. During the summer wet season, high water inundates the red prevent daily overwashingby high tides (fig. 4). mangrove prop roots,whereas low water levels durTidal water movementis thus restrictedto an in-out ing the winter dry season leave most prop roots and pattern which at any given point in the fringe is soil exposed. The soil consistsof a recentlydeveloped manifestedas a rise and fall of the water level. Flow velocities do not flush as much detrital debris into calcareous marl overlyingdiscontinuouspeat deposits. This site is presentlyseparated fromthe upland the bays as theydo in overwashislands. watershed by canals and artificialwaterways. Riverine forest (plots 6-14, 6-15 ) is located along the Little Wood River which drains a large mangrovearea and adjoining cypressstand and then Puerto Rico empties into the numerousbays inland fromthe Ten PINONES-VACIA TALEGA: The Pifiones basin manThousand Islands. Mangrovesgrowingon the banks grove forestis dissected by several manmade canals of Little Wood River are flushed by the daily rise and connected to the ocean by a series of lagoons and fall of the tides (fig. 5). The riverineforestis (fig. 7). Daily tidal fluctuationsare slightbut measeparated from the river (or creek) channel by a surable. The stand receives freshwaterfromrainfall, shallow berm intersectedwith small drainage chanoverland drainage fromthe nearbyLofza River, and nels. During the summer wet season, water levels sheetflow from uplands and local drainage ways. rise and salinitydrops. Flow velocities throughthis Salt entersthe systemduring high tides, storms,and riverineforestare very low: no significantscouring througha salt wedge that moves inland throughrior redistributionof litter is apparent. Organic exvers and canals and then floods laterally.Soil sedi2 Plot identifications based on foresttype correspondwith ments consistingof mud and clay, typical of tidal swamps. support a mixed stand of red, black, and those published by Lugo and Snedaker (1974). 200 Pool, Snedaker, and Lugo iw r~~~~ . ~~ U. Structur of.Manrov.Foest .20 FIGURES 3-6. Figure3. Overwashred mangroveforestin Ten ThousandIslands. Note the top of the litterbasket a thinbeltalongCardSound, whichstandsaboutone meterabovethepeatysoil. Figure4. Fringeredmangroves forming and thetidalchannelsin TurkeyPoint,Florida.Figure5. Riverinemangroveforestin Ten ThousandIslands,Florida. of TurkeyPoint,Florida. The forest Dominantspeciesare the red and blackmangroves.Figure6. Scrubmangroves all approximately consistsof red mangroves, 1.0-l.5 m tall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- z. 44 L. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 -~~~~~~0..... FIGURES 7-10. Figure7. A man-made canal providesa transportation routethrough thebasinforest of Piiiones,Puerto Rico. Treesare blackmangroves.Figure8. A densestandof pneumatophores coveringthe forestfloorof the largest in basinmangrove left PuertoRico. The actualheightof the pneumatophores indicatesthe highestlevel of flooding. Figure9. Riverineforestof Vacia Talega dominated by redmangroves withwell-developed proproots(3-5 m tall) and abundantaerial rootsextending downfromthe canopy.Lugo and Cintron(1975) measuredsoil and surfacewater salinitiesin thissiteof 36.6 and 22.4 partsper thousand, respectively. Largetermitenestsare commonin this forest. The termites function as decomposers of dead wood. Figure10. Pellicierarhizophorae withits buttressed trunkgrowson the Pacificcoastof CentralAmerica. 202 Pool, Snedaker,and Lugo whitemangroves.The forestflooris coveredby a althoughtheblackmangroves dominateoverthered carpetof pneumatophores (fig.8). mangroves, possiblydue to a contrast in soil salinity; Typicalof thePifionesbasinforestare thestands black mangroves toleratea highersoil salinitythan of whitemangrovesthat have been previouslycut do theredmangroves. for charcoal,construction material,and firewood. Aftercutting, whitemangroves tendto coppiceand PUNTA GORDA: This is a fringemangrove forest, formdensethickets thatare believedto be veryfast- predominantlyred mangroves on a mud substrate. It is usually inundatedby tidal water. The area regrowing. ceives less than 900 mm of annual rainfall. This The riverinemangroveforestinventoried near Vacia Talega (fig. 9) formspartof the floodplain site receives some input fromthe conneatingupland of the Loiza Riverand is in floodconditionseveral watershedwhich is primarilya porous limestonewith monthsof the year. Here is wherered mangroves surface exposure. Xerophyticvegetation typical of the subtropicaldry life zone is found on surroundpredominate. CEIBA: This is a coastalfringemangrove forestthat ing limestonehills in the Guanica State Forest. MONA ISLAND: Mona Island has a small basin mangrove forest (1 ha) located on the southwestcoast near Punta Arenas. This is an essentiallypure stand of red mangroveson a sandy substrate,with a nardow border of white mangroves growing on the slightlyhigherelevations. A small man-made,brackish-waterpond adjacent to the mangrovesshows no AGUIRRE: These are fringemangroves thatare fre- evidence of daily tidal fluctuations.However, a sandquentlyfloodedand are composedpredominandystone hardpan,which was inperviousto water flow of red mangroveson a sandysoil along the shore but not to mangrove roots (Cintron et al. 1975), with white mangroveson the better-drained soils was discovered approximately25 cm below the soil furtherinland. There are no navigableriversor surface. The mangroves occupy a protected area streamsin thearea. Anyfreshwater inputwouldor- about 100 m inland between the shorewarddunes diff. There is no eviiginatefromirrigation runoffof agricultural lands and a high southwest-facing dence of recent damage by either hurricanesor exor directrainfall.Black mangroves in predominate cessive few flooding; dead trees are present. depressions on the shoreward side of the red man- is frequently flooded(5-10 cm) and composedpredominantly of redmangroves withareasof blackand white mangrovesin shallowdepressions.Soil and surface-water salinitiesmeasuredwere47.7 and 45.2 partsper thousand, respectively (Lugo and Cintron 1975). A hurricane destroyed theforestin 1928. grovezone. Therehas beenextensive cutting, mostly of red mangroves, and also somedamagedue to ex- Mexico (Teacapan Sinaloa) cessive flooding.Of the six hurricanesthat have ROBLITOS: This riverine forest located inland on passedoverPuertoRico since1893,fourpassedover Estero Puerta del Rio consistsof a mixtureof red, the Aguirresite. The mostdestructive and mostre- black, and white mangroves. Even though located cent hurricaneto strikethis area was Hurricane some 20 km fromthe Pacific Ocean, daily tidal flucBetsy,on 13 August1956 (Calvesbert1970). The tuations flush these forests. Surroundingareas of NaturalHistorySocietyof PuertoRico (1972) stu- mangroveshave been heavilylogged. The mangrove died the mangroveareasdirectly westof JobosBay wood is used locally for house construction,posts, neartheAguirrePowerPlantcomplexand classified charcoal,and firewood. mangrovesas high and low mangrovesdepending ISLA LA PALMA: This large island located in the Eson theirtopographic position. tero de Agua Grande is characterizedby a tall (17 The high mangroves(plots 1-6) correspond to m) riverine mangrove forest dominated by white theoverwash forests, whereastheinlandisland(plots mangroves. The soil, primarilypeat, is compacted 7-11) and mainlandmangroves(plots 12-35) corand flooded infrequently.A dense forestcanopy alrelatewithfringemangrove typeas describedin this lows littlelight penetrationfor seedlingregeneration. study.The low mangroves have treesthatare selthis well-developedriverineforesthas been dom tallerthan3.5 m and formmoreopen stands Recently, selectivelylogged; however, plots were located in in low basinsinlandfromthe coast. The structural areas where minimumcuttinghad occurred. differences are apparently due to highsoil salinities or changesin waterlevel resulting in shorterblack ISLA ROSCELLE: Daily tides completely inundate Cintronet al. (1975) discussedtheeco- this overwash forestlocated on an island in the Esmangroves. logy of thesemangroves.Structurally, these corre- tero de Teacapan. Occasional high tides flood the of SoutheastFlorida. entire island carrying off loose debris and litter. spondto the dwarfmangroves Structure of Mangrove Forests 203 Dense red mangroveprop roots and horizontal deep) releaseH2S on disturbance, indicating anaerobranchingnear the shoreforman almostimpene- bic sulfur-reducing soil conditions.An unusually trablebarrieralong the edgesof the island. Several largenumberof fiddlercrab(Uca spp.) holes (363/ birdrookeries(herons,egrets, etc.) depositabundant mi2) wereobserved.A dailytidalfluctuation of 3-4 whiteguanoon mangrove leavesand branches.The m completely inundatesthissite. islandis uninhabited and visitedonlyby local fishcharacterizes SANTA ROSA: Daily tidal inundation ermen. thisfringemangroveforestwhichis dominatedby EL CALON: Tidal channelsintersect thisbasin for- red mangroves growingon a stablesandysoil. The est whichis locatedapproximately 41 km inlandat slightlyslopingshorelineis exposed to the ocean, the edgeof Lagunade Agua Grandeand Esterode but receiveslittledirectwave action. Tidal water Teacapain.A homogenous standof blackmangroves movementis restricted to an inlandmovementof thissitewitha densegrowthof pneuma- only40-50 m bya naturalsandberm.A densestand dominates tophores(25-30 cm tall) coveringthe forestfloor. of red mangroveseedlingsand saplings(most less A high standof tidal waterprobablyoccursonly than2.5 cm diameter)occupiesthe exposedfringe duringspringhightidesand hurricanes. Smallshal- next to the open waterwith largerred mangrove low depressions withcontinuously standingwateroc- trees 2.5-10 cm diameter)growingfurther inland. cur throughout the landscape.The soil consistsof A fewblackmangroves are foundbehindthe berm, shallow peat overlyingsand. This site is located but compositionof the vegetationquicklychanges close to a singlelargeshellmound,Murexsp. (El to cactusand otherxerophytic species. Calon), wherearcheologists artifacts have discovered and evidenceof earlyhumansettlement. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION RIO DE LAS CANAS: Daily tidesusuallyfloodthis In orderto understand thatgovernthe theprinciples riverineforestdominatedby red mangroves leaving physiognomic it is expressionof mangroveforests, pools of standingwaterin shallowdepressions.On firstnecessary in foreststructo definethevariations severalof the tributaries and narrowcreeks,confin- ture and to identifythose environmental forcing ing weirsare constructed for seasonalshrimphar- functions in controlwhichappear most important vests.Rio de las Canfasis partof a watershedthat lingtheobservedvariation.This studywas designed drainsa large agricultural area inhabitedby small to searchforpossibleassociations amongphysiognolandowners. mic indicesand themoreobviousforcingfunctions freshwater-seasuchas tidalamplitudeand flushing, Costa Rica waterinteractions, and surficialgeology.The results screeningare now interpreted MOIN: Inlandfrom, and parallelto,thecoastalplain of this preliminary within reported or suggesthe context of previously on the inlandcoastalwaterwayis a riverineforest a ted and for the construction as basis relationship dominatedby Pterocarpus and red manofficinalis of testablehypotheses. groves.This gallerytypeforestoccurson a large of vegetation The resultsof all measurements floodplainwiththetallesttreesnearesttheriverand of thecomand and calculation structure composition treeheightsgenerally withincreasing disdecreasing and indices are compared by geoplexity presented tance away fromthe river. River velocityis very in and classification location graphic topographic slow withlittleor no scouring, of or redistribution are 2 The and indices reported tables 3. complexity litter.Alluvialsedimentsare usuallyinundatedby of treesgreaterthan2.5 cm DBH unless 1-15 cm of waterdailywithapparently verylittle forgroups stated otherwise. seasonalvariation. BOCA BARRANCA: This riverineforestis located ap- 1 km upstreamfromthe Rio Barranca proximately thatemptiesintothe Gulfof Nicoya nearPuntarenas. The runofffromthe uplandwatershed produces sufficient riverdischargewithonlya slightdecreasein flowduringthe 5-6 monthdryseason.Pellicierarhizophorae Planchon& Trianaaccountedfor thelargestpercentage on theplotwith of individuals redand blackmangroves occurring infrequently (fig. 10). Verysoftalluvialsediments(sometimes0.5 m 204 Pool, Snedaker, and Lugo GEOGRAPHICAL COMPARISON OF MANGROVE STRUCTURE Florida The southwestern areas of Florida and southeastern containall of themangrove foresttypesdescribedin thissurvey.The southwestern coastof Florida,which includesRookeryBay and theTen ThousandIslands, had considerably tallermangroves(6-9 m) thanthe scrubmangroves(1.0 m) growingon thesoutheast- 00 IV m so, a-i>, r- 0o( 0 N Cst CN, r-- t-C Eo < e0 o, o tA 1n | PS ~~~~~~N N _ _11 ? W n N4 C1 C 4ON fi 00 A j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ "'t>Fo? oo of e~~~~~~~~~~C bi C; ic q\00 I^ 00 C; i Ci -4 O \DVI CN - w Ba~~~~~~~~~0 \00> a C> oo \0 C o oo%o oN vo ON \ ON f-- 0\0 \ot | 0 z ON 00 0 A|4 _ C11 \0 OnN \0 \0 0 Cs v C,, FN "M r- N n CN -V In %^V' , coi IV 11 C", r- o C otm>o C4 >N _ cn i O;ci C5 Vi U E ef cN \0 00 VN C1n 00 CN Cl4 C., v CI \ 0 \0 CC>00VNf- rX N 0 I E-C4 8 v4 | -3~ t tc > X 3 G i 0 2 5 c ;g 3 XV X }? v %Ic|&S E t8 P4 C ^|4 E3 gQ c @t 3XtX c X ? ,_ >! 3 2o34 {; 20 X ; ffi ;>6 2__;4 A23;0| Structure of Mangrove Forests 205 TABLE 3. Summary valuescalculatedfor mangrove of importance forests(all treeslargerthan2.5 cm DBH). SITE (Topography classification) Florida,U.S.A. Ten ThousandIslands Plots3-7,3-8 (overwash) Relativevalue in percent Taxon Rhizophora Laguncularia Plots5-11,5-12,5-13 (fringe) Rhizophora Laguncularia Plots6-14,6-14 (riverine) Rhizophora RookeryBay (basin) TurkeyPoint (scrub) PuertoRico PifionesI (basin) PiiionesII (basin) Piniones III (basin) IV (basin) Piniones Vacia Talega (riverine) Avicennia Rhizophora Avicennia Laguncularia Other Rhizophora Rhizophora Basalarea Density Frequency 70.0 89.0 67.0 68.5 31.5 49.8 87.7 12.3 75.0 60.0 40.0 50.0 50.8 42.4 3.7 3.1 100.0 31.3 31.3 25.0 12.4 100.0 30.0 50.2 31.3 67.4 1.0 0.3 100.0 5.3 11.0 25.0 19.3 24.7 50.0 41.7 33.3 44.4 28.9 Avicennia Laguncularia 5.2 36.2 2.5 26.2 9.8 41.4 Avicennia Laguncularia 0.4 68.0 0.4 68.0 2.6 51.2 Rhizophora Avicennia Laguncularia Rhizophora Rhizophora Avicennia 50.3 58.6 15.6 81.2 3.2 31.6 0.2 16.6 51.8 71.3 37.7 44.2 18.1 31.6 1.1 9.0 75.3 33.0 Avicennia Laguncularia Rhizophora Importance value 33.3 72.1 27.9 58.3 37.8 47.0 9.9 5.3 100.0 19.3 35.5 33.4 48.8 45.2 59.6 42.5 45.0 12.5 46.2 31.9 56.8 11.3 36.5 5.5 38.9 5.8 34.6 1.1 62.4 2.3 21.5 Laguncularia Rhizophora Laguncularia Rhizophora Laguncularia Rhizophora 83.2 99.2 0.8 90.0 10.0 81.6 89.9 99.1 0.9 87.0 13.0 80.1 55.6 95.2 4.8 50.0 50.0 57.1 76.2 97.8 2.2 75.7 24.3 72.9 Laguncularia 16.9 19.1 37.2 24.4 Plots7-11 (fringe) Rhizophora Avicennia Laguncularia Rhizophora 82.1 7.1 10.8 72.5 64.8 7.7 27.5 93.5 55.6 11.1 33.3 80.0 67.5 8.6 23.9 82.0 Plots12-35 (fringe) Rhizophora 80.8 94.6 65.8 80.1 Rhizophora 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Avicennia Laguncularia 45.2 54.8 28.8 71.2 50.0 50.0 41.3 58.7 5.0 9.1 25.0 2.6 53.8 33.3 33.4 Ceiba (fringe) Mona Island (basin)a Aguirre(fringe) JobosBayb Plots 1-6 (overwash) PuntaGorda (fringe) Avicennia Avicennia Avicennia Laguncudaria 1.5 27.5 3.6 16.6 0.8 6.5 2.2 3.2 5.7 20.0 17.1 17.1 2.7 18.0 7.6 12.3 Mexico Roblitos (riverine) Isla La Palma (riverine) Isla Roscell(overwash) El Calon (basin) Rio de las Cafias(riverine) 206 Pool, Snedaker,and Lugo Rhizophora Avicennia Laguncularia Rhizophora Avicennia Laguncularia Rhizophora 4.1 90.9 11.8 1.0 87.2 0.1 25.5 65.4 43.6 3.9 50.0 25.0 33.3 33.3 26.6 13.0 60.4 29.6 12.3 58.1 12.4 Avicennia 99.9 96.1 66.7 87.6 Avicennia Laguncularia 5.5 93.0 12.8 55.3 20.0 40.0 12.8 62.7 Rhizophora 1.5 31.9 40.0 24.5 (continued) TABLE 3 (continued) Costa Rica Moin (riverine) Boca Barranca (riverine) Santa Rosa (fringe) Rhizophora Avicennia Laguncularia Pterocarpus Rhizophora Avicennia Pelliciera Rhizophoza Laguncularia 8.3 6.4 20.2 65.1 12.4 46.9 40.7 85.8 14.2 9.3 2.3 4.7 83.7 8.0 12.0 80.0 68.7 31.3 20.0 20.0 20.0 40.0 33.3 33.3 33.4 50.0 50.0 12.5 9.6 15.0 62.9 17.9 30.7 51.4 68.2 31.8 a Data fromRogers and Cintron 1974. b Data fromthe Natural HistorySocietyof Puerto Rico 1972. ern coast near BiscayneBay (TurkeyPoint). The theuplandTabonucoforestnearEl Verde(elev. 425 red mangrovehad the highestimportancevalues m, and annualrainfallof 3760 mm) has 85 tree andscrubman- speciesand a basal area of 40.1 m2/ha (Tschirley fringe, (72-100%) fortheoverwash, grove forestswhile the riverineand basin forests et al. 1970). of redand blackmangroves. The driestsite on the southcoast was a fringe showeda co-dominance Of all mangrovetypessampledin Florida,the Ten forestin Punta Gorda dominatedby the red manThousandIslandsriverineforesthad thehighestba- grove (100% importance).The foresthad a comsal area (38.5 m2/ha),which is comparableto a plexityindexof 0.9 due to theshortcanopy(7 m), from NorthCentralFloridamixedhardwoodforest(33.0 andlow basalarea (6.9 m2/ha).Uplandrunoff m2/ha) (Lugo et al. 1971). The scrubor dwarf a porouslimestonecap occursonly 1-2 monthsper all less than year. Structural of a subtropicaldry characteristics mangroveforesthad 25,000 stems/ha, 10 cm diameterand not morethan1-1.5m tall,re- forestat Guainicaadjacentto the PuntaGordamanbasal area (6.6 m2/ sultingin a low basalarea (6.0 m2/ha)and a corre- grovesiteindicatea comparable index (1.5). The basin ha), and a greaternumberof species (16) which low complexity spondingly indices givesa highercomplexity index (14) (unpublished and riverineforesthad thelargestcomplexity of NaturalRe23.4-27.7) due to the tallercanopy (6.5-9.0 m) reportby J. L. Rogers,Department and largerbasal areas (20.3-38.5m2/ha). The com- sources,1974). plexityindicesof theoverwashand fringetypeswere The fringeforestat Aguirrewas slightlymore betweenthetwo extremes(3.4 and 9.6, developedwitha tallercanopy(12 m) and a larger intermediate table2). respectively; basal area (22.6 m2/ha) thaneitherthe fringeforests of JobosBay or Ceiba. The numberof stems Puerto Rico (11,000-47,000/ha)and a shortercanopy(4.6 m) and destruction of pasthurricane be indicative might mangrove On the northcoast,the largestremaining domithe is mangrove Red regeneration. resultant Talega forest,receivesthe area, the Pifiones-Vacia fromthe Rio Loiza. nantspeciesin theseforests(67-82% importance). and floodwaters overlandrunoff of Ceiba are Even thoughthe fringemangroves has The basinforestof Pitnones a basal area of 17.8 indexof 16.7. In two of locatedon theeast coastof PuertoRico, theirstrucm2/haand a complexity are suggestiveof both the dry the plots,the whitemangrovewas dominant(45- turalcharacteristics and the morehumidnorthmangroves south-coast and in the othertwo,red (60% 60% importance), The low canopy(8.5 m) of forest. mangrove coast were importance) importance)and black (57% red mangroveforest(97%6 imthispredominantly respectively. dominant, wheremangroves, Four 0.1 ha plots of all treesgreaterthan 2.5 portance)is typicalof south-coast basal and of stems (5690/ha) the number large as cm diameteraveraged2350 trees/ha.An inventory index in a complexity results m2/ha) 16.7 area ( of stemsgreaterthan10 cm diameterexcludesseedtypes. of (16.2) similarto north-coast lingsand smallertreesand is an underestimation bya large The Mona Islandforestis characterized the total trees. In an unpublishedinventoryby Wadsworth(pers. comm.), the numberof stems numberof treesgreaterthan10 cm diameter(1790/ tallerthan 1.5 m reportedin 1938 was 41.496/ha ha), whichgivesa largerbasal area (35.0 m2/ha) in PuertoRico. Cintronet al. with a basal area of 16 m2/ha;whereas,11 years thanthosemangroves latertherewere30,398trees/hawitha basal area of (1975) reportedthatthe dilutionof sea waterby foresttypes. freshwaterreducedsoil salinitiesto about 5 parts to surrounding 35 m2/ha.In comparison Structure of Mangrove Forests 207 perthousand.The low soil salinity explainsthevigor The entireestuarine systemof theMarismasNaand dominanceof thezed mangroves(75% impor- cionalesacts as a receivingbasin forrunofffroma tance) 15 m tall. largeuplandwatershed and supportsa largenumber In additionto topographicclassification, man- of local fishermen. The mulletfishingindustry and grovesof PuertoRico can also be dividedinto two seasonalshrimpharvestsare evidenceof the probroadtypescorresponding to northand southcoasts ductivity of the estuarinesystem.Exceptfor local (Lugo and Cintron1975). The structural character-sportfishing, the fishingindustry of Florida,Puerto isticsof the north-and south-coast mangrovesare Rico,and Costa Ricanmangrovewatersis not nearprobablybestdescribedby directand indirectinflu- ly as activeas thatobservednearthemangrovearea ences of dimate (i.e., rainfall,temperature, runoff, on thewestcoastof MexiconearTeacap6n. hurricanes, etc.). The inventory plotson the humid northcoastreceiveapproximately 1630 mmof pre- Costa Rica cipitationannuallywhereasthe southcoast is considerablydrier (861-1400 mm/yr).Likewisethis The Riverinemangrove(Moin) nearLim6non the higherrainfallproducesmorerunoffand sediment Caribbeancoast (tropicalmoistlife zone) is more developedthan eitherthe riverineor forthe north-coast mangroves, whereasthe streams structurally and riverson the south coast are dry for 10-11 fringemangroveson the drierPacific coast. The Pterocarpus monthsof the year. Of the totalestimatedannual largebasalarea (96.4 m2/ha),primarily (65% of thetotalbasalarea), and thetall runoffthatreachesthe ocean, the northcoast re- officinalis indexof 84.5. ceives45 percent,whereasthe southcoast receives canopy(16 m) resultin a complexity Pterocarpus had a high species importance (63%) than less 10 percent(Departmentof NaturalRewiththethreespeciesof red,black,and whitemansources1974). theremainder of the speA second factorthat influencesthe structuralgroveequallycomprising cies The importance. life tropical zone siteson dry of mangrovesin PuertoRico is the development the coast Pacific of Costa Rica rainhave a seasonal frequency of hurricanes. Since 1893, 11 stormshave dryseason), and thisdrierenvironproducedhurricane winds (hurricanefrequency ap- fall (six-month in theshorter canopies(9.5-10 m) proximates one everysix years); however,onlysix mentis reflected and lower basal areas (23.2-32.9 m2/ha) of the hurricaneshave passed over the mangroveinvenThe fringemangrove torysitesat Aguirre, Ceiba,and Pifiones. PuntaGor- fringeand riverinemangrove. da and Mona Islandmangrove forestsmaynot have forestwas dominatedby the red mangrove(68% ,beendisturbed forceof hurricane importance)whereasPellicierarhizophoraedominby the destructive ated (519% importance)the riverineforest. winds. Mexico The riverineforests of theMarismasNacionaleshad highcomplexity indices(49.7-73.2) due to thelarge basal areas (57.8-60.8m2/ha),tall canopies(16-17 m), and a largenumberof individuals greaterthan 10 cm diameter(103-145/ha). This foresttypeis typicalof habitatsthat receivelarge quantitiesof freshwater runoffand nutrient-rich sedimentsfrom upland watersheds.Althoughthe basin foresthas thelargestnumberof stems(3120/ha) of all types thatwere sampledat this location,the treeswere shorter(9 m) and smallerresulting in a lowerbasal area (15 2 m2/ha) and a lower complexity index (8.5). The blackmangroves had thehighestimportancevalue (88%) in thebasin forestwheredense stands of pneumatophores covereda slightlydepressedforestfloorthatheld surfacewateruntilit whitemanevaporated.In the two riverineforests, groveswere the dominantspecies (59-63 importance) withredand blackmangrove but less present. important (table 3). 208 Pool, Snedaker,and Lugo STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS OF MANGROVE FORESTS Expressed as thesumof theindividual cross-sectional areas of tree stemsat breastheight, basal area is used as an indicatorof timberresources whichis relatedto foreststructure. all individualsgreaterthan 2.5 cm Considering thelargestbasalareaandprobably diameter, themost structurally developedmangroveforestswerethe riverineforestsof the Atlanticcoast of Costa Rica (96.4 m2/ha) and the MarismasNacionaleslocated nearTeacapa'n,Mexico (60.8 m2/ha). The smallest basal areasweremeasuredforthe dwarfmangroves in southeastern Florida(6.0 m2/ha) and the fringe on thedrysouthcoastof PuertoRico (6.9 mangrove m2/ha;table 2). Table 4 comparesthe basal area, stand density,height,and speciesdensityof other single-species-dominated tropicalforests.It is evident thatmangrove forests developlessbasal area as comparedto forestecosystems witha relatively low numberof treespecies. BASAL AREA: I8 Basedonlyon mnasurements of canopyheightas an indicator of structu130 A ral development, the riverineand basin mangrove A typeshad tallercanopiesthanthe scrub,fringe, and 12 A overwash types(fig. 11). Theseresultsare consistent to 00 withthe rankingof theseforesttypesaccordingto O litterfallproduction(Pool, et al. 1975). The implicationis thatthe factorsthatregulateprimary pro0.~~~~~~~~ 4 ductivity mayalso regulatestandstructure. Cintron 0z et al. (1975) correlated decreasing standheightwith 2 O increasing soil salinityon the southcoastof Puerto SCRUB FRINGE OVERWASH BASIN RIVERINE Rico (r 0.79). In Florida,all the mangroves inventoried, except 11. Canopy height of a varietyof mangroveforthe scrubtype,were growingundersimilarcondi- FIGURE est types. The mangrovestypes are arranged in order of tionsof dimate,nutrients, and runoff.The overwash increasingfreshwaterturnover. The open circles represent and basin typeshave slightlyshortercanopies. In Florida sites, the open trianglesthe site on the northcoast of Puerto Rico, the shaded trianglesthe sites on the south PuertoRico,thenorth-coast mangroves aretallerthan coast of Puerto Rico, the squares the sites in Mexico, and thesouth-coast in partdue to rainfalland the shaded circles the Costa Rican sites. mangroves, runoffdifferences. The basin mangroveof Pifnones receivesabundantrunoffand overlandflow. shortercanopy(Odum 1970) but a largernumber Eventhoughthetallestmangroves weremeasured of individualswithdiameters less than10 cm (e.g, in M6xico,the reasonsfor the variationsin tree mangroves of southcoastof PuertoRico and South heightsmaybe due to the differences in size of the Florida,bothof whichlie in thehurricane belt). drainageareasand thequalityof the runoff. In comparison, thoseforests(i.e., Mexico,Costa The mangroves of thePacificcoastof CostaRica Rica) thatwere not affectedby hurricanes had a are structurally similarto those mangrovesof the tallercanopy,less densestand,but a largernumber southcoast of PuertoRico and Florida. However, of individuals withdiameters greaterthan10 cm and the riverinemangrovesof the Caribbeancoast of consequently were more structurally developedas Costa Rica (Moin site) wereamongthetallestmea- shownin a highercomplexity indexthanthosemansured.The presenceof Pterocarpus suggestslow soil grove foreststhat are periodicallyinfluencedby salinities.In comparison, the mangrovesof Mona strongwindsand hurricanes (table 2). The shorterIslandarealsogrowingin a low-salinity regime(Cin- canopiedforestshad a high standdensityas a retronet al. 1975) with treeheightscomparableto sult of extensiveseedlingestablishment following thosemeasuredin Moin site. and strongwinds. hurricanes of The structural of othertropicalforHurricaneslimit the long-term development components and forests.Such foreststendto have a estsof CostaRica are presented in table4. Comparmangroves HEIGHT OF MANGROVE FOREST: 14 0 TABLE 4. Structuralcomponentsof tropicalforestsin Costa Rica (afterHoldridge et al. 1971). Calculationsinclude only trees greaterthan 10 cm diameter. SITE (foresttype) Life zone Barranca (slope forest) Tropical moist Basal Tree Species area density density per 0.1 ha (m2/ha) (no./ha) Stand height (m) Complexity index 13.3 46.7 506 45 141.4 Osa (Mora swamp) Tropical wet 4.5 35.0 235 26 9.6 Osa (mangrove swamp) Tropical wet 1.0 12.5 360 34 1.5 Rio Colorado (cativo swamp) Tropical wet 3.6 54.9 290 47 26.9 Rio Colorado (palm swamp) Tropical wet 10.0 47.1 715 40 134.7 Dominant Species Scheelea rostrata,Luehea seemannii Mora oleifera Rhizophora mangle Prioriacopaifera,Stemmadeniasp. Astrocaryum alatum, Pentaclethra macroloba,Carapa guianensis Structure of Mangrove Forests 209 spe- sizing the importance ing data of treesgreaterthan 10 cm diameter, of a large numberof small cies densityand standheightare higherthanthose stems.The fringeforestat JobosBay,PuertoRico, measuredin mangroveforestsand thushave a cor- and the scrubmangroveat TurkeyPoint,Florida, index. respondingly indexof zero if only highercomplexity wouldeach have a complexity of thoseindividuals complexity Anothermeasureof thestructural greaterthan 10 cm diameterwere tropicalforests is thenumberof treestrataor layers. considered.All mangrove studysiteshavebeenplota simplemethod ted on the Holdridgelife zone chartforeasyvisual Holdridgeet al. (1971) suggested the numberof treestrataby divid- comparison(fig. 12). fordetermining by two and finding ing thestandheightsuccessively Based on DBH greaterthan 10 cm the mean the resultsgreaterthan5 m (consideredminimum complexityindex of 8.4 for all mangroveforests heightfortrees). Most of the mangroveforestsin- classifiedin the subtropicaldrylife zone is somein thisstudyhaveonlyone storysinceun- what higherthanthe expectedvalue of 5.6 which ventoried derstory seedlingsare too small to be considereda Holdridgeet al. (1971) projectfor"maturenatural mangroveforests forestassociations tree stratum.In the undisturbed favorable withoutany excessively inventoried, thisone treelayeris quite distinctex- or restrictive growthfactors"(table 5). These pofernformedthe under- tentialvalues for complexity cept wherethe Acrosticum indicesare based on story. In the Moin site, the Pterocarpusdominated extrapolation or resultsobtainedin morehumidlife the un- zonesand maynot be entirely the canopywiththered mangroveforming valid in drierareas. derstory or secondtreestratumwhichsupportsthe indicesof both diComparisonof complexity byHolddescribed Holdridgetheory.The mangroves and > 10 cmDBH) cm DBH ( > 2.5 classes ameter ridgeweretaller(34 m) thanthosereportedhere, and tropical moist, tropical moist, subtropical in the but had onlyone treestratum.However,the cativo than potential lower life are considerably zones dry Griseb) withsimilartoposwamp(Prioriacopaifera Howet al. (1971). Holdridge values by predicted of theMoin site had 2-3 tree graphiccharacteristics predictions between Holdridge's the differences ever, strata. indicesof mangroveforestsreand the complexity a measureof stress.Two reamay be here ported STAND DENSITY OF MANGROVE FORESTS: The stand discrepancy:1) the forest this explain might sons densityin termsof number of individuals per land damfromearliercouldstillbe recovering area reflectsthe recent historyof the mangrovefor- vegetation or impactof man; and 2) the est. The numberof individual trees was greatestfor age by hurricanes of certainmangroveforests the fringeforestat Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico (47,300/ dry,salineenvironments development. structural suppress may ha), and for the dwarfforestor scrub mangrovesat Turkey Point, Florida (25,030/ha). No individual treesgreaterthan 10 cm DBH are reportedforeither of these sites. Hurricaneshave killed mangrovesin southernFlorida (Hurricane Donna 1960) and Puerto Rico (1956) which in some situations may explain the lack of individual plants in the larger size class (Wadsworth and Englerth 1959). There was no visible evidence or data available which indicated that the mangrove study sites of Mexico or Costa Rica had ever been subjected to a hurricane. The complexityindices (all individuals greaterthan 2.5 cm diameter) for mangroves sampled in this studyrange from0.9 (Punta Gorda, Puerto Rico) to 97.5 (Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico). Holdridge considersonly those trees greater than 10 cm diameterfor computationof complexity index; however, mangrove forestshave a considerably largernumberof stemsin the diameterclass between 2.5 and 10 cm. Including these smaller individuals affectsthe total basal area very little, but greatlyincreasesthe number of stems measured and gives a betterrepresentationof the stand by emphaCOMPLEXITY INDICES: 210 Pool, Snedaker, and Lugo INFLUENCE OF OTHER FACTORS ON MANGROVE STRUCTURE INFLUENCE OF EXTREME MANGROVE ENVIRONMENTS: The effectsof extreme environmentscan also suppress the structuraldevelopment of mangroves and yield low complexityindices. Reduced freshwaterflow througha mangroveforestprobably not only reduces the nutrientinput from surrounding terrestrialareas, but also results in higher soil salinities. The dry south coast of Puerto Rico is a good example where high evaporation causes high soil salinities,and these are reflectedin a shortcanopy, low basal area, and low complexity indices (table 2). Cintron et al. (1975) lists several examples of mangrove foreststhat are under environmental stress due to high soil salinities. The structure of the scrub mangrove forestgrowing on the limestone marl soils of southeasternFlorida is anotherexample of the effectsof an extrememangrove environment.The relativelyflat topography,seasonal freshwaterflow, and low nutrientinputs result / Dry Forest Forest Wet / \ /Moist \ Forest ht T 0_P I .70 P _SUBTROPICL SUrBR-Rp1?cPC, 0t SO2 E 75 6 Dry , Mos / s~~ \, " oe LATITUDINAL ALTITUDINAL /o' , REGIONS BELTS %!OTI-INIVSAL PO0L AR ~ SOSPOLAB ~ o BORTundEra L Totdto Trrodt Dry d Moist T in~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u O-\-X 3@--r--------BQ L t 0 -k\h' % | b \ >. r Dry i R >/ \ t 1 E ,' Scrub T \ Totdt ' W Wet Tundro ~ Todt ALPINE tin Tundra A L P I N IE t MoIt lotest '.Fotest We (Pu~~no),81 (Paromo)8X', o______---- // < / o t Fotest // Rot t / .SU |// ( COOL TEMPERATE 248- SUBTROPIC/ ? A A PN_ MONTANE M LOWER *> i= {_ / \-- \2 \\ Desert O90\eseot/ \ Desert / S^!b~~~~~~~~~5C, F\es. Deet *,' F^p ' VDesertt Forest FOtt Tottgo , hn .i /et \/ t / \ We rtt , \ / estl Foes Frs Frs Ott /\ ,Morst ,' Fotest *tFotest -- \ Rn F PREMONTARE- R W ot 'o e ort -2 FIGURE 12. Diagram for the classificationof world life zones or plant formationsby L. R. Holdridge (1967). (Diagram courtesyof Tropical Science Center,San Jose, Costa Rica.) Enlargementshows mangrove study sites in the subtropical and tropical dry and moist life zones. For this diagram,life zones were determinedfromavailable climaticdata that were only approximatefor the study sites. Note that life zones given in table 1 and the text are based on field observationsand life zone maps prepared by Holdridge et al. (1971) and Ewel and Whitmore (1973). Numbers refer to specificmangrove forestsas follows: (1) Ten Thousand Islands, Florida, (2) TurkeyPoint, Florida, (3) North Coast, Puerto Rico, (4) South Coast, Puerto Rico, (5) West Coast, Mexico, (6) Santa Rosa, Costa Rica, (7) Boca Barranca,Costa Rica, and (8) Moin, Costa Rica. maybe largelya function of this forest mentand litterproduction development in suppressedstructural and nutrients of incomingfreshwater of thequantity (table 2). in thatinput. variation and the time-dependent Previousworkon litterproduction(Pool et al. 1975) at severalof the sitesevaluatedin thisstudy indices of mangroves of co-mplexity has furthersuggesteda relationshipbetweenthe TABLE 5. Comparison and upland subtropicaland tropical forests. load) with input (and potentialnutrient freshwater the productionof litterby foresttype. The rateof Complexityindices Upland forestsb Mangroveforestsa to productivity uptakemaybe proportional nutrient >10 cmDBH >10cmDBH Life zone >2.5cmDBH and to some extentrelatedwiththe subsequentacThe Subtropical dry 31.6 of livingbiomassas foreststructure. cumulation 5.6 8.4 of leaflittermaybe used as an estimator Subtropicalmoist 14.8 production 90.0 2.3 45.0 4.8 7.6 and nutrientinput re- Tropical dry of the relativefreshwater 270.0 72.0 84.5 and externalsources. Al- Tropical moist ceived fromterrestrial to a are insufficient thoughthe data on complexity Complexityindices of mangrove forests(this study) caltheydo suggestsome cor- culated for two diameterclasses. draw strongconclusions, relationamong foresttype,litterproduction,and bHoldridge et al. (1971) predictionof complexityindices (one diameterclass) for mature natural forestassociations nutrientinputs. It appearsthat at the without freshwater any excessively favorable or restrictivegrowth develop- factors. optimumsalinityregimesboth structural Structure of Mangrove Forests 211 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Department of Interior, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Pittman Robertson and Dingle Johnson projects This research efforthas been made possible through the 4-4-4, Study II and III; Mexico-National Institute of supportand assistanceof many organizationsand individu- Anthropologyand History,and the State Universityof New als to whom we expressour appreciation. 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