February 2016 - Porsche Club of America
February 2016 - Porsche Club of America
der RÜCKSPIEGEL February 2016 der RÜCKSPIEGEL 2016 Mercedes-Benz SL Roadster A dream that’s made for the light of day. Vin Devers Autohaus 5570 Monroe Street • Sylvania, Ohio • 419-885-5111 • www.vindevers.com 2016 Audi RS 7 Witness a roaring performance • 605-hp TFSI® engine that has a top track speed of 190 mph • Sport exhaust • Audi dynamic ride control suspension • Carbon Optic design package Magna Society Audi Sylvania 5570 Monroe St. | Sylvania, OH 419-885-5111 www.sylvaniaaudi.com 2 February 2016 der RÜCKSPIEGEL VOLUME 43 ISSUE 2 Table of Contents Vorschall! 3 Officers & Chairs 4 The Open Road 5 From the Podium 6 Lane Motor Museum 8 MVR Membership News 12 Calendar of Events 13 Technical Q and A 14 Around the Zone 16 MVR Mart 20 Advertiser Index 22 Published monthly by the Maumee Valley Region, Porsche Club of America. Newsletter Editors Tom and Deb Isley 2847 Secretariat Rd. Toledo, Ohio 43615 419-535-8688 derruckspiegel@bex.net Advertising Rates All rates are for 1 year: Business card $60.00 Quarter page $150.00 Half page $200.00 Full page $300.00 Check or money order made out to MVRPCA must accompany request. Please call for shorter intervals. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month for the next month’s issue. Material from der RÜCKSPIEGEL may be reprinted (except for ads) provided proper credit is given to the author and the source. Copy is the responsibility of the advertiser. Photo on cover: The Lane Auto Museum Photo by Bob Cryan der RÜCKSPIEGEL is the official publication of the Maumee Valley Region, Porsche Club of America. Opinions stated are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Maumee Valley Region or Porsche Club of America. Back issues of der RÜCKSPIEGEL are available at http://mm.pca.org/newsletters.htm. Historical newsletters (May 1972December 1975) are also available, thanks to our club historian, Bill Bauman. 3 der RÜCKSPIEGEL MVR Chairs MVR Officers Autocross President Todd Mierzwiak 419-283-5593 toddm79861@aol.com Greg Herr Vice President Concours Tom Woodruff 419- 547-3476 tfwdds@woh.rr.com Treasurer Jeff Vollmar 586-739-1636 jtvollmar@att.net Secretary Adam Cufr TBD Drivers Education Tony Calabrese Past President Diane Schoen Zone 4 Representative Michael Soriano MSoriano.ZoneRep@gmail.com http://zone4.pca.org 419-340-8759 thetony@gmail.com DE Chief Instructor Craig Zenil 419-787-9591 adamcufr@gmail.com 419-833-9696 greg.herr@us.o-i.com 630-689-7219 zman911@bex.net Historian Bill Bauman 419-475-1336 backmotor@bex.net Membership Barney Stewart 419-829-2882 bstewart@bex.net Bob Harris 419-861-0745 robertsharris@sbcglobal.net Newsletter Tom & Deb Isley 419-535-8688 derruckspiegel@bex.net Moving Please drop Barney Stewart (bstewart@bex.net) or Bob Harris (robertsharris@sbcglobal.net), our Membership Chairs, a note with your old & new address so you don’t miss an issue of der RÜCKSPIEGEL. Advertising Todd Mierzwiak 419-283-5593 toddm79861@aol.com Safety/Technical Advisor Todd Mierzwiak 419-283-5593 toddm79861@aol.com Social Kim Harris 419-861-0745 kimberlydharris@sbcglobal.net Goodie Store Jeff Vollmar 586-291-0015 jtvollmar@att.net Webmaster Janet Sternfeld 4 http://mm.pca.org genie10@aol.com February 2016 The Open Road Ok ladies, are you ready to paint. Coming up on March 5th will be the ladies night of painting with Aaron Bivins. That will be followed by dinner at The Stables in Blissfield on the 16th for our next club event. A new event for us will be coming in April with a laser tag party and dinner at Shorty’s. Laser tag is a fun way to get your aggressions out, come out and give it a try. will now be able to relax and just watch as the club continues on. We thank Janet for her dedication to the club. MVR members Charlotte and Bob Cryan are wintering in Nashville, TN. They have taken some time out to visit a local automobile museum in the area and have provided us with a report on their adventure. Check out the story on page 8. Bob has promised more reporting from the Nashville area as they continue to enjoy time in a warmer clime. Flash your headlights at a fellow Porsche owner on the road!! Keep the kindred spirit alive!! Now it is time for someone to step up and take over the advertising chair for Todd. His duties as president will not allow him devote the necessary time to finding and promoting our club to potential advertisers. …..the editor The search for a new Webmaster may be over. The details are still being worked out. An announcement will be made as soon as everything is finalized. Our current Webmaster has served the club for longer than I have been doing the newsletter. She 5 der RÜCKSPIEGEL From The Podium By Todd Mierzwiak Well so far this winter has been one of the mildest seasons that I can remember in a long time. Not only has it been unseasonably moderate plus there hasn't been any of that white stuff which brings out the salt trucks. As I'm writing this article the temperature is 61 degrees outside. So far this year I have made several resolutions for 2016. The first started back in November when I found out that I was facing surgery on my shoulder for a rotator cuff/bicep repair. I wasn't sure just how long I would be out of commission with healing and physical therapy so I was resolved to get as much DE preseason prep work done to my 996 Turbo as possible before the surgery. I got the car on the lift & with Lee Burlingame's help we changed the fluids in the car and I was able to pinpoint an oil leak on one of the turbo oil reservoirs that had been driving me crazy. It turned out to be $1.25 bolt which was exasperating to locate as I had to remove the inner fenders along with the rear bumper to get at everything. Next was a fire extinguisher install that necessitated 6 removing the front seat and reinstalling the seat brackets. I'm learning that it's a lot of fun to work on these cars and it certainly gives you a sense of satisfaction as you learn about your particular car's nuances. Now that my surgery is a couple weeks behind me & physical therapy is underway, my other resolution is to get "fit" for the 2016 DE season. I realize that driving in DE events not only tasks the car but also the body and both have to be conditioned equally. These are some of my goals for 2016. We had our first board & business meeting for 2016 last week and finalized our July DE at Grattan Raceway. If you are an old diehard DE person get this on your calendar. If you are new to the DE scene and would be interested in learning more or participating in this event, let us know. Registration will open April 1 on ClubRegistration.Net. On March 5, the ladies have a get together at Toledo Botanical Gardens for a fun filled event. Please check the website for upcoming events that will be happening throughout the year. Please remember to keep the blink alive !!! February 2016 MVR-PCALadiesEvent Watercolor Painting with Aaron Bivins, watercolor, oil, & acrylic artist Saturday, March 5, 2016 1:00-4:00 pm Cost: $35 (pay at the event) At the Toledo Artists’ Club, Toledo Botanical Gardens, 5403 Elmer Dr., Toledo, Ohio Please bring your favorite wine or beverage and an appetizer to share. RSVP: Deb Isley at 419-260-9546, Deb.Isley@bex.net OR Kim Harris at 419-861-0745, 2kimberlydharris@gmail.com 7 der RÜCKSPIEGEL Lane Motor Museum by Bob Cryan 1948 Davis Divan Hi to All from Charlotte and Bob. This past weekend we took a trip to the Lane Motor Museum. We highly recommend it to anyone who likes European Cars and is travelling south near Nashville. “The Lane Motor Museum is one of the few museums in the United States to specialize in European cars” and is the largest collection in the U. S. 1965 Lotus Super Seven S2 8 representing Asia, Europe, North, and South America by introducing the visitor to nearly “150 rare and unique cars and motorcycles” from among 45 different marques. They have nearly 500 cars but only room to show about 150 on the floor at a time. The museum differentiates itself not only by the cars it has collected for display, but also by maintaining that all vehicles shown are in running order. The diversity of types to see is striking from propeller-driven to microcars and from amphibious to competition cars. There are many one-of-a-kind vehicles as well as military vehicles, prototypes and some 40 motorcycles. The visitor (Continued on page 9) February 2016 (Continued from page 8) is treated to a spacious building with cars arranged nicely for you to saunter around taking pictures all day if you like and having the advantage of complete descriptions and history next to each vehicle. Sure makes remembering all the pictures easy. I asked the Director where were the Porsches as I saw none. He said that there was a 914 being worked on in the lower level shop. He also said that the owner drives a 50th Anniversary 911. This is a spectacular museum suitable for all car enthusiasts and their family 1934 McQuay-Norris Streamliner (children are encouraged to play in the enclosed play-space loaded with toy and pedal cars). Although there is no restaurant, there is a snack bar area and vending machines. So, go and see it if you can. You won’t be disappointed. 1973 Lotus Type 74 9 der RÜCKSPIEGEL MVR-PCASocialEvent EuchreTournamentandChiliCookOff SaturdayFebruary20,2016 5:00p.m. Hosts:Jim&DianeSchoen 24331SunAirBlvd. Perrysburg,OH43551 Pleasebringabatchofyourfavoritechili,appetizeror desserttoshare. RSVP:KimHarrisat419-861-0745or 2kimberlydharris@gmail.com 10 February 2016 11 der RÜCKSPIEGEL MVR/PCA Membership News February 2016 - Club Member Anniversaries Jim and Cheryl Wilson Dale and Sharon Fundum Sam and Sharon Scamardo Joe Sheamer Christopher and Mary Ingersoll Chris Kelly 18 Years 12 Years 9 Years 3 Years 2 Years 1 Year New Members No new members this month Ride with the #1 car insurer in Maumee Valley Region Membership: Primary Members 146 Affiliate Members 107 Total Members 253 OHIO. Pete MacDonald, Agent 3545 Navarre Avenue Oregon, OH 43616 Bus: 419-698-4393 petemacdonald.com With competitive rates and personal service, it’s no wonder more drivers trust State Farm . Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. ® ® CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7. 1001142.1 12 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company Bloomington, IL If you are not currently receiving Social Event e-mail updates, please contact Kim Harris at kimberlydharris@sbcglobal.net February 2016 Maumee Valley Region Calendar of Events Check our web site at www.mm.pca.org for the latest event information. FEBRUARY 11 Business Meeting 20 Schoen Home Party -Euchre Tournament and Chili Cook Off JULY 9 29-31 Lederman Home Party DE at Grattan AUGUST 11 Business Meeting 20 Schoen Home Party MARCH 5 Ladies event 19 The Stables SEPTEMBER TBD Golf Outing APRIL 14 Business Meeting 16 Laser Tag & Dinner OCTOBER 13 Business Meeting 22 Findlay Rod & Gun Club MAY 7 NOVEMBER 12 Stewart Planning Party 22 Kentucky Derby Party @ Germain Porsche Mon Ami Driving Tour and Brunch JUNE 9 Business Meeting 11 Zacharias Home Party 19-25 Parade at Jay's Peak Resort, VT DECEMBER 2 Holiday Party at Glass Pavilion 8 Business Meeting Note: All business meetings are held at Vin Devers and start at 7PM. New or revised events in BOLD # Non-PCA events. 13 der RÜCKSPIEGEL Technical Q and A By PCA Technical Committee Intermittent Starting On 2000-996 Question: I have 65,000 miles on my 2000, 911 Carerra. The car is in very nice shape and I haven't experienced any major issues since I purchased it, however, from time to time, I'll go to start it and when I turn the key...it doesn't start. All the instrument cluster lights go on, but the engine does not turn over. So far what resolves the problem is turning the key back to the OFF position, depressing the clutch as far back as I can and then turning the key to start it again. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries, but eventually it starts. It doesn't seem to be the battery, because when it does turn over, it turns with force and starts right away. How can I resolve this problem? Answer: Submitted by Bill Burris. First, let me congratulate you for attempting to search for the solution to your starting problem, the internet is a wonderful thing and I'd say more often than not you'll find somebody with a similar experience to share. One of the things we've been able to do with a proliferation of models that share similar architectures is to search for solutions under different model names in the off chance that somebody with THAT model (like a 986) can share some insight that would apply to your own (996). Such is the case with the no start issue Boxster owners have been having this challenge for a while now and even our parts suppliers can tell by the increased demand for the electrical portion of the ignition switch - which is shared between models - might be the issue for your car as well. I've changed a number of these units myself so if you have a modicum of technical ability, own a very small straight-blade screwdriver and don't mind resting your head on the brake pedal with a flashlight in your mouth, you can save yourself some labor cost; otherwise, your local Porsche repair facility will be able to help. Oil Leak Question: How do I stop a hefty oil leak on my 1976, 912E, that seems to be problematic on the passenger side, with a lot of oil on the floor and burned oil on the exhaust rolling from the passenger side rear wheel well after a ten or fifteen minute drive? I checked and replaced the valve cover gaskets and the oil return tube seal rings, to no avail. The only thing else I can think of that could be slinging oil near the back bumper is the real main seal/pulley seal. There appears to be no oil leaking where the engine meets the gearbox. If that is the case, will I need to drop the engine from the car to replace that seal or can the job be done with the engine in place? (Continued on page 15) 14 February 2016 (Continued from page 14) Answer: Submitted by David Seeland. Rather than partially disassembling the engine immediately to replace a possible rear main seal leak I suggest you attempt to physically locate the leak. This can be done in two ways. The first is to either see or feel leaking oil after thorough cleaning of the engine. The second is to add a dye to the engine oil that fluoresces under ultraviolet light and locate the leak with a UV LED flashlight. So, begin by cleaning the engine as if you are going to enter a concours. Scrape off any heavy accumulations of grime then apply a spray degreaser and rinse. Brush areas that are still oily with more degreaser and rinse again. Scrub any remaining oil with a Scotchbrite pad soaked in degreaser and rinse again. Put the car up on jack stands, remove the wheels and put them under the car as a safety precaution. Run the engine for increasing lengths of time until you see or feel the leak. Let the engine cool between oil searches. Then, if you haven't found the leak yet or want to try the high tech leak detection method first, all you need is an ounce of dye for engine oil that fluoresces under UV light and a UV flashlight (with less than 375nm wavelength LEDs). About $25 should buy both. It should be faster because you don't need to clean the engine first. However, if the engine has been leaking for a long time, it will probably have a dirt clogged oil cooler and dirt coated fins on the heads and cylinders and should be cleaned anyway. A dirty aircooled engine will run hotter because the dirt cuts down on heat transfer. This being the case, I suggest that you remove the engine to clean it. The shop manual recommends removing the engine and transaxle as a unit but it is possible to remove just the engine if you are careful. Burned Out LED on Battery Maintainer Question: My Cayman is a 2007 with 32,000 miles. About 3 years ago I purchased a Porsche logo battery maintainer. Recently, I noticed that that the LED for the battery mode is no longer lighting. Now I don't know if the maintainer is working, Is this a repairable item or have I thrown $100 away? It has only been used in a dry garage and one would expect it to last forever. It's marked "Made in China"...is this Porsche's idea of quality? Answer #1: Submitted by Monarch Digital. The battery maintainer can be checked with a multi tester. The two output contacts can be checked for voltage DC in which should be greater than 12V yet less than 14V. The amperage for a maintainer is about 90Ma as they are not a charger yet as described a maintainer. These are used to compensate for parasitic draws by active control units and normal battery losses while sitting. Answer #2: Submitted by Larry Turner. I also use a Battery Tender (not Porsche brand) and if my bulb ever dies I suspect I can remove the cover and install a new miniature "rice-grain" bulb. These bulbs are normally available at Radio Shack. Worth a shot rather than throwing it away. 15 der RÜCKSPIEGEL Around the Zone By Michael Soriano Zone 4 Representative Greetings PCA Zone 4 Members, 2016 has already been a very busy year, with one great event after another. The year kicked off with the Zone 4 Exclusive Preview at the North American International Auto Show, which was the location for the World Premiere of the new 911 Turbo and 911 Turbo S. This event has grown from 118 tickets, 7 hotel rooms, and 20 people for dinner, to 200 tickets, nearly 40 hotel rooms, and dinner both Friday and Saturday nights. It has become so popular that the event sold out in 31 minutes, while the welcome dinner sold out even before the event tickets went on sale. The weekend began with a Welcome Dinner in the private dining room at The Henry Autograph Hotel. This year we were joined by PCA Executive Director Vu Nguyen, Panorama’s Executive Editor Amy Skogstrom, as well as several representatives from Porsche including the Manager of Porsche Clubs North America Paul Gregor, the Manager of Customer Relations Christian Heller, the Area After Sales Manager Kirt Shore, and interns Jessica Geist and Carina Mesnjak. The NAIAS Preview Event took place Saturday morning from 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. before the doors open to the public, with attendees receiving complete access to the entire Porsche display, detailed presentations on all of the newest models, as well as a catered breakfast. Saturday evening, a 16 number of us had dinner together at Muer’s Big Fish Seafood Bistro in Dearborn. A few days later, I was on my way to Atlanta, GA to attend the Winter Board Meeting. Although I was in meetings for 2 entire days, including the Board of Directors meeting, I did arrive early enough to be able to take a beautiful new Porsche out at the Porsche Driving Experience. The facility consists of several modules including a track, a skidpad, a slalom course, an area to test launch control, and the only kickplate currently in North America. After 2 complete days of meetings, a reception was held Saturday evening at One Porsche Drive, Porsche Cars North America’s Headquarters, where the evening began with a tour. This beautiful facility consists of the Porsche Driving Experience, a Human Performance Center, Driving Simulator Center, Porsche Exclusive – Personal Design Studio, as well as the Porsche Heritage Center and Classic Gallery with changing exhibits of artifacts and classic vehicles currently housing vehicles from the Ingram Collection. Other cars on display throughout the facility included the 918 prototype, and a 50th Anniversary Rolex 24 Pace Car. Following the tour, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner in the 356 restaurant. I was honored to be a part of a very special event, when I accompanied Vu to surprise Mark Garofoli and his wife Gretchen with the news that he won a 2017 911 Carrera and $25,000 in PCA’s (Continued on page 17) February 2016 (Continued from page 16) Fall Raffle. Our thanks to Porsche of Beachwood for their assistance. • Southeast Michigan Region’s Lingenfelter Collection Tour Charity Event is March 5 • Join the ladies of Maumee Valley Region on March 5 at the Toledo Artists Center for painting and wine • On March 8 is Motor-Stadt Region’s Board Meeting at Spagnoulo’s in Okemos • Ohio Valley Region’s Monthly Board Meeting and Member Social at Firehouse Grill is March 8 I also had an enjoyable time when I joined a number of Eastern Buckeye Region members at Quaker Steak and Lube for some fellowship at the region’s Rolex 24 viewing party. As the weather continues to improve and events are added to the region calendars, please remember to frequently check your local region’s website and newsletter as well as the Zone 4 website http://zone4pca.org for the latest details on the many events close to you that are being planned. Here are just some of the events taking place this month: • March 1 is Rally Sport Region’s Club Meeting at Karl’s Cabin Restaurant in Plymouth, MI • March 9 is Michiana Region’s Member Meeting at Antonio’s Italian Ristorante in Elkhart, IN • ARPCA’s Business Meeting is on March 10 is at Window Systems, Inc. in Gibsonia • March 12 is Central Indiana Region’s 2nd Saturday Breakfast at Sweet Cars in Fort Wayne, IN • Northern Ohio Region’s New Member Party is March 12 at Porsche of Beachwood • March 13 is Western Michigan Region’s Sunday Brunch at Cygnus • Mid-Ohio Region is hosting a Bowling Party at Bosco Lanes in Columbus on March 26 I look forward to having the opportunity of meeting each and every one of you at events throughout the upcoming year. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at MSoriano.ZoneRep@gmail.com Thanks, Michael 17 der RÜCKSPIEGEL Take charge of your dream for a confident retirement. The American dream is of a better future. I’m dedicated to helping you keep that dream alive. By listening, planning, working with you one-on-one. I’ll help you build a plan to retire your way, with confidence. Call me today at 419.843.3840 to get started. J. CRAIG GRIFFIS Branch Manager Vice President Monfort, Lapinto, Griffis & Associates A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 2244 Centennial Rd Toledo, OH 43617 419.843.3840 craig.griffis@ampf.com ameripriseadvisors.com/ craig.griffis CA Insurance #0129061 Investment advisory products and services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., a registered investment adviser. © 2015 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (7/15) 18 February 2016 19 der RÜCKSPIEGEL Maumee Valley Region Mart Clean out your garage. Advertise here. Reminder: Items for sale can also be sent to our Webmaster at genie10@aol.com for those interested in putting their ad on the MVR web site. For sale 2 front rims 7"x 17" (55 offset) 2 rear rims 8.5"x17" (50 offset). Fits Boxster, very good condition, Porsche Factory Rims, twist style. $800.00 Boxster, track muffler, stainless, 2 outlets $80.00 (too loud for street use). Boxster, 1998 Porsche muffler $125.00 Jim Grabowski. jjgporsche@gmail.com 20 February 2016 Your One Stop Source for Racing Parts & Safety Equipment! FREE Shipping on Orders Over $39.99 Or Visit Our Indianapolis Showroom! 800.397.7815 RacerPartsWholesale.com 411 Dorman, Indianapolis, IN 46202 Guaranteed Lowest Prices! WE BUY & SELL CLASSIC EUROPEAN/ AMERICAN CARS REPAIR AND RESTORATION SERVICES AUTOMOTIVE ART CONTACT INFO: Chuck Putsch, Partner/GM 419-618-3855 centralclassiccars.com 8444 W Central Ave., Sylvania, Ohio 43560 21 der RÜCKSPIEGEL Advertiser Index Adams Laundry Ameriprise Financial Central Classic Cars Dr Chip Repair European AutoWerks PrintinGraphics Porsche of Ann Arbor Racer Parts Wholesale State Farm Insurance Steinel’s Autowerks Tireman Service Center Vin Devers Autohaus Westgate Insurance Yark BMW 20 18 21 19 20 20 23 21 12 19 11 2 22 17 MVR-PCA Members Open a New Business Perrysburg residents have a new option for all of their haircare needs — Supercuts is now open at 26520 North Dixie Highway at Perry’s Corner (419-931-8881). The new Perrysburg Supercuts is locally owned and operated by MVRPCA member Laila Zenil. Mrs. Zenil has hired an outstanding team of six stylists from the area – all of whom are passionate about delivering an exceptional guest experience. Ongoing training allows the stylists to stay current on the latest looks so they can help guests with their existing style or give them a fresh, new cut. 22 February 2016 23 Address Service Requested Tom and Deb Isley 2847 Secretariat Rd Ottawa Hills, Ohio 43615 Der RÜCKSPIEGEL First Class
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