The Election: Here`s What You Need to Know


The Election: Here`s What You Need to Know
Presorted Standard
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Folly Beach SC
Volume 40:3
March, 2016
Publisher: Folly Beach Civic Club est. 1938
Editor: Susan Breslin, 588-3026
The Election: Here’s What You Need to Know
machine. A machine vote has to be counted; a paper
ballot can be deemed invalid by the Board. To get to
the Elections Board, take 61 off the connector, bear
right to 171 at the merge, and take the first left
(Azalea) after the bridge. Azalea end at Leeds Avenue;
turn right onto Leeds, and take the first right onto
Headquarters Road. The Board of Elections is the third
driveway on the right.
On Tuesday, April 5th, Folly Beach voters go to the polls
to elect three members of Council. Two of them will
fill vacated seats (Tom Scruggs and Sandy Hickman are
not running again). The third seat is held by Eddie Ellis,
who is running again.
The Sandspur asked the seven candidates to give us
a biography and photograph. We suggested that they
touch on the following questions in 300 words or less:
Where were you born?
When did you move to Folly Beach?
What contributions have you made to Folly Beach?
What skills and experience would you bring to
What issue or issues do you think will be most
important during your term?
What do you want voters to know about you?
How can voters contact you?
The April 5th election will be held in the Baptist Church
Fellowship Hall at Center and West Indian. Polls will be
open from 7 am to 7 pm. You cannot vote unless you
show one of five pieces of approved identification: an SC
driver’s license, an SC DMV ID, a military ID, a US passport,
or an SC photo voter registration card.
Some Folly voters live in the 29412 zip code, and are part
of the James Island 1A or 1B precincts. For this election,
they vote at the Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Their
normal polling place, James Island Elementary School, will
not be open for voting.
Their responses can be found starting on page 3. We
did not strictly interpret the guidelines on length.
To vote in the election, you must be registered to vote
at least 30 days before the election, or by March 5th.
The easiest way to register is to go to That site – the State Board of
Elections – will link your registration to your SC driver’s
license for required identification. You can also
register by downloading an application and sending it
to the County Board of Elections, but you have very
little time to do that.
Easter Services on Folly
Folly Beach Baptist Church:
Friday, March 25 , 6:30 pm Good Friday Service. Saturday,
March 26th 1-3 pm Easter Rock Hunt, Folly River Park.
Easter Sunday, March 27th 7 am Sunrise Service, Folly Pier.
Easter Sunday, March 27th 11 am Cantata "He Lives," at the
Church. Also at the church: Men's Bible Study Monday nights at
7:30 pm.
New Beth Moore Women’s Bible study, “To Live is Christ,”
March 21st at 6:30 pm.
"Youth on the Edge" Bible Study Tuesday nights at 6:30 pm.
You can vote absentee before the election. There are
17 reasons to qualify for voting absentee, including
that you are 65 or older, or that you will be working or
out of town the day of the election. You can see the list
of other reasons at Call 843-744VOTE to ask for an absentee ballot application. When
you return it, the Board of Elections will send a ballot,
which must be returned before the election. Don’t
forget to have a witness sign the outer envelope.
Our Lady of Good Counsel:
Thursday, March 24th, Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7 pm
Friday, March 25th, Liturgy of the Passion at 3 pm
Saturday, March 26th, Easter Vigil at 8 pm
Sunday, March 27th, Easter Masses at 9 am and 11 am
United Methodist Church:
We will have Maundy Thursday service on March 24th at 6:30
pm. At our 10 am service on Easter morning, our choir will
present their cantata "Christ is Risen, Alleluia" by Marty Parks
and directed by music director Jane Davis. All are welcome.
FBUMC will participate in the community sunrise service at 7 am
on the Folly Pier.
You can vote absentee in person before the election.
Drive to 4367 Headquarters Road, North Charleston
any weekday between 8:30 am and 5 pm and spend 10
minutes completing an application and voting on a
Folly Clubs and Organizations
Civic Club
We had an extremely interesting meeting last month!
Unfortunately, not many attended. Billy McCord, Keith
McCullough and Anton Dumars gave us a fascinating
tour of the flora and fauna of Folly Beach. We saw
fossils and learned more about Monarch butterflies
than I knew there was to know! Some of those orange
and black delicate creatures winter here on the island.
March’s meeting is a big one: Meet the Candidates on
Tuesday, March 15th at 7 pm. Seven Council
candidates will give a brief intro and then answer
questions. We ask the audience to write questions on
cards which will be read to the candidates. We also
have a box in the community center where you can put
your written questions prior to the meeting. Cards will
be edited for redundancy and/or vulgarity, and
sometimes brevity. Please plan to attend and get
informed before the April election.
The Civic Club board will meet soon to decide on
funding projects. If you have an idea for a project,
please let us know what it is, how much it will cost and
why you think it would be a benefit to Folly.
A quick note on this year’s calendar. Some festival
dates were changed after we went to print; we regret
any confusion. The calendar committee is hard at work
already this year on the 2017 calendar.
See everyone on the 15th in the Community Center!
Regina Anderson 914-400-6435
Home and Garden Club
March's Yard of the Month is 527 East Hudson, the
tropical lavender home of Deana Coggin and Bobby
Dockery. Deana grew up in Sumter, attended college
in Myrtle Beach, and always wanted a home on the
coast. Folly became their permanent home in 2013,
after they returned from work in Africa.
They selected Julie Hensley to design their
landscaping with their concept of native and tropical
plants. They planted and installed the walkways
Guests arrive on a gravel driveway which adjoins a
crushed oyster sidewalk bordering a live oak with an
above-ground root system created over many years of
constriction by cement blocks which have been
removed. A plantation mix walkway curves among flax
lilies and breeze grass, leading to holly ferns, fatsia
and fan palms in the left corner. A red maple
completes the scene. The bed along the left side
delivers plush cast iron plants with fatsia culminating
with a Sago palm near the front door.
The right bed also offers a Sago palm by the entrance.
Bright tufts of asparagus fern lead to umbrella trees
and hydrangeas. A light fixture illuminates the front
right, surrounded by flax lilies.
Podocarpus yews start the right boundary, succeeded by
pittosporum, bamboo and palm trees. A weathered,
textured cypress tree ends the procession with a lariope
below. A white ginger offers fabulous fragrance nearby.
In their backyard is a prized brick walkway they laid, where
they spend time with family and friends.
Congrats to Deana and Bobby for making a dream a
reality. As Deana noted, "beauty brought us here and
people made it home."
The David Israel Garden still has stones for purchase. The
Garden Club will meet Tuesday, March 22nd at noon in the
Community Center. Laurie Hull, Chair of Parks and
Recreation, will be our speaker. All interested parties are
welcome to attend.
Happy Saint Patrick's day and a blessed Easter,
Lynn Ray Smalley 588-0093
Exchange Club
Folly Beach Exchange Club owes a debt to Ron Hill and
the Crab Shack for again hosting the annual “Social @ the
Shack” on February 16th. This great event allows us to
spread to word of Exchange and the work we do to better
our community.
Our regular club meeting was held on February 18th and
featured Molly Crete as our speaker. Molly is with “Yes
Carolina!” whose mission is instructing teachers on how to
inspire entrepreneurship in American students (starting in
middle school), show them how our economy works and
how to run a business. Thanks to Molly for an informative
and inspiring presentation!
Our March 17th meeting at 7 pm will offer the traditional St.
Patty Day’s meal of corned beef & cabbage. Our speaker
is Lt. Colonel (Ret.) Dandridge, author and disabled
Vietnam veteran who will tell us how we can support the
efforts of Fisher House, which has a mission to house, free
of charge, families of wounded warriors while visiting
relatives at the Veterans Administration (VA) hospital. If
you would like to learn more about this worthwhile cause,
visitors are welcome to attend at 206 W. Indian.
Attention Folly Beach High School seniors and college
students: Applications for the annual scholarships are
available at City Hall or contact Mae Holmes, 843-5889238. Applicants must be full time Folly residents in good
academic standing. The return deadline is June 30, 2016.
Please mark your calendar: our annual oyster roast and
silent auction will be held April 24th, 2016 at Bowen’s
Island from 1-4 pm. As always, coolers are welcome and
great local music will be provided by some of Folly’s top
musicians. Tickets will be available from any member
of Exchange and at the door. Credit cards will be
accepted for both tickets and auction items. We are
seeking items for our silent auction. If you would like to
(continued on page 6)
Candidate Profiles
Traffic congestion is another problem. Traffic is like the
weather, everybody talks about it, but nobody does
anything about it. I will actively seek to improve our
roads and pedestrian/bikeways to ease congestion.
The Sandspur asked the seven candidates running for
three Council seats for a biography and photograph.
Their responses have been edited for grammar and
length only, and are presented in alphabetical order.
With your help, I can help Folly achieve these goals.
Please feel free to contact me at 843-693-7189 or I appreciate your support.
Keith Bolus
Eddie Ellis
I was born in Charleston in 1958, and raised on James
Island and Folly Beach. My parents built a summer
home in 1968 near the Washout, and I spent many
summer days on the beach.
After I graduated from James Island High School, my
parents moved to the beach full-time in 1978. I lived
with them during school breaks from the College of
Hi! I'm Eddie Ellis. Folly Beach has been my home
since July 2, 1992. That equates to half my life as a
Folly resident. I've been a property owner since 2004,
operated a local landscaping business since the
nineties, and served on City Council for twelve years.
After graduating from USC Law School, I moved to
Folly in 1986. I met my beautiful wife Kathy in 1991,
and we were married in 1992. My three sons were
raised on Folly, and attended James Island public
schools. Two are now in college, and one is a senior at
James Island Charter High School.
My contributions include working to stop overdevelopment. I have introduced and passed legislation
that establishes a height limit in a zone that didn't have
one, establishes a marsh front setback in a multifamily
district that had none, and prohibits any further condo
development. Also, I have worked to protect our
environment. The marsh surrounding Peas Island is a
protected natural habitat due to my efforts. Moreover,
as a member of the Folly Nature Conservancy, I have
worked with board members to bring several properties
into preservation status.
My wife is a physician, and I am an attorney who has
practiced for almost 30 years, with an office on Folly
since 1993. I served on the James Island Charter High
School Board for three years, overseeing a $14 million
budget and $25 million renovation project.
I have seen Folly grow from what was truly “Mayberry
by the Sea,” to what it is today. The pressure of
continuous growth will intensify, affecting our quality of
life and small community atmosphere. That’s why my
slogan is “Livability First.” We need a balanced
approach to improve and protect the quality of life for
Folly citizens. If Folly is unlivable for its citizens,
everything else doesn’t matter.
In twelve years of council service, my contributions are
many. They can best be summed up as: at the end of
the day, I have always voted my conscience and what
was the best for Folly as a whole.
Although my years of service are many, I still awake
each day fresh and eager to serve as if it was day one.
With that said, renourishment is a pressing long-term
problem which is going to get more expensive. We
need to find additional sources of funding such as other
government agencies and tourism dollars. Improving
our infrastructure -- roads, pedestrian/ bike ways and
water supply -- is also crucial. While these projects are
not glamorous, it is what responsible governments do
for the benefit of citizens.
I am asking for your vote on April 5th. My focus will be
continued infrastructure improvements, securing funds
for re-nourishment, seeking out a long term solution to
Folly's excessive erosion, controlling development,
protecting our environment, and most important
listening to your concerns and responding in a manner
that preserves our quality of life. I can be reached at
843-408-3416 or
Laurene Hull
Teresa Marshall
Where were you born? Lexington – North Carolina
When did you move to Folly Beach? July – 2011
What contributions have you made to Folly Beach?
Member, Folly Beach Baptist Church and choir
Member, Women’s Mission Union, FB Baptist
Secretary, Parks and Recreation Board
Treasurer and past Secretary, Civic Club
Folly Beach Civic Club Calendar Committee (past
two years)
Folly Beach Turtle Team (Far East leader this
Co-chair, Civic Club annual Halloween Carnival
Folly Green Team member
Co-Manager, Folly Beach Community Garden
Mariner’s Cay Yacht Club Commodore
Folly Beach Garden Club
Set up Walkover Clean Up day this month
What skills and experience would you bring to
Strong managerial and organization skills from my
education and administration background.
Willingness to “jump in” to get the job done.
Willingness to research and connect with people for
answers to questions I don’t know the answer to.
Team player. Enthusiastic “doer.” Excellent
listener. Known as a “problem solver” in my
educational career.
What issue or issues do you think will be most
important during your term?
Providing “family” activities for Folly Beach residents.
Providing solutions to our “parking” issues.
Providing solutions to address Public Safety issues.
Providing solutions to our water supply issues.
Affordable housing for city employees.
Opening and maintaining mid-block rights of way.
Protecting Folly Beach environment and wildlife.
Preserving the history of Folly.
Addressing off-season needs of business owners.
What do you want voters to know about you?
I’m honest and trustworthy and willing to go the
“mile” to get a job done.
My name is Laurie Hull, and I have lived on Folly
Beach for 20 years. I moved here, bought a home,
and soon after met my husband, Sam Hull, who is a
Folly Beach native. Together we have raised our
daughter Samantha here, who is now 17.
For the past three years I have been Chairman of
the Folly Beach Parks & Recreation Board. I am also
Vice Chairman of the Mariner's Cay Marina Council
of Co-Owners Board, and a licensed Realtor® in the
state of South Carolina.
The past 20 years living on Folly have been the best
years of my life. I want to continue giving back,
and I want to give forward. To say that I care about
Folly Beach would be an understatement. Anyone
who knows me, knows that I am a part of this
island, and this island is a part of me. I care about
the people, the quality of life and the island’s future.
I will work very hard to preserve and protect our life
here on Folly.
- Supporting the preservation and protection of our
beachfront, our environment and our ecosystem
- Listening to the members of this community and
finding creative solutions to solve problems and
address issues
- Working to protect and preserve our lifestyle, to keep
Folly a place where people want to live and visit, raise
and bring their families
- Building upon our relationships with the business
community, because it plays an important role in the
economics and lifestyle of the island
- Finding creative solutions to deal with transportation,
traffic and parking
- Being aware, involved and as influential as possible
in the development and growth around us.
And it's very brightly colored
And it's very loud
And it’s fun
For agile
Some people have been on it for a long time
They begin to question
Is this real or is this just a ride
And other people have remembered
And they come back to us, they say
Don't worry, don't be afraid, ever
Because this is just a ride."" Bill Hicks
John Merritt Jr.
I have no personal objective, my objective is the overall
quality and concerns of all residents. For the People!
Roger VanDyke
Many of you have known my family for generations. I
live and work on Folly Beach and share with you the
desire to preserve our way of life that we have come to
love and hold so dear. I am devoted every day to being
engaged on many levels of civic and community
I’m a candidate who believes in the vision of our
citizens and the wisdom of those who have served. I’ve
taken an active role of responsibility and leadership
with city hall and civic organizations such as Folly
Beach Planning Commissioner, Exchange Club
Secretary, Men’s Club member, and volunteer to Civic
Club Committees.
I was born in Syracuse, New York, back in the days
when it was one of the snowiest places in the country.
Following a pretty great childhood and a tumultuous
period during my teens and early adult life I made the
choice to study Nursing.
I pledge to put safety and service first, preserving our
natural and cultural resources, while improving and
maintaining our community character and quality of life.
I believe in putting “Folly First”, always doing what is
right and best for everyone. The sun has set on a few
issues but not all; we cannot rest, for the next set of
challenges are upon us. I wish to listen and talk with
I graduated from Niagara University with my BSN. I
joined the US Public Health Service where I met my
future wife, Jane, on the Hopi reservation. Jane lived
on Folly during her residency at MUSC in the mid 80’s,
thus Folly became a frequent vacation destination.
After a transfer to the Army, and years of moving
around, Jane and I fulfilled our dream of a home on
Folly in 2010.
Please contact me at, 843-8479823 or PO box 253. Vote Folly Beach, Vote John
Zachary Papaioannou
I am a member of the Civic Club, Exchange Club, and
hold a seat on the Board of Zoning Appeals. I spent
last summer with our Beach Patrol and learned from
the city and guests their thoughts and concerns. My
experience in uniform and as a registered nurse have
equipped me with knowledge and skills in cooperative
leadership, budgeting, personnel and asset
requirement and distribution.
"The world is like a ride
In an amusement park
And when you choose to go on it
You think it's real because that's how
Powerful our minds are
The ride goes up and down
And round and round
It has thrills and chills
Folly’s concerns currently and ongoing are many:
beach management and access, commercial and
residential land usage, visitor impact, taxes and
utilities, and local health and welfare. None are
(continued on page 6)
(continued from page 5)
I want the community to know that I will give them a
civil servant who is smart and ready to work, has the
time and commitment to do the job, knows the benefit
of collaboration versus confrontation, and understands
how to bridge and not block ideas. No one person has
the best plan.
Parking on Folly
Parking Management isn’t new. Folly has always
strived to strike a balance between being one of the
most publicly-accessible beaches, and being a great
place to live for our residents.
I am, and will always be, accessible. I walk on the
streets or the beach every day, usually with my dogs.
My home phone is 843-588-6148. My e-mail is
Folly has had a residential parking decal program in
place for years. We have professionally managed
parking lots at every block, and residential decals for all
residents. We also strictly enforce our existing parking
rules to keep the traffic flowing and the intersections
(continued from page 2)
donate, please contact us and we will arrange to pick
up at your convenience.
If you are interested in learning more about exchange,
please contact us at the phone number or email
address listed below. Angus Smith 813-7704
As other island communities in Charleston begin or
consider implementation of parking management
strategies, we are fortunate to have begun work on our
own solutions several years ago. Our current
management practices create a strong foundation to
build on in managing both parking and traffic flow.
In response to concerns about traffic, Council’s current
focus is the redesign work on Center Street, which will
create a turn lane to take turning cars out of traffic, and
enhanced crosswalks for better pedestrian safety.
Staff has applied for several grants for this project and
the City is setting aside capital for the work as well.
Senior Citizens
The Seniors will meet Thursday, March 3rd at 11 am at
the Community Center. All 55 and older are invited.
Buzz Edwards will prepare ham for the meeting. All
others are asked to bring a side dish to go with ham.
Our speaker will be Bonnie Friedman, Community
Relations Director of Low Country Companions. She
will speak on In-Home Senior Care, and on elder
scams and abuse.
We thank Nick Butler for speaking at our February
meeting on the history of Charleston and Folly Beach.
And we thank our Public Safety Department for all they
do in keeping us safe, and their help to seniors. We
always remember our sick and shut-ins in some helpful
We wish all a happy Easter. Pauline Ray 588-9580
The 2015 Comprehensive Plan identifies several traffic
and parking goals including inventorying available
parking spaces on the island, removing private no
parking signs, and studying the implementation of paid
parking on the right of way. The 2016 Strategic Plan
calls for development of an island-wide parking plan
and creating awareness of parking rules.
Concrete Steps to Address these Goals:
Parks Board Members Needed
The Parks and Recreation Board anticipates up to
three vacancies, and Council requests applications
for membership on the Board from residents or
property owners. The Board is responsible for
providing citizens of all ages with places to play,
exercise, or relax on and around Folly Beach. To
apply for appointment by the Council, send a resume
and letter to Colleen Jolley at For more information,
call 513-1836.
Making our existing beach access
inventory available in map format to give people a
better idea of where they might find available
parking outside of the most crowded areas.
Available Spring 2016.
Creating and getting DOT approval for causeway
signs to advertise a central website and phone
number with parking and beach rules.
Finally, requesting budget funding to contract for a
professional parking consultation to begin the
implementation of the strategic and comprehensive
plan goals above. We would like to work with
professionals to create a parking planning tool that
lists the most pressing problems, identifies a broad
range of solutions, and provides a cost estimate on
each possible solution. That allows the citizens
and elected officials to weigh which possible
solutions best fit Folly's needs and budget.
Spencer Wetmore 843-513-1834
From the Desk of the Mayor
steadily increase. So get ready to put your summertime
weekend routine into action as the days grow warmer.
I would like to thank Councilman Scruggs and
Councilwoman Hickman for their service over the past years
to Folly. With their decision to “retire,” at least two new
members will join Council after the election April 5th. I urge
everyone to get to know the candidates and vote for the
ones you feel will best represent you and all the Citizens of
our wonderful City.
We did not qualify for emergency federal rehabilitation
based on the October flooding. Unfortunately, we believe
a lot of the sand losses came as a result of the King Tides
that hit the coast just after the flooding. And, as you know,
we receive little if any sand naturally because of our
position south of the Charleston Harbor jetties. Together,
this erosion means that we’re ready to look ahead to
another renourishment in 2018. We are already working
with Senator Graham and Congressman Sanford to begin
the process to make certain we are in the FY 2018 Federal
Budget for our next project. The good news is that while we
did not qualify for the emergency funds, the shoreline study
done by the Corps will count as the one we need to obtain
funds in 2018, this means we will not have to pay for a new
study by the Corps.
Goodbye for now, but as always please contact me if I can
answer any questions for you. Tim Goodwin 843 729 0298
The Chief’s Corner
I wanted to give you all a quick insight into what we are up
to this month at Public Safety. We are gearing up to
prepare for our tourism season, since March is right around
the corner. Like you, we are always concerned for the
traffic and pedestrian safety issues that come with the
increase in our daily population. In preparation, your PSO’s
have been working hard enforcing traffic around town to
remind folks to slow down and use more caution and that
will continue.
We are working with the Corps to study a new sand source
for the next renourishment – this allows us identify the best
sand at the lowest cost. We believe the best and cheapest
sand is near the Stono Inlet, in the restricted “CBRA Zone,”
contiguous to a larger potential borrow area at the 3-mile
contour offshore. We are working with the Corps to
approach Fish and Wildlife about requesting a public
interest exemption to be able to use this CBRA zone sand
without impacting Bird Key.
PSO Matthew Hlavac and PSO Brandon Upton will begin
their new promotions to patrol supervisor (Sergeant). They
were selected to their new positions after a challenging
promotional process. It will be their responsibility to lead
their assigned squads in our department mission of meeting
our city’s needs in an effective and efficient manner.
We are very busy in Columbia, too. We have requested
one-time State funding to rehabilitate some of the old
groins at 10th, 11th and 12th blocks East. The annual beach
monitoring has shown that the rehabilitated groins in the
middle of the island and at the west end County park are
effectively holding the sand, so we hope to extend these
eastward over time. We are also working with the State to
prioritize ongoing funding to help us meet our local
renourishment match. State Parks, Recreation, and
Tourism, with support from Governor Haley, has made
beach funding the agency’s top funding request for this
year’s State budget. City Council passed a resolution in
support of this funding request back in February.
Additionally, we are scheduled to conduct a simulation of a
natural disaster in order to determine the effectiveness of
our all cities’ all-hazard plan. This ensures that we are
prepared to provide all the necessary services to you as a
citizen, should the need arise. Preparation is key and is a
direct reflection of our goal of being proactive.
Lastly, I wanted to say a quick thanks to those in the
community who have taken the time to send a friendly note
to describe the ways in which you appreciate something
that we have done for you. It is great to get that
Andrew Gilreath 843-588-7003
We have generated a lot of awareness on the local, state,
and federal level over the past year about Folly, our
challenge with the Charleston Harbor jetties, and the
tremendous impact of beaches on the regional tourism
industry. We have also worked hard on planning to make
sure the next renourishment is the best it can be. I am
optimistic about the future of the beach under the
circumstances, and look forward to moving forward on
every angle we can.
Letter to the Editor
Thanks is long overdue to the women and men who pick up
trash along Folly Road during all types of weather. They
help the appearance coming into Folly Beach greatly.
Their names are unknown, but I thank each of them who
help to make our road to our special city, Folly Beach, more
Pauline Ray, 308 West Cooper
On another note, March is here ready to usher in the Spring
Season at Folly. As in past years, if the weather cooperates
and stays sunny, we will begin to see the tourist and traffic
Folly Fun Stuff!
3rd Annual Miss Sea and Sand Festival Pageant Friday, April 8th, 7:30 pm,
Folly River Park. Age divisions from age 6 and up. Contestants: contact
Andie Weathers 843-729-9196
Publisher: Folly Beach Civic Club
PO BOX 884 – FOLLY BEACH, SC 29439
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It’s time for Save the Light’s 18th Annual Gala and Silent Auction. Our
theme this year is Happy Birthday as we are celebrating the lighthouse’s
140th birthday. This year it will be held on Thursday March 31st at the
Tides from 6-9 pm. If you have been before, you know that it’s an
evening of fun, good food and bargains with a wide variety of wonderful
silent and live auction items and an opportunity to renew old friendships.
Tickets are $ 65 per person and can be purchased on line at or call Patty at the STL office (843) 633-0099.
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Folly Beach Arts & Crafts Guild Presents the 2016 Tides of March
Saturday March 12th from 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday March 13th
from 1-4 pm at the Folly River Park and Community Center. Includes an
Arts and Crafts Show and Sale at the Folly River Park and an
Arts and Crafts Competition which will be displayed at the Center both
days. Live Musical Entertainment in the Pavilion both days. Enter our
raffle to win one of three beautiful pieces of art! Admission is free!
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Shamrock SUP Race Sunday, March 13th 10am-2pm. 10K Elite and 5K
rec. Registration $50 ($60 day of race), to benefit Youth to Ocean (Y2O).
Kids and dog race, $25. Register at
Printer: Print Shop of West Ashley
City web page:
City Radio Station: 1610 AM
Folly Beach Bird Walks: March 11th, Friday 8:30-10:30 am. Meets at
Lighthouse Inlet Heritage Preserve. $9/$7 CCR Discount. Age 12 and up
This walk focuses on the incredibly diverse northeast end of Folly Island.
Registered and paid chaperone required for participants 15 and under.
Photography Series: Sunrise Session March 24th Thursday 7-9 am
Awaken your senses to the natural and cultural world while stretching
your photographic eye. A registered chaperone is required for
participants 15 and under. Pre-registration required. Meets at Folly
Beach County Park. Age 12 and up. $9/$7 CCR Discount.
Junior Naturalist Sampler: Beyond the Wrack, March 30 Wednesday. 10
am-noon. Can’t attend the Junior Naturalist series? Attend this short,
springtime version. Discover what washed up the last high tide to the
beach wrack line. Adult chaperones welcome. Pre-registration required.
Meets at Folly Beach Fishing Pier. Age 8-12. $12/$10 CCR Discount
Congratulations to Amy Adams on her promotion to Children’s librarian
and Assistant Branch Manager at West Ashley. We will miss her terribly
but we can visit her at her new branch! We have Story time and a craft
on Mondays at 10:30 am and Monday, March 7th we will celebrate Read
Across America, Dr. Seuss’ birthday, with guest readers Mayor Tim
Goodwin and Pastor Richard Summey. On Wednesday, March 2nd at 6
pm we have Knitting on the Edge. The Folly Beach Book Club will meet
March 9th at 2:30 pm to discuss Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee. We
will be open Saturday, March 12th from 10 am – 2 pm. At 11 am we will
show Kit Kittredge: American Girl and you can make a fun craft. Call for
more information.
Mary Bushkar 588-2001
2nd SATURDAY 10-2
Council Chambers
Planning Commission
Council meeting
Design Review Board
Clubs, Organizations & Committees
Art Guild
Save the Light
Senior Citizens
Exchange Club Board
Surfrider Foundation
Civic Club
Exchange Club
Garden Club
Knitting on the Edge
7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Story Time
March 7th Dr. Seuss’ birthday
Book Club
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee
12th Open Saturday
Craft, Movie: Kit Kittredge: Amer.Girl 11am
Recycling Mondays
14th and 28h
Volunteer Fire Fighters
3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
County Parks on Folly
Customer Appreciation Day: free parking
at County Park, free fishing at Pier.
Lighthouse Inlet Bird Watch 8:30-10:30am
Sunrise Photography, County Park 7-9am
Junior Naturalist, Pier
Special Events
12-13th Tides of March
13th Daylight Savings begins at 2 am
17th St. Patrick’s Day
20th Palm Sunday
20th Vernal Equinox
25th Good Friday
26th Easter Promenade
27th Easter Sunday
31st Save the Light Gala

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