Spring 2009 - Gateacre School
Spring 2009 - Gateacre School
Gateacre Community Comprehensive School Grange Lane Gateacre Liverpool Merseyside L25 4SD. Tel: 0151 428 1569 Fax: 0151 421 1349 email: gateacre-ao@gateacre.liverpool.sch.uk Web: www.gateacre.liverpool.sch.uk CREATING LEARNERS, EXCITING MINDS Produced by Words&Pictures. Tel: 01943 854800. aspire Issue 2, Sprin g 2009 The news ma gazine of Gateacre Com munity Comp rehensive Sc hool a t a h W st ic year fa ntas planning permission for the new school had been granted. In fact, the council planners described it as the most exciting scheme in Liverpool. Work starts this year. To top it all off, we recently won the e-safe education award. Gerard Lonergan, Headteacher OUR exciting new programme of study for Year 7 started this year. Here are some first impressions: “We do a project on a subject of our choice, and we can choose to work in groups or on our own. I think Fridays are better than our normal lessons.” Rosie Russell “The Integrated Curriculum is about exploring fun new ideas with your form.” Hannah Barnes More details about the course and its structure are available on the school website. Follow the link to Integrated Curriculum from the ‘in the classroom’ page. gad “ WELCOME to the latest edition of aspire, the magazine that showcases all the good work and experiences that happen in school. It has been a fantastic year in terms of both achievement and enjoyment. Lately, we had our GCSE and A-level Certificate Presentation evening at Hope University, where the guest of honour was Stuart Smith, Executive Director of Children’s and Adult Services in Liverpool. The evening provided an opportunity for many of our successful students who have gone on to university to meet up again. On the same day, we learned that the final “ A new way of teaching and learning s d Lonergan show adteacher Gerar In safe hands: He ard. aw on ati uc ed e-safe off the school’s We have the technology have been IN recent months, we press releases of er mb nu a in ed featur ologies hn tec st for testing the late re and twa sof th (bo es vic de and ICT ilding (Bu F BS new hardware) for our l. oo sch e) tur Fu the Schools for C Breakfast The Liverpool Echo, BB Newsround C BB and ws Ne News, Sky ellent exc have all given Gateacre dgets for ga st late the press for using chi tea ng and the next generation of afe education e-s r ou learning. Also for to achieve a us ps hel ich wh re, softwa for all our ent nm iro safer working env . nts de stu staff and gade Testing, testing: Ellie Costello and Patrick Devaney, Year 8. Accent on languages EUROPEAN Languag es Day, a Europe-wide celebrat ion of all the world’s languages, took place in September. Gateacre students too k part in a number of activities including a ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’ language quiz, games, presentations and poster competitio ns. recently nts (inset photo) SIX Year 10 stude ent in a Onertm pa De y log Techno represented the in Halewood. r ve Ro Jaguar Land at , ge en all Ch y Da construction tasks set engineering nding sta efre The teams were a ct tru being to cons the final challenge nothing more than metres high using 1.2 g rin t. light measu firs e m Gateacre team ca sful in winning a es newspaper. The cc su o als re nts we uarding Awards feg Five Year 12 stude Sa ol ard at the Liverpo aw ns ucation rso Pe g Youn eir Theatre in Ed recognised for th about the ge sa es m l rfu 2008. They were we promoting a po en be pool. s er ha Liv h ich ut play, wh le across so re of young peop ion in which tat en es pr alk safety and welfa tw ca ed at a glittering make-up and We also triumph mes, hair design, stu co ted ea cr s nt dents fought de stu stu e 10 Th ar e. Ye mes Bond them Ja a on d se d best make-up ba an e modelling e best hairstyl th p oo sc lands CLC. to on titi tition held at Park off tough compe e the Rest Compe ov Ab ad He e th awards in rke, mdadou, Emily Cla Rest: Shereen Ha Head Above the Year 10. is, nc Fra a ss ne Va Tanika Reid and Badge of honour: Hollyoaks actor Stuart Manning with Hollie Rainford, Lauren Watson and Emily Mawdsley, Year 7. Proud to be Scouse ON 12th December, Gateacre celebrated its first ‘Proud to be Scouse’ day, raising money for Alder Hey’s Imagine Appeal. Year 7s prepared a traditional Scouse, or meat stew, for lunch, while Year 11s created a healthy menu. Radio City and Stuart Manning (Russ in Hollyoaks) also joined in the fun. The day was a wonderf ul opportunity to reinforce positive messages about the be nefits of language learning and an opportunity to apprecia te and raise awareness of cultural diversity. Multi-lingual: Hannah Hanson and Liam Clark, Year 10. t h g i n a s i ’ ‘Day Out ber to remem Artists draw praise THE annual Art Exhibition gave students the opportunity to display their exceptional creative talent, using an extensive range of materials and media. Drawings and paintings, ceramics, printmaking, textiles and computer-aided design 3D work were all on show. Among the special guests was our very own Tudorlambanana, which was designed by 20 of our students and two artists from KECS Design. Music on the opening night was provided by teachers Graham Warner and Rob Jones. Russell’s Our tion was Willy uc od pr ol use’ ho age this ‘Sco THE 2008 sc delighted to st e apital er C w d e W ne . ut ow Day O rpool was cr ve Li at th ar play in the ye ed students of Culture. mber of talent nu ge casts. hu e th d to have two Because of ns, we decide tio di d te au or ed pp nd su who atte ew was production cr The first-class ns made up of ia ic us m of aff d band groups and st by a dedicate ar ye number of a m fro ts en stud departments. to receive a from various ere privileged w e w t lf! gh ni g Russell himse On the openin sage from Willy es m ck lu od special go 10, Adam n o i t c a n i s t r A Kewley, Year dd and James i, Year 8, cast: Jack Do Shaira Quresh , 13 ar Ye The talented , len Al 8. ian ar ist Kr Ye , 7, ha Briscoe, Year d Hope De As rs, Year 11, an Georgia Bowe d n a c i s u M , D ra ma Da o e r t n e c e h t n c e a re at f ll, Holly e: Jack Campbe African influenc ley, Year 8. ck Bu n ga Me d Simpson an m u l u c i r r u c l the sch o o Stage struck IN Septembe r, the Drama D epartment laun school’s new ched the theatre compa ny, Open the is a unique op Gate. This portunity for st udents to gain professional ta a semiste of the thea tre industry at As well as nu first hand. rturing studen ts’ acting abilit company prov y, the ides a platform for students in in the technica terested l aspect of thea tre. Bookings are currently bein g PSHE-themed taken for performances, assemblies an enterprise proj d ects. First-hand ex perience: Pa ige Jones, Na Danielle Howa taccia Chean, rd and Megan Owen, Year 10 . A captivating performance THE Music Department has enjoyed a long and productive association with the Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts (LIPA), which stretches back some ten years. In October, 16 Community Arts students and two tutors visited the school as ‘artists in residence’ for a week. The LIPA students worked with 80 Gateacre students in the disciplines of Music, Drama and Dance on themes loosely based around ‘Liverpool’. The result was a captivating 45-minute performance that highlighted aspects of our city’s culture and history. The performance was watched by an appreciative audience of staff, parents, family and friends, who were quick to praise our students’ enthusiasm and the high standard of their performance. African influence: XX, XX, XX and XX, Year XX. festive music A feast of THE Music Department celebrated Christmas in style with the annual carol concert. The programme, which was packed with seasonal classics old and new, featured the orchestra, choir, jazz band, big band and the flute group, together with a (heavenly) host of soloists. The Languages Department’s Year 7 choir also performed Cascabel (Jingle Bells) in Spanish. The evening concluded with the traditional sing-a-long of Slade’s evergreen, Merry Christmas Everybody. On song: Members of the choir Joe Marsh, Carol O’Flaherty and Gemma Edwards, Year 9, and Chantelle Pomfrett, Year 11. l’s Liverpoo cultural legacy ops a series of worksh dents took part in ge rita he l ra ltu cu A NUMBER of stu its and ure of Liverpool the workshops exploring the fut s for the Future, ion Vis ed titl En . cance of ‘their’ beyond 2008 nsider the signifi co to s nt de stu enabled st century. Liverpool in the 21 orld Music drew ops, the use of W ing sh rk wo e th g Durin and dance, includ ic us m of ethnic genres e l th ra s ve nt se de er stu th ge ve to also ga and Arabic, and . African, Kurdish of an African drum at be e th to e nc da to y nit rtu po op Po l i sh e x p re s s ON 15th July, we left Liverp ool for a lifechanging trip to Krakow in Poland. During our visi t we explored historical and many cultural mem orials and buildings, be fore encounte ring the harsh reality of Ausc hwitz – an em otionally challenging an d unforgettabl e experience. Georgina Wat kins and Emm a Crichton, Ye ar 11 Postcards from around the world Dutch treat AMSTERDAM is famous for its coffee shops and beer, but students on the Year 13 History trip to the Dutch capital were there to visit the Anne Frank House and the International Court of Justice. During the trip, we worked with Dutch students to reach our own definition of what justice is, and whether it is possible to mete out justice in relation to events such as the Holocaust and the recent war in the former Yugoslavia. ted to tment was invi THE PE Depar tigious es pr ents for the ration nominate stud de Fe ts or ols Sp ven Liverpool Scho se , e nominated award Award. Of thos an ith w d te presen l in al students were H s e’ y in St Georg our was on at a ceremon f-h t-o es here the gu November, w Beth Tweddle. the gymnast ness, Year ere Carl Bow rs The winne w Lewis, Year xing, Marcus 13, for kickbo rd, Year 9, for Bi s, and Joe ic et hl at r fo , Thomas, 10 students Emily and John cricket. Year 11 ch an be, James Br ag Aj la ilo am D ised for their e also recogn Pritchard wer football. contribution to s t r o Sp s d r a aw International exchange Joe Jennings, Year 13 Alton Towers adventure Theatrical spectacular THE Drama Departmen t travelled fa last term to r and wide give studen ts a variety experience of theatrical s they will n ev er forget. Suddenly, S hakespeare more than became co 100 studen ol when ts went to se Shakespea e four differ rean classics ent in London, Stratford an Mancheste d Liverpool. r, We also wat talent perfo ched local rm Our Ben ny and Vine well as seei gar ng the spec tacular Slava Tom, as ’s Snowsho w. Peras and On target: Nick ar 12. James Marsh, Ye siness 12 and 13 GCE Bu A GROUP of Year in October rs we visited Alton To s nt de stu ies ud St er service. to explore custom d then ended a talk, an On arrival, they att er service m sto cu ’s rk theme pa experienced the e rides. th of enjoying some at first hand while Teen drama: Year 10 students with Melvin Burgess members of Lim (third right) and e Productions. Tuned in to TV STUDENTS in Year 10 took part in a project with Lime Productions (the team behind Hollyoaks) and the awardwinning writer of young adult fiction, Melvin Burgess. Burgess and his writing team are working on a new teen drama for Channel 4, and have been visiting schools across the country to ask teenagers about the issues that affect them. With the help of the production team, the students wrote short stories and television scripts on the themes of rebellion and conformity. Meanwhile, Gateacre’s English and Drama Departments hosted a Shakespeare day, during which teachers from across the LEA were invited to take part in workshops run by actors from the Globe Theatre in London. a, Year 9 Geography students THROUGH the medium of Dram ants. explored the world of Polish migr including a ‘Conscience ities activ us vario in They took part to be a Polish migrant, end Corridor’ whereby they had to pret move to England. or nd Pola in stay to and decide whether ing to establish links hop The Geography Department is also students writing of aim the with a Afric with a school in South stories. It is and res g pictu letters to each other and swappin ramme. prog e ang exch an to lead hoped that the link may ‘Conscience Corridor’: Thomas Jones and Emily Foster, Year 8. el Lloyd, Lauren Daly, Emily Daly, Dani