Get Involved and Make a Difference
Get Involved and Make a Difference
Children’s Aid and Family Services 2007 Annual Report Agency Locations Administration 200 Robin Road Paramus, NJ 07652 Tel. 201.261.2800 Fax 201.634.3672 Children’s Services Homes for Children Bogota Clifton Paramus Park Ridge Ridgewood (2) 240 Frisch Court Paramus, NJ 07652 Tel. 201.226.0300 Fax 201.262.9262 Community Satellite Offices Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center Adoption Specialty Services 200 Robin Road Paramus, NJ 07652 Tel. 201.261.5970 Fax 201.261.6019 Adoption and Clinical Services 148 Prospect Street Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Tel. 201.445.7015 Fax 201.652.4034 Garfield Hackensack Midland Park 76 South Orange Avenue, Suite 209 South Orange, NJ 07079 Tel. 973.763.2041 Fax 973.378.9575 The Depot An all-volunteer gift and craft shop 22 Prospect Street Midland Park, NJ 07432 Tel. 201.444.6120 Fax 201.444.4666 Get Involved and Make a Difference What we do We primarily help children who don’t have families able to care for them, and support children, young adults, the elderly and their families through the everyday challenges and transitions in life. With your generous support, we’ve been helping the most vulnerable people in our community improve their lives for more than 100 years. Our services include: I Foster Care and Adoption: - Group homes for children and teenagers who can no longer What do these four people have in common? live with their birth family for a variety of reasons, most commonly abuse and neglect. - Providing and supporting adoptive and foster families for children who continue to heal from the trauma they’ve endured, and are ready to live with a family. I Supplying nutritional formula and diapers to low-income parents of children age newborn through two years. I Offering scholarships to children of low-income parents that enable them to access high-quality educational opportunities, in a nurturing environment, by attending Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center. I Clinical support and coaching programs for children and adolescents Counseling and guidance for the frail elderly and their caregivers, They, and hundreds of others, help make our mission to help navigate the services available to them. happen every day. to help them make healthy and positive life choices. I I Helping young adults who are “aging out” of foster care to obtain and maintain housing, medical services, education and work. Our mission is to preserve, protect, and when needed, provide families. Motivated by compassion for vulnerable children, young adults, frail elderly and their families, we provide high quality and innovative services that meet their social, educational and emotional needs. This page from top, left to right: Brigid O’Brien, Patrick Christie, Mike Martino and Dru Pierce. On the cover: Some of the generous volunteers who get involved with the agency, from top, left to right: Dan Cerone and Michelle Piano of UPS prune the garden at the agency’s Ridgewood office, Peter Koski of Goldman Sachs at the playground of the Turrell Center; Anne Adamo and Keri Molinari of Pearson PLC read to the children at the Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center; Danielle Alaimo paints a mural at the Path II group home. Message from Bob Jones, President & CEO and John Kandravy, Board Chair Imagine graduating from high school and immediately having to live on your own, without the guidance and support of your parents. Then imagine having the responsibility of working full-time, paying rent for an apartment, and meeting all other living expenses, with no one you can fall back on for help. For many of the young adults living in foster care, this is the sad reality they face. Worse, most of these teenagers have also suffered severe trauma, and are often coping with mental health or other medical conditions. The prospect of “aging out” of foster care can be terrifying to them. Children’s Aid and Family Services is constantly searching for innovative, practical solutions to the very real and ever-changing problems encountered by those we serve. During the past several months we have devoted much energy to the challenges facing those aging out of care. We want these young people to know they are lifelong members of our agency family, and are welcome to look to us for support during times of difficulty in their lives. It is no longer enough for us to give them a strong foundation for adulthood: we also have to be committed to help stabilize and build on this foundation longer term if we are to have a truly lasting impact. Some of the changes we introduced in 2007 included measures to help us stay in touch with the teenagers that leave each year. We launched a formalized outreach program that involves a monthly phone call, and a quarterly survey that asks questions such as, “Are you in school?,” “Are you working?,” or “Have you seen a doctor recently?” The feedback assists agency staff in determining if the teenagers need help. Even more important is the fact the teenagers know there is someone here for them,and that they can reach out to us if they need to. The Phase II Mentoring program is another new way for us to stay connected with former clients. Young people leaving foster care frequently have been let down by the adults in their lives, and lack any relationship with a significant adult. Mentors can fulfill this role. Historically, mentors have supported teenagers until they have graduated high school. However, our new Phase II mentors will stay in contact with their “match,” even after he or she has graduated high school and left the agency’s care. For instance, the mentee may spend holidays at the mentor’s home. Because the mentor and mentee become close, the mentor usually knows if the mentee’s life is not going well, and will counsel him or her to contact the agency for help. We continue to explore other ways to build on these innovations, as well as to better prepare the children and teens currently in our care for the world beyond foster care. Thanks to a grant from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, we are beginning to implement a new model of specialized clinical care for severely traumatized and wounded children that will be the most advanced of its type in the U.S. We are building on the “life skills” program provided to the teenagers, and have strengthened the level of medical support we provide, so that we can meet the increasingly challenging and complex emotional and physical needs of the children we serve. The agency received approval to launch a new model of foster care in NJ, Professional Foster Homes, to be staffed by agency employees and to support three to four teenagers. Thanks to the Helen’s Hope Foundation, two such homes will be opened in 2008. Further, thanks to another very generous individual gift, we have been able to launch a huge advertising and PR outreach campaign to help recruit foster and adoptive families, and bring the hope of a permanent family to many more children. To date, we have seen a more than an 80 percent increase in inquiries from potential parents. The campaign will be ongoing through December 2009. As you will see in the highlights on the next page, and throughout the pages of this annual report, our quest to be the premier New Jersey nonprofit provider of innovative, practical solutions for our clients is not isolated to those in our foster care programs. The agency has continued to expand and evolve to meet changing needs, and to deliver the gold-standard of care to all those we serve. As always, we can only do so because of your continued help and commitment. We are fortunate that so many people choose to “get involved” to help make a difference in the lives of others. Thanks to your support in 2007, we were able to bring hope to many thousands of vulnerable infants, children, young adults, frail elderly, and their families. In 2007, we also broadened the scope of the Thomas R.S. Burgin Education Fund. As before, this fund continues to provide On behalf of the Board and staff, we thank stipends to teenagers that attend college or vocational school and to help fund clothing, toiletries, and other day-to-day living expenses you for your tremendous commitment to that are typically supplied by a parent or family member. This year, we re-focused the fund as a “Parents” fund so that it can also be a Children’s Aid and Family Services. source of emergency funding for any former client of one of our foster care programs. In recent months, funds have been provided to cover the deposit on a rental apartment, to pay the phone bill of a teenager who was hospitalized, and to fix the transmission in a car so that the client could continue to get to work. Such payments have been a lifeline to these young adults and have enabled them to stay focused on their goals and keep their lives on track. John Kandravy, Chair, Board of Trustees Robert B. Jones, Ph.D., President & CEO s t n e m o M e l b a r 2007 Memo Blue Shield of Horizon Blue Cross ed with the New Jersey partner the “Touchdowns New York Giants on m. During the for Families” progra season, Horizon regular 2007 – 2008 ield of NJ made a Blue Cross Blue Sh touchdown scored donation for ever y iants. As we now by the New York G enomenal season know, this was a ph for the Giants! es met agency’s group hom Toomer e th om fr en dr il Ch i Wide Receiver Aman unch. la New York Giants’ ” ies il m Fa r downs fo during the “Touch and provides ted with the agency ia fil af is ! w No ad Re ed children ort to pre-school ag pp su cy ra lite d an reading and Passaic mmunities in Bergen co d ge ta an dv sa di in ildren and ed nearly 4,000 ch rv se it , 07 20 In s. countie 00 books. distributed almost 5,0 partment The United States De an Services of Health and Hum Aid and Family awarded Children’s us 2007 Services a prestigio e Award. Adoption Excellenc e of just The agency was on the U.S. 15 organizations in this way. to be recognized in e 17, billboards on Rout One of the agency’s nerous gift from an a ge made possible by ale to fund a large-sc r no anonymous do n. publicity campaig rges donor to fund a la ou ym on an an m generous gift fro ign to get rtunate to receive a ity outreach campa fo un y m el m m co tre a ex on as w ed The agency ilies, attracting . We’ve embark r and adoptive fam n to raise its prof ile ig ste fo pa g m tin ca ui ity cr ic re bl by pu ures ork, scale sive campaign feat with the agency’s w en ed eh lv pr m vo in co le e Th op t. pe er or even more malls, and newspap eded financial supp ea ne ar huc sy m bu in ng isi ds ra ar d ays, display bo percent new volunteers an North Jersey highw pressive, with an 80 ed im ck ffi en tra be ily ve av ha he lts su billboards on ar-Ledger. The re The Record and St g in in 2007. ud cl in g, sin rti adve and foster parents e tiv op ad e iv ct pe m pros increase in calls fro ng Center Care & Early Learni ild Ch ll rre Tu e th nter provided Attendance grew at hed. The Turrell Ce ac re as w t en llm ro ing the and record en its enrollees, allow of t en rc pe 35 to e nc ional scholarship assista high-quality educat e iv ce re to s nt re me pa of its children of low-inco ent. Further, as part nm ro vi en g rin rtu red a compliopportunities in a nu e Turrell Center offe th s, nt re pa ng ki or spring support to w ogram, EPIC, in the pr n io at uc ed nt re pa mentary six-week ose attending. ed child care for th id ov pr and fall, and 2007 Memorable Moments Some dedicated volunteers from The Depot (l.-r.): Kathy Handel, Karen Julius, Mary Rose Coller, and Beth Sciaino. Thank you to the hardworking, talented volunteers at The Depot, an all-volunteer gift and craft shop, who had a record year and contributed more than $230,000 to the agency in 2007. The agency participated in Hoop-A-Paluza, a family friendly fundraising event that included a basketball foul shot contest and carnival-style entertainment. The event raised valuable funds for the Boarder Babies foster care program. Former New Jersey Net Kerry Kittles lent some star power to Hoop-A-Paluza (l.-r.): Lisa Dolmatz of Children’s Aid and Family Services, Kerry Kittles, and Elexis. The agency’s Elder Care program expanded its staff with the addition of a sign language interpreter for the population of deaf seniors it serves. The program also implemented “brain games” for the seniors, in response to significant research that indicates older people benefit from exercising their brain muscles. The games encourage socialization, cognitive functioning and reminiscence, and help the seniors remain engaged. The Baby Basics program, which provides nutritional formula and diapers to lowincome families in Bergen County with children ages infant through two years, moved its Englewood distribution center to the Center for Food Action. The new site enabled the program to serve more needy families in the southeast Bergen area. Moreover, the families served by this vital program increased by 30 percent in 2007. The program also received a generous $25,000 donation from Boiling Springs Savings Bank to purchase a van to collect formula and diapers from the individuals and organizations that hold drives. The Kindergarten class of the Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center was part of a pilot program in the U.S. for Zippy’s Friends, a program that helps young children to develop coping and social skills. Zippy’s Friends was launched by the U.K.-based Partnership for Children, and covers issues that are important to the development of young children — friendship, communication, feeling lonely, bullying, dealing with change and loss, and making a new start. Students from the Kindergarten class at Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center participate in Zippy’s Friends. The people who help us make a difference Our Adoptive and Foster Care Parents Most of the children in the agency’s care have suffered severe abuse and neglect, moved through numerous temporary foster placements, and have never had a permanent, loving family to care for them. There are many extraordinary individuals who answer the call to become a foster or adoptive parent. By providing a child with a nurturing environment and a sense of stability, they are helping the child to heal from the wounds of a traumatic past and begin to build a more hopeful future. There are currently more than 50 foster families with the agency, who care for children ages infant through adolescent. Following are the stories of three families that illustrate their remarkable devotion to vulnerable children. Cara Cilento and Carmen Cao always dreamed of adopting children. In the course of pursing their dream, they searched adoption websites on the internet, and came across a recommendation for Children’s Aid and Family Services. They called the agency, and went to an informational meeting. The couple found the staff and adoptive/foster parents they met welcoming and supportive, and decided to go through the training process. In about three months, they began fostering six-month-old Sam. “The first night I held Sam, I cried,” says Cara. “I was overwhelmed with joy, as well as some anxiety, about caring for this baby.” In just another three months, nine-month-old Keith* came to live with Carmen, Cara and Sam. Carmen and Cara have adopted Sam, and are in the process of adopting Keith. Both boys are now two years old. “Keith is very affectionate, always hugging us, and loves to hold hands when we shop,” says Carmen. “Sam’s more people-oriented and outgoing.” Cara and Carmen have embraced their new roles as parents with great enthusiasm, and hope to adopt a third child in a few years when the boys are five. *Name changed to protect child’s privacy. If you’re interested in finding out more about foster care or adoption, please call 201.226.0300 or visit Maria Perdomo was shopping in her hometown of Teaneck, NJ, 11 years ago and noticed a flier from Children’s Aid and Family Services seeking foster parents. She and her husband, Miguel, had three birth children, and always loved kids. They had talked about adopting since they were dating. She took the first step and called the agency, and the Perdomo family soon underwent training to become a certified foster family. The Perdomos have since fostered seven children, three of whom they have adopted. “At first, the kids have to test you to be sure you’re not going to abandon them,” says Mrs. Perdomo. “Eventually, they learn life is stable here, they’re not going to move all the time, and they feel better about themselves and their situation.” Fostering has made a huge difference to the children, and also to Mrs. Perdomo. “I know that if the kids weren’t here, they wouldn’t have certain opportunities, like going to college,” she says. “I feel like I’m doing something important: I’m changing somebody else’s life for the better.” “We love babies!” say George and Lisa Haase enthusiastically when asked why they became foster parents in the agency’s Boarder Babies program. During the past nine years, Mr. and Mrs. Haase have cared for11 infants. Their birth children, Cassie and Tobin, are involved as well. “It’s important to have a strong family commitment,” says Mrs. Haase. For example, one of the babies being fostered was recently ill and in the hospital. Cassie came home from college for the weekend to stay with the baby and give her parents a rest. Mrs. Haase began helping children15 years ago, when she volunteered at University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and cuddled and rocked newborns whose mothers were unable to take them home. Eventually, she got to know agency President & CEO Bob Jones, Ph.D., who was her neighbor. He saw firsthand her love of babies and invited her on a tour of the agency. Mr. and Mrs. Haase are devoted to the infants they foster, and even adopted their son Ghana, who is now 8 years old. “I wish we had started caring for these babies even earlier,” says Mrs. Haase. “It’s such a remarkable experience. I would have adopted even more children.” The people who help us make a difference Our Volunteers Volunteers play a vital role in the success of a nonprofit organization, generously offering gifts of time, dedication, and enthusiasm. Children’s Aid and Family Services is extremely fortunate to have the support of several hundred individuals with projects ranging from office help to babysitting to fundraising and mentoring. They come from all walks of life, including students, corporate executives, stay-at-home mothers, and retirees. Other generous individuals get involved by leading a holiday gift drive to benefit children in the agency’s care or by helping the agency maintain its group homes. All of these volunteers play an important role in the agency’s ability to continue to serve the most vulnerable members of our community, and their contributions are incredibly meaningful. The agency values these devoted individuals, and honors them each May during the Volunteer Appreciation Event. Many people who volunteer with the agency enjoy working directly with their neighbors in northern New Jersey, lending a helping hand in various ways. For example, 20 to 30 individuals help run the Baby Basics program, in which Here are the stories of just a few of the agency’s dedicated volunteers Patrick Christie met his mentee, Eric, when he was a school bus driver. As he got to know Eric, he started to bond with him. He taught him sign language, a skill he had picked up as a hobby. Mr. Christie enjoyed their time together, and learned that Eric was living in one of the agency’s group homes. Mr. Christie eventually got in touch with the agency and started taking part in the Mentoring program. Shortly after, the two began doing activities together, such as going to the movies, browsing bookstores and going fishing. “I’m glad I could be a stable friend for Eric,” says Mr. Christie. “I was able to show him that I wanted to be part of his life, I chose him. I helped him to see he was important in life, that he wasn’t a nobody or a throwaway.” Children’s Aid and Family Services’ Mentor program offers children in the agency’s care the opportunity to receive adult guidance from a different perspective other than a teacher or staff member. The mentor/mentee relationship helps to create much-needed stability in a child’s life. low-income families with children ages newborn through two years receive nutritional formula and diapers. The agency has two distribution centers in Ridgewood and Englewood. These dedicated volunteers purchase supplies, package and inventory them, as well as distribute them to clients. Other volunteers help the staff at Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center, either by rocking and cuddling the babies, or reading and participating in arts and crafts projects with the toddlers and preschoolers. And for those who love looking after little ones, the agency offers the Grandmother’s Babysitting Club at its Child Welfare office, where volunteers take care of babies and toddlers in foster care while their parents attend training meetings. Volunteers also play a vital role in fundraising. Every year, the agency holds two fundraising events in the spring and fall. Volunteers handle details ranging from mailing invitations to securing auction donations to raising the agency’s profile in the community. Danielle Alaimo discovered Children’s Aid and Family Services when she did a Google search looking for an adoption agency. A Girl Scout of 12 years, Ms. Alaimo wanted to do something for her Gold award that was focused on children. She contacted the agency, and began to volunteer. She started by painting two bathrooms in one of the agency’s group homes for girls. She purchased art supplies and made bead jewelry, picture frames, and decorated visors with the girls. Ms. Alaimo was surprised by the compassion and openness the girls had for her. “I thought I was going to have a positive effect on them, but they also had a positive effect on me,” Ms. Alaimo said. “One girl came up to me, gave me a huge hug and said, ‘I wish you were my sister.’” Ms. Alaimo is a dedicated volunteer and supports many organizations, including the Morristown Soup Kitchen, and Chilton Memorial Hospital. She attends Villa Walsh Academy in Morristown, New Jersey where she is the president of a volunteer organization called Students in Touch Uplifting People (SIT UP). Our Volunteers Mickey Capelli became a volunteer for the agency about 18 years ago. She began working at The Depot, an all-volunteer gift and craft shop that raises funds to benefit Children’s Aid and Family Services, and found it a natural fit since she had a career background in retail. She has served as a gift buyer, as well as co-director of The Depot. “The Depot is an amazing place to shop and volunteer,” says Ms. Capelli. “All the volunteers have a close bond, and are dedicated to their work because they’re helping children.” Ms. Capelli has seen firsthand the agency’s tremendous growth throughout the past 18 years, as well as the resulting need for more volunteers. She often serves as an advocate, working to get people involved. “I tell people the agency’s work is so diverse, and they really must take a tour to see the wonderful work being done,” says Ms. Capelli. “I know when they see the services offered to vulnerable children, they can’t help but get interested.” Dru Pierce was reading her church’s newsletter10 years ago when she came across an ad asking for volunteers. She got in touch with her church, and began to volunteer in the Baby Basics program, which provides formula and diapers to children of low-income parents. Three years ago, the program was adopted by Children’s Aid and Family Services. Ms. Pierce’s main responsibilities as a volunteer are to buy supplies and pack them for the families. Additionally, she is a member of the Baby Basics steering committee, where she assists in tracking the clients served by the program, and makes sure their needs are being accommodated. She is also a member of the committee that organizes the agency’s fall Wine and Food Tasting fundraiser. This past year she helped put together baskets for the silent auction, and secured a train tressel sign advertising the event in Ridgewood. “When I joined the Baby Basics program as a volunteer, I had a young family, so I sympathize with these families that simply need support to provide for their children during a difficult, expensive time in their lives,” says Ms. Pierce. Brigid O’Brien, was looking for meaningful volunteer work after she retired from a nursing career. Although she and her husband were long-time donors, she was not aware of the need for volunteers at the Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center. When she called to discuss various volunteer opportunities, she learned there were several available. Five years ago, she began volunteering in the infant room, for three hours a week. She helps care for the babies during lunchtime, to give the teachers a break. She plays, feeds and cuddles with the infants. “I love working in the infant room,” Ms. O’Brien says. “The staff is professional and skilled, and it’s wonderful to see the babies taken care of so well.”‘ Ms. O’Brien, a master gardener, also volunteered in the creation of the Healing Garden at the agency’s Ridgewood office, and still helps maintain it. She also donates her time to READ NOW!, where she reads to children. “There are so many things a volunteer can do for the agency,” she says. “It doesn’t matter what your skills are like.” Growing up, Mike Martino was very close to his grandparents and parents. As a result, he enjoys helping older people. After he retired from a career in finance several years ago, the coordinator of eldercare services at the Northwest Senior Center invited him to follow his interests and join as a volunteer. Mr. Martino uses his computer and financial skills to help the senior citizens at the Center find the best prescription plans available from Medicare Part D. This is no small task, as there are approximately 57 such plans, and the vast majority of the seniors he helps lack computer knowledge. Further, the least expensive alternatives vary from one individual to another, because they are based on the medications prescribed and the pharmacy used. “Many of the elderly at the Senior Center don’t realize how much money they can save,” says Mr. Martino. “When they see the amount of money they can save on their drug plan, they’re thrilled. Volunteering at the Center is extremely gratifying, because they really appreciate the help.” Our Volunteers Jan Lescroart became a volunteer for the Baby Basics program soon after her Both Carol Whaley and Stephanie Karl, members of the agency’s Special Events committee, have a background in education, as well as a deep concern for children. Ms. Whaley has been involved with the agency since 1998, and has served as Secretary and currently as 2nd Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees. She’s been a member of the Special Events committee since 2004, and enjoys planning the agency’s annual spring gala, as well as finding creative ways to bring new people to the agency. “The agency’s work is important,” Ms. Whaley says. “It brings nurturing to children, families, and the elderly.” Ms. Karl, a long-time supporter of numerous nonprofit organizations, started the foundation Helen’s Hope in honor of her mother. She became familiar with the agency in 2006, and has been an enthusiastic supporter through her family’s foundation. She enjoys promoting the work of the agency, and through her work as President of the Upper Saddle River Board of Education, encourages children to get involved with the agency. “My mother and father were big believers in philanthropy,” Ms. Karl says. “They taught us whatever you have, you share.” son was born14 years ago. She saw firsthand how expensive it was to have a child, and couldn’t imagine how low-income families with babies managed. The Baby Basics program supplies nutritional formula and diapers to low-income families with children ages two years and younger. “I never realized the tremendous need for a program like this, even in an area as affluent as Bergen County,” says Ms. Lescroart. Although Ms. Lescroart has a family and full-time career, she always makes time for the Baby Basics program. She shops for diapers and nutritional formula – usually purchasing 25 cases of diapers alone per trip - and also participates in the distribution. “I’ve seen many families go through tough times, and we’re there to help ease their burdens by providing formula and diapers, and also a place where they can find support by talking to us and the other parents,” she says. Ms. Lescroart is also heavily involved in the agency’s fall Wine and Food Tasting fundraiser, for which she solicits food donations from local restaurants and caterers. “I have fun at the event,” she says, “Baby Basics is so close to my heart, I can’t imagine not being involved.” Erik Sorenson believes that “volunteering is one of life’s pure joys.” He exemplifies this philosophy through his dedication to Children’s Aid and Family Services, where he serves as 1st Vice Chair on the Board of Trustees and also as Chair of the Development Committee. Mr. Sorenson and his wife, Cornell Chulay, are the parents of four children, one of whom is adopted. Thus, he has an appreciation of the challenges faced by the children in the agency’s care that are waiting for an adoptive family. “The children the agency serves are in tremendous need of nurturing, both emotionally and psychologically,” he says. “In my humble opinion, they deserve all the help we can give them.” If you’re inetrested in volunteering, call our volunteer manager at 201.261.2800 x 222 or visit Mr. Sorenson helps the agency to grow and raise its profile through his efforts in fundraising, as well as introducing friends to the agency’s work. To that end, he recently oversaw the production of an agency video used for fundraising, generously donating his talents as a longtime media professional. He also participated in the Hoop-A-Paluza fundraising event, shooting baskets to raise donations for the agency’s Boarder Babies program. The people who help us make a difference Agency Endowment and Named Funds The Anne Goheen Crane Endowment The agency’s principal endowment fund provides unrestricted funds that can be directed to areas of greatest need. Interest from the fund provides the agency’s only source of reliable income. It is used to support mission commitments to: keep services accessible to all, regardless of ability to pay; provide the ability to anticipate changing needs and respond to the unexpected; and to be less vulnerable to economic fluctuations. The Ethel G. and Arthur B. Toan, Jr. Fund This fund provides unrestricted support that can be directed to any area of need within the agency. The Anne and John Oros Fund This fund provides dedicated college scholarship support for children who were fostered as infants by the Oros family, and, in the future, to support other teens who have aged out of foster care and are attending college. Margaret Pasmantier Community Life Education Fund Established in memory of Margaret Pasmantier, a long-time agency volunteer, this funds a variety of community educational programs. Julie Lynne Zipper Memorial Fund This fund was established in memory of Julie Lynne Zipper, a tragic victim of the World Trade Center attacks of 2001. As a lasting tribute to Julie and in recognition of her love for the Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center in Paramus – attended by her son Jason – the fund provides scholarships for staff members who wish to further their education in early childhood learning. The Thomas R.S. Burgin Parents Fund This fund provides financial assistance to teens aging out of foster care and attending college or vocational training. It is also available to fund tutoring and other special educational needs for children in the agency’s care. This year, we re-focused the fund as a “Parents” fund so it can also be a source of emergency funding for any former client of one of our foster care programs. The Barbara Abney Bolger Fund Newly formed in 2007 in honor of long-standing volunteer and Board member, Barbara Abney Bolger, the Fund will provide for the maintenance, renovation and other capital needs of the Woodlea and PATH I group homes. The Leda M. Jadrosich Fund Established in memory of Leda M. Jadrosich, this fund supports all aspects of the agency’s adoption services for vulnerable infants, children and teens – from helping them heal to recruiting loving adoptive families for them. The Ruth L. and William F. Warmington Fund An endowed fund to support the core infrastructure needs of the agency, such as communications,development, and the professional development of leadership staff. Lifetime Gifts Lifetime gifts made to the Anne Goheen Crane Endowment or other endowment and named funds FOUNDER $500,000 and above 2 lifetime friends of the agency CHAMPION $100,000 - $249,999 Teri L. DeSorbo and Christopher J. Lasher LEADERSHIP CIRCLE $50,000 - $99,999 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jadrosich Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Kennedy Merck-Medco Managed Care, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Throdahl Ethel G. and Arthur B.* Toan SUSTAINER $20,000 - $49,999 BD The Copper Beech Foundation Anne Goheen Crane and Thomas Crane, Jr.; Philip, Marshall, Megan, and Adrianne Marion T. and Robert B. Jones Heidi and E. Gerald Kay E. Gerald Kay Family Foundation The Kirincich Family Richard I. Klein Anne and John Oros Wells, Jaworski, & Liebman, LLP SPONSOR $10,000 - $19,999 Barbara G. and Bruce M. Brady Susan and Harvey Braun Mimi and Tom Brome Robert F.* and Margaret S. Goheen Mr. and Mrs. John Kandravy, Esq. Els* and Gys B. Kooy Judi and Al* Lilley PATRON $5,000 - $9,999 Barbara Abney Bolger Mr. Thomas R. S. Burgin Douglas and Barbara S.* Dittrick Goldman, Sachs & Co. The W. & M. Kennedy Private Family Foundation Nancy and Kenneth Koeller & Family Mark W. Pasmantier, M.D. Rose Marie and Rod Schutt Ann and Henrik Tvedt, Jr. Jonelle and Ronald M. von Autenried Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wessel * Denotes deceased. BENEFACTOR $2,500 + $4,999 Anonymous (2) Deborah and Donald Aronson Margot Leary Badenhausen Ann and Bruce Benedict Doris M. Hansmann Diana and W. Fletcher Hock The Jaqua Foundation Judith H. and Robert E. Saydah FRIENDS $1,000 - $2,499 American International Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bombace Marcia and Michael Corrigan Delight and Paul Dodyk Mr. and Mrs. Raymond V. Gilmartin Liz and David Mason Mr. and Mrs. David F. McBride Moira McBride Murphy Grace and Fred Sisto SkillBuilders Fund Marcy* and Bruce Slater Trinity Presbyterian Church Betsy R. Vander Velde Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vanderbeek Sue and David Viniar Joan and John Wrede Wayne A. Yankus, M.D. GRANDPARENT $500 - $999 Jeanne Burke ECW Outreach Jeanette M. Flanagan Ethel & Philip Adelman Charitable Foundation, Inc. Kathy and Paul Higbee Conrad Hirzel Dr. Robert W. Honsinger Junior Woman’s Club of Ridgewood Dorothy Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Magnus, Jr. Alice and Craig McClelland Eleanore S. Nissley Dotti and Richard Oswald Mrs. Harlan C. Peterson Cindy and Bob Probert Dr. and Mrs. Donald O. Quest Beatriz Valera-Schutz and Don Schutz Gayle and Frank Smith Marion L. and Peter R. Stark Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Thurston Margaret and Drew Watson Watson Rice LLP Diana and George R. Wing, Jr. PARENT $250 + $499 Beverley and Bill Belknap Judy Bienstock Veronica Burkett and Thomas J. Pazel Sue and Bruce Byers Tonia and Dan Cohen Janet and Richard Fricke Betty and Martin Gulino Betty A. Hoskins Marcella and Basil Kokoletsos Carolyn and Ted Krause LaMendola Associates, Inc. Barbara and Vincent Lewis Marybeth and John Lyons Ms. Ellen Maland and Mr. Donald Adams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McKay Audrey Meyers and Scott Agins Lindsey and Richard Moynihan Sally and Norm Nelson Mr. and Mrs. John P. O'Brien Barbara and Kevin O'Brien Joan and Charlie Omsberg Christie and Joe Owens Lyn and Richard Rumage SACC Parent Executive Committee Sara and John Snyder The Sumner Family Carol and Jim Whaley Dot and Ron Zier SIBLING $100 + $249 Judy and Tom Archibald Katherine and William Bates, Jr. Mrs. Robert W. Bechtel Krisi and Drew Behrens Lili and Jerry Binney Ms. Martha D. Bird Dr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Bitzer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Bougas Sheila Brogan The Bronfin Family Mr. and Mrs. William T. Burgin Daniel Burke Jill and Bob Callahan Eileen and Paul Callan Carol and James Cavaluzzi Andree and Bill Cobb Cathy and Warren Cooke Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Coviello Hanley B. Cox Nancy and Jim Culver Patricia DeBartolome and Richard Mills Dee and Frank DeBernardis Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DelColliano Lois* and David DeWahl Onnie N. Duffie Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dwyer Cathy Eastman and Family Susan and David Eisenberg Carol and Richard Ekman Dr. and Mrs. Eric J. Ellinghaus Audrey Evans Monique and Steven Facini Susan M. Fahy Hon. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Felice Dorothy and Tom Folger Mr. and Mrs. David Friedrich Nancy and David Fruetel Mr. and Mrs. Truman Fuller Deanna and Richard* Gaither Ann and Harper Garrett Marge and Jack Geraghty The Giovanniello Family Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Goldberg Chris and James Groome Carole M. Harper, MA, RN Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haydon Nancy G. Honsinger Celia and Joe Hutnik Caroline and Andrew Janover Jacqueline and Jonathan King Betty L. Klein Betty and Burton Klein Becky and Frank P.* Kraus Maribeth and Tom Lane Martha and Michael Laslavic Kathleen and Dennis Lee Cindy and Dave Levy LJS Communications Frank R. Loscalzo, Ph.D. Joan and Donald Maiocco Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malinky Lynn and Douglas Marion Barbara and Arthur Masarky Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Mathe Lynn and Don McBeth Monica and Ed McCabe Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. McCarthy Mr. Paul McCarthy Sally and John McGrath Tom Miller Lynn and Ed Miskiel Florence Moscarello Betsie Bolger Mott The Mullane Family New Players Company of Ridgewood High School Ruth Nicoll Ann and Drew Nieporent Melissa and Charles O'Brien Frank J., Katie, and Ryan Plateroti Poskanzer Skott Architects The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Martin V. Quinn Janice L. and Michael L. Quinn June and Jack Ritter Martha and Tim Rogers The Honorable Marge Roukema and Dr. Richard Roukema Mr. and Mrs. Denis J. Salamone Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sargen Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Schoch Barbara and Francis H. Schott William “Pat” Schuber Sheila and Harvey Shilling Christine B. Sinkhorn Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Skewes Barna and Jerry Solomon Lori and Jeff Sperber Julie and Lawrence Stern Mr. and Mrs. Sydney V. Stoldt,* Jr. Mary Suliali and Robert Christian Roberta and Eugene Svarre Lynne and Tom Tarvin Lifetime Gifts SIBLING $100 + $249 (continued) Kathleen Egan Tomai Elias N. Tsoukas, M.D. Unilever United States Foundation, Inc. Gerry and Rod Verblaauw Rita Ward and Timothy Henkler Anita and Russ Warnet Judy and George Webster Carol and Ed Weissler Rose Zeltser COUSIN Up to $99 Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Akinbowale Adegbayi Carol Johnson Bald Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bennett Dale and Nubar Berian Denise and James Bernhard Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Bixon Mr. and Mrs. David S. Blumenthal Mary Pat Boron Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bryan Ms. Karol G. Chesney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chiocchi Diane R. Clemente Carol F. Conklin Mary and Chris Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cunningham and Family Sue and Brian Curtiss Mr. and Mrs. Julian A. Decter Jerry C. DeFalco Elizabeth A. Deming Belinda R. Dumont Family Counseling Service Auxiliary of Children’s Aid and Family Services Terri and Neil Feinstein Joan and Al Fischbein and Family Eleanor and Thomas Fleischer Nancy and Thomas Fleischer The Funke Family - Candida, Meredith and Laura Mr. and Mrs. David B. Gerstein Roberta and Gerry Goertz Lisa Graf Philip Grappo Helen Greenwood Joan Fennimore Groome Cynthia and Rurik Halaby Pamela M. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Jennings Eileen M. Jones Malcolm G. Jones, Sr. Anne and Carey Joynt Junior League of Bergen County, Inc. Rosemary and Louis Karcher Maureen C. Kirschner Eileen and Joseph Leone Nancy and Joe LoPiccolo Mr. and Mrs. John Luongo Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Mancuso Mindy and Bob Mast Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Maxwell Polly McClure The McGettigan Family Cruz Meija Ms. Elinor W. Meyers Ms. Gladys Miller David W. Morgan Lou Lou and Terence Mullervy Michele Murdock Susan and Richard Nashel Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Newman Elliott Norwalk Robin and John O'Brien Phyllis and Harold Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Principe Donna and Raun Rasmussen Joanne Reisser Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Reynen Lorraine and Jim Reynolds Mr. Kenneth Rubsamen Kathleen E. Russo Sandy and Alan Sadwin Joseph Schmidt Eileen and Gary Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Silver Mrs. Edward L. Sivigny Joyce Sonpal Doris M. Swenson Kathleen Toner Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Tunstall Myra Vasquez Amy Walsh Anne and Jack Warner Scott M. Weiner Lisa Weissler Nancy B. Whittemore Bill Wilkinson Elaine and Daryl Wright Sara Yarmak Kathryn and William Yeomans Alice G. Yocom Zurich Reinsurance (North America), Inc. Second Century Circle Membership in the Second Century Circle is for all agency friends who have made a planned gift to benefit Children’s Aid and Family Services. Anonymous (2) Dr. and Mrs.* Ozell K. Beatty Elizabeth W. Bell* Barbara Abney Bolger Barbara G. and Bruce M. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brown Mr. Thomas R. S. Burgin Mickey Capelli Helen S. Cheel* Anne Goheen Crane Geraldine V. Ely* Ms. Phyllis Ettinger Filomena and Angelo P. Ferrara* Ronald H. Grafe* Annamarie J. Greek Doris M. Hansmann Julia G. Hoffman* Nancy G. Honsinger Dr. Robert W. Honsinger Norma and Paul Hunter Marion T. Jones Robert B. Jones Janet and Frank* Kireker Els* and Gys B. Kooy Judi and Al Lilley Audrey I. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Reynen Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Schubert Rose Marie and Rod Schutt Marcy and Bruce Slater Ethel G. and Arthur B.* Toan Blanche and Richard Townsend Ann and Henrik Tvedt, Jr. Jonelle and Ronald M. von Autenried Dr. William M. Willis, Jr. Wayne A. Yankus, M.D. * Denotes deceased. Annual Gifts Children’s Aid and Family Services would like to thank the following donors for gifts made from January 1 – December 31, 2007. Donors are credited for designated contributions to specific programs or funds and for general operating contributions made directly to Children’s Aid and Family Services. These include gifts and pledges made through the United Way, Matching Gifts made by employers, as well as payments on pledges to any of our endowment or named funds made during 2007. The list does not necessarily reflect donations made directly to one of our volunteer advisory boards, including their special events. On their behalf, we thank you for your continued support. CHAMPION $100,000 - $249,000 Anonymous (1) The Copper Beech Foundation LEADERSHIP CIRCLE $50,000 - $99,999 Elaine and Myron Adler Mickey Capelli Teri L. DeSorbo and Christopher J. Lasher Catherine L. Redlich and Robert Horwitz SUSTAINER $20,000 - $49,999 Helen's Hope Foundation Joan and Edward Doherty SPONSOR $10,000 - $19,999 Anonymous (1) The Kravecas Family Douglas and Barbara S.* Dittrick Ethel & Philip Adelman Charitable Foundation, Inc. Doris M. and Ralph E. Hansmann Marion T. and Robert B. Jones Heidi and E. Gerald Kay Lynn and Don McBeth Anne and John Oros Andrea and Herbert Ouida Sudie and Mark Throdahl PATRON $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cleary Kiara and James Craffey Joanne Mandry and Don Ramesdorfer Liz and David Mason Mr. and Mrs. Duncan C. McCurrach Brigid and Kevin O'Brien Frank J., Katie, and Ryan Plateroti Robert G. Sommer Eve and Emile van den Bol Sue and David Viniar Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. von Autenried BENEFACTOR $2,500 - $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Barksdale Barbara Abney Bolger Susan and Harvey Braun The Bronfin Family Grace and Frank Burr Anne Goheen Crane and Thomas R. Crane Jennifer and Stephen Errico Mr. and Mrs. George H. Heilborn Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jadrosich Maribeth and Tom Lane Marybeth and John Lyons Susan and John Manley Jay R. Monroe Memorial Foundation Catharine and James Napolitano Audrey I. Newman and John M. McKendry Amy and John Nidds Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Geary Plateroti Vincent Plateroti Mr. and Mrs. Denis J. Salamone Elva and Peter Scanel Gayle and Frank Smith Joyce and Donald Snider Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Swanson Ethel G. Toan Lisa and William Torpey Marcy and Jon Wimbish FRIENDS $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous (2) The Abdoo Family The Albes Family Teresa J. Battaglia Ann and Bruce Benedict Lili and Jerry Binney Mary and Tom Burgin Burr Family Foundation Betsy Chamberlin Jennifer and Peter Contrucci Pat and Ed DeSear Marianne and Robert Dill Delight and Paul Dodyk Wendy and Mark Epstein Teresa Erzmoneit and Richard Lynch Sue and Matthew Evans Sally and David Falck Martha Fickinger and Jeff Deutsch Kimberly and Kenneth Ford Ellen and Vincent Forlenza The Frank and Brenda Gallagher Family Foundation Gloria Gallo Raymond V. and Gladys H. Gilmartin Foundation, Inc. Sharon and Frank Gomez Annamarie J. Greek Mr. and Mrs. George F. Haase, Jr. Pat and Betty Hamel Patricia and Robert Hanft Kathy and Paul Higbee Diane and Kenneth Hipkins Conrad Hirzel Karen and Michael Hofstetter Nina and Ken Hovey Lisa M. Olsen and Richard V. Hrvatin Ellen and Michael Jacobs Babs and John Kandravy Becky and Frank P.* Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lenhard Sue and Bob Mackie Mr. and Mrs. James T. McCarthy Mary and Bill McNamara Dr. and Mrs. John C. Minichetti Mary-Wallace L. and Russell A. Moody Anne and Chris Nettleton Melissa and Charles O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. O’Shea Kathy and Randall Pastorius Elaine and Thomas Plaut Mr. and Mrs. Gerard D. Porreca, III Erin and Gregory Pruitt Mollie and Louis Rambler Sharon and Edward Reitz Barbara and Joseph Ricciardi Dr. Ronald Sollitto and Ms. Gina Diaz Cornell and Erik Sorenson Janice and Charles Tuch Betsy R. Vander Velde Dr. Diane M. Gallo-VanEss and Dr. David M. VanEss Melissa and Alex Von Summer Susan and F. Vincent Warren Susan and Bob Wei Mr. and Mrs. Parker Weil Carol and Jim Whaley Rose Zeltser Katherine Zrike GRANDPARENT $500 - $999 Anonymous (1) Heather and Peter Abric Maria and Robert Absey Kathleen and John Altieri Marion and George Arenas Tracy and Michael Autera Kathy and Mike Azzara Gelaye Belaineh Louise and Christopher Bender Marjorie and Egon Berg Mary Pat Boron Anne and Robert Bosch Michael and Adrienne Carey Donna Ferrara and Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Chisholm Lesley and William Collins Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Collopy Stephen P. Cook Avery and John Costigan Meghan and Paul Cummings Bernadette and Michael Davis Mr. Alfred DelliBovi Mr. James Dial Elsa DiGemma Julie and Robert Dimino Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Donlan Mary Helen and Joseph Donofrio Tina and Kevin Felix Carla and Richard Fels Paul E. Fernandes, Jr. Geri and Tom Ferry Ann and Barry Fetner Barbara Ed Franko Joann Frechette and Robert Nash Eileen and Jeff Grygier Kari and Richard Harrison Higgins Family Foundation Muna and Basem Hishmeh Dr. Robert Honsinger Dr. Nancy Robin Jaicks Anton Katz Donna Kennedy Phyllis and Daniel Kletter Mrs. William T. Knight, III Gys B. Kooy Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Koppel, Sr. Melissa and Charles Krause Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kraynak Ajanta and Akshay Kumar Katherine and Craig Lucas Theresa and Kevin McAteer Maggie and Ted McCormick Beth and Brant Meleski Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Melton Vinita and Vinay Mendiratta Karen and James Miner Mrs. Lucy R. Morris Lucy R. Morris Lindsey and Richard Moynihan Ms. Cynthia Stites and Mr. Donald Nagle Harold Nickelsberg Eleanore S. Nissley Dotti and Richard Oswald Tia and Fran Patterson Mrs. Harlan C. Peterson Elizabeth and James Petrie Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pierce Ellen and Leonard Polaner Maribel and Perry Premdas Dr. and Mrs. Donald O. Quest Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Ramsay Carol and Michael Rasovic Barbara and John Reeves Mr. and Mrs. David M. Repetto Sandy and David Richards Erilyn and John Riley Ed Rubin Annette and Richard Rumage, Sr. Lyn and Richard Rumage Judith and Robert Saydah Mrs. Louis B. Schlivek The Schwartz Family Foundation Cipora O. and Philip* C. Schwartz Carol and Mark Smith Sandra Snow Ceola L. Stepp Robert and Barbara Stillwell Eric B. Swain Alina and Kurt Swanson Doris M. Swenson Tavoso Family Charitable Fund Tina and David Telesco Dan Thane and Christopher Chow Annual Gifts GRANDPARENT $500 - $999 (continued) Blanche and Richard Townsend Mark and Dawn Van Denend Denise and John Vollkommer Eileen and Theodore Wagner Margaret and Drew Watson Judith C. Widicus PARENT $250 - $499 Anonymous (4) Tara and Bradley Adams Kathryn M. Adorney and Neil Rindlaub Heidi and Thomas Ahlborn Ann and J.P. Alvarado Jason D. Attwood Margot Leary Badenhausen Penelope G. Baker Miriam and Matt Barnard Nancy Erin Baroni John and Caroline Barr Sanghamitra and Suvajit Basu Maggie and Jay Bernstein Marie and John Bicks Therese and John Bonfiglio Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boos Henrietta Borst Anne and Kent Brabant Kenneth and Rosemarie Brady Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. John Buffington Tara and Eugene Callaghan Dawn and Paul Calvetti Loretta Shea Campbell Lynn H. Carter-Vogel Christine and David Chanley Nancy and John Citti Joanne and Gary Cogswell Mr. and Mrs. Graham Conklin Thomas M. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Covey Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Coviello Kathryn and Joseph DeChiaro Maura and John Deegan Susan J. Denenholz Gloria and John Dreyer Christine and Jim Driscoll John Dubac L. Georgette McAuley and Kevin Duffy Megan and Paul Dunphey Cathy Eastman and Family Ms. Frances Eaton Jennifer and Michael Faherty Hon. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Felice Patricia and Robert Felice Maureen and Richard Ferrara Donna Mahr Flagg and Bob Flagg John H. Flathmann, Jr. Hannah and Fred Fogg Joan and Larry Foglia Maria and Gary Franco Nancy and Michael Gaffney Julie and Kevin Gahwyler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gallo Ms. Mercedes Garcia Maureen and Lawrence Gardner Mrs. and Mr. Maureen Gardner Robert F.* and Margaret S. Goheen Dr. and Mrs. Max Goldberg Kate and Jose Gonzalez Cathrine and Bob Gritman Jennifer and John Hamlet Patrice and William Hansen Cecily and Brian Healy Kirsten Henrickson Mary and Bill Henson Nancy G. Honsinger Jerry Horowitz Lois D. Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hughes Margaret and David Hughes Jan and Thomas Hurley Carolyn and John Jacoby Patsy Jensen and Paul Fehlner Mark Khalil Erinda and Peter Kikot Mr. and Mrs. H. Ralph Kirby Noelle Kokoletsos and Marshall Crane Mary and Bob Lane Karen and Ted Larson Carol and Will Layfield Gloria Leder and William J. Heimbuch Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Lettieri Sally Lewis Kathleen and Peter Lops Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Magnus, Jr. Marie and Anthony Malloy Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mamone Ms. Elisabeth Mannschott Barbara and Arthur Masarky Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Mathe Joanne Lamarca and Tyler Mathisen Mrs. and Mr. Susan McBrayer Pat and Chris McCurdy Eva and John McDonald Molly and Thomas McGee Ms. Judy McLean and Mr. Fred Jubitz Ellen and Todd McNamara Andrew Meo Nicole and Kyle Merrick Mollie and Doug Messineo Thomas E. Miller Cyndy and Paul Mitchell Annual Gifts Thomas and Robin Morsch Tricia Mueller Elizabeth and Brian Murphy Erin and Gene Napolitan Susan and Michael Needleman Sally and Norm Nelson Catherine Brefach Newman Dianne and David Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Noonan Ms. Jean M. Nuzzolo Pam and Mike Pasquale Evelyn Pergola Kristen and Adam Perlman Kelly and Jack Petersen Dawn and David Piano Emil Joseph Piel Cheryl and Bradley Post Mr. and Mrs. John Barry Reid Kimberly and Kyle Reis Sharon Renker Eileen and Steven Rosen Grace and John Schaus Mr. and Mrs. James Schimmel Cheryl McInroy and Roger Schlicht Barbara and Francis H. Schott Kristen and Joseph Schultz Timothy Schwartz Maureen and Kevin Sheehan Nan Owen Sietsma Kathleen and Robert Skrzypczak Kathy and David Slomin Carly, Ella, and Max Sokol Leanne and Luigi Stancato Judeann Strauss Patrick Sweeney Jacqueline and Michael Szymanski Marilyn Terhune Annette and Michael Testa Miriam and John Thielke Tina and Chris Tilyou Marisa L. Tuch Deborah Turner and David L. Roberts Mary and Rob Vermylen Margaret and Michael Webb Ann and Tom White Gabrielle and Steve Winnert Marla and Brian Wormser Sharon and Joe Yacura SIBLING $100 - $249 Anonymous (11) Joan and Bob Abelson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Adams Myra and Myles Adler Michael Adriance John and Jill Albano Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Amo Ellen J. Anderson Cathy and John Andrus Meredith and Robert Antonelli Mr. and Mrs. David A. Armour Dr. Anne Armstrong-Coben and Mr. Harlan F. Coben Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Arpert Mr. and Mrs. Ralph August Leandra Avato Maryann and Greg Aynilian Carol Johnson Bald Phil Ball Donald J. Barley, Esq. Virginia Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Behrens Bayne and Scott Belair Kathleen and Noel Belli Reverend Denise H. Bennett and Mr. Thomas M. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Raphael H. Beresford Lisa P. Beslity Jeanna Bischer Barclay Blayman Lisa and Richard Blumenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Hervey E. Blumers Daryl and Matthew Boylan Carole Bray-Vincent Mimi and Tom Brome Gail and Richard Brooks Janet S. Brown Kay and Bob Brundige Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Burke Linda and Al* Byer Sue and Bruce Byers Eileen and Paul Callan Elaine and Warner Canto Lucille Cecchi and James E. Cecchi Deborah and Carlo Cella Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Chersi Ms. Catherine A. Chriss and Mr. Timothy J. Graham Boyd A. Christie Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Cipriano, D.M.D. Sally and William Clark Andree and Bill Cobb Mary Jane and Michael Cochran Patricia and Lewis Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coomber Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cooper Deborah and V. Barry Corridon Marcia and Michael Corrigan Lucy and John Costa Ms. Maria Costagliola Sue and Brian Curtiss Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dahms Daryl Brown and Edward Davis Moira and Edward De Salvo Dee and Frank DeBernardis Jean DeCicco Victor Delvecchio Erin and John Dewan Jean E. Deyo Victoria and Christopher DeYoung Susan and Michael DeZaio Trudi and Douglas Dial John Dick Vivian and John Dick Elizabeth Dickinson Leslie Diner Miriam Dinerman Wendy Dockray and Robert Trobe Rose Ann and Paul Donohoe Mary-Frances and Robert Dougherty Lisa Duff Barbara B. Eaton Roseanne and Robert Ebert Jill Edelson Kerry and James Egan Carol and Richard Ekman Amy Boscov and Terry Ellen Gertrude and Howard Engle Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Ermel Teresa Erzmoneit and Richard Lynch Phyllis Eskin Wendy D. Esposito Tosha Fadness Lynne and Robert Fagles Judith and Ben Farnsworth Mr. and Mrs. William Ferer and Robert Nathan Ferer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferrante, Jr. Jill and Ed Fischer Marcia and Glenn Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Flaherty Ms. Alvina Frey Christina Ferrara Frith and Stephen Frith Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Fuchs Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Gaglioti Ann and Harper Garrett Mary Stuart and Angus Gephart Carol Geragotelis Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gilsenan Thomas P. Gilson Elizabeth Givner Mr. and Mrs. Gary Glass Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Goldberg Philip Grappo Madinah Grier Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Groom Ellie and Marty Gruber Mr. and Mrs. John Guenter Mr. and Mrs. V. John Guthery, III Gael S. Haebernickel Kristin and John Halvey SIBLING $100 - $249 (continued) Mr. Jacques Harlow Charles Lee Harp, Jr. Gale and Kenneth Harris Helen Marie Harrison Byrenda M. Hatcher Christina and Michael Hayes Sandy and Jim Healey Dorothy and Chris Heinbockel Agatha and Harry Herz Nancy and Gregor Hetzel Sally K. Hirschey Diana and W. Fletcher Hock Mary Onie and Tom Holland Dana and Peter Hopper Nancy and Lawrence Horowitz Lori and Wayne Howard Barbara P. Hyslop Karen and Giuseppe Iacono Jean Janakat Kevin Johnson Janet F. Johnston Eileen M. Jones Kathleen and Elliott Jones Sally and Alfred Jones Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones Enid and Andrew Joseph Peggy and Ed Kabakow Michelle E. and Michael Kaiser Michelle D. Kaiser Punam and Satish Kashyap Declan and Christine Kearney Marcus F. Keep, M.D. Lucretia and Michael Kender Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kenny Anna and Jasper Kersbergen Jane and Richard Kiernan Linda and Stephen Kimler Dawn and Darvin Klarin Lynn and Paul Knight Marcella and Basil Kokoletsos Linda and Robert Kotch Cornelie and Dan Ladd Betty and Tom Lade Nicholas Laganella, II Arlene and Anthony Laino Dawn and Stephen Laird Lisa Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Ledlow Loren Lembo-Mularz Charlene and Chris LeMoine Jan Lee and John Lescroart Bobbi and Harvey Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lieser Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan M. Lilley Mr. and Mrs. Jetson E. Lincoln Patricia Lloyd Ilene and Edward Lowenthal Marlene H. Lubinger Mr. Joel Lusman Marie C. Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maher Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Mancuso Annette and Peter Mani Joseph Manning and Christopher Reggio Frank Marchese and Lisa Weddle Carol and Tom Martin Mr. and Mrs. Dwight B. Massey Carol Ann Mathes Andrea and Raymond Maxwell Rosemary Gunther and Sean McCooe Doris and Paul McCormick Pat and John McDonagh Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. McGuire Barbara G. McLaughlan Michelle and Todd McMichael Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Meier Marianne and Leonard Melley, Sr. Ann and Carl Melone Audrey Meyers and Scott Agins Patricia and Hugh Middleton Mr. Carolyn Cardaci Miron Cheryl Byk Montemurno, M.D. Theresa and Robert Moore Florence Moscarello Joey and Mark Moskowitz Betsie Bolger Mott Dr. and Mrs. Michel Mouravieff Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muscarelle Kimberley Myles and Geoff Ramsey Elleen C. Natarelli Sally and A. Donald Nazzaro Ann and Drew Nieporent Donna Lynn and Robert G. Nihen Jennifer and Andrew Nolan Donna and Scott Olsen Christie and Joe Owens Patrice M. Page Diane and Robert Palm Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Papier Carol and Michael Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearson Ms. Susan Peel Ruth and Allan Penner Valerie and Charlie Perwas Margaret Platt-Klaus Beatrice Podorefsky Susan and Barry Poskanzer Nick Preziosi Lynda and Walter Pullis Lisa and Mohesh Punjabi Donna and Raun Rasmussen Kerri and Tom Reilly Maria and Michael Reilly Sheila Riccardi Mrs. William C. Ridgway, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Risko Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Roelke Martha and Tim Rogers Dorothy A. Rollenhagen Mario E. Alvarez Romero Mr. and Mrs. Hy Rosenberg Beverly Rosengren Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruggles Michael B. Rukin Christina Rumage Jennifer Rupprecht Kathleen E. Russo Cheryl and David Sabath Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Sandler Mariellen and Peter Sands Rocco R. Santomenno Lynn and Thomas Scerbo Kerry and Leonard Schmitt Harriet Schneider Phyllis L. Schneiderman Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Schoch Sandra Schrettner and Paul Conciatori Rose Marie and Rod Schutt Fiona and Alan Scott Lois and Marty Sechehay Joyce and Vincent Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shell Gloria and Bernard Sheplin Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Shindler Karen Shortis and Marc Franco Laura and Giuseppe Sidoti Becky and Paul Simpson Margaret Simonetti Drs. Grace and Fred Sisto James Sloan Betsy and Frank Snope June L. Sosland Betsy and Richard Sparrow Marion L. and Peter R. Stark Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Steiner Irene Stella Melanie J. Stern Rosie and Bob Stubbs Margaret and Christopher Sullivan Pat and Denis Sullivan Roberta and Eugene Svarre Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Taranto Lynne and Tom Tarvin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Telling Maureen E. Tierney Arlene Toro Thomas M. Toronto Julie and Steve Torrico Sara Traberman Catherine Tutrone Ann and Henrik Tvedt, Jr. Mrs. Lillian K. Tvedt Kim Tyner The Valente Family Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Saun Gerry and Rod Verblaauw Angela and Leonardo Vila Elaine and Guy Vinopal Deborah Viola, Ph.D. Erna and Guido von Autenried Elizabeth and Paul von Autenried Carol Voss Sue and Phil Walker Christopher Walsh Kathryn and Eric Wansong Rita Ward and Timothy Henkler Patricia A. Warner Josephine and George Washburn Judy and George Webster Mr. John B. Wefing Monica and Richard Weisberg Dr. and Mrs. Earl A. Wheaton Jean and John Wilkie Bill Wilkinson Michelle and Troy Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson Dr. Judith K. Winn and Mr. Harold Winn Janet and Donald Wong Mr. and Mrs. James Woods Benjamin Wu Ms. Marta Yagos Ceil and Alan Zalkind Jane and Peter Zecher Mr. Mark Zeltser Bonnie and Bill Zimmerman COUSIN Up to $99 Anonymous (11) Claire and Timothy Abel Mr. and Mrs. Akinbowale Adegbayi Norris Allman Angela J. Amabile Tina and Jack Anapolsky Ms. Claire J. Anderson Sue and Jim Angus Roberta Apfel and Bennett Simon Patricia and John Arehart Nancy M. Aslan Theodore B. Baba Mr. and Mrs. Mark Babunovic Lynn and Robert Bagley Jill Cliffer Baratta and Richard Baratta Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Barba, Jr. Lindsey and Rich Barclay Joan A. Barker Audrey and William Barnish Eva and Hans Bauer Linda Bauer Maryann Behnke Susan and Alan Bendes Debra and Robert Bendett Peter and Marianne Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Benson Joanne Berardinelli Gunnar M. Berg Renee and Arnold Bettinger Gail and Paul Beverly Kathleen Bincoletto Rosary and Jon Bittmann Frances and Joseph Blakely Lorna Blauvelt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bleier Alice M. Bola Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bolton Rosina and Pasquale Borrello Nancy Bosch Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Bougas Barbara Bradley Mrs. Doris M. Bradley Ann Marie and Patrick Brennan Eileen Brennan Barbara and Kevin Brennan Kerry and Jon Brenner Irene and Artie Bressler Mr. and Mrs. John J. Briody Kiki and Ed Brodkin Mrs. Deborah L. Ungerleider and Mr. Richard C. Brookler Susan and Marvin Brooks Amy Browne Kay and Bob Brundige Susan and Philip Brustlin Josephine and Robert Buelow Patricia and William Burgin Roberta and Richard Burns Jacquelyn M. Burrows Laura and Ron Burrows Madeline M. Byrne Donna and Peter Cafone Ms. Liz Cairns Catherine Calardo Karen and David Caldwell Elizabeth Calton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Camera Nancy and Alan Candusso Mr. and Mrs. William Carbone Frances Carl Ms. Bernice Carr Diane M. Montpetit-Carson and Ralph R. Carson Louise T. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Art Caughlan Carol Cecchini and Paula Carroll Annual Gifts COUSIN Up to $99 (continued) Surinder and Vinod Chadha Claire and Thomas Chadwick Peter T. Cheng Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chesler Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Chiaramonte Pamela and Stephen Christian Ruth Ciaramella Susan and Keith Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Cohen Mary Kathleen and David Cohen Arlene R. Cohn Adele Cooke Alison and Robert Costello Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Coughlin Douglas Cronk Janice and James Crowley Marianne and Michael Crowley Elizabeth and Henry Cruz Ms. Margaret Cummins Catherine M. Curley Mr. Robert Dafter Diane and Lee Dailey Carol and George Dakes Dale J. Dalton Lenore Davis Theresa and Joseph Debonis Sharon Decker Deborah Delaney and Jeffrey Sommer Terry and Carl Dell'Olio Mary Jo Dervos Mr. and Mrs. Rob Dial Betty Diclementi Adele Hoffmeyer and Richard Diemer Joseph DiGiacomo Susan DiGiacomo Yolanda Dimari and Jacques Kaufman Barbara and Fred Ditmars Mr. and Mrs. James P. Dolan Mrs. Lisa M. Dolmatz Adam Dvorin Christine and Michael Eckels Angele Ekert Mr. and Mrs. G. Patrick Emery Gregg Englehardt Phyllis Ettinger Ruby L. Evans Mrs. Margaret B. Faath Linda and Michael Fairbourne Bella S. Fellig Patricia J. Ferraid Katherine and Robert Ferretti Edith Figueroa Elizabeth G. Finnegan Elizabeth A. Finnerty Susan and John Fiocchi George Flanagan Christine A. Flint Beverly and Richard Flint M. Joyce Forman Elizabeth and Lawrence Forte Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fowls Lizbeth Fox Mr. and Mrs. Maxim Y. Frangulova Florence Friedman Halina Fusiak-Barrios Yvette and Monte Gale Stephanie and Matthew Gannon Joan M. Garbarino Ms. Cristina Garcia Anne C. Gaston Elizabeth and John Gatti Joelle Gaugaix-Shiels and Alfred L. Shiels Angela Genett Laura Gengler Diana and Anthony Gentile Eudice Gersten and Fern G. Weis Lisa Anne Gibble Vincent Q. Giffuni Theresa Gilligan and W. F. Gilligan Seymour Gillman Maria Gilosa Roberta and Gerry Goertz Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Goldfarb Ms. Jeanne Gonnelli Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gordon Gail Gordon Melissa D. Goring Mary and James Gorman Ann and Hamilton Goulart Nanci and Joseph Gregory Joan P. Grell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Guariglia Jennifer Gurkan Barbara and Martin Gutman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Halloran Mr. and Mrs. Spencer C. Halper Betty Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. John Handley Carole M. Harper Mr. William A. Heberer and Mr. Warren Heberer Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Heimall Rosemarie and Richard Helmbrecht James Hewitt Deborah and Terrence Higgins Robert M. Higgins Ms. Barbara B. Hinrichs Connie and Jack Hochberg Helen I. Hodge Barbara Hoffman Annual Gifts Lilo and Jules Hoffman Julia G. Hoffman* Beth and Joel Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Horn Vera Hulmes Beatrice and Charles Hunnicutt Lia S. Kwee and Robert Isaac Dawn and Bryan Jaicks Virginia G. James Norbert and Naomi Jaume Mrs. Jeanne H. Kobritz-Jerfsten and Mr. Arne Jerfsten Suzanne R. Johnsen Ms. Arlene Johnson Brigitte Johnson Christopher Jones Marjorie and Thomas Jones Mr. and Mrs. John M. Judge Merri and Howard Kapiloff Penny and Mitch Kaplan Noreen A. Karpowicz Mr. and Mrs. Merle H. Katzman Maxine and Don Kaufman Robert S. Kay Robin Kay Una M. Kearns Alison Keep Nicole and Robert Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Kelton Kathy and John Kemp Nancy and Dave Kennedy Pamela and William Kennedy Jeralyn Kern Kathleen A. Keyzer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kiernan Virginia A. Kiesel Sharon Kievit Jacqueline and Jonathan King Debra and Leonard Kirsch Roberta and Richard Knauer Sydney Kobuskie Florence F. Konner Miriam Koskinen Audrey Kosman and J.Walter Kosman Lauren Kowtna Beverly Kozdra Lisa and Benjamin Kozlowski Laura Krag Claude Kranik Marcella and Thomas Kraus Kathryn Krause Roger M. Kriete, D.M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Krutzsch Mary Ellen and Peter Kucharick Robert Lange Lynn and Robert Larson Aileen and Mark Lasalandra Robert S. Leake Joan Alice Lehman Fran Leib Alison and Armand Leone Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Leone Carla and Paul Lerman Loreen and Daniel Lesso Jennie Leto Beatrice Levine Norma E. Levy Barbara and Vincent Lewis Louise and Tom Lewis Sharon L. Lewitt The James Liati Family M. A. Libian Mr. and Mrs. S. Liebowitz Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Linnemann Georgia and Jim Lipane Cynthia and Michael Lota Dani Lueker Geraldine and Richard Lynch Susan and Timothy Madden Deborah Maggio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malinky Kathleen Mammano Florence A. Manno Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Margetts Ian and Julie Mark Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Marshall Courtney Martin Maria and Joseph Masciandaro Barbara Masella Farrell Geri and Mark Maselli Grace Mauceri Laura Mausner Valerie and Lorenz Mazi Lynn and Joel McCabe Monica and Edward McCabe Kathleen McCahill William McCandless Anne McCarthy Patricia McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McClanahan, Jr. Shannon K. McCorry Wanda Yee and John McCrudden Kathleen P. McCullough Janeen and Stephen McDonald Elizabeth McDonough Carolyn and Tom McGurn Linda and Frank McNamara Denise McPhillamy-Connelly Patricia and Thomas McSweeney Mr. and Mrs. George Mehler Arnold Mendelson Gunnar and Susan Mengers Rocco Menzella Eileen Miele Bert Millison Mr. and Mrs. David Millison Mr. and Mrs. Marco Minervini Ms. Lauren Minichetti Ms. Catherine M. Mitchell and Mr. Jonathan T. Fenwick Kirk Mitchell Naiem Mohammed Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Mone The Monterallo Family Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moody Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Morley Jacqueline H. Moss Dolores Most Sandra and Andre Mueninghoff Suleiman Murad Sheila and Joseph Nadler Kathy Nagano Patrice Napoda Anne and Rick Naramore Susan and Richard Nashel Karen and Robert Nathanson Natalie and Anna Navatta Arlene Nemeth Frances D. Nesnadny Mary P. Neubauer Jane T. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nicoletti Angela K. Nitka Darlene Nydam Sydelle and Harold Nyfield Jennifer Oberschewen James O’Brian Kathleen and Charles O’Connor Kathleen D. O’Day Robyn and Michael O’Hagan Simone O’Neill Ms. Barbara O’Rourke The Ortiz Family Emily Oster Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parloff Jennifer and Lester Pataki Natalie and George Patterson Mary and Brian Pattwell Grace Mauceri and James Pawlika Patrick Paz Mr. and Mrs. E. Stanley Peck Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pedicone Joanne and Walter Perry Marie Pettersen and Gary D. Pettersen Esther K. Philipp Angela and John Phillips Archie Picinich Ms. Frances M. Pignatelli Erich Plaut Leoncia C. Porter Albert L. Potter Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Pracht Carole and Larry Prendergast COUSIN Up to $99 (continued) Ms. Shannon Prescott Mr. and Mrs. Russell Prokop Barbara Rall and Dick Aronson Mr. Richard P. Rampolla Luanne and John Ramsay Katheryn and Richard Rausa Claudine and Tim Ray Velma S. Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reckholder Barbara and Charles Reilly Susan and Michael Reilly Sue and Harris Reinstein Sue and Bob Reynen Ms. Karen Reynolds Mr. Jean Riccardi Ellen and Kevin Rocca Margaret J Rogan Joann D. Rogers Andrew Rolfe Theresa Rondholz Phyllis and Bob Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Fredric R. Rothe Ms. Janet Royka Barbara and Rufus Rucker Kim and Ken Ruff Maryalice Rocks Ruggiero Ms. Jewell Russo Sandra M. and M. H. Sable Barbara Eaton and Alexander Samson Barbara Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Paul Santumo The Sason Family Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Sass Nancy E. Sattely Brietta and Edmond Savoie Judith T. Scanlan Mary Ellen Scerbo Judith Schatzberg Elizabeth and George Schlowsky Joseph Schmidt Margaret and Martin Schneider Ms. Lovina Schoenmakers Ms. Lorraine Scholl Marilyn and Edward Schotz Marieanne and Karl Schroeder Nicole D. Scotto Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Sharar Heather Shaw Susan Sherrill and Ted Axelrod Mr. and Mrs. William C. Shuck, II Gloria and Leo Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Sigler Judy and Edward Silver Jacob Silvermintz Maxine Sims Christine B. Sinkhorn Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Smethurst Ms. Annette Smith Mr. and Mrs. Glenn P. Smith Kathy and Paul Smolen Sharon L. Gadomski and William C. Snyder Susan N. Sobbott Mr. Murray Socolof Phyllis S. Sohn Frances Spitale Aileen and Charlie Starkey Adele Stead Jane and Richard Steinkopf Barbara J. Steuert Mariana Stiefel Susan and Terry Streaser Jean and Harry Strickholm Barbara Sudol Geraldine Sudol Mrs. Mark Sudol Carolina Suing Christie Sutera Pamela and George Swede Alan and Ann Tannous Labhshankar V. Thakor Muff Thayer Carol K. Thielke Nanette Thomas Michael and Suzanne Tillman Mrs. Elsie M. Tilstra Carolyn and Walter Trespasz Isabel and Frank Trumbour Mollie Tufano and Carol-Rose Punturieri Nick Tyner Janis Tyrrell Andrea and John Vachone Helen Vallonchini Lynne and Daniel Van Engel John Van Keuren Kathleen and Robert Van Langen Joselynn D. Van Siclen Darlene Vaughn Ms. Esther S. Vera Ms. Joan Verdon and J.C. Thornverd Kelly A. Verkem Barbara and Mark Vermylen Mrs. Marcia M. Victor Mary J. Visco Joyce and Michael Wallstein Nancy and Dennis Walsh Deirdra Ward Anne and Jack Warner Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warren Betty and Raymond Wells Ms. Bonnie White Mrs. Joan E. White Betty and Quentin Wiest Janelle Williams Nancy and Marty Willick Marcia Wilson Diana and George R. Wing, Jr. Ellen and Richard Wisolmerski Donna Wittig Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wojcik Ms. Elaine Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Justin P. Workman Carole Woudenberg Myra and Charles Wrubel Pat and Wayne Yankus Deborah Yaria Sara Yarmak Audrey and Leonard Yundzel Mr. and Mrs. Oscar M. Zambelli Elizabeth Zanders Anne Marie and Leonard Zazverskey Patricia J. Zengel Marina and Ralph Zinn Adrienne Y. Zuendt Karen Zuidema GIFTS FROM CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS CHAMPION $100,000 - $249,999 The Copper Beech Foundation The Depot Hoop-A-Paluza, Inc. LEADERSHIP CIRCLE $50,000 - $99,999 Carlson Family Foundation Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption Hearst Foundation, Inc. Redlich Horwitz Foundation The Gertrude E. Skelly Charitable Foundation Turrell Fund SUSTAINER $20,000 - $49,999 Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar BD Boiling Springs Savings Bank Family Counseling Service Auxiliary of Children’s Aid and Family Services Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey Irwin Franchise Capital Corporation F.M. Kirby Foundation, Inc. The Orange Orphan Society SPONSOR $10,000 - $19,999 Arthur Groom & Co. Fred J. Brotherton Charitable Foundation CitiGroup Foundation Commerce Bank of Ramsey Community Foundation of New Jersey Everybody’s Children Foundation Gift of Life America Fund Greater Newark Holiday Fund TD Banknorth Charitable Foundation Todd Ouida Children’s Foundation Toy Lending Library of Bergen County Toys”R”Us, Inc. PATRON $5,000 - $9,999 Futures & Options for Kids The Jaqua Foundation Junior Woman's Club of Ridgewood Mutual of America New York Mercantile Exchange Charitable Foundation Nordstrom, Inc. Prestige Lexus of Ramsey Lillian Pitkin Schenck Fund United Way of Bergen County The Valley Hospital Foundation West Side Presbyterian Church Wyeth BENEFACTOR $2,500 - $4,999 Atlantic Stewardship Bank BJ's Charitable Foundation Buck, Seifert & Jost, Inc. Nextwave Web, LLC The Fred C. Rummel Foundation St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church FRIENDS $1,000 - $2,499 "3-J" Fund Raising Adoptive Parents Committee Bergen County Chapter of Links, Inc. Commerce Bank Affinity Program The Community Church of Ho-Ho-Kus DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick, Cole & Wisler, LLP First Class Photography, Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Co. The Puffin Foundation Ridgewood United Methodist Church Saddle Brook Surgicenter, Inc. Saddle River Valley Bank Sovereign Bank Trinity Presbyterian Church Turner Surety and Insurance Brokerage, Inc. United Water New Jersey United Way of Tri-State Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Walsh-Martin LLC Wells, Jaworski, & Liebman, LLP GRANDPARENT $500 - $999 Anonymous (1) All Bergen Appliance, Inc. Alliance for Children & Families AnMar International, Ltd. Bloomingdale’s, Inc. Candle Business Systems, Inc. Carlo Russo’s Wine & Spirit World of Ho-Ho-Kus Citizens Community Bank Community Thrift Shop Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Highlight’s n’ Hair Design Inc. Hughes Environmental Engineering, Inc. IBEW, Local Union #164 Kilroy’s Wonder Market, Inc. LaMendola Associates, Inc. Lawrence N. Passarelli and Kelly A. McNally, D.D.S. Marron Foundation North Fork Bank Rotary Club of Hackensack Rotary Club of Ridgewood United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania The Wine Seller Woodlea/PATH I Advisory Council PARENT $250 - $499 15W Pharmacy - Edison, Inc. A & R Consulting All Saints Church Preschool Beacon Wealth Management, LLC Belmar Spring Water Co. Bengel Sub CET-CAR, Inc. Clara E. Coleman School HSA Columbia Savings Bank Ernst & Young LLP ESMI, Inc. European Meat Market of Glen Rock, Inc. Fortunoff Girl Scout Troop 441: Lenni Lenape Troop Glen Rock Alliance for Prevent Drug Glen Rock Board of Education Glen Rock Cafe Inc. Glen Rock Cooperative Nursery School Glen Rock Historical & Preservation Society Inc. Hitachi Foundation Annual Gifts PARENT $250 - $499 (continued) John’s Boy Pizzeria Malesardi , Quackenbush, Swift & Co. Maple Rock Auto Service Center, Inc. T/A Maple Rock Exxon Maxell Corporation of America Messineo & Messineo Mighty Hudson Management, Inc. Paramus Park Mall Paredes-Grube Architecture Rocca Sasha Hair Design, Inc. The White Agency, Inc. United Way of Somerset County The Valley Hospital Wilkes Rock Road Deli Writing Motherhood SIBLING $100 - $249 Anonymous (1) Byrd Elementary School - Glen Rock CB Printing & Graphics, Inc. Central School H.S.A. Christ Church Woman’s Guild Combined Federal Campaign Community Church of Glen Rock The Control Group Farrell Futures, LTD First Congregational Church of River Edge Herb’s Heating, L.L.C. Hillmann Electric, Inc. Huff & Puffer Support Group Northwest Bergen Senior Activity Center The Philip Ball Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Poskanzer Skott Architects Presbyterian Church of Teaneck Professional Fitness Consultants Promotional Incentives, Inc. Ridgefield Park Police Department Goodwill Association Ridgewood High School Ridgewood Pediatric Therapy Associates Schiffman, Abraham, Kaufman & Ritter, PC St. Bartholomew’s Church Ulrich, Inc. United Way of Morris County United Way of NYC W.E.L.C.A. of Good Shepherd Church Womans Club of HoHoKus Woman’s Guild, First Presbyterian Church COUSIN Up to $99 Abbott Laboratories Fund Ackfair Inc. Arbitron Ratings Bagel Gourmet Beth Am Nursery School / Kindergarten Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. Colgate-Palmolive Dawn’s Catering & Services Deaf Seniors Club For Eldercare Desired Nails Dianne Dolgoff Interiors, Inc. First Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church of Carlstadt General Mills Box Tops for Education Get the Knots Out Glen Rock Custom Alterations Glen Rock Jaycees Glen Rock Savings Bank GoodSearch Hewitt Landscaping Inc. James F. Battaglia Psychology PC James Kershaw Associates Lina's Tailoring Corp. Lombardi & Associates, LLC Orange & Rockland Utilities Schering-Plough Sparkle Dry Cleaner Target Take Charge of Education The Woman's Club of Wyckoff MATCHING GIFTS Alcoa Altria Group, Inc. American International Group, Inc. Bank of America Charitable Foundation BD Bristol-Myers Squibb Company CA, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Deutsche Bank AG Enterprise Rent-A-Car Goldman Sachs & Co. Hudson City Savings Bank Kaplan Inc. Medco Employee Giving Campaign Merck NECA Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Phillips-Van Heusen-Madison Corp. The Prudential Foundation Matching Annual Gifts Gifts Program SkillBuilders Fund Turner Construction Company UBS Warburg Unilever United States Foundation, Inc. Wachovia Foundation Matching Gift Program GIFT-IN-KIND DONATIONS Anonymous (2) 7th Grade CCD Class A & P Supermarkets The Abdoo Family Lisa and Steve Abrams Adoptive Parents Committee Rachel Akins All Seasons Cardique and Florist Allendale Bar and Grill Kathleen and John Altieri Amaranth Flower Shop American Eagle Martial Arts Vicky and Tom Angus Anthropologie Archer Nursery School Susan Argenziano Argo Turboserve Corporation Dr. Anne Armstrong-Coben and Mr. Harlan F. Coben Around the Corner Hair Designs Susan Arrow Arthur Groom & Co. The Artists Collective for Social Change, Inc. ArtsPower National Touring Theatre Artventure/Cardventure AT&T Wireless Service Atlantic Risk Specialists, Inc. Auction Pay - Misc. Backyard Living Bailey Street Christine and Albert Baker Seeryjnie Balkaran Banana Republic Mindy Bank Bank of America Jennifer Barbara Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Barksdale Miriam and Matt Barnard Barnes & Noble John and Caroline Barr Theresa M. Barry BASF Corporation Toniann Bassi Bazaar Star Beadery BD Bayne and Scott Belair Ben & Jerry’s Marianne and Peter Bennett Marjorie and Egon Berg Bergen County Girl Scout Troop #1397 The Bergen Record Bergen Regional Medical Center Debbie Bessen The Best of Everything Bike Master Bimini Bay Outfitters Black Bear Golf Club Edward Blair Beth and Kent Blair Blend Betty Block Norel Blundo BMW of North America, LLC Therese and John Bonfiglio Bookends Bookstore Books, Bytes & Beyond Nancy Bosch Terry Brandman Barbara and Kevin Brennan The Briad Group Iwona Bronngraber Jeanette Brown Lillian Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchney Madeline M. Byrne Grace and Thomas Caiaffa Christine and Kenneth Callaghan Maryann and Pat Callahan Calvary Christian Nursery School Candle Business Systems, Inc. Patricia and Richard Cancilla Caputo’s Catering Care Plus NJ, Inc. Frances Carl Carl Schaedel & Co., Inc. Marie and Paul Carr Jill Caruso Center for Food Action Chef Central Chiropractic Wellness Center at Godwin Corners Church of the Holy Communion KC and Friends Leslie Cimino Russell and Amanda Clark Mary Higgins Clark Sally and William Clark Ellizabeth Clothier CNR Products LLC COACH USA Dina Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cohan James Colaianni Dawn and Mike Coleman Colonial Road School Ann Comeau Community Baptist Church Wayne and Ita Conlon Controlled Plumbing Jennifer and Peter Contrucci Cathy and Kevin Cooke Lauren Costa and Jose Santiago Carol Coughlin Joan and Allistair Cowie Hilary Crandall Cresskill Women’s Club Kimberly and Michael Crimmins Cub Scout Troop Pack #245 Meghan and Paul Cummings Mr. and Mrs. William Cunningham Dacor World Ms. Pat Da Casto Helen Damiano The Daniels Family Stephanie Darcy James Davidson Vivian Davis Flora Decker Enrica DeGennaro Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House Cooper DeMallie Allison DeMarsico The Depot Helen Diliberto Marianne and Robert Dill Maria and Steven DiMartino Julie and Robert Dimino Liana Dinallo John DiSalvo Douglas and Barbara S.* Dittrick Joan and Edward Doherty Eric Doll Dorchester School Genevieve Doster Marion Driscoll Angela Droescher The DuBois Family Lisa Duff Megan and Paul Dunphey Mark Durham Josephine Dvorken Photography DVTEL Inc. Ms. Frances Eaton Epicure Catering Hyla Epstein Wendy and Mark Epstein Jennifer and Stephen Errico GIFT-IN-KIND DONATIONS (continued) Ethan Allen Ethos Fitness & Spa for Women Eurica Maryrose Evanella Everybody’s Children Foundation Faith Community CRC Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Fallone Ms. Di Feinstein and Ms. Hannah Buhasira Carla and Richard Fels Martha Fickinger and Jeff Deutsch Filter 2 Productions Jodee Fink Mr. Dorine Finnin First Baptist Church of Englewood Alison Fischer Fish, Fruits & Fancy Market Frances Fisher Marcia and Glenn Fisher Dorothy Fitzsimmons Lisa and Brian Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gillian and Greg Foley Kimberly and Kenneth Ford Fox News Channel Friends of the Library/Park Ridge Marcia Frifield Robert Gaines Congressman E. Scott Garrett Gift of Life America Fund Ms. Stella Gilligan Girl Scout Troop Girl Scout Troop #1040 Girl Scout Troop #188 Girl Scout Troop #365 The Glen Rock Inn Cheryl Glick Lorraine Glynn Rebecca Goglia Patrice Goldberg Carolyn Green-Murray Mr. and Mrs. David Gubb Betty Gunther Mr. Ryan Gupta Claudia Guy Hackensack Golf Club Rita Halpern Kristin and John Halvey Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hamlin Patricia and Robert Hanft Linda and Mark Hannafey Hanover Printing Happy Tuesday Jane Harlin John M. Hartel & Co. Hartgers Jewelers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haviland Karen Healy Tamara Heimlich and Steven Mermelstein Helen’s Hope Foundation Mr. Luke Hemenetz Emily Hewetson Mary Hickman Highlight’s n’ Hair Design Inc. Kathy and Dan Hlavaty Ho-Ho-Kus Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary Karen and Michael Hofstetter Mr. and Mrs. David Holmes Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey Ms. Kande Horne Joan Hughs Kathleen M. Hutton Barbara P. Hyslop Corinne Hyslop IKEA Intech Systems Company Intercontinental Hotels Group It’s Greek To Me Jacobsen Landscaping Design & Construction, Inc. Dawn and Bryan Jaicks Jekyll & Hide Luggage & Leather Joe, Frank & Gym Mary Ann Jones Marion T. and Robert B. Jones Diane Jordanger JT Wine & Spirits Junior Woman’s Club of Ridgewood Naomi Kahan Stephanie and Kenneth Karl Kevin’s Thyme Fine Catering Kids U Marilyn King Kinnelon Public Library Richard I. Klein Joan and Richard Klein Andrea Kochanowsky Ben and Konfino Linda and Robert Kotch Madeline Krazit Kuiken Lumber Jao Lee Kyung La Cambusa La Laterna Nicholas Laganella, II Mr. and Mrs. Lamberti Catherine LaMothe Cathy and Dan LaMothe Ms. Deborah Lancellotti Maribeth and Tom Lane Diane Laski Latour French-American Grill Carol and Will Layfield Lenscrafters Leo Zoland & Son, Inc. Ms. Liz Leonard Carla and Paul Lerman Jan Lee and John Lescroart Toni Liebezeit Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lieser Mr. and Mrs. James Liggett Carol and Derek Lindenmayer Little Joe’s Gourmet Deli Marsela Paz Lopez Kathleen and Peter Lops Carol Lorenzo Irene Loyka Katherine and Craig Lucas Kimberly and David Lucky Florence Luginsland Lutheran Church of the Redeemer Karen Lyle Dan Lynch Maryann and Steve Lyon Kathleen Macchiarelli Madison Square Garden Moira Madonia Jack Makari Malesardi , Quackenbush, Swift & Co. Andy Manderano Mangia Trattoria Mango Jam Dr. and Mrs. E. Manheimer Oscar A. Marcilla Ms. Lyn Marino Grace and Ronald Marmorstein Linda Marzloff Barbara and Arthur Masarky Evelyn Masheb Liz and David Mason Elaine P. Materia Joanne Lamarca and Tyler Mathisen Maurice M. Pine Free Public Library Ms. Carlene Maxwell Lynn and Don McBeth Mr. Ed McDermott Molly and Thomas McGee Jennifer McGee Liggett Joan and John McKeon Ms. Judy McLean and Mr. Fred Jubitz Meadow Lark Toys and Crafts Dorian Messina Renee Miazga Michael’s Power, Speed, Peformance Mr. John Mika Milnes Elementary School Cyndy and Paul Mitchell Patricia Molina Mom’s Club of Meadowlands The Monterallo Family Ms. Sue Mooney Ms. Elaine J. Morfogen Morning Glory John Morris Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Tracey Motley Dr. John Mully and Family June Murray The MWW Group The Myriad Restaurant Group Nascar Natalie’s Restaurant NBC News NCJW - National Council of Jewish Women Susan and Michael Needleman Neil Klatskin Day Camp Nelund Minton & Co. Hair Salon New Jersey Devils New Jersey Nets New Milford Women’s Club New York City Opera New York Football Giants New York Jets LLC New York Knicks Catherine Brefach Newman Nextwave Web, LLC Ann and Drew Nieporent NJ Sports & Explosition Authority The North Face Inc. North Jersey Media Group Inc. Northern Highlands Regional High School Carol Nunn NYNJ Council of Shopping Centers Brigid and Kevin O’Brien Robyn and Michael O’Hagan Doreen Odell The Office Bar & Grill Lyn Ofrane Olo Okoye Emma Oliva Oliver’s Chocolates Orange Board of Education Our Lady of Mount Carmel Our Lady of Visitation Palisades Country Day School Palisades Day School Dena Panzarella Paramus Park Mall Paramus Police Reserve Paramus Public Library Mary Parente Parents Without Partners Jeanette Park Connie and Allan Parker Pathmark Stores, Inc. Tia and Fran Patterson Mary and Brian Pattwell Lauren Pennington Kathleen and John Peragallo Joyce Perini Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pierce Frank J., Katie, and Ryan Plateroti Erich Plaut Plaza Jewelers Sophie Portney Joan Porto Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Powell Dana and Christopher Powers Kerrie Prettitore Professional Fitness Consultants Project Linus Gretchen and Albert Pucciarelli Jacqueline and Chris Qualey Ramsey Girl Scout Troop RDS Architects Lisa and Darren Recupero Red Cross Ridgewood Mary Reed Elizabeth C. Forbes and Donald W. Reeder Kallie and Jim Rees Mr. and Mrs. David M. Repetto Barbara and Joseph Ricciardi Ridge School Ridge School Girl Scouts Ridgewood Auto Wash Ridgewood High School Ridgewood Needlepoint Ridgewood Vaccum Riebesell Chiropractic Office Golda Rigaud Erilyn and John Riley Rocca Jennifer Roche Rock Ridge Pharmacy Tiffani Rodgers Yolanda Rodgers Maya Rohr Arthur Rosalsky Adiela Rosen Dr. and Mrs. Martin C. Rosner Dawn and Krzysztof Rudzinski The Rugged Bear Lyn and Richard Rumage Karen and Marc Sackstein Saint Pauls Church Salon J.M. Joey Salsbury Samsung America Marjorie and Anthony Santoliquido Judith and Robert Saydah Arielle Schachter Annual Gifts GIFT-IN-KIND DONATIONS (continued) Kerry and Leonard Schmitt Maryann Schreck Jennifer Scott Joy Scott Secaucus Hudson No. 72 F. & A.M. Joni Seeger Mr. and Mrs. B. Shenfeld Andrea and John Sheppard Riva and Gary Sheppard Ms. Cindy Sherlock Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sherry ShopRite of Rochelle Park Kirsten Shovlin Jane Sikkema Silver Oak American Bistro Silver Spoon Gourmet Food Market Ms. Erica Simuel Drs. Grace and Fred Sisto Amory and Nancy Slott Carol and Mark Smith Karen Smith Lorraine Smith Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith John Snowden Sobel & Co., LLC Ms. Susan Sokol Somerville School Daisy Troop 2242 Ms. Kathy Sophias Cornell and Erik Sorenson Laura and Marc Spada The David Spungen Family St. George Church St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Social Concerns St. Peter’s Religious Education St. Pious God Squad Domenic Staine Starbucks Christine Stolecki Stone Surfaces Stop & Shop Strive Personal Training Mr. and Mrs. Stulik Summer Heatt, Inc. Molly Suss Alina and Kurt Swanson Ivy Tansman Tapestry Books Tara’s Custom Curtains Temple Beth Sholom Temple Shalom The Container Store Wendy N. Thomas Alison and Robert Thompson Lynn and Lloyd Thompson Tiffany & Co. T.O. Gronlund Co., Inc. Elizabeth, Noah and Mia Toribio In Honor Gifts Neil Tow and Rachel Schwartz Town and Country Apothecary & Fine Cosmetics Toys”R”Us, Inc. Trader Joe’s Theresa Trass and Family TRU-VAL Electrical Corporation Deborah Turner and David L. Roberts Kim Tyner Ulrich, Inc. Unitarian Society of Ridgewood United Water New Jersey USA DAVIS V & S Flooring The Valley Hospital Eve and Emile van den Bol Vander Berg Plumbing Van’s Electric Barbara and Gerald Van Tilburg Veterans of Foreign Wars of the USWashington Elm Post 192 Suzanne M. Vierling Village School of Waldwick Marjorie Wakefield Adelaide Ward Bethany Ward Mr. Warner Warner Quad Clearview Cinema Warren Point Presbyterian Church Washington Mutual Home Loans Note: If your name is not listed, we apologize for the oversight. If your name is misspelled, please forgive us. In either case, please contact our office at 201-261-2800 so we can correct the error. We also gratefully acknowledge those donors who wish to remain anonymous and our many extraordinary volunteers for their invaluable help and support for agency programs throughout the year. Web474 Graphics Susan Weber Betty and Raymond Wells Wells Fargo Financial Leasing Wells, Jaworski, & Liebman, LLP West Side Presbyterian Church Westwood Cycle Shop Carol and Jim Whaley Whole Foods Market Betty and Quentin Wiest Pam and Pete Wilchek Wilkes Rock Road Deli Jean and John Wilkie Jacqueline M. Wilson Marcy and Jon Wimbish Carlo Russo Wine & Spirit World The Winograd Family Susan Winston Lara Wortley Madeleine Wuergler Mr. and Mrs. Duncan S. Yates Lisa and John Yoler Young World Day School Olesya and Roman Yugov Cindy Zirkin Sheryl and Uwe Zwatschka Marie Adler-Kravecas Betty Anderson Dr. R. Asnes - Tenafly Pediatrics Keith L. Barksdale Raphael Bernstein Margaret Best - Teacher Award Shermane J. Billingsley Wheeler Jerrold B. Binney, Esq. David Birnbaum Barbara A. Bolger David F. Bolger Harvey D. Braun Bill Burgin’s Birthday Mary Alice Burgin Thomas R. Burgin Mary and Tom Burgin’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Luke Burke Mary S. Caldwell Shea Campbell Children’s Aid and Family Services’ staff dedication to the agency mission Anne Goheen Crane The Bat Mitzvah of Noa Davidson Joseph DeChiaro Victoria DeYoung Douglas H. Dittrick Onnie N. Duffie Every hard-working American trying to make it Lindsay, Tessa, and Jed Fagles Hon. Nicholas R. Felice Kimberly S. Ford The Douglas Fromm family Bob Gillespie’s 65th birthday Gladys H. Gilmartin Flora Grubb Ralph E. Hansmann The Harrison-Miner Wedding Guests Margot L. Havens Matt Hochberg's Bar Mitzvah Barbara Hoffman Winifred and Earle Honsinger Barbara Hyslop Ellen Jacobs Kate and Matt Robert B. Jones John Kandravy, Esq. Allan J. Kaplowitz, Esq. Heidi Kay Gys Kooy Maribeth M. Lane Clark LaMendola Elizabeth Lech and John Piel Ethan Lichtblau's 4th child Judith Lilley Jean Ann Lynch Liz Mason Lynn McBeth Doris and Ted McGwire Mr. Christopher Mehler Dominick V. Meo Jared A. Mitchell Norman F. Nelson J. Christopher Nettleton Harold Nickelsberg Eleanore S. Nissley Gertrude Noonan’s children Ariel and Cassidy Nyfield The Oros Family Gail Flathmann Palmisano Harold A. Phipps Elizabeth and John Frank J. Plateroti Katie Plateroti, Ryan Plateroti and Nicholas Mully Gerard D. Porreca III Russell J. Prokop Elisabeth, Rashad and Saul Qersdyn David M. Repetto In Celebration of John Riley’s birthday Hannukah gifts from the Rocca children Martha B. Rogers Honorable Marge Roukema Sara, Kate, and Morgan Robert E. Saydah, C.P.A. Peter Scanel Mark Laurence Schatzberg William P. Schuber Rose Marie C. Schutt, Esq. Donald F. Schutz Rosa Serifovic Grace Sisto Bruce Slater Rose Smith Joyce A. Snider John A. Snyder Robert G. Sommer Erik D. Sorenson Peter R. Stark Gregory Sullivan Jessica Thorne Mark C. Throdahl Ronnie and Joyce Dora Tow Catherine and Ron Tutrone Henrik Tvedt, Jr. Eve van den Bol David Viniar Ronald M. von Autenried Bridgette and Brittina von Autenried Martha L. Vreeland Anita and Russ Warnet Ron Warnet and Carl Bucholtz and Mark Koskamp and David Carol L. Whaley Towana Williams-Mukushi’s Wedding Marcy E. Wimbish Joan K. Wrede Wayne A. Yankus, M.D. The Zeltser Family Rose Zeltser Elliot C. Zinn In Memory Gifts Anne Marie Baba Al Battaglia Christine Bittmann William Borst Jos. Brooks Jennie Byk Kenny Cardaci Joan A. Cheringal Herman Sunny Ciccone Patrick Clinton George Dangler Elaine DeRosa Bill Dimond Michael T. Eastman Myriam Ellis Karen Emra Maureen English Filomena M. Ferrara Lena Font Catherine Ann Gillan Larry Horowitz Beverly W. Kaplan Aaron Kemp Josephine Koeppel Els Kooy Gerry Larson Elizabeth Lenihan Julia Macaluso Mary Manley Erin McGonigle Martha Monroe Morrow Louis Moscarello Tecla F. and John F. Nemeth Jenny Nickelsberg Kelly Lynn O'Neil Susan Ruth Penner Teresa Pizzo Arthur Podorefsky Gerard D. Porreca, Jr. Miss Laura Rizzo Irene and Edwin Rothman Susan Rubsamen Daniele Salvioni, M.D. Mary A. Schimmel Louis B. Schlivek Mary Clancy Singer Gertrude E. Skelly Milton Spielman William Stachielczyk David Straus Colin Sutcliffe Richard A. Swenson Gustave W. Tilstra Arthur B. Toan, Jr. Villian Ullendorf Sandra Van Biert Mimi Vella Ruth L. and William F. Warmington Mariah West Ronald Zeltser Julie Lynne Zipper Board of Trustees Honorary Board Financial Report Chair 1st Vice-Chair 2nd Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer President & CEO Keith L. Barksdale Raphael Bernstein Shermane Billingsley David Bolger Mary Alice Burgin Thomas R. S. Burgin Mary S. Caldwell Anne Goheen Crane Douglas H. Dittrick Onnie N. Duffie Gladys H. Gilmartin Ralph E. Hansmann Allan J. Kaplowitz, Esq. Judith C.P. Lilley Norman F. Nelson Harold Nickelsberg Eleanore S. Nissley Harold A. Phipps Martha Rogers Hon. Marge Roukema Robert E. Saydah, C.P.A. Peter Scanel William ‘Pat’ Schuber Rose Marie C. Schutt, Esq. Donald F. Schutz, Ph.D. Revenues John Kandravy, Esq. Erik Sorenson Carol Whaley David M. Repetto, Esq. Joanne E. Mandry, C.P.A. Robert B. Jones, Ph.D. Marie Adler-Kravecas Barbara Abney Bolger Harvey D. Braun Gregory Bullock Joan K. Doherty Hon. Nicholas R. Felice Barbara Hyslop Ellen Jacobs Kenneth J. Karl Heidi Kay Maribeth Lane Lynn A. McBeth J. Christopher Nettleton Frank Plateroti Dan Shiver Carol Smith Joyce A. Snider Robert G. Sommer Eve van den Bol Grace Sisto Bruce Slater John A. Snyder Peter R. Stark Gregory Sullivan Mark C. Throdahl Henrik Tvedt, Jr. Ronald M. von Autenried David Viniar James R. Wessel William M. Willis, Jr., Ed.D. Joan K. Wrede Wayne A. Yankus, M.D. 14% Program Fees 13% Annual and Endowment Gifts 1% Investment Income 72% Government 100% Total Revenues Expenses 4% Fundraising $584,746 16% Support Services $2,338,151 20% Community Clinical Services 60% Adoption and Foster Care Services $8,992,408 100% Total Revenues $2,954,033 $14,869,338 For the 12 months ended December 31, 2007. All figures are unaudited year-end projections. $2,147,144 $1,998,488 $174,003 $10,685,183 $15,004,818