2015-2016 housestaff - Emory University Department of Medicine
2015-2016 housestaff - Emory University Department of Medicine
Emory University Categorical Track Internal Medicine PGY-3 residents, 2015-2016 Bilal Ahmad 49565 BAHMAD@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia Zhijin “Jessie” Chai 49430 ZCHAI2@emory.edu Northwestern Ross Deppe 49443 RDEPPE@emory.edu Indiana University Elizabeth Gilliams 49367 EGILLIA@emory.edu University of Maryland William “Blake” Hooper 81627 WBHOOPE@emory.edu Vamderbilt University www.medicine.emory.edu/education Anastasia-Stefania Alexopoulos 49494 ASALEXO@emory.edu Imperial College School of Medicine Monica Chatwal 49618 MCHATWA@emory.edu Florida State University Aaron Emmons 49371 ACEMMON@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia Bishoy Hanna 49416 BHANNA3@emory.edu University of Miami HeeEun Kang 49650 HKANG34@emory.edu Dartmouth Rachel Bean 21041 RMULLIG@emory.edu Emory University SOM Michel Corban 12132 MCORBAN@emory.edu American University of Beirut Jonathan Gandhi 49654 JGANDH3@emory.edu Pennsylvania State Lindsay Hannan 49655 LHANNAN@emory.edu Georgetown University Farah Khan 49653 FNKHAN@emory.edu University of Alabama Lorraine Cafuir 49602 LCAFUIR@emory.edu Virginia Commonwealth Kevin Day 21100 KPDAY@emory.edu Emory University SOM Youssef GarciaBengochea 20998 YOGARCI@emory.edu Emory University SOM Jeffrey Hedley 49434 JHEDLEY@emory.edu Eastern Virginia Maria Klimenko 49384 MKLIMEN@emory.edu University of Pittsburgh Pooja Kotadia 49635 PKOTADI@emory.edu University of Florida Cameron Lambert 49617 CTLAMBE@emory.edu University of North Carolina James MacNamara 12961 JPMACNA@emory.edu University of Virginia Sara Markley 49606 SMARKLE@emory.edu Baylor College of Medicine Amisha Mehta 36033 ASMEHTA@emory.edu University of South Florida Abeer Memon 52382 AMEMON@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia Hachem Nasri 27478 HNASRI@emory.edu American University of Beirut Marc Neeland 49501 MNEELAN@emory.edu Tulane University Marquita Nelson 21093 MNNELSO@emory.edu Emory University SOM Viniya Patidar 49585 VPATIDA@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia Richard Ramonell 49581 RRAMONE@emory.edu Florida State University Ayman Samman Tahhan 36184 ATAHHAN@emory.edu University of Aleppo Pratik Sandesara 49541 PSANDES@emory.edu University of Missouri Shiva Taasoob Shirazi 21087 STAASOO@emory.edu Emory University SOM Jeffrey Talbot 12974 jtalbot@emory.edu Mercer University School of Medicine Xiao Wang 66676 xjwang@emory.edu New York University School of Medicine Gregory Sprung 49562 GSPRUNG@emory.edu Duke University Andrew Webster 49525 AWEBST2@emory.edu Baylor College of Medicine www.medicine.emory.edu/education Gopika Suraj 49557 GSURAJ@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine Amar Mandalia 49613 AMANDAL@emory.edu University of Miami Kavitha Nair 49385 KMNAIR@emory.edu Indiana University Primary Care Track Internal Medicine PGY-3 residents, 2015-2016 Fofie Akoto 12087 FAKOTO@emory.edu Meharry Medical College School of Medicine Kathryn Lohmann 50808 KMLOHMA@emory.edu Mercer University School of Medicine Michelle Clermont 20985 MPCLARK@emory.edu Emory University SOM Elisa Ignatius 20139 EIGNATI@emory.edu Emory University SOM Enoch Kotei 49726 EKOTEI@emory.edu University of Illinois College of Medicine Deep Shah 49874 DJSHAH@emory.edu Harvard Medical School Research Track Internal Medicine PGY-3 residents, 2015-2016 Claudia Baumann 49905 CBAUMA2@emory.edu Rheinische FriedrichWilhelms University Turang Behbahani 51358 TBEHBAH@emory.edu Rheinische FriedrichWilhelms University Emory Hsu 49661 ELHSU@emory.edu Emory University SOM Matthew Topel 20285 MTOPEL@emory.edu Emory University SOM Medicine/Psychiatry PGY-3, 4, & 5 residents, 2015-2016 Stephanie Schmitz PGY3 52653 SRSCHM2@emory.edu University of Maryland School of Medicine www.medicine.emory.edu/education Marsha Stern PGY3 14816 MSMIT94@emory.edu Tulane University School of Medicine Daniel Cucco PGY4 63122 DCUCCO@emory.edu State Univ. of NY Downstate Vera Tate PGY4 63045 VJTATE@emory.edu Univ of Arkansas COM Erika Heard PGY5 21355 erika.nicole.heard@emory.edu Duke University School of Medicine Categorical Track Internal Medicine PGY-2 residents, 2015-2016 Michael Banning 52412 MBANNIN@emory.edu Emory University SOM Hillary Delarosa 02899 HDELARO@emory.edu University of Alabama School of Medicine Daniel Graciaa 21003 DSGRACI@emory.edu Emory University SOM www.medicine.emory.edu/education Catherine Bartnik 82464 CBARTNI@emory.edu Michigan State University Giselle Dutcher 82461 GDUTCHE@emory.edu Baylor College of Medicine Moosa Haider 82361 MNHAIDE@emory.edu Albany Medical College Cameron Body 69985 CBODY@emory.edu Morehouse SOM Sujaata Dwadasi 82351 SDWADAS@emory.edu Indiana University SOM Anthony Hunter 82369 AHUNTE4@emory.edu Medical College of Wisconsin Leslie Anne Cassidy 52678 LCASSID@emory.edu Emory University SOM Harpaul Gill 82467 PSGILL@emory.edu Mercer University SOM Trammell Jones 52677 TKJONES@emory.edu Emory University SOM Jeong Hwan Kim 82353 JEONGHWAN.KIM@emory.edu University of Chicago SOM Julie Kim 82470 JAKIM2@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia Mamuka Machaidze 82352 MMACHAI@emory.edu AIETI Medical School Spencer Maddox 69441 Ahmed Messallam 18464 AMESSAL@emory.edu University of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine Kajal Patel 21045 KNPATEL@emory.edu Emory University SOM Kara Raphael 53883 KLRAPHA@emory.edu Emory University SOM www.medicine.emory.edu/education Srinija Konduru 82375 SKONDUR@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia Sara Levy 54529 SKLEVY@emory.edu Emory University SOM Andrew McCue 65218 AAMCCUE@emory.edu West Virginia University SOM Komal Mehta 70683 KLMEHTA@emory.edu Louisiana State University SOM Okechukwu Mgbemena 82376 OMGBEME@emory.edu University of Alabama SOM Mayur Mody 82357 MDMODY@emory.edu University of Florida College of Medicine Aesha Patel 82372 AMPATE8@emory.edu Baylor College of Medicine Neil Patel 82405 NDPATEL@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia Tyler Peck 54539 TJPECK@emory.edu Emory University SOM SMADDO3@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia William Schultz 70584 WSCHUL2@emory.edu Indiana University SOM Amy Sherman 82399 ACSHERM@emory.edu George Washington University SOM Leah Raj 51615 LRAJ@emory.edu Emory University SOM Paul Siebert 82395 PNSIEBE@emory.edu University of Pittsburgh SOM Shen Song 82396 SSONG30@emory.edu University of Texas Medical School at Houston Kristine Vanijcharoenkarn 52681 KVANIJC@emory.edu Emory University SOM Charles Terry 82403 CRTERRY@emory.edu Vanderbilt University SOM Tina Varghese 82381 TVARGH2@emory.edu Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Katsiaryna Tsarova 82400 KTSAROV@emory.edu University of Florida College of Medicine Antonios Wehbeh 82389 AWEHBEH@emory.edu American University of Beirut Brett Van Leer-Greenberg 82398 BDVANLE@emory.edu University of Miami SOM Michael Yin 63870 MYIN3@emory.edu University of Tennessee COM An Le-Nguyen Young 82371 AVNGUYE@emory.edu Mercer University SOM Primary Care Track Internal Medicine PGY-2 residents, 2015-2016 Alejandra Bustillo 82414 ABUSTIL@emory.edu USF Health Morsani College of Medicine www.medicine.emory.edu/education Ashley Marie Castillo 82412 ACASTI8@emory.edu University of Washington SOM Sarah Dobro 82428 SDOBRO@emory.edu New York University SOM John Linton Elliott, Jr. 53937 JELLIO5@emory.edu Emory University SOM Madalina Ilioaia 82430 MILIOAI@emory.edu Mercer University SOM Kashiti Long 72507 KLONG3@emory.edu Morehouse SOM John Carmichael Ricketts 82468 Gretchen Ann Snoeyenbos 53505 JRICKE2@emory.edu Emory University SOM University of South Alabama COM Research Track Internal Medicine PGY-2 residents, 2015-2016 Sanjay Chandrasekaran 82427 SCHAN27@emory.edu University of Washington SOM Andres Chang 82463 ACHAN74@emory.edu University of Kentucky COM Hassan Khan 73338 HKHAN4@emory.edu Aga Khan University Medical College Medicine/Psychiatry PGY-2 residents, 2015-2016 Lauren Gensler 21000 lauren.gensler@emory.edu Emory University SOM www.medicine.emory.edu/education Jonathan Kaplan 70669 JKAPL24@emory.edu Rush Medical College Stefan Routt 82384 SROUTT@emory.edu Indiana University SOM GSNOEYE@emory.edu Categorical Track Internal Medicine interns, 2015-2016 Marc Allard-Ratick 15295 mallard@emory.edu Emory University SOM Eva Clay 02719 ESIMANY@emory.edu University of Alabama School of Medicine Natalie Giles 60188 NGILES2@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University Dave Gupta 02626 DRGUPTA@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University www.medicine.emory.edu/education Beka Bakhtadze 02669 BBAKHTA@emory.edu Tbilisi State Medical University Faculty of Medicine Ankit Bhargava 60170 AABHARG@emory.edu Raj Dalsania 02632 RMDALSA@emory.edu University of Miami Leonard M. Miller SOM Devinder Dhindsa 60176 DDHINDS@emory.edu George Washington University SOM and Health Sciences David Goese 02736 DGOESE@emory.edu University of Chicago Division of the Biological Sciences The Pritzker SOM Jamal Hajjari 02691 JHAJJA2@emory.edu State University of New York Upstate Medical University University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences COM Casey Graziani 02687 CGRAZI2@emory.edu Tufts University SOM Jason Heffley 60194 JHEFFLE@emory.edu University of Miami Leonard M. Miller SOM Evan Brady 02728 EKBRADY@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University Amirhossein Esmaeeli 02748 AESMAEE@emory.edu Washington University in St. Louis SOM Phillip Gross 02639 PJGROSS@emory.edu University of Minnesota Medical School Robert Heinl 60195 RHEINL@emory.edu The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Alfonso Hernandez 60198 ACHERNA@emory.edu Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Facultad de Medicina Prioty Islam 02731 PISLAM@emory.edu Perelman SOM at the University of Pennsylvania Dawn Howard 60199 DCHOWAR@emory.edu USF Health Morsani COM Jay Khambhati 02698 JKHAMBH@emory.edu Boston University SOM Chirag Kulahalli 02641 CKULAHA@emory.edu Vanderbilt University SOM Sidney Law 02630 SLAW3@emory.edu New York University SOM Elliot Mahlof 25962 EMAHLOF@emory.edu Emory University SOM Jancy Mathew 60217 JMATH23@emory.edu USF Health Morsani COM Anthony Millard 18724 AMILLAR@emory.edu Northwestern University The Feinberg SOM www.medicine.emory.edu/education Anjali Parekh 02740 APAREK6@emory.edu Boston University SOM Bailey Hunkler 02651 BHUNKLE@emory.edu University of MissouriKansas City SOM Bryan Kindya 22187 BKINDYA@emory.edu Emory University SOM Suegene Lee 02644 SKLEE3@emory.edu Drexel University COM Meera Mehta 60223 MMEHT26@emory.edu George Washington University SOM and Health Sciences Sujoy Phookan 02743 SPHOOKA@emory.edu Albany Medical College Nino Isakadze 60202 NISAKAD@emory.edu David Tvildiani Medical University AIETI Medical School Abhisake Kole 69731 AKOLE@emory.edu Emory University SOM John Lisko 60212 JLISKO@emory.edu Northeast Ohio Medical University Mohammed Merchant 02706 MHMERCH@emory.edu University of Miami Leonard M. Miller SOM Pranay Prabhakar 02694 PPRABH2@emory.edu University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SOM Puru Rattan 02755 PRATTAN@emory.edu University of Pittsburgh SOM Zachary Spiritos 02741 ZSPIRIT@emory.edu University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SOM Demetria Smith 60232 DJSMIT6@emory.edu Tufts University SOM Craig Smuda 02611 CSMUDA@emory.edu Northwestern University The Feinberg SOM Nikolaos Spilias 12158 NSPILIA@emory.edu University of Athens School of Health Sciences Eric Stahl 26199 EPSTAHL@emory.edu Emory University SOM Dustin Staloch 02612 DSTALOC@emory.edu University of Texas Medical School at Houston Kayla Wolofsky 02666 KWOLOFS@emory.edu University of Queensland SOM Primary Care Track Internal Medicine interns, 2015-2016 Upasana Bagaria 02653 UBAGARI@emory.edu University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Southwestern Medical School Emily Poppens 02622 EPOPPEN@emory.edu State University of New York Downstate Medical Center COM www.medicine.emory.edu/education Sarah Koumtouzoua 60197 SHENN3@emory.edu Creighton University SOM John Marshall 02702 JMARSH9@emory.edu Johns Hopkins University SOM Heather Root 02744 HROOT@emory.edu Virginia Commonwealth University SOM Jonathan Salud 02713 JSALUD@emory.edu Florida State University COM Maureen McCamley 33093 MMCCAML@emory.edu Emory University SOM Cesar Taborda Vidarte 02660 CTABORD@emory.edu USF Health Morsani COM Research Track Internal Medicine interns, 2015-2016 Michael Durando 02624 MDURAND@emory.edu University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SOM Hsiang-Chuan Hsieh “Jeremy” 15404 HHSIEH4@emory.edu Emory University SOM Medicine/Psychiatry interns, 2015-2016 Trygve Dolber 02746 TDOLBER@emory.edu Case Western Reserve University SOM www.medicine.emory.edu/education Elizabeth McCord 60220 EMCCOR4@emory.edu Louisiana State University SOM Samuel Stampfer 02673 SSTAMPF@emory.edu Tufts University SOM An-Kwok Wong 02753 AIWONG@emory.edu Case Western Reserve University SOM Preliminary track interns, 2015-2016 Mustafa Abugideiri 80620 MILIOAI@emory.edu (Rad-Onc) George Washington University SOM and Health Sciences Dery Miller 02737 DAMILL7@emory.edu (Neurology) Wake Forest University SOM Zachary Buchwald 02686 ZBUCHWA@emory.edu (Rad-Onc) Saint Louis University SOM Zachery Rohm 60228 ZROHM@emory.edu (Neurology) Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University Christopher Caughman 60175 CCAUGHM@emory.edu (Neurology) Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University Daniel Tanenbaum 75105 DTANEN2@emory.edu (Rad-Onc) Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University Spencer Hutto 02676 SHUTTO@emory.edu (Neurology) Mercer University SOM Sibo Tian 02754 STIAN5@emory.edu (Rad-Onc) Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Transitional year, 2015 – 2016 John Allen 40757 JALLE24@emory.edu Wake Forest School of Medicine of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Hernan Bello Velez 02716 HBELLOV@emory.edu Universidad de San Martin de Porres Facultad de Medicina Humana Courtney Elder 22788 CCRON@emory.edu Emory University SOM Leila Ettefagh 02665 LETTEFA@emory.edu Tehran University of Medical Sciences Lauren Guenther 60191 LAGUENT@emory.edu New York Medical College Daniel Hampton 02635 DGHAMPT@emory.edu Wake Forest School of Medicine of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center www.medicine.emory.edu/education Frederic Bertino 02679 FBERTIN@emory.edu St. George's University School of Medicine Carie Foster 60185 CAFOST2@emory.edu University of South Alabama College of Medicine Thaddeus Hollingsworth 02627 TDHOLLI@emory.edu American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine Alexander Bottini 15315 ABOTTIN@emory.edu Emory University SOM Rohit Ganju 39416 RGANJU@emory.edu Emory University SOM Cara Ann Iorianni 02732 CIORIAN@emory.edu Virginia Common-wealth University School of Medicine Hena Joshi 02696 HJOSHI2@emory.edu Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University Omar Kallas 02695 OKALLAS@emory.edu Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar James Lockwood 28230 JCLOCKW@emory.edu Emory University SOM Mario Maruthur 02618 MMARUTH@emory.edu University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine Daniel Oliver 15511 DEOLIVE@emory.edu Emory University SOM Hannah Park 27435 HLPARK2@emory.edu University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine Soumon Rudra 41536 SRUDRA@emory.edu Emory University SOM Mara Serbanescu 21061 MSERBAN@emory.edu Emory University SOM Nemil Shah 72529 NSHAH34@emory.edu Morehouse School of Medicine Steven Tucker 02758 SHTUCKE@emory.edu Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Daniel Viox 02643 DVIOX@emory.edu Northwestern University The Feinberg School of Medicine Edward Washington 72594 ETWASHI@emory.edu Morehouse School of Medicine www.medicine.emory.edu/education
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