Aug - Three Points/Robles Junction, AZ Community


Aug - Three Points/Robles Junction, AZ Community
Back To School
The Fence Post
Three Points/Robles
Community Newsletter
August, 2016
Altar Valley Schools Start Thurs. August 4th
Important Dates and Times
August 3, 2015 3:00-6:00
Robles Elementary School Hours
7:45-2:30 Monday-Thursday - 12:30 Friday/Early Release (starts Aug 12)
AVMS School Hours
8:45-3:45 Monday-Thursday - 1:45 Friday/Early Release (starts Aug 12)
August 8-12 Curriculum Based Measure (CBM) Testing
August 15th Fall Sports Boys Flag Football and Girls Volleyball Starts First Quarter
Bus Schedule available online
AVMS/Robles/FWHS Bus Schedule
*Sports Physical Required
August 25th Open House
Robles Elementary and Altar Valley Middle School 5:00-7:00 pm
Job Fair At Buckelew Farm
Sat. August 20, 2016 At 9 am
Job interviews and actor auditions will be held at Buckelew
Farm on Saturday August 22, 2015 at 9 am.
All interested parties (*except wheel barrow positions) must
attend this meeting and bring two (2) forms of identification, at
least one must be a photo ID. Job positions can not be offered if
IDs are not available at the time of the interview/audition. All
applicants are subject to background checks.
We have day and night positions, as well as weekday and
weekend work available. We have positions for teens, starting at
14 years of age, and adults. Please visit our website for a
complete listing of positions, job duties, requirements and pay
rates at,
*Note - we have wheel barrow positions
starting at 12 years of age. Although you do
not need to attend the job fair you must call
for a phone interview at 822-2277
Come One And All to the
9th Annual Three Points/
Robles Junction
Community Festival!!
By Bill Praust
Again, this year we will provide
musical entertainment, craft
vendors, local community organizations, raffles and
giveaways, carnival games, rock climbing, dunk tank and
food vendors. We will also have the local fire department,
Three Points health clinic and the Pima County Emergency
Management Amateur Radio group
If you have a craft or business and would like to
participate as one of these vendors, please contact Helene
Cover, event coordinator, at for a
registration form. The last few years, this event has drawn
over 2000 people! It’s an opportunity and event not to miss!!
Help us celebrate our dual named community
and the rich history it enjoys!
Visit our Facebook page at Three Points Community Festival
for updated information on our vendors, games and sponsors.
Calendar of Events
Abbreviation Key: CC Community Center, MFC My Friends Closet, SBC
Serenity Baptist Church, AVMS Altar Valley Middle School
FORR Friends of Robles Ranch
Events Happening Every Week
Com Food Bank.
3 to 6 CC
Com Food Bank.
10 to 3 CC
Caring Food Min.
Com Food Bank.
10 to 3 CC
For Church
Services go to
Info Referral CC
10 am - 3 pm
1 to 5 PM
Info Referral CC
1 - 6pm
Info Referral CC
9AM to 1PM
Joy Seniors
10:30 AM CC
Joy Seniors
10:30 Am CC
For Church
Services go to
VFW Taco
Tuesday 4 PM
Community Bingo
VFW 6:30
Joy Seniors
10:30 Am CC
Youth Group SBC
5:30 PM
AA Meeting 2 PM
AA Meeting
Community Calendar
July 31
August 1
All Teachers
Report to
Meet The Teacher
(both schools)
Watermelon Day
4-H Sierrita
Mtn 7 PM
Meeting 6:30
pm CC
First Day
of School
AVSD School
Board Meetings
Bookmobile 12-1
National S’mores
Joke Day
National Thrift
Shop Day
4-H Robles
Ranchers 7PM
VFW Post Meeting
General Meeting 10am,
Comrades 11am,
Auxiliary noon,
Potluck to follow
Women’s Day
20 Job Fair At
Buckelew Farm 9 AM
Blood Drive
SBC 8 - 12
VFW Salsa Contest 5 PM
September Newsletter
Deadline 5 PM
Open House
Sept 1
Sept 2
Be An Angel
Toasting Day
Newsletter available at
Sept 3
Community News Page 2
Community News
Job Fair At Buckelew Farm
Saturday August 20th 9AM
All Newsletters are online at
If you do not have a computer, there are computers available at
the Community Center call 822-4408 for availability.
See Page 1 for
more details
Post 10254
August Menu
Tuesday Bingo 6:30 to 9 PM
Interested In American Sign
A class is being organized
forWednesdays (weekly) American
Sign Language class (location TBD
call 878 6403 info)
A Graceful Touch of
Beauty Hair Salon & Spa
Get Ready For
Haircuts $10
Customized Gift Certificates
“According to your needs”
" Young at heart slightly older in other places" Easy Yoga Mon. Wed .& Fri. 7:30 a.m. -8:30 a.m.
Like they say a Body in Motion Stays in Motion Crochet Class Thursdays 4:30 to 5:30
Open: Mon - Sat 9 am to 5 pm
Evenings by Appointment Walk-ins Welcome
15390 W Ajo Way
Newsletter available at
Editor: Trish Hastings-Sargent
Layout and Paste Up Artist:
Trish Hastings-Sargent
Please e-mail articles to
All articles must be written as a positive representation of
something that is happening in our community.
Deadline for articles is
the 20th of the Month by 5 PM
Send us your article, information or ad in the body of an
e-mail or as a “Word” document. We can not accept PDF’s
Business Ads & Classifieds:
John Sargent 204-3240 or email them to
All ads must be paid for in advance of publication.
Ad Prices
Business Card $10 per month
or prepaid $25 for 3 months with no changes to copy
Quarter Page $25 per month
Half Page $50 per month
Full Page $100 per month
Classified ads are available $5 for the first 5 lines
approx. 45 words. Additional lines $1 each
Make checks out to
Robles Junction Community Council
Mail all checks to
Robles Junction Community Council, 11200 S
Sierrita Mtn Rd, Box 317, Tucson, AZ 85736
Website & Electronic Information Manager:
John Sargent 204-3240
If you have questions please call
Trish Hastings-Sargent at Cell # 520-247-8222
or e-mail her at
Printed Copies Are Available at the
Following Locations
Due to the high cost of printing, the Fence Post is
primarily an electronic Newsletter. At this time we print
only 100 copies. We distribute the Fence Post on or before
the first of the month to the following locations:
• Kestrel Market
• Serenity Baptist Church
• Hairy Cactus Salon
• Cindy Lou’s Restaurant
• Ace Hardware
• A Graceful Touch of
Beauty Salon and Spa
• Double E Feed & Supply
to be placed on our e-mail distribution list
Community News Page 3
Altar Valley School
District News
Volunteer At Your Local
By Evelyn See, AVSD Volunteer Coordinator
Are you looking to give back to your
community? Why not volunteer at your local
school? There are many opportunities for you to support student
education and a way for you to share your time in the Altar Valley School
District. We encourage parents and community members to join our
Partners for Success Volunteer Program and help us make a difference for
our students. Becoming a volunteer can be a fun and exciting experience.
Not only do you get to meet our teachers and students, you will learn
more about our school. You have a chance to help a student with reading
or math, participate in book fairs or other special events or assist a teacher
in the classroom. These are just a few of the activities to choose from. You
will have a great time volunteering. To sign up just Contact Evelyn See at
(520) 822-9418 or by email at
All community members that do not have children in the Altar Valley
School District will be required to have fingerprinting.
Parents, Guardians, Students, and More,
Can you believe it? Another school
year is upon us! I can’t tell you enough how
excited I am to be a part of Altar Valley
Middle School and Altar Valley School
District. We have spent the summer putting
together a team of Altar Valley All-Stars who are ready to meet all of
you! Please welcome our new teachers and staff to Altar Valley
Middle School:
● Kelsey Morales (5/6 SPED)
● Scott Dalton (7/8 Science)
● Robin Bradley (6th Grade)
● Jan Chen (SPED Director/Psychologist)
● Aileen Pedrego (SPED Admin. Assistant)
This school year is truly going to be something special. Why?
Because I can promise you that AVMS is going to be a place filled
with laughter, passion, and learning. At Altar Valley Middle School
we want each and every person that comes onto our campus to know
they are valued and that they hold tremendous worth. We believe in
fresh-starts and new beginnings. We believe in growth and potential.
And we believe in bringing everyone together to accomplish success.
To the students, we want you to know how much we truly
care about you at Altar Valley Middle School. You are the reason we
Rich’s Tire Service
Robles Elementary is happy to announce
Breakfast in the Classroom starting
August 5, 2016
Everyone wins with
Breakfast in the Classroom
!Improves the health, nutrition and well-being of
!Students are able to focus better in class
!Students start their day by eating a healthy
Breakfast will be served in every classroom at the
start of each day.
Additional information will be sent to parents by August 4, 2016.
If you have any questions please contact Chandra Young at (520) 822-9418.
come to work every day. You matter to each and every one of us.
When you come onto this campus, you are the most important
thing in the world to us. We hope that every day you leave our
building knowing how special you are and just how much potential
you hold.
To the parents and guardians, you are just as important.
Without you, we will not reach our full potential as a school. We
value you and your opinions. We look to you as a partner in your
child’s education. We are excited to work with you and to greet you
with a smile each and every day. AVMS will be a place where you
are welcome any time.
To all others, we know this is a team effort. We know it
will take an entire community coming together. We invite the entire
community to take part in the exciting upcoming school year at
Altar Valley Middle School.
I look forward to meeting all of you at Meet the Teacher
night on August 3, from 3pm - 6pm. We will have all of our Altar
Valley All-Stars ready and waiting! This school year is filled with
unlimited potential and we are ready to meet the challenges head
Sincerely, Joshua Peebles, Principal Altar Valley Middle School
Steak or Chicken Dinner $9.99 Daily
Repair Your Tires the Right Way!
Some Used Tires Available
12255 W. Castle Drive
Stop by and look at Farm Antiques
Call Rich: 520 822-1240
Newsletter available at
Community News Page 4
Altar Valley School
District News
Discovery STEM
Young engineers and
scientists were in action for the
fourth summer in a row at the
Discovery STEM Camp in June!
The camp was held June 6th –
30th at Altar Valley Middle
Building cars to travel on their roller
School. Approximately 140
coaster tracks in Mrs.Venglarcik’s 6th
incoming 2nd – 8th grade
grade class!
students participated in sixteen
days of hands-on Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics learning. Each grade
level’s curriculum focused on a different type of energy, including
weather, electricity and magnets, wind, solar, kinetic, thermal, and
have more days of Discovery
STEM Camp than we had this
time.” A parent remarked, “The
program was great! My child
was excited to attend each day.
Overall, we were extremely
satisfied with the program.”
Much of the funding for
Discovery STEM Camp
comes from the 21st Century
Measuring the distance that objects are
propelled by a catapult in Mrs. Norris’
Community Learning
2nd grade class!
Centers grant. The Altar
Valley School District was
recently notified by the Arizona Department of Education that their
application for 21st CCLC funding for Robles Elementary School was
approved! This ensures the return of quality after school
programming at Robles next school year, as well as the continuation of
Discovery STEM Camp next summer.
In addition to the fun and engaging STEM curriculum, students
also practiced oral reading and math fact fluency skills every day. For
their special area classes, students had a choice of art, cooking, coding,
or volleyball. To encourage and reward perfect attendance, students
went on two field trips during the summer; one was to the trampoline
park, Get Air, and the other was to see “Finding Dory” in the air
conditioned comfort of the Harkins Spectrum Movie Theater!
Student and parent feedback about Discovery STEM Camp
continues to be extremely positive. One student commented, “The
only suggestion I would make to improve the summer program is to
Exploring the properties of
magnetic slime in Mrs.
Bauerelen’s 3rd grade class!
Learning about static electricity in Ms.
Adams’ 5th grade class!
We are excited to offer Coding this year. Coding teaches
children how to program a computer. I am sure your child will have
a great time working with others to design games or animation. Again this year we will be focusing on basic math facts and
reading fluency. For great success in school, students need a strong
Dear Robles Families,
foundation. If students know their basic math facts, they can spend
Welcome back to school! We are getting everything ready and more time learning advanced math. With fluent reading, a student
can use literature to learn and grow in every subject area. Have
I look forward to seeing you at our Meet the Teacher Day
on August 3rd at 3:00. Come meet the teachers, see the rooms and your child practice a few minutes each day. Daily practice increases
your child's ability to reach their potential. find out how to volunteer. This year we will be providing Breakfast in the Classroom. This will give all students the opportunity to enjoy a nutritious
breakfast before school starts each day. I look forward to a fantastic new year! I know that Robles
teachers are dedicated to providing the highest quality education to
help your child be successful. Mrs. Chandra Young, Principal, Robles Elementary
4640 E. Sunrise Dr. Suite 215
Tucson, AZ 85718
Office: 520-971-7100
Fax: 888-810-0280
Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated
Newsletter available at
Community News Page 5
Community News
Sierrita Mountain Livestock
4-H Club News
By Tracy Nielsen
Are you looking for something to get your kids
involved with that teaches them responsibility,
teamwork and diligence and respect for
others? Just a reminder that the new 4-H year
is right around the corner.
Sierrita Mountain Livestock 4-H Club is preparing for a new
year. We meet the second Tuesday of every month for the
community meetings at the Serenity Baptist Church on Ajo at 7pm.
If your child enrolls in August or September this year the club will
pay your $20 fee to the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
Office. Sierrita Mountain Livestock or SML is involved in
Community Service for the Three Points area. Some of the projects
include: the Petting Zoo at the Buckelew farms during the Pumpkin
Patch. Three separate Road Clean up from Mile Post 252 to 253 on
State Route 86. Candy distribution at the Fire Department for the
Halloween fest for the kids and they assist financially and with
The Benefits of 4-H and Positive Youth
— Written By Ginger Cunningham
A common question asked by parents and community leaders
stems from the inquiry of how will youth benefit from affiliation with
or participation in an organization such as 4-H.
That’s an understandable disquisition – parents and concerned
individuals want to know how their children will benefit from spending
their time and efforts with any one organization. Families are
extremely busy and have a lot to do in a sparse amount of free time
each day. That free time is worth quite a bit; they need to make it
meaningful and productive from a standpoint of contributing to the
overall well-being of their child. As a community, we all want our
young people to have a nurturing and fulfilling component to their
lives that enables them to grow, prosper, and succeed.
To better speak of the specifics of the benefits of the 4-H
program, a longitudinal study accessing over 7,000 youth from an
array of diverse backgrounds was performed at Tufts University. Researchers partnered with faculty at land-grant universities to study
how participation in 4-H allows youth to succeed in academic and life
experiences through positive adult mentoring, structured learning, and
consistent encouragement. Results were published in the Study of
Positive Youth Development, and details of the study can be accessed
Over the course of the study that began in 2002, research
revealed that, in comparison with other youth, young people in 4-H:
experience greater educational achievements
have greater motivation and aspirations for future education
are more civically active
are more than 3.3 times more likely to contribute to their
have significantly lower drug, cigarette, and alcohol use
are 2.3 times more likely to exercise and be physically active
Newsletter available at
volunteers for Toys for Three Points Kids which is held by the Three
Points Fire Department.
Aside from Community Service the youth ages 9-18 raise
animals or become involved in projects that interest them. Some of
the projects are shooting sports and archery. Animal Projects include
Horse, Beef, Swine and Goats. Smaller animals include Dog, Cavy,
Poultry and Dairy animals. All of the project leaders are certified
volunteers with the 4-H office and most have been teaching their
projects for years. We are always looking for more leaders. (If
interested call the extension office at 626-5161 for more information)
Give your son or daughter a chance to belong to one of the best
organizations today. An organization that provides the extra edge
for life success by offering numerous opportunities to develop
leadership, responsibility, citizenship and other life skills all well
having a great time.
If you would like more information about the Sierrita Mountain
Livestock 4-H Club or 4-H in general please give me a call. My
name is Tracy Nielsen and I can be reached at 520-444-3014. If not
maybe we will see you at our first meeting held August 11, 2015 at
There are some scholarships available to youth entering a
project for the first time to help defray the cost.
report better grades and higher levels of academic
are nearly 2 times more likely to go to college
It is hoped that concerned individuals will acknowledge the benefits
of 4-H and can, without reservation, engage their children and their
own volunteer efforts within the local 4-H community.
August Special
Back to
Kid’s Cuts $10
2 Kid’s Cuts for the price of one
same day appointment.
Siblings or Friends
The Hairy Cactus
now open for Walk-Ins Tuesday thru Saturday
1 PM to 4 PM
Please call for an appointment for all other hours.
For appointment call Lisa 520-861-9230
Located in the building to the left of Fred’s Arena
9650 South Avra Road
Community News Page 6
extra work that is never seen and the
heartbreak that is never heard. But
what I hear more from these super
heroes is a song of love for your kids,
My Friends Closet
joy in seeing them succeed, happiness
By Tahnee Jackson,Manager
when a kid breaks past a fear and
absolute melting of the heart when
August is here already!? Summer flew by and its just one parent or one child says
back to school already for many. Do you
"Thank you for believing that I
remember what it felt like the week or two
could". The teachers I know and the
before school started back up? A mixture of
teachers I had (well, most of them
loathing the thought but a bit excited for what
anyway. There was that one math
the new school year would bring. I was one who loathed the thought, teacher...) say without hesitation that its all worth!
lol! My childhood summers were spent camping the entire time with
So I want to challenge all of you to remember to thank your kids
family and friends. We went home every so often so mom could do
bus driver, janitor, administrator, Para, Substitute, cafeteria
laundry for a day but we couldn't wait to go back up the mountain. I
worker, and
volunteers. If you don't have a kid in our district
dreaded the day before school started when we had to head home.
remember to thank them anyway as they are helping build the next
I never gave our teachers much thought during the summer.
leaders in our community! More to the point -in my mind they never actually left the school
Come on in to My Friends Closet and shop our summer items
much less enjoyed the time off away from it! I figured they just sat
the cold hits this fall...haha, Just kidding...before the cold hits
around waiting for all of us snot nosed kids to come back and bring
this fall! We are still having crazy sales and as always our
joy and fulfillment back to their otherwise boring teacher lives. Haha!
much adored donators bring us beautiful clothing and
Boy was I wrong!
household items so there is always something new! Plus we have
I'm all grown up now and I even have a few teacher friends and
something new happening at our little store that we are very excited
boy was I wrong! They tell me about how hard it is to be a teacher. I
hear how scary and frustrating it is to be a teacher. I hear how they
are treated. I hear the work that goes in to asking for more funding to
Keep up with us on facebook for updates on that:)
only be turned down.I hear the goals they are to make with 30 kids in
one class. I hear a lot about the early mornings and I see in the
My Friends Closet Hours
parking lot, when I go by the school, the late nights. I hear about the
Saturdays 9-1, Wednesdays 1-5
Half off the entire store on the third Saturday of every month
Like us on Facebook to keep updated on special sales and events.
Community News
•Choose a backpack with wide, padded
shoulder straps and a padded back.
•Pack light. Organize the backpack to use
all of its compartments. Pack heavier items
closest to the center of the back. The
backpack should never weigh more than 10 to
20 percent of your child's body weight.
•Always use both shoulder straps. Slinging a backpack over one
shoulder can strain muscles.
•If your school allows, consider a rolling backpack. This type of
backpack may be a good choice for students who must tote a heavy
load. Remember that rolling backpacks still must be carried up
stairs, they may be difficult to roll in snow, and they may not fit in
some lockers.
- See more at:
Newsletter available at
Blood Drive
August 20th 8 am to 12 noon.
at Serenity Baptist Church
Walk in donors are very welcome.
Blood Donors Must:
Be in good general health and feeling well
Healthy means that you feel well and can perform normal activities. If
you have a chronic condition such as diabetes, healthy also means that
you are being treated and the condition is under control. If you are not
feeling well on the day of your donation, please contact us to reschedule.
Be at least 17-years-old in most states, or 16years-old with parental consent if allowed by state
Weigh at least 110 lbs. Additional weight
requirements apply for donors 18-years-old and
younger and all high school donors.
Community News Page 7
Community News
Diamond Bell News
By Bill Praust
A few of our neighbors took it
upon themselves to organize a
neighborhood BBQ. It took time,
making contacts, getting
commitments for a host, a pig to roast, a
cook to do it, printing up and sending out invitations to neighbors,
getting a list of pot luck items and gathering plates, utensils, chairs
and tables. In the end, it all came together with a great turnout,
good food, good weather and great conversation. We also had our
local PCSO Commander and deputies stop by. It could not have
been better.
and conduct the meeting. We always got a good turnout. We were
also able to create and maintain an active neighborhood watch
group. Over the years we had reverted to the local fire station, five
miles away. Many times, attendance fell short.
We hope to revive our pot luck, local meetings in the
neighborhood. I laid this out as a suggestion for the leaders in the
other Three Points neighborhoods in having local meetings in your
area. While it takes a little time and planning, and assistance of
more than one person, it can be done. At first, it can just be a
gathering a neighbors to get to know each other. Later, an agenda
for a meeting can be added, based on the concerns heard from the
While you will never get all of the neighbors in your area
involved, you can get enough to create a good sense of community
and camaraderie among the group that participate.
This is the way we started conducting our neighborhood
meetings, 19 years ago. Have a pot luck at a local neighbors home
Here Is Some News
Open Range Alpacas.
We have two fiber boys/pets for sale if anyone is interested in
owning these gentle creatures just give Brenda a call at the number
For all you gardeners out there looking for a great fertilizer for your
plants we have alpaca poo bagged and ready to go.
By Brenda J Clark
That's about it for now. Have a great rest of the summer and stay
cool. Oh and kids I'll be seeing some of you after school starts.
Happy August everyone. I hope you
are all managing to stay cool.
As we humans are outside working
and doing chores, the dogs are all inside
in the a/c.
We are always on the look out for low cost or donations of
fencing and building materials as we have lots to do here, all
donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated.
You can send an email through the web-site,, leave a post on the farm face book
page, Facebook/open range alpacas, call 520-272-7716 and speak to
Brenda, or leave a message at 578-4007.
The kids will be going back to school soon and here at the
Alpaca farm we are available for school field trips and weekend
outings. Just call the number below for information.
The farm is getting ready for our busy season. Our 6th annual
Open House will be the weekend of October 8th and 9th. We are
taking reservations for any craft vendors that want to set up for the
weekend. The spots are free but we ask that you participate in the
50/50 raffle for $5.00 where you get 6 chances to win half the pot.
Remember the farm is always open for you and your family to
come and hand feed the alpacas, goats and horses. You can even pet
a chicken if you would like. Speaking of chickens we have farm fresh
eggs for sale.
Robby’s Home and Auto Services
30 years experience
Robert Lee Springer
10560 S Sierrita Mtn Rd
Tucson, AZ 85736
Cell: 520-488-1228
Check Engine Light On? Call Us
Newsletter available at
Community News Page 8
VFW Post 10254 News
AZVeteran Resource Center
& Community Pantry
By Debbie Villeneuve
Hello Three Points Community! As we move into August
2016, here’s what we have going on.
The Veteran Center is located in the auxiliary building of VFW
Post 10254, 10111 S. Sasabe Hwy. Office hours are 10am to
2pm Tuesdays & by appointment on Wednesdays. Contact
number 520-282-9868.
assistance in this incredibly hot weather with their outdoor projects.
Many many times thank you!!!
The Veteran meal deliveries are still successful, and growing!! If I
can assist you please let me know.
The Veteran food pantry is always available, as well as the
Veteran clothing, contact me for further information.
There is a Veteran breakfast this month that will be held
August 18 from 8am to 11am. We use this day to celebrate the
Veterans in our community, and the public is welcome to show
their appreciation as well. Veterans free, for the public small
donation please. We look forward to seeing you.
We are still part of the Cell Phones for Soldiers program. For
each cell phone donated a Veteran will receive a calling card good for
2 ½ hours free talk time. Retired and Active Duty or Reserve you all
qualify. If this is a service you need, contact me or come in and I will
assist you.
Need a copy of your DD214? Disability upgrade evaluation?
Job opportunities? VA Hospital advisement? Copy of Medical or
Military Records? Patient Advocate? Survivor benefits? Homeless/at
The Veteran Center has partnered with Adopt A Platoon which
risk assistance? Legal aid? Peer assistance? Just a few of the
sends care packages to our troops overseas. A list of items is on
resources we have referral information on. We will find a resource for display at the VFW, the Veteran Center, as well as a drop off box I am
your questions.
currently collecting items for the next box.
Every Tuesday from 10am to 2pm a representative from
Donations for our events are always welcome but never
Department of Economic Security Veteran Employment is in the
Our website is check us
office. Call or stop in for assistance. We have our 2nd in the series of
out! Look forward to talking with you soon. I have added a calendar
our Seminars on August 2, Interviewing Skills.
to post events in Pima County that are brought to my attention. If
A special thank you goes out to Robles Community Support you know of something please send me a message thru the website,
email, or call.
Inc. for your recent assistance for our local Veterans who needed
Salsa Contest
VFW POST 10254
AUGUST 20, 2016
Saturday 5:00 PM
$5.00 to Judge and Sample the Salsa
$4.00 TACO Plate
Karaoke Following
We are a Local Contractor
for over 25 years
We can handle projects
large and small.
Repairs - Additions - Remodeling Fire Damage
or Residential Job
Call Kris at 520-730-7335
For a Free Quote Today
We Now take Debit & Credit Cards
or e-mail us at
B.Gen.Res ROC111806 B2.comROC111807
Newsletter available at
Now Open
7 Days a week
Open at 8 AM Mon - Fri
Sat 9 AM
Sun 10 AM
Alfalfa - Bermuda - Livestock & Chicken
Feeds, Tack, Vet Supply & So Much More
Double E Feed & Supply
15195 W Ajo Hwy.
Tucson, AZ 85735
phone 520-578-3341
fax 520-578-3025
We Look Forward To Meeting You
Community News Page 9
Momma V & the Youth For Veterans
Dayla The Therapy Dog
Momma V and the Youth For Veterans have a mascot now.
"Dayla" the poodle has been certified as a therapy dog and now
visits our VA Hospital and nursing homes.
Momma V says the only bad thing about having Dayla with
them, is that she gets all the attention now.
"DAYLA" the Youth For Veterans mascot gets a lot of hugs &
kisses from Veterans at the VA Hospital and from clients at the
Heavenly Acres Assisted Living Home.
By Trish Hastings Sargent
When I read
Momma’s V article
on Dayla I was
inspired to write about
my Mom. She is 91 years old,
has dementia and is in a
Nursing Home.
The Youth For Veterans are
raffling off a set of western
Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for
$5.00. Anyone interested in
purchasing tickets can give Momma
V a call at 822-5323.
"Youth For
members, Daniel,
Detta, Destiny
Ingram and
Sharon Rodriguz
bake cookies for
the Marine Corp
and VA hospital. On my last visit to see her I
brought our 2 little dogs so she
could meet them. I did not
realize what an impact the dogs would make. My mother no longer
recognizes me but when the dogs came she brightened right up.
She insisted on having both of them on her lap and for the next
hour she petted them and smiled. My heart was truly full. The lady
to her left has had a stroke and rarely speaks. When I took
Winston, the chocolate fluffy one, and put him in her lap, she
brightened right up and began to say “Soft, Soft, Soft” while she
petted him.
There are many reasons why Therapy Dogs help but one reason
is that they increase the level of endorphins. “Petting a therapy dog
brings happiness and the feeling of euphoria. Such conditions
promote better immune response and reduce the bad effects of
stress.” (
I loved how I felt seeing my dogs bring happiness. I plan on
getting my dogs certified to be Therapy Dogs and maybe Momma
V will let me join her on her visits.
Kelly Medlock
Direct (520) 784-9833
Office (520) 318-5290
(520) 616-2612
7330 N. Oracle Rd., Ste. 280
Tucson, AZ 85704
Newsletter available at
Missing your copy of the Fence Post?
We can only print a few paper copies each month.
Get your copy by email.
Just email
and say you want your email copy, That’s It!
Paper copies of the Fence Post are available every month at:
Kestrel Market - Graceful Touch of Beauty Salon
Cindy Lou’s II - Hairy Cactus Salon
Ace Hardware - Serenity Baptist Church
Community News Page 10
Remember Kestrel Kafe & Market has a
seed library & seed exchange.
Gardening Page
Sponsored By Kestrel Kafe & Market
Are your plants
producing seeds now??
August Gardening Tips
The monsoon is bringing little relief, so the air is not as dry. This is the
beginning of the summer growing season in the desert.
- Hold on trimming plants for another month to prevent sunburn.
What to sow:
Gaillardia, Marigold, Nasturnium, Shasta Daisy, Zinnia
In the vegetable garden
- Plant bush beans, corn, eggplant, peas, summer squash, tomatoes.
Roses: Feed established roses with El Toro Flower and
Vegetable Food or Magnum Rose Food (for potted roses) at
half strength. Add Epsom salts (Magnesium Sulfate) at half
strength. Continue to deep water every day. Keep faded
blooms pruned. Selective pruning of unwanted or dead
branches is o.k.
Instant Color: Continue to plant summer annuals,
especially for instant color and for containers. Popular
varieties include angelonia, sweet potato vine, pentas,
periwinkle, and dusty miller.
Fruit: Still time to plant Wonderful Pomegranates, Citrus,
Dwarf Bonanza Peaches, Green and Red Grapes.
Vegetables: Prepare vegetable gardens for the fall planting
season. Even though we are between seasons, August is a
great time to beef up your garden with Black Gold Soil
Builder and soil sulphur.
Citrus: Feed established citrus with El Toro Citrus Food.
Watering: Generally monsoon rains are not a substitute for
your regular summer watering schedule. Continue to water
established trees and shrubs about once a week. Water slowly
and deeply, allowing water to penetrate to the entire root
system of your plants.
Palms: This is a great month for planting palms, which
thrive in our hot climate. The most popular palm is the
Mediterranean Fan Palm. The Pindo Palm(Butia capitata) is
an easy care plant. Also available now is the Mediterranean
Fan Palm cerifera with its contrasting silver-blue foliage.
White grubs are often present in the garden at this time of
year. They feed on the roots of plants. If you have a plant
that is suddenly dying without any apparent explanation,
grubs could be the culprit. You can treat for grubs with the
insecticide Sevin. For non-edible ornamental plants, you may
consider using a systemic such as Bayer Season Long Grub
Newsletter available at
Remember to harvest them and share them
with your neighbors at Kestrels
This library and seed
exchange has been created
by our neighbors
to share with neighbors.
Weeds: Summer rains will bring another crop of weeds. If
you pick them by hand be sure and remove the roots. If you
leave the roots on perennial weeds, it’s just like you’re
pruning them and they will come back with a vengeance.
The easy way is to spray with a systemic weed killer such as
Killz-All by High Yield. Consult one of our Garden Wizards
for the most appropriate weed killer for your situation.
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Community News Page 11
Community News
Pictures at the VFW
4th Of July Celebration
Robles Community Support, Inc.
(520) 878 6403
By Caron Lutz
Hello All you wonderful residents of Three Points! We hope
everyone is enjoying their summer and keeping well hydrated.
On July 4th RCS sponsored a celebration & ground fireworks,
hosted by the VFW Post 10254. Horseshoe tournament, Kite flying,
Live Music, good food, games and prizes, a great way to celebrate the
4th. We would like to extend our appreciation to:
Three Points Fire Station for providing
an engine to wet down the area prior to the
event and for attending the event as a safety
precaution. The children loved seeing the
engine pull in and we all felt more secure
knowing that you were there, just in case.
Thank You for all you do, everyday.
VFW Post 10254, members, staff and
volunteers for hosting and helping to make the
event successful. The Bar and Kitchen did a
wonderful job and enjoyed seeing the Post
members who came out to support the
community event. Thank You and we look
forward to next year.
Brad Filiatrault for some great live
music, you will find more about Brad in the
article by Linda Jones.
To the RCS volunteers who braved the afternoon sun to set up,
worked through the evening and stayed to tear down, Thank You,
without you RCS couldn't do what it does.
Community Bingo Night
Community Bingo Night
started Tuesday July 12th and runs
each Tuesday night at the VFW
Post 10254 on Sasabe (across from
the elementary school). Cards go on sale at 6:30 pm, first
game starts at 7 pm. Come out early and enjoy Taco Night first. Shutter card play so no need for daubers, snacks and drinks
available to purchase during game play. Card costs 2 for $6, 4 for $10 or 6 for $15, reg game prize $20
and blackout game minimum prize is $50 There are some larger easy read cards available for those with
vision issues. We may not be a large bingo but we are a
Community Bingo and hope that everyone has some FUN !
RCS Minor Home Repair Program
The RCS Minor Home Repair program has been busy,
busy, busy. We would like to thank those with non emergency
repairs for their patience as we address each requested repair as
quickly as we can.
Newsletter available at
For those of you who have access to Facebook, visit our page
(Robles Community Support, Inc.) and learn a little about the great
people who live in the area with our "community member
highlights" a new one posted every few days. If you know
someone that you would like to have highlighted just give us a call
and let us know. There are so many positive and talented people in
this small community that we want all of them to know how much
they are appreciated.
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Ben Wilson
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•Call us today for a free evaluation and
Owner, HD Investments
(520) 955-4975
PO Box 89896
Tucson, AZ 85752
Community News Page 12
Community News
by Linda Jones
THE BRANDED DUO BAND is playing at Fred's Arena 2nd
Sat. of every month, starting at 6pm.
Jean Chastain and Brad Filiatrault have a beautiful, full band
sound of country music.They worked hard at recording the harmony
and background music at Brad's home studio. The talented duo, who have sung together for 24 years, would
love to meet you at Fred's soon.
August 6th, Jean's brother, John Chastain with Rick Skinner will
be playing at Fred's
They asked me to
round up some people
to come that evening
for their first
appearance. I will be
there to support these
musicians I had not
seen for over 20 years and can vouch for their
excellent talent.
See you there! Newsletter available at
A Little
by Brad Filiatrault
Having been in
the music business
in Tucson, Sierra
Vista, and
communities for
more than 30 years
has given me unique
insight into performing & pleasing people with my music here in the
When I was given the opportunity to perform on the 4th of July
for VFW Post 10254, it was a perfect match-up! I have been a regular
donor to the VFW Organization for quite a while now, maybe 10 +
years, so the chance to play at one of your Posts sounded perfect to
me & my wife Donna. And it was!
The evening was perfect, the people were great, and hopefully,
everyone enjoyed the music. I look forward to the opportunity of
performing for y'all again sometime soon.
Our Thanks to all who made it possible, and Thank you for
choosing "Branded" for your music!!
Community News Page 13
Newsletter available at
Community News Page 14