Trezevant Manor


Trezevant Manor
the Vicar of
Chief Executive Officer
Kent Phillips
Chief Financial Officer
Dawn Wade
Administrator: Trezevant Terrace
Bryan Ikerd
Administrator: Allen Morgan
Paul Martin
Resident Services Director
Kimberly O’Donnell
Development Director
Nora Conaway
Director of Sales
Leslie Reed
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Treelines is a publication of
the Trezevant Foundation
On the cover:
The Rev. Robin Hatzenbuehler
in St. Edward Chapel
From the CEO
Kent Phillips
Length, Width and Depth—I am honored to be associated with a
community with solid roots growing in faith. And faith, however
one interprets that concept, is a strong component of what wellness
means at Trezevant.
Trezevant is a community of beautiful living spaces and a
stimulating array of resident services, programs and events. We are
exploring new tastes through our “Meal in the Life” program, and
hosting celebrity chefs who define trends in taste and nutrition. We
are continually developing new ways to improve physical wellness
through innovative fitness approaches. We continue to work on the
improvement of outcomes for the most frail through the difficult,
yet rewarding rehabilitative work we focus on every day in the Allen
Morgan Center and The Terrace.
Like a well-scored soundtrack for a movie, our pastoral staff is
continually working in the background to support all that defines
what Trezevant is, sometimes directly of course, but mostly in subtle
ways that aren’t obvious, nor are they intended to be. I am proud of
the hard work that our Chaplain team (Robin, Julie and Dina) engage
in every day with our residents, our staff, and our extended network
of family and friends. It is important and sometimes thankless work,
but it helps to define what life in abundance means at Trezevant and
I am thankful for it. When we talk about the value of “quality of life”
versus “quantity of life”, we are illustrating the value of the Chaplains’
Evan Esar said it perfectly: “You can’t do anything about the length
of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth”.
The medical profession is doing what it can to address length of life;
let us help you address width and depth.
Nora Conaway
I want to begin and end this article
by thanking all the people who
have given so generously to the
Trezevant Foundation during the
last year. I am buoyed each time
someone walks into my office or
sends a check through the mail
because I feel that they understand
the need to increase our foundation to a level that will allow it to
build upon itself. They have true
concern for their neighbors who
might need extra support down the
road to remain in their home
here. We are truly blessed
by the giving spirit which
abounds in our Trezevant
At the beginning of the year, a
goal was set for residents to raise
$125,000 with 75% participation.
I am pleased to report that we
made the 75% participation goal
and exceeded the monetary goal
by $13,000. That is remarkable and
I thank you all for digging deeply
and helping us to spread the word.
In addition to the total raised by
residents, another $64,219 came
into the annual giving fund from
friends and family members.
What a caring community to be
a part of! Thank you.
Bruce B. Hopkins
David L. Bowlin
Merilyn G. Mangum
Past Chairman
Scott J. Crosby
James H. Calandruccio, M.D.
Kenneth F. Clark, Jr.
Matthew R. Crow
C. Bradford Foster III
John Ivy
The Rt. Rev. Don E. Johnson
The Rev. Mimsy Jones
John Malmo
Stephen C. Reynolds
Todd Robbins, M.D.
Shade W. Robinson
Deborah O. Schadt, Ph.D.
Bruce C. Taylor
Frankie Wade
Beverly Williams
George F. Wortham III, M.D.
P. Trowbridge Gillespie, Jr.
Kenneth F. Clark
Scott J. Crosby
Bruce B. Hopkins
Meet our BOARD
The Rev. Robin Hatzenbuehler
I ran across a quote recently from
Paula D’Arcy: “God comes to us
disguised as our life.”
That struck me particularly
because the focus of our Chapel
programs/classes lately has been
on meditation and then segued
into gratitude. In other words
the focus has been on being here,
now. Pausing each day for a time
of meditation can help us remember to “be here, now.”
After a two month class on
meditation this fall, we continue
to offer a time for communal
meditation in our Chapel every
Wednesday at 2:30.
Daily meditation can help us
see, truly see. Spiritual writer
Richard Rohr points out that
“the division between secular and
sacred breaks down when you
learn how to see.” No wonder
Teillard de Chardin suggests that
the “whole of life lies in seeing.”
On January 6 we entered the
season of Epiphany, or revelation
of the divine. It will be a short
season this year as Lent begins
on February 10. So don’t miss
this important time of becoming
more aware of the manifestation
of the divine in the world around
us. See, really see, that God
comes disguised as our life.
And to improve your vision, come to an information
session on Wednesday, January
27 regarding the international
best-selling book, The Artist’s
Way by Julia Cameron. Linda Douty Mischke will give an
Kenneth F. Clark, Jr.
overview of the book, the commitment it requires, as well as her
experience and that of others with
its content. This will give you the
information to decide whether to
join a small group study of this
By the time some of you read
this article, we will have entered
yet another season of the Church
year: Lent. It begins with Ash
Wednesday. There will be two
Ash Wednesday services here
at Trezevant: one at 10:30am at
Allen Morgan Center and one at
noon in St. Edward Chapel. The
following Wednesday, February
17, please join us for the Chaplain’s class at 3pm to take on “A
Grown-Up Lent.”
Kenneth F. Clark, Jr., a long time participant on both the Trezevant Board of Directors
and the Trezevant Foundation, describes himself as “A Yankee by birth, a Memphian by
marriage.” He is a graduate of Dartmouth College, earned an MBA from The Tuck
School of Business Administration at Dartmouth, a law degree from Yale Law School,
and currently serves as counsel to the regional law firm of Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs.
Honored by his Dartmouth College Class of 1950 for “fifty years of distinguished service
to his community,” he is a Trustee emeritus of Rhodes College and recipient of its 1992
Distinguished Service Medal. He currently serves as a Trustee of the Dixon Gallery &
Gardens, and of its Endowment Fund; is an Honorary Trustee of The Community
Foundation of Greater Memphis; a past officer and director of the United Way of Greater
Memphis, and of the Memphis Rotary Club.
A member of Calvary Episcopal Church, he has served multiple terms on its vestry,
as both Senior and Junior Warden thereof; currently serves on its Endowment
Foundation; and is a former member of The Bishop and Council of the Episcopal
Diocese of Tennessee.
“How strange that the nature of life is change, yet
the nature of human beings is to resist change. And
how ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin
us are the very ones that can break us open and help
us blossom into who we were meant to be.”
Elizabeth Lesser, Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow
Resident artist Petie Williams is pictured with her portrait of her two great grandchildren, John and Larkin Shannon.
Our Stories
by Julia Allen
Kathleen Chang Brafford has
brought talent and will to a
challenging life. She was born in
Tijuaun, capital of Shanxi Province, about 350 miles southwest
of Beijin, China. The second of
five children, two girls, three boys,
she was blessed with loving and
progressive-thinking parents. Her
father was an astute real estate
investor and businessman, becoming CEO of an armament and
ammunition factory during the
administration of General Chiang Kai Chek. In 1937, with the
invasion of China by Japan, the
coastal provinces were captured by
the Japanese, endangering the vital
armament plant of Mr. Chang.
The factory and Chang family
were forced to move to a safer
interior part of China, in Sichuan
province. In the words of Kathleen, “It was a fearful eight years
of Japanese bombing until Japan
surrendered in 1945”.
Kathleen was educated in
Taijuan through the seventh grade.
Her further education, high school
and two years of college were in
Chengdo, China’s interior. Her
Christian high school was unique,
a coed boarding school sponsored
by Oberlin College in Cleveland,
Ohio, where her teachers were
largely Chinese and American
Oberlin graduates, and, students
were Christian, Buddhists, and
non-believers. She describes it this
way, “This highly academic setting
midst the widely varied student
body gave me an important life
experience”. Kathleen continued
her education, earning a BS degree
in textile engineering. In 1947,
fighting between Chinese Communists and Nationalists broke
out. Not wishing to be involved
in supplying munitions for a civil
war, Mr. and Mrs. Chang and
their two younger sons moved to
British Hong Kong. Plans were
made for Kathleen and her older
brother to seek further study in the
United States, but, it took almost
a year before paper work could be
In 1949, the two Chang siblings arrived in the United States;
she enrolled in North Carolina
Agriculture and Engineering
College (now North Carolina
State University) in Raleigh and
her brother entered the University
of Kansas in Lawrence. At that
time, the engineering school of the
college was all male and, without
a woman’s dormitory, Kathleen
had to rent a room in a private
home. Her limited English skills
forced the young student to work
very hard to achieve a master’s
degree in textile chemistry. In
the summer of 1950, romance
bloomed between Kathleen and a
fellow student from North Carolina. It began when Kathleen
was studying in the library and a
male student who worked there
began asking her to “please move”.
She took him literally and got up
and moved her seat. After a few
repeats of this request, she realized
he meant to ask her to go out of
the library so they could talk. She
responded and the rest is history.
Kathleen Chang became Mrs.
London ( Joe) H. Brafford upon
her graduation that year.
In 1951, the couple welcomed a baby boy, Wayne. When
Joe graduated the following year,
he was immediately drafted as
an ROTC commissioned officer
to fight in the Korean War. His
young wife and son stayed in
Raleigh where she worked as a
chemist for North Carolina State.
The highlights of 1953 and 1954
were her attaining American citizenship and Joe’s return from two
years of Army service in Japan at
the end of the war. Both worked
in Raleigh until 1959 when they
chose to make Charlotte home
because it had become an important textile center. Kathleen
was with the fiber company of
Celanese Corporation as a dyeing
and finishing chemist, while Joe
worked in chemical coatings at
Sherman-Williams Company.
Meanwhile, the senior
Changs and sons fled Hong
Kong, having been stripped by
the Communists of all financial
and real estate holdings. They
settled in Montevideo, Uruguay
where there are now many Chang
descendants. Kathleen had to
digest the fact that her China
connection was no more; she
was now thoroughly tied to the
United States. By 1975 Wayne
Brafford, their beloved son, had
completed college, graduate study,
and had married his high school
sweetheart, a United Methodist
minister, whom his parents adore,
as well as produced three cherished grand-children. He had
earlier worked in New York with
International Paper Company,
but had been transferred and
promoted to senior vice-president
in Memphis. Wayne retired
in 2011.
In 1977 disaster struck
the Braffords when Joe, at forty-nine, suffered a stroke that
Kathleen Chang Brafford
left him disabled. Again, a major
life change faced Kathleen. She
became not only the breadwinner,
but the care-giver. She feels that
it was both her will and her faith
that enabled her to meet these
two challenges for nineteen years.
In 1984 she chose to retire early
to devote full time to care for Joe.
While he was still able to travel,
they visited the grandchildren and
toured the country by Amtrak. In
1992 Wayne and Kathleen moved
Joe to Memphis. He died in 1998
at the Allen-Morgan Center. The
new widow knew she had to keep
busy; she turned to a new hobby –
watercolor painting. Christ United
Methodist Church had become
important to her, as well as Minor
Murrah, art teacher and friend.
She considered several retirement
places to live, but, because of
Minor, Petie Williams, art friends,
Virginia Hollan (her circle leader)
and the art classes at Trezevant,
she decided to move to Trezevant
in September, 2015, where she is
very happy and glad she made that
choice. Kathleen loves people and
has found many friends through
Kathleen is standing center, her sister left,
sister-in-law right, and mother seated.
her art. Her Manor apartment’s
walls are testimony to her skill.
Especially beautiful is a watercolor
self-portrait. She hides her many
blue ribbons and awards in a box.
Courage and determination
have led her through difficult
times. Her life is an open study of
China’s sad recent turmoil. Kathleen Brafford is a role model for
us here of a life that prevails amid
adversity and finds joy.
The Reverend Robin, Called To Trezevant
By Nora Conaway, Development Director
vi’ car - a cleric in charge of a chapel in the Episcopal Church in the United States
Around 1999, Robin Hatzenbuehler, who had
a master’s degree in speech pathology, found
her life revolving more and more around the
Episcopal Church. As a member of Grace-St.
Luke’s Episcopal Church, she was completing
her four-year commitment to the Education
for Ministry program and feeling that there
was something more that she was being called
to do. She read a poem which snagged her attention when it suggested that she was asking
big questions and accepting small answers. After she made a list of the books she had read
over the past three or four years and realized
that just about every one was of the theology
genre, she decided to begin spiritual direction
through The Rev. Virginia Brown, telling her
that she wanted to be involved in something
which would take
everything she had.
She decided to slowly
wade into the water when she began
taking classes at the
Memphis Theological
Seminary. Under the
advisorship of Dr.
Mitzi Minor, Robin smiled her way
through the four-year
program knowing she
had made the right
After having made it through the various
Episcopal hoops, Robin was ordained as a
priest in 2005 and spent two years serving in
her home church. When she was approached
by John Webb to consider taking the position at Trezevant in 2007 after the previous
chaplain died suddenly, she felt that she was
looking at a mostly blank slate she could tailor
to the pastoral needs of the community. There
were several reasons she felt a special calling
to Trezevant, not the least of which was the
fact that she would be serving her mother who
had been a resident for several years. Robin particularly loves doing services whether
they are Easter, Christmas, or all the ordinary
Sundays in between, and being at Trezevant
would give her the opportunity to do this several times a week. A particular favorite is the
Blessing of the Animals at which she gets to
don her costume (see photograph) taken from
the book Where the Wild Things Are. There
was not even any questioning of her decision
to take the position when, several months
after she arrived, she had to say goodbye to
the old chapel and pack up everything for a
year and a half in the activities room during
the renovation. The end result of the beautiful
St. Edward Chapel and adjoining meditation
room was very much worth the wait.
Since that time, the pastoral program has
grown by leaps and bounds. When she first
arrived, she had a wonderful team of members
Rev. Julie, Chief, and owner George.
Rev. Robin confers with organist Judy Clark about the day’s hymns.
from The Church of the Holy Communion
who served as Lay Eucharistic Ministers and
lectors to fill in gaps. Now St. Edward Chapel’s worship liturgy is truly “the work of the
people,” with a full rotation of Trezevant residents who serve as Lay Eucharistic Ministers,
lectors, altar guild members, ushers, crucifers and Judy Clark, the organist. Resident
Dr. Ray Curle often brings the gift of music
through his oboes, and a “Special Occasion”
choir is filled with residents as well.
There are six services each week at all areas
of our campus, meditation periods, visits from
service dogs, special occasion services, and
pastoral care visits to both resident homes
and area hospitals. A conscious decision was
made early on that, although the services
would follow the Book of Common Prayer,
St. Edward Chapel would not be a mission of
the Episcopal diocese so that there would be
inclusion for worshippers of other faiths. Dina
Smith has been Rev. Robin’s right hand and
volunteer extraordinaire through much of the
time, serving her in all organizational projects, making visits, and doing special readings.
In the last year, The Rev. Julie McKenna, an
ordained Methodist elder, has joined the staff,
participating in all areas of Trezevant pastoral
care, but especially Trezevant Terrace. She is a
musician and accompanies songs on her autoharp, wrangles service dogs, performs church
services wherever necessary, and gives comfort
to those in need of it.
The Trezevant community is truly blessed
to have such shepherds tending the flock!
On December 16, the residents of the
Manor, Place, and Homes gathered once
again to celebrate the holiday season.
There were drinks and hors d’oeuvres in
the Performing Arts Center followed by four
seatings for dinner in the Snowden Dining
room. A wonderful time was had by all!
A. Ben Bledsoe and Susan Herron
B. Dixie Power and Ann Bailey.
C. Judy Wimmer, Fred Wimmer, and
The Rev. Robin Hatzenbuehler
D. Mary Minor and Christine Garrett
E. Dottie and John Grayson
F. Donna Sue and Wayne Shannon
Little Store Open House
G-I. On Sunday, November 4, The Little
Store in the Manor held its annual holiday
open house. Volunteers were busy keeping
up the supply of all the tasty goodies and
Jim Owens and his wife were happy to
hand out samples of their delicious Wolf
River Popcorn. It turned out to be a banner
day with record sales of $1300. All profits
from the Little Store go the support the
Trezevant Foundation.
J. Ann Powell was a guest of honor at
the December 15 dedication of a bronze
bust of Joe Powell at Baptist Memorial’s
Garrett Auditorium. Ann’s late husband was
president of Baptist Memorial Health Care
Center from 1980-1994.
K. In November, the Trezevant Rhodes College alums were honored at their annual
gathering in the PAC. Libby Daughdrill, widow of Jim Daughdrill the long-time Rhodes
president, is pictured with Jane Williams
and Mary Jane Gentry who helped to coordinate the evening.
L. During the holiday season, costumed
Ballet Memphis dancers performed parts
of the Nutcracker for residents in the
Snowden Dining room.
M. A luncheon was held on Veterans Day
to honor Trezevant residents who had
served in the military. Included in this
honored group are Ann Huckaba (Marines),
Lou Jones (seated) (Navy), and Margaret
Weakley (Navy).
E. H. Little Legacy Society
Barbara B. Bacharach
Richard Briscoe
Kenneth F. Clark, Jr.
Thea Dotson
John & Edna Earl Douglas
Jane & John Dulin
P. Trowbridge Gillespie, Jr.
Family Trust
Betty Jane Harris
Ben Bledsoe and Susan Herron
Sara Holmes
Leonard & Denise Hughes
Joyce & Ted Johnson
Lou Jones
Sally & Lawson Maury
James E. McGehee, Jr.
Dr. Patricia Murrell
Jean Pigott
Ann L. Powell
Wayne W. Pyeatt
William R. Rice
Shirley & Robert Schroeder
Elaine & Donald Schuppe
Donna Sue & Wayne Shannon
Frankie Ellis Wade
Nancy Wakeman
Margaret Weakley
Hugh E. Webb
Susan Whitehead
Mary & Charles Wurtzburger
ng Supp
Sylvia Adams
Dotty and Jim Giusti
Mrs. Julia Allen
Mrs. Grace Upshaw
Madelyn Altman
Nancy and Bill Morris
Mrs. Gloria Andereck
Mrs. Grace Upshaw
Dick and Claire Ashley
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Barbara Bacharach
Mrs. Mildred Carruthers
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Mrs. Grace Upshaw
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Ann Bailey
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Rachels
Puddy Bennett
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Mr. Ben Bledsoe
Mrs. Anna McNeill
Mrs. Jean Borkert
Mrs. Grace Upshaw
Barry Bowen
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Betty Brewster
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Mr. & Mrs. Waldrup Brown
Ms. Merilyn Mangum
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bruce
Mrs. Dot Harwood
Dr. & Mrs. George Burrus
Ms. Merilyn Mangum
Remembering and recognizing each
other, providing for each the respect
and dignity all are due.
f o u n dat i o n
Helen Carey
Eleanor Vaughan
Mildred Carruthers
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Gee Gee Chandler
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Michelle Charbonnet
Dotty and Jim Giusti
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Peggy H. Harris
Mrs. Thea Fischer Dotson
Ms. Peggy E. Harris
Mina Chase
Mrs. Jet Thompson
The Rev. Robin Hatzenbuehler
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Barbara Christensen
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
June Hildebrand
Eleanor Vaughan
Chef Todd Clements
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Bob & Maggie Hollabaugh
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Kay Cohen
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Nora Conaway
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Mrs. Nancy Cook
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Emily Cooper
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Helen Cox
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Felecia Crawford
Dotty and Jim Giusti
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Jeff Hood
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
J T & Helen Jabbour
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Jones
Mrs. Jet Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert King
Ms. Merilyn Mangum
June Kramer
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Ms. Ann Kramer
George Benson and Ann Kramer
Maintenance Dept.
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Bette Lathram
Mrs. Thea Fischer Dotson
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Ms. Crystal Dodson
Margaret and Grayson Smith
Jasper Lee
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Douglass
Ms. Merilyn Mangum
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. LeMaster
Mrs. Dot Harwood
Martha Farrimond
Mrs. Thea Fischer Dotson
Mr. and Mrs. Van Manning
Mrs. Dot Harwood
Mannie Frisby
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Lawson and Sally Maury
Mrs. Jet Thompson
Elizabeth and Clay Curtner
Mr. and Mrs. Mackie Gober
Ms. Merilyn Mangum
Anna McNeill
Mrs. Grace Upshaw
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Taylor Goode
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Len & Nina Grice
Mrs. Kay Cohen
Dr. Jeffrey Gross
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Dr. and Mrs. Bill Morehead
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Terrance Moore
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Rosemary Mosby
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
The Rev. and Mrs. Don Mowrey
Margaret and Grayson Smith
Pat Murrell
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Sarah Newsom
Mrs. Sara Shelton
Robbie Niter
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Mrs. Marilyn Paavola
Margaret and Grayson Smith
Mr. Anita Pharr
Mrs. Jet Thompson
Kent Phillips
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Dorsey and John Wade
Maryanna Popper
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Dixie Power
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Long
Gerry Thomas
Mrs. Grace Upshaw
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Jet Thompson
Elizabeth and Clay Curtner
Sally and Lawson Maury
Bernice Tutterow
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Grace Upshaw
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Jeanne Varnell
Barbara and Pitt Hyde
Dawn Wade
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Margaret Weakley
Mrs. Doris Campbell
Mrs. Dot Harwood
Mrs. Sara Shelton
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
John Webb
Good to Go
Mrs. Martha Wheeler
Margaret and Grayson Smith
Mrs. Jack Roane
Mrs. Dot Harwood
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Margaret and Grayson Smith
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Mrs. Grace Upshaw
Mrs. Grayson Smith
Margaret and Grayson Smith
Bill & Kaki Whitley
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Julie Sprunt
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
June Wilcox
Margaret and Grayson Smith
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Bistro Wait Staff
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Marketing Staff
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Rehab Staff
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Security Staff
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Mrs. Marion Birge Morgan
Mrs. Jet Thompson
Ann Stevens
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Chef Carl Moore
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Shirley Stokes
Mrs. Jimmye Pidgeon
Mrs. Barbara Wilson
Mrs. Jet Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Preston Wilson
Ms. Merilyn Mangum
Fred & Judy Wimmer
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Tom & June Wood
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Rinnie Wood
Margaret and Grayson Smith
Wesley Atwood, MD
Jane and Bob Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John Stagich
Mrs. Ann Stevens
Ada Allen
Mrs. Martha M. Boyd
Diana Bailey
Mrs. Dot Harwood
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
Tinnie Blake
Jane and Bob Jones
Richard Bodine
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ashley
Mrs. Barbara Bacharach
Joan and Jack Barton
Mrs. Puddy Bennett
Jim and Carolyn Boren
Helen and Denby Brandon, Sr.
Kitty Cannon & James Waller
Kenneth F. Clark, Jr.
Mrs. Helen Cox
Peggy and Bill Douglas
Mr. Nick French
Mr. and Mrs. John Grayson
Mrs. Dot Harwood
Mrs. Sara Holmes
Hilda and Marshall Jemison
Mr. John Kenny
Sally and Lawson Maury
Missie and Jim McDonnell
Mrs. Anna McNeill
Mrs. Anita Pharr
Mrs. Maryanna Popper
Sally and Ray Podesta
Tonya and Sam Rembert
Edith and Walter Ringger
Donna Sue and Wayne Shannon
Dorsey and John Wade
Ms. Frankie Wade
Mrs. Margaret Weakley
Mrs. June Wilcox
June and Tom Wood
Mr. S D Wooten
Mary and Charles Wurtzburger
Donna Kay Bridgforth
Mrs. Ann Stevens
George Rice Byars, Sr.
S D Wooten
Jane Carruthers
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
Mrs. Ann Stevens
Eleanor Crawford
Arawata Garden Club
Mrs. Barbara Bacharach
Mrs. Martha M. Boyd
Mrs. Alice Canale
Mr. John D. Canale III
Mrs. Mildred Carruthers
Mrs. William J. Chase
Delta Asset Mangaement, LLC
McLean and Oliver Doughtie
Peggy and Dwight Drinkard
Ann and Mason Hawkins
Steve Higgenbotham & Scarlett Adams
Mrs. Sara Holmes
Jane and Bob Jones
Jenks E. McCrory
Mrs. Irma B. McGown
Lynn and Tolly Murff
Mrs. Anita Pharr
Sally and Ray Podesta
Jean and Eugene Reynolds
Mrs. Herbert Rhea
Mrs. Nancy Welsh Smith
Mrs. Jeanne J. Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tenent, Sr.
Mrs. Jet Thompson
Mrs. Lucy Turnbull
Mike and JoBetsy Tyler
Mrs. Grace Upshaw
Eleanor Vaughan
Joy and Fred Walters
Mrs. June Wilcox
Ms. Jane Wills
Walter Wills, III
Mary and Charles Wurtzburger
Margaret Giusti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ashley
Mrs. Barbara Bacharach
Jim and Carolyn Boren
Mary and Grover Bowles
Mrs. Martha M. Boyd
Helen and Denby Brandon, Sr.
Mrs. Mildred Carruthers
Bill and Vicki Deweese
Peggy and Bill Douglas
Albert and Joyce Geyer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giusti
Kathy and Al Hattendorf
Mrs. Sara Heckle
Jane and Bob Jones
Jim Manire, Jr.
Mrs. Anna McNeill
Mrs. June Parker
Mrs. Trudy Parker
Mrs. Anita Pharr
Nick and Suzanne Pihakis
Sally and Ray Podesta
Mrs. Maryanna Popper
Mrs. Ann L. Powell
Jean and Eugene Reynolds
Donna Sue and Wayne Shannon
Ms. Jill Stem
Mrs. Jet Thompson
Mrs. Virginia Turner
Dorsey and John Wade
Ms. Frankie Wade
Kitty Cannon & James Waller
Mrs. Margaret Weakley
Mrs. June Wilcox
June and Tom Wood
Mary and Charles Wurtzburger
Maguerite Bacon Hickey
Sidney and David Hickey
James and Bessie Davis
Ms. Laverne D. Day
Mary Catherine Hitchings
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
Walter Dean
Mrs. Fred Ivy, Jr.
Sue Cheek Hughes
Mrs. Ann P. Bailey
Mrs. Irma (Mickey) Bell
Circle of Flowers Garden Club
Nancy S Mathes
Dr. and Mrs. William Rachels
Mrs. Nancy Welsh Smith
Mrs. Grace Upshaw
Alice Fulmer
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
Madeleine Jehl
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
Frank Jones
Mrs. Ann Bailey
Margaret and Vic Giusti
Mr. John Marshall
Mrs. Donna McEniry
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
Sally and Ray Podesta
Mrs. Maryanna Popper
Dr. and Mrs. William Rachels
Ms. Frankie Wade
June and Tom Wood
Sara Dabney Jones
Mrs. Charlotte Jones
Lida Kimbrough
Mrs. Barbara Bacharach
Mrs. Ann P. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Grattan Brown, Jr.
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
Pat and Roy Moore
Jean and Eugene Reynolds
Ms. Stella Salmon
Mrs. Nancy Welsh Smith
Mrs. Jet Thompson
Mrs. Eleanor Vaughan
Elizabeth Lea
Mrs. Barbara Bacharach
Mrs. Martha M. Boyd
Mrs. Mildred Carruthers
Margaret and Vic Giusti
Mrs. Bette Lathram
Sally and Ray Podesta
Mrs. Lou Renshaw
John Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ashley
Mrs. Irma (Mickey) Bell
Mrs. Puddy Bennett
Peggy and Richard Bodine
Mrs. Martha M. Boyd
Loring and Howard Byers, Jr.
Mrs. Doris Campbell
The Carloss Family
Iolis and Wilson Carruthers
Mrs. Mildred Carruthers
Mr. Duke B. Clement, Jr.
Cloud for Good
Minetry and Whit Crowley
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Frances, III
Mr. Nick French
Mr. and Mrs. John Grayson
Mrs. Sara Heckle
Joyce and Ted Johnson
Sally and Lawson Maury
Mr. and Mrs. Stillman McFadden
Mrs. Anna McNeill
Mrs. Trudy Parker
Mrs. Anita Pharr
Sally and Ray Podesta
Ms. Ruth A. Racely
Jean and Eugene Reynolds
Mr. Barney Rolfes
Mrs. Betsy Rucks
Jane and Charles Slatery
Mrs. Nancy Welsh Smith
Ms. Frankie Wade
Mrs. Margaret Weakley
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Mrs. June Wilcox
June and Tom Wood
Dan McGown, Jr.
Jean and Eugene Reynolds
Irma McGown
Mrs. Barbara Bacharach
Anne Bigelow
Mrs. Martha M. Boyd
Peggy and Bill Douglas
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
Mrs. Sarah Newsom
Sally and Ray Podesta
Mrs. Jet Thompson
Mrs. Jane Twist
Mrs. Eleanor Vaughan
Mrs. Margaret Weakley
Mrs. June Wilcox
June and Tom Wood
Betty Milford
Margaret and Vic Giusti
Bill and Julia Grumbles
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
Mrs. June Wilcox
Frances Newell
Mrs. Barbara Bacharach
Margaret and Vic Giusti
Mrs. Maryanna Popper
Mrs. Ann L. Powell
Mrs. June Wilcox
Mrs. Virginia Yerian
Amel Peterson
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
James Power
Mrs. Dixie Power
Becky Pugh
Jane and Bob Jones
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
Suzanne Ragsdale
Nancy and Rodgers Menzies
The Very Rev. Edward Reeves
Mrs. Thea Fischer Dotson
Tecla Seymour
Mrs. Barbara Bacharach
Mrs. Mildred Carruthers
Mrs. Sarah Flowers
Mrs. Anna McNeill
Mrs. June Wilcox
Robert Smith, Jr.
Pat Baird
Nora and Dan Conaway
Mrs. Mildred Dell
Michael and Beni Dragutsky
Nancy and Jim McKinnie
Jeanne Williams & Earl Dietering
John Stevens
Mrs. Ann Stevens
Edwin Streuli, Jr.
Jane and Bob Jones
Ms. Kathryn McGrew
Mrs. Ann Stevens
Mr. John Tutterow
Mrs. Bernice Tutterow
Henry Varnell
Mrs. Barbara Bacharach
Helen and Denby Brandon, Sr.
Mrs. Mildred Carruthers
Mrs. Anna McNeill
Sally and Ray Podesta
Donna Sue and Wayne Shannon
Mrs. Dina Smith
Ms. Frankie Wade
Mrs. June Wilcox
Sarah Ann Varner
Dr. and Mrs. Albert A. Varner
Tom White III, M D
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dillard, Jr.
Mrs. Dot Harwood
Jean and Eugene Reynolds
Mr. Harry Wilcox
Margaret and Grayson Smith
Dr. Richard Wooten
Margaret and Vic Giusti
Mrs. Julia Allen
to the Scholarship Fund in memory of Sue Cheek Hughes and
John Marshall
Mrs. Barbara Bacharach
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Margaret Weakley
Mrs. Betty Brendel
to Annual Giving in memory of Herbert Tate
Lisa and Jody Brown
to Annual Giving in honor of John E. Webb
Dr. Anne Connell
to the Scholarship Fund
Four Seasons/Memory, Inc
to the Memory Support Unit
Mrs. Presh Gill
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Margaret Weakley
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Lou Jones
to the Scholarship Fund in memory of Mary Davis
to the Scholarship Fund in memory of John Marshall
Brenda and Fred Grinder
to Annual Giving in honor of Helen Brooks
Mrs. Sara Heckle
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Linda Spiese
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Len Hughes
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Bill Morris
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mr. Richard Briscoe
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Susan Herron & Ben Bledsoe
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers Menzies
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Jim Power
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Dr. and Mrs. John Nash
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Dr. Sue Atwood
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Jean Borkert
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Betty Brewster
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Nancy Donovan
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Sarah Flowers
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Presh Gill
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Betsy Fox
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Anna McNeill
Mrs. Sara Heckle (continued)
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Dr. Pat Murrell
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Betsy Rucks
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Tommie Saxon
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Edwin Streuli
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Jane Twist
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Grace Upshaw
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Susan Whitehead
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mrs. Jane Williams
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Tom Wood
Magnum Opus Fund
to the Memory Support Unit
Sylvia and Bill Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ashley
Jim and Carolyn Boren
Mr. and Mrs. P. Trowbridge
Mary Alice and Jack Gordon
Mrs. Peggy Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Hallam Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Calame Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Campbell
Mrs. Doris Campbell
Ms. Peggy F. Harris
Robin and Dan Hatzenbuehler
Joe B. and Marie Havens
Mr. Bill Henry
Mr. John D. Canale III
Mr. and Mrs. William Carrington
Nancy and Jim Higgason
Maggie and Bob Hollabaugh
Mrs. Mary Minor
to Annual Giving in memory of Lucian Minor
to Annual Giving in memory of Richard Bodine
to Annual Giving in memory of Aline Wray
to Annual Giving in memory of Lida Kimbrough
Mrs. Phoebe Copeland
Joyce and Ted Johnson
Marilyn and Ray Curle
Mrs. Priscilla Matheson
Mr. Jed Dreifus
Eugene A. McDermott
Mrs. Sarah Flowers
Missie and Jim McDonnell
Julie and Father Don Mowrey
to St. Edward Chapel for a funeral pall in memory of
Margaret Bailey Long
Ms. Billie Fortas
Mrs. Anna McNeill
Susan and Brad Foster
Mrs. Tina McWhorter
Mrs. Betsy Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Kelton Morris
Mrs. Manilla Frisby
Mrs. Jean Pigott
Mr. William R. Rice
to Annual Giving in memory of Joy Rice
Mrs. Maryanna Popper
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Rachels
Dr. and Mrs. Randolph Ramey III
Miss Mary Virginia Rogers
Mrs. Emily Boone Ruch
Bill and Barbara Runyan
Ms. Madge Saba
Peg and John Salmon
Deborah and Stephen Schadt
Faye and Donn Southern
Mrs. Wilma Tate
Ms. Virginia A. Trenholm
Mrs. Virginia Turner
Mrs. Jane Twist
Mrs. Nelie B. Waller
Mrs. Susan Whitehead
Debbie and Mike Robb
to Annual Giving in honor of Sara Shelton
Donna Sue and Wayne Shannon
to the Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Nancy Wakeman
to Annual Giving and St. Edward Chapel in memory
of Lee Wakeman
Mr. Harry Wellford
to the Scholarship Fund in memory of John Marshall
Mrs. Barbara Hart Wilson
to the Scholarship Fund in memory of Eleanor Crawford
to the Scholarship Fund in memory of John Marshall
to the Scholarship Fund in honor of Margaret Weakley
From the beginning.
In 1977, the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee established Trezevant as the
premier retirement community in Memphis. From the day the doors opened until
today, Trezevant’s not-for-profit status, innovative continuing care approach, and
commitment to its residents confirm its unique position and assure its future.
And for always.
The Trezevant Foundation was established to ensure that LifeCare residents would
always have a place here, still at home at Trezevant, even if they outlived their
financial resources. Additionally, the Foundation also provides resident amenities
to enhance life in the community, and an employee scholarship fund to improve
their lives and the skills they bring to Trezevant.
a message from
Dottie’s Digs Volunteers Needed
Due to the wonderful generosity of our numerous
donors, Dottie’s Digs needs your help! We currently
have multiple volunteer positions available:
• Clothes pricing team leader
• Organization and display of priced clothes
• Furniture arrangement
• Merchandise pricing and display
• Storage organization of supplies and shopping bags
• Assist Madelyn (shop manager) with various
projects as need arises
The day and number of volunteer hours you
contribute will depend upon the work and your
schedule. Come join us! Have fun and help
support The Trezevant Foundation!
Please contact Madelyn at 334-3803
for more information.
Frances Savoie
Ray Curle
Theresa Mauer
John Webb
Mary Mulroy
Rosemary Slattery
Donn Southern
Jeanne Varnell
Fred Wimmer
Virginia Nowlin
Maxine Patterson
Nancy Donovan
Jean Garabini
Carolyn Branton
Barry Gerald
Betty Atkinson
Vanita Simmons
Donna Sue Shannon
Frankie Wade
Grover Bowles
Puddy Bennett
Marie Hay
Mary Pearson
Henrietta Brown
Susanne Doty
Polly Arnold
Sybol Douthit
Tom Prewitt
Janey Campbell
Sally Maury
Rodgers Menzies
Pat Murrell
Rose Shaw
Sadie Frazier
Charlene Youree
Peg Salmon
Frederick Hartmann
John Salmon
Gloria Andereck
Eileen Auxier
Marguerite Tate
Carole White
Jed Dreifus
Bob Ford
Don Schuppe
Edith Stevens
Bill Henry
Elizabeth Holmes
Betty Rachels
Gerry Thomas
Kay Cohen
Ellis Delin
Patricia Doty
Louise Fairfax
Pat Patterson
Mary Baldwin
Ken Clark
Bill Threlkeld
Mary Ratheim
Jane Northcross
Peggy Ivy
Frances McDonald
Jo Threlkeld
Mary Battle
Mary Bowles
Anne Dean
John Kenny
Anita Pharr
Dale Pigford
Sissy Jones
Bob Jones
Susan Herron
Imogene Stanley
Leonard Hughes
Barbara Bacharach
Helen Moore
Dee Canale
Margaret Krausnick
Suzy Brown
Jean Borkert
Pat Morehead
Katherine Smythe
Mary Baker
Mina Chase
Jo Anne Keith
Nancy Mathes
Minor Murrah
Henry Jones
Missie McDonnell
Donna McEniry
Linda Douty
Eileen Rowland
Ruth Ladd
Sissy Long
Ken Stepherson
Robert Hollabaugh
Geraldine Page
Judy Wimmer
Ann Fain
Tom James
Kathleen Brafford
Janice Walker
Dot Everett
Jane Jones
Helen Brooks
Betty Brendel
Nick French
Marilyn Curle
Priscilla Matheson
Maryanna Popper
A Tradition in Retirement Excellence
177 North Highland
Memphis, Tennessee 38111
Address Service Requested
Faye and Donn Southern
Nancy Wheat
Carroll Ann Pera
Jeffrey Gross
Ginny and John Webb
Billie Fortas
Suzanne Gronemeyer & Ellis Delin