Chi d sex - The Clarion Awards
Chi d sex - The Clarion Awards
T E WWW.THEAUSTRALIAN.CO å $2.00 right of entry [\! and unions would faæ inseased hurdles to entering sites under the Cmìition's wo*place policy. The oppmition's long-ewaited Coalition changes too "mid to mdet need for ¡eforor .rLrt) tTIt s Lo,\N COMMENT policy, relmsed yeste¡dây, aims to reassure voters about their pay md conditions while sæking to undermine the influence of GËNY IMACES David Hope, æntre, with the Quæn and archbishop Rowm Williams in 2003 abuse. The fomer a¡chbishop of York, now Lord (David) Hope of Thornes, yesterday expressed regret over failing to report to police allegations in I999 and 2003 âbout â fomer Queeroland Anglican school principal, who rose to beome the had of eduetion fortie church in Britain. The laterfl erend RobertWaddington has bæn acosed of bmting and senâÌly abNing students uruons, Unveiling thepolicy, Tony Abbott conlmed that the Productivity Commission would be chârged with overhauling the nation's workplace lâws if the Coalition wm the September 14 election but, as revealed in fie A$froli¿n two months ago, maior changes to the Fai¡ Work Act would be delayed until afler the 2016 election Dælaring his intention to brtry the unpopular Work Choices and govem from the"ffi sible æntre". the Opposition lf,adasaid there would be no mâjor changes to unfai¡ dismissl laws and penâlty mts in the Coalition's he won the election. during the 1960s ât St Barnabas boarding school in Ravenshoe, north Qùeenslând. ând later, ñrsttem if Under proposed changes to UPPA/PHOTOSHOT heus in charge of the choi¡ as dsn of Manchester. bbo¡Js slstem ofindividual flexiarrangements, workers would have a greater ability to tmde off entitlments. induding penâlty rats ild lmve, provided any n4 agreement was voluntary and employæs were better offovemll. The Coalition policy would it mom difüolt for unions to enter workplaæs and rstrict the ability of unions to take pre- bility Waddington æ dem of Manchestd when A joint investigation by The .Austrolion and The Times newspaper in I¡ndon hörryealedtlat church officiâls, including Lord Hope, failed to report the 1999 allegâtions of abuse made by a formu Qumslmd student and similudaim madein 2003 bythe famiìy of a choirboy in Mmcheter. The alleged victims were nfler told of the qistflce of t}te emptive industrial action, by removing their abilþ to "strike fißtand F¿lk later". other al¡egãtions. Waddington is accused of BRìAN CASSEY abusing ât lqst thre boys at St Bmabas in the 1960s. Two teachers bired by Waddington at St Quænsland victim Bim Atkinson Bmabas, Fomu choirboy Eli Ward has alleged he was abused by Robert Waddington, former dean of Milchester cese in 2007, said yesterday he would launch m intemal invsti- gation and infom the Anglican Church's top decision-mâkin g body, the General Synod, for the allegations to be refeFed to tlìe federal royal commission into child abuse. Bishop Ray confimed llìat many of the St Bamabas school files, including enrolment and staff l¡sts, were now missing The absence of the documents is understood to hâve hampered detect.ives from Queensland's child protection unit, Taskforce Argos, who were considering a court appl¡cation to seek Waddingtont extmdition ftom Britâin in 2005 after two aìleged victins businssß of politiciaru 'have to 1ift". "This may shock all ofyou but it shouldn't," Dr Henry told the AustElian Institute of Company Directo¡s annual conferenæ in Singatþre. "The politicians think that whal theyæ doing is morelikeþ to be succçsfi¡l than æy altmative fom of behavirur. "Thafs what they thiik That's why they ile doing it They are not doing it to get kicked out of offìce. So we have to sa¡ 'Well hâng on, that behaviour is not what we trpect' and that Austmlia daervs rcmething betts." tæktheirc¡aims direct¡y to poliæ "l have bæn told that it hæ bæD alleged that files we¡e thrown doM a disused well or an old tin mine sbaft," Bishop Rây said. "Nomally the dGrmmts would be heldþ our rchivists. As th6e arenff allegations, I will besendinglhmto theGenml Synod for refeml to the rcyal commission D^\'tD CROl{ rãliryryshow". Ð invstigation iîto Waddington after a former choirboy at the a formâl complaint and civiì action against the Docese of Mânch6ter, alJeging yeas ofsexual abuæ by the high-mnking dergyman. It followed a 1999 mmplaintby cathedral, Eli Wâ¡d,39, filed NATIONALÀFFAIRS EOITOR Hlity we sæ on the TV in TV shows, ofcoum they are," he said. The comments by Dr Henry, who chaired the As¡an Century panel md is on the boards of the National Austmlia Bank md the Austrâlian Sm¡it¡6 ExchÐge, øme æ fomer prcductivity tsr Gary Bmls wned tìat Ausbalia had "losttheknack" ior refom, threatening to sevæly compromise our success in Asia and 4 lÆder prepares to unveil his pìan within weeks, his senior colleagues are As the Opposition E searching for a solution thât "They are going to behave like CanLinued on Page andwe wilì be coopemting ftilly." British police last yea¡ launched Queenslander Bim Atkinsn. 59, who âileged Waddington physi ølly md serually abued him be twæn 1964 and 1968 whilehems a boa¡derud choir solo soprmo. His complaint was passed by Conlinùed on PaEc 6 afta $100,000 would save hundreds of millions oI doìlars even though thm pmiouslythought. Critic of the $43 billion policy re pmsing for hard dæisioß to tbe limit would apply to only wæks. 6 per cent of women of childbetring age. htror has blæted M¡ Abbott's policy æ a "Rolìs-Royæ" scheme beeuse it ofren 26 wæks of paid sources insisted last night that the key features of the scheme would stay. othe6 âre prGsing ot ¡ts cost, by reduciDg a key income threslìold, while erouring it remains mo¡e generous than l¡bor's oÍentrcheme- lsve for nil moth6at their full While senior is having. Tony Abbott is s feartul of being âmsd of rcintroducing Work Cboim - this amuslion will b€ mde inmye*-that the sum ofhis pmpæls is mpletely inadequte. He should be pointing to the fâct thât memploymmtdipped belw 4 per cmt during Work CholG rnd tbat real wâ96 gw stlongly, Sure, there were mmeproblmswith Work feature of indNtriâl rel¡tions law lhat should be rcintroduæd l6t tmde union offcials attmpt to usur? the dght of manageß lo mnage businm. The prcposal by lbe Coalition Cantiñued on Poge I tial criminal penalties through the mation of a registercd orgucÐmmision. Pledging to "retain and im- isÂtions prove" the Fâir Work Act, M¡ Abbon såid he wanted "to assure all the workers of Australiâ - policy are dodgy union officials and theirsupporten," he said. Federal Labor and the union movemenl clâimed Mr Abbott's policy showed individual cont¡acts woùld relurn under the Howard government's Work ¡emt andtheadvemmnsqumm it mission would be reinstated, and unions would be subjætto potm- from Libml MP days. licking to a policy outlined at the 2010 election and saying yesterday he would release more detailsin thenext ftr to with unions. As prwiously ânnounc€d, the full powers of the AùstraliâD Buílding and Construction Com- has not been swâyed by criticism of his plan MÌ Abbott would retain his mre pmmire to ofle¡ nry molhen a "workplace entitiemenl' mther thæ welfæ. The Austrolíon has been told ep bæn bmging down the dæs of my paÌliamentarian preparcd to listen, mmplainingof the multiple pmblms with tbe act ons¡dered. Tbe pmbibited mntmt in âgMents, for instrnæ, is a Coalition. Julia Gillard" who begm atwoday visit to Papua New Cuinea yðterday, immediately sught to link the Coalition's pol¡cy to the LIBERALS are mounting a lastditch effort to scale back Tony Abbott's paid parental leave rcheme, amid fmß that the federal budget def¡cit wilì force an inmming Coalition govemnent to make deeper spending elts that reducirg the in@me whatiswmrlgwith lhe Fair WorkAcL ßusines have ment so-called "safe rates" for trudr driverq prcmising to rsiew the Road Safety Remunemtion Tribunal. Itwill wk to reduæ delays to the start of Hource prcjects by allowing employers to âpply to ourhmds'. "The only people with anything to worry about frcm this wage up lo a ep of $150,000 a year. The govemment offen l8 weeks at the minimum wage of $31500 ayer. Al* modstchang6ândit unionised and non-unionised that they cn tnßt their future in MoRE REPoRTSP6 A Pr.rjs Pq Lib bid to lower parental leave cap He compared tle life of a politician to being "live inside a 24n pðple Ward,left, and Atkinmn æ boys, when theywere allegedly abu*d by Waddington sisof hmdballs the æssmmt of the Fair Work Act to the Pmductivity Commission. As if lhe Coalition realþ næds a PCinquiry to tell tbem Choiæq but thereæsme elements that næd to be three months of negotiâtions PÁULRæERS THERE ¡s nothing nfl in the Coalition's indNtriâl Elations policy relædysteday. It is both lenlative and limidRal¡erthan frighten the hom, the policy outlines a The Coalition has alm plaæd in doubt kbor's pledgeto implÈ have agËments apprcved Henry blasts 'reality TV politicians' the expectations of citizens and ÊDMOR WORKERS would be able to tmde offentitiments more easily A CHILD sex scandal involving children in Austnlia ild Britain has hit the top echelon of the Anglicar Churc\ with a.lìegations that some of its most senior clergymen fâiled to respond pmperly to complaints of honific T¡ìe fomer TreNry sær€tary mid:'1t hæn't really bo a good time, obviously, fu tlre floating of boldpolicyideæ" He saidthis had to change md IN II,\NN,\N TNDUSTRIÂL !llCIl.\EL l\lcKENN.\ ate on 2417 reality television shows ând the community must demud better. 6S AbbottlRplan to restrict union ,\N,I,\NDA CEAIìINC SETN O'NEILL INFLUENTIAJ- govmment adviser Ken Henry has hit out ?t ArìstËlia's short-tmism, declaring that politicim live æ if thry INCLÙDES } EXCLUSIVE NATIONAL RUSINESS CORRESPONDEM PRIE A SHAMBLES' Chi d sex scanda in countries rocks church TNNIBEL III]P\\/ORTII May 10, 2013 {} FIRST DAY ON THEJOB as welì as his 1970 replaæment as headmæter, Bury Greaves, have since been convicted of child abuse at other schools and parishes in South Austmlia md Brisbme One of tlose teacheß, Peter Gilbert. has also faced an allegation of abuse relatingto histime at St Bmâbas. Tlìe allegations are thelatestto emerge in a string of mdals involving the Anglican Church in QueenslÐd, including the mishmdlingof child abue claims at a Toow@mba prepamtory sch@1, which led to the resignation of govemor-general Peter Hollin gworth. St Bmâbas, which opened in 1953, wâs closed, mid-term, iD I990. North Qumsland's Bishop Bill Ray, who took over the dio- FRIDAY I THE HEART OF THE NATION I PANPA NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR BUSINESS Meet BHP'.s new boss Andrerv lVl¿ckenzie {plz Y Hawke in Coalition for changes to the income Con¡inued on Page2 Chois. "l spentmorethanayarof my lifeworking to get ridofthehated Work Choie and replace it with the Fair Work system, Ðd so it stands to Ëason I will do everything in my power to see that Work Choices never comes back," the Prime Ministtr sid"lt's not that long ago tlat the Leadaof the Oppmition wâs out telling Australians that Work Choice was gæd forwagc, gæd for the economy, good for Cþnlinued o¡ Poge MoRE REPoRTS P4 EDIToRIA-I, PI] FtrSEd¡i(n NoLlI2 !û..rù.b ñ.,|ffi¡b 1800022 5:¿ C6æ Sy*rc? 928E 3000 Crúcrf, 6210 7000 l¡hræ 9æ2 Aæ B{isù.m 3666 7.14J To Mr93268,1l: lìoò¡É62316294 úd ñr*fc.ò¡cl@d¡dElnliñ,@ú rssN 1038-8761 Ad.l¿i¡rÊ82062666 N*lipr 4 6 THE NATION THE AUSTRAI,IAN, FRIDAY, MAY IO, 2OI3 w.theaustÉ Maitlandlined up ajob for minister's girl LI:O S tt Ár r.{. N ^N THE daughter of fomer NSW laìror mining minister ìan Macdona.ld ms given ajobby Taiwm6e mnDections of fomer union John Maitland immedietely afrer her father had approved a mining l%e that made Mr Maitlmd millionsof dollamboss The Independent Commission Against Comption lus heûd detâils of how M¡ Maitlmd helped organise ajobfor Sasha Macdon- with a Taimnesepowtrcompany exeoìtive ¡nd possible investor in tìe Doylæ Creek mine. Edwin Char¡ just week after the ìease had been approved and while M¡ Macdonald was still seNing tr a minister. "Sæha, I m offto Beijing this week and will orgmiæ you inte¡viv," Mr MaiüaDd wrcte on JanuaryI3,2009. "My Outlook Exprss mshed and I am using Windows Live Mâil with the same addßs but I lost your CV, mn you send anothercopypleaw." Ms Mâcdonald åltended the lavish "signing æremony" dinner at Sydney's exclusive Catalina aìd restaurant in December 2008 with hfr fâther, â di¡ner that cost $1800 and was paid for by the Doyles Creek min ing interests. Yesterdây, Mr Meitland also told Peter Braham SC, counsel assisting ICAC, the dinner was organised to sign the mining licence âgremenl ìCAC is investigating the cirflmstanæs around the awarding ofthe Doyls Creek exploration licence as a closed tender to Mr Maitlmd and other busi¡esmo for a "tminìng mi ne" in Dæernber 2008 by Mr Macdonald" a longtime union æsæiate of Mr Mait- land It a.llegedly delivered Mr Maitlmd and other investorg Nch âs Newcastle businessman Craig Rmsley, a $48 million prcfitwhen theliænæ wæ sbsequently sold to NuCoal in 2010. No tnining mineffi flerbu¡lt 'lt is alleged Mr Maitland personally tumed a $165,000 investment into $14m. MrMaitlild hadsfltan mail to a friend, Arch Tudehope, to Ms Macdonâld's detâ¡ls to Mr Chan at Taiwan Powq Corp, pass on who had shown interest in inv6t- inginDoylæ Cræk. "Ardl I spoke to Edwin about this young lass before tlìe a¡gu- mtrL Can you spak to him about the matter. I als just rceived an email from him about Taiwan md what Doyls Creekwanted to do," he wrcte on Jmuary 31, 2009. Ms Macdonald, whose full nme is Alqandria, wmte to Mr Chan on February ll, intrcducing Top Catholics to give eyidence on child abuse half-day sitting on May 20 and that Cardinal Pell will give evidence in a half-day sitting on May27. The two derics will attend Victoria's parliamentary inquiry lD â slìort stâtement. the church leaden welcomed the opportuDity to attend the Victorian sl-t,,\RT RTNTOUL CATHOLIC Cardinal George Pell ând Archbishop of Melbourne Denis Hârt have confimed they will give evidence ât V¡ctoria'schiìd abus inquiry, with the strong possibility they wil) be thefinal two witn6s6 The Catholic Church confimed night that Archbishop Hart, who is also prsident of the Austmlian Catholic Bishops Conference, will give evidence in a last Parliamentâry Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Non-Govemment Organisatiom, whicb is in its final stages. ''fhe committæ is mdertâkin g vital md importÐt work into the response of religious and nongoverment institutions to child seroal abuse, o that our children tr be protected from this evil," they said. "These shocking and vile cims are a national disgraethat were not mnfined to reìigious organisations but havebæn a blight acms all lwels of society." They reitemted their mmmitmentto full@{pemtion md said this had bm made clear to th quiry amss mmy months. e in- The appearance of Cardinal Pell hæ bæn kænly anticipated As Melboume rcbbishop in1996, he was one ofthe architects ofthe Melboume Response, whidr atablished a process for dealing with abu* mmplaints, butwhich has been strongly criticised by to protect sq in Victoria, and accompanied ¡rdophile priest Gerald Ridsdale to court when he fißt faced chargæ in 1993 in what he ølled "a pdctly âct ofsolidarity". He hâs irercely denied dâims he was present when a boy desaibed being raped by Christian Brcther RoM Best at St Alipius primary rhml ¡n Ballamt, saying the claims, by lawya Vivim Wd- ler, were "inesponsible, untrue and are absoìutely denied". The AustmliÐ Bisbops Con- it femce sid that while there wqe the "signifimnt prcblems mncming some diocðs md some religious ordeß, làlk ofa systemicprcblem some victims who have claimed wås designed links to the church's Ballant diowhich was a centre of abuse church md timit conpensation. Cardinâl Pell also has cìose hmelf. "Dear Mr Chan, my name is Alexandria Mâcdonald. Your re - criminal cases. They have perverted the ouße ofjustiæ." bypaintul my resune for your perusal, I would be very intaested in meeting you and finding out more memories about your compâny and the workyou engage in." While Ms Macdonald's mle at Taiwan Powe¡ Corp is unclear, she worked with anothe¡ company of which Mr Chan was a Asian director - North Rsources based in Mongolia formostof2009. Asked by Mr Bmhm whether job Ms Mactonald was given a in China by Mr Chan, Mr Maitlæd ag¡eed but denied it was "qu id pm A]\4ANDA CEARINC IT was in tlre Rflænd eral choirboys came fovard. Among Doyles Creklicene The hearing mntinues. dass Discover the secrets of comfort... Visit Robert Wadd itrgton. When Waddington called for voluntæß to help him polish the gold leaf on tìe altar Éilings, sw- quo" for the awarding of the COMFORTIM magnificent Manchester Cathedral that Eli Ward's pure mprano attmcted the attention of the new deân, the -'-Ð. otll rá¡.e: frcñ Page I Austmlian chu¡ch officials Anslicân boardine toI¡rd Hope, the then second highmtranking dergrman in the Church of England.who conÊontedwaddington about the allegations. ln a letterto Australian drurch oflicials, Lord Hope said at the time: "He (Waddington) was clærly shocked and indi€led to me that, whiist be mây have acted at tim6 in a way which LÐuld have bem misinterpreted, lìe could Dot rull Ðy incidentswhich wereoi the'seriousness' which you dernlbe in your letter. "He said that he was deeply sorry for anything lre may have done so to offend, and wished to extend an unßeßed apolory to the young mân mnæmed and to mke i1 very deü that tJìere is no question of any such behaviour ærurring again" Mr Atkinson says he wffi told by Ausbalian chu¡ch off¡cials in 1999 that Waddington wâs near death, after undergoing zurgery for throat cancer. Waddington didn't die for â fu rther eight yeaß lnrd Hope, who was ínvolved in the handling ofthe alìegations relating to both Wa¡d and Atkinson, said that "with hindsight, looking back, yotr feel perhaps you could do more to inv6tigate". On the failure to report the allegations to poìice, Lord Hope, now a life peer in the House of schóol a hotbed of sexual punishment THE little Angliru boading schælofStBambas in the misty mountain town of Rf, venshoe. north Quæmlmd, wæallegedlya hotbedof physiolândsudabuæin lbe 1960s. North Quænsland Bishop Bill Ray hæ onftmed the diæ has ftr ñ16aboul the dosd midsdrml 1990 tem io-whichìvâs suspicions -with"down awell lhey wercdmped ormoldmine shaft" in the dishicL A history ofbrutâl ph'ßiol punishmmt and smd abw at the schml dating from the 1960s ls now merging. hadmæler in 196I, dished out daily enings to many ofh¡s youngstudmtsand then allegedþ mped some behind c¡ff€d dæN in his mm or the sickbay,which wæ next lo ach othen FomerSt Bambæ stud€nl Bim Atkimn, now 58, and two other fomer studmts håve lwelled allegaliom âga¡mt the man th€y qlled "Lhe Wadd"Among thest¡frbircd by Waddlngton wæyomg teacher PettrGilbert, who was allegedly peßuded by Waddington to join a clibâte Angl¡en order. À vow of povety Gilbert *ore ment lberchml did not haw to put him ona wage, instetd palnghimjust$2aweelc Gilbert-whohas allegatioß at the Lords, said: "1 didn't report to polie. These days, however, you should be doubly câreful about such allegations. We should have informedpoliæ." Documents show the 2003 complaint, made by the family of M¡ War4 was injtially withheld from the Church of England's ild thatâ church offícial had raised con- he abus€d md blurled out "Shill" Eli was horrified that a man of God would swar in God's hom Butthe dqn made ajoke ofil rirawing the boy ¡nto his confidence. Soon Waddington rm collecting Eli in his Peuçot for choir pmctie md gmdrully grooming him for ser. Waddington âmnged for Elito stay at the deanery, making up a sÞare H in the dæn's bedræmHe Gltivâted the boy's tastes in fine wine and doth6, md talìght him to speak with a oltured accent and wite grammatiml English. "l wæhisproject," M¡Wa¡d, t'$ sbml -wæ of assultwith AN IIoNì'KL,\N THE depa¡ture of former NSW treasure¡ Eric Roozendaal from politic removs one more saio¡ frgure Nciated with the llbor regimethât ruled for16 yem. Wilh six yeare left to nrn on the 5l-year-oìd's upper lrouse tm. the ALP has the chÐce to bring inmmenwblood NSWALPsffietarySam DNtyili yBterdey said be had bm æked bystate Opposition l¡ader John Robertson to find cândidates f¡om a diversity of backgrcunds. It is bel¡4ed the early froDt runner is Ernest Wong, a Burwæd ouncillor whose elsation would help Labo¡'s credentials among Sydney's Chinæe community in the coming federal election. Another possible is Daniel Mookhey, who has strcng union backing btrt is srrently employed running the ACTU's fedral election ompâign. Mr Ræzendaal used his fâre- thosepðple as "abrcgating their responsibility to the people of NSWand the labor Pertybynot reaching a rnsible comprcmise". He pmiæd the fomer leadm hehadworkedwith, búmadeno mention of M¡ Robertson, who suspended hím from the party while hewas under lndependent Comm¡ssion Against Comption investigation, and who still oppG6 electicity privatist¡onMr Robertson, in retum, put out a Grt ståtment pmising Mr Ræzendaal's great6t achtevement as maintaining the state's AAA credit rating. in 1980-âta schæl-md addit¡onal l8 months'jail. Anolher fomer St Brmabås tqcher, who @nnotbe mmed forlegal msoß, fâæd muÉ in 20l0overchild soffffi betwæn1973 md1983. He wæ fomd unf¡t to stand trial in 20U æd put on å l+yer psychiaùic Afterwadd¡D8tm ætmed toEnglmd ln1970, hewas rcplÐcrd by motberpr¡6t, Barry Gæavc, fmm the sme æl¡bâtc Anglien order in England.GH6%åls otricted in now 40, says. "Every time I pick up a glassof wineorputon myshm, I m reminded of Waddin gton." Soon the intemction allegedly bmme more s¡nister. Waddington began kissing and embmcing the boy. The alleged abuse continued for several years and inæased iD werity, util the dean hâd the boy regularly stayingat his house and sìeeÞing in his bed, where he regultly fondled, kiswd and nastuÈated the child Waddington, who was in Ns late 50s to erly 6ft, invited Eli to play temis was helping h¡m prepa¡e for He forthËysn While cleaning the altar nils, Waddington dropped his brush on the bishop's tennis court ând tmk him on holida¡s to the låke District, Comwall Ðd Fmne Everything suddenly changed in lg8g.Weddington told Elithatif the press should ask him about thefu relationship, be wæ to say the dean was his godfather and o¡den in2009 MTC1IAELMGKENNA schmlesm, Aftr choir conductor Gordon âsked Eli about bis relatiomhip withWaddington,the laltr forced Eli to leave the choir, but Sttrart stayed on æ the cms aboutthe failure to do rc by the then Ardtbishop of York træ of omplaints rcìating tothe otha's alleged abuse. "He (the child protction officer) was not awue of the situation md thilked me for the inio. He remarked that this was not an unusuaJ pnctiæ by the Archbish (sic)," the intemal church docr- In 2005, two yqE afterthe allegatiorowæ miæd in Manch* ter, Ausû-alian church ofr¡cials rejected Mr Atkinson's pNh for an inv6tigâtion into his ese, saying it w as "u nli kely to pmduce any ad- ment eid" Both Mr Ward md Mr Atliinrcn were never told ofthe exist- ditionalinfomation". M¡ Atkinson accepted ICAC is investigating 9-Æ,000 a ex-gati a pay ment dtr of Mmchð- teruntil 1991. Eli fin¡shed school with poor grades, drifting fromjob tojob Last year he became suicidal. Thoughts oft}te sexual abuse resurfaed, but he thought Waddington's dmth in 2007 mant there wæ no avenue forjustie Then he sw reports about the Jimny Saviìe øe ud disovqsl thatpol¡æwæ invstigâting evm though the ofrende¡ Ms dead- Mills the Coalition's man in Indonesia EddieOì:eid. He said the privatisation had by'tìe strict viil in sections of the ALP thât any fom of privatisation is bad, and by selfinterest playinB out within the energ¡/ unioro". He said history wouldjudge to an for mole.sti ng al tar boys in the 1980s in a¡nrish narBrisbane A¡IÂNDA GEARINC didn't name him, that included been d eniled in part 1960s dogmatic mtenctd mnvic'tslofsoffelr$ In Opposition, Mr Rooændaal has been caught up by his association wíth ALP power bmkt of Unions NSW. Soutb Austmliân wasj¡ll€d we¡l speæh to attack those who opposd the privatisation of the e)ætricity industry. Although he Mr Robertson while he was head Hewas also convlc-ted in 2006 studmts Roozendaal departs politics with $120,000-a-year pension ùIARI{COTJLIAN mtenced loja¡l forfiveyeâ6 andsix months ofindæn¡ as¡ult q- V faced intent lo npe, aod rape, in 1988 and 2006 HeadmæterRobert I{addinglor¡ who arived ât the child prolection ofüceß schml fiom England tob€ Eli, â working- ã H Bim Atkinson, front row farlefl, in a St Bamabas clæs photo fmm 1966 with RobertWaddington, ænÞ€, wearing cap Contin¡ed thm ffi ll-yeæold fmm a omcil tate,who lovedsingingin thechoir mdwæ happy to help. JresrlesT MADE IN NORWAY penal tie for faili ng to do so. 'Bis hops today are citiæns and they unds the law," he said. "Mary most- have wilhheld widenæ in name was referæd lo me ræently by John Maitlmd. I have attadred t ¿'JrL OI viGrs{enaal ms "inomprehmsible" and abuse by bishops md u¡ged the inquiry to rcommend mandatory rcporting with swere Choirboy haunted Church is rocked by sex scandal #, ùt' 't THE INNOVATORS of sexual abuse ¡n the Catholic Church is ill-founded and inonsistent with the facts" Meanwhiìe, in prwiously suppressed evidence to the inquiry, fomer Catholic priest Michael Parer said he beliwed most V¡ctoriân bishops hâd withheld evidene from invætigations. He said the cover-up of sex EXCLUSIVE Åi\lOS,\lliMÂN â $10,000 d¡scount on a carthatthe Obeid fmily facilitated fo¡ him. He alm used his fawell speh to maintain his innoeìce. MrRMndmlhasbænlækingfor ajob outside ofpolitis for sonìet¡me. Before the l¿st elætion he denied that he was stmding for re elætion in orde to qualiff for a parlimentary pemion. Howfler, he now leavs politis with a lifetime indexed pension of âbout $120,000 a year, payablewhm hetums55.Heffi teke all or part ofthat as a lump sm of upto$12 million. By leaving now, his pension will be unaffected by my ICAC findings - due to be handed down mid-yeu. A perliamentary pmsion can be suspended or cancelled if ân MP r$igns while serious charge are pending. but notif the charg6 ælaid afterleavingoffiæ NORTHERN CORRESrcNDENT FORMER Northern Territory chief minista Terry Mills is in lndonesia on a fact-finding mission, diwssing isrus mfal to Coalition policy and reporting directly to Tony Abbott and opposition spokeswoman on foreign afiais J ulie Bishop. Mr Mills left Damin on Tuesday night on a fiveday visit, stoÊ ping in the epital JãI€rtâ end the eastm city ofKupaDg. A Bahasa speaker, Mr Mills loìd Th¿Aust¡olion from lndonesia he æminingpolitiel developmmß in the l@d-up to tìe elfttion thæ next year, ild on- ffi in the Ealm Pmvincs as well as in Jakarta, from the highest pol itical lflels to those on the ground" he said- "l wil I report to Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop." The trip is Mr Mills's lNt signmmt mgagement sinæ l6ing the TeEitory l@deßhip in a coup in March. It mms shortly before Chief Ministe! Adm Gila is smrity *- pecied to make his fimt official visit to Indonesia âs Tetitory laderin â mupleof weeks. Mr Mills, who has longstandinB connections to sme oflndo- nsia's most influential families and the politiml elite, sãid there wff a "deep willingncs" mong mmy to work towards fldingthe people-muggling tmde- "The Coalition has a dar poì- icy that ennot be achieved without a much deeper level of co- operation with lndonesia," he sidering how the Austrâlia- saiÈ lndonesia relationship might develop afto Septmbe/s fedr¿l start the live @ttle tÉde on He l¡lmed the failure to re- pmr elæ'tion. political leadership, and spoke out in favour of fftablishing bæf supply chains to Eastern Prov- Iive cattle trade and regional inæs as a g6ture of gædwill. "lt is important to as6s iss6 such as people-smuggling, the SING OUT SHANAHAN ASydney Jlt('iul'l'tclt:iuf \' I I CON,INIENTARY ,\RTS I I PERSONALOZ] TV T WEATÍ-IEIì nlir('h in(, MINDGAI\{ES |('o\l\ilr\ | \tìì I,lo TIIEAUSTRALIAN composer's new musical about Gladstone .lot' l lot'kei is u lclrnFE,\TURES t FLY IN, DENNIS { ARrs Pl3 t:tìtD^Y, ss \4\\' t0, 2013 P9 $,lhenurlrrlì } I Clækwise fmm left, BtmAtklnson,who sysRobert Waddlngton abusd him at Ravenshæ; Waddington; Atkinson as a bo¡'; and alleged Waddlngton vlctim Ell Ward (in white su?lice, fmntrcw æntre) in Mmchestq MAfN PIdURE: BBIAN CASSEY CHI-]RCH'SWALLOFS LTNCT A deric abused boys here and in Britain, but neither knew of the other's suffering the Church ofEngland. The two-page child prctec'tioD report, unearthed by police in tììe uchivm of the dime of MÐche ster, was prool ât lâst, that a fomu ethedml alle droirboy ging yem of ærual abu* -by one of Britain's most senior clergym an not alone. There was another boy. Also a solo sopmo, on the other side of t}re world, who was singing from the sâne bymn sheet about The - m Ve¡y Rwe¡md Robert Waddington. "There had been a previous referal ab0rt sesal impropriety some time ago from Austrâlia, where RW had been the headmaster at a school. An ex-pupil had made â complâint to the Bishop of (north) Queensland who had reìayed it to the A¡chbishop (of York)," the 2003 report Eli Ward's fmilyhad prcmpted church ofticials. without Ward's knowledge, of tìe alleged abuse he zuffered in the mid-1980s. For Ward, the discovery of the doommt lâte last ymr did more than build his ose against Waddington, who rose to bcome the dean of Manchestet it also re- ofthe Anglien includi¡g the then archbishop -oÍ York David Hope, now a life peer in the House of l¡rds that spared the church and thepri6ta pub¡icsødd. The poliæ were nwer elled. And for almost a decade, the veaìed the actions hienrchy heartbrcaliing storim of Ward and Bim Atkinson who, in 1999, - of abuse by raised allegations Waddington wbile Atkimn was a boarder ât St Bamabæ Anglican stilì takingyoung boys back to his home." Atkinson, son of prominent Qumsland cattle station oMers, had surgery ândchemothempy for thrcat@ncer. ln a lette¡ dated February I, 1999, HopewtetoWæd saying the reti¡ed priest was "shæked and distressed" by the allegations. Church reco¡ds showed not a "hint of such behaviour throughout the time of his m¡nistry here in Englud". But Waddington's denials of abusing Atkinson were hardly tækhis compla¡ntto ClydeWood thm bishop of north QumslandWæd wæ shocked at the alle emphãtic Qumsland -remâinedl¡ehinda wall of silene. Eadl was kept unawæ ofthe otha's claims, depriving them of corrobomting evidence and a chanæ of soding Waddington to gations against Waddington, which could have been misinterp¡eted, he could not recall my parlicula incident or incidmts which were of the 'seriousness' which you desibe in your letter," Hope told .iail beforehis death in 2007. mmetimæ left Atkinson bleedbg Schæl in Ravmhæ. in fu north WaddingtorL a fomer supsior ofthe OËtory ofthe Good Shep herd, a worldwide ordt of ælibate Anglican priests, Ms wo¡th pro- lìeadmâster at St Bmabas from 196l tol970. Atkinson also told him ofWadfor as dington's Mdistic €ninç Iittle as waìking on the school yard's grass quadrangle that - down his legs. Aged nine, Atkinson wæ made solo soptrist of the school choi¡, cation for the church in Britain duringthe 1970s and 80s. and the alleged seroal assaults begm. "l wæ absoluteiy petrified of lhe man," Atkinson says. "AfterIjoined the choir, the abuse stûted He w@ld tèllme to go to the sickbay, which had a connectin I door to his bedmom,and then lwouldend up Atkinson told an Austnbishop of his alleged yeârs of inhisroom. "lt started with kissing and tæting. With â penchânt for hand- made shoes. sports cars and, it would seem, young boys, the Cambridge Univenity-edumted pritrt had seryed as head ofedu Wìfl lim abuse at St Bamabas in the l960s, fondling. I elways remember his recond only to the Archbishop of Cåntertury who handled the complaint Waddington was living in re- would moke teribleltreath -he and Doctor Pat pipe tobacco then laterhewmld usBrylGm tirment This hâppened once or twice itffiHope-thú AÈa in Hope's dioGe. life ofbroken relationships md dmd-endjobs, Atkinson, now 59, sa¡d he made the complaint aftr htring rumouE tlat Waddington's housekeeper in Queensland, who had lollowed him to England, had aired cona cms about his relâtionships with boys ¡n the 1980s and erly I990s in Mmd¡estq. "I was44, andjustwakingup to Usinghisloaf PLUNGlNGoncemoreinto the world ofjauntily nmed FM mdio prsenten, Julia Gillard ycttrday wqìt on Brisbands Bl05 with tåbby, Stâv and Abbyúd chattedbriefly wit¡ Wedncday's alleged sndwich-lobber, lGyeuold Kyle J/TMES JEFFREY haveto getjustice, me compensation and stop Waddington', who I heard through t}le gmpsine was says. t¡e seset report when they told The Austrolion- "l thougÌ4'l mke them pay MICHAEI, McKENNA AMANDA GEARINC A SINGLE document was aiÌ it took to ilhwinate a drk smet in how much lle abue had affected me, how it was always lurking, pushing metorun," Atkinson teÌls Tho'mn,who prcdaimed his imæne. (lntmogated by Tte Sydnc, M omtn g H uol d,theyoun g ælfprcclaimed fall guy ms candid aboulthe PM: "ShedËn'thaYe a big noæ likefleryone's eyin& She's small md, yeaÌ¡ famous") If the PM dffi't mmemcingback from Papua New Guinea it will be ryen more unde¡stædable In softfocus STREWTHhasbm foma¡dd an mail (admittedly amæs one) to gl%e meup md pmetrate me. a wæk for yeas." Wood contacted his æunte¡part in Manchester, bishop Christopher Mayfield, who said Waddington lud retiredin 1993. Hope. archbishop ofYork ftom 1995 to 2005, was told and thm confrcnted the alleged âbuser. A@rding to lettm and dooments, Hopedismvered a "sd and despondmt" Waddington. He had from Tony Abbott and Eric AbeE, 6sotially pledgingto lift all our Mg6 Ðd not Gst us into illustrated with a serfdom. lt photo ofAbbott in a workshop, slewm rclled up, standing ffi nøa þrobably non-metaphoricrl) gas cylinderand addrssing æ audimæ. Perhapstoprctectthe innæmt, the mwd's fae wse blured, including one that lmked suspiciously like Quænsland LNPbad(benchsGúlge Christenæn's. "He obviou sly d¡dntMnt my stately physique detractingfrom h¡s;' he hypoth6ised to Strertll Frisþbusiness WERE not surewhat wasin the a ir in Soutl Australia. but there p6s was a certain tlme at a confænce by PremicJay Weatlsill and federal Mental "He wâs clearly shocked and indietedto methat,whilsthe may have acted attim6 in a way Wæd. "Hemid hewasdeeply sorryfor anything he may hâve done so to offend, and wished to extend an unrwed apology to the young mm concerned and to make it very deæthat there ¡s no qustion of my such behaviour æoriDg again." Atkinson claims Wood later told him that Wâddington had denied flerything and was nea¡ death. ltwâs, in lact, a furthereight yam before Waddington died. "Wood told me that he was on his death-bed and I should lel it go," Atkinmn tells Th e Austrolion Wæd,nowliving in tbe Northem Teritory, says he cant reell emctlywhat he told Atkinþn. "l knew Waddington was in a bad way, mdl relayedthat I didn't call poliæ beøuse I thought that would be handled in England, whæ hewæ living,"hesaS. ln a letter to Wood, in Apr¡l 1999, Atkinson saíd if Waddington had been in better health, he would have "brought him tojusticeevfl if ithad taken metlìeßt o[mylifeto do so". Atkinmn then asked Wæd for Health MinisterMark Butler. First WeathùiI: "(SA Libsal leader) Stwen Manhalljust cowæ whenqq heffi Tony Abbotl Hejust rcìls overÐdìets Tony ticklehis belìy." Butlen"ltis timethat Tony Abbott stopped pl aying f@tsy with the Prem ier of Er, genls? W6tem Australia." Stuffyourarias DOUGIAS Adams once wrcte. "B€ethwÐ tells you what ifs Lilie to be Beethwen ild Mmrttells you whatit's liketo be human. Bach tells you what it's like to be the univese" Butìt's anyone's guss whiclr composa cottld gíve a hint of whatit s like to beMark Iåthâm. Strewth has belatedly got uound to reading latham's reviw of our ælleague Nick Cattr's new bmk The Lucþ Cultur¿md, to trt a longspmy âcopy oftheletterfrom Hope, be- fore fomally "relinquishing the Anglican church" from åny responsibilityfor the alleged abuse On May 4, 1999, the same day Wood sent Atkinson lhe copy of Hope's letter, the north Queensland bishop wrote to the a¡chbislìop of York saying the alle8ed victim had provided, "as I re- had faced similar allegations in made by Austmlia in 1999 Moteto Atkinson syingit did not b€lifle "speDding a huge mount Atkinsn- of money on -thæ Theyagain talked to Wadding- ton, who denìed the second compla¡nt. But they didn't te¡l Ward's family of the complaint in Austmlia Instead, tlìey canvassed the idea of telling them that Wadding- statement in witing" to ton wæ ill: "Bishop Nigel (McCul- drop the complaint. "l only hope and pmy that thìs matter now lìaving been loch) wondered whether a call fromme,orGmllamas hehad Ðo ken to (the sistr), telling her that qu6te4 a ff raised. and Father Waddington being taumatised by the ¡æeipt of the allegatioß, that now notice of closure from this end, will not leave Fathtr Waddington pemanently distressed by this mâtter," Wood told Hope. For thre yaE, (Waddington) was ill might be hetpful. I adviæd that it ffis not a good idea to speak to the family about Robert Waddington's stâte of heaìth. To do so might sound like special pleading and would prcbably be sm æ læking after Atkinsn tried their own. The bishop immedi- to move on with his life. But in ately s¿w the point and agreed that itwas not'on'." 2002, after leaming Waddington was still alive. he wmt to Queensland's child prctection uniÈ Taskforce Argos He made a police statement, md wasjoined by oneof his rhæl mat6. now living in New Zaland and not yet ready to be named. extradition of Waddington to Australia. ln England, Ward's sisters whohad bmtold bytìei¡brcther reported the âlle of the abße gations to the Manch6ter dio6e in 2003. The diocese's subsequent re- - - port rryeals tbet officiâls told the family it ould do little until Ward made an official complaint him- seli Within days, diocemn stafTmd senior clergyhad mntâcted Hope and coniumed that Waddington short he dæsnt dig it. A I¡thm mrely dmç, md piæ, howoer, this one rips along at avolenic clip until ithitsthis pmgmph:"By any objætivetst, clÄsical müic opea md ballet are insufîenbly boring. They have no social wo¡th oths than in the treatment o f sleeping disordm. Butt}taf s how t¡e elit6 lilie it, sfe in t¡e knowledge that peopl e bel ow thet lation in sæiety are rmlikely to jojn tlìem in the jewellery-nttling rows of the Opem Houæ." R@l pæple, you rc, stickto thefæty.låtham in can ttrns be @mpelling, mtertaining thoughtfu l, infu riating or offmsive. Then there a¡e tims. sch as here, wheÊhe givsthe impression of a mmwho'shad his skull c¡acked open and picked clmn by lampreys. Butwe could bewng. lf the Fibro Report column he will bmefit anyone". Oflicials then pressed h¡m to mttr mediation. with e mveatthat the church "is not wealthy (and) did nothave insmnceover in the relwant period". They paid him an eY-g¡atia settlement of $75,000 without admitting liability. The turning point in outing Waddington eme ìast yeù, whff Ward, now 39, sw reports about allegations of child sex abuse made by sores of victims against the late British media pexonality Jimmy Savile. Ward, who had been through a divorce and was suicidal. contacted Menchster police and filed a civil action agãinst the Manch6tq dirc. He had a similar story to that of Atki¡sn. 'It started with kissing and fondling. I always remember his terrible breath' A boy frcm a council housing estate in Salford, Ward auditioned md won a place in tlte voluDtary choir at Manchster Cathedml in l98l,whm hewsjuslwen. Waddington mived âs the new dqn who made simi)ar allegalions againstWaddingtonBut the inv6tigation falte¡ed when detectives discovered the school üc were missing. Argos Iater told the pair that there wæ not enough ev¡dence to seek the anotherinvestigation BIMAffIM UMMOFALEÐAsæ The report also shows a child prctection olfis in the diæ of York had not bæn toìd by Hope of ns mmplaint. After the officer was told. the unnamed author of the report added: "He was not awa¡e of t}le situation and thanked me for the info. He remarked that this was not an unusual practice by the Archbishop." Meanwhile. Atkinson - who was nflertold ofthe allegations in pushing still was Manchester churchofficials in Quænsland for a nfl inv6tígation into Waddington. ln 2005, the Anglican Professional Standards Comm¡ttee the used to w¡ite for the Liverpool Rugby Club wæ as rcllicking æ l€gend sa)ß, opm will nwer come of theetheùal gmdually gmming him for ær Ward wæ mn touring with tlìe choir to other Engl¡sh mthedmls md churcha and sag witì thm in Paris, singing the slo at Nobe Dame Câthedral on Easter Sunday and ât the World Council of Churchs in Zurich. Eventually Waddington armnged for the boy to stay ât the deanery, making up a spare bed in thedeil'sHmm. It was thtr the abse stârted, It began with kissing, but prcg¡essed to masturöation as Ward. at the morein sorcw tìan gobsmadied inaedulity. "His attemptsto mte wial iftlfl Reponse in oneact him behind theMarkiveree tbât hciano PavmEi, who in his ti me wæ both a talented footballer anda great tenor, would hâve been a etaclysm waiting to mll- ing for volunteeE to help polish thegold altùnilings. Wârd, then II, was anong the volunteers. Waddington befriendedhim, ællælinghim in his Peugeot for choir practice and withincoæ. SO we imaginein in 1984, prompting of Waddington and with the approval of the boy's parents, moved in with the then dean, who was in his late 50s. "lt continued over several Wards statement of d¿im MaDch6ter Dioc$e sys. Ward says now that lìe is constantly reminded of Waddington yffi," to the him about fine who taught -wines and how to speak eloquently. " I ome frcm a very pær background and yet pæple meet me ând they think l'm wealthy . . . I don'l know who I m." Itwãs lætyffwhm Mmchff- ter police made their breakthrough - finding the report on Ward's sister's complaint in 2003, revealing there had been a (unnamed) complainant in Austmlia Ward contacted this newspâper and an intemet search found a damning reference to Waddingild StBamabæ. "My pedophile headmaste¡ æd abusive trer was The Most UnReverend Robert Waddington. Some of my other teachffi were toD Brother Peter Gilbert (a Waddington-induced pedophile who isnowingaol). -.." it eid. Atldnsn, the author of the intemet posL wæ located and in an emot¡onal meeting via SIVpe last month, the two discovered what the church had knom fo¡ 14 yeaß. Wa¡d said he recognised the facs of children in the A$tralim school among photos ofabout 40 boys that Waddington had kept in his study. The pair have now leâmed up æ detemined tlattletruth will mme out about Waddington, the clergymm eulogised in Brítish newspapers after his death as having "a specjaì gifr for teaching boys, which prcved useful in his and later cathedral âppointments when he had responsibility for choristss". mundto rulingit out. "Gothe Bunnis!" he added brightþ. division are as antnow as hispoliti6. Austnlia hæ moved on and let likemmeprtof nuttüfrom a NorthKom collective fam." (lt's aboul time NorthKomgotafm) Tfficini went on to deteil the Yourshuly LET'S fi nish in the dunnywith a philoopher. Rspondingto ystrday's item aboutlitids who phone theil mum from thetoilet, Tony O'Brim ænds N Voltaiæ's respons to smæne who'd snt him m abusive letttr 'Sh I m sted in the smallest room in the of onducting lhlìed his Hande.l in the Opem Houæ. Then there's Lyndon T€mcini,who in atriumph o[a multilaskin g mmags to be â South Sydney in tidct sales and fint-ti me opem gm, perfomanæs in regional Australia (including Aboriginal @mmunitia) and lhe Community Choir proj€ct, which uw"poplefrom very many difrrent ethnic backglounds from Westm Sydney perfom at the Sydney Open Houæ". Trâitoß! Talc down thei¡ nmes! supporter Ðd Opem Austnliâ's artistic director. "lå lhâm has a wonderful abüty to be ompleteìy out of touch rvith mntempoËry Australia," he sighed to Stewth, Ahm.So. ould welmkfomrd totàe @mmissioning of låthm reply -TheOpm?TemcinÍs wæ amusi ngÌy teEe but, strictly trewth has al s sæn this attributed to musicim Mü Re8er, butasthatpmbabìymmð as a bit elitist, well segue to nws t})at Sydney is lo host a monster truck evût (rue), which LibeEl mmber for Drummoyne John Sidoti belis6 willheip "showes Sydney to theworld". spealdng he didn't quite get stHrth@theaustmlian.mnau happer,likemssingthe beams in Gl¡ostbrle6- Ditto tbe bm-andÐort loving Bob Hawke who fu dItr srge hous. Your letter is b€fore me. Sæn itwill be behind me." S affi THE STRAL AN 0 EEKENI) U I WWW.THEAUSTRA \t \G.\lt\[, I $s.oo THE HEART OF THE NAT'I I \\ lrlll(llND A PLUS .ITWAS TIME TOGO' Atr JAZZED UP &i Elizabeth Debicki nr¿ìkes a dazzling debut MAY il-12.2013 NPA NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR ;\ r\()L ilìUì rne Aboriginal The stilcttt) n-¡nkes education { P8-e I work l-\r¡slr Nicolas Rothwell in praisc of the Pcarson plan } TREASURER PUTS JOBS AHEAD OF SPENDING RESTRAINT $z6bn EX Economists attack Wayne on austerity SIVE DAVID T]RDN SID l\,lAllER foræast ommodity priG on company profits bud get, Wayne Swanwill outline a pathbackto surplus, sup¡nrted by savings and reducing defìcits as æmpanyt¿Y Hmueremveß. A briefing note to the Treas- uru, ill'more n budge prone to violence' EXCLUSIVE obtained by The Weekend is undemining mnomic gwth in Eurcpe and theUS, As lheTH$mputs finishing touchB to a the fedeml budget most pund¡ts qpect will projæ:t defi cits âs far Às the wskn6s innational pmfsmreAJberto AImina md John Taylor have gustioned whetherausteÌity ¡s mning in income ovs t¡rc yeaß. In Ð interiv yesterday, Mr Smn dælared he wæld not saqificejobs md gro*th for the sake of mindless austerity md he belioed votffi würld undeßtand the government's decisions not to procæd with tle Family Tu Benefit infreæe and lâx frts in 2015. "Anyone sitting iD my seat in the cimmstancs of this rwtrue domgmdq that wouìd have bæn presented to any other govemment æ well as us, would have had to take the sort of decisions we hâve taken to srìpportjobs and growth," MrSwm sicl He sid the public understood tlìe altmative % "austsity for auslerity's sâke" and "pain for pâin's sake", citing Queensland Premier Crmpbell Newman's ots afte¡ hetook offie. Mr Swm sid the govmment's top pdority wæ jobs and grcwtlf while setting a pathway back to surplus, but it was important to make investmenb for the future, flrch as in edu@tion and disability cùe, to maÏe the mtion "strcngr, DrTaylo¡ mnomi6 prcfwrot al Stanfold Univmity,sid: "Debt rcduction ædbudgetsurplusmelm pub[c's typ¡cally attitude to debl" tbe rerds mmmi6atHanerd Univmity, nid. "Thæ is væt evidmæ sbowing sp€ndirE cuts aæmuch lssmnomicalþ Gtorc budgets to surDlu$" Cbn!í¡Ðed on Pae¿ 6 ovico, Professor Mullen and DAN HilBIECBTS INQUIRER PI3 Avea Sabatino,left, md her sister Siale left their home on Thumday Island to study atPrcsbylerlan I¿diæ Colleee, in Sydney's Cmydorq on an lndlgenous lF \ôc scffi yo4 EyES ßEAIY fl6tl1.Tflr5 ar rr il6 "The approaching peak in resouræ inv6tment the high level of the Austmlian dollar and ongoing fiscal consoìidation are all likeþ to weigh on growtì ove¡the next year or s, wh il e the low leveì of interest Etð is helping to suÊ port dmand." the Rærve Bmk m .II;STINE FERRARI The govemment has beeD Smnsid. The Reswe Bank released its quârterly æonomic update y6telday, foræasting that g¡owth would avaage 2.75 ps cent ovtr t¡e coning yer while unemploymflt wold stedily rise through to the middle of nst yar, when growth ms eçcted to Ewq. national income, or "nominal GDP', md Eising*pæt¿tions of a hugebudget blowout Howwer, fo¡msts of nominal GDP contained in the briefing cont¡nrcd on Pog. 6 parents never had - a chence to create their destiny thmugh edumtion W6t Austmlian mine. Avm, and her sister Siale, Il, attend boarding school in Sydney and pra all spported by sôolæhips vided by the Australim Indigenous Eduetion Foundation. BUsrNEss P23,31 EXCLUSIVE yas'jail -in 2006 forthempemd \llCIlAEL indæmt âssault of childæn in the 1980s in South Australia has blmed St Barnabas headmastr i\'lcKENN¡\ AI\IANI).\ (ì8,\RIN(ì "romantic love" master, who encouräged the of children the late Robert Waddinglon for turninghim into a pedophile. In a statement to one of his a.lleged victims. Gilbst sâid Waddington ms molestbg children himself and the Anglien priest would absolve tle young tadrtr of his abuse of children in the among staff. renf*sional, A CLERGYMAN who allegedly mped boys at a north Quænsland boarding sdræl in the ì960s has claimed he was ordered to take female hormones by his head- -ffi - Waddington Gilbert The accouDt hâs emerged as the top rânks of the Anglican church i¡ Austrâlia ârìd Britain have bm mked tly allegations of the covering-up of complaints made in 1999 and 2003 âbout Wâddington's abuse while headmâster at the boarding school in Ravenshoe, north Queensland, and later. when he was dean of Mânclì6ter. A tull investigation is being demanded into the hendling of the complaints by the former Archbishop ofYork, now Lord (David) Hope of Thornes, and Austnlian church officiels, includingthe fomabishop of north Quænsland, ClydeWmd. l¡rd Hope this weeft sprewd illnss. Arother Victorian study, cG authored by Profmr Mullm in 201I, found that someone with rhizophrcnia was 13 tim6 more Today's mounment follom strcng campaign - backed by advertisements iD The Australian by AJEF chief umtive and founder Andrew Penfold, who has been lobbying to raise a further - Ads promoting the AIEF @use in ?he Auslroli¿n today W¡th the Gillard govemment set to announæ today a $22 milIion funding boost fo¡ indigenous education, Ð additional 700-odd indigenous students wilì get the same chance to excel as the regret over failing to report to police the allegâtions about Waddingtorì. who rcre to bmme the heâd of education for the church in Britain aftr swing as school principal in Queensland until 1970. The extent of Waddington's aì- leged histo¡y of abuse and the church's inaction were exposed after ajoint invstigation by The Antrolian nd The Times of I¡ndon. It alsorfl aledtlatup to four othtr stâffmembeß at St Bamabas, which opened in 1953 and Conlínued on Poge likely to have bæD charged with murder than a member of the geneÉl public. Prcfcwr I fssr "Both my pænts would have tNQUTRER Pl&19, 22 Iabor'sargument A STUDY of skilled migration hæ punctura.l labo/s æntml ùBummt in its @ckdoM on other schools and parishes in South Austnlia and Brisbane i¡ than dâim€d while onJ¡ming the scheme's vital ¡ole in lifting æonom¡c grcwth. The detailed suney rebuts lmmigration Ministe¡ Bren- The investigation rwsì ed that legations of abuæ made by contínued fma oi PaEc2 the4Yvis prcgm by mmtal hospitals were beingshut and their patients released into the mmmunity. Ahhough that proved true for the grat majority of patients, strated that schizophrenia Continucd on PogeS dan O'Connor's claim that more than 10,000 ofthe visas weæ "ilìegitimate"- ffiruffiil[ru FU1I REPoRT P5 BROUGHTTO YOU BY Wealth lrx) J¡om Andrew Barnett, founde¡ of LTG GoldRock shares his teams award winning wealth building secrets! Go online now and you can get a FBEE copy of his new eBook Simply visit now! The first 200 people to take advantage of this limited offer will also receive a special 7 Part Forex lnvesting Training Series and live online coaching sessions! Trading pre recent research has demon- rweal- ing far fewer "rorts" MoRE REPoRTS P2 WORLD P9 a chiatrists of his gmmtion, who wÐted to de-stigmatise mentâl illness during the yeam wlren 457 surveyrebuts church officials, including Lord Hope, failed to re.port the 1999 al- now wæ not more violent had been strongly promoted by psy- dosed, mid-tem, in 1990, aæ facing allegations of serual abuse while at the schæl or have been mnvicted on drild sex offen$ at lattryaÉ M ullen, meritus at Monash Univeßity in Melbourne, said the belief that mentally ill peopìe Sabatinß Accused headmaster turned me into pedophile: convicted cleric Fomer Anglien brct¡er Peter Gilbert sentenced to seven fem tobtrome violenl notthe goto univeE¡ty but coming to PLC has opened up so mmy more op- a 16, mmmunity. Even those patients with no rmrdedhistory ofrubstance abuse were three times more prcne to vioìflce, contndicting the vim that dngs or alcohol euse schizophrenie suf- schælI would havestiü mnted to portunitiæ." While their pa¡ents work in the their l3-year-old brother, Kemaea, boa¡ds at shæl in Perth MoRE REPoRTS P6 fNeurRER Pl3, 14 coMMENTARY P2O EDfToRIAL P2I "Regardlæs ofwhee I went to THE Sâbatino child¡m have bæn afforded the kind of opportunity exam- than members of tbe general ìoved to have gone to univeNity," given this opporAva said. "I tunity and now I can fulfil that r'^'rRlcr A K,\ lì\' Ilr,^S rsflrclìeß ined the rerds of 4168 shimphreniâ pat¡mts in victoria and concluded they wce nearly five tim6 more likely to have bæn found guilty of a violent offflæ Funds secure lifetime of opportunity said. mining sources of gowth," Mr three other *holaship d¡em. waming of very weak growth in labotu-intensive md næded thing we are doing: to ensure a smooth tmnsition frcm miningdriven rcurc of growt¡ to non- mt cctlythmtaxircto policies that would stimu¡ate Et6 ensic psychiatric sewics, sâys recent rsearch has debunked the widely promoted beìief that mmtally ill people are Do more violmt than the r6t of the mmmunity a vitrpoint be once helped to spresd. paper in tlìe jourIn a nal Acta Psych¡¿trico Scondin- DrAlsina, aprofmrof wtr "It's the logic behind every- Deadly delusions Eumpeandrommended spending cuts ¡obmsl mnomic mure growth irì the non-m ining sector. This mt¡e logicbehind lifting eduetion standards Ðd onducting lxal policy in such a wîy æ to Ieave ræm for the Rswe Bank to ot interEt INSIDE gmwthandrhmpublic budgetstosrpl$. sma¡termd faiæ¡". He said the nation fâced the challenge of moving from an invesùnent boom in t}le sector to an export surge that cantly more prone to violence, prompting the autho¡ of a nevv study to c¿ll on his pæß to stop "fudging" research and doMplaying tìe risks posed by some mentally ill people living in the ÕmmunityPaul Mullen, fomer head of the Victorian govemmmt's for- have slamed Wayne Swan's argument ¡hat folffitsgo,ren()med the next PEOPLE with schizophrenia have bæn found to be signifi- snomisb Austrolíon, shows continuing ls ¿ Mentally -. TWOof tbeworld'stop "âusl€rity" q RICfITRI) CìT]ILLIATT and a caused Þy the high Aust¡alian dollar. But in delivering Tuesday's ..,¿ F ftr EXCLUSTVE THEemnomywilltal<ea$26bil- ADÂtvf CRETCìJTON Iion hit as a r6ìrlt of weaks than squeeze t t)r8-19 } BRIGADE Gly'n is'f lai gon !l { WHITE SHOE Making a conrelr¿ìck Christine Manfield the closure of her beloved Universal PUC€ INCL!DES CST GoldRock WealthFro au É v F 2 THE NATION THE WEEKEND AUSTRAI,IAN, MAY wuw.theaushaliû release on bridging visæ wi th no B¡endm O'Comor mnounced on Tusday that part of the æmote Wickhm Point fâcility, HOCKEY Opposition Treasury I¡ol Wslem Austmliabadbæn ¡eonfi gured to hold family spokesman to calls for a review' groups had already been moved into the revamped "dternative place of detmtion" in women, children and families have bæn moved to tlìe Curtin detentioD mtre. Thetmnsfercomæ aftsMr O'Connor conltrmed family groups would be releaæd into the comunity on strict "noadvantage" bridging viss that deny asylum-sækeru the right to work and fo¡e them to fmd for themselves in the ommunity on a welfarepaymentlessthmt¡e Newstart Allowance- â move which Figgered sme unresl within labols badibench. Therelomtiom came as NSW Polic confimedtwo Sri Iånkan asyltm-sækæ on bridging visro in develope{"he sid. wlISON They identify Bishop Wilson I]ÀN BOX and the forme¡ Bishop of Ma¡tland-Newcastle, INQUIRER IJ-¿ wmLTH 28-æ WEATIIER 4I FIRST EDITION NO EDITORIALS Phìl.ip Wilson. is one of several this investigation, ând list two other priðts, Brian Luru and Allil Hart, as "peßons ofinterðt". senior Cathoìic clerics investigated by NSWpolice for allegedly conæâling the pedophiìe crimes of a priest, according to documents tendered to â state inquiry. lDternalpolice dooments,tende¡ed to the NSW special com- the crimes of serial pedophile pri6t Denis McA.linden. 21 ichael Mâlone, æ amongthe subjects of allegations thet clergy mnæaled sPoRT3s-{2 M THE Archbishop of Adelaide, mission of inquiry into child abuse, sâid Strike Force Lantle was [omed in 2010 to invstigate CHRIS KENNY P22 TNDEX woRLD 9i I BtsNESS2l-3¿ Y al 8.30am cidents "M ini ster O'Con nor fl atly rej ected our m lìs for a reviw of the scheme, for reporting requiments for bridgin g visa holdeßto b€ putin plâce, for â bebaviour code to be established for those relerced írìto the communþ and for appropriate a commodation sta n dards to be r,ÀUREN Fâther Lu6 ¡s the geneml sec- retary ofthe Aust¡alian Catholic Bishops ConfeJence, while Monsignor Hart is a par¡sh priest in Nfl€stÌe "Ìt.. .hæbæn alleged that in 1995 members of the Maitland-Newcastle Dioctre of the Catholic Church became aware of serious âllegations of sexual abuse on children by oneof its priests, Fathe¡ Demis McAlin- den (now deceased) and thâttbey fail ed to re æ¡t that informati on to police," the dooments state. McAlindm, who died in 2005. jsthoughtto have âbused child¡en over four dæades, the inquiry has heard. Commissioner Margaret Cumeen SC said he had been de scriìæd by clergy as a "predator" who should have bæn dealt with solicitor contacted poìice and "wanted to know who wâs investigating allegations of ân alleged cover-up involving his dient". At that time, I nspector Jacob wrcte. "T understand. . . tàere isno prcpect (sic) ofany ciminal investigation", âlthough this email predats those other dmmmts tendered to theinquiry. The ínquiry heard one ofthe NSW Police Force's mosl experimced detectivs, Paul Jacob, ms assigned to Strike Force Låntle. A May2010 email frcm Detætive lnspector Jâcob, tendered in evidence, said Bishop Wilson's ADVERTISE in thet múÊ E7 crJURCr-r5 IVÀLL Ot¡ Nws, tips SilliNCE booki¡gs@thcaushli¡n @måü How The.Austruli¿n and Hobd 6231 6294 ed @mmcnÊ fftrlbæk@ÈtRùshliü com,âu in Olt:trhndhy DdiÞJD€, ¡nd rls hl òeNodh Quenúnd NdsNFrComry Pry üúd,I9S OFIo StTwßvillclrñd ¡n WdÐ !t hh Hn!102B¡nnidúRd. Anni4v¡le noñndklrnd turimlm ÈllÍde ^lsr¡lix ôdy Mudingúy ¡üEod toißhó¡ry6ffi n¡yhFòlèR6pdbillty brddon commøt inùE h5uèbláko byGni Mtchdl,2Hoh Si SuryHilhNSW.2010 TheAuslralion isbound by the standards of APC Àu-clralL¡n Prms Councrl fie Times broke the story on two sides ofthe globe yesterday pnctice of the Austr¿lim Prss Councù lf you læliqe the standards may have ben breached \llCllAlL Nlcl(llNNi\ FORMÊR Angl¡can church omciels bâve admiBed theybelieved a former school headmaster had abused children ât a north Queensland boarding school, despite telling a victim during Atkinson, now 59, that Waddington had denied the allegåtionsild his claims were "not proven" Ð intemâl invõtiSation. Mr Atkinson made his first not prcven. For more tlrm six yam, Anglican officials dismissed the âlleg- rvhen Wadcompla¡nt ¡n 1999 dbgton was living ín retùement sexully abusedbetwæn wpmscounciLoryau l'on. senior church officials in England and Australia told M¡ despite 1964 and 1968 by the Reverend Robert Waddington, the fomer heâd- Forfurther infomation sæ school in Ravenshoe, on the Atherton Tablelands. ln doomenis ând lefters obtained by The Weekend Aùs¡ra- mediâtion over a compensâtion payout that his allegarions were ations of QueenslÐd pensioner Bim Atki¡son thât he had been you mayapprcach Tï¿Austrolion iÈelf o¡ contact the council by ema il ât or by phone (02) 92611930. master of St Bâmnabæ bouding A,\1¡\Nl)l Gll \lìlNC by NssFrB Um¡H 2m &rilw¡y Tñcc Mib Enl,Srdh (¡¡.qrhnd NeMFF È/ L¡mnsl orCËk rDd Llrbn rodi, ^uùrl¡¡:Fid Mudfre, fûù Poee meet the lìead of Australia's - in York - but dropped the case afterbeingtold tìe forms schæl principal was near dath aft er surgery for thmat cans. Waddington did not dieuntil2007. ln 2004. Mr Atkinson refiled However, the diocese pressed Mr Atkinson into amediation and from ourt action. I I then attempted to red uæ Mr his complaint, wilh church officials telling him the allegations were "not proven" and did not wùmt mother investigation. But the fomer managerof the away north Quænsland diæese, Nancy financial settlement, telliDg him: Gassin, wlìo was involved in hândl¡ng the complaints and mediation for compensation, said she had believedMrAtkinson was abused by Waddington. Ms Gæsin,whoms alsoacting director of profðs¡onal standards in 2005, when Mr Atkinson was given a $75,000 ex-gratia payment, said although the diæse's profæsional staldards æmmittee was told Waddington hâd not âdmitted the alìegâtions, they beliqed Mr Atkinson's claim. Atkinson's expectations for a "As you know, the Anglican Church of north Queensland is not wealthy, did not have insurance cover in the relevant period ând must statethat unrealist¡c exptrtâtions wilJ re you disappointed." Ms Gassin sa¡d that to her knowìedge the diocese was not aware of a 2003 omplaint against Waddington made in Mandrester by the family of choirboy Eli alleged hehad been abused for sweral yeæ War{ now39, who Anglimn church, Phillip Aspinall. on Monday overthe allegarions. The allegations are being re feftd by the Angli@ Church to the federal royal commission into child abuse. Bishop Ray, who mnñmed on Thursday that the St Barnâbas school hles were missing sus- pected ofbeing dumped -into a "disu*d well or tin mine shaft" in the district-sid a letlerwould be read out at massff across nortlì Quænsland this wækend pleading forvictims orw¡tn6s6 to rcntact the church or poliæ. "We Mnt people to come forwand, and we will co-opemte fully with the investigations," Bishop Ray e¡d. G¡lbert, wlìo was releæd from 2010, is amonß the fomtr jail in clersmen at St Bamabas facing Austrade The Australian Government's trade, investment ànd education promotion agency .\ilslmliâil Go\crniltcill - Austrode Director, Educational Services (4 positions) $.f# allegations they abused children at the smll boüding sdræ1. ln the latement to the victim. obtained by The Wekend Austro' lion, Gilbert claims Waddington, CAREERS IEB',"'å'l'"î,å, ADVICE l.,ì,rìiì'' "'""''' lìeadmâster between 196l and a doctorand had him put on the synthetic oestlo1970,took him to gen stilbestrcl ChieF Economist The Austrol¡on Trode CommissÌoo not represented during yesterday's hearbg, although it is expected he will appea¡ at a later stage of the inquiry. a "semí-transveslite", growinEi brests Ðd developing alì attrac- I allegetions North Quænsland bishop Bill Ray, who tæk over the dioceæ in 2007, yesterday said he would 9326 8412 mffiSsof: HoltStSry Hilb, th prolddorN¡tuDdde NNhuñitdÀN 2010 hiúdinNSWft:êf HtffH¡flhhy Chlloh ?lqlpdDtdinVleúbyHd& WñklyTiffi UmitddpT-B ]bü R.LPonMdbumeMúdrpùd h lbDnj¡ byD¡eG BmScÉPtyhltd 3lhmton D( l_dmPãrlçæ10:!ùd ln S@lhÂusbli¡ by Âùd{. hblbhd Fathe¡ Wilson and the othe¡ pri6ts there not have notiæd the of the existence of the other 9292 2858 Brisbane J666 744,{ Pdh "Fletche¡ was grooming my brother. Father Wilson rvas also living in the house .. . How could Quænsland student Bim Atkinson and similar cla¡ms made in 2003 by the hmiìy of a Manchester choirboy, Eli Ward. The alleged victims were never told CONTACTS Sydne,v 9288 3000 Canbcrm 6270 7000 AdGlaidc 8206 2686 the tlrqr Fatìer quently convicted of child abus. ContinDe.l ^ustralian Melbouræ Nilastle whæ Wilson lived with another pri6t, Jim Fletcher, who was subse- po¡iæ statement, the lette/s authorsid their mother had contacted Bishop Wilson about tlle abuse, who "telephone myself & stated he was shæked". "I felt this was very genuire. He d¡d enqtrire of me what (the alleged victim) intended to do . . . I saíd'No one in the church hierarchy will help us, they won't Lîme nürus'." Archbishop Wilson, who declined to oment last night, was me into pedophile' d tne bolrfttstd .. So ll¡¡t Michellc Gum 1300 307 287 The author, who cannot be nmed, dæaibes spendin gtime as a child at the bishop's house in 'qtra' attention given my brother?'the letter sid. ln an attached Headmaster 'turned Church offÏcials believed claims were true ushdlidn 1800 022 552 Iïc VIEWPO Tomorrow at mtMEsP^cE l.¡ moffisoN^L43-44 Ed¡bi ltrs-Âorhlirtr Clivc Mathicsn l¡c ,4 John Halzistergos about a sæond pedopb ile priest. whether any charges are possible Other doruments also tendered to n¡ rssN l03s-8761 SI.IBSCRÌBE to 'j to tlìen NSW attomey-general c0mpleted its invest¡gation, the inqtúry heard, and a brief of evidence had bm passed to the ofñce ofthe state Director of Public Prosecutiom, which will decide ¡5,n3 lvêekadÁñ¿r¡on Today ât 8.30am the inquiry by the ommander of the NSWSq Cúms Squati.John Ktrlatæ, includ e a 2010 letter smt Strike Force I¿ntle had now earlier. Editor-in-Cbief Chris Mitchell Edltor, I'ie Treasury spokeffimn Police probed clergy cover-ups He said the alleged assault followed a n eulier incid ent in Febnrary,and called on laborto outline steÞs itwastakingto Þrflent further assistant SENIOR CATHOLIC CLERICS IMPLICATED snllorrÐN OMMONIIIMEMrcN rcKNAN WickhmPoinl 139 Opposition lbnron'orv AUSTRATIAN AGENDA 'Minister O'Connor flatly rejected our med409 women, child¡m MATHIAS CORMANN for Pacific Afrairs taÌen back into deteDtion pmd¡ng their court heùin& The Department of G¡EEEUED THISTLETHWAITE Parliamentary Secr€tåry bm lmmigEtion lastnight SCOTT MATT ':-'I revoì whelher themÊn hâd arecariedoul Another I Monison called on tbe ninister groups for "short-term" stays while health md smdty chedis andfmily i Host @ PENFOLD Aushalian Indigenous Education Foundation chief executive ì¡ KENNY HostCHRISKENNY MORRISON Opposition immigration Ðokesmân ilmigEtion spok6man Smtt aboutan hououtof Dryin, and Curtin delention æntre in confi ANDREW JOE shopping mtre in Pffiamatta. Themen, aged 47 md20, are du e to âpIFù in Pa ranatta Court on June26. Mr O'Connor's omce didnot mmmenton the mâtter yesterday but oppGition KELLY \Vilh PETER VAN ONSELEN lntl PAUL SPECIAL GUESIS were charged over an aìleged indæent assâult of two women and a l4-year-old girl at a workrights Immigntion Minister 2OI3 THE AUSTRATIAN ON TV Asylum women, kids readied for release THE govemmenthas moved morethan 50Ochildm and familic into the Cu¡tin and Wickham Point detention centffi, Hd)'ingtlìm for lI.U, - ¡s the Austrol¡on Govenment's trode, ¡nvestment ond educoton prcmaÌion ogency. The po3itlons of DiECtor, Educat¡onal 5ery¡c6, ac sen¡or Officer Grade 3 ând aG lo@ted in mctFPolltân sydnêy and rural NSW. Tolal chuneEt¡on package valuod to f205,681 Pcr annum (elary:9169,799 - S186,390 per annum) lncluding emPloye/s contributlon Through o globol network af off¡ces, Austrode oss¡sts Austrol¡an campontes to grow the¡r ¡nternot¡onol business, ottrocts product¡ve foreign direct ¡nvestment ¡ n to Austro l¡ o o n d p ro mo tes Aus t ro I ¡o's ed u co ù on se clor ¡ n te rn o t ion o I Iy. . Lead provision of high quality economic research and analysis to the CEO and Senior Executive Group . Deliver economic and market insights and briefings with particular focus on Australia's major trade, investment and education partners . Attractive SES Salary. Sydney CBD a hu he complained of having sexual thoughts about womfl. THE AUSTRALIAN He says Waddington had told him the drug would "control his libido". Insteâd he wff tumedinto 1o tion for his young male students. "Prior tojoining St Bamabas, I dren . . . now they were t¡e cenbe of my life," he wote. "He misled me about the dangers and propriety of romantic love for children whiìe being in a position of spcial power and influence. "He encruraged and facilitated my romant¡c love for children directly and indirectly throuEih ¡deology, through literarure, by example and tbrough specìfic guidmæand adviæinresponseto my conæms." Gilbert. who was 2l wben he moved from Adelaide to Ravenshæ, was peNuded by Waddington to join tbe Bush Brotherhæd ofSt Bamabas as a postulant for a year, which required him to remain celibate. In his sæond year, Gilbert told Waddington he was struggling with celibacy, confsædhis attmction to women and æked to be released him from his vows. Waddington refu sed. A few months later Gilbert Waddington agâin to be rÈ lesed frcm his vows. asked This time, Waddington told him was a med¡mtion that could remove his libido and the headmaster made an appointment for him with a doctor who allegedly supplied him with stilb$hol. Waddington ild the doctor assured Gilbert the medimtion was lìot a sex hormone and that it would not "feminise" him A months later, Glbert bÈ gan to feel sexually attracted to bo)s in his clasæs. He reported his attmction to boys to Waddington, fil who told him: "Oh, doD't wotry about lhat. Thât !s perfectly normal uound here." superannuation and leave loading, Ea(h of the four positions of D¡rectot Educat¡onal Services has the mêjor responsibility for the del¡very of w¡de-ranging edu(èt¡onal and support serv¡ces to ðpprox¡mately 550 publ¡c schools ¿cross NSW. The positions are considered key positions between State office d¡rectorates and ¡nd¡v¡dual schools. The Direclo6, Educat¡onðl seru¡ces w¡ll prov¡de nrateg¡c leadership and d¡rect¡on for the provision of educational sery¡ces cloe to shæ15 ¡n boih metropol¡tèn ånd rural lqat¡ons acro5s the late to 5u pport schools n the del ivery of the curri.ul um Pre - Yêar 1 2, profe5s¡onêl learning and leadeEhip development and meet¡nq the ¡ PRINCIPAL ST ALOYSIUS' COLLEGE eductional needs of 5tudents Reporling to the Croup ivlanðger, Slralegy and Covernance. the Chìel Economist wi I be responsible lor leading a small pro esslonaÌ leam in the provision ol high quallly economic reseêrch and ana ysis lo the CEo and 5enior Execulive Croup For further informat¡on (includ¡ng the select¡on cr¡tel¡a ênd Position d6cript¡on) ênd to apply online, v¡s¡t wwjobs.nsw (search by job reference númber 5t Alovs¡us'college is a lead¡ng Catholic lndependent boys'school forstudents ln Yea6 3-12. As a daVschool (onducted by the Societv ofJesus (lesuits) ¿nd ¡nspirêd by the lgnetian tr¡dition, it is situeted at M¡lsons Po¡nt 00001 NMU) on the lower North ShoE of SydneV, Australie This rese¿rch and ênêlysls wi I supporl lhe development ol Auslr¿de's corporate slralegies ðnd provide inslghts lo ðssist Austrade lo mosl etteclively support Auslr¡lia's exporl, inveslmenl and international educ¿t¡on efforts an offence for a pe6on conv¡cted of ¿ serious sex offence to apply for this pos¡t¡on. Relevant screen¡ng chêcks w¡ll be <onducted. wìl drive a proaclive research and anaysis agendâ thðl can intorm strëlegy and decislon maklng ël an organisational level The successiul applìcänl wi I provide economic, mêrket and induslry insights ðnd brìelings forsenior audiences, both wllhin lheorganlsalion and across Covernmenl You Not.: lt is For enquiries, contact Sue Hðndley, Office Manager, Office of the Deputy D¡rector-General, Schæ15, Depanment of Edu(ation ènd Commun¡t¡es, telephone (02) 9561 8417 or by ema¡l to sue.hândleylOdet Appl¡@tions (lôse: 22 MaY 2013 Established to nurtuE end å lhe miss¡on ofthe college isto pr¡de an all-round educ¿t¡on thet etrouragÊs students l¡fe-long ddelopment oflhe¡r F¿ith. Th¡s me.ns they will sêek understand¡ng, strive tol¡ustice, ¡n 1879, committo the seNice of otheEw¡th dlsemment. conscience and comPãss¡on curEnt Pr¡nc¡pel, FrChris M¡ddleton 5,, coEludes ln this ole atthe end ofTerm l,2tI4, ãfter11 yeãE of d¡st¡ngu¡shed seilice, the college couE¡l ¡ru¡tes applkãtions ircm ¿ppropriãtely qual¡fied and exPe¡¡enred As the cãndidetes for the pos¡t¡on of Pr¡nc¡pal You wlll need substantiêl exper¡ence ln applied economlc research and markel anðlysis âppli.ãntw¡ll be a¡ outstandinq educ¡t¡onel le¡derwith ¡ vis¡on for le¡rn¡ng wlthin a 21st ¡ rele modll br stãffðnd studems, wlththe eneEy and capâcityto mot¡vãte ðnd ¡nsp¡re ell the members ofthe College communitv The suc.essful be successlul, candidales ñust be Auttral¡añ citizens and agree to be subiect to a nationð security assessmenl [or cleaÌance at l{egativc Vett¡ng lo century contcxLThe PtlElp¡l will be Levêl 2 (Top Secret) TECHNOLOGY Applications Close:11:50pm Sunday 2 lune 2013 To seek turther inlormalion about this opporlunily and apply, please visìt our Websìte at: ( Au slra lia ) UNLIMITED NEWS AND CAREERS Âustralian lT ever To be ectiwV ¡nvolved ¡n Korn/Ferry lnteÍnãt¡onal Tuesday develop¡rE ell ¿spects ofschool commun¡tV l¡fE as pert ofthe m¡ssion ofthe e pract¡s¡ng catholic committed to the m¡ssion ofafe¡th that Australian lesuits, the new Princ¡pel should be doesjust¡ce ÞuEtr Smllh.t THEAT]STRALIAN clo¡lng d¡t for the college couftil w¡th th¡s ¡ppointment, Further lnfometion, ¡trlud¡rìg outthe selEction cr¡ter¡ã, cen be obtãined frcm ¡s ess¡sting an ¡nformation booklet setting on +612 9006:142¡ or atrt¡loY5lut@komf.rry,oñ ¡ppll.¡doni lr ll lun. 2m3. å $ 0 PANPA NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR T E T I USTRATIAN.COM.AU v $2.00 TUESDAY May 14,2013 THE HEART OF THE NATION PtEIÑLUOES GS nEtcn Bn^ ri.ll :rii\ii'\.: DON'TMAKEME TAUGH Srr'¿ur needs to deliver ¿t ¡ roirx SPLASHING OUT credible btrdgct t his tinrc I,ETIILEAN'S i iÌi11 i fl,,i ll GOURùfANT) i\'lax Allcn orì llìc Sl0()- u int': to gir c irs r.liltr {Jr rDn'H st,oAN Pto} GOSSIP The trainer, the owner and the bookie: four charges, one warning from More Joyous affair FIRST TEST OF ABBOTT'S FLEXIBLEIR LAWS Adman John Slngleton, wbo was tined $15,000 Swan's torrgh love budget EXCLUSIVE EWIN HANNAN INDUSTRIÀL EDITOR SID MÀHER 2@r3 POUTCAL CORRESPONDENT RETAILERS will seek to use Tony Abbott's proposed workplace changes to extend their trading boure without paying peDalty rates to employees, prompting union lead6 to wam that workers faced a "race to the bottom" under a Coalition govmment. The Austaliu RetaileF As- sociation said it hoped the Coelition's promisd changs to the FâirWork Actwould allw mployeß to strike more deals with i¡dividual employees over tlehmntleyworked The association's exeetive d.i¡ector, Russell Zimmerman, used the mple of a workerwho wÐted to staÍ work efts 9am to allow tlm to drop their childm atsdrml WAYNE Smnwill stmta lGy€ùplrn lodrydet il¡qg hw tåborwiltpeyfnits (Ðmersûompmmison educadon and Dimbillt5f:re æ part of a logh prcele'tion budgetrùsÎâ16promisd it's beneficial," he sitl "It's got to be equitable and fâir tô the oplcyæ" Opposition workplace rela- tions spokesman Eric Abetz, shaL¡bormto gmmtin2ll07. b€r ddmliscdbypoor oplnlmpolli¡gand tbeprospæt of a ¡ough budgct mly fdrr lD¿ møtùsbefæ eftdenl elcctloo Tlrcgdmmthasalñâdy ïl perst f,aEged a 05 peæntagc polnt I¡fr ¡n the M¿diarc leYy to pard¡lly fu nd Di$bitityCsrc thlùy Diè2015,me@my and$z3hn in winç fr.omthc terüary s€ctortomrds the wil edúcadoD "I'onlglrf s b@etwill show be 22 peræntbiggstbân ñnùci¡l ouÞachgeerymaic befoæ tbe global Efoß Buts thegrycmotsælß Gtsts, ConfíNed on Poge 4 Tnine Gal W¡terhous haves tbe stewards' edv¡mcd cconomy," he*1116. Butwiththcgmt's folmb frlom lÂstyca/s budget MoRE REPoRTSP4-5 DENNIS SHANAIIAN [5 DAVID UREN P5 WAYNESWANPIO s¡eD¡ñ@tlyorEßtimthg ramue Mrswan fomts fffi by $17 blltioo" thetasktodry of ADVERTISING guro John Singleton and leading hoße thiner EDIToRIALPII Gaí Waterhouse have edged y6terday thatthe proposal put by MrZimmmm "could be possible", províded the worker m betts ofrovemll md a¡¡eed drarged Worþlace Relaöons Minists Bill Shorten said ìast night the "welâtions" from Mr Zimmrman would "smd a shíver dom the sl)ine of wery Australian retail wrks"ACTU sæetary Dave Oliver sid MrZmmm's mmmmts showed tlle Opposition lsde/s pmmi* last week that no workq would be woEe ofiunda his gwmma¡t could notbe beliwetl "Russell Zimmeman belledt}est,"hesid. Jæ de Bruyn, tlle nationa.l has s- working hours, overtime mts, penalty råtes, allowances and Iave læding. ¡etary ofthe Shop Distributive Howeva, the Coalition's poland Allied Employæs Associ- icy last week suppofts a recation" said he wæ not surprised ommendation ofthe Fai¡ Work that employeß would push to Act Hitr panel tàat eterssly trade off penalty mts in ex- pemits æ IFA to "confer a non- chmgeforrcstsd¡ang€s monetary benefits on an '"follbeallowingaEæto the enployæ in cchmge for a mnbottom," he sid "Well finish on etarybmdt". Thepanelsaidthevalueofthe Thhdworldcond¡tions" UndstheFairworì(Act'indi- monetary benefit traded off vidual flexibility arugments canbeusedtonryamgmelts is perfomed, sdr as should be "relatively insignificant" and "in writing", while the coÍtiredqwe4 rrhm wo¡Ì Coal's been 'smash€d', says Xstrata resourc6 sector of a Xsffi sid itwould ANNAßEL HEPWORTfI JAMIE WALKER ONE of theworld'sbigg$t mineß has accused state and federâl policymaken of impsitg extn costs and taxes on the sector, waning that the Aust¡alia mâl industry is b€ing'mashed" æ it dumped a $l billion coâl qlþ¡t tminel inQuffislmd. ln a dæision thet was wel- comed by envircment groups, but drew warnings from the mREs:lolvælN^,BMDÉYHlÆR BOOIfn¡kerTOrn WatetÙous€WSS lsg¡eda b two ctal8rs r[rnitr8 bút d€ared ofpesing on Inform¡don in Sydney yesterday affer pleadlng not guilty been the More Joyous affeir, with bookmaker Tom Wattrhouse instructed to stop usirry h¡s famous râcing hm- ily's name to promote his gamblingbtßinest in e dnmaticday oI err¡dence ât a st*¡erds'inquiry. Following tetimony fiom former rugby league star Andrew Johns, u-jodtey A.llan Robinsn oms Eddie Hayson, Râc¡ng NSW stewa¡ds eltrted to cbarge Gai Waterhouse with two drargs of failing to keq a prcper and brothel record of treatments adminisincluding the tered to hoß6 Sin8letomwned - More Joyow in her æ at her Tullæh lodge stablcr The bains last night pleaded not guilty to both charges, and names sweat it or¡t botb the æþbmtcd and lhc gÐnblit¡S mthi¡¡dr b{d siil cÐlo6 lowrrd by lùe sÎêwrrdE andtold tok¿Athcltr pmfessioml dlsÞne fmm om amùs, Thenots¡lmmhtely BRENT READ multiollliomirc mm wa{lowirg iD to wlth ol'ourfu I identitieswlth Rodd stüies to mtch. At the head oflhe field stood the ¡mmlaþlyE¡oomcd Wat rùouses, tra¡n6cei and lsbælcnakssonTonTbe faElly ls nost'angErto ndng curtmersy, and by da/s md vowedto clearhcnarcwhen she reappeas beforc the inquiry on Monday. Mr Singleton pladêd guitty ìo bdnging the sport ¡Dto diseFrte md was fined $20,000, althogh gurrlwaf dl medla peck wlta mking h¡s my ir¡o thc bariÎ8! Yestcrdty' confronl¿dbythcsm renario, Slngtcron adm¡tt¿{ tü¡t bdng s mksta¡'"tmt all tt's cndcdrgtobc", gmmed John Slngleton, the EVEN by the lofty standards of the rad¡g ind6try, thls w¡s e wswurdedbyesiæble advertidttg ffi¡16ü thcway thc lnqu¡ry, ând mtqúitÊ dl smlles on tùewey dt, h¿ving bæn ltlievcd of $f 5,0m by chld srdrd RsyMFihyfor FoffirügtyhagwErat AodwJohß,4longùtF Iäend of Slnghton was pcrhaps rhe EGt Fluctant stùtÀ. Ifhe wæ e horsq lnrrculd h¡ve bccn s¡d to hâvc bæn sweûrlpg uD ln thcmúngyard- his guilty plea, his ÍIc told thc hqdrythaton lhc oþlrt bcfoa the All ABd SÞf cs, we dls¡t9ute. Whk:h t¡c pflalty was lat6 rcduc€d to $15,0@ afler omideration was givcn to his s€rvioes to tring and his "prior good chæcta". "We stil.l belioe it was an prcpriate penalty given the ap agn- of the matteE wæ s tr¡Þ licly aired; we fæl a fine of wtion $20,000 was appropriate," said chief stmard Ray Mrwihy. "lt's ctrtainþ a hcfryfrc,butBiven Mr Singlcton's period in the irdustry, sop work the Baladava Island tminal m to and uffitable invdtment and policy mvircnmat in Austsali¿ "Any daim tbat big mining export coal from the state's mmpani6don'tcont¡ibutetothe Bolven md Sumt bæins because nation's economic wellbeing is of poor market conditions, concerns about the medium-tem oudmk for the industry, sc6s port cpacity in Queensland md limitations oD ship?ing Irst night, Glen@re Xstãta's head of global coal æsets, Peter Frqberg; sid a "signifienf'portion of the Australian oal industry was los-making æd that as compmi6 qrt @sb 'æ a mâtts of sunival" they mnfrcnted an misleadi4 and is a disseruie to flsy Awtmlian erÞloyed in or connected to the sector," Mr Freybery said. "lnstead ofnpporting one of Austmlia's lârg6t erport industries, policymâÌd at both a state ud Church knew clergyman was a risk EXCLUS ofebus llf lClf AEL lllcKENN.{ texs and other burdens at a tine codí¡@d on Pog.6 GRAHAM LIoYD m Fomer Churc}l of Englândin- AM,\NDA CEARINC vestigator Rây Monis says he AU STRALIAN church oficials frcm the I960s and 80s -against Robat Waddingtor He sglt it to north Que€nsland die cae ofircials, who were at the time involved in mediation with knew of child*q allegatioß in Britain againsl a smior clergl¡m whm tåey puhed a victim into accepting â compensation prepared a 2@4 rcport about allegåtioN in Britâin ând Austmlia SYDNEY Peece Foundation the Australian victim over his claim that }t ws abüs€dwækly by Waddington between 1964 and 1968, whowæ hadmastúof St Bamâbas b@rding school in Ravmhoe, southwst of Caims. Doo¡mfltsând difficoG I¡ndon Hmtion on Combating Anti-Semitism, calling tbe that by 25 pn ræId fine." It Tom Waterhouse, the son of still a Waterhouse, was also given a stm waming by Mr Murihy to disfânc himdf and his ompany from his mother's tnining o¡mtiøs. Coúinv.d on PoB.2 sPoRT I,32 fh E¡hr / \ 12 JUNE I 13 JUNE I 1q JUNE gðturè'childish, thoghtlss but æily populist". Tln Prime Minister s¡gned the l¡ndon Dedamtion lestmorfh. FULL REPoRT Atk¡nson show Australian tìe British l¡õ ^¡Hr¡èÊ20626t6 Þ. -d ú6üù Ê.rLd@dffi li.rl@ chmh officials nevatold him of allegations and ContíñÉd on Poge 2 P!ñb9?66,112 Hoà.rt62316294 rssN lo3t476l EG www.Arnoldz0l or call 1 800 999 270 [2 Noli¡I5 cñ Stdôct92EE 100 ct¡àdn 6zt0 tú0 lk¡.9292 2tE8 BrLò.æ3666 7444 spondmce with pensioner Bim FINÀNCIÀL EDUCATION SUMMIT DSC HWARZE N at Julia Gillard for s¡gning the w GET YOUR PHOTO WITH Ë Passes starting from $63.50 Selling out fast. Don't miss out! disnt€d is PM's dedaration'childish' Ìread Stuart Rees hæ læhed out payouton thebæis thâttherewas no flidere to back up his claims federal level have imposed addit¡onal costs, EXCLUSTVE: Proudlg brought to gou bg Jamie fllclntgre and ?1st Centuru Financial Education Summit d o{pemtion, mt ls ¡o mm bc'ddtrn¿{6¡tbG¡tth€ fat GaiWaterhouseandfomerly Istwk,slngtetonhrds¡d lootywltìh¡stMtÉt, c¡ñdiMdûPw2 banned bookmake¡ Robbie hcfchllk a'fockstai'whmhe briq8lDg the Ðort tnto womning increasingly uncertain invstment strike, Glencore EXCLUSTVE fortheirrclsin inquþ Whio+ackerof a dayásthebigest PETER KOCOY thrcugh a spokæma, acknowl- totìeffigemmt li\ ccdibütyand Þæstttg lhe momþ oflÁborMPs, wbo hæe jobs end Tlffi mnomyhasgrown . in e ltæ rv¿ùm¡t Étori¡E låbo/smlrm¡c tlcTreesEmtodeywill ple{e a p¡thwry back ¡Dsùr!16 ia a ndttwoyrùEar8uingtùe ofi. "It's gotto be regulated, done Ín good fa¡tì, and show that wdict rweoremdhrudt[e ttr W¡ym Former rugby league sttrAndæìv Johm gwmatlodmp iblotr8. heldætm toslTlmpmi*, Wridngsdmtwly lIç 8PM (AEST) Padlfttry.illd Dca¡ls S¡¡¡mL¡n ddls tbeb foccasts in lastyalsbudgcl substantially wætinated buùettüet'wioritlses remmicgrowtb". (nssrl B.tátbs- JoPrr,r Srnn'sqæh .Aust¡or¡on today, the pEdicts stmng g¡wtb ¡n the Hter z. ¡ox¿d ul¡¡i¡, work thmgh to 7pm or 73@m, but the 25 per ænt penalty rate paid now for working past 6pm In m intiliew with fi€ r{ustroli¿D, Mr Zimmemm said the mngment wonld be volmtary and tlre works wo¡ld hâve to be ONLINE TODAY familybmefit lreand def6 sdEduledtrx cuts. mth l¡Doljsecommic cr€dbinry underñr€añer By starting work at l0am or 10.30m, the employee would would not apply- f:l.ol', Bt ut;t'I üililillffi $750" greet ro meet Arnold at an excl us¡ve cocktail party with guaranteed photo and Als0 select Dìnner Passes available t0 exclusive high achievers. Limìled to only 20 per city Every dinner attendee gels to ask Arnold a question "^ Vis¡t wehs¡le lot details. 2 THE NATION TTTE SC^¡/C AUSTRALIAN, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2OI3 w.thcauslralian.oom-au Paul Kt'llr. l)¡rr itl I rcn..lutlilh SIr¡rn. l)rlr¡ris Shr¡n¡¡lr¡rrr. l)clt'r ¡¡rrr 2e13 ffi FcuunAL BuDGrrT Onrclcn. \nnirlrtl llc¡rror lh. \tlitnr Crriglrton ¡rnrl l'rrlriti¡r hirrrcl¡rs Hts ì,# f -l'r'¡r.¡lor'¡'l¡lr ;l s¡reci;r I etl it iorl rif 'llta ,\u;lrol¡cr¡ lr itI tIc lr¿tti6¡.s Scst llt¡¡.lgct ('( )\ ci'iìrl(' ¿r ntl conr rlcn t¿tn^ ffi '* I Ke ttny ü YOURNEWSPAPER EDITOR'SPICKS Microsoft'sSurfaceho carries more weightand a lot morc grunt I PERS0NALTECH P29 l EX INDEX Islamic event ARTS t2l3 wE TufR PERSONAL OZ t6 BUSINESS 14 17-21 MRT3G32 ooMPIITERS 27-æ Gillard for signing the London Dæìantion on Combating AntiSem¡tism, calling the gesture "childish, thoughtlæs but eæily populisf'. PrcfmrRsisonthestaffof Libscallfor bushfire inquiry togeths SOUTH Aust¡alia's Libeml opposition will move for a column Hestinitfor20 minut6, thtr the chüdren took tums. Thomâs and two other tied destmyed a house md two sheds ædroedmorethan 600ha of bushlanrL The fire, which b€gan ín at t]ìe time. One father nylon hammock to atræ æda23m claynmnrybrick parlimentary inquþ into the Cherryvüe bushfir€, whidt Tlìußday a unsmonably m weather a-fter a printe bum-ofi in the Adelaide Hillq was containedby tìe Coutry Fire Service on Saturday. No ms requircd forthe bumofi, which ccu¡red l0 days aftr pmit themdof thefire dmgsffio[ Qu6tions h¿vebmraised about the dep¡oymmt of asiâl wterbombffi.which wænot children sat in the halmæk togeths. Their mmbined weight wtr just 38kg, but witlin 30 smnds the olumn sepanted and collapsed on to the hmmmlq MsSmitìsid. mll,mms notreinforced bya galvanisd steel rod orplate, tìough botl wæ in deignplans. The inqr:st cmtinus. NTbudgetwill 'slash andbu¡n' wænotalm)sthearwr. TllENortàm Tmitory govmmmt is preùing to hmd 'TheF's dom an äircrâft, that urbÐ myt¡ about ailffift æ tÌ¡e silver bulletmdtheyputfi res out. . buttle fiEñghtffi on the gmund a¡e the on e9 that put @t firñ," he toldABCndio. D€ath unit"^'as notbuilt to cude' FAMILYholidey onW6tm AustÉliã's Rottn6t lslud ended in tmgedy in October2009whm aolum holding up ahammæk i n å unit split into lhre pieces, athre-yæ-old boy to deetll An inquest hæ hmld that A theunitbuilt in 1974, didnot odc mmply with W building ædmnotlxedduring a Èishmenl in 2006. Melâde Smit¡, æureel asisting tle inquSt into the deth of Thomæ refu Michaet Bræier, sid fær families wæ holidaying ereüed æ lslamic gmup's lætæ thetre bookingform hæ dinter-falth" smt thal was to be held on campuslåiswækmd. wivæity Tï¿ ,4ust¡oliou hæ obtained ore ofthe lett6 seît to sinæ at least2(ru5. holdm wob "J6us mentârian to sign the London civis ruriolum forboth A.nb trhml studútsThe ente cited its spport for the Boycott, Divestment aDd a Sanctions movement which ex- piicitly equates lsrael with apartheid-eÉ South Afria ì¿stmonth the Prime Ministfl became tle first Austnlial pulia- Dælamtíon "This declamtion re minds us that combating antiSmitism is u active prcc6s, not a passive one," she said. "lt demands vigilance. It means remai¡ing alert to ntr vehides by which hat¡ed and social poison ChanællorGlyn Davlds oñcc s¡t uf, the bac* of the theats€,æ IREAaDdother Mmlim groups do witb womn" they would not be allowed to W thê Univm¡ty of Me{boume ø be sprod." Prcfessor Rees originâlly mâde his comments in an email responding to comments made by opposition frontbencher Christopher þnewho he âttâdcd the BDS movemmt on Friday. "Activim, boycotts and mme tim6 sndioß (mpâitns æn't æti-Semitigbut when you target individual businesses bemme they æJwish, it is dmrly always haodsofttlm asqgpsUng that npe hãs awontr's f¡ull becarcc of theway she dmed, IREA dm¡ll ofthæthi¡¿s 'lt is qdte unmen¡blê th¡t Davis by m aedcmlc w¡th oncems about the bmki ngs ¡rcticy follow¡ng Tle Aostr¿lion's trDort læt mmth of g€nd€rsegEgåilon atæents ûo Profeu who dc{í¡ed tobe narned. "lfa wbi¡esuplÐtdstgloup told blacks mdAsi¡m that thry must plmned from the only Isneli aødmic to rcte the aedemirs and omunity mmber ontacted Vie qt¡em¡st mtüft o[IREÀ The unlveßily ls Ev¡ewlng lts in the Blble and the Kom", ln the universít¡rs Coplmd Thealre Jflish md toøæl bmkingms madeaîasæml ThelslmicResæhand EdMt¡onalAedmy had the Univeßity ofsydneyt ontG ve6ial Centre for Pæ and Conflict Studis, which lâst yar denied â requst for co-opemtion calllng for the mputatim of ÞyIREAand th€ Universlty of MGIbome shæld prcvlde a publlcplaúom fo¿ andthæbyimplicitþ mdoæ,agmuplikelRE 4." læture PosteÉatthe Melboume mfemædesignc{ todarup "mimncrDtlore" about Isl¡m indudedorc mtitled'H[ah A facillties," the aedemicwrote, solution for Rape". n¡cÚ¡"¡ÀfÞ{DAr¡ "Nmwoulduyothagmup anti-Semitic," Mr Pyne said in a from this kind of ânti-Semitic statement on the declâretion, mpaign-" poi nti ng to BDS activity at Profssor Ræs dismissed his remarks as "the usual childish, thoughtls but 6ily porulist e sponse" in the mail, which was univer- siticinNSW. "It ìs sd t¡at 70 y6 afrer the second world wer and the discovery of the Holæust we ile still having to defad the right of Jewish people to live in their Jewish homeland in Ismel free obtåined by 1¡¿.Austml¡bn. "Jus tice for the Palestinians and indeed security for lmlis dænc more than pÌedieble'heppy to Groves not allowed to defend himself sbjccd htr to physiÉl trd vt- SARÂII ELKS a belt-tightmiDg budget todây with ots to govmment left with $55 billion in debtby hæ vowed to retum the budget to zurplus by201&19. Ken Parish, a mmmentator et Charles Davin Un iversi ty, said i t would probably bea "slæh mdbum"budget "l think it would have to be an austere budget gvm t¡e state of the ddìcit md tle fact that itwill still bein deficit attheqd of the wices.Itsâysitffi fotrard 6timât6," he said.l¿bor hâs actused the govemmflt of hiding tbe rclease on fedml budgetday instæd oft¡e usal firstTuesdayin May-The govmenthæ alr rweled spending memm induding $20m to acr€læte land relæ in Palmerston, $75m for a pat¡at tmvel æsistmæ schme md $15-6m to upgmde tedrnolos/ used to tEck æsets md repaiß Award recognises Kelly's balanced style TFIEAustroh'ø's Joe Kelly hæ won the2013WallaæB¡þm YougAchiwaAwrd for bal pmsgallery. Mr O'Shea said Dr G¡oves sworeshe did not sign some of the domments relied upon by the lmdes tosell $33m ofhershsñ. He said it wæ not'"F¿r-fetched" to sg Mr Grcvæ pmctising hd sigmture, and often bragged that he had forged hd name pRioEly. Dr Grcvæ liled the sit againl the thH lmdes and Mr G¡oves in 2008, the multi-million-dollar lawsuit agaínst dmments. Hc sid Dr Grovæ had same year ABC Leaming collapsed ùnder its him. This mans I¡ Neve Grovæ's allegations about t¡eir tumultuous maniage could go unchallmged in hapwdings against ffi FIRST EDITION NO Dr Gmvæ is wing lenders BT She can no longer sue Mr becae he is a bankrupL Despite this, the follffi dúlisteryesterday iNisted he sbould be able to give didme md rcp- Securities, Citibank and Citigroup for $33m, claiming they wrongly sold ABC Leaming to defend his reputâti,on agaißt the "very personal" assaull thm fi nmcial institutions mthirelf shæ stood out âmong nuÞtr i t a ¡ecord of entants. They noted showed a cl ose attmtion to unddtânding pubiicpolicy and dflelopingnrys angl6 in a møingfr:lmy. Editor-in-Chief Chris Mitchell Ed¡lor, GúDn rssN 1038{76t SLÀSCRIBE b rÍ¿ rlßù"liø l8m 022 552 ADVmTISE i¡ Thc,46hlid¡ 1300 307 2tr/ bøk¡hgs@theausbalì@m âu C¡¡ùcm 62n 70û0 Mdbotrttr 9292 288¡| Bli{h.E 3666 7,144 A'lchi'L 8206 2686 Páù 9326 8412 Hoùon 6231 6æ4 Nas, tlpr ¡d mmmt feedb*k@$@usÞâl'øì @máu CONTÂCTS Sfdnry9288 3000 never signed or did nol k¡ow mough about Bmister Patrick O'Shea SC, for Dr Grcv6, ysterday told the Suprme Cou¡t the banks hiled tle f¡nilciaþ unsopbacting inde in ìus:rJl l' arÈ:s Couna; fi e t ¡¡t t. t-¡ r ¡ get on any easy bmdwagon'appmadr of this politicim." Asked if his ûiticims als aÞ plied toMs Gilla¡rl, uponded "of oum". "The resort hof6srRs to chargs of anti-Semitism regarding the world-wide qiticisms of the intemationâl¡y illegal polici6 of the govemmmt of lsmd is m ageold tæhnique to stifle my citicim of blatant humm rights abues," he sa¡d. Mr ryne said: "It is disappointing that Professor Ræs is the dirwtor oftle Sydnry Peæ Foundâtion and yet elso a flpporter of the BDS mvment that reks to dele8itimise Israel, targets Jewish busincs and prohibits a helthy fllturâl exchânge betwæn univesitiæ and in m doing damaga thepffip(tsforp€e" Professor Ræs declined to comment yestrday, saying he had jwt ¡etumed from oversss COMMENTARY PIO EDITORIÂL PU Austr¿li¿n is bound by the stardards of pEctice of the Australian hes Cæncil- If yæ belierrethestandads my haÍe bæn bmched, yæ may appruch TheA$tra¡ion ibelf or contact the @uncil by email at info@mmncilorgau (02) 92611930. For or by phone turths ínfomation w.pmcil.orgau Coilinücd lrcm Poge I At the md of the dayJong hãrcentnl question ofthe inquiry who told whât to whom about the fitnGs of More Joyos i¡ the )ead-up to the running of the All Aged Stak6 at Randwick on April 27 rcmained mcleu. - weeks After two of publicity over the perfomance of More Joyous, Racing NSW stewa¡ds were satisfied there was no evidence to suggest Tom Waterhouse had pased on my irside loowledge thâtthæ m a prcF Eddy Gmves, outslde the Suprcme Courtyesterdry, says he has when the doomentation was proc6ed. guarutæing miìlions of dollaß in loans to Mr Grcves. Mr O'Shea said Dr Groves would t6tify that the paüs rela- Whip+rackerday asbignamessveat ing, the lemwithtiehom Mr Singleton had claimed Waterhouæ had rwealed to her son before to the nce that the home had problems, and Tom Waterhouse had allegedly told w The fomer fætballe¡ is thm Mr Haysn, who wmtuellytold Mr Singlcton. sâid to heve told ln a mnd dnma-filled day at M¡ Haysm tiestmrds hwing sid he in fact hed made his om inquiriG âfrertâlkingto Johm at the fætball on mæ we md was told by an unnamed surce the vets had been attending More Joyouâllwæk Johns sâid yesterday he had apologised to Mr Singleton for possibly exaggemting whm he spoke to Mr Hayþn afts drinking forto sixbffi at tbe fætball. "l repeated the conversâtion whiò I had wit¡ Tom, but I en- Church knew principal w¿ts a risk Coÿinued from Page I continued to dismiss his daim lust made in 1999 æ "not -provm" md mworthy-of further invstigation ln 2005, church officials despite having been sent the British rcport a yø arlis into the sæond allegation of abuæ involving a chorister in Men- fi thepuædinç application. Or¡tside ourt Mr Gmvð m tionship was an "unequal one" ild thatwhile slìe wæ an inteilÈ gent woman Mr Grovs was so "controlling and domineering" she knew nothing oftheir finan- Conti¡ü¿d [rcn Page ] tlaym. Johßlelled thatTom Watertore hâd told h¡m he cbånG of thR hminthemæ-More Joyou, All TæHardmd lt'sA Dundeel. Cwimly,medwitb swb appâmt iß¡de lnfomt¡on thatwß an€gedly pmvlded dlre't hom mcing's fißtfmily, Jobro amtulþ Þton Morc Joyous, on the logic thât Tom waadudtipsten "During theyer (Watertrore) hæ given gmdasnineontherugby legm bmthel wnerEddie d¡dn'1 like the orliv€ tips lhatff dmdful," he told the inqulry. "His tips on the nccs arc as I am a hopel6s sid legal rcdress to hlswlfe's dalms he was still hoping one of the lmdm would ell him æ a wit- cial situation '"Fler huóand prevmted hs from dealing with fin- Hesidhe would dday movíng to Canada with his new wife mettÊrs" Mr OShm sidThe court heard Dr Groves wodd argue ha foms husbmd whidrwas approved yest€rdsy ânc¡âl n6intheæ the Fedml -Ð Cdrt-until thetrial ''ä Johß thoughthisdâywas overand haded for hom. He wæwn8. Afferúving sid€ne thåt rpperrcd to support Johns' væion of *ents, retiredjækery AIlm Robinsn Etumedwlth wbat heclaimedwrof¡sh evlderce' md aa¡rding to hts Chris Murphy- himsil no stmngsto a pEparEd to tell th"wbole trotll la*ya, relEck- Howser, hedmndedJohm andHaysnb€prent. At theend oflhed¡y, me for ffied however, the ûalh to finlsh weu back in the frelÀ not be ærtain of what I eid . . . I m swmr on my life what Tom said to mq but I ennot be ærtain Ρe way t wo¡ded it to Eddie Haysn," Johns toldthe inquiry. Later, Mr Hayson backed Johm's venion of qentE md insisted thattwo othtrpeoplein the mcing industry had informed him the hose was unft ud it was on the strmgth of that infomation that he quizzed Mr Singleton about the clâims. Outside tìe haring mm, Mr Singletoo mid he would þay the ñmandmoveon". "I'll look back at the All Age Stakñ æ the rae that brcke the back as fr æ my asffiÈ mì's a6on wit¡ Gai Watshdse gG. It's over-" While the stewards found Tom Waterhouse had no ose to answtr to allegations of passing on insider infomation, he wæ told the way he "uses the family (name)" needed to be miwed. Mr Mudhy said he wæ partiolarly displesed wìth tbe now retired jockey Allan Robinson, who had sught to give a second veßion of flents with Johns and Mr Haysn prffit after hâv¡ng trlis givm vom testimony- ONE of the lEt Ëcing idmt¡tis charged under new NSW laws Ìargeting comption in sport, Robert Clement. hâs vowed to äght charges that he doped a hone to lix last month's TâmwonhCup. Clement,47, a New England traine, and a 27-year¡ld aswiate Cody MorgÐ, allegedlyfxed Pnsian Særet's win on April 28 by "drencbing" tlte gelding with performance-enhancing sbstmcË Mr Morgm is alleged to have prcfiled from bets plac€d on the mce a well tr reiving part of the $40,0O0 prize æ the hoße's cñtî9. r The duo ellegedly lri€d to peat the fmud at Smday's Gunnedah Cup, butpol¡æwæ li¡pped off by an informant smtching the hombeforcthe raæ and late¡ ffitingtlEtwomn NSW Detective Superintensaid drenching "a mmmon practice" acffis Ìhe NSW racing industry; it in- dmt Ken Finch m volves a tube being forced thrcugh a hoffi's nostrils to ad- minister cocktails of performance-enhanc¡ng substanß. Known colloquially as "milkshak6", the tEatmenb often include sodium bimrbonate, chester. in the 1980s pËsd Mr Atkinson into accepting a $75,0OO Þaydt with the waming tïe daims wæ daied ãd that dim the mnot"wealthy". But Mr Moris told Th¿ 7Ìm6 Wâddington and wte a rcpo¡t Ítrhis north Queensland @unter?a¡ts when the seond allegations emerged âgainst Waddington, who was headmaster of St Bemabas on the Athe¡ton Tablelands before rehming to EnSlmd in the 1970s and rising to bemme dean of viiled whidr is believed to pRent the build-up of lactic acid in the musclæ, allowing the bors€ to .I¡\RED ()WENS Waddingtd naspaper in london he inter- msfinished. horse to win bush race pmter.- Johm hblÈbdtythc¡rykorNeN¡òXq!hJhNA S ffiSæ d2HdStS!ry Hûk 2OIOffi i! NSW¡læ?Hum Hight.ft lbÈ2l9qFddlnUdi bf HmH & W4llyTtuhùd il87-læTd Rd toÉMdbqVhdaFid h Tm¡db byDß ¡EhPtrhiE4I lntlMd6 DiTdúH,7OqFid hffi ffi b b-v^ffi F N@ lhiH,2m B¡lkyT@MihEd.ffi ¡n QlEÚI¡dlry hy Udd@rcÉt¿d L)tun d&Md.dqhxh.¡ddþht ^frllqpùH OÆÉH Ndtlr ôeNdb Ql'dDdNwc.w?ty UdrdþSWeStTdñlhd iDWffi ,lffilhdPdhhnl 102 &ndlGR4ÕD¡4V¡þ ßÑm|lltld¡dMdDmÉllFb o¡lyËkldlDg¿¡t¡diRDI highùùFshô mey ÞFFDb R@dHl¡tyftr.Hd @md b tr hc¡!doby CbÈ Mffiil.2HolSisuqHlLNS æ10 APc o t t. c Justice Martin rejected his belonging to her in 2008, allegedly mlying on læn guamntee documents she insists she Thejudg6 said Kelly's work l5,ll5 Dc,{ffi líûr Clivc Mathi€sn Edib. n . It'ækad¡{6hli¡r¡ Miòcllc fr Grð Singleton, Waterhouse charged Duo accused of doping and lábor MP Gai Brodtmâm at â ony in Pùliâment HouseThe awardhonnm along- mentoring ofjuior jomaìists. t' t¡ I i debts. Keìly,28, (right) was pGmted withtleaMld by NationalslmdqWm Tnxs with Quænslmd's Tla Coun:erMail.Walty Bmm.who died in 2006aged76, md wæ knom for his balmced reporting and his rr.\l suggest someone else had signed the Supreme Court judge Glenn Martin ruled M¡ Grovc had no legål right to appe¡ after be was declared bankrupt in January, forcing his fomer sporße to drop isti€ted rcman ffi pmdmtly of her thm-husband and flm-hÐded reporting in tìe parliâmentary shamfo¡hirelf. dodmmts. e kept $l2m in pe s@ente s¿le of her abm md cÊeds fr,om a BANKRUPTCY has crme back to l¡ite fomschildcaretsn Eddy Groves. who has been refused pmission to defend himself in ourt ageinst his s-wife's daims he was a physically abusive and domineering husband suspected of for€ing hr signåture on bmk to etruE ethiel swing prm galleryjoumalist l rr c(r Thomas died from muhiple i¡juri6. The murt heard the used until Friday. CFS acting deputy Rod Smrlford said plma TtlE Univemlty of Melbome mpus æmialdwith theIREA bãe bæn addrsslng gmups at the aftercomplaints SYDNEY Pæe Foundation head Stuart R6 hõ lashed out at Julia beld on anotherlslmic organ Istior! HlkmahWay, Tbedæ¡sion IOII 15 WEÁJ:ÍH2-21 on onSatudryæning. lntemtional Ðekm Univesitydmps SIVE C}IRISTIAN I(ERR COMMENT/TRY rf rf rf. Rees attacks'populist' gesture POIVEIÌ ANI) PORTABILITY TEI,EVISION I{; O\t.\' \'[:flt)l("[' I \ ()t \l:lln)'¡ t)\l(;!X I Go onlinc ot Spnt (AF.S'/. ) lór o live webcasl v¡ill't llte nation's leoding political experts, Poul Kelly ond Dennis Shuttahon, ond host Chris iffiþr maintain top spæd with minimal "lt is illegal to undertake that pmctiæ within 24 homprior to â |f næ. it's administtr€d wit¡in a certain psiod prior to the it re, is then undetectable when the hone is sbsequently t6te4" Mr Finch sid. "This was an organised attempt to defmud the galeral E¡blic of NSW who may bet pe¡tiolsne." CIænt, who is also charged witl fræams ofrmcs following a police raid on h¡s Bendemeer prcperty, last night denied any rclein dmchingthehoÉ. "l m at a rodæ (on Sunday) md they üNted a srch mrant at my plaæ and they fond ffi gum," he told Th¿ Austroli.2n "Now I've bæn cherEed under th6e nfl lam that I dont unde¡stand. but I M¡ Morris said he visited Waddington, who ms retired, in York and asked about claims ebused pupils at St Bamabas School. Waddington denied the allegations that he had mped boys Mr Morris sid his answm "showed him either to be nsive orv€ry mlolating". The revelatioDs - contladic'ting Austmlian drurch offcials that they wse unaware of the British aJlegations come thât he htigue. on Manch6tã. mdmyingallthednrgæ" New sections of the state's Crimë Act, er¡âctcd lâst Septm- bd. dm to sfeeuard th€ inteFity of sport by târ8Êting pople who fã6 just days after the Anglican cburch in Britain amunced a highlæl inquiry into the alle- getions agâinst Wsddington, who died in 2007, and the church's 6poM to mplâinls ovd the past 15 )eß. The stmt allegêd abuse of Waddington's ild tìe c'hurch's inection were revealed after a joint invætigation by The AustrolimtdTheTimæ- It was dimverÊd that Engl ¡sh church officials. including the fomo arclrÞisbop of Yorlç now Lord (David) Hope ofThomeq æd ænior Austrelian Anglim at gambling. Clmmt jail for comption, up to 20 failed lo Epontopoliæthe alle gations of abrc nade in 1999 by plus en additional 19 MrAtkinsorl chat yffi' yan over the prchibited unr€gistcEd '71 rifle and am¡nunition found at his pmperty. M¡ Morgil fac up to 22 yeare' sail if convicted of the cher!6 against him. Austmliâ's Anglimn primatg Phillip Aspinall, yeste¡day met with north Qusslmd bishop Bill Ray, who m notin the die æ at t}le tim ofthe mcdiatíon. 0 AN STRAT THE EEKENI) WWWTHEAUSTRALIAN.COM.AU lNQtrllìhtì {lrAt $3.00 HEART OF THE I l. Ktrl.l,}'} NATION I THE YEAR PAN Iì EVI I1\T' FLYI}{G SOLO .,n GEI\ET'S GIRLS 'To call this dumb politics is being polite. Labor is beyond sound management' JUNE l-2,2013 , Blanchctt anrl Dcbicki on sex ¿rnd nrurclcl in Tha Maids -¡Êtr Bcrnald l'anning on lif'c allcr Porvrlc rl'i n 8ct' Cane country schools teach a lesson in howto defy disadvantage SARÅII EI,KS JUSTINE FEIìRARI WHEN young primary school principâl Nathâniel Tnin mived at Innisfa¡l Eæt State Schml in far nortt Quænsland two yeaß ago, he had â tough mffige to deliver to teachers and parents: lift your game. As one LYNæN MECHIELSEN Students at Goondi Stâte gìchool in Queensland yesterdry Today, lnnisfail Eâst like neighbouring Goondi- State INSIDE Our best schools revealed EXCLUSIVE ofthe nation's most disadvanlaged schools, where haÌf the students are indigmous, itMs l6-page liftout not unusual for students at lmisfail Eastto refuseto feet ofT the d6k. tâke their Many parents sent their chil- School is one of a handful of - most disadvantaged Australia's Get the full tables, more stories and a video guide to getting the most out of tlìe stats at our online Your School section at schools whose students are scoring in the top half of the nation's results in litemc? md numemcy. trolíon by tbe Grattan lDstitute shows that âmong the 1000-odd dren to school just to stop them rcamingthe streets, mther than to leâm. Aftendance wâs Iow and amdemic r$ults were woße. An ana)ysis of NAPLAN (National AssesmentPrcgffi L¡teracy And Numemcy) results mnducted lo¡ The Weekend Aus- - most disâdvântaged primary schools in the nation,46 score above the national average in readi¡g, ffiiting and numemcy. Five ofthoseschools are among the l0 per cent most disadvanlaged primary schools in the nation, including Goondi and lnni$ail East. The Weekend Austrolíon today a sprial schools report includs analysing NAPLAN resÌììts to identify the nation's topperforming rhools. The malysis, based on mding writing and numemcy scoffi, pÞ J ohnsto ne River fmm Innisfail East Principal Arthur Sclippa has spent two decades overseeing a school where âødemic ffi ults are high despite the hùdships faced by its students md thet familis. Mr Sclippa, t@, sets the bt high fo¡ his students ând teacheß, Ðd tbe refuffi to accept exflsð. Both Mr Tmin and Mr Sclippa dismiss suggestions thei¡ results âre â statisticâl Ðomdy or that vids tables of high-performing there's something in tlle water in continucdon P¿8¿ 6 public æd private rhæls, girls', boys' md cæducationa.l schmls, I NQU IRER Pl3 state by state md natioDally. Goondi StâteSchæì ìiæacrcss PETER vAN oNSELEN P20 FIFO camp end of the line forlocal miners ASBESTOS PILES PRESSURE ON QUIGLEY NBN chief on no ice EXCLUSWE ilF s|mt6[trÛ, II ITCI I ILL ßINCE]!IA NN ,\NN,\BEL I.IEP\\'OIìTI I smtive Mike Quigley on notiæ that his position may not continue unde¡ an Abbott government after a hor¡or wæk for billion project in which it was revealed that workers ând the $3/.4 ßidents wre eçosed to asb6tG risks during the rcllout. As evidence emerged of an *odus of sior mnstn¡ction and sâfety staff from NBN Co jn recent months, tbe opposition's communicatÍons spokesman, Malcolm Turnbull, reiterated concerns about the selection of Mr Quigley. Although he stopped short of saying he would appoint a new NBN Co chief exerutive, M¡ Tumbull said: "t don't tlink (Mr Quigley) ms the bet choice fo¡ that role g¡vm the factthathehad never nú a leleom company or built a telecommuniotions net- work, bæn responsible for building onq hehad worked forâvmdor Certainly the perfonranæ of Telstm and the NBN Co have been rocked by revelations this week that some coDtractors THE Coalition hæ put NBN Co chief with Telstra and the main commuimtions unions the NBN Co in its mnt¡nuation of its construction project has not bem very impmsive, hæ it7' Communications Minister Stephen Conrcy, whowould næd to be conslted on my mÐagÈ ment changes by the highpowered NBN Co board, has given Mr Quigleyhis full support MrTml¡ull'somments me the NBN Co revealed that a contractor on the project hâd been killed in an accident on ân NBN work site at Kiama, near Wollongong, south of Sydney, and as the Gillard governmeDt dramatically esmlåted its intervention into the asbestos exposrre iswe, with Workplaæ Re lations Minister Bill Shorten announcing that Labor would convene â meeting on Monday as working for both organisations have been mishândling esbestos rcntained in Telstm pits that æ being prepared for the National Brcadbmd Network rclloul mising the threat oI contamination for employm md midents nmr the work sit6. MrTumbulì ysterday insisted that occupational health and safety had to be the top priority and declared that the Coalition's chepe, quicker $20.4bn rcllout would mean disturbing fewer ucduJ uu¡r¡ oEù!u! JAMES CROUCHER uu n!érv,r- nls communities. Although such EXCLUSTVE ADd oc$pational health and efety hâve to be the top priority. Cledy t¡at hæn't bæn lhe ee There's plenty of blame to go arcund, both withTelstm mdthe NBN Co, md no doubttbeir on- tncton." He maintained that Conlinùed M settlements have become an enduiln g symbol of the fl y-in, ny-out remurcæ boom in ¡emoteAustralia, rcalminm in the HunterValley have maintained tìetEdition .t^REt) o\'vllNS APROPOSALtobuild a empfor 1500 rsourcff industry worken on agrioltuml lmd just u hoü's drive from the sæond lanest city in NSW has sparked fearsthat the current generation of miners might be the last to live in nearby the Poge 6 MoRE REPoRTS P6 INQUIRER and Gmce,4,lives MinerMa¡k Newion, with hlsw¡fe Michelle and daughtere Sarah,8, struction. "Stúct complimce with are not opæbestos safety tional" he sid. "lt lru to happen. PI6 of retuminghome to theirfmiliæ after each day's ìo ng sh i ft. Mark Newton, wbose father neu Singlelon and is opposed to the ideaof a FIFO emp there tor\ 70km west of N ryøstle, will allow mins to replae thei¡ workforce with FIFO outsiders on l4lay shifts, ntherthm tmining locals for the future. He also worries the miners' camp will irwenibly chmge the social fabric of the tom, having heard "horror stori6" about the "Hort-style acomodation vil- impact of tlìousands of lonely FIFO workers descending on communitis in æntml Quæns- lage" in his home town of Single land and Westem Austmlia. father-inlawwere minen be fore lrim, fears the proposed and "Why would thry næd to build it in Singleton?" Mr Nryton said"I/Ve'rc not remotq we've got mining history going badi over I æntury Ðd we've got blokæ buying hous6 in Ntr€stle bæaus it's so close and they can drive to work- "Thse will be young, single l¡loks who'll go out to the pubs and euæ an absolute uprising in the comunity. Theyll gel onthe g¡og, and we all know what hap pens then. I don't want my kids nearthaL" The MAC Seruicm Group prcject, slâted for e dis*d farm 3km south of the toM ænÞe. wouldbe equipped with dining and shopping facilities md a g¡rmnasium. Thc mms would be contracted to companies housing temporary workem, and "if demand dosn't retum, wewontbuild'. MAC muaging dirKtor Peter Co¡ti¡ùed on INI)EX Banished priest's cycle of abuse stretches beyond 50 years to first posting woRrÐP9-tl rNQUrRFsPl3-22 EXCLUSTVE [4lCllAIl- N'lcKENN¡\ ANIANDI GE,\RINC In an alleged clrurch covu-up Ðmning âlmosl 60 years, Wad- dington was suddenly and unexpectedly st to a sroll schæl in regionaì QuænslÐd in 1956 mid claims hewasmolestingthe sn of Ð THE Church ofEngland banished serial pedophile pr¡est Robert Waddington to Aust¡alia, where he abused children afioss a dæade, after suspicions were mised about him molsting droirboys in his londonparish. e;bt! Þ. ttsÇ #Ël fr¿l !¿n, Engìish poliüciar Iåst month the Church of England ordercd Ð indep€ndent inquiry into the handling of allegations againstwaddington, after a joint investigation by The Austrolion aîðThe nmes oflrndon. But it 6n nowbe waledthat A¡* ry'- rHr / died in 2007, Waddington -whohe abused stufacing allegations the 1960s and dents in Australiain Engljsh choûboys in the 80s and 90s - m molsting children as soon as he joined the church in groomed by the Cambridge Univeßity-edueted clergyman, who took him on holidays in the English countryside, before he began moìesting the then RâyMunn ll-yeuold. The lât6t alìegations have bæn made by Ray Munn,70, who was recruited by Waddington, ed 1953. deutscheräm hackett important fine art auction o sydney then acrmteat StJohn's church ín Bethnal Green, East l¡ndon, to sing in the droirin 1953. He wâs aìmost immed¡ately . 28 august 2013 "Hewasvery enning, hetreâtI ike young adults, gave us pet mine was 'mon petite' md. in my beeuse-I was small ü names - æ, convinced my pamts that I næded to be onfmed md would give me oDe-on{ne lessons for that" Mr Munn said- LETTERSP2I FÍNANCE TABLÊS P32 SPORTP3'39 CLASSÍFTEnS P40-41 Now living in Adelaide, Mr Munn said he believed Waddington wæ "shipp€d out" to Austmlia afrersuspicions were mised about the ther l@l choimaster. "lt was so suddm, Waddin8too was working ât the church, planning his next holiday to Fmnce, and then the next thing he was Co¡tinwd on PoEc I call for entries for a confidential and obl¡gat¡on free appraisal please contact: . 02 92A7 0600 melbourne. 03 9865 6333 sydney inf srldy td aUlOgaHN lN IHE BLAC(FoR€sl l, t979 o¡l ånd Frym.r Þårnl on c¡nv¿s on b$rd Ést st50,000 200.000 PoEe I 4 THE NATION THE WEEKEND AUSTRAUAN. JI]NE I-2, 2OI3 u My 20years of failure to close gap: Shergold has had such profound consequences." Dr Shergold, who among othr EXCLUSTVE PATRICI,\ I(ÂRVEI,i\S roles is the chaiman of the National Centre for Indigenous Excellena, sid that since letiring FORMER head of lhe Department of the Prime Minister and from thepublic s6r'icein 2008 he had Ëfæted on that"failure, posna.l md systmic", to ovemme indigmms disadvantage Cabinet Peter Shergold has lamented how little he achieved for indigoou "Atpffitthewstsm Ðmt Australians in his two decades as a senior public on l¡enefits tæ often enÈmdl the poverty the payments are intended to emdicate," he said. sflanL Dr Shergold's mea olpa oms in a forsord he mote for a collection of essays, In block ond white: Austtolíoß oll qt the nossroad¡ published læt month. "I look l¡ack on thøeyffi æ a fr itt bettfr to sp€fld the money on pmviding æsistanæ to help pæple get otrbmefits? 'Surely "Pmple our fellow citizms - given the chânæ to to be - need take full control of their lives. Finally, it's âbsolutely vital that period of failure, judged against the aitsia of equal opportunity, economic and social mobility, human rights and civic responsibilities, control and empowermmt," mid Dr Shergold, who also serued as head ofthe Aboriginãl md Tons Shait lslmd Commis sion md sffietary of the departments of employment, eduetim æd multio¡ltuml âffaiÃ. "Most of the public senants I worked alongside did their bst. Yet, afttr two dmds, the sle of relative disadnntage sfftred by indigenous Australiam ¡emained Âs intmctable æ str. I tr think of no failure in public policy that FIFO camp end of the line forlocal miners lims frcm adriwing. "Many hâve as victims simply bemuse they have Abor- lmmtto sætimseive JAMESCRNOIER acknowledge country, or one's Aboriginality being questioned on the gmnds of hâving minimal mc€st¡y," Northem Tenitory Indigenous Minister Alison Andersn argued tlat classs in Aboriginel mmmunitis næded to be tãught in English, øthu than luguge, so that the edumtion a child received in the Teritory would "be as good æ in Sydney or Brisbme". She said another chenge "to leam by doing and carefully evaluate tÌ¡e rsults." One of the book's editors, An- see dß thony Dillon, a reæarche¡ from the Univffi ity of W6tm Sydney who d$cribes himself as pârtAborigina.l, mte a chapter ¡ANES flOUCHET make "We Deed to that a ntr FamerPeter Redgmve on hls pmp€ûywlth hlsw¡fe Dris€ana and child¡en Sam,9, and Br'.anna,ll Con¿inùed frcm Poge I mine while retaining six diæel fit- t6 from Papua Nfl Guina. MAC, which opentes similar Mccmn eid in a stãtmffiI 'The ænstruction md murc industri6 typielly bave larye peks in ucate pa¡ents to approach to edF Quffilil4 facilities ¡n W6tem Australia Ðd northm NSW predicts the construction could æn- the ne€d for workers sunounding specihc projects or developments. We sæ grcwth opportunities for Singleton and tle Hunter Valley, ed cation will involve some hard choicð. No morc excs forchildrm misingshæ1." tríbute accommodation viltage if these opportuniti$ tumed inlo a dmonstrated næd." Mr Newton mid the 1500-unit camp could eventually house 3000 workeß on day and night shifrs. ßut the mmpe ûy insists "we have nevc, and will nwer, use a room for more than one IFßon NrcolAs RorHwElIPl5 ANDREw PENFoLD PI5 It's a step forward: Moneghetti ment's February report on FIFO practices. lt found FIFO was necffsary in some remote aras, but it was "emding t}le livebil¡ty" of otìer comunitie and should be "the exæption ¡ather than the duringtleir stay with us". Mr Newton, who drives 30 minut$ to work sys my change JOURNEYTO RECOGNITION to FlFo-friendly two-wæk shifts would sâbotage his relationship his yomg daughteß. He also ru1e". SiDgleton, populalion I6,000, is situated in the heârtof the Hunter Va.lley, which has a population of fears an influx of temporary 243,200. Taking in witì PIA,\KERVI,\N narùy Newcastle's population of 308,300 makes the Hunter region more populous than TasmaDia. The foreign workem on 457 visas, after DowDer EDI last month sacked 106 workffi at its Boggabri ffil- wæk mrked by mcist from surprising sources, prompting public IT wæ a million to the local and smle 195 nff jobs. $19 æonomy AnotlrqlT/ stafrwould be needed to nìn thevillâge. But opponents ofthe prcpomJ, Ied by local businesses and the Construction Forestry Minin g and Energ¡r Union, say the propmal makes a mmkery of parlia- and we would only build our dnl- lenging the "victim" mentelity, which kept indigenous Austra- handwringing about where still hadto go. Stere Moneghett¡,left,joins thewalk ln Bdlamt, Victoda But Stfle Moneghetti is not a man fæed by distance Ðd fæls the extent oI racism has been to nise support fo¡ by the foqs on a overemphasised saturation-level l3-year-old Collingwood fan, year. The huge public rcaction to the lmguage direrted at Goodes on andoff theAFLfieldhasprcm- Eddie McGuire's King Kong galTe and Adam Gædæ's bad wæk. 'We've progrcsed a lot furths pted u uex¡rcted fms ud de than this week hes demonstmted," Moneghetti sid yestn- bate about mcism. day as he led 400 pmple mund a lakeide tmck that beas his name in his hometom of BânaEL "Pðple think we've taken a step back but I âctually think it's ænvinced me that we have come a long My by tlìe fâct that we've girl called Goods æ "âpe" and Mccuire tbm flippantly s8gested the indigmms footballer be used to promote King had ilch â robust diffsion" ie and gloves, the Olympian marathon runner slowed his ùsual training pece to take the Joumey to Ræognition mund Lake Wendouree's 6km shoreIine. The Recognise campaign, which started on Sunday in Mel^ boume,hæs fârtmvelledl00km H c phase," he said. "Nicþ Winmar rvas 20 years ago. Hav¡ng the E o N Contiru¿d been some positive outcomes from the week's events, like A a Kong, have bæn described âs tuming points similar to Nicky Winma/s deliant lifting of his St Kilda guemsey to show his black skin to tâunling Collingrvmd sup porteß. Jmie l¡we, m Aboriginal Ballarat mÐ on the walk, said anotllr opportunity now existed to revive disossion ând educate aboul diveEity- "lt's a Gtalyst to start a discussioìì for the next Dressed for the icy Ballarat rlrizle in skintightlegginç, bem- is the most important thing.'l reckon it's good lhât in the this is out open æd people are expmsing theìr opinions." Moneghetti agreed thae had awaren6s and eduetion about mcism. The incidents, in which llyer+ld NDE fm a "No Mining Camp"placard in their window - said she was initially op€n to the prcposl until she was told about other communitiæ, zuch æ Momnbeh, where FIFO minffi have bought I ittle from the locaì corùnun ity. Redgrove was furious that tbe @mp wæ slated for mnstruction opened later this yeer. The isue has alm spilled into the fedeml sphere, mid a Nationals push to clâim the of Hunter a sat held by Labor since st l9l0- and currently by fomer defenæ minister Jæl Fitzgibbon "fm mnmedthåt the people who would be staying in the paddæk, I mn't erectly be in the house to prctæt thm al night if any of (the mines) ome k¡ocking,' sid Mr Redgrove, himself a hundred metres behind the runner, a young boy illustrated the point as he bounded ahad of histæchm yelling'We wppon the AborigilaJs!" Mr I¡re welcomed the Reco8nise cmpaign to Ballamt with a speech questioning what form reconciliâtion should take and where snstitutional lmgnition, which has bipartisan support, might fit aìong s¡de other challmge sudr asinproving Aboriginal health and educâtion standa¡ds. "This is defnitely the stârt of something, but what it lmks like atthe md,I dontknow." frcñ Poge on amârginofl25ptrænt. The state s6t of Upper Hunttr had a l6 per cent swing to the Coâlition âtthe 20lleltrtion. evm before the Independent Commission Against Codption laundted public inquiries into the sus- læ picious allocations of two local coal leas6 by fomer state minerels minister lu Macdonaìd CritiG note the underconstruction Boggabri câmp is advertising for housekeepers, kitchen hands and gu6t wices Nistants to work FlFO-frimdly rostex of 14 days on, wm days ofr, flights not spplied. Fifth-generation Singleton opmentapplication, which will lrc dæ¡ded by ajoint regional planning panel largely appointed by theNSWgovelmenl Shopkæper Lnuise Christensm one of many Hidents to rnd reporrng dirccdy ro r dÈdreted rnd diver* Board, FÐonsibilitiÈ< ol th¡s imfþnânr lddersh¡p role will include : rhe emìryi ¡Élñile environmt ãúl incrdsing cmmunity IIA\DE¡ LBE 5 8l F¡mE Sr ÄDE¡|DF .5000 SouB Als¡ru TtrAoNE 0a8I@ffi 08a¡mffi . èxp.hding rnd Minlf,inin8 lrong ffiregic rcl¡lioEhi¡s wth kcy Mmunirx orpodc, goremnr snd smilnr entcrprisi . idmri6dDg rnd €valu{inß Èw oppotunj¡is As a trirebly the risk of a ¡epeat of the hosing shortâge that hæ plâgued Single- âppointmmt of a retiæd judge to head its inqiry into Waddington. tonin ¡eentyeaÉ did Ðdhemade me fæl spcial. . . "He would teke us oD trips thrcugh London, showing us im- I¡st night, the church ised a stâtmeît æking Mr Mum to Ë he wæ spending with children, taking them on hol¡days and offering private tuition, which included s eduetion clases "Aft er a while hebegm abusing me m4 I think a few othñ But then one kid reported it to his father, who was a politician and a rough and tough bastard, and mn afterWaddington was gone." Police were not Glled and the church in l¡ndon last night said there was no ¡æord ofany complaint mâde against Waddington ofrering him rons aftmra¡d coffæ. Munn to report any clåims to the poliæ and statutory authorities," then ænvined parmts of boys in it said. that it would be a gmd idea if we wæ mnfimed and offering private classð. That wæ when the abus started, (with him) kissing po¡tanl buildings, teì ling thei r history and taking us for tea and port his abuse to authorit¡ð and munslling "We would encou¡age Mr MrMunn sid the then Archbishop of York David Hope, to report complaints of Waddington's alleged abuæ. Last month, Lord Hope ex- prssed his regret over failing to report confirmed allegâtions made in 1999 and 2003 about 196l md l97l he ms hedmaster of St Bmbæ boârding rhool in Waddington, who rose to beÕme hæd of education for t¡e drurch in Bútain. Afterbeingsent to Austmlia in 1956, hewasa chaplain at is alleged he abused at lmst boys thûe, and sweml teache6, later convicted of child the Slade School in Wamick, Qumsland unhil 1959. Betwm The Church of Englmd is pæted to next wæk amounæ the Ravoshæ, north Quænslild. lt abuse. s- Ðd fondlingme" Mr Munn believes the abuse stopped when he ms on a trip in the English countryside with groomed is almost identical to th6e offercd by othe vicÌimr "He was well-educated, very impressive and discipl¡ned but spoke to us like young adults, he norer spoke dom," be sid. "l wæ mcümged tro,ioin the choir, and I ttrthât" spced,"hesid- Mr Munn's aæmt of how he and other choirboys thË mited "After a while Waddington thedroirwhowænot ænfimed Waddington ând m stâying at a loml vier's home. "I was in the bath when he øme in and said I næded to wash my back md to stmd up endhe would do it. . .but the vierrs wife trega knæking on tlre door ud telling him to come been The alleged inaction mirrors the later failure of clergymen in Austmlia and Britain, induding hemeforyard to spport the victims and ensre the truth aboutthe extmt of Waddington\ abus ffi *posed "l wilted people to know that the abuse began in Engtand l0 yaß before what had pwiæsly Ray Munn, at rightofsecond ruw, ât StJohn'E B€thnal Grcen at StJohn's in the 1950s. a were oùL I tlinksheknfl. "He nflertouched me agâin af- Le lhaL communilyand is judged One on lts abitity lo make a dlfference HEAD OF SCHOOL Mr Skphzt Bonlord ør Htal o! Sr Pcrcr's Arylicax Priaøry School lor ts yøt wtil his suldcn passitg ù Jmrary zott RESEARCH STRATEGY LEADERS HEAD OF DEVELOPMENT As a Resarch StEteBy Leader, you w¡ll use your passion and vlslon fur child heafth to Mp dælop ard lead the Telethon ffiitr¡te's Thls h¡th læl positltr reports to the Assæiete Dlc€t6 of Communi@tions end DcrÊlopmnt ðnd will hæ a cloæ rcrk¡ng ælafionsh¡p with the lnstitutê Dirætq Jonathan Caßpetit Vou rill be rspasíbþ for the æatlon and dCivery of the fr¿telk visbn research atenda. Theæ Ræardì StBtefl and newv created roles report to the Directorof wil be part of üìe lnstflute's Lêadeßhdt Tæm, chilBed with ensuring the lßtltute æh¡æ ¡ts Adelaidc . ddcloping and implemmdng thc smEgic dircdifl lor thc orgrnislion; . del¡rrrin8 hißh qwliry 3nd relÕenl *nies to clicntsi . ensriDg sund mnsßftnt mr ñmuæ, æc md hunan re*rr¡es ol Htù¡N won Muswellbrook, north of Singleton,whichhas not goreahea¿ Mr McCann said the larger Singleton proposal wmld reduæ luceme and cattìe famer Peter - ,*. tor ovû 1,000 peopl. with clcvÈloPlnenr?l daabillrt6 rnct Êmpl(rys over 150 *¡lI Cuftnt *nkes rncludc open cnlplo!ment. supponerl emplolmcn!, community rnclusjon and shqrl basc¡l rmnsi¡ion Âs a rcsuh ol ùc perding ß(rmrnt o[ rhe indrdbcnr, the opporFìniry ests [t'r r ralues bascl pNlc$þnîl rc tuke a sub6Éndal conrriburion !o rhc incL$ion o[lEople wirh dcvclopmenul db¿bilitics wilhin the South Astnli3n community. M SNoJ MAC has already apprcval for a 24Gmit village at G Bårtum tnc is ¡ ledi¡g proddcr ot*dc6 CoNsEñ6 of â lot of noi* shæting vmin, like foxæ, at night. And you k¡ow th6e John Dære tmctors? You mn hanthem a mile off. So hov/s itgoingto work?" and Boggabri." Both Mr Fitzgibbon and his Nationals opponent Michael Johnsm have opposed t¡e dseÌ- w¡LLYOUJOTN US? rhe fomer miner. "Add to that we're spreading turkey manu¡e and chicken mmureall ovs, and I make a hell theirjobs." she sid. Mr Mccmn's stateEent said: "Our villages bring communily ben€fits and opportunitie indudin8jobs and busin$ for loeJ su¡ pliers, as demonstrated by our existing NSWvillagm in Nanabri being ænt to Australia," he said. "Pæple were getting suspicious âbout him, about how much time INQUIRER PIg CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER . proMlng ytr-old son. "lf l'm down at night on the camps wouldn't necessarily be spmding money in tom, and the impact of that is pðple will I There Bî*d in on a disusedfmingblæk metc from his home, whæ he js Eising his I l-yarc¡d daughter Ðd ninÈ R SULTIN Él *r*ur" ßeneration could be the last ln the arcâ displey onvffition gmtr flEent Banished priest's cycle of abuse stretches to first post SrU^RTM.EVOY Austmlia stood and how far we Hunte Valley miners in the l960s. Thse are fears the long-âmited Hunter EqlHffiy is prcjected to ot the 7o-minute drive even further when it is comments a refændum motion ræognising Aboriginal and Tom Stnit lslmder people in the Constitution within two Chrlstenm at hershop in Singleton or trivial, such as failure to rhæls nomal"would be to stop holding events on school daysthattake kids amy. "No more sports events that go on for days. To say nothing of funemls for wæks. Some people say tìse events ùe traditional, butl havemydNbts abGtthal . . politica.l risk avesion or administmtive eution not stand in theway of public ud sæial inno vation. Tlere are rcsions when we should 'just do if. "We need to uplore our appetite for risk, triâI ntr âpp¡oec¡6, I¡ul* iginal mcetry," DrDillon sid. "Some choose to see thenselvs æ victim for reæns that I would consider relatively minor quìincd and exlcricncel prctcssohrl, you wiìl hñe thc lÉtegic tæk. RÊæaßh StÉtegy Leades wlll have: . . Substantial ëearch expenence trek rmrds Emu¡riè to hÊsr ffi d4l mbyebhÌ.w¡ .du.¡u Plê¡ç ¡p9¡y f w.æod{mlcb-ø¡L/qifs ¡nd sd! dú ld @ñÊ ¡E].¡doß i i l-,:ì cilt i-yìo ¡ddr6¡.¡t th. slcctlo rÊt: # AUu064. L . . . DcmmnEted abil¡ty to br¡n8 togcthcr a ange of collaboEtoE and stakeholdæ clo6i[ for philanthropk ¡ncom germtlon. You and ræarch leadæhip 21Jm wlll hrve: A s¡gn¡flcæt tæk record of success of Gislng rew Fu f¡nha i¡fmtlon or m clÅor, pku vlrl¡ wwtr:barkumâ com ^u AppI¡dttoË h Wo¡d fo6¡t øt sb6ld hc foMrü b w¡ym Kf¡E b dn to 17f79@h6dcrcom au Tclcptmc oryldo E wdore ù (04) 8l(x, EAI2. inæ !øc ræk ¡n dctðndiõg lc.dr of Chtktbn fa¡th ànd chmc6 who ¡s @mnirFd to cd@tin8 ydng póplc in ky! consident uth thc rrching of thc B¡blc and Cøæl of Joç Chrllt. Thc ¡dc¿l 6ndida(c wlll h¡ve thê ¡ppropri¡t qu¡llllcations, dpsidc, vislø, cktlls and cÑgy to lad thc Schæl About St Pctc/r St Pæ! An8lic¡n Prtmary Schøl le an lnd#ndcnt, ñ-cdlot¡odl æhool of 620 sùdcnts ln PÉ.Kindeû¡rtcn b Ycrr 6 St Pcc/s pmvklc å stGams udÐiñnci dyùm¡c, $pfÞnivc lc¡m¡ng dyircnftnt, by C'lìñstl¡n f¡ith wttr ¡ fucr on Exccllênt rÊlationship manaßêmrìt skills a mng ædmic The €pac¡ty to Eæukict b hdôr Glw influffie and lead a dynmlc team on +61 8 9322 re ¿í: cf¡ii dhea !ii¡ ¡'esea r. h.c rg- a u/careet's for Child Heolth Resedrch is o leødìng notional child heolth ¡eseorch orgønisotíon bøsed in Perth. Under the leodershíp of Professor tonathon The îelethon lnstitute Corøpetis, the lnstitute hds developed ø bold stÌdtegic plan to deliver on its vision to improve the heølth ond wellbeíng ol children thtough excellence in reseorch. The por¡t¡or oa olicr by aod mlc øtculsr. v¡ll comlNcc ¡mngÐmt ln J¡nÞry 2014, de6tl, of úlr pø¡lion and the appliotlon pccdurc rr læeèd o da wêbÉltc' Fúll æs. *rd qe td: aul¡975. Plê.* ¡ppt I ffi¡.ildd..¡.h.æ6y'Þ¡¡¡F Cbd4 e br óñdx ¡CAlk tlo.r ¡ddÉ¡ú ttE $bctlil dtL k 21 h. comuniw ¡nd busine$ rorum fo¡ B¡rkuro tnc to ¡cj¡ieve ils full pdent¡al A eenurnc am¡ity wtrh st¿keholdcrs s e*ntaì ¡s rrc outshnding coMuniquon sk¡lls, a comd! !o inclusron rnrJ an undemnncìing o[ nri¡l poligv ud thc necds o[rhe disbilty wtol Tlr¡ Po:hlon "\p' Telethon lnstitute for f - r-,r-¡:¡i"r ww.stpGa€f s. Âppllcrdæ doro F.ld¡y, 5 ,uly 20 I 3 L\îU PÌolñìon tcßdi¡g ¡toc.¿nú allly. ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN PRIMARY SCHOOL