2012 Annual Report - San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
2012 Annual Report - San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
ANNUAL REPORT Westward view from the Gateway property. Photo: Janie DeCelles 2012 Welcome from Board of Directors President and Executive Director In August 2012 we were once again fortunate to experience a significant event at San Elijo Lagoon: the release of seven endangered Light-footed Clapper Rails; birds that had been carefully raised by people to be reintroduced into their native salt marsh habitat. With the release of several breeding pairs, the birds settled into the low marsh cord grass, joining 32 established Clapper Rails. It’s a testament to the conservation of one of San Diego’s largest remaining coastal wetlands that these birds will be monitored here, and successfully bred to ensure the continued rebound of this endangered species population. This conservation event highlights a year of extraordinary accomplishments, in which the Conservancy entered its official 25 Years of Watershed Moments Anniversary with the acquisition of the Gateway property just days before the 2012 New Year. The Campaign for Gateway Park secured a high-profile north county coastal property adjacent to the southern end of the Lagoon. For more than 20 years, one of our region’s last stretches of unobstructed coastal views (3.44 acres) was subject to commercial development proposals until the Conservancy, through the generosity of lenders, acquired the property. By year’s end, more than 700 community members and businesses contributed to save Gateway Park, providing a solid base of support for year two of the fundraising campaign. Our environmental education program welcomed the title sponsorship of SDG&E in a new collaboration of North County cultural centers, called San Elijo to Escondido Watershed Collaboration. This partnership aims to increase awareness with Escondido elementary school children about their connection to watersheds through field and museum experiences. In habitat restoration news, Lagoon Platoon received funding from Citizens Restoring Coastal Habitat to enhance native plant restoration with the cultivation of long-term steward volunteers. With funding provided by California Coastal Conservancy, a communications plan was researched and developed to guide outreach for San Elijo Lagoon Restoration as it moves through the Environmental Review process and public comment periods. Now at a quarter century, our membership soars with more than 2,500 people, joined in exploration of the Reserve by more than 3,800 school children and weekend walk participants. Not one of these programs is possible without the support of our donors. The accomplishments of this organization are a tribute to our members for their dedication to protecting and restoring the resources of San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve. As the Clapper Rails thrive to the ebb and flow of tides, we share confidence that special places, like San Elijo Lagoon, will remain protected for community and for nature. Denise Stillinger Doug Gibson President of the BoardExecutive Director/Principal Scientist San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | PO Box 230634 | Encinitas, CA 92023-0634 (760) 436-3944 | SanElijo.org | info@SanElijo.org County Supervisor Pam Slater-Price (right) issued a proclamation on June 19, 2012 for “Denise Stillinger Day”, (left) in honor of Stillinger’s efforts toward environmental conservation and education. Doug Gibson (left) bands an endangered Light-footed Clapper Rail before the release of several breeding pairs in San Elijo Lagoon in August 2012. Photo: Chris Mayne San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 2 Contents Welcome from Board of Directors President and Executive Director. . . . . . . . . 2 Biological Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Scientific Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Environmental Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 25th Anniversary Communications and Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Development and Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Statement of Financial Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2012 Board of Directors and Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2012 Members, Donors, and Corporate Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Mission The mission of San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy is to protect and restore the resources of San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve, its watershed, and related ecosystems for the benefit of current and future generations. As part of our mission, staff of the Conservancy: • engage and educate the community about the value of the reserve to promote ecological literacy and environmental responsibility • conduct scientific research to advance restoration planning and conservation science • design and implement ecological management plans • manage and acquire land and easements • collaborate with the community, organizations, and government agencies. Vision San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy will be a guiding model for the stewardship of wetlands. Core Values San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy demonstrates an ongoing commitment to these core values: • Environmental Stewardship • Scientific Integrity • Education • Innovation • Collaboration • Ethical Leadership & Practices San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 3 Biological Management Management actions maintain and enhance the 918-acre reserve San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve is one of San Diego’s largest protected wetlands. Its history is intertwined with human progress and development, which makes protecting and enhancing the health of the watershed critically important. We manage the ecosystem in four key ways: keeping the inlet open to improve water quality in the lagoon; controlling invasive plants throughout the Reserve and conservation easements; acquiring habitat important for species survival; and planning for San Elijo Lagoon Restoration. 2012 Land Acquisitions Just days before the New Year, the Conservancy acquired the Gateway property, the 3.44-acre coastal parcel at the southern end of the lagoon, east of Scenic Highway 101 between Cardiff-by-the-Sea and Solana Beach. The Campaign for Gateway Park was launched to permanently secure the property from threat of commercial development and to save its views and habitat values. Fundraising continues into 2013, with more than 700 community members who contributed by year-end. In association with Carlsbad Watershed Network, Conservancy staff coordinates the control of invasive vegetation throughout the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit (CHU), which encompasses all the land between Escondido Creek (San Elijo Lagoon) and Loma Alta Creek watersheds (Oceanside). Conservancy biologists successfully wrote a proposal, funded by California Wildlife Conservation Board, for long-term funds to control invasive plants and restore multiple habitats throughout the CHU, and strengthen regional ecosystems and Carlsbad Watershed Network organizations that protect them. We initiated arundo removal on Buena Creek in partnership with the City of Vista; worked with County of San Diego (Escondido Creek) and City of Carlsbad (Buena Vista Creek) to control perennial pepperweed; and treated purple loosestrife and yellow-flag iris infestations along Escondido Creek. Large stands of invasive eucalyptus and other non-native trees and shrubs were removed from the Conservancy’s fee-title property, the Ford Wildlife Habitat Preserve, funded by Natural Resources Conservation Service. This 33-acre preserve (no public access) provides important habit for Great Horned Owls, coyotes, mule deer, and endangered birds, such as Least Bell’s Vireo. These animals depend on native riparian vegetation to survive. The project removed invasive eucalyptus, acacia, and palms, and replaced them with willow, sycamore, and cottonwood. Lagoon Platoon In 2012, funding was secured for a three-year habitat restoration and long-term stewardship program to control invasive plants, called Citizens Restoring Coastal Habitat (CRCH). The outreach arm of CRCH is Lagoon Platoon; weekly and monthly community habitat restoration events. These events help to restore coastal strand habitat, improve coastal sage scrub habitat at Santa Carina Trail and Stonebridge Trail, protect sensitive salt marsh habitats in the central basin, and restore freshwater riparian woodland habitat along Escondido Creek. Hundreds of volunteers, from professionals to high school and college ecology clubs, contributed 1,122 volunteer hours in 10 weekend events, and 314 hours in 44 Lagoon Platoon Steward trainings. In 2012 Vertex Pharmaceuticals and San Diego Downtown Rotary Club 33 each sponsored a private restoration activity. Citizens Restoring Coastal Habitat is funded by: Earth Island Institute, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Coastal Program, The Coastal Conservancy, California Wildlife Conservation Board, San Diego Chapter of California Native Plant Society, and Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project. Volunteers help clear invasive mustard along the Gateway property on Earth Day 2012. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 4 Coastal Dunes Restoration Coastal sand dunes are rare, yet important habitats: avian, reptile, and plant species rely on these drastically reduced and still vanishing areas. Dune restoration enhances the biodiversity of the only existing coastal strand habitat, comprised of four acres, in the Reserve. In 2012 two Lagoon Platoon events removed trash and controlled invasive plants on the dunes including arrowweed, stinkwort, searocket, and iceplant. SELC Internship Program Five collegiate or post-graduate interns assisted Conservancy biologists in 2012 to perform vital monitoring and land conservation work, while receiving hands-on instruction and professional mentoring. Intern activities include GIS database management, map production, weekly water quality monitoring, monitoring of conservation properties and easements, and organization of the avian database in combination with historical 1970s data. Citizens Restoring Coastal Habitat 2012 Lagoon Platoon event sponsors San Diego Downtown Rotary Club 33 San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 5 Scientific Monitoring Watching indicators of ecosystem health and function. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy’s scientific monitoring activities continued to expand in 2012, thanks to support from donors, and to our agencies and partners that rely on our data to understand and create the bigger picture of wetlands conservation, and environmental challenges considering the advance of climate change and associated sea level rise. In August 2012, seven endangered Light-footed Clapper Rails were released into their new homes at San Elijo Lagoon, joining an established colony of 32 breeding pairs. Cheers! Conservancy docents watch as seven endangered Clapper Rails, hatched in human care, were released in August 2012 at San Elijo Lagoon. Photo: Chris Mayne The birds were hatched in human care at both San Diego Zoo Safari Park and Living Coast Discovery Center. These centers are part of Team Clapper Rail—a breeding and reintroduction partnership including SeaWorld San Diego, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The birds’ release is a testament to the scientific monitoring and restoration activities that the Conservancy has overseen for more than 25 years. San Elijo Lagoon Restoration While the Reserve appears healthy, various factors keep it from being self-sustaining. San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve is transitioning from open water and mud flat habitats to salt marsh and riparian habitat as a result of urban pressures. Highways, the railroad, and nearby infrastructure all contribute to restricted tidal flushing and degraded water quality in the reserve. We are currently in a planning phase called the Environmental Review Process, in which the public and participating agencies analyze various alternatives for restoring the lagoon. In 2012, a surf study was conducted at Cardiff State Beach, the lagoon’s connection to the ocean, in partnership with Surfrider Foundation. Data about the types of waves and water activities in this area were implemented into planning. A shoreline morphology study was also conducted that analyzes how the sand and sediment removed from the lagoon during restoration could benefit beach sand replenishment. Planning continues, with anticipation of releasing the EIR/EIS by mid-2013 for public comment. Inlet circulation monitoring To maintain a functional lagoon opening that supports healthy tidal circulation, technical staff continues its weekly monitoring of dissolved oxygen, temperature, and salinity at six stations throughout the Reserve. The Conservancy secured funding from San Diego County Vector Control Program to keep the inlet open with annual mechanical breaching through 2015 (in spring, followed by the last major winter storm). Water quality monitoring SELC technical staff continues to manage a network of water quality monitoring stations in the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit (CHU), providing stream flow and precipitation information at the Camino del Norte bridge in Rancho Santa Fe, and in the East Basin of the lagoon at the southern end of the freshwater dike. Since 2004, municipalities, universities, regional science and regulatory organizations and water districts have benefited from these datasets. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 6 Scientific Monitoring continued Funding restraints have curtailed the monitoring of all stations in the CHU, but the Conservancy maintains those two on Escondido Creek. Reserve management established a policy to cease dike closures in winter, a practice that carried over from pre-Reserve hunting era. Monitoring Land Stewardship Properties SELC manages six conservation easements adjacent to San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve and four fee-title properties within and adjacent to the Reserve. The acquisition of the Gateway property in 2012 expanded our fee-title properties by 3.44 acres. Each of these properties protects important habitat. An Intern in summer monitors each site for vegetation thinning and modifications, litter and unauthorized trails, invasive species infestations, and water diversions. Monthly Bird Counts We are indebted to the core volunteers who conduct the monthly San Elijo Lagoon Bird Count. Each month, they conduct bird surveys, which adds to datasets from 2003. Data are submitted to Point Reyes Bird Observatory (PRBO) and eBird.org. Data sharing informs large-scale conservation and policy decision-making. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 7 Environmental Education Inspiring stewardship for nature in our “wildlife classroom” Recognized as a trusted messenger for environmental education, San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy’s education programs increased in 2012. More than 3,800 people—school children and the public—joined us for naturalist-guided walks in the Reserve. Support from our members, Birds of a Feather Gala biennial gala, and educational grants from our corporate and government partners (see next page) enable the Conservancy to provide educational opportunities to all ages throghout the community and watershed. Some of the year’s highlights include: Elementary School Programs The kindergarten through fifth grade program continues to be our largest program in the education department representing 60% of docent-led walks. More than half of the students came from underserved communities, such as Escondido and Vista. In 2012 we created a new program focused on watersheds designed for fifth grade. Students learn about the distribution of Earth’s fresh and salt water, and how valuable fresh water is to all communities. This program complements the Water and Wetlands Teachers Guide developed in early 2012. We also began researching and developing a K-2 Teachers Guide for publication in early 2013. Public Programs Family Discovery Days In our second year of collaboration, County Rangers and the Conservancy presented free nature-themed events, crafts, and live guest performances at quarterly Family Discovery Days at San Elijo Lagoon Nature Center. Wings Over Wetlands in January celebrates winter bird migration. Spring EGG-ucation highlights emerging life timed with spring’s arrival. Native San Elijo Lagoon in summer reveals unique native plants, animals, and Native American influence in the wetland. Before Halloween, Not-so-Scary Estuary hosts children in costume for nature-themed scavenger hunts, and notso-creepy animal encounters. Conservancy staff design stations and provide volunteer coordination. Family Discovery Days hosts an average of 750 people each season. Wildlife Walks Board members and docents, Elizabeth Venrick and Linda Jones, worked with the education director to test pilot naturalist-led walks in the evenings. The popular Summer Evening Walks series occurred on third Wednesdays from June through September on Rios Avenue Trail and were attended by an average of 30 people each walk. Plans were finalized for introducing new Wildlife Walks in 2013 that will feature four distinct regions of the reserve by rotating trails each season. Weekly Saturday walks led by Conservancy docents continue at the Nature Center. Docent-Naturalist Carol Rayes shares the wonders of wetlands with elementary school children from Escondido; a neighboring community east of the Reserve. Program Partners Escondido to San Elijo Watershed Collaboration The Conservancy is piloting a three-year partnership, launched in 2012, with San Diego Zoo Global, The Escondido Creek Conservancy, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, and San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum. The collaboration aims to connect Escondido’s third through fifth graders with nature in their backyard, through all-school assemblies, field and museum visits, and an annual family event. With Escondido Creek watershed as an outdoor classroom, this project will foster the next generation of environmental stewards. We recognize and thank SDG&E for funding the launch of this collaboration. CSU San Marcos An environmental education pilot program is coordinated by a professor at California State University San Marcos. Through collaboration, this partnership seeks to link classroom teachers (K–12), their students and families, with community science resources to build awareness of the science and stewardship of natural resources. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 8 Environmental Education continued High School Ecology Clubs As we create new programs for the high school level, we welcomed San Dieguito High School Ecology Club in Fall 2012. Students participated in monthly-led docent walks, followed by a County Ranger-led habitat restoration event. Students also designed and staffed exhibits for Family Discovery Days. Docent-Naturalists Ten new docents joined the volunteer Docent-Naturalist Program in 2012, bringing our core of naturalists to 36 talented individuals. Together, they represent a diverse variety of professional backgrounds. Docent training was enhanced from seven to 10 sessions to include more field time and training. Docents are encouraged to lead at least 12 walks throughout the year, but six dedicated docents each led between 30–40 walks to help with the increase in programs. SELC Internship Program Program support was provided by two Education Interns who helped with administrative tasks, school field trips, Family Discovery Days, and creation of educational materials and props. Elementary school children take a guided walk in San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 9 Environmental Education continued San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy 2012 Environmental Education Programs Total number of participants: 3,827 (18% increase from 2011) School Programs Grades K–2: 13% Grades 3–5: 47% Middle & High School: 13% Public Programs Weekend Walks: 26% Scouts: 1% California Coastal Commission’s Whale Tail License Plate Grants Program 2012 Docent-Naturalist graduates and current Docents gathered for an end-of-year celebration and welcome party for the new class. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 10 25th Anniversary Communications and Outreach Increasing community awareness of and inspiring support for the work of San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy during its 25th milestone year With the acquisition of the Gateway property, the Conservancy secured an increase in media coverage in all program areas, raising the profile of the 25-year nonprofit land trust with sustained community buzz. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy in the News The 2012 press room (SanElijo.org/pressroom) features dozens of articles and television highlights about Conservancy activities. The thread to these news events weaves together the inspiring profiles of volunteers, wildlife releases, the extrication of an obsolete dumping ground, inlet breaching, public walks, Family Discovery Days, community habitat restoration, viable aquifer exploration, and The Campaign for Gateway Park. June 19, 2012 was proclaimed “Denise Stillinger Day” in San Diego County by Supervisor Pam Slater-Price for Stillinger’s 30-year efforts toward conservation of natural resources and environmental education. This proclamation followed the Spring announcement of Stillinger’s E.A.R.T.H. Award (Environmental Action & Restoration That Helps) at San Diego EarthWorks annual recognition of regional conservation leaders. Social Media Consistent online communications with members and self-subscribed friends took the form of monthly Lagoon eNews, reaching more than 2,400 subscribers. Our premier social media site, Facebook.com/SanElijo, grew by 35% in friends over last year. We launched an online Animal Guide (SanElijo.org/animalguide) for trail visitors to learn about wildlife or verify sightings at San Elijo Lagoon. Seventy animals that represent species in all areas of the Reserve are profiled with donated professional photography and “fun facts” about each animal’s adaptations and behaviors. The Conservancy’s web site encourages online donations and strengthens awareness of the Reserve’s treasures and Conservancy programs, viewed by an average of 3,500 unique visitors a month. Toward the end of our momentous 25th year, we began the process of rebranding to represent the next era in wetlands conservation. Through research and an online poll taken by 200 participants, the new tagline: Connecting communities. Protecting nature. was selected to phase in for 2013. Board members served as Conservancy Ambassadors at quarterly SELC/County Parks Family Discovery Days, and in the community at Fiesta del Sol in Solana Beach June 1–2, Arts Alive at Gateway Park (with City of Solana Beach) October 6, and Cardiff Green Beach Fair October 27. Family Discovery Days San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 11 Development and Membership The Official Celebration of 25 Years of Watershed Moments The Conservancy’s significant milestone—25 years— was aligned with the organization’s greatest opportunity yet: The Campaign for Gateway Park. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy obtained a loan to purchase the Gateway property on December 27, 2011, securing a coastal parcel of 3.44-acres against decades of commercial development proposals and story poles. Within months, staff and committee developed core messages and outreach materials, launching the fundraising campaign to permanently acquire the property. With the Gateway property secure, but not yet saved, the Conservancy held a Lagoon Platoon community restoration event on Earth Day at the site to remove the invasive Garland daisy. In Fall, we participated in Solana Beach Arts Alive, featuring the work and donated proceeds of 10 local artists. By year-end, the Campaign generated $1,195,000 in gifts and pledges from 781 donors. Champagne toasts: The first celebration at Gateway Park in January 2012 Front: Ilse Epprecht; L–R: David and Denise Stillinger, Janie DeCelles, and Elizabeth Venrick; Back: Renita Greenberg President’s Council The mission of the President’s Council is to provide support necessary for the Conservancy to maintain a continued existence with the help of endowment income. The year 2012 ushered the largest growth in new President’s Council members, thanks to the outreach efforts of its chairperson, Daniel Powell. We welcomed: Chris and Julie Cabou, Janie DeCelles, James Dietz, Pollie Gautsch & Darryl Matsui, Joe & Mary Kellejian, Gary Martin & Nancy Brown, and Fred & Jean Sebold. Legacy Circle Our Legacy Circle donors are individuals who have generously included the Conservancy in their estate plans; 24 special gifts that will help support conservation in perpetuity. Patty Cornelius joined the Conservancy’s Legacy Circle in 2012. President’s Council and Legacy Circle donors are treated to a private Spring Wildflower Walk and Fall Bird Walk followed by a picnic reception in the Reserve. Major Donor Reception With the launch of The Campaign for Gateway Park, the Conservancy increased its support base of major donors and general membership by 25% in 2012. In October, members Julie and Chris Cabou hosted the Major Donor Reception at their home overlooking Gateway Park. Major donors were entertained by a live harpist and a 25th Anniversary commemorative video. Major Donor Reception In-kind Services: • We Saved a Place for You, pro-bono video by Lyon & Associates Creative Services, Inc., with musical accompaniment composed and donated by Rob Gironda. • Photography was provided courtesy of Jennifer Nelson on behalf of Ranch & Coast Magazine. Hosts of the 2012 Major Donor Reception: Julie and Chris Cabou Photo: Janine Free As ambassadors for the Conservancy, Board of Directors members represented in key community outreach events in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, Solana Beach, and quarterly Family Discovery Days at the Nature Center. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 12 Development and Membership continued 2012 Grants Our education, outreach, and restoration programs would not be possible without the partnership of foundations and corporations that actively support environmental education and conservation. We recognize the following grants received and/or renewed in 2012: California Coastal Commission’s Whale Tail License Plate Grants Program Mizel Family Foundation Community Grant Program The Lauer Fund San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 13 Statement of Financial Activities Our financial performance in 2012 reflects the creative work of our employees, Board of Directors, and President’s Council in reaching our goals. New this year in the Financial Activities is the launch of The Campaign for Gateway Park, reflected in the graphs and spreadsheet. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy 2012 Funding Program Grants: 46% The Campaign for Gateway Park: 28% Contributions: 11% Corporate Sponsorship: 2% Investment Earnings (net): 13% Expenditures Conservation Services: 63% The Campaign for Gateway Park: 15% Education & Public Outreach: 8% Development & Member Stewardship: 4% Operations: 10% San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 14 Statement of Financial Activities 2012 continued Funding Program Grants $1,142,770 46% The Campaign for Gateway Park $699,675 28% Contributions $273,867 11% Corporate Sponsorship $46,439 2% Investment Earnings (net) $314,156 13% $2,476,906100% Expenditures Conservation Services $1,151,828 63% The Campaign for Gateway Park $268,110 15% Education & Public Outreach $142,825 8% Development & Member Stewardship $67,833 4% Operations $182,208 10% $1,812,853100% Assets & Liabilities Summary (As of 12/31/2012) Assets Tidal Circulation Trust $2,152,441 Conservation Land $5,165,760 Investments Held for Programs $595,514 Operating Endowments $1,123,145 Reserve $280,579 Cash Balances $741,487 Property & Equipment, net $7,941 Scholarship Fund $33,169 Other Assets (note 1) $5,960 Accounts Receivable $735,385 Total Assets $10,841,111 Liabilities & Net Assets Current Liabilities $900,124 Long-term Liabilities (note 2) $3,749,945 Net Assets $6,191,042 Total Liabilities and Net Assets: $10,841,111 note 1: pre-paid expenses note 2: loan for Gateway property San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 15 2012 Board of Directors and Staff San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy is governed by a volunteer board of directors. Their passion for the outdoors is combined with exceptional professional skills in a broad range of areas to help further our mission. Board of Directors Denise Stillinger (President) Scott Griffiths (Vice President) Doug Gillingham (Secretary) Paul Worthington (Treasurer) Stephen Fitch Sally Foster Pastor Bill Harman Mark Huffman Kevin Johnson, J.D. Linda Jones, Ph.D. Jim Lauer Jim McCall (retired winter 2012) Joyce Pickersgill, Ph.D. Edward Quinlivan (joined Fall 2012) Nicolle Selby-Thomas (joined Fall 2012) Elizabeth Venrick, Ph.D. Aaron Weiss (joined Summer 2012) Art Yayanos, Ph.D. Our dedicated staff of nine employees carries out the mission of San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy to protect and enhance the Reserve. The Conservancy’s staff expertise combines advanced degrees in natural sciences and environmental studies with outdoor education and nonprofit program management. Staff Doug Gibson, Executive Director and Principal Scientist Barry Lindgren, Associate Director Elaine Dodge, Development Director Tara Fuad, Education Director David Varner, Resource Management Director Joel Kramer, Associate Biologist Timbo Stillinger, Associate Biologist (until June 2012) Nichole Joseph, Coordinator, The Campaign for Gateway Park and Birds of a Feather Gala 2013 (began August 2012) Debby Strauss, Program Associate San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 16 2012 Members, Donors, and Corporate Sponsors Continuing a giving legacy during 25 Years of Watershed Moments Our supporters are actively engaged in the Conservancy’s mission to protect and enhance the resources of San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve, its watershed, and related ecosystems for the benefit of current and future generations. All donors to the Conservancy and/or to The Campaign for Gateway Park are listed below for the year 2012. * President’s Council Member + Board Member LEGACY DONORS Patty Cornelius Elaine Dodge & Martin Staubus Ilse Epprecht Lynne & Marc Friedmann Doug & Lauren Gibson Bill Gish, III & Andra Moran Tom & Donna Golich Pastor Bill & Patti Harman Tom Heywood & Stephanie Wilde Robert Jensen & Erin Thomas Mayme Kline & Robert Beasley Peter & Margaret Kohl Jim Lauer Andy & Kathleen Mauro William E. Miller & Ida Houby Brys & Rita Myers Craig & Jeanne Olson Mariette Pinchart Janet Placido Denise & Dave Stillinger Elizabeth Venrick Paul Worthington Art & Sandy Yayanos GUARDIANS OF THE LAGOON Great Horned Owl - $10,000+ Anonymous *+ Carol Childs & Peter House * Ilse Epprecht * Harvey & Kim Furgatch Tom & Donna Golich * Blayne & Carrie Hartman Mike & Dawn House * Peggy Martin Andy & Kathleen Mauro * Brys & Rita Myers * Mariette Pinchart Qualcomm Foundation San Diego Gas & Electric Company Joe & Diane Steinberg Alan & Steve Tarkington Union Bank of California Foundation Frances Hamilton White * David & Sherry Winkler PROTECTORS OF THE LAGOON Calif. Brown Pelican - $5,000+ Magie Biehl Gordon & Cathie Dixon Joseph Gabbert Wendy Globe Tsien & Roger Tsien Salah Hassanein Neil & Clarice Hokanson * Elizabeth Keadle * Las Olas Mexican Restaurant Jennifer Moores Oakhurst Builders, Inc. Denise & Dave Stillinger *+ The Heller Foundation of San Diego Clapper Rail - $3,000+ ACS Habitat Management Inge Bisconer & Pam Drew Janie DeCelles * Alice DeCelles Elaine Dodge & Martin Staubus * Renita Greenberg Jim & Carrie Greenstein Hansen Surfboards Inc Tom Heywood & Stephanie Wilde * Hokanson Associates Ann Hunter-Welborn & David Welborn Peter & Margaret Kohl * Jim Lauer + Scott Lindner & Gina Barbour Suzanne & Craig McAllister John & Torre Middleton Gary & Joyce Pickersgill *+ Susan Randerson Paul Worthington *+ Dave & Brenda Zito Great Blue Heron - $2,500+ Anonymous Melodie Almond Wolfgang & Karen Berger Ellsworth & Mary Burwell Cardiff Seaside Market, Inc. Dennis Cramer & Robin RadlauerCramer John DeBeer & Mona Baumgartel Sean & Heidi Deitch Edward & Edith Drcar Frank & Penny Dudek Jill Ellis & Judd Westover Harry Ettinger Jon Lea Fimbres Diane Fletcher-Hoppe Formuzis, Pickersgill & Hunt, Inc. Charles & Alicia Foster Friends of Rachelle Collier GEICO Philanthropic Foundation Brad & Lauren Greider Steve & Susie Hedrick * Brad Jacobs Jim & Michele Jaffee Sheila Johnson Peter & Melissa Kuhn Chuck & Teri Lang Charlotte Morris Loren & Susie Nancarrow Phil Nyerges & Lynn Weston Magnus & Brigitte Pfahl Renee Phillips & Rhonda Wittenberg Ann Pogue Ned & DeeDee Reynolds * Tom & Veronica Seay John & Patricia Seiber * Pat Sheehy Greg Sisson Solana Beach Civic & Historical Society John & Jane Springer Mark Stabb Susan Steele & Mike Conley L–R: Donna and Tom Golich and Frances Hamilton White at Major Donor Reception 2012. Photo: Jennifer Nelson Donna Thal Ian Thompson Virgil & Brenda Thompson Mikel & Betzi Weinberg Red-tailed Hawk - $1,000+ Anonymous Aviara Master Association Gladys Baird Bruce & Mary Berend Bob & Lois Chaddock Ann-Charlotte Chandler David & Cindi Clemons Tom & Karen Clotfelter * Joseph Cohen & Martha Farish Cliff & Carolyn Colwell Charles Cuccaro & Ana Maria Grace Donald Davis & Lesa Heebner Charles & Ruth Dealy James Dietz * Del Mar Pizza Martin & Carol Dickinson Mark & Jenny Dowling Steve Eilenberg & Marie Tartar Mac & Audrey Elliott David & Peg Engel * Robert & Mary Jane Engman Steve & Pam Fitch Lynne & Marc Friedmann Tony & Liz Salant * Pollie Gautsch & Darryl Matsui * Gretchen Gerlach Doug & Lauren Gibson Douglas Gillingham & Dana Friehauf *+ Bill Gish, III & Andra Moran * Karen Gleason Scott & Eileen Griffiths *+ Gumpert Foundation Georgia Jenks * Gordon & Janell Johns Kimberly Heller Mayme Kline & Robert Beasley * Nancy & John Kutilek Dawn Lawson Michael & Teresa Lea David & Jayne Lesley Mark & Carol Levin Richard & Gail Liebig Kim MacConnel & Jean Lowe Frank & Chana Mannen Lyn Nelson Craig & Jeanne Olson * Dr. Tilman Oltersdorf & Dr. Leah Levi Stephen Ostrow Kevin Parra Daniel Powell * Jack & Patty Queen * Richard & Marcy Rothschild Richard Sandstrom & Sandra Timmons Pat & Margaret Schlesinger William & Kathryn Scripps Fred & Jean Sebold * Nicolle Selby-Thomas & Jeff Thomas + Shampoo Too Richard Sheridan & Nancy PerrySheridan Darrell & Jill Shrader Janet & Peter Simon * Pemberton & Jean Smith Ted & Joyce Strauss Audrey Terras The San Dieguito Conservancy Dr. John Trombold & Mrs. Marcia Trombold Tim Tully & Holly Cline * Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Victoria Arthur Baron Vista Del Rios HOA Jim Weinel Charles & Judith Wheatley Jan Wier Paul & Jane Woody Dwight Worden Art & Sandy Yayanos * John & Valerie Zagara * Peter & Rachel Zahn San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 17 White-tailed Kite - $500+ Anonymous Agradis Jon & Clemencia Appel Alan & Cheryl Barnebey Don & Teresa Barth Nick & Jeanne Bednorz Cristina Burlem James Carmel Coastal Community Foundation Barbara & Warren Cobb Joan Davis Kathy De Paolo Steve & Jane Dempsey Glenn & Karen Doshay Downstream Services, Inc James & Jewel Edson Encinitas Coastal Rotary Club Sally Foster + Stephen & Lynda Fox Carl & Christina Fredericks Gail Fuad Tara Fuad & Steve Dinkin Charles & Lynn Gaylord Susan Graham HDR Engineering, Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company Robert & Karen Hoehn Mark & Davi Huffman + Carol & Paul Kane Elizabeth Keithley Michael & Jeanne Kew Greg Kowieski Rich & Sharon Leib Martin & Mary Lighterink Ulrich & Charlotte Lindner Brian & Sharon Loveman Michael & Julie Luther Joe Markee & Terrie Boley Jack & Lois Martin Todd and Monique Mayo Marilee McLean Omez Mesina Graham & Linda Milner Richard & Frances Moore Phillip Morgan Ron & Jill Morris Frederick & Lynn Muto Kevin & Katherine Nakamura Michael Newhouse & Rose Lochmann Nojan & Pamela Omidi Abe Ordover & Eleanor Musick Orion Construction Corporation Todd J. Plastino J. Steven Poceta Faith & Ted Price Tracy & Debby Richmond Karl Rudnick & Jill Cooper Arthur Schmidt & Patricia Sinay Cecelia Skrukrud Lois Stillinger Christine Strohmeyer Barbara Swanson The San Diego Foundation Michael & Jennifer Tillman Kristina Tracy Maria Walker Aaron & Carla Weiss + Mary Kay West Michael White & Jerre Stallcup Katherine White Patricia Young Todd and Jennifer Zaayer Joe & Desiree Zagara Sandra Zarcades Elegant Tern - $250+ Anonymous Mark Adams John & Linda Alspaugh Nicholas Alston Don & Diana Ambrose Katherine & Charles Anderson Brewster & Shirley Arms Aviara Seven Community Assoc. John & Elizabeth Bagby Duncan & Christie Beniston Billie Bowen Wayne and Felicia Brechtel Janice Brehm Andrew Cesare Hugh & Margaret Chivers Steven & Norma Chodos Gary & Pat Coad Mike & Sheila Cole Bill Collins & Ann Irwin Dennis & Linda Costello John Cottingham Linda Davis Kathleen Dickey L–R: Elizabeth Venrick and Bob and Lois Chaddock at Major Donor Reception 2012. Photo: Jennifer Nelson Steven & Shannon Diener Donna Todd Yoga Jeanine Dreifuss Wayne & Myrna Eastwood Jeffrey & Stacey Eaton Josh & Caron Feden Donna Fletcher Barbara Forest Charles Freebern Hal & Pam Fuson John & Jill Gartman Marcy Gehrke Bernhard Geierstanger Jason & Jesse Giessow Dr. Richard Gomez & Lina Mendenhall Jonathan Goodmacher Joseph Gordon Elizabeth Guo Bridgette Hadorn Theodore Hahnenfeld Pastor Bill & Patti Harman + Susan Hayes Thomas Hayward & Susan Hamilton Ken & Susan Heffner Joseph Heilig & Lorraine Pillus Jamie Henson Henry Herms, Jr. Dennis & Joan Higgins Colin & Vicky Holman George Hoover William & Pam Howe Carl & Lisa Hulle Bruce & Karen Hutchinson David & Donna Jennings Kevin Johnson & Jeanne MacKinnon + Johnson & Johnson PRD LLC Linda Jones + Joe & Mary Kellejian * Chuck & Gail Kendall John Kies, III & Sheryl Kies John & Joan Kroener Jane Larsen Barry & Roberta Lindgren Nancy & Terry Liskevych Gwen Littlewort Dr. & Mrs. Tom Lowery Jennifer Luce Brian & Emily Lukacz Pat & Christine Magnarella Randall & Constance Malin Sharon Marshall Marilyn McCurdy Bruce & Marie McFarland Malcolm McQueen Bob & Cindy Moore Barbara Moore Susan Murfin James & Josephine Myers Martin & Katherine Naley James & Kathalyn Nelson Bert & Janet Nielsen Karen & Rick Noble Robert & Shauna Patton James Payne Cindy Pedersen Annkatrin Petersen Darren Pfefferman Janet Placido Dadla Ponizil & Judy Berlfein Peggy Potter Michael & Luciana Powell James Quigley Edward Quinlivan + Joe & Karen Ramsdell Gerri Retman-Opper & Ira Opper Lawrence & Carol Rhyne Steve Rose & Sharon Clay Rose Scott Sand Sid & Patricia Sarkar Nancy Satur Marcia Schofield Sculptural Jewelry Sea Coast Exclusive Properties Seaside-Cardiff Home Owners Assoc. Susan Sells Penelope Shelly Doug & Danica Sheres Michael Shields & Leslie Shelly Robin Shifflet Ronald & Katharine Silveira Mary Jean Smith Carol & Stuart Smith Debby & Barry Strauss Ann Tartre Norman & Patricia Walker Carl & Kim Ware Linda Werschkul Lana Wilson Elizabeth & Clint Winant Brian Wood Daniel Wulbert Peter & Shelly Zwick American Avocet - $150+ Anonymous 101 European Automotive Aardvark Safaris AlphaGraphics Joseph & Patricia Amshey Rick & Leslie Anderson Peter Arrant Jeff Bada & Margaret Schoeninger Jacqueline Badger Mars Steven & Eva Barnes BD - Beckton Dickinson & Company Belly Up Tavern/Wild Note Cafe Hazard Benedict Johan Bergendorff Bill & Barbara Berrier Catherine Blakespear Rennie & Debbie Block Dallas Boggs Gerald & Shela Bordin Artefact Design Robert & Karen Budetti Bruno Buechler Adrian & Laura Caddick Andrea Carr Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Cheowanich Michael Christman Bob & Becky Clelland Jeff Cohen Wayne & Barbara Coleman Elena Collavin Allan & Kelly Connell Charles & Marilyn Dashe Michael & Christina Daulton Caroline DeMar Douglas Dowe & Nancy Chodur Lee & Kazumi Duran William & Margaret Fields Phyllis & Katrin Flechsig Richard Forsyth & Katherine Leonard Twhylla Frye Deanne Gage Robert & Virginia Garland Bill & Holly Gastil Richard Gaupsas Dan & Cathy Gill Norman & Lynn Ginsburg San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 18 Rosemary Goodyear Bruce Green David Grigsby Erik & Irina Gronborg Judy Hanson Carol Hart Marjorie Hatcher Christy Hendrickson Scott Henry & Kim Lande Georgina Hillerby Nigella Hillgarth Virginia Huey Dr. Kent & Candace Humber Karen & Jerry Jacquet Dorothy Jensen Mr. & Mrs. William Johnson Duane Johnson Gary R. Johnson & Florence Harrod Nichole Joseph Jim & Mary Lou Kaae Michael Kalichman & Linda Roux Jonathan Kies & Kristine Brady Trish Kimper Sharon Klein Michael & Heather Klicman Sachiko Kohatsu & James Held Joseph Krueger Andy & Pam Kurz Dennis & Kathleen Lees Gregory & Mary Lefevre Katharine & Stein Lundby Quentin Lyle Clay Macleod Mike Mahoney Michal & Eli Margalith Greg McBain James & Carol McCall + Vernie & John McGowan Aviva Merion & Kevin Tays Geoffrey Miller & Karen Haubrich Bonnie Minamide John Ninomiya & Marjorie Walters John & Sally O’Hara The Ohman Family Jyoti Osten Thomas Parker Barbara Patterson Jim & Ann Peter Erica Peterson Kenneth & Sheila Poggenburg William Popp Shirley Pounders Clement Ann Quebedeaux Stuart & Ronnie Rosenwasser Marion Ross Paul & Dianne Saber Robert Saunders Kristine Schindler & Elizabeth Borst Hans & Mary Jo Schumann Mary Schwalen Lois Schwartz Dave Shaw & Anita Hayworth Jerry & Frieda Shiller William & Ellen Simms Eric Slater & Marcia Pilatti Amber & Daniel Sogorka Sandy Somerville Bill & Mandy Stallcup Rudi & Patricia Stockalper Russ Strenk Jane Stro Debbie Struck-Shampain Shirley Strum Mark Stuckelman Cliff & Pam Surko Bruce & Marge Sutherland Lisa Thompson Robert & Jane Upp Tammy Valley William & Ann Wachtler Barbara & Nolan Wallach Kenneth & Elaine Watson Mark & Gayle Wells Allen White & Julie Haugsness-White Karen & Fred Wise Margaret Wurster Mike Znachko California Quail - $75+ Anonymous Lisa Ackermann Ruth Aiau & Kathy Aiau Scott & Kathy Aldern Lawrence Alessio Elizabeth & Waiel Ali Lannie Allee Michael & Marilyn Ames Bruce & Sandra Anderson Barbara Anderson Richard & Susan Andrews Steven M. Angus Stephen Arms & Kelley Jhung Jean-Louis & Patricia Astier James & Nancy Austin Bank Of America Michael & Susan Banks Steve & Bernice Baran Jackie & Terry Barker Veronica Barraza Ken Barrett Allan & Jackie Barrett Laurie Baum Lynne Anne Baxter Janice Bell Michael M. Belles Steve Benjamin & Nancy Loper Bennett & Thomas Studios John & Margot Berg Tom & Nancy Bergkamp Berwick Productions Darlene Bigos Ron & Iris Bird Donna Blackman Katherine Blumberg & Peter Delmonte Benjamin Bohl Shelley Boyce William & Laurie Brebrick Bill Brick Rocco & Kimberli Brunetti Mike & Nancy Buchmeier Cathy Bullock Ruth Burns James & Mary Bushnell Patrick Butler Jeff & Virginia Calcara Catherine Caldes Craig Campion Jim & Patricia Carroll Cory Carroll Thomas & Caitlin Carter Claudia Case Phil & Laurie Catron Teresa Cesear Will & Bette Childs Julia Chunn Kasey Cinciarelli Jeffrey Clark Bent & Claire Clausen Donald & Jeanette Cleveland Bob & Linda Coale Lydia Cobb & Mike Foreman Nora Cochrane Roberta & Terry Coe Rachelle & Michael Collier Steve Cologne Andrew & Suzanne Concors John Conkle Patty Cornelius Mary Coyne David & Nancy Cranmer Michael & Nan Criqui Paul & Sarah Culver Candace Curlee & Debra Dominski Richard & Lynn Cusac William Fender & Kathi Olsen Edith Fine Jennifer Fitzgerald William Fleck Paul Fleuelling Joseph & Gwendolen Ford Stephen Forrest Joseph & Cynthia Fossen Warren Fox James & Karen Fraser John Frazier Marvin & Janine Free Dick & Lynn Freeland Scott & Sandra Freiwald L–R: Daniel Powell and Paul Worthington at Major Donor Reception 2012. Photo: Jennifer Nelson John & Cris Dahl George & Kay Dailey Gary Danielsen & Anthea Beletsis Jan Daoust Andrew & Joyce Dart Pamela Daugherty Kelly & Richard Daulton Craig Davidson Karen Davies Lon & Sandra Dean Steve & Cherylann Deering Del Sol Lions Benjamin & Liz Denlinger John Denton & Nancy Levin Wolfgang & Louise Dillman Bruce & Kay Dillon Allan & Carol Dodds Jeannine Dodge Larry & Barbara Dovenbarger Patrick Doyle Mr. & Mrs. William Driscoll Max Dykmans Richard & Jeri Eimers George Eiser Annmarie & William Engfelt Alfred & Karin Esser Daniel Essig John & Patricia Essington Renee & David Evans Feather Acres Farm and Nursery Gerald & Janne Fecht Harold Feder & Gloria Sandvik Steven & Karen Feitelberg Glenn Frieder R. Darrell Gary & Janice Brooks-Gary Casey & Hilary Gauntt James & Elizabeth Gautsch Michael Gelfand Dave & Cora Georgens John & Lis Georgeson Mark & Athina Geyer James Gibson Joris Gieskes Martin & Ruth Gilboa Kevin Gillotti Bill & Susan Glockner Kristina Godfrey Steve Goetsch Sandra Goetz Daniel & Patricia Gold James Golden David & Sona Goodblatt Rod Goodson Nancy Gordon & Barb Potts Karen & Steve Gordon Michael & Jane Gordon Henry & Catherine Graham Dana Gran & Amy White Tandora Grant Martha Gresham Thomas & Margaret Greubel Richard & Cheryl Gross Inga Grove Noah & Rena Hadas Debra Hager Stacey Halboth San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 19 Nina Hall Dr. Dorit Hanein Debbie Hanna Patrick Hannifin Christopher & Kristy Harden Diane Hardison Leonard & Frances Hart Douglas & Orva Harwood Ron & PJ Haun Chuck & Lee Hawley Sharon & Jonathan Hee Karen Hefron Robert Hemphill Richard Hendlin Terry Hendlin Scott & Jane Hermes Peter & Julie Hevezi Ronald & Marjorie Hiebert Robert Higuchi Helen Hill Theodore W Hoehn, IV Dolores Hoffman Jerry & Ingrid Hoffmeister Patricia Hogan Louis Hogrefe Stanley & Annette Hook Anna Marie Howard Bruce & Julie Howe Jang Hsu Clifford & Eileen Huffman Michael & Jeannie Huse Michael Husted Michael Imrich Bob & Sandy Irwin Robert Isaacson & Kyle Marie Wesendorf Richard Jaime Linda Johnson Herschel & Mary Ann Jones John Jones Robert & Patricia Jordan Jim & Louise Julig Peter Jupp Tom & Rena Kaiser Lee & Lisa Kaplan Sid Karin John & Deborah Kaufman The Keenan-Rivers Family Joe Kellogg Kern Kenyon Kids By The Sea Preschool Rosemary Kimbal Clarence & Keiko King Judith Kinsell Ginnita Kitchen Jason Knapp & Sara Appleton-Knapp William & Sandra Knowles Terry Knox Laura Kohn & Bill Schief Trudy Kohout & Stephen Perry George Koob Allan Kosup Margaret Krahn Tony Kranz Mitchell Kronenberg Laura Kubiak Richard & Cynthia Kumlin Kerry Kusiak Artun Kutchuk Jay & Diana Kutlow Leonard & Marti Kutnik John La Grange Tyrone Lam Joel Lamotte Alan & Linda Langhorn Katherine Laraway Steven & Alexis Larky Terry & Kathy Lathrum Larry & Joyce Laveman Hugh Lawrence & Daina Krigens Jeffrey & Patricia Leach Jan Leadon Jean Leamy Doug Lee & Denise Jackson Ellen Lefkowitz Patrick & Ainsley Lenihan Paula Levin Carol Livingston Mike Lock Eric & Suellen Lodge Elly Lomberg Dave & Barbara Loskutoff Irene Lowe James & Pam Ludwig Landon Lueck Douglas Lytton Sandra Macisaac Arnold & Norma Mantyla Lynda & Roger Marchetti George Mariscal Neil & Judith Marshall Kevin & Julia Martin Keith Marzullo & Susie Armstrong Carol M. Mason Alanson & Janet Mason Hany & Pauline Massarany Ken Matsumoto & Diane DufresneMatsumoto Michael & Amy Matthews Stephen & Margaret Mayfield Matthew McCallum Michael & Karen McClune Bud & Jan McClure Laurence & Susan McDaniel Kenneth & Patricia McDonald Susan & Bryan McGarry John & Mary McIsaac Keith Meldahl John Mendlein Sheila Mergeanian Ken Metzgar Jim Michelsen & Mary Hensler Stephan Miller & Elisabeth Walcott Donald Miller William E. Miller & Ida Houby Eric & Betty Milne Laurel Miner Robin Mitchell Brian & Heather Miyazaki Louis Montrose & Caroline Ding Dierdre Morris Marjorie Morse Christine Morton & Brian Scull Thomas & Jane Morton Robert Murashige & Marsha Richards Stephen Murray George Nakamura Greg & Carolyn Neal Dave and Lynda Neal Ben Neal Pat & Linda Nelson Barbara & Morton Newman Barclay & Deana Noble Robert & Delores Noble John & Barbara Nommesen Nordson Corporation Shana Norell David & Marlene Nourok James & Gretchen O’Connell J. Lloyd O’Connell John & Shauna Oeth Kathryn Oldham Andrew & Claudia O’Leary Ron & Joanne Orlo Nancy Orr Art & Mary Page Lawrence & Terri Palinkas Martin Parks Dean & Francine Pasko Kimberly Patten Mark Patteson John & Rosemary Pfanner Ryan Pingree Eleanor Pinkham Todd & Hallie Pizitz Ralph Plender Jard Polonitza Quentin Powers Marcus Presar Jennifer Price William Pultz & Maureen Moss Lindsay & Debra Quackenbush Genia Ram Lynda Ramsey Robert & Susan Rantzow Robert & Jennie Ratliff Carol & John Rayes Barry & Karen Reeve Jane Reldan, MD John & Stella Reynolds Maynard Rice & Trudy Sanchez Ross Ridder & John Spencer David & Marcia Rimlinger Kevin & Deborah Sagara Josiah & Abbie Sand Burt & Sonya Sandberg Leland & Debbie Sandler Jerry & Lynn Sandlin James & Nancy Saw John & Mary Schatz Robert Schell Rich & Lindy Schermerhorn Anthony Schmid Jeff & Deb Schmidt Alan Schmidt & Alby Quinlan Mr. & Mrs. D. L. Schneider Richard Schwartzlose Barbara Schweller Ted & Joanna Schwend Dorothy Sears Seaside Center for Spiritual Living Jan Secrist Select Mailing Kenneth Selzer Lisa Shaffer Susan Shaler Michael Shannon Jim & Sue Sherman Tom & Linda Shipman Sharla Short Richard & Lauren Showen Glenn Silverman Howard & Judith Sloane Adelaide Sloboda Lance & Lynne Small Catherine Smart Front L–R: Rose Lochman, Debra and David Kramer. Back L–R: Michael Newhouse, Jeff Thomas, and Nicolle Selby-Thomas at Major Donor Reception 2012. Photo: Jennifer Nelson Lisa M. Risser Laurel Roberts David W. Roberts Dick & Pat Robertson Wayne & Kristina Rogers Lawrence & Joy Rogers Pat Roskowski Jack Ross & Barbara Bolton Joanne Royce RSI Technologies Adam Rubin Diane Sachs Gail Smith Raymond & Susan Smith Maida Soghikian Albert Somit & Linda Corder Marty Sommercamp Robert & Nancy Sonnhalter Albert & Sandra Southworth Valerie Sowder Joyce & Ray Sparling Marjorie Sponholz Martin & Nancy Stabb Janine Stassen San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 20 Kimberly Sterk Billy Stern & Carolyn Whitehouse Barbara J. Stewart James & Kathleen Stiven Sally Stoffel James & Ruth Stoffel Martin & Maryann Stone Mark & Toni Storer John & Valetta Sueppel Stephen & Diana Sumner Byron Swift & Valeria Merino David & Kathleen Tansey Richard Ten Eyck Andrew Tereshyn Angela Terry Susan Tharp & Michael Norman Paul Therrio & Mary Fleener Diane Thompson Judy Thum Mike Tice Bob Topolovac Richard & Dana Torykian Michele M. Tsugawa Jeff & Chris Tyner James & Robin Vanderlaan David Varner & Carla Nappi Arna Vatuk Stanley & Judith Vignos Frank & Theresa Villaire James Wales John & Sharon Walker Waters Corporation Weatherly Asset Management, LLP Craig & Leigh Weatherwax Edward & Jean Wedbush Jim Weinberger Brandi Weinstein Kevin & Michele Weiss Shirli & Justin Weiss Kimberly Wesbey Gary & Kristin Wheeler Ted & Rebecca Whirledge Mark & Deborah Whitehouse John Wigmore Scott & Sheelagh Williams Ed & Janet Willson Susan Wilson Elizabeth Wilson John & Patricia Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Wolfstein Douglas Wong JoAnn & Dean Worthington James & Jane Woulfe Sean Wright Laura Wright Andy & Bridget Wright Pete & Sharon Wylie Jeffrey & Karen Young Jason Yusypchuk Judith Zibbell Charlie Zieky & Bob Berman Debbie Zmarzly & John Steger Rock Crab - $40+ Anonymous Donna Agnew David Ahlgren David Allen Lois Alston Richard Anderson Carla Anderson Mark Anderson Loreta Arballo Dennis & Margo Astroth Eileen Ayars Maryanne Bache & Dan Doyle Brian Baer Michael & Christina Barber Vickie Barks Will Barnes & Yvette Peters Terre & Allyn Becker Elsie Begler Joe Behrmann Alan & Toni Benner David Berke Jim Beyster Susan & David Bittar Diana Jo & Donald Blackwill Laurence & Rahleen Bloch Lindsey Block Greg Bohdan Rogers & Mary Bond Brenda Boone Catherine Booth Jack & Susan Burger Walter Burkhard Ed & Sandy Butler James & Nancy Byrne Nigel Calcutt Thomas Campbell & Ann Kraemer Colleen Campbell Dave & Joyce Carlson Brigitte Castelnau Christine Cavanaugh Bill & Willi Caylor John & Candace Chaffin Wayne & Barbara Chapman David Checkley & Lisa Levin The Chesnutt Family Maren Christensen & Bill Welch Jon & Karen Coombs Coryl Crane Laura Cravens-Wertz Crystal Crawford Robert Crawford Ed & Bettie Creutz Anne Davis David Daymude & Lisa Lane Paul & Linnea Dayton James & Lynn DeBoo Janice & Monte Degraw Cheryl Delain Dennis & Arlene Devore Dean & Alexa Dilley Nicholas & Elizabeth Drakulich Pamela Drew J. David & Rosann Drielsma Rose Ann Duncan Barbara Dunn Ames & Beryl Early Bruce Ehlers Caroline Eibling Franklin Eller Tom & Vera Emrick David & Jeanne Epstein Ronald & Jane Feldman Dennis & Jeannie Ferlito Margaret Fillius Jonathan Fish Joan Fisher Richard & Patricia Fitchen Ronald Forster Mark & Lisa Franovich Mike & Renee Fredricks Alex & Nancy Friehauf Nicholas Frost Kelly Fulton Emmy Garnica & Don Geiger Elizabeth Gilpin Jeff & Sara Glenn-Levin Jane Goodwin Jeanne Gordon Michele Grad Nancy Gray John & Dorothy Green Don & Joan Grine Richard & Marilyn Guevara Mark Haines Terrence & Martha Hallaren Virginia Hallner Ron & Edie Ham Nancy & Roger Harmon Janet Hart Chip & Nancy Hatch Jenny Hawkins Georgia Ann Hayashi Paul & Susan Hays Jim Healy John & Judy Hegenauer David & Joan Herskowitz Anne Hewel James & June Hoffman Terryl Holzinger Mark & Jane Hoppe Paul & Caroline Howard Dorothy Howard Mark Huber Edwin & Dona Hutchins Donald & Charlotte Jackson Mark & Marcy Jenne Larry & Paula Jhung Linda Joerden Carl & Charlotte Johnk Frances Johnson Gordon & Emma Jones Carolyn & Doug Jopes Susan Kanfer Ray & Mary Anne Kieffer Jim & Janie King Evan & Kimberly Kleber Joseph & Carol Koch Adam & Lisa Kommers Sally Kotnik Joel Kramer Lynne Kratka Bill Kristan Paul Kurtin Jessica Laemmle Fred & Joy Lane Meghan Laurs & Dan Jaoudi George & Carol Law Susan Lawler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lawton Jon & Judy Lelevier Lillian Leslie Ruth Levor Mark & Meg Levy Paul Lighterink Ryan Lockwood Robert & Christine Loreto Chris Lovelace Ed & Marilyn Malmuth Jackie Malone Edmund & Richele Mardon Arnold Markman & Elizabeth Michel Robert Marraccini Chris Maulik Lise McCarty Fred McClain Daniel McGeehan Thomas & Carolyn McGurn Janet McLaughlin Norman & Janice McMackin Michael & Kathleen McVey Gene & Ruth Ann Mitchell John & Marilyn Mitchell Donna Moore Bill & Gretchen Morgan Stephen & Dordi Moriel Kent & Amy Moser Thomas Mowry Lesley & Lanna Murphy Kevin Murphy Linda Musengo Thomas & Mary Nee Nancy Neigus San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 21 Paul & Nancy Nelson Michael & Eren Nemiroff Marianne Nicols George & Dudney O’Dell Stephen O’Leary Robert Olson Gary & Julia Orso David & Arline Paa Robert & Christine Paccione Gregory Park Rosalie Parkinson Jenny Paschall Timothy & Jamee Patterson Edward & Barbara Pearson Peters Financial Service Corporation Anne Petersen-Geisler & Gary Geisler Joann Phillips Shirley Platzer-Stocks Charles & Cecilia Plost Jon & Patti Polikoff Mary Poniatowski Sigmund & M.C. Porter Lewis & Liz Pozzebon Bernard Preyer George & Donna Prine Yolanda Quesada Susan Quillman Margaret & David Rados Andrea Rankin Diane & Robert Redmon Marty & Elizabeth Reed William & Beverly Roberts Adela Rodgers George Rodriguez Harry & JoAnn Roesener J. Gregory Rollinson Auro & Elise Roselli Jerry & Diane Rothenberg Peter & Winona Rowat Jane Rowe & Dr. R. Roger Rowe Steve & Karen Royce Tom & Sharon Rubinstein Alan Russell Jack & Adrienne Samuels San Dieguito Equine Group Gordon & Gail Sanders Mary Sasso Richard & Alexa Saxon Martin Schmidt Roger & Louise Schmitt Judy Schramm John & Eleanor Schuster Melanie Schwab Cheryl Schwaebe Eduard Schwan & Jeri Abernathy David Schwartz & Christine Harris Alice Scull Sempra Energy Foundation Lucy Sharp Al & Genie Shenk Jim & Gretchen Simpson Enid V. Singer Lissa Skiles Edward Slater Stephen Smith Bob & Loretta Smith Allys Smith Nadine Spier-McMurray Cindy Standley John & Marilyn Steckert Richard Stevens Erika Streuer Succulent Gardening Robert & Cindy Switzler Trudy Synodis Marc & Wendy Tayer Julianna & James Thomas Dan & Mary Thomas Mary Thompson Jane Thorngren Nancy Tougaw Rhonda Towne Janet Trabin Jerry Trust Joseph & Linda Tunner Robert & Ayse Underhill Rankine & Mary Van Anda Sally Van Haitsma Gerald & Harriet Waanders Pamela Wagner Pamela Walker Lorraine Weiner Lynn Wetzell Martyn & Linda Beth Widgery John & Christine Willems Craig & Christine Williams Anna Willis Russ Wilson Robert Wilson & Norma Goodnight Mark Wilson Karen Wilson Carol Wolf Francisco & Toni Wong James & Maryann Wood Susan Wright Susan Yamagata Sholeh & Bijan Zayer Peter Ziegler Robert & Vicki Zook Snowy Egret - $35+ Anonymous Agnes Abola Eleanore Baldwin John Barry & Alison Brown Linda Bradley Sean & Michelle Buchanan Richard & Twink Bumann Oma Cremin Bemanali & Fay Dadbeh Richard & Mary Davis Jim Determan Joseph Ditler Betty Dobler Gary Frost & Linda Fredin Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Gifford Bea Gold Charles & Phyllis Graham Diane Hazard R. W. & Laverne Jones Jaqueline Key Carl & Cheryl Kuck Mark Mauricio Alis McCurdy & Bob Sauers Gary Moinet Patricia & Mark Moleski Iris Peterson Carl Provder Larry & Tina Pryor Alison Royle Virginia Ruehl Rachel & Vernon Townsend Wendy Turner Cathy Tyre Colleen Veneri Jutta Von Weise Marilyn Voorhies Lilly Wilcox Gobi - $30+ Dale & Sharel Andrews Neil & June Ash Ron Baer Shirley Berry Bob & Sue Bobbitt Robert & Nancy Brown Victor Cardona James Coe Vivien Duncan James & Diane Eriksen Peggy Duggan French & William French Ann Garrett Marc Gittelsohn Iris Godbout Eric & Susan Groves Fran Hardy Herb & Kitty Henderson Doan Hohmeyer David & Bonnie Horrigan Richard E. Jones Gwen Kenney Bette Kinkade Steve Lightner & Marc Smith Margot Lowe Carole Melum Judy & Steve Michaels Beverly Moazed Josephine Neeb Network For Good Joyce Pechette Christine Randall Robert Randolph & Laurie Switzer Jean Rowland Michael Scarlett Herschel & Camille Stern Kathryn Sturch James Summers Emily & John Tannone Christine Treadway Tony & Barbara Widgery Contributor - <$30 Anonymous Christopher & Jill Ahearn Cheryl Alden Marilyn Ambrose Sue & Dirk Angel Eileen Apfel Deniece Arnold Catherine & Leshek Barbusinski James Barger Betsy Barnhart Daniel Bilotta & Debbie Schaefer Rachel Bird James & Doris Bower Jeffery Brewer Kristin Brinner & Chris Novak Victoria Brown Susan Bulen Julia Burgess-Perrot Norene Claeyssens Cathy Collier John & Barbara Conrad Jeff Conway Steve & Kathy Cook Dave & Elaine Cook Sheri Coury Margaret Crowdes Jamie Crowley Jessica Dalton Heather Davis Steve Davis & Amy Wrench Frederick Dawn & Donna Mancuso Gloria De Rouen Melinda & Paul DiPerna Phil & Sue Donohue Daniel P. Drogichen Bruce Ellefson Steven Elliott & Karen Fraser Marla Elliott Lawrence & Dorothy English Robin Etheridge Alice Fahr Richard Faucett Scott Fisher Greg Ford Jolie Foreman Wanda Forman Adrian Fortman Ann Gaarder Seth & Sara Ganz Norma & Ronald Gaukel Shirley Glaubitz Meredith Goodman Goodsearch June Gottleib Linda Gove Veronica Griffin San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 22 Margaret Griffith Danna Gunther Edward & Stephanie Hall Liberty Harper-Simonsen Woody & Connie Hays Diana Henderson Marsha Herman Richard Hicks Louis Hock Cory & Kimberly Hoggatt John Howard George & Patricia Howland Angela Ivey Charlie Johnson Marcia Jones Carolyn Adele Josepho Lisa Kakone Beverly Kalinin Leona Kauflin Kevin Kell Shari Kenyon Janie Killerman Arlene Kosakoff Irene Kratzer Jeff Krichmar Togaku & Ruth Kuroda Denis Langhans Lucy & Leslie Larrabee Frank & Shirley Layton Joshua & Nancy Lazerson Thomas Leathem Janet Leutel Nick & Lorraine Levy Genevieve Lewis Kathleen Lindemann Aaron Ling Paul & Eva Linke William Logan Susan Lux Scott & Anne Makeig David Marchesani William Kyle Martin John & Jane Martin Leslie Martin Marty Mashoufi Thomas & Livier McGee Joanna McGowan Daniel Menendez David & Julia Morgan Mark & Suzanne Nims Sally Norvell Alexandra O’Rourke Susan Papanek Donald & Janice Parks Jann Pasler Glenda Peacock Meira & Claude Penchina Mary Ann Percy Warren & Roseann Peterson Robert Pinkerton David & Corey Ramser Michael Rawluk Nicholas Regali Ray & Kathy Jean Reinhard Sharron Rice Clark Rumsey & Natalie Thompson Kurt E Scherler Dana Schierenbeck Rick Schlesinger & Judy Nakatomi David Schmahl Sarah Schwartz Florence Schweizer Joe Serianni Vera Shadi Raquel Shantal Laurence Shapiro Lauren Sherman Joan & William Simon Gordon & Elizabeth Sinkoff Kimberly Skrobiza Sandy Soderberg Nancy Sommerville Nancy & Marvin Speck Judith Spicer & Daniel Blanchard Milton & Zita Spinner Dan Sprague Bruce & Caroline Stabile Alexander & Barbara Stanculescu Curtis & Judith Sword, Jr. Curtis Sword, III Mike Tentor Mary Thibault Scott & Deborah Thompson Christina Tillotson Peter & Ann Tolstoy Amy & Justin Trujillo Diane & Robert Tyson Lucy Velazquez Ruth Voorhies Carrie & Bradley Wales Barbara & Gene Walker Diane Walters Robert & Rosalie Weston Pia White Bill & Maryann Wickett Rob & Diana Wilder Joan Williamson Robert & Sandra Wintringer Doris Worthington Barbara Yacullo Pat Yeakley Kay Yim Keiko & Hiro Yokoyama Stanley Zahler San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 23 Light-footed Clapper Rail. Photo: Chris Mayne San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy Mailing PO Box 230634 Encinitas, CA 92023-0634 Headquarters Our staff offices are located at 2049 San Elijo Avenue in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, California 92007 (Cardiff Towne Center). Phone (760) 436-3944 Web SanElijo.org Email info@SanElijo.org facebook.com/SanElijo San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Annual Report 2012 | Page 24