Annual Report 2014–2015
Annual Report 2014–2015
The Parkside School Annual Report 2014 –2015 I am making this gift because I want to have a hand in keeping the doors to Parkside always open. I want that the love, success, and happiness that is experienced by children, families, and staff behind those big red doors, to remain available. — S TA F F M E M B E R A message from the Directors Dear Friends, We are very fortunate to do work that chal- Parkside’s Board of Trustees was described as This spirit defines Parkside to our students, the school forward. While this is high praise lenges, yet continues to compel and satisfy. families, and to the greater educational community. We know that Parkside’s success is also made possible because of the deep commitment that our staff brings to work with them every school day. Each class that graduates, reminds us of the school’s accomplishments, our love for the work and the comprehensive attention that would not be possible without our donors, families, and professional staff whose vital and varied support make all that we do crystallize in our students. What could be more sustaining? We received glowing confirmation of unshakable adherence to our mission from the New York State Association of Independent School Accreditation Self-Study and the NYSAIS Visiting Committee. They reported that Parkside “lives and breathes” its mission and it touches every aspect of the school. While many schools claim to address the whole child, Parkside “truly meets the diverse needs of students and families and changes children’s lives.” Our culture is strong and our close knit staff feels supported. Parents are involved and our children are confident and feel lucky to be here. When interviewed by the visiting committee, students were able to verbalize the strategies that they had been taught to take with them to their next school. supportive of our work and integral to moving indeed, it is even more so a recognition of the unified efforts of our entire community. Knowing our dedicated and committed staff is the foundation of our success, we were thrilled to launch our Fund for Teacher Excellence to attract and retain our exceptional teachers and specialists by offering outstanding professional development and competitive salaries. We officially kicked off the campaign with a fabulous Night of Comedy honoring Al Roker and Deborah Roberts. Laughter rang through the rooms of Del Posto as Sherri Shepherd along with her team of comedians Joy Behar, Judy Gold, Diane Neal and Tammy Pescatelli brought down the house. We are grateful to all our donors who help us achieve our mission and maintain Parkside as an inclusive, ethnic and socio-economically diverse community. We are also thankful to all the volunteers whose many hours of behind the scenes efforts make so many events possible. Our reputation is built on the devotion of staff, families and contributors who embody the culture of Parkside and help us keep our promise to prepare children for the future. It is a tradition we cherish with pride. Thank you for all your support. Albina Miller Leslie Thorne Co-Heads of School 1 A word from the Parkside Parent Association A Year of Community Engagement… The Parkside PA is committed to supporting the Parkside School’s mission and we are proud to share that an engaged and committed parent community rallied to support those efforts. This past year we welcomed 17 new families during the New Parent Cocktail Party in a lovely apartment in Tribeca. Families, new and old, took the first steps to building friendships with something extremely important in common— their journey together at Parkside. In October, Parkside hosted the Annual Book Fair. The library and conference room served as a marvelous venue to connect children and parent shoppers to high-quality books and it was a joy to see the students on the floor, books sprawled everywhere with passions abound. We raised $5,140 toward books for the library and classrooms! The December Winter Wonderland Holiday Party was held amidst rooms adorned with festive art from the children and large 3D snowflakes made by Parkside parents and our wonderful art teacher! The event was a culinary treat as families donated personally prepared dishes representing their culture and traditions. Children ran up and down the staircases and through the hallways engaging in a variety of activities including spin art, face painting, the ever popular photo booth, and other crafts. The disco room was filled with music and dancers wearing glow in the dark jewelry. Our first ever Flywheel Fundraising event was spearheaded by the Speech Therapist Lauren Cohen in January. Parents, alumni, staff and friends of Parkside came together and sweated it out on 80 bikes raising a grand total of $6,528. Throughout the year, parents worked hard to plan the Annual Spring Auction. The BOLLYWOOD theme sparked much creativity among the Bindia Malhotra President 2 Kate Stephan Vice-President committee, parents and teachers as supporters of the school pounded the pavement for item donations. Their efforts paid off tremendously in the glass tent of the Bryant Park Grill, which glistened under the stars whilst the attendees wore saris, bindis and bangles while bidding on electronic tablets. There were items that appealed to everyone including vacation homes, sporting event tickets, restaurant certificates, gift cards, and spa services to name a few. As is always the case, the children’s artwork ignited bidding wars and we are proud to report the auction raised $127,714. The PA continued to acknowledge our dedicated staff for their incredible talents and guidance by providing snacks for the monthly staff meetings and hosting the Staff Appreciation Cocktail Party in May. The gym was transformed into a bar-like atmosphere with Pimm’s, wine, hors d’oeuvres and desserts. The year came to a close with the Spring Boutique. For the fourth year in a row, the Spring Boutique was held outside of the School because of the community’s interest in patronizing the event. Parents eagerly gathered new and gently used items to sell and this year’s boutique raised $2,323 earmarked for the School’s operating budget. The PA would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Parkside Community. None of these accomplishments would have been possible without your perseverance and most importantly your time. We are delighted to report that $143,066 was raised during the 2014–2015 academic year. Each and every dollar is critical to enable Parkside to provide each child with a multi-dimensional education and to develop respect and understanding for themselves and others. Julia Tung Treasurer Unique Samuel-Figueroa Communications Director Putting your Dollars to Work Support and Revenue Tuition and Fees $3,250,423 70.9% Contributions - General Operating 853,726 18.6% Special event 172,564 3.8% Federal & State Government Grants 107,450 2.3% Dividend and Interest Income 105,673 2.3% 95,664 2.1% $4,585,500 100% Miscellenous Income Subtotal Support and Revenue Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investment Securities Realized Gain (Loss) on Investment Securities Total 2014-2015 Support and Revenue (80,269) (332) $4,504,899 Expenses Salaries and Benefits $3,590,524 74% Management and General Administration 741,115 15% Program Expenses 400,540 8% Fundraising Expenses 141,244 3% $4,873,423 100% Total 2014-2015 Expenses 3 Parkside UPDATES TEACHING Helping children discover the wonders of being a learner is a lifelong lesson that transcends the core subject matter of reading, math, social studies, science and writing, which we focus on everyday. Aligned with nurturing group social skills and personal responsibility, these assets inspire Parkside children with intrinsic motivation, curiosity, and confidence about their world. This school year our department had an impact in and out of the classroom. Drawing on our expertise, new teachers were able to learn from the senior teachers and apply what they learned to their groups. We also hosted observers and student teachers from Bank Street School of Education, New York University, Hunter College and Fordham University. To nurture the wonder of learning, Lower School classes were busy exploring many new concepts and understandings such as sinking, floating, magnets, living and non-living things, the earth’s seasonal rotation and more. Learning about life in the world included; information about NYC a long time ago, tenement housing, different jobs in NYC, and then extended to life in rural Alaska 4 and Alaskan animals. Children learned All About Family and studied the life cycle of the butterfly. Caterpillars were in the classroom and after forming a chrysalis from which butterflies emerged, they were released into Central Park. Important trips included the Planetarium, Little Italy and Chinatown for Social Studies. During the Water Cycle unit a terrarium was made and later in Tree Study children observed how a tree changes through the seasons. Upper School classes were engaged in units that included: Democracy, Slavery, Civil Rights, The Moon, The Restless Earth, and Body Systems. Trips included visits to The New York Historical Society, SPEECH The Speech and Language Department therapists continued their commitment to excel by helping children learn how to be a good friend, understand social situations and cues, and develop a lexicon of feeling states in order to make inferences about others and access all aspects of the classroom curriculum. Beneficial activities throughout the year included collaborative learning, executive functioning tasks, social thinking (e.g., Whole Body Listening, being a Social Detective, Think Scan Plan, Zones of Regulation with body and brain tools for being a “zone mover”, Superflex and the Unthinkable Program). Theatreworks performances at Town Hall, The Museum Of Natural History’s Hall of Planet Earth and The Hayden Planetarium. In addition, classes conducted science experiments about how heat travels. During The American Revolution unit students held a debate, Patriots vs Loyalists. All classes wrote a weekly newsletter via a Parkside blog, which gave students the opportunity to share their learning experiences using technology. Classes reviewed the blog together on the smart board each week and parents were kept informed about life in the classroom and were able to post comments. In collaboration with the Speech and O.T. Departments, all of the students were busy regulating their bodies and strategizing to keep calm and ready to learn by using The Zones of Regulation. Students also learned strategies to combat the “Unthinkables”. The Speech Department presented their Language Instruction and Strategies Presentation, which offered guidance to teachers and other therapists to help support academic and social language instruction in the classroom. Key points included use of the 4 “S” System (Say it slow, Show, Say less, Stress) to support wait time and language processing, Think Scan Plan to support social inferencing, executive functioning and matching verbal and nonverbal cues to support social emotional language development. The Speech Department continued to consult with Dr. Sima Gerber, Ph.D., where much of the focus was spent assessing and learning about children’s play within the areas of organization, themes, symbolic prop use, and roles. The Speech Department is also excited to be working with Dr. Gerber to develop our own play assessment for Parkside. Members of the department also collaborated closely with literacy and language specialist Cathy Constable, MS, CCC-SLP, Ph.D., to develop and improve decoding skills, fluency, and comprehension of vocabulary, semantics and morphology. 5 Parkside UPDATES O C C U PAT I O N A L T H E R A P Y Our contributions this year came about by continuing to work closely with the Speech and Langage Department to further develop the SPOT Group Curriculum (lessons co-taught by Parkside’s Speech Therapists and our Occupational Therapists) making great strides integrating the Zones of Regulation and Social Thinking programs throughout the entire school community. Internally, the O.T. Department provided staff with two educational workshops. The first was focused on O.T. tools that are commonly used in the classroom to support writing, self-regulation, and attention. The second discussed the importance of adapting writing paper to support each child’s needs and it provided helpful iPad apps (i.e. Snaptype) as an alternative to writing when completing homework or worksheets. We continued collaborating with the Speech Department on a weekly basis to integrate Speech and O.T. related activities/exercises in the classroom. SPOT topics that continue to be addressed include; unexpected/expected behaviors, Social Thinking program, Whole Body Listening program, Zones of Regulation program, Executive Function, Arts and Crafts, and Nutrition. With parents, we established improved communication using Filemaker goals in our bi-annual reports to make it easier to understand. 6 In collaboration with Dr. Kapoor, a developmental optometrist, the Department provided visual screenings, recommendations, visual exercises, classroom accommodations, and modifications for maximizing student learning. O.T.’s continued to collaborate with an Orthotist (Mr. Dave) who provided in-house consultation and evaluation to determine if a student would benefit from lower extremity foot orthotics for improved gait, balance, and proper positioning. The Department continued to sharpen their skills seeking out professional workshops to find new and developing information to integrate into Parkside practices including: 1) NY Early Intervention for Social-Emotional Development: Cutting Edge Treatment for Birth to 5 Years, 2) Self-Regulation in Children: Keeping Body, Mind, and Emotions on Task in Children with Autism, ADHD, or Sensory Disorders, 3) NonMedication Treatment for Children with ADHD. O.T.’s conducted mentorship/community outreach with three level one fieldwork students from Touro College and New York University and accommodated O.T. volunteers and O.T. student observations throughout the year. Our department created a student handbook to help orient volunteers and OT students to the department, school policies and procedures, student expectations, and learning/clinical objectives. SOCIAL WORK Our department helps the children better understand themselves and others while working through developmental struggles and demands. This year, one change we made was to the format of the classroom-based Sharing Circles/Social- Emotional Learning Groups. Now called “Social Work Push-In Times,” these weekly gatherings focus on social-emotional learning issues identified in collaboration with the teachers and the students. Social Work Push-In Times were specific and responsive to the children’s developmental levels and readiness. Classroom discussion and role-play, facilitated cooperative play around particular themes with partners or small groups, reading/viewing/sharing reactions to stories and videos on specific topics including body safety and awarenenss were all possible formats for this rich addition to life in the classroom community. In June, 2016, an article written collaboratively by the Social Work Department will be published in a special edition of the Yale University Press journal, The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. Entitled, “The Same Fish? Creating Space for Therapeutic Relationships, Play and Development in a School for Children with Special Needs,” the article describes the power of relationship, play and an interdisciplinary approach in a school setting. The Department partners with graduate schools of Social Work to supervise and train young professionals. This year we hosted interns from Columbia University, New York University and the Dual Degree Program in Child Development and Social Work at Sarah Lawrence/NYU. T E C H N O LO GY The media and technology program has become integral to supporting the overall mission of the Parkside School as a community of learners. Using the tools that technology offers, students and teachers have access to the world outside Parkside having the opportunity to connect with others, research and share ideas and information, and develop a better understanding of ourselves as learners, problem solvers, and global citizens. Technology classes focus on developing basic skills with navigating technology, both desktop computer and iPads, as well as providing students with opportunities to do research and work on projects related to what they are learning in their classroom. Social skills including turn-taking, listening, letter-writing, and clear communication are also goals within the technology time. Last year the Parkside School added to its fleet of iPads, ensuring all students and staff members have access to these technology tools to enhance teaching and student learning. To facilitate and support the implementation of meaningful instruction aided by technology, professional development for staff is built in throughout the school year. 7 Parkside UPDATES ART Parkside continues to excel and be a model of exemplary teaching in the visual arts. This year art teacher Lauren Behar received a Leadership Award and Parkside ranked number 10 in the state for sharing over 1800 pieces of art through Artsonia, the largest online art gallery in the world. We were excited to launch a new style of creating art called the “Choice Based” approach. Children made art inspired by their own ideas and used whatever materials they wanted. They planned their projects and visited centers around the art room such as drawing, painting, collage, clay, fiber arts and the Inventor’s workshop to gather their materials and clean up independently. As a result, the enthusiasm and motivation levels were at an all-time high! 8 For those who preferred more directed projects, there was always a teacher led “project of the day” which students could choose to follow. These projects fell under the yearlong curriculum theme of the “Elements and Principles of Design,” including learning about line, color, shape, form, space and composition to name a few. We also had some memorable fun times making “Science-Art” this year. Students learned science in their classrooms, but brought their knowledge and innovation into the art room and applied it to create science themed works of art such as insect sculptures made from recycled parts, mounted on a collaborative habitat painting, paper-mache cross-sectional volcanoes, and a four-level mixed media miniature replica of the Amazon jungle. MUSIC and DRAMA The Parkside School Music and Drama Program continues to be a comprehensive curriculum that provides children with multiple opportunities to explore, learn, create, problem solve, showcase and perform The program helps students take on different perspectives, increase responsiveness and spontaneity, and work well individually in front of their peers, collaboratively within the group setting, and in more publically during assemblies and The All School Arts Festival. Our Drama curriculum focuses on the building blocks of good storytelling. Through games and exercises that explore physical, vocal, and creative behavior our goal is to develop coordination, comprehension, sequencing, and listening skills. InMusic students are introduced to rhythm, melody, and building their “musical ear” to be able to properly identify patterns and eventually, notes and chords. Upper grades were introduced to Broadway Musicals and the lower grades to stories and fairytales that allow students to easily identify and specifically develop character, setting, conflict (the problem or obstacles) and finding resolution through the themes of community and friendship. Performances occur throughout the year. This year the upper grades worked on scenes and songs from “Wizard of Oz”. The middle grades worked on “The Great Kapok Tree” and learned American and Jamaican folk tunes. The younger classes participated in instrumental performances of classical pieces including “Aquarium” from “Carnival of the Animals” and “Radetzky March” by Johann Strauss. All students contribute to performances in many ways, with a variety of roles that include stage manager, accompanist, and set-building. 9 Parkside UPDATES YO G A The meaning of the word yoga is union: the union of the mind, body, and spirit, which corresponds perfectly to Parkside's mission of serving the whole child. The yoga program at Parkside places particular emphasis on improvement in physical strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, concentration, focus, breathing, sequencing, and creativity. Lower school students learn basic yoga poses via games and musical movement sequences. Children are supported through a visual schedule and through physical modeling of the movements being introduced. Students learn basic breathing exercises to support self-regulation. Upper school students learn sequences to help develop a strong yoga practice and continue to build upon their foundation of core strength by learning more advanced and challenging poses. Teamwork is encouraged via partner and group yoga poses/activities. More challenging breathing exercises are introduced and connections are made regarding how these exercises can be useful in students’ daily life. 10 GY M Our students have always participated in a dynamic physical education program that promotes inclusion of all students, teaches responsibility and cooperation, promotes self-discipline, and was guided by the NASPE (National Association of Sports and Physical Education) Content Standards. Our program also included skill-related fitness components such as balance, agility, speed and coordination. Through specific instructional objectives, children developed eye-hand coordination, body management, basic and advanced motor skills as well as good sportsmanship. Activities are exciting, fun and, they are able to be transferred and modified to be played outside of gym class. 2014-2015 Annual Fund Supporters Leadership Circle Education Sponsor Classroom Patron Bill O’Donnell Don and Emily Stephenson Mary Elizabeth Alexander Anonymous Ethan and Jenna Dabbs Christopher Davis and So Lee Phillips and Laurie Davis Len and Nicky Ellis Fernando and Dana Ferre Seth Freeman and Carolyn Barker Seth and Valarie Gerber Goldman Sachs Gives Timothy MacKenzie Gunn Jason and Heidi Rosenfarb Ira and Paula Resnick Diego and Joyce Visceglia Jay Kim and So Jin Bae Andrew and Julie Lambert Ben and Wendy Lehmann Carl Lennartson and Susan Arthur Richard and Kamie Lightburn Boaz Mourad and Stacey Matthias Kerry O’Donnell Nischal and Aline Pai Don and Stephanie Rapaport Michael and Karina Rizzi Ray and Kelly Spitzley David and Kate Stephan Stratton Charitable Foundation Gino Tadiar and Mae Leonardia Vincent Visceglia and Caroline Russo-Visceglia Matthew and Joanna Weiss David Addison and Dot Cates Charles and Coretta Akrong John Bellaud and Maya Kalman Bellaud John and Sherry Cohn Brook and Zoe Cuddy Stanley Silberstein and Wendy Abrams Silberstein Paul Devlin and Gretchen Morgenson Friends of Rhinelander Children’s Center William Brodsky and Minna Fyer Stephen Gallagher and Felina Rakowski-Gallagher Dan and Beverly Green Heidi Green Peter and Margarita Halloran Pablo Helguera and Dannielle Tegeder Haison Jiao and Grace Wang Hari Krishnaswami and Amy Daley Gerald Lathon and Sandra Wells Chung Hee and Young Sun Lee Christopher and Deborah Milite Morgan Stanley Declan and Denise O’Dea Jeffrey Perlowitz David Price and Jacqueline Klinger Aaron Royer Joshua Sapan and Ann Foley Maurice Shalah and Yoko Tajimi Sam and Sarah Sidi Mark Silberberg and Tracy Butler Robert Silverstein and Wanda Olson James Talen Peter and Judi Wasserman Sam Weisman and Nancy Crown Martin and Lois Whitman ($25,000+) Tuition Gap Funder ($18,000+) Paul and Gail Bichler James and Kathleen Bowers Paolo and Margit Cesana Paul Chew and Bindia Malhotra Ethan and Jenna Dabbs Ted and Christine Gerstein Mauricio Hidalgo and Rosario Samperio-Hidalgo Gary and Judith Kadi Avtar and Salinee Kang Max Kozower and Jane Guttenberg Tongwei Liu and Julia Tung Richard and Amy McDaid Philip and Alexis Mintz Jon Sarnoff and Ellen Lee Lane Schaffer and Karen Rabinowicz Hayward and Barbara Smith Marc and Dikla Strohl Andrew and Suzanne Taub Next Decade Benefactor ($12,000+) Brian and Dori Friedman Rebecca Hornstein-Doede Denes and Muguette Petoe Al Roker and Deborah Roberts Jim and Marilyn Simons Chris Sun and Deanna Song ($5,000+) ($1,000+) 11 2014-2015 Annual Fund Supporters Circle of Friends Program Funder Para Ahilan and Nirilla Anthonimuthu Noel Anderson and Lashan Browning Donna Assumma G. David Brinton and Janet Mattick Rachel Cole Elizabeth Davenport Allen and Elisa Gage Matthew and Petra Gelbart Mark and Leslie Godridge Adin and Rachelle Goldberg Michael Katz and Irene Moy Gary Mellen Gabriel and Sophia Ovanessian Alan and Leslie Pearson Adonis Rasberry and Melissa Reyes Francisco Renta and Marlo Navarro Laura-Ann Robb and Michele Weber Pamela Sandler Vera Abruzzi Umar and Rose Adams Andrew and Alison Adler Richard and Carol Alston Nelson Berberena and Jacqueline Ament Neil and Lana Berson Todd Bressi and Amy Lempert Jill Burton Freddie Chambers and Paula Steele David and Linda Chew Sean Chung and Heijoon Chyung Craig and Lauren Cohen Jeff Conrad and Renee Solares Paul and Janet Cord Janice Davis Nina del Rosario William and Barbara DeLizza Lucy Diamond Diane Dreyer Scott Hansher and Jessica Durrett Johnny Dwyer and Sarah Magid Susan Elicks Steven and Shelley Faro Preston Faro and Albina Miller Earl Figueroa and Unique Samuels-Figueroa Martin Gerber Robin Goldberg Anthony and Doreena Gruppuso The Beir Foundation Thomas and Mary Jane Haher Sing Han Craig Hanauer Maya Handwerk Erica Harrison Howard Jacobson and Kathryn Wolfson Sami Kahn Marissa Kanners Robert and Victoria Katzman Roy Khalaf Joyce Khalaf Robert Khanlian Tara King Charles Knoble and Claire Kozower John and Alison Lankenau ($500+) Arts Supporter ($250+) Vincent Aubrun and Patricia Godoy Austin & Company, Inc. Peter and Laurie Bachmann Beth Brenzel Tom Casey and Leslie Thorne Sheldon and Laurie Dosik Ruth Summer Keller James Freund and Barbara Fox Edward Hallahan and Barbara Loewenthal Crystal Johnson Joseph and Geraldine Jordan Ronald and Marie Kadi James Margolin and Nancy Friedman Eugene and Laura Mazzaro Northwestern Mutual Foundation Mark and Andrea Polsky Mark and Minna Schneider Davida Sherwood Marjorie Stephan Peter Ticali Jad Yassine Antoine and Michelle Zemor 12 (gifts up to $249) Susannah Levine Rebecca Lewin Richard and Jane Liescheidt Joseph and Kay Lindenfeld Anthony and Meaghan Lisi Bob Maclay and Karen Lundry Ronald and Ethel Magnani Judith Marchese Angelo and Julia Marketos Claudia Marks Elizabeth and David Marquis Ed and Betsy Marston Conrad Mselle and Elizabeth Browne Ozier Muhammad and Lisa Redd Paul and Linda Mulhauser Christine Munnelly Paul and Nancy Novograd Kevin and Doreen Odell Duane Pinder and Brenda Davis Cary and Elyse Pollock Carlos Potter and Nohely DellaValle Marcia Rabinowicz Nathan Rosen and Priva Simon Andrew Rosenbloom Jeffrey Rothman and Nancy Sacks Jamie Salter Nicholas and Ebony Santos Jennifer Schetina R. Hayden Schofield Rhona Silverbush Hans and Sally Solmssen Rachel Sosland Ricky Spike The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Susan Thomas Rachel Vannucci Christopher Walz and Allison Lesko Chris and Catherine Weeks Christine Yen Graduation 2015 Dylan Mellon, Class of 2009 Graduation Speech Hi, my name is Dylan Mellon. When I got the call and Ms. Thorne asked if I wanted to talk during graduation I felt both honor and fear. I am not a great public speaker but this is a moment I didn’t want to pass by. This is such an honor to be in front of you all today. Let me first begin by saying, I graduated Parkside six years ago and my memories have never faded. I still remember all the help and support given by Ms. Thorne and Ms. Miller and all my other teachers. I must say I have come a long way and it was Parkside that started it all. I just finished 11th grade at The Churchill School where I have been since leaving Parkside. I am now looking at colleges and I feel very competitive with each application. I guess what I am trying to say is that Parkside was the start of my own successful path. From a young boy who barely knew how to read, entering Parkside was a scary thing. 13 The teachers all saw this and helped in many the principals are and how I have personally ways. I made good friends and some of which benefitted from all of this, but something was I have to this day. missing. Then it struck me. The one thing, the To all the students graduating today, one overriding gift Parkside gives all its stu- I say you’re a lucky bunch. The love and dents is confidence. The confidence to feel support found every day in Parkside will stay strong in oneself. To appreciate one’s own with you for the rest of your academic years. abilities and qualities. Parkside does not only I was just selected to the National Honors teach reading and writing, but also how to Society and Ms. Miller and Ms. Thorne I thank stand up and say, I can handle this. Confidence. you both for giving me the tools I needed to Confidence to open up and read more chal- get such an honor. For those out there who lenging books. Confidence to join social clubs. feel anxious about leaving, just remember Confidence to play mainstream sports. For me Parkside will always be there and just a phone it was confidence to apply and then get call away. One of my closest friends from my accepted to the National Honor Society and days at Parkside is presently a classmate of to play and be a big part of my school’s Varsity mine and we often talk about the days in the Basketball Team. Confidence in yourself lets building on 74th Street. you say I can do this. Thank you Parkside. So what’s next for all of you graduates? A new school, new teachers, and new friends and I say that’s great. I want you all to know Thank you Ms. Miller and Ms. Thorne for this gift. Every accomplishment in life has a begin- that the care and support you experienced at ning. Every success and all the hard work Parkside will stay with you and this is very started somewhere. I was watching the NBA important. We all have challenges. It may be finals this past week and my father and I writing a story, reading a book or sometimes talked about this superstar, Steph Curry. He is to keep the focus on a lecture. I am here to able to hit all those outside shots to a very tell you there are so many wonderful people high level. To get there he practiced over and who will help, in your own success story. over again and his beginning was hard work. The love for Parkside crosses many To succeed in high school and then in college generations, I have my own vivid stories from there is always a beginning. That beginning for Parkside, but my parents and even my grandfa- me and for many of you graduates was the ther who visited all know that this was noth- years spent at Parkside. And for that I thank ing less than a home. you Ms. Miller and Ms. Thorne. Congratulations As I sat down to write this speech, I felt I was leaving something out. Yes I spoke about how wonderful the school is and how caring 14 to you all. This is a very exciting day and I thank you for letting me be a part of it. CLASS OF 2015 SCHOOL PLACEMENTS Eagle Hill School Mary McDowell Friends School Stephen Gaynor School The Lowell School The Summit School 15 2015 Bollywood Auction A Big Thank You to our 2015 Auction Sponsor! Max J. Kozower of Maxwell Jacobs Many thanks to our patrons who made our auction night possible! Regina Abayev David Addison and Dot Cates Charles and Coretta Akrong Gina Aliosa Ahmad Al-Sati and Rose Razaghian Grace An Donna Assumma Vincent Aubrun and Patricia Godoy Austin & Company, Inc. Maria Barbone Kathryn Bassett Stein and Craig Stein Jennifer Bieber Schetina Gregory Blackhall James and Kathleen Bowers Heddyeh Broumand Carrie Catapano Paolo and Margit Cesana Paul Chew and Bindia Malhotra Lauren and Craig Cohen Rachel Cole Paul and Janet Cord Aimee Cummo and Matt Mandel Daniel and Alice Cunningham Jesse Cutler Elizabeth (Libby) Davenport Jamie Dolan Leonard and Nicky Ellis Lisa Faro Cyrille Farrell Melissa Ferraro Fernando and Dana Ferre Angelo Fratianni Seth Freeman and Carolyn Barker Brian and Dori Friedman Frost King and Thermwell Products Co., Inc. Stephen Gallagher and Felina Rakowski Gallagher Matthew and Petra Gelbart Seth and Valarie Gerber Courtney Goldstein Heidi Green Thomas and Mary Jane Haher 16 Pablo Helguera and Dannielle Tegeder Rebecca Hennick Mauricio Hidalgo and Rosario Samperio-Hidalgo Brett Hine and Sue Rosenthal Rebecca Hornstein Ira M. Resnick Foundation Howard Jacobson and Kathryn Wolfson Haisong Jiao and Grace Wang Crystal Johnson and Alfred Harrigan Gary and Judith Kadi Kenneth Kahaner Avtar and Salinee Kang Jay Kim and SoJin Bae Robert King and Anne Davis Max Kozower and Jane Guttenberg Hari Krishnaswami and Amy Daley Vijay and Tanja Kumra Andrew and Julie Lambert Alison and John Lankenau Ben and Wendy Lehmann John Leubsdorf and Lynn Montz Jane and Richard Liescheidt Tongwei Liu and Julia Tung Laura McClelland Richard and Amy McDaid Theresa Middlebrooks Albina Miller and Preston Faro Maria Mitchell Declan and Denise O’Dea Kerry O’Donnell Olympian Health & Fitness, LLC Dave Outten Nischal and Aline Pai Katherine Palma Alan and Leslie Pearson Elizabeth Rand Don and Stephanie Rapaport Ron and Liat Raz Michael and Karina Rizzi Laura-Ann Robb and Michele Weber Neal Rosenberg Jason and Heidi Rosenfarb Fredric and Vivienne Rottman Aaron Royer Susan Russo Sacks & Sacks, LLP David Salsberg James Salter Lane Schaffer and Karen Rabinowicz Michael and Cecilia Sery Maurice Shalah and Yoko Tajimi Samuel and Sarah Sidi Donald and Marilyn Silberberg Mark Silberberg and Tracy Butler Hayward and Barbara Smith Renee Solares and Jeffrey Conrad Ray and Kelly Spitzley Rachel Staloff and William Bornander David and Kate Stephan Marc and Dikla Strohl Erica Sugai Gino Tadiar and Mae Leonardia Laura Tagliareni Julia Talen Leslie Thorne and Thomas Casey Peter Ticali Michael Tramontana Craig and Robin Unterberg Rosemarie Verderane Vincent Visceglia and Carolyn Russo-Visceglia Diego and Joyce Visceglia Matthew and Stephanie Warburton Matthew and Joanna Weiss Kimberly and Benjamin Whitney Underwriters Alissa and Joel Isaacson Dr. Lois A. Jackson, DDS PC Eric and Caroline Yoon Like ripples in a pond when you throw a stone, the work that Parkside does has an enormous effect beyond just students. Parents, siblings, grandparents and friends have all benefited from the Parkside magic. — PA R E N T 2015 Bollywood Auction A special thank you to our 2015 Auction Committee! Chairs Bindia Malhotra Caroline Russo-Visceglia Auction Volunteers Kathleen Bowers Dot Cates Marsha Cole Amy Daley Felina Gallagher Heidi Green Julie and Andrew Lambert Julia Marketos Sharon Monplaisir Denise O’Dea Aline Pai Karen Rabinowicz Karina Rizzi Heidi Rosenfarb Sarah Sidi Barbara Haywood Smith Kate Stephan 18 Auction Gifts-in-Kind 92nd Y ABC 7 Ad-Zine Jewelry Albina Miller Alexis Mintz Alice’s Tea Cup American Museum of Natural History Anne Tuohy Anonymous Anthony Lisi Asaf Nisim Atlantis Casino Resort Spa Audrey Eisenberg Automatic Studios Bindia Malhotra Blue Apron Body Evolutions Breads from Anna Broadway Booking Office Brooklyn Cyclones Café Grazie Caitlin Mandy Carousel of Languages Cates Family Glads Central Park Tae Kwon Do Chef Central Chelsea Piers Children’s Museum of Manhattan Children’s Museum of the Arts Chris Schranck City Treehouse Clay Spa Cobble Hill Ballet Come Join the Band! Complete Tile Collection Core Studio Crafted Hospitality Craig Hanauer Da Claudio Dana and Fernando Ferre Dana Pielet Dannielle Tegeder and Pablo Helguera David Elinson Declan and Denise O’Dea Design Lithographers, Inc. Di Palo Fine Foods Inc. Dinner Lab Discovery Programs Don and Emily Stephenson Dovetail Dr. Lois Jackson Due Restaurant Dynamic Solutions Ellen Lee and Jon Sarnoff Equinox Exhale Mind Body Spa Extreme New York Hair Salon Fairway Market Five Mile Stone Flywheel Sports Food Liberation Francis Goodwin Lac Frank Renta and Marlo Navarro Frederic Fekkai Hair Salon Gary S. Berger, MD Gino Tadiar and Mae Leonardia Girl With Spoon Goldy & Mac Good Enough To Eat Good Housekeeping Magazine Gopi K. Patel Gore Mountain Grace An Grace Spiegel Grace Yu Wang Gymtime Gymnastics Rhythm and Glues Harmony by Karate Heidi and Jason Rosenfarb Heidi Green Photography Hidden Valley Camp HomBom Toys House of Jai Ingels Family Health Island Jacqueline Ament Jacobs Pickles Jane Mogel Interior Design JCC in Manhattan Jeffrey Stein Salon Jennifer Behr Jennifer Schetina Jess Durrett Jessica Frazzetta Joanna Weiss Jodi’s Gym John and Sherry Cohen Julia Marketos Julia Talen Julia Tung Just for Today LCC Kamie & Rich Lightburn Karen Rabinowicz and Lane Schaffer Kat Palma Kate Spade & Co. Kate Stephan Katie Bassett Katherine Parker Kelly Jacobi Kerry O’Donnell Kidville Kimberly Whitney Kim Madzy Koppel Design Project Management La Villa Late Night with Seth Meyers Laura McClelland Lauren Behar Law Firm of Cesar de Castro PC Le Du’s Wines Len and Nicky Ellis Leshem Loft Leslie Thorne and Tom Casey Lester’s Libby Davenport Liberty Science Center Little Maestros Lovella Salon Lucky Strike Lanes and Lounge Luxitune Macy’s Maman Marc Harris Salon and Spa Margit Cesana Marissa Kanners Marjorie Hilton Interiors Martina Buczek Match 65 Max Mara USA Inc. Melissa Ferraro Melt Shop Meral Celabi—Shaggy Hair Salon Michael and Karina Rizzi Michael Choi Michele Weber Mike Tramontana Mile High Run Club Mimi’s Nail & Spa Ming Yi Lin Mohawk Day Camp Monogram Off Madison Mulino’s of Westchester My Gym MyClean Neiman Marcus New York Kids Club New York Knicks Nick’s Restaurant Pizzeria Nirvana OBX LLC NoriAnna Cohen Occupational Therapy Department O Live Brooklyn—Park Slope Outerwall Outragehiss Pets Paper Source Parkside Students Paul Mole Barber Shop Paula and Ira Resnick Petra and Matthew Gelbart Pinocchio Ristorante Posies Pour Pure Yoga Quaint Restaurant Queen of the Night Rachel Sosland Rachel Teitcher Randa Accessories Rebecca Hornstein Doede Rebecca Scheiner Rebecca Schreiber Rodan and Fields Dermatologists Ron and Liat Raz Ronald and Ethel Magnani Rosa Mexicano Rosario and Mauricio Hidalgo Ruby Gelman, DMD Sagamore Hotel Salon Ziba Samantha Kramer Sarah Magid Seventh Street Music Corp Sfoglia Restaurant Simply Sports Sindia Malhotra Skip Hop SoJin Bae Soula Shoes Soulcycle Speech Department Spirit Center Acupuncture Spring Lake Day Camp Stampin’ Up Stationary and Toy World Super Soccer Stars SwimJim, Inc. Ted and Christine Gerstein Tennis Innovators The Cecil The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated The Craft Studio The James Beard Foundation The Little Gym The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore The Penrose The Restaurant Group The Skylark The Upper Breast Side The Winslow Tie Dye Town Tiny Prints Tiny’s and The Bar Upstairs TOD’S Tosler Davis Salon Total Wine & More Tracy Butler and Mark Silberberg Union Square Hospitality Group United Tae Kwon Do Center Vale Jewelry Valerie Cohen Venieros Vivienne Rottman Walt Disney World Co. Warren and Mitzi Eisenberg Waterville Valley Resort Whole Foods Wildlife Conservation Society Wood Homestead Maple Syrup Yoga For Kids Yogaworks Yorkville Youth Athletic Association 19 The great thing about Parkside is that you are never alone. Even if you have felt that way your whole life, once you walk through those red doors, you are part of a team. — ALUMNI STUDENT Fund for Teacher Excellence Benefit A special thank you to our Teacher Excellence Benefit Coordinators! Benefit Committee Dori and Brian Friedman Jane Guttenberg and Max Kozower Alissa and Joel Isaacson Kamie and Richard Lightburn Julia Tung and Tongwei Liu Alexis and Philip Mintz Adina and Michael Pitt Paula and Ira Resnick Kelly and Ray Spitzley Caroline Russo-Visceglia and Vincent Visceglia Stephanie and Matthew Warburton Talent Chair Sherri Shepherd Special performances by Diane Neal Tammy Pescatelli Joy Behar Judy Gold Thank you for your support of The Parkside School’s Fund for Teacher Excellence, which will provide outstanding professional development opportunities and resources to attract and retain exceptional teachers. The Parkside School Benefit Donors Gene and Ronnie Isenberg Punchline Supporters Mary Elizabeth Alexander Kamie and Richard Lightburn Dori and Brian Friedman Alexis and Philip Mintz Paula and Ira Resnick Deborah Roberts and Al Roker Caroline Russo-Visceglia and Vincent Visceglia Julia Tung and Tongwei Liu Stephanie and Matthew Warburton 21 Fund for Teacher Excellence Benefit Stand-Up Supporters Ahmad Al-Sati and Rose Razaghian Maria Barbone Elli and David Basner Heidi Broumand Brook and Zoe Cuddy DJO Consulting, LLC. Nicky and Len Ellis Christine and Ted Gerstein Patricia Godoy and Vincent Aubrun Jane Guttenberg and Max Kozower Margarita and Peter Halloran Marjorie Hilton Alissa and Joel Isaacson The Kadi Family Ken Kahaner Kathy Lathen Bindia Malhotra and Paul Chew Mara and Michael Meehan Maria K. Mitchell MJS Foundation Sharon Monplaisir and Michael Gostigian Leslie and Alan Pearson Catherine Petrello Adina and Michael Pitt Vivienne and Fred Rottman Kim Saperstein Joelle Scott Salima and Paul Sheppard Skyer & Associates, LLP. Kelly and Ray Spitzley Robin and Craig Unterberg Joanne and Matthew Weiss Elizabeth and Adam Zoia 22 Contributions Coretta and Charles Akrong Donna Assumma The Berkman Mintz Family Patricia and James Bowers Margit and Paolo Cesana Wendy and Douglas Eisenberg Ann Foley and Joshua Sapan Barbara Fox and James Freund Joshua Friedman Timothy MacKenzie Gunn Mary Jane and Thomas Haher Maya Handwerk Jill and Harry Kargman Alison and John Lankenau Anna Lehmann and Brian Mangum Jane and Richard Liescheidt Nancy and Stuart Litman Sarah Magid and Johnny Dwyer Heidi Broumand-Mansuri and Heddyeh Broumand Lynn Montz and John Leubsdorf Denise and Declan O’Dea Tricia and Jason Pantzer Karen Rabinowicz and Lane Schaffer Rayna Ragonetti Nancy Sacks and Jeffrey Rothman Mara Safra Marilyn and Don Silberberg Michael Silver Davida Sherwood Salima Vahebzadeh Lois and Martin Whitman Caroline and Eric Yoon Special Gifts Additional Donors Maddy Kozower’s Bat Mitzvah General Donations Parkside received an extraordinary gift last year from a very special young woman. Maddy Kozower, the sister of Parkside student Ethan Kozower, donated her Bat Mitzvah gifts to Parkside! Maddy encouraged her family and friends to donate to Parkside in lieu of traditional gifts, and we are so immensely grateful for all of the support that was received! We cannot thank you enough Maddy! Deb Fienberg Andrea Gellert Amy Honigman Jacob Honigman Robert Kozinets Emanuel and Elizabeth Stern Isenberg Memorial Gifts We would like to thank our generous donors for their gifts made in memory of Gene Isenberg. As you know, Gene and Ronnie were not only the first to help create The Parkside School; they maintained their significant support over the 28 years the school has served children. Their incredible generosity made it possible for us to move to our present facility and at the same time double our enrollment. Gene will forever be in our hearts! Feygele Jacobs Mark and Kylie Witzen David and Temple Ary Amazon Smile American School Directory Joshua Cohn Paul and Janet Cord James and Jacklyn Covell Donald Driver Foundation Preston Faro and Albina Miller Howard Fine Fadia Ghaleb Brett Hine and Susan Rosenthal Tamar Levenberg Richard and Jane Liescheidt Daniel and Vita Miller Maria Mitchell Ozier Muhammad and Lisa Redd Brian and Carol Powers Victoria Regan Marilee Sears Dorene Tomaskovic United Way Maryanne Williams Farajallah Younis Gifts-in-Kind Michael Gostigian and Sharon Monplaisir Kevin and Doreen Odell Denes and Muguette Petoe Kim Saperstein A HUGE thank you to all Parkside staff who generously donated through their gift of Teacher Time! Fly for Parkside Jackie Algazi Donna Assumma Laura Carlucci Tom Casey and Leslie Thorne Craig and Lauren Cohen Jeffrey Conrad and Renee Solares Elizabeth Davenport James and Jamie Salter Audrey Eisenberg Len and Nicky Ellis Preston Faro and Albina Miller Jessica Frazzetta Robert and Evelyn Genshaft Robin Goldberg Courtney Goldstein Michael Gostigian and Sharon Monplaisir Scott Hansher and Jessica Durrett Sam and Katie Holliday Ilana Kamens Emily Kanoff Jay Kim and SoJin Bae Samantha Kramer Rebecca Lewin Caitlin Mandy Jessica Bittner-Markus Elsbeth Moses Howard and Tara Moses Douglas and Louise Mund Declan and Denise O’Dea Kerry O’Donnell Alan and Leslie Pearson Joelle Pergolotti Don and Stephanie Rapaport Ron and Liat Raz Edward Ross Lane Schaffer and Karen Rabinowicz Rebecca Scheiner Rachel Schreiber Michael Silver Hayward and Barbara Smith Craig Stein and Katie Bassett Stein David and Kate Stephan Helen Swenson Andrew and Suzanne Taub Michael Tramontana Vincent Visceglia and Caroline Russo-Visceglia Amanda Wiener Eric and Caroline Yoon 23 Board of Directors, 2014–2015 Alan A. Pearson, President Brook Cuddy, Treasurer Patricia Godoy, Secretary Donna Assumma Thomas B. Casey, III Peter Halloran Albina R. Miller Vita Miller, Emeritus Ray L. Spitzley Leslie F. Thorne Peter Ticali The donors listed in this Annual Report have supported The Parkside School with contributions received between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. Every effort has been made to include each person or organization who contributed to Parkside during this period. If your name has been omitted or listed incorrectly, please accept our apologies and notify the Development Office at (212) 721-8888, ext.153. Thank you. Renee Solares Director of Development Photography: The Parkside School Staff, Heidi Green Photography, and Hunter Willis Photographica Design: 24 The Blank Page Thank you for having faith in both our son and in us… and accepting us in to the Parkside family. We have now experienced the first time joy of seeing him happy and making great strides in school. — PA R E N T 48 West 74th Street New York, NY 10023 We feel so blessed that we have Parkside’s amazing staff to support our family. In this amazing and challenging journey our daughter is growing up to be the best version of herself. Thank you for helping us to be the strong parents we want to be. The journey is much easier with Parkside by our side. — PA R E N T
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