Star News - Alliance for Audited Media
Star News - Alliance for Audited Media
A Halifax Media Group Property Subscriber Coverage StarNews Subscriber Coverage Duplin Onslow Bladen Pender Columbus New Hanover Brunswick 48 W. Seegers Road • Arlington Heights, IL 60005-3913 • T: 224.366.6939 • F: 224.366.6949 • Q1 2015 Wilmington (New Hanover County), North Carolina Subject to Audit Audited Every Other Year CROSS-MEDIA METRICS WEBSITE ACTIVITY Period (Web) Unique Browsers 587,570 Page Impressions (1) 4,140,738 March 2015 Source: (1) Adobe Analytics CIRCULATION SUMMARY TOTAL COMBINED AVERAGE CIRCULATION StarNews Media Print (See Par. 1A) Digital Replica (See Par. 1B) Digital Nonreplica (See Par. 1C) Total Combined Average Circulation Avg Sun Mon-Fri 37,149 33,692 36,463 Tue 33,138 Wed 34,062 Thu 34,052 Fri 34,004 Sat 31,676 30,389 29,960 29,863 30,776 30,714 30,667 30,990 2,616 2,588 2,588 2,599 2,651 2,651 686 687 686 687 687 687 686 686 37,149 33,692 33,234 33,138 34,062 34,052 34,004 31,676 Fri Sat 26,951 CIRCULATION DATA BY PUBLICATION 1A. StarNews Media - PRINT Paid Circulation Individually Paid Circulation Home Delivery and Mail Single Copy Sales Total Average Individually Paid Circulation Business/Traveler Paid Circulation Hotel Distribution - Room/Lobby Copies Total Average Business/Traveler Paid Circulation Total Average Paid Circulation - Print Qualified Circulation Single Copy Educational Copies Employee/Independent Contractor Retail/Business Total Average Single Copy Total Average Qualified Circulation - Print Total Average Circulation - Print Mon 33,234 Sun Avg Mon-Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu 27,124 25,557 25,437 25,301 25,143 25,999 25,877 8,594 3,240 2,957 2,985 4,011 3,137 3,172 3,192 35,718 28,797 28,394 28,286 29,154 29,136 29,049 30,143 125 188 172 178 182 182 224 102 125 188 172 178 182 182 224 102 35,843 28,985 28,566 28,464 29,336 29,318 29,273 30,245 50 50 50 50 50 50 487 503 500 509 507 501 501 501 133 851 844 840 883 845 843 244 620 1,404 1,394 1,399 1,440 1,396 1,394 745 620 1,404 1,394 1,399 1,440 1,396 1,394 745 36,463 30,389 29,960 29,863 30,776 30,714 30,667 30,990 01-3375-0 48 W. Seegers Road • Arlington Heights, IL 60005-3913 • T: 224.366.6939 • F: 224.366.6949 • Avg Mon-Fri Sun 1B. StarNews Media - DIGITAL REPLICA Qualified Circulation: Opt-in Educational Copies Total Average Qualified Circulation - Digital Replica Total Average Circulation - Digital Replica Total Average Circulation - Print & Digital Replica 1C. StarNews Media - DIGITAL NONREPLICA Paid Circulation Restricted Access Website Total Average Paid Circulation - Digital Nonreplica Total Average Circulation - Digital Nonreplica TOTAL AVERAGE CIRCULATION - PRINT & DIGITAL REPLICA AND NONREPLICA Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2,616 2,588 2,588 2,599 2,651 2,651 2,616 2,588 2,588 2,599 2,651 2,651 2,616 2,588 2,588 2,599 2,651 2,651 36,463 33,005 32,548 32,451 33,375 33,365 33,318 30,990 686 687 686 687 687 687 686 686 686 687 686 687 687 687 686 686 686 687 686 687 687 687 686 686 37,149 33,692 33,234 33,138 34,062 34,052 34,004 31,676 16,184 15,335 15,262 15,179 15,095 15,597 15,526 16,102 4,186 1,648 1,473 1,501 2,088 1,595 1,618 1,618 20,370 16,983 16,735 16,680 17,183 17,192 17,144 17,720 125 188 172 178 182 182 224 102 125 188 172 178 182 182 224 102 20,495 17,171 16,907 16,858 17,365 17,374 17,368 17,822 50 50 50 50 50 50 437 453 450 459 457 451 451 451 133 851 844 840 883 845 843 244 570 1,354 1,344 1,349 1,390 1,346 1,344 695 570 1,354 1,344 1,349 1,390 1,346 1,344 695 21,065 18,525 18,251 18,207 18,755 18,720 18,712 18,517 10,881 10,182 10,135 10,082 10,009 10,361 10,310 10,798 4,389 1,583 1,476 1,476 1,913 1,533 1,545 1,565 15,270 11,765 11,611 11,558 11,922 11,894 11,855 12,363 15,270 11,765 11,611 11,558 11,922 11,894 11,855 12,363 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2. TOTAL AVERAGE CIRCULATION BY MARKET CITY ZONE - PRINT Paid Circulation Individually Paid Circulation Home Delivery and Mail Single Copy Sales City Zone - Total Average Individually Paid Circulation Business/Traveler Paid Circulation Hotel Distribution - Room/Lobby Copies City Zone - Total Average Business/Traveler Paid Circulation City Zone - Total Average Paid Circulation - Print Qualified Circulation Single Copy Educational Copies Employee/Independent Contractor Retail/Business City Zone - Total Average Single Copy City Zone - Total Average Qualified Circulation - Print City Zone - Total Average Circulation - Print RETAIL TRADING ZONE - PRINT Paid Circulation Individually Paid Circulation Home Delivery and Mail Single Copy Sales Retail Trading Zone - Total Average Individually Paid Circulation Retail Trading Zone - Total Average Paid Circulation - Print Qualified Circulation Single Copy Employee/Independent Contractor Retail Trading Zone - Total Average Single Copy Retail Trading Zone - Total Average Qualified Circulation - Print Retail Trading Zone - Total Average Circulation - Print 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 15,320 11,815 11,661 11,608 11,972 11,944 11,905 12,413 Page 2 of 4 • 01-3375-0 Alliance for Audited Media Avg Mon-Fri Sun ALL OTHER - PRINT Paid Circulation Individually Paid Circulation Home Delivery and Mail Single Copy Sales All Other - Total Average Individually Paid Circulation All Other - Total Average Paid Circulation - Print All Other - Total Average Circulation - Print Total Average Circulation Total Average Circulation - Print Total Digital Replica Total Digital Nonreplica TOTAL AVERAGE CIRCULATION Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 59 40 40 40 39 41 41 19 9 8 8 10 9 9 9 78 49 48 48 49 50 50 60 78 49 48 48 49 50 50 60 78 49 48 48 49 50 50 60 36,463 30,389 2,616 687 33,692 29,960 2,588 686 33,234 29,863 2,588 687 33,138 30,776 2,599 687 34,062 30,714 2,651 687 34,052 30,667 2,651 686 34,004 30,990 686 37,149 51 686 31,676 NOTES CREDIT AND ARREARS ALLOWANCE Included in Individually Paid Home Delivery and Mail is an average of the following: Daily Sunday Total 369 369 These copies were served to subscribers that ordered delivery directly with and were billed by the newspaper and for which payment was not received and/or short-term arrears copies served to subscribers whose term has expired. QUALIFIED RETAIL/BUSINESS Included in Qualified Retail/Business are copies distributed through publisher-maintained venues. Verification is made of distribution to location only, and not of actual pick-up. MARKET DESCRIPTION Zone Reporting for this newspaper is defined as: CITY ZONE is the corporate limits of Wilmington, plus the balance of New Hanover County, North Carolina. RETAIL TRADING ZONE includes counties of Brunswick, and Pender; in BLADEN County, townships of French's Creek and Whites Creek plus 2010 Census Tract 9501 (Part); in COLUMBUS County townships of Bogue, Bolton, Bug Hill, Cerro Gordo, Chadbourn, Lees, Ransom, South Williams, Waccamaw, Welch Creek, Western Prong, Whitesville and Williams, in DUPLIN County, townships of Cypress Creek, Island Creek, Kenansville, Magnolia, Rockfish, Rose Hill and Warsaw; in ONSLOW County, tract 4 (part); and in SAMPSON County, tract 9710 (part). ADVERTISING POLICY Publisher's declared policy is to accept advertising copy on a unit basis and on a separate issue basis. Page 3 of 4 • 01-3375-0 Alliance for Audited Media WEBSITE USAGE AAM did not determine the publisher's choice of data provider for these statistics nor should the inclusion of these data be construed as endorsement by AAM of the methodology or technologies used by the data provider. As appropriate, AAM audits will verify the applications and measurement techniques used by the data provider to establish the statistics and data presented on behalf of the publication. WEBSITE USAGE DEFINITIONS Total Unique Browsers: This site employs a cookie-based method for reporting of a Unique. In the absence of a cookie a combination of the IP address and user-agent string is used to establish a Unique. All traffic regardless of the originating location (U.S. or International) is included in this total. Also included in this count may be content from cobranded third party vendors as disclosed in the audit report for this site. This method of accounting identifies an unduplicated cookied or identified browser that accessed the Internet content of the site during the measurement period reported and does not measure a person. No adjustment or correction to the numbers presented in Cross-Media Metrics has been made to adjust this number from cookies to people. (i.e. deletion of the cookies from browsers or for users accessing the site from multiple devices or locations.) Additionally, identifying noncookied browsers by the IP address & useragent string in combination may over or understate the number of individual people due to dynamic IP addressing. Page Impressions/Views: The combination of one or more files presented to a browser as a single document as a result of a single request received by the server. In effect, one request by a valid browser should result in one Page Impression/ View being reported. The counted page impression may not necessarily be in focus or visible in the user's browser. Cookie: A small piece of information (i.e., program code) that is stored on a browser for the purpose of identifying that browser during audience activity and between visits or sessions. Cookies are typically set to expire. Some cookies are intended to remain on the browser temporarily (for example, during a session) and some are persistent in that they are intended to be retained for longer periods. Browser: A software program running on an Internet enabled device that can request, load and display documents available on the World Wide Web. In our definition, it is assumed that a "human being" is operating the browser manually and viewing the page. Publishing Plans Frequency: Daily Delivery Vehicle(s): Print, online, mobile Primary Circulation Classification: Paid Website(s): David R. Cuddihy, Advertising Director Telephone (910) 323-2321- FAX (910) 343-2346 1003 South 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 e-mail: We certify that to the best of our knowledge all data set forth in this Quarterly Data Report are true and report circulation in accordance with Alliance for Audited Media’s Bylaws and Rules. Parent Company: Halifax Media Holdings LLC STARNEWS MEDIA, published by StarNews Media 1003 South 17th Street, P.O. Box 840 Wilmington, NC 28402 DONNELL GILES ROBERT J. GRUBER Operations Director Publisher Page 4 of 4 • 01-3375-0 Alliance for Audited Media Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved.
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